T1TTJ CTXT'TT TTi,i "TUESDAY, HAY 6. 1871 TELEGRAPJ1IC NEttI - ' Sunday Meat's Dispatches. GENERAL NEWS. V , i . 1 -J. " " ' Sax Tkakcuco, May 4. Geo. Davis baa arrived, eia Lava Bed and Bait Lata. Great excitement was caused la mining circles by a card, of Geo. J. 7. Harrison, of New Orleans, Superintendent of tbe , Stafford Lioa Star Silrcr Mine, deanunc ' log tbe whole project as deliberate fraud ' and windte. Nearly 1 200,000 la ttock had been taken and paid, principally Id Now Orleans, , Wasiiisotob:, May 4. A committee from the two well-known CM Pbl fraternity of the North and Sooth, beld a session in this city on Kd ' " day aod Saturday, and bare agreed- upon , tertos of consolidation. The committee preaeot on the part of I bo Kotth.tra order wera Wm. gutpheo, of New York ; Chas. F. Heodrix, Coopcr.towo, It. Y., aod OtU 0. Tiffany, Washington, District of Co ' lambia; and on tbO' part oi the : Sootbern order, Wm. P. Bishop, of Pe teiiburg, Va Edward Bland, of Wll fllle, and Meade IJaaliog', ff Ilicbmond, , Va, Tub fraternity ia tba oldoat college fraternity in the country,' having bees organized la 1827, but a sepnrstion took place at the commencement of tba late civil war, and tba preeent moyement is to 1 again nultatbe Nortbcra and Southern nana. There are in all about five thou sand members, with two chapters of Pott Graduate, one of which ia In Pbiladcl ptila, and tba other ia New York. FROM NEW ORLEANS. Nbw Orlbaxs, May 4. -'f wslvs bouses oa Lafayette and Kreret streets weie burned tbia afternoon, loaa $30,000. During tba fire a den of nickel coanttrfsitart waa discovered, and a targe quantity waa captured and several arreat were made. T. . . , - Naw Ibejiu, May 4. CiUcana of Ilxria Pariah hart orrneitMl a tax misting aaeoclatioa to-day. The . meeting waiter? enthusiastic. Addresses were made by several members of the bar, who offer service free of charge. Reao- i .. . i . . ,i . , i i luiiiiui am utnjiflu . cn ill ir i ii u i in.rr. nor McEnery, repudiating Kvlingg, and urging resistance to the asurpera eullec Uoa of taxes. A hundred Mutrxpollttns r with a piece of artillery have goae to ht. Martinsville, St Martin Pariah, to install h Kellogg officers, )- COXORESSIOAL COXFEREJfCK. '. Sr. Louis, May 4. forty-three member of Cnngrrse, rpre aenllng in part the Ptata-e of ANIweie, Arkansas, I'liiiois, Louisiana, MUIhkid, i'taaouri, New Yrk, Nebraaka. Ohi Puooetlvenle, Tetineaae ant) Wlaronala have already amviJ. Of the invitations to participate In Congrtiaalooal Cunfritm-f which is to sunt brre i a tbe 18th li.bii only all of those Invited ksva to far uV clioed, and they suiely brcaase of lapor. taat bualrxM engagements. Cspl. Jaa. II Eedea,Capt. W. Oould, Capt. John A, , BcadJeread O. R Alka have beta ip- pointed a .'rclal coniitiitH to rrjrfl Ja detail Ihs want of Ida MlsaUlppI Ysllrj sint requiring Cnngn-atlrmal attention. A rwiueae iiaa Lira reoivail fria Ke " "OrteaBith'rrwarh't'wswibrT-wf tm.nwrr; r like txgsmaaiiiHi ia !! Mieeieipu Yallrv. tin ln t A tn arn l rlrli-r.ll ma lit Bismrp MiiLVAtNr hemaina Nw Yi at. May 4. Bishop Mallveiare'e - frwsitr Wr' ir. eotapaa'al Here by IUt. W.J. Sma, of th AaMrk-aa tplarmpal tpitcptl (bspl of Parie. Tba rrSBalas will a4 b tmoT4 ' '" trota tht staamar ah til Mody aftarnotii. Tba (WrsJ cartmuctUa la lltta city wt M estmat y simp. FROM WAMIHUTO. WAairia, My 4. Th Im oaa baf.ir the Anwrieaa and f paaisaj Clalma Cnaii" wUk pd adjadieatti )r-4j w i .t ,4 Patfeclw da lty 1h tltioawf was a Ppaauh Mlt, aa i a lit IU at NpteasUr, 1970, dlard bU b umttoaj to watnias a tit t of ih tailed Stat. The Cvratka Uw tka asttU asaal 4 rtalaa M tinmm exiara agaloat Pp.a wa rattaVd FrUswty 1171. Taa aiUlr.4 . aa ukea lh f roaaj that lb)s liMl rliU.a 4 lh , I'aiU t H ta, a4 asawul tianis mm till law ttiaa I i.d byawt kaa saHs pira, aad IkarrfrtaK daaa au MM ia lh taroM a tba novetii. Jadg Otto, abarator ml tS l't(. J tula UhtalM iPmmi p.witWi. Imtfm Mag a dirt -a U 4iUla -t lb caao ill b bfl la b fe(Hr, Bir. I.rf, Ih AaairUa M Mrr Tk d.cUi t4 It ls t wii) 4i U nl.l ainiiUf ea bw pr4tag t- IhS ( UMllMtl. 1 k pnM 4jaaMa lis tUla4 by la KaUi siltn rlr b mrm mrmri4'f 4l by l wlaxl d mtl fW lab aaa Aatart. ra r'.inw lb ttt-f, Ikal axitaltb' Maxlog lb tvwi bta HMn4 , UU UuUja tUf aU4 ala4 sb. tk'U sMi4i oaiiy a Mil Ik ' Icywi.'I W kav'ag b r.(l 4 iwy arr4 mfm tmm laii'l a aa l" J . . A?C"ri!l It l M'VX. i (.KM, M.; 1 J .! f t '. k 1. i4 l-v-g. I 'rf t f jt;'S IT a' h a.if I Xoaa DlapatfcTaea.' DOMESTIC NEWS. A FEARFUL ACCIDENT NINETY PERSONS KILLED. Disox, III, May S. Tfjeiion br!dga gaTawsywirt twol hundred persons including many women, who were witnessing tbe baptisut. Thirty two dead have been recovered. Twenty four of tba rescued ar Injured, soma fa tally. I( is feared others are under thej ruins. Borne bodies have been i and six miles below. ' Lnas about ninetv. FROM TMK FKONT. " Ha.i Fhakcisco, May S. No deniooslrutiotia n either side." Gen erala Davis, Il.irtlit aod SchoStM are lo tbe field. Nu'liirg can be done uiitil the arrival of tli fourth infantry fn m Little Rock, aod fire troops of cavalry from Arizona. FROM WASHINGTON. Washihotok, May 5. Generals Sherman aod Uoward testify before the American and British Mixed Comuiiaion "that Columbia, & C, was rmt fired by order or by federal soldiers. ANOTHER RAILROAD ACCIDENT Pbikcktos, Ikd , May 8. I lie excursion train hence to Slount Caimel, III., p!ui( ad down an eight foot embankment. Th cars were tinned bot tom up. A number were seri' ualy and some fatally hurt. FOREIGN. Roue, May 5. The Pope suffered a relapse and is sgaiu confined to his bed. FliOM NEW YORK. Naw Yomk, May S. Member Of tbe Darien expedition were on tbe steamer lining btar whic h arrived yesterday, they having surveyed a practi cable route for a canal which will be only twenly-eiglit mile long via the Atrata, Dogoado and Nipai riven, an I an esti mate of expense of seventy milm dollars. I ha rout Involvjs a tonne-of ihrea miles. FOREIGN NEWs. FROM MEXICO. Cm or Mix ico, April 27. Tbe Tress reports of tbe success id Roaecrani or Plumb lUilrosd project ar contradictory. Ueari olticnliy aswru t,hat th government baa rejected Ilia Bar row gusge i ffur and const quenlly U at- cranx baa nothing now pending before fie K07vrnment. IXaris It known t 1 1 ia Plumb's inteast. Tbe luiportatlon ol coffee fmui Mi xu d In tha U. S. govtruinaut ar beginning t aaauro Urg propt-rtion. MerchanU expect great , advantages Iroen a line of ttramcr to be elabluhed beiwevn Vera t'n.i and New Oiltana. Tliv C'tiurcia is diariiwlrg nmenduiei ts to the coiin'iiiiiinn in ikinir furllier re forma. Um( of w.Mkiaxmeti uji lbuTXi aual Pat I lk railroad hi v. r aclifd fci 'iti. Th Aaaoeiated Preaa at the eapilnl pmpuars iq e.(ibliali an anylum C-r supi r aaiinawl and iMligt J nra ' UldBtgbt Dlptrkea - Domestic News. Ulli DIXri llATKIt .... fhxmi, May uj otu in tha cly is la atouraiaav a! v(. Jlit Jijure,! j.jraLctLi)er; ritka ara Uing ercuU to hit ihe wreck, when th full loss of life al l b nor tatasvr, ttjiiagh asi'y w pirwia (mm country anad not ferxa-lsd mining will swall Ihs bss trnibly. Tb brnlg I lor aad broken aad hangs ltm th I"-" and -braa Pp't1ng siyht la Ilarlf. At awcls raj wuuxa aad cbildn-a wrft erwUxd la to th river, whi'e at the "vita aadabcratb kmm af lib was graaiaat, the bodlt wrt he! J flrruiy to the bi:tira ol th nwt In the art Work ol Imu, Mrs. arit Itmry who tt a J wa fatally Injured, (a Bow better. Charles Murray frecUrvd Umm-s of tlia b-g aad l r Ixhm aad fenived arvera imtt w wads, Init la dwng well this ornrg. Mra Murray I eJaa afirtabl aad bet Irv. Mr. Kl'a C mpb-ll, of DanetAwa, Sr4y iajarvl, is doing writ. Thrt were srvrrsl buyirs oa Ihe lilg b"l rog ti 4 ae van ia tba xavi wa ii Mrd, llhk.wlaotaisud. Was la. II. Hock's koa acd r a I'd lb brtdg aad f J lb kMe kaa 14 beerrW. It 1 1. Jm4 Armatruag, Jr( bmI dowa la Ike a ah aad was m' pelleJ to era el mm tb t-Hloes of lb nrr aal (na aa-lcf ta siJeasik i4 tt bridge; bat kwtaf aa slh'sHc ataa aaved tsastll aad kalpnl to Nsh airrral. IWUa M. iVMssavrd saaay Ut. ( .4 I. II. X-At'm aU a karra rrW ) held Mrs. rss lb s l.ll child aad weal 4aathK tmm mp sa4 iat4 th l.tlU gut bat W.ly s.ri b,m-i, M-w. XU aaa m,y-i tort im has baabd, bat W oml I a rork bar la the f.! U eaaa. itoae waa a aw a4 kaaaa bet0 U m.mm lh. Tty IJraal, jM 4d, aiaag t a piaak aal Was pk had a p aal aklfal tb.w. EL patik kp4 UUl Ike W ale aad aavd kiaaaatr aad an ttal fctea. W.U IWi'y with UB( Vd Kvra, aaxwg ' ttsra Ur pak H"a Upai,e4 im M. il.. p;wd t im at aad bs sat ftm to 1, n f ui sWism m a bar h. f ay l iha r..ra to J, e-l hwl kimt M' locate car. J . r " i L raaw t neat a ft W, WmI. i't si t4 I ; tola aW) l.t aad Kwaed Baaaf TW a.i s t.l l -l.s l.l ,4 tb ! a Imt d"a aa W-t- w lb r' rad bridge. Th body of Fred. Hope waa found floating orariy a mile dowa tha river. Tbia moni'mtt all those re ported anitaing ar probably ia tb set work ot tbe bridge at tbe bottom of the rivtr. After the night's work under- Superintendent S. C. Jacobs, of th Iliia- ois Central Railroad, who rendered much aulstaoce, a derrick waa erected and it It hoped this morning th iron work will be lifted so that the bodies will b recavered It is (eared the extent of th calauvty i not yet known, for there mar bam been many oa tbe bridge from tho country whose names are not known. Among tbe killed is Miss Bettie Payor, daughter ot Mrs. M. L. Payne, editor of tlia Chicago La-lit M'igazin. . FROM NEW YORK. , ' Naw Yoke, May 5. Pacific mail slock fluctuates widely. The last quotation is S3. The decision in the Stokes case Is ex pected tc-morrow. It is believed to be advene to Stokea. A. C. White, broker is dead. In the suit f the people of the Stjtu ol New York sgninat Jas. 1L IneersolL Judge H ,rdun preaiding in special term, decided tiie demurer inlrr posed by de fendant, that tbe people of the btate bad no right of actum uules the county of New Yoik was made a party eitberas piaiiiuu or oeiica int. An' appeal was lakeo to gvlicrsl term, and Justice Ingra bam to-day delivered a deciaion sustain ing demure- This is the famous ring suit for six million of dollars in which Tweed, Connally Co., are iovolved. SUICIDE OF A U. 8. OFFICER. Watxrtowm, MsyB. Lt. John L. Worten, army officer, sta- tiooed at Madison Barracks, Sackett'a Harbor; enrntTelmfrJtdretefaaf morning by cutting his throat. The death of his wife . somo months ago it is sup- poseu deranged bis mind. Ilowasasoa of Admiral Worten who commanded tbe Monitor in her conflict with the ram Mer- rlmac. DEATH. I'liii.AOEi.riiiA, "May HI llou. Hugh McAllister, delegate at large to Constitutional Convcotion ia dead. KOKOEUY. ' HT. Lfills, May 5. IhebU Ijiui .Savings Bunk has been awln.ir. il of 2,500 by an elcganily drcas- eil in. ui forgery. FllOM AUsritl.). j VlKNNA, MlJ' 3. lt i t l priori-. b ia Ih. ii maiio iu tli arraiigtuiKiiianf il.e interior ol t ln Kxlii Wtioa boildifg since orwiing. All the departments are filled itli gml ixi ept that of th U. t. wIim Ii is uil nipty. Great lU'linaiion la felt by Awiicaa n bibitxra with tliis state uf iI.h,l' The publ.o have be. ii admit led dai'y a i or the first of My. Ilifl aeatlittr boweier, has Ueo uiifuvoiablii, ram having I.. J a'ni wt uontiaiiily sine tin owning and thu nuuiUr ol tUitors thus lar is below what waa txprctcd. STATE or NUHtlt tAol.IA. Wasa LotatT la th 8uir!or Cuark Kaddla l.sonra aa aUm eiattator of WUliaa Uwtif. dtca ta. J, mai Itnddla lirorg Id hi iKu( an tut Martha A 0rrra. alias IIoImdb, Jua,h llirtwoa. Kmllr lUlta l.vorv n4 stben, hi m- ! . hiw wi Muj " i inn eyqs aa f'titioa to sail th buds of tha tnkatat Wililaoi ttrorfi, for tlia purpose of uajma: I'U Erf II' Itrlea Grorx. mum mt Um Ui "aiotd drfrtij. mi and who la a rrsident el 1'iaa Bluff, a Bula ml Artamaa. ia aeraby aot4aad to aa and ar at the , Irrk'a efae elUaaapertorCoaitet Wska enty a lor Hid, In tha Cort HOaaa la the My of K.I tiU oa Moaday ni ITih daj ofTicl an I aad saamw or dVaiar le the raeaplaiat la tat aeU a wha-h baa IwrtIM Maa4a4See aaa M Iba aakd mt.f 11-iMt (Monra teas BoUee thai If rbe fad lo sn so, the arr ef the puiuUri aUt ha-nnal4 aaawding sw aare ewaiplatat. liitaw al mfir this It h day of Jaaaarv. IWi J. . Bt'NTlN, 7 Wbrrk of rep. Coart s d Jadf af , frotuta for ah maalr Utt 1 I U(i COMfaST. Ha aver , aafaly '.ava.tr d. tlaaaa saawal Erviwae af ever H.(l,t a ts taahaf aeav a, aoTVIaa saaaatrf. It la th.r-.kly taiatMataa, aad Ha aUllty ts tank th twt aevaHty, at tneat ir l aot s BMtwr o aaprrleaawt. It baa fM aWta Um hi this DfttWeV aaWarti Nartfe CaruSM aad af TkybaU, wilbia a tsarttna af tan 0 a. The eowa.iAM ,4 mm .TSA Uf I lUC? ara UkEkAL, MAcTICAI, lA0)i, UL " as H11" iosi rohrtiTtm i row TWO TIAM. s.rd saU,Tf ItAl taral aw'hwa, .ad TilVT ARE Af7H Tiuitrttu ... - - ? laansSMIM the wltl mm WW T mm hua WMa jwm W aad iaM by fmf mm y-a ara ( Wr U) b-M S r- la, 1 m M.S. w1 bl a inll i-oi ay b t aa 4m . S ii.XJLu W. Hmsiy. art mmtrmt liSa (ROUBLE tlA lIAt l ! GI HAM S COTTON FERTILIZER For the protoelloa of tha Planter. A SPECIALITY FOR COTTON 1 ! ITS MERITS I1AVK BEESt PRACTICAL T TESTED BT OME. OT TtI MOST PROMINENT AND tCCCESarUL PLANTERS IN NORTH CAR , OLINA AND SOUTBKAbT. ERN VIKOISIA. Aid h to wall keowa W mw. suy pneas at . - oir hands. Ws Rfer too to those ruaTsua who bars tried It, aad wlil givt but part;, upot. a. plica tion, a birr or vaaia aaaaa, sad furniah them a snin or tasib vasviiioaiaia, ovine Ibtlr outnioa and eiperienos of lis rrvat terUlUlnjr propBrUes andur Corr m. .That It matures the tott a sooner by several weeks aad aearlv doablea tha Tteld, and that the ia- erease of tha product Is a cb as to msks Its ose printable witn motion at a tow pnee. Test It for youraetf. Iff V. W. UKAUX d9 bVH9, Special Agents Norfolk, Virginia. TI1I4 STANDARD FERTILIZER, Mads especially for tha COTTON CROP, has bean Baed thronghut the cottoa xroaing rtvions of North Carolina and boulhea.tera Viixlula with such flaUerlnx results thai the Southern JTarUlisinx Company ot Hu-binond, Virginia, have round it neceaaarr to double tha power ot their works to meet the demand. It ia conceded by thoaa who have naed it that it i eqaaiea oy a outer manipulated guano. To meet tha general euquiiy we have pro- Tue DEPOSITS OF SUPPLY st all Important polnta, 'where It will be fur nUlied iiy oua aeuls st raCToax raicas, freight addeo. ' " FOR BALK BY AKClilHAI.D BRA8WELD. Whltakers, H. C J. W. CROWEhh, Joynera, N. C. Vh ttVtEt at t.rk:dxtl,-vC; U. V. KK1D, t'oreatvtlle, N. U. A. B. ADKl.Ns, Pitch Landing, N. 0 It. a. t Uci w a tx.. oaltleboio'. Si. ii. W. U. STEFtikNCON, M.rgarotleaTille, M.C. uisnivvil aajr vv.i w liaruu, AW V EDWAKDM, MADUKkY k CO., Beahoaid i. B. OOKFlELD, Tarbro', N. V. MOB Ed OILL1AM, Wlndaor, N. C. A. 11. A. W 1LL1AMH, Oxford, N. C. B. r. OWENS CO., Columbia, N. C. 1. N. fEBKELL, Jerusalem. Vs. n. II. K1ULKI, Mewsona, Va. W. t. KOHkKTS, (.at svi.le, N. 0. W. M. LAWRENCE, Tarboro'. N C. W. U. CAfEUAKT, Eden ton, N. C. i. T. WEBB, Boeky Mount. N. C WILnON MIZkLL. Colcrmine. M. C. MATTUkWa,UCPl'ON CO.Uocky Mount, I WE WILL ESTABLI3II OTHER -AGENCIES AT DIFFERENT LOCALITtKS TUB COMING SEASON. TuiaCoeroN rsanussa baa received lb blgbeat praira trow all Kctioua of couulrj auauie uaiLi raaas inrougiioni in Biate Wa xlvs jelow a few tit a U f rom, cemiau nicaiioua ot corraaiioudeiila la varioua localf tie-ot country to the daily nawai a.er re portlnx tha voluntary, curcordant eouiuicnda- Uooa ol the cotton pla tera relattva lo the ac lioa of thu Cut ion t trliin r, and thu hiab ru- puts in which It u held by the plautera, as lualur of i.ublic iu eiraland bvueut riliu trow tnaiolaud guing lha .n-e, abul.iant lauua iou ot in whole puvplc, who bao trlrd and stsa It eltKta. Busy wl wh. ra tba boat men ana mot surcestful farmtra la Aortn l amlina aod VliiuU. I hiaa exlr ta arath i iaii.Tika.iau aatuhTauf ax.ww e.r i0..d i.la In ih tr coiuiuuii call n t tiie rraaa, bim auaianis t" w-tc aud n'l awtur ol jaiiorvl mwrsi d h.lann af i t.ul t ,ui(hi.'Mc ii4 cui ein t , i.'j;.o: uf i ui raE4. t'xilud J i m cvritMDukJtul W (Aa ltt tltlur AUfriliCt, (Aiai toukty ) i lU bail er itu ibl vf A uuuu but : a "of timomiuerclal uuaarca aad throaah our ac u- a tl la th u)4ha ol thuM aeo aate apN tu it mat iiiiuaa i luttua Eartlliser, uaalu tuiau lif U.a ewuthara rar uiwine; Mnaiiaay, Hku im-hu, vs., to dacida '. Iv tha neat lu tin BNu-k " . Prom tk HaUyiK fvnt.rtW f Agud Ufa, M aaaae (Aa jvUvmmg mitmt ; m m m -tm eoaclaatoa allow wa to iim ak ot tha favorable liaiTeaau aujiHi ear taceh lent larawra ernalad by tiUI am a Cotlua rr- ti later - tieraretmr ef t- mal raw nrodu u a lauoa turaae as kiigKoaiba, ad auny of Unas mf thMlottua f nuiarr M rml, and somm ojt thvoi ay sapstlor. to trrmn. 1 lu laayiiM( aiuch I of it, but it a ara lo basuld. ad by tha aaaat erm a ar..ui.d ana. bleb alio itstrrttewnca,w havs aot srenrord tt lo but a eraiaa. frothing Is m 4a awiaaibaas auud tartiliacr, ai d wa wfurai our rricr ul U aaacta of thu Irrtl iarc, aad Utm fa ib 014 law nf "Tt ty in ei't'iia pHntefs' Ta rfi "V aeeuria ror tae wmi at um turning to tor aal throw. b from a twmmvtmJtnl mf tMt TurhtrJ AT.jairrr, vriUnfrvm jallUbar',Jf. l'm w axle AUtHrma frvm mm riidia (Aif see . ia. colioa InUliwliia rocwlaad by smbm 4 the baal plute s Bvra bw lha bast BMawra Biad la Uw rM." roaa a) aarvaMwaMd yvwwi ttmrmfT4m UU fa (A iUitqk Are-, A) stiA, we aafs fAif mmrmyrmfJk ; Moat -4 tb . hnavrs b- a-d Oirhaat CoUmw VmUubtV say 1 la bMcaa. Iu au r aai'Wi. Mat frtaiu UHna Ma ware Strath by laa bl.b ri t ta a kk h Ikia (a ti aerk4ikihiM I a. a aa4,adaf a.w a mhc it, .Ml i J vW4 au a a ad, b tbaa. a ig hit. eitawsd ltSals aaoat Wwtlw. it u aaHaatawi (at aaarkal." ttwm m aawMMtlM naa' Ulttltr lata gi'mnai fjanur, a a.i Ui JA krwiaf fwalta ; a th Nnarrw' eidutua m la the auaerrs. aa aha a., mm pfwuUHe ' btibMi'a to U-e latart lee baat. a) MawM urt aaaihat t.l to tkaa the fiaiM la 11 la tf ta4, aa.lt It tumm, aith da. award tua tawtt aMie M ans; tt I aa t aai taa s td al lar tu. .Mia . ta.aaa. k a. faaiaanWi Saarh aaMt, mmm baa i i.d aa Im a.tMna n, bat la. la aa 'ai.l..iw blHa " Atnaaati.tbvsi B.a.1 be addAte.4 to C. W.lilUMiY t-ONri, rp-al Advaia, Harfa4h Vataaa, Te a'-aaj Ike sou u tax riktiyzihu inrt have gitM the 1 XiLl'f IT t RtutlT OP SALE, saa atit,iADistiticxi!iitni,iriim EASHKX Ato MIDDLE .ttJETH tAtVk. LIXAAHD anitAATfaa ViaAikU. mr, l fJr - eap aaa af a-aWa W mil SaavaMraa, aaa Is aAraAad raia ' " r 1. Iw.a. A:l tnfisit r-a fati.r f -f ftu, jMEArtd Tiua Pit Ijc,ut. a. .aaa laraans Mialblsk rawa. Ca at he tataaab Ian -eaa-aa, ulAai4t Ss Mi, M yw.a M y-a-!f ararM with mvtaad aaewsbs waa Ifca aaa aail.s a it, i.i,ir ay I Iw S.T-1860-X. ISFURKLT A TXOETAB1.K PRBPAHATirr. eampoaadalmply of wcll-kanva R OOT8, HERBS and rRUIT8,wmbtiwdw1thoUMS proMrUaja. whleh ta thru? nature ar tatbertt Apariant, XutrtUoaa. Mon tis, Altaratrre and Antt-hihoua. Tba wbola L. prmwrrod In . luot. eiot awantHy of rpi::t f.om the BIO a ilia so J kuaa Ihcuu lu auy aliiaata, which makaalhe I1AHTATI0N r-"T?rw1 null Cur" 1 ; -y .ntfttdoi 1 hairil. w .a i;.t sers 1 a)', ao . 1 an4 '.t r, aud m-aVliOB .3hlcJa) .i Li uv : u spring akOtia r WfU m Th kkstroBg. y cur lTv 1 t til' r , i 1 J prwl- '.-Ht A m a irt-Wf 1 Ii ' a70irnln th 1:', ItialAn'lD'J amwrl 11 f dianari wbib :th uul LraMsk dow -MISCELIJVXEOUS. 4r''" A I FOOD. roRM vnt. rns riv rrrn BALIOOAiB, mil'ta, II AT, elll'Clia. AO. At t.ialn and Feed Hinra. Wrafrrt i. tr frrrr tt Warrtinine Ordrra rlioitad in I'u.Uitllra tirtimtilv Ulrd. WA. Oama. lap'l. frl, S lawl I WJ . Jir.VDIlXil..llL4XU..JftlllH 1 li .l d Meal, IM . a.ieU A'hlie A Stork P, spas w.u btkonm'H. bTIEKFS PIANOS I t'pwarda af Ifty Flrat Pmalania O .'d and ajHi. vara searlrd U O arlea M. SteT. f r tba Wat naam, ta raaapWUue al.S all Ua ka4in aaafaclarara ta l a caalry. IMIlea aad Wervesueaa, Hx N. Llb-rtf trart, a.luaa, aid. lb. .aprrHviit at Ike Cailr.I'M tUt Ptoee Fuala. If i am .did hy .tl a hataenaa famd It With athara la lhrr J. t.raad fiaaalni. f IMiia, Ihe aacaaf aare wm ind M saaklas: the a.t rf.ct H.1. fa-la p a.llila a wilt ta l.mad aa ran.i .1. u.utils laal euh tharah aataaa4it A Ursa aa nat nf aranad haad lVans siaava a aaad. fnMB ITS la I aw Weereevaeta r Ika erl.hr.'nl VareVB CrfaH Patha sad t'barrk O-vaaa, sl.i aad aa, ia sail ri aaa, gaw.at.d la aa lai $ )! la saf BM4a 14 lar lilwlnl d ta'al'waa staiaiaf th. a .1 atar lha a. a rt. a. (ui al ah4a ar. V d ieieaaa, aa M.wte I a'V'la.aM, law i mi 1ai . .a. aad alinn u.r-m a al th r...lk, aha k.t. h...(kt ke SlitlF riAMl.u-. th. flxef ia. as a. .vr.l mt a.r piMe ask Oa tat at ... ha aaa a lb. tv.l l.a af ftaf A ka.am. a i a la acr aatlaaiaid as.al. wraaltai 1'UAti hl aaatj aisiikta oais. Tee tlaaJ.td kahw H.v. east W.t. nkOtltll A ooui oinui:ii.i.io: llarriarro .::-irJrrr U Oa ATLi si at I tJanijiaU. a a '. 5.T-.S50 ; Hanhlion D r BITTERS. a J 7 t r t a I - -a - a . aeaa) kvaaaAaast sja4 dfte faaaa we aa aaaa-a a mmm a aa . saaa.4 - s . . . a. a -. - li ea4 .aaa r mr a ke a,aa Wa . - If- aeaaa e f -aa a--.- a mt-my ft s sasBaa . sVs A -a ft a-, a - OFFICE p v WQmm cam GENERAL LIFE & lA. G- B T1-. It! FAYKTTEVILLK "THKET, 1 ' RALEIGH, N. C.. A pkil Jtu, 1871 KEEP YOUR ONICY YT IIOME Is the anfnnn-nt employed bv aerate of the K-wth Carolina Ufa Insurance tnnnuniea. Ya' mrk the iarsre elaaa than laloeaced we havs In luced he . National Life Insurance Company of the Uni- xefriDLaiea ox. America - - to ntabllh a Rah lf(h, N. C, un er tbe management of a Board of not less tbaa 25 . ire.tors. QUALIFICATIONS. Each Director muat held a Polli y In said Company for not loaa lluut o,0C0. INDUCEMENTS. Fach i f the said llirectors will bo allowed the local airunl s comuiis4oa an their u premiums and on all Policies iaanrd tl ronirb their wanting Lite Policies as th rales of J National represented in Mo thCorollna. "be N ATIONAL commenced buaiuesain IS, and hrr asctls now exceed e,4i;0,0Ui. . SUCCESS. Tin-interest on the Satlontl' itiTt atmeaU Lifts l&nrelT ecead iUI(uuaA lav tmili $4(HJ,tU0 liftYc already beca paiJ to widows WHAT WE WANT. We want 1. CO additional Poller Holders In North Carolina thla vear. and In ordur i ..a them board of Directors will be formed lu the otlertd All persons desirous ot mcttibcirntp In the Ralekh Board will please nuike smilicaUoa ll.u month P. Tn p I eodlm BROOKLYN Insurance CorutWewYm lc Assets, 82,000,000. Oftk-oe, No. 320 and 323 BUOADWAY, New YorLfJC't). The Brooklya Ufe Is TUC Xmlny which Holler laiaed lo lta uatrowL th. m.r.ni value; tbia snia Is stated la dollara and cents. TUB BUa!NK88 OF THS BROOKLTM UFK I3COV DUCTED ON TKIVCirLH Of - KCOSOMI ANUKQUITY. "wiwfvr Tba d. air. and alia of lta luanairemant have always bean lo raalrs bit tomiisnr yb Id ta iaot oenedwnt rwaulta to lta pollcy holdura ' 1 1tiersl terms will alwaya be olfeied (food fbalMtera. - . . s , . frb 11 3m J u a t T O HAND. 50 BOXES. FOERESTE1VS SO BOXES Proctor & Gambles IlllUifllP. As Amis (or Ihs si-s (! ws sail las at'ralU a of 'b Mrrrh.n!s of tor'.k Caruliaa lo tba fart thai wa ran wll U.caa a. low as lhay caa be koaabl la th. I MTIl) f AT t. LHAcn Duos. sp it A tritut - xojici. a htoXDAT WITH OF MAT at lla'rlore, aa WUI vital i.bi annua., si IhaloarS kaaa. fa, war M-aaa aad aH aauaiiad la the Raatrra Ward, mt U vaarr af Prraoa aad laaaw aums lha taa U aaw aad euav lalaa foar raaaM. 1 wu .. ak Ik. a- bkaaiarvv.dWtka pai.a-aa.rla lawtf data auill. ua I'WaTOM ADlMrTOa Q A X I U lllllll, Hrwalf PaacW SV4 W4 r I aaead Frwita af sb I lad. apt ti f. elauha'llii iko. Tha e;t aarl af Ua kaaae rarwv af IUe aad r.tart tit au.tia af t miiaj aA taalra Ha. .aataaaWut raaaaala ht.f.a.11. , sMm. . ...rrr.!. rot nZwu rim mm the oeaaieaey She Uta day af at.y trt 1 WU a,4atsaJfcj,a.u.a,4 tlMlarsWl , " '" e , La.i, i. is n (f a. aanaaa. af a, f.mmmm. sah af kaa .Ii, Wa rar.h..s ate raaara-M a "" aa k4a a Ikay .r. s ts aa, af a aaa lUtal i-a.d af lalra" a. WaWaae at I aad I aatw CI llilttlaoff Al it U C X . I. aWa, tv4 taail-, aad a. d .Wa. ,araae fltUM luaill, " IWa aaw I aaad Ha faalAa" t-aada, aa a.aa fr II.B ,. , ., -lillf W C TC'iaaCU im in (ins 'paausai Bt.aStf.a.ataaaaaa.Htar! A aaa 1 1 a siao. a. a. W.C Tld(.lt. OF FIRE INSURANCE IN" T S . AG- G 3T age cy Tbia Is a ra.e oppi rtualty to all are much lower than mos'.ot the cuu panics with a miiiloj ol uollars tsid n eauit.l aud orphan, oul of its Uiteit fund. principal towns aa fssi sa Inducements are - : X?1. I'K-CUD &BON, Ueneral ActnU for North Carolini: e LIFE end. rses utn each and every pLrtlcitaUsi f . . 1 ""S A. W. LAWHKNCE, General Acnt for North (Jaruilns. , OUh-e; .JtaJeixb, . C. Tn ALL RIGHT COOKING STOVE. Bay aa ether aatU joa see It, ITOANSoTlI IXCILLID. lbs trailnony of thoaaands aow aalac lb. B daily fully ja.llfla the aSo e aaaertloa, aad It has berome the Bic-t popular aad the badins: Vuotl auive wherever latrodttred. Ilavina' sddrd all Improvamrtila of say valor, wa acw call allealloB lo aorae of lis poiat. uf tie. Paare It ia mads of he beat m.trrtol Mid by the &MMaV whaVaiw- ,4 if WwWWwHwf IW fK all B," tfTrtf f TfW'"" a-W&linl ! tsh. it tUS Ul htnr1 MkdJ I MT miWp. IllMtteripaMNtkitt (wam, aad Uf wltiteulcrarli. U wui Uk Ua Wrirata4 aOOaTraA a.aM4 la La. at Ik. a.- A u s - - a - aa.a aaa-. aajaeajavw Wiaaea aja syay ijw aj baarla. . it kaa lha aaiaaak aaa- kaaV aaaa. 4S haaihe BKaipaaarfal bwlat; avaa. It will 'baeaeee-eaaak-eware 'a4aly was) swrily." tt T baa lha hwral liana aad baal draft U ia Waa babla to rhufca ana taat 1 a. wamatrd as ainaatrl aad H la bow orT-a a. a'anla'rlr "X- WlVhOlT A kfl-Kmoil U fee sale by ai;Liu- i.i.win v co. KALKIUH. M. C. TT Rifci ai.d DraUra ba P.li.t. QI.. Ilardarr, allrrv ftavea, tragi a M.terkala, Ac. af 1 Kews copy Aati.aii.on Or,? 50 C9nti psr Bctih. IbttUUlM.ttM lUFFI Bill ISX w h,-t i Bl TV 1141ft. Tw'HT TVaM M t awnr, Iifw.ra - f-a aaaj H j, aaaj .tmm taSa) - 1 -- V-k ra--- "aT T aw aar .al sV aw fAV e f - TiaMaaia, assssv aaa, sast aws) aaa, ' If aaa al Waad af s(n t Sa.n-a-d - fa i um mi -a li...t aaa4 lU ,tt - ' ! a a eaaa m,ma l daaa l'l a laasjal I aas I l S1 ! Haaw r -aa aaypaj, j sT ' aSetwiB.IaetsBBl fkaa-al f wa a. st 4 a - 's f "al aa)w aaaaaa aa haaay a. a v f 4 twaal (ah him aa aa !aaa it . t aa , ' r ! Asn 4a4 -a -a A a laa a4 ' -Wf la-aiaa) f I 4 bwa Hda.t, fca'i G!:r l-IIrEur. 7 LYON'S Aatiiairon F .baal lwk.a an aflvar Iim1 f Mta. a It W. B iliMJJ ((, F TkalkaaasadLak aaav at Stahi tasknaaallima Mat la LW. ru.K, Ataa i 17" ttt f tttn niiijd) Of atAD toa attfc, The eaa.a.a 4 eae I aa a .l ki..-.- aa lae ta'kl.' i . ha aa. laa ad w a a af e r., ,f n k. j a4 i m ... . i ph. aah a l ta aa r,,"f I w . ... a a. : a " tar fdiaa raa k.v..wv-, r U kW.of l a w.tf rvrit (srwritM J jtyM rttlR TOBATt.M. a A. ras " !a.Ve J m.- (i-. tut w, c lws II I (JO1 r,A Q A Ta, MAT. A a 0 MP(1- toaaa. -.1 ttf w. t fta'iaar it w kit. w r, tt w sr ii . aa a,.. .i l td tt. f f a-iHil B

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