THE SENTINEL FKDAT. FEBRUARY 23, 1871 ", Telefrraphic. LOCISLAKA AFFAIRS BECOMIXQ SERIOC3. , WAHiBOTOR,Feb. 17. -Tne LwiaUn ytriMtbTOmTDg"CTT out. Upon resolution of the tut'ton leg Wature to reiottate certain rcburtt In" the New Orleans parish government, McEnrj called oat the militl of the parish. No damage teems to be apprehended here or there and np to thU hour bo federal ac tion bat been taken. It wu understood that the If cEnry government should be allowed to organize so at to obtaio the atatui before the court eoda not to be interfered with' volet it . attempted to eeSae the State govern met rtjiyiijthgujht - terettat t&eTlubrcon ha been crotsed and startling new may be expected. FROM WASHINGTON, WaioToit, Feb 87. The Senate bat patted tbe Utah bill. ; It provide eej meant of divorce and Tall date the claim of the plural wife to ah are the property of the poljgamitt, and give ttie woman tbe custody of her minor children. The pane! from which Jarie ere selected are summoned under the sua pedes of Ave commltaiooort three to be appointed by tbe United Bute sod two to be elected by tbe people, who proba bly will be Mormon. The Bone will vote early to-day on the ipulaion of Brook and Ames, : Snow ha agala sutpeadtd travel far FOREIGN. MasbiD, Feb. 87. The Minister of Calonie ha telegraph - - id to the authorities of Cuba and Porto Rico the formation of a new miolitry, and say the republic will defend it at whatever price of Integrity: - Lodo, Feb. 87. Tbe steamer Ortcia from Liverpool for Palermo wa lost with 80 live. The CarlUt General Old b marching oa Navarri. The Cr lists are threatening Pompelu ia force. Toe government troop are entrenching. FROM PENNSYLVANIA. CoLCMBia, Feb. 87, Jobs J. Burrell, coL, wu (hot died whil attempting to ttea! chicken. There wu a trap gun. CONGRESSIONAL. The calendar being the regular order, : Mr. Carpenter moved to lay the calen der oa tbe table for lb purpose of taking up tbe bill reported from the Committee oa Privileges and Elec tions providing fur a new election - Louisiana. "It It absolutely secretary,' be iJ, "that tbia abould be acted on la order to avert the bloodilied thowa by the morning p apart to be luiniioeot ia Louisiana.'' Bbwrniaa and M'tftoa alto urged im mediate sctioa npn the bill, and It wu taken ep. Mr. Kill .flero.l s etibrtitute embodying bit vie I ia favor of forming a Legislature out of the legally elected aaembrre of both tbe budiee bow claim lag to be tlit Legislature of Louieiaaa, 4 autberieiag lb wer 1ffs'frture Vu formed to count the return of tbe last eteettowand Heeler whs ere the bgally elected State e(Jk-A, Carpeater addreeaej tle Senate la tup port c4 the bill repotted by the majority aalttee, be mIJ, were fully art forU ia the Bairunty report, sad a tbe biU had bee submitted to ptreubs repreatnirrig all si Jet ef the eoatroveny. He eappoatd that ewe. were to be peaeed at all, this oat would be eatitfartory la lie dritils. bad Just Wa.kaadrJ by Mr.tUMillss claiming to be elacWd frota Loaisiaee, tales-rest sddiwsesd to hnwaHf, MrMltlaa Bad Gov. WaroMMilh, alike, a at wad at the datk M ftlkt ! If bw Oti iiii, Feb. U. J I'iOm li U tut Use that tbe eoaetry tawavlses are rapidly u k sow Willing their tlkfiiar to the Kvtkif f govern atral' Tbe penplt U the country, Ike tbe people la the ctty, will ne vtrytaij ebsjisews to ibst gnvsrw at t. It caa nevsr culii.t tbe Ut.e sad It eea only be auiaiattvad by (.era sad that furs wiU kave to be L'atlad Stales t "pt Msuoawd Is ever pariak to enfurae the satlwitiy of gsvaramant. Tale g iters ssett ra oaty b tut'tiiwd t j ss actual ruou, mI ml lk prpl, sad ik by tbekladof lurot abnh tU fy mtm4 suUalt to raiixe than have a Bnlita. Tktedwtxkh naa eigaJ I; a torga Hato of siilseae wb seenrilisg to Mill Ua, srs bavltag saa It Ike otj pariaber. Mr. Mioa mi 4, n eIj U a Vat bUm4 mMurUM, sad a "al too to Lo4iaa, IhU Ihie but aiMMtld paaa. A aataJI toMto to that (( hat. If tbe a:d bti tar j gire ..t, wHt s attadaw a a title? Mdav V. U, m Boa ra Uarattaf is af ie s faaitlutreas to tae Srlaai stais at p-T'ae mt'i-g punt'il-hwtiM 1U a aat had to fnm a4 totifc4 M(C'J. ft Bu-t4 4 4WM, ilt ; stiy wkatew, a .. 4ag ail M : J to d-i y tbe 9b wtMy mt tbe, it f 'eaal sad 4-.ig tt M b, MatSam) WM adt at ! tM"(iii-4 mf pawee aa . U Wl, to ir.k( . 4 C W-V Nat It eaMfal ft Miuai a M-.Kf, M 1 1 t 4 U 1 ataiaf. b ' f t l4fi .; a rM ft a lata t p V i '.. f , I ., t. I i tempting to carry out thit proclamatioa they would be mere rioters, and on relat ing to disperse they would be liable to be thoL He aaid telegram had beea re-. ceiTed from Got. Keilbpg, abowing what McEnrj wu doing and uoder what influ ence be wa acting. Ia one telegram Kel logg bst : " Got. Wannouth telegraph urging a CitjcJLda-Jwt-lhink the oppoaitioa can get strength enough, they feat lotiiigtDcDttJeDce oTThe" community. Their legislature jesterdey In another telegram, dated on the Oth, KeBogK tavt: "Got. Warmouth ha tele grapbed McEnrj a tollowt ; If job are a government doeometbing tothow it now Action 1 action! actum f 1 Trumbull I am authorized bj Gov. Warmouth to say that both of thene dit patchet, elating that inch dispatches ever came from him are utterly falte. . Morton I have nothing to taj upon that question. I have read the diepatcbee a they have been ent here. Carpenter proceed with an elaborate peecb. "FROM WASHINGTON. WatuiKOToK, Feb. 27. 'Butler ayt an extra station it inevita ble. Senator Rogy, from Miaaourl, ia at WU lardli Hotel Commodore Gillie it dead aged 70 yean. Tbe bankrupt bill recently pataed by CoDgrea bu been received In proper form by , the President, and , sub mitted by the President ia accor dance with the uaual offlciiil rou tine to, the department of for careful . examination by tbe Attorney General.- Tbe approval of tbe President to the act hi requisite on or before the 4tb proximo, to make the bill law. In tbe meantime Judge William It carefully con aidering the entire bill and the argu ment which have . . been - prcttaud thereon before tending to the Executive hie official view of the meu ure. The opposition thereto couics from merchant and principal bu tineas meo ol th cttie of Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, to which I given the most earneet attention. The opinion of those bo are more deeply interested than all others Is tbat whatever the Attorney General reports will be concurred In by the President, The entire Congressional del egation from tbe State of Virginia are pressing for an approval of the bill CONGRESSIONAL. ' Wauuxutox, Feb. 87. SaSATav Carpenter wu generally de nunciatory and quite eloquent, lie argued there wu one of two course to pursue. to acknowledge McMnry or pau election bill - . Senator Thurman, who represented the democrat made a speech favoring Ihe recognition of McEory tfce the only sola lion. Speecbu were made upon three points sustaining Kellogg upholding Mc- Eocry, and ordering new election indica ted tbat la tbe opinioa of the oMttort re publican form of govevameat la law d the moment had fixlcd. Imiic itions aie that th tto III be very i hf and thai tbe latue will be forced bafora the tfeaate adjourne. 1 The proccailingt of Ihe 1Ihm lu-day were quite sensational. Tbe body met at 10 o'clock and diacutaed U.e exputaioa reeolutiout till put Soon. It tbca pro cabled tovotf dUauUUlulB nffawd by bargrvt, of Calif.nuta, fur tbe rewilulloot and- tUi wu carried "by" a mcrity ol four. Then Sargeai's raaolattoa absolute ly condemning the conduct of A met sad Brook wu adopttd by a to of Ive lo oe. A third resolutioa of Sargent'e a a to dlachargt the committee, "en J thus end tbe wbsae tartar; thtt wu fli fitted by s tu I !,).' wu sgaia throws a pas. Ppcea, of Peoa Ssr4 a reauleikKi eaaeurleg tbe coadert of Kelly Bad Was diacuated atnld grist eicttetBsnt till the ftir for taking a recwea, if that reauls lina be adopted U will be Lliuaed b e similar raaolatkaa la regsd to Dawea, Garoekl, Ibaghtm and rkxfWll. FROM NEW YORK. Jtsw Tons, Fib. 87, UovsrasMKit tuld uw sad a bsif mll.lua gold at fuaiiara llij-thrw t fuartaaa tayawaa haaJredtka. The AaMaaUy al A!Ua km paaaed tw Yuk eitj that!. FIHK IS IKWTUS. D.WTVB, FU 17. A cMsrrad aa the ewar 4 II sa vee sad Blark Btreet. Oa girl pUu4 iatbelasxe. ft.lWaa girW ears pad less Staaig UsilJoig se jaaiped tn-m Us Ikttd skry sad ass rrsJiad la sWath Stxrftoe Was aavmly bjniwd to totasaag ftata I ha bwrwirg Vs la e-tMng rout. rVvaraJ Irasnsw ware k.iWd by tal.tog Waib I - Hisaoa IWwwa, adika? te the A Kf Um4 raraur. 1 d ad. MAhKgrii Livaaaaat, f.W. It. Cadi' ttiewA weO. t'4e 114 Orl.e t to 14 SMss saviade I BtJ AwrWss, BttVTw., ra. IT, . meWL s-Wi..g ir t t On a.its Ut ports cwsls. as III. tUlss 111. Iih raaty Wnsissfn, "kj t, Cvi'-e ., till, Xl r. I'ttv. tani). M .kJ. ,Nts V s. ),U. 17. Ctu4 Wff !. IwvWe !') kaaa. Vf Ia4at44, Sewal 14 FlaV all llt l't kl s4 lieu lail Weak. &etsqt, tt")7 Vm 1 1 f--.;. 4, Ut" j.aasaJ'y af (:.-. Wt asi aad t f t wt.rUg 1141. II It j ,4 U I It. 14 I 4. THI.JCIK MENT OF TUB FCbUC- Doctor eiatcree. T.vih tcbool of meJlcisa I ditto w'uiel, It la ekar that felf asyof tlx ail can be right. Bat it medical men cannot I agreed apos spy tbeorr or tratem of practice Uapablie.8ad so dlmculty la agreeing se to oolortoot matter of tact For l"f'"vea they bar observed for many yean that HoateUir'i ?!!UittlClaJtaiforaiy ear dyapneia; eaottlpatton rbeamiUa-B blliouaeaa, aarvont Ssblll Ti tnrl many ntbw dtieueewMct XSi preecripUoat of iba pharmaeopcta do not and cannot "core; sod they know therefore Htat ttaere -'Ttt'M mistake about it. Oa thit point they sre firm and poaitiva . Thai take th It aland on Incontrovertible facts, and they data to one .another vereHy, and sometime by letter, what they kiaw about relieving and preventing tickneu with the ataodard vegetable tonic and alterative of I Amerke. litre, then, tba Invalid hu a enarantee of tsius mat .n ha rlfA , 1 1. a ...1.. I inuirmcat at the tmblle. After twentv vears of oUerra'ioo and reflectiun. the Aiaa lean people prononcce ltostettr'e Bitten the I miurni ana rei(uitun( neaieine at I their coiumand, and give eviedve of tbe filth u Micai j urcuamns; iu'TC 01 n iota I anyotber adYertised medicine maaufacturwdon inisonuneut A large number of phjsvians uw.nowerer oineron otner points in tiMrspea' I ties, admit the eitrmordinarr nierita of tbe I ttiUaress a tunic and alutratira ajirf hmm. I mend it u a preventive of malarious diseases. I and it a remedy In intermittent and remittent eivert, ... . , i HARDWARE, &c AllE YOU J0IG TO DIG I ! 1. IS THE BEST In the WOItLTJ Ibr Cot ton, Corn er Tobacco, Il'lsj the only IIoo inado of'tjoliaCuait Htoel It las the only Hoe tset reiuly Ibr uto. It la tho only Hop Var ranted serfbct In stock, I temter,(lnlall null (lurnlll- I . i For Bale by - WILLIAMSON," TUO'JJlA A UPCUCRCU, Leach bkotukrs, A. 0. LEU A CO., And at Bardwaia Iloase of '.juuus lewis co.; r Kaieigb, N. C fellas T u WATT PLOW T.LL TRIUMPHANT. ALKIURtATLY I Si KKAXINU ABO SAT ISFACTION LMVAHlAU I sis reeatvlnK watklv taapllea, a-d vet wltb all tay tfldiU have searvaiy beaa able to keep Mesa oa kaad this sea-oa. Ploce rad He ine low sua ut the osw horse Plow to mil hht Irtut l her ran be ao ol)e?lkia snade o then. All wt aak wber they are BH aaowa is s trial. , JAM a I M. TOWLRa, fab II tt AKant for tin MaaslacUarer. r l.Ms. tM B mi Liaisii issUawl ill f-ftnli fib IS J.C.IIM?IAeH. - H l tiarees tr IIaa Fdew- ' braadt, aay aU freta S to SO farlttt.' awaads. tact a. u W. C. ITRO.VAC1L I " " rwve r.m iT l..Ur J W at,.aaaa.- Te weel iljibeiu- I is vt l aiuiiaax.ll .ASliAA.l -mATlAVl l s S sj a a h 1 vsiw a- mm The aabarrlkar otar for sal kle leaUr r- Biar CiMUia e sssrs awntveed be earelaus Bow an.rte lo Um eoliua aualare lue wkat I ln lkaiil. ulbi Ul ineii.( I uL 1 toaaVeaao pfatai la las awrdw ataUa, eaa aa akusllid hj ail aae have tsetae Skaas aKs! a da el aibar vertevie d Baael Iauv4ad elikat the last taw fear fruas ta. aoaUrrrs aiaue aad autd at s aiarS fcisLariKka. IbaaWd aea aiia I taiiUi a- bw iy la UOs am Uua, l aeiUaisa U aa Urrte Iks rut)., brtaf Ua dais erU taaa Saoa liU.a' Sark-IM, Sad Siaa tut givlasl s Meuer yarfat a I a. Lalloa Mi sara. ut. rotlua pee uwa kaaand paaad of ih a, weaevs seysapur ft p( kaaaal al tae aia as SI SB aark- ad aad a,.,rd at tlartua, oa Us K U at. tv sat etawtiga,. U fck Ikdw A. T. MlAU p RWCTBI 4k UAMULt'i UfchlatlHy-sWd. J AI).t W AN n.MJ CANLLLA, AN ilMv slae llalal CatxUatet StswaBawaiart l.ivitl T a. 1T a 1: 1 sa I aaa Mantatora, aj t. MTi. tars. tOTTtKT iir, STA.NDAUD OUANOS COTTON lEIiTILIZfc.lS, orji.t mi it it.ti uctis.t IW ni..i.i..t 4.i lta.s(Cia. laa W. II tias i ts.tMW. . ,, .... F If C. TiiAl4 Itisliilt ts.TWiw ' f . f-aak, t. 1U XJAVast tjri'tiK Bm CsetUMl. a. V a is. d-aaaiaa. fas sa IM liaf CCkWIAiB. i mil i.Mtii iiwi i it Eart.1 Is I 1J a )aal ie4 el f f A laad I 'saats saw tt-aaiat esColu L J J a tu, e Slt. .a kl W,C-lfllt Ii. 1 .. CjLoT 11 Iw 1 1 SPRIXG CLQTIIISO. Rr. ANDRCUS & CO.; 87 FAYETTE VILLE ST. T tQ leave to annonnee thtt they are now - r receiving Iroa tiielr manulocwry la ew a&u-T r RIKO STOCK OT CLOTHINO. and would retpectfully JV their numerous niaoai sna ptiront ia th Ueneral Asaembiy to call and be fitted before leaving for their nowiea. feb U I . A DIE V E C K T I 1 B, C. ""T ar"u ehadea of Ladle' Flrhnt 'n Hecktiee. BomethinK new tnd beaatifui. Mewdesintsadehadea of Ladies' Flrhna . .. . . . ilso - Lace Cellars end Usderslcsves, , ,. i.inm tyoiisrt ana inns, laee sad Kmbroidered IIindltnrrhlef. Plain, Linen and UcmsUtcbed Bandker'ft, via uwve. ana a iuii line or Hosiery. fb HO W. H. H.8. TLCKfcH CO. F b o V R : Choice brands of WJLOJJM For 8-W by John Ii. Dorser. FLOCK AND COMMISSION MFRCHANT, SB g. Cstrert BL and 19 Cbeapslde1 BALTIMORE. Raraaaacat Metm. J. Con ior A a An. i Cashier National Machinle Bank; J as. kvui-aiarim merrusn s: aua. H. Oilmu nn. wureev, btii., iour Droner. T WILEY PLOW . A n en tire new invent loo f or thecal tiat ion pin 1st the naieiluie. Uie eby tavitiKone ea- uiuwiiih. Miuuiee oa exniuiuon ei I JAM 8M. T0WLE8, feb 13-tf AicenL 1873 , 1873 Receiving a Very large lot of STAPLE ASD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Consisting of Bleached aad Uabicaeard Domestics, niaai cea ana upuieeenea BblrtlUKS, fisd and btriiad liuswapana. aeniaetv j.aass. far ronnrf. WtssiUin.u.M fiea II. W aark anwud. which bare B ea boairbt at the lowest easb pncee ana will n S l.U LOW. iseav w . u et tv a. 1 LCaKa A CO. QAJRK AMD OOTTOK JPlanterB. 1 ast sp-tlnf sappl'a ef a 1 the most ap eovsd flaalava, aad wseM ba pkrased to re eelve or(W ae as la be sate to s ears tLem In I' me. Tbe demand was sa ureal laataiaane that nany eon Id tot set them, sad there will it'lKUW I Aa od lo lb. wis ought tab saihi'ims. t - M"l,' AM.e m. TOn LEt) Tho Pcoplo's NATIONdfiL BAITS . "-"aaaa ewsvtkavw ava, ratBrrtviLLB. X. C, Fib. ti, la?!. lNCWAJl! OF. C'AIUTAL bTOCI.. 1 rrillia B.b kavta. ..n. I I Tlui 11 ,. 1 tolnrreaiet'sl lAO.ISAI; CH,a is I J mrr"J "- "" "-"" "i sua crtj u w art - 1 , . ietl, U.J In. .... l.i sr.rtb.ketuaU.dIrH- .teof sH2ss?i I vvvt aw MIrtlS I MuarrllAloMa I irate at pee eraL per s. sua., tinea Ssl vl I iwasiat W tueeluanK eaoa. ol ,ae Ip.tow I lea It -as a IIU' leakier. "1 ( Jf Lb, tlllf (Tt'FF. 19,500 U,Uk) laa. Walls -llrd H.sJ, . SO kaiksie watt. are. I buaaa CWsi tiUil. Fes on, I kwtaa Ribald Baeusi, 1 M U t barrai Urd, - AUaerweLerd, ' ' ' M bates II. W.i.b'l Uuadrj BwtUed Fkksea. Ckotre I kaaas, Ouk wa, Csbtds(, Celery, Sears sad Horas sWltsk Laff Vartstf Csaasd Fraiuaad Veaelakiaa, F-Vad Hasa, Terl.s. Terwaa sal hUta WeaW kHtSWisli.iMIIMiWirAi l4 . ;r-a-al sa sai .es fai aad I, ' , SlfnasirMil IIV.ll Wtsal A -" la.i.kla.. rai. mi aad aad. tai l datwrsel. lib t W ATM Al UxiTT 't flM I s4IZIV.A1B-,U.Al.B aid TAIiuaua (I-vaL uuni.w. BtkM V II. a K..TUEla co. T)H.irk1tTI- FIMt bt aa eeCa. Mtks tat w4 WsL I-,. I a Uot, sd In tj Wty tat aV7 f.kjttf w. c. lkott II ilAkiita fita itm criTu A ta aa .d lew ,..,( M tw.e laa basa. aaa.aas, tsAkt...ABI, T-w.. w-,K, 1 T1 011 AioUrt Foe BtKT. il I 1 ae eVw ks tbts faatsuls a j U- Bv. W. A I Bi'al 1M at ika Wu ... m a v.-., r..u, s-.. ., . ,7. ,u J. baa l.i ! .mmm. ... B i. . . llVI .I. Ik.. ,. . !.. LlIi e.a,. v? '."Tl . JjbtM daAEIKU, - km, it j, I - k-d ateatswt t laa taaH ( s.u4 sad , ATt 4 Hlklb st vr a4s a ..r, aa CLOTHIERS: atafl.j,..,, , il.Sklawiiwe ls ..-. KM at as al L E AO H B R OTHER S, GROCEES . . AX ( " ' 1 ' . - GtNissioi' Me rchani s WILMINGTON ST., EAST ARE OFFERING GREAT INDUCEMENTS TOTUE JOBBING TRADE "A" Sugar itt 13cM "B" Ulnar ' nimwai ijiieqi.r isw ti ivie ii 14, Candv In SS lb. boxes fttc.: no ehanre for boles. Br ndr Feehrs(ar'Ui S3 M i dn. 80 Bo es Fes-1 HUuh st Sc. per lb , .V Holes Hoxee fesrl Lemon HacnlU it M'-iC 10 Dozen ion Hncnlu it Hc 10 Down 8teel Jorks 1U Dozen Bte. 1 -hovels, 10 1 Dozen CirttooOirds 20 Bbls. 8. H. Brrnp. Hhrt,, tnba Moln.M as Cases ft PHk'esJS tinws C'annuJL JU Dozen Eurr.ll Uoae-sTiStrV uosen rirooms. ( ases O sters. UkbPotat-et. 20,000 LBS. SIDES At eoirepondln;ly low prices. IMMENSE REDUCTION WINTER CLOTHING, AT RAMSEY 29 Fayetteville St. jan 28-Jiu T II Insurance Co. Assets, 82,000,000. Offices, Nos. 320 and 322 13110 AD WAY, New York Citj. The Rronklrn Ufa Is Tltv rn.n. policy issned to iU patrons, the ruarantae of a eertila amawnt of astrtmaa valeat tola mi is tated 1n dollars and ceaU, THE BC8INK8S OF T1IE BROOKLYN UU.NUVI Ths desire end sins of Its maaaremarrt ' have most beneioent ran a liiuwa wraie wo, always 93 oueieu tjoos woiicitoet. A. W. LAffRIUCB, .... General Agmt for North OaasJias, feb ll-Sa I ffba ; Kaiea, H & 1873. FISH THIS QCAN0TA!ID8 CN8I7AI.ED WUBREVEB lKD. M ANLTirTTfarB f - dir oar supervision on t hi-" sks Uay kaa! to the Fcravlsa st arariy kali tueeoe CASH PRti F 11MK 1'klCk. Di llvrred oa Railroeds la Furbuonth. a-aod lest seas a. oid by W. aiTROattli. sVkVU. N. C. TI "''1'1 " Fertilizers ! 1 1 aVtJa.- - - ft taTITI IW s l t'.-a -I U.s Fsiwst. aad k.a sol kak la.. ;.a. la ear sf .laaderd Mllllt B. wk k a. a. lb, kr.1 .. k t rt... da ..i ..s... kt M.a.k.r.l-d.,-a a. a. . a kat s... srs e-.l.l lab. Fwa.ias. be as U S...1.1.1 i..0 ft. iasraata af laa FMa.las tmiant aad ta a. n 1 sr atkaf in" a, laMvfna pyuxin s. ivlb f.lui a epathuaa ana la lm aa red I la last tbe I we ew 'k a aaafai aiat' ssaats M ta sale sd Wld mat sev atfcaf sua. a, laMvlnaw wuainst f v t It slo S a Sbathuaa 1 Me sad I la taat tbe I we SOU'IUX PACIFIC CiCA.VO nJ W If ANN'S UAW HONE M I'KU I'lIOMilATi; 1 kth asll ksawa Bad ptsW atWs la 'Isn l rtm aad eats yaets 1 aiiOT. tiH,v q Miifi.1 tt.liif aa a w si ( .... ., tak a a ! B ft IWI IUII la Ik a Sw SMa tm a. kuaila .1 k I l'k. A I tailed saait 4 Ibaas statt aot k a-d it ay laaw ta ial.wa; wHmw Brl tataa af kwmbl and a la(. aaaUtM, ead sj Maaiirs tawavfe.) sa. s .t tvw aa R a.l dUan I f an buwe ea Fstbt.Uie S t a s. afaaad 1 no 11 lui.i.crr FturtT, a Wa I aa ta en si waawtq at alk tJ .1 s. k at aaaatfaai aataa, S-, t SKlt at barlae. kty saata eeja. C.. r-a tfl. Ew. IsV kt laS -aa. ll'L, 1'... B.'... ft ,s ktt, i.e. t.M, t t'4. Fails by taa saws sap. '- ) 1 , laa4 .'... I ss dite Usat. B....S. Aitai, lMt, t dr-V"t f .' I. kmt. Ijt-S - SK ans f s i I , 1 '- .vd tilts as a s siasia I ALL I Via. . c, D tin,: (T'.nu'ii t 1 ii..t ' OF MARKET SQ VIlAk, t 19 3-lc. rura "f?t Vi I-c, Fsm lv 8oip t 6e per lb . lb. bsrt u I 8teel Fori . 10 Duien Ste. 1 AND SHOULDERS. CALL BEFORE TOTJ BUT. & CO'S., E, of New York. - LIFE ISOONDUCTED OX reUNCTrtMOFl AND kljl iTY. a'wav twen to make this Co spasa; yWid the Its to Its policy holders. i d O CS 1 V J.VI V I , GUANO. IW 08 per te " kd Oi per I a We weia tiastkd to mpy olj kilf Ike Ar- UeitaTal Aa.i.1 U 4 ittw d lie an fsriM. fh d!maa nirinu virvitia ffw 1 III Fertilizers No. 1 Peruvian Guano. Guanano Peruvian. ColublcrPacfllc uan Wlvanaj Eaper rboiplutte. rare Zloar cf Bo Xrb Ground riaitf r A rTlctilt tueU Gal r. 9 ke a aaafafaiae' Sfaats M Ik sale el "iwk sad kavs W. s W.!, ea.4 I tt laa ibas . f ike sit. IS s I an as aar yuaisia IITw A r T. l UlUlll, karfs Is rJJ 0 Oil tt I Ki II. sv.-aT i I.F A 6 i 0 1 ki I Kit Read astS'kd avs.-T. tsliatst lis Milt U.l , 1 nun tttilif, .;ti. RAILROAIiS. QI!NGE Of 'gr.HT.UCLE. 8irtmiiui.iit Ofu on the KaJeltb Ik (..con K. M .rill i. ,1. " U sves RaleUrh ........ Airivee at Weldocrrrr."... ..." Leaves Weldon a.& . K . Klft i. w w . Arrtvetat Kaleifb ' SCVOtltlODaTloa Til Leaves Kslelch .' .. eoui Arrives t Weldon.'a a Leave Weldon 'i& Arrives st Kaleiub. . .0u i Mull train miles xosk cor vacrioa st el don with the Beiiicnl i i.i. u . .7 i Sf ?f!m ,V"."ok Kaiiroad tit lav s balLimwe, to aaj from all points Nortn. d with Vetertinnr kli" osd rui pX. ' E3d IjXIt? 1 ', WjkSx' w oi anu norUiwes,, Ana at rlaiKh with tle North Ce-olhi. Kai rood to and from all point gonth Ud e at week end -wltn the kiih An,tt.u a, Line to lUywowl sna e'ayeitevUle. slfSH'SiHF.i And st Kalcbjh, with Ai-commodtUon red Fielirtit trainton NorU; t:r,ih.. w.u " Per,n llt-m,, .1""" TT' vUit Klel(h in the morula bt Actwm,To7. Uon train rernsin aevers) ItLe S'Z tame evening A. B. AXDKi. W . Q II A N O E OF BCHlDUks "ALIIGH A AIGL'STA AIR-LIME kiLsios, N. o., Nov. Wth, 18j. On and sftt'r f sturd.v r,. itT, on the KsJerKl, auku.i Air Line will Vaa u.iii Vcuuajs excepue; st followt: au. tana. Leaves IUMkIi ; u y Arrtvusstbauiord )j Leave esnford . u Arrives st KsllKh .V;;" lih tbo Kalewh A Oasios KiUod lo aad from ill pointt North. "V with tha Wetera Hsilroad to anu from taiettevUle sad polnuon ern Ksilroad. -1une 17 tf . . AMIhtWe, " tupenntcndiB. QAKt FEMALE ACADRHI CA11T, N. C. iu jubcuoboi the AorUi Carolina with the Ihiiasin awlruad : that beimr eaf 01 aeceej fruia any part of the euie. lt Is penally noted for lu health lot s' ion ana a conininiilty of Kood saurai ebaraeler Ihe friuelpal, hivias; had tevaral Tuars ol erperlence w b-aliH K, kopee lo uktii a ioa- as wu st au SM-rease of U.e latroa at fc.tirtofore eaieuUed Is tbe echool. Ike IsieuiurUoa wiU be lhonnxa and srs tcnwUc CoespaiaalaaslataslewiUbeeaiplor ed as required. Taaas raa laauoa oe vwtavr witas Ona-balf la l..u. I Tuition Ja Fnitliak liepartaMst, t) " " faaie onGatar, -41. UW " " Laua ar raaik, saw I -- . ,..'" I W raw bs obuk1ad''ui oif fas. I (It per saaaUt, ateiadtae: wsSong sas) faasllioi at Fur parltcaasrs, sdurrst, . , , MJs. V. C FELL, .antdlwAwlat rnuova. I jsr UJtTU CABULI II A . Wasa Loeatf . la the partus Coat. .. I s rears tesH band alter W. r belt and WU. Kllea i. chait, PlsULaa. asuust I kV Mortec t ,rx. if O W. Mot da. aaslwau. Ali, Uarel AUsa Mar C. I Ailum tt. rusitaad owuaua . blisu. a- I fcadaata, Actios for labstitutioacf I ut trsel fnada. A saaiamaa Bsvlix bica leaned ta tka aeiiSuissk ewmiy r the aVedaaU as the ab ve MsM seo., aed said eeana kav, , Md uada rat w as a W all of saat ittlsnitaaia. eis-pun Ike Snl ttsud, Uwt iiry are Bat ta k- leuB'l la Muke. at d II spsaatu la las e artahst lb. hi4 ae eadasi., wua ikae "l'i" as on as ai. tra Bow-sasMiBia at ta atato, Ibat itre la a ran-e n( SiUwa,. n.iii Biatitr ol U.e artsow la pvvpMts witkn law tiase, la akS ad d.lrrd.uia be. a aa Miienat, It s tbars 1 AoVutTTptsTauBa? " MW1,,' I t,and that paM.tiea k sards is Ike Pewtiasu s scviuuar t-it il-Sn-at iaism.i. "-.' . . wtwa ior .it sscnasiie woks, iaali. sets slaw I to kaa urn iba apaar at the ant awes 4 said rvart oW lb 1 la MuSKaV afla laa .d kUaMai .1 trUuarv, r-,a, al lueeoart kaaaa, sa kaksxa. ilsas aae Ikarw W sawwev Ik s - " pm at aasis as s t ad ks Said Hi., aiad art as lata soWae, aval Bf they lail ta eawwn setd Sisaitesinl a an ad A. a aaattasaa.. I aaaa s el n ua a lw., 1Lrssr laa He)oOa a 1.1 aspts lar ik. naSaf t nl ed ta ssw usn imtt-U LU(. C irrk of sedd w Iba llik say i. . bt kiiMj, a u f . k II trow TynAT A FEer omta Ut a EE ir no thim ut o TV ' " . Al) jl'STAULE 1'RlliO HtU BUTTON I fciLl.aa, N. C aeeary 13 T ).! Lh. t,, ., it' m, b-au I. I ,nt gn.s s .aiue satlaiii. 1 ka liMsit e td laat I C-a a tk trtt.tdusaa.asa lWs. tvaitNt.i4Ui.iit. I. II. k xli. i.e. ... , "siffcw.ll. C..s I t ,. 1 l i e. it u. .l .r s tm t U at is etataa tW. ia.iui. . .. I aa M.aa4. is, esuat a. I se.ri.iw f,4 ""a a- 4nW I taal sataiaad Ikal al. iT.!. ZL SZ Tt.- Vs. 1 u 7 r L t, .... , J rant llltil, " lnt tbetiS Haa.! i, t-4 atket ssrt inu ....j II aa.!e d. l4 Wl atrt saus aa aS aaa-Stttstad It a mI Sa t. . .ad a a-aas b-a BawaUstan. A ELLIS, ...lama, '' tt., ksMtsa, B C JV T H t TIM It I 200 mi CUAAU ftnn ea at as ia.V l A C tsM-lk tm, A. Isarli aisS. l.k I Q I ti I I) t I I I , LU pf ls., , C 1, AtTVkllf t U k'tl L k AT It. Mlnmi.ii.isiiMi, ! t. la 3 r-al.M.t t a a. a asaj.w 1 B 4 a at dantwa a.- daae.ta? awSMas ad tw : 1 . t . I X l a4 ta V S . - . t k j 1 w it U . JJAl,WMii. - t- at - a 1 , . - , a, ii lt t to. tt, f t- 1 1 1