THE SENTINEL. JOSLAB TUKNEB, Jr, Editors Fridat Mokmsg, Harcb 14, I8T3. IlALEIG1, JL Cl h pear is tMoorrow'f paper with further I particular, of the editor' speech. FRASKL1X COUSTT. X o called la booof 'of tbe bid sage, printer and philosopher, Beojamia Frank tin. Until. 1779, FraDk.Ua.- aad Wanes made waat wa known iiio county or PRIMITIVE BAPTIST. --EuliJrU"iUUwoUlM year.: de? Tin last u nbii7aurnl I ..n our treyed the county and name of Bute, ma-. ub!e We wtJt rea( the PrimiUte with king two countie and calling them after iotemt WuU Ult ed;!(,,t E1Jef Temple, two northern men, Franklin and Warren. Uck , h, m,k, Bp-5o hooea'y There were no tomato Bute, all wer lor ud pMe. When thrlWorntoM Blower, at Oxford. Wa told the people what we low, of Boston, dispose of the hopea of knew about farming, deep plowing, thi Chaae after inheriianee in tbe fullow cioTer, beea and eompoating. Wa told log terms: "I hare a nephew a direct them US fart ht e knew about "poll- deacetjdant from-Axilla Cbaae. II ia- tica, tecrect eocieties, jacobin eluba, ku- Testigated the whole aabject aereral year klux aod league which culminated in ago, and became entirely satisled that the Kirk-Holdea war.' We told them there wai no property then belonging to "abonf tie TCngMnTmofttlka, 4c. tTieTaseeHlnTrTGat the whole story When we concluded Dr. Crudup of. Is a humbug and a awindle." fered a aerie of resolutions which will ap- N E W A D V E R T I S E M E NTS Establi&hedin 184-5. O MISCELLANEOUS. XroXO i KM ALB CKUl XAKT, OXFORD, S. C Hiss M. E. MiTCHiiX, Principal. COTTON FACTORS THE MARTLAND TRAGEDY. iforal Ml'itUy of (httinut in r4 tf itt j tirangat fluuuMuricr tf fi-hovl Girl by a rejected later Svjjk ted tut tide of the attatrin. - (SpecislDlspatcb to the Baltimore Baa.) BauancBY, Md., March 1. fla t aa "IK it sal- ft l.'olnxk M a. a a . j j aw j . I - I U III I tU IUU, aa V l.l"Va 1, Ml , uon.y mucjieuuem. u Billy Smith, was a candidate fur Con- moat' horrible murder ae committed ot But has fewer scalawag in It than any j aHm. . T,.i T mn!a . ,. bout five mile irom this place, tbe par- other portion of tb State. Tber are m om hu tMttt vblck u K,(kf " mh.f nly twenly-aix in Franklin, of ;hom , . ,ooki, Unon it Bl a bribr. Or SD I niiil l.-lcincr in lntomnlitn Man rhit. and Frad. Hawkins ar- tbhk4; tlempt to bribe him. v Amelia Shocklcy, a beautiful girl of fifteen aiid only six in Warren. Bill Afctoa count W'e leara from the Primitive tlist Eldtr )'r- ut blooming into lautiful butfuur.butbi.countUnoteorrect. Hern, of McMinTm, Tenner, i. writing jTwtSft S JJ? Tb,IRy.tiM eo.d show. Hon,, , t0 u M'Drld Sling," the ( & 1".; r?rnCd, glrl'dy: Hill to bar bwnth man of his county publictbn of which h been delsyed by ing Instantly. la lu early hiaoryr Th Foster, Iwke, tbo tkaeM of tb ,utnor, Eid,r Hern " fas raaTKBidto"--: ' Wtllens, Wynn and Green, bare their writei to the Vfmie; ' - " "fthl mftt shocking sff.irare u follow: name in thecounty and State history. if j jjt, to th 6th day of Apiil ,Ia" ""- ' QPPe'1. 100? ,0i Mia neit, I will b 75 year of age. For forty- VJT'1 F m " I , w" " j8 seven year I bare been trying to preach but t Altf? T" D, h ?! t j .-j -t!nj.L..-j I law hi mortificatlou and chserin that On Monday last w reached Losuburg 1 ,n . . . . ,.,.. . 1 she did not look upon him with Uof. where Conrt was to be opened an! held wbrt la preached' in thi. day is gospel, P h "f. M Bhqekley v, 1..A... to.... i w i.i... ,i,....i 1 1 .L..nn.,i.njit.. left the dutnet school, in which she wa VI aj UUUl I . . si w aj huuv vuwkw I a acv ivi hww uii.iviiiu s aw i hvivi . . , . , r , . , -. ' Bl . . ' a num in ninininT with Crmr mall rliil. AL GENERAL COMMISSION MD SHIPPING MEEOT-TANTS, C W. bRAlT & S Ma. K. N. Oaaav, Asaocistc Principal. Tbe Music Department to under tlie cbarg Of Urs. '."V.TC SurroW,welt-knowBTSTUi se- eompliihed icach of long expedience. Tbe Bpnug oesioa oi iQtd upcus huujuj if. vu culsrs oa application KefereDces All friends sod pupils of tbe lata Prof K. Mitchell of Hie University of North Carolina. BOTl&-43nv "y-ALUABLE PROPRTlf FOR .BALE. The well knowa residence of the late Henry W. Miller, oa Newbera street, will be sold at o.l.ll. Mi. lUliinl. IK. VTin 11 a v or Murch next, nnless prtvaienr sold before that line.. . . The house Is ierre snd commodious, with errej conTeniencea. If desired, portions of tne i t mil be sola wiin .ui ine neuse, Terms one fourth carh and balance on one. two and three )ears time. Apply to TUO feb 15-tf rUOMAd P. DKVERECX. i E XECUTOR8' NOTICE. WAREU0V8E, TOWN POINT, NORFOLK, VA. yniSKUN COURT. nod Jury on 1 Mn not bear blm. Wa oodentuod the turn tmer Ilcrn w, "ina " Pr lD tbe charge took wa to inculcate and im-1 "Sling" by mail, w will remit him the 1 not answeted bl note, written a few day .poatU td U,. grand Jar, lFice, .: jm so. Ha told her she could btve answer ed bis note as well as other h had writ- The subnerlbers haTinir qnaltlled as Eiecn- tors of the lut will and testament of C. . JOHNU. deceased, hereby elve notice to sll persons uoiuinjc cJalms aauisl taid teataior. to present tuem ior payment wunin twelve months from this dav, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any action against the axe cotors Persons owine the estate are requested to make Immediate payment as no indulgence will osauowea. I) A VIP LEW!, THOMAS JOHNS, j CCUV Jasusry 34th, l7-UJi6v GUANO. Bee Certificate of Prof. Stals tielnlit. COMillSSION MERCI1ANTS. F L O U Choice brands of F L 6 TJ 11 For 8. k by J o la ii I . 1 o.raey, FLOOR AD COMMISSION MERCHANT. 68 8. Calrcrt'st and d CbeapsliV BALTIMORE. RiriHiNCEs. Messrs. Jus. Corner 4 8 out, ComniaiuB Merchan s; Chas B. C'lem as. Cashier Kallon.1 Mechanic Bsnk ; J sa. 1H -Di'tsey. Eq., flour teb&em SANDERa A C o A. dROCEES - ARB - - " COMMISSION MEIUIHASTS ANI A)5!uti for the STAUAMMONIAI Eli fOl.l BI.E lloNE PHOSPHATE. "The I1EST Fertiliier in thu Woild." NO. 8, MARTIN STREET. t or sale b W. C. 8TR0NACU. A FO&TBCOMINO UIHTO&Y. and th bystanders th importanca of law hom Human ana aiTina. I r. t lot n j.i.. . : i Tk.wa. amallRiuw.lla. civil . V Um to, .d proceeded to aay that b. lo TherWM maU SUUawell.Clvll ,umiMr, i0 tb, postal firmament of th tended to .Coot ber there and then. To docket, as w learned from Oen. Co, th rjnii gutos, as th Charlotte OUener thi threat she replied, "J'shaw, Georg Solicitor. halh It, propose, to write a Memoir ot ?I0lcaV" b.fn mtL ." Tt, ... i m..;i.I'mm fnrirtl .. . . .. Hall then asked the children if Mia nl! tZLuirhMiZ I . ... .. flt". f Bhockiey, brother Elijah,, a yonth of " gether With a review of tbe llite ol tuo sixtotm was at school, and receiving a Vaughn, baring broke Jail and fl;d. Republican party." Thi uthor In pro- negative answer ordered a little girl who Ixmiaburg ha greatly improved, ex- .nectiv U fullv csoable ofDeironuini w standing by the side of his viclim to tded..d,.arge4Ut.. A home tll. u.k wi.b credit to bimaelf. Kir rp, the CWfw, ably edited by Mitchell JI propose to deal impartially with raised hi gun and fired at her. The load -, digaifle and give importance men if ha dot thb, be must represent took effect itist under the shoulder blade the editor in. a flrt-eating seoeatbuist and then a a tbe ground. Th Bar ef Franklin eoesist of Capt. kuunl Union matifTb pubHc will be Her inu Jerer flsd, through the nelh- . J. Davil, Chaa. M. Caok, W. It Bpco- carioui to know how he will reccile the woods. The children notified mt W tr TUrba.n T T Mitchell and i t their teacher, Mr. Issac p. Adams, or the cer, W. a- Barnam, T. i. micttui ana iDC0U,,,nc. in the political crr of bis .. k.... W. F. Oreen. I nanmtal ancestor. Intaiaen ISM aud 18C8. I il. Jn f fka imoixl anil funnrl The aoa-resldente to ettcadanc were Tbt -( i. not to be csflfJeroned as Mi Hh.wkli y lying .n tbe ground In the r . I : I 11 r.l.- -....i -,.t. i.t l : 1 hf ifft1 nd nirtlnt frstm IikT hiaava ftttii Hint) ill aW aha and F. U. Bube, Ei.j. UD.te fr , futUM reputation of the aa.ned in weweti;wiiiuji. u. i. i- ine WOuld-be blttwian tU.t he will have sucb I THa aoot u9 Dastu. historv ef the Franklin bsr. He started I f s4si in aarirW II lUlta la thai TW- I He raised bsr head and t"M hrr to I us at the year ll, when he snd Judge Knia hi,tory ( the "mTiji to the Wan, II 'Battle and Dr.' Ji.b lrfingt..n, uin0 CMe " la Niirth Carolina. of Petersburg, were njimd lx) i a 1 1 1 a ko- . i ry, where Joha'B. IVibbllt prepared tlitra OUSTS OF OLIiKX TIM Si tot College. Hickory Is all mihs from I U a Wure of iM)er tliliiuau, J( SPECIAL AGENTS v o n Grilliairi's Cotton Fertilizer. i , . ... The project not to be ronnemnto a aim niimany ijmg m w Cut L. C. Edward Hon. Wm. A. Eaton, Mr, nMvu K,.mi t0 fea, ft will Vs by lb n,i lJ'e r ,u Job.Gatlin,Hon.aF.Moore,G.0.,. prtl, r th But, U u. hoaov. unfor- )Z"Ia ! p.-k to him, sht tiled to do s", bit tier sirrngtii was rnati-unie, win nit n it bw k and rspired wnhiH. hating Ucn able to articulate a wrd. The txxly i.t ciuiveyetl to the itviwauanl s iarrnl, nenr I.t. and a i'lry f Inquest summoned. f lie Jury rendered a verdict uf death at tbe bauds oi Ueu. W. Hail. Biaeatb per pet ration nf this dead pr- veritv ot bis poaitioa by reference to tice have been iodwstrwusly scouring tbe . . . , . coo-1 t in quest of the murderer, but up well-know, eiisumc of glanle lo I xUJXiJh, Ur Louisburg, and Is now owned by PatrKk I t,a alluJt' tu the degeneracy ol certain Winstoo oi BertU, wbo tok refuge there I rMlcioi of aaiinsls, and attempt to town hiie Ui lata Morn wa rsgmg Dttweea i n,, T, V,. Vulk anil iha Rnnlk. ' ' I .. Mr. Moor cam la irom llkkury to I 0a,0 time. The Mlowiug list fi.ruislte The pwpl ate very indignant over thi ! court and saw fudge Hall npoo the bench, I ,i,adala oa wLlcb h bases hUbrttha4s: I outrsieoiM eel, and too chance t oa and at th bar "rAeniocl Hillmaa, Major xj,, Biot txhiblled at Uouen, la lW, he wiU be lyached if taken before the Ing and Kemp Hummer. II remem- -,oh! Profesaor measured over 19 feet. at of hasW off. The , .., says Ibe I roioewr, maasureQ over io ito. murjefe,j lr Wlt ,ni daughter ot James bend more of the Judg and hi hrs aofspllM MW . girf that was 10 fct high. h. Hhoeklet, a mm reapectableand wor- Eacle thaa he did of I he bar. II told I -n,. .i.,., Oaiabria. broairbt tnui I thy cilitcn. U Jl l the wnof I'hillip W. M a tory about Judge Hall aad bow bis k M ,w tl,diu Csr, worthy man. B-o, f.u,iiio are . r.L .( i,. vr..L , crushed by grief over the awful tragedy. horeeEsgto we. cured by a Franklie M emT ,0 fe, k,g. ruBOUni, ,o Tn, tb, nj tTri county horss doctor, but such practice, . . . f ; KitfrM j mraAurrd Interred thi. m-mlrg .t 10 30 oVIwk In lik rearsoa't write of liberty, has played .him n. t.WfM tviuu. la hi Ui cemetery of her family, about 1,000 a a "J at i i M a o F. C! LL1 xcel8ior TOHACCO -WOltlCH RAI.EIOII, N. (!. He It known, that I am now !r. narrd to HU orders for any lite packiiKt'S and grades ot 8MOKINO TOBACCO. I iuanufcture from choice selections ot tobaceo, with tbe moil ajiprovcd machinery, and BEST KNOWN FLAVORING.' The packaine sre neat, convenient and well shaped. Dealers woald do w-jll to try my brana. Ju 28-tf WATNE ALLCOTT. ttB U JONATHAN HAVENS, COMMISSION MKEtllAXT Aift deal eh fir - GRAIN AND FISH, CXlVKX HTKSaT,. N K W B R R N , N . C , Refers to Jude D. . Fowle, K. 8 Tucker. fobBao; 3 E. XL PLTJItirfiLEIl L Co ri c M M o "1 o a 121 Sycamore a. Petersburz. Va. Ittaler Ih Iron, ftfrrf and AOIUCTLll'rtAL IMPLEMENTS. Orders will recuire nnmit snd careful at- teutioe and ars rpectiul; rolicited OenerDl AKrnla fur the Vannrr'a FiWai Plow. Thsaltrnlion of VAK.wKKH linwh I ally ealM to this urtor I L'lta, ahlcb has U'-l aim unircnal coin men dal Ion. feb US 1m MISCELLANEOUS. rn J.. B. KI.VOSIIUKY, ('-' luccUUt XUUer Jinlrtfk (.V. f '.) .Vi ;.) WITB w.. K. WALItK A C O , SiO West Baltimore, Corner tlnsard Mrwt, BALTIMOKK. Manafacturers of Clolhlnr;, and Jobber la CI. lbs, Laraiuieres, Ac., Ac. A. Wal taa, h. Wai.rait, L. U Watvaa, N. Kaaaa. decatHtm V at L M K R K DKAI.IiH IN I. 1.- a K II oa GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO CliAke A HNLr't', L()NiC HONS, BOOTS and BrloKi Ac. Opposite the Uas House, octlOdAwtf RM.tlh, N. C WE A HE THE POLE AGEXT3 IX NORFOLK AND roilTIISMOUTII FOR THIS CELE31UTED T M COTTON" ljmTILIZKR, eot, aad w will aot repeal It. Mr. M h. a, j.,,, Trt..iL, h.uaJ la rP ht aince I lis ctmtemptated MAieraori'RKD ar WILE V PLOW. An salir new iuTcullon fur the culil'stioa of Cottoe of l:ore. It we s sad dirts lbs piaat at Um saaM Una, tbeteb aartrr una en tire plowing aouipk: an eakiblUoa at raaatiu llAl.l- JAMISM TOWLCA, feb 1'4-tf AxraL JJ O O T 8 A.K C UCtrs XXVLKAS& VOl hLliliVI.K Hand ma-de U at TUaJitj. itaKiwoiic rw imt , for Ladies sndllisr. I KIMKOSE, I'lTTY.A MWSOM. dec -tf , T ! "? headof Guaoch,abichba.MIth,and murdering bet sevtral day. before I,. SOUTH MX FERTtLIZlXO CO., HICIIMOXIK VA. oR AND COTTl, alway dlllgeally at work aadarnyof , WM ,uped hi. b-Jy sol Vr-S cc,HBpl..a ht. pora-, but wa tilt ' Q.ORSAPCOTTOJI Usywood' Jaatlc oa bl woifc bench. Tk- . .,,t F.rra.oa bytbPfrea of bet broth. in hi ljlf , J. . , . , than IS high. Tbe f ans Ferragua, k j f srbout Thethole l ltllltOlH. H4 Thi, w..Je-PM.b ImIIi quit kjOrU.j,,,. Cb.riem.gne, IjU.STJmC. -: FROM THE FOMCtA OF mOF. WM. CILHAM, , 1. ,' blaahopluftb. bar aad a both ,M hll.h. 1111. .ear C er- ture l wrthia lire aest l.eaty f.ur bourn. l&'b't, liruleil. . JI" died in Way 1ST! allhsl t4 tbe taaaatt of the k'.ai.t I Ware wvillw; ebw, laMIgeee I At aMasaae riftf (. eaf av4s tWrW .ami A'atr aJ I ,4.iWa.M.laaiMlakr.i, taaa la ..Jmwl. Idlliud was .1 lha b.r la I . '. . . . M , T, . has bairB rve4 beie that a BB aisiaor- Jf H a4 SwMwaf rVlliaJll t.. lb d.ae4 was sa (ml Uatsnaoe .r ,!.,- 1 1 ' I aaUl'.aliatriplaua Was kUieal . jaaterlay I 5 w. MKrar HsnJIwi iJIWl, J', . 1 tbal maey camM et et tbeaa, aaS tkere will 1118. Ite wa 4 Cnaellrut b.ait and 1 1. ,,..., i,.. ,u i.,ui , ,1,:, l.. .:.,, t i . i.. l. b greaier avaar4 t il . veesoa thsa vr. bved la Uraaviila. He wa a g.nerou I . . .. . , , . 4 l , MJ over by th th U,Bd height lrla. lia ii it J m ssr rsa .) , V.a.t.U -ll aua.4 lata )k. I-. a. I. sat I . I Ik aba , I staia J tk. -a sa a.....,aJ kaa M:r;.;;r;wr,v;r-r price sco rat tox of 2,000 rouxus. li 1 . euaal kk rllatMla .,ul.l I B . ........ . I " ..... I ' I A J 1 " I booee of a aljlt II I t lung. Uiegiaot lb tram was running taeaty mile a watch and follow blm ap to ks.p bias I WM bl lU a hour when wiihin tra jards of him. It flow" JiiaSeg tod tench. U wa W , , . " (H.. u fa to lh track aad threw himself a bis 7 ... la a lwfimadISl70S,aettertlt. . , t - la 111), arar tb castle I Dsupl.iae, a I ,w, rwtna aw bead, both arm tomb we nd 90 fart bg, t Wide, I aad b-rfb bfs tr.l the body. aad high, a whiatb was tat oa a gray ely popalaf a ilk lb people sa l made a good ma agaiaat fotu f V fa. Hillmaa had defmwd band aad was aewaativa about It, as wa flji"e aad frealla oa I hair tUfursaity. Tb Usvll- TIME TRICE t3. Free af teterstt. Payable ttrh November. stuae the wotda, K-it..l h lUt" TbeakaVl.MS bat fuj eiaira, i Lai . , .: . t ..If .1 I ae io ie per.uua a ' v , MriM lb, .HowlJ.-s aa I gid of IUlmrg. .b. Ill re,-ltl hi ' . from th breast l I the aff-ctk. II. Uoagbt tbabatfcr bi. Nrw HarulhWri!,,!.!)!.. -tM " f...l ,K. aia.rl. ..f a e.aat w- llkaa haw aa l WwSralr seed sa al aol.!lr r-ratad , tba tf rseasiss ao samt. ry waaS.iaaa at aal baa4a. Tb WM aasnMr4 tt adlne Ibal M autart tfceaUan aawliae by imnl aka sM aHy laaaka (a tc4d r " . r 'III sullll II gaaaa ea th aaerkat j aa4 peef M fu uay reasues le fsraiiee laeaaaa aUii haace Lie rvrl'T to dru a tl rasMmbrsace of bl had aad bla brt la a bottle of rwaa of b4 bag f Ksah braady. Abas, pnof II I'ma aad -l j glil ! tbe avil stasapie yaa H Is b4 i aedlethaday le LUbrg. Tbepm'y a,iiaslrt with, aad k lb , aaJ lb axaaaak tai (; uw aad droaa ta4 tow aad tb retaesbtwur f ya lataady. la fart we esSg'it aay Ib4 tl" bad paJ IhtnaW-al tb abaaav J mA .A akaaJ iav Ia, ba ..v rv A... I. .a... a.. TbaaaU aad Nafta f i e I eara Jet( EL II all, Harnaal Jabaatoa, Ja.a Fatn aad WUIiasa Ft ring M fat baef , aad la UH sa jlbal JSI..I loag. It le aa .t b iali 1 lert that Ih.rh aer I'utsM tbaaM d.r, sad the -l. yt kapa, wa esw psnti&e ia pmi4. 'eg Iheaa tb) th tat, M 4a I .-s hsv (lv both W a ttw gUa b f Tea Cata Mi ana aa. U (lry let Jiaakaey UaaakatJsra. Maaa.Il j aaia atl.fed la SewTerk that Mr. Pit- nam. lb ait l Ihe viclim, rrmaed I T 'T" attatb WialM U tb t4baM a th raa." ea4 tbe retaas ef dials uv I J OOaJ I'l a rvb Mallv al Fiassa. I Clla a4 ...Ian-, Irflaaa. H ka ..Urn 1 . a4 aaTu Li a I'M r ' suarx-f, tor wnliag sue amsv I I - j an aaaan, aa aaaawr oi pawateoecare aaiS le 0rfaaa btl sakihf (ar a tnaiul boa aif tuatrft atre. VI UUsa U I tiw a I al aaallat ut aaaaai btluraaatwe aad Oatan. I a tb rareaaf. Sl! I1.-.1 .1 1 UllM aun-kul la I aaaWIII th aaihMfiiy tat tbe slal meat, nat w. I DOOK I Oil TIIC PI IIXlOXj A. . a . a? . a. - m - V ? aV a I . aaaaaaa M. avaaren, m aa in veiwi as VS I ' aa , J a. a ,. rrartalraart, a. a tea a .."wlng state I Ar!tr IT r-'.rr.iri -Mr. Alb at. 4 at fiat aa-uKia. II.' I C K T I g , A c. fcew eaalraa aad rbadaa ef LaulbV rvkw ad Keebua. avaartbiag aew aatd braalilal lU'l Lsce Cellars sad t ail-rmleiea, lAaaa Cutaan aad tall a. lra aav .aahe.ia.lr4 Ilaadksrrblefa. l-lala, Utvaa a4 llaaaatib ha4 Haeatkat'fe, nie iiama, aa law uaaef Hoaaaey. la a w. it a. a. i yckkst iti a4 S ilaei af Uta Fna seal A ntiTios rimiiit t. S Wsll Bnaka To- Mebas. Iliuaad faiaa Haraaa ItMaa Waav fva aaK eary r t. ap at A.C Al)ka C .. s k I Is I Mart a stsaji MOM t lO UH SuTW la trad a baaa a t.s, a-t rwb a tJarkai4 thae tbs m,i 't 'u!a. ka I t.w Wge , ',T ? I'.' 'mT,T?7'.miZ'1 , Ib'wewf sJl-w tim.' T. p. bf IM -wad. vf t avwe Ik., e . --jj Ib4 t1 , , Jr. ak-i A a '!" I w a ra! td la iTU a..M -.a HwsfhebUs. dfaatraa g M ,w Mr Wik-.., t4 lb V) i a JJZZZZZZJTlZZli - rat af wbwns asae va Uaaa tbe UiWa aewaeg Maeblaa t ipaaf, Waajt naj la ). Mewos Us wp4i ack M-a, ftaa fc erred a lb gbtwara S? a f I fa I " ' a bit t w auvpiaBiia wa a- ' lrA I eameaaard Tba in awaaaaltk ae. 1 a.. It . . aai.l I ataatlaaal. I . m I f .1 I . a l i . . . , . fc , , . , , i - -a. p i arwi aai aa a , eiaaaa aaa mm ai" Jgsnrra Mvtd ia La tN,ag . M 4 tm , m tttmlm L, , , , Mi. A :i .!. tu.4 Um ;.' afW b WaarrUg to - T-f- ,, , . w. Ik.l a bad ad.W.4 be a-, la ac-i t av. of Wartra. Tb b of Freak m ba I ' .. .. . . I e taas aat a yaaa.0 at II. .i krJk .b ai.l fc,k...a... Tr.e u. bar ... .. .VH.adto ' ' llbat Wd 4 l .la a. al) an I Itaeif I lkt haaa Oa ,4,009 lit . ..!... isato aaar I (.). a.L,.!., J p atvpl I aeatrva. I bV aa aay Mm at Id Ike aw-ay Jaav F. Ts,b Uaatfl E, Wav I ... . ..a ... l,uj ..J ... I Waaaad kM ka kaala U.alaUl IN eVaav a a i iS aaasa aa S r0M to ill lr-ai ail riJarttAiU. a.. , mn w ,ni .mm a.. a. a- . ii ' a. ., s aaa SMaa as an an aa m a -. . i.M.,4 a i . Ma-.a an al It, llijawil, la.t (.i !.Mi: Ckwla M..'y, ll.e.y W. at,it sal Pint I1alr-a'l g' s- lk I -a bat f a.4 ; haa Ba 'a4 at li. .4. a-it ; J I aitaaas fMaa Jtaab sal W .nan. J- a. Tboaaa latrw a aa-1 m4 ba aaaaa al k aang-bba, Wat !., aka) kal ! 4 tb ksi4ai ' aJaa J If aad bbai lb 4Uy 4 lb aastiaea. A gaelWaa. aaali a 1 1, at lis pae)t t'aallal aid Hart e pyt, ia tUU sb aw J t aa 4 )at A a,ted Bkatbaw Ik pa Ut be l Malar ca? tlriedie tad. Tea Parr vasr II at Ca II ea U ) I tb ay, aa Jerk - was W tt. I 8.J rf I at tg ' s am aaaaad J lbtar aad Iks aSbrr Jtah (') 4tiag Ikat tb i.ip l at Wse I !. -. W tr tv Utl ba,4 la b bsast Vt"a I Ibe "t beaaa " had el aaar u, J a.-4 J est b"p y aMf b r"ae wa, ! f g trim) KegMad a.ak f ad aaa-a, - , tbe saaea if 0,fiu9. ft b e 1 l .ra .' g -at ..y fw.l U Saly a i(aaas'.V WJ, tMtM t..s ae J-.:.-. Ifbat . t 1 4 a1 J lit ta -'a ' -a at !a Jait?4 y-aKI.V, M a, af tb !.'a'aal JWrafaa, TV t.lp ba baan d SWVf t, I -a ai-i kkaawa4 wia lk X A baa b a rt.t , if Cbbagi 0 '4 t l iW."t tU O .ili As;! rvat lb Vaswrai, t . t J.ate t g Aet. ibat b baJ laae lUaal (. a-4a laaata. aa4 O.J a . ki oa ilaat a abal aar was I C A L a a a- 4 Wat I ' Mad, Wit aa aara tUat at LaasiV'"'l la lx I, ka laul aw nv aa Ia aa; that be M bate aa la i tW .-wt ij Us laa.. k ".a 4 af b kad ama.'.ai ita wa a t K 11 ail rv la k 'S I'ataaa. Mr A'.- r... I l a t..l. (at a HI M a am kal r..a.e3 k . M4 I 4 ai ,..i aaw tae etaary, tl aarf 'a aba at ba aj BaaatltH) ka araki tka ataiiwaaaa at aa.taaaa baa hmwm at k eaav'a' aaaag lb laarr n ia-M et 1 I aaad aa. !, aaaaa baa w." a traie r4 law a4 iaikaw, Sakaalatl ".r.i ,tiaa aaf JKb-aMJ f !.'' .aa Al eaaan 1 a4 ! I II a-a.1 I 4Kiaiaa -aaata. saraneaaauwia d kyakabll ka ,a. Int. I at Ik ft. ty l gkt WiJ b pai..4 ly gietv. . null Hartal lal'M Sa II wa ttaa Ktatt a( K a a St aaaat aW.aa . a tar asie a ran avajne I taa. as sea baa aa ii lia I ml SM aa. a 4, lairaa aM Inmt amuanl a Ira ft I aaa a I a aWf a4 ktaa, I., a a l" ! m4 aaa a"l I, ra.S.aa ml a-aa r. aa S a.aa a -, I a ea aaaaae SraaSt, rM a aia-, M b aa r I t aa. I aa a a aaaaa-a aaaU ra, tra. a-. .a. S a a. baaa i ea k I aara aa aaaa. aaak I l '. Ii S"aa aa .aa-Jaa- da am 1 a aai a aan aaaaaaia aa ia a mm I awr ia. iltM ' r 4.a.l ara . "m f aa-farr ar a i aaar I tr Ir. ri f faajrrr awarea A A Maaaiana, T. C. rrLiaa, t- A Ana. ttlMIKaUMo. rtUIl at Allf, ATfOKNHYS cocssuioLs AT ia m; biur mi, x. c. WBI XaalWIe Ibtakr4 Paatfraj Cawl Ikaarrae , Itaat ar aaaarr I Sbrailiarar f uaW rl rbt'rP Mrtrf, law tbuaatad rar4 bl t fas aa BauaarWral ratal r ) lot tbr. taluraaat aie e i ly ka T P. I'kVI Kit X aianay. brb Uuiiik uakiLt'i Uiblrf v.," tlaard, ADAMANTINE CA,Lt.4, Alt aaaaa, altn Uriel Caved: M.tfrarrn pnaaaa sw kf WsVIli T. BVfBT A l. a ! taaiUaMrr, li. F aa lama mm at Kill ! a. I. aartre 4 a t la ), ! r--a lAUJt M. Ill t, ara s M Aa"a. S as kVvabav S kl'Sl r. trb ii ,,croim. 19,500 mH,,Mnrr 14.10 iba, UI 'latj.llraa, bwakaU kit Cat, I be IVal tthabl Ira, baaas kKaaaW kaaae, 1 k If kaararla lrd. llWtlLri fl baatrs H WtVa'i Uaaatry Aap ' aVattM Pukka. CV4rS t bar. t. -. t tor,, bra. a-d llrrat ttrArb. Lf tVy (aaaar riVMaaal Tara.a4rt, rmi Kaaa, Taabf . T-a aad t k.ka. W laa - rrt f-Hm4 aa rA j bay ra,rvaa ka aaa,tal mm $mt -aa I aa tMaarV ' - r'bi laiwaraaal a a-rrra la S I., I tar lad aaa aarala I tfaVSA u w y i UJ vTT. I rad , brt VaraiUrar I T a.l M arMM e4 Ta' - w h a (u. ... . s,-a ai.iianiw tlilUA ft A W.f'iH.JItit,. CUIvLl(! Shlula f " Wa t lraeaklatL y. Iks , kt ataiJtat tft iotTl a a liikui i a aaaatt ra. lar Wrf eaataeM b.1 aaa al wrraa li.w,,( t Tai rail ttjL, Niaraaa, M4 . ' ,4.a Araav. r k i 0 imp n t ll-aas af baobab, C aTji ere rMkut. aaa.r .1 rawwata ,a Sa. liar ar A-We ba ia UMt Mt Ml-a - alTaT.! b. a.. asltrtrtii.,.. I "".T .'r'1 - -. b I a WATT now TILLTRICMPHA!tT. ALU! UktATLT t!CRIARIK. AkO (AT- arrat.iiu.'V l.MtlKeAl. - I eat tereMn weAry sosrtlra, l d t wilb all ytfljrvs bate saanaiy twee able la ka. p ibcta oo tacd Ibis sea, oa. riae rcduc- rra- ina s:u u I tj,s oa horse Tiaiw nkt Uwi ibar raa be ea ol la ui Jo Uaaa. AU we aak libera u,e ae lvalue- . laatMat.. I loe eiade tbey sr aot kaowe as a bad fab It If Aysat fur tbe Msaufaataier. THE .MOILXIXC STAN DA1LT EDlTlu.Si fah Mly lea Java, ba tb Ureot I flatly Clrraltio ef aay ear.aix le It- auu, aad riraa air.a la w iieXa! ...a rw reel, sargev Uaae UWt ef aai rurr WEEKLY EDinoXi Kow iwablwrd attb tb Camliaa Faiaaae raaiaiaatai III' rrat liai I baira aa Uia,.a'. t InalalK. taaj awr ., rashly nmTiimox rrjcE: Daiti fvta. t t, a SSaaaUaa " I saaaatba, wj irsa, 1 yaw. . " aaseHb, " " SrraUM, IT ae I as a a I OS . a I e a W Il a le aafr'a saawteal IU aa rr. ' MaW (a Hank t aerllr. k. -La. "I '4 " 1 b M...k( ,. .r a" l tgrrlaaae taiarra ArArraa, WM II kktrAllU. alt. , h.C HT T tt I St -. tWral, J f.,,1 ro U ba f.-aa al H Iba guarb llarr. Uv fta ai l a tamla. I la inhaae I U I tmml i U CUMIIi.Tlol ICiSo-T A LUltr. l-"a'al- , Clraal.r A'lawaaaaat. nTu"' l" -:. -- TIIKADJlbTAIiLK frtlsu b E 1 BtiTToMi aHtHHUMr,.a,, . ,,.., llaaaa, aia era r-4 aa.avr 1 a aani ...rt.M a .U HUaa.,a, P-1 a. h t.m mlTmlX? "' " Mar l-..(a,,k,1r,Bj,V,,li(v T M W.. a . r i j ... . .. w n a. to , s J a la-ara II t . a ara la .. ai aaa tal . r Sali I W..I lata C 'ar af blaiau aa ai u ka in ej 4 aa ay rreaxs ' lU A I I I ! Sr.M, I fnaaara h, laalit, I f, f e

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