THE DAILY; SENTINEL rnti.isiiKD r smmv rjiLBMSB. cowm. imp, nsiir th Coqrt Houtie. , kUTk Of SUMCUlPTIOIf. 'retreat I year hi idnm A0 i'eeklv " " . Sou t Sentlnet ' ' " . S UO !Un.T I'i'aTtaitt. will lie delivered in irt t the City at FirruN cbt per i. i- f - I '. , i AbVEKTISINO stXTRS. - - A.4xrtirrarnt will b- Inserted in th li;: aatiaai. al Ut loUowiuaj ratca peraaiuarw aa m krnU, warn tuiuiuu luioe. , , T (, . 'y K- j .ttirc'iMi liine.... a. fr.iiO ' " ei h sulistiuiiit Insertion Moet.. ... -a W.ov, 1 went, tiWHl sqaarx. t wio. .) ' . SiuoV, tiov I . ' K .v.iat " V " ' in.utit ' i .w i -jiiiHiii mJ . ii an mi . VOi.. VIII UALKIGH, X. C, SAT UK DAY, MAY 24 ,1873. NO. 231.. . " a S4.U' t l f - aa.u-11 ! ' . : DAILY SENTINEL " 'I; :T.- ; ; U , ' W : : ,, ; - v 1 1 1 1 -1 Ti' t 'y'7Ti " - - 4 i . :st ciicchtios bf ,m piper PlBimiEB l!f Tllg tirr. ' rSfST TELEGllAPinC EWS ON 4th PAGE. 9 M. FETTENG1LL A- CO.. 10 Stat . Hotton. .ST Park Row. New York. and lieatrml street, Fhlladepkta, in onr for procuring advertiaenKa'a for oar line HbhtinbLi la the above citlea. and riaed to contract for drerUatng at our . II Ml, k. OKirriM A Horrwax, Newspaper tittr.x Airent, No. 4. Month strict. BalU- Md , are duly authorized to contract for Hi mnU at our inwert rate.. Adver in tliat etty are rmaested to leave their wun lual sou, -r W KATIIKB BKPOBT. Waatirao'foii, May 28, 187. the (iulf d iotiUf Atlantic 8tie and :wi sdhtlnrosU'fly and northwesterly , warm and partly cloudy weather, CITY ALMANAC. . ' May 84, 1878. 4 49 .;. t ii ijuu. MKTRROLOQICAU iru at mrc Bainirt eroia itoni.1 nii.iiflB, nay z, invi. i. Hi n. lx ui. a m I p m. 411. tV ... TS j .7 ITY COTTON1 MARKKT, ortud daily by W.C Btronarh, Ororef C'oinmliofi Merchant, FayettcvtU KauaiuH, May A 1873. - of cotton lu uor market lo-iUy V 1 " ., ti M.le, rket dull. 1ITJCI4 AUI.HVAIH. . ;i HANoa Hotel, Jluy 23d. T Wubb, lioro'; M Akkina, Ooldtlxna' ; (,' t, Wilson' Mill; W C Wiliiams, H vtiokal Hotel, Jfay 21. Iler S W ilott, Newberr ; J (! Jenkins, H C ; 4ut, NC;W H Pace, City ; J B ferlakt, It t O It It ; 11 b Jones, nlngton. . iHnHoixm Hoi'SE, May 23 J B ter m anil wife, ll.Hlton ; C T Mur Kimpaoa county; PL Murphy, uiotou ; W A B Norcoot, Edcaton ; Hawyer, M Y ; C 0 Cox. Un.low ; C auolt, New Hanover ; T V Ore, Wil ton ; Fill Konntree, On en county ; Y 4 wi ku j s V t'ieeeei HwtteaeT-liew H. J, Kirhmon-i Jao W II oled, 1UU. s ; Oaa Millbiaer, Rich mood ; R T ia, Lombcrtoa ; J W Jones, Tarboro'; Buck, llalelgh ; B F Aahburn, lUn on; Paul Cameron, Hillsborn' ; (5eo le, W W Vsasand Jo B Bitchrlor, ; A Mitchell and S V Pool, N C ; ay, N C R It: J 11 lleibert. N C ; Whitehead, J T Long, NewlM-rn ; Jus iwim, Littleton ; (ieo A Foot, C It Hth, I'lttahnTf; r Haanra4oh, abnru; J M S M Holier! , F. er, A tMyl. r, New Y oik ; II .. J N ie. T P Devrr. ux, C K D.iwd, !C C ; i Jiihatoa, 1'eaasylvaiiia; R N ruiilh, cetoB ; John Kukland John U Brown Lvman I ak, child and errant, Jer city ; John II Burroughs, tVarrentm; helby, B.iltiui .i. LATBT STATU NEWS. he Fair 4 lh t ur-iliaa siilU ImIJ .'harlot neit fill. any peieoas will regret tn Mara that a Naniy nitllar.t.'of Chapd Hilt, ha ii a'nckea with paralysis. ttua a4 Frank AHioa kave a auauucLd. tu Ihc pvuiUnlUry If ou klentrarg tayt the Charlotte 0rtr. , mad dog wa killed near Marfrres u' bet Talay. A eorrespnMteot of Wf!do A ayt Hertlord county is ot tbeca. "h fair beld but week by the ladies of inton lor th beorflt of th Presbyerl bareb f that place nrtud about I17S "b couiy commtssionT htv) br ictcd fi a nsiadeeneaiHir beceaae Ibry e reluatsl to levy In railroad Ui Mad a J .nt . c ivaty the farmer bate Hint in (rtiia-c a t anj vf Coiion and a, Ri-p. owing sad rrplaating it lite let i-4 Ik day. flit errebso spieal awmmgilis ia rgi( ihe Iboanl's Creek aeclbrii. Mr J. II. Ibiwsy, tat PiU fisiaty. died With It urn t lia ma. Utidi - fae. .'Wsvtlaad anly etpnett aa Klo-a- ual ( ievwi. at (Kiel by, on the 21 ib 1, with Jed-re Irtf aad olher Uitla wbd speaker aewarot. 'ssu't train ra am la f'd bfcas ra.Ui.i' to rWkxw a far a KvtMr. I. oa Teradsr. aad Hater- y of tatb ant, tay Wiuafoa Snltatl Jarw W. t:lbsll wee triad and " Ui ot BsaaalaBthter at lt l4 Fw- a rwurt ftr the killiog J" ' fMiai wa na.nvd frova Divld a. aaj Ike Wiaaiaaj rw-fi-wi The tm U wow laid na th rPr.wxl a OrmiW to Ealm, I wobia t mi ,! of !,. By rV.idy aikbt it il be wiihin tea ais ! m l be WloatvO irwfuwa. Tke ratelV.l'ie ttb safs M. It. tiie. sal m fc.n, be g te- I a4 wiU visit the great Warlde ..r tt V . W Vwara that 0.waw Odweil kasarat"! Mr Ortitaf tft axwarv ' lt the tail la wtk 1 aroiiaa. Tb raakaa fr rvfavriag fi the trial 4 ri a-af 1 Tka r Lars d U'S re I b-Kk 4, ' kivh f sp- k'O of. 1 eMaf Vfl-Mil fce II tBj by a, A. Mai twateaWediweae an--as awwerfwt ta e4 l.t .wk4 gawtl-aiaa, !, tea yrs 1 It palMiy. We n lb f-iWewa 8i- ') m from t' WiwttiO faa'iaa ' Toawt Msaaad dt '1 la wa. SHa taa ) 1lai tee " . k. f'a-4 lk 'k I tat prawsM l Ike frave bwb -f bi'iro if sat mm i-f Wait a a N 4 I si fVd "t tff, a4 f'aasf llt i' fiw.te llwaa. AFFAIRS. JOHN EFELMAN, City Editor. Thanks. . Tlio editors return thanks ti Mr. Edgar A. Mciriuion for an invitation to attend the commencement parts at Trinity Col- Krrata. For GoM.-li to' rc-n l UrccluilMiro' in yes terday's liH-al lault of tin- Asg'K'ia!.-. For Uriiiuin rmil iiiuitain in artU'lu oil Fanning'!! nurralivu fault of e toreintuij Coming. The gia a ami ouU on Nash Square tire beginning V ""w tlipj arc tUtre. Tkera la no aiga whatever ot the atraeta of IU1 e Jli being lighted of nighta. BarkU ia WUllaT" Dr. I. W. Jouej, of Saliabury, having duly considered the mutter, aianifitt hi willingm-as to aocept the appoinUuent aj physician to the Penitentiary. Dr. Hill tliercfore rotirp-, with the dohftilittloB of fjointiug to an unusually clear bill of health. T.e health of 'the c mvictsi all thut could le desired, 8t BAarw'a.r,, . RtT. Dr. uudi-a hut juat added to Lis eatnlili.limeut two new grand 1 Kjuare piaii'M I't'Mu tliaeatablishment of Mr. J a. 1'lrsson of tint city. The instrument liaVelwen prononnced the Hoeat thaterer came to Uideigh. The piano required for 8t. Mary's nam her sixteen to twenty, and I rone but the Ix ht ar; used. t.sliuuitie will curne upon Uitt spite of all precuutiiin, but it i gralilying to liWn that lienibold't Celebrated Buclm can still bu obtained ut all the drug store, tad that it can be relied oa to care all disease of the KiJneys and Urlntry Or gau. Look out lor counterfeits! The genuine bears the private proprietary stump ol II. T. H' tubold John F. Hen ri, Mow Yerk, Sole Agent. . . r New Orfan. We called round at the Presbyterian chghh, on ynterdsy, and louud every. 4kieg hi i" 'efiisin t'aed by the efivthfD of a line new organ Itoiu the manufactory o Hook A Hastings, But on. The organ hw twelve stop and two bank of keys. and ct 1.400. The maker harr sent hi i. c i.m nteut gentleman to superintend its erection and he is unking every effort tn have it ready for service ou Sunday. Mason C. . I There will Ik- a i.ial Comiuunicatioa i Knh Cum. I'. R A 8. Master, at ' I ai.ioicusi, on noniiay eveainK neai, for the puiuom; of elect itiK nlUoers lor the I ensuiow t. sr. tverv meinbir is rarnratlv ... iuceu ... I,. iriipensaiion lor new I, lUgea nave I Uvn U.uel durinc Hmj year as follow. : I Kernertville, For yt lie. ' nik C'n .k, Wilaoa Fayelteville, CuiaOerlaiid. A new di-ientaii"a will aooo be grant e.1 for a new Lodge at Oold'ttoru', aoJ I,j;e.lX..L'dg8tly County. "The Grand Chapter " will nii'elln Wit inglou oa Monday June 2d. Tab Bar up Tenderly." A poof tr.iy n.gro woman Calling hit II Itil. y Myall, about 43 year ol I, oa Wrdne-iday found her way to Apex. 8he was gro'nquely drrurd and her at tint su cruwnuJ Ls a iraau'a liaavar. SLa 1 . 1,1 . i.i yt.. ..1129 llloual, I homes o, tsr, aos, tua, cann iioni touuij u'cu.i 'ii Waif al t:.e ) and liicw O'TaTiTtuef slie was f .ing Ml'' a s detain. J Ia erf .mIj derm,; Wtdnesdiy night, but tu r.rawl ni t' as-arutaj. End waadwed . ( o ib lr.c in of MunUviil. Tb a 11 k aid ol li. 1 itira lUhr'gh depot ua Tkural.y Bipbt aawreab waa asriwted by 1 fil.M L l and dctaiaeJ till , day avreii n aad koiJ"! aver to Ike car ( kUe (-"bull Maas.iMiera, Tb str lurv'lwtla l i a ai Wank, "read bar ilbMtV TVe aUaavU Ooarawtloa. W krara Iruta mm wwrtky Waata W, ft. Pta. tV) , ht ba JaaJ f-tutaej froaa Ms Our.W Coevew'l a that e fratly a at Ikal It a very lulling T-Hva (Ultra Ml rrpt-waivl hy ,hh kuaiJ delt-giif. AaMwvll rca am oa t lr O.lo. 11 . j i-.. m adtaaa. Wml., of M ''(, anj txailh ol Oa-sgt. Tk C"vi!i..a paa- A a rlawi.-a to ti ) Ciffaa l .pa a eaaal tbfKk that trttn, the ei - act rm.1 U Ui bervaUU- Vsforasiai4 by iaal tai.vy A Vrilllaat UoaM that rAll04 a .4 sjtea the dVgl at IV Eiaal I tla, a-Jy Iwe at-ot et". ...iu.1 la the ".in'b Oa Tw-lt alihtarwa- ealhwln- wa bH I l Ik KJa.btJ 11 ase abaft 4 Irraa-t wv m - twada by Omm. O arJ-ax, Of Owt, O-t. 8Kkt't w ... ......... wtt oa ft ree3 atala. 4 1 e.emf uaa4 iii.if.1 TUts ww Uttwalout J 4Jd t pwf awt llwaw wk-t r .1. !. tt-,m X.jtm l' J a- Od. J U at. -.4-.4. mi 4 i.iia.a4 Tt ra, - Mir C'A M Klb-ad waatneaftk far pe-4.a'. tad Mr l" J la m !! - Meal lla-Bf-l atlr aaavt Iiu.ulii4, History ot Ralaih. To complete our sketch of jtaterduy in regard to the teleetion of the ground on which the city of IUlc!gh now stands aa the seat of government of the State, we give the following list of oiigtoal owners of the city loU and th ' numbers of the lots held by each. The numbers giveB are thos" by which the lota rc still des ignated. Kch lot oiigiu'illy contained one acre. Tlio whole utnnlwr of lots laid down on i lie originnl dinwing of the city, now in the tliee of So 'retHry of Stutc, wul 8T6,including (he twenty lots reserved for the fivrf public . fq'iarc. Lot l is in the extreme south of the eity, finning the corner ol l'u:oi and Muth streets, and the U Bumiwred continuously from riglilOuicfLTlm following is the full list- LtaK(. I to No. 43, iocluaive, not entsred. No. Owner. No! Owxkh 4H lUmileon, obi 44 Ruffin. -Benj:-i 45 Lane, Henry.' " 40 H'htouWm. iS Jamea. I ha ' 49 - ,.. la Alford, Warren m Hawkins. PiJ 164 Blnutif, Thoa 1 Stohe. David HIS Jones, Willie 107 Ray, David . tf38 Blood worth, J 19 Joaea,Ntli4n'l 170 Jones. Willie HO Hunter, bate it Lane. John 52 McDowell, Jot. 171 llargetf, Tre I JKt M4:!ier,ybrieli7 Hintun, 3m " ; 54 Hucklent, M. I73 Humphrioa, J 85 f j 74 Martin, Ale 56 Blount, Thomas 171 Smith, lienj 57 McDowell. Jo. 170 Ashe. Thomas m Blake. ' Dciutey 177 Alford, Warreu 59 Hamilvn. JoIidj ITS. 179, IK. m 90 Rufria7Bnj. ! 01 Lane, Henry ' M 11 m tun, Wm. 3 Union gonaro 190 Dillamoth, II ' 181 Lane, Joel , 182 Poo, John 04 Piuikam, Drurj 18a Hooter, Theo 85 " " ,184 Brigs, ( has 00 Hand, "Wilier: 87 Lne, William 183 Jnne. Tegnal ' 186 Bloodwortb, J 187 MtKeathen, D 04 Whitaketv Jobs 00 Mitdiell.UabrielllHS Vlek. William 70 HlwS't'komasiltia Hidly, Brown 71 10 Donaell, Kobt 74 Btreeter, John 191 Tagert, Joseph 73 McDowell, Joe. 193 Ah, Thmn 74 geaton, Elit. - 193 Martin, J . and 75 Hious, Thomas Hagood, Oeorge 70 ' " 100 Hawkins, Phil 77 " 107 Taylor, John 78 Ruirir. Joshua 198 79 Hifi, Henry l9 Lane, Jod 10 Allen, John ,200 Walk, .Anthoor 81 " ,201 June, (, JiatbaoU 81 Hunter, Theo. iiO Wood worth, J M Jrrrrrn-Hiilie-i" Iraweoa, WK" 83 " " . 05 Harvey, John 81 Laue, Juei ;206 Alston, Willi h7 " 1307 88 Jvne. Willi ' 908 Blount, Th", bo 'it-' " J '509 Tnvram Coin U0 Harititld, James 210 Williamson, J 93 Iiinis, Thomas ill Sumner, T K 91 " , " i'Jl'J Hawkins, John 94 Hill, Henry 413 Pointer. II onr y tit 214 McDowell, Jos l6 I.i"e, Williaul 213 Jonea, Hlllie T"97 " " 310 Aito',muel 1 .j v- t 1. nty t-i...l.l..l " . ' 'l' ....v-;......... Ou II .Hi.l.worrh. J sit l.ane. Mama 10o jnn, , WilUe .219 1st gh, John 101 " '' .220 Dawaon, W J W I-"". lli'vcy.youn I0:i ' M J'.'J lrvan,.juiiii , w ... , n5 ' " 224 Ciaven, John 100 Harllli Id. Jmes 223 107 Jo&ua, Willie .226 Knluht, John 108- Waltoo, Win. - U2I isiiittr.I JL- 109 " titi Hawkins, I J 110, lit, 198. 127.229 Pointer. Henry Moore rVinare Macao. John lt Htmca. OabTtef?9t Jonct WHfle 118 " " ,2JJ Blount, Tho 1114 tUi,Oe..rireiiS4 tttteelsobn! jj7 i. i.14 Cal-arrua, 4 j 111. 119. 131, IM.2.17 Albn. N ; Naanttouar nJ3i, 919, 24 J, 253, 10 B'.oiwlworth, J f Burk Houere lit ItlO Dsvte, W K 121 Jamea, John 'it! - - ' 123 Jonas, Willi 141 Lane, Uearv 124 Rusir. Aaron 1241 Perkins, W 123 M..n, John 2t Ilaaklns P A J 122 MitcbelL Jawaa'CU I . -. . ia ai tkM ik is - .i t,,., w., sia i-.. 1-1, :lj l.yw..l, J .tie J49 R LU Hunter, Uttc 250 Blou Ham'l 34 hiokra, rMiaT S-il A'l.wd, W arrast 1.17 ILnodaurlli. J .2 4 l4 lltb k yard 2J Tkmnla, WlPUm 39 Jour. Willi Aj Jv, W It 110 '2-1T - - m tt - 231 Hwkia P J 142 H niklo. 8m1 238 llifks Iao 41( , 2V) II klu. PA J 144 nt.k. Joka Mi .itt. T I 113 lil:With4 f J..J.ta i MS HMtet,Tb ti-ii.kt .fB lett?JS Srtlftjii III ti-m. P. vld ft - a 139 Martin, Jruo 9 Yich, WiH.ant 131 Aabe, faaae4 H ut ',J B 131 Jet, Johe 271 131 Jms, Hal. '171 Hill, Hry 171 " n i i t .1.- 154 Brwk yaH I - " '" ... m iy, -i.i 0 .IH7n"'. I71 I'm s r.i h. !2 76 Jonai,Nsthiui I , H, Ju n Utti cm th 1 1 3t Mn 4 Noilh Ha I ). i Mwwaoa rX 1 - 1 1 "ii I WW TVrf AM It f I A MaowneM rarty tSf U'li are 1 brgtaaUg ta take ti w lb rf rweajr I la lb U'phan At!B'a al OsR. It r. j taalwa t be a) If th rilw I I will .fMfl ft ntwval spirit la tb dirtrti ax. W faapartfaUy mtfl lbt I tkev iraiart all ritriliatt-Me w tkat nt Wat free aa) (kv. r-wt laef will 1 . . ... 1 U te blK-rwl at tot I- It et-aj I oat tbeaa v4big U ty mm b BT 1 iirww ae w - ' '-' I . . . . 1. 1 1 -... a I . wh.ii, m I mlravontf tsrHof IS ta WM-tMl I .... . . tfl take I He tail,. up 1 a ra lo MaXla. Ua b t4 Hk th4 ir.u kar I XI . L. . .. . ' . I . raiirel aub ml w. Meeting of the City Commisaioaan. The B rd of City Commissioners held aa adjourned meeting at the Mayor's ofllce on Thursday evening, Mayor Whits- kcr in tlie chair. All tho member, were present except Mr. Tluttie. Mr. Johnson had to leave I the meeting on account of indisposition. I The election iif uoliei.' officer was post-1 poned. in consequence of the alwence of j Co. Means B ath, nud Johnson, nil ucxt I it mtlng. I Mr Prairie, ir.m the committee nji, I pointed to estimate the necesaary ex j penaes-of thu city govwwucut l the current year, reported that la fhe opiuion of thu coiniuitUu tiny should not exceed I 30.000. Tin eommittee asked foe fur I tber time, which wa eranted, I Mr. L H4iuick saitvrd that the wty be I of lighlcd by gas, I This was opposed by Mr. Gorman in I CDiisequence of tlm exorbitant price de-1 mandud by tin gaa toaipitky. rjlo wnl in I fo lighgtle( tWllW'Ml4 I u.Oubaot tuoh Aekiiinda. l.itt , ; I ' Mr. Upchuich modified his motion by I proiMising to light the l reels for . week I with gaa and in tlie aweantime lo aaccr-1 tain if any cheaper niulliud could be I adorgjed.. " I Mr. Prairie oppoeed tkemetion as roid-1 Ifled even, and eloquently discoursed up- on economy (we think Mr. P. oie ol tlie I cxtv.gioi treot amulttee oi tlie peet, and an advocate of more parks)-the city J fs unable, he s.i.d, l, light It Mreet done. ! But be, too, wea fur retreBchment and reform ; yea, ir. lie had voted bete- tofore for linhti and anaintt them. . Ha I lut med. like Prairie, on the imoovetiahed condition of the city, and wa for cutting dowadiiwis sira. He coooornjl, with I r. uorman, lie uu, ana P light, as against the gas monopoly. Mr. Upcbureh Irreverently asked Elli-1 i1 n'o oJ for the winece 'J prk expendituiM,1 d pltubed into that economical movement. He ridiculed J -' - -- . . - . - v - tkousauds of dollar expended In mbtl-1 lithing lb square and In magnifying I hem into the dignity o park.' lie an! ho lalkeik .A tf cU?,r. ..dt.n. ThnndtJ , ing" tl.eBoi.-L f ' f totl,li.t.rf ' SicwkiU lainei 'oil., thought tec in-1 sod on from junciiug all bosh. It wa easier tai'd than I the whole nu jiltchnl, glovaloas, into th watt kwTtakea fr make four. Thl U nudert'.ood ' moheylu opening up new acd nnmxi-I sary si recti. He advised the Board to j spend the city fund in ncceatary work I ueliiie going Into I ne ornamental basin il.'ollitf Klliaou caalad he had voted for the parks an I for Ilia new ttrcvta, and lie did o that the imm grant coming here mighl hsve delightful place for r ptue aad slieltn, and to raise thair no tioiis of u. Mr. Upchurcli followed and pl'-turtd the rlnmal and dangru eoadition of our treet after tun down aad showed H f 1'ri.iid.tiiub.tbt ail cilijwa a TT) the 4mmluntwt Vans 1 leaving In bum after dark. Ac, Psaiila aaaaad. to lay Ute t,Jaiina if Mr. Upchurrb aa Ibi tabiav j.44, .1wrK'r inu t'"' trrt lor one wek. The asotioa I a tabled by the filliKaln vole : Aye M.-tar. Whit. Prairie. Ooraiea ,-i-.i-ara a pcnwnrw ail iwii- b-ith reprrvailng th Mid IU War I. Mr. Goraasa now Moved that aeoaamit-1 l-N be tupoinUJ lo CoaaUaf avni tltaao V....t. . ... wans w ngn-ove; isf enr4 aaornso. Mr. l'p Uuriu gati aotir thai at lb l it mifitag it Hi, tm.JUvW-AdyrU.ew,.n . . ... . . .1 Soprrlor Ctirt4 Ht ad "' t'" ' ejowlioa of SMpplyiag Iht c.ty a lib Water. The Uoeid Ibea adj Mirne L 1 b uejuaea at awaryra. . . , . 1 A w were nasbU U attend Ibia eater- taJaarteat we eaJM vsr frtawd, Mr. J ' who wa pswteol, and be kaa kind y laiaiatsed tb f.dtowing nMWw Tk aWtaiamt giv.a by Dr. Bavder, akb..,,Tbn.,nigbU--tb Ugl aad av4 a'il sa lcrr rvt targaat aad wxwt lW ta tirarrt that aval IIU4 kUtpwioti ta.l, w. t); U 14 pnlert t-a. Tb r. annate aa .iKd IWr p' of At ll -tw at Ft ry Lead," by I leery rhilrr. Tl tag waa a l.iw4 by bvtftutel ETiay vf rbarnseg y.-a.-g UJmm. !cled 1 4 I "-. wawan y tepta-M I lattve 1 1 It. aaaawal I art nf laaV I Tlii1ii'l..u...Li the We1r,w. p of Ma 11 .-, I he Cisaipt.d aaad atasai wifad 1 arvin ty p-.i a aae g t l" "a't". vtrag eaeWal tdy ae-l 1 "'"'J va-s 1-1 irj '' "l i lb Q , fllly, aaag kv I p1 itk I ri tail I ty pii.- Tnw ih'at I Hi j.t.g, swr l't, Ji . a "tTirWV I aa," a4 i4't OoteV a Wad t ig lay 1 .. .. . .... I wu g,ia -op.iirg in I d hJHt aa l r..t g ' 1,4 I 1 .n itil V,4. ..a,.. k. sm. b 4a. I eiiig ae end O-.f, b e bffj tw'f'f ft an ta ml I i, a'- t mi in i 1 n s, I. - . a , .4 t .1 1 . t . I I rHf i f N Mae 14 Itttaea, ' 1 . . . .,..1 il.. L.,-,.. a I ,rt i a W Ib a-valSl m I . 7 I Mi-ao ly 4 k la mm. End ef the Strike, Another meeting of the strikers was held at Metropolitan Hall t night,' at which it was agreed to accept the com- promise entered Into Utwecn cwtaia eiu- ployer iind their hands. The lolloaitg; card will explain the eutiie iirriuigeoient : At a muvtiug of the etnplovcee ol Mksis. Briggs, Uotater, Belts, Allen i I 19 and U. W. Aikiaa, ou Thursday Ut, I was ajirrvd by a majority thl tl.ev n-1 lo quct thuif employer lo establislt a tun hour tm. The said Brln, Roister ItettS, arien SCTiaviiig been w7t oo, ana In co.aplience with the above re quest, luv tukeu the above eratiue. aod have unaninioulf nirrerd tlitt on and after the 80th day of Mav. I that eleven fin houra lauor lw wouueil I their employe until August 1st And frmn the 1st day ol Augtist the ten f lf) hour sy-(em he entitblislied, and (onilltv- ll at a ,Dr' woiin. . II. J. Hani ill and Muasr. Cavuio i Wolf, being precnt, agreed that they I would eatablirh th mine rule and rcru-1 lstiut fur their cuiptoyora. luetlabltth ing these rUi and rwtitioH baud win be irqnlrel to ton farm tiridly to tAVw a in vtlior plauea where such regulations are established. Osford Orphan Home. l 1Ueking of tlii noble institution we nn.rr i ..u.w , j- u . . .,. n.a "Asylum," and we rrgn that In naming tl,e iu.tiutioo the deatlnctiou v. 4 , not 00 - r,l. W eUlled la I that oa hreemore oblldrea were added inmtjwtn from FrankliE Union couotv. Tkeaowake .nbernow at thollometorty, Mr. Mills being absent fmm the city, Mr. Juhn Niokolt liupetintendeut el , the Instil at ino fir the LW and lumb aad I the Blind, kindly took the orphan in fkafg d tent them an by train on yes- terJsj. Th.TappwSnhlopM UlU. - ft. y. Turner ot ,hu -d.. lu cnarua of au exleuaive tclio.4 for neero1 thUdrdn,iiaa)rIranliiiia: from astons hie pnp!, yrtaM Tnioe, with ft vlw to trotting ' (hem' ' Wud N iftb.' Hone of jjT9i um II, . voioi4 l.ltliVloal tUI.Bg Ur. Taoiwr baa I baJ, but tit genuine. I article. Mr Tnppet t ft full blooded I yaakua and kuowt bow many bcani It to be a p utalrn promising la'ge re-1 turns but how la it 1 1 reault to til poor ! hoy, ue Hil, , t,m Thrilt, tlirilt. Xbe Ladia of KaUih. Ia oar last, ia relereiHw to the Uing made for tho support of lb Oxford Orphan It ime, w aked if the ladiee of lielcigu were not goiug to lend a helping hand. Yestavdai we learned lUt the Rdi(h ladle were not only willing to do toiniHhing, but that they bad already an orgtuitil body railed the Ledic' Orphan Pociety for the very purpose, tfwt liflthef-htt 1kb r.irirtme tlrfttt.'- livcly engaged in carrjiag out iltobjacta Wt beg pardon nt lb bwlira, bet they aoisl u !ct I U wis 1'if.l -iliiu as to it Wt tlm irtera . taw If. ' - tr -t 'ti ?r-- "r-- Mr. A, O. Uarrwet, Jr., "'' - 1 batoMreit aa liitalj gtuc Ot!Wt. C-ifnef Of Uavle aa 1 I Wiimiegtoi Hlre4, U Ike City I fwjvu -' - '. I tad f,a suphiier. Tin bade, a prop- rly rondu.Ud, al l be found very 1 eiaatMaU W wsnlayw and ! tawk . . . I ing einpiojmeai 811 j tut d.iwrr. ' 0 llarathal -Mn'r fof a.l. N. Y. Duihaia-Nrw Water Wheel X A. Miaarary Sunnrarr I Ui fl - I-U. W. XL Jnor a Co. lUilrnad Wo, k fr ). ti. T. t troMa b A Ur-i.-Kew arnvtl af goit) Uoklag y. i Maiirre at pu.ic b' I'j ba I ! dull l late. A tai l-ok place ytnJy, U' 7mm rlued ga tWa ( tMg e"--ei-J drank Ihst Ikey met ! BH I ll ! nw . Leas abatg Omrlw Ml T. T. Mifbawl kaaa-aJ kss laletaat i Ik. pu"T t- Mr fl M. IUkf, llniaa Maa.g.i. II aol it. II be ta'.4 O'lk rl ae asava-Utc otiior. lo a'l baa.U I H iai1lia A era. gaT f'aftawr Iha dftisegtat aa I Pa'aser tit tmmt hve ) lo-l kJa bug itr im fot-U of ikar so-a - xaa asawlal 4 staaral , Ue.1 AC... . a"iWn at ya.t4f aaat 4 Ikai aW afftt.U al baut a4 ) .1 .1.1 1 .jr-w .-i e.,e I , 1 Tt t.i r t Ut in t-atitoiar I r r , lr at It .t aiiiv't'i'lr!. a bld.y 1.1 uf!tf ift..Mrfr.!ii.a5aijfW ij-jj Yl jj j; i, " " ' . r" ' I 1. . . . uit.. 1. I . .. of j mm:t , i, ,,. m -m 1 "'" mrm i aa is T ii t aa'na I MAEKETS. BY T ELKO RAT HI v ISToon Itopoi't. New YoHK.May 23. ( ottonilull. Uplands 19 1-1 ; Orleans 3'' or ulr delivery : June 18 9 10, Ju,J ,!i 11 lfi 18 ";' n-Kul 1 8 8 1 1 llu ot'Plu lour auil and umliaiiyed. Wheat quiot and steady. Corn steady. Pork dull and heavy, tfl.U I-; fcsnt dlilt; '" 'Welrii'irteaiari9' o 0 1 9. Turpetlito firm at 48 to 48 1-9, Riiii Arm at 83 5 to 3.10 for strained. fcekv rH. Money ateadt at 8 to 7 t 18 4U,' a , to LivEtuMoiMay 98. . Cotton opveed atuaily. IJklaud 8 7-8, Orleau 1 4 to 9 1-4. tle 1 3,000 baler. Week 70.000. 4 Bxport 7,0tKJ,. 8pecalar tion SJ)00. Stack 732,000. Amerieea 853000 - Receipt. 78.000. America) 90,. "P" '. LATta, C4ton steady. ,i .i, , Midnight rtejiort. ' ! - ' Utw Yott, May 28. t.t,rtto Net receipt HI bale. ' Orost 1,968. Bale export to-day 143 ; Vast even ing 785. Me futures 8,800. Market eloseil at folio in : Pur July 19 11-16 to 18 9 4; August 18 5-8; October ITT-16. Cotton dull, rjulit 2050 bare. Vp- KiiJ tt 1-4 ; Oilesn 193-4. Floor duM nncnangea. ui.xy nroicr. Wheal 00,11 . bfk , in canal UlTunt th h""1'1 - Oorn-.upply . hade flrmer, cl"?"' ... ? 1 T 10 '.. JBW tK- 0"1 ed , li 75. lta ,tL'dy - ttcady aud firm. Tallow u,dy- ' " " " Comparative Cotton tatrmeriU. ' Met ce'pi t V. . Porta duxiag the week 14,128 bain; same week but year 12,820 ; total to date 8,803,712 ; to tame date last year 3.843,113 j export for w&k 58,513 ; nun week latt year 83,943 ; total 10 flat 9,249,818 ; to tame data last year 1,823,830; .lock at IT. & port 833,437; same time Uaf year 233,739; at alUnte ri" V'nl,8LW9Mlin.Jaatear 8,3i:i; t Livrrp tol 732,000; tame time ... . ... JL. , . J. ' . . , , Oieat Brilwin 215,0"0. . , i . Money 8 to 7, Sterling 17 8 to 9. Oold 19 8 8 to 19 1-1. Ouvernments closed strong at 1-8 advance. Histe very quiet and nominal. LlvKxrooL, May 83. (,v,im roM twdy. ftliw tnelude 7,000 American. Kavannab and Chnrlev J"1' ' Augn4 delivery 7 T 8-7 13. I". Bl.Tmmt, May 28. C.TIon dull ; IrfldJlingl 19. " Nont-otE, May 28. Cotton -Net receipt 800 bale. Hair 100 ' WlLMlEOToa), Msy 29. -j . LuUuu. - Slit leciipU 28 bakl, Sale 2L firite larpaaMiae bighor aad Main ttrtdy. - . Tua Eriaoorit. Cnavanrrion Tht eventj-asghth annual couaeil d th Pro testant Church la Hie dlocete of Ylrginl onvenea here to-morrow mornlag nt 9 Vl.a K:"Tlir eovmeit " awrmovr wifl bn .r.-ha.t L ilia lb llr. WlnrSatd of 1 Hrrslirg, .ml the Holy Comiaaakia nl- I mlniatered. The attendance of dclrgataa. botn rmu-ai am i lav. rroaa 1111 aaat in- . . .1,1 1 t. I ILJk IK. ltlinlltM .r here. The venrvahm Biafiop I John, who wa nmser rated ia Rk-hmood In U41, aad ia now nearly loar aonra, will I - " ww """ trcuuv uea. Ht. Julia's Episcopal ckarch in Pofta- alh. has ala.lisk.! the laaltae f wtsr I aad ofHaNiae ft free iharcl. 15 EW ADVEimSEMENTH. Jt.T item id Ra t 1V1 1 la. 14 MlliWI ai Caw rrter. t Eamst M U 4 al lltriaa li T ri- H.4a . t. ETaVOMAUt A tlUO. A I L It' )ii 0 TflX K piH 9 ALE ftkM v r. a. aiiwk mt takatwt 1 AU I I Ei.-k taayaa W. II . JuEll DO, yi!M, WUMklEI AMD BAXIXI. Ualiaiaaaaa le t Uaww Wklakf, 4, 1 " H. f, Un ttr DWU.W4 WkUkey , t lNtal M;a. !'- MomIO - ' - ) tea. H C " " . ' Mania IH4 " " at r.o J a at liar' (ltd K - larv4 , , . btuiak-ja h " t ur"" v.if i - 1 km'! ai " iiia.fa ttmtf a ad k tnmdf ute n.M 1 Afi4. IOmI farrv Im laiwM iw Vlatt oa m a aw. tt ataaw harea ataaft t ftVe tkarv U.4 I i.,u a kMd s4 aa a '' IiIkimiiim Um lae T'aAaUta ni V eaaw 0 T 8Ts30 Attt A It1 1. I vi rata ur mil.) rm ALt V ArT1! U 11 l.MtlTfltU r '" I . rn mi a. - f unatiit a, M C Btraaajf. vwava oave awa ;Q I. Marti a'l lit Tirtit . t ,) I I . ... 1 . . I . 1 . . ,,.,.. mlTH . ....... . tv-, ft. A-iltM. T, t j MKmi VEW ADTEUTISEM exts. yVJIMKU KEr.KKStlMINT?,- , ,4 Moseley's Cciifcctioiti ry Ktc i f, . The Moat Delicions i Ice Cream Soda ' Water. He ha th only IreCreaat aleoa. IT O It 1 A 1 I K H IN KALEIUII. If ou desir to tie cooifortatilo- taTJ at MUeltLJtV'a . , may W K SATITRDAT, MAY 24tiI, 1878. Will be cold at TowleV AueUoa ' oej WlliuliixUm eirt, at It o'clock, a pair of ri.NE BUHV.IKD HOHUKB. ynaJlUa -aad gwiwastaed. , r h ALSO AT 10 O'CLOCK ' ' ' A tanr"Mrhr)y t ItowMbutd aiastjaav o good tonality and rood aa new. tine KovJvlii; Tow VookJosrf tovw wMk alt . , ttK.urea and ha Utile men. One Pluo and other ttM'ds, J Aft M TOW L at ..q-n r, iraajj ua-iit. ? ( AuiUoeavr. $m i u ywc.y J.jioTit.y'Tn , Ravlug cOoaeU-d myself With th1 , 'f CABB0N 11YDR0UKN ' ' OMrXACllTXE COUP AN 1 ,i' 'Of .forth lairolima;''"' "r , now offer Jo tale mi eiillr 'stock of Sooiir", 10 , " ' ' ' ' -wwtttsB)(jVMs; tilitig,ij Fancy OroeerieV Coofeetteaarlea, beg va) . H the very best or wiBea, jjquor,,,, 4?J .IhirtiuAleUmported nd,do- , , ' metic)7two ofPhelan. ( ''"Champion" Dllllaid'yw '!!'"' u:- i" Table. Very flft . .,'h ii s:t Beer and A I Pump, l good order tud timost new, nn ujeicr lanie wun and without uiarbla top, ChBirar v J "' " Picture, ' ete.y flmiiublo ter baiq.ri m i -. ' , Hotel and Housekeeper.) , ,t ,VI, tatle who desire to Xolnlo baalnea. ftils" . Ill ba rarechanee in enrrbaa tlM ariwiV V awe at Ui towett. rauu aad on (avonUl n j Tni oonVoVWvnRt rwtiatt . . . . . i. 1 1 u fm.i it. . . . ... lu.aMiuuif i, joa I ImviW . TVMko wUk kte eat wllldaM sieeaa. , a a 1 Intend to ahlp my rloek If aol told by th 1Mb ot June test. ' ' " t .- , "J P. E AU nanMuUdal.tad In isa will ennia " - forwsrd and settle, and tlios hsvlnc se""nU " airalaslmewHI yreeeat tawwa -ay ii 161 u ; 4 ana. . . . . . ... maySS-lni ""' i ,n. r 'The. Freeawre have beea la'ase alneelWOt with the tot tattering resell, ad I key arm ' MkawwieanaaV to Ui , u,'.l J -. , lUT tC CKtAM rftKBZBAaVi t il , 1 Th dwher or twat4 has beea roast rew4 I' s a to raadllv wainl frnas UtaotE aftae Ui erra has. bean, fx nana fatso the Mawieg u nasiancu 1 y usv ng a PIVETED WOODEM SCRApril ' attaraiad te ta beaWr, wklck eoaioraat Msalf lowly to lb Inarr suifac of U tea, reaanv as; the froam enaoa a tantdly aa ferried, idle Ue ava-wtur lu th mit't as ta ww dlrwel Ui aafrusaa err in lo lb stdee ef IH. ' ia. the wkola bode at cemna euaataaily t 4iaiNtla( nosUoa. knaurlna; a raild eoaferaloa lalo Ih dvatred fruaoa bum For sue by '' ' T. 1L Briggs 1 Cons, Btga of tt OotdtB Eagle, ami 48, THAWkEhVlilBa 3t.Tr J ir.Tly --" " . W.ll. J0SIItXl $" 1 t-i: Aaoikar lot of th mtr st iMlkaaacto .row lii. II ' W. It 4018 A CO. AO kaakat Mack fa. al II a ia Oroaad few at II an Bfl- u at F. ablklaaACtA. ytmr t BTRtPii ' Bt karM rkiiaslkl St raw. C1 r a jii. i j... 111 i mm a r 1 mmw aarrw a laayawvrvayajy aaayt aV E. JOXI8 A CO. C4 MM ID riACUtl 1 ofl 4 m aaa rvtaula? st 11 !m nrr 4 ata; 4 k t. JuNKa A3 Cu. QAf A0 AAUH.R4AJE. , . , . Cark't WtV)anl fsaiei Cl tu Ansa AlUOr 1. Vvry rlia,i It rdokkaauA C U Y t B taay s v FRUIT JAR ' - a ' 1 -0 r I0 ItPAMl L.Y XJ 8 WJ' Tfc..t!4 awaib tmtmtmU. t VM-AritaaT. , . Ml A I A kf .l4taaa ft. if-atstlUt trait Jaf 1a THE tintr. r wnta a embf tlvLg f . as 4 aaraataawa tar paiUag ay Frea) k . , JLI It 4 Ltwll 4 CO, ' a4 k M ar, I tV 1 at . T a afiATaa . U aa.yta ' Ealil.a, M r V'V'TII !' it ItA, Al IUTiHlU. j 81 rwaaua Gawav. llmM afT atlHl J'Mtk.aU. JeOira Hall -. g-tli la WatNwe, Hviita KM' bi.a4 4a tta K. 44iua aad kna Ii ail lug, r4iua fi tMwr. ' It 't. la tb MU.fa.IU4l aj t i.,rt ' -b4 IW S f !. 1.. Miaa Iii.mj ft . hm I i.atiiar tana a Miitae ad Ha t.Uinf ate a rf.'. 4 IK. BL.U, n I u 1 a. I iaii bulikiw - 1 1 hit t hi (a ta Wa:y . si - 1 1 11 1 ik tiauiuiftliuivi, auft.a -4 - ni4.l atf U f ( aa , tvmm,!. . t.a U''i.,lil ua kf ih - r Ik B-., I I, lw,f rf h ir wtkaab u v akiMMw,' h m aa t'MB VM 4 Ibks mmmmmm m 4-1.1 la u. wit-. M ' L ait k Ih k M aa u t-4 ik.., ( v , 1 , ( ft 4 ... 1 i. tikr ti.- a4t.- i ,-w um if .a. f I ... . mm m ia s ' l law l lli. k. gwai4 aa..!. la m4 mr.m--1.1, V. taM J W r-f 'k ( li fttVn f V 4 w ka , l !.. H t.f 4 a.? ! J. v. I imi, Mf - k4C I

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