THE SENTINEL THE IRISHMAN. - SOH8 Trf tte PAT. V Tb savage loves bis native hor. -J- Ih tuiiti rudethe oil. ud chill he air. Then well may Kri-i wntidiira An Isle which nature formed so fjir! What 8 jo 1 reflects s shore to tweet As bhsunon great, or pastoral Binu And who friend or fo miui' DO grnsrous as a irishman ! Hit band U lilt heart it warm, Uut principle it tUU hit .guide. Must mora represents deed of harm. And nana forgive with nobler pridtrr"""" He nisy be duped, bat wou'l be dared, Mora fit to practice thto to plan, Ue d.erli earns bit poor reward, i. Aiui aiuHil it lit.. . 1.4. I If strange or poor, (or jou he'll pray. Or guide to a bar you tafe may be. If you're hit comrade, while you UjK Hit cottage holdt a Jubilee ! Bit inmost toul be will unlock, And if he nay your merit tcau, Tour confidence be scorns to mock For faithful is an IrUhuuu ! By honor hound, in woe or weal, Wbatc'er the bide, he daret to do. Trr hiui with bribe, it won't ltrevall. l'rov him with lira, you'll and biw true I. lie terkt not lately lor bit post. Win re'er be be tn dinger's van, ' And if the tM of Fame be lout, it wou't be by an lrinhman 1 NEWS AND OTUER ITEMS. A LaC'rosae htixtianii was recently cluse- ly con a ned and neurly starved to-death by bii wile. Haltimr bii vbolihvd Itf grinilert alio to set its grinding organs on edge, ' Tbe aeiiar&tiou of hartitiora fruiu the rofutt) ot the tit. Louia gat work U laid lobe money-makig baaiima. Tbe lit of April ha been very appro- riatly aelwiie j by the New Engl ml ilillerittt a the Unte ol llie worlu end ingf. Tbe New Foundlanders kill pluicul babitaf by kumkn g lucm on the note dtkiHtf to tbvit Uiiinct a lib aaUn!- whac ki, to speak. Tin to An oDlnma, in lllinoit, i II ra a tubtidy of $20,0J0 to any one who will atart factory tliwe t mak nnytliing whatsoever oa A large scale. The christian Tonni; men of Fort Wayne, lad., are wain euottgh t) Ihmk lileruluru their lurte, and bavw atarted a paper under the title of tho ViiulietUor. s A four years' contract to furnish at least 100.000.0u0 postal cards per annum lor $1 83 7-S nor tbotisand hnt been awarded the M r jn Eurviopc Cointinny of Pprln-IL-ld, Maao. Tiio luliuliitanlt oi Kej ei. la., ue- elit e to puy talaj-iea lo clvrg) iiivn, IWaring that anything tUKgrailv ot lunerals biay Injure the ri iiuttiin ol the' place as a rs-rt for inv.lnl. Two feuislti cbo 4 titt:tiui id S,iP Fiaticix'ii, iMi'Hg (unvlttfd Ijctiire the cniDtnisaiiiner of UiJiig protani expletives, blond that their avocatioo la (t)wearing la tb iiigheat drgroe. The marble euttci Sat wn' in the burn cj dial net, at Itoaioo, ttruca a Mon ly for an increaae of pay. They demand il per week instead ol f 17 at hereUiloru. A Wcatcro art critic dcatrilie on of ilia models for the r'arragut tut ue at "th toreuiao of a flra company tied to a chim ney and calling to the b'hnyt not to let old Dix take their water." Eighteen inaprctora, the Warehouse 8npnntcndcnt, and a number of minor otlicial have Ixen removed from the l'biladelphia Cuttmu huf ; showing laadilil activity in the clearing out tlu part mefct. raixa M nar. The Serrrrarf ( f the Navy baa directed tb dulnbution iA jy 1 10,000 tn the otllcert and rrew of the ram Queen of tba Weil, oue of El left . fleet on tbe MisvUMippI ruer Uunng the drat stage of tb war, tor the deetruc Una of tbe A. W. linker, Mro and Ber wick Day. City of Met co telrgramt at at lliat Urn ml Porflrio Uiu haa Ura elrctml C'hiet lattice nfjhe Suiirtmc .t'uiut uf . Maiioo. lie become prwMilaot f tb fvpablM in caw a vacancy occur. injin dCtnca wrra a . latnin Aa lavealigatioo itilj the conditio ol the Tomb and black well' Ulead by tb lie Vk rrM tbow that criminal luetic In Nw York to admimaterrd ia not rot ki eat Bianoar. I'risoa dux lull: aad Maoigtweat oa Black well' laiand era wanting la tuflmao calculated to laarnrr any eamoragement for reform la tba taiaaUa, i'vlica juaticea are oooat tal ly commuting faal'.a, a kit U ia acomraoa thing at tba iamb to have caaas dpa 4 of at the fa. uf an a niaata. Dauaaaa- am Lirs latcaaHCk Uauajta iaaaaxs lavsunaTiau a IVdJCf. Tbacaawef Kllxabath Or limn an, administratrix of C'hnitiin Oellerniaa, drcoaacd, agsiatt tb Knickcrbutker Lite lBuranra C Hnpaiiy, ahicll baa bwea oa trial lor stverai day ia lb So perk Cuon, aa enwclBdad ywatrHjy fcy a Ittdg-fheal of as rs Tbi wst action li rr- covwr Sl.OuO oa a I'te Isauraor polu y usbod to Chnaiiaa UiMrraa, tba dvai 4 bttad M plaintiff. f Jailg I bb.n, ia paaat.ig vm lb prajtrs ahb, ba I ba 6Vred on bull Si lea, ald, la wbwaoca, that be avail d kimaatf ol Iba pieswat pp1aoli to laurat. a b bfl rvari lims rull tx lor. thai tbt e4il'art lA ioauraaca CuMpaelt ww to be cMalrad ia lb saat spirit si Other Coatt I. I bat la eaattttaaaar the SuttuO that Iba roll should b S'lrBi- lered d dnrt y fi tbmf and fa oUnr ell arti would b 4aatu aaxl arj it. II Ibra allude J to lb jHiBsoaajBl , f n"xy la ved la hi taarBM r'1' ate ia la ltw4 IMsi.t ; ibat ia IR7I tay wtr over a Miiil a ia linUi, end that 1,00 c-aitb wen ia .tUaeot tvwry par, II aisled lbs It wolj m rati ta iMaawaatul li O-U, aai thai tb imi I I rilf l -T tta ptm Jsrf wi4 ia aatae aakaa ha r"tl laii'y prntTir, by lb c art aadrf lie f Ui 4 4,-4 ad 4 t-m I M A ..Iky was i l i 'IfillluUiWu; l,.,ii.i - ' j . 1 1 ' -4 las p. J, a vl tabwaw ba t it baeaid by a aaak aa a-tH . ,;, I ,4 1 I daaa.t, piatal S atiakill lO a Be aeaa ad laa taaa wa enaweud- I. Wilb lb I gt 1 ft'fti It saa sgaia i Ibia a any stoart ks g ) I ' lawij - I ButtrMla, II bail lhat tker cm I i f ,-at t. , . i,.. si m . Mawaatfea4da..tek...H v 1 ' 'VZZZZTtTl (Ha p-lx y la lb. at, at Ik.t e iia.n.d gi -l N'ni ,4,wwm dw-li-f driHiaja itras.a !.fdta a4 be aLaa Ball1 '- I' - . , ..... mm W. ua, I n, a aa Baa S mi S Isatx.sad tlat l was 4at-rt w'h .,......,.. a . - da I 1 a. kk-a os mmmmrm at WW .al iv.yTu a. a( e. .( tL t'-'ik k l Sk-lb ',' I m.ks iwl. j- s a a- 1 b,4g to pay t- pay t j V," " Z7??7iZZZ 1 i. a ll,a J..i-a ff'tt., aajaa -"- . tLOTHiNG, Ac .IV iSPfilMt-CtOTiltSGr R. B. AXDREWS & CO.; 7 FAYETTEVtLLE ST. ? ? Hays Just reculTtd another lot at . (SoiitM 11 ue Drew Skirts of the NEWEST STYLES, which for Fit, Durability ate Opntfort are aattrpaaacd In ttili country. NOW OPEN. A full atock of GcntN1, Youth'M nndltoyM' I IluoU un (I Colo-ret! Embracing all tbe nioit dctlrable color tnd tbanea. mar a . DRUGS,. &(V pECUD LEE dt CO. Wliolosalo V lletnll JDKTJG GISTS, 14 Fayettcvllle Bt . , li A I, E I 1) 11, N . C, , H In store their ataal large tuUply of ITJXE tKlTi( - CHOICE CHEMICALS, F1FR PKKFUMEHIKS, TOI and FANCT ARTICLE! TEAS, CHOCOLATE, BPICEV -FUVORINO EXTRACt'9, bKUAKb. PAiKVT MEOICtNKS, M1NEKAL WATERS, W1NE8, . : HRAMDIE' and i J WUleKlES I f the beat iua!lly for Medical uatst. All the Olllelnal and other Standard Fluids and rAolid Extract, and the varlout Elixir rentrallv In ue bv Hi a Medical Profraalon 1 lur Uh k eompriae everytbmg aaually found lu abratclaM brag lawa and la oHervdaa ta meat fvorabl Urma tor eaali Otdert nllod Willi aeatiH-at at d ditualch at loacai market raft Jan 10-4ut , ' DIN'S PERFUMERY 1 AND TOluET IoWDER. At BIMIVONS Drug btore uov Mil A LARUE STOCK OF TOILETTE SETS AND VASES. At SIMPSON'S nov 80 tt Drug 8tor F RES 11 AND RELIABLE. TACCINE VIRUS. A MMPMMCS nov an tf Drug Store, B IsllOrS EFFERVEfXTSa SALTS OF T1CII1. KlSSKXHKr. bkLTtkH, VITKllM ur Minimal, si SIMPSON'S 10T Ml . Drug w RSEFOMUEU yLNl4. . t av 10 tt riVERTrmSt USUALLY FOUND IN a nnsr class dhlo stork. At SIMPeoNS' BOV SO If To HperaUU Snecesilillj RANDALL IL FOOTE A CO, Pissias sen Raosaaa. 10 Rsanwir. N. T. M a bar of I loch EsUiaaga aavd teaid Aaaad. Rartraeacm Mawkaale Raaklng Aasoete- tl hi, or say aWaking Hows or Cinasaarctal Ararr ia New lL N. a Psmfhtet oa - W-ll Sterot sad Ha OprreUotyV' Ire a appliaUoa OSADALIS K kerswu ia.iitr s4 ad d anif rmai is its art eua li'tea f re blood. I Taa seaiMrlaallt wiinaia..lU.MrM, UMM4MlalllWI ft i s.m aa w uia sswaa, IM asm l Haw; a-ai. swa I ma s I fewes p J rtrma an ''a. saiii.a,,iMHSfcfca sw us , . mm a ae I tte . aiiMaOaatil .-a. . . I t JZlZ . TV Z at 1 Tl I isaaaaa ,mmm r ' II fl H. 1 .--. a.. I JLJl - r "aM I afc-aaa4 . , a. ,j e- m 0 Ulltmafe Fisriaaa, A- johk r. lit nut. Oyrt t CBir socrittv I rarlv lofUarat 4 nVe. V, fVm'atawa fa. at, Rhswa isa, Rk.M a-w.iag, Ullt, rio-lra, ( as--ariaai. Hroarka fetsatnaS rrv r . .. - ----" -"7- sata.all II UU ,m, I I J" 1 I III m . . 1 r 1 U. aa- I II - i., . . M mmZ 1 1 wets li b I aa-awa- I "4 aaf sataa aaaaai I 1 i- I aa 1 1 naaaaf ia,ii is, ia IK It. 1 1 :f,a t, I a ..,.,w- ti trsi f Fs.Sf -aaa Plata. I F- aa) 4as BOOK STORES? H OLIDAY- 8UOD AlPRBU WUI.IAM8 MAT BR FOUND A VOMILKTK AbHORTMf.XT VF Sl I M U V E N i L E" BOOKS' FOR BUT AND OIHL. Toy Book for Children In great variety . Fine French and English Stationery. Gold Pen for Ladh and licnUeineii. of the. bent make ; a reive assortment. Fin- Pencils and Pen Holder. Pocket Booka and Fort Manic. .- Photograph Album r-ar luru lor lBTJt, varlout it v let. r ine niuiet and rrayer Book.. Church tervlcci a' a Hymn!. Writing lekt and Port Folioa. Tonriata Caae 'or Traveling. Cheat and Flack gain moo Boxea. -Cbrono Pioturet and I ranie. at exceeding low price. 1 all early, if -ott Uh to get luppltod. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Bookaellcr and Stationer. dec I.w-tf LAND AGENCIES. R R A L ESTATE AGENCY, Tbe partnership that hat for tbe laat years edited between Motors. E1N0BLAND A MILLER living expired the basinets will be continued as heretofore, under the Raleigh National Bank, by ANDREW MILLER who will endeavor to conduct it la a satiafao lory manner and to the but advantage of depositor ot loU and tract of land foi eel. ill! commission Will be, a heretofore, Irt aer sent, on aetaal sale. No sales ao chirga. Mf It dler I aoaaUntly sailing aad 0 String for tab very allgib buikUag lot la UlOarcnt parte ot Kalelgh. Also plantations bug aad atuaU, wood aad tliaber l land. Aa., A, ia asi.-cjaaaUt ia different part ot tb State and at prlaa rrapondeut with tb time. II solicit call from buyers la well a front sellers. Nuw U tin lime to buy tn North Carolina. A MILLER. Rtklgh, Feb. 1, ISTS-lai DRY GOODS, Ac. W ARRIVALS Prints tnd Drtnn fjoods a pnl tariety s o T S o s akvgBflck. i lipplf '"if lllk Iitt, PRIMROSE, MTTT A NBWSOM JUST R E C E I IP, Aaotba soasbxaasaat of tboa 0lalirtitsl Vlrxrllit w m Xt S a FaraMaia Bawd wcmsU da 'I to al aea lha Semaad at lwaiM tbaa tb fi 1 a baas oas, two. thrM. f oar. or aia bars 1 we- I. ia prte vr M to Saate. Am wag a as warasnU4 w A I a t ALLCOTT, Agaai. kvaVMt 200 ILIUELSOAT. Jaati ass It W W. C. STRONACH. a e-X y a a rwiv m w ivi.t t , iit. r-a.AiL I O'TToR. Ia w Ml I TV I' I II 4 ct ruiTir P tail ttt' swa. ftetrw. Wte alViM It IimI, of f !, tttf " i. CSTEOJIAClf, Tt, IB B antsa m ew am aa a a awaw a mam a. ..,..w. i svaaa aa sasSarifcS. aj 1 ' - r . i.i a4 I ' "a. l- Sa'aa. aa, m mmm 4.aa, .. a. Um a.-'-, w4 e., mm ., H Baa, TaaS I,T tlsaaaa as All rial ai aa I . , a. aaa ta a a ( aaa Il a t m-m 4. 1 aatt . sa a a. a I, e a III ill, a aaua lava. la.MlilMIH aal Hiilaa. tXlOUtT aTnrrm, Sf aaaaeW.a, WWaaaaia wasaaa, tirairiiff, ite.rsit 1 A C O R I liCblll AJ rT 7 I a 1 I j aaaaa. it M, at atai t BaAaa sal fa , aaa-l, O to ata E. Mi 4k Oh a. FOR RENT, Ac. rTTOUBE AXB LOT FOR RENT for 11 Mil 1 KAIL Eiirht Rooms, fir riser In each, Gass sH over the House. Good well of ws'w on the Lot; Another llosse and tweuty terra of Land I I ti lar hru. kaowa-sa the Hex li jtMtal propaeti i House, fear Rooms. drcli tt. . v. ii. ju.Nt.3 to. -y ALUAbUK FAMILY RESIDENCE TO tar. The commodlout family reaidenc of H. A. Dcpkin's heir la for rent during the year 1875k The bouse con taint enough roorae and tbe? are to waiucu a i xuiuim wu laeae i Ilea. It front Martin Street. It about 10 KSSS well of an water la the yard, lb premlte will tie inperreci repair. , . .. . ... r or term ipwr k dee IV U MOORE A 0ATLIKO. "DOOMs TO RI5T OK LEASE. The two rront room in i ncner nut r preaent ocenpied by the North Carolina Land Company will be tinted for (ha year Wi or will Be leaaeo lor a aei wa oi jrar. Apply vo W. IL A R. 8. TUCKER A CO. dec IT U 'PLEQAST UOUSS AND LOT IN RA L EMU FOR SALE Having purehated tbe elegant property known at IDLE 1LD. late the realdunc of Mr. kUngaland, altuated on Newbern Avenue Jurt ouulde of the city limit, I will tell tbe tame on accommodating term both a to trice and credit. I am wining to tru me wnoie, or o acre, including the dwelling haute. KEMP P. BATTLE. decMf Raleigh, N. C MISCELLANEOUS. QVt. CATHARINE'S, ONTARIO, , CANADA; Tig "STKPHKNSdJi HOl'SK." "' AND BATHS , : " la connection with the elrliratd wall of SALINE MINERAL WATER I bow opet for tb reception of vttitora. Persons d iron of ngtag board will ploaa addreas tb ProuftMia. BEVERLY TUCKE SONS. July -tf ' i" E A L E TATE DESIRABLE FARM ISO USDS. Improved sad Unimproved. C1TT RESIDENCES AND VACANT LOTS. W sell at owner price nd trTbrd personal Inspectloa to porcbaaera Several tract 1 and lola bow oa ha d, with Instruction! to U for leas than ever onartd bef ore. Farther saahrameate and correapoadeDc tor oetcnpuoB ana tanas aouciieo. ' GRAHAM A NA8II, ATToaasr, Cuarlotta, N. C Roar. P.Gaaaaa. I. Naia. feb ilia PROFESSIONAL CARDdT" Jos. B Batcbblob, L. C. Enwaao, Baeiga, uxIoriL w u. Plum u it BtTcsiLoa, KaieicB. - JJATCI1ELOR, EDWARDS kLOK, BATCH- ATTOIUJEYS AT LAW," Ealelga, N. C, Wilt attend Um Conrte ot Wak, flraaville. Franklin, Warrrn, Halifax. NnrUuunptoa ana Cbali iia eoanUaa, and tba Federal and a prerna Coarte Jaa aVU rp r. DEVEREUX, " 9 ATTORNEY AT LAW, OfBca oa Um aaeoad lonr ol tba Stmark baildiBg, aorlb of tha Farboroagh Houaa, PracUna ia tba Stela and Federal Coarte. CottecUon promptly attended to ia all parte OI ue Biaie. aapt 1U cutaa. . . j. m. HviAaa. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, M. C, Practice la all th Ooarte of Halitaa. North- amptoa. aUgaoMab and Martia toaatiea, te to aaureos Coan ol Aorta Carouaa, aad th Federal Coarte. CoUacUoas mad la any part of North Car- aar-oir f. aiouaa sua utv MOORFJ A QATLIHCk '' an 1 aau aaw,aaiasB a 1 nan. RALE10U. M. O. State and Ftdml Laaru an taa Coarte af tn 1st aa eta .ndlctel Dtetrtete. an 11 u. " H N i i'J I I II U k BOOKBINDER ' Ana HlaaK Vook .3Xsstrrtatr;r, trvaa Boat csbosjba aouaatoaa. 'AALL.UU. h. C IblSlf ' D ENTAL liOTlCR, Latil farther taat'aw aa4 aartal Mae aalal hah wwwt mt saaakas aataa. t my pr '''"I swrvie aaf aw laftwaa U D. Usartt ar at tao ala iUoai Kaa, oaaw I WIU pT'"Sl'"7 attaate te rarldawraaat K JaU - p, BAbvii;E J O O T s AND SHOES. At AT J HJSULM AMD boibtt uLM Uaad mill but 4ry. Astwowa rca earn M LsJassa Miaae. PltMgiieE, PETTY a 3UWSOM. Oaao u 11 ELI11LR FRRTILIItRS. "JA A rvi A" CL A.SO. a-iLl.SH l A itUtSUAsLaXk " E M P I R k - U U X II ' ri.ji muse a4l ky ballM W, f. tTI"ACTt TAF" UWi Sea fert aa, A v. r, ml 1,1mm, ! (ef eb r if 1 nn I III. r-Sv tm: I-1 K lu . rf CA?'I I. it IMl AL I 4 1 V i Im m. t ,. ,LAn It. CtAtd ,'-UliEA L!-ai.;U I -- u, t rn; war I sun i L.-T. talivti fa-ve i- lit i rnet iO Hb.iw, A,r I to k. kl.M'". INSURANCE. TNCC-URAOE HOME INSTITUTION. SKCUttlTT AO AiJiflT rinKi rtli Onrollua i,nv ivul'll t VfT man l vv MOJlh I 3L KAAlIi CUM lAN 1 . - RALtKH ThU tWpany conlinuo to writ Polldoa, at fair ratce, on all claatet ot loturable prop erty. All Loasc are promptly adjuttcd and paid. The "HOME ia rapidly growing In public favor, and tppeala, with conOdence, tolnturcrt of property ia North Carolina. AGENTS I.y ALL PARTS Of THE STATE. R H. BATTLE, Jr., Pretldcnt. C. B. ROOT, Vic President.; BEATON Q ALES, Secretary. rCLASKI COWrKR, BupervUor unt 2Mt. .(ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM Pi NT. Has over f 18,0 ,b00 safely lavested. Hasan ennnal Revenue of over S,000,S 0. Is laming over 10,000 policies a nn sally. It is thorongWy rttablisbed, and It ability to furnlih tbe best security, at lowest price, I not t matter of experiment It bas paid death losses in this Department, embracing North Carolina and at Virginia, within s fraction of 1400,000. Tb condition of an itITNA LIFE POLICY ar LIBERAL, PRACTICAL, REASON BLR. All policies art NON FORFEITABLE after TWO TEARS, cept n aewableTE! TEAR terra pe'kloa, and TUKT ' ARE AFTER THREE TEARS. Remwnber that the time will com when yoa eaa kiwger labor for Utoaa yea Wva, ana protect mem ry a pvUc oa yoar Uia renon dealroui to hold atHillrv la thU well tasted and tucceaaf ul comy or acta agent, wm Mareas, W. H. CROW, Manager, octodftmAwfla. Tho Fcoplo's ITATI0I7AL BAIUI FATarrirtlXB, N. C, Feb. n, 1871. INCREASE OF CAPITAL STOCK. THIS Bank having anthnrtty to loernas Cap tel Slock to i'al,0i; Nolle Is hereby lva tha Book of subacnpUos are nw ua tnr ta eaUssrwad I were of ITS, WM, and will be krj opra onUl tea aasoaal is suowiiwd or anut 1 July 17. raywitaitena sanscrliitUiB will b satillsd lo m'U rest at tb rrste of I per root, per as nuaa, from date ot payawal to tb alo ot books of lulwe litloa A. McLEA? 1 ."a. feb, ti daaAalt- Caabler. SPORTING GOODS.: Q ,, U M s . SINC,I. OUNS At W a, 4 on. as 90, -i m, t 00, 11 as, f II uu, to S-a 0U, Double out a At as on, T h, 1 ia an, n an. - til ou, SM 00, SI OU, el UO. fu UH, Sal eu, to 171 Ul Im fc. I 1 . --. 1 - . - rmm - -. t'XJfttf&Ml PISTOLS. laaith A Waasua'a, Coll a, A Ilea's, laaru's waiuary aad oUirr kiwda, IV aaairatttaaaa' ran. as. AUMLMIiuk aad iMPLa-MEMTd Fur brail loading Uaaa, at a small 4aa oa not of Itau-tauoa. Mrtalb AmaaaiUoa If kiSaa sad Fisteaa M towwat aasakat orww. A NBiMs saannaarat of ad thartla Oueds , fius aad Daw fti Uia Seal oa s-pu eatataa. woods sklpid by Etiraas C. O. D. ruULlbtf, Iklsll.LEal il., iaruavaaa, R 'JO W Raltlmura t , IfcalllaaaiSW. Kkksrd'a, fa-l'a, Unaaai'a. WtU s, as bas seiebraied aaaar vf (at s am baad 1 SSfairVd lt furdrr a0 leodwlt LLTIILC SIIELD01, taakaa rr - IXH lH, SABIIR , BUNM, IsiUlifk Ifidillt, sir It.l. I! rail niiLtirna iismosYabk, faint.. OiU ;1a4., Pattr, Aad baud .g Ma'srtal at awsvy 4iaar1ma, ITS Ualrr Sirral, rfotla, Ta, F (axid M aaa sard bah Makteg W4o wail. , taUlIU SHOllll'J IIEF raaakai B.f J JT., Sitba4a Haa4 ' te f. C liaaaa, Pi'.aMlut R.lal, ' t W.-ais fag.r I ue.4 n ,.t wl Ml, labi W ceifcy a v.ll. F Iks' ta'.a II. aaa af law I Naaa, wHk a lea a . a ., L.tiy laaiait I. I e, .al 11 11 a.11,1 a.. ia I tarraal, la TV a a, r-'.la. a-S aate., , aa .., mmm Mt a .a as si, t M UU, I I Aaa4 M orricr.;,! tHU,m, LeCMkil t f atntttesd ai tk. I.ia'i i a . i. Htf af I afc a, aa 1 a a? to lat war 't, la t, V. U. 'aa lt It.l l- l t-.aaS, J ea. aa a,a la, .lag Ba Oak Bt faifStJ j ' I aktl Wat a ! b 11 s,vb la' "I , !!! 1,1 lis Uf M ' k iniVIIt. !(aetiavaii,. (aaa I w4 kft , aaartia COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1ST. ST A J. DAJUI-4UIAN4 S COTTON PERTIUZEns: CJOLCRLK SEt LLN1) GUANO. Baa k7 Ortirlcatc o CI S. K Rovater.of Gran. ville, Hon. W. 1 . A vera ot Johnston., For tale by W. C. STRONACH. feb STtf PIANOS, " piANOS I PIANOS ! I T JAMKS PIR8SON ASONrranectfullrlaform the pablie, that they have last received a new ttock of tlioaa tuuerlor Piano Fortctof th 0 rkat union Company oF new YORk to which they Invite attention. The immenat reeourcv of thu eominy in the alia ot cap ital, machinery and other facilities, enable them to put their Ptanoa at a much lower ral tbaa any other first clasa establiahroeut, and person about to pnrcbaa will Und it much to weir aa vantage to call and examine thcer Piano before purchasing elsewhere. eena tor circular to JAMES FIRS8ON A SON, Cor. Hargetaud BalUhury strevu, mar If Raleigh, N. . rIHE BUPfcHlOlUTY OF TliF UNK1V1" JL LED WU Lk PIANO FORTE , It mncMliid bv sll wTin hsva llAHJCI COM P A RaS it wilb others. itith NEW SCALE. The Manufarlurer haa tncceedert In m i the MOBT PERFECT PIANO FOrl posslbl: bene they ar prtired by uneAT Attt lata of imk kai-- - And recommended by all tb 1 . LEADING NEWSPAPERS Price will b found as raaaoaabla aa ei.u . tent with thorough workmambip. WAREROOM&. 6ra Aviava, Nw Yoaa, Cos. lera Stbib aeei-u , . . jj-Rs. nr w. miller Having resumed the mMagement of her llOAIlDINU UOUSE, eoruer of Newbern and Person Streets. f quesu tb paUonag of ber old friends aud uie puune generally. , sag 14-ti - , y TNNE, YANCEY A Llyery, Sal and Exrbang ST A T . "17! CI - ' Jk-J -l-LA KJ a Araeonstently receiving Mule and Horse. They hv now on band soul 80 mule sad IS laat horse. laulJUm P O D D R A N D SHUCK 10 bale food Fodder snd Shucks. " " feb 4 W. 11. J11NE8 A CO t.a... -! ... I J MISCELLANEOUS. rpilE BEST PERIODICALS 0F.TUE DA Y T"S aaiAT ENGLISH QUARTERLIES AMD Blitkw.oil'i Eiliidarfk Iiiuine, ' arraiBTBD at THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton Street, Nw York, . Af mbumt ear (AW (As arks mf A srVteass, Tb Edlatjargb Rvtew, Iba Loudoa Quarterly Kertta, Tb Westminster Review, Published Quarasrly Jaa'y, April, J sly, Oik! AID tfod' XdtaarfS if!. (A fse-aimaa ot tba origtaal.) PabHaard Munlbiy. Taaa or suaarBirrioa For aay 00 Rvlw, For aa two ktevlews. 4 0U vm aa. . 1 00 . lu ue Per any tbre Revlewa, ....... For ail lowr Review ... roe Slackwoud Magaath..,,, tm S'aikwuod and 1 Kcilew.. For bbark wood aad S Raatews., i M " - 1 00 . lu uw law For hlacwwood aad S itevwa. For Rlaa;kwoudadUa4Mvlews U UU Paste, two cents a Bumbsr. to bs ordiaibl by tb quarter at tb odt-a of SVbisry. BITBf. A dlaeoaal of t wanly par swat, win bss'low. I to aiaha wf lowr ot saor nerawtia 1 ban foareoptaaof black wood a of eu Review will b swat to aw Jrmm tut SU.W loai e4a of tb four stetMws ad ltiawwoS lu H sad aw oa. To slabs ol tea or- Baora, la d4roua to lb Bbavw diaa-oant, a py (rati Will besLuwed to too gUwr-ap wf tea claii. t , - r s a 1 0 a . New sasarrlhwr tor tb yoar IHTJ may bar witbwot rbanra, taa iwwn lur to au4 S"a, tar of ISii ( lack panudml a tlasy sut aaliat nbs lot. Or, baausd wf ttt a bare. Bow mbstrlbers to ta is, u rea, or four ol tb aboa p- rbali tail. Baa ksvs, ft psasalaoi, on ot Ur'law ttetbrw1 fur l,l 1 Muarnaars to all Ifa saai Bar Iw wf toe ' Fvar Ibnwai' for Is, I. ar avwmlams to sabaavibars bus dl SMil to claosewa bwaitowsd aalsasta mauay m rawaltMd auart to tb Babinnara. a 1 1 ilaaas aaa a givaa to rlaba I a aaear leMtlaaaa, It wid b Bas aa.e to Bkaks early si im aLMMi. a tba atoaa a, .a ur thai pwn la Itaatlaa, Lleawiaea ana fartoar aafurasa lua aval b bad oa aft-la atwa. taa tenissimr? ri a. tv, , ISM laiwa alia, t, N.a vHi TUB LEONARD SuiJlT PL SUi,l4l Cu atau n at iaa TUB rAHMMH M OCIDK Ti aneatilWs sad tractiraJ Aflmltur. By llaaiv ,vraia, 111,1 law ar.k. aad abakMai F. ajja. ptalaat ael a.ta.a As'ttailar la lees IMafa, ha laaaaa. 1 mm aoaa Itofal ataa, lauo aiaaa aaa aasaariiaa an'aa iTia t i , b raal. 1 paa 1-tf JARLT ROSE Fn.TATU.1, laa'f eVaaadtVh Piatelaa, I F sat Was PteVatoia - ' fa a BaaaW I utoaa, I km rla falabaa, , alaakaoa W alt tiimim, ; gusases bf lablHf W.CST10SALE. pACI lNSTITUtt, SAUU.ILNC, Fl M .s.t, FVar-par laas at. sh laau. A as , 1 . . 4. HKiai,. W. I r, i i a lbs IV af itaa 1 k laaa,ls,f t taw t sa Wa Saf at !' toaa as kka 1 aa 1,-a-a .-.. Wtal Ika af at-t4 to ftl't at ;-ea t4ir- t-a ta aaa- sumo mi ftmrnt a-a k I II ,...,.-,taa linnHilalal aa ,a a ai.i-lHa UaMal a . a t aoa aa 1 waai tataa- a taaga al tt M sh taa lata I a V Ital.le " Saa araiaaaa e Ba R 4 .i. a . paa la da. at Ma,l, It et I f R until tt r L i ,u a. t f 1 i i ,, 1 aa ..aii 1 1 s 4 A J. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAl. -B-A t TiJI K B ; ; Ml. Orrtca t - :- fkitta jrutwiiu f STara DR. JOII0, . - - t - ' :' Phyaleian of thi celebrated Instullon. di covered, when in tb tfreat Hosjiivals of tu- i' rrtipiaiiai rrai via eiaewnere, th mott certain, siwedy, pieasaut and efieet oa remedy in the world for all exceetea or abu . of thtijatem. :i VYeakuaaa of thi, Racknrl.lmha iitrb-tm. ACectlon of the Kidnevt or lilsdiler, lnvolun '"7 Ulsehargoa, lmt-ney,Ceiieral Uebil.k Nervouaneaa, DyapeiKia. Laniruor. L.w oiib-iu. Confusion of Idea, VspiuuJon of tbe Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Dimness ol Bight Ot, Uiildineas, IHasasc ot ti'. Hiad,- Thr nt. N iaw or Skin, AtlecUnof tlie Liver, Li.,., Stomach or Bowala tbiM terrible Dianrovn ariaintfrom Solitary llablUof T outb eaeiiai. and soliury pracUcea more fatal to their ric. time than Hi song of tbe Byrats to the Ma nner of Llysses, blighting tbelr most bril bant hope or satldimUun. rundcruur mar. riage, Ac,, Impoeail 5, dosuoyiug both body and mind, ' '';?' ,; IOUNO MS V - Eai-eclallv who hare, bcm the victim of solitary Vies, that dreadful aad detlrucJta. habit whirb annually weci to an uutimely grave tbontandt ol yuung men of the moat exalted talente and b.-illiaut iuteUeet, who might otherwise have entranced liateniug Senate with the thunders of eloquence, or w " wcaiacy uie living lyre, may car with full confldene. Marriage. Married neraoas. ar iuBiwtnMiMihtjm,iii.i. ing marriage, aware of I'byaieal Weakiieaa. Lost of I'rocrcatlve Power (luittotenev), Ner vova Excllablhty, Palpatstlon, Orgame Weak- , wuo isvviuty, ur any uuer aiUh u all ocation, speedily relieved. tie who places himself uJr Ri care at Dr. i-a. v iioiy nainue lu nil Donor aa a gentleman, and confidently rUy uikjo his skill asaphj-weian.. ,. . e. . k- CKOANIC WEAENE&S IinmedUtU'ly Cnred and full V igor ileatored. This dialraaaliiir Ai1.t.Oiu tM..), r,-.,.,.., Ills niMrrabie and marriage upMaible Is tb penalty paid by th victims of iiu;.roej ui dulgeneo. Young pwsursar toaapimcoia mil excesae from not being aware ot lbs draadrul conaequeneea that may am. Now, who Uiat nndan lands this subject will pretend to deny that tbe power of vrocreatlo ia lost sooner by those falling lis to per habile uiaa by ui urudnnt T Bo kin being deprived of the pleasure of healthy otlnpnng. the most sarlous and dUa4iv lymtonu ol both body and mind arise. The system becomes derang ed, tb Physical and Mental Functions wo, eusd, Loa of ProcraaUv Power, Nervous irritability, Dyapcpaia, PsIpllaUim of th Heart, Indigestion. Constitutional - tiblliiv and VV eating ol tha Frame, cogb, Coasumu- A CURE SPEEDILY Warranted. Person ruined In healthy by unlearned pro tender who keep tbeta trifling moula alter month, taking poisonous and injurious com pounds, should spply inunuUately, " , DR. JOHNSTON, , . Menioer of lb Royal Collet of Surueons. London, (iraduate of on ot Us moat eminent College la ih United f later, and Uie best I rtof who life has been aieut M Uiehos- pltels of London, Paris, Philadelphia andelso whera, baa aSaeted sum of Ihe most aston- lahing rare that were ever known many trou tiled with ringing In th head and ears wkea asleep, grwal Dwrvouswasa, being alarm ed at suiiiiun sounds, bashfulura, wlih tr qeut bluahlng, atteuded somstimes with de. raugsmeai ot suted, was ar4 ImaMdiutely. TaKE PARTK'TLAR NOTICE, Dr. 3. addresses all those who bav Injured UiaaiMlve by Improper Indulgence and solb lam babite. which ruin both bodr and mind. uulltUng theia for either business, study, ss cieiy or saamagn. The are am of th sad malsacholy ef. fuel produced by Ui rarUily habits of youth, VI ! VVaakBtss el lb hack and Limbs, Pains hi th Head, Dimness ot bight, Los of Mus cular Power, Palpitation ot U,s Heart, Dys- peials, Nrrvons Irrtubilily, Itatangcmeiil of lli HurastlTS FancUon. Oanataf Debibtv. Byuijitoias of CouaumpUon, dto. Mi.111u.1-iH learrui nu oa th Blind r much bob dreaded. Loss of Meat, ory. Coafuslua of Idea. lepresaiua of BtiUlia, lis soreowuina-s, aTerwam so nocaiy, nrii DlalrusV. Lova ol Sulliude. 1 uniditv. Ac. a. a sum of th U Jwoduced . 1 boasaBd ot tMS-soas of all S:-ea eaa sow Iudg what I lbs cauaa of ibutr oerilbl, g eallb, fciaing t sir vigir, l ecuinliig we, , pale, narvous snd enis istid, bsvug s dnaw. ' Ur sppraisire slatul tna rtea, rouab ai-d )mliiuis ot C'nnsiiiiiptiiiB. ittntr U So bare Injured Uaiaaliw by a ort.t prat IMS, todulgid la wbe aiuoa, a habit In uuentiy learned fruia il timi'auiob. or at a, haul, too tlet af aka b an autktly I II, saaawbea aalap, and if ie4 cujiU raodrr Btarnaga iiapuaiita, and 4tlmri taiih mmd aud buoy, aiiould apply imaaruatalj, M hat a put tba! a toiuig nvm Uta koi of bis sussui, tbe prUla ol btefwavta, ai,nt,i bwanaiebrd from sll pruapec Uaad wmrui ef bl by Has rosae-jui itva of Aeiiawug fnto, tee patb wf aators, aatd HMlalirair la a certain seeret habit, But persua aoul, be lor citi , MARIUAalE, Radar, tba a aoaad aalnd and awdy ar iba bhm4 aarsasary rvaiaiies to )-i,H- t. taiwaa. Ual bapi'loeaa, latlaad, WILbo- tbtaa li,. pMkat y tarwaaB ui ri am awwsry riinui sa, tb pruepstt kimily tlai Stria tu u,a lata. tia a, 1 ml o.wutea al.stluwea aim de aW, at i eilad alto tea saslsarswly taai-a ual l,, as; j luta ot Slimiiai as ntisa wita otir eaa. A CERTAIN DirlAaK, Wkta tl, miaauldej Sad lnrwdenl Vutara of dars Bads a a .a taatiad tea sv ls a. Ibis t-a. it f til disease, It tto wtle b-a a uaf aa Ui tteMd ernae ul aliaaie or d teiaay anfaa aasa siswaaia y say tattawa. waa, I' adataisoa aai stVut-aa-Sei caa atua batrariMl him Ha fall w' toe bards of IgatMuat aod lniong fn awtera, a Su, la ebs of vurua;, e ( Ska paaiaiy say. al.M., It p fe'i u ill il- moa'.b after at-iaiia, a aa saag aa tea staalhat taa sai ba uoiauuid, lad la e-u teats bua wiui raiaad kw.a it atk aver ka rlil'g d.aei ", itniweal j ar, by If Baa 1 1 UialdaaJla fj-aaasa, Merraay, Imi 1 ' tbe toaatttataMfMl a)a4aaaa fcl tb,a buar4 daaawas to Bas t Uall art-aaraaa-s, awth as al iraswdsftrw Ibrual, dwee, Bnta, aaatlaraal JBS Ml Ua bawd sad tila'-a,,aea uf a at. b.u See a U bat.4, I.. a aad ti'aiiea, pnnwag Bilk fnM't'ftil raiitailt, 11,1 ( aaat tea aia ml toa aa .ava tfa luaa ul u . fait la, aad tea uia ( li. . f .1 lu. aaa ba ajaaa -arT i.l.Jea I af .aaaaai.aeai I at aia bU a taaawd to ana Braatlf 4 aallaaiat, l a. , u . 1 ( Sua V, luat ut-. tirr.. eaalry Uua Bb aV (a aravasa e laeaa.' Tn tea S, tbaraf.rf, ir ioLaaua ttl rt lla at "at eaa bt a, tctau, ptaaasat aa ala baaal raaaadj u lata Bat Id. , OfBra, f taulk 'lirJrrlrk . IIalllarr, tlariUaA. Left ban asas t"aa-S l-ea la.,tiia al-xet, law d-aaa fraaas taa raarMSf t J mA ks lab eea Smi- at4 aaaal. Ja telkars raeiwtaleaa ea)taW aad r.aaig a alaMif to ka i. mm it aj ( paaaaaae a nt.i aiftid at. w ar aad a 4 ot iaan 1 am ataar stag sya9 I m tea. lor! DirU t barilla k ItX'iai,ai:iT f'F tlu r.a a tk oaaaf Ikaa4 rweel at tbi satai-.iF aaaat lat IB to la,. 1, taaaa, an Ua laa-lvM lafilil t.t. ,,. . f,iaaa kl It ..k.e... S t, It I, ee a 1.1 l,-a aaa e't , i , ivwa ml at., ta' i , M ,, Saaaa ( to -ai,t. I. .1.. fc . aa a a-a at k- -. -. a-. . i , . , , .B tt .a I. "a. a . v' SAIM I'iASArt '? I'll t 11 1 tally. A a laal 1-a.tia l'-v , y In aaa a, it m S I- , aa4U . ...ari.i r-C1 A a-... - lJ v. .... fcM a I u n M k a i 0 c o a r., p. . I I-- f 'aba Ba-.t I a laat. HI lttt!t K o . a I i . I t a , a li w V rr-ase f v r a il ED I (j t- .4 ataaainaa as , , irrttf sew s w