V v - i TELEG RAPniO NEWS. DUpatcke. DOTESTIO NEWS. FROM ARKANSAS. : Lirrui Bock, June 80. The vet Heather it unfavorable to crop. Battled every day lor a month- la soma ' counties. FROM CUBA. IIataxa, June 30. Only two bund red negroes hiring ofler ed to work on the trocba, a large part of the army In the central department U itill required to complete the work. I; b "been decided that there Ii no necessity fur the third troche. When the first end sec ond ere completed ell the Spanish force ia the field will be concentrated io the eaitera department FROM NEW YORK. New York. June 20. Warrant for the arreata have not jet :rBeenrjue3nimIeTTO new ring indict- . FROM BALTIMORE,, Baltmoek, Jane SO. TotaT'lorftlTe Mt Vernot Cotton MU1 jjseTotre fourth of a million. The bflfldiog waa of atone, 13 -feet loog, 40 teet wide, 0 stories high, valuable machin ery and atock complete! destroyed. DEATH OF A PROMINENT OTIZEN. - ' New Yokk, Jane 20. Horace F. Clark, son-in law of Commo dore Vanderbilt, died in this cit j jrrster day tjf rheumatism of the heart, in the eigh'.ieth year ot ti is age. Tie was mem ber of 33th and SOtb Conressi-a, and since hi retirement from politic he has bee identified with bunines interest in this city and railroad ri;rts, and. develop ment of the Vtest. Judge Tngnim m the Supreme 'mrt, has granted an absolute divorce io the case of Pauline Leuca against bcr husband Baton Van llboda, with leave to marry agaia. The plaintiff was also awarded the custody of their child. FROM PHILADELPHIA. ,. rn)'F""'ii'"'-11 menu, and the District Attorney says none wilt be served until Monday, on which day the Court of Oyer and Terminer will be ia acauon. Nobody seems to regard the indictment a anything more than part of a bitter political fight now on band. The United State Mandis!' office com' pleted the service of subptcia yeatdrday in equity suit against the Union Pacific Railroad Company, the Credit Mobilierof America and others. Some of the respon dents are In Europe, and were tubpeeoaed through their counsel. The same oi ' the importer who Is charged with attemp ting to defraud the government out of a large amount of duties on Mexican shawl is J. Alii. Several case of mixed goods and quantity of black lace were taken in South street and lsewtere oat yesterday, by tba Customs officers, and a heavy seizor also waa mad in Baltic Street, Brooklyn, pending at appeal In tba suit of James Raid at Co., to set aside Judgment for $75,000 value of cargo of whiskey en tered at the Custom House by means of alleged fraudulent practices, reference was obtained by the government to determine whether the whiskey bs been entered without InUintloual fraud. At the resumption of reference yesterday . tba ex guager, John C. Strong, ttalified that when ha waa in the custom house Mr. Jayoa threatened to lock bins up la Ludlow street jail, II he reiuaed to ign a certificate paper, the content of which ' wen not disclosed, and to escape prose cotton did-eign it, and that subsequently waa told by Jay no, that to (witness) would toe hi place If ha could not ra mus ber that Reid Co. had offered to bribe him to under gnage the whiskey question. VOTTO.N MILLS BURNED. Bai nisoaa, J mm SO, The Mount Vet ana cotton mile. Was. Kennedy, President, have Uen burned Los I .!O0 ,000. OUTLAW ARKEdlta OwmstnjE, It., JumSO. The ouOaw Hae-aa a a bs arrested. He give W nasar ot a bead of robber working lad a see Peadlutoa county.Ohus . thrutisfc KfntnrtrT. Vrrrrriia ami Nrth ( atulioav Nasbvim., Jyn SO Twrstj as;rvs aavd fus ablliS died nf hUr riwierJ.y. Hugh Smith who attempted to swim theficboolk.il was drowned. ", Two1 girls aged five were found locked in the closet of a valiant bouse, hud been missing every since Wednesday. One survives. A terrible crime sppirbendcd. xX FROM WASHINGTON. Wasiiihoton, June 20. Robeson's plans regarding the Polaris i endorsed. The pardon of Win. Mclutyrc, con victed of Kukluxing is recommended. Ho has suffered three-fourths of two years sentence at Albany. Grant confirm the decision not to re turn the Kickapoo women and children captured by McKcnzie. The settlers in the vicinity killed three Klamotb Indians. J NEW ADVEUTI8EMrNT.. JH1.NGLES1 BHISGLta I ! 85.000 White Pin Bhlnrles. I 2i,i)) Cypres Heart Bkinarlee, 31 Inches long, t inches wide full W Inches thick. June SI W. a BTHU.N ACU. QATB AaD UAT. 400 Baled Oats and Mar. Juris ill W. C. 8TROUCH. pWO MILCH COWS, one with, the other s wituom a csir. june 21 Jf: ITKQS ACIL J r H E (iKAND PACIFIC HOTEL CHICAGO. The Li kg est ard host Conn. its -Hotel ia ths World. The Lessees (well known aa'the Proprietors of the SHERMAN HOUSE before lt destruc tion in tbe memorable ContUgTa ion of Oe totier nth and 9th, 1971.) take pleamre in an nonnchiu tbe completion of this new enter- iwsc, wuicn i now open under tnelr personal guests. manairemeut for tiie accommodation of QAUS. MtOS. Ac KICK Jane ill. Meow Lessees for Twenty Years. G i Notice ia herehv trivfn that I will attend at the Mayor's Utllee on the 1st day of July, and for thirty days afterwards, (Sundays excepted) to receive tha city taxes for the year 1873. All ierODS sre expected to come forward and pay me tame promptly PRA.NLI3 M. 8'ittRELL, Jun21tlj Tax Col. u r v FROM -DELAWARE. OawKorrowK, Dklawauk, June 20. A colored rapcr waa hanged. FROM MABHACItUSETTtfc Btom, June 20. The esse ofUaasaway B. Lamar against '.bcrt O. Browne and others, an action the fort for the conversion of 1,800 bale of cotton valued at $'.00,000. hich plaintiff claim tbe defendans took from him in G , ia 1865, and which as becu ta tiul in the U. rt. Circuit Couit for the week past, closed yesterday. udg Cheapley, after the evidence waa std, ruled that as the evidence waa un contradictory, that the cottno was turn.-d over by the military to the deleudanto, he) claimed tbry were appointed pti;i agents of tbe Treasury to take charge ol the captured and abandoned property in the seceding B ates, wo action could be tnaiaUiawl by the plaintifl, and directed the vet ! it f ,r uefcodant subject to ro- Vision I) t'.ie 8uiri-me Court ol the Uni ted rttatra. rBOM HMrOCllL rVr. Ltn a. Ju 30. llarri an! Thomas Outhrri C". I'tntUaas, Dfaegtias) t'V, evein .tl-f lisTf fal jJ , T''f rt ta trarta fggt t ssrtii. powada swwl 11,000 bUs pHk. ruoki losdox. lVmpoa, Jen tO. The fUiak v I'rf.ia vwi VkU1 si Wiedr tonlay.- A speciaj free Mb.J says the ssi taUv i f the Coftr are kUg " tb- Il4 a tallest KvMbtM with Ihrtaei a Prtetdeat, A dispatch ftnaa Isw Great ImUrm at sms stalis thai ait Vs lr.d a4 t.l kiit nf ewttkf wed krva ptu4 awtl, wad t tha ship waa then la UMJ tS U, loag I -0 1444 MMattgltl UWrsM'bea, DomcstloNcrs. rif m sITrouic ( ,Xi Taa, tmm tJ tM st M7 siMk( i bM U Ja f ia.f4 Wj.a. ( 4.j sVieitkaea Mate anavt m4 ss.wdy a . 4 UAk As a ttOiil as IM 4-ous af 11 -.m f t txh, the Vab-w FaHSe t-f4 a It, ka we thmd ) 4ay at It. aa4 asawe Ia1a4e4 Wsiw tt a 4 tl I Lake a b.t I 4'WM ! tl I aad l 1 1 4 h W M4Uv' l.ttia aAUtsO. Taw -at a.y !! lUrasa r. (Wk mi t olas 4 west waih, kaf I f f a H- ap.na.Ue Mt4 sl. r as) aif sws Itluat Attket'swawl .l.:.U. r t tt ' i it m (U H ttU.H - K C H WM ll'MS Hi WM aias-4 - ,t T A fU 1 wk A llass Tk A Ft !', i i't4, I. al . tVl4 Vav, . A IU. t-w". !' S, Wat'. sat r -"I a4 im H I tf r K-ba ' bittl I l - . (' fi Barns lirlllUutli , lasts lonKi r Umu other Oils. Clear as HprliiK Wat.'r, Your belhUr Want it ! KverylKxly Wn,ti it ! No family ran alTord to do w itl.uut ii ! Bilrns InauyLsmp. NO EXPLOSIONS. Equal la an extra lnsurjm-a PoIIi t im vnnr lives arid proiiertv. iDsnuains R. sned fieudum Srfsty Oil Is Id only In lislrih I y I . U. illtlliGS it SONS. Juntas e en of the dold. n aUtile, For Sale. BBI. eYkl P. FOREIGN NEWs FROM MUIN. MiDRin, June '.'0. IhKtn meat in the 1 aliiexrt tlin-wtens sButlarr crMM. F.vw daaths fnn rl ) ra Ps4u ah N'jws is in Cairo )et. I-OH MALK, tut ten Mrpoae of rataldf aKm.-s.al fviaJa l swvy tha asaaafariar of ky Macklaw, I wtf.r aala M4StriILD, roaUiaox Aeraw, ) slaara a4 pm ha i iaj aw SaaA 4 peodacr walL Mufths swM keaiawsw ataad ta the toar.ty aw t tnrtf yearaaSaatiatt. boo arrtMnU. deoe Mr. a i si mrv eeibaikiiiura. tinni fcUaita hi aaiiejf Ma laaws sase kaewa he a t'ttre teltkaa iS4 iktt ZEEO. THE ZeroRetripidfo Is It aWat htaat, frll, a4 lee 'reserves hi JLLU.t LKV.I4 A CO. aaafl' IUW(V C. WalerCoo tWa4 M PfoeUs JUKI Utlltlti, ! It If TTT T -I n IHinnl nnh I'nnnnn VECTIC ROUP IHIU rot&MtsjVTIi, 1 1 If ITsaaWial ttsa . JlUlt llt ta. IaA at 4.(. fe.t.tt. . . -.Hf -a.t.A.i' J.J x I s asst. ll!.TsT' XfT'.-f I at a aa O-s S Aa V." IMWI Ml Irsaw mm I'avM A m WwaA. Mnt g . t - t . .,as m I . f i ' 4 a.i 4 a a i . . a.' tl l.a OIL. AND TAKE NO OTHER. Hafest Purest nowa. uud Most Eeonoinieal Oil Ptaii atsjsMSasgaWaalssjsaaw MISCELLANEOUS. A P ISO CLAM AT ION Governor or.Vorlb t'arollaia. IXKCUTIVE DBPARTMIHT.l KiLaion, June Wlh, 1S7J. ) ' 3e it known to all whom It may concern : That In confornrttv wliB secWnr ."lpt 1SH of the seta of toe (ieneral Assembly passed at the aesalou of l7i-?a. In relation to amendments of the Constitution ot the bUte: of orth Carolina, do order so much of the presoibls of said act aa sell forth the altera tion propogt d sod sgreed to, and the second section of said act to be published for thirty davs precsdlua: the first Thursday of August, iii, in ths Kaleih "Dail 8aTiKtL,'r the Dsll j Era" and the "Daily News," publish ed In Kalekh, and also for the same length of time in the followlnif Weekly papers, publlsh- i it the 8Ute, to-wlt Jislricts of ed in the various Conxn-ssiota ie Diaie. lo-wu : First Dlstrtct-"North Carolinian," Eliza beth City; "Express,', rtiUilimtftoii eeeona wisinct "rews ' iioiasooro ; "Mail," Kocky MonnL Third Ulslriet ' titatesmau," Ka',etteville i Star." Wilminerton. ..yiftttJMfWrttwJauaJiJBUtll,': rinaiHS. uoro ; ' Chronicle," Milton. Sixth District "Democrat," Charlotte ; "Spirit of the Soulh," Hi rk nghani. Seventh District "Amerlcau," btatcsvllie ; "WsUhmsn." Salisbury. Eighth District "Piooeer.snd ' Expositor," Asheville. That portion of tbe preamble' ordere 1 to bs puonaiieu is in incioiiowini; words, to wn ; "Whereas, the last (ieneral Assembly, (three rlfUis of tbe whole number of members of each House concurring,) the bill contain inir the same bavins- been read three times in each Home, proposed ths following altera tions or the consLlluUow of the Slate, to-wlt: Alteration In relation to the cilice of superin tendent of Public Works; alteration In rela tion to the ftate census ; alteration tn relation to exemptions from taxation ; alteration tn relation to the University ; alteration in rela tion to the sessions of ths (ieneral Assembly ; alteration in relation to me code commission era ; alteration in relation to federal and other olnccrs boldiuir otiiee." Ihe second sect on of the said act ordered to be published is m Uiv f ollowiug wonls, to wlt : 'It shall be the duty of the eiierifls in each and every county tn the .-tale to ojen t-olls at the several election I reelnets In his county on said KAILItOADS, Ac. QIIANGE'OF SCUKDULE. ItALEIGn A AI GI STA AIR LINK, Kalbjosi, N. C.,- Kov. it. a. Oaaed after Saturday. Nov. SO. ih'i. trains: ob the Kalrltaiid Auem'a -lir Line will run daily, Bnadays excepted, as follows : , BlA.IL TBalfl. Leaves Bslelfrh ... S.35 r. u. Arrives at fcandford 8.15 r. at. Leaves Band ford 6 30 a. si. ArTives at Ksklfrh a.8VA.sf. Mail train makes close connection st Bateith Hh tbe Ralei.'h A Gaston Railroad to ami from all ioints Korth. And atsandtord witn tbe Wnstern Kali road to and from Faycttevllle and points on West- ernnailtoaa. A. tS.AriUKe.no, Jnne 17-tf Bupcriuttudcut !Mr"KajasBaa, - - T II - I J I -.LJA i inilEI LIFE Insurance Co. of New York. ANGE OF SCHEDULE. P.ALEIGH & GASTON K. R. CO.. bi'PKHUiTKNiiEisT's lrr(rs. . Raleigh. N. C, May 15th, lSTi. Crnluul' after Monday, May l'.ith, 172, trains on the ka eiirb x Gaston "Railroad sill run dally, Sunday excepted : MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh.... Arrives at Wcldon. Leaves Weldon . Arrives at Raleigh.. '.I 3 A. M. S. 0 v. at. !l,l.'l A. M, . su r. u. ACC'OMMOIIATION THAI N. Leaves KitKUilL- Arri es st Weldon. Leaves Wcldon. . . . Arrives at Raleigh. ...Ud . 4 ii'i I-. at. 5.:J0a m. S 15 r. M Assets, 82,000,000. Olfiees, No. 320 and 822 liUOAUWA V, hiw Y.utk Q'.if. - . . . , i ' The Brooklyn Life is THE Company which endorse Uiua .aeh smJ uver) psrtirlpatlBa policy issued to Its patrons, the KuaranU'e of a certain kinouiit uf nuriebiler value , this sum is stated in dollars and cent-. THE liUSl.NEtS OV THE HKOOKl.YN I.lfK IstCONIirCTED ON 1'UiJtCll'l BA'oa. . : -ECO-SOMT A-KO F.QCirv: ..sjAvaA.,w. The desire and aim of it iuanai;rraent have always been to auks hit CcHsiispy ylr !d tl-. most benetteent results to its pollcy-hold.irs. - '. rf- Liberal terms will always be ottered (jood Holieitors. A. W. LAWRENCE, -' General Ag.Mit for North C'srcllns. febll ,1m OUlce: HakiKh, V. C '- YouCnn UoYour Own lamtintr BV t'?ING FlKd'f TULKSDAV IN A Luis I' NEXT, from the hour of ehihtt TliaouQH rilEIOHT THA1N. Leaves Raleigh O.Oo r. m. Arrives st Weldon 4 00 k. m. Leaves Weldon 8.S0 r. at. Arrives at Ralchr 7Ji0 a. at. Mail train makes close connection at Weldon with the Seaboard A Roanoke Railroad aud Bay Line Steamers via Baltimore,, ta and from all points North, West and Northwest, and with fetersburir Railroad va Petersburg, Richmond and WadiliiL'ton C'ltv. to and from su pomis ..oris aim oriTt wet h. alio ai ivaieiin t f -v a r-. r r. . . .... , .... ... r . . . Witl the North Carolina Railroad to and from B I IA I) LK S PATEN ON A EL 1 A INT. ol! poinU South and tiomhwest.and with the -sa-s-a. .s. v. i j j . Uxi .1 .11 I ; j 1 XYJ11. Krlrteb e Augusta Air Line to Haywood and FayetUville. jteeoiumodation and freight trains eomect atWildon with t ominodalioh and freight trains on Sealioard & Roanok Railroad and Fetersburir Ruilroad. and at Ralrlirh with ac commodation and freight trains on Nor b Carolina Railroad Kersons liviux along the line of the road can visit Raleiirh in the moruiin; bv the accommo dation train remain several hours and return the same event u. A. B. ANDREWS, june 17-tf Superintendent and the same shall be kept open for one dar. i o clock in sir TlEUCte "YRl'P. IMJ-HKAIt eYKl I-. J 10 ", UIMIrtMK Vl'! t BA Vnl.V-irrS. At the mornuia to the honr of seven In the af lernjo'n, when nil persona qualified to vote according to the Constitution, may vote for or againal the rat ideation of the a .id amendments, tho.e de siring such amendments to vote with the writ ten or priilcd.tick-t 'For Am indinenta, those ofscontrart o1l!, to vote with a written or printed ticket, '..gainst Amendments.'" 'Ihe attention of County Commissioners and inspectors of the election is siso cslud U the 4lh section of said net of Assembly whicb provides that set-arate ballot boxes shall b.-furnished for esih auietidinent to be vote! on. t' ne at our city of Raleigh, the (L s ninth dat of Junne, A. D. 187a, and In the ninety aeveiilh year of Amerlcau inacitenueucc. TOD R CALDWELL fly the Goernor : 4. B. Nsatmkht, Private Si-creUry. June II 9K tef Ths pstwrs Rsaied in the forciiolne pro. latnallon will publish as benia dirtctt j ind forward Mil to executive ofllie o ap W C. SANDF.ite A CO. .So. 1 Man m hlrr.1. FFK K NORTH CAKOL1NA R. K. CO., Cowl-AST riaps. N. C Mat 81. 1S73 The V4th Annual Meetinr of 111. Hlockbol dris of tli North Carolina Kaiinwl Company will t held atFallsbury, N.C., ' n the Swond 'I biind.v , ihe loth of July, lia BICK khol- drrs will plea s hj rri.rcsTnlrd either la ttr son or l y proxy 1 he transfer bot,ks will e closed June 1st, ls7,i, and remain rhrd aalil Julv inn, l-;a. i. A. Met At La Y, juneetd Treasurer. WAGES LLETTH LMUT DU.VrT OIN. Parfn tct m: axdrsaraat.ed Ibe beat fn N. jooe Is. T. fKMNACrl riMlI WirT t REEK. MVNtrACTUU 1 IMi Ctlall'ASV etve tmtrtiivswnt to Piiinners. Card Rimhsi h. tula aud M eav.n, tn ttielr Mill awar 4'alwa'nmfa. Va. fawiUra Will tsa ptttsuiiad wua eoaaioruai aawasw, wn use pn.iHw.ot isiwt Location aasuy aast as((hli.itlieo4 lrnel btewly nupl. 'jaunt asd fjod sum all lx Kivrw. Ai'iiit w n M swhia- sust, Bufe. InUiwi. at at ?. t..r. , or tn It. i. ri.l ailK, AaTent, Malft Crok Maarita. frW.bari, Ta, Jans 17, V7t; J4M ltt AM) AND MILLS roll lALt. I 111 sell sbot 11 srraa of rood Ued with A C UuaiiU ae Mui.WiLk aS mil C M.iM, a.1 aa smm r aas t if ensav, fneta,- oaali roe farther lfura'Joai a.larrM s.4 at 1 hats. Left f, l' , llarwu nmaiv. Of asat IIBiAOa. St. A, TKlilCB. apS-wtt THE rA&LOR COMPANION. Lvcry Lady aaa's oue I r ti V sa uuflil to have m ' I rW.t .mi rrrii4 of Trsi tut. Addr-, L. t, trwr NOKTBCAaVtUeA, l. . V. Co "eioa tot T. K.isaC Walsv. Eaeratrls tf I uH UanlsM dsx t rtai aLtT ra t l.sjJarr, Asaartaai G.-doer, icrrrit I..-.0-. AO. tsaot. Jtmmm W all sad wilt J.'ia. Ja. .ar i -t, M s.Aia l.wdasw, Vt ta. at Wudu- r, I .. .ol awe Asa Lm t.r4- . 4 I' bMrs at taw M Juka Uartlw im Umiimt aa4 L dvtwt, r. dents sad saw .A.a llsw4al. A'W-aN suit M tit i4s ll iptwisr U tax our, that Jut Itasd. of Levi l,tnlMf SJ. ikusi Naiak t4 11.4 SHalw It ss tamtors arVand ht Ik. t'wafl U.M awwarau, M Saaaw as la.isarissca SwwsiaM muiiM ta ia. rne mt Kafevh. Iat Wr. S.i r....-lt SM.lif- tWsakt SVInUuita mtfm1 avfusw IMlt u( ta lim O su uf h4 mails i f staatin.. It-m st kt aa f iaa-aia as Im at Um I risi 4Wf ( Jals t 4, D. IMIbn W aaawn SVeasf ta Ike ptmnniil twtua IM sa ll am.. mswvwIs !. aasas s,U be U.w b. w.ii.,4 a4 sw4iisnMls Vtlutaaa J. A H4m nf saU t t aa riiesw a IM li b J.s A ) iv-tf i A, M lyu!l, C.h. , IH'TINM I A( II I M S. ad in f ir, j.muu it, -ut Sl!S a ru, roiiMvii; Nm t hf IM, su a sw.v m w ... srl"S4 , a.s .. fi.'r f n a J -SAS SKOIIIItaUlll tsa at ir, tm 9 wk-1 1 In... . . Ifalaaafta-salil I tA. ,- t sM . fffsM i -4 fete, t" I "Wi ' A t(f f 1 Tt t 1h -IA. t. it. .M " oat s s . JtssM usfLKu. IiIiMh m enf .w 'W. i Hi h Hi sst lu w f s-e4 i-t w.tf fi,4 f i s m as - i t . WHO Alia! Any l erioii. , eli make tr-ilu 10 to J.'iU r week. WIlLINU TO A or )ounaT. of T.-'iii: AIL V Win K itbsr srx t huiae or In i-ofitn-rtioo sun. oisv-t byaiseaa. anta by an. euiubln 10 eitlur city r coua- Uy, salary srasun of Ihe T.-r. Ikialaa rate tit pnn unity fir th sho are tiutof a, and out i'i itiiiii!, to luaae an tsiji-ia frot Itrtntr No rs, M.,1 b Ire mitilrrrl. Our mibUL "HOW 1 1 M A it K A UVIMI." kKitiiSIttii insuui t.oiio, S.U. mi rrtnpu 1 1 tu tint. Addon, A l't l. IC CM , Jl.irrl sanra. SVrirtir-rT -tt"T: i k V'I'O v, f where to srii out ptw and aULilAUnsmi fcs.ln.Wi use-Mae Hi-: W tVTPIt rnid I lllwtral.d Cirralar, U ii it ia ih. Mrsn Msauiartanna- Cue .i v,sj Itrusiiway, M 1 ura DOS-TON rURTATICN SIGNALS. sVs.1 as rs-elpt of "i ett l"oftn P'trl nr sod ru'i.i.i.ii ii, o rj mu.i. .- or a. Tbe UsckwiUi tJO fortasle raaule sWvtstg Machine, om JO Days Ti iai, anaej advatitass sr ati eU.ta iniiiiv ti.d, a 9 M trt ussiS. l eoespM-U, aniA lu.1 dlmtanu. Hr ksilk IisiU Kuwim l. StiJ lii ,J-, . . lut saw n.itTii! t M :. a. -..J , ;- It li sts. tlik.' r. ail Ussvm, asd sw ! t ul nr. sa s .t.slil'in 11 Is Si n w,i!i sifurt, asd If k. 1 1 1 a .mtU .. sai , ttWl. a sttnssssU esr. t. . Saw ..., S 'HI esap, sn . srst i. BMil SHa nsswtsl, twtsi.. Ir, oiA.r-e it Mm m v 1 a. t a tw Tiss. I-., . i.J ttcwlsar. S, I Lit). fci.U-d as al'UI fiisf I'smh i I.hj l't il i tail si i.-s no ri.titi. fc1 SHSf SslA.S.It sST uuii " st 1 MAT I l I 'lis ii i-tn II itallt-ill S'.S-i a, -VI I k. 1. 1., iirf.. Muia ...r. s.4 erh was WlS.Hi.1 lllM .'ISfrS k 1 Aftf SlmsstHiii tJ t I.. 1,1. tiwsfy sol aw .M'T.I j tvs ms.s Mf IVdJtalt - 4 T ts.W lt,;a S.T-1860-X. 11" J The Mowt Kvoiioiiii4-al, Hs-itiitliiil unit l)urntlo. TIIR8B PAINTS sre composed otl'caa Whits Lisu, ifiwu and Linsexu Oil, without other materials which add (frcatly to thcdnrability, elasticity, tieauly and sti-entrth of the Paint. 1 he whole an chei."Ually combined, so that tbe p k meute are held in permanent solutiou, thus forming a suioollie, Klov, llrni, elastic, beauufui anddiiiable Paint. Tbu Oil, which U the real life of the paint cannot leave it and be absorbed br the substance to which it is applied, ua it does In the pjints mixed in the ordinary way, and thus l.-ave the uiirnii nt dtd d brittle, to wath aud rub oil in a few months, or at farthest In three or four years. This paint la unahVcU-d by changes of lemierature. Is perfectly impervious to the action of water, la well adapted to all elassesof work, snd Is In evrrv tin better Paint for either Ihsidb or Oi tsiiu: Wok or Boat Paixtiko, than ant other Paint known to the trade, aud a I last at least Tune Tmrs as i.oxo as tiii: hswt 1.KAD Ann tin, unto ii tiii oiiim HART WAT. Always Keatly lor lh and Cuhily Siijt; lird. roM ly tho ONE UAU.LON COVERS TWENTY itj'JAKE YARD j, TtVu.co A'l 8. O. Ir. JvNIGElT, Sok? eiit, VoO l fl l.uinlHrtka-r(-t, ItalHinoi r. ,r BI'tllMKNS AND I'KiCE LIST IT KM JUKI) UllATI.-. SPKCJVKSSOP TlltiblrFKUKyT COLOUS TO UK SKKX A 7 THE OFFICH OF TJIJC 11ALKIUU SESTlSi:... ar RsnfellOsi BITTERN l I FCRIXT A TIET Abl.K Ut aWAtATIOW. ii sls!yl4waa.sossltOOTa, - H t SI 3 aMFItUITt.MniuiNI,iBiaui snwUM. whti-k Is Lb.lr nalitr. ar. I Mberttn. assii.i a, asii I mi.i, Aiisili'i sad AMU-LUl.'lW. ls.lsuff-.lsiiii. ..ft qnaslXf sf sjiit n m ths SI UASt t r. So kf Ck Jl 11 s .Laasts, sata We e'lieclally call atu ntion to U. followlnif testimonials of tjo l'aiut : Tlfl i'f..l. l.n.inUrl iiiinli V. ll'..l.i... A 1.7! ir The Paint came aafelt to band as oril.it d. fwok rira. II .ailllll. rach ami ll.n..ri,A,.W eU one gallon each Aa ' prai lice" waa slack, 1 did l..- lohmtsrif. Two week, nut mn.1.1,1 work, rompleUd the bouse, two eoata, the l.t dial 1 ai.; Med thick, and it t no" trensraltt eotwrded that Kr "knamel ' like bsrdneaa, aad body and i.."ntniy of colur, there ianola bandaomer Job in the plate. 1 saved sim riva ik.i tans l th. t;ratlii. shkh la aa ites ust now with Bi uthi-rn ieop!e." It sbouid be g. neralir adapted ii. te n ri"-. ad can apply II. 1 1 av. neti r doubted tAe U stliuniiiau hot I i-lt u r,,r, li.t 11 ..1.. ii.nl. ty of your ''iism.l Paiut.'1 to Um nls of our 1.1-m.li.. m w.-.-l ln.-i ..r b.i. ,.i iH u..i. of color, and In the f t ut p. ufig "tKjily mixed." tint 1 give ion i-riiil.N .n. l.f II isdi-si rable to )uu,i nU uliat use vou think prot-r of this , I . r. t-rj refpi-ctfnHy and truly, f. ,lt,ll.L. M. U. ,, . . . l.stTiat aa. !)-. mil. r it), l-rt 1 H. t. r K aiiiHT. 1), ar B' r .it sllmil. a 1,. ii 1,!. ..m,. 1.. . 1., . ,M il,.i 1 ii,il Patent kuiu.l palut far etereiis mv evnei tatiiu li. i-iimiinit. I nmr il I l .w. ...... . son to lirlHve.ln durability. More than twelve mouths time I j alnttd the rotf of iny liultl (Msnalon llou-ei sub it. I'rsilli r In. 1111 1 Paint ai d 1 sas mib.Ii i lr..1 am. 11 1 i.ur. niuir.. 01 punt ins oauiOr of Hie hotel, ai d sni mint I a p to .ay It K V.s tor pi fartli 1 n lu-iun I wi uid tav. if this ti 1..1 li su l.' .1. . ...t. H 1.. .. 1 ni'tii) in i a. 1 uur., ui.'-l ii-.i .fllii, . 1: iai,-iu . lmUMi lluljt, . coft.r t . Il and at f. ftim. finltlmoii ifest sat . MS. m sr. - A At AM i Mr ON, LIMITATION H .TEBS n-t r.. ' a.i l.,..-'.lt sffiirtis ne aiuih tli-asui Vt'eK.U'St In Ju.'i iH. i'juulHicU 11 SS 1 sll.ltd il.s di ai.il uut silb 'tirai. T.U ta Tri.Hi.l I'.n.t ' 1... .L.tr I' Kbisilit, ks. Ui l.i.Sil.rd Mirrt, is Sfcrnt. and to U-Uty Io Us isnrknllt utif intiMail iUm aism.r si. a, - 4s tm i.ml. dstll'nr faw twirt rmrmt tT t-e VT.tWr, id lu tbe" very sever 'ists it Btdrsiw.st tins nUtsukSH-ut. sbna. euiinf t.ur dullv .1..1.11.. . an . soda are c-1s.la4.ly applied to It, and yet it arptsn aa m oi.i1 and frr.h aa sbta br.t at c n Ol Ui. nuisx rusa .dt.utavi s tt iwsssrs 01 ci osrr 1 slots. I sill ci.lt srn u n. 1.11 r ixed .ad n .! fur s . . a ist.un to anil ron l wri : Us uuii klr tnu. ni.i.iiu. l .L sans auuik Lim la U . .1 1... f sink asm )-twl is asidid asm f s very tnrr-tr teaatity. sku b UpsrUUai.t aod duiatililty to the ubjrets shirk it la .4 Assthhl moat sarsnUy treutMsrnd II Mi Ibe attrrtbut. and Irsu. .111 r. ofi.nr r.T. I.lirnnr It sIIIeivs tc an smtsr siti.ta. U,,p ll.ss tb. y ran piiw.ii y anki a'c. W M. a.. M N i 'I II !ers tiirls( 1 a ,,' s. das a . a . re. 1 ;...s n a tA-a .id '..--.A fr-ww. , PiaAssatviiAa, lurtfutd rusui) H V. r StatOBV l.af Vir 1 am iwi Lai f, t.i li.f.wiu ...m tl.i . . . 1 Pslat' kaa rites rutira ast Ufa. uos. I licLilLjiui i.nl I 1...... .. ...1 i t itr irsnd It fur d ra' I.I!) nU Uau'.y, as LaiaAu.unt lu aii oiUr. ..j iiBii'i.,;,4t, ri t.'Ht.fT.j: iv fnmm ll.m, J) W.lktnJ. Ifk.C.P ksu.ai At lb. rtximuiriMUis of a lr..i.d I a. ii..'u..J . im m. Lrst, "Mrsdle).' I .11 1 to B.I k u. 1 Lata laantr Is at.lil u.ai it Laa ,m, a. bit ul iltsi tory. rwttrlba Shot. SLrla.. that, tn. brbluiard. I. awe n 111 1 1.,. .1 .ai.u. I-ll.. . U.. las orrlinary iiiit .! d V. Ii.,r f'.-u. il.Knt.l r . .1, f , .r r..ltui v. j-ni wrrutnLP. cm i j. m. nosr.xiiAVM. ,, ' 6iriiiB rt-ptrssbr J, IfTA t P ln. F.tj - l'-.i rlr -I tat. tad tl tWU). taimt I l.o.fl -.ii I. it.) I I beard Irvas jwi , tt .id.aed nut .1., axis j a; ds-ilii,f .t,d .1. r f. lu truuta. II ls s rrt 1 U ;( !t be ss U sv tlJtn r--. it luilt . is nr hnimmliiiMi la tas iis i. r.iHa'Si. dsrab.iu tad L..BH. l-.i... I.ul. lim. J 111. IS.. .-.MMts)silinaur.al. . . . , . . , .. sllSfca. ltssbe, at, IffH, - r Hli.111, Ll. A...IIUI I.ikI.ii t l',lsaLtl:iii I...L. I. j Im.lu imIii riLAl trws IMMiM isawrlsilt ssdaws. s. A... I4 of .1,1 kl A s. A... r... lla tintu t esstiu.. as m,ty lb. ,l...d. dr)ts- a ptiy a. 4 s.'.k bard .!.-.. (ikksuil .tfcsk h..llu.l.w,4i;H,,, laitasu fllnaMtuSBSnarviw Mt 4 ,t ua .-nM,ty, r sd w.'d le H ua a.t iuk.A wsn. w chmiissMsI ai ia 1 s-i li as Vrj r-., !!, AM.tiiI.. tjlhTl.T.t'll.lw,IMi li"s.ia- sis I ! I' StsTS, G lad I At H'sri i"t" P' Win:ii, '.)-." 1 .i I' ('a K..iai'b,t 1 ., fuss iitioiiinM 1. slsuKAi ll ' ICK, U K, ICE. atom ii?rr rut tt.ft viUYtk. AHU. I as -.l kiltf Mia.! t. Bts iw f. r )ii'iUi. 11.is.11 1 t sun sMswnlA.ist liastwia ss tm Is. k sHttsi i.nS aaJ.f u t ..i.i i . . -1 t ..1 ..... r tst. .4 it wm ssr a srr .... syA. w i- asks ) lit t tartar s-ak- f sd.'itt, r -.w Ss. -ass4 ! I.UH asd sla kW .At f i ..! ti. ktAAl V . llSKSWSS AAHtSSV tji nr vi 1 m t s sitr ;-. i i sjif7iiti, 1 a f a.. . ar mi -t . , a-f l fmi -.., s. s. ta,.. s . tsai at ll t. llbM.StM.Alfs.tltl is ss) I v I ! A C Who!.-.!, .mi L't ldll I'rtlrr la 1 JaE.M V M AIM, t I.Hill.(i Jt: JA. A.xt soys. Tai l : i-HT . e.t, II.Ip, tt's T. ssd 'l ta. c fti,t rsi. sad 1.L4M ) tat. sT F'ftlJ I aW lU'ftl fs, 1. ti l 1 ,11, J f . 4 ViLlJlll bUAi'. p It lie fok A Ii A st at L t' l-XIIU OLIVE. s.ss. braid, sf a a. a, 1.1 sW vtt b .1, t .-s. i. w ta. I a ss. (Mas Sana ysw ..) avat-i ! .k yns 4a sot iinliA IslMlIn e sa H. f "-.t r A I..S.I U's fall es t'saat. a ..ta, ii.ii.iiiI) ar ltd 11 1 I'll at u 1. .. . sr. 1 liVaATHAIROI- C 10 d'.lt perDii: NtikTN Skill IS A. I . IHtllUHUl I" f,"r'rf iasb Ns ss A4sss)artrsu sf Jaw Mf ' va aWbtJ t. V. is t asr asd s4 1mm. i sms i WAMssal sad w.fa ktasM. at. kai ta sms --4 s i. i .iiitw, asd k. lm liaj a. s.S. raal SWA i ll .MWai sa As. tk"t 's .. aaa a s. .a) l.tiatsk '' 1 atassa St ana sas Sit.Asiaai Ass aiai, at at 1 I. ass-saiss is. . owtm. rm r a si t taw All um, ss4 kwmas is sad MLAl T I sf is. II A I at. Sara Vtw Ts.ss aa I ss S ..a-i ' sTTl . Jt'TZ, SW. . S lWi M . . " . M I fa i 1 '' 1 tilir.a ' r I is. a.s Mtr-- k 11 a ...,i. 1 ... . S ... mm I ft- I A- a m4 .4 ' S sas. t as . I U A sa. . - - ssa sssisaastswaaaaas.-, a, sasntn' M ff f-'f H 1 F lis taj . a A.v. Ik. a .1 Ha,W. .W.ksf "en us tA ...,, .... . svaajasa. '. I I ' S ' kt w. .,t a. ... aM iss.iit si Saasa, am.l,aa ua II s.wsas s..MiA-s iU. f,(-t..s sas sa nsass a IS. raa,.f M a 1 I f I V f f J O M aa I s. so s.sl is; aa4 ika ia s.i-a. .1 ta. .a... a As. 1 la. I Wis - srw-araw ln1 I f.Ws... ... ( , l ' ears la. sr--f aa . at asaa a a sa lf.fl1! -- a. 4 .a.sa m- -aai mS., faa ' t A f 1 I II ft llllt'-t tkw st-. aM ..a Ua-UaS ti I I J ! 1 I 1 1 11 1 If. s. 'ai ta ... ta tA. rS MI. I - I (II ltis nJut'ltlttl M ll. HI U a illdt, ) 9 Sas A A A It T -4 aad !..' jsse l t , S FaA.w.y . si A' a 11 1, r. . I r,li, I A-.. 4 asal aal at f'-t I- . I A. t - A 1 .11 I. 1 a 1 tii n.i. a I f hi is, !) I kit At 1 H l I. I M til IS A A . .. t, ad I f "aasS Its-, S4 A ka.S MA Aa i si St. A. Sard Sd I as-d f . . , iistlV f l". af (Mf I lanaiMH K s.w'-st 4