THE DAILY SENTINEL AUVC IU lel.Vi n.A'1 t.i AiHerlL-ciiienti. dill he nisei'led in 11. e l)ii'.'. pwrnifci. ni tl folloirf rate jn-r mfiiire ol nn Hid,, or w.-n rie. Uoes. ? - . Otiesnnare "M 'iue... dl. 0 r" Pl'BI.IHHRO WV TBS SEXTISEL PLBLIsniNC . COSfiST. , Otiict, near tho Court Hoii. ami or niKurnoi. ,1 W!t k..5" I S'lkUir,? III'). !:.'! 1 morttl., AuiJ "' .' Jroo', l'J.t. l II .IU 3 IK.0UI ' 'ill ' M.UI Jli.U .1 " 11 "MO ft " , ' .8 O.Oi " li'il tieml-Weufclv ' " " - 6.0J Weekly Se.utioi-1 ... S it) 1 " The LilLt ifTlSC(, will 1x9 Je.Hv.sred in : any part at the Ulj at Firrua cent per VOl, VIII. I iALEIGM, NT. CL .WEDNESDAY MAKCIT. 12, 1873 NO. 1D5. t ." , - wees. -4.V t " THE DAILY SENTINEL 'Silt' pEilji jlmfiytei MOUNINO KDITIOIw. LV EST BY MAIL. D(f, Dumb, and Blind Aty lum. j fcitjMt lot a t her that at tlx cm- 1 ExtuittATitD r-Tbo. W iisumt, www, : ' I mnnr.imniit of lh nmi Sussion ht it to I oaf ..ibili t-ri il .tin SumUv. Mi l defuwi- tlEGEST CIBCliLiTIO) OF 1ST PIPER I CAPSB w oboh hunter's msiussAt, hsr(J , c!lss artd totalled as one of t;J lJ(,Ul. with the M.r, y.tter- PUBLISHED IS THE CTI. LATEST THLEG RAFZIIC t NEWS ON 4th PAGE. OFFlCAt RECORD 0TMJ i,,-, -4ba-intUtutam Ha-i day, by requtwt. The arr waa mails I Mssirs, tiKirvtN HorrsiAS, Newspaper s hu.; okcm, ""o. , Buoin sireei, oam- i . Tv.K ,. .i, aura. Mil , amuaTy satliorized to contract lor I ul pun, .,.uuv nV.u favors with that house. KROIl TUB PROl SEDIKOS OF TUB OI.D BOARD, ETC I. mply BOW 0 trial." Mr. Nichols," ii quired a repute of I .fcDidn't the lgislluru muko mi p the isKNTJSEu last evening, "why have I nroonalion of flv thouaanij dollars for you rcilucid the cinsso from eight to six I" I the erection 'of a buiidin-; for the lorcd "There are pupils coming in, in the J department V "Yes, and alio provide! tlmt t!ie Board by officer Dnton, Mr., V ilium an cllneil t tUvalud vhem he olit'tiued hi i pint, i MOTHS!. S Bit ADVISED. Alyi ktep a hutU Of Drr Tutt' Olohra- t.. .1... k...... I. t - ........4- a cmnpmneniary Btvviiniueni was nd pi.t eure (ur m eon, ra:a,, givm at" Dvlmonico', In New Yotk, liat 1 ' KTmeio we u, nii emmrea ? ' , ' . Ufee Urmihly. otojourdruuitililtotUj ii cuuun; i ur. Pi o. ptmif i at o , i maj m Mm liru o your UtUe one well, of ihi State. ' ' v,..,rT,. . tnn T n...i,..l . v,l I Ult W. It TtlTT! urn imi i anouia oe fwwa u imniN BANKS. KEI'OUT 0i C'owrfitivaqf A CUimu' JtVMoui i2m.t if Htdtigh, J'ortA CotSim, at tM f tiMi'HW, tb. Silh. 1873. - ' 'mtsocitci. Loan ami 'illsconut. ...... . Valcablk Miil.B -A farmer came to t -wii, jckterJ'i, itl what wa etrideotly ghji iiwj, mm ii w nnuini nupcijsiDHj 10 a many lrick a? we milit iiwu, irm 01 nj m-i "" r -thsaily thu pupil, mid put them In charge, i Wo hiw with thufae brielt nd and wa deaf ta all appeal, SuJ iudifTer cliants to u to hve tmau all of tbotame tho f 3,000 tl bo ibto to etret building ent to b'.o. Tlii wat, "onmistakabty, a grade a iu ordiry tuhmils ; iiud;. thnt will auiii y Hicimimoilute the depart- trick mule, and a to animal lor a slow . . .. I m . . a .. . J mint, The pi m for the builUing are wrm cannot oe surpaaseu now bring . drawn. U i expected Ka eiiiii'iit-iii-i) iin cni-.i m nl the building at an eurlv d ite." ' m n..i.. V i.r i.. ;.,.. I ...... . :.t .V . . i T'T I iTi ruraiw " 1 "T- 1 "."i"-7 . E. " . ,u,7 K'u I U- o. Bond, to secure cirruUtlon hit matobk,, imper,n.ti. n of 8 Ion 5 7 ''froll'dK fall.. - W UIVH . uv ..... Vrrlrl r of the Moodn ui-),-iwir. CU V ALMANAC. Wdmesd4I, March 12ih, 1873. San rii , ft 15, Sun seta.,.;..:. . ...... 8 (17. THK BUItLU or HEALTH. IVjbillty opto tU door to (Uai-a, jiorit Due from other Katloual Hauk. . . vr. troin oUier buk and tfaukrn, flunking llouw , . . . r,--. .......... t F urn.ture and Future, xcluuge.i qui utly teacliem liv. hi rwtiitun-, had to I te.ivh Iwo t lassfcs, because the liutitutiou wa ii1t utile to hue a Tea her 1r every W WAX1IBJ1 HEPOKT. WAtniNUTOM, Maret 1J 18T3. Forth South Atlmtle and Eierft Onlf I clai-. 'And, treccs .rily, the BUte elomly weather m11i!rtit wind. cw ncrB ,1 ,) I,,,,;,-- CITY, COTTON MABKBT, ,ne empioymgoi a tonotiiT i r -iumu Reported dailv by W. 0. litronm-h. roeer I tpectivelv. After -cimuluti ttith the and CommUeion Mcreliant, JTavctlevUle 1 ,.i,.,. f '.. t...i . . .i;. s 1 . n ,1. 1 ha been i-apturcd, and it now la jail, for thmwimr a t.illi.l i.f it'iu..1 lti.r.n..K m ... window im thu AV. C. &1 H.. hiim time I 'hlU. Wten th s door tuu be t iwned no I Premium. . ..!'. ince, by which Cap'. It. O. llivan, CvHi- ,hi trlb! rt enU-rwl. phy.ica) I 0"h iWt. tneluiiinitiiUfn!., " 'u ,u ,M " ' 10 ,oe ea,a rrartlonal enmne . .". . of lit eomoufilvU pjur. Tliprt-fo-vhirlh, I NitsisoitTi Thi dtMMum -aa , tl-t I doat. aofl U potuto,ketp it birretl 5 w,tf Ik I Ugt) Undur nLb','.l.,.I.". - roCKD -Twts1 InisiraiisivB trutikt wra found on the tide walk by th police, I 8eitr llmnt, wc-mi to lie but little tut 1 ha already eeuteJ oo hol4. rail) Street : " BAtaiOP, Man h 11, 1873. Pru t- of cotton in our nmrki-t to-ilay : At Vi m. - 18 At 11. m. ' Sale 85 bale. Kiw-elpU. ,........ SS Ton of market firm. HBAPFAIRS. pup I into tlx eUssK S. tiud yenlurdny a'Hl to day we hare been examining the pupil and liUeinptiiig to cluuily them into tlx c'o, ait near ,a pumilik-. I do not know but wlmt we will have to make one ychcr k.-b t wo ohmet yet. It wat only -'. f,'r ,he burglary committed ut fhr the iiuriHwe of ninkino it hrtti-r fur I r. lltcKl . The lik-k't Ilurglary. INTK V1KW WITH HollDEGAI AS0 OHIF- ' Vie. ' : , ' ' The SivKTiNKl.' re renontative had an Interview in jail, jecleiuur, with Hie two wgroe, Mordecni and Oriflloe, aentencad Monday Bight, who took them tn to the f dnuod. Vim trgfet to knum.ttiat eighi lock-up. They were lound to contain death occurred within u-n day, durinn nothing. The owner turned up, yestter- but UiouiU, U the . iteigbborbwod cf day, iu the jH-reoa of Mr. D. 8. Waitt. Wtight't Ferry. i ' ' ? They wcru thow trunks which bad been I IUturmicd. Gen. C. LLvenihorpa, the v nuf- hy. iuit ike, heu hi attire wa I Cbrtttian hero, h. Marned to hi old . lo-cd. ! Ul aKtk at the , mmA a mmim, I moantof doteg U.t. U thin eer, on'. ,,. VuL! . ;.' .;.:; fwat'h. Brae Bp ik ok-lique with Hotet I'roiiland i.o,. Im-t Stomach BitUr wkea Umt re eWmeaU N!l1uJ nk cUt-uUdon ouUtand la the air yen biwlbe or tht water jam drtnk t"dwl'repolw, .. . .'..'.'." thai are mortii or tawhokteoi Tbia ) Jliier' . hu aouuunuliu( 13,1,140:0 ..-.( (j, a.rmu (0 u,v (i 10 1.107.1 " 8,5.t0 ;.( -2S,Iou0 ,17tf.l7 e .18 - ilituu.t0 ati,WM(0 barring the duvr. kVUUinUu and enJtmlo the tvai'ln n, und hr the pupi' them- HOTKLABBIVAL8. teives, the chne wtt made. Mr. Tom- ClTT HTKW March 11, W U Hare I linn turned over tho institution to me and It W 1 reocb, . f cima, ri u. ; John a. Ai.fur-.u .1. M.ihuimin. We in n Ir in tUt! t 'liKriytpewKtat that the eau uf .Mr. M; rriiniu' ri-it;iiiilii'n if bU ft in ill.' it that he may iWvi l liiuiM'll tn the atudy of theology with a llenfrow, Houto Agent. National IIotki., March 11. K Bear, Kectuckv ; J II Timberlake. K. & 0. 1(. It.; .Inn liobinaon, Goldaboro' : John D Win. lord, Newbern. TarbducgIi IIoupk, March 1 1. 0 M yesterday. There was nothing unplcas antoccurred bu, on the coutrary, every thing wiia done in I ha mint lrirmou'nug muuner. MrrTomliinon will r"umin lu re umiltlie first -f next mouth, t mailt me all ho run.. Ill- t en proinised to nmke Park. A Nah and J Webb, Jr., IlllUboro ; any uggi'(ions and to give me any valuu- ' Well, Mordecai," Inquired the re porter, ' wh it have you to aay a 1 1 your innocence' or guilt t" Mordecui : " I do not claim to lm guilty. Maaun Baldwin, itrymt jours and areen- wwiod were ,tlie one who did it .Tby uid tbey were ftoW1 out to a fiolic at LinnJA.iiuiiii' ; and they naked me and Ciiaiu,atamii. That tmrivalled cbtr Griffieeio go wiih them. It wa over tan, J N ," bus written ut a c twl to about a mile or two 110111 uicKi,'. mere ie .hml . m its l,ture io the Hall tirtttnlnga cntnae Into tti )tea I boUlJ- C II tfciitt. Va. ; J W Wilton, M'rganton ; b;c mformilii, he 11-m that hu can, were .-n.e c.untry girl out there. I said of the Hou of RepntenUtive, this oitv, W,s Mwt "f F'Utt wl 'J: lW!MulWMf- la e.m.idertiof. which the Board bat I wbs going to gtt -toioo candy. Ote xhe 10th lorf.r ...d reqoett. a notice ni?lf". 1 lWn! ton Jam Bathgate! Ilillsboro ; J I Ter, justly tendered bim the ose of the h. M going to get o whisky, that U will do o, fc.r "Trmh't take," of ' I Smith and Frtnk Morris, Norfolk jvr building which he now occupies Troy, Fayeueville; J W Storing Chat- ( ()f mt month homo t Jtihejfoidt f twui Pattakia. Uu hat tbe hearty g-nd wtah4 of ill 10 spoitab, toea aays !be Southern It-me, and so aay We. , A dlltlculi im runVl n K glu Ilaud, early etterlay ttomittir, t the Wil- view to 1 tie ministry ' i.f the Puwbytcrian W'8'.B JWaoi, . f . Ill Hlk, buwe I rfce ntmto bur .Uvuro rati a. ,ruU u church. Mr. - Monisou will gntco and jtrteiW fcilisid nni , which KauMaoT. in J yw-Utbig irvi-sriiet u this vial (Uitrtaadat ornament any position he may asisymo or 'rK" w''ig prmty sevnely tut ve 1 't a most lonuldsWa anUgoulst of all deblU to wide ti rsiitf r 1 " 1 .1.-..- i tiiuiB.u .u. th. hat. fiimd-y night, ( t uu- fu, XTTlTi luiUnlht, bold tnhbvty waa moled at I awveaaad tin ttwaibrasM wbiek tbi-tttiih ticir rf f pf, f IJcery; near the c.i ner of FiilU and Nun sif. eta. Wil t Jl It. Beery gcntlvmaii's kh ki I ass to Nation! Iituta Jue to oilier bank and llankvrs.' ilCft,OOrt(0 s.iooio . s,ueA.Ul 00 tlW,t7Ut!k tia.ia tW.Ul'O.lAI III ... ... - .... I in saia in uvrng Rirtrutt tlitjl k I oills pa) slit Urns protected, Iv m.T laimb a skra to I scorn." 'But If UiU precautionary measure , , , t ,. to has beea neglected, the reed of dlsess can tx , . . . "77 . ' , , , - ' .J. oy ihrf nt potent vegeUbi. agen, JtJi: wanna, u isaa can , aavt prevent I naienieni w correct 10 u "-eat 01 my know) P. A MILKY, . l?aaliii-F Buhwribed and sworn to before oie th 1 1 lb layot ten, A lk,-ls;a. - - A ' W, HAYWOOD, J Notary Pulillc. ,' Correct-AtUst: W. K, AsoKimix, 1 P. A Winy. Directors. W J. IIawkixs. It n.a M It ' ui:roKT 1 until the 1 II IT tir.,.11 J V Unit Mtirl fl A Meba'ne, Mab.nesvllle ; llobt Mtyo, Vi "You have been connected wUh this A J Burton, K C; Dr. Robinson, Va; A institution bclore, I uodirstand t" S Melntvre and wile, and H rj Mclutyn, j WM raiged ( the institution. I en- U:HE Ambler and i CLnte, V t . , ... , ., ... HYl. cit.i J Me V, Elllnffton tredittsn spprenticc, In the p.lntiug Chatham; Wm. B Parham, Orsnville; offlce, twenly-thrta years ago. I was en Whcu wo got to Hicks', Mawnr Bald-1 which La asolrua to lis the aide Baivesor. I boolt, Contajuuitt tome 20 in money, wtt wins-aid he was going in. Ha told After "lifliae the veil." or tomethino oiae.i mtenjiin. r, ? i? ,,, Grifflce and I to siand out there at U, prbsW, :sit tb Iosan. Asylnro. Muhokh' i", KicnMOUD CorTT.-A ineweii, aauais ami .yni aioou Hierr. tt to Mid Ulii j, j, ne wlot told a wk ago last rtturdal.durltia a drunkea iuason uamwni, auo u.eeuwouu 0,1 proprietor, -1 am tba great J. fiolic at a iniiut between Hand Hill and - . - 1 t . will, theretore, Hot Rockingham, nichmwiid ciiumj. io which itu tti stom. eh ai d His I owe a it bu 1 I aatKly sakl tUsi a eouise of th Bitters com-1 tiMwcwl aow will Uu a tur roUqiha SKaiiwt Of Uu VvvHlto tf tht liJrkh iYirtoi4f Jku. most of Uie eouipUUitt incident to the s ao, . .. , - , -s , . uf AvrrA 'amtout, at (As ttm iu,'nHi . Iha fi s-ijrs tbero are ctpltatistt' ii) " AArwu-tf 1878. j ;' Boston, who biv expressed a willingness i f 'v. -.' to invi-st H'ja.WM) in cotton ketone in Ktsoiaca. Wilmington as onn as the. people of thai I '-"a,,, "d Dlseovi lUriT KI111UI flint tl.ira hM. n m.. m...l In .ki. I w - ... . .... . hi, tuiMuin m ,111111 wmvii ELIcrtloN IK Blll-.wirt-rh qusli- I Uus from Kedeemlng and Bt voters of Brunswick entinty vote on I A iri'iiu, weut into t lie uouse. 1 licy calleu lor Mr, I nhilnsonher Yna Hicks. He came and open. d th. door, cb.rge me lull t.rtce.- Oot." f, white mea and a ooUd m.a b, th. M'.'"d -m '. outi-o of tits I '"j"J O WBtsnVm.NC; E R Btampt, Tarboro; I gaged there, without interruption, for Aod wl,en A"1 J,ID8 o'- J aaid tbe hotel mtn, 4 1 will throw off half." osiut.of Jim' w'lteoparjcipatcd, WUJonesana A a iveiiam, X ; Ket . .bout ten veara. I went awav.aud havioa I llc"s was anotacu oon. . juuipeu I "Well " t Is as d T. N. taiu. "one irood difliemtt trrse b.tween the irtie. In the HQ.Wi 1 8 i initio tt, Kniiils to Secure Circulation.. Aho.ikk) im U.K. Bonds ' " itfMMlts . . lim.OMMO Other Oloeks, Bonds snd Morttrsiriia, pu,uti;,lltf otlwrbauks snd Baukers MH M7.WJ v'uni, uuiviifuMiix icrij iitot umm 1 b n,.... wek river and milk m it a frm ferr l,m ij.-i 1 ...... I 1 , x . uunr I..I.W., ....,.,.... 1 his is In ntmuanCH nt an ai-l nf tlia 1ml I lumiinn, Vwinm. WUsonChl'llChCr' V : ChM- BrOWDk7' turned, remsined In it during tbe war. nu ruu- th' ,D,nKt turn desi-rvci tnotber, tod I will throw off w;ut of hitH the In- tet mdiv-dual wstl Hsa 'egislsture. tas 'Pea -o. W A It HI I. tt-- - - li-.-i. u,u. itiuiiii.iiit'ii Hills 01 oilier national Banks,; , Tba I went into business lor myself; and ,lor Wedsoe's cattle yard, down here I Ml, nther. half. wii.i r r... t.- t.i .k. ...oil .. 1 at tne wovcrnor paiaoa. iwyan mstia sign the winter 1 about over. At Uomk. H m. . II 1; gcrt reache l borne from Washing on C ity last evening in good health. Fooliso, Gnflice ssys he and Mnr.le. ctl were only fooling when they got lota) that altercation io the other d ij. Cou 8AfaDEs "f tb Wilmirig'on Journal, who it sick it the Yaibrough House, It recovering. 1. 1. .. . v I. . 1 ' Ituttli A , m Tl, l..l . 11...... . . .., . , 1 1 ins ursir mat L.swvtr Aew itwouiu pel 1 ...i.inii .vrii. 1 w s miuw to this position. I have been connected I m.jh m-.iwiu p I.-,. ..... ..I ....... 1.. .1 .t,t. . k . TS....1.. .. ...I. 1. ... with the institution io tome capscity- l'mc:esr, he cou a get Din out oi any- -' -l' v. Treasurer or aometbing else for about twenty jesrv, with the rxcrition of about two yeare." . tr'hen will the new Steward tike Charge f " On Monday next" 0 What ihangea w ill tuke plsce on tb fint id April I" , Now, except foe in the Meeh u.ical I)i ptrtmeol. The watchmsu and otto tea tier in tin- iKsf Mute DepartmtBt. Tbe old a tlcl man, tttquvl Bridget, noti- ttruck tm tt.-t bwk " tf " thu Lead ikl. U a slick, winch resulted la hit dVs'H. Tli I t'ur white u.ia weta t'tte I t nd y eat or day three of them. Were I ded ia th juil t.t Ibwkinghani. Tha fourth seised favorable opportunity, mhllu tU tiain was only making ali mt It or 10 miles ta hour, to s ITcct hi escape, saying at be U-Sn-d ft 01 11 lb Ooui u, " Cmid dye, boys, ie train wss stopped snd a I EJanton Btitst M. E. Church., I undet going torn repair and there will bo no fed me yrsbiday he bad louod anotbet terv co there to aight . , place a ad has tinea left, and now 1 bava LtATW JLattv--Tb. a.IWo J?nKtr?i! J? &ZJ olth. Lunatic Asylnm will Wav. Unlay, ad regir, alecial ', at 10 AH, for that institution, where Hobert Wjcbe, wtll com. in o. lb. 1st of At a at 1. A mil. III Colutc4 DtwirtmcuL Oi .... , .,., a,... , , I bn Hunter. Jt.. the former tweber tbera. I "' b- Jtid. lUld m, Jooe. and Hon. O. K. MclU It radorssvl bt lit I wat removed by tba old Board, a you I Urwowm 4, ttnic are Ihe oowho 3 ,m Mem phi Apptal agsia, and In Tory flat- I e.a tea f yooraaif, by t xamining that I tin dsrasgv." rlri; t-rmv n th poslUow of trwcial j raenrd which the rr porter did tnd read -hrprrrw rodstv - -1 , thing. It whs Bryan who thowed all paid for yet, and toWtrdt liquidating tbtt pal t about the fice walk and fret tbe debt, the ladiet r that church gave a drink, and be nude that riffle one brtore Fair tatt night, that will slso be cootinmd on Then. Snow. Hu said the tame thing this tvealog at Tucker Hail Th gather- 1 bet; and be broke into a place in g rge tnd very brilliant. Tbe A. bury. j following tre Ike ntOMt ol tbt ladies who I pj m "UoW OiaslCyoUl- .i.e....,,Ue,e.,,f ,.ulU, ml .,,( ; pilty M t-Bt in pUr.uU f tlie fugllltt, -I di n't know how old I sin. I reckon Mr. W. f. thurel. and Mr. Andrewt; bu, lliry .llt-Pqll..lJtiy t,tUrn. d and re- 1 wss about twi Dty-nc I don't know Mr White and Mrs, Kuiith; Misecs Briggt, p,,,., J tda he tould not U found, (lor how old I tm. I could not tell." Magtuder and IVscud; Miaset Wmlsoa i dunn.nt Ji.l not km. lb o.imtofth " hem were yu ra.-rd r and Ami.; Mr.' Airnd William and A lir,iw tlTnUA f,.r ihcmuidir- H il Aar Ifck.agttuMr.Mod.ciil.-i J iX M. UwW-aiil. Vm lUllanbyf n4 Mr. ..- "You are M guilty"!' I', asai.ted by W. IL .Tood. Tbt ""Far tba renUaaL s.fl 1 . L 1 1 t. z 11. f . & tnvttilat til" llsaW b.aliii,i asas' 1,ia awawl ' -su.miBcao.iwie.iKemi.iggu.i.y. inasi"- r " a w Wir. ,ul., Br.,.Bwl k-ara, Ibsl wa ntVi bad ,Wip,.. Ji iunUuLf w Nw.r.ih bmllnia la Mw i ak tily. 1 ',.- pnlh ., ., , , . I luh the tin -luted ii'iu l fmiM Hie Sn mn.! jmus.wi ywj i4 .d M.h 5!b. . S C b. t frmn lion. M. , Unly ia answer to I Moikm l'dti'U At tba sni.a.l tKriundsy, Sill I t1., at Mr. C. M. Hood', I rnu-Uonst Currency. ay ne. a ji, n aiuoo, aivis Bon'rs ana miss 1 . Mi.IlalL .llnf IM..U. UnslTeuduc Not.-.. N E W A 1 J V E UT I S E M K N T8. tO.IKSJ IS) ,. . '7.(IO ... 'I.WN ... ',.17,7T 4,ov;7 i : ... Wat4ni ... .1,'MO i, 0,JlHs ... 1,743111 ... 410.1 ... 75,U00 10 l,7Bl,Mrt4 NEW AttttlVAlS. ' ' 1 , J SiMUNfi STVl.KS. 1870, . LutiLtTia. CsiilUl Mock U la, ....... ....5il.(liM.o S ir.rfua luiKl...,. n7.1sm.ou I'mllt snd ljias tMOII.a M atlaml Kaak CirealaUoa OuUtand-, hut MB.tnOno tlviili-mts antld. , 44 no Inillvldind IVimIU IWM U Caahlers' Clinks ouUtamling I, MS US Ii. n. ii-ioiis... wi.niu 71 si(iualu of U. . liisliwrakig Oltlrwra 0.V T t lM to KiiUnnsI IU10.S iil.-t.a Uu k oUiur Itaiiktana Unnkets. . H.V.S V7 II.WI, IHJ . don't kno.ledgelH ,'.Uy.Tl,t rwrip.s 4 ,M s-vrnrng were large ana w wift mui.,1 , ., aot itir drtmilia.ii.rn to go to Mr. vevjUilngjawd fff p,et m tly-slap di.iingui.hed Notlli l aMllnji pliy.ii in Wsr WestarteJ to 1 go to the Irolii 1 a few fskes'arid IrTnkru abtcli iirtipec- ui an x (0nle.I1 tain uig-oii, Dr. 6. K 1 worked f. the old gentleman, and I V ' ' JZ f. CUA. PEWKr, rs4iVerf th Ratnlirh NaiknuU iiank. do aolmiiily swear Um Ui .- - -r 1 I iwv slalmmm w eurrrct 10 til Mat or nf Mo 1 c h ii 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 . tw? --- -, - I IgitPM I V. I'fi" Rl, t till Mr, 5uVm nU'ii Btitl nworii l b ft lit tit pth lt. x ..M at. 1 stastft fm. Jm, . Stanford, reprtaentativ, ' b .i. from Duplia la th Lfgitla'.mo, has a - b,umctoat prmtt ,ufc iu. .ret.tu of tk. tamed Ibt piliwa of tdltnr of th. Msg- I i-.,ii- aUadateg ta Bkf.i.t IbaJa, miTVJit.- Mr. Htaf.i has abili y ! sUlaUoa, ta whlrh ebarg a ewafwaasd enough to Kskt a cspilsl td.tor. kllf gwiay, sad tltlah lb ttti Ottwrat 1 UMUier, it, ass asso 1 ibu sa aarwwrnwe T hat elegant light BxreiU, IbdU, :! for kU mUowdact, Mvnlstra lb Bu. kobewt Fruit Dumolirirs. Ak. " FV Giiftlea mUI ht bid IHdhing to sj but wwwt H'f 'bol had aiLil -,-....,. If, . "I wss raited by Mr tiriffice." "Mow old ar yoo V -I wis bora to IM. Till waa ail t'lit of (beat tBd. ttiPrtf '"7 tbt Imrrvlc but. Bt. tStrick'i Dsy ht fbll city affd aw, I asaure juo, much pinwore to I Maitnyoy oa ti tv,mngd Um 17l. t p- t r t J to sat I '')' tnr!id ! t'l t tSp- I""' . " . ? I nit4j.Uit,ii4LlU.ti.i.4 liaoil tiiminsica 1 p , ctPt, 9J m,Hthj w kll .1 1 fi.. V lth.J. enw,.-,,.--. , . ..una turned. Atx yoat uiicav ir i. 11 it a yuie uaa, sslk-kiasly log P iWjeV. ,. ... , . . , , , . I I IIHIHUmiMI'HIIWIWWIllWIMVWf FaiJ. 1'aso-Un Motdsy l-t I . . M Mr. C.Ma M rtk, a tary worthy aiUawo, m maa - k. mamr. to was ttapt'lr4 la hewieg all't for Mr, TVw. aa kk( rkvro Fswd Jtaaary It, IT1 IL llrff.-gt, aum fr lt, this ti'y, -J),, , fJUiard did aot urcoed ia 8 ad- TKmff, at tt iWn 1 bl Ik ai4 Ow- korw llaatw, Jr.. IslmM asakMrherof I A.-, of a UroteoaatCcdoaol, tk prlrtlego of jwacticing atedirlM J "'g".i Ibt sa lotluti.ia to alleod the ilebtUi9 of I meeting of the Alumni Aaociatloa of th. MwUiCal lAixuLiaanl. Laivemtif SOs tiiy ol. jiew.lnikJ.hU4...l t.asi-isig at AwoeisiioH lli'l, If. 8. A riatrkwed. M.I), ol Norm f'aioiins, mad t lie an nua! a-I.I 1 int. Aftrr laying a gri ul I wmr j tnliiiir In liis olil nir.l ii teli. r., 11, e nlnir MMi' t. awtw. tba ambaifjav SmiiM snd bilbin 4 ll.e iw. l.w-in 1 Hi i.u h, l o..- I", , 01 1 Ixi la' I. ll.l e t l'-in nnri t w t!i b;.jlit of was axitv . fi-l tii I iiuiiiU-r ta.lii'g lltu iltit ikU'ais had In lea enlier I..I" lbs '). hi ul ,'iM ii rmpiiti ,mii, r with t!w m-wt l,n.r(m tflnwuij uf tiil cIimwi S.Mitbiii d u- kms aim prey UKa Hi ign.rir and d-wlil ( mm aliH h si a mi s lollow a sis snd ludd'a atiuu-ci pat v.. lbs wdiv4 iid.s ans antlj (.uil'y id c-mmSwI Ir. ia aldibtvefj , ii! tn h mid true pl..i laa i...l . . a tfelti. .IJ,.,.,. ,. 11 I.. . ... . . I - - ' - ti .,i n m,HTTins.-,tt rM I thu .,U(hl, h. lb sjwikwl, to be 1 1 mi rpt tg tl o( SI L K HATS st our lOW l4Hei, iial) l-'l 3 av Meek A. II.. In7 ortisMl J 1 llltl.K ai IT, Isuury I'alilUv t'irmt-AlUt I W. II. WIU.AI f), 1 ' A U. l,t F. trlrte1i. W.U. ) jworwd If M be at all prM-ikalile. I will reuurt wi- , , ,. ,, , 1 . i ... ,. -i . 1 , i . . .ii. 1 nmmui. 10 bis arc pliag iplvii tjf Jpt : ' I I eataKai with ail who haor lbs great have been off end by tbe Khedtit ofl iMnt, aad (1 may as;) Ihe great mst i...wms. aatiM ul, bat pruvtd so aaartakHMly fttntfol and vtnrtoiit rtnwa l tc With tentimeatt of high esteem, 1 m, talibiuKy sad 1ml? y.iia, ti 11..;. ..... . i. . . . . 1 , . rm ..r b.. tsiys ishw. a r"w - t-r - 1 Jf . w V S, 1 1 fudy La Lent. exiw-fiar ia sraT'eilwg mil pwmj, ha fell dead lasltnl j. N"Aa Persia It fua'ai'y aw tit srwww of asldaigi.l ew T p.i. Prr u cuaing t Ihe ti'J aiib trains, jutt lain i Iberv," sa l build fnw. this canipiig owl ta very pnrtly to h'k at. Tb arm ca M swlsy a'ght wa Vju.l Uiiiiaal. I, -, . mm ' JsiU Th. ckoHw rvtrswt ntaln at twYweot let BiwwT! M rdrtl and f -r li II . ks bwrglayj lug a piir. pn to till hra plr snl wbiii lb. new Board eaus ia Mr. Tiliigb lraaired fowa ll,ah,t 4- af, ilsai. t 4 blia l drpannwal la IUt d lit. iM'kwrd Tb tsrsnry ia lb whit itiparniiul i BdeJ by Ibv !n'!!.aif !, W. I). Cm -h " I a iilral salary atiit Ibef. Amirg otlivr Ibir gt il Is ttpeitaJ id , for tb liltM, I lh wiuUft i-f Hiekmaa Lad, I U. id to deliver mm or Iwo lot larrs wsbly oa I (I T, j .'! 1 .4. J. J. ir.ckn tn wiih W II. M..TrCKEBACO I'cl'CllilwI. I'lTI'Sllllw. J C... K w Ipdeg Itj'es of P H It (' A I, I. H A Nil CAM Bit I CP, fur ... ; t.ii.- tiA Mim' fff I if ! a la ls titil dii'xnt, ta 1 11 W II. I I I Tl't Kill A Co. CMml'lNO, Ac mi'OHT - Uf iKt CmmhHm tf It WaM A'akwMf Am y MrlyA, .V. ('., mt tM aSww SMiwrsi wa M tat at-y ,rw)nar, ItTA jn and Diiroaat., aot M V, A to war ajealatwia. Imu.s Htriw tl m t-iwrt , ou.l.siio HIImv Mtorks, HofMtnd MtwUir t.s.l A I'm fmm r4iiiiii ssd li'.i 1 aa-ta, !" i llwliw W Willimal Sw,4n., ls.l m lw lews wAhas Maakt sad Mini bwaklwg kw arrvwl iijmiwS, , 1 rremtiifwa ab HMBta, (1 Bet4lna" at pay ItiwilwiMl tanwitry,.... i, roe . Ua'si UsM aoua. .......... .... ekrwiistiy. Wosi'si-ri 1. 1 -a op Absxtwisiso a WmH Is ta "lni"t ag" yolg C"bld gut la jail, Vwliwis l'-4, wht Hmy tt wt fokowi ! (Mi wtt ak'S Wkslhw tK'-a. f Ihtwld Mil'q I tinea FajrtttviUe ttntt wl,a tb as A Ihe t-.nd d'ftOl " lannalrd by a pt'tos bwklag dry g-mjs "fiii waa JmIw-I at lh sum lima I tkih ab inlimaU I h wvuid Lb tie Wm I lliatrf waa, by Dm ol J Itoard. Th Ul I kf St kit ttsr 4 bwsiosss, tt'rt bu.iam " ' . .... m .. ... . I... .Sis . ...1.1... t ..i.d 1..U1.II lwe.Tal.nt rr-aip . t- , - I - " - .. ..... h..... IW. Jnw Jmm rf a Hb. ibw..U.i .i o.'.-k tu AW ( atrra rVnih. Wot. Pert trd V't r'l, lay, tJJ Poalap, tbsrgej with htvieg koi.d t w. ta t aiM'a a' . Faia I laws -T si.l UicUai Mwiii us F" Uy rvti.a wt'.ia M. Inipnl.iaa It. ?. t id l f I ! jW II WkMl.e lb ("tt Fatf SwU Im tv!d no 8 1 b.r p'.arW, IU Swrrdd la I '"!' S- 't " ''' 1 doing hi taj ib aw n-i4 hs s-epid J it. ' jt of it, m lH; t! j-d b p ", lom k is it r -MraM.'f M s,tl M U !itrir tba li hs-gs 4 tor d.t. krf a ek at la-i." . 1 I aa-bn't ' 1 J'-a e g ' g ' i1 1 i lb r.U; a I tn k W.juIJ ktr io wait, I da a L t wf homa , aa-l L.l.ieg op tot bw'. sal da S li p of IMI M.i M Isll'S r w i. oakra n.liff (o I'.lail k It, I .-,., ,ka ws ia iji i . I r. j.ii 4 bet. Its t hsnitwim g ild w tf r h, a l kra nf lhii rrgsfd ' bim as t knlU msa and 1 f il.sii l. gb spjfirsti.a id i i aimva n moiiiig Id 1 1 ) ii i.f ii.ur. lb stub to ait tba bi.hiw ii.. upline), bmaiilal'y elffattd by WW W-jwmhwM, F. Lataw-B i To J. J. If at sail, lb W. O. V., -v , ., . , - at - Vi blwlt l.f I Ink m.a lktt Si, , L U .4 U. T. t si.4. aad Itt.l tta Uu aatwa - -a 1 1.4. 11-V..a i,.kii tb Is-ip m i'b a s.ty Too ..t im, aa a Uksa ,4 Ik llrl'ut IW.W.. n it,. ..(.J s.t 'fl k'tda w 11. 1 1 r'rj ifra 1-1 1 I,.im I ) MS a u.lis 1, W, iaai.v A r-oa'a APtatrsa al IS Fait l t r.4nwr-' i V-'h 0 tl It t'l M'4ig Tk anting id tb I I Use a'sew aa t! f-' st tf n taasiia W lit iaf ;,.; si luu iw a t. Tb "f V-t "" - ' -V 4k nl tht w Si km la II S CS.,4 u. -.1 t... . . I .1. 11. a IVuJ ll 1 1 !'! I -- . . - 1 t was di I Mi --T.4 1. t tttU I a J lb'7 ttwwil ht ' b tum tJ li 1.1 km, a-.-l I -f iwliwi 1 1'. 'i twl. pl in sa.t n ij , f f r a4 IU asss a ! ai isni. iswsnlaat tWr 4 B f bl (. p , I I I tlTtff il tn ht ,.;! n , ,i,t,.o t4 4-ts- 'y p .'n " I Ibt f l '-a. Tkat t'.i, i . ' ' ' ,v j '"'' r' l..i 4i'-k.1 I . I,,','ili. rj I ksis twMl a s-w-g om1 sm who ,. -i '! r - 1. ! it up ,.fi.. ..... II. : f 1 . il l 'i 1 .4. f 1,0 ' ' j fcl tf l-S Sjl. " IW Aps satinasita - liaiing Uwt is .S!i t t't t ! 1' " tMfl"WHi frt iw.'wiy J.W tWi rMN.wi a lk b f 'f nl '-' tk- 41 at to rs b toi t 'e-. . 1 ! I 1 1 1 n4 ki fit.-!'.. df tsavtssi. a t di d.w-w4 to f a lu kto ab.l iU a s 4 4i g fc4e J wswv -- wsi 'i- w 1 lb d.-fcbb III, keii'ld lt. 'ir.g l,rf pulp.., de. j I g Imitaim' td Ib. ll ,... s.isuaj II " '.l.'rl Ti.'t.k I! n, nl,. ,. v .i U w. .f (he t I '' 1 w' 'u '- a..i sisa..t: bJl. 'g ..l,.f.s.l - Jf U i i i a I . I!. 1 l...,j tt, f r ., ..-.I.- . ,,t it f.4 Vr. 4i."iJ.M bi a. 4 sat I. 4 tog I h I ( I il .f t.rlj f i sra l! ( ! ltl o," it.idii., ,! I It a. iii, . . aj N l'wii... b 1, i w'i I it( ilipis.siM r 1. oit.d l.,4 Oi. 1 ' f ' f tt ,r. smiMKf ti inmlllt,,) I ts'.U !1 b't ll 1)1'' ' l ' ft' I .. lkv.t, t.J a V. aW w d il. 'f liw S-wwuwd, . 4 ktvi It. i Md b.'sw.w tAa l .-i '" , t ' oJ ht.-.. Nib rfl VTWttW . VU I.I ..T i tr ifisw-rm y,,,, I. ; S II si s k'l sl b Pii i s I&r'a . a . m 1 . . . Ift t.k t .. 4, --s li s .(... t ,. h 1 ... t,ti.U tfcu aw4 4 t m a.l awas. AA M a.on.S. aw twst km- )stt wmv Muisu4Ja 111 bwiij.l tvi-iy lllplnlH II., I II I I lo.ll'l Vl'linloS II high li'jiiit "is, or p.its hciesnl loll li.diii.nia id Ihe pr-ou. w, .i elinnid k.w-i! a I lit um il 1.1 ih fip... is'e ti Jn'iiil ig it s4 l ivtfu.l I I H i ,-.. 1 li- ir s r. r. ) iilir, -u us saiiKil m i b II la lum rawib ilmi iii doHiw, isygsi Is. and 4hs w a, and I'" ar b j i--l ( ia wdi r1 in 1 r iirmrwi au I nl'ia lt.t ki ri.iiii. l li i 1 pf'4'Mxta is'rlill. a' Kl. fiiii.isl H I is. line lit bu f i.d.i. a. It ii-g 4 th. ti.iii.. aod p'.f'iw id il. "-"in Im11.1t wli.'i '( Oil 1 Hi-. Lj, gMiius iarilia id I m Ul aad .rib.1 I . m..a ii4iTa la m I'.m, Hi ifV a um new r la p .y.i.4i,f. tt. p.t. 4 1 la'r I ! bf i '.i4 .! t. I ! mil in (!, p.iala.l - ; I o, m-l si.ii a soi lit oa.. .s a 11 l.i Ii 1 1 .liw .-ii. in nf lk . r..'t aad w4k f MWani "t i' 'ii g ,ia ta w.4 4 ai..! I. . .1 I'm k I u ad laa a w fl twit'l d Swiw.JmI W" t a,,. . I b jfk us rl 1 l.ou'i f ,; I, i f 11 . a II it !.... Im Ii i. ', a I i I ik .1. d n I I pi iw ", !, i- I to 4 , 1. Iti.i im n, uiw. fjiawl eii'ii'iwa t.f i,kiliii.ulMi-iii i' il ia U a p. ;.!.. sad I triwl. ltl rti'x.M 4 .-fc. .. la t ' ti j I ...w awa gi 04 I'sa i l mm as II, . p - in il f,-ms t.... 1 t. I p.i-. i 1 t, r rf 1 ' ! 1 ' . . 1 dc"'lnl'!'i ski -f bus; w IW mm H -nM ww.w mm.U. a. i.yws l pt . 'V fet I., k W I I. I. ! 1 1 O I l. .till 4 pt a 1. ' 11 f I 1. t. 1 f s 1 . 1 -I 4 i. a .4 iw i".-i At ik t .wa in. r . 1 1 t s sMj ei'i-ia fi- -s tt) r. II. II. ANDREWS I COa aHSSS: I I I V tl g-, ...i id I f 1 IT . t V I 14 ...n 10 Si u l,iii Ml 1 , tMSma I iJi,Jii ;a UiS.l.lllS. r4ul twb 4 ta liiM ki.aaacv 1 rn.4.1 . iM ui.nwi .Ia-waJ a.ak nn-a!4iia wa u4 ........ ta isji .0 ImiummI Ihrl.lS f.t Ml ul .... M iiftrra,, 1 1,1. .lit CLOTHIERS it FAurrcv iixk r. I hi Ju.l . .nil i'!tM M uf Opnla' Ilv, lroast Mhlt ta), sd Ik U W i. I ftTTttS, - ' " wkw 111, Dui iililtlf y A. t;..aaftr m i.t k I'm -l.f I i'H 7 1 ) t.'. Wkila. I'.IW at IS. Iulw' lui.wl imIi4S.iiS i C.ta . IW tint IM IMI ..strut it ' l't w vi a toi l k www .H I. . r t A Si L I I. 1 si'lll I i', tt..w4 ad ftaw sa kwlwn alls ttb Uy sd Mms, A t I . . rKiwi it. hwissy r.-i, fwwlV-AIwtt Jm U WA,'SW , W . J tk V fu, I Vent awwtl J- X. A b A A b I ,ir tA M nasw, a. 1 1 a. wiw rwt-a. At. 4 . g .,4 B.M. a . J ai 1 11 P. C tMWIW tMM tt aaf fast tt IM fait. rr -i ii4 !' ... A lad .U.k of . . tis'tilsi. A sstli'i rami Its ia IIIms-U tsuil t'l'ltil '! N " It T II I 1 1 t 1 lii.ltl -ii,k tf A i t 1 f 1 A . 1 as-lia als"' ws u ws k Io t-.'r. lk at it w t tt.i I f Ui y .t- M. 1. Jt 1'. I , aw. I S I

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