TTTTV C DYirrTATPT' TdIob, while Got. Caldwell Mi rd money-B-r wI.ethCT.iraywrrt nftaltd ilw t, grant a rteunmion Lllii bM 1 1ML. k-w.i. ?;r Lxtu o"r r T. thegnettloa. Excellency, frmu your high position ba. V "g'nta, and be Ut no character by 10 JOSLAH TURNER, Jr, Editor, You ow enir Governor a ktter.and publicly announced that such en act U not etidg. ' - ' T. B. EUdSBUET, AaaocUte Editor when you writ, atk bint who it waa that criminal in North Carolina. Tb. Btate Gen. Litt'.tfield wa once the light, life : conaoiredtomakaLittlefieldPrntof f2 d .n of our part in North Carolina. X- . V., U . . 1(175 I r WWI. ui ". '-I..!. ..f ..!. r. .1,. T """ " 1 - - I PttilrVkal lint fln.TIril MS T " A Him 1 4.,,. .If,. Ill Fh.r.Wt Mt Hf 1U timrtt Ud H in J WBUfc - a- if he did not refuse to make a requiti- money by conpiraciea charged on Little-1 piter of the party, -holding In hi hand EDITORIAL ENTREES. I . tnm ft n..U,.f A.k him if he Mk1(1 od 6-epw. and was making tnorts thunderbolt! of power. Friend. Ia ';m.k. a requisition to.KU.oaClL. K Uithont number .warmed Into hi. hive. Madame Jaoauwhck, Jh greatest of 1 mtMi indicted with HoldeB fliht of the criminal and the demand for I In thectpitol of the- eommonwe tlth be Oeiman aCtrcasCt, and without a rival save Mms bjl, ,od fr th. mme 0fv,.nce the fuitiv. But if your Eieelieoe)'. entertained and .truck glatw with Got. the great French trogtdUnnt Rutori, is f .fa di(J t , ni.itjon lytJ opinion .hould prevail and Income CaidwelI GoY jjj Judg9 WlltUi 1Bd playing to immenMbouee, In Pbil.del- , fand lh. 22? .-i? .'hVn'Eh. the Jud.ciary generally, Men Wch Hon. phia. We had the pleaaure of acting her I JWtice of ,nc 0ittrici of Columbia t conspiring cbe&tei. and .windier, will John T. Deweeee, Pool. Abbott, and other tour nighta In Baltimore, ana ne waa in-1 t(j j ,B( jf j,e did no' overspread our BUte; ana tue more et 1 friend, sought hi. counsel and company, deed magnifies Her acting will r. refuse to make a rrqui.itiou l"'' U ,BI,"V M which he did main with nt " a memory forever. J 0Q tTcroor of Virginia. fir the am AHn a, ..!.. onilied. thev have the Bot ontributo. He printed in Imniaome parties. If he denies it, I will give you I nwoirunccot finding ttde and comfortable 'I tyto, without money and without price, We like movement recently .Urted in proof of it. biding for themselves an.r betrpiun- tb proceeding, ot a church convention, a Enuland. The tttttt tniverwiita w w.v Alter yow w iBwgawwr t'-rr-rj:-, e.W". will Midm n.a f..r '"" - D"ei "J ford, Cambridge, Edinburgh and, Dublin j poodtoce, I trust you will not allow the Tetuting to assure you that y.-u have that hardcoed claat known a editor.. He are to award aeven acholarnhip. with each J Governor of thia province to drag you in- .adly iuiuken the law of N win Caro- di.tributed through G. W.8wepwn 1211,- i . - I tin iki rffirurn in inn niivnpj vi n wnirii i a,. n ... ..... ... 189. to tt young women over to anotucr con rover.y wnere ' ' adml Litthidd to l chared. Ik ". "J!""" f , M teen who may .u.iam me oaicuiup:u- "w."!,"' "ft i charged, you say, Willi "aconspirscy by 1 ",'"lu"' " "" "'".'-- live examination. The mony I. contrib-1 your high office. Be awuied t'liat the-1 him an J Bwcpwn to cheat ceitiiu pornon. 1 13,500 to Judge Tourgee. By the arrest .A K. iha r.nrli.h National Union. I Kcuublicana hereabout, will applaud the out ot their bona, ana money, aumin. ,Bd diaclo.ure of Sweiwon. our political ' I . . . .1 rii huintit-n i nn rrnni known to the I . m . . ... teal with wUith you thsieuU tue ptraanai f v-,,.,,, r.r(lnnii -. t y wai overcast, our fountain. The London Lantet high authority hu u(citen Little field. I beg to .ay aya that boating lenot dangerou. to the in coo;ugioni th a you are as much enti oonatitution that it U only in caac of tlcJ , tne j,, c,msiaeration of your heart or lung diteeae that Injuriou. ef- p4rtT M lnT mtku f n,c party who quet fecta follow, and that twelve of the six- tlon. the purity or the piety of your con teen men who rowed In the fit.t inter- du(;t Jucuii Tcrxer, Jr. UUIVCmn, ,ma, . , I A COUhWPOKDKNCK BKTWEBK TWO OOV alive now. Bo much for the fooiiiu clamor i kbnobs, that ba been raiaed egnpt .uch manly xerciae, ipecially by Willie Collin, and the blood and thunder noveliat. chooL - - you, from the best l-gal authority, tbf. byl dried up, our eonus were hunhcd the common law of England (wbiuh i. tlie our wioe lost it-t irlow. The wolf broke law of North Carolina uule altered by I . f , . ' . , . . u.i... . .. i,.: I into the family (old and carried off the together to do etm Unrit'ul aett wilh a cor I Btt Iambi Holdcn, DwewT AldLn, rupt intent," the act ia indictable ; a. alao Abbott, Lafl n, Prnvn,, Frcnrh and i. "private immorality when coupieu wtm Heaton. By ,ne evidenceof Swepn our a conspiracy." Buch waa the common law of En!and when the colony oIN jrtb hfp-tring. were all broken. Following Caiolina wa. auttUd, and thin I bad a the impeachment of Holdcn and the reve- Gov. Caldwell haa been carrying ou rtyht to prume you knew. If there be I ution of our aecriti, came a deep howl of ln" aomewhat cxten.iv. corrcponden. e with VlDirT d -".r wo.eniel.iiig down throttgh our Joyous of hi. I fl si mi ffart ' tf tfl i.ri A a u1 a I i VA trt ev-i II w. .v.-, - i nuiua itui y ur rxcc'Mturj i dih m- r'-T- " itioa mde by th former upon tbe latter I ficiatly roponhibfe for any ioorance of I &d long efttablUlicl credit. Down went 10. cauaa oi ib v.u. , T ilt,.fi,j Wfl cann wirn mnrn iitvnr in rnir au 11. iug uuc- I . ..... - , i berour column, wun tue entire woraycor iu Uon,aa recenny occo moou .u iwmu- tf.n(imrDV, w . Iualter ofhi.t.rv i carpet- the law. of North Carolina, and it aeem. the.lrong bu.ineea firm of 8wepn and n tcum- 0,.MPwnm,-,hl!1W,H LiUleOeld, and up flew a flock ol rebel r of Norlh tarolina w. fymziBt of faer ordtcor i.. calumniea. ltnde would nut sell and the lat two letter that have pacd be tween them. Gov. Hart write, a. fol low. : Jacksonville, Florida, ) April 12th, 187a. ( Willi aU'rucf', I uTiihlt to JfoUf Ex cellency the loi, owing a. the baaoa of ac tion which ought to be olxoerved between the State. c( the Union upon thi. highly important -.ublnci: 1st. If the act charged be an offence punishable by the law of the Hiate In which it wa committed, although It be nwki unk tikii lii i. Ju.lge Watt. Mt bit bond, Abbott and Tool ttuir places, and Joel Aihworth . forced to sell .his mill. The pious Weiker after receiving SO shares ol North Carolina !!ni rood stock of Gen Littlt fl -Id, hi-kcd aloud, "will th grace of God hold u. up umler nuch cir ish House of Commonsbethir it It per missable for English capitalist, to lend money to tbe agent of Don Carlo la view of tbe Centra ward. Mr. Gladstone re plied that the Bpanith Minhter in Lon don bad already called th attention of I JIl4 jCwiienry, Tod It CMtcdl, the government to tbe .ubject, claiming I Umtrnor of Horlh Carolina, th protection of British law against pro-1 JlaUugh, If. C. cingaottnatene. with five hunJ.ed a bo are name ' b bfD Tr. " " bar. to state that the c,py of the indict- ' 'ZZ and but a co , U- VmW H crush.; 01 Ik t.row, wna neiu m.v ...Trr- mfDt (urlliied therew.tb not in my lrowJy ,nd imtation." under Ihe wheel, and trinpleJ under the tisemeni owng a rvijuot o i, ...Bu juugmmi cnarKe uiin win. ;....:. 8d. As the Torm ill which the onense -11 ,(K)r oh if v.)U Could onlv ac . . r... !.. .,l.l 1. In-. I nmuiiira-f li linn nd Hi nson to cheat I -i. n .... 14 ..1 1 1.. I . 1 ..,r:Vli -r..,..t u certain persons out of bond, and money, ,r. ,,, ,;111,, .nli Lch Ht.te baa the h,,w U,ew P,r,"u lle l,r ',trtj iu t,ie att A j,i . . .. (without charging that he executed or Undoubted riuht to pfeatrlba ll on I wiping, waiiii'gaad gmafcin their toeih vour,, o.....o-v e mpted to M,cule lt)i .,! , Con- (linsi. r pleading, the Executive of the you would not think of tending brother any lairacuon 01 m. w . an. . u. . j uj ..rem mu. . .cuva. ... Bute on wni)IB Be uemana ol arresl ana I I itUelleld to this Klale M reVial Ihe no crime in anv -'iher tsw, tue caso it embraced by the Constitution of the I cumstances f United tate, and regulatea by the act This cntaloiun of God's children I have c OTTON s, EACTOKS. HOTELS,. Ac. B . H. W. HILL.., UOAHDIMQ HOUnli Cornrr of Newbera iTeoae and Person gL NORFOLK, VA. SPECIAL AGENTS OF THE NORFOLK, Va, R. 8, D0D80N:, Proprietor. .H 00 Southern Fertilizing Co. BOABDt - lstand 81 doors :., M ana 4Ui b ) Si special te. ms lor Pcrmauent Boarders, mar S-lia kDOZKN FKESU TOMATOES, FOR I t -a I 1 1 1 j I 1 MM -m.m I It y-. ----. I -a rm n. -w. I A I H IT h I I .flllflll 11 UI' 'U ' 4:W VA 1 1 J 111111 O VJI1J1JI1 1" 1J1 L111AJU1 .1 iedoaCn-Wln.lowio,.,"Orwnr0rB EASTEUN AND MIDDLE NORTH CAROLINA. AND BOUTIIEASTEUN V1HGINIA. NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY! J3KACK IN8TITUTI , RALEIGH, H. I). Rxv. R. BtrawtLL, Principal. - JOIIK It. BCRWILL, A. M , ( , . , 8. J. tiavaiis, A. M. t- ii.ciaU. The Spring Term commcaoet the lutu of Februarv We rail the atttnt'on of onr friends tnd natrons to onr notice, and advertisements In the I Th Institution is now m an-wt uf ul nrm. daily press throughout the State, tn whtrb we advised them, In the beginning- of the sesson, lion, and the frutciusle belicv that they are that "there would be onlv a limited amount of this fertiliser mstinf etor d especially for our preparej to oiler tuoerior advantages for lh supply snd Utile I anl desired that they should come In first for what they may need, and education of young Indies. tint they could not blame us If their nrdt rt, liter In ihe sea.on, had to he turned off." Prof. A. iJ..unin. loajf and favorably knows wa tr now onilKed lo ttste. on account or tne- nunierou ' sna very neavj oraers ror me u rn accompu.uea waener ol vocal and In artl le Uikt we ar t U'ly nnablo to supply the very great demand, and hence aa. let your I strumeatal music, tiss ihsre ot U:s Music erdnrs b u few and small as posaiblc, as we desire W let all of our friendr wanting to have I Deiwrtuienb at li-m a small qusntitv of it I ror liircultr containing full psrtiealara t ff All iartie who are ttrautfert to ns nan order this Fertilizer througn tnetr Lommls 1 10 terms, course ol study, Ac., si'dress kst n Dtnn ttu (HN, Jan l-dSwataiu RaieiKU, N. U NOTICE Tt) RMTAND VEQET-ibLE UUOWEUH. I We art prepared for the coming eeanon to dlposa of all kiuks of Fruits. Vegetable, Ac , ui.i iu.j oe cousignea 10 our care and Sell mem promptly at the bitfhe t market prices with qul. k sales snd ProiBDt returns etnn. ci t turnbhed to sll shippers Bee card below. T. It tuLoass, I. t. BiMUm, BrJtVGiieaaVT- - slou Merchants, otherwise they must sent ns tht mune) or tlxht draft mar 1 1 sm I300TS & SHOES. SPRING GOODS. C. D. IIElltIT i a IFS a j sna Wn DRY GOODS, Ac. O R E E C II FAYETTEVILLE STREET. RALEIQU, N.C, W1IOI.KS.I.B AND UKTAIL DltAI.Hl IN TS pothina to prevent nnv person giving or certain uaiiroan, i.-iioweu uy etecung tUriender is made, cannot hx k Uyond, . , , , . . , LvneLnkinatnoncT such, our- that be stand, charged w.lU, )r Mll(,n lhe ;verml.nt in t.e i.luict- ol oi,n, palrMic henrt. . n, i and afler much careful thouKht 1 cannot mii nr .tJiJ.yit, that the act I. a crime tiyil l.lioni.n l christian!' are just pose." " That being w, Mr. Gladstone iing my mind to the conclusion that ...j,,., the St.ta Irom which the luilye gctilB out n,vo Into nhlcli the, aid In conclusion, " I need not taj it la Congre. In the act refcrrre) to, intended n4, ,,,, Into the chart.w of . . . ,,.,..,..,,,..,,,,,.. rjllri J ,.t I. ih. nower ol Mer Msleatv's novern- that upon such charxe alone, citixen lnB cri e ero luia l.y the txpo-ures ol our Uilr. ad JiiXmTi- ."ldPbe.rrU.U.d,im1.rined.nddeliv. ,hB3CThe B.a.e the fugitive " H'ej of 1 80S. What a glo.iou. moot in any w.y to ge beyond) lhe hw. ed ( ihu Cnm time w have had. We have brought the I hav tlTe Uoik to be, ..,- ur th ci,arued. and the eyl Vou, Excellen,,'. ob't svt ,U;nc. spcilied b ,b. Wt ol O.grr lf weCou!J hm tvM LM..' Ull. .' when duly certified, are conclusive ; jusl J" ... ' Governor of Florida. I aa under trttiu if extradition, the of- tJewo -.e, llolden, lflin, Ablnitt and the To thi. .ingultr letter Gov. Caldwell I f nee ot the criminal, verified according I patriots, in power and place, we .houid rrpllet tt great length a follows EXEcC HVE PEPARTMENT, f ' "dem.D(,..(, Tta dulT u, r .-ui.d.j .. should have Kalkiou, S. (.'., Ktb April, 163. ; ,tnior ol the 8 ate wheie the fuicttivt I want.d Imi biplmn y'im at Oxfoid, for i.rf, 1 it found, i, in t.u h ewea, merely mints-1 there would h ye been r.o oiphani; mi .I... . l Ih.itl ""i r ............---..-- """""r -r- - 0 , , .. f ut v or ud al ducrel on training may to recrivta mHig iu lauy. ' - . . , . n -Tw ' . ik. l..u..i ... w. I .auirea ni. thai von do not intend to cau xn- I be rtgi'l givin w in msnii, irn Th bill that ha pasted th Upper Hoot of th Prussian D et rel.tiv to th clergy I a .weeping one, tnd 1. quite des potic In Iu character. It applies to all denomination of chrittlsn. It regulates th education and training of the clergy. Art receiving dally an i ; I. 1Z G A N T stock of tbe IN EWKHT HTVLKS or Coots & Shoes, which for irit,Dui-uIllity Comroi t are ansnrasnl. ALSO- A full line of .rill Blirk nd Ctlorrt! Fir Utla. Cr .li Xilk Dil i.Bly i..O. Mtm M GtEAT tlllkTY, msr 23 STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Wool at, Flanntls, Hoitry, MiMintry, White Good eV Vunkve ollons, ROOTS, SHOES, If. ITS, TMIUVK8, tlLlSt:S, c. Candidate lor the prUwthood will be .. . fl n n .. rrouir.d to attend the bial. f,mn..l. and Tt ""'' - 11 Jl" to that a poe ion ol their I w'""'w' (JAnPLKH, Bridlri, I'ulUrm, It an slid O Hirmuo. .11 d .rrlolion. f i-tf G T. tTiUtN AC II A BHD Milton . Liltlrneld - to he arrested and I'1'" ""J ' b-luw riht ; and It lollowt Hist there mutt be a correlative thev must naa. certain Blst rX.minstlons . . i : . : : Ti . -1 -I .M'ur.-il ami noli.', nf I liP . t r.t itvea 1.1"Vhl rJ- ,h;;,;,nti,. .u,hor,ly of ,lli.;eaain """a";;" ," ;Xn-i .1X byauingen, m, opinion you, K.Jllency lar. outre,, -tn S'lt.twXl TdilUms, Ih. right of d.misl on th. do by th. act ol ot (cbrntrv f?, v7oL fi?.,l In of odeal..! .nperior. of th. It. . Ull, and, but U the II C;??- ha. fl ,L clergy. This is Indeed bold strid i,t.k mmmt U.....J. r...,ti ... I '. Aiuion;i- - ' . . I lh. ttl.l. H,. .I..II Ut).. .Illl. 1,1 .1.. ... I ..Im th of the.xcu on " 1 ' -"' pintual despotism, h puU fetters po. whkh th rrlusal is founded, I .houhl uitiv to lie attiabrd," Ju., aa Used In lb. tnd mind, tnd toul.of ,knopty. ' th const no im ol the luttel btlesr WZm ivrann. and ot.nre-loO mat conced- d that Mr. I.ittl. field, by a o -m'l.orj" m the m m to c-MU a men as Ur as tyr.nny tnd oppre-loo n..y Cuur( r)lt,me, Wllh , wH.,l,M1'e;m il n.rt W,ed y.t tb.y d.-clare Whilst the Irn deary id FttMipean omit- ... i . .ir... th morid duty wliith the cyuiiMutol - r I iirf ill in iniiun. .1... V.UU....I . um.T . , , - I.L..I.. trie U gravitating toeards republiianlsw I ..test th. hiate ot North Carolina, h.s U c.H..l.. i.;n creaud, after Long. w. and hen the I..I t.l,r. .ounlhuqi.t or amove lila-ral vl lo rnrad to th charged wilh tbe c-wmi.-iot of a p"s- " " t-eg. ll . to Capt .m, prnitcuttari, I r It. ere w imi 1. 1 lave ia no criminals; no b'iiiIiou', for I lore would hav been no poi t., no tciri, (.ir fhero would have Ihvii o . rr . Vgrancy would Int. lie. ii luimd into uteful leji- l.tion, and i t ri.iacict nude Uw ir. it I jj (J X "V ll O CJ l atven dollar. . I y Al. d. hvered through To gK TIIE bg8T lVEK INVENTED. th prvgreH ol ideas and P.uipb'et Ipy. Addr. u, Tork, fs. n.ortis. Tbe holy I) t-i.rr ann's to .re " JoI.b uowam bin tne i..t ptiwii-r i; re formed. llei.'s li tee 0m. Howard when Ihe Is.l bute.u account ui settled I offer to my frieudi and castomeri a full Uut of particularly attracUve and desirable SPR1N0 AB alMSER DEESS GOODS, snd a beautiful assortment of 1APA5 MLkS, W11ITE k COLOBED PW E, to wbieb your special stUnt'on Is invite.). Prinlt, DumrilirtjCottooiJri, Durk.JtiBil ind f. ice CDoatCtor rally, In sll de.ln.ble grsdes, styles snd prices, which 1 ruarantee to suit. ClotHs, Cassimcrs & Gents hmM GOODS, In greater' varkity than ever Define. HtnnoXt, WIIITK O'X'I., LACK! AKD inixaiMit, HOSIERY, OI-OV.J, ToWKLa, AKD TANKaK HorloM, corsets; pi. I ii and embroide M'sm. Foy't, Tbnmp GENERAL COMMldalON MERCHANTS, AMD D.ALSB l FKl'IT, FISB, rOTLTT, CiE, AXD ALL KINDS OF I'KODUCE 1UT South Street, BALTIMORE, MD. l.lliersl sdranees made on crntknments. Orders tilled wilh care. p!7 dAw 1m .- NAVARiA GUANO. See Certificate of K. W. Puu, of Johnston. for sale by feb7-tf W.C.rTRONACH. ILK MOUNTAIN - CiiEKcg NLMLUOL-J TESTS HAVE I KOVED X. r. CI til 1S NEW TI IBI.NE mar tt 6es ijrc iiive ami xx kiuar ci i,tu U si run Csle very tiaesud eheso. feb M it W. li. JONES A Co. . tt A ' K K COMBINATIOK ECONOMV A LCXURT. HealthlulneiS, Cleanliness, Acljnstment, riestbility, IUm, Cuutfurt, Uurab lily, .Nelse leesnens. TIIE ADJUSTABLE 8PKIN0 BED BOTTOM Wilh one of these If yon neve a Fasther Bed, a Mature Is not raualml. If toa hsya a mttlrasa, lest hers are not required Ton raa bin. mo.lLeiuri. ns Bed with either, without lb e'b r t cin'v take our word for it, but W k a B'rln bed on trial for a tew days at our risk, to b take away U It dot qui .aik (families awrbewen at Jnllas U.U A To'. T. II liriKcsA tons, W M. J. act Co t." n II. Mi.rri. A (,r. i'srjiltur. bio re, or at be Yarbruab House, whrrt UteV sr. Ineo- Hia'a l.l HltiiiK, lls.k's Oau aud oihar I s'sbi as. an.1 when lr. Ulaeki a I will tak eelelirsled nukes. Iloop-ftklrl., Uusilra, Ar. An Immense stock of 13oots & Shoes, from rosra. to tne wear. Can I'lnsa and suit II la w.ntbf tbia goodt All of tba attest atjles la pie ur. la K any lulortaalioa twt U bed.. . aeiits ed in v.iv i.anly. JONES A Wuiafseturrn. illlltuoru' PL, tUlehih, M. C. mar 1 N 0 , , K 1 K K L A M D , wira I tad hr.ak'a.1 ttil al O. T, STRO.HACA UK) ' V. - . : , himself b.jood -l"". ' .T. .' . kuJ.ktiii.r irj ... I... k-k- tw in wwm aiiwsiiswiiisiiii linit anuavH wumn metemiory oi rmn - ' V . i , . . . . .. died tnd .as-plnl drtpotlsin. I ds, and Muse t.rii'.jwir'an'MUW.rri4 ''1"J,,:l5.1.l "i," ",nu , ', "," " Ichafge wnftenmy h. can tat rrrimrea tn p - etwt ttt m Bime- nf trrtecrrtioti hat .pi if U TUE RKEAKMT. Ll'MUIUiM.DIJI- NKR slw BLrl'kH TAULE, LLE 1 FEIEISr 1 ifthfttfr.kiff Unct IS INDi riMADI.E. joh ihcivi 'mt, if Urk," " (rati Kilk, fork, Slnw lai Tar Bitt. I CAIHIAITT 6c BROTHim, PAHASOLS, . ..1.111.., .. PmiM saAMlllaat. IVbti ft lVKj 'Qk Vt I N U mbrellns for tan aid rata. To should te then. M tad U Park Tltea, E W Y O K K .-e M.rirrtrrmirn fit n r Pn Vn. I .n...r It Uain ia ah. i anu Mct-amo a aieniuw oi in. i n. mJ I u 1,1111. - w - ... ... - whirh Ih charge I "f ''"lrt M m1 th eipre aioe of I flunyen eVr the list pdtim has com I v .-x cstdnd. oath, the Supreme Court i4 the fulled rMalet to ihe ce!etil " Aa I I brother Hut, mvng in mirnc was conin)ilir.. ... i . . l . ,,. . I North Carolina, nelor n neaiiaiM aoous puoosowg ...a i ., .L.uJUd-. Ik to hav ta d diagisa. I , Hucm4 fourth th Wat romp. d I"M. tow" oft Judite nd r..uwa.l,- lmjuul In 1 """''"! "'"'f " "--. thelsw. an It grand j.rry r.f good and "" T7 "vtw tarwaaa. isaiala . . . . m I ... ....niul ... . I . I .... I ik.. .1 i! il lawful men. it was in dnty rt the -...-- - .., .. Judge odeUrelh. law at to crimat ; id w" bt aheri the ton.titulioo wat the (aw olll.'rr to d. scribe th cnasa at- rrme1, an t w hrw-the ee4i..4wa nwdiaii lo lh (o.ut t.r.-rlld by Uw. pl. t ci lid. nlly U lievol I that I ' r I . w mrvatntw taiwin vrrv i isisf v"'. la . . t a . . In enc:ual, I a ilk add that I ..!. M"" ''g"l'"l 11 John "xgi'nti TGrtrr riitT.'8fun." mmt .K log cwrespoodrot between Oov. llrt, 1 of Florida, tod Oov. Ctldwall, of North Carolina, kt w Oaacladed lo pttblith U as a part of tbe history of lb time. 0 Oov. Caldwell' part la want of dignity aad gabavneaonel propriety, It I svttl to hi letter on ilocial which BUtU.I lOI ...I .J Ik. ...... I l,.ta ... Hn.l .k.ll... IK. M J-tie SM.I wl I faritrhtrr-l wee Ho. In the rate of I old lowra a fa.thlijl i '.. of h I fr.i whk h H.. r . . . . d . . . ll '.A.lit uti.aa.l itf. i.i.4 l.r 1 1.. Ktsrutlv. I . Sir. iiiuai.t4 ait .naa. aa.nnti.ei pr - I - -- -- , 1 1.. Illliantii won 11-ivhi.rt Mt g'.i tiliL Hot I l n t l toteebMthey fjttleu.lJTn ilRTTir oHm wntrt Nat b n!s art- inl . imd. II . returri, an I the teyl.!l .. . l.e a -u'd mile, - .UM U the aifoti of tij. p.ity. .J prigrras. cull le a . reaurra if ie.eeraar : bat' saw sis Toc r ai. W bit. Bnna, W USTIto!ACU, G mm- I mm ta uaa a. O . at . stw I a . t. 1 a A ...L I fl Illl niiir I- M t Frf Bttaltl fttX KB rutlll I tt Taxker II Jl W. a, toi ... pmumpii. IN. ldm.l - pre Ul. re,l In ,h, rjecu-U of . othpact . '- C'1 '77 'I . . ' ,, " r.riT etl.aMc.idth gui.l of i'-tfr..lto their pe. tad C.Mw.H.1 U.,.h ,oo to M.a tad ftad ewr. rotmrt -ouU not h... d. fw (tf Uemjj f, ,, ,0,B,, r..r.. .. well aa (..jj Urt , u , y , Ml fcmb Kewded a lar Ulow th ho of trw gw- Yowr lkc.leey doeliae lo wda hi. e.,.t-it.d' Ih ln.S llrocw the ta , M , j , . Ur.M.J dignity o. h-Oo,.C.Idoeli, rr. and rrtum ... the Irmh.,, fr.. ' ' . r,,.j-l oh. re I . fol -. ClJ-aU aad lle SlOHMl.of Ihe -- lentj h.V In...- - -" '"rf- "1 '.red tolas -f"- 'l g-'J. taJd.vUMd Ut.ltpHMl.oflb (l,mt, l.- k.a eulll, but P-f u.. t. t .!,. I I bit Ha.y ' - l a M .1 ... ,-...f Sa U I- ,aek I Villi ALLEN VU'I JLaAHOIl "AVIMO C:r, C:m izi I data CULTIVATOR. WlXJkYVl'AlAOt-T. 0 trtt I bey krad tad repreaeot. The ewe I , S.IMO.WJ toirtwd Lit 16. 1 J, aad the ,y, f,m.rt 4 Floyid Hie saWu-faaeel I Kasvhieg I ha mat. rla band. So a. f.ntUUd 4tt Maf r.". Ana wws a trim,' and M starh I ..cutis eftVf .4 Fiuiida, j'm samwsv. a t) printer hw Iu botarrvn by th J l lwlary iif N'lT'h Carwiiaa, "that canapirwy by him aa I MepaiHi Ut (beat rrrtaia peroais ! 4 b n it and m y. (aiibnot rhtigisj llul be tltruird ot tyro aliewpted to tt'VUl It) aad a owMoirai v I t th. at to .Wl htm C.terswf Urt, I I' of a crtaia onl, brfiul by eiecilag h.o "are ) so. h ttisr,-.. ' oio ..- 7 I ad ia.pM.aJ a I daiivmd p " Mtfc refused te task t rnia.ii n, tt ltawaa, the Overnur of V.'g'ui iut Kuh tad Bcgew, too fugitivae Iruta jut Ik, haM puaasbsncal th law tad lh prop!, la tue d.aiisiij , lULaiua, M. C May I. UT). Te li Xsas'i'ta ry. ToJ: Ut a fatal tdJ tw) With'Hll aerloiseo- tartsiaa. of year ra.t sa 1 dtvowt pity, aad tbe era. tariUoa IhU yo d .iol l' p. rfr.t.ot 4 ha'P "xa id th.ay.wye wlaota w th. ioourotabl oasdota ,4 rioy.dar Jon ktvt ha ealWrd to I a th at tbaat ta.asaa Sad SppaS. ftfj- I raa umn t r Ltra y that It Mr Uukll.ll faa d trt up na kit trial la North t'arolta to ttraagaf f. hlmarlf lhaa yn b.v rt.m f 4 k.a, k ll I smilil la tlmlinl, a.4 ba)wtai uot wid he a ; t:ai. 1 will oo4 tpsvtekt t eWiilealtl .I'l.tre lb ittaae .4 e..ii ... y la r 'Wi Is. aa ymtr r milrwj laul aa lo thle. la lb., prvy.t. Uk t ptoo lum Xmik .Xaa, t,w.r .. Wad haw I Ow.wa )aa brtbt V gt.4 h I aaaf Mass bat S, as the H.revl.t of Ih- th ItaV. JaM It. a. I a. ' b b s. tiM M S fa, i W( pelf Would tw. h. I rkVla. tow mt. 4 la t pn.til y .r Kscit ieecy t. tr.u w t ur uei.fiwt'l as tipr.tv4 I )iaur HWiil Ih IS h l at , and with l! hop tbtt pHi .'Hi iH.laf rideil )na a. II tin ia II y or .Uty. la naao lo ymrarll, I . f 4ds so I to .N.rfik 1 .room, In rxitrt Ih ai.d turt.tukr "I vl I a It. Ijt Ik Said p--o In. it I., li -a t"f ' a C. it y.Mir I'lfMa, I bay If.. I.' .. l-iajl. ! Vour I Ik k i j's .4. 1 lull II. I ALOW U Uot. -.ih C'.r .l.Ba. Apant.".lbkiH yta')f llaMK, tlttlM Wi lh. J I 11. tobj 4. 4 avy iip..Ht.t Ul . t-m og lt..,'i.U.v( ll. It-, Cad. tt.SK'aif to ks W o'bt Isa4 b-aj uf la. ImkIs ett.g'a I ll at a'' L. tlon.:., a laial ai d ("aaa . korr .mi in r rk.a .i-.toa totrae. atar. lT-uar . X C, W. I:i. Hm I ."' J WW lift tsM.I taea W U lia.tad I all tkirga . I S ... as, st.sSI r. . ...I II a. sy I f yot allw 4 J ffaad Tj hsr 'lt 4 0 . t'aideM la ft I duty to M.e Ibal Hit t tiiwab d Ll l.JJ I, l It tta I fi ye- U ytj l b 1 M rZ . . "'f I k.-t td ka.t. a be la a t , . , . , I ! at f in tariiay Iu li t I a. 11 at at M W lu.a. I . , . . .. . ..... .. .. ,fc,. ... . I t K at ft I .11. 1ST I rp ,crn v.rt- a nz r.r ..."tTTTrt M I ba aaMfaa4 aaA aa I k '.r.l tw" k W lta-at Waakaf; aa a. , lo J f !;imWI.J tv. I -a. sa l ti'y it rrtomat ls. I sa.y - U,t a-lvaa's A t a o I aU-d.M k' f lh .fvi..rfe"Ua 1 rtii'n. i fjiai, sh.4 ba. g ta a r 1. U 0 .y. t .: l'l ! d-i 1 1. -wia..kf l.."'''1 I. r-brf IU. IU hv lalaraaaa. V (. . II " . J "I ' J- " t B, 4 It l f "" pala"J bad f.uilta aa".. tf rnaa y-e slat o I .a.d .a.4 ( Ik. 'f a Ut- I., f . 1 M k.a at. I ( k' l f I!" , . J'a la d0 a a.f aaauf ut aU . b 1 1. ba-l Iwf t'aol!.ei a t a -sr,tM 't , a ul '. i. ..aaf let .1 t. te. U li. 4 ll I "it fi a, I sh 1 ol.. l ar, 1. )' .1 It a ... " la f ' r- '. '! vt l I sa I ai . a daaih I. ', ta Ua I, l . a laitl t. 5 "H I's'-tfu sal ik. ak-.-a a, aih I r.a aan thai a , k.t I - t. aa t M-r 1).. 1 t 1 j j mi it. Toqf , I V l', tvt i 1 a. 1 I I i ji, S'4 ba I .1 I . . 1 1 .1 l.v I m- i .a I t I I i ii a ilia'aiU 1 1 Ilia f.rfrr...a,.B. it wbkh ;oa so u .' tnj.'d with your Li-th.., 0.v. I'aldweiL If y t mil l. k tak h sa, w i4 i .I that di I a a .1 IT r sn tn a h ts lhe p'lb' h 1 C-arral...H w a'd laditatt. Wot'hy brother s..4 a4't (i 'n.r, s !. bvl ,w'r t' prewot, f I r .. at k-nf Ot t. tot , t ao'ijwl tav th ptac. a4 aur of Ihe ao'y aa rl s4 't air p.ry Iv.ti at lbe l.aja a a I O -1 1 mnh, Fe.all, Farewell! I sot J asit ia lb bands i-f It j il.l. lalib, pfi,jr. a I '. b ( aa 'i y. i MM LMlL x mi (sT Ta.ta.4fMt aad svutt brrvivt tie-l Pww as a. T It rwas vet wa Two fias tin H Ma. a. u lioa.t baab a saaaa kataeUlhat liaal fsirit ailk si Used Ilia sui.m. tuud itnwi aa lianas s iW tboUtA yaafkaaw.4 aalaafc. Uy I. a snack la gay skuea law .tar ba'ur i.ark I nii.tlii,aM de sail al nnpuiar urleaw TrasUBsr to be taatalnad in Uit f alar a. kt the jawik, I eta em tieiaa to repritaal touda aa they sr. sad .all tbeaa al Ik. t.ry ittal fnrai I aa an. ranaattly suuelktal Iu a.aiali . fur yoa kvlaalfaUt, ..jki:i:cii. 10" Sami-ka a. al oa si'kralb a. ay II ... A.. LL i A L' C T I O 51 t PAILIIDAV, liu, A L I Imp, rim ttit k.lfule Cr.frrt, It.Un ll Ttit, Corfrt, fyrapv It. Refer by neralaalra to.rb.a tV rukke I SUaakra k.taaaal wank. K A.' taikrV. natnar- It.Ls-a.' bMkinailaaa.wr.U.lliaaM-b.k.a., nmrrrrn; r. v ' Wire not IALEOFIUE UAVAU.-I.tAL SITE AT VAYlTrEVtLLE, X. C, ' (iimpi.'i Own a, u. it i'sr.sT.sar. Wssaitevoa, Murk l at, li.t Ia paraasnrt of law, aad by dlraetl a 1 lb wrelary of Wsr. ih ef ttaa I). A I IsuBS M.laa laiA . .o. Sraanal alls. ef a ta-ie Library ef Tlato sk.', Law sad Mur.Uaa.uot books spll W M. J IMS A CO N C a.Ta.t. t of lis f IL. Stal... tt1k( a.ol.aa- I k rky sn taly ail It e'4 taraiaai. iktr t la. a, ai t la. ..kWaeaa la.eia.1. Wita aa., ft tit I fca'k Ihe y. I ka. alaWlniJ.. .4 prm i a ass ot; 11. etadi. a. tauV atAk wil. la -, at ik. al rl.laMla..t. f key OUI tat S vU. 4 at tlaaf la. la Ssay ka M. ii4 As IM va'ataaWlaf SWtaa Of tba kai.k a. k I all tHaea loaatva' kt vu Waraa. M at -attea Ih.k OO balv a4 a ak Bat. .a. ka earwiel SO aaaitiaf, oaaaaa It raa ah .Haw, kt n.!. gaklsd, sat kt ; tvaaa fm t l a ok ifc. MwK akav hakl to lb. ILan. I aaa aaa.a aaa-(uliai4' oe raaiH . ll I aaaaVaf tlral, sad Bill l sat '.a a.4.aary fwat ll aa4. f M'.a aad rwa ba ear U e. UM till al Ua aaa N fr. T A S i IT t. o t M T T. Jsl to ba4 taay Saa. w ii. jui is. a im flolliil Al 1 at. ea, a f tt CK. fLASlIl al tarte. . rVa. oilb fnrtkL f aW t laa.aaal t ataaat ratal, ta twa-t . ka aaaa ih.. aa a eM.M.i.1 T a.a. . " I 'k t Al-. tka !. fW lk a.., ta -m yta m. afa it Ul. at low K a, il II eta k at ka aay oaS ...ia..a W.,it ) a" fw.iu.Wo.ta.aaaJ C t.w-. Ad oko baa. swd U art raaavl a Ik H "ll k W. ht laa po a( yaaa,. aarfkaa 1 tea wr aaaat " . A- St. I ilaa. Ml aaaas lb. lata al oaaj ba.a. . 4 l-. sadl.ak-w baaaa. Itoaa tt ili.s.a i t t taa ok, rt , taat "SW ft as I baa. oaaa) ak, SI t.taa. all y.aa " tttataa iu Im . aata li aaaas lb f aa. kaa aa4 kaa-l " laT" A ft aaataaa, sa. " ts al Ba k a'L'.aO. 9mm m, a. aaaat I'' iaa.. I lit" artl a ,. k. a ...a a uaa aaal at kkaaaaarai staa at at (eaBUa. ffifti ! Lihrrsl l.fitsl It'll ffi4. CUAalr.l'a Vsltf'ltteU C-l TM.W I a tart.-. h aaa tat.r. ;trka4 t(aaal twt.t as? Ta.aUi bt. at. asrvaab. aet Hid s. r bfiMikt. Iraata Ua a.Li i lan-iuxui.. V I ... 1 1 b. su'd ka oo. Iut sv patnl, by aaUai tw tua, ua Uat (roaadt, eo Tl'EiDAT. Jt'SK l?ra, IfTi, at 10 o'dnek. t. ai. At III tamt lot sat jitf-s in bt wM tka parsuaaait pn.ikfa of r it a Ikraa an barlaa ibarr.aat ..ilk. Virauva I'l.kk k.J, akv.i (aa Wik. Irvta Ik a Aeta aa ait. lb. U aof as'a a. .a ill-l f y ao l.-.rla raak .1 ka liaaa wf ..... and Ik. matalaalr. ua a eittl wl sua la . aad tk a. ..... will, it... ev a at a.t t awat ... una. a.sod by buol aud f aot; Iruai lb. .- i.a-rr t m.kara (l.l. f iataliad dear IfO O aa la pr"l-.if oe.aad aayaaba In ,aau '.-!, a..; be h4 ape a4.slaa to Ums Oca. A Ut nf Ik. impart aaaf be era St tbe eaVraad lb tWata vf bndav raiatu.i.aH a. u A !TM, . tpTla I bUf'. I A A I C A taa bat wl r..aj riJ T till ii At. II A StVk A (i a D SflCTAtLII. F 1 t Ik. k.l.r.-. . f ll,a a ... a t4 taal aVtataao r.yau...iu u.t It. knaaiaai k taaa a i'4i gaa a. -.-1 (a. I. kaw a,' It at . at JlMI A UK y aiv asle citt rsorisxt r on a a i. k . (f tvta. a4t laraa. al Ika taftW faa.1 tf .k. la aaa .r.. .4. a.4 md at yak 1.4 ao ivo al tk. UdST - Ull Ir-'E, , aa the tiy a4 EalaX t v bittt el biaaV "rm ur. utuuiTur -ai miT. ' I adr tl .aaal aa. w . a. ,m.4 IM, 'Mlla.wt W , IM I , W. NhI rt -a.- rLi-v UaU-Xbiat ttat A. lvU4.14 ,Xw-o Tk ka immm an aaaarta f- " al ,.-. . . . . ... . , ... l.iu. Saal W. aakal l...n S mmm mmmmmmm al I anlaa sad k...y It u BaJ ta.l Saaia. aa. t.t loa k.a. aa at a. a. art4. .aa aay .aaa la u. my, kaaaa af laau swaita a K,ai lt.Ma k.aa ar4 auk Ik. taManaa. t tk 4 I t ka "" a-a I. -a.4 ka a la. I tf . fmtt rl a k.aao ea. tkaa aay artk p.. M. 1 a1 aa fva4 ana taat a. aw I... a.-a'.-. aa. ' 'a. ataaaa.aa tUonwaa, a4 f-eara S Wtk'Matt tVa..aj.tas mA w a 0 l 4.luwaamt u H.-.ia. . 4 V a. ataawa. j4ral ta.'. t... I - ' a m y a. aaJ. fcf raa,a af" y ail . it I. Sa., 4aae aal .o. ia.r' I a. tS1 t?Jt.4TI tiAL Stftll t T a4 .3 oka Aaa. Oa.1 ... i-a. a. 1 r.a..l Umkmm. mkm 4Bl fmmS If r t Sill 4 IS ll'H flirt. t.M.S.-.K AIXI tt r -t -. i, b..a... a . k m ... A . .a aa ' tk - -... 4 . . ih. 1 a- i t a- y .- Ba It- la Ika al t all A , ... . .... a.. i A . - .... v 4 ka I a " ' - . i - .y (air a j lata.. -asr ' . aa. , tk. . ' . a ta I, t., paw tk. I ,..-( t t.. I 1a. , t. a t4 . .. . a a .a t ..itt ai tx t.ti irr : t s. - a . a - -a. j IM Wit -a f .'14....a It ka, r.aoa, I.- i H I Ml' - 4.H i Ja ' kaa i ! "I tat .f , It. -.k.a. B.-awy to k. I ra4 a .a, aa4 ta. a-. in. ka . t lawa.a. aiMa.lMa.iaa. . rtkai'a aa.aj.ii r."4 $ VII f , a. af J a It 1. 4a, a A tf I. I.ttlt piffll'l ESTAV, (bolrt LIiore, CItnitMtl-ttUai,jBltat as"1 I S.I. .( sll a a ,. araaaat. ar ...I', . f 4 ll !). o aaj fc I I. Hi If.-wa. U. kll.