THE SENTINEL. FRIDAT, MARCH 14, 187J. rrnrnniPiim vnrc iLiLLuiimaiiu liiiiiu !' Dispatches, DOMESTIC NEWS. THE MODOO WAU TBI MACE COMM weion GIVES IT IF TBI OLOICM Of TBB LATA E CArTAU jack's u will with ice, - BKEV KD OCT.' 8a Fbabcuoo, Kirch 11 The Peaca Commissioners bsv given lb Modoc ep, wd th military ar ia full control It it stated the soldiers an already ia th lava beds. Tba Indians hat great quantities of km atored and as abundant supply of beef and root. ANOTHER DESTRUCTIVE tAMP COXFLAGRATIOX. , ; 8t. Locu, ksreb 13. Tba National IUnk, the extensive dry goods sad sho house oT Lsoih 4 Co., the .fctiraai office, and lea or filtec-a other building, commuting a pan of the bui portion of Tuscola, Illinois, were de stroyed bj fire oa Tuesdsj night Los estimated at over oj ' hundred thouaand dollars. The fire wa caused by the ei plo sion of a lamp. .TOREATEXISQ ICE GOUGE. Pottt DEroerr, March IS ooon, The riverba men a I t Chi morn ing. The ice filial the clt mbid and baa threatening look. L FROM WASHINGTON. Wauisotom, March 13. Tbe Attorney General baa a ... dispatch from Detective Whitley that tbe post master and county officer have been driven from Lake City, Fluid. One leader in the affray bat been arrested. much rpio-itioa. The distribution ro i be untaken bonds sin-jig t .c ui psjeas a regarded in the light of a forced loan. all the bkjk objectionable a it falls heav ily on tbe le-i wealthy classes. On tba street, the people denounce it, declaring HIM S that coercion to take the loan Is against their interest as well as contrary to law. Informal meeting of foreigner and Bpanish merchants bar been privately held, at which it was resolved t- oppose the plan ; and foreign consuls will protest in case it is insisted upon. Prominent Spaniards represent tii.t the object ia to DMike those patri.!, who boast loudly . o tlitir deTotioa Ui Spain, and make a ahow in supporting her in terests, take anme share of the burden imposed by the war for the preservation of tbeir country' power. RESIGNATION OF THE GLADSTONE MINISTRY. OHO!ffEftTIHZER- 2 O c-3 hiC ' I ! nil LAMP DEATH IX A Tet another horrible death ha Raleigh from asing eaaf oil See city : Nobody -is Uni t perV mi .. By atlnt; "RATTS ANTRAL OIL. Millions of raUonsbsve been Sold and not a .ugie acci dent bs ever reu t-d (rum 1U use. , , . intra Itwiaim ftola As-ents. Kslelrt. r5 t. "ALL IM G Tr ii i Is the name of tbe best Cooking Stoee eter Introduced la the Southern couatrv. Jt'l.H H L8Wm A-i'O. Bole Agents Halel-rh:. fair. The officer have com pitta rasp of tba I Federal officers are iavastigating tba af- lavabeds. THE SOCIAL EVIL LAW. Bt. Loci. March 13 Seven thousand womea bav petitioned the Legislator of Missouri to repeal tb social evil law. tkadeb vsw& lnrrict'fcTi ea- DI1RAKI.I SCMUOKKD TU-VOB.M AIIW MINUfUT. Lokdoh, March 13 Mr. tiladatone iu tbe House of Corn- It la reported that Dr. Newman, Chap. moD1 atHi rl Granville in the Houaa of lain of tb Senate, baa been appointed 1 Lords this afternoon announced that th Inspector of Casualties and will make a I Minister had Undered to the Queen tlteit trip round tb world. Tb deficiency appropriation have I cepted. compelled a draft on the legal ri serve ot I UolA IIues tliea 1,200,000. It ia reported it may be ne y. Jar. Disraaii to-dy received a suuimons fATtNTtO For th proteeUoa ot the Planter. A SPECIALITY FOR COTTON ! ! ITS MERITS HAVE BKlN PRAC'MCAL T TESTED BT BOMB OF THE MOST FKOMIUKNT ANP -t'C' tSSHJL fi AM IRd IN NORTH CAR OUN ASI B' UTHEABT. ERM VIRGINIA. And Is too well known to need sny praise at our bands. We ton to those rn.HTlm who have tried It, sad will gin any irijr, upon a i'lic tkm, a LirT or raaiM ax, sod furuith -Sae Life and Properp ti 1. .A t -,r!.....,l. r. Tk. nn mnM thl-i rujimnn black rods no aaed by Lluhtenlng Rod Peddlers 'I hev lt ten times s long snd sre safer snd better in every resist. JULlCb LEWIS CO., Sole AtfenU for aonthern Bute. R A I LB O ADS RAJ.EIUH S OAfflu.i r.a. A". --BiTtaiMtsi'Ba'f'aO"' RaIiios, N. C . Snv.2Wt-.irn sua met reiuinjy. i. U", o", oa Uie RAleinh 4; Usstm. r, K "on Sunday eiwptudj as foil .: MilL THAI". 4 ti.'T. i a-U; BY ASKING FOR The Bolle's Cotton Hoe Too can ace to what perlectljn Cast Steel con be wrouirht. KVERT HOE WARR ANTED. - - Jt-fclUM LBWiB A CO.. Ralehrh. N. C, Sole A(cnU for North snd South t'arolln snd Oeoi-gla- mar 13 resignation", which her M J'-sty bad ac- j f ,,K y, OPiBiB.4eperifnceof iu irreat adjourned till Mi n t:rtl.iunt( ptoiKrtMa under Con That It msiures the I ott a sooner by several werks and ncar:v doubles tbe tleld. snd Uist Uie in- ereasaofthe prodnct Is s cbss to make i s "" ' a i..w j LEACH BROTHERS, GROCERS Ixsves Raleurti Arrives at Weldon . LeaTos Weldon ........ Arrive at Kakit'li.. ACCOMMIU-A I lit leaves RaWph .' Arrives st Weldon , F . . leaves weld.... . Arrive at Kalessh.,,. v.,.V MuS train makes Xui' i v . don with the fsciboasd .t )u"iuke likim .: and Bsy Lior Hleiuuo a Uaiuuiore, u i. ! from all polnu ort i, e-t and oiUv . snd with PetenilmrK Ki ttl via Pi-teri'l i. :; Richmond snd Wahit)ci' n City, to an-! ' all portU North and ' ! west. Auu ai iuuc-iu wiui u oriD caruiiUM t.u road to and from all potuts South and a- h. west, and Willi the hahlb Aut:uMc Line to Haywood and Cuyetteville. Ai-coojnaodaiion anu rreiKut train, cnio, i st Weldon with Aeeouutodation !tu. t trains on icaluuu Jt K'...L. ko luul., . u Pelersbunc Railroad. And st Raleufh, wits AwtuMtim i J Kiett;bt trains on North (Jhrulina Kajtn au Parsons living alonx tne ima of the Road i - viait Ksle&h in the looremn M Awn u. a turn train, remain -eeveral bomi. and rett rv same evening. A. B. ANDREW June 17-tf ' en En? AND from the Queen and immediately proceed to Buckicgbam Palace. TB BU1KU) Dr.ilEAl.TIL 'lest It for vourelf. fcif" C W. ORANDVi SONS, 8iclslAgenU Norfolk, Vistula. TUH 8TANDARD FERTILIZER,, "Tlad tapecUny ToTThC hcessafj to bae la.UOU.OW, bul oulV tcliipo- KswYu", March 18. ranly. Th master carpenter and builders of I The 6outbera claims passed upon by tbi city and Brooklyn atat that they 1 Commission, and for bkb a propria- will not acceus in ids whj "- t tton -naww men inaoe ; aggregwxe usu, tb Societies this Spring, and many I 0O0, distributed among about on thuu capltalisU who intended Investing U WBd claimanU, moatly in Virginia, Ten-1 q,, terrihl Intra ler has entered, pbisal I fas bean used throtwta ul lb cotton arowinir rrnlons ol hortU I arolitia snd Boullica leru Vlriciuia with ucb flat.erioe reaults tli.l tlie Southern Furillis viae oniiinro Ku bmond, Vlruliita. haw f.. .1 d It n.itar to doutile Ibe power ot thru work t'i meet the demand. It ta conceded by. those w no huve uaed it tlat it Is eaaled by a other manipulated guano. To meet ths general enquliy we have pro ."'':r.rr" ".'tt.: : n n t t n n nn np are offering great induckmenth to ihk jobbino .r . .7 T. , v T T l , L . . , ' 4AW Suifur at lc, "B" QIIANOE OF 8 C U I D U Ii t HALEIOH A-Al'GCSTA AIR LINE. Kaleiuh, N. C, hov. itLn. Is'.'. On and after Saturday, Ni v.KO, 187J, Iraita on tbr KaleiKh A MJunta Air I Ine will run mil t.unuajrt-):ccpt.a) aTTuTTwa : hail laaiN. building projects ax already placing their Boncy ia otber invesUnenU. TBS NEW JERSEY GENERAL R. R, BILL. Tuurroa, March 13. nease and Alabama. Deducting tigot larger case, th average is f 100. I'reaideot Grant baa gon to I'biladcl- pli. . - will return to morrow. Mr. West submitted a resolu tion 'compensating McMilluu aud Ry, Th geoeral railroad bill passed by th elected from Louisiana. Referred to th Uous wa reported to tb bcuat to-day with amendments and made lb special ordef for Tuesday nut. I ONE OF TUB fcPATIIFINDER'tt" FIRMS, frr. Louis, March II In tb U. 8. couit to-day tb firm of B. Morton John C. Frvmoiit was declared bankrupt as a firm. ' p BASK hOBBERY. " . LoCisvrtL, March IS. Tb Nbbcry of lb Falls City Tuuso Bank reache rfarr hundred tbVutaiitt dollars. Tb rewards aggrrgat seventy thousand doliaia. . 1LUN0W AND HER ''BACK TAY' Cnicaso, March 18. Tba liiinuia Hum voted oa buudred and thru to four, tor resolution vaur log the llilnoia coagrevsavea who .td to lactaaa their aLuias. MIS31NO STEAM EIC Km Youa, U.kU 13. Tb stramsblp Xiiffurm ahich k-ft Lei on FU tid fur Ikrmuda i nw itck over due at that purl and has not bvte beard front, though no gnalappho.i u as tu ber safety t Ilata. MARKETS. LoauuM, March t4. CoMoUMIItoMll fiv.'sWIi. LlTSJtroiiL, noon, Msrcb IS. C'MU steadier. I'plaod fel l, Of- WaMlltJ. Latbbv Cbttoocuatiautsslcady. Sal. a 11,000 baW fu( spacvusUua, ! i spofl ' 1,000. - ' Saw Yaa; lUwb 11 CtdulL Islta ICZ V1 .ada 10 I 4. Of J Ml. FUjar dud and uatbaaged. htat ejutct. Caxu dad Purh uuAct and firm ii fit Lard uiet weatetn sUata 1 1 I lu I ) 10. Tar oeatiM dull aad beavt at Ci. Il.ia 4UMI at S 19 U 1 U Um straiued. Stock brevy. Cold firm at IS I 1. Moavt fiius 1 13 I 1 It. Ooaikmi.t. dull aad steady, 8tsla vary tu. FOREIGN NEWB. KAUIOAO. Till DEFEAT OF TUE C LADS TOM MIXL3TRY-WUAT WUX TUE orroiino.t do witu it r LoSDoa, Manh it TV )oaxai tkta saomlag ruaaawwt at gr4 SMglh tbe 441 W la govera- sxat b the liavk l aixruty tdttcatwaal l ( L aad iMnhli pm tb ura Ml. bavlsls wifl nwrawa. The T say the isUim . r t- wyi da nod LlareWl will b caiUd by Um Qmi U ( sew aii try, la nbitai tveett ittMnl wilt In dta4v4 an4 gsamai iattk im Jaird UW Jaly. Tb Val say tb Uxtisaarat ha a4 Vaetwiw4 whether M wUt frg 4- mdwt yUaait a4 aul U ihm an try la awtaanUiaiialiwi' bal was a gs.t su)-Ma U the lat-tsM aad btf al aw ' US 4 It li.- ml Caw. , Tb laite a Anfctrww t4 ( awl g IIm SaUtatry by a V'H mt ft.t l Kl law mwtaiia a waai itaf la the ra . Uii mt da''tu) Frt- Committc on Privilege and Elictions. Caldwell's caae occupied th balance of th day. No, action. t . NEW HAMTSIIIRE ELECTION. Concord, March 13. The latest looting of lb Cougrvii)nI Vote la th Drat district give Bin ill, rep.. between 100 ad 800 majority. The olh er district ar democratic Shaw's (ri I ,) majority for Gowrnor will be between tt0 and 400. 8UOCKINU ML' RUE It OF. AN AMERt- -CAN IN KRANCa Naw You a, Match 13. It appeals that John U. Uairon, ol Biooklia, who wa auinl lor a nurcuililc hoUMat Bsyomw, Fr.ucc, aa. .hockh-gl, U, .uc,a.t u, u murdered Ultra, FdNuary litli. by proalratiow render 1: progras to the clUdel ui life comparatively easy. Therefore bar th door, and It poaslble, ke p it barred ; or,lf the enemy has already secured a foothold, rally tb strength of the system snd s-slt nature to drive out the to ol health aud life. Tb mea .sof doing this Is w. thin avery one' reach. Mraceupib pKjtlcju with Hostel tar's Stomach Ultum kua there are clemenU In the air you breathe or tbe water you drink ar morbil or unwlioluiome. Tills Is barrlox the SuorT E, Idea If and sudeuuca wUl aaaall lu vain the livlnir fortrs. that Is thus protected. I It may '-Uub a alig to corn," Hut it this pn-eautlonary measure hss been BcKleeted, Ui reed of disease can be ejected by the same po.tut vegetable sgent that would, If Ua.m earl cr, have prevents their oblsining su eairsaee luw th sysum Tb sUmul Iiik, iLvloiailui,', .igulalbag aud partly Ujg propdVilasof thw 1 al elixir reader It moat formidable aiitaKnilst of all aekilk Wunx eiaordac. Iks rapidity auJ certsialy with whtcu it vaouuialu Klir and ague. rkeaiuatlaw, hlllloua coll-, Indieailuu aud wh-vwos u.taiiiU, la Sain ww.mmAI dstfv to tbs streui;tn ii im ans lu the hur, m nurvaa and Ui uiemuisbsa wli.ea ll .e tba HoUi .c.i ai d lha loas.s iluayba aa el) aaiU thai a eun aa ot Ibe at t uieneed uuw will U-a ftUia aiuUactl.ib against Bpaatard whom u bad aiatuaiged hia employment (or stcaltug. Th wur derer atabued Warren to th heart iu broad daylight wa tt lie promenading with j hi daughter anJ It died lu ber anus oa th load. Tb murdeier iu attested. Mr, Warirn ha rtlatiMS at 1'urtlnnd, Maine, MARKET - - - - L"tn"!; Menh IU lluliioa ha dia.Iined ftiv ijiaiurt f a mtuioo. I'Ahl., March 13. li utis 54 j0, Uvaar.x'L, Match 13 Colti.a cl iard dull, talus uucbsugad and Hitibds 7,000 Amertcsa bah. W ttaiKaTos, M M.b 13. LiHt. 4iul. jiMlu4tl U 1 . StpalW id TuitK&iina dull ba salsa HiMel. U ',m ducTTnla Mt a.Te. t ra I Td' ptatia Wwrt at i t bard, 44 70 f.if Ysllow tp and Vug a. Tar jint at 3 11 Naw Yuan, Match 13. -form - trrvxntar ftr -y.T twin. L piaod. 10 I 8, orkaaa 10 I I Flut I cnn ar eaira ( II 130. Good Id thtue 140 lu l Wbiskry steady at hi. Cur firm and in BK'd.rala deaaaad. . U I if . Putb firm at fit Laid loaetal I I to 1 1 4. NaVals quM. Jlwntj (UmcI at 1 to I. very dull. Gold II 1 , . BaxilMuka, Marvb 13. Cvtlow dull aad noeaiaaL Mtddbeg toll, f Wul si wad y aad acaaogad. Cum avtiv and Iran white l to nj i islkiw M ta II. I'luvatMiaw oui.l aad Ins. M 11 1. Lard at M. FOREIGN NEWS. wal.M t.t AI.KAN EXI XuiiATIoN, Lvaia, ktanb II lhaUwatesi invinyiewl a4M prv M ad a tpadtfc lit itMt Nsna Aba aad ptVrat th d- af Ltii!Wl IveM Jlattt . uf hat bean aliaaxly rataad k awet lb tlpaa wf k nndevtakiftSl UHOtEHltH, Ac. A ' U i'UENUli bTAiall INAMtU" told by mar 7 W. a STROXACU. I u II a Ufa AenoClATlUtl iriuK Of or ikun, , v. v. Lvtu. I eUuary 10, 113, la at ev dam wl k k. f the Amended Uwut ot to Lu A.sociaUoa of Aaiafka, at iirond eti.i.mWT tils, inra w It be aa hcag fur Biau.hwrt of tte UeuiraJ Huard of Uttef livs, at ins oJU ol lb Aisuelauaa ia l., t, on fseadaj tka itUlaeu h Say i.f Man-h, lit. l olls vpea rroaa n a. wi v s p. m iit It. B tlTluN, frts'L i. i. Fm-a, pe'). IwklaiaaSw DEPOSITS OK Sl'PI'LY at all unporUnt point, where It will be fur nlahed ft our aeaU at sacvokv r less, freight added. - FOR BALK BY ARCHIBALD BR A 8 WELD, fcliluker. N.'t;. i. H. flffs.N H CO, hitkers,N. C. i. W. CRUWKLL, JoynsnJN. Li. W 1L JON Ed dt CO.. Kaeleh. S. I '. 0. t. Rkl D, irorealvilie, N. C. A. H. Al'KI piuk iaalug, N. O H. E. OOow A CO , Ua u leW ', M. C. W. U.snr.itN.'ON, Marganltetyille, NX'. BKANCIi (. Wllaon .N C. KoWAKDH, II.iDhki Y A CO., 8cabatd. 1. B. CtiKMk-Ll), Tarb V, .t . OILLIAM. MluJa.i'. h. C. A. IL A. 1LLI A MP, oaford, N C. B r. OWENA Ml.. Coluuibis, N. C. J.. M. I EbHEl.b); Jcraaatcm, Va. M.B stlDLkY. Neasona, Va. W. r. tt'ltlr Hl, (.at si le, N. C. . ... N. M. LAW I.ENCL, laiboru'.N C. W. at. CArailAHl, mat toil, K. y,. 'I . W kbit, foeky Mouut, N. C. WILMI. A MUil.L, tol. rune, N.C. MA I I Hi Ws.UL ft n Mi.Uxviy ilom.t, N.C. . WkWiLL t ESTABUMI OTHER A0KNC1E3 A ( lllFFEUENT Lot AL1TIE8 THE I.OHINO BEAWlN. Tins tXnroa FaariMI a b.t r.ceividtbe htglirat ptaoa from a. I tcctlons of country Snd the UaiLV raasi IhrouirU.iut tb Btsla. We axe below a few est eu fn-ra ewamu- tiUaitona of a various lutsil- ol eveauy to me Our news a era r pirtliig tb Vi'luntarv, cuteoidant comwiedda Uoos th cotton pis tu relsitte to tlw ae lk) o( tka Colioa tarUiU r, aad Uie kltrfc re pule la a hu ll It la b. UI by th ,anu r, u aullrrol pubiie la arestsad baoillt wntlliv Imsa taespvi ana (iviug Uie .rra, emil int lauda kua of Ik wkuia uplc, a bo had tried aad eaeu tu ansvta. asaaf i.l whiaw ar lb bt aiea and aaoet aw i-eaful farura In North taro.nia aud V 11,11,1a. eitr U an lb iiavaa.v(u asr srsut a. w, pawr ewri eot.deaU lu ik ir aMuama auaa Vi tba frart, wbuaa buwbeaa la tti ..U i d rvia saattar uf gsDsral aaaaaud laiaratof paulw usiporlaSMW aud e uet ia. VflLMtNOTON ttrKA ST OF if A RKETSQ VJtA K' IDCCKMENTS TO HIE JOBHINU I KAUJS Kuirar ut I J -lc. Ilttrts "I "at 13 l-!ic, ; li lliiwiil l-1-lr..Vrllow hi lOto II l-'J. Candy In 'JS lb. boxea "t ltic.: 110 charge for boim. Br ndy Pischts(qr'ts) 13 fO pe-r do. mbn rs fea'l ftaich fit Cc. per Iti , fi Foxes Fain ly Hosp st 6c per lb , lb. bars. Kl Hoxea Pesrl Lemon Bu'eults at HVjc 10 Doisen Uteri Forks W Di xen Ste.1 "hovels. 10 Down HruiiDU. p Don-n Cotton Cards 20 H'lls. 8. H. Hyru. Bh.d. Cubs Molasses S ases Osiers. 25 ( ases ft Piekles. !!5 (IrOfS Csu inulT 10 Doxeu Eurrall Uimuu 5 ' Bb:s. triehVotat ea. -1 20,000 LBS. B'USS AND SHOULDERS. At correspondingly low prices. CALL BEFOIIK Y'JU BUY. IMMENSE REDUCTION "WINTER OUOTHING, RAMSEY & CO'S., 29 Fayetteville St. Leaves Kale'uli.. An Ives at bann.rd Leaves -snford.. AnlVet at Kale 3:5 1'. ii. 6: lo " , 0:HO A. it. jsn Stf.Jm the 810EIL1 Insurance Co. of New York. Assets, 82,000,000. Offices, No. ana? 522 ;iKOADWAY, New York Citj. !.'' tmaiar load htl- .1 ea llua.s M.Uaa.s, luat rateived bd ail w W p ka.ts. I-11 11 n.l II I II, 5UO ok A ua SasLiUbutol WAltUN and bCjUX liKL, aAUiiLr.a, liblUl.sji, klALI 1 K kUll S-S, Ae., c. , at j a. iiAKra, iaa IT im Ca. a factory. U MTAlk IIU I Ik, JLaJaat c,al.a t.ear Ilva IUWA, y,r Cm. fen fiuium aad B d O. it. IL UrfMm awwaraasaf lsl ttfmU aaU IA arIW svad Ualirs 11 Ji aad MarfaaAvwf xa,a, r IIALTIMtH.E, Ml. R. llUItt, riaprl.lof, I-AU lk ai twiataMoU tarlra- Irst class. fM trssnaaai aaargaa. - (l.M -aWy. - -Tkl llnaa. at sit i.nad with ta Vaal yww svsrai aad Is aaf awer. - a a ly OPINIONS OF TUB 1'M.m tttrmti frwas urfvspaaaVaf f l Lat- fiaevrw' idtanrt, (.VasA mutt ) ta if luw of Uu ZJd f ital lam : w yii luaiaiasamaaiataaaia aasa , Ikroaak our set Una It is Ui oiuma ui tlin ko bate sptM.d It Uist (nihaia'a t latut. eHll!T, auLta. lured If !!. t.uibt Tef llisiua1 Lujiey, swrh.i.. ad, ta , U . f dv . iv Wi m ai ta U. saaraas '' "rvaa (A JiuUtyk Avfui 14 1 A, are jfc it j.Lig utTa ; a a -i raA-la.iua ailo ae to spa of tbe favuiab.. laaprvi. aaaiav Irnl aimrc, ciaalrat by l,ul ia scuitwa fir ,ih. r No a U.'a ol aui oaa pruda a H t iatwa f iss w iuaaia,- swawy of tlx ai af Una 1 Ui fntarf ta caal,a wm of Ibiaa mi SMifi, fc feratiaa I bis M isya-. aW tr n. trattt w rra isbeuld ad by th saaas aru, arvaaal beia.WLh b bu tsetealiawaMa, wa a aul atauruvU II loo bia peaiaa. . a amfa ar..y tt,M a (ud fntittaaw w mrura ear reader u ' Um rduU ul lk f rti imr, aad lb kb upH hjw of n by tba ea o aiaawn ta tli.a u. lot tba baawat w bh faBWMlaraatUWw Tba Vrok1n I.ll la THE l oapsny wliieH rad irM na sack and ery partlrlpatinf policy Ixu'il to lla palnHia, the laaranUw of a eertaia amouut u( urrruaev '! : Ili a tarn I aUtad la dollars snd cenU. HIE BT.i.NKU or THE PlKXilCLT" UfE ISt.'ON DUCTED OS PRIMCIPLEl Ot tCOMiwt ANiWI lit. Tu 'ear and alia of Its nnurnnt kaea k'ways hern to maks this Coapany )l 4 tb tniMt i4.nt a,nt reull to IU piicy holders. utinu fiui wm 1 ) bj uBuicd eoou Built it'ira. A.' W. LA WHENCE. Usirtrst Airtil fir Sortk Carolina. 1 III a 1 katewb. C. feh II .Ira 1873 1873". FISH GUANO. -LAStS IX till dEBMAX t .L AO E. LAS' i'rwas a mTff-mJnl a f A Ta'Wa Tf airv. rtitiftvm i-jl.asvea', A. .'., sm atai (Au aWnaW rv aa mrtttU sa fAal I ! swir mf lit II at AvuU aaaf .' a a "U Ibaa. Cviu 1 .( U r I caaia 4 ky euewe a4 tb bwM ptaaia ar to I a ifca baa aiaaasa saw as ia a ta. Xtum tnm a aarn aaaal rwai Miry" Idit I IA Aale.fc Arars, Alful t',t, sas mil Uu fmtfri A ; Till OCANOSTASIMI VKKIVAI.rn WBtRfTia ratD. M ACrt"Tl ltrD C 1 dt oar uiantiiit oa llmaiaaS Baf. taaal to taw P.ravtaa el eaawlf kalf toe vast. CA!I ntt F .. saeaaaUe HUE 1-LH a . . . .aaeapawtoa M.iii train maKc elose couneetion st Knldirh with he Kaleuib (iasiua Kaiirosd to aud fnui sll points Noi II. Aad at eanford aith thi Weitern 1-aliroad to auo from Kajet.rville aud pctnUon Went em kailioud. A li. ANUhkW.-', June 17-tf euper.uienUeu. JS ACT TO PKUlllolT THE SA'.K OE INTOXICATING LIQUOKe IN CER TAIN LOC ALITILb. Section 1 The O -neral As-iiUjIv of North Carolina do euacl. Thai it thai J ie unlawful tor auy peraon or ieisoua, to seil or Kile awr.y ii, toxleatluK Uquurs iu at y sy or maouer, or In any quan:lty, to as to le.ilve ant iouipi n , aatiou lor 1I1 aaiiu whaUvar, siUiar y or Indirectly, w tktu lour lull. a, or Antloeh ibuich.Iu Alleghany conuiy; Bull Fri-alyte liau ehureh lu Cumin rland county; Aaht pols klitalouary bsptist ehurck, In Kob -aon e. umy or t'l.pp's Meetiuit toue In Oualow couuty. Or witu n thne miles ul Ibe fuhowleg plaeis. tow.l; Mount fleaaanl Academy. In Chero kt.sct.uuiy; cu.i banaud Uuii-B c lurch near Malkertuan, in t uuioerland count v : fctioek- er' rtore, lu Cedar Cre k Village, lu i. uuiter- lauu tonuir ; iuaon ri male Collets, In lieu il tuo cuuuty : folioekaville, lu Jouea coun ty ; l-aurel Hill 1 hurcu lu Kiekmoud eouuly ; bK Brani ti Bsptlatehurcb.bcauli epot church, Aabepule fresh) terUn eliurcu, .ku'e laoer naeiu baptiat clinrch, AIUly cbun h, lloreb MeTk dial church, or Vii uul Aluriah liaptl.t ci.urth, I Kubisoncouuiy; or aillilu I'o snd one hall niilea of Kcca y hole hunb, la I a' uarrua couuiy ; or wimia two mile 01 ine lot IowIuk placta to ail: l'inry Orova church,, or Kcd lldi church ui sctii-ol house. In Ansun touulv : C'lirisUan 1 eiuiht cuuuh or C01 curd ch rch, ia Uaaufort cuuu- u: trench s Cr. 1 Haiu.l hurch. brown MaraU I'naOjUr an ehuith. In H. den e iunlj ; kouur 1 urn ce, or Klounng Mills In Lo. k- vl la, in eouuly ; Melhodiat chuu h. 1 reao uiriaii cuurin, or bapu I cuurvb a. ar Kurt HUka' High rcliooi.baroaru's v amp I, round, lu 1 lay county) fteaaant 1 Uin climcli or feacoca s store I . Coiunibua ..uu'yi burkillie Acadeiav or Cokeai erry ebunu, iu I uuioeilaud couity; Naw lliuK cuuru, iu Dup.iu Cuasiy ; ounlalu laiand racloiy in l aabm countv ; Corinth hernial ehureu, lu Oiai.vUie eouuly I tial Itoik, in Ij I f. rucouniy , Jubnatoii's Chapel, In Jidiu toii c u ly: rlnloli clu-ch. ll. tn No 1, la kedetsl Pitelcit Tuwn.hiii. hew Hai.orv count) ; Z.i..n ckunh. lu HiiLinoud cuaaiv i tuaur fclik a free tti rautku.lhml-ioiili Ba Itat skuTih, la ' u .oeaua couuij ; ciiaiawea rpr,m, la hah ul Ld county ( uulu Kiver ckunh. lu Iran yuan a coauty ; Ooaaaa ckurvh, Baoipaoa iouo y ; l ar at the Sa.laul Jcua r.t.r, lu ttaks e-uuty; tit court bow In n 11k' ahme'. In Wilksa i-ouatv. cr a Itkia tbe riHHivat hmiu ol toe town of I annate to Moon county or Luu.brrloa la Hohaaua eoua ly. or KjUisiIkuIo- la stalkarlur eoaat , or itklu two ail Ira ol Uie roi poiata luaita of arUiaa or Luiat.. rVou prvnd.d Ui a ansll eri.-et to pvwar ol IkscwBiialaaii asiaoi Lia- ueiiuu 10 ataui unaaa allltia Its corpuiaia Iteatu ( m wiibia waaaad afcatf saiWaeX Caw ry iimva bai bat tbarrb la Columbus touui); Iaa -' - i-ii r "'in det-ot ; Ketnodiat rbana ai Cold "pru( I a up lin uud, s klitlioa aa cburi h at B- l'ii Camp Urouatf, la l abarraa eouuiv 1 or aurrkisoa r aelori, to Maacaalar. Caaab ad.auuii. or wubla a a.U ol tjuua iaa lAd ckank. la h-aa ort cvaulv : tka ispualrhurvb la abbut sbuif, to ills ea euuui) ; heatoa Aeadv. ut fair bw rixn.i h uie. in al l h J. n. thufotd l.u. li U.-ol, la Uuue.mU roaaiyi 1'Hn.a.v kn,ie fuatuikoa ia vabarva eoan., 1 iiaeaai nek ebar a. vrtaa bapianor Meikodtat ci.arrb la IUII..Iie. li UU l-aul I I tli,, I 1. 1 A.i.n,. Ila llat co ul) bvlbel fkank la till manly j tba t. ar Sean la A .Bo. !, a nM. oi,4i .ojaty ; I araoiaoaig tkana, la irvail waaiy , av I I a uet Maibsaia tbarck. a swbraoa eouaiy, w . Aa) pawa e pra.a lU.laUaj any of to pfwtkMu aa Ibw est, ikatl ba asaw4 cautyai a a. aad apuaruathiwai ,,wl batoaaaa aaiiaa iaa i.a a UimSuS nriaaat ssail i sy a Bad at vi w-a vaa va " " BMW lbaa Bt ly ra oart. tta4 aa W!r Jada la f iVta .U W w -'-' i- "aty ka f th t I b '"P - ' dtonttoa ol lb 1 I rtaaa a , tobriaa lain, , a)a ttiWAN A HAHniA I a. a. ibniitoto ihaU fa Bold by W. C ITKOwACtl. Ltak H, 1 at ! a asi 1 a 1 1 a Ill il a r - ' ----a 1 ; . "Moat ol ta. ta Wart bHltf.1bais I1Mt1 iriAllS I Hhsvk,, -r.,rrr. 'T.r.uv r. I4 Gl tlllZGlS I aaax.atea. saber kaw a,a:.w IM totoa a, u. bl.b vpai. la aba h b a N US VA tlUUUlsJI u.U.aiUa4..i.a.U. Iaa Ibweab to- MMMuaitai to. iKKim a a aarweuua hi bb ataaawMUaal raaaifwrltoa aad .. j tt V est si Aseal to t II aid Ua-r. Hiwlaik ttb lldlaaAaaa fertilizers la vsai a af tk II xraa af tsa to da; I to 44 t-aard U ana ' aalwty, a sit, C,Ui a s (ba - bsnaaw th tvtrtm V i4aj ap a I y ta I aaiaaatf;. .Itltai4Sik lto 4 ka, . DOMESTIC NEWS. :.! ut'urr - . ,V Mh It A ha 'i4 - I tk Aaawl. j a A U; Uf if. U at lb t,m tun) ta st. t ., I waauBw.w 'Jk sj-aa MXAStUl. tLtlw IXlVtlA. llalABA, Mara. 11 lb If mtoe. aa Ik f-oiiiaal Cab sad I I at roaataw I , 11114 kasabsv a.aiiky i t t-M aa.l a4u are to I (kt K M'd St. all (, M whan tb 4 lb tiaaawv a m I ak.s) Jrt ta-ato. 1 to l.m I V. 1 la a twt kmml to 4 tow a I wi M 1 11 Iu,tOv,ovl ivaa, I bat tb. awtoi a k . k ataka b di.t- d4 S-a lis Ut b-J' 1 lb aaa-aat wf la la d tr , la Mtiaajuaa a.U lb t as4 i.krt'p toisii.. aaa ta tb 11 11 t mi a yi pij wa4v() a a. . 4 4 Ike aui lb a a-a . w d aaal tk .jb aw.a-a tat a :'. auaai-waitoia I to basal I aw a.a Ast lal atat la Baarfs to to aad- ranted av ai ta aaUbal" 1Mb' toaU AlOCIT P"H P, JLSow GoocIh. , ' U Irtah ratoaat, atklstodkajs Lard, ' W la aad hit Xvw kfaok at. t H btos Isal i" f asaiiy Va BasvWar U) Isaukad tlanlaara, J ! j " f , UM iIm liaas , Na.iMll it Craw CkSiaB, vaaaa feaak T !, So lbs Urr CwaUak, WUa Satoaad rwhi - W.UITSXIJACJ. tL. ItwAA A. L baslKk Ct m uutiT. b tbsa Wbav baa-a ail.ito lla S ala I aaav a-Haaa. la as aaaist aw My w aw'Sna. twm a svaaaaaaanalaa rwa H Aiav 1 (A InHttmJ lwr4ir, sr ava-a (A A lawM fwatafiaa ; a aan .bi lea. r. a. i,ii. to tb I sa.aar a an aa ba. aaad t inw a imlMit. boa aM lav to toat ata H I a.a cry waa bar tatw uaaa to IrtBiia. maal to 1. aa . ri iwn ear aaa a. M aa, w.ib a a.-. tpnM to o u,Kaitui vl aaa4 it aa a.a I Uta m aa . waad Kin wnaaia a, taia.a a a aa fa at -aa emte I aaw b BMaia, aa baa a4 .a k. a ill! oa nvaa. bat laat ae . to all a ! ba addanasat to u n . last AM' I Arn.S pawaal Aaia, niwfvak t Irisda. Ta wlbess ttaV HatillkM laailiJA.-ii C'( rAi kteaibe lltU Bi SiitoMl f !, aaa tut AtiTikic.noLcf stmt kAsllkk avu ktU'ULI ktilTUCAalv L. A ISO -. . VIlikAlA tlklilk A. tr, ay'ysa 'f m a Sj( f wsm) a-i aaaaaaalaia) aaa ts aAaiMaf aaa ,M b. f Sraa. S I AH ,.' 3 (ana. t a b. W wf f tif ltoi At id J, rrk, If , p .t.lar ' - f $r:x ;-. . 11! ' v-. ; 4 ... ,4 llo.l rcrOtlan GOano. Guanano Fcnxvlstx. ToIuIjIo TacCio Whavaxui Ettpetr rivopLktc. Xur Hoar f Co rrosk Oroaal r.'aittr Af ricwltwxwt fait famt.k t . nla. d eaip) ad ,bia act, uabaUM) af a rat s( au. a, lo to Sra aaussb, tad I. r al.l.rai-a. 4, 1 a. ar aa.ti a ks fovw fmaa aad atw to ast day ad May A a i,ea,ai Awaabia ta I law liaai. aad rat-SBN, ibia ibe lr aay bar. L. l. 11 , la.A, . u bia .vati.s, Bpaab.r ol lb ttoaav. C II bkH.l, Fnala4 lb a. as: . kTATI 11 i.,Kin IMlltl, UfSiiassr.ais.t sffr.if, S . ban 1, 11 . L, U.Uaa H. Ii. a.tia, aaarawy ad In s b) ..runt t tba I ii .a a nl ( J al lb. ax 1.1, a ari . aiaai-dlva. wm. 11 yu. a 1 ''to Urj a, -utn. D 0 trikiigkli, Ii .-aa ton 4 V...I , ... wa ( a - Itaa to "a. ! Ii " I, at v m 11 IM b nd it I thH tafiaiiiiai a d k I a aa to r- ..a a,, a. aa to a a bal Ik i a s v . m. 1, to f..a. . a.aa St si a awM baa ih arwis al a I tie-aaa tti. ixvi, aa a sm. aaa. a i-Ma aa - i Iim - a i . a iiHiit.naH. e a to (b lars ibal s-w ba a aiiHtv. a , . ila aaa ad aa aaf a 1 -I aw-. afwaf .as Tt ry aa Skaaa!i.ra4 a.a ai rrtto,' MiH Itrxf, a aaa sail d tfaa.- aw a nun la. 4 aaa aa. a, . , -.w ... " -i fr-w tiur,. w , Wlj -ll mm - m)w.m, a. u. ria. to.aa ISW BuwMf ,4kl. Ihu aaa ito awa. f . uaa 1 t - a i I ba.e a.,! avaai aw. baa UManiiitouiiu,! i ii a' e.f. a'. Itwe . a . i.w.m a SaSMMaaw.,. awa a ba. fcOLl I 1 K i'AClllC OUA.MI a..4 ' I"" J-.aa tii!Wa i..,.av, ' - I u . bl N.,, a a. .. . aawyaww S tka t tt-m " a- I V-.a a. 4 t ' ' -'.. to w.k Im a. I a. iACX. : I ' . . ,.. a.,,,. tvWi-ti4Tnw p .' $MU um I -Zi"- a-. bt.--VA a. . P u - I ba a,T ia' ad l a. la- ' (-.i t ia bw.., w. .a. i ' . .,. . 4 At. fiMNl ta al p tTy yaa .fa la. -V aP aw.a Va ! Uaa. m ..1 ai r-. m ri.a t aa. a i t aa t swa - , In) i testes a 1 run ti f . evtpw I s riaaaa, a.. 1 ba C- .-.41. r I II Alt a Ii f S a I a lit e Ik .a. a . a w ' a , ai iaoa i. ' eda aa awf a ... 4 I I. a." i, I .. w .. ,..t "I a i - tit' i b- ie lb it f , i" i. a . i a ' I. A I f ' I a as I 4 ai tat .. . ., . , , n-a I i,a kwila a sua, wM aa-4 ! i- a ... . a ( ra am b a Ba j fy't a ! aa a Is -i 2 a -t aaaaw. M ttrr 'I X, fW4, f i- . b J . j.. a. a . aa i.-. l..a '"- Vvbdal

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