a 5 I If f 1 iTIIE MIW SENTINEL -I T . ADVBKTiSlNU KAlls. Advert iieroPDU will tie inserted in Dm!l rl'nUSHKU BT ' TlK lEITUEl PlBLIsniC .fOSFi Ortic; iw ih Court Hqm. K IHsntikbi, at the follow Ir j rate per sqrjre ol one liu-b, er tea minion line. One square one bine .l.i f each ulxnturut limn iub tl fl ll 1 I ess thsn a week ., " I square, 1 week, f S..V 1 timt,7W!, !t ,.i Daily finning 1 year edrsnc Serai-Weekly' , ' ' " - ' 1 month, S iif I !v'...,Ut . 81 3U " ' ' 8 mo'. ViMl " '' i " HA.0UH - 4 " " .(' I i -tL-,(lJ lt " .tw II " 4H.Uit ,i ii i II The Daili will be.riullvercd la any part ol line City at firveaa bti per VOL. Vlll. tvAfjEIGH, N. C TUESDAY APRIL 29, 1873. NO. 19(3. THE DAILY SENTINEL!, ' lr ' ! - i I '- ', - fV - mm . r IIEGEST ClBCCUTlM OF lX mil --HILBIEI U THE C1TI. LATEST TELEanAPmo NEWS ON 4th PAGE. Menu (laurrin ft Harra-AM, Ninmn AdrertunCjC Agent, No. 4, IsouUi street Balti more. Md , ar July authorised to contract for advertltanieat it oar low -at rata. Adver tisers Ja tb.tcity are requested to leav their fsvor with that house. W KATttKB REl'PBT. .; Wasbihqtoji, April ti, 18751. . For tb South Atlantic State rsln to-nlKit followed by clearing and pirtly cloudy weath er with southeasterly' ead southwesterly w'.cde lud tncrtulnx p esur on Taealsy. Baa rlsns. Sua set.. CITV-AbMANAO. "J" AbrU 09. II 49 '" 4 I. . METEROLOOICAUwi IssmsTao it km tann't cuua sms. , Rauuqb, April 28, 1873. "irZ-f aVr-War i pm." w. m M 67 - - M ." '- Ot Hi. HOME AJFFIRS. lOBa SPEIMAH, Oaty Eitoa.A A Good Idea. sjUy.Jt C. Thowaa aBwiapoa that ba w!ltoiMiSte at catidlilate Tot artinli- tion to t!ia U. 8. Naval Academy the boy bo J the best tjmipetitiir nm iaatiol a!jrebM, i I4ut IWi" f My. The applicant' mu-tt ba'aol uo- der 14 nor crcr 18 year of ga at Uia Coounluionw Appointed. I the time of hi admission and an actual Calilc! on yesterday tommis- renideat of the In J Congressional Dis- sioncd Lucius W. Huwe, Esq., of New I trict Vork. couimii-sioucr of uffidavita f r North Carolina. (btrlskl ii , s Had') hoBs but nfil, MtwKb- standing tiro had weatht;f. lie optnt again this ef eningiad until ttirther notice. I Job Printing. We trust our friend giirid!y will bear On Thanks. J 10 "n00 a very complete We aeaiiowlcdie, wiU tliaulta, the rc- J Job nffice and ate turning out comtatrtrj rery neiu and attractive pecimsna of printing. W do work at low as any ea- cophon of a ticket for each member of our editorial staff to atd-nd the Picnic Excursion on next Thnrsday. If possible, ouuol us viliUu' prewut to report pro eawdioK., Si i ' ' '- 'I Pardoned. dor. Caldwell, on yeterday, pardoned Charles Bu ks, colored, : convicted at Cnttrt.or Urceoy. Bank was it.e, U K'T? I concert SJ fea to two and a half yean in the Peuiten ' ' I VABIETtni ; " , ; ; This is the bit day nn abicb tiutn tan be listed without payment of a dottble US. . - - Tbe election fur Uyor ami Cowmia aiooer for I h h city takes place on Jton da next. A military com p my U in co trse of organitatloa in our city. Th materlala are abundant, and we hoie to seethe roovenifDl succeed. - Yesicrday we had regular Spring shoa -cr. Listing ail dty. The weather waa r.ither cold, but became nv re modrrnte by n'Kht. Tli Condemned Culprits. Unclaimed Lettc:. "The Superir Court Clerk will issue tc- The following is a lt of the letters rc- day the warrant for the ejecntlon of Simp- malainK unclaimed to the Pottofficc, Hal- bob Mordecai and Thotna Oiiffiee, for the eih, N. C, April 2Q:h, im : Hick. burglar,. .We underauud apeti- iidfld iZZUL. - lion i m course tn signature rt-queating I ausiu. ura ranme Joons, w li Ocn, Caldwell t commute the a MS 5 teoce to imurtaooment tor life, and that it I """'S W onea, Mrs t-uuia ha been aiirned by Hick and his tons. It is said, too, that judge WMa and KEW ADVE11TISEMENTS. Solicitor Cot are In Inror of the cmnmu- tatiim. 'I r .ii,. e . - i ""L ' tablishmeot ia IUlelcb. We aooeaur W"S J ' vyKX1 P1- w """ friend wUl fatror W will. aj atdan for 1 "4oirl"8 'h CowmlaJoaera to Lecture at the Peace Institute. It affords u pieiiaurt) to announce that Mj.ltoben BinghsiM will deliver ke-Cirk.atojn Uuhon, .Uines Driver, M iu Id Hiiims, Henry Lovd. Roton Brown, J IS Lindsay, tiule ilucUanan. Elbert Mclauie, John S Bagwell, MtMMi-lissaC MeTerry, William BallnUnr,Mrs Jotin UMabonev, h M KU. Miss Delia May, Edward Uiodnoe, Miss Annie E lloUian, Mis S F Bi Inner, Mlns M Mav, Mr Martha Burn, Mrs b i , , Miller, MIm KlU buteher Mis An i K O'Neill. VVU l,uu i aner, ihoa .... .i I .. ft . f .... . m t FaretU-vil es.ruet MlMHg iigam spoiled I . , Biagbaat la, line the dtth cf our old printing they may need. Whilst mpply-1 ing tbeiuaelve with tanleful job at low rates, they will also be helping ua. So end on your order.. . , Oxford. CITY COTXOIf MARKET, Reported dally by W. C. Stronsch, Grocer ana v;oniniitin Mercnant, tsymwviiie Bireeti. . , . iiautioa, April ii. 1873 Price ot cotton la our market to day t At l'i ui IH At t). B. .- j .' " rains . 10 ImIc. Market dull - e . IIClTKr AitHI VA.LH. Natiobal Hotkl, April M O P Dowd. Wake county; JW Dick, New Tork City j W R Leake. New York City ; Jno D Wbiifnrd, Newb.ro, N C ; Pride JoneeJrR&OIlR. - Excbahbc IIjtkL, April S8. John S Noble, Hamrt; M Hears, Orange; Cent. Bulo and lady.N C: Mrs. Pascliail, N C ; lt'MM BitiUe and W 8itilie, Italy ; W Fife, Thtnaeville, ClTT Hotel, April 28.-Cha. W. But ' lock, Company bbop ; J H McAlister, J S Penry, Durhsm : J al Forest, Wake ; J T Brown, b W Mitchel, Granville ; II C Hicbardaon, O A Spencer, N V ; Geo King.eity; Wm Myers, Norfolk j David Yarbrough, Franklin ; Ja B Woodsrd, - K.C. - - - Taaaaoraa IIocsc, Ayril 28. A Bmedee, J f I .rich, Prof Wm A Pteimsn, Ed Oris wold, F D Btreet, O ldboro'; li Ferrell. W II On-ea, Company hhopi: F 8troneh, John W BetU, W C Laasiter and wife, cilv : P W llowland, LC Vaoa. Ja I llicka, T T Uobbitt, It u in te-1 inegfi by mall this year, the remalader tant, i A fjorrie, a. v T uryoe, ilea I m fo0W n aUe course of tiaryrani ha served two jeara. ' e" The Lincoln Profreat. We have received the first number of an exceedingly neat paper published at LUtHU)tH,-ad eli4rd by Hwna Musw eVogle .ud .laiuea II, hmith, price per anuuai. They have our liei licit with fur tbeU auccsra. inweai Probate Court. , . Yesterday, in tliia court, before Probate Judge Bunting, Alvis forrell qualified at txeeutor of the tst tte of Deoipsey Eorrell, deceased. At the mine time Daniel Bcarboro' took out letters of administration on the eatate of W. D. Scarboro,' dee'd. , ' ' Drlence of Iasaaity. . Borne one hi seat us an argument that wa delivered at Albany, N. T, before the Judiciary Committee of the Senate, by Henry L. Clinton, ia "Defence of Insanity In Criminal Case. ' It Is at the service of any Iegnl gentleman who would like to read it. recti ve upon thetiet the clay from every cellar and f n .dntioii dug within the city limit. We n-gret to learn that considerable dnmage was done by Friday night's fnt in the Ijwer p;irt of Wake and in low to-night for the beaeflt of the Orphaa F , . ... ' Ayla -Hrt U a aabit JnMitaliM that T , V--?' ' . r - Soda Exploeloav . The Oenerator of a sod fountain 00 the premise of Mr. F. Miyo, ea Market StrelTWT:mTugt.Vn7kpr.Xe last, tearing up the ceiling of the build. ing in which it was situate, shattering the wal s aud making chip of the fiW, A son of the proprietor and an eld negro man weje at work in ie rootri at the tknu and received sever though not dac gerou injuries. sppents to the charity of all. Tlie Pnwbyterians made $130, clear of expenses by their Charades Of last week. I Two aegKs were sentenced lavt sveet to the iienftentiary for not knowing tl difference between mine and thine. TheBeeiBelkHL: . Yesterday as the City Hall bell tolled the hour fir the tux-lister to take a ra ce r dinner, s stranger on Faytttevilla street suddenly turned round sad said, "I want to see your Kaletgh beef." We told him it was lute in the day, bat that still be might see some by going through the market house. "How often do yon have bcf here V be woodaringly inquired, and added is that not the beef bell t" lor said he, "in Pitlsboro' we have beef but once a week and w know it bas com when the beef bull rings." is The Newspaper. We are trying night and day to make the BaRTiNFl, readable and initructire. WUl our friend help as to circulate it I Give as more patroaage and we will make a better paper. The Itiehmond Kiuptirtr make the following renitiks concerning school-mate, the gilted and schulaily t'ol. Was. Binghsui, the bead of the celebrated Bingham Pcll. He i a gentleman of decided talent and erudition and will no doubt deliver an address replete with led.-uinff aud intcfe.it. We hope a large audience will greet his appearance in R'd- I eigh as a lecturer. A aegto woman who took neighbor's advice in the matter of ph)ic, a few days ago, in Wiluiington, went some distance luaarda at.-miili Pl.t " Tin, nmili.tli.e had on tb neighbor a sight of good and the womao mt some, it turned out to be fluid extract ol heUmkma, a deadly poison,' and a few drop of which is a dote. She took a dessert spoon full, and it waa with difficulty th doctor then called iu could induce her to rturaf"ln taking pliysie it is well to know what yoa are taking and bow much to take so the doctors say. - - . . . .1 1 1.1 it '1 11 . Verrv. Rohl H I'leaaant, Henry M I'lieUw, John liisaint, Andrew Putn. William luneton,MIs Mary A Purefojr, tiuiiford vai a, jbi Awtus'a 4 rreston, mis jenmo Fraater. Joseph riota.Kuiu fowler, tlannllud Kiuuell, Mrs Mary A (Unt, J Urasty, Prof J B Ureea, Shade (iosling, tlonry Uulley, John Ureua, Miss Julia llurrim, Junius Harris, V " nauiorU, ibouiii iiruA Hnn. Joha U Hnaderson, Uuiriie ittsos, Kohl wtekey.UA llluloo, (mUrortl Wilson, K 11 Hoicaa, Willie Wood. T It -i VWJJVW a WadaJdlisXIiAi Uoioard, Jush Wkr, SUrs 1 Hendrrsoa Mrs XII Waiktas, Mre Jeaal Hicks. Milll Wslklns MlM UeUo HoiUnd.MUsM Watson, Mrs Mary A lies. HoutM Wrl.o. Ml Nseev Johuon, June N WflUain, Miss Jount Joae , l)vld, (cars of Whltin, Mr Matgi Joka Turner) WUklna, Miss Delia Joaet, K belrK Woru.ley, Mis Mollle W. W. HOLDEJf, P. II, Hliunan, Mi Aram ala Too. MIm l'sllenee Kaybvn, J sines U K nn, Joseph ' Kobbtns, Oalvln Huyal, James N Huunda,Mr.. VlixinlsC Rowland, Mlrs Kilsa How land, MrsJenuette mmift-bii, Ueo W 8wala. Dabuer Bnowden, Dr P (1 BiatCB, Miss unna i . . u.,e. Miss Parah Ana I w 00 B,Ten Thomptoa, Mrs aarSb Wstklns, John Wtlllsuts, wiuisns kJOVKLTT IKUIXOILBIUK. ' The Best-' ':.'" CLOT II E WRINGER P. They save lutior. Thoy save time, Tbev I ffsve clothe. Thny av money. r'orFuml- Iv. Hotnl end l.snndrv PnrmiAmL Mlmmf (iursible and will iat a life time. ' For Sale by JULIUS LEWIS & CO., i Stoves, Hardware and Untlery, PslnU, Wsgoa ana oufriry msienais, twne agents lor. the celebrated Bolle Cotton ' line, FISHER UVJILDlN'tl, Kltgi, H V, p 1ST Xws eopy. TuckeiHalL COMMENCING MONDAY, AP"L 2ith. " CHcmisivrs Q It A N D COMBINATION Will give everybody TWO'USEFl'I. PRESENTS on the Opening Night, 'beside the mti il ..13Q CQSTLY PRESENTS . AiTiuissiou only 27 cetits," Iteeerved seats 3!) cents. 'splSO. The Publio Law. A sufficient number of the public hws o! last setaionheve been U ivered to tie Secretary of HUte to supply the judgee, that great institution fcTbe Newspip solicitors sad memher of Arsemblv. I Considering the cheapness of newspa- K1'", "out- uueu;uuuiaoie luai iiiey i psi mod. tnsteaa ol relying upon Edwin Ooods Cheatham, Ssq. Wa have received a copy of an "ora tion" delivered by this gentleman, belore Henderson Masonic Lodge on last Decem ber. Mr Cheatham ts a native of Gran ville county. His address abounds In In teracting facts connected with the "an cient order," and be make -a touching reference to the Orphan Asylum, at Ox ford, under the patronage of the Masons. Sunday Servioek Ia the morning we heard IUv. Dr, A A. Wstann, of Wilmington, at the Eplsev pal Church. At the request of the Bishop 1 juice aad drink immediately, and the Committee on Episcopacy, he preached a discourse upon the aecessity of raising 40.000 at a permanent Episco- Oure for the Oreral . At the request of a correspondent we re produce from the Hie of the Skktwkl, LrgUlatorw I" The conductor quietly re- Tlie reputation of member of the Leg- List ure lor nbriHy seems to be rather bad in Kentucky. Two of them were rather noisily drunk on a railroad train the other day, and w hen the oond uctnr remnntrated, one of them pompously asked : "Do yoa not know, sir, that 1 am a member of the tb following ! Ao old and respected ritiaen of this county gives ns the following recipe lr the cure ol the gravel, which, he essnrr as, has never Muted In a single case la the many which he has had occasion to use it : Take a wine glass of new milk, sdd three teaspoonslul of pulverised aiuin. then stir la three teaeixwuslul ut On Inn nk immediately, and a cure of the most ob-tinata ease will lollow in a few hours. Mr. Bennett Holland of llm kliorn township, ol this county, is onr authority. plied, 'Youv's got the symptoms." llaleiLrh Mnrkot. Conascv nmi.r. Br Wts Almjott, io , rsrriviLi.s btkssv. derana; W A Smith, Princeton ; P D gpeocer, Keidsville; Dr Liadlry, Char lotte : R C Badger, Rhamkatt : W L I Talliafero, N Y ! Jno E Clarke, Header eon; W D Mann, Hyde-, A B Andrea , North Carolina. csual process. .1.,,. h. ih. "J .,t b.f"ond lB tTTJ household .a Beot u borctofore, for the support of ApplioaUow lot Partlow. time by tbe which there is not even the plainest eda . ,. . ,. , in il,. ol ri.,t. caltoa. TUey .re widely circulated, it Is the lWhw, U is prc-poerl lo r.is eo- - 1 the ae el CWa.U LATEST STATE NXWfr Uea. Jau. A. Yooag bus been aotnina ted as the Conservative candidate fof Mayor of Charlotte, The 8tateevill hMUffmr i really one of the be-1 edited pep" In North Caruliatv - Col.O We were visited wilTT a cold snap Isat slwht, which ws frar bas ki lt rl all tbe fruit whkb wu kft by pravhma I rusts and done Bkura damage to gsrdewe. lee waa tw tsr aresitbkt monrteg ftwtrt UU imltUtftwr, . We leva that the lrwh peddler who was wv Is S3 sml h-H P craamri i laooaer, Uwt Ka'utdsv ra the road bttetra rii.burr 'aad Gofd 1 1 .Tl. lisa s.ie died. llolisoaaat waa arrslrd a few bt ar f ef BeMr teaaailttswl vbtseirjsrt bwaieleel rtc (t, an d t bow eoabacd la tb jail at BaJubary. PaaaiLB-e aso Aaoaa STBSkuaa-. There be wsadanei so UbarhMie with a the ptat te wt tinea dys, s bttW a y true, among people ol almost ail classes Rarsaaa Frand Kaaera, " I and coadilioos ia life : but the woader Is It is rumored pretty generally on the thrre should be a family, or amaa of muh.t extensiv. fraud, have bee. ,57 discovert d ia oua branch of tbe revenue I the cities and tow a a. or la tbe aouatrv. .......... . .. - I L - ... 1 . " srtvieaoi tnisnttnct by suboruinsts of-1 wno ooes bo suo-ctiim so a aewspaper. fleers. We refrain from' paittcalara. we understand measures are being Ukea In nfercace to them. Tb public JouraaJ thai i seat out I tha worid every day ie a regular diary of tb doings of tha world. It is a narrative of the times, a enspter ia the posing history of the age. Jt give tb latest aews from all seoeasible quarter of the globe. It telle ol everything every where. And it cost ka thae a cigar or s Julep ; aad yet there are fathers ot Utni iiea who do not take a newspaper. It t strange, piss ag strange. ExcursloB Tkthwis tot Sal. - - We are rrquealed to annaaea tbt there are fiity rickets to the Picnic Excursioa t Hsjw d on Ky lt,Th sat at On dol lar each, at the store uf Messr. T. H Br'ggt'eV Roo i af. y 'liafsfd Trlea'ds of tb Rairlgh Baptist Babbatb He hoot who sasy desite to speod a pleaaaat dsy, esn be bVM.n..l.ll i.K . . m n..ulwt I .. . ii i m ii 1 w- m4 saw Taaisx nn sax s as 07 to WUMiimfloB, J years pL It ia "A Ibgiater thowtrg n'JFTiiqisiarVwaiiii 0bw, SeWary of the N. C. II mm Fir I cominiseioo sad enhstmeuta, period of In.ura'KW Cmapaa, leave this sauraia-1 ssrvio sad otcarrracea, taken fraas It f-r S ilmihfcliNi, to deliver aa address be-1 of al utl Muur KuiU ol tb North Carwllaa dowmeat fund tha interest ol which (halt be applied to his support. Tb scrtuoa was earnest and lucid. Dr Watson takes rank with the ablest divine of hi church la till gUta, ' ' At aight we heird the pastor ef la Methodist Church, Re. A. W. Mangunt, pi each ea of hi characteristic sermms, salient, fetvld, practical, ' wbkh there much felicity of dtctioa, aad ia which at one tim hi caraeititea kindled ibUi etoquwio. . Tb Ctty Debt. A fUr repeated calls oa tb part of this paper1 aa4 tb public, Ibt salkol'fk bar j Chart Ofaham, )., Coavioied and sentenced to death at tbe last tern of Iiedill HUrior Court for th muider of Margaret Semon, while, sppll eatioa lias been mads to lb Governor for a cxnmulstioa of the seotenc. 1 be pe tition is signed by tha prisoner counsel, Col. Araifield, and a number of member of th bar who butd tbe trial and ibeir epinioa i that the doubt siatig as to tb guilt ftf th pHtoaef would wsrraat a commatatloa to irepriaiametit for life. No transcript of llm record arc -mi pas led lh.pMmjie4 tbtmilttt iuJiertfisJi abeyaac. Aprb 8. t'OTTOM TAHN, per bum 1 7 I dry, iwrlb......... ........ J7sl7u LKATIIICK rAll.K SOa-A LKATHkK Ll lr.R... .... ,. ... aoaTUl i-aATiiaa HAUNKsa..,., l,KU locals I MULLETS tiouonl ML.ABgs lrral W7.Jt oiiLbkN SY MKAUmrka. StiatoS UATB. ft S.-w-mmmiwmr- ANU ' aiH-s(, perliVlb I SJal SO I riAClUa: tiw.. Uried... f(H K ' ii.iihmM aafa ' OKI. V he- M llw ClllCKiSr I, .. ....,,..'.,.,.. (t Kir4 ii i .ia Fk ATHEHii,.,.,, ri-AAaaau.,. ,, .. IUU.K, per btl, M. C. koltUkit, per KJ lb . Hal, rwr lou lb..,. .. II ID Ka, mia, per lb. Larr lot of FetuUd and Brides wire Ilsaa- big UaskeU, at T. n.Brlggs d Con?. apS . " ... JDY Till CLIMAX COLLAR of T. U. BUICG8 A W)N?. JJt't P4FKTY OIL of t T. n. BHIG33 AfONS. I JCICOWBELU ot T. II. BKlGOB cONi. JOWDtRKD F.tTU BRICK T. XX. Bziggs & Cons. xaof lbs floldea Ksgle. sp M . . . " , . 101 lOalt sAu 11H asa76 lltlfi SWrf 00 I avil . ,. 1 lal U I I ' av7( (nx9i fWT It.., .miiiiiii Pu I A Til Kit, ', per ka TteWI " lrisk, par ka ........ 13a I MJ RUUAR, 1 tasked,.,,, ,,.....;.., IJHalMH T4I.UV per Ik .... ' VlMAUaK pargal Oau Kl ... 1IIIH AM) riven , m ; mi m i m . ,'s n I Ir s.. SbUAR, N 1 ta Saturday, the I7lk dkV of Msv Beit. I will sell at ixiblk sat !!, et I be Hlore ol W. n. 4oaae is., u ta ii, t.i, it, i.i, in, 17 and is, Wetng twrtten el suf twetaase. aortk of U elty iiiuiU. Parekasers are miimlrd la etsmlae tare lou a they ere etak A oil nd emir4, aay al abksv wUl be spoc.d of privately. Tana, oae-Uiiid -. batsae ta t sad I n -. .... apwiw V. St. UAKK1HON. II A Y AND SHUCKS ' of a Taloabl ataoard. Yeeterdsy Sxvrvury ef Kiel Iltwartoa I eoadesceaded to auk a exhibit ol tb -valbW wH w- wtrHl I Saa-miai a.a.l 1 1 ioa h tb aMy Wa fcae - iaBUL- Aftrr oonulttloa with many voter of II parties and raers w. piupus to sot lor tut loilowiuii in rs-n hr emmisn tMst ls AaAli lb iipon, Iai Wf IS-1 era uf li Laaiaia . Ward of onr city 1 nutria Art la rtnra, rood aaalltv sed so' rhrmo. ! JAUAfl M.TvWlE'. TH RES liU MiRll) B AKK KIA t u'l t ta ator. W.C. STKOXACH. lIUIv- vita tb attention of Uxpatrn aad bual- M. Will II. B -gl.y W til. M, Bio j ! r-tr-n "vvu.;i i Hsntty itnrt.- - t Md .boat a i Bira to It. IliteaiW we sny bvl ' MANT VOTEItS. I . 1 la lredll eeaaly, at the reatdiae ef Moes March lift, M. Et'her k isl y, a mat? years pert spa lew or elevea yeJ of age, who I ft Ihe ffcid Frbsa Wedmwlsj evea- J Lio ayi he H ff ta fredeil roflty, aad aho it ia ersnk at a M It 'lb b..y 1 aa orphan; bts fatkef kit kiie batUing tut tba IHjutk. sud ara l w kie saotker aa died. I ha an near relative or frr-eda, tl at a todr see baa bas throw aava tb world ta t repp's with lis sttra realilte. II aaa as I aail Mitphrrd, aad bw story M a timbuig owe. The ly is bftckt svkrtlmeet, eed as will.aa to do aay ki4 f woak. tAar. Vtmtr, Ffbaaai. Cl at. -Frosa gear just hum Btalewvili, laara ausndkiaf A th seotwsvdta ef lb Federal Coart wkarfe ta bow ta srasioa at that alec. I th faer taf Ihne raM taditUd l"t amUiieas af tb Ka Klas er at Act, Jvn Dark be el-rad t whe wilt faa ta aad aabeaH, tkat lb Judhasat Agateet tbraa, M Saea, tat art saaeH and , fcU b suiia-led. This f taliy pat a a4 U th pmerra. Hum ag.laa time aalurtaeatea, waa wul aot be areaM4 it fanbrr, aab It b M waa new lafisr tio nf tb law. lett. Our II mer atvrr nidi so th I WilaioUiaae bsvv a neb treat ia stnr for thrm. tvrt rom rvu. Reward Ofler'. A rnosa af lb PiSTiaxl. oCU wa t tcotly broke ape aad lias of tb laati ask for January, February aad March sti.ha. Three papers wsra doabtias sold s wssV ppf aad am la tot of fuar Cnp'ie of eaa-h dta daring tbos nvmth k liberal Heard Will b paid lot tb sp preriraai'ie of tha thief or Ihlevra. " isa 1 Prate lb laud. b M a4 wilhia the srpa es tb sower aad dalle af lb (it; se4et ta pro- hiUl lb u4 f tha "pra .kr.r eilala lt Cp-s situos I Wasatk tb qa,a- tMl ia ail awl laessaa Ta WnKii f Siag'ag bard by sasaas el tb prof- til Is great tbaa avast praapl leaagiae aad tb q at will sstortly be U Iko (ll .liau ml ika tlllU jj-,a a aa sjoaasi saw wiwia aaiwn a' a . .. it - . 11- at.ai I " P " " - r a - a . .t 1. a f, . 4t t,M aallk I wwaai afwmiai nas, Ba (k- auuM tJ thm SNaanai aai e, A Iks " " -- - . ice.el I tt im l-k.ir .J iU,i A amt.saia )mt A lbs sWiUg'f I t u4a ana esfl a wall aa SHt fciaaartt i -a'fc-.lM,-W4lli Tkey a.a. I be pr4t4. m il iu.ia isa ruae woe aaanrwe; am ah wixaaa with alas f A W.la Witk, vl fr b Mli i ai, iinaii ais sms -anaaj a If sew ilaa Sjewtas tos wm tkre y In at agt ari g bars." "Are -a f-g ta a aWwat A4 beta, Jeaaaasaa f awkeal a lewag saaty ajf tf iM Ya, Ska, tlwsa' tb s''lS s aaa4. ) ka. U II qe.se ckasl sast an-qea fat T" 'tail Ht I i naa a a uea .aaa ajneaa. m as ke M W4 t tor 'alirl JrSjtil ) fca44 aTaaf S1fce ati.Mt.aRi W... i-ii It,..: t I k t'ftlH' pTr f. I I Iw.m eiala pf, I K.t at el. w k e M sal l ft J 11 Mn.wa f le U . A Wtrflk. . sWawMkas g fit t M . Wit, it ik-a f W k, mw b Meioa Cwllava. A gswlbaaaa ab bas Wanl the axeaa S W ! aaar a pabta baaedt by glfiagtb fatWeleg Ik bewatt ef twf alta)t Tb Vaa4s4t la Us Obaib aalaaito af saatdy dr. Wfy a tb a,t sat. it at t nqairw B.aK faia la pt'ir la. la tmt. te ntruA as4 rr-r atkat as WeaeaiS Ik. ?- et mi ajo-wed Ut-ar fJ aad Sw4f.aa4 at W WM,Ha rM, tt w.ii tai,J aaiaeer te e-rf a kii lf',.gk. We al e?rf , 4 -p i.a 4 ta aaaaaf la ! ur.ag l -. 4-.i -m ike h k4 l be pn ien4. t t ai tkts Ma 4 t l- cl, e a. r-aat M asie ika f.' H.llll ,' 4 ' IllMa 'J iMk vf a: m-'tabr la I f itnwik. Urn of th Anay of if L'i Ited h4oi," during tb IteaolatauaMry war. Twcraoufd is la sa 11c lleol aUi ai praaervaiHaa aad is la g J pUia baadwritiag. Attn cbaa el tb raoard at tb Mlowias; eertilS ost : I'artan Wrira "" " " - fli tf A ware a fi. W da eaitify that IU precdag t Ira U glatef ef lb Norik aruliu Line ot tb let Area of tb United Mat, takaa Irutn official dxaaaraia "Pbilad phla. IS July, 17(1. "lYSDas CATUN. "UK.NJA MIFFLIN." That ItrgiaVaf tatata tb tasaaa ef lb tea reglasral tb Btal bad la tbe arajy, with suSMi tAy anew c'assed as "artiiirry Tb Irg'iaaeata, with lb-.r 4aaiaatrrs, aaer Aa bMiowsi ffg.aayat 1 Tb aisi Caik, CoUmmI. " S. Als-Ur Mtlia, S. Jelbr losaaev, A-Tb.a P.Jk, A Edward Baaeajsa'ae, . Cideo Laajb, " t , Jaaa IU ka, " S Jaaaea Arsawmag, " " , J-iha B teaks, " 10 -Ati.ia rJbard, Tb KfgiM tuetoia la ail tb aaa of Lt Mi ibowaasd Bina hdrv4 . law a 1-ng tiausa ef ait lb Ikv4tbsy WMta, ! m.k-a a pmal l l rd a laj ag tM asie, tbta writs a gtttM w tewrw that b wa ant tb liat-IUM- 4 Ik aaawe, f l be a aaa-l a.eS Spallsaaa, a blgk pfttat ta IVad ky stasasasaf mt tba Itak ( swaavl, sa -M IM wet" W ka kaa 'ale Ut. !., Ika Jcv aj Aariia f t"""n .aithing to aay ea th Bialter s tvar ar v citt tBBASt kta. Kal kiesi. AprU 1, 1HA f - e O Jfop-, mmd I le-g Wav ti 'ibmll tba follow ing re awt. dmraar front Jaaaary 1st, l7t to April 1, Is. Ctv a .4 Ik aM a.k a that na r Basae ka. beaa .'! l-d la Ike 1 a at lMl) A e w re 1 Ua . .i !, 1 1 that -) i4 tkaaat li.faei ,U r.-l, bell rem ,t la ike a4 U l.. teaaM ' a a i- evl I,. , l.a 4 tha wkea lis - . w snirort. . - .. Hi.m n Uk Uia iki-rr-l a a ad toihos atil.ii 1 ki'l lf'nel of at. GrsuMiian, C jI- bactor, . ' . 1,73 SO Fro J. Ii Kag, Clerk ef tba - - Mark. t, Ac., , - t$S.M Fwmsi B. 11. Dunatraa, AssUaal (hl.-lr.rPt.lira, . 1100 Far reatof Matmpvtitaa Uall, SO-SO lined laaoed, 7,t00.0S Cask oa hand, 09 T-tel, . . 14,7:J0 . , Da. Paid aat ria asrisnia, ...a $7,117 9 a C ii bv1. ... aouu F lPasx 4 lAdder Tiutk ' 113 00 It etataa eat M. M rlwhara, " l.fiSt-S j (a a, U ia l.k, . I-0 0 JaSMarf Wihreet aad disawaat. mll.eis . . . ItMM T-Jal. . - SlAUTSO A'J of tb W psyt.eot Ska-l ka ase, tans IV U. lee4..a, SUM aad rA of StVwemikaia Halt Ware asast la ctty aara aad pt daw bwada aad sue. Fwea thai Sre ti Jaaaary, 17 , aa ta 41. 7J0 rity tv.l b bee aaeaje-l, 4 wko k ft OuO wrre a.e1 I pay Ik Jaa ry tMneetMit evj ka issad ca lb Heak HM. aad 1 KiQ t . way Ik t Salsa ,4 N II Uaikaas f at laa d Bead U lb iire.l ta aee 1 Ik U.'t. I 4-t't f lle c iy t t lUb'gb a it (KO, taao. latlrti; ' Ik tear lC, iMarkrt lime) ' . a $ A) ( OQ riO F 171, 4otij , 7. 171, . - ei-ooo lea It. 171. . laoxoco k.tilr. t7t, ImihiOUO Jai.naJf.T. ti71 . . O"0'i0 Ja.alJ ii. )',. . I IWO 00 t- i Tola..... ..a.. gu:XlAaa Ail 'f It 'e t la Uar : i real iau, pyl a a-nl iaaa, ly. ka l.k Bp t da k U lo 11, ai"l ea Here is a rehal.itig bif pertal do srnpiht tVnra tire Knii Uraubic : VaaileM.iit kaa . weakaeaa rir pi borai-a, aad baa Ikal fiaabaaa uf leclia Which siter U biu to a dollar, a if It War lit Sr.t be bati rwoiuBlMrd. It hi j aaid ta b a man f leift rkariiy ; but j kls ckalif as arivi-r palvsta. He trldom refir to bis gt oenwiy, aid he SoiS But a a Bis llareils In, W hat b givta is Ukm$ to aBybsady. j i ass kiyrrrrrr To aksookci Msi W U HttaLKI t,ii" e In Ik ka-4-na Mead. - -aa Wg ARB REQt'KTI DTO AHUOUkK R Al.rkkai t- rtlll' Kt.ll a Coaaiaie. ahaMer o Mae kaatera Ward. p aNLW ADVEUTISEMENTU F u Tba Baa waa fwluraed hi asjbbnr's borrowed a ni heel la Was erea, a day r two sgn, a'kg ia HBpy wltb lh ymrtg lady wba pesard a kkiaf glai without taking a pep, ts tarllar-! Ibry ar eg aged. , , A niALTHTPiOMlIU. . .. Lite ts iaaAaaad Baiaawa' le wkae tk darees. hi u( w an kaaeain 4 kiawaaae re ft e 1 U ewwrtate 1 Ihe sa,a da .ai . e4 sa.fcia.' ltl ie Vlla1ti B 1 tse t -al' t 't4 y l.ua rti'.' M. W, I : ! S.U4 M 11 f.i'-mm ll.t'Sif'fiiLI, 1 raaana.re. y snaa tir ya I I aa ritx k ia 1 ealie 1 thee rratmm mass iUuSi taata a raal ftute, lataH4 re ta.kit( aaeaf end itotla a'ia el aai4 PS TU IT'S IlftCTUAST, AM who ken Bae tkt haaeaM aaa4lasa Imt O aW, CaMta, Satkaaa, a,4lli ( 4 Amu, 1 faap. I Saaaa.w M (fee I aafa mf I ha , ItViarsreasea, iHBniliy m taeatkiaaf, Sn ak Ua, 4 AH S aaaeiS '1 k I e a aitnM lie ar.la lar Mag a te St ke Be . tratku l ins t LSikikiat. Is BrWly rlasred f l-as f aaeary, , rtnf laaleara as. aeka saa-oa Is ait a .!, eauw bd lr a iwaHd aflal4e aavat kf-r. saela . asaa Siai i4 w ibi aeki,e. aeaaaaw sa eaaa'aa tasl feai ae.y s-vwly ef tbrstti4 e4 taaaiviaet I'M Alik-w aaiio awaaat r " .a laa I ae aaf raa re Ika aMaaraae. 1- e't aaaarakaa Mk tae t.t, Im bar aa el tba ia I eia'aa.aM taaHarUjaai.Uats 'ak ae are a ee a ar W el la-ha s a. ' a aa- UiWaa ai twau, lbl C-vmimm ae IK.aitaif armi, as aaaat ar Una, aatM.eaiia. '.a. akl w. he, I.e. It aa al V aael be las ea aaawiaei ki-ae. ta WllM aetat4 ILate taa tm I laal ll.e 1. ia'S laws a k eta w Hi evea eaaaf a .... ..1 m.. ... a a . . r l-Hf.'.l!" 4." t 'a' -afi'e xi'i, e eia.i ! .aa e'ke ia sawai"a ea SMwi.a mwm aa,iay y sh(4 He 'a, a til waae ae ea ai.iwia a-'V- v--a aa a-aa ta.ia a4 lta ...v. ai 'mt 1-1 r.a.r a-Mr r - a la'ia H-f e j- iMal );. a e.h aa a' a i. 4 l a-.a-. " a ae a ,n.i aa eas aa.eana aa a..aa ettfcu -i 4 l -a J a A a awa, aa aa.ae k 111 aiaaaa, Waa frwaaa apa. ainea t -a. ?aa.a aaa was .kiaiaiiiiia. eta k-r., b.al.ta. e-4 --! ee-aabaefc. a la a , .ea.a a-n- '.o rs e k,,taa kaa Se a-.U aa l k-aaae a e-44 Tkt It tea La4 airar af A Usauulua I aMi ru ai. an"1" lw 1 w. ftCS, Sfeet. JIKEL AMALU4M 111X1! I ILsaeasallr adsr4 fe Fsrw. Ptsataskaa. lkaiis, Sk-kiiauikaiaaa, lel-aka. Sa, Aa rV !' Ike a Baal fwanary la ll.a t.ated aaakas W ar j arat I.IUai4rial larwaf Oaae. Salt MMh ) Aeauaes ail atawa 10 a I kill UMlt"., y IT kre sof-y. aea-'sla. 1 1 wr TtiuHAin i huh, a hip an rr p W. C. STK'iNiCIL rpwn in,tr)ioi,nia.wniT. I Vi a aieU Vklt and SUk Pa. spa W.U. TKukACIL UCADSPD .I'kllKLS UATS. Twa Ilaadrvd BaVra Use. -PA4,.JW W. C II ROACU...... rpwonr?rnRv.iwtB!)iOAS, iiilkort A and PlaS VttatiU. east W.C STkUSiCn. Ca4 BmltlBt Serf, O kerae I er4 Hraakf el linjm, ' Bask a. I Teack, ------ Slaw I ), I nak tawhaa1' Bella, I ai.lla ktrt . ,j .. 0a.il t's ft sk T'Ma.ioea, W laalew Jaaaea' tiiww teaw. lall, s tra.k l eh-a, (aita IVaaaaul Liaaa Baaas, . aaraa said 1 iai. a W. O. Slk'Al'n w A Tl I ALLCUTT THE G HOC E R LEYENWORTII, LtVBEXiE -ASB- 4D ; ALYE.il UN II. It. (U OF KANAi, ' coxjJissioy jf.iwA a . r. it Lllall I eeeala I kaa fall be ml keeat saal fiw- BM v4 it ka aa iy a kaa OaaVaa a..; al Seal aef ..pai raaraaUal Baa tmm aaa aa ,? a.a- la mm- tea.'., earaaellae a ka t-wi k k . ... A . . ... . f.aat.s ta a- ear u-.. -aa i im lama .,, laiiM ..i.i.,iri,d liae, aa-ra t-uat4 al ekk kaa baa I aae i,w n..i 1 k i f f'.-e, IWrvsl baas f-Uie Salw Sox. Ill I,'"" '!' .rTa"7J '"I ' ' "I llatta tat ra4r 4 lk4r fa ta h fell Ikms tk O'fi raaaaal, pteaa aa aaiaa4 aeaaiy lf!l irf (f W'-n-r a , aaa ae es ea ' " wlmm9 " V kaaaia a C in -1 r a' 1 l"ia.... k..a aia 1 a rai aa-4 .e e. s..u.e k. w he 4 , h , " m..m, A a--... a a.u-r It- ..A a.nai.aa a..4 a fa.t ae.U- ..... .. ..,,.4 w ... , 1-. rt.aaaaHw,a " t a . . a. rf .... .. I . ae , ...U. . a.i.n k.. 1 a.-., a.f tltaetakaklwhHk ..,.., 1a,, .(.v ...41 -I f a a. telaaktksatl Ciaiawla, Fwae ti'Wtal r- tUa l. il . ... . ... tat .... k I lea 'a. ..a Sa. , kia laa.iaea ta, la cama sad kaeaaa 1. 1 1. ( 1 1 a ne aa I I, I It lead aa lUrt. aa tlar.laa a j aa tja ,-.-,a , a. k. r I a-a a,4 a. , taa aa aeeaaaM' ee eeaaeae yweaaae' a a ai . . . a,iltM Bt.l I, law , Cat aw, k aa, , t I.I ll II la , Uanaoa, ta aaaa-a O. la ..a , a. 4 ia. n i'f anal l sr aaai'i'',' 4 1 w CAVAr-r:a ahf-jt: at ,- .lSK el tVe aaeaiiy (! W (t 1 1 Tri. t re a 1 iy if wksbi 4 ft. b bast Mf M nf.