- JOSLAH TURNEa, Jr, Editor, : . . T. B. KXNOSBURT, Aaaoctata Editor TcsfDAr Momimo, Mat 0, 1873. . JODITOHIAL EHTBJEE8. In Somewhat burried report of Ma. Binghim'i lecture Aryan was spelt Arias. The writer is quite familiar with the two namct and what they import, bat in tbe hurry of writing he mistook tbe sect fur the race. This correction is made t j pre -rent others from being misled. Egypt is becoming a considerable Cot UJn growing section. Its very great fer tility is known to all, bat all do not know to what extent the growth ot Cotton ia carried. The crop of Ust year is esti mated at 200,000,000 pounds. Tbe gov ernmeot is turning its attention to tbe increased growth of the great serial The farmers in Georgia are forming Ganges" or club." Already sufficient number of them hare been formed to jus tify the creation ol a State Grange which was done at Augusta last week, sixteen county H Granges " being represented. It is not political, as we nudi-rstand, but it is an association of farmers for their owa protection, for obtaining cheaper supplies sod twisting tha encrcachronta of mc- Bopoliea, . ' There is to be a great Industrial Expo sition at Nashville, Tennessee, sometime ia May wa believe. It promises to be one of the most ucoessul aver held ia this country. The arts, trades and industries vt the Wast and Mouth will ba represent, ad.' Other States are applying for space ia which to exhibit their various articles. Will North Carolina take any steps to wards sending any of ber varied produc tions, or will she remain aiwsys " Old Rip r It it said tbe buildings are baud aoma. llera ia a descrlptioa i , , "Tbe north wing cf the building is It luminated by a landscape of lake and mountain, while the opposite wing of lb same corridor presents a polar scene, with huge glaciers and snow-capped towers ol ice glittering with icicles from a broad sheet of water falling la myriad cascades from near the very dome of the building. Oa the weat wing there la a Bummer some of mountain, woodland and dell, with grottoes and caverns, and over tbe rocks surmounting the whole rolls a miniature Niagara. '1 be cools of arms of all the Btatee, ia appropriate designs, are ar ranged around the grand balcony of the mala kail, m Uie antra of , which will be ' caaeadea and bus la tore lakes,: knd la its stxiiaweabrni bjijjIs a must tastefully r caagad pavliLoa lot tha orchestra. The art gallery, ia a separata building, will constitute a oother aew asd attractive fea ture." . TUB COTTOX CROP. It ts said that lbs Cotton crop ia India iur tha current year will ia all probability be abort Producers have become dis couraged by tha pricea they obtain, and less area wl'l be pleated. It is said the Saute thing obtains ia a'l other forelga producing sections. No other people csa squat as la the growth of ibegarat staple, aad ear Cottoa la preferred la all others tha world over. We remember that dur ing tbe war wa laughed at tha heart tit response of a Methodist Ujnaa to the Ministry B bo as praying la aa Engliih chapeL He prayed for ""vjltingtand aavBg Ukeaa M aa elieadael spplj of Cottoa. The lajatta gave out a Wad aad earwaat rvspoasa " Vea Urd, bat The IfjllarJeiphla Agt pertiarBtly re If tha (overanteat ili'lr"p Its leads at tha Mvpta of the South, aad allow theca to anaeege their local affairs la their eaa Biaaaer, to regulate tha laburan of that sect ton to salt tha Siigwciae af the time, tha tailed Slates will, la a few years, master the whole Otlna opl c4 Ub'wm14", asd sairfh IhU maulry to aa aaperelkbd aaleat. JiBce, by lb Sara Caeti, Cutloa caa be UadH ia Freace aaJZsg'.aad iaiisca short iIoj the pradacwrs af that staple ia ladia ara aaak lag aaua sxartUaa tu Increase Laaii stops aad aaeaia the asarkets a4 tha pi aaased. ThU aaaaot be doaa with a pn- wv pnllry towards tbe Cmina prodring Nginsi af Iba I alt4 Suia. OUAX9M COt'MT. This Is) tha week of Craage Cuart. If wa abetik! eater apu tha bMuty U tl ag aa wa have as a'h tmmmim whose aoewle we hste rvccsit'y Mtra4r.t, It woatd Uke Urn star a caf mat Uae and apaoa. Or? w as f s4 la ITll.linta bias vil w, Jmbmtmm aa4 Iia4ea, s4 swlird BjoBu af WUlleaa, rrlne af Orasg, B k SrlM 1 1 U4 Ik r.irl ah IkroM aa4 rwi4 ymilf with hie BOe sUry. Oteg et pma4 Wake, tbalha. part af fUa Ailph, aart of Gaitl sri. sal ail ei fcreu Bad Caswatt. Taa pap f Oraage wsa BSBTg Ike aaytwa live t4 ir- -m aavj la lp- I- a mm this rixiliawal, tf before U IUv 4ulia thy tm;t4 U. abarif la taa tuiWtMM tJ jaal tasaa, Bad .g the (it Is r mt l ry agaiMt taa Stup Al. Is M a p WSS liic Ud at (Haag CweH, swiUag foa a BMrtiag at KaatJk s K.il, wmtm m hw was krja. Tals ae SVtaa4 that " gaa-l s M t. eaae awl af tha stnB ta, Bkf fwat SvV Was al At !( t -w j:ti, 1.7 v numt taaad S Ik aiaa la Utl ha4 ta a kaf s af ! C-anBawaa, M Ike S;'pjae id 4at.g a N-Jxat aaf g'lav aaaaa) I lapl-e f aa rf Ul r".a" t 4 lafa ta las !''" IV fWt watte. j t. j tl f-4 r, ii4(.'i,a:i ia f tM k (Hit 4 w-l .4 a 1. la Kiaa a l's J!,a b!ae la e re- spect thaa the Judiciary but over us by Grant aad the negroes. ' ,. Ilillaboro' was once called ChilJsburg, after tbe Attorney General of tbe Pro vince. Dr. Holt, of Lexington, in bis life time, told us there wsa a tradition that Mrs. Tryoa oa a visit to Hilisboro' pro mised she would make tbe town a pre sent of a handsome clock if tbe authori ties would change tbe name to Hillsboro'. That same clock to. this day tells the good people of tbe old Borough how Urns flies. Ia 1781 it reminded Lord Cornwall aad his army bow time was flying and eternity approaching. Then it reminded Green and his army. Ia 1S03 it n minded Johr -stoa and his army, aud also a portion ol Sherman's army. This weak, the deposed Governor, W. W. Holdcn, will be called into court by the old clock to- ansacr for awless conduct at Governor, in Ordering a set ot cut throats composed of negroes ind whites, to arrest tha editor of this journal without warrant or authority of law, and without vea a shsdow of evi dence that be had violated any law of the State. " Wa hope tbe Clerk of tbe Supreme Court and Adjutant General Oorm in will attend and bring with them the pipers, letters and order in their possession. We shall have something more to ssy of Grange, its courts and history. nOljQJlABLK ST KALI NO. We were struck with this term in read ing Hawks' History ot North Carolina, where mention is made of one Thomss Cavendish, the son of a gentleman, him self a gentleman and man of fortune, who came witb Greenville in the second Ral eigh expedition for the settlement of North Carolina. , Thomas Caveodiah, like Milton 8. Liulefieid, was a carpet bagger. We read oa page 83t,voK l.of Hawks t " He was extravagant and wasteful, and era long found himself with finances con siderably reduced. After the laihion ol bis dsy be. resolved to go into" the busi. of honorable stealing, and t plun der the Spaniards on tbe high sobs, as a gentletnaa Corsair. This practice was by bo means uncommon, even amon men of fortune. Cavendish obtained a orurult aioa from Qareo Elisabeth, and cruised on tha coast of South America. Ue was a despersta adventurer. lie circumnavi gated the globe in twenty-five months, lie burned and plundered a considerable number of Spanish towns on the coast of South America. Off the coast nf Califor nia he captursd tbe annual treasury ship ol 'Spain, filled with merchandise, and 1123,000 la silver. He arrived safely la Engtaad, rich enough to purchase an earl dom, and was knighted by the Queen." Such was a carpet-bagger Bear three hundred years ago. There was peril la Ibis "honorable stealing." Our carpet-baggers who bsve been engaged la "honorable stealing," had the Federal government first to con quer and overrun the country before tbey would begin their stealing, for disguise it as you msy, tbey have beta sustained by tbe power and psirooage of the govern- menu These "honorable rogues" of to day ara richer thaa Tom Cavendish, who with his 1123.000 ia silver purchcacd an carl dota. We were told ia IS69 ,.f a U tter picked ap ia a hotel ia this city, sad wrlitea by a member ol tbe Lrglalatere, telling bia wife that he had male f (00 by voting f.a a United States rWaetor ' Hi aBi arable atuiiagl a .mnii.a ihiaav baa J red years ago, aad it seems to be more comutoa aow thaa it was thaa. Nur is that all, fur the rogue fil high places aad seem to kye ao character by thnir stealing. . , . POOL ASD TUK WO&KIXQMBX. One of our eoBtemnarsriea, the Aler wa believe, fremiti j referred to re4-Juha, tha infamous, as being the prima movsr ia tha org aortal taa of aa aasucialioa kaowa as The l altad ftorklagmea." We ara friHst out t iihaagre that "oar Jof,a" is la dead the rmlileat of this eeenciettua ahk b BtoatUaatabafursBldaUa. If there is aay BvaaaBesa aad deviilrf oa head Jba will kaveakaad Vs U. Ii Korlii Carotlsa say avovraarat will be Bet with SBspicina, if But epra boatllity, wkkh at- kaawWdga iahm aa Its kwad bsmI ia . atpnletrd by his tuaaiag haayla. Joha has UtiM lbs eseaiy tsf aaasnp.iasa Is pf pia4 to greet ax tad corpora Udaat. bat aha Uliaa J J. a I tie Is is) favar ad aaytfcieg. a will sfpnea aaythlaw ta torn, If he, J, ha, la to U ladlvidually ba4tl4. J 4b ts MateaU aad ra say e-aa !. lm a w-d as t- this aBAVrsMat. ll Vs But ax rat, has aa plat Um as y.t. Is Intra M to iu Isom U-dy the lab-aiiag suraa.a BiraaJy svtab- 1UU4. l sa to bate Uk Betal aa l hal sMgaaU !. Taaaly Mates aad TsvtevBafBelrwadyNf.atu4. Joka says platfnrai af prtacs pWa !TI Bva U paklMUaL Frusa what aa said tola r ef Iks Saw Tk 7 i7b, or J tAtii N Is Botklag a-ra B-V baa ibaa S a. ti l (altikk. toladara at! tie aoikUf sxa to aa a parage with Ik Otaat party M at that bey.4 an qBMtiwa, of rra It V Bynad IU praMlaad ti'a to i r atavay easrllaaa. ilta ts akal Ike aapi.a' ripWd BihBasaf Said I "Ws srws a war b the A J kMrat lua at a 1 1 l w -.in w.l fm. laoaa aM M MM Iraaa. aad snaaa Bars art a I auk IB -. arrtwf aiaa w it l- to d.l ua Us Cal laaaawtaJ pr4.VaS ft lk 4at y , kaaita k i4 Ike awaaee f aMi.., ef BIB'l. IBS parau-a af tM paU ta4 l a la ri a , ta s-. ai tt'Ti rjWtt., s aad X ) aad wnkaatt frftd la awt, aB aad B)-B lliei aaf lkaai aa Bill to Ta aaan a? V f -t fc - - - y , wa Bare vt-H a ei, t 4 a . . I W, we aaa1 f l t an4,ikl a- aiaa to w tMawlaas I; II aV Waat 4Ut U-aa. U We ska'l ka'S mmkm la rVx u ita laetaaasat Bf a a. TUB LATH JSO. R. TUOSIP OS. - Tbe New York' Erninf Pott ia a grace ful and kindly notice of Mr. Thompson, who was one of Its editors, aars of bitn': It has rarely beta our M to be associa ted with a person who combined more completely the best characteristics of the Christian gentleman aad scholar than John It. Thompson. Endowed with the warm and quick sensibilities of a native f tbe South, a keen sense of personal hosor, and s chivalrous devotion to his IricBds aad his caoae. whatever miebt be, ne was yet so amiable in bis disposi tion and so courteous in his conduct, that he made " no enemies aad woo boats of Iriends, No one, indeed, ever ap proacbed im without being impressed alike bv his geniality, bis integrity and his mod esty. Hjs powers of conversation were of tbe very highest order, and la older so cieties than our own, where the charms ot graceful and easy talk are cultivated and prized, be would have passed for one of the most sgreeable u society men." fu lled read so variously, observed so min utely, and retained so tenaciounlv tbe re sults of his reading and his observation tbat be was never at a loss for a topic and never failed to invest wbst be wss speak ing of with a rare and original interest. His luml of anecdote aa almost inex haustible, and bis ability to illustrate ant subject by spt quotation no lcs remarka ble. : 1 he toenail poete and essayists seemed to be always at his fingers' ends. and, what is not usual with men of widt miscellaneous studies, liu was as acaurate as he was variout. - During bis residence of some years in England, Mr. Thompsoo bail the good fortune to become the acquaintance and we may say the intimate friend of many of the most distinguished English men ol letters; and he continued to enjoy their correspondence al'ur bis return to this country. With Thackeray and Dickens, Tennyson snd Csrlylc, Bulwer and Brown ing, be aas on terms of tcllowabip, snd we have reason to believe that these emi nent writers appreciated the fine quslities of tbe then obecure American. His re miniscences of his intercourse witb them. passed chii fly st their homes, abounded in pleanant incidi nts and piquant chrac tenxatlons though Le seldom ipoks of the distinguished company with which be bad been honored, uulcas the topic arose naturally In (be course of conversa tion, and then only with extreme delicacy snd uoobtru.-iveuca. His collection of literary treasures was at one time anions; the richest hi the country; but most of these were destroyed st "tha burning ol mcnuionn, st me ciose oi ine ia:e war. JIOW TUB MODOCS F1QIIT. Before Gen. Cauby was killed, or tba ate terrible iliuaturs bad befallen our arms, our soldiers hud found out that tba foe tbey aere filiiinn ngainat aera as brave as ikillul. Colonel Wbaitoo, an luilUn fishier (4 tat nly jears experience, in bis oflieial icport of tbe battle of Jun'y 17th, thus teatiflu: " I never Ixfure encounterrd an enemy. eivilitmj or ssvug, occupying a pwitioo T such gret natural strength as the Ho doe stnmghoid. nor aver saw troops an. a better urined and moreskillul loe. Tub BALTiatoHB Gaxbttk. We ue glad tu leatB that this capital p.ipor, wattl edited and well printed, is to be enlarged and otherwise improved. Its alitorial stall U to be increased and it a 111 take rank In all respects witb the best papers of Amerira. It la a great fariie with as. Would It not be better In retain it present shape raihrr than to adopt tha quarto form-that of the New Yolk papers f THE M0HN1NG STAR DULY EDI I ION: ritbaach fimlv Sfa feara. kaa I ia Lanaal 1 laily Llr.ul.lina ul aay new vapor la ttia aula, anil a uri u'aUus ia aiaiui(tae Stly pay ml, larit ihaa IM 0. aay sUtar Mans eoiUaa IU taa t'arollaa ranaer.M saaklaa aaa ml lk Sa4 r-aally NavayMywra ka .Ht'fiiauua vaa atrre ial scBsciurnox i-kicei Daitt tvaa, I pat, ..... It 00 a aaoaiuta, - . a ... to . aniauia, .... wssslv araa, I yar. t w - Hiiiniii, ... M aauailBa, .... 11 sat to aafaly aiari4 tkat aa swa rrraraMt&a,a M&rfK i .n.ts. a.. ipapa rr r-irnie'S la Worth ( an.Iiua kaa a r rap)4 pmrraM as Taa Monties; ava, a7 oaata t I aaa tvm. Awirn,- Bat M BkBK ARD, Sasokad tralttaf BWf Patravf-ajrM InlU ttrlua. aMt4 aflaacaa, t odri.fc. -taoakaa" IMtaV, Mint lire, Dailf's fffk Tnaa-Uaaa, M-Mim l.-mm tirm Cira, UWi i fro, harlm, Um raa aa4 Imm a, BarB a4 t-tf a SB W. t . I HU.NACIf luSiTITCflo!. TI-s(iriX- ta ! I.1...I lan bia a ra 9.-t J la mm navarf si. mm aaMatiiaiM aa4 I m naii al B' aw. I lai'ni. aa 11 n a. BMiaaKiWH a I mm aa la ao ra Br a ywliaa aaiT.p ta a. wai 4 .a ti.. i.j BJ, 1(MM4 aaB r-a't aaj ay-rau.., Ttkaaura irr fctti $ kltiei irnitM a w y a la a"at a-f 1W, a-.f.,l aa M l41..W ml s m4 ,-m UmmtmM.9 aat-a ift-av m m' a T as-l aka Ira l y aa. 1 Ml . HIM f a.M f i , ti. y la mmrm - It la a Im aalai(amyniaMaa aaH a.! rf aM mnMa aa 1 S. ' hi laa a,H in u 4, -, i 'tit .1 imt (.oakaa ' aaM..s i-l, aa m aa s mmm mmmm a... (k 4 a.M mm i nil .a .4 im iih r. y -a hi la a., a tM aa at i 'S.i ' t.t ... . nt , rtrirrf. 'llinliiii Bjnira itinsii. 0lJ s . ais-4 n. t lUlLlllllil llillUii ILIlllLILIill. PATENTED? r K j Xi. I i X c i o g k I S S " a s -vs! w W k h " d : S- XBa S 5 SBBj al I THE CNLT FERTILIZES, (EXCEPTIVO PERUVIAN OUANO.) IS THE UNITED . etatee,(to our knowledge,) tbat ta aold 8f aUCTLY On a CASH BASIS. u has wotnocli a marke t and extensive reputation throughout the Cotton gr winx raglnn of norvn Carolina aua y irjrinia, vaai uis nsnuisa 'HHE "SOUTHERN FERTILIZING CAXNUT DO MOftK THAN SUPPLY TBE EST KE CASH DEMAND FOU THE ARTICLE. Tlsnters who will need small nusntltlea, for second application to their crops wonld do welt to cad ta Uielr orders AT OS vK, aa we have now -Ji V Eli Y SMALL LOT ON 11 A N D , bleb la closing out rsp'dly. . TIIIH lMlUTILIZKIl IH HOLn OULY FOR CASH!. Sole Terms : rtOOlicrTonnf U OOO itoiimlai. CnNh. nt out- Wiaa-o. sovxaseist norioiK, v n. Drnvaire from Wnrehousa fJO ciH. iter Ton AfltlU iiouni. Irciirlit to I)ewt iuntlon COTTON C.W.GRA1Y&S0NS, NORFOLK, VA., BDeelal Jinata for the Caaiaat for f aatara yintuia. LKUANT UOtaK AND LOT IN KAL- EIUH FOR BALE flavins: tmrchtaed tha rleirant tronsrty knjwa as lDUtAlLI), lata tlia raatBcBea of Mr. klniralaad, sltuatut oa Ncwbera Avenns Juat oauida of Uia city lluiila, 1 will acll Ui sarae en eerumaaouaiins; turms both Ss to price sad credit, I ana wlllins; u all the whole, or osa acre, bs.'luUlti( tha Baalilnc hsoaa. klir r. BATILE, dec l-tf llalemh, N. C P R I G PZ1NTI A taryrs sad toaattf al tut ot IPBINU ASD tl'MMEK PRINT!. PfrefSo Parealca, I rauaae aaa Laaeaatar Caaabtkra, Bwtea aaB Baauawr Alie a. fl aM W. U. K i 1 1 CKEK A CO. Tft O R K E X T A aa mmm.mm BSw BAaA. " a A , S . aoKIBtaauI U KLISJSK. ATNR A 1. L C i T T tf3rRrO-GrlIl AND COM MISS ION MEItCAAXT. 1 have a fall Uaa af Baavy sad faarv trocar le ot the Bnt e,aa oy a Band UraWra aull ali4 aad aa Wfatk oa (aarantrr-IT" I Bare aoar aay mtm KmMrm Baaataa ka aa eaaalal aparailua aad al4 Be trava ta Bare faaal kaa try say fnaa aad yivre ruastad Cvaaa. Oaly Baai qaaiilWa rnaal.a I aas awTta Balli emu aniirs ' Cora Vaal. I ala, P'lUliiM. aa. ttf. Apl4a W kite sava fMavn Paaa, W BUa aad aa.aa4 B'aai aw V l4 an o kaiaa, Binkaa4.i ka. Ikarua, Sail aa4 Vaaawai Uaax, ai.Sc IwUM aaf).y ol tUwa VlBl.IMA WaiioM )a.l rrrairaal tknaa la aal wak mm .B SaeaJI aasas aa Uh wiatBS raw at sttv I taa Biajaaa. 1 aaa awa aaaa'Kiamr a ) a 1 artiae of BaauSiaa takaxva. Id ahk-b t )ual4 Iw tfcraaa4 lararttva r..ra ai4, U gaaraatat tlx aaalllv raaal ta say akMata)ra4 ks Ala lata. eitf.lkf now To KprtiUte haerrtilall; RA.XDALX It roOTl A CO- Biaaaaa taa Ba aaa Ta ttaaaaaV, f SmwiMlvx IbkauiaUIMS mmw4 ImalMit -alntvtra AV".kl. t Aaaaf- Aa la S.a .t i ka-ae ' ' B B-r.akHM "Wall 9Um aal Ha i f I V A f I J !'iT A f ' I Y !."." I"e trHxaUaa I IIP. Al "J I ? TA I.l.r. o Tin Bnir? trBi nvt.jr.ti.s I tt II C I) BuTTo iiiswiirrtstt'ii, , - , in i rtirur i.rtf,rairi i.ir.ltX.I,'.:;; IIIJH-UrEIAIUE. j a .t-. JTim7.lr jsu i! mri uu it. j.rk. ; 1, i ', -Tul Saa tmj ta van IU aa 1? A St u J B L O t . A1 Iiaai4 ial k. r.lrava4 ! a ka. aaM . T etoAitl a kau IilMl-il. t a.. a tkta a. ...,. aaf VaiaiO Art m Sim mymmm. '.'ZTmmm.Z mmm at Ika tmrt aa ay kav Sa.liUai SWwaa. n i tT "k A( II ') W I a a"-4 S aaaaaa 'v JVJyJ ss siirs.t an-a-i. C IMi S.kea (HiUnttlltt'l. F u ftol X c ), a, S i a.. r ' ' w h ..! m try a OS mi J! C k S 2 " o a o 73 mi a e I a o A COTTON FERTILIZER arers. COMPANY", mCHMOND, VA.,) to 1 tnld liv Pnrtv order FACTORS ant VLM1. XWih r.ni;.. ..J in.iiu..u aaarsdlwlw I500TS ic SHOES. SPIUXO GOODS. c. d. um t CO. AKD M A T Si Are rareirias; ialiy aa 15 t. K O A. N X 'afutTof ttr'""" -- "N KXVTSix M 'I V L. :m Boots & Shoos, kirk far rtc. I)untlllltr Af. c omlbrt ere aaaarianrS, " -ALSO- A NU Uaa at tfiii llirl Ms fsl.rr. fir Ills. . CtltiailkEilitallli.!. nirrinii hutiiiiiti, ssar s XTA?A.A .CAJIU im, Crrt.rt. ml A.V K W. Paa, arf JuBaatiaa laraaaaBy kfllf Vf.C.aTRu'tAI IL ILK MotliTAl tHiiag I J Nami S. aaS tkn. tut kM w.ii. du 14 ta A t"Mluil.,i i -. .. . - kl ,,,,,. mi.. ,lu"1 " URI llliaataa, tbaaiam, 'laalaia.1 av. mi wa aynaaj Aw4 mm ri fa a !. ; Baraat aarrtea, b. ka laA.a saal af ta. W. J.-iawAf.a, Ta, ".. w"1 " " J'Mll a. " II al ia - falwaw.arM tatBraaajB ll- aimsaf aaa Saaai . staan mm, mm aa-wa In akJ awl tea ! a ai"- aay IkaaV.. aBaaaaaa ioU iLlia u rl Ki-iaaw as, Baa-aja, B J0. UIILtlb, wa ' cABitaUrr av cnoTUia, l4k)M Pa-at, a 4- -?- lasirtmiaj Ikstrsak Irserrv JdWrt ll fii Csnrs, 1 1 rips, is, ;.!., tiua., p 4 u.k.k, I I .- . w Jiftaa a. W l. fr,t I.. , lAW.a,B, k t m.mmm 101$, SHOES ' " C R E - E C FA YETTEV1LLE STREET, V SALEIOU, H.C , f WUOLCSAXC AKD KBTAIL DRALKR IS STAPLE AND FANCY DRY. GOODS, WioIcm, Flinntls, Hosiery, Millinery, While Goods aV Yankee Notions BOOTS, SHOES, U.iTS, THl'JTHS, 91LISES,te. I offer to mv f rtenda and ruitomara a full linsof arUcul rly atUacUve and deairatilr SPRING 1D mill DRESS GOODS, ' and s txaotiful assortment of I1P1.1 SILKS, WHITE t COLORED PIQl ES, to which jour special attention Is Invited. rials, DomriliriJatloDadr, Dark, Jtani md riireCoomGerjttilljr, in all desirable grade, styles and prices, nuicu t ruaiauuw ul anil. Clotlis, Cassimers & Gents Fnrnisliiiii! GOO D S , In greater vsrlsty thsn ever before. RIBBONS, WIIITH OOODS, LACES AKD TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, OUlVKS, TOWKLS, AND TAKKKE MOT IONS, CORSETS, plain snd etnhroldei MsrfameFoy't,Thomp. ton's Ulove Fltlinir. Ilaark'a Dsn and nth.r eclebrsted makes. ' Iloop-Sklrtv, Bustles, Ac. An Immease stock of B oots & ShxreBT from coarse to Una araar ra ni. .nrf snlt 11 In wsnt of tbeaa goods All of tbe latest styles In Genii Silk, Cork, Striw md For Dili. PARASOLS, . s soecliillty aoms of tbe It test Pari novelties, and a Luga t'oc-k of "LTmbrellas tor tun snd rain. You should see them. Exnerlisiiea haa In m .ltu. l.n,.k l..i I .1.1 fairly with all, and the unprrcepented f ucuest . in xum laav year naa iua ecu neto lay tu a much lajrer stock thnn ever belora W t Ich I ran Brill mnii An .-II i , i . Trasuna to be auitainrd Id tba future as la .u- ymm, au.ii arer conunns lo rcpreacut SO-KlB aa tbev ar anrl a.ll il,..n. - ,k.B lowest Dncee. You ara nnuili u,i...if n BU.l.l 11., IUU1KI1. Kerpertrully, A.CKKKCII, MT f amplea atnt on application., ap Il-d2dtwat g HJTHERN EDUCATIONAL LB I REAL 1. T.I sid sll who dwlis wall quallflal 1 To repnucut tuachera bo deal i a Dual Uou r i . To irlve parents InforrasUao of tvlioolt, 4. To aall. real anil .ai.li.nM .k..i . - - - - yrv wa. fc Auurraa' JAB BOUTHOATE. dec HI-dlUwltAaliwCa. Huuboru, . C. URDU W ILL OUT titsiu.iu I'lH-l-'if URIS : ! J - .h j 1.101, u a l 1 1 1 dmwd, droraa aeaall ot cart down Faiella- tin vealMil.ir a a. ... i .. . .l.iii- Tiii-! Pireet lo Uie uarart, a bar ba diapiad of Ma produce, snd a Ilk the iruceeda. i. P. Ot LLlT A to., A IIANIHoMK U ltl.NU HtlT, la whlrk ka tnaula kla inrair.M m tk. .t. -rl;a ll,al ha aa a waU dic.nl auaa, aaa aa luaoa km piaca lo nay llothiaf and I try "uini ao aaa ao iiaeaia- r tl IL A. CIHI, IM4k. tHara,-rtwev tlrt wf mm wi an wraraimoaa Pi -U U. T. BTBONACII A iHtO rl'MKftl'' TESTS HAVE TROT ED rrUa4IHIEWftlilS Wnltn'-Whee! TO HE THE BUT EVER INVENT III PaaapbUH fra. Addreaa, Torh, Pa. star ttCai BK HIVE ANt XX aiUAk t'l I.PI llaasa aad Biaaa'ast Bulla al aa 1 if ui. aiiioXAUt Akka JOkrPEk'a lUtU'lAM (Loire Llqaors, diotoaa HfonUat, CaMme ntT risah af all kiiMla ilr , la a aaua. iOSADALIS OI'ptErytHf boi thEE I L r.av i,lk.,. tl( -. -'. la .1, tLmmm - a .a..- i .. ,... "m mn, I navBa. K . f a. at d. " " . .ratua Oatll I a I .mi Svm , -, , -a.tai ajaaaa Uv'Z'" '"' C" -a v '- m fmmm 4 hmm, f -- I .J. r ,,-TT ' ' ' ' '-m ua,, t ' 'k. a.., , . tk. , , tataaa r ' ' a , i. w. ' at-. - mm,mm M u. I kuaitt .aa.ai, i"a aa wi aat mmmm m mm a a. -f a- i4. o lakak a an a C . y a i - S-.a a . a t ( B IWaHtBaasw , lUKiritlCav, I r Kia aaa Mr Jciii r. iu sr. rn.rn.mm W , aa f m'r- a -a -a .k, a. Saa aaaa A ... tmrnmrnm f-M .V. B.a at a .i i III Oua p,,. m V-a W,mmm rj,AUTZ' fcEA FOAM" POWDE18, ' j - - . w , .i naa lug Powders, from 2 cs to S lb eana W. C BTKOKA' H. UOTION SALE SATURDAY,! Dm, of a larxa Library of Theo-pslcat, Uv and Mlaoellaaaoua Hooks. u sp!7 W. IL JON E8 A CO. Tho PcodIc'b NATIONAL B AIJII INCREASE OF CAPITAL STOfk- 1?kh,nB uthr't) to increase Us JL Cspjlal ftock to li,(A4; NoUra la haraby KWea that Book, af aabHpZ. , now open for tba suUiorisrd Increase T ofA75 7. auk-eribed or until I July 1871. Pay menU ot auicriitions will be tnulled m int, .V? rrta of 8 per cent, per arnum, from data of ' payment to ttie close of book- of ub IpTloa h.... A. Mcl.KAiN, VSatitcr. Q ALE OF THE U. 8. AR3ESAL 8ITE AT ' FAT ETTEVILLe, N.C. Orihsh(-b OrricB, . Wa rf,AMTWEH WssaiMOTOii, March HI at, 18J3. in purtusncs of law. snd by direction of Uie "ccrclary of Wsr, ihe lands of tba LT i" known as tbe North Carolina .. aituated In the westera suburbs ot Uie el ty of rayrttevllle, N. C, al l be sold In one lot or parcel, by public suction, on the grounds, oa TUESDAY. JUNK 17tt, 1KT, . 10 o'clock, a. m. Al Lha aalna lima anil ij.u .:it k. ...u . . ' kwv. wiu in aoiu ins permsnont privilege of Ukini; clay front a tlirM. .i.M lr.nl am ik. V...... :, 4. t. rUnk Koad. abiiut taa mil... 11.. . , . ..vm. Mia Araa-. nal site. 1 be terms of tal st prcacrlbet bv law' ara ona fourth o..l, .t i h. - uum wi aaia, ana ins rauiainder on a credit of one, two and th'es icara, wiu iniaraai at six per -centum par annum, secured by tool sad security from the parchaaer. circulars fivinir detailed description of tha Drooertv Al . and mi nih.. lnr .1 . allwl H.u 1. k.,1 1 Al..- . . OtHei ' ,-, ,uU Pu the property may be aeea at the otlice of the h Klater of Deeds, FayettavUle, 1. C. A. B. DTRR, I hlef of Ordnance V. 8. A. ap7 Hin I M Kl L I X It Another car load Vi. 1 Pr..k n...i 1 1 1 snd sold st lowwt rstcs. Also Cement, Cal iinuMwiauu riaater. James m. towlf.. apll tf Commltsloi AlarebnL J-J K O V X N D 1 S t onttantly recelvlnii supplies of Fodder, 'hnaf Oata and Hay. Alau la ata a H.-.H lau Oats auu i.oniDeii rras. JAMEa X Tow Ltd, Btar All tosa. MerekaoL VOTTOM AND CORN FLANTEKH. la abora, at factory pricea, arlu, fraU;ht, raatersIiDproTed Cotton Plaster, the mutt aowrr anow. liornao s celsbrstrd rL.nL.-r .ni Ml, r. .11.. ,1. - if . flank r which never fails to rive satiafacUoa. AMao at. TOW i a a, P"" AranL Wanted. rPWO OR THUF.X GOOD BRICK M0UL. X dert. at ouce. , appiy to A. C. 8AMDBK1 ak CO., P Ba Shtaitaair.i, -Bacon. Q BOXIS CLEAR BACON. JQ BOX Ed KIB 8IDE1 !T H iltl BKEAKFASr PAOOM. f - TlIRCf I! HAMS. J tkrapat A. P. SASDtRS A CO., Na. I Martia Street. ap JO lor Sale. t)- T1EBCE4 STRIP. mmJ HXIMUAD ITEt P. g HOOSIlEAMCClAklOLABIEA. At A. C. SaXDERI CO , -ap JUklKax:a tUa.1 TUB LEV E.N WORTH, UWREXCE ABB (.ALYESION R. R.IC0. or eajtsas, ' lUtlac aow rwr.it 4 tmrit pala-.!. k fuil frasa ' tBa WwtiraaaaaV aaa ks eavkt mrtj :B,DJ ItTd Ir-:!rat Int avw4 kt aid taf Um Raad By tka I alkad vaiaa, a aii pwi.ua at ekwk kaa ksaw Raawrval a-aaa lbU tala Saawa 1IS4 1 kw la4a are aMwIy ktmwt By Iwa rai mara. aaS U.a nj awUoaa Wa-t Wa j, artiaaa f waaway yawra BaaaaMa ttill awd aalanaal atatfcaM aaw a tmmtt aa4 Sue fatal s-aaa4laadaatawe ka aaa) aa.i law aoaa.aat .e.a Its mm-mmmm WiW!a KWil, M taJ at k ralaa af mmrtmmx aVataWteaa C3Asaat4 F-wre Wa'ae ami ttia fMl tak. ik aaa Ua l- mm A,arsUa af aB ssf ewwaaVaataal Aavwvw. Iwa aaa daxy mmm I aumalt, Lav r a aa I kaaaai i it,, lata I twkt w aa L. L. A a. LI. IK. - . , i tmm ' . mrmm mrm rmwmm mm mmrm. mwm ka awrtkaa y-anbaataif taaaa taw aawt mi - ... m,M ah aay imtmmt ywwa -'S ll i OH B W a VTT. t-aaJ IH, ABaaaka. Baw.ar L I AO , (a,U.-w, fca. mm as Ba. fcoil p.iTATotl. i j Srt.B fa-aaa, Piatli aa Pwtataaat r k t.f rutalata. t B Piaila PwtatMaa, 4-mmmm W k.kt r-Aaaaa, M ISU " ", f u St.il Mib ka inytf viisr rttys 1 daaswawt ' af. v, ii(.ai ' l m it u k ii sr h 1. 1 1 " a mi I it II o E I . Piattlaq f(llt. tW. 4fyM t b 'kl t-.t. I a"f ... mm -t 4i ux iiiwie a i".