1 . Ir I. V1- , 1 S I i THE SENTINEL .VUlltT!Vt: COLONEL DAVID FANNING, Written hy Uimmlf, Detailing A.tjn ithing EVf in Sortk Cant'im From HIS lo 17$:t, tMKTIXVKU. The lleuela then kept a constant scnut iuj, and their numbers were an great, that e had lo lay atill lor sometime ; and when Colder and Billour left the Battle ment, ho the did Colonel Dudley, before mentioned, tovli the place with 800 men from Virginia. He took a negro mau Irum me mid .1(J him at public aurtion lor 110 pounds; the said uigro was sunt over the uiountaiua, and I never saw hi in since. At length they all tegnn to scut- ter ; and we to embody. uliam t.! n nod bcim; jtlous ot my taking t'i much command of the m. n, and one day, in my absence, he persuaded them that I whs uoini; to make them all regular sol diers and cauae them to be attached to Col. John Hamilton s IUviment : and vin- diculed it, by a advertisement, that I hud hauded to several of the Ixiyalistt ; that I thought hud the greatest influence with the Liovuliats. llu so prevailed witb the common siwt, tlmt when I came to r-iiuip I found mull of my men gone; I, j then, declj.eil 1 never aould o on ac- oilier icout. until ihite w,m a Field Ollicer. The majority then clwt mc ; They, then, drew up :k ii'ti;inn to the c iininunding olncerol the lvllii s triH)ii A general oieetiug of the Loyuiiata was now c died. In rder, tor t appolut a com mandiug Hii'4 r of the Militia ; It wm still deteiuinieJ thut I should be the per son I accordingly set otT, for Wilming ton, being 100 mill", with a petition f I h rue people, to me oiueer conunnnaing, in thitl post. I r hia approbation. u my arriv .l tn. Mnior Cinig, who command- ded, trenti il me with every nsprct, and! npproieti. in "iu pe.uion ; ami g:ive a i coin in is-1 "ii i oi. oi ttie i(:tiuioipn ana Chatham Milni i -a copy of which is hcre unt" nnnesjed. 'By J imia Henry Craigg. E4r. ; Major in M Haosty s H-ti Keg. communding a detachment of the King s TpKips in Noith Curotina, &c, Ac. To David Fanning, E-qr. Thi-oa are to appoint yon, to be Colonel I of the Loyal ililitia, in Kunilolph, and Chatham, Counties, who ate directed to oIk-t you.as such, in all lawful co.iimands, wlHtstR-ver ; and you are authorized to gr iol cnuimissioii tn the necrfis iry pcr "ii of knon altachrrrmt to hi .M'ljcsty's pels ". and Gnverninent. tu net ('np tniu uikI subaltern, to the ilill' nut I'om juiiic. til M l ilia a oresiid. A a Colonel, v iu are In r -liv wiipuwen d to nsseuible ill,- mili'.ia. an I h-ad them BL'nint nil V . -i.a.,1 IUIk.1. ..roltirra. the -iait'a en- niiien. I'olter. n neci-asary to ruiiipil all I peiir hu.iever tijiinyou to seize or will procure it for you. If not, tbeo ami ill. m and .hm n-rM.y lo ill- ,c fr ur rjtnplleli ..A .a.out Sapo tiiin, in i nliiieiin-iit, all Ri'U la, or others, ' ae lit;- nuainnt the Gov't ; find t do all lio. nd it i 1 be mailed Inc. other art bromine a King oltic. r, aud b ,od st:' j (iivi-n at Wiliniiiofon, : !. i .I'll Ju'y, 171 " J. II. CKAIGG, Miijar, Cumui in limj tkt Kill 1 IVw'J." On the I'.ih July, 1 returned from Wil- mington, ami ordered a general Mu t-r; an I linn Kavu the fullowiiig comuiissiou to the gentlemen hereinafter named nl their respective ciniwnie I'.r David Fanmnq E" Cflourl t Ut i,yl Militia J .Vo ( a. To Greeting. 11 iv no.' ri-cemil sufficient t'Miiiiotiy uf j.iur l,nlty and Z l for Ids M ij sty' Sfivuv ao l reiving on your courage an 1 ijimI condiii't I do hereby appoint Jon lo iw nra company in the d s- ..;-t ' Vuu are. Ihcrefurc . dil. tgcrnly afni 4.y Im dfuUH Uus 4u- J ty nl such; nlKJii'g all or.icM ami nirec ten,, wlili.li )"u inwy r.vi-Tvefr. in time 1 1 lime, from aiiy m-riiir nflicer, in Ins J ,-t j' S rvi. e, ai.il ill uthils : The in Irrs-r dlM. . ii.f liiar .j"itie sulipc'is, 'ul tlmt and ciety o'her ompany aic Uirect- , I an, rt .iiislt-il to oIb y yo aa .f 1 ..top.ny limn und.r'triJ'tlli.TTit Cnje" Nirl line i;H. DAV1I FANNING. (W Cmig " V'jftH hf-l Mtlitvt, 4 e Tin amu f 0 Ofittr lUitJi'lj-k C . . as tkff vis e miasiwisJ fa 'tktir tprrit t mipnm I il,nK-iB'H 18 J"'-fi 'r maj r IS IM. I1!, tViltism Itslns, l.t. Tuorna linanvliy Eaaign. Julia lpink r. Mj 3. tl o Kilns, ( apt, la I haili stun l tin In acw. Et r a a Vi.taat.i. ij .1 . IL.Lt llnl.i Ensign I" N. C, . Wn. F n. .. . I p - in N C. Ii 1 1.M R id. I siit. - - d i. I iilbr li.S Iiibiwi, ltn.n do. 4 li 11 1 li. I It .i !.('. pi la t a.' net ia N. I Will,. in llil , tA. In r!.Mida af fli 1-r Daniel llr a. F.Wgn k.'l I In N C, l.y ll.e IU-ikU J, II .lartt Turr. .i. in N.C. A ! An y, I.! - iuFi-i'i. M an Ki:. Eaa. an I th lb t- 4, Mrpttra W lkrf,Cept, murder, d i ll. a pmiin. 1.1 naata si ii..i- ,4i. K lit luial'y. Was llaaOTks, Eoa. Ju, 4o. Jva uir.e, tap. In FWwidi at tl ai . Ho) rtnUi U 7- ' nN,. Jti ft . I ' In . I . t'tmfimin I f LilijM ('' 1,m i.a Hail Vf. II a":'! al II' i ... t.M I... Cl .tl - . . - ,- It tif I,, M-i..lce. I-i tl II 11 1, r. I. 11..1 .. .. I al tl . A 'an Uadi7, 1 aps. VI..4 I j ' II. t , Was. I'.-a. It. ,! 1 1 I'ibi... W VI I Vrss, 1j In Wax.-n It Paw-) l.rk.taf.t Al Uil In N C ...... .. . . J I- u.i. m una ' Tl-4 I'l, Imp I rill II. Ni I sJ.m - 1 Cl I . M tS 5 Vaaaa W b MISCELLANEOUS. Enoch Morgan's Sons' s a j v l o : la substitute (or Soap tor U House hold purpusecxceptwaimiriit clothe if "A p ' o L I o tor cleanluK Tuor bouse will save tbe labor of one clenT;HiToJK trWi.-- v" -1 " rP o L I v (or Windows 1 better than wbltlniror , water. No noviug curtains Mid ear- I cU. 1 O L I O cleans (aint and wood. In (act the en tire house, better than soap. No flop ping. Saves labor. You tan't atlord to lie without It. i A ' ir XT o for Uconrlng Knives is better and cleaner thau Batb Britk Will not set ateh. Ta. T' o Z 7 17 is better than soap and sand (or h1. ahinK Tiuware. frightens without peralehine. A 1 O L 1 O poliihce brass and copper ntensils bet ter titan add or oil a'ld rotU-n stone. a A r o l i for washing dishes and glaaswaie la invaluable. Cheaper than soap. S A J' O L I O removes status from marble mantels, tables and statuary, front hard finish ed walla, and from china and porce lain S A P O L 1 O removes stniui and grease from car- ) pels aud oilier woven fabrics. TUcre I no one article known that will do o many kind of work and do It as well aa Supo lio. Try It. j HAND 4.' 4 It I I I 0 anew and wonderfully ellectlve Toilet Soap, having no equal lu this country or abroad jfc.ii.al lai vK I S A P 0 L I 0 as an article orthe bath, "reaches the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores and givea a healthy ac x -i - i hi... I tlon ana brlinaiii uni loinesiun. i rjxND cleanses and beautilies the skin, tii.tuittlv rutin. vli.tr anv .tin or I blenilh from both hunil and face I HAND S A P O L 1 O is without a rival In tin world for curliiK ;or preventing rouKbaess sod ehapplug ot either hands or face HAND v i n T I n lemuves titr. niteh. Iron or Ink I Slain and sreaaj ; for workers I III IIIAIIIIIC BIKJIIB, IIIIUV., , W 1 1 1.1.. L-. . bl 11.. .11. I white and eofL and iriviuir to it a I III. llllli.1.1.:. Illl AII.1 HI.UIU "bloom of beauty," It la unaur I pasned by any Cosmetic known. I HAND A .i tf t I ( 1 r v .l cost IV Ul 1" cents er r.ke, and everybody ould have IL You will like l'L DON'T FAIL TO TRY TI.ESE GOODS. Huy it of jour tucicliant if lie lias it e o 0 H MORGAN'S S0N8, .0 Park P ace, N. Y. (line U deod.weowly J V. A O N A II L K. CLOTHING. K. oNI ANNttl'Nt E.MKN T. hi I, N.rinf aid Siniiiiirr. hi I. & CO., R.Bs ANDREWS ClaOTJIIEliS, 1 .1, FAYCTI B V I I. I E ST KAf.KtttH; N. V , Reajwi tfnlly nuouur to their customers snd I m .. insi tuey .i!"'"J I e mi i.ry-i mt'-l u". ti-iiu .mm ivi i C 1. 0 T il I N C loll Xffl, IUl)H, Voutli uJ tliililrt u U.attbey bale ever bsJ lb pleas u uf l 1.1th am una limn inn aa 1 iniinii everv mute In aatlity, tyl ad itce, and l th ret ire ailapW to ttis re.jnlrcuieata 01 all t Ijmsas. J 0- A a ly rlamloa'Jo l mil. Ited ar 1 I. mm a tm 4 - M II HSl.a tUim til a a. h 1 a a mwi y i eMkiu H.M, I m. 4 mMiihmt kr I IT, tol l, nana, SiUiunU a 4 aaa I taia, iiai 1 ! i. at !.'. a if tw a 1 1 i.T rue a .. tutsiiS a tsi rtkt n ina uaa. II I. wn.l. .1 m4 imiil . k WIST! e)r sn rairi.i nun it. a da ya i af IMiia, UIMIIISUMSH ks.tutm. DOOIXT as PltOTHrn. Manaf. a. tw ttuttr, jrgr.rojiJt. mmrvww i. , wimm ..-. ...', U I W-mMU lati mti u.mmn, 4 Unix tn th '-t d.-.a le wrstly limi4ib.'llM.liiieKii.Mi . I itn ta a-ln. v.u.u- at n I 44, th ft- iiaaun, n law aflu si I ik 4- ; miu .-.t a I ( I fjkR4TS f f f IIYIFnrr,IT ItLTt (i I 41 A kJ E 1 . It I iia rar' I- - aa a 44 m4 rxv I sm, a 4 n iiaMy b. h la'ta If I 4 U-iB earn, la aid a I i aink- .,a. k-. u i. I tli ai an a i ii.Uil Ba l ' am I In a a naa aiaSnaa. aa-w-a. n eia. a a4 IW.IM at a 4b I sua. aanaa . aa tv 0 ay ell ' a .nnn of TttfllCIIIItt, ill.'(K t. The People's NATZOXJ BANK Favrrr.viu.., N. C., reb. SH. 17. B INCREASE OF CAPITAL STOCK. rnaii Bank having .ethorlt, to Im-reae I.. I t..k in .iViurfi- N..1U-. u' t ai7?L. ni. '.7 1. f.S.Z llV 1 Taj subscrlotions will be en tilled to Interest at tbe I mte of vet ut per arjnara, fruui dtl ot ev 3. -.... A. I 2 i . .. . , , I raralysls, neuralgia, now open (or the authorised increase o( V I Vkh. --a u WU. and will b. kept m-o until lb. amount i. Att uuMrruwa or unui i juit iota. ravuieDUOD i IB " . W V ' c VARIETY STORE, I A'o.10 FayettetUU, Street, liiltigh, iV. C. UEiLiK !! C O M V E C T I O N A U I E 8 t'onliit:nir of v PLAIN ASIJ Kltt- Sell t'AM)lE, - CAJNcO t.Oi.l).-', -M'K, sKCIT, J Kl.i IE, 1'ICKI.E. FK1C8I1 CKAt. K KR8 and CAKta. kui! riDirviii oiuuiioirii itiorw -.a BIKU AGES, tilJLU AM SILVER Flfcll. All kin s ot Musical lnstrumen'.s. V10UX, JJ.IXJO A XI) OVITA R STltlXUS, My stock of Fanay (kio.ls and Toys 1 will sell at doi to reduce stock. Ca 1 aud examine my stock, aid price before you buy. Hat. L. BROWN. may 8-ly BALES Hay, Oats and Shocks, In 1 1 JJVJ atoreana lor f.ie feiv low. . i juilli! W. C. STKONACU. J . C5. VV -X-L JL J. . ' 51 Fayrttevlllc Street, H .v I-i K I & H . IN . C . . 1 ' I DKALF.lt IN DBV UuODSsV: CL0T1IIN0. Boots, 81ioi , Huts, Caps, Notions, Piece I Uooilii, While (ioods, Trunks, Val ses and Ciubrillus, In fact every thing Ui-jil In q Urst class Dry (iood 8'ore. may Vh CAN VASS11MO AGENTS Ware oil, iii.h- Hm "m 1 lukifiif" mil iii. a i-y T-l ninkiii -... l.iiiKi inn ili.t nan evrleeuiiu- I si uiu A. II Hi the ion out. we'want I Uiu In.t ufo ; ''i U. A clivil!iir Hill en.i lnu nolllllilt, and will coin iiu-w nu thai lui la s ebancH tiiinuUe Inn.-, prnil hI .. AUulca 1 I UN in I.' I., tlaJl lulo, Tid. JIAMOND SPECTACLES. The envi'i-lc are mannfactured from "Miuate Craal Pebble" melted together. and an call .1 Dlainond on account of their I bardnew and brilliancy. It well know I that Spectac le cut from Braiillan or Scotch pebbles ar very wjwtoas to th ay, because of their polarising light. Having beea tested with Ui iHilartscope, the diamond hinaea hav been found to admit Sfte-n per cent, leas haated rare than auy other pebble. Tlii-y ar f round with grsat seieulllle accurary, are (re rota ekro U abliera lions, and prvdacn a brihUii-aa and dlaUoclnea of vision not be fore atulnad la sr rtaclMi. Maenfai-torrd by th Siiencef ntiel M anaf icturtnt Com(ny, N.wVork. Forsakby responaibl geaU L every city Inthsluloa. Ai trLti;C.X:iZ can ouly h obtaiiied. No nrddUa. amidoy . I Do nut buy Ikut uniea you see tbe trad mark dcco-dkwly J V S T RECEIVED. Ua Co a Palo A a. K i lllbbn l o'. Porter, Lil U..l. W I ' I i.i 11 .. I n u t4 , Molaasea .,B 4 T 8TONAC1I A HRO. i - OVEN D ER, Constai.tly i-s'n'iiii suppll Of Fu'itel. fheaf i.at aud Hay. AIo in store Sied Osu and Cvrkbrld Pi-a. JAMES M. TtiWI.ES, nur Atf Com. Merchant Tbe bawdiiiiwest t.niWIui; lot oa FayvtUvUl I lUael, nub a (iid hoae no oa It. lent Vary neiHaiB.KtsUBg, may t w. 11. a-u.aji is i,ij " llacon. IWtXmCtFAR BACON. " 1 S B'iXEA KIB nlDtn IW ;iliU'N A AM)HUI IK, sp i No. tMaitiattwt. Corn & JsLonl. 300 L:IKUI wr"1i L!- 200 Al a t. nsM-r'; 10. I Kail ift f A II M Lilt. ATTENTION! If ). sol lb t"f PWw tt in a sear I I I It I tl p I H 1 1111(11 I laid by 4 I II. PL I'M Will A CO., Ill ;r as ait nmx faUsnf. V UJ U. -'Una, At-nt, a-rH,R C fV-n ftika aa i .taalJl )aa II U H ,I,0f rMH tMt.A, I aWn teat. C" t, u tn.-nat.M I COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I the hut mm, ---, ' " C U C it , VlllUINIA, . RA15 SSSTtSSSL jrUl? -VJrW a 'u.I- ltrt BvT MB have for nearly a Miliary been I treatment of Uout, keui.itin; , vucaaes oi ue uver, I iimb, Hid Injuries. v.tt I and Joints, Chronic Diartbra, Jtc. and have I VI ameciea i -....i i.i.. i..Kti- I 4 aui relieviiwIwebT The baHnuic rrngemenU ro txtenwve and aAmnUa a.J tnala tha n. (aat.a...l U... 1 ttATHS. hkk T now Attractta the cimcia1 I Tb oaths, w ii Km mm duw bwvi WL'uukr uia eupi?uai i iiwnuon oi mo mcaiwi pruit-wion ana in-1 varieUca, am our Uiem a spring ot cbjlybeate 1 or um watvr ctiuw uu ifcviiur w aiii uj i lb i kiod in the t niltd SUtee. I I rheae suriiu; are ca-Miv ncceMlMe from the I lnirton. the lerminiis o( the (recentlv Him. I w ytu;iuwu, uivuvv uj uuat n uunk' i lngum. me vonuiuua pleled) Chesapeake and Ohio railroad to Cov I iiiKton depot, and thence by stage IS miles to I tbe sprldirs. I I For pa M phlets, gi vine full description and I analysis of watcra. addresa, I tt. C. T ARD Y 4 CO., Of nu-uuiono, vs., or J ah. A. Al-iiusr, Ilol Springs, Bath Ce.V'a. may VS eidl m O U Q A K 8 A large lot ot White andYellow Sugars at Alargt api t( U. T. BTONACH BUO. JSq-OTICE I NOT1CK I ! NOTirK 1 4 1 . Having connected myself with the CAHC0N HYDUOUl'.N GA S MA CHINE COM PA N J, Ofllortla Carolina, now offer for sale my entire slock o' Goods, consul coDai&UnK ot Fancy Groceries, Confcctionanes, Scgars tbe Very best of Wines, LUinors, I Porters. Ale I i moor ted aiiil iln. mixtic two nf PhdUiit -i-. Hml- ll.lli. ,H Champion liilliaid Tahlea.. a verv nne Bcr n(l Ale Pump, in good order and almost new. fine Ovatcr Table, with . -. . I and without niarl.le top, i ha;r, II .... .In I ...ll all u V... 1 . iwuur, .v ., .vi.uio iw i Hotel and Housekeepers.) 1 Psrtles who desire to go Into business, this will be a rare chance to purchase the entire I t stock at the lowe.t rales ami on favorable stock at the lowe.t rates and on favorable I terms. THE GOO090N II AND .4KK KkEi?H AND OF TUEBEST yt ALlTY. '1 boa who wlb to Invest will do so at once, I as 1 intend to ship my stock If not sold by tbe l.'Hh of June leiu ncspecuuiiy, ii ........ ' I rtiii, llllaMI. I B a .11 . -l .l.i... I . . in ...... I forward and M-ttle, aud tboso bavin accounts . O. All IICI IU. IUUCUUU W IU" Hill COIUV I rward and VetUe. aud tboso bavlnit account sain.tnie will prereut ttn-tn by the 15th of June, may 1 n HANDSOME PLATES, CA8T0113, Knives IX nd Forks, SiHKtua. Mius and Butter Emres. I aplS W. II. JON.iACO. : I p H O PUS A L 8 . t a meeting of th Board of C)mmlaalon- era for the city of Kalclgh, held oa th even ing or tbe ntn inatanl. Hie Cblelol ro le was authorised to advertise for proposal to ktp th city pamps ln order for one year, th con tractor to furnish now stuck and plat o. ma. Sealed propoaala will b re lvd al my oOte I Tit right to reject any or all, reserved. iUM jq 10t ' rf.ia u. ninu, Chief of Pollen. A N N E D OTSTKRB. V- 1 Jn,ay rearhss, Bottled Pe he, Canned FuilU of all kinds. p U. T. SlUONACH-BlUt. HOW JQ SliPfUllte Sue f P " 8 I tt 1 1 Jf iunuall il foote . co. Baaaia aan Baoaaaa, 1U Baaowar, N. T, Meul-r ol Bturk Eseuaiig aad Gold Board. l.....H. .. r i.i s..iin. iw lion, or say Banking Hone or Commercial Aireney In New York. I N B Psmphtet im Walt SlreH wd Its I - prraiww," tree on BitasU iNEW DIPOT-IMPOUTANT NOTICE I Int. ad Lo Conimi m a belt aaL and. f Dan.-to r i Li.ili aud Weekly fai rad Mostlily Mscsaim of diBaraol kuwts. All f.nnai eteSistts akw yap are a aaa- sia i . ao o, aa i win nr uaaoi at hear aw m da iy fan ariisal uf the ni4. . J.O lUioMkLL. Buy A If N Agent. 001. rilolU), II ATS AkDCAfS It .O may' P. 8 WAITT'S. t R V y r Tritre snJfWIKrBligrJCrirTaiI1 nur h l arolia r war at may R. r. JONM Avon. 1LR0AD STOCK K IALE. sha-4 If. V. R R Blivk and a.i.aiu a A i. R K SUk asays W. II, JilXUd C'l. A iipou I qui Hi; WI1.1JQ; 4 ' .,. a. a. na II i t. F a,i n-j-t a a- nM. iN-.- 1 i k Msyft mm ' nj ) n ) yM F t. O I' II tW ky Uaada af I. u a Far aaiaby .1 u It n II. I e r y i rUC8 A tXiMatlA'l'i f cnr. a . cirt risl( a a-... HAUIM'iltR tsra s kJ.awB. Ih l Jl . t a i naikM nt t.i .t . daa a t I . t a. aWu4ve. Uaaa s. MISCELLANEOUS. .JORDAN ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRING, loU1rt4lfo Co, Ya. T "5 . a,E .a0S D. V.?.00?? L that be baa taken eharfre ot llua celebra- led W ATEKINU PLACK In the mountain, ol Virginia, oa Uw llua of tli Chesapeak and Ohio Railroad, and that it will b opened again ior uo roi-ei uon or visitor on ue r 1 f XKKNTI1 J UMK. . . . . . .. 7 ... . 1 I bwn md W the Mm, ud thrf irtnow verv .1... a. I it rn VurnKura U alt haw and of 'tha hnit ktnd. lfco uu lea an 4 all ti appoinUnPnti of tbe ezpeuae will be ard U make the place a pimamad oouw aunng uie not turamer mupuit. Of the clUcaev of the wtera 11 la nut comic.- ered ncMMit to Btteak hera as the in tu. ccicurauxi uj own parucaiar mcnuun. CircnUra am la eonraa o( n auction and on wUl be neaerally distributed. ArraiMtenents are belux mad tor excursion UekeU from I i.i. .1. . a..i Mt... . i this citv at reduced rates. For tunher partlenlars sinly to JOUN U . CAMERON. the Pulaski Ilonsc, and late ot Uij tkreveo House, ttavannah, Ua.t FROFR1KTOK may 10 itawlm "VORTH CAROLINA, ( , " . " I JN HAH FORD CO. j 8L"' Harriet Oatluig aualnat Joseph Outline:, Jethro Gatllnir. Bottle Sue uauimr, marina uauuig, Kouun uauing earsn a. uamug ana Klla uauing. Petition for Dower. 1 It atipcarloe to the satisfaction of the court that the defendants. Martha tiatlini. Kobeit uauing. earaa r.. uatllng and klla Ualling are n";realdenta of this Stale, It la ordered that fmhlicatlon be made for six successive weeks n the Weekly bhktisi, a newapepcr publish. ,i in the city of Kslelgi?. notifying said bob resident ot this proceeding an i tommanding tliem o appear at the elllre of tbe clerk of the Superior Court for Hertford county, In th cottrt ln f Wlntoa. within six weeks from the dale ot this summons and tmwAriii.iiiiiFiA ii...nnmuini in iio. tlon. which has beer i Hied in thU olll-e, and let ".' d M."-"' ul Robert (iathng. KllHh V. 14 alt III tf and Villa lait lntr ImLi as aaMttf(i lluV lhc. ,,u do y,, 0 ,ht ..l.l - . Ii. -..fit . - ..... ' t. ' . .... I piainuii win oe irranieQ aecoruiug to saiaeom plslnt. Witness J. W. Perry, clerk of the Superior - onn, t omce In niton, thU the iniuaay UI J. "' rinsi, of Ma'i ISW. msyvswsw c. b. v. QUMMER REFRESHMENTS, ST Vnl,,.. fnnfprf Irtllhrv Sfnrn IJlOSlltJH VUIllt'CllOllhri rMOrt1, I I Tl. Mn.1 nallrinn. 1 , I Ico Cream Soda vvatcr. I I II , I ,, l. I . fl. Bnl.w.n Ut UM oul Ice tre,m "loon If O 11 A 1 I K IN RALEIUII. If you deslr to be comfortable call at MOSELEY'S SELEY S may IM U J. A. AntLnr. It. t. JoaiSTO. Formerly J. A. Ans- Of Mocksvllle, lsil ley At Co., Augus ta, Ga. County, aorta Carolina. A T.ST-CY 3L J0ZHMST01M, TOBACCO fQ 31 MISSION MKKCHANTS, .j Are tfrvmrrd to make liberal adrancea on pniinta of Tobacco, aud with ample aioek of all f rmili a, otter lo Uie trad anaurpa d ludncementa. t y Call and so us at our strictly flrc prool warenouae. Cornrr af rrfsr nd Dunltr StrccU, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Kef art by pcrmiaaioa lo Uua. t. I. Uiotirr. n a I v t - lt.a.u W i . 1 a 1 mw ittZi&rtiiZi N.C. jUm un t-Sni JNO KIRKLAND, wirn CAXIIIAIXT A, BIIOTIIIall. an4 lrh rt0. NEW YORK tapttuu IS4 AUIsmW (HNn MhtH Ii Tfit, lirirt, lynpt, ir. "Refer Iiy rrtnlaaton to.riia. TVw h1 ltlelith Nalionsl !, P. A. W l!y, ruM tnuaiaw1 ttaaSual sfnS. W. (1 AUima. h.tt , HsMk, is. u. nutiHa V A an' bar tot of lbs very b wt lontbamrAo la.ua I ma. saaytt W. li. JONES CO. Jl l w ' a i -j -i if si f - 1 1 pvl SALE. I b i laua Sat f Bllai t I--.- a !.- T.i )Mit4 w. J.'MS m cn. I ta.,1 IMbi Taaa Ms', t ts 4 II U 4 W.,.- faeaH a t- a t tWie C , ' 1 t naVBi ma. - F 8 A R a Iff baa w ..ir '.mi - 4 4 a 4.m .. b4 feat. ht ma 11 ntH & ;? r 11 6' h y si. i s s fc a ' - .. W 8 I J "r , f T an 4 - - DRUGS, e , 11 1111. cool Jjrn srttKLi.reA WITH 6KKC1KB FBTJ1T SYRUPS. rTucTvn tr r VICHY. WNGRES8, -b4SELTZSB WATER mif. drauirhU ramllle supplied with Syphons 1 eonlaiuliig either odheabove, from which the I Z . CAa b or,wn as (resh as from the I tounUin. I unuuin. i IMPORTED PEKFl'MERY, , Tl'lLavr ARTICLES. 1 And everything usually found in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE, at WM. SIMPSON'S, Fsyettevllle Bb ATOQA SPRING AT KALEIGrlT. ' CALL AT TESCUD, LEK&CO'S TjRTJQ- STORE Aw u M sjxvxvxj SKU tllllKK Tas Exrelslop Sprlni? Water ON 1IUAUOUT, Frrhb frOIIl the Sprint! It SlfBtOJl, I This water la brought from i- n rmrB?ock Tut I Uttht Keservolre. lined with - BO u forced out at our coouW nrectoely as i. ..,, tl.ii Hnrfn. without ch-vlna-it I .. - S WLb (aa. I ,i,th.-h-hi vivmn. n'irr. " 11 " "-'"- " on draught. KISSENQIN AND VICHY.- made by th procee of BERZtLINS and I STKUVK, with anih imwovmrnu as th progress oi Brlrnee sna An nay uggele4. ' SODA WAT hit. le Cold Sod Water with ginuln Fiultl Si rnp on drangbl and In ni plums. s PES I D. LEE dt CO S Dill LU I SI ORE. may fl. UIU' GOODS, tic. 1 - ")R1CIS GREATLT REDUCED. Awa nUh lo aiaka a ban lo nur bnai- aa. wa aotlti our fi Unite aud th public I that w will arU enreatir stork of good at (really roanreo prtcos, lur su. our stock conipnw DRY GOODS, l" 'i"SJBUiNa goods. DOMESTICS, HATS. CAPS, W)H, SIIOEt, r ssatWEnia CLOTHE. CASI1M-RI1, CLOlUn, (.r.sT1 rckNisiiiNu goods, t . a. jl jl v it V I i V C J A A A T. A Jl It J I I' 41 O Now hi thf tlm f.i. Bargtlni jiff fuMr) t Firm 0f on I mill fwaWi-trV- . - 873 1873 TLird Stock this Seiuon. re ow rr 1 Itlni thetr I areSaM d Wl-.n-t. iii. w.i 1mm a... m ii.. haiUiarn Maravia. aad a bniK par4 ! vr In Wlf I Uwtrad wilk) th 4 It4 ritkliiiktr Ii4 sWtiritli Cm4i , t4r , ili I ' H I - I I ) rstN Ltdb l aa t aJ.. Mia ..) .., bill" a i'"U, I k liaaaa, . . i tt O 4an liaada, ' I , lar ItawM. ' , ' . ' . f'-a baa-4, ! . j ium.r4A Pri4n l-Ua, U.aaa'u w . a ttuada. Ma4lsaaUuada, I s.ae Uala. Th bwt, Willi taa f.a ear ai.kaias af It.) (-., BaakaaaafsbaiA t ; j . , .LJ'irtTliilKif toMilITt f - . i . . la (a Bite, Bat. OeVHaa at aai aad rataA, at an . aaat teas W It. A R I It ltll ACO. n-y U IHHM n Itell. i.r.lirtiai iftTirtiM . r-WATKU WIlKKLZl w riVll,a. ... ITi I Sail A -'. I -M a, Atwn's 8ar a. TaUlka baat iaf l.f.nUw. t al a., -4 aUat k -As rWpk f ca. Aa. t"k. Pa. a I nn n ' Titf mrurnt It m tttna, t IH U kt Ifkn ISbl-8. III riU.M' Ifiliuirt.i-U 8 Hlrifirtsittt. Jill ISK1VI IS1I, lit tid. Sf.au a laa I aia.. ttaua. N(Ol'RAfiS. HOMt INSTITUTION. SECUBITT AQAlXSt riliEl t -i 1 TH E ' U . ril CaroUisat HOME IN8UB ANCE-COMPAN Y RALEiail, n. c. ' il Company cooUi.nes to writ Pollelec at.Iulr rates, on a classes of Inanrable wi, - . .. iwses are pronipuyaujus ra ana paia. Tb "I10MK" Is rapidly trowl.irln uubl " a a- i.n ... - favor, and appeals, with eonflJeuce. to ioanrera ... r-'f-i I' I'muMmiini Agent In all prtf the Eta'.v. R. II' BiTTI I. Jr., President. C. B. Root, Vice President- 1 r SaTO aa.., Secretary. Pt-LAM Cownit, Supervisor. - " ' JoneiBtf. , isro3iTn cau;a'"':. Insurance Co. RALEIGH, N. C. v ; Capital - - 00,000' V v . orrica.st , . . iL t. .: HON. RkUP P. BATTLE ..!V..ld . .. F. 11 CAMERON ..Vie Presideui W. H. HICKS gemtary ...v t DM. S. B. HAYWOOD Medical Direct. W. 1. KoYSTKR, AssUu.it Meilical Dlreelor J. B. BATCIlttLoR. .Altonwy 5 O.U,PKItKY ...Bupervlalng Agent - uinac-TOHS ; Hou. Kemp P. Bait la. Hob. John Mannlus;,, . Hon John vf. Cnnnlnaham, Hon. W-.. A. Smith, CoL W. L. Bauadara, J. U. McKar, '" u. r.t u -t..ii i u.' u ... i. . nciiaen, 4. u. tvaicneior, rfonn in leu is. Cut. L. W. Humphrey, A. A. Mostoy, J. (J Blake, 3 Col. T. M. Holt. C. Tste Murphy, LJ.Youn. . , i vi. i. ,.m. ... a. jtuuernini, 4anie A. . U I'pctmw. lt W. J Hawk.. - -w,"H.T .nv - r j iaii,u4i.aui.uaon, ft I empliatfcally a IIomb CowranT. I.a bug capital guarantee strength snd saltv. lU art ft lu aa (Aw any rat class (AmSMmy, lluSers all denable forms of tchi'rsne. It (and an Invealad at heme and r'jx-ulat- j d am ng our own people. no aiiaeceaaary r. sirienons imioseiI noon ' or iravei. Polit ies tton-furfrltshle after two vrv It olaews and Dlreetm am prounwnt and well know North tarollulaua, whose riiwrl. tne a bnsiaees me sad whosa worth aad intetTliar alon avUlclMt ruaraatee for . th Comiieny's Mirmffik, mJ uy and amr. O. U. rKKKT, Sti-rv lalng airrnt. TUkO. U. HILL, ixHaiAgant, sUleiKb.KC Good stents with whom liberal untract ' will b made, wanted In avcry conaly in th.. Slat. may 4-wtf II M pus r ANT Isil . t- -. t,ra - ' ! - ' U A I L. It O A l . In U.a Dl.tr it Court of lb l ulled StaUn for Oi Albemarle Dl.trlct In th Eastern Dia-U-Wl of Norlii Carol lea. In th matter ot Hi Bankrupt- ey of the w UlUni.to lu- I buro' Railroad Ceoil-ny, a I la curvoialioa formed nudsr lb l.nkiaptiy law ot North t eroliaa aad j -ladlcatw a Hankraiit. I A petition In the abov entitled eas bavin laviaar b Ih I by lb A lira In Unkiaptey uf aid beaknipl to sail ail 4 taw nvoMrty, ruthi I d liaaebiae of said bankrupt tie from any I iU Mm miHfftr, kieaasb-ne-!. I . Jr''T.L. I MM onler hafing b n I .an ed therein det-l, aad 111 . -ry paaUi inorsto nailing apar4 n Court la osipiieaco wiin mmmim., om4 1hi aryrn ' Bwnl Uiereof It bating km adjadted that lb aaslKnao bo anlhortaed and vniiwsrad to evil ail ot th pmr-rty, e. of wli lever kind, of pUcwhmtf tI mm rrwM U9 murtfgmm or aaa oaniaw - tn-et.y w-arad, mad and nclii 4 by aaid kaakmpC i - . sna of aaid Wnkni'.l. a ill art at rabHeaala. oa TcaaiiAi, in si ii ha i i nut, ian. at la l orl Himm Ml le. aura, nana Cans, Una, al I af lb prujaaty, n tu, tltiva aad la ta al la or lo pi nr of vry k 14 what aaTe ln-ataar wiin sal la ehaaee Is fi hm. rlc li U sua Iran. hi i tot aa4 krapt. 1 be pniyany la part roaaule of raad bad. orbaaeo- s in i 10 1 tt n, lot nl laad. Iron, rheira, .(Hkra aad inn U.a lb rud I sahauallatv aU4 frnea Tarbonr l el tli sawtua it miUmi aad aOaet aivaB ml a ( tae Ink laid k"l aeakia U pamaOe to Uw liasaal yard. 1 a rued m 111 coaar. tan !) a of th la's ana Ha a.M a weter si s iat t wi.nh kaai t.dat HeliiBaar ikr lillkaran rSae al y aaaaio uf la year. tM ol MSst r raad Bad, A a. and tiaa- kiM aa a k maaabiM a ar and t sa- naini on ta li nf Ibe rad Nn'.n..' Iran, ' ' ' iai aj.aaa, 4W . aa Wail aa. Ial.au a. . af-1 by aptirwvad nut at alt ala Bl.k la- laa- at f nna ak I u re iua sad b' a rn l!ua and aa0 tr-.ail lapatta b a lass ar-n, skaira, -a., at r , au.d W be rr atavad aa.a eiaa laa ani.awr I r'r.al naa. kaat Baainnb4 nadm taa law 4 aeb I , ead a p...a.t m aal la a aui I a eayiaei tna ntau, I aaa bnsi ksani a rar ce aa. if r,Bid by air oae l ate nad bad A . s4 liBMtm Bill W I a-i-i. M maw tra b. ttal j At , w H ka a ihibh . , 4ISIUSlia '(MllUlll Aatajaaav I ( -J I Tf , IHcLl Ol'HS. At tl, wsc. i . . l tn, Mis, I ai.ad.a6. I i Out LR CCX II a.,. TM. ). Ill an. IttM CO, 4 ua, tss ay, ,). la t .i -a. I V toad-) t ibV Sana, Atll MM initkass , I i ni n i . If BKHiaiua1 rJ a. - i M Ml SITloll aa. IMTLI t TS P b-ala Htsi, at ansaR dvat aa l wl l - .-.a la,,via..i.aiiii-.H fVtau I ai.alBt.lr. I u .. aa . t e ad a--uaa ai aw pa i i.-ji. i.--.s r r ft ri Li i i. l a. m A, laaaaaaaa, W W W . i. a i , a." -a I .tw4l la r. 4. a. ii taad f-4 i-.ih. U. " la N t A-tasa Nai k, Em ' 11 Was aaMf Eoud a ' Uf af o M-i.r. i n . v a as lakr. Was !, 1.1 la W I m J.a.a L. t. l"h' 'a. 11 Hull, trnt-kt- ( N ' tb U. Itowsil I. UK C iua .ia.4 I' f. I fa la (WmJ I v'.a t -r . a .. 1 ead b l" I " "" H juit,. a fi 4tt Ue.t la lea S.lta 1 . I Jmr I a 1 .1 (... ailJ Alts, A - 14 ia k nf . I tk. nw a.it aaS at ir- "a a4 a. 4 E 4 a en It . t jiiailA in a. a a . Bta.ua 4 I ttr AH ill S klfUl .! ta a4.a . , I i a i:f,a n r ma i. ctAiTiti.sa, . .... . - .Mnrt SlitPH . 4-a-'a lk ,fmJI rvn I T A It 4 " I. -a I 4.N 8. . ra at J 1 ftt t'ttmf ''.IH" 'Ikl )Vyl M aad trri'.'f I -1 t v-a rv.,4ai l,r.a. t '. a ( ait;i ri i!ti. t'jl . n aaaa .U.S .( I I y I ra asytl IV J" it mi ti itn Si I t"a ll.tt'il I t a .- 8 ( --) t h r j.im a s.a. f B ARB lUMMt" r r nnfiiin C Ttnnf M