THE DAILY SENTINELS ir4liMVi Kilt? tuc iT'jri riBLisni.iB xmirt. Offiow, nmr ttw Court Kouhi. um or cMCkiraos. Daily teUial t year ia advene - a. Semi-Weekly ' . - S.OU VYarkry ftaototrl ", -. . l b Daltt MKTIUH. will Be (!a:iTT4 1m k-r A uf aifcprusi un I nii sit .i :b ;. I e inch, or t": os : Hoes. ' iLa I " " wr-ii an vrqwcnt IbarrUoe , . ei ........ ... .V I r v . u; t Tir.oe. Jl.uu t owt,- tt-r. -- .a .oo- Ji U t mVs. i -.U i ii I " .(i.UUj - ... 44.W i - -"an. f ' ' t ao" I fe.uu.1 ' tny pert of tha City at Firrua inn par -T ' . ' V V- vol. viii: liALElGH, N. THURSDAY APRIL 17, 1873. NO. ISO: v - ... : MO U.N INO EDITJOA. AFFAIBa BBdoTora ASTAra. m ooldsboro tbiaz. rom ABSOH. WAKfia6T7PX3UOa COURT. . NEW AD VEIJTISE31ENTS. NEW ADVEUTISE3JENTS.' : UICKST tllCCUTMB. IF ill mil fciiniii n m cur. LATEST TULXZdlLAFXXXO NEW8 0N4UiPAaiL Matins Raima A HomiAi, Newspaper Advertiaitc A rent. No. 4, Booth .treat. Bait, more. Md , ua!y lathoriaed to contract for adrertUwaaau at oar lawrtt rmtet. Ad ear titers la Uit eitjr ar revested to letve their favors with that bowse. - WXATBER BEVOBT. WasaweToa, April 14, 1873. Th Moral centre la North Carolina will meve alowly nortbetstwtrd. . Middle State easterly winds, talllnf WoaMtar, aload waathar aa4 poalhly Ug'.t raia, auaptte XarjrlaB4 aal Tlrglota, what a wall M ta North CaroUaa aa4 tha Uhl Valtey, oU Wiaw-rly wtmaa an atoady ar akartaf waath "at la aMt atohabla. . Oar EditoriaJ Oorpa. . W ananaaac with an me aegn of arid r - , , . :- . 'J r Md aaAafcatioo ibat hare, altar re- peaU1 cftorta. agaia aecared tilt aertiwi of )ht ta! anted and aoiiahed writer, 11a. .! i i . , . s ' - y " t vr ...... r-iu:.k.vJihl : of the Skxtihbl Out reader will be glad to krn ) that we bare ncentlj added to our laflf that Old utuffuptt champion and wheel-horar, Ma. JftHM SrtLaiaJi. Ma. KutotBDmr will make hit bow 00 Tueadai morning. Our issue of thai day will present the SiXTlXKi, Uoa. Jonah Toasca Ma. J o as 8fKVKAl and McT. B. Eat- imT. ,', PUBLISH ERf. CITY A.l,BtMA.C. Baa tUt tl' HaaseU.... t M. Waka Ooart. The Mate docket wa cleared jesterdj by three o'clock. MKTEROLOOICAU (aaroarBa at tas biboii's craaa tTOaa. ' Kixaios, April 16, 18TJ. . ( a. aa. Ii. Ua,. lp,a It.a, M ' tT ! ' M ' 87 U Dr. Pritchard Preached at the Baptist Church. Wil Djingtoa. un Monday evening. CITV COTTON MARKET, Reported 4lly by, W. C. Btroaarh, flrocar and CoiaraUiloa Merchant, FsyelUTllle Rauaioa, AprB M. I8T8. Price uf eottoa la oar aaarket to-day : UUa. IT At 4 p. a. ....... .IT Balrs to bales. Market eelL Who Is Be , Tbe RitdicaU of Ould.bor j' hare nomi oaud Gen. Jat. W'Uoul tor M.vor. Who it h. r ? " ' H i5 Batteav'., , r f ?- Fifty cauls fm'-pmd, ud ao great sbtktrs at that, an that only to be found If OD4tB:ulhtity. r- Th IhocHa Missii( his Mark and (Ma Badly Mao , . W fcexn tbAt ta f ueadav ereulng last, ib Ooldiboro', a shooting, affray occured Rachel WbJlakar tha Awdteel- ieg PreoeeiHafe, Eta. v The case of tha State and Richard Wood, col , acalnst Rachel Whiuker, sfim ars aosoa "jcdob ai.bkstsoh State vs. Uncial Wlurnkor.C-.l. Not guilty. , 8ute aud llsnirt Montague v. Stan ford Mootagae. Defendant and II. W. Which cataa near aoding quita eerlnasly. I ooU, was tried, la thia court yettetday, be-1 tlrmugue rtugun-d to June trrtn, alt.'' Tha facto am at f..llw f I ., f .1 ' . I fort hit Honor Judg Albrt. I uo" " , cepecMlly U Mr. J. W. EaUa, AaiUtsjit Superintend-1 Tha priaooer, Whitaker, was charged I atd Harriet. , cot of the Westers Union Telegraph cm- with letting fire to tha dwelling bouse of I vt. Otjorgt nrown. lm.y. Not pany't lines in this district, wt in that I the prosecutor Wood, the aigbt oilgatl.y. town engaged In rtmovinjf line and April lt,liit, or rattier on the morning! Bute v. Jaims AlWo, Uai.aom Avery polea, preparatory to entering a new office I of the Sd o April, at about four 0 clock. I aud Col. bmith. 1 he detindaata and i. lathe hotel biildiug, recently erected 1 The prqeecutor, WooO, mldea In the I rteomiing and ti. M. Allen rtongniKed there. lie waa satiated bt Mr. J. A. Hel- I suburbs of Raleiifh. near the old Rock-1 ,B CW to Joiie term. Tin, repalr-nwa of Hnet, and othef hands. I Quarry, and the piitntiar wlihia . three While traaspUatiag a pole, a nan by tha I hundred Jtrdt of hu bouse, . .... 1.- name of Rota, mechanic of that place, I Mr. 84icitr Chx oooditciad tba penee caaae up aod'eadeavored u raieaawtesaj eottoa ; ' the privner was dehnded by with cn of Ilelvlo' hands baring tome I Messrs., Waa. J.e and W. II. Pee. oW gradgc agaiaat htaa whea h waa j The history of the c clearly appears ..uerea away o, mt. u. tumooo., mm me usuavmy lee proeecuror I thf ,,,,, k- U l. . k.j I N L I ... . 1. urmay, rounrcu hi v iiai I nrcarn nmm uaiigni nr va we IK I ! h. um, ,, ,,!, where the work waa itlll going on and 4 April be we..t buaUug. fastening p ltg yonug pe,ch , Aboul ,hre, or renewed bit quarrel, whea Mr. Kelvin told hi. boose U trraal. In the eoorar of half ,ow elotk yetlerdsy u.orning the ox wm him to desist and not to ba Interfarlog n how be returned and found the prieoa- futtoj ua ,b, fnmlmim ta lh, vt with bis tnaajwaercupoBoat drew a er standing at hie door, the having just , Ma m(M,t uff ,h.H ,,. large tilled barrel pitt.4 and loetanfly Bred ne lattming. i hit I at Hd.ta.4Tba ball fortunatelj mltard Ibo witnett charged the prisoner witb f".. . ' J I . L 1 . I.J .4. - -I- . 1 . . aoing , voe ueniev .oe coarse, uu ui ne same time lot (alt from bt hand the sta ple. Witness nun after took out a war rant for tba priaoriar't arrest and bad bar taken before JutL Wicker, charged with breaking Into hit house. An aleiconl KaitlUh SilverTea Set, 8dver ap 1? W.H..IONltSCO.n P Verv nlca N. C. 1'ai.uvd Peaehra anil Tama tS. V. H J nSKd AGO. t3"rn and Hsy. The very bVtt N, C family Wou dt CO. W H. Meal. A 0 T t 0 K' ' 8 A' k SATURDAY-, lfrrsj, How it Oot There. If any ptrtua owns k -day an os witb a hide lull nf shut, it may interest him to know how It got rue Thut it Wat: a geu spIT W tl. J0NI8 4CO NOTICE TO Fltl'IT AND VIUKT'.hLB UKUVKKa. W ar preiiared for the eomlat; season to aiKpoee or ail Kinks oi rratts Vesreiabla, Ae that may he eoariirmd ta xsr care and sell thesa proawtly at lae burhe market price .iw aaivaanw fnvaii returna. eia ells fui-aUhad ta sll shippers 8oe card below. Otllt Of MJRTli CAKOUSA AH Rf - Cl'LTUKAL BOVltiV- " . i K It'uBj N. C ; April M, l'" to M tr itn of I A'.iu-t(A. AorfA C- t " na AfTicmtiurmt 'y i ' , ..., vi 1 To euatle the lluilUuiK CommiUea It pro need, at oiieo, with t e oik ot Improvlna ttie Mew fair wraaads vt Ua orth Lareliaa . rlcullural eocieiy, tbe IoIIowihk rs-o)utioa Wat adopted by th KxeeuUve Committee st a mealing itetdon Tnanoay, April lota, l0?8 : i , a a e m p ;0n motion, " ' - s.r-' ' i MmMmd, t hat the ieeretary be InatrurUd ta proceed wltiinat delay to collect tbe hrst , HUlmer t of the amounts SBbscr hrd By the ' eiUauna of Halelxh, and other, and placa the . tanut la the Tnvunry, e e . ':--'Y',o-" la aeeordanre with laatrneUo a lae aaaea and aeaoantt hare been varitted and receipts . prepartd tor emctr snbwrHnr 1 thall. bt. present week ap io ai nf a Um. I ik.. TV. ' i it .llpar I or eaeu inwnnr l (nail, oe l hertla iJJJfcU and j to wlt on eootrlbatora iluriaa: ta R.'T. rOLflHl'M. eey. - IIOTKr, ARRIVAL t!rrr Itnrko Aot-il II J Monre. Wake;EJ Holt, C Harria, r-mtthfleld; I W D Btaa'y, moortoo, It U N aTioBAL IIothl, Aprtt !. D A Jeokio., A M Helena tad Joha C Rbodea, H C j D 0 Moady, Va ; El C Rtchmoad, USA. . Cxcauaa Hotnts Afrit 11 V R Albrtuht, tirabaaa, KO; 1 Uomaday. Haady Orove ; J M Wilson, Wdsoa't M11U;Q Atklat,elty. Tamboucb Horn. April 18. Mrt Austin, TU Avery ad wife, Buffalo, N. T4 Mr Oaorta P RufseH, Mrs. HJgb bwrwa, 0 MeAlpia, PhiUWpbia) A H Billtagsle, atatesvllie; A I M by, Rwb taoad, Va; T Hereon, Washington. Mrt M B William, Boeton; J H Moat, If. y. J W tumour, Goldabtiro'; J B Uarr, Durham's; Wat Larklna, W A Wright, K lhsrtle Bonp. ; Turtle soup will U terved up at Pep per! to-morrow and ia oU Peppw't bant Raleigh it not far behlod Wil- mirigtoe after all. ' , r Itt tim, though ' Ro wat only three feet from H , tad patted between liW !rg f Tble arbnacd Hulvin, and he procteUed forthwith to administer with hit fUs t fi(it c'.att "8am Collyer st)lemtuling. R a wat beaten terribly and remained nncontcioui for hnlf en hour. Ht was I diK-barged tbe prUnr"lKaue no goods Uken boaie, where ha lie ia a critical 1 bad bean taken from the premises." c-aditioo, too mack so ta. appear before J Tbt night, or at 4 o'clock nc t worn- the Msyor, who w II Investigate the lJC. the prosecutor Wood wat aroused by at aiioa a Rom can com before hire. the wnell of Br and found hi bout la So much for Demise. Mr. Ildvia it a flaaiea. Ua raabed out of doors and aaw quiet, sober nun, although It la aaid blsl tbe prisoner Whltaker running from tbt arma "shot out from tbe shoulder" at U hunt. Ba had n aid view ot bat fact CrOOeVtw Josh 1 ne announce aitu regiet ttiat our genial, waiia-hoarted friead, Mr, W.U. Billiags, at hBf o-wnontwd Hb tlie N tiofial Hotel 01 this city, bt toou to leave Juttlot Wicker I Branch, N. J. We are glad to bear, however, that the oliange la tbe bet ter (or Mr. B , pecuniarily at Mil, a ha It to attume the duties of steward nf tha Ocean House at this faahioaable watering place. , T. H. "uaoa, . f Bi .aostiiT, : f. Ml. VbiAlf, T. II Bargoss & Co. llaNKKib COMMIMIOM MKKQUANTA, - i wipeuu n - iicit, rm, rorm, giik, - - AND ALL' KINDS OP PRODUCE, 1U7 8oBtb atreet, BALTIMORK, MD. - ttbarat advance made oa aontbjrnmeatB. lT tivders illWd 1IA ear, ap IT dAw lu U'orbl'8 BUILDING AND LOAN A8 A Ot'UTlUN. TBIRTT KKIHTH RrKuiar MaeUac, at the office of the N. (). Home Inraranra Co., oa I Friday evaaiaa:, IMth InH., at T.H o'clock, t'mea eaf oreed aa deUeqaanta. aplU HAA1UM ALt8, aae'y. I hare tMa d.y cpeaea ssy WOOD AND OOAL TAKII. at Ih Bead of It rtreU street. Parties wtthinf to pr.eetiase leave tae ' order st tbe yard or my pie e of analncsa on . farettevllle c treat apu W.U.8TROMACU. ';. .) QOTTON AND (JOBS PLAriTIl. t, Is store, tt factory rtc, with fre'rht, Peeter t Iiapreved CeUoa Planter, the bumA . j elUtd sower know, ltorrlaa'a celebraUd Planter, and eth re ' Abut tbe Karen Com Plantar which never falls to rive vrUafaeUoa, , JAMES H.TUW. KS. apIlSw !... i m .Aani.J " Folder, Oats, Bhaekltm apl , , , W. C. 8TR0NACB. JEJLX2ST?:i3. PUR BUCK LEAD OAa Bbts rioar. ratapsco, lUavgrovt I mm y r ana oiner emnas impelled by an electrical battery. epl8 V C. 8TR0HACH. Intei viewed. Mia. Dr. Sarah X, Ware, a daughter t the Chief of tha Oacrokee Indiana, bat bean interviewing Erwla af tbe (Wwe 'v. i rwm is quit taken. Piv years ago Alooaa Hinea, toa of Dr. Thoa.C. Uinc, of Kittrall Pprineolerrd tbe city of New York a pen nil boy, and a total stranger to every person in Injunction Oa. that grant city. Uie.geod conduct and Th matter ol the iniuuetion uraiust irraat determination toon found hit tbe Richmond and Danville load, alluded friends and profitable employment. So to by n va yesterday, will come before great was hit success that be had takra Judge Alberttonihia morning. hit two little brothers, Willie tad Biddle, and, withstanding hit youth and la- JasBo," . ..... Buffalo bat ei ponded In tba last low year about 8I.0U0.0OO tor a reservoir sya- and mcocolaed her br a dree which the I teat of water works, aad now BOOSjOOO then wore in court She wor aleo a hood I required to make them what tba 4.QO .kw . r . ....a That t th way w do it.- WU an U Hf Wa It.HluJ tha .!!.. Ila tka 11 tal khl. oil lUrrM ap 1 W. C. TKONACH. I itU vl t il I 1 ( .ii 1 ... RALEIGH PURE white lead; 8traag, Wilmington ; Mr and Mr. Chs vaaae. Ucsdertoa, L R ExUro, L kvlUe-, Mia Jaa Oiboney. Vt i J T Mar, Pay attovilla: I A RoMnaow, S D Hinaoo, Un cola, S J Reckon, butrtville; D T Waid, If. Ut H Pea, Hoe there EipreaeOo; C P llowd. If. C; i II Wteff, Ststesvl le; J B Toaag. If . C; E i Markewty, If. C L Jackana, Baltiaaore; Joe I l)vu, Louie burr, D Utrbm md, T L War raw, W A Warren, R. C.j L L Emory. Weld.m ; B Van Lear Uatloa, Uoldakoro'; A B Wream, Oa.; A A TVer-"B. . Ueorg T Btnevach, L W Bam agar, city. Teaierd-y , Waa daik and gloomy aad r4ay and old. Not t glim pa of the set tbt akol dy.. Thai a ho had early regulable la tTaaaprani probably liked th weather. take away. wat summoned by telegraph to "come iav WowUatrey. I mediate y. Alooa ia very tick with The columa of Jf teat ut by tal I typhus," sad be only reached lfew York grtpb, Tree of cost," by Poelpa, DooV I i time to see kit nobl boy breathe hit A Co., coal J not, by aay taeeae, pay. Out I last W are fit pained to chronicle auace it limited and what liula wa h... I tba death of rm of North tarolleet ttfpemeg purpusea, we prop. to d brighleat tuna. tut to ear friends. Mo more of Ihk Piv pet CeaL of th Capital stock of I lb Seutlaad Kvrk R!fd he bit Bet It is nimured oa th etreeta the Mayor Wastry Whitaker I prrpariag aa sJ Iraaa, 0 purport of which is, that aaJer na tlrcamslsaera c be eoaeeat to beetles a 1 lTk mmto.m oa MirveV oftht 1 . . . r ' ' I iaira Imprrativrit dVataatiinr hie entire .... The rVowk jrw nSgbi f -R-ch MaJ4a.".-Wk d.a il aU nvova a here there It taeaethiag to eat. The CemmieMimari of Oraa villa eoeaty have afarofxlate4 1100,000 to I he Oran villa Hallrued, Mb to th W th people, A harry ewer lb R at Waldo) I get lag ready. Cnrambie take straw bernaa in her' a. ..... Tbe wkf ef- CaL T. fLhmmAmiU CUriotu ta Bwadty aoraiBg W l-0ot. fJCflort, of MasA, tad family, - at Charlotte Monday. fabric. He called to her aad aonld kav caught her, but waa loo mock eoocerned about his hoaei, th lame In which were making considerable headway, and h want beck and threw a backet of water oa thflr. II then went to lb raaidesot of th Miter Oooth and Pool hi nest neighbors, told them thai th prii Whitaker had (at Bra to hi hunt, got aantliar back at oi arete the and eitln- enperU-nc. had determine to put them he, tb( m 1 . t tl D..4 I nwwara ana mete me. . On utminatloa, be (.and th tr had I th very bloom 4 yonth be ba. bar I . .. ... . . Hi. house. hie lather k , . . VDH. RTnM V - HV1W, W ployed fur that pnrpoet, were (band, and that when discovered, th Baraet were rising ail feet through th cracks of th floor. The lime were sufflicentiy bright, he said, whea he Brat opened th door. lo enable him to Identify th eccoeed. At daylight ha discovered track nf a omaas krt leading lath direct! of daikaea agaia I lb spot th boo. wa tied tt, aad elaaj Can It he p-wei I Ur trarkt a If rnnnlng from the bona la Bethel Walt Cora Meal W. t;THONACLL ntl AND It'OAR HOUBE MULASbEA PURE LINbXa) OIL.' PURE COLORS. . en i ! itj 150 ap U WOOD. HICKORY AND & BT MONACO. roans oak, PINK WOOD ... W, i a .u U . O U K B Th Oa Agata. Our city ha beea it lur th last fcw nighta. hi that oar etty fathers after el pending I the direct lo the prisoner wat g -dng, I gtlmM) Ul t.M toAMa (ur raria, alaaaiad. AW I a Lea he saw has. I . lew Rtlrlgb City Board of Comrurtalon. art am running on the water-work a oca-1 A t Bo tints Oats, reeeteed to-dav. .U .w. n.,1 t -i .i u..4l'UU spit W.M. aTstuNAciH. a lawjn, r.asw It Wm aitn.tM. aVa. I . V. : ' 1 1 f A BblBtoch Pea. no doubt of the advaatagt ot an abna-lXtJv api w, U. BTRONACIL dent nply of water oa all orvas.oo and la aU ptteet no more doubt then In th oat of a full upply of nil lb other go4 thing of tbi world ; and tbot -A eaa ajford it buld hare aa abaadaaoa af good wster end ef all l that I good. But ea tb ti payer f RaMgH afford Ut bar a "iwaatrolr system of naler werkst" b tbe luancUl eoedliloa of tb city ouch aa to warrant aa increased debt of a lew hundreds of thousands of dollar t Perhaps It 1 ; bat outetd of official circle no on knows anything boat tb city'! Bainctal eneditloe, aor I ' It by any mean ecrtaia that tb viKAta eflkiet circk do, W give tb earning not la time. There le a "water-workt ring" la th city. Let property oaners T. H. Briggs & Cons, n Blgaef Ite BoMea Eagl. .,1 F riainNo tack lp, Th Isrrrst atork la the Bute. Bardware Uuna of JULIUS LRWI8 A CO, apl i Raklh,ti. U w ABitE.N'8 PATENT COOKEA VIRGIN A AIB-TIGIII . i i ' -,,,i . :! COOKSTOyK I - - : !l M 'I H'l t' 'It J( - This Btov hat mood PKlRLCevS' be th 1 ' . . . - f , . i.. j market lor the last sliUaa jeart, tad la da, . I a re Improved, ehal'eetee ewmpe'lttoa, either ' I fur durability er mrietnty ef oprraU a. . , . . ' T. XX. Brlg-ga d t?on, . . Bl Areata P" 1 11 HATER. OoaOy.; Yraterday we saw la Iroeit if tbe YeT hrough Ilouee, add retted to tb propncU, hil coetainlsg three gam chickens, marked --ftS, C, O. D." We hav al aaytkeuea lb D-t. faraiebed gaid fere, but we wot prepared te bear ef bi paying IM for three ehtckeaa. th lamp, Intend reaortkng to their old dark autioeaead leave th lamp agaia ta go lo wreck aed rule, aad the city to dark newt t TV street have beea lighted during forty at A coat of b tneea i00 and 300 for aat, paid too ia scrip, tbe itrenrdiaary am of a bo at per altbt M th wbow city. W ar having economy again. TbM tardy can not be tb body who propuet to ak lb city further la debt to tb eitoet of hundred of thousand! of dollar for water work. A httto. U,U, with year water, gentlemen. " fMaabop Winter tcatited that h I avajrred lb tracks the same day, aad that he C-iecwrred with th prueerater I ia hi eoncluaioa la regard le I hem. Mayor Whitaker lt .fl.d that h had I compered Ib meesawmrvM ef tbe troth AarrqiiTt OP Man Mr. Prank ( al ter!, of tb Dardanelles, ha Blade B in- lereeting discovery, which proves tb I rilateec of man dariog tbe mtner rlod nf tbe tertl.ry age. M. d Tchthat ebeff be rielled I ha regloa where lb discovery wet mad aad prnnaNnred II U P. Erwha, a, aa)oaara U the laet aember l but paper that It farther "pulTiuxiue wI3 U ta at Xrwtrm, Ca tawba eeaaty, tha at awe to appear aa Maadef el May. Ia the edit say: bee bbewwa PWalty ta e4 RataerAwdtaa, to bar darkest day. Bar theasaweef ualkaA here to a th rtm whea vb pave! ad rU bt iwir m gbt aad sVtor MrrUsM pseveal aad wwe eaaA he beaoaved frvea -wwty. waa d- in-1 per e4 aaWdld rt M mmmrm as rwt bw the fepiae4 ta tUat paaPajtWanm, Th tfe, th te-ts5 4 HeJa Umt are ee h t Arlee aef aet ma al at a eeaaaaemMf. W Wvah ear bwwd U4. S. T. Ceraw It la the city. Tl it ; said be will tare over hit oAoe a Mr- shel te UbL Doe.'.M oa. th J?lh 1 Ud D retain aa hi chief depot y. J. B. Hill. E.q,t'ol. Carrow' peeatel chief. Olad to kwer It. Mr. nil) It a reellemaa nod e ttoe'kel oAie, arxv booka n trtf Ttir thrrt tt t nilaimir ii skei bo I ....ia mliirrtil aad drawrnt of fnesll , kirn aad he lbiht the anrraa- b.-, tath, aad shell toeed there na rw aim e a tattigbt they "'-v ,n k,, ik. t-bbotk. aad bv P,Jrd- I him trenarnltted to Meaara. Beak aad The defence oebl le impeach the tt 1 j rfj reya, wee 44 remitted le be tsmele of Umony of the pr.ecnl. Wood by taking th di-othenem ai a ap-rtea of melanle, Pmh th lee el a cliB la of the Dardanelles, at a g lorvtal depth of KM kwt, tl frwael nf a brtB of the dieetbenam wa tskew, th enevet d ol nhh h bad here cat the 6k are rA horned qeedreped, eith Brbd ttiranvsont t A peer reek eeneot sputl the dleeer If th I true. A ru eeue eeneot rout ae wart wl k eat Us with It Ail eeee lute tt aed wee'l I aa wlthuat II after ueea ainff the almll. II saves feet. It saves the tenor of ealchln- th I aieat 1 ke tree Bavtir wf the eteat ta prawrv-1 ea oarnHei, sonrrnn, evsreuetia;. tiauBiae naiaaalbia. tt laves Iwa i taspoasd. Ibeeinner etar be but I CO lit. JTO k f It K t. M B aU hoars ilhoal spoillnc. ..ryUOnJ 9mmmm4.V.rMM'MJt' mm mm aaiiie aaanir lrwe waa IM cooaae I Ii the eidlaary way. It eaa be w rked per fectly ever e euaamua f beraar er aey seve ev raaa Once aUrUd H eaa h nwvad to Um i k el the state, ieatta the k oil eat part trmm iw tnwav w.7 l mm ie OI a III he saved by aeo aaawth's eae. Bead far lai km vail aed etaatlae. u UardearsH ea uf jiuia Ltwu a co., -eaU - ..... RaUb.M.&. DANUBROU tJl'SPOWDtEl a T M A I wire aaawiaa FRUIT BYRUPSr .EISSINOKN. ' lYjcinr, CON0REW, eed 8LLTZKR "WATER PAacaasl.. oaly lnry - py -treida.- aaiho wl -Granville 4 V iee.w -rural more." 'Chaad.w," I'ader we PbjarO -Uto le a Buarm." U eta, J. R up pieoMt A Co, Pblladetpbi ; Allred Wimaatt, ItaMgh. Wa have trrmktmd Imet lb blisbT. I rt.em.rh Alfred WUIlaSB. ef the) eitf. Ybe Irat i'lU mu, at W ilmiaguw, I an. of this new werh. Vt th Ustla- Tesedey el M per 1 ebi Orate pan I -,uhd Omde' It W a haadanee II thy. They eiee bed a I mv f 44 pp. neatly bowed la ctoth suae bar rr H IhU .iy tl name day, I TV fame ef tb aotbe N gaeraeto ef hrwegbl la aa eavelope, we eappuea. hy a I the tirailseje of "f ea-arel, which w Charieet-a peweegvt. le Bevaeaeh the I have not tt bed Mat le look late. Pat have them I mil et l p qeert, He I ante by Alfred WUI dual IWafc meth ef toeeberrVm tiiha him if tb prtoar had aU, tb atoraiag b" I betnr tbe beralng, arhed him If he bad I thjt l!ilt i aet a bleahet ef hare ea hi bad -with a hut harked la k.- W Me edawtt bed, aed that h told bar that h bed two bSeekei ea hi h4 with boiat la them harail by peHtief bwt each be hi teal that tbree bleak rU m ghl rwaambbj bra, be! that tbey had beea la hi for nt weal year, lb peuteewtay laMdeced iwe eltt nil ta hi character aad both Bald It Wa good. Tb eaa duaad her. Th menial t-4 tha datWee eneteentod there eet t narVteeA avldeae a to the ideetlty af the pr anaar. Uee. Cos. aw the aVtl. made eat ef hit a Want rieant. TbMsrt then rhatgad tbe jury, end they retired airt lam il Ua aattikct ef tWf Brat r Pret C T. Chaedkw ta I Amarteaa tVaaa 1-v. sat It le But walt to eatr traaoliaa, Msptae a tVeaia sal by Bay eddltkee that eaa be made to H. la eev toi aale that eaa I e eat en Bre st the erJUarj tem,eeatr I fJCpORTEO PERrUafERT, eearaarkt PsmltVa Mi pl'ad Wtlk Biawuea ua ataiai eluWuf tbeabve, from akVh tha water eaa be dee a ea Break aa fin twa Peeateke. the Jury rvera4 BMh 1 feary they dig whae aerk, bmevig shaped cWret, bmg bnly, etralf b w-retege eed bmad laet the whole deal fa twrtrrling th rregokrei, ahlrb euaaara ! lertv la dlaetetar and Bv ta Ihh-teeea. Tbrwegwnwt a drift mi Ikl pla were loaed etaeM bm p' ra a it and other evldewre ef saaa'i prewmre. le lb lder ef Ibe quarteraary drift g.l"tlei hva ratoty amignsd I ee ae etiqttaf boat awe heedrd Ihowaaed yeen; beneath tble drift th twmattne id Ibe new aad old ptbwiOM d mkMeewe It to aad hemaa rrmate a-eed ibereta ea to savin li tbe bwt f ihel naaa betetMed b4 eely f-w haadred ef thnamal hot A mlUiua afyean. I of tbe air til NPUWDER btVER EirLOl'lB Baiasa Br Is braaji.l to R. Naidhe, Aa. ea ItMatkae bead, s.ati eat Ms at.iaaaal.l VapMS aad btiaas ih Bre frwa t dUMaaew. CL'SPOWDEt " ts tha a pa -.Ira aat. obit ht ea I aeriee eaa, ea waa HHruaeeew eeasv wa trsa.hw im d'HmkM af BAPB OIL, H W nut to be weedered that f g'al teat raia emv 1 PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL TOILET ARTICLES'. CROOOUT BTJKSRJXS, isto avaarraina riu.u t rnjvo ia a a 1 W M. P B sim r sox's FafeUeviUe tt. . tt ataalatelf aafa. tt ba F ap U A M I L T i O U A, Uaeraatoed seaal to P.iefM at 111 s bbl. U. T BlkoAAt H e m. va ty wuiwaa mi .U f I t A I L T ewvawy et I j COMBlTiltTB It jc-ita ttwis i o, ae Aganta. Chsmhmtsad Otwrv. Pet Belt report Cvert t ambertoad bet ltd awe aa lb ei I Kiel aWket , III i ae tar, ea Ibe Bum mow Vhet, tt, te bar. aa the aet doket, to 4 tba letter totsg eap.ul ewnra-Juha K. hut, m trwH fod Uewt, BwW tbad be W g ' lag I tmt B, af hi. bewiher.eed TV. J. lata Ih abila aHilmaoet.- Ball (ant lahee) thargvd With tb mardev ltd Btodefk TV awbvwtatj era BiAep Athlee-at ayyiiletmaafi Be. Jaba'a. De.kem'i CrA, April TrtoMy, gawefurt aaet. " Waakhtgtoa, Hon Cheer, " Bt. J-nW.r Pte-ea, - - an. rtova WasAasytoa Pa, aw. aa4 IT.uLr'tC'ty, " AApaMon, , I X Bed I R n lltapat, tVaa Ca. May t II a sa n aa tr n aa 4 rw annwrrair waanaa who f -we I be eaf he tba city Teewday rrealaf aed I ary a I watMgvdkilb geerdhwesetbalaWbi I aawlel wadillrm. tar aJs baepM. twed aeet ywsmr dey ttthee-eaty te beettkaa. TV paw w nne did l esem bt I why a mwrb twettea ah-sld b peed te I bwt wewt qe-etlf TV RaWgh A Oaetoa Railroad fa paey her eabetitetod neethlB ISey aU a etonm -ahaatt" Bar a ball at laeer werk at lb dey. Tble wheal bt bleatir ef tb fee re af tb tqw. deeh aedaB ether hid aient. Will tb greed Jry be Itod aaoegh to pweral lit W wwald fail Bp-a tU CHy Pel beet to bt the aee. Vet ibry ere am hav te herd to web Be-wee tbe wKV wblrh they reepemd to lb ef the teti i Oeeiteawa af tb tory , ww imp! yweto rU eeef Ihe erw three ar ilttal l awevietb-a aed ate M 8 1 1 ii a m o r an RatOlTrRATICW. " TV Mloe lag I h eOrial ataleayrat ef tb re-retorauue te I p. an yeaterdey Irwm Ibe Msyw't af&ur . April let WWItaea. M ei. Udtee Mae By eed wwi'iheet hW Btantat m v p n it a Trrinaco, ML' LI PI B4. Bt, ta. t - at. " Be. "en. eta ta. we. " ta. - rt. " t-ui la at. itu - la ta. ivta te ta. lk aa i a. lh " II. lu " lava " at, aa M tat Tetoim - I et tos et tf te RSVER TtM LATB TO MEXO. When Ihe stiiajtn bj kt a tot ef a'i nbillu BtrslBBt every tb4 ef Iaa4,ea4toe srtaweisa; pbyelatu with tatsme e4 Bevlee wawa ST'"r mmwmwm, t . twa " I'l full arefc 4 4aaeate 4fy aU rewjedlee, 4e eot pet I A 1 tt lb ka b b dl lasWasthsi ef thh) I I laal eaaeteaf Bt baad ef hsera. Be Mlabfwaavai he to. arable a Ms ere I J -. eaaj wva sa tawm . . . I tow. Tkwaa wt-bw to pwntaMe, wul wall I m ! m4 m -. af. k tmmm aa lba I naV MaBitaralalhal vtom lb tart kt lhat the 1 Ut tea k4 I eld tot tat mm ... . - . - a -.mim II,. I I a to aeaa mt tkw .. af eM. f aV a I . . I ia im sstrtaa, -Uawe tmtm tetter Bwear wifa, la reateenf vwea I yat U. U PtAAI. eeww ef t raiat'f Bat every I Apru It-evst toy Is Isad Hen than mil ease I ybawi WdmaiMa eka e ardiaart wiii l. eaa I tl' it a tt niTI'frtll Oaew Meal, I lata. uW. Bera. B.IM. PatalM, brava aad twtaw S., r.a'ed mm l -ralad PaarOrc pwaa. hlai kavntaa, Aa. B U ikMWtltoa tawed lua OaAto) Pa-tory In Raleigh Wl are li in I to a BwtoTprWag eit4 wee dart ally Wtw-w-aaaf to bam, abet by the par to beat eed de4y am ef thai aavto aaa, b eeM ealy wirrpe:: v ii , wbvl-a. my toteatoag I ' imn. un mna. OR HARD AND PUB SAUL k beatr-hke bu Maai, ee - t..kP Wkiw I Mltad I B " te Potaaaaav b rwa Ba klp !., aa leva, - M taia. BS " t.r an tp), tiai tb huwfet.4 apple. I . - paaMt Paattoa PeB th ef v elM Paat rf Oraaata, prtiva h-M mam ft to eeeaee mm ma "eiw p r"J p A WATBE ALUVTT. i a a o l a T) A A Rwifteea4 abaaa. HmmI b-'l.'! .' iMerw aad t slt l.ktlt Il'Cttl A CO. A PARI Ct.b Parents wih Am a WVattiRt The DeeLery (") f f i at raw4 b that we tee le-ve e fatal l tf 4 P-l tbr-egh 4 that maet ef tb - prwee I a prieter, the BqmwUr Btee teWert7 I tUUf edta4 abetbat thl aiera.toe ef a fmmA Utah Vpay, Vat . I ww bed tbe h-ntaatof Bv h eaaev etartwrtog bewaeas t ewf Btl.ll wMh fmmt pi Oat et'f la pall el t tobaa to I pew aad ha piewty ef matey, Pedi aa. I .......... I u e.1 rm, t-A mmm mm tWal la mmm I I vt it a a a w ImraraetBfl TV tb egwrieito, ,p,,W t jl ' ' see. wlthahwedeBtlyvwdayt A wetto ee-etom ae--t -tobtuAtegtb! - I ui l,t.:.rr",rr-, a..: j - iz:;-: .-r . jW as Bwt I Mta ......... toe Bwws kt t ra.w aed bibf eaatto I - 1 M "J" ' " ' "T4. ta bai (. e kw. e a e-4. IU be te hU.eUal I " " ' Tt rw-f Aeauneb ef taw .luiaal ' " - -J M I A .7 ria-.. Mpwt I WW M k wtwviaa a sea. .rt(riiw Baavtaa e tan. t a t ftlii a I an ec iMteVa mm LaaeW. Im I WkW rwrtii w imn'k p 1 1 rail e It that II a ta taae.av'( eywj vey ery a. trafv ak I ' T. reiawwragvaeawiiea na vawwaaaei I, i ...w.M an f stiai k. ) isill kaaHAy haaat ef I larff Bw a,w k tw bade Ktkmm the baaaal ef a toaartuaa I . (ta w .. I L IGBIR'B f III (Mill 4 ' AkrfT jit.IT pyirr tR, Itoe IVaetot H Nejf a lr.d ee to 4-mrmt fiy In the letted haw batd a beer twaey mm- M mh ap the eras ef d use. Al aev m tf i:ur i l -a mm. geetWaaea, TtM. ee I 1 I er II K.BRlTVCItaC"