TllKSIvNTliNEL. DRUGS. BOOK. STOKES. J; CP L'l'PA'.Tr .' O. O Q D ft- LAND AGENCIES. .1NSURANCE.'- ctmsiissrox merchants. M ED I 6A L . jpR-CUu; LEB to. WliolcmuleaV Ifetnil PRUQQISTS, -Ji Ar r V T A T E NLVIHAOK OVK INSTITUTIONS J.' N T 11 a N It A V I N , BALTlAmRE LOCK HOSPiTfti D A L T I ii 0 R B , JJD. TTESDAY FEBRUARY 23. 1.879. PENNSYLVANIA STATE COMITY C0BBISSI0X" MEEC1UNT I 0iritavT0tTsITBratCEr'8TKl- Alec1' trie-id ha placed atour dispotil the fitcts in 'XiiSrii:Ctcli;g"prrp;e"T5" vAVz: fit tltc general reader. A fict ere somatome itrungf than fiction, there arc also U case, which iu complication become txtb interesting and iuitruettve. Just at this time, when a Pennsylvania corporation has been thown to have fee rcuiil itself upon the cruet Union PaeiGe lUil:ud Company, chartered by Concresa and ilrani from i hundreds of mil i iiu, with hich a 4?ci&roui country had en it, its counterpart, or even bumble Imitator, must be considered a subject of gen- rl interest. Such is the bantling that we propose to draw Iroin the coru- p!inittve obscurity id laar. ru.-. p.,-the sistb Tolume f Kansas Re- .port. While the eorpirit inn at bnr, (as the lawyers would say f the c-e), due n it appr to have b-jeti as fortnn ite in its enterp ise. it is m menu imitator of the , great purclui-or of Cttnur men. Indveil, iusoino ri-spvts, it appear to have been M hiily unefHl-tmtl -tf.svll-il iiiatittiro'i 1 1 I ho great and tgroWinK State of K.uietM " ttul 10 our M ibiiieT!-- On the lGt!i at Kcbruruy. lSGo, the 8; ate of l'cnn-vivunu chartered the "Nw York and Caiitorult Vincjnrd Cutnpany"itU the usual pow ers of a corporation, and to pun-haw, hold, improve, sell, tfco., real and personal prop erty in all the Stales of the Union, 'except ia.the Mat of l'o"nt'jh inia." A provia ion in the charter euthori!tI the corpora' tors to change tlii orao of this bucliiui. Han body corporate, and in due time it was christened the "LandUruut Railway and Trust Company." On the 17th i f February, 187D, by a supplementary net of tl Pennsylvania. Legislature ( the price of a member uf which body, accordinu to -the qt"awf the pff-4hat Wet-, U fifty dollars per heaJ the "Land Grant," tfcc, Coinpiny was authored to borrow m m i-y In any Statu, Territory, county, or : untry, "except in the Suite if PenntylmiUa ". 'As thf "p'rit " body hid no powers iu the State .if-the Pennsylvania railroad, it teeni teest, and-fiiinod up iu Kansns as contractor for it ft'- -tmtldtnjr. of the Mis souri, Kansas and Tesa , lttilway Oiii penv. This was Just what the great M.i- - hid. r did for Xlur u Lrued but,, as U "two teritat," although the nine is dropped, as we learn from the op niun of Judge Valentine, this enmpuny lit I lieeii , J)f.rret service to the young giant State of Kuisut in constructing the railway n-tmed, and thereby developing , he re souicea of th country through which it is located Tlietireat Credit Mobiller did the same for the Uuited rltatc-s, a:id took the profl;s of the railway cunprnj ; but whether fie Petinylvmiia emigrant in K.m di'l the win service . r I ;. Mta s uri, Katisis tnd Texts Coinp tny. J.itige V. dm- rot Ry, ami we ate left in the dark us to the pti fits. 11 ,;l n a cupe bu'X''r ni-vir alltiws that to esttii , it is ile to s-iy, Ir tu vth it appear i:i th.i re port, th-il the Ormt, 4i, Coinpiny Kot a b.j s !, at Ira-t, l-i the jl b hii b itopritel for tlio b mil', of the tew Untr, - The county of Cas, in tlu State alre faid, as provided by the s n-'i'r, vete 1 to thr railroad company It -oils to the smount id JOIJ.UOO for t..e construct. on uf Hid road, and the comjMny, in con Mdrra'ion of the conntruction, by th L-irid Ornnt, 5. Coinpiny, ol the rl! Mad, ipmd their claim to the Cat county bonds, with Urge nuin'x-r 1 1 ulher securities, to tue Li'td Orab mi tnkeJ) -Railway and Trot C'tnp4iiy. Th suit was to compel tbc county auibor- itts t Weue and deliver th bonds t tbc I.-in J Or.b, Ac Another niistake. The prctic) l land atralmg or grabbing w so eniveiol with YVlero.rilwe, or couslroctioa cooipanie, that a had, at th luoment, forgotten ibst all the g Dirl ru .- bav their excrptlou. J II it th Pretuvlvauia IxKIature, as it i;Tc!irt, rnnofn Ttmrtrrri J'mjs Tifntt I g ate auh, ai.J tell b tu ieio twrtia- ItrnM. Ih krual til tl a 0.1 maaniHC M tlnafalaabl charter. Jti'lw Vali-utiue d- cs ihK aniir lo be c-mplarent and nil miuijiaunja le, he the Ute Br nr.l, t ui'lo s and i l ef letl luminal iit In ll Eat i and a this waller ot boa fl t-pr'tofl my rinigrst to, and be Coum a g- uunic in bia; uiuir th in i,i- "o of it cnnl'oa, w ijoot Iiuta Hi iuiiu lis oi iuv O'un ; fckA ration, in older to bave Wgal tt ahd titateece, esttrt Bv norae. doin 11. a principal plat of rUdng bu-i- a, Im1 it MM euturaU la a body." "And even where eurpuratioa be t and valid t sienc la It na Btat, .nai;i swiicniiina Uit .etiirt turt i riv it, ka such a tbtruU uf couticsj attJ cusniiy brtwre Mala Dquirm." "Uadr lb rule t4 comity, a t-tt , eorporatioa May bj IU (fvfils usually tl en la annibff rUU all tbe powers arWarb llnwU uodsi la lUewa Hate, whicb arw I ivpwraaal to Ui law and Inttilui ka. Ik lai to IS inter 4s( u it oitxf piatrt." "Mo nil of waity will aim floe Ma. to spaa tor. aj aral an, and s4 tb a Surth Into mhrt .1.1 .S'aw ' W 'Tnl'ltM- asxt " flit Imalafaa whm ai4 Brl a-at oawl ntair will ot allow thtn to i t boaion w tb a U "P truia at, that vbil tbw) pfal rop-lMa was mg. laal'y otfaatmt Itt wbol I'allnj, tcpl U Plate f I'. ajlva., aa4 eiiataafls by M na IrJ ehartev M fab. It. 170, fc te ab4e world ee t I'faietylvaaia, rt ad t-jal a vl..t aatna eaywaar fa Lttavw f Ui axrf 4. At the Vrt J rtaat i- of Ibis Mppad t"t norattoa iu rnat -r aparaH u ftntm tb (aa I of Its hula a It-nr" ''. aa I e-v WTWity w4 a bnwi amf Its k lrl. aad rt It forts) a WdV M frira n4L la th Mat f ! b 6d lj say t b i a af MMnt, t ni l. at M l.h f, if kadiMaa W I'cawj iai, ta tr4 this --)atl.ia bet' thaa I'a rrr.t. (ii l4U H etj! at h d mr I llian bar 1 f b ru -'d al.ra fm. lo va . r t "y c-1 Hut. a kM rauti4 lb ' ' "I p' la Mr ewa d'ata" t I ar- la K 'at aa be (nstil y by If" ", l -n wfcrfc ttts N - Tr nt iu Iwfuanl M Ik ww'f a "t lb a r Wncb, $ U at bat ia ih' ta-. t I a . I C ra lot k I. at t-f " I Is at wpnmrt itat ak in . an rtbp l 'r I"'! f t ' Uwm af ail'ii' ! saatra . ,: ba b-a A aa g'y j a at a4. aa a tae ' Iv la'msu.t that it fc!d loiw"l lsll i'.f$F- wp" ''. '' w .la a a skai a ffe)li Mfaiayj aLMMaU Ut It t U ! J ; Ji 11AL E10 II . en Hav In store their asual large sepply of puts' CI.OICK CHKXICAIJ,' F1FK PltKFt'MEKlES, i and FANCY ARTICLE TEAS. - ; i:UO:OI..TE, bl'iCK.-, r - - - FLAVOTtTNG EXTRACTS, " BKUAKS. PATENT MKDICIMF8, MINERAL, WATKR3, WiNF-S, BHANDIE4 and WHI8KIKi - Vt 0 Dent "qtuUty tor Medhait- All the Officinal and other Standard FlniJs and Solid Extracts, sua tbe various KUxirs genrr.illy in oh) by the Medical Profeasion Our stoek comprises etrrjrih luf.yeusilly timi.d In aflrstclau Ihun Sio-e. and u utfefed on Uie moat favorable term toi cash Iridera filled with nealnrts and dUptiteh at luwuo ui .rhf t rat a. . Jan liMm U B I N ' . PKKFUM ERT AND TOlEf P.iWDER. At uuv $) It SIMP.)N'. lru Htore L VUU K STUCK OF TOILKTTK BF.T AND VASKS At nov SO J tIMP)N'8 Drug Store. jrjl K B S It AND II E Ll A Id I. VACCINE VIKUS A nov 30 II SIMPr-ON'S Drux Store, JI.tor8EjrFKHVgSCINQ' ALTS OF vrenr. KissKxasx. kKLTlKK, VI T HA TS Or MAVXKSIA, ASl MAQSKSIA AVKNIHXT. At eIMPBON'8 ov 80-tf Dnut I JJORiE ' vv i W-TuTJTZ'Jr At nov 80 tf SIMPaON'8 l)ru Htore. E VElirriMNU USUALLY FOUND JN A F1K3T CLASS DRUO 6T0IIE. At SIMPdOJiB'. oovaotf 1873. 1873. l'Vossli CJnrlii Hcols, A tuiflr nf HL IST'8 I'.'rn'ar and Keliablc Gardta seis Just r eelved bv Jntoim. sronTiNo 000DS. G jl MN.'tLK OI S3, At 4 5 IM . M 50, 1 00, 1 00, llitjts), f n oo, u t-V oo. DOUULR UUNS. At 00, T M, 110 00, Ii 00, 115 00. I A) oo, inou, f-iu on. ftu w, i u w, to i;s oo B ire b-L"d in Double Uaua, . A I 1 40 00, 1 15 00, .'i0 00, '! 00, 7S 00, IH 00. ft 10 00, ll'JO to I SOU 00. PI I TO Ll. tialtb A Wauoo's, Colt's, Allen's, Sharp's. Wbltney and other kiada, st " rcTtaf s mtii. AmMUMHuN and IMPLEMENTS Fur Brrab-Uadlu Huns at a ainall advaaot on roat of Imitorutlun. U. UlUe Anmuuitlua lr kittaa ad Plsult I loacat aiarkrt prma. A impute aaaortateot of all Vpoatlnf bauds shl-pil Ny ltiC. O. D. . PoLl.TNtT. I KIMBLE ', leroaraaa. N u W RalUnoiraitt , HaJtlmufa. Ktebard'a, tHincsi'a, lin ore's. aroIVs, sad - bar aaarWa aa aiakt ut (uos oe hand and smrt-d f nnhf a4 lOaodsall F a . a . l "S ISpsJ K i m . i en I Pui niter? 1 P.rlur Bat Faoitufa and TaM-a j. 15 U W. II. JoK ES CO. m t . I I K (I 1 I I' H I IMI4 AmmUM U fctw(A'. C )a-l ) W.t It, WiLTU CO,, tM W-at BalUaMre, Caraar llaaard Usat, aLTiisoaa, Msaafarterars nf tlatiilaf. aad Jobber Htm,tin'aan, t ,l. A. Wat Tea. M, Wilms, L L Wat-taa, X. Faaaa. Trmrrr tsei. UCLBKSST TXXU aad l.ra V "va. Far silt tl f.4 W.ILiUSIt C IALI. am llaraaaa, Yarj -P l aiu li. OO. I" O D D f 1 A !" U tl Wal rairMW4fa m , a n li.U.M la ear aa aa ;l f) f" ' M U..... ;'a sthd a.l sW aaaa(. rA II a Kama S4 Rett 2lJ.Vja.JLy r-AaaaHMliaaa-a.aa It t M UIOHM je.n, turmtt last ewlt si ll 0' IIKI Of Tltt Itff AaaoCltTI'X uw a i a . v a. . Vat , faay I", Is la a. i iba , I f a. I - I . a- a H aa aa .L. I 4 ai iwaal 4 4 luawviuw lx ' ..' - H l. .s W . 1 a- 4-r ia M-tSe-' l' ' fmt si as I ilaaUiaa ... . ill k l! !'. t h I a r -ea- a. a- t.Ulhtli P 0 Q K a T 0..R EOF ALFRED WILimio . . M AY BE PWUND .... V0XrjLtCTB AS&QRTMKXT Of Xl J U Y E N I L E B O O.K 8 - - - run BV tH intA. -- Toy Books for Children In (treat variety. r in! r rvneu ana r.nttiif n ebtuonery. Gold Pens for Ifllr-a and l4Antlitu.n nf Iha best make : a larve aasortmenL Finn Pencil and Pen Holders. Pocket Books snd fort Monies. ' Photograph Albums ' Diaries for 18iM, various etjles. Ktira Bihti'a and Pravnr Ka..L - Church fervicesa' d llyminls. Writlns; neks and Port Folio. Tourlts Cases urTravelinff. Ches and Bael (amnion Boxes. -l.'liromo Pictures su-J I 'smcs, at exceedine w iirleea. , 1 all early. U -on e iah to get supplied. ALFRED WILUASia, Books.'Per anl Bt'tioner. doe 1 0-tf MISCELLANEOUS. STATS OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chatham County, la lbs Snperlor Court William II Burke, Joeeph Roaser, Joba Har- rniKion, t nomas Johnson aud aire lxui-4i. Emma A. Itosser, by hercaardlan, Joaepb Ituaser, vs. Btephea H. Kosser, John kurnci, A. Burnea. A summous having been iuued from the oElce of the Auiwrior Coert of Cbalbam county, t ) the defendants. th'ihen 11. Kosser, J no. Burnet Mid A. Burnea. and returned bvthe sbcrilL " ioi to hsluuttd In wy aaaetr-,'' and It apptarins; to tbe sallsf action of th Court that (aid defandanU are now reaWl!tir beyond vua iimiia oi uie oiaie n is omereu lull I'UU. lieatlon be made In the " tkrutlnrl," a uews ptpo printed lo Ilia city of lUh-.k-h, for sis weeks, weekly, summoning- Die said defeud- anU to appear at the ottlce of the Clerk of the superior uoun lor tbe eouniy ol Lhatbam, wlitiln tweulyne days aflnr Uie service oi Uiis summons, then and Uiere to olead. snswer or demur te the complaint of the plalntltf tu tbe ebore entitled tiuw, or JuUimnil will fe aarn aainai them lor tbc relief drmuided In tbe couiplsint. n lioc-s, b. I . roily. Clerk or said Court, at flic is fituboiu'. the Uih dsv ot Januatv. lrta. Jrn l-w8w 8. T. PETTT. C. 8. U. VORTII CAROLINA, Xv Chatham Count j In the Superior CvurL , Frauds Kit haidaon.; ' Ta Murphy Perry and wife Emma, John Lewis sua whs Msnr, i.laood tleuUcrsonaad wife Jane. M K liichsrrta.n, Amoe Kichanlaoa, Jr., J L4.ledl-f and Jfa V U, Peter Perry and Catherine. W. A. tih-iin, Julia A. tilenn, by bar guardian, t. M. Lladley. IWUlan fur Dmmr. A sammona hivln been Issued Irons tbe uiwrlur Court of Chatham county, for the i fendant John Lewie and wife Mar. and M. K Klchardana. and aluruad t Uiaal.anlf. "not lo hs found .a my manly," and It ap paartrnf 10 uie aaua'aci m 01 in conn, was aid defendants are aw laaldiuf hryoad Ibe Hauls of lb kUU, It la ardered that peblka tloa be ina'a Uie "fantinel,'' a aaaapar pnnte I la U.s C.IT ef haleicb, for all weeks. weraiy. suaiiaoaii ue saia 4ue i-awia ana wlf Mary, aad M K. Klebardaoa. defaod- an la, to apprar at th ofllia u' tbe Clerk of Ibepape'torloartof aald eoanlyof t kattiem witbi lai-nty days after tb puollra'loa of Ihla samiaaaa, sad answr er the eowidamt Aad h t Una Uka entire, I bat If II" T fall to fowiplstnt withlti ttist ftmii.TH plalntitT a ill sppiy to Iba Coart for lb re tel i-maaUad la v-s canplai'it H llneaa H, T. 1 tlr. clerk of said Coart. at nfflrala PllUboru', ih 1 ilk day of Jaa nary, mia. ).a II aw h. T. PrTTT, C. . a fT"VtTrf AKINK B, l'TAItIr, CANADA; Til -aTePaS.-! BOUE.'- AXU-atAl Mr - euaeartto S iha ,i"i aett AUNE MINERAL WAtEK la Haw era ft the racaptaiei of vianm. Prrma da Iroas a eaaa-'ac auard plaaat addfatt lb Prv.ara HVIlU.r TVCKlr July 1.U . . . - LITHKK rSllr.LlMJS, Kavat-aa, ir txjoim, fAniiE', m.!xns. ilJiirt IriflrUi. ilrlnl llijl Ul II AUIMVAItll, - rinu. on. r.i. ritir. AVaaJ ll-.IAtaaav MaalaaaaaaaJ ataaf asass Uaur ftirrrl. -erfs.k. tax. Ft (laiad f.jf sU ar4 bafwa aaakla; Wtadaa UUV U0O D8, At, N t W Aft IV A t a I'rlnti ir.4 Irra (.todi B sat tfiwiy B 8 0 II JO 8- 8 U.a ivat. 1 Hft'n ' U'i.itt.! I. It. r a t Tallf WlM .Id - . -. L'tT a t c t I v 11 -A&'JS1TGY. The partnership that baa for the last years eiiated between Mewn. EING8LAND ft MILLER having expired tb business will be eontlneej heretofore, under the Raleigh National Bank, hy -.. '-' ' " " ANDREW MILLER who will endeavor to conduct it In a satisfac tory aianner and to the best advantage of depositors of loU and tracts ot lands tot sal. Bis commissions will be, aa heretofore, Iv per cent on actual sale. No sales no cbtrg. Mr, Miller I constantly selling and offering for sal very eligible building lot In different part of Raleigh. - ' Also planUtlons lsag and small, wood and Umberel lands, fte., A., In any quantity In different part of the BUte and at price cor respondent with the times. He solicits call from buyers a well as from sellers. Now is the time to buy In North Carolina. MILLER. Rshlgh, FU I,1ST8-Im ortil carolina land cosipant. fstahlim1ed topromotk the 81. k of lands and cnc ijh AI.F. EMKiKAIlON TO NORTH CAKOLI1A oern a llALKWU. X c. Is Ciminv has bare la aw-cesafl I ni n " for over three.- xeara, and will Tt. tinj to Bur, Bell, Lease or Rent Real RsUte, Uon commission, or other a lai on the sseel favorable terms. Parties having Lands to sell wilt 9 no It to their Interest to call at this oltl r. or enr- respond with as, as our fsrillUee fta selling are Increasing ever? dav. ' Large trscts are reo VreJ more sales) le by pciug divided,. TUls Company ta fuvorahly kt nwn at home and abroad, as the lance number of eiul;rsnU t ha introduced and located In this gut, ully Btteste. I'arlies entruntlug Uasiecss In their hsnds have the best assurance that they will be fairly represented. Ad-lrest all communications to "Tbe rtl Ci roiii's LsrJ (.0., or to Win Hr"trrtcrn-;ry, tiJit). LITTLE, l .'ta W-. PrvrtT. goc'y. tdAmtf 1'KOFKSSIUNAI. CAKDS. 0 VIDK uurm, arroBKKT at law. iuieitjh, n. a Practices la lb Court ef VYak. snd la tbt Federal Court, g.vaa siiecial atUuliou lo tb'. srgulug of eauare Iu th Supreme Ct of rt. I.., eoi.'eru claims airalnal any Ir or Lite Iniurance Company w Uie l ulled BUlne. and attends pron-.plly to aey other profesakmtl bnaliieM UlUuaUd la Bun, fubtlf Jo. B BAtcnaioa, L C Kowaana, lla fleh. Ill turd, ts m. Pt.rst TUTCksLoa, (taieigh. A1CIIP,l.O,(, EUWARD8 A st vTCII rLOH, ATTrtltSEY4 AT LAW. Kaislgb, M. 1' Will attend Ute 'Courts of tt'ak. (Irmtlll. franklin, Warrro, Hal. fas. Nnrihaaiploe and t hsli im eouaUea, snd th Federal sad a- r, in. l-i.ti-l. - f.. a. r. taa joa etvue MOOItH A OATI-INT, ATTtlH.Nl. fB AT LAW, AI.F,tH. J. C PUU sud FedtaJ Cuarta and Hal Coart of tb l and sib Ja i. .al IKUrla u SI tf. riIlLXIT3 aV MEJUIimON, IIALEIGH, N. & a. t. raatxirw. t Hit. A. a. waaJWoB, T p D,,rK,l,t'x ATTOIIUY AT LAW, Offir aa Iba Me on nne of laa tlmaaiA aa.ui.aat, anrta af the faelmroa lluaaa. Sim 11.. aa tta SHaaa J 9 mAm ! fnaiU t uiWat.iMM prwasptiy auaadal la a all part apt llt wiiraa m. .AaVJICUJU. - ATTOHN 1TI AT LAW, IIAl.IfAl. H. C.. Prat lira I all tb CaH ef II all fas Ntwtk "-"a I leavt aad Marlia laaalaa, la U- a(ean ian af ,H w .k t aruliaa, aad s Fad aral . aaHa. oi u.m aaaaa as Sat tvt af Hartk Car- Uaav If TiiirMukMNfiTra IIVILT UHTloMi 't.ra am f S ,'a-a, ba taa LarH I I ' . I t at -a Uim I a I -aa ti ta r .a mm a a . a wm t aafva ", ai rasi. la-s-f U.a ll af a.; anaas P WTEXLY EtfTJn t wt f wmm l t bmH I 11 I Jsasaa.v- I $Mm k 1 1 ' g rA f sV to Use, I . a-ai a. . . . ST ... I u mm aa.--l4M I ai V Itia, I . ... la . - - a m jufca, I I waaaas . It , W aft UmS aa m.. - w a . a tm a-a aa. aa a. a 4 -. aa i aa SI --.. ataa.1 . I '-aX a a n v a 4 a. an " I until tl f--a. ti f)t. (II O . . U A M A M , .Vortls Cii-ollmi IUME INSURANCE COMPANY, RALEIGII, N. C ThhtrGinpany-enntlnae to write-PoUelos, t fair. raUa.'on .!! rlaase of Insurahl prop erty. All leases are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOMK 1 raidly growing In public fsvor, and sppesU, with con aUeoce, to lusurt rs ef property la North Carolina. - AGENT3 IN ALL PART3 OF THE STATE. R H. BATTLE, Jr., President. C. B. ROOT, T tee PreaUent. . 7 SEATON QALES, Secretary. PULASKI COtVPER, Supervisor, june85-tX iTNA LIFE INU'RANCE COMPaFT tin over $18,0 t .OOO safely invested. Basan annual RcTenuo of over M.O 0,0 ft, Is ;l 'uin nyej lln.i.l'ol'eles aniiuiillj. J HI tliorou hly 'established, and Its ability to fiinil.h the lwt K'eurlty, at lowest llee, is not u;attor of rxerliucnt. It has p.ild death losses in this Depirtment, emhraeh'g North Carolina and of Virginia, within a fraction nf ft-HIO. 0. The eouditlons of an .KTNA LIFE P0LICT are LIBERAL, P3A' TIl'AL, RE-f-ONA BLE, All policies are SON FORFEITABLE after TWO YEARS, eieept n alle TIN TEAR Uw po'kles, and T11RT ARC AFTER THREE TEAKS, Remember thai th llins will coma ahan y-' fan ao I oncer labor for thus you lave, anu prvunrs in tu i'y a policy oa year hi Persons dnairoas to bold a o-llev la this wall tested and sucrcsetul omay uf act as agmt, m an .ii i ii , W. II.CKOW, Manager, oct9 eodtkuA wssa. as 0 h -a r 3 J: s. i 6 j, sal nil hi E1 7 1 Htf lim a. Atil I "T 1 1 K A . . AtuU Fua AALAV ItaTtaat i a tttpl lti l .-aat I en.rti baaa as ItiLk 1LO, lata tM aa4ae uf Mr, Ataaa. a laaual -a ai"a A.aaaa laat aaw4 af laa n, haalta, 1 MtU Sab ta Itatas i"aavJaitt4' taau 11 k as tu utra aaal main. I aaa eu. la a 11 Um ekufcj, a as aa-r. laali aa ll. ta... kl'I'f HT11E. SVv I il .M!t, . C JQ ti t. r-iy liara faUa, ii w i . ;t "A' il qxh. ;. MHaL'? ilat .irtr, OaFollO, c si-Mat f. k.i.i,rwl-l si aa. A l, A'.a'i'r P ' l,aL af.-w !-- axal la a W, taa t?a af st-a aa 11 m ..-a, al im m aa a a:-tHl,4 itaii'fil a,tip. th. s.atf awawMM, i.f ts a ) J aa i It t sr aa a. aa at i .a Mat a- ..-aa -aa aa to at, af tt Uta fft a M af tt-a t a-'avaxf at) R.S f aei I v a, aa. . s aa. II lit ft iatl ow rto. a la.fc.ta V. C sVsa ead k- a a a. t tat. I aa l.l Inaraead kss. Fat J tf aaHla W M pt.I1. J n n s A.'uaTaoHu ' itaj5saar """" 3 Jit - tfla mj K a a- f Va- ASD tlKALKB M GRAIN irB FISH, Ckavex 8tkst, . N E W B I K N , M . C . nr.i (a .r;..i .a r. n. r.i w f ... vwuio , new u ru. ft-bew.Hm ; j- C. STRONAOII SUOOIiHSOll to .. ITa.-C. . Sltoaatli A . C. - Qroccr and (Jommiu'un Merchant - ; DEALER IN V : COTTON AND NAVAL STORES, 8ecoid Door shoes Ysrkvo House FaytttaWitit Raleigh N. C. aug (tf. PIAKOS, Ac JpiAlSOSI i'iANOSI! JAMES PIR8SOM SON respectfully lnforu the public, that they hav lust received a nea stock of those superior Piano Forte of thr OKKAT UNION COMPANY OF NKW VOKk to which they InviU attention. Th immenai resources of tills company In the shsp of cap ital, maenuiery anu ouier laeimies, enauir them to put tbtdr Putao at a much lower rate Uiao any other Arat elaas esUbllsliment, and person about to purchase will II nd It much to their advantage to call and examine tbear Piano before purchasing elsewhere. need for circular to . J Alalia PliUSOK A BON, - Cor. ilargetaud Ballshury streets, mar A-If Raleigh, N. C. THE SUPERIORITY OF Till OlRIVAV LKl W I Ufch ..- PIANO : ... . i . rnn rii Iseoneeded bj all who have tlAKKFU? COMl'AKKa) It with oibcrs. in the NEW SCALE. Th Manufacturer bss sueeeetled In m the MOST P ICR FECI I'lANO-FO. X poasihlai kaaoa th an pmfasred by .4--. till HA 1 AIUI31S nr illt OAT And reeoinmunde4 by all the LEADING NEWSPAPERS . Prices will he found ft reasonable as com tent with IhoriiUK i v.utkiusnsliip. WAKKUOOMS. 5th Ataavi, New VonK, Cos. intu grHSS" decTU . R8. ' U .; W . MILL, k HsvinK naumed Ute msnstjcnie'it of her 110AUWNU lltifsrt. an, quests the laU.Ai.irs 61 be old Irlentla sud lit pul'lic Kenerliv. aurf la-ll tJTATK OF NORTH CAROLINA O t ounly of Chatham. In tb t ourt of Initial uf said Counts. L. M. Dray, attin'r of J. M. Brooks Uic'd, sun tin an siaruia Ana, v.. Mariba flro it s, Jab II. Dray and wlf ainlly lena M. I'rut ks, Jack Brnoks. Kit E.BUU soa and wife t ar'llee, it . 11. trook and Thomas Urooks. IWtium for teUltmtnl if the k'ttute ef John M. IlrwU, dee d. Th defendants I th abov latHion r Hollaed that saietRioiis was Uui .l aalkat them aa Uie Via day of J.auart, Ixti, from me sam i oan, st in in.iam- or lb p'aiu litis, who oa the anmeday kled their i lion In the oUtesut ti.e l ii.Oa.a Coert. ( for tssitlonteet of Ute ratata of J. M. Hiouks, t araaa d : sad tit raid atffsadanla. aad each tif Uini. ie hrrei.y d lo Sf-pt-ar si uie am oi tne rrooie i ouri tir ea.u county of I wiiliin forlv tl.lS slter th laat puU.tcaito of the stiatiuoii e. answer lb ism sniiiisiaa a aw las as ' VO'trra Ttw II f ry fail la sn.a.r said corpUint ailh u Ihst tnea, the piaititlir- will noli In t'.sCoait fta1 Iha rrref In lit C"MptaiA. fan is-aaw a. I l llll.t. . I. MlSCIaUaANEUt'S. 'IMIIbkef P.hlODlCAL UF THE UAI ttlll uT KNULIbH qL'AUl tit L1EA IlitaVtWi Cdiitlaril IttJtiir. atraiarso at . THE LftoNAitO BCOrT Pl'HUhillNil tu 19 FalUai IKeat, ftm Tims. all ataaal m lAaral A prm IAs Vsa4 TV Sf:k steal. lb I..i4 -a gaattarly II... a, Tbe IAflJaMatf Kavaa. . His b'lii.s Oa.n.n, t.i. raLUaaxd Qttylal Jaa y, l,r.t, J j.'j, tart ss JUtlwaad' Idiasarat Jfasasta (A fa kiatts af tb or mal.J f aMisbcf awaui.t. Tea a or si, aat am sua t Fiat aa V aaa Haataw, I 4 uu ). a. f K aa la stailpwa, ... I tat fit srj lUws.ii.aa ,...,. la t.i 1m k.ta.1 . . ... lit aaarawwMf a bl af aat.ia. , , , , - - f a t atSIMlHS I SrtltS,,, t l.J us kta. kaaad sad I kttkii,, pits! a K.t'Ml aad It .teas., i tt fwr bMaa aiM4 aad tit. Iimiw.i Vaj I .alan, tea - fcataWj, Im i vfa ia aa .1 at i. v.. a aa . !.. j clvb. A d t f ta.t par eaal will sv 'tiw. Ha i -.'a ! I "it . M4? ta raouv 1 baa (. a. a af i. S . 1 a. . ., K H a ih la aal Ut m -.t'"Ml f.a lliaii !. "l aa ' ua . r tai aaa H.aaau4 M t. ..! aa I a ttiha ol la ia. ta, la si 'lilua ta kW s-.a .....!, ..; j fatal t.u la aJataa W taa a.taa aaa ta. ..aa r s i v i , k. a ,tM ,:. . iha t s lT a.f ban w.uMat iw,jt, ata aaaaitra f.e s, u af tai af aaaa a-vlaas as tii aa la, iwta af la. ahu., a a evaa;. aay laa, larta, aa lua l taa av... w., .i aa, saai bar, a j etaalaat. aa u tl.. ' f., su ta. .a I i , m'm ..n ta a. tu aaaj at i.i in aa ...i iui. i rat. . ..a.t M va a4 dia a Maat la Sa a ih a ta-..ta .yut aa laa f.a....ta.a, ,, ai ...a a -at -..a u t at - I.BtsiiitHH ta . u aaa aa.i a, aa la Maaa staata t i a',.-a t. v.h..mI I ao la.ux laf.atawikas easy be 'as aa a, tiwa 11 i-ai-aaaa sVar Ft a t,.t, las asraaa, haa ak TULl"Al.TK'ir FtLiflUUUi asaa rt saaaa TBK FJLMMi&'i 0CIPM Ta iuai.ft a. h.'il Ar-l' ttra, If llt.ll nn.t.1. ft! la. n4 laa iau 4 f a.Hka, I r..l-- a 4 mu A(awiaaa la t .-.-.4 a-a 1 t . sw.t. a. .'v t ta tt. -a a4 antamui,l PaJI, 1 ., f uu-aoiiMo.vr Phvslclaa ef this celebrated Ins'ltuUon. dis covered, when in the Ureal Hospitals of Ea- rope, via: Lnguuid, and elsewhere, the niott certain, speedy, pleasant and cfeetua reinedv In th world for all excesses or abu-.-s of the system. vt eakuess or tbe Back or Limbs, Etrlctui ea, AfTlK'tittn Of th. k lilriov n ill. .1.1.. n..l,.n. tary Oischarge, lm potency, Oenerai Debilitv Nervoasneas, llyapeptla, Languor, Low tSpirlls, Confusion of Ideas, Pspiuiioo of the Heart, Timidity. Trembling. Dimwits of itWkt or Giddiness, llisease ot Uie 11. ail, Tliroat, Neaeor Bkiu, AflecU aieof the Liver, l.uiu a rltomaeh or Bowels those terrible Disorot it srislnir from Solitary Habltsof Youth auiti aad solitary practice more fatal to their -ic- urns uan tu osg oi ui eyreu to uie sta riuers of L lyases, blV'htlinc their niost bril liant bopea or antlcioatiuu. rendertKe.aiar risge, die., liupoasiLis, deUoyluj both body anu miuo. . ...... TOUNQ MEN. Especially, who harej beaomd tlie ";cllio of tyiliUry Vice, that dreadful and dUueUv'--hshlt wblch annually sweep to an untimely Itrav thousands ot younv men of tbe most eiallad talents and brilliant Intellect, who tnitcht otherwise have entranced lUlcninir, eenale with iUi thoaders of, eloquence, or " wsaeu w eeaiacy uie - iivium lyre, way eav with full coulldcuce. MARRIAGE. " Married Hereon., or -Y owns- men eonteinnlal ln marriage, aware of t hvslcal Weakueas, Loss of Procreattve Power (Impotecay), Ner Vov EnelUblllty. PalpatolloB, Oiyenlc Weak- n. nervous ueoiuty, or any outer Ulai lull- -Oealion, speedily relieved. ; ii who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may relinlou!y eontlde Iu his bouor as a gentleman, and ooulidetiily rely upon bl skill a a physician. CROANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured snd fnll Vigor Lestored. This distresaiuK AUection whleb render Ufmierable and marriair iiupoasihle ia th penalty paid by th victim ot im;iroper Iu aulgenc. Younu persons sr toospttocom sail excease i rum aos Being swars of the dreadful consequence that may entvia. Now. who Uiat understands this subject will preteud to deny that tbe power ot nrocrealloe Is lost ooner by Uios falling Into Improiair baUl utaa oy uie oruuoM r Heat.ltte iwing e.prlvvU of the pleaaure of healthy oa'piinit, the iiual seilous and dealrurlive s) mton.s ol liolh body and mind artae. Tb sj sietn lieconte deranu- ed, t'M Physical and Mental FunetioRS weak ened, l.oa uf Procreativc Power, Nervous liTllal.lllIY, lirspepsla, falplUtUoH of Ut Heart, liidlrtaliou. Conslltulional lltiilm snd Wsjwntx; ot the Prsmc, CouRtt, Consuinp'-" - uoii, Leeaj auu uesui. A CL UE 8FEE1MLY WARRANTED, rorsous ruined luheallhv bv unhamad lira tenders who keep th. m trillinn month altar luiimh, taklus! poisonous snd uijuriou lout pounds, shouia spply bnuiixjiittely. . DR. JOHNSTON, Memoer of Ui Sural Colletr of Sunreous. London, Uraduata of on of Uie moat euilueul Colli Ki-e In ibe United Bute., and the l.-al . part of whose Ufa has beeu nt la the he. jiluils of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elae where, ba elk-vUd sums of Ibe most aaum lablnr turn tliat were ever known; many troubled with rliiKiiic In th bead and car when aalccp, great nervousness, btintr alarm d st satldnn souuds, bashfulueas, ai'h fre eui uiuaiiing, siienuea some I 'uses with du. rauKemeut of niiud, were cured ImuieUlutcly TA1E FARTICTLAB NOTICE. ' Dr. J. addresses all thoso who bave Injured Uiemaelve by iinpriio Induhretie and sols- ury hamia, a UK It rulu OoUi body sud BilnO, untitling Ihma for eilhur bualneaa, studr, sa clely or luarrlaK ibas are sout of lb tad melancholy cf. lit is produced by the earthlf babiu of tuulh. vis: Maakntss ut th Hstk awl Uiuba. Patu . Iu th Heat, Lliuuea ot C In lit, Loaaof Mua rular Power, l ali llalluu ul the Heart, lija lala, St rvvtua IrrHahtlily, IteisiiKi uieul of - ine loiresms luueuotts, Iteuwal lAuilitj, tkjitipttiitia of Cou.uiupliuu, Ac. .. I ILa laaiful etrecU on ut lulu are uiurh to ha dira.lrd. liaa of atvut ory. Coufuiloa ol I.h-sa, Ih-prvs.iii of Bpirli., I,(U lorelanlings, Ar.raliiu to ttuelely, Ball Iiutraat, Love uf Bolltuda, 1 imidily, ike., ai some of Uie ev lis prtat ui tu 1 hoesand uf larauus uf all a. a t aa aow lutltr what I th eaea uf U..,r uartliiii.g l-ailh, U sir iiki, teuntlug weak. aie, aarvuiM i so eroatiauu, ba.hir a ilakt.- ix ppearat.r stiuut the t-ye ruuah and Sysaplonisoi i"teanipuua. tl Uu huta Injurad IWiua. jva by eartaia wtlea, iudui(nl la a lata sloaa, habit tie lineally kau-a.4 lit at at U eaaapaaiuaa ae at shut4, laat U.l of ahtrh are eiKhlly fill, clan a bra aiat p Slid If not (tns raudt rs litarrlaaa laapuaa.ioa, aad U I'ota belt sated sad btaly, al.ubld ')ly Itlitllf l' if. UI lli.l s Itiutia aval. II.. Li.ta uf ttbreeannv, the fate a ot bt. areata, stimiltl oa atialelMU lioat all prtativ la aad ai.jiiyntral of life t y Uie coa-n a nea at devtaiui fn.ui Ute path uf aalata, an HtUuUh.f re a reruia swrtt ItalMk feevk paJacats saaai, batur sua. tetaylaUiot , MAKRlAtiE, k. II at I that a sound Wtind add bod; er Uta ui. l uere.aary r u.a.u. ut prutuu.a cuitee Ual kap) laaaa. lauaad, alMunal Ik.aa laa )e.B utruatik hie tanmaia aaeary pttirrias ara, Uia pruei boa'ly Sutrta ui lua lata. Ilia aitbd UtaMNaaa .uaduaad wibh dalir, aad Had alia Uta BMlatxk ly raftat ifa ibat laa kappaaas af aaaihar a blu.htre al' m.r aaa. A HklAiS DlAaJkaX... , , Wb Ui atuwaldad Sad toiur4il ..lara of pkraaara lada he ka Uai'io ua at "Is Uua paiaful Sinua it tasaluas kaia- a ana sa ui lla Utaa araaa uf abataa as erra . . eavary dakarskla Iroea a lt Ik tulutaako. frtaa taaratauw aaat faa ytua.t, tae aiaa balrwud hue lia t.lia o o U.. ka oa of if i.. and d.i. . i' j-.- , .., in taf nw-ef mrTei'. tU T, tW j,, ,M) aaara, karp k.ia u.fl.nt sta all. e.atth, ea aa atta-as tea ia ii ii t-aiasat at saia. a sad la daair aait boa a Ha ta aaa i tm. - s ta ata-h uvas Is tl i.-H..i,i i at, l.f lua aaa af thai eat. ptiuwa, Ht i.t, eaaaa Iha vaiat laUia.t a. wt.. ul li i. t..... ia. aaa la ataaa ta.w a( t-Mwaawa. .a. k aa al iMiaUd am kuaual, uaaaal aaa, a. lataal pattta as Uta ka4 sxO MMttta, iatuMB .. a", eaiaraa, aMSa aa lw altta u,a a.d a.tM, kttaa ua u. kal, I a a u . . . m.. , . . (fttMii, si I ltit.iial r.i,.t, im ai u4 Uaa paula uf lua kawath t Ma I a a. uf I. .a aa I. ii la. aa tu. .utita .l ti.a aa f.l i. aaaa a .aaa Wartal i t r ul twaaife t"a U.i e4a ata au k. la asaaalal Sad.taf, l.f aa..4.t. k.ta tu Ul t ' Irate .--.a Unan.a ua r. 1 a a, k, tu. . f aa, I J .. a ra ll.. S.'at .-.W h, srW, ai 1. 1 aaa aixtaut taaaat ta laa auttav OHWr, T ftwulb) Irralrrtth ftl. Ilallliaarv, Mas' Itsssst, lft baud at.a frtaa ft:i.Mia .taat, e f.a aun Irwat t... . . u I . . , uu, a.4. t e aa J tit T" Sta ta t. . auMta laMl .a ataai m m a-a ,-a t. , ( , ft -- ,-,i a ail f.. l.t . au um -p-a af aliua..aH aau la O war's I'lPUltl A last ta k aff tStaiMtatKbT CF Till kl -t TVs at.a. tV-anad ta al il w ..i. ..i. Btaal ait. .a IM aa-t la.l wa, aa la. aaauaa t.-at.-i s-'i.a. t.t, ta . I-t.f f J.i .... a...... 1.1. aiua-.iitM M ia. rnttua .hi aa a. --a uf St. t ka-a a, , ..a f kaf - t. a . t . , . . .1.. a S ua af k- an. ea fi at. t t. u a . S -! g twult ta ia a. m i an. , aSAt si s. , ,. I iui.i aaar d y s 1CV, mt I Va . S A C- Ir-ag uan Mill noOKHI.NDICU- - - aa - Assa pjaiiaaat M tl t Cnlrliralril VIrul"' s as at ss . ftaaaa ai4 aae aa tt1 I" pjaa at taa awaa.s at $rm. iiaa iaa aw a I aa mm, la., t kn. f -aa. a a. t Sta H l .a u j-. aa. ia mW a . A. aaf-a 4 4 lull Stir llf A..aL .: 4 4 I' ia b Ta -a I 11 T a a jS C'.t ! I w4 i. a"a aS4 ! a a It a-a lultll Y. ttftY Alt. . i.t..,.kM a.M t..t 9 LruV B L, JO s . - f Vi J j ,-.- 1 , a. -!. W. It ,' V B? a, 4i fvd - p I 1 t I u i I , U L I I I Jl 1 tl I t ! A l . aa ft t I a. a t . J jnrst. f T n . a ka rmn aa a Ha t.a..ta I tl laah Itaalt l aaafarlsirer b a I l;" III'. i'-a.' li t d fa-S-ta a-' .. tM aa'.i U. 1 aa -t a v .-'. t ia l4a r Trk Cama'SV aal a -av..a a V - a a I f m-- imw. ..atal aw.a. aa fca t' a -a l t It S a t , a-a l a -a riULtiU, K. C fcattlC t f 1M tt tM I a r--a lwi !,,- " atisf w,t,ta m as ta .-a a ... - 4 aiba I a m 9 at . a s '4m taa al i- - few All . F fax tip. a Aa U.