ft THE DAILY SENTINEL a PCHI.IUK.l BV Ui SESTUEt flBLlsniXC IWi... OrHo., near tUa Court Houm. TMnr .rascair-rioti. Daily Ceniliiul 1 year tn advance .n8 Bernl-Weenie " -.. . J.IM Weekly senirort "'': " . . . &o Tt.e'lUlLr faTiMi. will be dettvweain iny mtl ot Hi City at Firrasa chits per a .!. .Ovkttlloi.Su eiAlKa. ft t .-...,.... K.. lnb.ril In ..... 1,1. a. t r inch, ur tea ruimoa tinea. ji -tl-.lu vim '.::..., ............. rt.- " euet. q)iiu at lu; linn . . ... k -aoru.t Week, &.5u I sqiuu-a, 7 IS'v'U tnontl:, K.w 1 " S " -A.isi ico , i-..... i - ja - .. " HIU1 1 10 St t VOL. VIII. RALEIGH, N. C WEDNESDAY MAY 7, 1S73. NO. 203. ' ft ' .). It . f. THE DAILY SENTINEL it II mt 1 1 . 1 II - mM MORN I N G EDITION. UtGEST CIICCUT1M OF 15T PIPES rTBUSIIEB II THE C1TI. LATEST TZaLEtilXAPfcHO NEWS OM 4th TAGIL Kemr Raima: Hoi-than, Newspsper Advorti.n'. Atcent, No. 4, South street, Balli more Md , are ii'j authorised to contract for art vurtl. .mint, at our lowr-it rates. Adver tiser In test dtr tire I? anus W to hare their favors wttb tbt boase. W V.ATlIKIi HEHJBTr - V ASHIHBTOII, Sy O, IBIS. JFor Gulf and goaih Mantle Stats and thecea to tba Ohio Vsllty, northeasterly and easterly vioda, falliiif barometer, cloudy Weather and rain. CITY ALMANAC. May 7. San r'uM., Can sets... 18751. 8 01. . 8 M. METEROLOOIOAL. tfttPOKTID AT PtKK HAKDU' CHUB STOK1 ... Kaliiob, May 6, 1ST3. 4 a. in. V a. m U m. 3 p. m 4 p. m, 60 . OS Kl 03 IS) CI'I-Y COTTON' MAKKKT, Reported dally by W. C. Stronoeh. Hrocer nd Comiiiletiuu Merchant, FayeUevllle ' KAXJ1UH,' HOME -A.IT-AJCH.S. MEMORIAL DATA JOHN BPELMAN, City Editor. AppoicUd. Uov. C'aUlwcll b e'iumiiiteil George SV. Thurlow, i.f Pbiladt lphia. omniia TJniToiaity ofVujinia. I ' Senile ouo -ha ant ui copy ol the Catalogue of thii foremost of American chiul. Wu tiiitica the following alu- tlciita fmtn North Carolina, vti : 8. V. Batik". Turboro' : T. II. Ilrem. Jr Cliar- iue vanoua organs i..u. u.rr.oi,,. Ute. w w TarW ; J. n. r PBOORAItHB. The following it the Jm gramine for thc Memorial Ceiebiatinn u Saturday, 10th Inst. State. .ioncr of affidavita, decU, &c. for the pirticipate on the occasion will tarniW Du- Rocky puint A. 11. Ooelet, 1873. to Ma; lat. 1873, were 47 hit Braking Of t&6 RODe. HE IS FINALLY HANGED. Faraonal. ' We had the pleasure) of a visit on Tues day from Mnj. J Hortce Lary, a Une type of a Virginia gentltmau courteou, man ly acd cultured. - - ; riiendi of Temperance. . 1 he State Council of the Frieuds o( Temperance meets to-day in 6tateville. Quito a uumbcr of ilvleutes pussed up the road during the last few days. - i Personal, We were g!ad to have two visits re cently from Hev. E. A. Wilson, the cucr gcuc editor of liie Kinstoo uatelte, a pnpi r that is doing faitl.lul service for the peoplu ot lilt secliuii. The Election li. 1L blonu was elected mayor ol Greensboro'. In Newbern the Radical elected four, Democruts two and Indepvu- .flenls tun' la QuIJtboru'. the. Itadwii at the South iMnt of the Capitol at 4 o'clock, p. M., where the prCfsiou will be formed in the following order : :' iih(h:k or rRocKssioij. The Murshals. Cilix.Mis Cornet Band. RaUigh Uok and Ladder Co. So. 1. Rescue . Steam -Fire- Company, fro. , 1. Chaplain and Otatori ' ' Officer and Members of the Society, Citiiens with Floral Decorations. The procession will thou move by the following . BOt'TK. Alorg Morgan to Salisbury street, up Salisbury to Edeuton street, dowa Eden- ton to Blount street, up Blount to Jones street, troin Jones street to Lindun Ave nue, up the Avenue to Korlh street, up North to the Cemetery. Order of Exercises : Pruyer. Singing. UratiiMi aoldsbor..'; It. II. Graves. Jr , Olford j E P. Green, Warrcnton'; C. B Lee, FUleigh ; H. VV, Io, Jr , Johnston county j E. B Lutterloh, Fajelteville F. J. Onlnirne, Chaihdtc; T. F. Pliarr, Harrisburg j W. G. QmkcubusliOrngo c iu:ity S, 5L Suiith, Qrntboro'; W. II. Steele, Rock ingham r IV W.r Strabge," Witttilngton S. W. Thompson, Wake County ; T. E. Wllaon, JVrrenlon ; J. G. Wood nd Jas. '" 'he young Blah j. who recent! moved Wowl. Edtntoa-in all twenty. There 1 rom tc sBmantjr. Usliiia. to Co or bxiiik mora kiiiiii in list Hirst nirni w-itii inu FROM OUB EVENINa MAIL. Sir, lleory Ward Beerher was Id Wil mington ou Sunday, aiys the i'feir. The Wilmington Star says thnt at the recet.t election lour Conservatives and sil Itada weie elated. Death in F-yrtteville from May 11, j and 0? colored foujU. The vote In " Fsyctteville resulted in Ihe I triumph of the Cwseranve. Crt. W. T. Frill was elected Mayor. A new Prealiytetian church was deV. cated in Wilmiiifrton on last KiimUv. Her. Mr. Marahle, of Clinton, rouductio'g me service.- aya the Journal. A The Reidtville Record lavs: We h-arn from reliable aiithorily that two or three THE GALLOWS. Execution of l! corge Iris. Kape. for JuPWI Kh TO TI1K SKM ISKt. aie 8-41 tudeuta in all. Among the "Proflcient'' are W. W. Dancy, Turbotu, tt. ll.Oravrt, Jr., Oxford, and F. McNeil, Laurel II ill, N. O. Modocs. Attkmptko 1Iomkii itc Dupi.ih- Katal Accidknt. On Sunday night last, la Uockhsu lownhip, Duplin county, wiiue a ooioiwl man ty tlie name ot Toav Williams was sitting in his house eating --YKCf vx, N. Ci, May 8, Georgo.Lra, colored, was executed here tc-dny fur the crime of rntie. committed on the 20th ol Maruh last, ujmih 1 the pet son of Mix- Ann Kearsey, a white lady. 74 Jeyr of age, living on the nad leading from here to Millon. Th rj wrre about four thousand persons of all ages, tries, colors and eruditions rtresent. The exe cution was high public, owing to the his supper, auollier colored man by ihe low ftntie enclosiug the j iil yard, which i approaciieii ine i -..r!. .. kM .. tfcs dWD On the f rieu ot cotton In our market to-day i AtWrn. WH At 4 p. m. . " (tales 23 bales. Market dull. i sa HOTEL ABK1VAL8. Excbamik Hotbl, May H.-Wll Rich rdson, NC; F Btone, Stoneville, N C; C Davit, NO) WW Warston, lUlitax. ' Yabbhougm IIoosb, Hay 0. II A Foot. Warrenton Gazette; A M Kirklmid, A C Line ; W D Gmter and wife, IV -etteville; Col J M Collin, Salisbury ; James Sloan, Greensboro' ; O P Britton, Baltimore : Thos L Webb, New York ; II D Williar, Baltimore; J H Dunn, N C ; John Govenlock, Canada ; It G Clark, J M Nathnnt,- Philadelphia ; W II Hol land, W W Call, Fayetteville ; C W Ra ney, Kittiella ; John L Gibwn, Fayette ville ; Thot W Smith - Union, 8C; J McCK"ingtnn, Apex; W J Hawkins, Ittdgewuy ; W F Davis, Kitirells ; U N Waitt, cti irlotto ; II L Gray, city ; J J Cox, N 0 ; J 8 llarufleld, KinsUin ; Jos Mullen. Jr.. NO: W M llutaor. Jr.. Char leston : J K Thrower, Kemieitoa ; W E Cook.L W Humphrey, Go ilib ro' ; V 11 Iluffl , IMUboro'. . . . elected their ticket. Deaths In Raleigh. During the ui miIIi of April but four in terments of white person took place in Riilcigh two in the old ciy cemetery and two in the new. We have do: ascertained the number ol colored people interred. This ia a rutuoikiiblc fact in a city ot tome 10,000 inhnbitanls. Decoration of the Uravcs. , HERBERT' BRAGG, Chief Marhal. Wm. II. Blkosok, i A. B. Stomach. i The Orjjhan Asylum Rend, ye who are not Orphans aud have I name o Joe Matthia ...... . ,i .' - I I fintiM tvliAI Itim ni.n . ttti,i.U ik. ...i i.i i i.. . ij . I CMrTol(i. When the conaemnetl mau at .i.t i .!.... i. .i. .. I ".l uiM;nailfint a iiau 111 uucasoos iniu I eouuruuMoo. .o ...s noo.. lmumm ...at wmi,m,, infll0,inK Yt.ro , ,,uric4. tlkKi on the scaffold he wet enveloped commend, itselt to every buoiaue heart U it bopvd, however, that they may not iu k i,.tl. wl.it. ahW,uJTrfiwamed i " -ft - v ' culty. ' I hit sentence, and hoped t meet all m ui same lowntnin uvwanaiii, on I i.i. to k...n ir. ..u k.k.j i ourtuay lasi, a eoioreii man namea uen Markets by Telegraph ISToon Ilejort. 1sim)N, My 6. . Cun.ls 93 1-8. F.ves $0 3-4. .. Livehpooi May 0, Cotton opened fl it. Uplands 0. Gr ant 9 1-4. Late it.- Cotton heavy aud declimug. Uplands 8 7-8a0, Orleans 9 I-8a9 1-4. Sales ,000 baits. Export and speculation 3,- 000. Bieadaluff firmer. . Corn 272ft. Shipment frons eUvaanab and Charlc " n for May and June b iM, July and An, gut delivery 8 8-4, May 8 1 1-10. Pork 70s. Nkw Yohk, May 0. -- 1 Gold tteady at 17 I 8. Slock Arm , Money tfnu at 7 to 7 gold. Exchange -long 8 1-3 ; abort 0 8 8. Governtueott dull and tteady. State, boudi quia. Cotton dull and nmninala; ajales 95" bales; Upland 101 I; Orleans 10 3 4. Flour quiet unchanged. -. Wheat quiet. Cora quiet. f ork dull ail unsettled, . new 18 63 1-8 to $18 73 Urd quiet and firm. Turpentine dull and heavy at 49 to SO. Ilotin arm. at 310 to 13 1 for Itrnined. ; Seven-eighths of the contribution there rwairded are from the people of Granville. And yet, it ia the "Orphan Asylum" of the I Aa.'t Marshals. The Murderer Owens. Gov. Caldwell on yesterday received a I derly bless if upon earth, and upon which from the sheriff of Marion I He look iu loving sympathy from ilis Slute, for I hero the dear little fatherless aud motherltst children from every sec tion of Caroliua may And a home. Will you not contribute s-mKthliijj liberaUy to ,a ljUred him to badly thai he died yev the tusUnlation of an institution that wet teruay. Hii. Mar, u(A. verily believe the Lord Jesus would tec notification Heinng w.s cleaning out a well, at Powell "",inB 0,e ,hpriff who wM ,boul & Caldwell's steam mill, when it caved iu I kill him. Declared ho loved bim and bid him good bye. At . 1 :40 p. m. the drop fell and the rope broke. The neck was lacerated and tin form of the eon demned will lied at if In great agony, but he was fully conscious and only stunned. LITERARY GOSSIP. The "Pioneer Boy," a lifts of Abraham Dangerous. v.,u.,.j, u. ui.v tuo niuruereranu e-i inrnne in tieaven. ueel tuia psaaaga I muvum, "j . n i . nrorured which halnir r.r-d mBrir. J A n-..n. I..1-1 u .... r... .... .... ..r n ,:. c.... ?. recently been translated into modern I A econd rope wa procured which being r : u u, v..,v,.. U(ftt- , tdjusted, the condemned man said "Good rn"Uv' W"U1J oe ineiasirtforarr; ... .. . . I h-..in and tl.adron fell atl:Sl n. m. The (all wa over five feet, and after bang from the degrading associations of vice On Mnmla. Ik... t'.. 1 1 1. . . I reliuua.1 Tl I.H.I.. ft., T1.. Tl. I i. ... .. fr... I 1 UC ZVtH edition Of UlUt ClCVCr SStirf, - - -B' I - v "..-;. ... ... - un:...'. U.K. v. .l I- t UillsUoro' street, t ear St. Mary's Seminary, maaer of the extradition of this criminal ,:,Ulln P"0. ' g!ector harsh treatmeot. "uf " "" I 1 a t s I. . .... hnce rK k intended for the IVnitcntiarv is in the hsnds of Alt. mev General II ar. r"?'.," wgranmg associations 01 vice The poems or Mary queen or Scott. - . , , ,, , ' 8 , 1 "'WIJco lot me ixnucmiary. m tne nanus 01 tt. rney ueoeral Uar- n(, ,dlen , VMare tlWn Xhtimh the reU)l n, orluinat and obscure sources. The body wt cut dowu and delivered to It a t hera VMl.'id.v. I., hn iMr 1 n(t ..iu I crove. but Mr. Neatherv I HnvuriMu'. 1 i. ... i .V. .i.l.ijl .. j . I vw.i iiuiu oi.uai aou o.ur etiurtoa, I , - r I " ' --- - - i ucioicas jean oi cuuunooa.w comioriaoi a Iterart rurioaitv announu-d In Ij.b. unving spiuiea nonet, inaeea several I rnvat secretary, bat telegraphed the I noma ana such kind, sua juaiclout aud I don. .- .4 .. . . . i i . I .t .I..... .1 ..... r . . .. I ehri.ri.ia linttrtu-lkiin as m.v m&k. lhft.ni a I wo., ,,v aireau, ihtu mau ; suiuuriin iu a-uiu . varoiiaa to (vota oa . 1 he nul.lir.llou of Mr. Rmwr-lns new .u m.-j. b..... mt r-. kmu mu ui i i u i i lieu uriito pt.it, 1 r ---- - - - - i, - . nuii Mvuiwau, hhuimj w bit friends for iuttrmeiit enu it is probable w shall be called npon to the prison. pending the negotiation! Uuslead of furniahiog freth candidates f.r Poen' -''jed, in order to allow of its to record a few first class accident from I for bim. The law of tiie United State I her uenitcntiarv. her brolhela and her I PIarance in the United State on the LATEST STATE NEWS. ' ,i A Nliinnoct Orrsrnisu We lesrn from Mr. It.. I.srd K.nunll that Mr. Henry Howard, -&..r Dry I'on.is in Lincoln county, has US grand-Hiihlr.-a II ia 78 year old and still follow the pin and dor a good day' work Soulier Uumt. The Piflmoiit 7Vs sss : The people f.el a strung sitachment for th. MrtittM and wr. hut H-hii tli.-lr imIi. nientswhenwewi.il it proapetity. Mr. Kingsbury it a talented and poliahed writer, and w doubt t aill prove a val sble accession to the editor isl fraternity. The Tvhorf Kiauirtr Says : W take Ihe following from the Stnti- floflhe 17th Inst. Many friends of Mettra, kUngtbory and Spolmaa will wel . ia law atia wn-mT ealltorlal ftaUrn ity ol our State. AVith su h a corps of edl tors a Meart, Tamer, Kingsbury and Sprlmsa, tl: redoublabt Stnliml upoa oufj;atfhtowrr will be firmly ecureL A GsKUL .Old. Ave 3tt-JuoA J4i -. rel t, a r.rpester, of Lmcola county, is now 71 year old and ha not a gray hair In his head. Me say that at snoot kinds "lif w .'.it rti tttr d rr "U ninm mrertrnr-li was but X). II ha always bee temper ate a boat spirits. Iueur, but ha aard tobacco ali hit lif., Mr. J. ha a fin " looking secned wile alxut thirty year old. iweUiar) llom. Th Carol'ie aditurs meet at Gulds . Uttu' oa U 14th laaL. to s-sIhiss aai f.sra rait Iw the bueitwa coadiSc4 of th pnwa. The bot I a important on, and th S(if" alds ibat "the icisl frai nr wail be u aiuaitio," Three", th trouble I . 1L A cuuvmUsB will U aa es crptloa to 'joornallrti; nmimir If rt aeree i tb businea sttatUra, r diM- gnm th "sncvai attraction." - asMM XafsrsP, Th K lot Ml s.y ; Ws taw o xtnl.itio h-f last M"dsy, ft cotton bUaUr, th tBTralH ft of two yotinf nts of thltotinlf, MKl Nibk- tad KnnMW, whkrk h entirely dlftVfwet fmoi any ttilrg of th kind w tret as at, and whkh, U aywrih alxiitf w ll.iak aeuarkiW t isai .r br.wi.bt brio. h public With hi piaaur sa 1 Dr. Ilhj's plnw f" ftiil.i.g tad rh' TP"1 Cntto. th arrlty U tab-4 Wl l tw bbl UIIM kit fty (MM lat jtert. The T.ih. X'tntrtr y : W Irtwa M,mt Mr. b aw. tsMher of Mr. R. A h .r. Unw, wm rwtaralati frsn Wt lUanMMi Oft Thersdsy ftlght, he Was .(f pd hy tlrnw awft whs of-teswd t tor- fawlH U kl tsJaaktaat, itf. tiW e.1 ihita that he had o ta-asry ed that hi h4 ntoll of ft ( lis. IWi .la, bed with tl MatMvwl be uw4 I" frord wilVil lari her lino. fr--m a I that enaia is :! bwn4 of lh Ul.ow has uiaiii4 srvwral ornieJattuSM wf t- lf ftaiar Ifu t'Slrs ftpntj Hit. t-4 rwt.J. lt.'PaiHi C-t ar Th raa of artnft ftuaa mb:i enutir, la tlisl IUwni4 Itfsecl A.la) M 4 Jt Mff II km awft, wm I !, wkirk ntH IM Uf fme of , tl,. tt U .j.4-, wa brnvylat Is tUw IBMlil. t'wstt safn.lJ at tb anal aW 4 aJu Mikf imMm IU II mm 4, J in h.ki4 tkal bt atfssnwwt if ' l "" I sa b tt m.SmI uf 1 1 'y ftiJI b wl.l S(uM I tbnw e IM Hwoat, aavd Uua, j-j.t.-mMt ! I he, lk ' l' ,nt I Uwli. tela In. 1 1 n i La LL U.ttf uf ft b.tala- l. a .( ik. o t IiwbI kw VI. t IM ! fnmm.'" 1 eawo law t 4 m k4 r4 l tl.s lwwiaK.il.' ttl m f ! I M l.ii st th stt M '4 U u th!s source, judging from the aputhy of I requires that iu such cues ss thisths I pwhouse. An orphan asylum ia not a the Penilentiarv men. " I oartka .re t ldM.ial .w ,.,!,. ...I "!. .aftinatitutfo. as a reniteutiary, if not then demanded they ar to be re- imatiog object of contemplation. letted. .... 1 be history ol John A Oweus' case is I Bailer's Last. this: Some three or four yeai ago I Rev. Jamoa Moutgoutery Bailey i the Owen committed cold blooded murdir bumoiou editor of th D.nburv fConu.i Oliv Logan. This lady appears st Tucker Hall u. m rrow night. Th Indications are she Will have a crowded house. The first will U her great lecture on Gills," which list li'in heaid, It it said, with in 0..t .ii coua'y. II t victim wa aamed H'.t'iers. Owensand Withers wretf.vl- every uiauifestulioa n delight by more ing .f nk, r nd quanel.d Her dinner at man soo.uvu p, op e. tier lecture on n- a wd h.uiM- They rvsomoil lhair day tiiht will athattihc l..li(eK-. ial!y, I trip, Oa. n n boreebM-k. Within in a as shr will iic .iime on Nice Younir I buir-jt. Oa tl.e ..i li .u,,r,-.1 . ." t. Meu. rxvuu your tickets. ther C.Bmi of d.ff.l ullv . utrkd .. I rode taiiue ditlsih o in advance of Wither. Th Board of Ctotajituwionsr. I and turned aud i.mI bak and oa reach- Acmss. Hire I his last and many wi.I t. tify to the fidelliy of the picture : ksw atuT. It is a lilt. tlngulsr bow well a pair of bonis oil b tuade Iu Cl at th stuft You m .y ft) t b sli: to gel your fool ouly partway dowa th I. g at th (rat trial, bat thai W because your slocking i. sweaty, or you haveu'l stum.l right, and II. thor Makrr tuggesla that you dart ag.ia and stand up to it, and he throw in ft little ssuie d.y on which ihe London edition I Issued. Mr. A. P. Graves' "Songs of Killirncy." chiefly in the liidt dialect, and id a hu morous and pathetic chsr-cier, will short ly d published. P. M. Ilaverty, ol New York, promise us s literary curi.ftsity in ft book m.i Ud E.sy LrswHi la Iri.h," by tne Very Hi v. U. J. Itouike. It will be the first book in th In.h language pru.td in Amorwa. . COURIER JOURN AHflM 8. Th wife of a private la aa Eogliat) reg- im.nl bars burli-vl tlirv tialuea tulo exist. enc at one Icil taoup, th Ljuccn set her luieft pounil. as a reward c union Th following is the programm of tb Methodist excursion which takes place on th 8lh lnt.: The member, of the school and txcut tlanist will assemble at th Cdenton Street M. F. Chun h'et 1:30 on Thursday morn Ne person will be allowed te enter th cat with spirltlif.ua I quor or deadly wrapolr. 1 ' Th tr.iii'oilt Ir.ve preriiely at o'clock. Th f.tllnwing ara lb nirbal : Chief M iishal Cut. 11. W, Best. Alai.Unls-A M Powell, J A Ji bes W M Ihuwn, A S Lee, 8 i Fall, W A O.llia, lor her enter pne. It is e I nltstrveil by hhekpar G II Thmna., J U It Little, V II Lunii.leu . . a . i . ....... i -. . : .. . n . . I .. ... .. . .. . . .. . .-..,l,.. fm..r,,.-.r-U,. o..l,t....i a I '"" I L Si Aeitll, llallliew Moore, V S LAtla, U . i bwth mrm wnnnitmvm imr.iiLriitua. in unvi'Moi uiHiy win lurei to or-1 nig u.s vktim, who Was wholly ucpre- gaui. and be sworn in this eveumg. The pared (ur thU new sudden ooibrrak, U. ,ou sisn l an. and tMind d .t lost complaint ha bveo, i the part of lb I stru.k him I mm bit a at with ih l.uU I fll, d partly trip y..urM-lf up, nd )out I A paper publisbrd by I lit student of public, that the proceeding oi the Com- sod of I, U gun to the mal. WUIiersdied "t" OMl m " l'a" msnoer, I nsoau wireje mane lunoi a i. m.i . . , , , , I . Vr I and every v.i I yoyr uudy ai.orai lo be I hcturcr, stid .he ha brought suit against '" " SBmeoMse.y. , th point of faarrtinir. and all It., then, to'ienwer ,000 dim);.. W II la lua purpusn.( WU sxtwr tn remove I Owen' ww iirilet nd TrlrlTnre t fthllh.t d.aT.r.tn.l ar..ut.l snj eutr''"! Wf wltT timgntfUny s run.reT. that cause of couipl.int. Tb proceed-1 murder at Gasl .g court. The murder I ,b" oprtalioa as iiiirntly as if th whole I turtr CotiM be d.m.ged to a much tirest.f burs of Wednesdsv's maniiiirr will b. (nil. ... ..t ,l.,.l but . i. u. ... " Prfctly Lew and novel to teot tb.B Ih.t b m little lM In a isewt. " i . i reported ar.d th practice will be cuuliu-1 act up ia hi deictic. He wa convicted Midnight Ileport. lie J.M lbs. liM.TJiugasiia.1 b Laid.. . Hear 1rwlo eitre n IrrtTIrT fty-tl ria Maitfanktrk In Johae' Oroata, It tk' rt's a k la a' soar eoata I ml n'U Vat II : 1 mlm A thWI't atttM&4 'aAakiAi ftHaavi as Iw k ka 4 prsal u. Death of Dr. McOudry Th paper bring us tiding of th .th of IUv. William II. McOutTy, D. D.LLD, Prole .r of Mor.l IThI.oh phy, U tb Univeiaity of Va. II tUti lb cjjiir of Philosophy for over thirty ears, sutcding. Pint Ciwxir Toehee. He vss an able ban sad dVvrmt Chris- tisrt. Ws brird him kcturv 'hvos 1b Mrm phis, Ten., ia lW, oa tlx " Colin!.. of lb Sees. . bim. Whin yor loot h . finallt sum k iH.lto tner i a lmt Imoreawioa and. si fttt atied UdesLU ; bul Luuiugb. tli 1 u . jour , BimJ Uisl .jutt .Lajs.aUp- Mntrwiwnaty -r fneti'Tt the-wnmiew ws c nnnutied to Unpri.ninasi !r life. lie served two tear ia lb penitent. ary r ww1b 4atayMsFwV tthtm1ti''kl0$m)fa yt4fwr"j Guv. Iluidea offrttd tt ward 1 1 $j00 f. hi (pprebensiun, but h ba evaded li. MtSajf vwy4-HaV -4twftftsB; 44Jty -4nwb it Wy aoVajily oli-rvir.g that he oevtr saw a b"..l lit qu.le aa g km a that. M may uggftt lliat your Iu piewiats too irweihaTwome nf rtr' boor la the aide of the foul trw tuo bikI Btaabed, bill b says that I always th way wok, a mw Iwwt, 4-M - tk S Waitt, T N llw say, Willi Wilson snd J 8 Wynne. For lb ftiulln.L niTTTmiinrrms-TrrntNo ArirtL. TO TIIE OKPI1AX ASYLUM AT OXFOIID, N. V. Geo. W 11 Cox and U F Moore, 50 ; ColUi-tl s at B.rkl. 'i lurvral 51 ti ; It. I liowa)srBtTalwas.aama -U. INJmiWU. 1 iU ChauUr S3.b0 , Jurd.ua Lodte. No. w.uVlltTtr" it tlttrm' trtw BH'aaaii fer MM. T) V) r M. tvtta- l.rt-srn:-tfr. ltirl Nbw Yoitx, May 0, Cotton dufl and nominal. Sale DUO : bale., UpUud 1914, Orlea.it 193-4., Flour quiet and unchanged. , Whiskey , ttcadier at 91 tn 03. Wheal prim', spring 1 cent lower; other grade of spring, 8 and 8 cent lower. Wiuter quiet nd iii in, ai tivcr for export. Corn cent , lower and better demand : yellow western 41 to 09 19. Pork quiet and ft cak at $18.50. Beef tteady, Lard firmer 9 1-J t to 11 18. Turpenliu firmer. . Rosin I quiet. Freight easier. .... ... Money easy at 3 to 7, bank ottering freely. Sterling 81-3 to 8 3 8. Gold 17 to 17 1-4. , Coltoo Not receipta 001 bales, - Groat - 1,239. . Future : 13,300, May 18 3 8 189 16, June 18 7-1618 3 8, July 18 13ft 1881, August 18 7-1618 5-8, October 47 1-3, December 17 . . LivkiirooL, May 6. ShipmctiU from Eavanaah and Clisrlet- ton for Msy 8 3 4, June delivery fi 11-16. Sulea luclud 1,008 Amencan. Cotton closed Itrrgulal, ' Baltimomh, May 8. Cotton dull ai 19. Groat 774. Export eoas-wi 71. Sales l'.O bales. Stk 015j. Flour dull, H i. id street supei fin 4 3 4 to 6. Wheat 3 03 H 810. Goth to choice red 1.00 hi 3.00, Corn depress ed, whiU 6.1, Yellow 03 to 64, Pruvi sioiis quiet and firm, rl.mn lnie"vrd shoulder 8 1-3. Wn.MiK0T. Jt, My 8. Spirits lurpenlin her at 44. Rosin' quiet at 3 U for No. t. ' Crude Turpen tine steady at S 00. Hard S I V For y.-l- Inwr1p 3 30. Ttr quiet at I 73. ' Kuloiirh Alarlcot. paper. Thete it said lo b ft man in S.uil..it, cilui-s Un aaiii.g and pronouncing it by I roll.rii.ia at lUlv.gh 1 h.ptef, 13 00 each ; sascliiurry, a taa I sue ln. any Un I l.l!lim at . horri, km Pp ff Ilflnls t hr t .n fan yB llM JUjl 11.13. Kn.if of Jlb-e.l !H;r, No. US, 7 DO j IV II t row, a ijrrvTT, taws. ranew Agent, Idftti m k A W lUyw.nl, lot I.. ill 1 hy hr i.ty men p-ople ia Is a untiTritealTy when I wa capluied J trould will entirely disappear la a lew j eii'y lobbed w.wrsU j po-aj Uv.r U ia Maiioa, Buti'b Carolina. It is prohabla be will be rtturacd Ut Ibe fttat, where b wiT! I B(er but ft sh irt time, lit being, it ia said, In tit Ixt sl.gs of tiumptla. d.tk. 1 be you t.k lb uJ tntr aadrr I lara .luxiul id a .l l" 1l. Iruittuf four arm an J start f h' o, all th I yean of hnaat toil a kef U of ttnr- bii klig tiMt 4fta world oiii w kwdt I giMd IiiAb at taw ftsad wf einty bngbl and k.ppy lo ya sgats eai.l yua ft. I - . . . L . . i BruUL A fti-grii Uiy, by dial of bald blus sad ft liberal supply of Impnealloo. rrarhrd has bra mei II. at thnrtn.ker, Yoa lint dowa loaalh aeit dy, and tn.ils h th while wlih jour tn-il whit eye .'h a U yow w walking aa Ji be I b.rt fiMit, H lie a an t M b.lr.g yua ll sgsitst a pat or snre A sloil I at .. sa India woman gav Uith to a rbild at th g of tiv, and a wntwaa in TrnneatM bt (IwttHi. mid thing at In sg of arvr.ity. Now kt John U Ci'M..a. Mr IS.k, Ir. W l Ili.l.JC It Littie, l M Cmk. Wa.' Je, It I-lif-. Nk .04, 8 00 each ; rTavne Ak-m. 4JJ; AlrieadlOOiL CTsylur 110; Mm J Tobw IU j II ThomiwHi, 1 ho J.mns ana TnJ'pn, 1 00 iu h ; MisKJ K-rbard an J J.xl lol tia, I 3ft each ; " M I'att.h 110: Ur. Vila- E1e,- fHrai, W II fie. tit, Walter Huol. rl W Itii k, I' W I'aibam, II K ll.rtl., I' ft ) '. . . . I th tl'y ywtitid.y wiihab-wt IwiarutaTuI I etiwr i-lmrwc. I a, . I show a UJua aa4 H wa abwftlet.lyl, ewu4 . , n , ffo , M ,kkb ,,'1M "" . KealiMky wunsa U sigMy try Aw I II It bbilt, rl Dmim, ft fiM-ad, It lrt E kaSiliMlMwiaa, ... .T I r, ; r.'""w, w r l prnorrn I. M Mo.,. a, A J , M MiKean, ft C Tk.lHbf.iUniUni.1 IK. V.-V,-w I ''. U II rdwarda. m. Cash. Bad rharoingia It. simplicity. tWarrew. and lh. m ...,, ,,, rntA ,M, " !' r, lw dwiUguh.4 1 wi HriiaV M sh set ..rartlrJL. t'e4 v. k., y. , bow at .tg'.t grt f imlsewM M. n.f.liisl 1 I bithmol ,h ,.4.tf-l po.wthi. r.-p,.,.. Mtwhythe LZU ,4 A.,..h yU lh tk Lt4t.svd.ri. bat be k,J k.tl.'i a, i.u ih. k ,J ...I .i. the d, 1 k"jul. I On. a. a rite;aal u u M.t.ot i h atjMro, u ipr.wr. hUt.-,tchiB,l..t.bgttUhin,firea. Tb '''k t!' , K , Ji tkl tXStVZ? -4 -h 4 M M "'jV 1 -. - - , . I ww. i . . . 1 nan erw( w iirw , mrm w. . lills, Ihrtw COTTU TAI.rktnb., ' - rv, lat lK . .FJITttFH 1.1)1. K .. LfATHIK Ifl'l-H... LKATHtft ll.kMl-S. Ml 1.1 KT kWftLAaaKt. ftrttsl 1'it.lfkM . I ... sriLwu., iMt. twH.-- r.r piiar. ft ie iu . riA' M : peek. M Pal Hit kL.Hi i .lit lAlllIHA , II.A V-Kl rl"l ft. fmt k-W. IS t' , .Illlklt, V UU k ...... II T, p l.silu ..... lllt.Ka, t' p Ik rVlAIUSft, !!, Lot k .... Iil. ka . .I'tlAR, ( i 11. Mi wll .,.- ..... . Ilikiilltftwpi., . . , , alt ft .1..... aaruawat waa tsd c Moftdsy aighl la front of tb Taibfough II nut by J. lbBw Lacy, tq , sd Fradevkk.lMtrg, Va. geawrai gt A th emapway, eight of Kern, Whew Ibo stream w Sseaftd AfUf te th r wit wer g rb Tb ettsMt U sl.Bal4. It b arl starve-l trralar b-HM allMWard Aa.lln aM f.Mk.1 b ka I SMit tka sftfiw. I tfciiUUg 4 Lo . Ac4.lis. . m . . , r ... . .... I tb l terra, b. Have ft IWrgk aaa.wr.4 ft 1 1 "I1 t " X I b U sal. Ul A skotl dwpttrh flB Vaaa. ka lfm- $mm to Ik a of Ui Askll4tus. I Mrs W A Paths, Ms Ih IUibhi M.rgr M irg aa II etrwb, J he V lln. and J. I'uwell ; 10 tstii.. II It a.4 Mi..i.s-rwstM --- - , , , ' 1. b y s.;r law al ,w, taikw at Ikrpb.a.' ITiaprt 1 ... ... .l .i... . ...I ekaaiw Dudiar wad Uu .ikua I . ... .j u , tk. .. . . . .1.. I ' ' i.. Im.1. .ii.iJ .,Hitn'iKW minim stilt - I - " . ' I I III LtMllamA WtiiMti'll r I -f -M f jh brki.4 14 ' ...... we,. pl4 ftp ft4 Ig.lud ft hIM. at Is... k. 4.ft- lk.i-tho ,-.. I. tk-we ,,T a T1 - ri . fir wa at It lxtl. tb I " ' ". .. ' ftar.iul trmU t tba . " IT! T ' ,. Z ,. ... ... A Moith CarUlaa CIUMms. 1 iv s.J t (.s- If .n l'.. i. kal oat I r-"" --, a throw aix-a It 4 liilis ai""vv.H . . , . . 1 " .., . , ' I Ml ! lit reus sntJ as I I . U aothiag r,-.ld UX ftLUlt ' Ib4lpa of ftrM le -sitft I t" ! .. , , . wn ftlA- .,0' ',..' 4 " 7 V l-r,.'. k. ik. ..J - . I trfcttb we ftwt fr-wi lb l .a(V ! " " - I I hi. r--- . bar,.-,blh .d of Ktft, U,H,. ..g..w 4. 1...,. ..t,' r..tw.-HtU,. ,4 ikUat i-.h.i baiUhr.i.sM.MJ ,...i...,.i.t b. a. .J ik. 1 ld.sg ,1 . lu,t ..Jil-, , I I pw U.t4 I bk r- t '...al, 1 ..lswl... Wk.tew.aUlr tb inr t II . k-s ftj.,, . .. l.sl ! by ka k, k at 4h " r """'". .1.7 kr . I. ..4 r-.J ., ...k-. U II. , t .. , . . t h'T a.l Ik, I i-T! ldh..-gs il.ra d.a ol atMuf llattlwl r.IHtgui bet I . . ,' . . I 7 M f kn . fMtl n. In Ik , ' . . ... . I T I) traafoi J I I !! b. J.b HtUwM 44.a4 to ki i.otv as wail a n I rkkftsal. s J iwm1 wa J oa svirfti le pulpit, tkaa, tttVati I fft-a, we fty b rn4 Mtsprwsj tl l IMAt.t!ll ant fr fr- at al daAgf. ?" Tb ( W-t," tb rkarga wbhb ttiiag 't4 IMI .a w bat ! -4 did w "4 ryik It le b.f 4p4 I- all HfwMW 1iw wsUf rfberta ka rfJr4 M ettlriig Jpesba bwg bw p4..-4 la d avstr-s-sj t . 4 U riis4 ka 4o awt mm f ttH fteeeiya, thjl lb akdHw wbKb a', a i tS a. .' . oxf wi.a kn I. U b tK W.f b srr k fer1! ,f" stnsrtk-a. M, Lary t Ik Varljtwgb, bar b Wi.I Ik.vI 1.4 4fS will W s i lb l.l w.ti - list s.t W rf.rr4 HI d ! In lb limrl !- '4 mf Ik . M 4 W aMasas b a'.!j, a I apt.ft.i .n , lk -a.s'ii.4 -p lavat 1 ka Saaisat ilia,' bat Wna. tb seal . O.M sytaM4 tw fa ttwrl villl'f ka akvk IkatatkaMriM kxwb.ftat m K l-t w.-e 4 im ftUfMSKkllii tf llvewwg k 'f a la Ik bU Ik.t a. . Wwi' I ba !!, 1 i .1 avrf allf k. lb. . ka ul lki !.' W se I, f tj lb . -, b"W..j, lfc.l ). MS- ' .'l W , H r... p-'W4 l a. l ,1-.-. w. u rttrs I " ! 14." ..ps k.1 yt y n g k t k.- 4 aap r. ..i'j Sl-e w- 4, 'i bar lei b akt, a. 4 a. k' r f Iv wtAmmrm f tf lb ., n I'.ia.iilMi r i L )' .. . b ' k . MW.W T ft a in a - It, k4 P4 ail . f I fcl I st.iy by , V.I-f I i-v.ir 1 1 i . t k 1 f- tarii;w w;';l p Im ji il a-w k I- aavrl t. 1 1 tkt ba tab ke Im .' I ii..lifUM l,.f. Maa Mwt ski kal ki -..i.4 a lutriw ear. f-m tea ft mm fc 4 tw lai. It-jwel U' fk l uiii, k f. ,. rt a f I ' ; k y a r4 a J,l.niimU.4r.' .1 '' s.l r.j-'" I-." ', 1 ''; I .(., sa t a I" tl v ' ' h 1 1. 1 k sa . -U a ft awa al.-aa I a. -m I ika. l a-a -. I r t... y Mixmi l.ti. l's t l'lf i.f likl,.t. M-Ma.ui. I sal a. a. is pAua . kt. aaa I l s.ye4 With tt, a it aiasis M Ika b4 .' tl. St. l lin t I.w (', by 1...,. JA Mi 1 tltSttl ft. I bd Mu ll taih. M.a) 11 line as 1 1 Tb. (! ) I ana s k, M N ) Una nl Nr. ft B IN ks , s s 1 1 rv Ms JwUa A M an ; I p.r ctwk M ra . Hi. ; I '. it , Ma p. . I.Uiagi', I al.iiva, 3 pnta., 1 dm Sb I balk'bi. kt-M A It I'- l-l, 1 sl -k.fs II -U lliiM . I U J.w.J bl't it 4. , 1 pil s)., 's M s A W saL'w,bt I I ;' W -s A. 4 ss t katult r 'I., Ursa J y v lo . I a ' t a3. T l't S t l. It. I a I !.., 1 A k . M'a. II Tl i I oaaacr Pii-r, Pr Witas Aiicmr, So t, rtSTisvnxt Hratev. Mftf4 i r ti'.U Ml , IUI ISa t. T" fca.'-! " ,tlt ; -Vmm-I aw W , . lOalk IO.U a st.,. IU . a ; ItA.t n I a -I ik 1 Js.1 ki a.) ft.! T'aal UI ,IS -,.a tow lUsli NEW AIIVEUTISEMLNTS. Jl t ft A b R Tk. ku4al kail ll.( kal aa f.i.lL .111 I WmS auk f aw buas aa aw H. 1 rmj raiwiis! M W. II. U.1U a,l3 H A M II A M kat ftvatbaarbtdW ll.aa. fa Ml. saay t II J" li A CO. (J M I 0 L I 1 lilK'lLClll k..' sasy f rW 4 la. b Ctpfa k.'figb f.l. t. w . 11 Mtft ft to. u V at . U j Wa. I BTf A r W, M J0HI AO) V u I", al f, It It ! t, W.a k I .rwi'ai f .t Mt i r i c I (S pVuax ra ss4 SifAACui r-at M Si. jf. tl II , II ... t. M f f J lStt, TS, )M ""I iT. a.V M T ',V. It At Mwt rWfl.t f aWtw ..aa It . aw Ma i; k i . r. w m ii'.tf j.tb t.. ..Majv s.t Mm It. f. b-.'Als tV.4 .a. H U. f .. Vt l t,,il B a -r"ts p A 1. toii:, . f,.aMai, J , a -j-S lk-il a4 kw C.4 II .t i.i tr ; rt a i i IA ft l ! II k I,1 ! I. . .. I ! ! . i. 1 . ( t Ka - r 1 st , a r miillwi 1 1 U H A U o T ! t k- at I -k I 1 a ' ... .1 a. , ai k . ..A. a..A A I. a. tl il M' ll.ww'l Vs . .. m asl t.tf l-1a. aw I -. ' t, tii'it ta .S , W It mA r n t i t j ft.rUe f V l r- 1 - s

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