uttti rcnTmTiTTlT I t t l i I it V I l I 1 I fA I TCESDAT, APRIL 1, 167S. TElEGRfflC NEWS. noaa irispaicnea. DOMESTIC NEWS. DR. NEWMAN PROVIDED FOR, Waibwotok, Marco 80. It wnt yeeterday aacertained at m cffl- cUl nonroa thai Re. Dr. Nwndn will be npnointca to Doctor oi coaaniaua id ja . a . pan, China, and the eutern countries. SCHOONER LOST. Cam Mat, March 80 r Tn achooaet ;CW DatiJm bam f oritur bar. Four tawengers and tb crew were tared. COTTON SWINDLE. NiwYon, M iretall. Several promiuect cotton mercbaaU hen bar been victim:- by on William JUCaUe, who auipjvu saw WW wi VOIWU hence to Pulladeltinin pa itcnuier Equa tor, oa Friday laat. lit cotton i aaid to ' baa Lava fraudulently oLUiucd, and the loaeri wars all pereon ngatr.st negotiating th billi of exebaoga fur tl.c cotton. SPANISH EMANCIPATION. Uata.a, March 81. Tba Vi i Cuba, commenting on abo Utioa In Porta Rico, disapprove patment fur tba emancipated slave from tba reve nue of tba Wand. It tbink tun aaving to tba national treasury Kill not com pen- aata for what tba country will ioaa In a political aroaa. It tbinka, alao, that thrta )r la too long for the ilevce to remain tnler tbalr innater. Tba Cuttaiei aaya tba law la tba beat . . . . I. . that Could M procured unucr iu cucum- The Diarit thank tbe ministry- for in trodncing lbe three year clauae, but baa notbiog further to aay. MARKETS. Loano, March 81. consols rt u -. 'iveevi. Lrvnarooi March 81. Cotton opened firm. Uptande 8 8-8; Orlraa 8 8-84. Salea 18,000 Ulca, tpecn lation and tvport 8,000. 1 Naw Yoaa, Starch 81. Cotton ateady. Salea 8,007 belt. Up land 30; Oilcan 301-3. Flour quiet and (taady. Wheat ateady. l orn needy and quiet. Turk quiet aad very firm, at 18 87 It to 18.80. Lard flun tum 3 11-18 to 8 S t. Tmpeatlu firm at 60. IUel ateady at 8 83 to 4 00 f.r trainel, Stock dull Col J vary at rung at 17 14' Money firm at 1-83 t 1-18. Corrrammt and Btatea du! aad aUsdt. FOREIGN NEWS. IMPORTANT FROM SPAIN. Madrid. Match 81. Th Cailiala have capmred IVrgawitk five nuailred) priaanara. 1 b Warn of uaictionn ay many Other plana aanat Mbw ae the Uuifa are paraJlaad by Inaubordinaiioa) and ara aa- aula to render eaeauece W tba garrleoea. Tan CmflieU- eft-eal ahiraviaiMe - boU KipalL- Taw Ooopa fela4 U OM. Tke Hadrta weaaew'a Wrwtiag wee a tiara. Tba InMaalliwaJ avert eg nee thin. The lederaltat Hartlng wee ordaily. A dapwtatton ttMted Itia Miaiaterel tbe Interior demanding tbe dceooMikoa ol tl (Aonarcbtcal Kttoicipalitice. Tb MuuUf replied, that lb CotetBintfcl bad . ae nw la vavtbrw Ike regalarty tf- pmaled aalbwlliaf ciile. . (wn tXVATI . , MiDBIO, Maich 81. t Baietiune dUpait ii r leiiat Ibe aila- niiuw tbcee aa grava. It te eui4 law CarUata bMW4 lWg aftar captiutag Ibe town. Crwwd war naaabt4 la the euaataef 1W1k with Ibraet sf prUaw again! tbe rbtgy, aad lb Carliat ayaipalaiaae ware tlafatea4 by tb lint- . at to r'.ia the twrpU. . OtNCRAL MWt Kit Wawr, March II Tb Cwbwaa have eaaanrad MwatUe, an bwpwrtaat la4 a tba rati tv. TAB!MTua, Martai li. feainnaetie-tieatrel Craawali and ncaa toe Hw aad faanran nMh n eewttwre towt to hwpc tbe paaul-.af Tbea aaUea aia im braltb turn awibevw awwaf bain A Hn and a paW a (aaWw be mm (riving wen HIM by Hglitairf In Aa SVaadai MH;, M4. . a t44a kt rbua4! k aw Iwrday eww4r-f. Trwa and trwee aad !fc-a Wr da. Xn parauwal lJa- r'M rrf-u4 1WM titaM( wbn nanrdat! alw; U.LWw, a IWvMNMn, b Vwn tawtwl to bw bag4. Tb ! to Ibe Oaurwia Ml iaaaliiw baww to4 T bw bieaiia. Tkey bavw b Mir4 to Uw raai. Uml ( U.m.(Lmm r4 tlx tM wkb W4 to in awLU la tb S-.ia. TW na l wSl fr fcal it ft tone - WW mj a4 IT "t.' iar(e m li lby will Unit.. t . 4 - - " TM apfii I ate -Writ a4 tb Vai Am- I' .a ba Ua rd !! l a A-ia-lHa. Va, nk tktiiti. tiJ t. rw I vy af Hldntght Dlapatchea. DOMESTIC NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. - WaaioiVToa, March 80. Internal revenue recripta for tba month eight and a half million. Jamea Brooks' condition la unfavorable to-iaj. ComiaUaiooer Dong lata baa appointed an engineer to aarrey tbe lande Jn tba flout b auld for direct taiea, with a view to their restoration to the original owners npoa the payment of ttzea, c U, Ac. Canby telegrapba btf-tuiaa tbat li tbinka when the avenue of eacape aie closed and aupplica cut off or abridged the Modoce will coon- in. Naahtiixk, Tbxk., April 81 Southerland and Driver"! aaw mill at Edgefield ia burned. Lom 178.000. No Insurance. ; Momt.it, Aprit 81."" Dr. Joaiab C. Nott died on h e 6th birthday th'u morning at 7 1-3 o'cl jck. Mr. Charlotte E. Smith, Wife of E. Del afield Smith, and daughter of "ft V. Gil bert Morgan, of 8. C, died yeaterdy. PANIC IN A CHURCH-SERIOUS AC : CIDEXT& TnnnTon, N. J., April 81. During tba rquiin for the ilcid at bt. John' Catholic church for Rev. Father Mackin, thin morning, the itomeoa crowd waa atartled by a craah which vrti aup potcd to be from the giving way of the gallery, and wbb h cauwd n accne of o tternation. The crowd ruined towarda the outlet and a number ware thrown down and cruehed beneath th feet of the Fully ten minute eUpacd before a paaaage could I chared, when tbe wounded were removed to the residence near and pbyaician tuuioioned. LATER. A aoxea women ana cuilUrun were found to be eeriouily wouoded ; me are in n dangcroti coudition, but no death a yet. Tbe alarm wa cauatd by tbrbreaking of n kneeling board. Tbe alarm having aubaided, t'.e fnneral artvlcct ner returned. SOUTH CAROLINA SUPREME COURT SUPREME COURT, Btatb or Sovtu Caholiha. lit, Wagner . Woknier, of Charier tm County. The question waa whether a tax offleer waa bound to accept bill of the Bank ot South Carolina in payment of Ux, tb allegation bairrg that it charter made tb bill receivable for all puLlio duea. The County Trtaaurer anawer tbat the bll . were bmied in 1 P I ami in aid uf the i bellioa, nnd therefore were a t n b gal ttn lir; and further, that the chart nndar which the bill wrra teadrred bal been repealed. 1)14' Ul H. Tb fitft queatkm aaa found by the jury in Invar of iba Btnk, but tbe C. urt held tbat tbe rlauae requiring th Mt to n eeive tbe bill la paf met t of teira wa euberqnentty repealed. Tbie ruling I lu.tained hrrv and the Judgment U aiHrmad." PANIOINTIIKHKINKY (tin ff U Ul-L 8SI Clw4 St Di-S. MONET THREE HUNDRED AND - MXTY riVK PER CENT. I BLACK MONDAY. Saw Town, March tl. Mom. I. aa,l.ml a..! I.....r. y a on call ar fenl to pay higher rakw I baa K n lung time al. Karl; in In daj all rvwcwil anil new kias war at iitevntk p-r 4u-a, bat Ul-r ibe prii-a f Hone fapitllj aJ'Mie.l at.il UI"T a'cWIt owe half w-v awt. n4 tntrrrat was nwt4--r,ln plaia Vtm, na hu lrl aad rlghtt-nia aal n kalf pet cent. nna 1 A Ail Uat U a three qaarter pe erwL wa pal I, an 1 bvfot 4 o'cloxk loan em ma4e nt owe wnwwt.r this baa drJ nadl attlj It pa rami, fet naaaaa I Itaa ka were ealltag in kuaae to-4y, nadl awn inautuUnn, peaking for Ute city, MlM kt n btrg aaavaat, wksrli Wa nan great raun kur tn atriagaact . Kit haa-a la umUnely (, aral.nrl by Us a4vaacn in g-J I anj tl m y ,Ulagaawry fneM bwikrrs an J al T I 1, bit al Ike ckwe tke sjnu.etlone ear reilraJ; n--ateeL Ooidl wa vary e- t.va, fpeal-g al II 1 4 a4 iU ap U IT I 4 m4 n4aaaa4 to II I t, Ml ta IT I 4. r.Md H II. nasi eUw4 M IT 1 1 to IT 14. Luam wet luwr to wM'iitoatk da; enmncy. DtATII Of MH1 JAMtl OORDON HS..X .1 tTT. Xw Vaan,ktarh II. A nivi eatl f .anwvili nnnawnean tke Valft af Mm. Janaa 0wi Hinaai. at Knewi,la4v, THIfTvitUCllE, ew Yeea, Mm II l lg Va4 lo-4a 4anar4 It axalhan to naa4 tn wtgas4 fee- 4 In fko4at' caaa, aa4 I tb newfaaf naeikad wa l aatasewri, nkak WiU l.g Ik taa ! la gwtaihrrav -Woirujtct. raaaa,ktanb II, TU Cwtt4nal In el-j ! to tke pajiiak frveiUH Mir.XKTi I ier, Maok It. ('in un ; -1 1 nv, tU. lva!19, iv9 W Aa'WM. Naw !, Mark IL M t ) iig-at al mv fwe et m It I at tan. Ikskmian f tn loaa caused tbe atringencv. Sterling demor alized by the advance in gold and the stringency of -money. Gold 17 1-3 to. State, nominal. , "". - . ' " Cotton quiet. Salee 8.29 bate. Mid dling 20 ; Grlean JO 1-3. Floor ateady common to fair extra IS. 10 to $9 83; good to choice $140 to $18.73.' Wbiaky a abade easier at 80 1-3, Corn a ahade easier. Uiga rate of gold cnecka a- mand for grocerie. Coffee Rio 18 8 4 to 19 gold. Rice, Carolina, 7 8,4 to 8 1-8 Pork ttronicer at $18.13 to $18.73. Lard firmer at 8 18-18 to 8 1-4. Naval., bigb rate of gold check demand, . ... Wilmixoto, March 81. Cotton firm. Middling 18. Spirit turpentine quiet at S3. Roam quiet at $3,131-3 for No. 1, $3.73 for low No. S. Crude turpentine ateady at $3.35 for hud, $4 fur yellow dip and virgin. Tar ateady, BALTiMoan, March 81. Cotton firmer. Middling 18 8-4. Sale 87 rl"tk 8.133 Ule. T lBKKAl, l.NUUClMlt .IBTUAOkMii. AGENTS - W ANTED, I even eoantv In tb State, toetu L. . SOT TJN 8 PAIkNT CUlTuN nICgD AND liUANO BOWER. -Ihe.implaat aodmateat laDur MTinu invanuon oi ui c. Aaulv mnaeouieljrleacl'wma ttamp) to W at. nf t OSi. Co at, Cuttoa'e Cottoa ram ae4 Guuo Bower, niarD lia Wluaaor, MriMco.,!. V. KrW.T. th 18ih of Anil. 171 I will pro ceed to aetl oa the num lv order of tbe n ra or i uv couimiMivaara, uta lows ioi of Hie followloc OrlinqLeat taxpayer, or aa rnai h Uareol atwJl iy Hie taxaa ier tba icdtoa, If. A. . 3 Tao s tw C4 W 1 IM 8 4i Hrjao, Mr N. H. Hru. b, bade BiMbea. QiUut, bL K v , lor mim k. v. nana. Beaiictt, Aaron, Hry.o Jar an, s 0 !w 4 HU 40 U 4U 4 60 5 OU U OU OrutaUr, Mil Cllfion, W. V. lHxld 0. L IMnkina, nryant, tilxoa, Mra. VoniMil. K. UalUxha-, Julia, IS 73 . 4 Wl Urera, Mlk bai, Uowell, tl. H. Huniar, (xborn, H rrla, W. N.. . . , . .. U.j.ood W.fi. Love, Marian, Lute, g wrd, Joo, Vridajr, llrarv, Mr - - Mttecr, kUaabeth, UiU, U H. to OU ., a au U uu 4 M s m ie n r oa ns u rt, Henry, Pool. Jack, Pool, LewU, faasluKVun, llui.ry, Hogera, Mm. J , lor M.r.ou Bwllb, auuira. wuii. t la s S 40 to no S 40 snu s uo 4 mi 10 40 Sau So anutb,JuUua. lawiwoa, air at Tee.lty, kdwanl, t'iauB, Maiaalliu. V.ottia, Mr Laara A n t tr, ntiva. IH SiT On UaUUSMAM, Kal.lKb,MarbM, 1171. CoUecUW fill nEWUT$oar. piOCTUI A&IMILI' EXTRA OLITE. oat brM4e al a-aa ar aa'.d thort til. It lu eWbt iwwr.dt ner h I oa aae tbraa mny yam tf aioarv fu. bat ) aw au nealva Caa fm miaw kio wi t Buy froetar Uaabl' fall weWki NiU aM by Wru. er la yuar ait awr S LkA. U UU'J. Wkjkaalt AVgaaU Hi i . a. i-L. i o x , ATIOUNEV AT LW, Sulfa nut, N. C. fracttere In th parlor 'eavts of Jcbn. stua. Miayaa, Waka. U.l.lai, wanwa, aad ad- hmm euaalM. aad m taadaunaM Lawt f ftorta CaraliM. tdf" Chsisv ew etd la H I oarl ff lb uta. (ui.His I II II L I M 111 . ' Jm I I aaa aeta m e.aaauiy at fwlwal I rirtw JAMta at 1UWLCA maraftlw Marcbaal. lf ANTIO - parts ar with Mrll,l 11 l a aatiaaaa tnal a will pay Iua iwt e-i.1 VaaiM-a loralily and naaf leiariag J' A MSI. a," flare, slaifUU. Uwga, C I ., nasi .. C. I1IDIII 4 0o GKOOERS an cuiiishion' ir.nciiAMs naa Agintt l.r tke TAB AnKJkUlIii notl alt nViSk rilOSPlIATE. "Tk t9T revfeltna an inn TawU u. a, MAkltMnvkttT. fbjl ' w mum All B CtlTl aearUet nana kad new we wstaaVM hew aaa nsw fir 4 1 an to tv m m eaf -i-ii AatM St li;l.I, lw iaaa atanaaak. U A I L K U A ) 5 . , QMAP0I uf V D VLB 4U!uri A At Bt IT 4 All 1 1-" WakAVan, ft. C, a SkM, to'L -a aa .fa,. .., tw. n. lava, aata. kawl A I aa U ilijtrMielrti1 k tatra. l .... I at i r at "" a a... d a s i I aa'aa 'al a ..,.,. a A at l-iiasiswl .......... m W) i s I to - n a-1 1 naSait, 4Mia siilaalawil, ., to tm f-mm I ssrllai .a aa4 a m m tto..4. A Illi'klSi. I II kajaM v ii v A ntn. Al na at tf tn; H a (raj a . ulLMM COTTOX FERTILIZER Tar thejirotettloa of Ui Planter. A BPECIALITT FOR COTTON ! ! It MERITS HAVE KI K A-Tie-At'-T TESTED BT HOME OF THE MOST PBOMINENT ASB tCCCESSFUL rtANTEKS IX NORTH CAS " OUK A AND SOUTHEABt IBM VlhOINIA. And la to well known to need any praiae at Oar band. i refer v triad It, aad wiil alvi ear iMf , toa a- plica. lion, a urr or van, aaa aa, and furauh tbea a rAra i.rr or nam Venn mum i am, r vine tbelr opinion and experience ot lu rreat fertilizing proorrUe andur Cott a. Ttut it mat are th ort a sooner by teveral wei-kt aad aw!y doable tbe yield, aad tbat tbe In c reaaa of tbe prodaet I a eh a to make It sav prrtUiDie wtta cotton at a low price. re it for yoanejt. rtr" ly. W. UltAItlJI dt SUKB, Special Agent Norfolk, Virginia TUIS STANDARD FERTILIZER, Made eapedaUy for tba COTTON CROP, baa baim sard thn.n. -h ot tb cotton growing; n-iriona ot North t arollna and Bouibea teru Vlrxlula wltb aucb Sat'criiiK reaalt tbat tbe Boauiara rerullziBK loniuanyof Kirbmond, 'nrinia, aaT ioudu nt'eewar 10 nounl tba IKiwar of taelr work to meet lha demand. It la conceded by Uiod aba have need It thai n i eqaeiea ny a oiner manipulated guano To meat the general eequliy we have pro THHV DEPOSITS OK SUPPLY at til unportaal polata, wbara H will b fi t let s by ear agcata at vacroai p. freight I aaaea. FOR SALE BY ARCUlBALSitA8WIH.I,Wbltakrrt, S. i. H. flr-fKN UU , WblUker. I. f.- i. W. CKOWCLL, Joynera, N. C. W IL JuMd CO.. Ka ielgh, . C. O. r. Klin, roreatvllle. M. C. A. a. AUKISn. FiUh UadinK, N O H. K. OIHIW CO . Baliletw o', N. C. W. 0 STkl'llkN'ON.MarkarsttaaTlue, N.C. BRANCH CO .W limn, N C. aWWAKlW. M bl)Kt A CO., Scaboaid. i. B. CuKrihU), Tarbro', N. C. HoaU U1LL1AM. Wlodaor, N. C. A. II. A. lLUA,Osford, . C. r. W KK ct., Columbia, M. C t. N. Kbhltt.L, Jaruaalcm, Vs. J. kV allDLkf. Maaaotu, Va. W. t. MOHkK Ta, Cat .ti.ks, k. C. M. M. LaV.KE.SCK, larborv'. N C W. K CAPkHAkl, Kdaatun, k. C. 1 T. ft kbit, Horky Moaal, H. C. WILsmin at allZaLL, Cok-ralaa. B. O. M A I T y k e,U L 1 u CO. hWeky Moaal, WtWILL ESTABUSH OTHEH AGkNClti AT DSITERENT LOCAUTIKS TH t OMINU JIAliOM. TaiaCosvoa faariLiisa ha rteeivedtb. klbal pealaa froai .11 Mrlloe ot coaatry and th. naiLf raa UviHbvat tba ntaia. lha it jttuw a law ell acta In caaama- alrailoea af eamtpoadttiie a tarivaa aucait- Ua- af cwaatiy la iLm tlatly acwat a,ra ru portaaa lha Tuiunlarv, eutcoidaet aoeanitadai Uosm ol taa toltoa pla arts Mlallra te tiia ao- Uua af lb Colio. kartilia r, and tbe kih ra paia ia aawa n la aid ay in pianUia, a tueurr of pablle In nral and hnrlt-antisi Irvaa tkaapol aod iiili tbe irea, abaliiatit asada lua.at the abo iswls, b hw trtad a4aMaia iry ul wa. aa are lha beet eao aad eo.l ameeaafal tanare la fcwrtk Caraliea aad Vir, it, la. 1 Ixaa iiln la era lha I laiataa.tm sir aTs al k-w.r mt i.daa4a la lb ir cosnmaulcaUotta t'l to. fres, waua bawaaM la to aula aad rrlaii aaalbra of (wal a. a and in larval of pa bile napwlaaca aad evMara. OPINIONS W 1 HE I liXSrV. . JCstVad ran awrs I tl (JU JimL I" li es' AJ , t rewaf i m tu tana tl Uu IH tl AouA UM e a a -taj u..Macial awaane eaad Ibroaah aar arU. It la uylafew af lima, aba hate appted It Uwl UUkaaa' CtMlua IVruli.se, a-aaata. la-a by IM avathrra t ar iiitaaa t.aaiy, surwav , ., U dee.da If lha kaa m to aaarkat " Wa IA Ibiriyt ftni ml tf At ft 111, aw IA laUawtaf trtmti a 'te ebelaslna allow wa to spaali af tta faearabi. Mmimmi aav( ear auas- kil Ja.a.ar crlad bi Gutaas a ciMiai ar 110". s Mbu l lis atale caa peodaia tm sitwa i lasa m s (imw, au4 aaaav at UMaa ( lkK(.otum tdiinart la t-uai, u4 a la aay aapavlue. to ratws. 1 ka koayiaa atW lue it. Uat if a s are tobeeaid ad by lb SMay er., a atw.ad k. a, Wk k akaa naasaaiirtra. wa hat. nut s anel a) kma n. ato la a.. mm iha. a (uw f-uMarf, ed funa Mr wediri f th. tfl"c's af la Nru aar, aa4 to bajh 4a. bw f N by Ik. a4a asasiim as U mim fat lb. bawwt at IM lai ail. ( totoeaat tkra.k. aw ia naw. - f" rm a arf,awj( tf (JU Ttrtmrt JTafairvr. vrMf fwm ItolUtnt, H, C', aw ai lAiaatet fnm aa art.tlt ta fAal Mrli llaf 4as awl ,' aa ibaa. . lw reeuliav as ra mw by aiaaw 4 to. aM plaaM bn be ike baa amis ar. IImm.um." f rtm sasri s.Viail trtm Mfft at r A Atoi.4 hrt A'ftt f.lt, w axa Las S.rarrn; A "btoatf ik. taM aba nnl iiUkaaa' taansj aay ni sv aw f- t-aa i I r ia.ii asana Ik. Mrwk y to. btab r. .1. la kh tka H las- iswt k WU by l kA a. a. ba aa.d, aad a a w a-t sv, aaal to gaa na- tstna. a. n l a few has. wmsaasal Mas mot aiaa, It I aietiaiy ttm a saaasalailan Vwsa italaww ito Ikl-tmi IntrJtr, trt uuUu IA 4 a ak'; in. S a4toa a to to anat a at aba has aaad I insaaan to haai s t a ium I aril S4 W aval . a aai as ail aaatkat latat taa. to rarataat,! aaa V a ry aaat tmr aa a. as aa a 4 f a aja.a lusakl la waaaaa-a, aim w aa saaab saai. aad aaa si a niaa, l taita a a a-a na kaa. ' Al U W . CIIASUT 4IUSS, aad Ar, Varfaik Vir(VaaV ovtbiaj runuxua ccitrAst kia t'saa the n 1141 1 ninitTt wai, aan i ramnTiiuintLorn rrvt - a-a) lulIU AHL iHoiflX i Tii Cfci. L:aao n-.nnit.tia tirn.ki. a. fT 'f af a ar-aia. -as aaaa arf safanaataai aa is ! tm las fataa. In a a. AH ayisX waS fwrt-A 4 fataaaf nl rT.AaaM H - 2 MISCELLANEOCS. orncior thi tJnitEf Stales Ceitomal COMssiw STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, CUl naodttpki, Jlmk 10, 1873. CALL FOIl A MEETING tO LCT A BOARD Or DIZLllCTOllS CEUEML B01IB OF tlUKl, In aecordance with th Act of Conrreaa in. proved J una lat, 187', th United Btatea Cen tennial CommUiioa berebv laaued a call for a miet'ng of the corporator, and all otbera wuo nay inra naTe aoDar-nnea I or iotk or tb Centennial Board of Finance, to be held ISCOSCRKTlULLr on th north aid of Chestnut atrec-t. between Twelfth and Thirteenth atreeta. In the city ot ruusueipou, aioreaaia, oa we 2id DAY OF APRIL. NEXT. at 13 o'clock, noon. for the pnrpoae of electing a board of dlrt-c wra, ui conam or twenty ova atockboldera, whoa tertk- of office ahall tie one sear, and ouill tbeir aacceaaora abail have been qualified aa p eacnbed in aald act. At tiiia mer'lug each lubjcrlbi-r forelock win o enuue i to caat on vol In peraon or ot proxy ior ea n mare or atocK Inu repre aented. And DLdi-r rule nlnthntbe followin foim of proxy may be need : "1 do hereby authorize and empower " for me, and in '- my naiae to iota apon .... abare of stock ' to aaid eotpomtloa held by me, and repra " aealed by avbacriiition eartidcata No t tbe meeting of tb e rp raters and tub ' s. rlbrs for raid aU'ck called bv tba United " SUtea Centennial Co i nilralop, and to be " he'd at Philadelphia lUt of Pen nat Ivan la. " for tbe parpoae of electing tlie first board of "dirrcvoraofaaidc rporaiHW." witness at I "(name of Rutacrltier)' signing I "(addryaa " By order of the United 8 lata Centennial Uommtsetoa JOSKPn R. IIA.WI.F.T, Pre dent. Lewis Walk Pmith, BecreUry. mar i-la5w 0 UA88I9" IN Tilt" GERMAN LAN- UL'AUE. At lha reoueat af aameroa person did tons of aeunirinK knowleds;n ol tbr German Languaa-e, tba andrrslrned will, as soon aa t lulliernl member hat slKntBed their In leu Una to attend, onen rlassra for thorough In struction In the jrranimaltcal const ruction sud eon'poiltioa of tbe Uermaa Laniruait. Ap plicallon mat be maile to ibe undi ralimed or at the "rutloel" Offlce. F o N Th- Uir iiart of the boat eornrr of Hjr- Itett and I'alUbury stne conaistinK of rooms and tao fit. plaovwlll be rented la reaoarla lit faialiy, or bosineaa. at a moerral. rent. Knaaln-ofjAs. FlHadoN on tb prvmiaev febU NEW ARRIVALS. SPRING STYLES. 1878. Moleskin Hats. t Cast llaf St) I. s of SILK II!ATS at aar low 1 rax a, alj "i SO rlt W. II. 1H. 11 Ck I Bat tO. KOVKVDK. I'ltis'aal't lrlTla aeu liea of foil.r Pbaaf t iet aa Hay. AU.I la t'.ois ad OaU aa ceraaatii rtaa TiiWLE. aar tf I Oat Mavrbaat - CUrTill.Nti, d-e. li13L I873L rsrii.su t LOT II INU. R.' a AXDREIVS & CO. IT FA YETTLVIU K IT. ae aa rw . tad aawlbvt tot f CJrmlm IT is. Irwas -hlriav 4 lb NEW 1ST ITI LEI Wkktkfat ITlt Daretl.lllt- As Coanfurl la tla aauy Now ores. AM Of Tamtri'm msasl Hoy' llldkk mm Cl ra lK LT II A.T8." aartwtag efl Ito nal Mrba tsaW aad "" 71 i rr rt rtiii tt II Illtu I CIV .. . . .... .-w. v , . . m m mm m . 1 H., i f Jir- t, WILLI!. IIOAIlDINtA IIOt'Ml iweaat f n.wk- tM fVaan H. mm JUST RECEIVED. A fine line of Hats, silk unbrellas, hair brushes, silk scarfs and ties, and spring clothing. A tall line of dress shirts.collars and cuffs which we are selling at low prices. RAMSEY & CO., 29 Fayetteville St. jan 2 S-Jin LEAO H BE OT HERS, GrROCEES AND urn oiiin IFZJiT.vWA' AT., EAST OF MARKET SOU It Ah OFFEHINO OUEAT INOL't'EMENTS TO 1 UK JOBBING THAI aur. urrtnuu until lAULt't - auar ai i -ni" KDiar ' Vs. How alt l!l-llo.. i anay in b 10. oaxe t Inc.: no rbarve for so Bo es I'.a'l Ctauh at He. per lb., .VHoies Kam i Doaan Brooms. l ttoem Cotton Cards UU 'ww i mi iriuuii puFcnui lu lMiXfl. Fo.l rml. ill Il. yt.,1 Bk... i ( aae ( atrra. 25 Casca ft I'lckle. Si IJro IrUbl'oUt ea. 80,000 LliS. 8;DE.-1 correspondingly low price. T Insurance Go. BROOKLYN LIFE Assets, $2,000,000. on ii-w, W 320 Hhaf,82-2;ilK(M)WAyf Xew York City. T' "l"" tK 'wmpeny wl.kh pom-, isaura id iv MiinMs, Hie imarantoe of a rertaia antoant ot sarveadcr value; this sum la stated In dollar and cent. THE BUSI.XEKo OF THE RROOKLTM kcoNovt Thditir.nd alia of 1U ui.na. ment hate Lllwral term will always ba oduied Kod febll-3o 1873. FISH 'Till 0CAXOT tNR I NRIVAI ED A. eer uar saia-niaioa oa tb' spnts Bay, CAall PHI. t ... . . . niHEFiuci.r... -' IMttrrrw oa Kattmadt t awad tat ara a. rirt-iao ,li old by W. C. ITROVACII, lUUIgh, Jl. C. Fertilizers! J 8 l at i 1 I . -. I I tmnasWato ' J F0LtT.I.K TACI HC Of WII ANN'S RAW gT. CITHAaUm a. oat AM. i, , CAlAfA . - til "ttUIUUl iSiU. AT BAT1SS , h IHiiilln arnn tk aetskratol art a HUH MttfllL WATIl t4 Vlaia; fin WOOD. tm mi ww f ,m CluaA ttA it no f "V'i f rua''. ! f I a la 1 f to ) 1 ruin V sir;' T I I IT1 Ik '(toaaf Ik ftravis aad i.,l..i. . , W af .toMtordrkHTilal whTw ,.slTi-lKTC:, -n-n to.ii -a.i7 zri sj.. .v i.r.;-:v -to ,k. irTtM,'.: .uVj.N;;',:;(vfcv,V'' r katk .nV..as.f ti Wl .!. Ws to .nk(..v.ia. M U.a u.. W.... UL f ,Mtoa aad .a ..... rtw. t.a , t "tt it . T L!. LTf m U 1 ulaia. alia.! . . ,. . I L h . a ! to . .. fa, , ,, .k . . " --ka I -k A I allH eaaaut- ,f u. t.a. am to .Zt't s..-;. L.1,"' ' waiHtiwaitm " -a a Maiaaiat akm(i.r nwx , W.C IkiHAlM MeiGiaits. jlr - IS IS IU INK JOBU1NU THADE at rj-ic, alr M 19 lac slluv as loin II l. a-lc. Kiira uHt l'i l-3r w mi 10 to II 1-9. boxes. Bnndy Peacheafqr'UJIS W per do, n ly 8op at c per lb., lb. bar ! 0 -I Forks. 10 Duaca eto.1 f hovels. 10 Ubls. S II. avratk Hhds. Cul uUu oa Cau Cnnn. 10 Doien Eurreil Uom. 5'Bbla. AND SHOULDERS. CALL BEKOKPI T'JU uur. II E of New York. end a,a each and etv nartlcliwlia. LIKE HnnvniTTrn OS PRlNCIPLUOf ANDigcirir. alwav ten to make Uil Comnsny tle'd Ue Holicllora. A, W. LAWRENCE. Oioeial AKaot f. North Caroline. 1873. GUANO. WHEREVER I'aVD M Arrn-rrvti nv. 4iuU to lb Parar'aa el nearly half tb rual ..i rjopatt,,, .1 M PJr La. ,' m MukM to app1 satly half the de. t)WAN a iiAimia. t.M.al Arrt-t t. uil Akd Uaane t Norfolk a. Muimitas Fertilizers! No. 1 Pcrnvian Gano. Gnanmo Peruvian. tTolublo Pacllic Ctraa o Wltavarii Sapor rhoapfeati, lW riOHT ofOokadan. rrtMl, Groaad,rUitr AfrictUtaral Salt. A.NO ir.4 TONE MTU. niOkl'IlA.F i him r,At . . I INH, a.f4 fa tt,' UABOLIIIA in. AttMlMIl:t, raM...a,t, rfI, ptmtKSU ' a a m v K T CU C tt T T. it to a4-rj (a n-w t. W H

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