THE SENTINEL. IbAKHATIlt: or COLONEL DAVID FANNING Written by Umimlf, Detailing A,tn uhing Heeittt in Sortk Carolim, From 1773 U 1783. ll tin htTt-liv &rljiMtMt!..lnu i . . ...,. a PrlxM-cr ol war, upon my parole, to Ui Excellency ir Henry Clinton, mil that I nm h"iebv eiiKscJ till I eliall becxcbane- ..i . - ,.i.....;.,. i b cj, I'um.iBi .iciautu inerciroin, to proceed immediately to my plantation on Dunram's Creek, -Cumberland county (ur elsewhere) No Carolina, tbe-.e to remain ; or within five miles thereof anil that I shall nut in the menu time, do, or cause any thing to be done, prejudicial to tbe success of his Majesty's arms; nor have any intercourse of hold correspondence with the enemies ol his Majesty and that upon a summons from his Excellency, or other lVramr-having aurhnrity thereto; that I will siirrciidvrnfysclf up lo rrm-or them, at such time and place as shall here after be required. , rmup ALSTINE. Cuinierhind County, Deep Hirer ; July 29th, 1781. Witness ; Davib Fakjhno., CoVo Cotn'g "Ixtyal Militia. In the course of this affair, wo had two liieii killed, arid four wounded, who after ward recovered X p.irty pt Kcbclsap pfctri'd iu sight a Utthr time after the fir ing l' (nii ; hut they diil not approach to nlfird Col. Alutine any "support. When thu action was over, they ian off; and our horses lieinit iui( fatigued, rendered it iinpo:l e lor ine, to peraue them. I then peraued my route to Cox's Mill, where on my ariivul I jjavu twelve bum a leave to the men; alter dltachini; a suflioient num ber for the ncotttary guards, to go to Ihcir respective li'.iut-s. Immediately after that, I heard til: a wagon loaded with s ilt for the uhc o'f ttf rebel army had passed about 12 hours. I Mok eight men with me, and after achate t'16 wile I overtook her, and conducted ii back to Cme's Mill. On my .return I IoUihI that Major Rains, had been attacked by a party of 150 rebels; who had attempted to secure the fort of Deep due's Mill ; hi v. ever it was without nieces, lie had one man wound ed, and s-veral horses, in the sttuek. On my approach, they retreaf.d. They then sent flag with (liters of peace. I returned for answer, "I was determined to make peace with the sword or otherwise till they should become aubjccls of Qieat Uritain." My men now being collected to the amount of 140, who by this time were Wi H armed, and hearing nothing further from them, the next morning, marched to the place, where I had been inloinied they Here; but found tin tn gone off I dire v end some of their scouts, hut on tiring on them, they took to the Wool's. I heard, that theyliad marched and joined smith it pai i ol 250 men, commanded by t'olr nels l'.i.iey and Ualfour. Upon which I return U to Coxe's Mid : I sent out spies that night, who returned bci'oru umroinp, and iolormed me that the turn rebel par ties had j lined, being ab ut 400 in num ber and encamped at IJP'Wli'a plantation, ab' ut two niilw up the l: 'er on the op posite side, t dispatched a fl ig to tlicm, acquainting them, a before, ot my deter mination, in support of Oovernmeut, and proposed a meeting of both parties t de termine the matter liv lorce of arms; at the same time acquainting them, that the ill treatment of some pnaiucrs they bad taken lilt's time before, had determined ' me to retaliate la Caae, aa end Was not pat to it; I directed the dig to Major Cage, who onminanded at the time before, and I received the following answer. 1 rrrrivrd yuurs ly a flag, and can teams yon thai 1 ahouM be ks sotry as any x-rson living to tnioe a prisoner ; but at the same t'tnc, I ttiibk it Is my duty to iippoee my in miis, and il any of your men should lall into mv hands I shall ea- deavenr Be turn a hat iiifluwius I eaa Ut have them trtnt.-d as prisoners ; and 1 hope you will do the same. I mut also inform you, that 1 am not the command ing officer; li I was, I should immediate ly reture ton, aa answer: At tour letter er, he wi I not nnkriake It. "U will . direst to him, Cid, O. at preet-Bt. I am, Yours, Ac Ac VYM. CAM 11 A0. U, 1781 ! To CoL David Fanning. I also received a age from Colonel O'nrai that whenever they Met, they would tghl ase, but Bt by aa laimedieti appointment ; I directly ordered a march and proceed ed to the place Where I was swW4MaBWkalk etisd-- JbbbbbWb" -etta l4y lay rncauipid 1 bat ow my arrival there, they bad marched off; aad Iroe iolelli gear I Ld procured, I had reason to sup. p lby w rooe to fslisbury to get reiaktfeed, Ij General Hutherford. 1 then rvcledeil, to go, .to Wilmington for a r ply ot SBUBualltaa finding lay stia k bryaa to jrow low. I got to Croea Cnwk on 1 1 lb f inmost; aad earty la the snorsing folio log ttn I the tape Fet lUver, when Maj. mmuei AadK-waj.itBed ate with ate company aad w-.taled lhrMign all the rrbrl sctHrmrsia, a tbe anrth aide of the Itiver and t-k a aumlT rf prti. owrs, snst and amors. I also d scovrrwl whrre II bamte uf fall aa4 conceaird ; deetgaed fur tbe reUJ atny. I droyd II ; aad tbra aaarcfe4 d-twa the aide ; aad raise ta a piaatato twkiagtat to a Cant. It .Ocflsai abWb I burnei j 'mm throe 1 aiarthM la bis Uuthei's Cut ItoUrts-m, which MVed la the earn ataaiMf. a any asarcb, I la k eeveral primwn, whaea I probtd, tsnrpt to taw I detiveesd to 1 p' Ij-tt. thea cooiataadiag at V il kinftoa; whtre I arrived aa tbe It b llvia at sepiuwd ailb awoiaaitioa, 1 fuma lied ee it ruiiBiry ' lle I h IHi Bay eiiival at l.;mtpihl..B. I soaad Cd. Pbrirvbrv. 4 the lnjal Hio.ia t llladra euaulf, a Mb t Buntxt of parlrl teb;, la I.m ct.Bv 1 d sipprov"! I bivpieg lba, the, aad tuid btui I tbuagbl It tpJt, aad '. tb evt (i.vd s; Wat Hi, iry, Itavisg arms eal, l'd apa bw ep, aad aoB.J4 bios aaoriBlly. flea Ctptaiaa a!- wrra wnaadrd, aoate t4 whoead! afi-few's of Taedsv r.Uaif I al M fail M.lls atcwl a Bi a i.. f d 'fix bed Ntfai aa U k. la aiki mmh. tm twv let" "e t.ia s'aisif tot r.n.llli.''M i bat it t Uu; a !! rvUis U I Uksa llhe a, 4s ea4 f1 all put i.rt itnt ptSira'TT,' 1 isuiDsrtir Enoch Morgan's Sons' is a nbtltate tar Soap fur all Honee b"ld ahi .( elothea V A I' (T L l o for cleaning voar house will save the labor of one cleaner, (itve It sSrial. for Windows Is better Una willing or water. Mo novlng curtains and car pets. A Ii:O L IU ekans paint and wood, tn fact the en tire tauu-o, better than soso. NoiU.u ptng tavea labor. Yoe csn't atford to to without it. A 1 O L I a for Bconring Knives Is bettor and cleaner than Bath Brick Will not scratch. S A l O L 10 Is better thaa soap and sand for pol sulng Tinware. Brightens without scratching. 'sa r ol ilf poluhes brass and copper utensils bet ter than acid or oil and rotten stone. & A r O L I o for wathtnir, dishes and glassware la invaluable. Ciieaper than sosp. S A P O L I O removes stains from msrble mantels, tables and statuary, from bard finish ed walls, and from china and puree lain. A P Oil O removes italua and gressa from car pets and other woven fabric. There Is no one nrtlrlo known that will do bo many kinds of worn ana no it as well na simo Mo. Try It. HAND A P O L I O a new and wonderfully effective Toilet 8oap, having no equal In this country or abroad HANI) H A P V L 1 o as an article or the hath,"r. aehus the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores slid gives s healthy ac tion and brilliant tint to the skin. HAND S A P 0 L 1 O cleanses snd beaatltlcs the skin, instantly removing snv stain or blemish from both hand and face. HAND S A P O L 1 O Is without a rival In ths world for curing ior preventing roughness and chapping of either hands or face HAND .V A P O L I O leraaves tar, pitch, Iron or Ink stains and grease ; for workers in machine shops, mines, Ac , Is invaluable. For mailing the skin white and soft, aad giving to It s "bloom of beauty," it is unnur iasaed by sny Cosmetic known. HANI) ,V A P OLIO cost 10 to I'i cents per cuke, and everybody should have IU Vou will like it. don't fail to try t:iEse woods. lluy it of your meichaut If he has it or will procure it for you. If not, then write for our Pamphlet, "All about Sj po lio," and it will be mailed frto, ENOCH HORQIK'9 8 OS 8, SO Psrk P ace, N. T. June U deoditweowly s EA8 UNABLE CL0T1IJNU. SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT. pi J, KuriDg i nil Soinnirr. M71. R. B. ikNDREWS&CO., CLOTIIIEUS, 1 FAVETTEVILLE 8T. KA LSI Oil, X C, Respectfully sauevace to thrlr cuatomttra and ta Buttarat. Liial laas tiataauw ia store Ihs largei and buhI varkd IU. S ef I) lilfllTiYC roit Xra, IVoy, Youth and rlilldrea ffiSTTTi. yX a ev. I.J Uiai.Xta.iira of eii.Il Mef at any aae Uaa rmvioaa ll eomprur evarv (va4e laaaitty. stls aad prtee, and ta tk-trf.m aaa4i4 W las reiBlrnisaU al sU 1 0 Aa ea ly tlamlaa'loa la stklUd. ap n J-JOCKUUIDGE ALl'M BPWSGS VIltniNIA. )ii.Ttiiin laif, 1 7:s, Thl favaHia aad ntlU4 Wat tnf PWf III iVr 4 illubal rUa !. this aaoa. II a. a s sua tml Nooai. aa biaia-d tmmt, H - i.a Ml. v f laiix and t-a f'lilnnta ai.4 a i u Uih,ii.1 )... 4 It aid t lr4 la a ay aul sisaM Bar- bra ta t ifb-sn IkeeaWtauf umm atrial S.Im atiax eve at (roUf iM't iaaa at arfulala. Har4ivt I 'Heiva, i-kn LarvaiUa, I ktuais lnanh CkfiwlB Paaaai'MHa, taroi Pr!-iA, Ctiru hraiwt tav ars sUasfaal taiM la tauw (!. rimaji BUkk i aara iw ts Uw laatala anaaUlaUua, aaa aa a ajatiwe a Wale sat s a i raaimailva tk-, are, -'fca. a-liaid mmmt ailaanl We. lb Pnufto4 ka pvuvta4 fuf Um UtM a4 H we a S al m Waal ( ataaw, ar4 pa 9 J all 1Kb -Bfra ml iaia aaml bb4 rarnatkna Baaaiiy iuaa4 el aav Ba aaai rrawi a lit w i ihatHMKBaM at IB faaata el " HM aHiM.C 1.1 a la H Is alii. la frmm Mma to lUnas baara By rail, ail la eat na V rmm (an m nnt'iUthwHUial tBta aiwai4s laaataa V B4 Baa a4 al Mjmt , artf rat-i-llr a aaa-ata Ba4 BH la- - aa.f tlit aila, art aB t nataas t l (m( f Wa Jaxti. a aaiia. r,.ai. PU t a lis er ua t ...,, gMt. aa rfaaa. A. k l .M ' r, Btana. a M Mt'LLtN. .a H,mt 4T ta. ah B-f a. la aiiiiUVJI A Si ., kll.a lTM,U pwiU4 aaan irm tm aj'mMea b i aa i ai 'lilKtll UflTIM. bnaSf rartw, (Via l ralM, I aaa4 - a1 kAt sb i u T siBixaill ba i. JU8T RECEIVED. , Baas i tVi Pale A e, . I if lilboert & t o' Porter, fBane:sN V, Cut Henings, ' ' TS Tierces Molasaes. p U. f ETON AC'U t BK'i. K O V N D Constantly roceivlnij sopiiUes of Fodder, Pheaf oU and liar. Also in store &aad Data sna worn Beta reas. , JAMES li. TiWLE3, mar 5-tf Com. Merchant. F o The handsomest buildlnat lot on Favi tu-vlll Itreel, with a (rood house no on it. 'terms very sccomnodatlnjf. - - ... may w. u. JO.NK3 (JO nVA BAI.K8 Hay, Oate and Bhucka, la JrJ stoiesnd tor rale veiv low. Juae3 W. C.8TK0NACH. D. S. WAITT, 51 Fitjrttevlllo Street, i. io i a ii .-. n . c . . 1IKAI.KH IS DBV U00DS& ILOTIIFNG. Boo la, Shoes, Hat. Caps, Notions, Piece liuila, WhlU Goods, Trunks, Valaes and I'mbrvlljs, iu fact every thing kept tn a first class Dry (rood Bore. may 'M -jqAUMEU9, ATTENTION!! If jou want the Bk8T Plow get the larmor's 1 r i e n d. Bold by 11. I'LUMM KB & CO., 121 BycjuiOre Street, Petersburg, V a , , LEN II. 4DM3, AKnt, . .RalcUth, N. a Circular furnlthod on application. June U-tf QDOZEN FKESU TOMATOES, 10 doicn " Wlnslow Jones Green Com. W. C 8TKONAC1L F O IS An elciraiit Enirllrn Silver Tea Set. Silver Knives aad Forks. ap 17 W. II. JONES A CO. Q ANN ED PEACHES ipo onsen cans Ktslllng st t J rKi per dosea iayt 11. F.J ON ktl A CO. HOW To Speculate Sue feast u I ly KANIULL U. FOOTE ft CO., Bshkirsaiid Bkoiihs, TO BasnwtT, N. T. Memoer or flora axenaog ana Uoltf bo a. KaraaiKcs Mechanics Banking Aaaorla- tiuu, or . nv Banking llouae or Comaterclal Agency in ew I ork. N B Pamphlet oo "Wall Street and II Operatioi s." free on spplicatioa 10W . NU CALF STRAY ED OK STOLEN. IX week sea a rl rt and !1r"wl.o a lib borne left my yard with a f aU-growa ysarllng ahont tba earn color aad aiUiout boms. Tb eow Is marked bat aot the roar ling. If aot kUM aha baa added lo bar Ul ly a roausalf Ly U1 time. The eow was ralacd oa Li I Us river la Orange county, by r. r.Tiai luair, bbq ma; nave sirayad la ibatdlpartioa, though it la lour vears sine bought ken A I beral rewai will be pH Id for t. bar recover. W. R. PEPFLU. JUB It-UilABlt KaJcit-b, K.C H A M ( 1 II A Milt eVat I" .u!Ii .rri'toa Hams for sal. may T - W. It JO.tEl CO. rp H K liKAND TACIFIC HOTEL CHICAGO:" TisLtausiT At.noT CoartiTi DoTn, saa - ftnai i, . .. a waiiwri sanaa as la rroprietota of UmBUKKMAN UnL KE baton ItaeeaUee tlia la Ike BHaaoniil Caelsfra toa of (Ic . tooar klk sad (Ha. Intl.) uk plraaars ta aa aaaacing Ike eumplaUoa of this Bw eater prlae, whtrk t Bow oaa aadar tkatr parsuaal BsaaBs-rawBt fur the srcwaaoasiiua ot CeM. u Alia lKOH. m RICE, Jane 11 Klaw Laa as lor Taeaty teara. I A fl" AjrUCATIOaa MaJTI A Pur dooming Complexion. It M "1T Ti sb4 Ms aaaaiiie la BMa4M I aa af MM an am aa a a4 raar"- as aaar a aa t.a ar aa, iiwip Sar 4 f il h4 at iw m.ii Bl aaal I laaaWaMtaa lornirrt hiaoi asd BiirrT. au w .a unjjwi a-1 r..f i BSMhalr.vil B It O W N VARIETY STORE, jr. is rrui, re, tid,k, jr. c. aetiaa ta coitrtcTionii i in IXAIM ABttrstHf UCAJlWIt, Ctlstn(aiL Otis .... ante ski l ire ... rxaie - II AO AN'S -0 Corn & MeaC 50Q BL'8tl,EL8 TILL0W CORV 300 BU81IK1'8 WU,T CORN, " 200 BU8UEL81BOLTE.P MEAL. 'At A. C BANDERS CO., No. t Msrtla Street. sp) I3acon. Q BOXFS CLEAR BACON. Q BOXES i!IB BIDES. boxes breakfastjbaoon ' g TIERCES HAMS. ' Cheap at , 7 " A. C. BANDERS CO., P20 No. i MarUn Street. Till HOT BATH COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HAVE BEEN IMPROVED AND REFIT ted for the season of ltttii. The watr vary la temperature from 60 to Ilu deirreea. Tbe Baths have for nearly a eentary been need tn the treatment of Gout, Kheumitlsm, ranurma, nano(ia, iiaesacs or UIS UVCr, Bladder, f kin ami Womb, tild lnturiea. i n taneous AHeetkms, -on traction ut Muscles snd Joints, Chronic Diarrhea, Ac., and have attained world wide celebrity tor their effica cy in curing and relieving such diseases. The batti Ids: arrangement an extensive and complete, and Include the new feature of Mud fSTas, which are aow attracting tbe especial attention of the medical profst"a and in valids, ins xinnsing waters include several varieties, among them a spring ot chslvbeata a'unt water equal if not superior to any ot its ainu in in unilea Biaiea. These springs are easily accessible from the West via Cincinnati, tbenca bv boat tn Hunt ington, the terminus of ths recently com pleted) Cbesspeake snd Ohio railrosd to Cov ington depot, and thence by stage 18 miles to the springs. For na i.ohlet. trivia full dnartiitlnn anil analysis of waters, adlrc. e. i;. i akdi co., Richmond V. or Jas. A. Acnusr, Hot Springs, Bath CoV.Va. uiaj 10 a xi i ! s OARS A large lot of White and iTellow Sugar at 3tf U. T. a TONACH BKO. JOTICE I NOTICE I !. NOTICE ! 1 1 Having connected myself with tbe CARBON HYDROUEX OAS MA ClllNE COM PAN 1', ' Of North Ctirolttia, aow.ofTer for sale my entire stock of Goods, coualaliogof Fancy Groceries, Confectionarius, rVgart me very Den ol vttoea, Liquors, t'orters, Ale (imported and do mestic), two ot I'helsnt Champion llilliaid Tables, a very Boa Beer aad Ala Tump, la good order aad almost new, one Oyster Tsbles with and without marble tos,l heirs, ricturre, etc., (auiuble for Hotel and Housekeepers.) PsrUes who dealre to go into bualneaa. thla will be a rare chance to purchase the cntir stock at ths mwest rates snd oa favorable terms. TU1GOODSON HANI) 4KB FKRsUAND ui luisuryLiuii. 1 boaeahe wtah to tn real will do ao al an a 1 inteBd to ablp my stock if aot sold by the 1Mb of June icik , KospeclfBlly, . 1I11L TU1EM. P. II aes.AH IttilalstsJ ta. lll f narwais4 tA aaii 1 a k.i - a ' " "aa wwwa-w, eaeeaB stiui II Clig BVniwg atralnatava Blal praaest thaas by Ui IMA of June, mayaim HANlM'iMK PLATES, CASTORA, Knlvas snd Forks. Sooona. Mura and hull Knives. ap 11 W. H.JON EsA CO. P o r O ALB, M wtiaa af tae Board at. CvSimUaloa ere for tb rlij ef kalngh, kld a n.a . ing ot Ike Bin luaUiit, lbs Llilcf of f u:ite Bas auUMHtaadiai klialaa Um- ataauaaw la taa lb ellv peeip la erttar tor ua vev, tbe saa Waatae Is fwraUk Baw Mocks aad piUa.aM. Bampwiii u rat n ae al bit enu- fur tra Sara fruaa tkls dal. s Be rig bi to rMM- any or all, reat rrrt. J ii n ic i a. (i Jeee l10t CklefjwJTolIca, Faatil. KalM mmA a n . il.iiI.m J Nor k t aroliua Floar at JaiLROADITOCE tO SALE. sbstbs H. C. B I Start and I Bnaras t. A U. II R. atork. atariBt W. U. Jo.VEJ A CO. L t U - R - e- CbuWa braaJa f F J, O IJ 11 Foe safe by John II. Doraey, rUiVRAXO CoMMiseloa MtitcUiXT, m f. Calvtrt ft aad Ckpi4. D.VLT1M"1IK karsaaa. aa Man Jaa C A (- ta kartaau , t baa B t l aa. tar mway wr aat aaa , 4 aa a.. if. 9 . , rmar sia. l.'a Bbi a kiia t ara, tnw t -a At A 1. BSBlifMAfO, SMS p Mat Mua tua- i l'w'',",'v,,l(',,,', l),WUU aad ITArikUB IV'i. ti'TTf. taaws w It. A ft A 1 Lib ERA CtA LlarLilA ia rMj wiM,alki.kaaa-w r' 9 a. aa wa m 'a i ail .a wmm a" ms, att.ats t m i itia, a. ta a m4 m Sa Bafc 1la llllf ral liaa lwal Sol a. a in nil tiiftii'.i. la m ..,. -4 - .i.m ., aa Wim BV to um t in , at P B It - my W- at saa saa, aair a aaaatsaa b I kaaLsaa. XODtXT JR-TTtra. MMfke-, ; JORDAN ROCKBRIDGE ALU3I SPRING, Tilt :l'NDER8lNEl) J ANNOUNCES Dial bs has taken eharge ot this celebra ted W AlXKlMi PLACK lo tbe ineuutaina of Virginia, oa the Una ot tbe Chesapeake and vwvimiiiiM,iiu ui u wiu ae openea ram for the reception of visitors oa tbe flK- r , ' H wAiriaaiuB Ol ibh a.j.iniiniiBii.ilnW lllt innirilcttncy pt Ui accouiodalioue, large additiOBS have beaa maM I. 1 1. ... . . . I . v X,""'!""" k chcivj- aau amngement. i.. "- " w m oeat aina. Tk tables and all Uio appoLaUuents ot the bOtill Will haalFltlw I wj m... vnw i, hu bw Iin or expetue will be spared to toake the place a r nuuas aitmig ioc sot suiuiner raootns. Of th efficacy of the waters It is not consid ered Bmhi.u re Ia u... It t,.-. .. . . celebrated to need particular mention. i Circulars era In course ot preparation and aril) h. ......... 11 ;ui .;... 1...1 . : . : " ---j amiiifiieaia are being mad for excursion- tickets troai ut luruier parucuiara apply to jiiiiiir u .'luaiini! 1 Of th Pultukl Honto. uid Utoot th cniva avavua-o, caiftuuitu, UeVt PROPRIETOR, niav 10 ttawlai NORTH CAROLINA, i. HAR FORD CO. l'Bloa Cot. Harriet OaUlnc Joseph GaUing, Jetbro Oatllng, Beltle Bae " " uaiung, nooen balling Sarah K, UaUuig and Ella 0Uing. PetlUoafor Dower. It atiTIMHnw In It. - Ht. I..n. . . ... . ---1---.". HuwB.-Hia ui uiveuurt that ths defendsnts, Martha Oatllng, Robeit , a. .iMvtitipi vim m um uauinr rm nuu-ri(lenti of tUU 6Ul, ii U ortlon thai mil.llMfln. . i . .,v.u , iiiui i or aix successive weens in the Vtsekly ISintihsl, a aewaiwper publish ed In the city of Raleigh notifying said non residents ot Ibis proceeding an . commanding them lo appear at the office ot th clerk of tbaHunarinr 1 nn.l 11 .... . ... ... - ft.wiu mimki. ro 1119 court house In tbe town ot Win ton, within aia wsui i ruin we oate or in la snmmons and answer or demur to tba eomplalnt in this ac tion, which has been Hied in this offi-e, Bud let tba aalri tlirlhr. fl.ill U... ...i arah E. Uatling and Kile (Jailing take notice that U they faU lo do so, the prayer ef th p alntlll will be granted accordiug to said eon. lilaint. Wllnau J W PWm .ail., n i - .... w, wi iu euimriur Conrt, at odlce la Winton, Uila th into dav of May, IbW. J, VV. PERRY. mays;tww CkvC gUMMER KEFRESHMENTS, A T Moseley's Coufeetionirjr Store, The MoetDeUchos : Ice Cream Soda Water. H bss tbe only Ice Cream lalooa F O It L A I I E 8 r IN RALEK1IL If Vou tii-nli- in 1 Mimfnrf.ia. ll . MOUELEY'B uiav lit If J. A im a t . . Formerly J. A. Ana- Of MoeksvUle, Oevl Imw J 1 1 ....... i, . . . .t '"""a- valour, launa bt.Ua. Caroilua. ANSZXY V JOUJMSTON, TOBACCO COMMISSION MEltCUlSTS, Are prsuara d to make libara il aJiaana aa hipmrnU of Tobaero, aad wltA ample etock of all grades, otlar to the trade . aosurpaesed Indaccment. t-T Cell and see na at oar atrletl Ira. awi nanavaa. . nj i Cirstr tf Frjir n. latter StrtfU. " ATLANTA, 0E0R0IA. fcefam bv nraiU.Lia In v w lkni... t. A. Ilal& Ilm a.ii.KnM ai ' . u w' Bimoatoa, liq., Preeideat Bsok of Statasvlliai June JKO KIRKLAND, wrr- OAmiAItT 6l BnOTZIIia, M and 88 Far! Plaee, N E W X O R K , Inptrtfrt lie WltUult Cnteri. Jiibert I- a a, . " - - - I - -1 A ,a . T Bet-iHi hlliiii-. iwiit. k A. i1ln'fwhM itiiw ' 1-lftUofMl fiMfc, W.C. Mrtiaakt-ti Eaa . A IIOOU UK Tlirmi.MO; -Llarriagro .l:irj.Zri - - e aaeesas a -e e taaaBt ...... Ae paa-a:e, a4 -wsam BBtWiwafa tat. mmmimf tat... ... -1wa wad) . . f lftit. - tSaam m m -wi arwraa. bbbs , - - M Hist W4J 4 rm0fi t BB bat i , Bj,, ltllj -- -r a-a'W) te aM( eWasw a 1 1 ik rt ea aas I jjbbb ia'aaeja aai aaX a--'Xel fa-st t iava-1 ei ' e aa ax a f tvt eea. .4-i A -., A a . bA e-d M f" " aa. --A -, eaei A.,,, JbVbb pew- bbs-b " OH Weaa Hiiii; eWwAl ! mie eMasaawi asBal Ms4 -Bat ha) . aa . i aa a. aa' fe. wVaajga 1 1, IAMOHD irECTAULII. aiiaat (rvi4 riblilae"- bmiIiS tiBpUi m, ad BaaiM4 S iiarai t a aal ) IBaW '"' aa4 kaiio arv. It a w Mi kBaea IBM Apa rwa hi fnaa B unaa as AaitiA Bu.aa e a t )"' la taa ya, tn ml at U tarianaiaa itgbt. Ila.a t-a baaS ana u. a.Mana. tS Siawiai ll n ka I BM f..B4 la ali it tfiaaa aa ral ba kaauil rata Ifcaa Bay eU BbUa. IkfBr Jfwad B.i s'at u arvary, a lem nm aiuBaaaot sat tu.w, aa4 pvwae artg lila b4 e.4iagtB at autt lnu.ilM(,a.ia.aa Maaalwtsm al By tlx ia 1 1 !) 4 Maafa1aiita Uaaal, B.a I Ui.aif ra aMtj-ali " t m la t II. kl.Kf, J.a.w bb4 04iVa, Is Bl Asat la Balwjk. M c, fr taat yy aa at,b aiiaiaid As BaASaa aaWnA ia sm bay a kaM taaat ya aa ta eat. AwAekalf D Tb Wla b 1 BMaahiana I . Iran pucKTAiM mint ba V. B WI aM i I , aass ilw Jkaar CaaWaa Mafwa aai It at Ot jl 0 k-fs. BaaaaaatW la ft a-aaf ef e4 "ls r4a aad rV A . a4 Btiaiiihaif lm,fi HALli'liK, Mil. miARK rrssutsr. " i im iifiBam BaBaa An iha la I .. . " . . 1 1 ,-4 J-r day. 1 II U - . : 1 a .:b IW ba i-ai f,. a4 kanjnaSta. saarB If in mi. I COOL vrb OaUtcim FRUIT SYRUPS SQEStfl jr-r-.-,-i- VICHV, l " - 5 CONGRESS,, I and BELTZER WATER-?..). OB drauirhL . Vamlllaa aimnllA .lik bs.1. containing either of the above, from w bklt the U . I0 drlwn as fresh aa froat , the f vnuHUH, I IMPORTED PERFVMERT. I . -. w, ., Aad everything nasally found la a FIRST CLASS DRUG STOttE, WM. SIMPSON'S, FajettevUleBl. ap s A n ATOG A 8PRIK0B AT RALEIGH. j CALL AT PESCUD. LEE & C0"S j DRUG STORE - AMD Daiaa TBI i Excelsior Spring Water ' 0M PBADOIIT, .. . I r Frftk (ma the Ipringi it larttea This water b bronirht from aaretoea ui oLa U(ht Reservoirs, Hnad wltk pure Block Tta, and U forced out at oar eoeaUr Brerlaafy a it tow front tbe Bprtag, w ilk oat cbarf tag it m; ARTIFICIAL HLVIJUL WATSXS t ' oa draosht. " ' 1 r KISSENQIN AND 8 VICHT, mad by tb process of BERZELINS and BIKUVK, wita auik lutrovaaacnU aa tb progress of Bclaace sad Art bava saKgesled. ' J ' SODA WATlli. V Ice Cold Soda Water with (rrrutue Fruit si nips oa arauirui ana in r vi'tiima, at -PCM I'D, LEE A CO UHlU 10R, asay XI. DRY GOODS, Ao. DE1CF8 CEEATLT EEDl't'ED. Aa we wlsb to atske a cbsrure h ear boat- Ma, we nollfv oar friends ad tb KB bile that w will Bail oarsBUr stock ot aood at araBuy laearas pnra, lov rsB. Our stork eoaiprteaa - ' ' DRY GOODS, HOt'tC FLRNISUINO GOOD. DOMBKTlca, HATS, CAPA, BOOTS, BIlOEd, ' CABIIMIRKA, CLOTUI, CENT!' FVBNIA1UNQ OOODA, -T-XTTKiVE-N 0 TJONS. Nee Is Ui tlsae lot Bergaiat A - . V Ul u noes,--M1IT KiwsoiraL TAB intMeJ I lf JHraV rf tallei ea sa erita iiaBBBiBime. aaerMMt ... . 1873 1873 Third Stock tilt Bcuoa. , W. H. & B. S. TUCIEB & CO. r now retatahwr thatr jar Saul saaae wHb- la Uia kal faa Aare bs IA Asrtaara AUakata, I ae katua anparsA taaa ev as eapply I krade wttA tbe list II, )lini!l (Mat lalbalr bnvrral Istri ! Ledtat tta ItOoda, Mas aad Baf. taaada, CaU4ia sUaaas, OalUw li as is. tkeaa Uew aiaada, UW Frbs Oonda, .tia Ui.aA, aas tuad, Matiasstieada, Tbla btal. auk la eafwaa iBtskssated aVW Btac, Bill a aa aa ta ' LibVitlT AMD MudT COMf LAI I . Is tbe RIM, wblab w at .rt t aVaW mi ad retail, at art taat Baaat BUratt ta WML ft. 11 CE II A Ok Bf 14 p bi aasote rar atva sbotbb . fjq I. Mirsia i lit TirVlu HWATEB TTHEEl Te be tbe baatseaf a4aaC rf Faaai AAAraea, Tark, Pa. a sa yaa otIUf buriif ur ltb(-)frrM,u SIlaXMtilftsU.Lt, tr t I tilt At Ii'!iM'!:,i:rtli.-t ti It'!sri ntlLt, JtMiM'im:u,i-i lift , i INSUBACeVao. jgNCOUKAGE llOMll.tsTiTLTIOe! . ejlCCfilTT AOALSST tjjutf TBI " Krtli Cr)Uaa f : HOMEINSUBAKCE COJIPAKY" RALEIGH, N. 0. ' J - TbisOoatpae; coalUm to WriU F,.?i-l- at fair rates, oa all etaaaa f hmirabl .op. erty. , . , . 1 AH loteta are promptly adjusted and paid? The "HOME;" IsrsDldlv krawt it. wi- tavor, and appeals, with eoofl deuce, to Insurer ol propety la all parts of Kortb Carolina. .Ageata in all parts of th State." K. H' Battijs. Jr., rresldf nt 1 " ' ! O.B. Boot, Vice rreaident- ' ,fi'-' " Ibatob Galbb, Secretary. ' ' ' PoLasai Cowraa, Supervisor J ' . S 4 JaneSStf, " . . ' - ' ' ' j0RTIl CAROLINA STATE Insurance Co. ' RALEI0U,N.C.;,, Capital ' - ' - )20U,000 orricEU! MO?. "ATTtJt..,. ..;.PrUe.e F. 'i. wo....'....-.v.;Vtta Prwidwi W DM 1 V aw bw aee. .., .BCflr . t B. H A Y WtHIU, . . , . Medical UirS or I Rnvaisu i.i., i u...... T w W J a a, sasuss anpervislng Agent . , ewa bbbbbvbbAb 1 v. Tin .a Vatan t U-ssl. J a , 0OUM MAnnlfltf. Hoa. Tod R t'.M..n u 5 o iT". MisAdew, J. B. Balehalor, dob.'- Mleb-A, C'oV h. Jok. 0, WUluua r H. Csa..7va, J . mTL'klD iKD d0 VdNTAOIAS, It Is emphatically a Uoata CoatraBT. I.a bum aetata! w...-.... .. ' . eatrfy. ". K 7 "m, p" f7 e aa as (Ao Bayytra-, eaiuablB for al laswrwaca. It fanda m Ii.i -. i .... . . . --. . . . hvim araeireBiat- ed bbs ag oar ewa people. - JJ esaery nstrtetloae iopeaed apoa reaidence or travel. r rollctea aoa (orfrrtabl aftar twavaara' Ibiifflrmuiliiui. T . M a. baahaaa. .4 wAoee worth aad ategritvare aioae aetUeSaat raaraou for "?i H K'JbvT"' i" " ( ""jew TrPIXaW ArTTtlj. . TlikO. U. liiLllLuial Arnt, fl 1...U aa X . aatrdjjvary .awaTTirSa Sit 4lSt ' ' e m v a nil "8 a. '1 i llk t-"ws bi'UUliNG GOODS.,., Q. U . N 8 : , At S.a,,W MM.- , M, iKlt, iS SB t U. " l tH)CBLlfiCTW. Albee IT in .", I tea, .l fat fm(A, t at oi, M bu, H k, t a, . i am. iVasb Leadiaf CaU Baaa, ' -. - Atlr.CA,SHa, 3B itmr riAriefw. .i, BaAa. rnroL. SsltATMaa.-a. (Mfi, A . la' 4a)aAp'a. , W kilaai aad el kiaaA. At AMHCvmoaawAV IMPLE MEATS Far BeMcfe baullaf 0mm al I mmd ad MMatts Aai'x bmt t.b a4 Futaleal SH aM bv a. A ar4l aaanaa mt prtiaa Fiaa a Uaaa, lOu. Ml a BppiS. ta4.l y4 ty lraa t U. t . pt'l LlMf.l aiMUl t A 11., " laran Ha W. BlUHa Si, H.JH.. Bl.Wd a bat a, t, , , a-i aad MBBartaS ta mwml. mtp IS 1A ly NAVA tlt iv i A- ri'U la al L W. Pea al J . w ib . . . , bV """"bkcitbosaim. ptlft Mil. . I B-l la Aal Faaaliaaa ...... I fvbH Bl larB.tar a. 1 .' - K:eK . M. JoailAtXt, A Tf BTIO IAIMIU Y,9 l-.ta taa,f KSa - raw Haaa ... . , ., l lH . , t u a f - U Ai.liLi C k t Aa tat AvmS. a4. I' .:-: Ui ,P 59 w? 5 O ' ' " 6S - h 4 li Tad 1 r r fctttBbata. la bmiH a. ha a el tm- iiiroi-iMroiA i a a. - tiuaiKwiiikliiUiiklt m , k miiati. i1 i .1 U f :Umt ml mi .sa a t aaai'i'i a k.lM e Ania I tt tbe 1 a. lad S tlAlFt Itkiril as Ui rru4!iAta Snap- Cee Um la n i a) eat s B. F. ; r II . JJIHIt, uVt. K A1.AIa. A '' "' e- ' D Wialf I aia4 la i Bvl Paul tun not ii abu kit, aa f I a is An Si a B -.W iMnM i I "J.S 4Sl4.ir4iIrSV0 M ttmurr, aas re lk w w - aa4 W vB'f t afs sn4 M, MWaM 4 -l IM I I vi I m t'i n w a- t-m li t rt t mm a r-i. rfl W UmtU f I a 1 I. Vs,4aa It, U.S- : ta aura an aw ' ta W aaa b Bm aw aB a a.. r4 I 1 a. !.' Aw Saal lll a If) ae S"lal -4 t . .I4 MoSIU, SBsyfbtf tiirl Mr i s J led t AIA ASU AtLA vkAasL BSMtiaaMat lilalaiaa t iat,4pM B.w t-a Bat Af. L ttiU tlwly A twl baa Uaaa I ' ' imw aaA r a ka Uaaa t ivaa , 4 I da.a Uak V.iijas4, tt .) taaiaahaaf aa bi t-t4 c a a A., A W (jraaa aaaf BMf t ft F JotA A t. nM a4 tt Inra I 4- BX VI w. m. lotuira.

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