tS3 BOOK STORES. COJXolISSION AtERCUAXTS, INSURANCE. PIANOS, JL-o. WED I C. A L i i 'i is. . HEUB AND THERE. " i' PeoJe who are always looking for "something wcwsrrmiki try neuralgia. Aa eichenge paper chronicles thirty nine deaths by spotted fever in St, Lou it, lost weilL. Petmrylvania propos e to foutnl a cu linary oH jre i soon u it can get it miiii eieot number of gttwgeata. Caliloroia s'!ui,)ii golU for tiily cenii p iund in the market j JUme salmon, fur uo dollar and titty cents. : Why ? Sandy beaches are common enough, but we never suspected sandy miple unt.l the iniroductj'.n of this year's crop of su gar. Ho who tell a lie is not sensible of how great a tk he undertakes, for he- must invent twenty more to sustain one. Call lor nil bouse aives 1 scribe s mla aa "that 1tre alutf you put iu biscuits to make ihcui get up and Grucimi bend themselves. '"IUU h ave a siiikinj; .ship, ami- the ru mored secession ol the Canary Islands lr. in Spain is conipleuicatury evidence of the shakincsi of the bow Hi public. It requires great activity of mind and pen to keep up with the movements of crime at the present day. Murders and robberies are multiplying; rapidly. An Ttiimh man playel submissive, and imi and kindled the Urn to: bU wile; but his pride was wounded so.br the en forced servitude that he choked to death. A, Memphis skeptic proposes to test spirit) si mediums by oflerinir a pnz) ol $100 for any one who will answer a num ber of questions correctly, deposited in a bank ile. The Daitbury Xetci inserts, gratis, the following "want :" A young man out of I . health and employment, ileal n 8 to act as S'ibititute t .1 :i peushiner of 1813.. No obji-ctionM 1 g ""i into the country. While a c uigyiiiun in Atlanta, Ma., wus extolling the CAueilcncc ol chirity on Sun day evening of last woMc ' tan unknown' mnu i.rose from his seat, walked to the pul i'. and laiT'a roll of greenbacks near . the bible. ...... A Ueriuau printer, named Conrad I.utz, now living at liurlington la., has received offlcu, iiitoimation th it he has been draft ed into the Wurteinburg Landaehr. Iu asmticu a be left Germany wluti two vnr old. a roiitcmrinmrv in t im-it s ih it he intend runnming in the lundnchr he While thcie are about ten thnusuid peo ple who think they know all alxut the per petnal mot ion ptloiiple, it is s du t say that there Is not a solitary ai in Milium verse who tin explain why s railroad en gineer blows his whistle s he sbxits by a passenger train. I'eopie who nave pop ped up Irwu their setts and clutched their sell p on tin so occasions, uru iiittt but i interest id iu an explanation. A MaJhII QlNKHAl. IX TDK (jl'TTHK. To-day there is a man g i a about the Streets of this cty. ruf!K' ' dirty, ami penadi-as, subsisting on I ret) lunches and the charity of gamblers, and has not slept in a bed for mouths, who, during the wur, w cars fr. llr brilliant ex plot's ibefl.'ld of battle, and who, for s long tune had s large and im iHirtant cmmund. lie has been hera for two or thric months under an aaauiiitd name, Ix in sabamed to dim t!i hritluncy ot his re cord in the aervico of his r..untry by an ed to strip him. I'n l rniath hia abut, and uiilrd b string around bis neck, was a small canvas ba, ahu ll the iiuaa iiyoaid an I t- 1 t 4 Hrtnfn bt P-immiaaii'B a brevet Ml r General, fao pnngrsmlalof Vtiefa, one from Grail aiid una I nni rreMJcnt Linenln, a pri' t grsiiti of a little girl and a curl nf bair a "ihestaut shadow" that dnubtlra ine day ertpt over the brow of some loved one. Wbra these things were diacoverrl ecn tbe half-drunken mm who found thrm reft a rt' p' I for the m ib's former H sad p.iy f.f bra IwMm eonitt- tNin, and i ib-lty returned Iu Iwg au.l t,inkiti to hc!S tin J f"un I Ihrm, an tvnlarr( tr-s taw-par' J r"lr Wpne) Him, Vrau-tday a Arats irporter llie l to in'.n virw the mill and ' il arif t-4 hafs ..iii.lli.n f his life is the paat l years, but lie declined to cnumunle'e ae i tiling lie eno-J i.ae a child whs I toid boa hia right sihSM and lmi y, tia were ascertained, and, with tirs im sllhg dure his chevks, said I 'fit fl .d's Bake. air. a t.ubl.ah m b tr datl nr any name at kar, if ) arr rleWntiieeil Im ay snu'ihia. U.ul I'. It Ueauugk that 1 ha-iw any elf hw lie I have lareiBMt W I.I J' Mi-suta th tno. h t It will ! g'-"l, bat will do ley ffitude a gnat dl if liatm, a, Urn tuualilT, Ibry tlill k I dwxl la N uth A air 'it a. bote I wewl at lbs c'oas uf the ar il tran pe anew lJ tbe ! IsliU. at. I, b4 w(ht hts raw, Aa tVa fit. Wll!TEn0fE CITIL ItllVKE EX AMiNATIOS. fttmUtr What sie tbe p'iw pd IraArhrevf r diorsJ Mll taaaHas 1 atrrViMal I l.tite. frttia and - W I. at I the p itb,'( . Iiaal HI ly K awoaa esHH f " .;rioal- t I well. aNaiaar.t a ) V ini me io.iveie brlsioa S4 aid a Af af ' .br r,f-"" sr-ajaft Wa-ati ia Aa aiLlavit a a b'.t: the tant IS U'U aaa (iaT-n nal I lb rhirf sri'h1 Iral rwt tor tbe Iteaaml effi- tola I Ai-pJ"l -l'u: 4s d Ur - l tan r In.im. it mtuft X aaa Ian i4 sn ot eel sa-aw, it,fil -( ifUt e U f. -4l.t' A a a a, 4 P. I aanav . Kitmntw It a'Vl t F-iltii' sT e blSawf T""! Bm) ! o aa I W TlvSif Site 4 - "f.ai ab l fat y W. "aaa- , .bltaft . it-tv. ibaaa 1ava r"f -VW r TT I . Aal. W Th a' Ik CttJ .lav.a JSSafi t-f Kil. sal si , ' i a- ta f at- . b ' "a 4r1 hr p.r4 I 4 In! Vaa Ml S Saraf f JttaM law's aa one ol tno most uasninir cavatrv o;r.- I LA it ... . ' . I -M M 1 Lvrlltirafa mm k .Jt Im rain the Lnlon army, sn.l was pnunoteu M .. lut tmm. im the rank ol (1st lieutenant to !uil I 'Ut ias sawisbtltmiiire iaronaouiih igadict'and bren t M dor Oener d for J sSm Z'rL.ZT?"??."?? exiiiouion Of ins tiegrauau n uuuer iiib a a hmh m. fc tonwranrakaotk aari M firmer honored name, lie i gi-ncrally ft 1aBn.ajirtiu'4yiuuaa very reticent, having little la do with any fJk ITXWSSSSS? una or tsikiug but little, sive when "es- ofts saA v " lls lwi", uuta. gtwtiring" f,H a drink, at whi.-h he is re- i!X2:,n!' m k Uu' diarkably SUCCeaaflll. OTWa I -"' SUfaJalova, afirSlaaa , i i i . : i . i I n i m .. b, ' Night b fore Isst. while lyinif helpleulv ti i JT fr1 M"1 ill. f ii; J i "i LI iaihaaam o bat. all aUa katiaal. llrunklnt.. t P.rtf Ihird .tft it -- I luual r aaarrot. k ST, aaloon. Some IU -n thought to play S Joke I II H lraaai llil na.ilai.1, a,pb!laad .. LI ' a.. .,..H., hla al.lat .,,,1 n,.jL. I. - " fl i 'f l ShOU M IU. " "J " i I ' ll'hvuaiaa f' km will 11 "pCPD LIE A CO. . WKolosnlo lletail DEUGGISTS, 14 Fayette ville St,, RALEIGH, N. C, Har in store their usual large supply of ruRK drug., choice chemicals, -fifk pekfumkkies, TOI snJFANCT ARTICLES TEAS. - CHOCOLATE, SPICE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SEGAKS, FA1 ENT MEDICINES, MINERAL WATERS, WiNES, BRANDIES and WHISKIES I the beat quality for Medical uses. All the Officinal sod other Standard Fluids and Solid Extracts, and the various Elixirs generally In u-e by the Medieal Profenaion lur slock comprises everything usually found In a first class Drug Store, and is ottered on the most favorable terms tor cash. . Orders tilled with neatuesa at d dispatch at lowest mtrket rates. jan 10 .im LUBI N 8 PERFUMERY AM) TOluET POWDER. At SIMPSON'S Drue Store nov 30 tf A LAROB STOCK OF.TOILETTE B8T8 I AND VASES. At SIMPSON'S Drug Store. nov 30 If F K E 8 11 A, N D RELIABLE. VACCINE VIRUS. A SIMlOM'S UOV 1H It Drug Store, Ev ERtfHIXti USUALLY FOUND IN A FlitST CLASS nitirt; hTOKE. SIMPSONS' At ii ov SO tf 13 I11P'S- ErTBRVtstClNti oALTS OF YICIIY. RlSsKSOKS SELTitR, VITHA TK Or MAdSkHA, AM) MAU.t.XIA AI'tHIK-M. At SIMPSON'S ov 80-U Drug Ami 200 MUSIIEIJ" OATS. Just received. sei 27 tf W. c. STItONACU. 'ttogABiiy rpiIK GREAT SOUTH ERN remedy tor the cure ot Sere in .a, tx reuious 'I a: nt, Klieun 'nui, nr.-e owriiinir. liont. tioitre, t,o:!S"in;ition, bronchi tis, ferrous DehJity aid all die eases srising 1'ruiaan impure eonr ir.ion or v utood . 1 tn airlltoll-i:iriinihlinii nun trmm vu k unwn lual oinf Hoi,.-. ! but narawr to rmn4 tb rvsdrrsel Ihlfl jmintkl ol ths arit J of alwaji l.a, i. ,( ihuii or Ihis modklna uuki tu.u atoea of Imaiily Lr. K. A liaaa -.r ol rU.ik D "'7 "a Hi aam il la riaaa ol fct n i im ouwl aiMaMi ua alack aaa- a.j '.KjI,. r. T. C. raura of lUltlanra.r. -nti.uju.Jf m .1) parvH,! IUBVrlag k.,Biww, riunu. Sating II Ifll na W any pnfuaUou k Bs avav l rm 11 a Irannialal (re Slri(aa allaxorlM Ikal atlat, bjh. aa irolawl Itoaa Parlttar. lia our m i Mom aa tml4 alae Soaoaaoala as bias , laarv ! la llo alia Bud fraaa fnr'4ia laaaa to aaorv aaaa, aoaaaa aaa4HaS aia-ati mm nayvoa. aaa4Ua la at 4 by all taie CLElKTIACOn naLTiaoaa. .V ,Vvtrs jonrr r. iiknbt, I Ke. I Cxum Pi rs. fTt aTaaaaSi Afmt AND cii. Mttu tf ri rrr. U-kliOAia, liKibla, HAT, SULCUS (Iraia a4 Fa4 S'nra, Waal ( N C. Fn gi.l fhrrot W aralxnaae I r eats drw4 ta FaaWIIce tuoaig'li KW. A Cartes, Isn't stse I) tasaiLt: rum r corikTxEiu hif 1 W eM'taalilB a't.ifiia aitalUng Sty S'T lb aa-ata nl Ij of !' i-y Va u is 4f SHa4v try saatwl raaf,L A l i-aaM Isa Mo4 la 4 S'a ara aaroxtt ra , t. 4 ta loiai .-s pas a-aa arts aiaaai 1 1,' A Lae aatlMWtsad t rartba lb sfloars 4 lhaeadhraa I'4lnu, It, hlcn AlLH. ft, Wn'aoWr tlg fs'itai I tb aalir lailaroa "I 1 A Iiaog I lb 4nrh af , il raauaa lb haataaa at lb )4 alame a4 eat4 Sab Uta oaiaal aa b lhao the aab-W fa bb lilaMai nM.aa baatuaad aa Ma ata aroa 4 bo bf atiVt all a In I aaa a,.4 a HS Ua t elaa b lb- talaaaal v4 h raaaaa' aa Vr-41 4 m s4 m'4 is a a la at aaat itm ar lata tbe Miftwr.' v ' IU I "... ... u . aa a. a .a a 1 a( a . m v i a aaaa a, Ba t iaa a r WT I'' ' , a, ViHsWAaa. 4 "s-W '.'-; b-r r r-iw f a. t b aa .-( S a baa, b t. b'.i.aal I ba h t baaa b-'A aS at aaaa, be raa trah I tb- aval af I 'am .. Aa4a, ttaaag bsraa bt.-s r-.t'i I FOOD!. IDA T O O O G S AT TnR I1O0KSTORE OF AlPRED WILLIAMS MAT BE FOUND A. V0MFLKTK AMQKTMIXT OF AMI JUVENILE BOOKS r)R BOTS AND GIKLS. Toy Book for Children In great variety. Fine French and Enicush Stationery. Oold Peea for Ladli-s and (tentlenicn. of I ha "tieat make ; a Isrve assortment. Fin- Pencils and Pen Holders. Poeket Books and Port Meniea. Photograph Albums Disriea tor 1873, various styles. Fine Bibles and Prayer Books. Church Services a d Hymnal. Writing Desks and Fort (olloa. Tourists Cases 'or Traveling. Chess and Raekgamuion Boxea. Chromo Pictures and tiamea, at exceediug low prices. I all early, if -on a Ish to get supplied. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Bookseller and Stationer. dec 1 tt-tf LAND AGENCIES; i'R E A L EST ATE DESJIiAliLB FARM ISO LANDS Improved and Unimproved. CITT RESIDENCES AND VACANT l6TS We sell at owners prices and afford personal Inspection to purchasers. Several tracts ana lots now on ha d, with Instructions to sail for I less than ever oflend before. Further aslrameata and eorresponafore for description and term solicited. GRAHAM NASH, ATToaaars, aiarlotte, N. C. RnsT. D. GaaBa a. r. Nasi. feb .1 Sin R . E A L ETATF. AGENCY. The partnerthlp that has for the last years exlste.1 between Messrs. KINOSLAND MILLER having expired the baslneas will be contincivl aa heretofore, nndar the Raleigh Natloaat Hank, by AN I) HEW MILLER who will eadaavor to conduct it it s satisfac Wry naoner and to the beat sdvastags of depositors 6( hiU sad tracts of lands tor a His commlaalons will be, as heretofore tvt per ceaL on actual sales, Ne sales so ebargs. Mr. Miller Is eonsUntly selling and cflerlog for sale very cllgihli- balldlng lo;s In dlOereot parte of Kalelgh. Alai pl.ntatl.in laagt and small, wood and Umbers I land, Ac., A , In any quantity Is di Unreal parts of Uis State and at prices eor- riondcnt whh the Usee. lis sullelU sail trues Lajvr ss Well ss frosa seller. Now laths lime to bar In North Carolina. A. MILLER. Kablgu, Feb I. l7J-lia KORRENT,de. HOUSE AD LOT FOR KENT FOR hlXT YEakV. kigbt Room, Ire I'lora la aw a. fiaae all or or Ui Hon. Uk4 wall of wairs aa the Lt I A Lao, Aaotaer Iloaea sad I wool r serrs at Laad stlacard. kaowaaalaslaaa U -HU1 ptepan y iioaao, iirar staoais. sect It. W. 11. JUU CU. lbs two front mums re "Terkee lb B " at l-rroral orr4 by Ute Nerib Canllna Laud i ntnjaanf all! he reatcd f"r II. yar ISTt, or win t i a are itar a sei ics ei y w. PI" W,n. A..TrCKlla0o. -SITU ILKttMr Hots AXD LOT INR4L E HI II FOR SALE. llaiWig tar, baad the bgat tvtiartv tajss aa llU.k 11.0, Ule the rateae of Mr. KHaraUsv. BtMafai aa la aSa. a traaal teat aetaaSe ol lb r.i hanla, I "UI eatl aaaa a aeeoaiajoaaiuag Strata KW aad mailt. bout ss U I aas aiinog w sa-u uas anoaa, e aao sevea kwlaauag Uas saaanaa oa. AaalT llTlir., dec J tf IUah,2l. C Tate or voth caimua I taaae lot aw la the lararVa Caw. lodata Sieaaga as BSaMaartrolae at W iltUaa a an i r. Sneaaaal, aas Hoddia tssaiga ra hat aas 'agM, asraiaat MarSJasA. Oajrga ViaatHaa llvlaa, sVtfnii llaaaa the hH al aaa at taa4 ulaaas treavfa SW- rivHMio sail the taai ft the lataaial tS I.UaS Waaa. fya IbB bASf 4ab a, E m llas bMg aae at Iba aba 4 afaaa a4 aba la I'aaa h ag. tM hualaaf Aft Wubbad aa aa aa4 i1af al Iu aarB a adaaa al lb aaaarvot taa-l a a aaaa If l aa-4. I la lri Uaaar a Ua lis af I atab aa Maf lb i a af -4 .. ax aa4 saaaot ar aaa U ta aitaiS as laar aril a Baal aaa . Sa4 I a4 aaWa , a4 aH lb aa I ai II - Ua laag laaa Saatl a ll.at II aba Ift'l ta n, Ike -TV af lb la.x.g ol.l to ra4 Maaaial la aaa ;-ai'. a -a at arl U 1 1 A 4r I Jaaaart, l b i n. i lie, I UiB at llMwl mr 4 J.'ga af rvbaui la t at aaiy, Ja S-aS. 8 UihiaLAAl SMUalaSII a Wm targS Ct aaaa hiaiaaa a aaa 1 " J fabtbif . at iimsu Fob hlAIf II ENAMf L C. IfaUJllALsL f RAM . IT 1873.1 COTTO.Y CHOP, STANDARD OUASiOS COTTON FERTILIZERS. OLGBLK 6KA TjU.AND (iUA.NO. See Certilleates 0( CoL 8. 8 RorW. ofGnu- Villa, Hon. W. H. Aver ol J oft nUa. lor saie ny fenfttf , w. W. C. 8TRONACH. L O U Choice, brands of F L O TJ Ii ' For Sale by T o K n ;Tc i l fiey, FLOUR AtiD COMMISSION MERCHANT, 69 S. Calvert St. and M CheapIde BALTIMORE. KsrtkSNens. Mesavs. Jaa. Corner A Ions. Commission Mereban chas. B. 'Coleman, Cashier National MSvhanica liank : J a. U Dersey, Eia., Flonr Vroksr. , febU-6m - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. e o. il a n o w ; ATT0RX EX ATlL A AV. Practices In tbe State sn Federal Courts. I Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts VI uie Btaie. uu ID-sin Jos. B. BiTcnsLoa, L. C. Edwasus, Kaieigli. Uxlord. , Wst. PtuMnsa BatcBlboa, Kaleigli. . B ATCHBLOR, EDWARDS ELOK, A BtTCU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Raleigh, N. O, w.ll .i A ii.- r nl IL'.W. flMinf1U FraukUn, Warren, Halifax. Northampton sad Chatl am eosnttes, sixl the Federal and o- preut Courts aa su P. DEVKUEUX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OtBee on the second Door of tbe Stronach buiklleg, aorth f the arborugh llouaa. Practice In Uie Slate an4 Federal Coart. Col I net Inns promptly attended to la all parts oi tne nute. sopt IV-ti wixTia cuiag. i. si. woixaa. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . HALIFAX. M. C, Practice In all tbe Courts ot Halifax, North ampton, Edgecombe and Martin rountlea. In the Supremo Court of North Carolina, and In the Federal Courts. Culler lions aiade In sny nan of north Car olina, mar a-uiy s. r. hooks loss eiTuas - moohh a aATxma, ATTUHNk.U AT LiW BALEIU1L N. C. Stat and Federal Courts and the Courts of the lat and 0th Judicial Districts. aov st-lf. o IDE D U P R (Late ot Ralebih, N. CA . ATTORN ET lOL NsILLOR AT LAW, so. S W1U. ST., tie TOBK CUT. Will attend rromiitlv to all iirofaasloBal buiinea enlraslad W hi id. Rrlera to th Chief Jaslsrw Sad Aaarclaar Js'tieeS of the Supreme Cos I of North Carolina, and to the auoie norm vsroiiaa Bar, feb IS U . t. Msaaiaoe, T. C. Frtxaa, . A. Asa a. MESSRS. MERRIMoN, FILLER at AD I! I, ATTORNEYS Ann VOUXSKLLMiS AT LAW, ittu..au, m. c. Will prartlra M the iut and Federal Courts ibaiaia ShaSr lasai any ra rqatreal tifflce; Formr umca of Phillip Mrrvb ob, eajKs). O It s AKMSTRONO BOOKBINDER AD lllwsik llwab JUIaMsiratrlBirrr. . uiaaaHaatacaauajw saansstnag. ' KAl.Eibll, hi. t . t.hWlf IjtSTAL NOTICE , L a'.n fartlwr aiaTc an4 Sn'll the salabrlah- sal ar s auiiaoi ulurt, ar4f r fa Bar laa- fraanaial aavvtra aiav b iaft a ilk a U Hearts at ta Sut ,Hiiuat bans, Wsrw I am prtajai'irr iiriu tr. raiiewraai pauraia. ,aiU r, SAhiMK.K F i. t Had Rauaa ha. FaraMar I f aria sat I erwlara an TaiX-a - jaalSU W.U.JuKUStU Mol'HTAI!S CUttsE Fun 1 J a a van Saaaad thasn l.b asU W. Ii JuNrSACa A tiooki ouiiii:iii.mo: GuldO. tr.r: tfJLm U lis iTrk sxl riV.iiaU, 0 I OF Till IIFE ASrnHTI'w t'F AMI an A. f Uiw, f aWaJ LI la 4 la , aa I b Saab S a4 lbAa I aaaiae al lb Uta 1 u al A . STJa sassas, inSsM anas r-'w- p i- lajswaij aaiAt f'f ' a'a. - a - aa., s . ..aB astaaa. ... h aa . b. Sa t-a - Saat sba) e a 4 s ba-4 in - swan b v-e) i, -- - ) tVeaA . B) -liaa)af aaa . a . a --a asvA sabav BSal as) a s e - !,' afar ai-a. I B a.,. - a.,., "t.!r " ' ' ) Ms m -I -' ' W f fh-mt A.a(. hmm mil i ak A4 K i east. aV. I - r -- - a -a .a... I aaatlia..aa Mar I . mt . . a- a a, mm . . .a. a-M I t 1 T ."TrV '. "TV." ' T'.!". I vav iat Ab 1NMW, i rv g f , jArtba a ..aaal ..nblaa.aa I " a.. i a4 blaai aa, la, a, limn a l Maat aaa far aaa-.a af rk DaaaaaJ b r larar,, at Ua aSbra al lb Aawaataaaa as , t. t . 4a asvli , af ba- a. ti. I a , I 'la II a I i M I f i a a, Saa i a tab I ! lalt t l 'pwig aiithsllssr Cslia JL fmt aaaaSra. W.UBIhuSCII JNCCCRAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS, SKCURITT A 0 A I N 6 T FIRE! aVortlf Cui-oUnit HOME INSU1UXCE COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. C. " . Tills Company coutlnuea to write Policies, st fair rstes, on all classes of Insurable prop vty. All Lae are promptly aii justed and paid. TheJ'HOME" Is rapidly growing in iuhllc favor, and appeaU, with eonddenee, to Insurers of property In North Carolina. AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. R. a BATTLE, Jr., .'resident. C. B. ROOT, Vice President.1: SIATON GALES, Secretary. rULABSI CtDWPER, Supervisor Juns 25 tt TNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPaNT. Has over t8,0 1,000 safely Invested. IJasan annust Revenue of over 10,6000 0. ' Is Uiulng over 10,000 policies annually. It Is tb'orohly csUbllshed, sod its ability to furnish the best security, st lowest price, is not s matter ot experiment It has paid death loeaee In this Department, embracing North Carolina and of Virginia, within a fraction ot IWO.OoU. The conditions ot sn .TN A LIFE POLICY srs LIBERAL, PRACTICAL, REASONA BLE. AU policies srs NON FORFEITABLE alter TWO TEARS, except n sewable TEN TEAR terra pe'icle, aad THRT ARB AFTER THREE I EARS. Remember that the time will com a when yua eaa aa lunger lat kit f r thuaa yon love. and aroasct litem by a policy on ) oar me. I Persons dnairous to hold a poller In th1 wet tested and aueceasful company or acta agsot. till address. W. U. CROW, Manager, OelD eodCmJlwdes. Tho Pcoplo's NATIONAL BaANH l FAVrrrtvsU, H. C4 Feb. XI, 111. IN'CIIEASE OF CAITTAL STOCK. TtHtaSat having authptttsbier Its Cauli htuoh ta SlUl.thAI; Ni'U.a U bareby give that noiiks of snOaorii uiia are .. ... , t , ..l l ..... . .. ?a . uuu, sad will be kept apes until the amount U subaertlasd or until 1 July litis, rajmraiana su iscrtiiliou will ha aoutlad to Int- rt at lb rrat of per rrnl. per si num. from dste of psyawnt to the cloae of book a of tulne lWoa. i . A. ssci-a.a.1, feb. 24-dawAwU' Laaliler gllUltll I1UI LI NH BEEF, liaakaa Baal longa, uuUtsmptoa Hams,' t)lJ S. C llama, Paliua'tlo Brand, Choke Saar Cared Bieakf I f trip, fcbll W.C. 8,11' i.N it-II. IP fl That larg lloaas of I art rouans a lib gar ka, Ar , dlgnnltv opiaxl's Ui I wllairs liolrt, eluat to lie N. C katlruad Irrpnt, Ua prniarty af Mrs paaaisgliHi, aad ltly aera ukviif M. taaabar, aaat aalar. tree a hr Cuudain. IUiUU, asarhlw ' AgK.1 Ul'l OFFICE, i i . . ' Ratsina, M. C. Manh a, la A I sin BtteraS st th Mrr's Orl a, ta Ik riiyofbabi.lt, vm Talaf. th let oaf al Sag, l;a, la ! raw IBS IW I Ma par-m yar. Faraaas Bail lag be list thHr ioiy wm hs brt to So.Uar Isa , a, nuiisiis. VS ''! ( UTUKtt SIIF.LDO.. IsiUiirt Iridttlt, lit ti I.IIiJI uni.iicut' iiAttuuittr., rlnt. Oil. Olsas, I'.llj, Abd SaJblUif sas af eJ ewthra, , lt rstle wire-el, .rfolh, m. ts tnad Sue card S tu. .aaiag taiasnw fraaaat ' rai, now kAbi' il.L H. rf R haaaaa saa . M hasaasf, tt, V Staatbarsot SbaS E - aaa trvtd b-4 kaesaS. aa kaiar Baaktog Aala- ae ar svaaibaM ,.a-T a a lal vaaiba( H'raae ar Caianiaal S -fa., aa Wait tWaat trmm taa aar'li a- cuts ! ay.L ItliiHAt U , USE routuii I, ti.k fWia, raaaaNal, r.ak ba 1 ,.t. a, a -..I !. rart-. - JaaS r a--. .... .blf """' a, (j irsxastiL I i it i I ol ktkilll. I I v a a s S Ma .-.la taawg Ml'a U-mmi faaaS N , laaja4 a..- t bt A, I, a;j!a, J .. I S I H I ktnas a.1 piANOS! PIANOS I ! -JAMEiPfRSSOM A SON reaectfullymfornt the public, that they have lust received a aew stork of those suiierlor Piano Fortes of the OKEAT U.MoS COMPAN f OF NEW V0R to which they Invite attention. The Immense resources of Mia companv tn the shape of cap itai, machinery and other facilities, enable them to put their Piano at a much lower mt than any other ttret elan establishment, and persons about hrpurchase Will liud il laueh to their advantage to call and examine Ultet Pianos before purchasing elsewhere. Seed for circular to JAMES PIRSSON A SON, Cor. If argai awl Salisbury atreeta, marh-U Itsleigb, N. C. TaE SUPERIORlTV OF THF CNR1VA V LED wrccK ' PIANO FORTE Is compiled by all who have I'ARKFUl COMPARED it with others. in the NEW SCALE. The Maauf aetnrer haa-sneeeedeil mm" the MOST PERFECT PIANO Fui 1 possible: hence thrv are preferred bv i titUAT ARTISTS OF THE DAT And recommended by all the LEADING NEWSPAPERS Prices will be found as reasonsble a cum tent with Ihorouga workmanshii. .... WAREROOMb. 4ra A vents, New Yokk, Con. ltltu Brass rtee T tf MISCELLANEOUS. TTNNE, YASCH ACO., Li vary, Sal aaa Eaehsng ST A B la ES. Areeonstautlv reeelvinr Mules and llonea They have sow on hand some MO mule and 10 taat horsea. Ua 17 ihn F ODDER AND SHUCK (0 bale good Fodder and Shut ks tebs W. II J. NE9 A CO s OUTHERN EDUCATIONAL B UREAL I. To aid all who desire well ouallAad teae hers. S. To reprwent teachers a ho desire noeb Uouf i . To give pareuts information of schools. 4. To sell, rent snd exchange school pro- perllea. Adtlrusa J AS MIU I1IUA1K, dec lV-dltswlt.kwltwSi Itblsboro, N. C p B. KINGSBURY, (Utt AuoHalt Abator 7i1ilraA(ATC'.y.VaHTaat.) Wltn ft. W A L T K K & CO.,, tM Weal Baltimore, Corner Howard Street, haltimohk. Manufacturers of Clolhlug, snd Jobbers In Cloths, Caailmerea, rrc., Ae, A. Wairsa, R. Wai.Tan, ' L. L. WiLTsa, N. Fhank. dec W tks T WATT PLOW STILL TRICMPIIANT. SALES (1HFATLY IVCHKASINU AKD SAT ISFACTION UNIVERSAL. I am receiving weekly supplies, a d yet with all my rfl ins hsvs scarcely been able to keep Usees oa hand this seaaoa. Slur reduc ing the else ot the on hone Plow to suit light trams Ihrr ran tie no obte-tloa snaee o them. All we Bait where they ar ool knoea is s lilal JAME4M TOWLF,, feblStf , Agent for the alanufactuiur. 20,000 feb 13 lb. Baroa and Bulk Side st tostu tgares. . C. STRONAC1L 1873. 1870. IrrNli sTJiii-sIimi hSiMlsS A sat ply ft bL'IS I S l'm a'ar snd K.liabk Oardrn si-eda, )aat rx-eitnd by pr.eci i, Lee a ou , JaalCKUa. FltBtT-TttKt,-ITn.IRRT TKEE aa I (irape Vine. I or aue at tab 1 . .V..1L JoNEA A tl Harks Marahall's Urj.l Salt. loll W. C. HTMiiX vt II. G SINiiLE HUN Attlle, D rn..i so, t"t on, fl no, fid SO, f i s ua, la l DOUBLE fVJstL Al H !, (t si , I.D 00, III fal, 111 M. JU iu, I r ui, A"i ou. bJ uu, , la I t uu Srvai h ladiag I ta.bi liana. Al ISO li, IIS Ui, VI on. fl uu, m OS, (W Stl, SMS UI. l fat SM US r i r l . loil k A Waaana'a, t ail', Alira's, Ihs'li'b WBilary a a Mkar kbvaa, at staiitt Ti iiai' rait as, AWktl'MTIiiM a4 I VI n. M T Fx nraaab-4-aidtbg . at S aaaail sdrwaat aaruat of I a baa at Has ' Mrtalb ABHa.ailiaril lW hiS sad FaSaaia at ail Baafhal braa, A Hl'lat a "rtaraait i all I'pwlU'.g rnaa IBS itaam) Uu aaat WW Bpp, lt. Flit Lt AST, I Ml M Ml K Stl 41 laeaavsaa, S pSl W b-a'l.a. SI , Hall liaW bhUarS's, laaag!', Uu lair's. IVraHl a, aad hat aaaabiaiaS aaabf at ( aa h4 4 jNart4 tv are aavl WaasSSIt o FEixo r a 1 N T bJ A as-gs aad tweaUf ml b4 af tPrUNu Abii ii hiail pirr4 f Far it Fareat., isuial I a aaa at' I aiaa, - I r.aa Baj aiiataa S hla I.SAV W. It. A IL i tl t EE A 10. T M w i L i; v l ii 0 l As ua saw lai ! Vb t'e b-e .f I mu as I aa It a.- aa ' " aaa,.a aa bt JAM H 10 A Wa f b l-tl i ii ft n till U tl I tut Iliii.tm4. J at i, ;.. saw; tea "t Si w saasat r fmm-t Saaat-a. ba S"' .!. . aa aa a t- b ' lba U I a a. pabatalsa a. jaaal balaata iba aa SS S-l IS-aa, aa)ibM.l4 ba I --a -,' 4 i. it aaa . fa Uta a at. S lata - ka a alaaa. bah II If JHll B. I'-lWa-At ! BALTIMORE LOCK HDSPiTAti. BALTIMORE. MC. OfTICB 7 Sot Ml FblDKKK g Mt f i-f?i t, I fTas-. Mi" Physician of this celebrated Ins'itutlon. dl covered, anew lu the Uraat Uoapitala of Ao- rope, via: England; Frsutt snd elsewhere, the most certain, speedy, pleasant snd eHeetna remedy in the world for all excesses or shut a of the system. ; , . . ' v,-. Weaknees ot the Back r Limbs, Stricture, Affection of the Kidneys or Bladder. Involun tary Discharges, linpotuocy, General Debliiiv Nervoasnesa, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Papiiailoa of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling. Dimness of Sight or liiddineaa. Disease of the Head, Throat. Nose or Skin, Allirtimeof the Liver, Lui ;. Stomach or Bowels thoas terrible Dietu,.n arising from Solitary Habits of T anUi ssa usi and solitary practices mora fatal to then- vie time than U aong of the Syreus to 'be Ma imer of L lyase, blighting their moat bril liant hope or anticipation, rendering mar huge, Ac, bupoasitis, dosUoyhig both body and mind. , tovm MEN - Esneelaltv. who havrt? haanm tl,M aVCm. Shtary Vice, thai dreadful and deatracUve habit whleb annually sweepe to sn untimely grave thousand ol young men of tbe mot exalted talent and brilliant InteUect, alto luinnv otiierwisa nsve entranced listening Scnalate with ,tbe thunders ot eloquence, or eskad to ecsiauy the living lvr. eiav eat with fuU eouttdeues. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or Young own eonbrsplst. Ing marriage, aware of fbyaical Weakness, Loss of Froereatlve Power (Impoteney), Ner vovs ExuiUtiUity, Palpatation, tirganie Weak- -nes. Nervous Debility, or any oiber Dbv. uail- fleatlon, speedily relieved. . " Ms who places himself under the car of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his boiini sa a geutlrman, and confidently rely npon hts skill a s physician, , OUUANI0 WEAKNESS Immediately Cured and full Vigor Ueatoreit. This dialreaaing Allectioa -wlucb render life miserable and marriage tmposaihle Uie penalty paid by the victims ot Improper In- ouigencee. I ouug pernor, are let. apt to com mil eseaaae from not oeing aware of Jie dreadful eonsequeucee that may enaue. Now. who that understands Ibis subject will pretend to deuy that the iwwer of pruereetbie la lost sooner by those falling Into tmpruDar habits man uy uie uruaent r neaiuee Oelug deprived of the pleasure ot health y ottspring. the niiat sailoua and dealrurUva aymtoa. ot both body and mind aria. Tbe system become derang ed, t'je Physical and Mental Function weak ened, Loas ot Frucreallve Power, Mervous IrritabUily. - Dyapepala, Palpitating ot Uie Urart, lntllgusliott. Constitutional . Dtillily and V aaUng ol the Frame, Cough, Cousuiap Uon, Decay and Death. v A CURE SPEEDILT WARRANTED. Persons rained In healthy by unlearned pre tenders who keep Ihrm trilling month alter month, taking poisonous and injurious eoia- puunas. aiiould apply luiuuxiiau ly. . DR. JOHNSTON, Memuer of the Royal College of Burgaoua, London, tiraduate ol one ot the moat emlueut Collegna la ihe United State, snd Ute heat part of who Ute has braa aprnt I Ui hos pitals of Loudon, Part. Philadelphia audeia. abere, baa e Uue led some ot th most salon. lalung cures. Uial were sver kuoasi uasny troubled with ringing In tbe bead and ears whenaalevn, great earvousneee, baing alaria ed at sudden sounds, beekfutneas, wilh Ire qaent blushing, attended Bomelliueawlth daa rang emeu I ot mlad, were euret bnmaukately. , TaKE FAKTICTLAK NOTICE. Dr. t. addresses sit those who bar Injured themaelve by improper iudulgencw and. sols tary hablta, whbh ruin both body Snd mind, 1 a a titling Utesa tor si liter baslaess, study, so ciety or marrlag". These are some ot the ssj melaneboly f. incas prouuceo uy me waruiij naoii oiyouin, vis : Waakm a of tbe bsrk and Umba, Paius in lha Head, DlmaaMof bight. Los ot Mus cular Poaer, Palpitation of lite tieart, Dya. . E pala, Nervoua Imulilllty, Derangrment ot ie DlgeeUre FaacUooa, Ussieraf Debility, Bymi'Uiine oi t.onsumptioa, esc. MEN (ALLY. 'The tearful ediat nn Ui mlad era much to be areadaa. Leas ot Mama ory. Confoalon ol Id, Depraaaiua of Splrtla, F. all Fore boding, Aversloa to Soeiety, Sell Distrust, Lor ij Solltuda. T liuidity, .e,, aie Some of the svliasproduccd. 1 hoaaaads of pmuo ot stl sges ess Bow Judgs a bat I Ute rauaa ot Ifcetr 'Uevuuli g health, basing U -ir sigiv, bawmlsg beak, Ktla, nervous snd amatiatMl, bating a slugo r apiawracr about th iji, rvugli and symptoms of Cooaemptiim. lOUNU MEN Vt bo bsve Injured themselves by a rertala praetiae, lnaulgrd la abaa sioaa, a habit fie aaeatly Uaarwo truss evil eoaapaaloa ar at I a boot, th rrtcri of a bu b ar algbUy I- it, even a hew slap, snd If nut ruiu iviubsis aurnag uaiuias, and SVeUnya boA mind and buOy, abuabl apply Imat I'stely, n bat a p.ly Uial a tomag auuL ibe turpe uf kia eiiuauy, la pnoaof hutparaau, abvbid ba anaielird from all pntaparl nl nii)Btr ut kia laa inaaii an af wrrattinj f i u. Bie path uf aatare, aud wdulgiiig ba a eathua -saarrt baliit. baaS prua laaal, BafuretoB lrmpbUasT ErAecl that a soasd mlad aad bJr ar. th I aa.i.1 aaeasasry rraialU Ui t,aaot. even. laiai kappaa. IMlarO, alUtoul Uira II, a. Bay tbruagh Ilia aaa-inn a arSry l'tiailita aa, Ua iaaaS kuaiiy Sarbm W ua. lava. Ua MiM larvumraabaaoaad atth aclr, aaa tilts' a llii tlta taUarh. ly rvtariba thai Uar haj i tiia-a w snoUatl is biukaval 1th aa aa a. -A CERTAIN Di.1a.Arl. , W ha Ui mtagU d sad bnpnadal uirv St pti.aar Bati a has aathtb.d laaa- -a - tha pa.aful Snuaaa, It l.atUa happi. I Ua'. aa ill il t4 sne ol SJ.ar. wr Un. T uj, . rurvra lt-Ur btaa fiueipa) J.f bu Unaa.abt, Iruasaaiat.UMa .ltd rtit.iaaiil), ma aiaa katrantd kim II fall n 't, lb bat da ,.f Igataraal ana aaugauag pr aat".. a ba. la. riabt af earti.g, S rh kw -ttn.lary i,b staara, harp hwa Irlliag aaatata lu-r avinih, ar a Suag a tit iaaabt law raa a irpirtn at, sad la tlaf air i-t tna a ita raiba t aa,', n it. mmme bta (alllRg jaln al ; ac by tl. a af lb" erauij (-'ta , M f i If, tanaf il,B t wtia;tuu-.-i tlialb'ttt. t.l tl .a t.tf.i hnas a aa a a tb4 sppaaraaaa, aaah a ai. lataud aire Utrtf I. eiataaad ataa. bat taraal pain la Ut brad ! Unit., S.atsaaS "I ,1.1, aa.li an. aa hosbia baaa aad attaa, itAttt ba. aa Ut. baa, taaw 4 al"at. 4tgraaaig all lilgliuai rapaurty. till al U.t ta faiata af ll. Ba...tb tr lb bataa ft 11 Swaa tail Ba. sad Ihalbtta aal tto lat M aatWvaat burrut t al tajanbaaaaxa U-- Ull Brat, pwta pataitd ta ta I't-dli sallaaibg, by saaading boa ta tlutl aa itamrai raaaatry " Iraas a atas batata aa wa rm 1 af-,'Arf., l. J;,'bu i4a4 L-. Bauat tWlt.a, .aaaaiy, laaaai 1 aa taa laal fiati 1y la the Wat 14. Ol&re, T utls I rrurrlrk ht. Ilatlllswwrr, Mtrilsisi4 left luua 14 (trtag fiuaa fea.oua.ar itraet, s I. a Staura Iruaa kba aataar, laal ax t at ttb. Barsa aaata a4 Baatbar, 4f ha t taws racaitbd w.'-a I I-at0 a.4 la.MUU.if'f s avaabp ta ba btan b Iba bi;. rsaaaa anltag btt4 a I I a4 aaa 4 aatet ad a i ttt aaaa it aaatrtl.-tj llb p I a Dualt' LirLOWA baagam ba) eSaa IXDuaUtAwA.lT Kit THE iaUA , Tb aaaa y ti,.iatr.l raraal al Uie ui tub aaaal .in ta II l.-ttf Jata, aa tba Baaweata um taa laHt a. , a a- a.f.att,a (at. 1 1 bT!-aa J by irr, Laa. ita.ata o llta af laa PraattMbaal I St. Wk MH a. a t4 a. a b,(.' tl. I t..wf, b-U.a I at. -a a a ata af knata a la.f.ttM (, traa-al aaauas 1 lb. bt ata .Ilia UUlAft "a.U .i.I Ct. sw hwdty. I Hill. r b FA I IHa Ka llt li'rlitf (AlR I. tf .sisr.ttt, A': tefTFAt-'H I ?"TTi t I liti4. I a,... a, , i ,Mtl, I. a a .1 .4 . I la.ata a a - .--mt. . 4. imt, , . , t t ' 1 a ; . -t a -I a-f at- :a I ,. . , It 4 , a a;. 't -v I 4 aa a It l W. . -a ! a . b t la1, at . 4 I ., I .a i lb t ' I t ' '- ttt : hi r , ti,, B) a a A .. 1 bat SaH Lsaaaaa sla t ' Ssaff