THE SENTINEL 10 SLAH TURNER, Jr, Editor. 1 . ' TCEBDAY KoRNlN, FkBXIABT 23. , IlAUiWlI, X. C: The TTnniw two rn-kngo Tiitnri gaiml j the removal of Holden' disabilities. On Saturday the Senate did the sma h Tote of 22 to 14, the following Drmoeret voting for It: Messrs. Ilorton, of Wilkes, Fowcll, of Chatham, and Miller, of Cleve land. We are forgiving man, though Radicals will not believe it. We never j carry envy, malice, whiskey or tobacco bout oar clothe. We can forgive IIol den fur putting us in jiil and calling us King of the Kuklnx, but we can't forgive j -Mm for during miilioni lravtog the - rBf its fobbed 1 hi edruiuislration, of I of dollar. We can't forjrlvel him for preaching secession all hie life signing the ordinance of secession, pkdg- lng the "last man and the last dollar to the ccuae; and Calling It h God's holy cause,"' and when be whipped, call- i .u - .. . .. . t i iv teg th. cause the "occur rebellion."- We can forgive him for calling Edward 1 Everett, John C. Breckinritlgo and An-1 drew Johnston "three of the most refined devils out of hell" The church and the Lord nay forgive him, but the Legisla ture and the Constituti m can not, until the peoP.e, in their sovrdsn capacity, call a Convention, which alone can pardon him, I Let delinquent Governors know they can never be -pardoned wcept by the .over- , , ' ... eign people In Convention assembled, This )ecdjforglvcejimy do fir stein per- anc society, where the member get drunk and U turned out on Bnturday and ' joins agnin the next Saturday, after having "pented himself," a Col, Hargrove did of Secession. It I 881 year lince this ,. , " T. T TOuntry was diacoveredl-TJoIdcn wasthe first Governor impeached and deposed ou the continent, and it should be 381 years before be fill any office again. Mtfi u.. t -ji - ; r . ;" events, he should not be Jorgiven before the neck of Patten ana Murray get wel I of the rop nted by IIol Jen's ofllcers to hang them tike dog to trees In Ih wood. Let th necks of hi victims get well and then pardon him, If you will. . lxrKAClIABLK POSITION. If Judge Tourgos doe not occupy an I Impeachable position It i not his fnult. On. Mr. Harding, of AlUman. o, at tho In- , , ' , Unceof sjim body, w do not know who, applied to Tourge for au it junction I declaring and swearing as a Ui payer he wa likely to be Injured brcsune the Treasurer, David Jcnklus, was about to gw bond la Ilia nam of the Slit for an appeal In the case of the King, Henry Clew ft Co., glnt the Western North Carolina Uailroad. Jim Djd, at Graham, wa wbiupvTing it around there Would be no appeal, for oa Thursday yon would bear something "drap." The Judge en joined and fosbid th Tresserut to lgn the appeal bood npos) th ground that I be wa not directed by bill but by reso lution to slj( the appml btwnl. W think committee mijjlit b railed ost Toargee with much bum propriety thsa on Mr. Anderson, of t'Say, W bop some member will see t ) it, .Tourgtw did B it receiv $3,000 or any SMBooot for th Injunction tn far as we knew. W did not intend so Jo mt. The "T,500 s u""o'..l transactios) with th ring, which I recorded sod put down by Swi pao la lU 1.41,000 paid to number snd public men. JLLVB kit SUM AS. I I rv.1- .1 , . .i r .. 1 .... - - " - i r..i..,.i ki.. .... .mJ '-i ol th rtderal Court ta Uhl.i, II pre-1 mud to s Dostd of Ilioker k bill ot I $10,000 f srrvkc la th hibby ol t'on- grvas apta Ih bill to repjsl lb tsl on I bvrruasd eapitsi. I prtMntio ths claim th Judg as I th following Usgaag ; "1 went to amk, and bad aa ititrtvia) with Mr, ll.mis.ll and auk John tW. Snsn, t liulsuus 4 IS ntsli rmsar Cmsmmiuw, ! Mrtiwa.ll, ad -mttev en aiistil bk ub rs of Corgms, scd th liaHilt as that II beraot In policy tj Ih AJoiinwtr.Iion to (rpeal t 00 i; th ta la ojWWBas, bat lbs stsmp and bit et Is lea. I think tin result as I uul sboul by d.stmj.. rsiard and It A uws ad by ave. . " TTs Coo-milUa of Wsys sa J )! batieg Ukea lb tWf in Lead, Ui 4 Ins to this kite tl fulioWiag i ..ImsUub, ahU k U) JmsA. aa I p'p b Ijing I " I n, ith 11 In t rwi f. J 1.1 la It irwlk. Ikal I k nt wnt IwtltfHH srguMitl, m ISSM I tMM la b wiiiUa, t r a Mi4 Huwtaa r U. Oat fx Id oa that r at ay sHbef hs l V0 Ba ihl OIM to'un tba sa laws) bg'sistit Mp( iiy. It tat lt si eijiw with m sitr s.asa iia Mwtws kss U 1a j-jIi' h e. avev t 1 sH 11 hi iti ur It t. . m oa ssy avttist uf b( -Cswi, , I a a litsad it4 shami . f IMS llslS.i.l, a4 tot It hm I kr and aoaid a4 s prw a biai tn, sis h ! j els" m Ls,'4 1 vkaoud, aba ai k t'Ls, bt'trs, pvwiwrs ids Itossv.JaL SLsVsssa la aklb lb Ja 's tHnlwdas th ., N BuJ 1 1 i v b ;4. 1 M SM( V kawS? l, aad la aassw it al aa a k )S be U "g 4g la Washmg ("a la a ak r la d;," as 4 lbs w'as k - k Ik tkai 1 mt tin k ass; Uk est th litis t il ' bU " Sttl,.sl!l p 11 W'i,. ssf t'. o ! 1 ' f''i .f S j o ( k .i w.f e l1" I ' 1 'ts ' I mi 1 J , 4 ik(S, 7 t J.o f 1 . 1 " I J I t I S' r s-. - I ' -. J tl . l,i.S if . ..: ,4 slB S si 11 tm tie - . B W4 1 BW1 .:;., r.. I a .. 1. i -'. 1 t 1 I certain what i claimed" and wbat ! pro posed to be done. yiU adti yu at Uie proper time." ,..Tbe..2VuMJugMt that 4ear feber nian, without wilting for Congressional action, thoutd take sti p to remov hi brother Charles from the Jtjdiciarv. - REMARKS -OF SENATt'Il AVKltA, or JoussToa.. Pending tho eotuideration of Senator Kor ieooiTebM prodding for tie appointment of (ire Commutionert of Agriculture at m Hilary of $1,200 oath, and pending an amendment offered by Senator Merrimon providing their mhtriee ehaU bo paid from th salary of the Slate (JeohgUt, iff. Atera mid ! Mb. Pkemdext : I rise with great re luctance to opno- any measure proposed by the venerable and distinguished Bena- tor from Orange, Mr. Norwood, .and I wnutd hot "crttfiuuie one moment of the time of the Senate now, did I n it feel tt my duty to do so. I think the bid create two useless ollloi. . That our intern of farming in the State is not aa pencct aa it might and should be, I am free to admit. Tlita! tmnwHMimMili 'in' vir, d -1 . rf tn nr. . r .iitur can be made, f do Ut deny. Vet, air, how doe thi bill propose to remedy or improve our, prutcm sy stein I Wh', eir, tlmply by appointing two sli- -jfcQ .J CMVJ the Bute to deliver lectures to former, in other words to teach theoretical farming, at an expense of j,400 to the Btate, to say nothing of the traveling expenses of those paid trav eling lectuiei. Would this remedy the evil t Would this brirg about the desired reformation t I think not. . " I 1 ZTmv" .f, and while i an behalf of the farmers of my county, thauk the. benator Uou W f"' JP'by and efforu in our behalf, I beg to ditfur with lura in hi proposed plan 0? relief. We v. nut prac- tical farmers, rather than theoretical.' Many d our formers already avail tin m- Tftlub! 1"forf f'on gtli cred from agricultural Journals, and in this way they get quite as much theory a they find it prolitable to put into prac- tic- T,1! (knator, "'"". il an experiment. I-skrrj are we tn a condition to try expensive exriment., our State overwhelmed with debt, rail- rJt ' which she has willions invested A--bt tenttatn amount oi her iiir. tuicnt in thcm( M BO meBni to pH- ,bo mrtg.1Ke debts upon these rad and snve her pro pert y I A road in which tho State hn ever) million invested lver'.ied for sale on Sid February to sat.sry a mortgage debt of 340,OOO snd no mean to pty out. Then, air, I sxk are we prepared ta create new olllors and continue to li.creaae the expense of the State government siiup'y 1 m Irv an I I in nlc ntit pmu1i action would lo my mind be the higlit ol 'ul,f- Uut' " ,f tUI U. to P M "oJ comimsaioncrs are to be niaioiuteU and paid, I hone tin: amendment ol the Ueun- tor trout liuncotube (Mr. Mi rrimon) will u Pe'l, and the salary of the column ioner be paid from th salary of the blaleOeologisL Tin. olli.-e ol Ocologitt costs the htste fl.OOO per annum, and bile I would not by any mciins, In any wsy, reflcvt urxm th elllticucy of Prof. Keir, I do say, that in my opinion, the allice ot Mite Geologist is ( f very sin .il, if of sny value to the btate. This ollice wastabiihed S3 year ago, and to day, a burin could not find a place in the dial al which ha could get bag of guano analysed, I hope the smendiueu! will b accepted and then the bill voteo down, A rne of duty ha inrpired me to any what I have, and I beg pardon lor trojssiug uK)n the tiiue ibofmnle A CQMJILWI CATION ToLCHIXO TUB KIGIIT Or THE LLGlbLA Tt'lTE TO ItEMOVE WoM EX UOVEUNOIIW. W. IloUEN THE DlbQUALIEICATION IMl'O.-EU UY TUIi CONSTITUTION. -Ttrw "ttJTWT'rT UiVsTrrj.t;. m,d Hie intio lu. tu.n cd the reoduiion i'.l 1 the Ligisliiturv fat the Iiliioval uf the ll iiuaiiflcatiu lo hold idn fnui W. W. llol l.n, was goti. n up hr tl t nd, as I believe, lor I lis puMi imi ot mjk.-J- poiitw-at rspttsl. flu 11.11 be no 01I01 olu'wrn d th mailer. The hue an I 1 - 1 .. I.. I .... . L t I . . . uj w iu uv ivsv inn iBWunililll litl i-rd an r,U,,ua.d Us. - - . r - .. . ; . 1 ciiiou sagun, su nm, siol ail other ecret orgimaatioaa lioin imiiri. "" uo b4 onouitt-d enmr in the rsecuuoa 01 vrutr issuing irons any ui tbM serrst polittcai orgsslxstums, and yet Mused to reuovs (rout W. W. II l dea bi dbqualificalioa to bold Mti. e, w lieu la Iruib, ther Is no Connietiou Im Iwera the Iworssn; and ny nun th.l will giv hlintrif lb thonht to lo k Into it, tan "!!. Th slrfTir ul I he Lsfwlsf it scmnst tl, clisr-s i II, thai so tar a ihs amnesty to lb l m u limga, and Ka K'nx, A:, U c-nc etn-l. W, . Ilol len share la ad Ihs Uo. I t. mulling to ad tints crtt pnlitKt tn gsnlsatKtot, as aeli aa any 01 Iter MMOibt-r 4 any of Ibi m ; and bent tu tin bv ao ol tt oa tlisl ah I so lal ss lb K tnp s.nt sgtin.t tl,t LAfcitislma bat 1 wiuiny a elftjn! iU sim-b to blil s P.Uw frotst b as, It U gri uad (nj asttasstaslikt a Us, . lb iui) MiilkatuMS Is lsBxws-l by Ih t'"0 iiiuisoa. lb sioiiiit rlef. ttra if ti,s Lrialslui is thai tl.c Ii.ttai bsa aa twssfilsHMsaf fmor la do any su h thinsf. how, la illbs isie, we Bi'.l ; It at 11 I aril ka-'W 1 1 nf j htiil, sad LeguUlor, a acll a tttry ! 4 L -' W lb PiaU; l,.l la 11H) ctsa :nn lb Una I w.,' that Is ii.4 vm mt j t. rt. crime, ts it I by Ih isw tbl thers I aa doervikoMi; piae Usfi With lb Jads us Just, u4 I,. a r.. Its lb cat mf be.) Ul alius Ihs tlisJ, but a .-, s lbs (UIsb.UbI Cte4, tli as del. It U w t t lbs Isw, tad Ih J.IB' Jia.(is i4 i. rt ka 1 ,t.i to thssg it Ike lgilw Itastl, (.Hi J B'rt ttisifs II, so ! s Insl turn tm ruMwvtHKl. 1 1, ly isiurs c.u:4 f II l.w r iifni.j t... taw, r y s't . f -mi' Lu lbs1 SUtjt lutnil Ht.i f In, kf rl,,r ij IB swaa tviMf lift 1 si, J i.a.t,) li aa'y r st ; la that cwss, w. aid Is Mmi r wt .4 ths I ..., it, uta 4 a thai , b df sttK aaxl ''a , 4 lis I si!ni,i t"bt siiiililk.i.l,i fclfc O ins ti I HH - lu css ijrr,, Bilta SB St4 , Bll f "in. lor I (.'' -.. 1. 1 ,. ( kWSBBlJ pS tWll S-Wdl'kW St b Bit ILixk I tvlmel vs ssb I-i''ii HI,., ba sMri-t I r .. i to law ,4; i r'f "g M a--t-a. A." 1W i.iMtsHi a BB IB IH, ,5f V i t , o , Wa 4 tk mm4 t 1 si .t u -s , as 1.4 t rmt I ' ' i I J V ( I . ,. SMH u ts tt.s iimi.i-.,.' n...a kMl S 1 f . ..s 1 VfMlItltf .4IStf. I ! t JlwS y the disqual'i.1 atioo to hoM office, and hence as soo the court loond W. W. Uolden truiltv of hieh rrirm-s and .m't!v tueaoors in office, there twud the neealt ; io the organic Uwyalrcaiiy imposed on any nm cmcer so convicted. The question now arises, where Is the pardoning power t We havejalreed seen that the only pardoning power after con viction is Tested in the Governor and the 0,San:c JgafJJUlitntiiii prohibits him I uum ie uw u mat p-.werjj Twncomem. 1 List rmrdoiiinrr nncM rrt not be in the Legislature for the Legisla ture is sul.j-jct to the constitution, and the" Constitution nowhere gives the psrdoi -ing power after conviction to the L 31s! . ture ; and 'hence the Legislature no constitutional power to remove utter cn viction from any State officer th'- dijua!i fication to bold ollice imposed by the ooontitution upon- conviction of misde meanor in nfiice. The question still Is where does the pardoning power rest in the case of impeachment I The answer is found in article 1, section 87 of the constitution. The answer 1 in these words- This entimcrafioo oT rights shall not be construed to impair or denv other retained by the peope.and all powers not herem delegated remain with the people. ...The pardoning power in the ease impeachment one ot tlie power that I tha, h.o ..,,.,.,,1 . I. I They in convention siwcnibled niado the organic law : ther in tonvention andem- b'.ed can if tbey chooe to do to, alter or change thecoiutitutiiu and remove the penalty imposed in the case of impench ment. N. R ELIABLK t K KT 1 LI H EKd, 'IXCELLENZA COTTON rjfHTlI.IZKR." "NAVAbSA" UUAMO. soluble sea island ouano. EMPIRE " GUANO. .FIBtt OUASO ' told by feb 1 tf W. C. nThOSALlL JU8T RECEIVJID. . A full line ef fSt BLACK CLOTH DltEi- FKOCK COA'18. Very aivlU ., ktM per eent lew than Merchuht Tuiioik' 1 rier, A new u'p:y ,.f BLACK DOKUi N PASTS, Uimt tledeTinaTlii'eul and mike to cus tom Hiikdo at nibeb lew prices. It U. ADliEWS Si CO., CL .THIKKl, 27 F.y.Uo.ilisit., UskWAUC STATE't'K NOKTI1 1 AKOt INA, Mccai.aani.'Ku Coiktv, IA LupiYlvr (.' William C.itu., l'lainUIT, O'j'ixtvU -fiordon Conklin aud (,,,, , Mary Conklin, 'J'l Action for the f on closure of mortgage. Iti(Ksrlu4 to th sajlafaellua of the court I that the defendant in the above utcd action sr nun residents of lbs ruin, and that their rusiuenco I ankuoan lo the piainlid, and that the plaiuUtl ha a cause ot action aaiiist said deft mlaiits, ho have an luirrist hi said estate locsrevl in said couaty snd Uie, It Is tbra- ora, upon nibilou hi Messrs. V) Hson it eon. atUtrnysfor plalutill. ordered by the court, that bu'illcatkon be "id In tl.e Kaieigh raViMSL, a newspaper nulillslied In tn city of Kalehih. snd lu the AuitlAm ums, soewier published laths cuy 01 1. nartous, ror sis sm-crsslv wrerka, retiieetlvely, uouhlug said uefcudaats tube and pear at I lis nest term of the Superior ourt, to be belli tor awd county at ths eourt house, In Cbailuttr, on the bik siondst after Uie silt Monday in Marvb, Un a and titer to answer Ibe nnonuil s cowphunL or JudgnMt,l lro omcw will be eniered sgs.nsl tin us. n mesa: r. a. usuoriic, ciera uf our burw Jt uiurt, loflii-e, la Charlotte, Uil Ih ltlta ty 01 saeuary, isis. E. A. Oibor.NE JaaU-nfl' C.av O A handsome Ona or two kitfaa I; iw L . v. v I giHl as new. lUnioslu guod mdr simI all Iitv. wo, w soiu iuw iot ran i Jan is- 1 n.lUJU.vissiu, 1 fit II l Pound Virginia Uaei lUss J U I J Aide ssd r houlaera. SBsi '-i If alHoMACIL im tJu .S.r- nrl. U. Lin lie vand W. A. Clean. aduos of Alius Kicl arUs4l, , J M, l.iu.liej and wife f. I. , Julia A. ttli on by her auaniiaii il as4 Inrsat, i. st. I.IBdiry, Pu.Illo., 1,n a e ut rvs i.iale li tusk s swt rt,y Pirrv aud wifs Einuis, sry, Sk,.i.d U WlMNI li nOe siia Slid Wife Jai sr.l., it , Peter Perrf snd ail Calbartaa. A twsMSKMss ana tfiu d f.Uit) th i ultirs uf in But nor Cou l ol I ka'.h.iu voua tj lor th Jnha Lewis Slid .(e Mary, ai at. a. kn hsrdsua. aud rt luim-d hi Ih "not la ba foaiiS la St., vwua y BBS It B pSBllBst to tl, SalislBl tsuB Wl la r.urt, Uas said ar Bow rusdisisi U)uB. lirii limits of ks Stala, It I Mm d list l mills sa Us rtrwrrs kl. BBBtiBBa prin'rj In lb. my ol ksln:,. I s) is 1..I I. susnmosiiBS tus swsa au.i 1 wi. si d wits Start, aud at. k. B. iiaidsua, d.irsdaiita, tuapuaws at in. i.Om uf u riank 'I the e.sisut ssssrisf swid aBaiy s4 e S.I s.a aiiuiB taenia a.ts aiuv u. iiBWIrsUaia ol Ibis s ii una ibs, sual siswir tii iasB..liik Ana I. lll.i iB l.k soImb II. si If Ibsv U.I ts tsiBer bsmI nji-UI I wnl.ia Dial ilmu. His pisia ids wid spf y SstM eow.l It lut rx lf a minded ta Ik lusnplstat. w .tn, a I . I t is. k uf Sitd io 'It l l i.. In f.l SO , UiS 1 1 k d.y i.f J.nasil, jk.kt.ssd. . t. frrtT. II WHST . a. t. M l I C A L C 11 L I. ' VlaolMv K M E AND rlklMLIl .-lo.NsV TUS LKCri'BKM. tt ike PIUNJ AND FVMMCIl tufltst with lsit Csjbhs, U. UM Tl tUIAt, MAb tl TMk lirtl. f A b B"Brewsat, as ik tuliataaata, AJI.r kl L Jlklla, M D, 1','alu A 'k fsaal y J,f T4 it E liatt, HniatB M tola ruiiii' fi ktll T hlsHV I uraisl B as I -k, sw S. I r I I !( ISll, la i.,w' v U., IIssjjSSjbI f th is u ' w. c, it I'm u tt. J, S Ik I Hill piT ATOII. ta.' Sands, k fs'sto . fa. r lala , . r-a.B mm, . t S.M ra. Vta. jMSSaast I . t rsas, a. t s M l li f, t F ' A Ml 41 n "so )lllt taS .....,..-..,..-.., ..... . . XW laaBalaSa- . J I. "", a. I. . . 1 il , 1 H IsMit l iai swttsi i,.,. 1 ,. w .1. .a ,,, ) ! , , t i x it 1, 1 1 ; aa sin. a -.4 a iisti " I S . . SI . si l.,.t l,J(.o n.dir.lSiiiial .mt Isasaj raaa Bad a a. CLOTHING Mi; IS73. sriuxu CLOTIIIXU. 87 FAVETTKVILLK 6T. "f EG leave to innounee tb it they are now II receiving from their manulacvory in tw lura, weir EARLY BPRINU STOCK Of CLOTUINcJ. 0d would re.peetf.illy an their numerous Mend and patron to th UcnerrA"embiy to call and tie fitted before . leaving for thtir " , , ,v ICO 15 1873 .1873 SPRING ARRIVALS. Receiving very large kit of BTAPLK AND DOMESTIC DBY GOODS. ConsUtlcg of Meached and Unblcschi d Domestics, bleached snd Unbleached ehirliugs, , Plad and Striped iJonenpans, Kentncliy Jeue, fwr hprln, 4U0 Counterpanes fron ai.fio each unirard. which have b ea bonelit at th lowect eaah price and will be -l.U LO W. leu VI W . It A a. d. 1 (jL &tK dc CO. g P K I N U PR 1 N T S. A lurgo and. beautlf at lot or" SPRING ANU tL'MMEB PRINTS. PsclBePcicjles, ( reions and laudator Cambrics, Sirlng snd Summer Alpacn. JU aa-.WL.ds l r 1 bC&EK dt VOr ' J A D I E a' NECKTIES, i C. j New dsl H snd thales of Ladle' Fichus aud NeckUes. - Bourtbu,; new and heaullf uL si Jo j Lsce Cellar ar.d L'ndi rskcvci, l-iuea Cottars and Cutrs, Jee and ( inbroidered Handkerehkef. Plain, i.ineu and llrmstiu lied Ilandker'b, ! Bin own-, an.l a juu nnsol Hosiery, fcb JU W. II At C. TLCKEKACO. s O AT C. f prlnx it vie guft Hs's. Light, New and Airy feb w W. II. R. S. TUC KER CO. 73,000 i. ( Ami 1 on i. Omaha Lattory. To creel tli Nebraska Stat Orphaa Asjlnm to b drswn in Puldir. March Slal, !. I lekrtt It, each, or Pit fur . TukeU seal hr K i pre CO. U, if desired lea-hp. iss, liV'w: trash r s 47,000; 1 cash prise, S1A.U) 1. for baiaaea of end lor rlrea Isr. Endorsed bv hi sieel ency Oov. W. II. James, snd tl.e bol busin men of the Bt . Agenu wauted. Addrns J. M. PAlTrE, Msaagrr, Oiaaba, Neb.a-.ka. fib So F E S T Tb upper part of U. bout omi r of liar- I cell and lUUsbstry lreet euustsling of rooms and twufia nla.LWiH be ranted lus resort ts 1.1. f.H.iiH . K. . . . n , ..... ,t...i n.i Knqnlre JAS, PlICsWirN, on Ih presa tes. IsliWU IF I.. o , - li 1 1 oiee UraaJs ot , r Jf i W by si li U . 1 t i y , rLCLILAM) Ll'iiiLl.ij2t Al'to-MAbT, m S. isiicrt 8'. and ."J I t.a, sj n.L'Mgiir. . Msransn a - M s"s. J is. t or ..-i A Ions, I ma . is.., .a stcrrbsa ; Ch d l.- i. la .a. Cashier .Saltan! klary.n e laitk i J as. a. D rM't, L.ij , rlotr . ror. , tuta T i U I L Ii V P LOW". A a sntii as w lavrtn f(W it ml l.tlloa of 1 ,(Uhi me I oaa Ii art s end dot lb sa kh taaii Hm. tt etv tatiB BBS to Mowing last .shiMitua st t AkkMio' II il l, JAM I kl Tl'LK, f.blJO F OB A L It Mi'srsiitnT 4; i. t it Cn. W. IL sukl in J .4, Wl. tosas U 10 o R N ANU C O T T O ' Plant or.s. limn r- " lof 1 1 of I Ik Bans! st I... i tU I utiles. ai.U aa.M l' sd la tw tlt sal as W sa lka lias. 1 HS a s.,4 ss m gesal Nslssas tbsl U ., t B d ' at Casaa, aad Will Uttosns'iM'4 tki hsm t'.aa . A m4 lata a.nj i.f' I tse sarUr . i.s il U Jama m. iwAkk Q It I X r A I U WIN. Al I'l pr . af oa dt.a a tut ktia, Bd 1 14 . t s al sas l '!! - . ). , II. J ". 4 t.- I IIL PST IH I I st.. I sai L .(st.Lar CaSM l,i IMiilL IVis. Crsmkasa a4 iaaaa i)t i OS 4 I ill W I . atkoNsilI. 1' r.UCHH s UIMILI'I laklaf lhi" to ad, Ali.slfl.NK CAM'j.l, I Al .., t as lia li-s B. . 4 Bl r I'.tlal Htl alU, - - ss I asa sl-.IS. f I 1,'IH IAU' I -7-. 1' I 1 111 IlLI i " U 11 I , , sj,.i . 4 .. ,s . i . . ! r , KtlMfcra, I a. . ss. . .1. a Cut, I . kt, - M A C A CvtiisVi; f sWtkL I Bwaltl HARDWARE, Arc, T UA T T PL 0 W STILL TRICMPHAJJ2L lerACHO-N LJilVfeKiAL. I am receivicir weekly supplies, a d vet Willi all my tf tri have teareelv leo able to keep Ibem oa band this ars on, tmce redne- li if the size ut tne one bone flow to nit lisht teams there etn bo riu ott-?tion nw e 'o them AM we atk where ther ate b A known i a tiiul feh 12-lf (teut (or the Manufacturer. STATE OF NORTH CAKOUSA, Wis Coott. In lb Superior CourL Bedg'q. (:)nre lin:uUtnu WiHlam Oeoige, decessed, sad heddin tieorge in hi sjralntt Martha A. Goonre, yu ntina Hobmn, Josej h llubcon, JCiuily Ilekn treorve ond "other. u- lib uw .uj biw t luuu KtwiiiK ac cessed. Petition io sell thn fh lou.tA William Georjr, for tin purpose of psyinic ucot. K.U.IIT neiea ueoriru one 01 Uie above nwned defendant and ho la a resident of Pins Bl uff, n the State of Arkadtm, Is hereby notified to tie and spiiear at the ( b rk'i afHee oi the Superior Cpufi o: Wake county afoie Bid, in the Court Monte In the lty of Kit! eiU oa Monday the i7ili day of March next, snd answer or demur to the eoinjiluint in thl set! n which tin been tiled in uid ulliee n,i let Hie iiald Kmliy H-len tleorga Uke notice that if be fail to eo to, Hie praver of the plaintiff will be granted according to aaiu evuipiaiui. (iiven at ofllce this li b duy of January. itra. J. N. BUNTINU. Clerk of Sun. Court and Judue of i'robite for Wake county. feb -o6w. B OOTS AND SHOES EVItrS SIXULf AXD DOVhLK &0I.B Hand made best quality. UAKUkOMK rtB SETT ' for Ladles snd Hisses. PRIMROSE, PITTY dc KEWSOM. decO-tt 1 08ADALIS rp;:s L r. ody lortheci:ts .! H rro- 11. a, ryrniiiium Ta.',;,uh it'll, Wh.ts H-r-j ;g,.,oat, ijoilra, Coif-oil : n, i maclii. is, h.rvmn lAb.i.-y ,! .l dit- " r:s.;i fri.taa 1 !..,, -Meoih .1 iun cf t .:., ,,1 'i .1 Bierrt , on,. , , .,.,Mr prrpsr i'i''.i sroi.., wr I i . ,t.j, s ,a..i, i ,'il l.ul 1 ,. j, t r. Ihs fJ. r . tin t .1 hi t... lis.e.1. f ml si., s 1 . i h-ii's i't l!m '.tdieni kJbM,tfc.l ss wi Isblllj Ifrtoic.t en e present, d frem msny lesii s l':iy-ic uns, SliniMvit! Lai.s Mi, aiiitrs ttirolitiu,il II, vmth, ei.u..r,n.K in Ui big liest tarau Ur II. tt Iia Orvef!k;ilmoT syl bs Ssiie.l it in rswsef N-n.. u SA4 btst ujmmbs wilk aacksat .-'iel. tt. : C. Ptssra ef Bshtsmrs.M. '.nor..-' It li. iM-r"i! siirfi-rliif 1 -. cim .w.t I 1. ssyn-s H w LU) ).u(.,u,, ks ksavr Sir PtMWf cif, ttB TUItv el .rs M. I . 1 ..t.i, rrh, v S. ul sav s B iUssh Bi i. f. Bm.:,u 1 y ill na V .il ns cwtiai 1 l.i.ssnji a u Vt Uil I d ,. ,,,, !,.,,. V ' r.IN A l ll.iujtisla. alCnB, '".tor... ui, , l,.i,( 11 t.i(ksa Isiisd IsBViBl Jtrj1 nll'S 4lfMfifi ItWfH I T viM, fH I Vt -llmt Maas Furiik?t. l)U ur tti pT'sat 11 W -il '-i4i t 91 f IVt IH II IV tuts slsj Hm mrn i vimwh u r T m r, wutsjasia. O.E.E. ?.'. Co., IlstTiaoai. 5 V prn'mre jon.t r. ni-:?iny. Ke. Cjujm Ti us. Jiiij ideodAwly D I v o a c k Abaolula divorrvs letrally etlslned la tLf-1 n twin I mates.' LSi'si rtt)m hrr dc. idol t tH-al wtiacoBda, C ste., inlnrktat eauao- 1 abliclly rnirv4 no rharg antit dtvwie .mated a.i Ires t tl vm or aoitr, s Jou) j., iounseihr l Law, So. 1st, bfosdwsy, vW Tork ttl aov 'Jttd-iot tattc rr ?foRTn CAhoLixA, iMUam C'aaslv. fa fas e q twi ah i ouri WltSiass II. Hurts, Jm .k ii..-. r, Jnhn I'ar r Uijlow, 1 l iai, .a and wlfr I AblHk iiaaa A, kosvsr, If her guard aa, J.tsy, "ri. - " . nu-pbee 11. sVatssjr, J .bs k , A. aara A smtwB rttliig lart saa-d fiaaa 'In I oflu. ai tisu,airtur I' r i.( l k.Ut.Bi jaa l, lo th Slim i. SI. '. lj4B II. k,ssv. aa kitiafaaad A. a.ra, a ratarww by it, s:., r S. i to to tonn I la t i" J, , anV4k air art. Ba- lkr tw Wr i m al Ui wait Ikal ltd sWti sr aow leIK 14114 th basil vf Ik. S'.Wl It SB ufil- r. I Ikal pub Ml SIS" b 8-av' In li ' . U i," a.aaltf rlatd U Iks e,'y f ki.lgt, f. IS W...S Backlr. I.." s: tla SmJ ds Im sat. u. , m si lii t rh. ul ' U. I hrtt uf to )tlu loait lax to. anal) uf t tsl lsa Wtluia taa! asss asjs sf, tk. ssft of Ibis satasMaBB, lo-B aa 1 h' f. la p 'd, . SW.S WS 4 IB Ml lO lt . Bt S 1 f I Ol Ut. B la Ik sb, saillad ., r )S i".'.l ai.i i. t.s iishI ib at I tit tai-W a aaar t' 4 SB IM ruaai saosC S1W..I1 I I.hi I K.iJalU aa la I ius'joiw', tk lit ay of Jatury, niBS. T rtitT.c a u wk M.' ' kiss lir." tm-m it Msr tlV I Si , k'.st Iks brat sad tto B tla SVktl , 4 l-lt. I 1.1.1 VI c lk OA. II TALI A MLB CUT rtioriKir rA t tafia ft f4 4 Lto ftthmtm i t1 ' f .' ft ?, i Hm ) Wwi 1 . !;'! f ftsiVt,k, W I h M t 1U. M - tT. f at 4 f li f --' m , 14 I M ia - 4 l ksiatot. (Wi Ml vdt arttff t Kskstt,, IMt s4 ' I. i4i ! isv ," 4 M, IM 4V4 ft W ! .f, j ." g ltw tkVM faf k i4 H i . '-4 li U m4 at ftft fee ) ft, . tl, f Vs.s ,J tmt ks I - rw I sl'l te I lbs U-' ftt-f ft I ! aakv 1saa-t sisk m4 IB twasx satl. ks I. HM I )i'S k. S fH li,- il .1 t 4 I s tt B r-;-i,issl 1.1. U ' i, 1.. IS id I ... ,i .a . . ' - o D IMS ,1. Sa rtl Tl b.sw'1 I ir4ffia, Sfurnssi Mxita, is a.. .s u e.-sal Bias .:. .umi.,1 Sen sli al- lailnl. I ItHljI.S tl,' Se-, stalls, irSB n (SPSIKH, 114 1 '.,VilbSI,tS SI. Mblislsaal ' ;,.1..ffjf :S ShSiVll lB(.Mr aaaassssaal psjsirua al I., will loll yoa II tr JL Ml IM - f T 1 ti FOR RENT, tc pTOliE - AND liT rOtt BEST FOB NEXT YEAR. LikM L'ooiua. tire Pincrii in eaia ovr tuc i;ou. Good ul ej un tLe Lot; . A LEU, -. A DOt'.er llonsc tod tweiite ocIlS- Uathtd kmrTlirttr,tleT 1! IJ.... . . r-- j J ' w. H. iZih CO. 7"ALCABI.E FAMILY RESIDENCE TO 1.ET. The eunim'-dlou fiimly redencs of H. A. D j kiu' htlrs is for rent during the yesr The house contain euuuah rKim and they j are to divided as 10 accotuiuodate two fausi- iie. ii-woni JUrUn Htreet, is about 140 yard west of the post ofL.-e, hu a nU (curd-. of UK so acre, all needful outhouses, and a well of fine water in the yard. The premises 111 os id ncei repair. I at term apply to dcelV-U MOOKI.&rjATLING T500M8 TO RENT QR LEASS,!... 4 1 The two front rooms In "Tucker Hall " t present occoiiied by the North Carolina Ijind Cotiiny. will be-rvntcd for tbayua lB7:i, or will be leased foraaciicsof yenrs Apply to W. II. R. 8. TUCKEHdiCO dccl7tf ' - - - ... D1 A M (I N U S ECT AULK 8i The tpectAcle are manufactured from "Minute Cmml Pebbles" melted toiretlicr, and an called Diamond- on ace mut ot their hardness and brilliancy. It i well known that ttpectscle cut from Brazilian or Co tch pebble ra very injurious to the eye, because of their polariuag ll(lit. Having been U-'fteil with the olaricopi. the diamond lenses have been found to admit flftetn t er cent less heated rays Uian any otlier potible. They are fore atuJnS Tn TspecUehT UnZuetS. rd bv the Bpencer (optical Manufsetutins; shshi. iwk, rorauieuj respousiuie aepis 111 every city lu Uie L'nion. A H. Matiler, Jeweler and CtiUch D. Is Sole Agent for Kuletgh, N. C, front hiothey can only beobiaiueJ. .No peddlci - employed ' 110 nut buy a uir uulea jou si the t"de I mark. aWe ly I ABOOUroUTIICiniLMOXI Tvlfi'vria (yes V fr''w'".is attTl4 A 4aSAVJ K.'OmI r l.u . r.t M J I 'ir S. IS. ii,Mw!fWl ITT rt C w,,.'rl..iii,.lrt...i.ilOUM, f 1. ...... .,....., im -1 latel BHyoverVri n fMtn-li.s .1,4 sssu4 sassrlss, I ke t life sal la lit a fsni-Wksu.. skc iwlaia l luitHtllUg ajayrt s I tM4 aajsj t. Ia?a. wiik u.-rti MiMrttta. mu4 ioiuim aMaaUts) UtorsMlionfur kltaiM arkto ara ssmrrstKl m sIvmUmsMsV rt If Ut fc k that ugh t to i,a ,,,,, ... (lf ( Ui4 . ni av I Isvtsl astrs-istasU skjist b tttisjasj . 1 1 auniai tit tpTs.a,") an advlr a f ) ttHaff hrsasi rwMtBJ..s) worui-wirla, tawwis) Wla lis) fr Vat 4rer of Mabt nd lkirwaiMttlitatlr -. llwWs:rililac i Ikt jI.jski f (Ba K,ss. rait ttitesi thai Is) wawth iNili,ti fsjaktrfc g ft l anjk,ltai4 1st Mhs-r t, itsxsl t any tfrao f fmm. . iusv, Uf. Hotle to th ISlzui til V&JertuiU. Svsts ssflvlsf I Its MttrtMSMtfl vs. silisol la (..HI. sl"r.r . H, srl m frmmr Br. S..I, .11 tkUfWllMMll, Mill SW- ssl jr srfliMS lr. S.i., a .Ms In. .f mifm BM:I iS,m4 S, m v 1 1 b. kS nklitul IKl,r.rHMr,l LSI.CM.,, St lll. MllM Sa A i.iu-S rMMall, sr Sf aaaii, . iSaSiMaaaa MatMaS . tiak. s4 sarlara. Sa. IIS. SisSl SUSSS. 1 SS.Uala.Mi. nov A m ly. "yALUAB L f COUN AND COTTON LAND POlt PALE. The undi islgnej a III sell st public suction, st Ills i ourt house. In tiolus'ioro'.on U IOtii DAY OK MAIICH, 1873, thst valuabls tnut of land, situst en Ihs south side of Ne t r.ver, In Wtvne roiinty, near II Msbnru', known aa I e titioHiig A. COLLI tit (arm, cautaiiiBSg aU.uli,.'xi aires. Thl Is i ne of th must valuable cotton snd Cora faran In aatti-rn Nor'k Carolina with abuadanee of ih lwt marl. Ik lor Ilia war It was e.llinstea to be worth ti 0 II. It will bs sold In one bodr. if In Mrtsls to suit bur-1 CDS TsRMi -4th fourth rut., ftnd th btlanr ftl 4 u4 lt ttiHitlk4 rri HamJa with ur tf riairvU liijr iUntJ uo ii fl lb i ur- M T. DOKTCH. EC C TORS' NOTICE. Ths nkarrlbit h.nln nnallAed ss fist tors of U 1s t will and lesUwtnl at c, '. jDllNA, d..-r., brib gn antlea to all perwins h ! lbig li-.aas. aa.iia.t. amd anal art Urpresenl I tut f.r i.iiiim,i wuuia twelve tuata. l"S llil Hi , r e II l. trewltlb pkwtrd in bar uf si) a 11 si a,oi law ki , ca f s-i.ii.s . ! IU i Utt jus ti'tj atad to rili be siSisi d. IMVIP UM, I liliMA.ill.A, J.ausr I 'Hi. 1-; 1 1 is u , It'Twl rm A N O T II E U A K K I V A L. Jast m clod soul kr sspp'.y f , . I ail Mr' and tsaU Asasss Uatlasw,- lad iw and Ucaks' las ildna LssUca sad lieal' ladls Kabto S bus sad asbds!. J .ts if, W, II. A It. t, TtC K f R A 1 (i. K x c i n I o k TOIIAfXO VOHH RALtlull. f. V. Its II U.itj I a a i-n t. 4 I.. IU ord r fur set . ss p tk'' aud (rs4s al uklSi TbVCCi, I But f . 1 1 r. i.i. ra.4r a kallaas at lutassos, SSMB Ik Bsasal a, jlisl Btsarkty, SV4 t-r'T .miwm mx. TtiHi uf I ae B'., c . . . l s. 4 Bill sksi4. I ...ts w.sll IK S la try a f ansl Ma i a w AT M ALUcn T. Y I T I II T I o I I I II I It iSi'lltr iasl.,., 11,'ai i tsuaa r "Bt lluf lis a 4 t tV k.p l 1. 1. I.lln lit C . I . i I . I k.l. Ull I 11, Oaf tl .k to ass st sa s sa. I s . ins i , j... p.,t. as4 Asasal I aaaaa. - - XX AktKl a Am, C.U S-a sal liiSIS r Blscaa., ll.St !-. klilt Bt . K. - , , K I ' ( ) ( ) fc l1'1'" . V f I w. I lk.A' II. f if M 1 1 .t ii yj - iitiiuini tl A txm k la J I r s . -1 a, la sy -wl f to Vs. ' II alkU,tllii J 110 vr T FTfaUl Surrfsilill J"r.iriir. . j ..M?ruf ri, A U.ll.tiiiiit H i 's .mail I , t' mil. t. (. la-asasalssal leu , at a li - t . a aM. t t ss..s ta. . st i, s. " - S SCHOOLS, CCm'.Giv!. A c. rA-tNSTltLlK KAl.UGH, N;,C. Rv, K Bcrweij, Price pal. JoH:;iL hi'fcwei.i, A il .i , a i. Stst!., A. M. f Prii.ii: The Utr.tic eon eoiumecce the luihof iejiTBSUL. The iiitltuiion Is now In snTct ful opera tion ai d ie Priciil btlh-ve that they are prrared to orler inpcnor advantage forth ediK atiua of youuj i-dius. Prof. A. B UHx-n, lunand ftvorabiy tuowa asm accoinihed tuehercf vocai rt la mimea!sl uiun.c, a iharge of ti: siuih Deparlmuit. . for Circular eontvinii.; f all partkular as U) terrcs, course of stu iv. ce.,c'dre9 Kiv. P. tlUWfci.L ON. ""Jen lWSww Kalcijjh, N, t . JALtOm BAPlli; 1EMA1.E SKMt- . NAM. , ' ' F. P. IlonoooD. A. U .'...Prin.timl He. - A. Hntxo, A. W r Assoclato prineiiaJ; If A U n ... ' 1. a 11UU1.USS, rroieetor ur Muste. The Spring session w ill Open on the " "T nihof.PtL'Uli 1,T, IbW, " Tb l aildlnir, having been enlcr&l, U ,i.a CKiUr, conium-iuus uihi Imm somu. 1 he l-iiemry Lrevsrlwcnt is provided wlih a select Library, a lai. 10 lection of Ueoiuvi, al Buecbot us and s hue Phttusoidiiear sud l.heni. " leal A pi araiua. Ilie Music rVperluirbi' i- provided with a Is'ifo r jiuU'l of kootr li-Mis w I ir.. ,n. . ...i a Harp. , ' " lUeldy tcnclurs cmploye.1 are all FlIWT CLASS, rloardiuif pupils sr; rUirul lo weaj nniiuriu arcs, tfoiiid si d Si'Ktish tldtiou IU0 persiou of 5 uionlLs. K. rrtlculur, apply for d.-CiSdlawiiwdtwUII mail gOUTIIERN EDUCATIONAL BV'liKAl, teachers'' M U0 de8i' Wcl1 I""1"10 U. To reore ent teachera 2' T E X lZ'l?Moa "! pcrtUl AddrwuT m" J AH ,111'TMI! IT! dec lttdlLwltAs ltwuiu'ro, N. C. C' Llti.T BOAliUIXO AND DAY SCHOOL. . UtLLSCCmO4; N. C. retuiue Uie rxerciM itt thlx bviivoi oh 1 uetv tinrulavrs fur warned on np.IicnUuu, r-r Tf.ASSrCAL" "AVI) " M ATIiEMATICAir I . SCUOCL. 1 woulj like to l.are about Un .Hit iln...l ijooj Ih.ys. 'Hm win bi glu eliruary iJh, Tuition from Jd to S-iU per mvi 4 ii. U ra (11 l kit iunth ltimui. f..r ... I uv five boy lu uiy own family Apply at one. a ii. M.kkill Jan iiim Jl4. Car), ,. U QXFOKD IllOII tC'llufL, J. II. Hi.ll.NKIt. II IL Gravk I I'lll.lioi The Borinir t-css.oti will b.-K- n the ..-voi d M iuosv lu January. It-rio as heretofore. Oxford, N. v. ih-e. U, l7j, dec 1-dsBJtatluwlw c i LA SUES IN THE CkHMAN IAN CL'AGE. ' At the request of aaincrou person ihtl .otis of scuirtng s kuowUdg ol tin I, etuis UiiUliaL-e, the uixtirsigiied will, as toou as a vntlc -lit uuniher lis is signilicd their Inleo lion to attend. ot-eB elasaea fur tl.urun.a siruction In the grsuiiuaUcsl eobtiraeiksn and eomposiUun t th tsnruun Lanuuatie. Ais oliesiioB nur ta mail t the and. rslgtied or al the "reiit.nil" OuTe. , JahsU ALULjT lMtPP, - HARDWARE, Ac GKOUGK ALL KM. Si IV.S. IsADOn AVINO Crtt::, C:ni izi I data -CULTIVATOR.- WILE i"B PATCSiT. O 0 - s . t tf Tb(lri.T snd Unat llriiTIV tVa-d ru,w la ut. if It vi boss or Ts Ptxtwt win Ok Ms iOll lli i aa. l r us shall w, ss vssilj Z'4'."e4. al 4 h. Ills awd of Wroa.kt l'eT, ltd tm aV lastt lit aidhury rinwa. Il Bis.ti f tltU, sad rep'arr ks sank e th kill st IS saas lias. It esa b Baas! ia auy aU (m. ausi, mu4 tssviiy fwssd for CotUaa, Cava and raslai All aha ksttaasd H ae itoasas) a U BV "It Ms kM fssr plow rtf; yawing s-v'soa h one aaad. C'sak, A kl f sraua. 'tf 'ui4"V"rsa BtJ pta. sad tw b kuU-rtn U. V. Ill r i. I I'saa IL, r , ; :-" fsl Ss I kst a sad It, M trtt all at toss" Mtafs Win Iswa, ta) , ssis ; ttsasas ss bbaw f a., bars sad toad-" t A V fiairi ata, atit "1 ks al aa c't " SBstaTsxiaa; WMsi I- aai. 1. , a Ball Bit.i W J k. wark a tk ks.l la Us strsnl ks(sa 4 Ut tnt I k. riff UUtt Eiifl.ll I III Ifllr. -k - . CiiAHrSnJI tMTT'Di ASH toR rurW laaarita Putts lassr. tdfAad tftaal Vastoly sat Tsesh fWws I'loa; (ittUirtiijf K.irrj KlnJ. Saf I4 Va'.- ls. Iffl t tilt il ftffj flsrt CL li.' g AU r.t A (tl, ,.. sa A a a lual, SirBtaew, W ' M r'd .sais. S p tfciT At A MKIll " CiUSi foil" t a Ib Us kaw lss tl saU al !- "I -.J. II a. I.M laa. .a . t ii 111. . s tl m T I 1 1. . t . ., kt l , jtt j ..... Vaa ass t t ?t t i t . s s..- t.t-.Bfe..,s 1 a... . . I. I - 1 . -I-...MSS sJ I 4 mt Ha m, ' ! t