THE SENTINEL; "FRIDAY .FEBRUARY 23, 1871 PERSONAL. Senator HinliB i repnrte3"toT)WOTi5 f.M.000- : ; Jim, Irwin, of Nashville, Tenu , hat presented to ihe Sute Hennta a portrait GcorK Washington was arretted just U-fure bit birthday in Buffalo lor rivaling , pair ol troute:, . w""' -" John P. Hale i "uffering from continu ed pifulysi t 1 aoftening of the brain, and cannot live much longer. Lieutenant 1'icJ Grunt It stationed at Fori Griffin, Tes, where ho is reported to be "W7 popular .with officer and men, A Tennessee clergyman balanced hit irrount of Irillty by christening Jeffoiaoii l)avi and U. S. Ui ant last .Sunday. , Thu Modoc chief, Captido Jack, offer 00 buiir.ty f'"T whtteca!)4. Hi;rtj is a hint fur utilising uiothcfS;in law. Jcrqmiiih Jlo!biiii1 ail "gent for tlig jwietrf eiug tnaeliUKwi miuiticd ui-ride-by poison at Providence, H ' I , ou Friday last. ; William B. Qttgi,' nnwtur mtchaiitc of the ltea8!lnor'"fid Sirutogn Hiilroud Com piny, died suddenly al Qrucn Island yesterday. Tlu'i King 'f Portugal gmc a bintiet .in Sunday to the olHucr of the Italian triii ite, Roma, now lying in the Tugua. Ex ajng Atndu' wai present. Fulton Paul, of the Secretary, of State's ofliM.-hiW been appointed Deputy State Tro;i"ifW, in placa of DeWitt V, Ellia, uppmnUd bank .urreriuUndcnt, Charles F. Ft'lton, Aw'taUnt United Plate Tnasunr, at Ban Franciuoo, Cat., hat tendered hi resignation, to take ef fect oo the appointment of hi successor., M. Julc Oo'chler, one of the archivist of the Nti:tl Archive, and toinctimti . TlMtapriita-wttiraUu waa Imiud on the 4th in-d. M. Mtgnet n-presbnitcd M. .Tli'eunt the funeral. A ujinaikalily active Virgiuinn ccntcti ar'niti, -loiin Bnrkharlhight, having for maay yean lived in a hollow trie wiilwut manifesting any tendency to hop the twig, touk to hiinntelf a wile a lew month jg j when considerably past one Imndr j . A MIX'S ESOTA TRAGEDY. tragedy a cuccptinnable In its atroc ity aa it i unusual in Its feature K'ciir rcd at Woodville; b (own of HWi cjuh!t. Minn., on the 17th int The story in brief, from it beginning to it ndinir, runs in thii wise: A Oornian named IWU. rwwing at in piace nii ntion- ed, about turco years ano wroio u a coun tryman ot hi liamea AlclanaiT uuier, re- I titling to ii iaconsm,"inviiin nun tocoino i to Minnesota and mika lilt house hi r horns. Iluscr accented tha offer sad removed from Wisconsin, bringing with him Ms wife and three children an pur chased from Huff a half lutcrea in the lat ter e l u in. In a thoit time the nu n bcrauiv enemies ou aceonnl of Mrs 1! i r. Quar rels often ensued between : ucr on one side and Mrs. Bdwir and Huffon the other. and eventually Baser rorribly eject ed Irani the house. Heturaing subse quently to the residence about year at he wa again Um-eUsl away, aud siise that tine, and until Ihe tMuedy, Hnff and Mrs. Buser with lbs children, tnaiaad tn undisturbed nnMasioa nf the prcmiaac. Itieiitly Ruff and Mr lluter lec ime alarmed at aa effort that Buser bad wad in th county court to have them indict, and it s under the loflui-nca of this titr tha nurdr and sun Ida was resorted t to tvsde, a the? thought, tha action of the law. On the 17th of Feb, lhn W tha childrea ra turnlntf from arh. fd Iht house Wsiwwd.-TbsJ "taws wrssi is. ncLUnjircnt to iovwikJ'f JtotJ tsr. Wheat1) butt) rotin-d a diatnai -ns prravnl. d to tile g 1'poa the Hair lay ItwH, faa d.iBsd, with JiH (hpat cut from ear to ear 5 ou the bed, with their throaUlut rt tn mm war, were Mrs, Bursrf aad tha .rting4 child, aa IniW abasl twa fear old. The . hurl 4 Wood -died lwkiBjred f t atHit im t w t oa tha font of thi bed showed that Ilafl had firat kiiUd Mr tbef aad the tha child, whk ha had rarrlutlT sUvrad la lr Khar' trm After that b bkd laid hlrttfcSf opo th bed and t that pos'tioa uit iia Ua4U.iaaa tU bed . la. lb i!osth WiBiat b hs4 fa! the B . l hr. left several nu-S behind, afflrining that . Utri Wl faBilSed Ui ilia LauUur. aad lha responsibility i f loeir liratht ht.1 llosrr aad ti-olhrf man. On of ii.m i .1.1 .tw-l "Aania It tler." and wnii. 0 liit ii wivmsa waa ti thi tfT'rt Iz-t r..te-lt 1 h rv- this dwd to Huff. " 3 l.o l dn-k sal Alessal-f Ilo-- him in It 1 follow biia rhrtrful y, and llMixbt Iht wor d shall ar lUat our aff c- tl. was s norra' la s!eol Ml by ItuS ho said, rslefiiiiff to the woman. "! a rr,,lt to d an I t S'.v I I .,! W Imh," A HUM) MAM (.iM'i:iJ lUVINv MViun iiEi two ( iiiumr. ln.l r. la, lit. T. U i I - W li II IV . k ! t ' I C'"' " har- e.l. f at N. 1 1, t-i;' ill! t . -v, h .a m U C r I , of tt.a I i f ( le rn.a. Marl Neenirl-1 al 4 I ,,ni4 in.'i, I r-p-t'f t sal'., r Baal Is was ih tn.ti.d la J-i', l"-", '" 'h ns.l r W l-.t , ibis 'V. sr. 1 t rente ti e B tl iu'rt a tr iHirrnl al Ilia l m. tut .it -Hided be a st'.rt'y BS' --.,.!,; n.H"1. d BO teauU; t'u ! J be !' t B ( ta Ike g '-t ' ' 1 lUk a X e-..-d al't tt-.t . l. I liJlUI Ik IB 'I.! I Jlli t..l, I't Wi-e't , t- n tl la ' A ' ,1'rf'it al 1" !' t !. karJ g 1, ! t b-Mk' I, tS I tifis'. I a !f tw law l.r'" l l.a.l-a elf .d I J '"'s e. in I. ,1 mt. l Vnx.V .a''! I If. a I We-tHlbl ' tal.d l'.ii.i.e','lpvli I a-l p a i, r i ir I )!-, - . it. Ult -e tLa It.l 'IM : -a taa a .j r. ..- 4 ". i f ! i. I -a T' I , ap I a 1' 4 ... la W f l wi i t; M la si ' ih ? - "-r4 v, it a k i ' .. r . . t ' I DRUGS. A. JOB CUD LIS CO. "WlioUmlo As It c tall DRUGGISTS, II -Sk, !IaTv In (tor their usual large supply nf ' PURE t)Rr'G. : CHOICE CIIEwrt!Al.S, . FIFE PEKFUMEKIRS, ' and FAXOJ ARTICLE! TEAS, . s CHOCOLATE, SPICKS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, 8EGAR8, PAIE.NT MEDICINFS, MINERAL WATERS, WiNES, . BRANDIES ana . WHISKIES ui me bet onality lor Medical Ktraie OffleTnaTauaother Standard Fluid sod Solid. Extracts, and the various Elixir geii rally In ue. by the Medical Profession, i nr tock eompriaes everything oniallv found In a nrateiws pirur aian. and u offered on Ui mot foralife tern Un einh.-s UidvntilM wiui neatiKita n4 dispatch at lowest m rnet rutt jau W-.ini LUBJ N ' S P K K K U M K K Y ASl) noU.T PDWDER. At nov 30 tl SIMPSON'S Dru( Store A LARGE STOCK OF TOILETTE SETS AND VA3ti4 At nov S!U If SIMPSON'S Drug Store. P R E 8 11 AND RELIABLE VACCINE VISITS A nov 30 tf SlMPeON'H DruK Store, JISllOP'S F.KFERVECING SALTS OF nVJTT. K7SSF.XCKX' StiLTiKIt, VITM ATE Of MAOSi'ilA, AXJ MA(i.k'MA APKtUXf. At SIMPSON'S v So-H I Dru nl II Ollsn Pi;w i)ERS-F.UTZ'i. At SIMPSON'S Drui Store, - cv HO If 2 VERT HUNG L'teVALLt FOUNf IN A- .. A FIItST CX.V8 DltVQ STORE. At t iv peons' oorSO tf . . M' QrVO I J-7 1873. jf p,w, 3 nU'ii Noodia A l(1,, bUMT'8 Poi nsr slid Reliable liardea eU, lust newvea ny I i J'LeCL'D, LEK A CO , li-ain. ; SPORTING GOODS. 4- ' PI.HHI.ll l.t SB, At J 5u, ti ui, i so, M ou, IS uo, tmjuo, I , tl UO, W -M U. i DOUBLE GUNS. At 110 en, ii'J (ki, us oo. UU. l 00, 110 lJ, t A in Sn T OJ 1 irwh-UMdUMt UouUla Oaaa, Al ft OU, ! 0U, f-W u, I'al no, T1 00, t'V 00 f 110 U0. 1-JU l'l IWU ou. PISTOLS. trailb S Wesson's, Colt's, -All. a't, Sharp', wmmey aa oujef ainaa, T waairacTuaaas rsM, AVMUMHoN aud IMPLEMENTS For Ureeeb-loadtng liana, at a saastl advaaet on rust tif IntmifllUiM, Metallic Ammaoiiloa foe Httlas snt Plstoli. at low eat mi kvt pne. A eacnnleta aasvMewt '4 all SloeUn Iknds I Priees "Bd lefll 11 iw sent on inn esUua. iiliMWRimtUI t. PolLtaY. UlvBLKAl I Isiwieu, fia, SUO W. Mj!t more til , Itatllmora. Rkkard's. Doturai's, t.rvtiw', Brutt'a, and Ibar tsUwsUd siaU o( caoa oo hand slid Srtd t order. H-pMxiAlj rp . KIN U B U K T , lowuli Aa-.lar Alr .V. C ) Ws ) i Vir.itn 4 c oi.i , tMtta Btl.TIM-.NB. ilnafa. tanrt of ('.:!.;. snJ Jobbe' w CI Has, CaaMiucns . e. A. ita. k,, , , L U wur, N. raata. ' d Wa T.-Ht It -Ilia, Ml'LHrBtlT Tltr.c A? aalttrap a nr s ) st .M.ll. MUUiu- rb4 T4t0tt SALr. V Harrt Hsra, very Pi am " juuko. F U II II ( AND SHUCKS tOb.W. gut. I t i1t M k ka , tk . II, J M ak C'. s f iall" SM re ku t M(M - ) IV' f at Itoeaa M .alaae, ja rwnlvett tu 4 S'l jarti fab il W C. ITU'itAC ll. 1)4 itrm aal Balk f .-t-a ei lal e . aV.UBiKONAClL 20,000 r 14 kyT II II I II CAROLINA JT.AN. PTriM.l! , AM) A tvi.i; Jalal. ea.'if.a) si r i ih": k, r s 1 1 1 !( 4 Xt'SK'ttl 0 ff ; p tii t r "-m it'. I F AKIB.l i. l v U i. rae l. Is'.t . . S baa .!.. 4 Ike AeaeaMWd ( t l I a't.4 t.1 e. HihaiHi k ' a M aa .1 as, -a f " a i -a h aad 4 li..a ta ,1 tka a Ifce lim.i"a Ik at ' I aie ;a ll a J I I a r.eax . " 1 I- k (a (.a t m I 41 r I. t t' t-a.lir "' f f , p;-. 14 M tm trt,' a II 4 A lis. V la '1 I . COOK BTORES. O L t D A r O O O D AT TB BOOK t STORE Of ALl'HISI) muuuii MAT BE FOUND A WOMUXTK AUSOSTMiXT OF A' iOVSK IVt B O O-K 8 FOB BOY AND SIKIA Toy book for Children In great variety. Fine French and RnglUb (Stationery. Gold Pea for Ladir and Uentlemen, el the best Btki ; a lame assortment. Kinr Pencils and Pea Holders. ' Pockt Book and Port Monies. Photograph Albums Diaries for 187S, various styles. Fine Bibles and Prayer Books. Church tiorviccs ' a Hymnals. , Wrltinic siks and Port ("olios. 'I'oiirUls Case for Travellnif. C'hcsand Bseagammon Boxes. . I ;iromo Pictures and 1 lames, at exceeding low prices. - t all early, if "on Uh to get supplied. ALFRED WILLIAMS, . Bookwller and 8tatloner ! 1 If MISCELLANEOUS. STATE ,OT N IRTII CAROLINA, (Imthara County. 1 n t he Snperlor Court WUlUm H. Burks, Joseph Rosscr, John Har riiiKton, T hotnaa Johason and wife Loulna, Emma A. Rosser, by her guardian, Joseph Rosser, I -ill-. Vs. Stophea H. Rower. John burns. A. Burnes. summons bavins been issued from tn ofllce of the Superior Coart of Chatham county, t the defendants, BU phcn 11. Kossor, Ino. Humes and A. Bumes.and returned by the shcrttf. " Not to be found in mv coontv. and It aiutarinir to the saiisiacuoa or ute uourt that said defendants are now residing beyond 1 the limits of the State It is ordered that pub-1 lieation be made ra th 0 BeBUnet," a new, pspe printed In th city of Haleinh, for six waeas, weekly, sumicomuc tn said aerena- ants to appear at tb ottice of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Chatham, within twenty-one days after th Servics of this summons, then and tliere to plead, answer or demur ta the complaint of the plaintiff in tne anov entities cause, or juavmeai win oe aken ainiiuat Uieu lor the relief aemaaoea 10 the complaint. Wltnma. S. T. Pattv. Clerk of said Conrt. at olllee la PltUboro', th 13lh day of Jauuaiy, IBiO. Jrn l-w6w 8. T. rETTr. C. 8. C. NORTH CAROLINA, Chatham County ,, . In th Superior Umuv Franels Richardson. va Murphy Perry tnd wife Emma, John Lwlt sna wn Mary, t-lwoua tieadenoaaBa wir Jane. M. K. Klrbarsoa. Amo Blcbardsoa, Jr., J M. Llndlev and wf t U, Peter Parry and CsUierina, W. A. Glenn, Julia A. Gleun, by ber guardian, J. M. Linalcy. Itttion far iWtr. k tannou having been bwoed from th Superior Court ot Chatham eoanty, for th n-fendant John Lewie and wife Mary, and M. K Klchardaoa. and -'.aroed 1 1 the sheriff, aot to be found a say Toanty," aad tt ap Bearing to th seliafaet of th Court, that said defendants are Bow residing beyond tb limit ot tb it tat. It I ordered that public. Uiw be mi l ta tho eeutiiiel," Bewspaper pr.nlel la th of Raleigh, for six wseks, weekly. suinuHmhig tha said J oka Lewi and wit Mary, and U K. Kkhatdaoa. aafead- ants, to appear at th odlcs a' th Clerk of thasuierkir ( ourti.f tald eoanty of t hatham. witbta tweaty days after Ike publics1 lo ol this sutawioua, aad answer th eoirptalot. Aad let tfceta lake aoUew, that If they fail ta wer said complaint witnia mat time, ine plelHiia? elll ppy Wt vnw'wav fw ttter r tef demanded la t eoespleleL k Itneat B. T. rt ttv. Lier or ssia t oarx, ai meHi', th Uth day of Jaaaary, j.e It BW . T. PITTT.C. 8. C y t CATHARINE a, tMTAHtO, - CANADA TIB "tTtrinsoi lOCII. AJCTJ BATTI? ta townnrtloe wth tb nlehrated wail ol SALINE MINERAL WATER I w ovm for th rwewptioa ol vbwtar. Persona a boa af aauefag board IU I .leas addras tb Prop., ' ; , fcEVESXI.TIXE U . 1 BUNS. ulFt-U . . LLTIIKR-ISULLDOX, . tr fN)lts fAKaS'e DI.IXDK.--ItoldiBft IrirkrtlL sir tut. IIsJI uiiliilki iiAunwiur, - PsInts.OiK Pmtty, Ard bu.idlug Ms' a vry Owripiio,' It staler MrtH'l, srf.k, aw Fa (Its ad for lt aard befo, ftakUig Wkadew frawMav, ar i DRY GOODS. At, N E W A B 1 I-Y A L C a g sat lMj n s 0 J2 o II T sS la', bt. I lif!f, ( I Will Ml 111. f Ri X Hi R. riTIf A HtMikM ta Id ftat SEC I 1 I U, tl m fVrayi I Mk4 m4 tt pmmm af- i hi4 I laaa I m arf ai twata , aa., aa ike a aa- I a ia' t ,iaav-a a a-- e-. I AlXKIT, A-h )ae V -f LAND AGENCIES. R X A L ESTATE AG-ENGY. The partnership that has for tlie last year existed between Messrs. EING3LAND A MILLES hsvloK expired th bualnest will b I eontlnced a heretofore, nnder the Raleigh NaUoaal Bank, by ANDREW MILLER who wm eDdeaVof to conduct tt tn ntiifie: lory manner and to tb bast adviatajr of depositors of Iota and tracts ot lands for sal. Bis commissions will be, a heretoforeA.rt per cent, on actual sale. No tales bo charge. . . Mr. llillsr 1 eonsUntly talllBg and eSering for sale very eligible building lots la different part of Raleigh. Also plantations laaga tnd small, wood and Umberel land, Ac, A., tn any quantity In different part of th State and at price cor respondent with UiS times. He solicit call from buyer at well at from teller. '' Sow It the tint to buy In North Carolina, ' - ' A. MILLER. Itaklgh, Feb. 1, 1873- lm . JtORTH CAROLINA LAND COMPANY. ESTABLISHED TO PROMOTE THE SALE OK LANDS AND ENO UH. ,. AGE EMIGRATION TO NORTH , CAROLINA , - -". ,'. etreir ' - lULSiau, jv. c la Company ha been tn aacceasfi.l op. rsu'-i for over three years, and will tfii- tlnu hrBnTTSell. Lease or Rent Real Estate, ' nKn eommlssloo, or otherwise, oa the, most ravofanio nfrtns.' Parlies htvinir Land ta sell will Ana it to their Interest to call at this ont ve, or cor- respond with aa, as our facilities foi selllnj see I Increasinr everv dav. Large tracts are rendered mir taleabl by being divided. Thit Company Is favorably krnwn at horn and abroad, as UiS IsrKe tuinibcr of emigrants , k. i,,,li ,j i..t. h, n.i. ai.t- ully attests. Parties sntrostlng busttess In their ksnds hve Ui best ttturanea that they will be fairly represented. Address all communlcatlont to Th rtt CaroUaa Land Co., or to Wm. Scott, Becmttrj, tJKO. LITTLE, Pre. Wm. 8oott, Bec'y. T-dAwtf . ,, .. a.-.- PROFESSION AL CARDS.' QVlDEDUPgE. . ATTORN ax AT LAW, Raleigh, N. CI Practices la the Court of Wake, and in tht Federal Courts, glee special attenUon ta th arguing ot cause ta the Supreme Crl ot . u., colleets claims agaiaM an rir or L4ie lasuranoe Company ui Uie United HUtee. aed attaada roKplly to any other profMsional I businees tnlmated to mm. febTU Jo. B BiTcaaioa, L. C F.dwsbm, tsetgh. Oxford. Wm. PioMoia Bstfbbuib, KatelgB. JJATCtJELOR, EDWARDS kUlK, BtTCH- ATTOUSETi AT LAW. Raleigh, N. C, ; ' wm t , A t. . , . ..I 11.' L ! -.111 nin limn . v.ii- w. w- v, m . . , Franklla. Warrea. Halifax. Northampton and Chall ata counties, aad Ul Federal aad u- I preim Courts )aa -u a. r, Biaja .. . - toss sstUBB - Moosr v aATXnra, ATTUKSLfb AT LAW, RALEIUII. N. C . " ItaUi aad Federal Coerst and tb Coart of tka UtakdBUsJadlUal Uutridi , . am ki ll. rnTT.i.Trs v mimxLxiTioN, Alio r'niivH 1 1 1 " La iw," liAl.KKill. N. C. a. w. raaixtra - a tklf. . . t a waaiwo T. r. uivuiui, ATTORNEY AT l r w Offlr aa It esewad tnor of tha Smwacil InlMiaat. aerUi ot tha Tartmroawk U'a Praa-taeea la tbs Slala aad F.aUial Coart. CvUarlUaae prumpUy attanaded ta Ml all pvt I I Uie wute. ept IV-U tPiklM taWSBB. A MOtABB. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, M. C. Pear Ore la all Oa tweU of Hatifal. Nortk. aaaioat, tlerMalaI a4 Marl la aawialtea, Bt the Paraaw Loart of ftarta MroUaa, aad IB 0. FrdanJ Cowrta. rtows n I, ta aay part of Martt Can U ra-atlf ,TIlK"MolimTFMIlU: DA1LT HUITIOSf rtaatt, yeara, ka U.S Lara-r.( 1 la.i.y t k-eeUlMaa a( eaf 1- t i tlae BlaU, aav4 a tarraletaaa ka W i.a.iolu f' pa .eat. ! tawa tat td aay aiw Pa-. WEEKLY EDJTInX. k,aa4 eilh Ike "I" eeatta Fartaar, f ij paat Faa.1 haeaaiaa la th Bua'B. I. wreiaxa. ear; bw tat raptd J taeaa, g. MiiHiiirrio i iiiCEs DlILt trta, I a, a . a " ea.aa'1. . a.vfc. . M I ta Wsstl'4a, 1 . a a a " ak.a,we, a . ) "".. S Bu)U It sal a ul.1 tawte-4 Ikad a a. tat-a aa aa a.4 la '' a I avvllae ka aaa-i I ak aa, .4 -e.aaae w"1at M'arataa Ma, 1 af lw alta, IS M. " 4KAk!, pa. ti. J. C. , 6 t o. W. 0 1 A tl A M I , treat Paaaaat A t a t lri Baawa, pa S I I) UL Bu;ii,,a a taut u( a --' '"a .a a t aaa . a..-..' a.. -,?! jr,a..l II i - ' 1 a- at le Ma kiiM-al Wa, aaa mm pa,ir aateaa tfc -a , pa-aaia ptlU f. 4 ' a A INSURANCE. INCOCRAGE OME INSTITUTIONS. J J SKCU1ITT AGAINST FIREll rVortls Curollun HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, s Raleigh, n. c. This Company continue to writ Policies, I at fair rate, oa all classes of Insurable prop-J rty. ; . t r All Lteasre promptly adjusted and paid. Th "BOMB" Is rapidly growing in puhUe favor, and appeal, with confidence, to Intnrert f property In Horth Carolina, AGENTS IJT ALL TARTS OF THE STATE. E H. BATTLE, Jr., President. C."B, ROOT, 'Vice President. BEATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. un3S-tf. iKTkA LIFE lNfcLRANCK COM PAFX I I i. t 1 1 ,x . i- f-..- Bit over '8,0 l.,000sfely Invested. , Hasan annual Revenue of over fl,0X),0 . Ik It-uilng over 10,000 policies annually. It It thoroughly tstabtished-, and tta ability to furalsb the best security, at lowest price, t not a matter of experiment. It ha paid death losses la this Department, embracing North Carolina and ot Virginia, wlUilu a fraction" Of 400,tOJ. ", Th condition of aa ,TNA LIFE POLICT ar LIBERAL, PRACTICAL, REASONA BLE. AU policies ara NUN FORFEITABLE after TWO TEARS, except n ewt,lTlN TF.AR term po'hles, tad TUET ARE AFTER THREE V EARS. Remember that tha tlm will com wheal yoa raa bo longer labor for thos yon luve, sou protect lueip i.j a poia-y ou our u.u- Persons Aeslrnas to hold's pe.U-'i la this we!! tested od suceeasful company or act a agent, W1U address. W. H. CROW, Manager, acta todOuiAw Ota, ll a, HI lim i lit a " S g - a - ft tt -JLEiUkT.IIOUlS AND LOT IV R AL ftlKli (UI lAkt, Tfsvlag pw"hsee4 the -i,at t .J-rtr M I f.t, aa II irelM- id Mr Hiatal", lla)atd aa Bewtanw aeawee lea maeaaf ta tut baalls I will Sell the taaae M aa ea-l m kaaaae butk a ta) peace aad credit. I ,m alilmg to sell the wb'At, tars. BMladiag Ika. dWtulH. h.a. fctar P tTlIt. I At . Batata, h, . U f tUa, ka.'.y Earn fvtatae. .11 W. r. STROSACH. 0 lfOBU FtMAL tlMIMARF, oiroRii, N. c. -, i 4 I. t M.aeM E-Mirtaaik, PiIh; pal Ma E N. t.aaar. Sasralet Pitsuipal. Tkt Maate laaar,aaa tt Aa U datsga llti V 11 M.n-w. watl kovWB as e - roa.,4a4 f.a.l takg a(aala.a 1 aa taakf aM.n al l,aaalMa 14 l- te-aea a-4H, p.lar 'I Ut ! '.. M. k.-UJa I 'l:av. (Vaata ad -r t at Ika l'h,i al la kai.'tw'Juf S II ttt AkU U PEItt, 1 Iaaa4a M C tbea sad Maais. - ka,,, lai a. at Baa. t'ai i,aa M-l. . . SaetMta V, II l.'D OEM A I ' I f I O I S Iflatik Iteieik Maatwfarl wrrr. vvta " aaa -as a tt vt'rrs , K 9 - 'A 3 rt h 3 W . 1 5. S ' a ET? r -: "li " l r H rlU- i Mail t ft 5 s i iH Hi i " is t i COMMISSION MEKCHANTa. OS Till HA vitm, COMMISSION MERCHANT ...AND pALKtt Cbstbs Btbbbt, NEWBERN, M. C, Refers So Jnitn D. 1 Fnwln U a Tnekne Julius Lewis A Co., Raleijrh ; T. J. Latham, Castile , Newborn. tub S-wtua C. S T R O N A C II tuocKason to W. C. : Stronarh k Co., Qroetr and Commission HereKant DEALER IN COTTON AND NAVAL STORKS, Second Door above YarLvro Uoue FayttttvilUHt., Raleigh, X. V. lUlt. U . . PIANOS, &c. piANOS ! PiANOsTT JAMES ptRSSOK A 81 )N respectfully Inform the public, that they have lust received a new stock ot those superior Piano Fortes ot tha GREAT UNION COM FAN lf-OF NEW yORl to which they Invtts attention. The immense resources of mis company In the hat of cap. (ul, machinery and oilier facllltlea, enable Uiem to pnt their Pianos at a much lower rat man any outer Ural class establishment, and persons about to purchase will find it much to their advantage to call and exam hie the Pianos before purchasing elsswhere. Send for circular to -J AMES PIRSSON Jt SON, Cor. Haigetand Salisbury streets, marft-tt Raleigh, N. C. " 1 " 1 1 " " "" 1 .""t1 1 'lUK SUPERIORITT OF THF UN1UVA I J. . LED W I P Lit PIANO FOIITE-,- It conceded by til who har i;AKKKUlt COM PAKEU It with other. lathe NEW SCALE, The Manufacturer has succeeded In ins 'j tlie MOST PERFECT PIANO FOi . possible; they sre preferred by i UREAT ARTISTS OF TUB DAT And recommended by all th , LEADING NEWSPAPERS . Price will be found as reasonable at com b nt with thorough workmanahtp. WARERtKlMs. ! 1 tin Avbbvb, Nw V oa, Cob. Iotb Stbbb due 7 tl RS. H. W.MILLER Having resumed th management ol ber BO AUDI NO HOTJBi; turner i.f Newborn and Person Slrcttt. r eucttt tlie wtionaice ot ber old friends and Uie public generally. . . -aug -u -r 7 (JTATR OF NORTH CAROLINA. O ' touuty of Chatham. In th Court nf Probate ot said Count v. L. M. Bray, sdm'r ot J. M. Brooks dee'd, tnd bit air Msrllis Ana, v. Vnh Brook, J oak H. Bray and wife amity, r J anus M. br.K ka, Jack Brooks, Eli P. Bun J aoa and wit i arollue, W. 11. Brooks and 1 hosae Brook. VifkMV Mfilswatat uf Ik Xsfaf ef Jukn if. lfrl; dtt d. Tb defVadsnt la Ui abov petition rr BotiBed that a tauiaunta we bsued agaluat Uiem oa the vio nay or waauarv, IK73, from tne said leart, at the lasUae ef th plxa UiTa, who oa th Mine day a led their peLlwa m Ibe olfiee of the 1'rubeie Court, aakl g fur ssellit.neot of the eatele. af J. Jt, Brook, taeeaard I aad tb laid defendant, and each ol them, ar hereby saauaoDed to appear at the ettl a til the Probata Coart of said eoanty 4 l-laetltaaa wilkia forty da alter tb teal pablieatloa of tb tninaioa snd answer Iht said complaint. And let ttwm lake nolle that tf tury I aui 1 ana ear tald rotapialnt wltbi HBlstBaaF4JaaAAptjBBBM for th reli.-r Demanded la tne e-.u.pu.n. - Jaaak-ahw a. T. . 4a BV i ! .i! i... !.. .' i--.iia""'i- .i . , MISCELLANEOUS. rpilE HK3T PkhlUDICAU UF THE DAI x - TMB BUBAT EMU LIS II C1U ART Ell LIES ... . ASt) IlifkvtDil't Call a J il n kiraiartD at THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLIBllINU CO 1 140 FbIIuB itra-4, Nw Turk. Tb k liebwrg Review, Tb Laaadua t,aarterly Rata a, lb WtaUmaaiar EaiMa, Ike bnuak tjaartarti MetiaW PaUleaMd Qaaf tarly J eat J, A pel, J sly, Ou4. tta Mlatt waMtel't AT4iaaf Jrfsls (A frc-alaaite of lit aetata!.) PaUtefcW AtaaaUala. f BBMt It Bat Bin toB t Fat aay aew Ret taw, ... I uu pet aa. rwNiaiM.eai, law Fee ear Ikrae ataaleWa, 0l Fet all lef Kavaaw at WV . ' Faa htaitwwjd ki(ia,.,,u. i ,a tm a t e ) a..,t I !i... e... ", ui rr Maiaewu ao t Batf-we,, totae 9m Hiet-awHOd 4 g kiaai,, 14 tu I Dial aeiaal awl iba 4 au-iaa, 11 uu i t'-atajie, lea tmx a r. a. law, la ka -',aam ay ta faWaM 4 at 4 or ina'), . , CLVBt. A dueaiaat ef Iwaaty a teat, wib Is la a ta ria'at Of M tlanr peeaaaaa. i h rant lia.a.a m at ..atu.a. WIN be east ta aaat aaMnae fut i an i .aa, e-iaaa af lae tuaa kWatae. aad ttHtfaut tm (, aad aa Ma. la aia aluaat waora, ta td-liUaa ta tb Wn diaaaat, r, t ta a.ll fce elwwa V laa g.vtar ap .rf laa riititti, ' ha eab flmr fur tw ytaat ain Bwf ka.a w.taawt etMMira, ttM aataiait fua u. aav tee erf la.l af ta. t ( et Ua la.a aai'aa-tawa iar. l, aoa i aa af Ika abov. Bw iail I, la eat twa, tkewe, m tarn al tka aHiae paria- .a, eeat aava. ae, awe m ta i stiaa, fa, la.i , MaaMwn t ati tte aaai Baa aaa af at - aa Bataae. luf ,, Ma. aha a.a l KM Hail a-H l a-Mial ta eiaia aaa tw ellafWaal eaaaa Uae aaaaaf au U4 ua a I u IM pabtaaaaxa -e g.aa w eiaaa vtaaaaeaa, 4 MI k ar. eieaff ta t, a l tuea aHele feat Itaaa atr.a a, SaHai i ta a.a Iwyaaa kalaen kaa pua ai'taaauaaa ),liirtii(S kftfilli tky 1 1 4aa aaaaava. Bw lak Till IfcokAROtMailT Pt ILUIiiKat-A n . aiaVJ V i t . TUB rAMMMM M QUjfiM ! p tivt Mtf it, F ff). , I t, M.4 A , XT aXIf- et tL J --. 1 ' kat d t v -, I l-fw-n paa aa tf it I I. ' U L aa 4 t'ta-l 1 1 ta i i " , ka -.a, B. C. MEDICAL , BALTIQP.E LOCK HOSPiTAu. BALTIMORE, MD, Ornca T Sot fa Fbbdkbicx Starn Mr J0iixsu.7 Physlciaa ot this celebrated Institution, dis- uuvcreu. vuca m ma lansas jioamutia vi si-z: I roe, vis: Lowland, Fnu.ce and elsewhere, i the most certam, siwedy, pleasant and etfectua i reuiedy In the world for all excesses or abuees of the system. w aakueas or tne nacK or l.lmli, Blrtclurea, i ft .t..n .... k' i.t ...... a. Ui .1 1.. tary Dweharxes, linpotency, General Debility Mervoasnesa, Dyspepsia, Laniruor, Low Spirits, Confusion of lileas, VapuaUon of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblinff, Dimness ot Sliihl or Giddiness, liiaease of the Head, Throat, -Nose or Skin, A Hue tl jns of- the Liver, Lut..a Stomach or Bowels those terrible Disorders . arismg from Solitary Habits of youth Bt:naT and solitary practices mora fatal to their vie unit man in tong or tne syrens to uie ma , riuvra of Ulysseai bllghtiiu tlieir nioet brll ; Ilant hopes or antlclputious, rendering mar- . nave, dtc, Impoaalt'Je, deUuyui both body ! and mind. YOUNG MEN Eaiairlallv. who bava. betome the victims of . . B-jlitairy Vic, that dreadful aud detractive -habit which annually tweei to an untimely grave thousand ot young men of the moat exalted talunla and brilliant Intellect, who might otlierwlse have entranced listening Senate with tlh thunders ot eloquence, or waked to eestacy tb living lyre, may calf ' i with full coulideuc.. - . MARRIAGE. Married nersons . or Y oumr men contemolat- ; Ing marriage, aware ot Physical Weakness, Loss of rrocresuve Power O-mpoteney), Net vova Excitability, Paipatation, Oivaiitc Weak-, I nea. Nervous Debility, or any other Dkk.uali. Bcauon, sawaiijr reimwo. Ha who olaeea lilmaelf umlpr the eare iif Tr. I J. may religloasly confide in his honor aa a ' ' geuueman, and eoundenuy rely upon bis skill as a physician. . CROANIO WEAKNESS Immedlttely Cored and full Vliror P.estored. ' " ' This distressing Alleclioa hick tender ., life miserable nd marriage Impossible la the renaity paid by in vk-uhis or improier in ulgences. Young peraoeaare too apt lo com Bill eicesse from not being aware of lb dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that understands this subject will pretend to deny lliat the power of procreatloe Is lost sooner uy uiose xaiung uito iniprumir nauiis -than by the prudent f Beoidus twing deprived of tb pleasure of- healthy oUipnng, the tuoet -serious and destrueUv tyintonjiol both body t sudinTDrtwrbio. The system Oeeoine derang ed, the Physical and Mental Functions weak- -coed, Loa of Proeiisativa Power, fturvout IrrlUkbllliy, U)ie-pl, ralpiuimi. ot the Heart, iudigosuon. Constltuiionai Ublln v and W astlug ol the Frame, Cough, Conauiup- lion, Decay and Death. A CURS SPEEDILY WARRANTED. Persons ruined W healthy by unlearned pro- tender who keep th. m ullling mouth alter 1 month, taking poisonous ami injurious coin-poundia-should apply Immi-dbitely. . DR. J0UNST0N,' : Memuer of th Royal Colleg of Surgeoas, London, Graduate 01 on of th moat eminent Colleges In ihe United blatet, snd the beat part of wkose life bss beaa spent in lbs bus pltalsof Loudon, Paris, Philadelphia and elae whnra, has etteeted souia of Ibe moet aalon labina cure that were eter known; many troubled with ringing In the head aud can whan aaleep, great uervonaiiesa, being alartn ed at tudden tounda, baalifuliuuis, anil fee queut bundling, attended omutliue with dea rangetnent ot mind, were curct Imiuedlutely;. TAEE PARTICTLAR NOTICE, . Dr. J. addressee all tho who hat In lured themselves by lwprxir liidulKctic ud soli tary habits, which ruin both body aud mind, uunttlug Uiem for wluer buslueaa, study, so ciety or marriage. That are sola of th sad melancholy tf feet produced by tb earthly hatills of youth, vis; vteakmee ol the iisek and l.nnua, rain . . In the Head, Dlmneet of eiht, Loss uf M ua eutar power, Pclpitatlon ul flat Heart, iiy. IH'pala, Nervous Irniauility, Oerangeioeiil ol , liu Uigeativ FunctiiMia, Uuneiai Debility, ' Symptoms of CamaumptioD, at. si t- 1 Ai-Li . ibe luaiim etiwis on in Btlnd are u.ueh total dnuuled. Loss of kteiu ory, t'oafuaioeotidraa, IK.prvaaioaef bpirii., till roralwuinga, Atrraiuu lu r.l. t), Cell Ilialnwt, Lov of Solitude, 1 iiulility, kc, ar some of the ti lia prudured. 1 koaaands of persons of all licet van ow ludg what tt tb causa of their declining L.alih, btaing tbelr vigor, becoming weak, pale, aervoua aaal ema laled, kaiing a luta tar sboat lb ')ea, touHh aol lympWBitol t,'onauni.U"B. lutnu aa.i Who htv Injured themavlvr by trrtam pr.(ee (iidiiite in wt."-n tnfs, a biii lew t,ueiy i. u a i..ii e..t a.uii,piuni.ii. ui aa erheol, lb nart of akirk iv miilitly fell, tveu when eaUa p, w if rwrre raetmre tnarriaaT tuiajaaite, aad d-t'ji.ya boib Kind id buoy, aMHtid apply iinme I'al' lT. 11 that a Pity ttaat a touug Baalk to BOM el hi eoeetry, the pnde uf hit perwnla, aiiuuid be atiattitrd troa all pnal u and .. yteetil of Bfe by Uie fnwee.4nmra "f drrielnig fmta lb mlti ef at'. me, aud nululanig ia a certain swrat kal.ik Baa h parson ataat, eefor tea Isaaplaliag . . , - - - MAitrnACE, - : Radaellbal a avd a. Lad aad body ara 11, a moat iweetaaiy i.iiiaitet U. pir-aioie euaau. Iiial liappineaa, Indee,!, wllki.ut tt.aa IJ ). Uiroaek lile bmiHiH weary piigriMa. II. 1 rtti. I k'.il") nark " I" Ike Mr v. llaa aaie.1 lai ,Maa aliad't J a .th U l a.r. ai.J an. d Uk tlS BtalaaHh. ly rebarluaa IJaat la ' heppinv fd snoil.' r la t.i4;liU d .Mb i.ur oe A CERTAIN HIbEAaE. ka tk aaifahtai aad Imiarada-al t.nre et pkaaer be baa luiUt.l lae a ale a. ttaia paawtat dataaea. tt t-aa afwa ba.) a the aa ad llw tat aawaa 4 abame at attaaaa . , a ta eotery deters klia frltasii ll.". wb i, inna rtaraiauai aa ra(aiuiiii, raa vooe kafrvaud k.ia Ha fall, wr.u tka Lu 4a af tgauraal and de n:i- per tt na, iW, la. 1II4 4 .tHtl.g. BieB baa -.aiik.ry tela tuixa. kp l "e inri.og ta.'.b e"f la't-ia. ot at tung aa tb l.a aaa aa w.a-a-a, sad ia daaiaut a ka wita ra.aa laaiia ta etirk aavrr bM gai,ii g .., r ..,.ia..-,n i.t, ky ti.a aaeof thai aer p"a.Ma. a.j . taaae Ik raasaUaaU.aa4 a,a. taaa .1 tl..a Baan aaa to aiaae la. 'I ai -ai. , u k aa al- tareaa-e aarw ttRal, tAaaa ea-, e-a peiaela tbe baa aa4 limi-a, dituaaae il a k lu. VaafaMMe. I l tbiB b.... a ai d a-u., toutekee aaa 4ba baaat, fare aad Siraa, pa-ay' aaiit-tt "B ItigaUwl Papanlv. till e teat vba paleaa al kke aa.. a ..r u.a l, aa n ti.. ran aa. a tae ea-atea ai n, a a e rvi taaewat b-4fi blai-tl W toat-fa. aa.aa thai U.I aa4 pa 'a a pat 4 ta t a a.aa-i(a) eadaelxig, 1-f a .'1 "a t aa la Ikal ktMcawirnt eaaetrt frota -a kari.t to r re tawaa.' ?4 paak, tbat,.aa, IK. Jukiiaae t't-tt tie Bum rerlaaa, !!, p,.aai I t.. 1 .a laal ra aa la a la Watld, lOlflrNP, t ttlMJ Irtfrl4ls tf. Dttlllatt rr, Fiairi Utiet. Lett baaat aa4e,t faa Ba.'. -ai tt at a. .4, t t.e 4 -,4a fmaa tl.a lat.1 I .-i a I Ul aa ear asal aeastar. f lie taiMae t"il a.l.- a j !.! ar ,laf l p k" b aa. 4 i a ..,.(. , raraaia a.-?. 4 aaaie aa .aa aaa a paUot ui a4n..4it ... . ,. B t) a- TM tltarkav't 1'irtA.MA bea-.t ai k . ' Kii;U(JIT 4,'F THE Fk(.-4k TU seat tb"waid t aueal et Ikle aatal ah, aa,a ta a4 ---.', a.aa, a , kaajaraaa lw-tta a-a- , a. t.t,,. -,-e . , f .Ma4 t-f t'V, Maa. tilaaal $ laal aVaaaaaaW-el..aa -4 I. I ...a aaa kali tae. pw.aae (4 Wkak ka , i-a.1 a. . H-.J afaa kaf.r taa pas-w-, k-aaaaet ai eag aa a eaaa ef k- a -4 ra .- a . , t. a t a; t"; war! g aeraaam I !.. m ,tl ll.ftgASg lCIUlLl 1 ! l ,1. B,M Mil I V,f I ""i fAHClT CO., 1 .... Lt 1. i In - f a. a I f 4 V I V tl t' 4 I t Ih mm fi . i I Idb1 fc i ft i -l)a, , -dt JCAl.tinfl, C I Ja. nil t4 rt if tt I. 1 a ' a Si II f-klti'