I 1 I TliEMNTLNi;,,. 5 Fur luiTKuquirer: 1 THE -DEAD PAST" AT TH B SE? TJL- ' caaii.- ; j . What are they.tu! atraujje d enu that conie Auit rule our iliongfaU like throue kiitt J for go dr iM ateiga our ooo-ur, ift "i. 4-ek)e they aiwnut roe? tliWk'B.t I itw light tuna out the sky. Nut luut of sue or stars or tuoon As a leaden full dropped sUuy4 i. tivor u-ig sepulture .11.6 s-. - f4 0 t And there beside that cold raria(j tonu A li dowy tigure beuded low. One band notified waved me on, And" wouueriog word gave sound to woe. ' Oh, tomb I oh, tomb how silently, Mj lung, long buried dead jret sleep ! Kent lu thy lone, dark depths while I, The 'dead i-st' bury here, aud weep !" My heart grew chill with dumb amtaj ; I taw the bended figure rite, Throw hack tju drstiijig MU .awI $im " Vpon ineauiiiaif, neary ejes. Aud theu, the culd band touched 111) own, btrangu wklBpured words fell 00 uiy ear ; Hi, Heaven 1 through all the ages flown . Were ever words to lull of fear '4lvereirora out thf heart," iheysald, "The treasure tbou hast hidden there, Thit la their burial, with these dead In the strange tomb thou see'at here 1'' "Back, beet?" I cried, "oh spectral FaH, me my dead, aril (m thm ym;n But the cold spectra hel ut fast, ' Aud from my heart my dead had torn But Hiatl woke, mi found then still, .y dead, yet Hvlny In my heart, Safe from that vision's ourial. For Asi-e, tbq duad Past cuukA o4 .' AMmomf, May In, VS7X. S B. V. 'I lie New York Nation tliiuks it "a natioii.il disgrace to liavu the Uuited Mtute triMiiM used to sustain a Statu gov crotii'iiit K 1 wih a conmiittcb of thuCinhd Stale bcuaUi baa Ucclareil to be utterly uoautuor.7.'jl and fraudulent." Yet the Louisville Urmimerci so lull of "mni ice, hatred, auif all uncharitubWness " to ward the Houtliorn people that U eUUks the "Cioti ol the I'rcsidciit honorable and r w so . Co i. Okohok D. Williams , iifSvulh Carolina, who was last UuMy apujirw ' ted MiulMor to t!ie Central Antericaa rttutiiol litiatcmuU, Coaia Hit, ltotdu rat, t!vdor and Nicaragua, to pursuance of the met of the last Cotigroi prJvliling tlntt but one minister in ail be accredited to all the Slate oatued, li an el -Couli.il t rale coloutt. lie eorumanled a. wy'wieot Under Geuerul Kirby Smith in tin- rrant Miiiiiiii caoi)uii;n. Alt r ilie wax he octcd "ib aituution," aud j itnetj thv Itrpublifjn pirty. Hi aalary will be f 10,000. It aaid that the consolidation will aave thegovur. incut f jT 300 annually UiciwwHii Whig. A Iti 1.1c ok UaHKAHicM 'I lie Aincri caa Mu euiu of Natural History at the Central Prk,'Kcw York, has addml to ttt K TOmefltTtrtTerTJTt:iitrllf1!rnimg them Viral riugt nl stoiic .ioml like a hot-coilar, liid rr., M is aid, uwd in afrWent tunc lu fckh . ami cl win rc in the tropical latitudes, by Ihc idio-riino-a. It was ud iu the aat-tifice of butaao live. A wooden bhjrk was nl ,. rl under the back of the V n il 111 and thiM- .t.mnd. um nei-k.bkh us4 Ins breast t ir -ll .oli. I lie pilot tli to advanced with kni v in Inn. I, and cutting o,.the brea.1 ,.l.ickcd h,rth the lull ItllOOOing newri. sue wmj win m tract many to tee the "rings." BmtM it MuafCALKflTsv-U nodnn Bttkio certain difioue bow are railed ly ccrtoiQ drfiolte arise the me tn-wg the letlei nf the giutiebet. A, o, U, U, K, r. U. rcoerrd Lrf i-M h octave. Bo loe Halt awrvly jttton of ttf(, w of ntu.ie vieruird by the human voice, a tintenlio) of thia hind is not uramrj, the voice is an ore sutSrtentlj Bet ibl to einitai' will 4e of any di gie of ..i.iMuaa i.r Hsihi within It natural limila. ILnee fi.f smh buhmoc msr nirttlr the . g-nsu. v . Unrig lt4e- . .sts.Ivot ul f.ui.V'Ut !" uiteh. vsf1 it is ....!,. lotill lh liolee .1 iufBl! : irrzri f 1 io iiu l.s aiiifi.re fllif i Jf.fe CeMMvwi . ' . 'lUituU tuixuia Wvf pollull fxtlill reatu .SaiH te JohnsiilM Sr iilrtllv'4 - J - X. 1 1.. . i.L-rat a rnnsii.r ivw A.as . VW,' -ee-rw'ls. A, . i.i,u tvnil A("T AND (1AME A I I' 'V cock a J4 lutk et.ifI.toJt juilE mhi M tMatjdef nraool two, to 4 rvilnt t moral ix-vertlielrae Ae 1him, vet - --- - awnre, diasik end looght 'tt II weal Waalnogloo to fH e Ww lo de the fi.ker e the M jb. il.su -4t41 lk tnt 4. ffcvw.ee hklt ..oil thee Hsiifl hiamself to oerff ttttt h PioMstoM pee fMf, deafsrf m.i.s Vwll w- twrh tefa'M k- lw U.g... Tli, eJ r ter- whlrh of M I Zt Lsr'waAM ' rl" to gr4 tfcwKhew be toJ4 Jestfl u.. o... 4 . .w m U,, Uertlu be-l -4 ) ewe a ir y -rt, Uf. toae IfcH eey eatsr 14 B,T ( J' lwf 4 elifcer I fewa Q jakerUa f WethoiMw. IM Ul bm j ..ad..J avushI the t je rm if ml ei,he ttost w eowi.l. t esak. i h.w.. I M akwl with O- tss Fere-. le lee. Jeet-r toighl l.eve died to hie mm t to- -' krswei lJe to Ike II I ItoVher fr, A ', AJ . U Vs: tus go4 IU Or Neesvee, k.4s to Itto tousle w4 jwTtol ! kwaw u the Ptel-'twf.e wkMf loot .... i..is.sa Ai.1 tUl hisa to 1 V?" "7 ' i 73 m,J k.a u.a..rtlnst sell IM IMmjSII m .sMaur Ito Bs4 ealerf 4 ........ u k.i. .n I ..tkrl '. eae i r .' . . I ..w.l .. i .10 ll s Ikil I . i I li I rn I HIT. I " t h4 ha leiawd wl of fe) M j IL, H kAi, ,,. ,., ....... aT" ... i a k t I I' li I r'.tel 1 ,vtovA..f r.Vi;:.Vki:.-i-to,to rrruAMt ImiW, Ft M ikrT tT e'M - t.f leieM lot " ' " w iJ I-4..U', r.Upe-1 lev. -4 TbO FCOpie 1 1.1 I r T T 1 L 1 - - toMght fe-Mkg eke he- M ttoJ - et a of aw he lf4 eWUr W. wr to nt iw Vk-tl t k4 tlwi'! M rv.e4 d ma ii t ' ,r i 1 t.-- w- t . w ..... , ., , . ., ,., , , . . iPi,u .sa. -4.es a-w. m i io::;rk!wTrr (v,. 4 zxzzzt. , , . .,. 11 s. "g-"it l 1 r A, a a . I 1 I .s im ;..ii... .. e .. .lt"... f 1 ' ' '..i., ii, . f... ..vi w ia . - '. I k.-..-.i t..i,ioa 1. r-e , -s I I - - k.lk i-J ltoI e -- jg- I 4 U A'l. -f --sl OMtMst w-pl-ii"'. f-r . f Is ' ' A-'kA. , lf.,..f. ' i.ens 1 ! fts-MpM 1 iwm !-i 1 ri '; l-'e ,v- kiaA-oAoif leeke .kSie . It It " tor KtO.fs.iwwv. test B F "f I I It e.- II t S.HaMK'l Trices Ureatly Beducedt . Aa wt wUh to make m. cbMwe In our Urn Beet, wa aotitly wur (a iu,and the iiobhc, Uial we will aril oar eaiir Jt't of guoda at grmlly induced pricea lot ww- , Qu atoek cuaDrie - . DOMESTICS. HATS, GAPS, f 4 If. BOOTS, SHOES. C.ISSI.WCIItS, CLOTHES. filmic Furniltng Hood, YankeeJotious ow It the lime for Bargain PRIMROSE, PETIT & HEWSQM'S. .ill indtbttd to the Firm are ailed on to ttltle immediately. mar li tf ' ' ' " ' ' "' " A KK1VFD ! AKU1VED ! I AKR1VE1) ! d:s.iwaitt's " '.a : ' 51 FaycttevlKc Slrert M Prints, Dclanel, Xfmlhis, Verealea,'tretod, Linens, Cambrics, Piiue, Lawns, Dorae'stic and Scotch Ulnghams, , , Weecht4 amlriwaii , . j . SHIKT1N08, aHElVnNGS & DRILLB, , Gents', Youth's and Boy's Suits, Latest BOOTS SHOES. A complvta ana liu -ortmeu. HATS and CAPS, felt, Fur, Wood and fttraw Oooda. Gal) atid tie lriwtu. GENTS' FI'ttNISHIN'l GOODS. llosury, Notions, Trunks, Valises. Call and ex.mH; my a'.wk In fur purrhae- ng alscwlierei, I). 8. WAITT, an 'i jgPRINfi AND SUMMER GOODS J. JL IlOSEXllAUJTt (it'-tTKMoK TO A. KI.INK) I vholesalff ul Retail Dealer is I UKADY-M ADE CLOTIIIXU roil .HE.ra.vu no TaPLE Oil uonim. ' OATS, BOOTS, AHDBUOU, 4UJl!IA,CROCEEET, ANO UUMWAkfc. ' Corner of miirnu,!. aau usumi oisi UAUuKiLt, Si. U. seeeei '"i" Ua eeaasA the ut euaiiWU itwk . j oi KiKHifi etrr rr.t5ii uir rub, i:wiwi vJ.iW d.na,c u. . HE tUTlll. I I 1t-3mi H " " V A L VstTre aUJi UU. mi.l U.lr UK IaasHA. fcKswH AMhUMi -AirltlV4 4Hr.s BrMww "f isnssssiis.eaii.ii" wi, ' boa of U U. tUr .1 M- IMIilUlut v wt - he i'uel to k ikHr 014 imn sm m Usaet !,pii 1 IH BENT IB AtVlRtsAeTOIt, .& 1 1kaCl4! MM lliiLit eod Ut, where i - l I iu. ei.g U. wA.og w. uee kaeM, .4 twMft--' mMtmi,m, C, I VfATlVI f CT I 1) ,i-.n-t. r S-.4 to-n m le H. DAILY fturnoH! WELkLY BWTiuJI ..iliu .takeelersa - uciuition vuu t ft I wt I rjtft ,t. 1 I " . i sawiat. . tls, I -. ,, i ll . to ey o -i IMS wsff I (J A r I . TT ATTfiTIAIa HA1I2I ' Faievrevsto. H. C, fsx B3, l1t. t 4 thrt fiMi.s n-e ka-.u - - 1 . . 1 ll'H'S ' ' . ... I I " m.w.-. ww- - , - .w. m VI, - - - ' . . a J)kCLI LE CO. DIl TJeCHSTS, H FayetUvlUe St., R KALE161I N . Hv in store their usual large ui,ly of l'UKK lUU'fl, ClliilCB CHKVIUJAIA, lt PIKfl!URKltS, TOI and FASCV AKTiCLK : -"t r- ;"-.. ' --Trt TKAst- ' ", " : I cjiot'OLiTg, 'if, 8 PICES, KLAVOKIN(i KXTKACl'S, - SEOAKA, Patent mkuicisbb, mineral watsrs, WiNK3, BRANDIS8 and WHISKIES Of the best uu silly for Mediciil use. All Uie (illlclnal and other Standard fluids and aiihd. JuUracta, and. the nations Elwirt geuerallv In ure by the Mediral Profcwiou. uur stock comprise everything nsaally found in a Brat cbu Urug store, ana is oncreu ou w most favomt'le terms for cash. Urdcra Hiled with nealnciM t.d dispataU u lowest market ratca. ' Jan 10 jm 1878. jFVessl CSa-i'u HosmIj A supiSy wf itJI8T'Boiurarinw Sciliute ardentceitsVjurtrVTelv-f.ltlV"''' ' - Garden PEuOti), Lee co . iaiiltf-1in. i it 111! WITH OIHUINI FRUIT SYRUPS, ' vicwr,. . - CONORKSS, a I ' na BtLUf-ni ondrauirhll families supplied with'ityphous oonialuing either of tbeabova, front wkkh the 1 water caa be drown a iresu a iroin inei fouutalo. i IMPORTED PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, DRUOQI3T BUNCR1BS, AMD KVKRTTUISO WOAlXT KiKTMD IH A FIRS! CLASS DRUG -TORE, . . AT ' W M. SIMP S O X'8 : fayutuvill . ap $ :" r 1ME! UMK1I laud Bills. Fresh Stone Liuw. 'eU received and fur aale biw hjf WukTIl A WoliTll. . ..Vi!reigtiN 0. Aprnaviw.' Ubls Flour. 1 tapsco, Elmgrov i ether braiwt , , 1 . , ap is , v. c l llu.Al.u NOTICE TO v'Rl IT AND VtCikT ' hLE , UHOWKktv. We are preBend for the enmlng season to dispoM of all kink of FrulU, VarUWe, Ae . Wiat may l ronalgnHi to uur am and a ll thera prooittiy , toe hkrhast eaerket price with ijuirk asie and prwaipt vvturue. eten tils furuUhed to oil ahippuia, lie card beutw. T. H. hi aoe i. 1. Da atilf, M. tLisav. T, n. B urges & Co. UENEHAL COUMUdlOX UKKCDANTo, isninii iatl hut. usi. ruriTK. sin, AMi ALL Kl.NUS OP IMtODlCE . lot kuuik air.vL Libsvai sJfMM aud v eoeakgaaiciiU. i I .,..teg..A., B .1 ft " " " 5 A.,,, ... 1 TCIL AVALQAM BeiXtt O . . . . .1 I trtW. OcVHSMlBoeeell. vrvirw, wr a sgMiu re- (be lergfwi w.11 Vsndrf hv to I il '." pfr4 l.tllof ersail fivittry tMM. rsil si- eiwsis e I diLitt urii. " ! SD tt N s py. WaWgh, K U I The ka d-asMl balMIng m oo FsveUesJe f UasA, silt mu4 buese ess at tares oatsavs W. Ilv JohM AC' - ClfllMt lCllT Mr srTW is tar 1 (h.-itud A.-wt f f. !( rsiw.r!.il--s to toaa.it al f aJoel.g .' of UM Pe- I r" C-et BmU. ," '" "j II. w.i: ;. s4 "at lie h .)- sfaiau-l 4 ready ! dMest-ie, eod e rv.iu ii ... ,.,4,. T V.sJ " ALB " L. T, I.. lllgllU'TI, ws twrw. Ae tk knife f.lwr T. - ilit K an.. 4 .'! p If W II luvtlliu ,' I - - i . . - rssw M( oi nhii-OAk, HH H'ET h w.i. Ti...H4( n. ' It C.lk'frEwFlMKIIT M ami tiiiiir r" ngg t H tMrsiie Itnag were I A.ta H . .14 . i i aiuf.a at w m s I - - " ' , - Mi l. Al eeevu " I " ' e Mil t ias. I - - - I li E a X. M A i I rv'Fi r iviAXD AGENCIES. , E A t. 4 t A T 5 Improved aad Uaimproied. ClTlf KkirkSCEi.ASD VACANT LOTi We sell at owner prices and sllord pcrsoun. trispeeUuli U I'Urchaoera, Auvnui IracH an tot now hi d) with tmirueiwn toadl (or lob r ether ui oefora. ; . l'rtttot sl:aitl rarntsneiidcnc tor . and torn olk'ltt - eiiAH.AM A NASH, -Attohnbvs, ' - . Charlotte, N. C. - KoUTv IX iiUAJUAJI J r, NaSM. feb vl-8n ' ' 'BOOK STORES. H 0 L I 0 A Y g t o u a AT Till "T" " W 1) 0 Ik e T 0 ft t T ! AtFiiisD mmm t 9 ',. , " ' N I Vy. . : V ' ' ' V v- I. , ' L ; v , - -'-I'.. . i... . ' Foil lloW AMI lillll-S. Toy Hoiiks for Chlldn-a In great variety. Ftae Prtecli and Knglish ltionery. ' Uold Pen for LsiIks and UenUcmen, of ths best make a large assortment. Klne Pencils aad Pen Holders, t PoeketBook and Pott Momes. Phutugraph Albums 1 Diaries for 187H, various Stylet: ! rine BiWe aud Prayer Books, t'hurcb ervi and Hymnals Willing Oesk and Port Polio. , ToubSsU l'ae lor Tmvelliig. ; Cheaaand Bsclicammon Boies. ' tJhromo Pictur. nd Irajues, at eiceedlng Uiw Tirit'cai. i Il early, U ou h to gersttl.i'iwt ALFKEU WILLIAMS, Bookseller and gUtionJr! d c I V U TDOtJMe TO KEMT OR LEASE. IuH"atII n,.iMlnuit mAmiLs Tuckir prowuloei'unit-d iiy the North Carolina lAnd Voiupany win oe renu-a or inn yi WiU be leased foreileof years. M.ll. . O. IVI.HI.H.I". I dec 17 If -, I mdirttTVn t. 1 VMlUliNu, XC. . .. i .TE IbONIBLI CI. OIIJ" I PECONI ANNOUNCEMENT. 1873. SsriEl aai SDmimt. 1873. II. B. ANDREWS I CO, 87 i'A VETTEVI L L E 3T. HALEKiii, N. C, I Hespeelf uTIy tneoeor to tbr rWmr ted I tbplrir gra!. U ttef ve wow tat i uw 4 .o.t sf,. j .v s 01 I awwaVtHtfeweeweeBBwHawewMeee CLOTIIIXG 1 1 I lti- nt. "I ". ""to1'1-4 - rl U of 0 1 tbmmmt . I MT A-e-rtf eeaBto.Uee) h eelleiW. I a TTIK T IO I F A V N K tt A l v til Bruke lass Mwtow - I iiuu4 rwa nursH Iliuod Wagon. Fiw aai very rtoae t A. C AUR C ., fi n " Hat ttwiw V o 1 ; R liar ai lis lisn Mi. HSii " wbnh w tie ney two tsna ssft, m sef are i.w tf.w i;.ta iMt.ni w ae.e n inss enVt Ike toe '.est .. at, , ai l.,.e.,A.,l4lua U u t I , A bus hH i f k'U as4 1st a - - - - - - - e III t. 1. IKOiA.U-a eVMk If ALValktlltf f HuflaTI CUD BALK. f vtwsis e e dsnsw ssf ww oei-ew TieH sjf .he so as m4, w,ll Ml t ywesas H tKI ltka Cut. B1 IsOt'eE tMK'X I U Ik .If M !... tke ktw. woo. I rUAf, Wtll )AT r MAT N 1 1, I at 11 . i-.k w , to. Msfkalat I '" ' ' '"":',,'Jr B , ,l , , -M I ......... a . - ,.,,.,. J ..ska. is. - UB.I ,ni,iwiv.oits -wi .Iiu kw iswe h t e, es . "0 sj i To ( . "f 'V. p... wkf to to S..l m-k i . .l kll 777.;.,. ' ' a i. MK T til. ft I -a. 4 4t. sw a t "f 1.HIII lat, ' was iis.sei I a. lekte, atkkJKBkt m r h a -t ,., lk ..1MS- q k u. a. a n,v o w i s ATTOKXEY LAW.. ; Practice In the State auVederal Court. Ptomi attention gives to the collection of claims lo all part f too Hlate. jan Ki-iu hV C. Biouaa. T. P. Ukvcksvc . ti A O 0 JTRSU IV.ktlUI, 80LICIT011.4IH BANKHl'PTCY, Ojllae w iSfivniwA JinSdittg, SeronJ Jtior I Jvr(A lamvuyh llttnu, BAIKIDH, Ji . C Will attend to all case of Bankruptcy, -' Mr. Badger will attend the terms uf thu Dis trict Court. No estns fe charged for consultation, may T-lf Jo. B. Uati iiaioK, L. C. Eowakus, Kalelgn, Oxford, Wh. 1'L.l'MHia IUtiuki.ok, KalciKh. HAlCllKt-OK, K.IHVAKDS B tTCU KLOK, ' . 'attorneys at Law, Kaleigh, N. C. Will alU'iid the CourU of Wake, tlranlllc, fraukiln, Warren, HaHfnx, Northampton and Cball am eouhtius, and the Federal aud Su preim Co aria Jan S-lf . . i rjl r. UEVEKIUX, ATTORN K Y AT LA W , OOlee on the second flHr of the Slrouach Imilding, north of the Yarborough Rous. Practices iu the State aud Federal CourU. (JolhxiUiiM promptly attended to iuwli arta 1 01 uie awie. j, , ,cptllf , I a. r. oit . job a atuw MOORS A OATLINQ, , AT nut Nk,rH AT, LAW KALKtOrii. N. C taw and Federal CourU and the CourU of Uie 1st and Bib judicial UiaUwta. ovaltt. o V 1 1 E 1) U PR (LatoM Helilgh, S. U.) ATTORN EV COC NSEI.I.OR AT LAW, o. li wsi.l ST., new roaai nv. Will tU 'd' s,i(Hy 0 all prol.luiil huaines otrtl tut hiit.l lb ti'r t the Chief Juatk wl Usee. 'laU 3sMUcM M Ah $upnlns Uou t of North Carolina, and to tli Wbola Norm Cafoiina (tar. feblH-tf t V L L 0 Mi ,1 ' , ' aTIU-NEY . AT LAW, Su IIU1SLII. f. .... . . nnrl nt Jrl,. I ilon. Wavne. Wake, tlalifai. Warren, and ad' joining ewimviea, aoa in ineeui'rwiw vow, vi Korth camllna. f4T t lelie re lertrd lntiy part nf the tUK WW WW c. O L It A M sow COMJIISSIOX MFMCltANTi .U foalh WsU.' UU, ' ' W I I. w . N (i T O N . N . C . ap B md lie f U U K At T R O H 0 . 1 tJ BUOK1UNDEH ; i A i Hlaat llk MtM0M-sjrrr. ov oktu i seot.iaa eooMTona, KAl.E.UII, . C f.t. U tf o. F. C 1' R T CiJNTHACTon ANTIDCILDKR, ., 11 a I. k i ii , X . c. Work dues pnxaptlr, hi a good workmaa like vasneav, and at tow ytvm , bm ei .sasw , -w M . LB 4 fM (ourl turn O si si r . ir M w Aivet to etie ht JUoewi la two of u.s ats eMas oi inw l ourl f iks I eiwd lisle ee tot Jert. wyldseAwU tI'()UTIN( K)US. I f J I VI I IlNtsLB Ul'Nl, . ttj MMMtM,w,J tii ua. to i on. ImLel-E Like At t on. at. tie on. e!si. lie w. M0u, lAws, sw. f au, .. ssa-u s. su aatuu. ee ... In OB. ut, ito sas, lis wt , r I I u a , ,lh B . ti-li. A!V..ly, fc.lMry aa oik I...S wsai fsrvt-aeee- ra. aa. AwMlhltlS e4 letrLEMEITI . Ritet U.!.n .. t aeaeiJ edseeee Ml 11 IvaOVStOUSW. Mkwl Am-is.-j I k.s-e rs. i si swwwi aiai I A ,t -t ( Cl-wd. , r k -4 ! f, w w stM est sj i"! JI 4.1 , 1 Ki !. . , ioru-vftaia. italic ms-, .. U-W e, I . " . . eel iii as ef -. aw) ksd 4 sai .rt I U.S. vt ISMSASI ' untui. I toWfr-ww. j P"'ls I miIm, i H- k4 I- f Atoetogtow 4 .-. W"-ie lit" v. Ik - l l U . t to. B. AgaawA I ifi.i i ..iu.... fs.n u mm. awi li. Mas nvtk. 1 . st 'I e as .1 I iXSCEAXCE." .NCCLKAUh uuME ISSTlTL'TIltNj t-jr r-KCl UlTT UiAlNSr FIKE! i' ! Curolluii nOSEINSUUASCEIOMPANr, KAI.Eilill, N. . This Couiiaoy continue to writ PolluUlS, at fair rates, on all claaaes of ins ratde proo erty. All Issues am urowDtli' a ujustut. ud paid. 1 l lie "HUM It " tsrapull growing in pumic favor, and appeals, with confident to insurer of property 1n North Carolina. , AGENTS IX ALL PAHT3 OF THE STATE, ft H. BATTLE, Jr , President UKATON Al.y, Seeretwy. -PULASKI Ctit 1'KI. ftaftsrvuKir , juuesa-u. ... . , .,),, fills 8 I s -i- d .- W cS d "3 s h b 9 sa bj ' 1 m S3 5 Zi ci mi- If "S I .3 S ij m let a 0 u 0 P s BO -f 5 fe&3. 'a4 11-e.. 58' f4 ' skH p tixuu lav riav u ins s,Loul ll m nihsimi aae sisa iroi. nw r rmm rai.i ikie wnn ir. Mi kf MOt ake, MuifaaJilMAiusW 1 rw.T nnvi'H is u...i..mm weotasie weror, I MMW MTMICKT, XKW.XOBMi J NATBAH, 11 A V I N o , COMMISSION MERCIfAJiT Ako iimui ix GRAIN AND FISH' t asva Taar. 1 I W I II N i M Italera to Jadr 0. , Fowl. R f Terker, Jitllu Lewi Cu, kaUirh i T. J Latham, Uastit , Now ft wate I AW ):,-Ac. fAKOHl fiAJiaST! i J I u,..,.ni u..i ISm-iIui lu.i r.l a wo Iataik t IImsw wi r" " Ft of IM tiREAT lUitnMrl ir HW YOkt la skirk Lb leviM aiu etion. Ike sbsohmm 1 r-o tius eoufu .a k.v e isl wu. i iw, . . - . I "" i- p ' " " - " pmvm. aiMl to asin.ti wiu a t amsi t to i..M Im aee rvasMisss ism u tsr 'Ow ui . Jkil.e rirtaeon A 4. CV. lUiMstasui aJ.s''V ', sal vU touwsth. It, Ut 'P I 'pu icriauuRirr ftpe tboivav MtiJ 1 fifth I , ..,. I , rlANH I FoKTB I tA I " wiui iruia, l I ,M . SEWwOLt. Tk kamt'isii lu riys4 ml d ,.. ,,r riklai l I'lAkii -il fc w -.fJ If i . r t,grt Atlfei 1MB l. 1 . 1 Aed nwmH ky esl toe . (AaI'IX1) KEWtFAfEAi .. .1 l.dni ,1 .uull. u ' I w m IT.i 1 i inn- i i I VJ.HgA.-AiA. svs.ve. Maw lua,toa. r a wvaae' to. I ll N ' 0 T B t T T AMtsKEOII-tlOB. Tit K st ' I'LuTlltH v H I X u li It B. i TVy h'.m, Ttoy .r tos a.. 1 1 .....a I v t w..v I .. iy. i.a .d u.t'r r.r t r 4ii sul .ii ee i Ws loi , , Ito ky - I JUICB LBWIB al'in.. it.es.. I alwl ( M'.ty, Pilau, tlag I. 4 I'S, f ia. , sm liiiibi Ike t 'aenvd V u CvAoet Il., Flint B BliU'teil. IkMsith. K C. r 11 i y. " IlllllUlltll AUAL MB. lsa.wreasik.kia.iki kafciHts PoW. lit a, end the k an W wrir1 tot aakuw llaki, .MHH Ud ! trl. eiv t "H, tin u, Kite, l.mnuLi aad etaer tikis . ' Ills lahlltkSs, aad alwn nr tmrnrntitf wm. TtatMt rttat finIM'eita4A Tito .lu.aw.Vk.Mi.1 tka -..! kwt , i a .j k k.se to I A I As li jisiiaissa, m MI?SCELL AN EOTT rrY. 'hit ' .!.lf JT' , orrrWTLVA!Tt., t !J ' ' - if !'(!!!' ' W iti-' i-. J irl 1 illt.ll ..! 11 Miui i.l 1 BOARD OrDIHECTOIl3 In sccordance with the Act of Comtres. o- iroved June 1st. tefs, the United Elates Cen tennial Comailaaioa hereby isaeed a call fw a ' nwet'ng of the corporator, and all others Who ay Wxm hove Mbeeribed fur toee of lit CtsstMsuu Uooja of .AuuiMie. to hehaid f - IN CONCERT HALL. ' ' on the north side ot Chestnut street, between . Twelfth and Thirteenth atrevta, ttt the city of Philadelphia, aforesaid, i the SJn-TiiT'ffrAPKtL', HKXT', ' At ID O'CLOCK, tlOOM, for iu purpose of ejortingf a -ooar of dlrcc. tens, to euuatst of twenty five stockholder, whoa term of office shall be one year, and utiMt their taeceeeor shall bay teen qualltied a uteacrihod iu aM act. . .. i ., k ,t . m ,,,, (At thla meeting each subscriber tot tock IU he OMNUM tooaet one vote iu pereoe-or b(r rroiy for eath share of itock tiiua ppre- - 5 i And under rule ninth, the tvHowInf torn of ' Itoxy may be Bed : 1 "1 do hereby aulhorlie acd eatpowe ,1 !... lr me, ne I- 4 mv name to vole -wi .oh kh.mmm ' lu said terotUoe held by me, and re ore 'J aeuted by sutiscrtptlo eertlttcete ,No, ... ' t thenieetiue of the e mentors and auil 'I acriber for said aUwkcallad li 1H 1 Umi I M Slates Centennial Commission, and Ui be r ' held at Philadelphia. BtaU of Pennavlvanla. 'J tr Uie pnrjwee of h-ctinr thejlnst hoard of director of said c rvoralTun.' ' ItneM A I' ,4a itneate f 8heriler)" flgnlng f . "(addre.)". . I k order of ti United tutee t'eBthooiat QoaMakwAeei , -c--.,-n''i t4iil' . , JOSEfH K, HAWLEY, . ! B!creurr, jmsuM-lew6 el a.ra ni-J, oj m tin ' sli.es suaiiioi i. f im..U . tf, Hi UMi 4 M LU t 14 Ll'i i "U $0, 97, K. W su'l f Camden neat Itowar iWiOtWet) 4Mw,'s)nJ ifoeVOalf. mL I Me WWn and Wtr if A . nd (itenmhmt ftmdirwt, UALTOVfSi,MB. It, 8 11 A H L., I'oorlatnr. -"d the appoihtincntii twine; Birtkaae itt Wis sues lite anas way n oi et i JI TX 1 This House Is ipplied with thNUM fire Escape and EatliH(uisbee -. i . ""0 It ' ,. udA imi'i,! if dtall fl H hi A l F.,'rUr.,e. tfb "' I Peeler et rotnvUrwiMt1hbls nt . tevr w-.-tt. NEe dt W. CEVES miuvs TO LET IN PRARIE KJ ni u LD1NU. Apply to J. L. KITCHEN feb Is tf StkHH L tiJ' I 1 rit,t. ti'r.iviiTgiKtr. -R0CT0k Jt fl X M B L E -..-'!. HI ,. t, , EXTRA .pAl.VJi rkHae brsad. mt ewes ere eold ahorl eigiiL Sv to ttulit pounds ixr bo, - I :l sioe ese iis wwii vow oar wtooev foil betyottdoieKciit. Can yae sdorcl Hi ao so r i but rreeWif A amnle" tuM irwlgh I Braoa, oia ny (irocer la your city. by I eurvd LEACfl BUN Wholesale AgeeU ... .. ...... jnrnjwjs T OCITt AND COI N rr UOMallUlOX- .1 .(1 The Vi rouKht Irtitt UrtdKC Co.. . or C'ANTOWO II 10, .,1 1 ( f 1.1 It lf Maaefarlere Wrought Irow Bildge for voes ty wnd rsif ale. aaiuiiUwliMurlJil, aa-thehrMi tnit.l auA of tfeof BUI " li froas n to to per mt. It will w la iss -letrmt of all con ernvd to eurmtped wltk Ike eeemlsresel, ko ssH TiiSi lap tUw a J p5 aalnnia, whre desiimi, frew tint, . . AaUWlU!".!:, Arml, Wtfii-aa, wsaMu.a, va. . ... , ...... n . , gT( VAtUAsUBr. W1TABIO, ..-- CAIAOAl j I tii "iTtrnBi lerii A 51) BAT1I3 hi (ueeeeUo wltk Ok eels bra Wsl well of I A LINE MiMIBAt AT Bat l awe smee f too ParsisM d Irvss of eucaaitJte: hoerd Ul else, eodrwa lh. rtMi..i alstVaUU.1 ICCaVA. ltOCA Jsty t If QAU.IIMJ HAflUFAVTTaUBo) CO., iriw;01l, TA A trd to fetii.sh hi larg or Mill jwew iivto-(an it.. k-em,ell ew.i' sat fi'iv, .4 atiLL IAEA, sis llkl hill, ik li Mail. ir Isetili I !.,. to-s ferwiaeww d rets wo. s te(vwaw4 wikk Sp lOvkl'lk ' llfg(.LTwt lltHOL-wM t ' 'i ' lgr (', ci 9', . U for 1.' sawte-s . sf. dufiBto to. .EVENWOUTU, UWRESCE uston n. n. co. or Kiwin, Ues a at- r.Tl tuet tB fiea n.s i,wtw.iw. .it, j . t ait e -riy g. an id la e-4 f i K-d I v to I .ud ft), a 114 (.ru ei of ok... Lm toe Hmre.4 f oa f-U ft.! UslUi tl-s toaie wrw 0iM-4y !) kf , 4 b 0.WS) a Umi k I Vt to- '. 4 t mm.f .., a. ..1. -'... -e Mi.- mi-ii .tuts a i v -uieiw he (. 1 .4 lit I !' - . ..l..fct a i. ..- ikS i .rf. 1 ... , . t .r . it. ks-te-i wh fkr-s-a, w to l i. e-4 st k-e I .to 4 lei. k , ththwe (-,uw'"s F w W.'et -4 F r C .1 r -.- t -et i ik . . , . t,f j4 af - A . a " 1 ' i 4 i. . . li ' wk, !. H r s- 1 a ... i . I j . i ... ' e C." L. AO, LINE . . I . " 4 t l'i ; ... I - a., I t. y.-" t . .- 1m ti t O-S 1 M hlWK 1. e .'. Pi J ' rf.aw . tifT. i i , ; . . . . c ..., i .aw at I. I. i fi B B I.. .J.... . .,' CWSr J.-r--f s