1 THE SENTINEL WEDNESDAY, APRIL , 1873. j TELECRAPniC NEWS. - Kttoa Dispatches. DOMESTIC NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. Wajudjgtox, April J, It is abated the Government has aban doned thV-suit against tba Piedmont Road u Confederate property. A nti'.lioa and ball u involve'). Anegrj attempted to ruor" cur conductor on 7tb street yesterday. Tlic police tared him from n imprcptu bang- - log. President Qraut and. Secretary Fuji kft for New York at noon. Tbe President will be absent a week. 1 The Mobile postofllce which for some time bas been uo &et the cottrnt of spec is agent, pasted Into the hands of Wick' niham to-day. The Catholic Total Abstinence Society are holding their aannal session In Phila delphia. The envoy sent to Ireland hat Returned with - ptwpositioti to forni junction. The Indiana. have killed J!r. Lkmiog end three other , government surveyors. Tto others of the tatnr p-ly with pre vision team are misting. The outr ge or cuned a bundled and twenty-five mlUe west of Arkscsa. "Collector Daily has seized eight taore of tb Sew Yoik Central's locomotives at Albany lot taiea. Cbaa. Deleter, of Uaytl, arresUd as Roscoe, the alleged murderer of Good rich, wss takea handcuffed to the station but immediately discharged, A youth In Sim York while playing "haog Foster" strangled himself jester day. ' , . . The New York shoemaker hare re solved to strike unlets Ibcir psy Is II cressed fifty cents per dsy. Tha- sanity of George Francis Train ! to be tried by a jury The New York gas men bsve resolved to strike unless their demands ere com plied with. nevelsUons by the Assembly New York in the Erie Investigation show that tmH sums oMmoii y have Imn pnld to Senators and Ataemblymen at Albany . Jat wlntar ft legietutluti. This has pio daosd a gn.nl deal if Breast', .a la New York. The committee are determined to ascertain 1 poeeible the mm-i of the bribed hgalators. Ai Bisr, N. Y.. April I, la lbs Bubals to dsy aa amend m si to tha New York charter, giving the Major power to make all apptintmrmts, and providing ft tits uii.tiauaoea In nOSca of tlie counsel i-r lbs corpora loa, i!m Pres. dent ..f the U-mii ut Puikeaud P(rallenl of the Publie Parka, an euhrd. A av tins) In rcleia tlu Omptmllw Central at ri ted. 0 EX Kill L EoitUUX N E W 4. Hon a, April I. A part f Catholic ynnhs while liv ing the Chimb ut Jmtu, teebsrday, mm attatked and several if th m Mtv'j bralre, lacluding a yuan kgielim..n. The g-es ds trans reecani tli ru The Grand Duke Ah its baa arrived at ' ' The Lnwar H xms baa m f eot D.I. see la the Danidi M.ui.u;. The PpanlsJi Vice-CtMiMl t. l'ria has -aUftiad.dlk.atlm a di&a of ktciiIi lhoaad fiatca. Tilt MARKETS. New Teaa, AptH I. Btorki W.BMW bat Weaker. GIJ eaairr at IT. ilrmrj Brm at one eighth to r.a tuunk per real. Xuhaage, bvg 1 14 j ' nor? T 8 8. - Oorrrrmrrrt ' iff tifi boadi dell sad Imvt. twiua dull sad ali.al j al.i I.1JI", Iplaad. ta, Oriews tO I I fb f Wheat quirt sad sttadv, (ra ulet, Puek avw l at to l 81 M m tbe spot i April aWtivtty. ' LrJ Iras Wmera sirsia IS to I T I, Tarpea. tlM tat si II u II -i R.ia n ,tH si t M slraiaei FreigkU Vet; ulti. Loi, Apr.) I C ovsuis II 3 4 fm m t mom toward rtf, V4aads I f ; Hutllll FOREIGN NEWS. u?eu rnuK fpnx Mi am, ApH I, Tetpt.a-Ji.ril rf itt., k.a git. It k !(.' I tut CeLW alii b 4Wi4 la s 'U i4 mp Tra th.oaa j ara. I t.4f a,lki U IbetMy as M.UgS, tteln ,r lbs r '' '" V - NAaai offtre-s t" tiirTta J MaoaiB, April I A nt ( ait..l, a iff Iba eae4 Hw."taa CshhIi, a4 aa aMat-a V ai, '.il- ut i'el(Uu 4 U l"s Aft.f a Ht rt ta a. '' 4.1. a' d I j the rapsb.'Wsa tr 4ir.J I 4 la 4.Lt tt-m IU Waa 14 l.tiiM HU.rMa ",14 lr' la Cat aaat U ta4 alad IHiUiMf Wlik b sa'W I ft-aate4 l f ff 'a, 5 "' fi u tat twg ! fvrrj !. u. U Il.s m pm iae ia ll.tr.'y,t" m ict ksvt si.rTd, 7 - at IM VwaiSJ t4 II i;i J i l' ti r'ojmi a te ft hi (".' ..(, al'4 a. l U C.'Urf l.i i-l a.i. j J i tie nidnlgtat DUpatches. DOMESTIC NEWS. THE ERIE IXVESTIGATIO.V. STARTLING DISCLOSURES. Must Eailrai Bink Imlml Tk ''Erie," tie "PtMsjIruia," aa. Ik "Kn TortCrttnl. .: Staptcdsni I'ombifliliua. U .'unpolii' the Oil Tr dt. TWEED AND TII. ERIE TREASURY. Cow fly X.ful s?i'v!obs. Niw York, April 1. la the case of the Erie Investigation to day, Mr. Archer explained the project of the "Southern Improvement Company, by whiciiU appears, thera was a combi nation of the "Erie," 'TencsjIFsnl V and "New York Central" roads to control the whole oil trade of New York, by monop olizing the oil freight fiom the oil regions at $2 40 per barrel, of which the proposed "Improvement Compsny" was' to have $1.40 on each barrel, thirty-three percent, to be divided between the Eric and New York Central, whether thej transported the oil or not, and the Pennsylvania Rull road wot to have the other tii'j-fwvco percent. The project was one of Mr. Watson's, the present President f th Eiie road, but it fell through. Henry L. Autes, formerly la FUk's pri- vU office, testified that no one could ever tell from the records to whom money was paid lot legal services at Albany, as tbe entry was simply "lor legal lervices." In October, 1800, one bundled thousand dollars was paid to Wia. M. Tweed for legtl services. At another lime ton tliou ssnd seven bundled dollars v. is paid Tweed. Vouchers continue it r rgulsr periods In 1870, showing T.m I Ir.d mueo money aa be wanted urut ',. i ever he wanted it la 1871 over l. ti tir-dred and forty tbouaaud dollars paid Tweed for hgal s hriccs, bnt the sums do not appear on the books of the company. Witonsmade out vouchers for them. OENFRW, NEWS. Nkw Youk, Apr.i 1. The judgment reciM-J and billofticep tioot In the hi..kci ca-e aere II lid to-duy la lite Eapreine Court, The Ilwjt p..rti.m. i.f J'uttereou, . J , are oveifl'iwed by lh lim- In the i'aaiar River. . Tskktok, N. J , April 1. The general railruad bill has pamd both IT'mars and wlil be sent to the (v- tmor t' -day. C UJKBUe, O., A(Hll 1 Tbe bid abulUhlng capital puiiiihiu.nl received only t went j -nice votes la ihe llouan. FROM WASHING I ON. WatHinor , A pill I. The Ginrgla CouimlsU.nt w.ll be will helj at kst till t'.e Prvsi.U-nt returua. Tbe pa4 oflke i.fflciaU, lu t'uswdla a) tic, are rnl.nl aa to tin ch 'laeter an grtMte Uateai.gtlujBS. W'ai.lr Iliai.rr.itt has sot miurud. C1.IH Ju-'lee Cha g'es to itichmuad Ul hold court, Jlm..rg Jhe f; dt tj n Ihur.s f. I autaab ml ii-ijuui.ous ui'tlj"UilJ Public Woika snd I f 8 milli at ti( C Mtip aia 1 1 0ngr.wa, Tha Srt-ietary d tl.v Trra.nrv has ei Ib-d Is lbrtw-eklU "uT a tnlllioa ol Hire f teat. dWwaiiaatH aad five thousand aamberad S74I to 8831 loclutive. t4 btaUmLrT)rmm durii.f the atonlh 1 I I mlllioa. 7a IU rrirr-C. '.a 81 II aiiT1..as ! earrraey III tslllf.aa. 1IE4VT STORM. Aim eta, April 1. A territc alsd aad raia ahtap4ta d tfca eiry this shernrva, atwontiag tma, Waring down fraeva and d s erisv IJeral.le damage J-eeT!ty It bjated aver half aa boar. NORTH t AIMiUM IMjIAS Fit A I'D! Wi.him.T i, Apr.l L Tbriuadaei Ca(4 janch, (bhf4 lbs FiaaM t)it Ulua irf lb I lUa Tltircaa, ate as feaily emrd here va a (bergebf r..j.;ie,t; la the 'sitl CW has t Wribw fraad, twr) th I bf is ea Uia'y laa.irvat ut any wr.g M Wtg e Hp ta a-vikMi with thai aaljr, aad thai ble (Hal wl'l tal'y brw awl tk good op i' a' I b bat b tt,r rt i t jtia Vd 8 boswal and b trgrty. TKunmLrfTnirwRECK. Um OK THE hlEAMUir ATLANTIC t I:t:i Enini uanj lira U 11 Hiii, Aprd U . Ta4 pah p AlUlt, t4 ll.e Lit tar Baa. ftoaa Utvfml, Man h 1 Kew Yaeb, raaaiag lUt ad f.!, atade (. tlal. fat. Wk.a a!n tweertf atiUa ftaa f Cap iWt at IM ilaak tbia aaeiaf, M raa s.W aw I Ha 1. f M bad M Warl ane ta tbiwaaa4 fca,'t'ae sa4 tNida,""VJ;' m41 la Ua t,g Tb IMaalad, W tisJlRg ail ll.e a Sad shiUnaa, Waf kL TU tarsals aad Ihe IU4 vfT, i -raa4 IrM wee drewaad tas iW t"i m-4 4 the a. at t4 tb I ..rf bf . tbe ltl I aa I UctaatMt eatt I IUf au -4 tbe Atlantic, but the (bird officer Who arrived I T nera at a octock una aite'Rn j vie Teasel is a total loss. MARKETS. LivKitrouL, April 1. Cotton chwed firm. Bales include I- 000 bales American. Baltimohe, April 1. Cotton dull. Middlings 19 3-4. Flour firm snd tear. white 65, .jellow 13 Provisiunt very strong. Mess Pork III to 1 17 50. Dcon firm at 7 1-3 to 9 1-9. Lard 8 3-4 to 1). Vikv aleady at fil. Nonrout, April 1. ' Cotton firm. Low Middlings li i-J. New Yobs, April I. Cotti n. closed dull and nominal. Saks 1470 bales. Uplands 20, Orleans 20 1-1 Flour quiet and unchanged.' Whisky steady. Wheat quiet and held, a shade higher. Corn steady, moderate bojiness. New southern and yelkiw western CO to 67. Coffee quiet and steady. R.ce steady at 7 3-4 to 8 1-3. Pmk firmer at $11.75 to 10.87 1-2. Lard ioiacr western steam on tbe spot 8 3-4. Turpentine nominal at 59 -Rosin t stiff at $3.30 o $3.8V Coitok Net receiptt 370, grots 2,897 bales. Bales for export today none; last evening 1,233. Bales lor hiture de livery 14,400, as follows : April 1918, May 19 5 16 to 19 I 4, June 19 5-8 to 20, July 19 UI8 H 19 1-9. October 17-8 i. WiLMiHOToil, April 1. Spirits of turpentine quiet, no sales t- roit d. lloaia quiet at $2 60 fur strained 2 13 for low No. I, $3 80 for window Klaus. Crude turpentine $2 23 for hard, $4 tor yellow dip and virgin. Tar steady at $2 SO. U- MONEY MARKET.. ,. . Nbw York, April 1. The situatioa in financial circles it marked by less accident than yesterday, but by very little Improvement to far money it concerned. Eaily loam to borrowers on call at three- eighth) to on hall per diem and Interest, chiefly at the highest rate. Latkr. The stringency increased du ring the afternoon. Most of the business ws at five-eighths to three-q-jarters per diem. After 8 o'clock money eased op and lotus were made at one eighth to one quarter per diem. Exchange dull snd heavy, owing to the dear rates lor money. Prima bankers' sold at 7 3-8 to 7 1-2. At ths cl.-se it wtt hardly possible to till exchange at inaide rates. Oyhlwsa veiy netivc tlimnlinnt the -f- enlre day, fluctuating between 16, 17, 1712, aad cloned at 171 I. tl.iverinnenta very heavy -and prices elit-litly hiaer. CLOTHING, Ac. m. m, SntlNU CLOTH I MU. II. & AXDREIVS 4 m CLOTHIERS. t? FAYKrrEVII.I K UT. - Ilava juit ra. a f . 4 su..IIlx hit of 4osttaa Klnea Dreaa lilrtar, f the & W 4a ta T V-L K .A, tkhfnr. Pll, IMnlllll- Ai osafbrt at SB'S ward Ik t' W t kairy. MV OPES. A fstl atuck ut C3 ( Vouth. final lluyej' lllnU santl ( olort-al lJiILT HATS. Inikra-iaj U lb, sauat eVuatte eadws aad eel KI'KINU U0IJU.1, P: ii. ran t . as a HITS. Arvrwaiitoi ftQyaa 12 X- 13 . A IX X atarke4ukt 13oo(h & BllOt'H. ark fa I If, DvarttMHf A t oanrt a tj t . -ilAl- !MNa.( lUtl lit fl'j?fl ff Ifa Cu:tinit!iti!iit. r.iMn luinr iitirn, atf at ' I k II LI at t aS -4 , ...,( sstfta m t r aaualw t f - 1 MISCELLANEOrS. X . C V L h O M ., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Smithtibld, k. C. Praetlees ia the 8 n parlor ronris of John atoa, Wavae, Wake, HaVfax, Warrea, and ad yiisiinf conotiea, and tn thelapmne Court ol forlh Carolina. tV Claima eo iecUd hi any part of the 1 l.S II MUU1 B m m . D KOC701 i 0 A M B L I 'e , EXTRA OLIVE. Soma brands of seap sre told short weifcbt, tva to etgtat ponnds per bo 1 von aaa tbeaa auaoa voa nav Boiiev for what you do not recti re. Can yoa snunl loeosor Bay Procter A Gamble's full weight Rraod Bold by nxer la yoar elty mr;3 LKA HBBO. Wtt letals agenU SAFETY 01 1 11 EST. Will bora In any Lamp. Mm brilliant than gas snd isfe si s tallow candle. Suae price at common Keroeeae. For Bale y T, n.Briggs d Sons, - Belt AgenU. 41nt the Golden Eagle. mtrSn COMMISSION IEliCIIANTi. C. UMDllI Co GIIOOJERS C0iIISS10. XEUG1IANT.S tun j Axtats far ths BTAK AMMONIA! EI aOU'BLC B.lNK PHOSPHATE. "The BEST Fertilizer In the Wurld." s i, m.v II alHtsr. tek is Grroc(3rien ! f arar. Ci rl.a. Floer. all tra4wL h.ik Maata, N. C and Va ,Hi( Ruaad, loear I ami Haiaa, Itearka Porli, eraM Muaalala B ef I a f SUm I ..raktaal mrm th In lor tattUw. kt ia aieaa, !. I t j kite Maekant. half bt.la Ne t ilai arrrl, N., la. 4 8 N. Macarrl la lat.'i Ail U.a taat aval aa or eaaa a (uwtia. Ticketed CatUa. U J.fa, C.Urjf rait, a, . ffstrrt Hura- tadi4i. bVat braaJ i ebo, 1 Mll rirataa, ft a. aa (lyaUra, l.1i-V r R.ur. . ..,.,, ... . ri.iral lr law. ka-k Ula Cwk X.W 1.4 M hilt Ika U4 M.a'., aaw Wtah esij.siae. om i ovummt r bA W r.aa, law , ha P,aa, . kite K..B., S MlasVaaa, ' " lra FaiaMa, " M4.a. -8ea-aakt.-r - so fca.se iro4 MaaUla II.;. tm las tkra. aaar4 dVUiary aad atenty l iuM as lalartiua. ta aaart ihe h mai. a aVaaa.t Ikaitrt Iartr4 as? filH K tLtAf1 lH an4 .l ! Ik NU Uar ktKlt. Iiaa Irwalkl aa let..(4 b ka ( v Ireak rsat4 aa4 wim v. aa WAYNIJ ALLCOTT, ea a 4 so t fr 14 ee 4 ( m tta is rt 8M t II a e S 1 1 au ' in aa, tt-art, M a A 'a W V. r4 u. l Ixaaiasv Brysi t tnaa, Un. i. a Ui-iiii', i Aa, M.u, m. h, h i a, h aa, w, n, n.t4 a. n k.a, St .iW, i . k .w. . r.i, w- , ' , ) ,! i.aaA'.h -. L It. . ft, hmmn, r-4,a.a, P, L.s .. . haw.i, tlrv. ha. aa. J , la Mat tm Ha, a u t s a t . 4 ee aa a e 1 a at la 4 a 4 at I ,-m. at -a at t I t. S e4. kn 1m A .a a t aa kAlaA. want n. , I 1 U I stu Id I. HI sv s T 1 v 1 rrvur, th. tt k r a v u. i-n at I r ed to aril urn ta raNae i f araf a4 U a awd wf lit taiBi-wre, fct Ma to 4 S- e tail nHag dl ai.al lei pafara, e aa aa.a t f t.U .j iM laaaa tattle t'a .'.S .4-evMA. TI fnaav lire k M. f a., a, al ia ". Ij IS aa h. ,)- Vies t. V. aass, ei tai W. sai tf Shaw. GILBAM COTTOX FERTILIZER wrcNTta For the protection of the Planter. A SPECIALITY FOR COTTON ! ! ITS MERITS HAVE BEEN FKAC1ICAL T TESTED BT BOMS OF THE MOST PROMINENT AND eCCCEBSrCL PLANTER3 IN NORTH CAR OLINA AND BOUTHEA8T . EKN VIRGINIA. And Is too well known to' deed any praise st onr hands. We refer vou to tboae PLASTSKSwha have tried It ind wiil gift any party, uion a plica tion, a urr or tbiim saaaa, and furni.b them a raxeattT or tiisib is.timokiaiji (( Tina: tbetr opinion and experience of Its (Treat teniiiiinK properties tinder Cott a. - That It ma'uraa tlie 1 ott n aooner by aeveral wet ka and aearlv doubles the Tleld. and that the in crease of th product la e ch as to make its nee prjtiUDie with Cotton at a low price. Tret It for yournelf. UT V. W. UBAMJY & SONS, Special Agents Norfolk, Virginia. THIS 8TAMDAKD FERTILIZER, Made ctpeelsllv for Uie COTTON CROP. hsa been need through' ut the cotton crowing reiriona of North t arollna and Hniiil..tr.. Vlixiola with tuch tUtierinir results that the Snutuern Fertilising C ompany of Kiehmond, VlrKlnla, have fonud It neceaaaj" to double the power of their works to meet tbe demand. it atcosceded by tboae who huve uaed it that ia euaaiea dt u ouier manlua atcd iruano Tn meet the genural acuity we have pro Vlded DEPOSITS OF SUPPLY at all Important points where it will be fur- nianea y our agents at rxcToi.r ricts, ireigni aajev. r OH SALE BY ARCIIIBAI.OBRABWEU), Whltakere, N.C. e. ii. rirrr..i ui, wntu.ut.ra. ia. e J. W. CKUWKLL, Joyncrt N. C. w it. uats a ui., Kaieign, n, v. J. V. KK.I1), roreatvllle, N. O. a. b jumb. riua lancing. It. ; H. E I'lMlM A CO . Baulebo o N. C. W. U nTfcPHK.NfON, ManrarjtteatilK X C BKAKCH Jt CO., Wilson, N C. ELWAhl)i. MADIIKSV A. CO.. SlvlMlssFll i. B. a-r-riELU, Tarbro', Ji.O. A. ll. A. ILL1 Ai, luiord. N. C. B r.OWtNit W)., Columbia, N. C. J. N ' KUtiKI.L, Jaruaalem, Va. N. B Kliil.KV Neaauna, Vs. W. P. KOln H ti, l.at tale, S. C. N. M. LiWi.t.SCt, Tarb..ro'. N C W. R CAi'lCHAKT, Kdunton. N. C. J. T. V ABU, fuekv Muant, N. C WILpiiN MIZkLL CoUralne. K. C. M'lKa U I I.LI AX Viml.ir. N.C' MATnua,Ui;Piu.N ACU.Uucky Mouut, v. WE WILL ESTABLISH OTHER AGENCIES AT DIFFERENT LOCALITIES THE CCMINii SCAoUN Tela C'.rtTiis Vism. lien ba rveclvtd the hlghrat prawe fruaa all Mclioae of coualrj ana me naiLv raaat laroagnaai the state. We give jalow a few eat ecu fruai eaataa- eiesuluas ef eurraf poadauls a variuue lueail Ue'ol coaulrr lo U.e dwlr new a. aLr-n- pirtlng the vuluatary, eureurdaat eumarads Uas tbe eMlua pla. srra ralaliv to the s Uua of the Cotioa tartlila r, and the hie k re I'Ble la auk a It la kcid uj Uie plaiitcra, aa auattrr of pelilie la riealai.d bem at writing Irwa thaaKl and giing tbe .res, ebul.taal laada Sua. ut Ihe ahu:a iupl, aUu ha.1 lr4 and atu lu it U. auny ui ti. m are the bwt Bea and aio.t aixrvaaful farmtra la urtli I aruliua aad Vkiiaia. Ihraaniru era the I laiavaabrto aseaveef a. w. e-r'rni,Ui'iila la ihtlr couiiuuukaUui.a t'l the Pr urn, whiae fcaaxM ia Mto 4 r'lai aaatura if general a. aa ai-d ia I are. t tf public uapof usee aaa aourrrs. OPINION! OF 1 HE riiKSS. Aifrwi mat (wrtH.u'n.t rf l.i I tt ttfnrf AJtnn Satu run nig I ia iU ,ui see u , i.turtcUl auauni said thrvaah uar an U .a It la lla ui ibib of IbuM . aatt tppl ed ri thn tailaain'e iiwa trrUI -t, aaafa-lared l.f U Buuilwia far. inuiac e.iar, (UrB.o.d, a., St liaeulMl It Uie Bast ta ! aaarkat " frm O HulnyK Snl tui e Safest li'S. w BMSe IA JaUamtnf uirtut ; la taMiawa atww we tm tptas ui tU sasufabie Ua .imum a.'K. jr emr eieV Mftt lentra Irr.wl bt U4 l .tltaaa'ei: iua far. miaae. ! m una af the State raa tuda a aa ! a of taaaa ai IkwiaUM lliiior a ti .aai, M.4 .! bf Ik. la mt au twr we, to Prat laa i. Ik laMtw aah lut It, bat if as are tsbttakd J bt tl.a aunt tro;e trjaid be t.tk-a Miow ill iaeuaa.ii a, a aaie But a.eutOrd It loo Mrs aMa. uia a la a'ra awsid taaa a (4 laiUiiarr, a. 4 a a tt.(uBi evr rra.kr. Um aaeia arf Ml ia, a4 Ihlkil apt. te uf it l-r the Mtoa ratun ta Uua aaciiua Um ike kaNI Ike I ... ( kaUnat Uirvata- a iae rial. ' " Fwt a iBVTvsnaadVwf fls TrtS Aaeairvr, mrUmtrrm ImtliULm' . X, V wt wkt iXtt art fur n at aa mrtttt ia tAef aeiee A 814.te 14 ' 'x..ia a Cvtia FwUiaM b r Ra 4 kj avate ! the kM ptaaU. a Be W ik bbm aaaaare tat la Uoea. u." 'rat e amfaJia rw JsWparref sW fa lAe iaaiaA Area. Uefaaf i)H,n Bf Ua tMrafrwI-A M ti( ik. I.'awta aka a4 U;lheai't t Mua fwii, hi a bauat M awav Maaa l.a ril.a i.n We ere tie. a t- tMk',1. rie ia a fe . a lb It ut iMikllk)UiiU bate aa4,aa4lsa a w a , a4 Um m vaab t.i.e a4,btlkaaaa b witan id IttaaWtla aawer Mwt la Bai. bij teat ala.U r RAUare f IA inbiiwef AmanaVr, bmsW Aj U- aaiia. Ivam' iaai. at ta tbe i a r a a.. Bkk.akaa4 4 inwaMlk' Mltrli4llill IMM, llai ia try wia ttat Mm U-a Pveia.,la aaiaat w it kt a. if teni ..1 n. was M ha a 4a aai4 1 1 u a attia 4a4awa Ikia a a..w e r4 SmI Me ta uaaw a. I atttt rm.t mi an. b anate. ea4 baa abwd aa kaf aewt a nw, bat lalt in aHMt b., " Al eaaiaa.eUa a be sUma t t . . OHtMlY A rsl At', rf tirlaia, Te ttaa Mat "' ibA IllllUlVtJ t M3il bate re U.S I tU t WT I hlull T Uf 4 UE. saw " , j t r t rr .tin t ( r tt rn. t tTat ao amrtnt riir!trai 11BA AB f" t Ttivtifraa t n ntia. , ff ' w mmr tK t-m aaWaa, . L, W.hmU r aa f wi 4t 4; aaewiJ fvreMA it trUr at aVei, W aWrfl, Id .S. d b3 X O S3 f"fi o r r R fJ A I i 3H s t JUST RECEIVED. ' ' A fine line of Hats, silk unbrellas, hair brushes, silk scaris and ties, and spring ciotnmg. ii. iuii line 01 IvoccbTiivTC! t-irkllavci otI m-rTrt which we are prices. RAMSEY & CO., 29 Fayetteville SC jan 28-din LEACH BROTHERS. GROCERS I ; II III III I;;?. 16 II IP L liflNG TO X ST PAHTnV ivirrri.t j4Ti4ii44i 0J U AZJK r AKE OKFEIIIN'O GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO 1 UK JOBBING TH A np ki.r-.ir .1 1 't. ..till k ... I . . . - IKAUE CB,rd.,S.,1-.?"J. :'lttc-Lnfhe.,yr Ho,es.rlUmon K.cnlt..ItllKc 10 Doaea Btr?l ToA? 10 Tr, Steel Shoved Uoseii Broome, lWCott.i Cards l ttbla. 8. II. Syruf. HhduCMoll.. 20,000 LBS. S!DES At eorreapondinely low prieee. T Insurance Co. BROOEI 11 Assets, S2,000,000. - Oilicca, Ken. 320 nuj,322 DtH)KDVAYt Xcw York Citj. nte Brooklyn Ufa Is THS orunany whieh endoraea b,.ob sack sad evarv trtlel.-t,-. rH.lle,iuedtolu,..tr,,,h,r.r.nUof . eerUlo umloTZ'rrSc, ' ' alue; this ami. ia tUted in doll.rt nd ernia C' Till! BCaK8 OP TI1K Klt-XIKLYV Th dttire and aim of lie n.anK,ment hare stwart been to make thlt Com ,IM n . 1.. . . w't reanlta to Its polley holders. 'on,'',nr Jlc the ...una. rnui mill HWIJlue UlleleU KOd .li, Fertilizers ! aV aa y ywa f ' f " MaStDisrv 1 ' ftauaioritl . J i DAlAI B"l f t 4 i INVITE tb e'ttinanf the arai. td il,i. . , .... el4bea.labebtaUeel.v a tbe arwts af ibe r 7a t. 1 Fnati., t t .,e " eat othar WB.;f. , .u7r.t '.a ,wk if t JTL"'' ' -aaa-iluc to ta. fcie kbat teXX ' M. SOLUBLE PA IHC (ilTA.NOnd fctaa w.B kii.sat J ph alar Met. era Krwt , f Me aid L.. l... . , Stole fwa.uii, Menmr) tear Mir. II,. ,. U'l k-4 Hit I auaanaiela. all.. , , , . l ab a.a ll I i d Ji .VabT.. . I'" t.U.kf.r.e( ttaN!f. PI ut I HA1K tiaTaVi, Jb!a 5 Jil . e,rtt..w. f.h. A I .14 aa.ai.i- f ib, ,.t ,1,, ., ,",.,.',, at e BelaJ retae l n tH a-ata W. t.-erit'le, ird i i I , .7 t "'-', fari T. tATttlUNt. a, uSl U, CA1A. A) til "ilificuo ioul- AMl t'AtiH bi i aB...' ib f . t u'i4 l 8A1JMI stlSIRAL WTIt la aea fit !b af vmivs. fan. SW Iraaa vrtj af twt Wl t-aaa atfdrwa ta. r,. hitnu.it tick t sviva f!l V'J I'A " ' . IttriirtSY a i .IV( t'lalt H"'i V'.-li W C itniXA O I T It CKotUi , , AXD i'ANttil ..l..4 ,1 raiMRV,r. rtnT ft yt4isi. a V C A F f t. I I V I If t bs . i . . a. u . t-nvt. i , t. j J T T. aataaat aiti saaw, , awe t- f a a it u . a . IMMIIDI.Mi HOiraat t I f f el, ttiu ae4 f r... 4 n, a .1 selling at low ilerclsnis. . -!.-. a-. tint ;"Hf 12 l-'J. bo" '''"r I'eaehes(qr'u)IS0D,,d,- AND SIIOULDEIIS. CALL BEFORE YOU BUY II E of New York. LIFR ISCOVDCCTCD ON PRINlJIPL rtr Hflldlors. A. W. LAWRENCE, ueneral Asent fur N..nh ih. . OIB.ajitij.h, N c Fertilizers"! No.H'crnvian Gano. Guananb Peruvian. Eolubloracfiic Crano . VTOTC 4ViOUT OfCousaa; . Trcali a roun4,riast Af ricultnral Salt - HTklAXi r,,cy "sutii., a,.r.a,, ill IS Sl'iUXO STYLES, i8?a ""'iJ a!',!.! S I LK TIATS t e- b nnaa, aa1 44 4a.l1 W U Asva-flt All ACO. JutfeAt. um. utsiumi,,,!,. I intvva I a tHIall, I ieie tbaSw. bM Bar. - ".. I - - III I I , , ba aa.iM . ' . " "l """Mat'f ',' atofi ba I t. .... . . a . . " e t 1 1b ... , . . f-bie.'i ' rf Lilt. ..I.

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