Hit -DAILY .SENTINEL it iTJEJMLYSEJHNEW i ADVKKTIC1NU KATEo. i Ml! ISM smrmTm!!iiiir- mrr Adx ilwiuinu Aitl h ttttrrtr ia taa lleU) txiiaai. al Uie IcUuWiU rates per i4iart ul a tiM-rt, t w-u uulii4 Una, - i tiiin; -mi . ii-si t 1.1)41 ' .' o ii-auutHrtit iurUoa s I. 11 4 Xk '. ... 50 squ-r., 1 ate.,, I sousr, 7 loot. Sg.'.iO 'tnomli, MJ t " 9 " "..UU - 10' UUtU i: H-i! aJi .ut th C tilt l41. .T,, .r.rlt." iilKl.tofc A.W aw 4H'd IB . "t"' l.oo l " J0.iJ I " 4.0U I S,0t: T 1 -il, win " 10 It .3 4.00 ft. Oft iw; I uv t Tirrtaa SXts per VOX,. YTII. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY, JULY , 1873. NO. 319. fifiiST TELEGRAPHIC " ' ri C lS ON 4th PAGE. M rktTk Nf.il. I. A CO , 10 Plate tor KT tar ;!o, lew fork, anil .! !'.r. ft. Philadepliia, ire nnr ,, ,.:.(! V'i -rir.it a.iverllariuen mr our . .ru -ti.l)u ' -ie above cities, and ,' .,un.nl to contract f .r advertising at uur ..i: rtjtft. fit OHM e llrot lorj . .. at sua ht orn AitKiU'iEmKT. to . in., du llie mails are: HOME AFFAIRS. Peace Inttitute. The foil session of this excellent school ((Him nce on the 1 2th of September, 1873. Sec notice under heud of new ad- Wake Oouuty Tax LKb I Ozford. Yesterday evening we called at the Tin ptace it now erj dull. There ba office of the Register of Deeds and learned J been fr,""1 deal f sickness both IB town I A Port Moitem Examination Th Hut- The Execution of Aaron Strowd for the vertisements. VI, (.'(ill liolti. 37 I I.OSINC THE MAIM. t itT'ai hour f rum 7 iO ! week l.i'ii'i'P' sUtbuted ttr AUKIVA.. MI rn-Nf Orleans, ha.. Augusta, Oa., I s ('.. I'riarlnllc. Malishurv. (ireens- Llem, Chapel Hill, llillslioro, Ac., due in. Close at p. in. Charleston, 8. (,'., Wilmington, rn, Beaufort, (iuld.boro, drc, due 5:'A ii r t ion; v.'jvu. in. . L., W. V...I rtaTlr,ra Ml.ll At M, Washington, Kicliiirrnid, Petcraliurv, ,V folk, Weldou, .Vc, due at 3.30 i. ra. ('lose '.i a. in. Iinlliam Ralhoal Kay ttevUle.Joneisooro, l!X, Uf(iiod, Ac , due 10 a. in. Close 3 p IiK'cllaneu Ka;le Kock, Monday and inrsdar. dre l:'M a m . close 1 p. hi. Rui- ini. even Wednesday, due 11:30 a. m , close l. in leactiborj;, every Wedneadoy. due M . ., i'Ioh 1 p.m. AveraslHiro, close m. Tliursdavs.uueBD.ni. tnda. blllco hours "lor Keirlsterud Letter and .loney Order Dcpartnicuts, from 8.:)0 a m to i.LJO p m. As no mall are received or sent ou Sunday, he olllce will i.ot lie oiiencd- on that dsv. W. W llOLDKN, l'. M NV F.ATHF.K UKPOB'I'. Waii ii is tom, June 8o, ViTi. tot the South ,4' Untie States winds veering to s.iuihaft rly to southwi'stcrly with cloudy weatlur Oakwood Cemetery. There will lie a meeting of the stock holders of the Ua!ei(;h Oakwood Ceme tery Asotiution at the Citizens' National Bank this afternoon at ! o'clock'. See atlvertiaviucnt elsewhere. that he had iust BuUhed makinii oat the I 4 1" ln Country, mere nave been I band the Victim. ax list fjt Wake county. The Hat ii even deaths m town witbm four weeka ready to le placed in the hands of the fur lute and three colorea. A little over five weeks ago, a stout dieriff. The listed tj'ate and county tat I On Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Btrobel 1 athletic netrro man, hvinii in Warren for 18T3. ia 73 858.03. White poll tat 1 District SuperintendeDt nf Arueticao Bi-1 county, was in rigorous health up to a few isted, 4.857 T5 ; ctrlored poll tiu liated, I We Society, made an addrcaa at the Metb-1 houri before his death, when he went the t3,320. It striken us that a few more 1 odiat church relative to hi work. It was I way of all flesh and wushuncd. There were A Dividend. A dividend of six per cent, on the capi tal stock of the Raleigh National Bank has been declared out of the profits for the Inst six months. The dividend is pay able to the stockholders on the 5th of July. See notiiio in another column. City Hall Bell. At the last meeting of the ' City Coun cil," it wiib ordered that Hie Juuitor, for the convenience of the U hour laborers, ring the city Hull bell at 0 Ul a. m., at 12 m. and 8 1 2 p. in. until the 1st of August at which time the 10 hour system com mmce. Double Acting Force Pump. In another column will be found an ad vertisonietit of the celebrated "Kitchen Pump." This pump has recently been adopted by the city if Raleigh, the town ot Oxford, Henderson and other places and have given general sat i section. CITY ALMANAC July 1. .s7 Ban rue 4 IS I5UI1 set,.. 7 l'J A SUPPOSES MURDER THE (J ALLOWS, colored " voters" miht have listed. Dastardly. On Sunday nihl us Mr. W. A. Farrisa, an exemplary young m ui, was p issing up Cabai rus Street, a person whom be could not recognize, on account of the darkness, stepped out from the opposite sidewalk and deliberately fired a pistol shoiat bint, the ball passing close to him. The villain, whoever he was, beat a. hasty retreat, There is entirely too much firing in the an interesting and instructive discussion, I some circumstances connected with his and a, rrspectablfl rontnbntioc wasob. domestic life and with the nature of bis t dined. He occupied the Presbyterian sickness that aroused the suspicion of rer pulpit at night, and preached an edifying tain iMMsons, His name was Samuel discourse to a good congregation. ' ' I Btainbnrk and his wife's name is Lucy. i This couple were unfortunate in their inar- ricij lie. There were much hurd-feeling, Raleigh Fmal Seminary Th (idlfiwini fa thtt nrofrraniliifl uf the closing .xtrclai. of the Raleigh Kemal. V' tIvXt Md "'Proche ?"J Seroiaary at the Baplfst church, Tuesday " "' lmMm,: I'"- cvi niug. July ltt : i. Orgar) Solo by Prof. T: A. Bold man. city after dark, and the police should see 2.. Prayer by Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D. that it is Bto iped. I 3, Chorus and Solo, "Gloria in Excelsis Errtl " I Deo," from Do Monti's Mass. A aoodiT number ot errors fsorue of Essay, by Mis Surah J Grandy, Oxford, them of a serious character,) have occur-' red in our editorial columns specially, du ring the last three days. The regular proof render was absent, but. is no at! bis post, but not in time to read the inside of this number. A rapid chirography, N. C. and it was thought that there was good cause,. A negro preacher was in the habit of visiting S un's home too trequently.and as s result Sam had expressed himsell as decidedly dissatisfied with bis attentions to Mrs. Jane, A few days before the hus band was taken sick, his wife was known Crime of Rape. I Special Dispatch to the Daily fc'euUuel. II1LI.9110IU)' June 30. Aaron Mrowd was hanged to-diiy at 11 o'clock, lor the crime of rape upon the person of a little girl lourycai old. The Ilernld'i reporter, Ctithbert, is 011 baud to add another iiuhvuI to the least ot ciime and blood which is dully required to sat isfy the appetites of our loyal christian brethren of the North. SUICIDE! A Mother Hangs Hersslf She Leaves Tvrc Children. Special Dispatch to the Daily Sentinel. HiLl.Boito', June 30. Mrs. Martha Mui ray hanged herself on S. Essay, by Miss Cornelia E. McDanicl, t0 baT Purchsed " C(uin PoUon (we Sunday morning. She leaves two chil Raleigh, N. C. 6. Diplomas Conferred. 7. Solo and Chorus, -"Agnus Dei." Benediction. forbear mentioning it), to be used by her dren. not always distinct, cannot be read well I t1k, Notioe. by any one but eithiMva professional proof- 0nr city ui,.riber who have heieto reader or the witer himself. We will only J fre been receiving their papers through 'Cat-nip Tea." It is our candid opinion that no man has ever encountered anv real trials or l,flicli,..i n,i. Ii.., h. h.. not had d "neglect of ;' 'for "it werem.' read "it were irtM." We must leave It to HKTKKOLDOICAli. HarnTBi aT nKK mania's ciosh stohi RilXiod, Jujellu, '7.i 8a.m. Ms. ui U 111 i p. 111 S 74 ; so 81 t:. Cl'i'V CJOTTOX MAUKKT, Keported dally by W. C Btronach, (irocer and Commission Mirthvut, Fayettcvllle eirott '. a.cius). June Jt !s7:i frice o' cotton iu inr luarWtt to-day : AtlttUi. 11 At p. in. Bain Market 9ni. . .UU'lKIi AKIilVAl-ii YahUHoLoll HutrK, June !!0 Xtt lkniierh, N ( ; Hon Thi s Settle, l'., k ingham : Col I' L lltrgmve. I..rd Krui.liild, N ( , 11,. J Kiioi ii, l; O llrown. N C : Wm l'euice. Ala , K II Mc- Dowel, Htateaville; J. V l ain. Irsne W W Klemmiug, H in. 0 . J A .M t ..u'.ey, Co hhops; Dr U W 4iialam, 1 I'y , .lame S.,Utllu'sl'- nl tw.i l. .-. Il l .l..,o ; J M I ale, J W llin k. 1 r ls . A llioiiip x.n, city ; J m J llnviv, It WlUs awitli and sisu-r, Hyde; i" A I ay mr, N C ; M N J Young. Peleisbiir ; Spier liltaker Enlleld ; Jasllllt." k,c,i) ; A Kniili'dy, Ohio ; I'apt A II An lr. ., N '. , t n.iM.K II in , Kayrtttiille ; J i l' t .n. ,'une 'M it Mcltw in I, I im 6TATD HEWS. 1'iik Kiiit til X ix ll.aiiM.1.. A Grange i'l the l'1'r..ns ol Husbandry was oigan i.-d in SUievil town.liip lst Saturdav ."tte. ll On.. ii the h"avw rams thai ha vta ; - fed Wm.iiis) . uumbtj uf )taralcU H iM4 MSIM4V. - tin p w.iuld lw a paying ii.-titu-11 u In Win.luu Nothing of the kind I here, and ou badly liee.1, ,1. Th wheal hair est correct a few errors that occur in one of our editorials of Sunday morning on "American Exaggerations." For "Gur- ley " read "Greeley." For "tendering,'' read "tendinc ;" for ''nei'lect of mimes ' the City Pjstoftice will receive their pa- cat-uip tea experience." We have ex perienced, and if there is one thing we hope more sincerely than nnother it Is that we may nevr have any further URe for " cat-nip tea." Cotton Bloom. Mr. John II. Cooper, who is farming on the lands of Henry Mordecai, Esq., near this city, has laid upon our t ible the first cotton bloom of the season. Mr. C. is one of the most succeafful cotton growers in this section. He was the first to bring us a bloom last year. the intelligent reader to make other cor rections that may be necessary. Crops in OranviUe. The w heat crop just harvested turned out much better than was expected. Over three-fourths of a crop was made. The growing crops are suffering im mensely from a drought. The oat crop is poor. Corn is very backward, and is twisting badly. Not over a halt tobai-co crop has been planted as the farmers have not had suitable seasons. It is now too laie to remedy the evl, although good rains should come. The crop planted is husband in poisoning some stock that an noyed him, as she said. She gave her I Qnr Counratr'atlora. husbaud some coffee the morning of the I We are glad to see it announced that dsy he died. He had strong convulsions, I our friend Johnston Jones, Esq., editor of a hog on the place had convulsions, and I the Charlotte Obterttr, was married a few the watch-dog was missing. Jane se-1 days ago to Miss Bettie Waters Miller, of knowledges that die bought the poison. I Wilmington, daughter of the late Thos. The neighbors became so well assured that I C. Miller. Our hearty congratulations pcrs through the carriers now. e have Sl4rn D1j come t0 ,dden end by foul brother Jones. established in our office a "postoffice on pia. tllat t,ey determined to have a pott a small ncale where all papers will be kept I morUm examination made. Accordingly for the accommodation of. pur ,.'ouiUry I five weeks afier the death of Sam. the body was disinterred, and Or. Cheatham, a prominent physician of Henderson, N. C , was sent for. Ho performed the diffi cult and offensive task of di-secting the decomposed body, and the stomach and for chemical friends. This will save postage. Should any of our subscribers wish their papers s:nt through . the postoffice, they will please so order it. Rati of postage, Daily 30 cts per quarter. V " SemUwerkly, 10 cts. per liver has been scut North L o. o. r. Last evening Kale'iih lidge, I. O. O. F., No. 65, elected the following officers : N. Q. J. C. Brewster, V. G. Albert Magnin, R. 8. R. II. Whitaker. Treasurer. R. II. Weathers. F. S.-L. N. Keith. quaiter. analysis. Ia the meantime Jane, the wife, I Installation of Officers. Rates of postage, Weekly, 5 cents per nsi been committed to Warren county quarter. 1 jail, to await a judicial investigatidn. DAVIDSON COLLEGE. Row on the Babbatbi We learn that on Sunday last, near the .uff riuu creatly, and unless a plenty of old Fair Gtonna," two ilofky-,Ttterw"jllinrur,- rr.un ' Bow out there '.ill'le indulged in a rough aud tumble fight, which Iatl in .f fifirw mm struck th- other with a stick and beat I Hard on H e (iranviilu farmers at thev Bible Meeting at Halifax. The Rev. P. A. ttrobel delivered an address in tho Court House at Halifax on Thursday's Proceedings a r d a a tin g Thursday evening, June 20th. As there Class A Reporter Muchiy PLased, is no Society at his plsce, it was deemed I o. ei,d.ent to orcsnite a Bible Committee. ""'BK lo nar- ,- - D consistii.g of the P.aiu.a.OiLWa!t war. Georire T. Bin:Wns and C. a Smith. '"8 W TrciMurer murauay There will be an installation of the newly elected officers of Mantco Lodge, I. 4). O. F , this evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. The Most Worthy Grand Master will be present and officiate. The mem bers ol Se.iton Gales and Raleigh Lodges are respectfully iuvited to attend. ... st - Attention' - Rescue." MARKETS. &T TEXEORAl'll Noon llopori. Londox, June 9. Consols 92 5 8 Ten foites S 1-2. LivKm-oot., June 80. Cotton quiet and steady. Vplnnd 8 7-8. Orleans9 1-8. Hn! 15.U00-S(r-ulatiou and exHru 2,000. Later Cotton dull. Orleans May a'lnp mi'nts 9.000. llteudstnrf quiet. New York, .luue 30. Slocks dull Gold rteady at 15 1-2. Money firm ut 4 ti 6. F.xchatigo long 9 1-4. short 10 1-8. Governments quiet and steady. State bonds steady. Cotton quiet. Sales 270. Middling 21. Futuns opened July '20 0 1-0. August 20 5 1(1 to 20 8-10. October 18 14 Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat quiet aud without decided change. Corn dull New Wmt'.rti mixed 50 to 51. l'uik quiet aud Hi in. New $10.15. Lardtirui. Western steam 8 7-8. Turpentine dull at 44 1-2. Rosin quiet at 2.80 to B2.85 for strained. Freights eisicr. Midnight Report. Bai.timokk. June 30. Flour dull aud heavy. Wheat quiet red western 11.35 to 1.40. (4u steady, white 77 ) yellow 00: Provisions finnet aud quiet Mi-ss Poik 10 1 2 to 17. B.t , con slightly improved in demand, shoui ders 8 to 8 14. Lard du 1 al 8 12 Whihkey firm at 'J4. Suar weak. ColU.n quiit. Middlings 20 3 8. New Y"ok, June 30. Cotton Net receipts 548 bales. Gloss 873. Sales futures 11,000. Maikct closed for February at 20 5-8; August 2012; October 18 5-8. Cotton quiet. Sales 090 bales Mid dlings 21. Flour dull and favors buy erscommon to fair extra $0 ; good to choice $7.75 to 110.50. Whiskey fair request 93. Wheat dull only limited enquiry winter led wtvterji inferior at (1.45 ; cho:ce (1.52. Com firm for mod erate export aud home demand. Rice quiet -el 7 8-4 ta 1-3 Pwk steady. Iard steady. Turpentine active at 44 12. 80 Tallow gin woney closed active al ,1 lull, Str' hint so severely that he could not use the inevitable ra. ir which he held in his hand. We did not learn their names. following centleimn- R. lottc Xmr' report of the exercises at " ' ., . .... ifa steeay. 1 urpeiiime acti loliowmg genuemin. iw 1 .. . Mnnbrr f 1Ucue-Stu. Fu C6ut- Ijf-ln dnll-i 37r. In in 'alter Clark ii J Cam- pavidsun Collwi( will be" found Inltresf- itrwin antt- - fi tt i c altir Clara, VT. v pany can pr.ure badges from either Mr. . p,.,,..mk 1: r. a Q...-..1. inir to our readers : 1 ' . uuii as 1 a. I icigins a.ne. T T " ""y thtt f I Snier, appointed 'I On. lnfirlr TIli. wM .WrTT Jaupplyofb, ordered for the Depository and 1 6uperinUndrntm.de a d-nation of book, wehelwitnes, this grand exhibition w UaM ,. foowing from Urn North Carolina fund (or the 0 Th,U' rom U,-rMta .od Char- ln riplioo : ib ue Steam Engine, No. 1, Contract for Khinglea. The buildinK commiitcs: of the North Carolina Agricultural Society have, says made a p i n cmp last year. The gardens are l-o suffering Very much, and they will dry up unlisa rain cuince within a lew Hay. Curious Strike. As strikes sevm to be the order of the the Ag.Jvvrtutl, bargained with M.J. Bat- day throughout the country, and as we tie, Esq , of Edgecombe, lor 300,000 heart have recently had some experience lu Ral C) press shingles, on what we regard as tigh, we will relate the circumstances of very favorable terms. Tb shingles are to very curious one which has just occurred measure 21 inches long, 0 wide and in St Louis. On the Editorial staff of thick, and will be dwlivemluts the caisat thu fjurmaa newspaper, the Anrril, is S oeneni w uie imrumca, hui"-," - '""".I lit brought a goodly crowd from each Raleigh, July 4. 1173. piuco aeuuif 100 is mnn-rei to cam. 1 111 rp.acf, tncrea4Bg tlv ssmwf ft omi.i -., members of tli territorj whlcb will ue under tne super-1 nay Dy ai ieai one in, wun-u l .hi. nmm',t mill Pn.l.rac th. lu "Kur" .' townsbijis of Halifax, Caledonia and Pal myra. ' Bible Meeting at Enfield. Whiuker's Turnout at (1 er luoO. 01. la this an.'tina, with a prixpn t lor 4U.14 .UaU nria JieLlrr - Hi); i-u. A'tfruit r.ifHtttUtr. "a1 (M tJsll HoatV'Kf' abi to roni. ret Im ID d" nfwS- Importaat Dectaioa. By rrlereme to the decisions of th Supreme Court, t le found elsewhere in this issue, it will be seen that the decision of Judae Tourgcc, of the Superior .Court, lu lit cjjsu. uf Ruffio. u C.Jiainlulon.ta ol rangr, Involving the right of the State to lax ni.wey on band or on deposit aad snlvrtit credits, is rrverae.!. Judge Read fiYJ the dcrisiitu. It not too lengthy, w will pubUh 1 lie-1 ntire opinion in our next rTo'r gr.pMw.fSj. ; wrreaoldat Hie Court II Use d.r last iwlnr lay. The (i'.t Ihnsi br.tught forly Dvu c nls ; 1 ia last tim e twenty five cents r share -ci.e hnadrrd dollar shares. Sl.,trt tt. Ju t u sip to pnaa we b-wra that a Br twverrnl al Old Fuel, which destroyed the st. us of Wa, t. A lnU, burning up Hint eotll ! k ol sroods. Suppnard to twi thu work of an tiirrodiary Slulr , Wan.si Uisi. There cane inbi tow a ' day lal ink a ynsBt; xwtletnsa hailing Iras Jttary, !! st- lOird at the " tsgle" and fwif Islefed hie Dame a. !. He .. aids gave his name as Harris at the raioflir, sad being akrj aaat m aaothrr isriui.s K' as 4 nl ia It la very ivl lrnt that he was an lmp-of, -t d I at know bis owe to -Krfm,Uf PtsU-lli.t. J,,n.s wassUbbr.1 bf Was 1UM IB a 4if!irH t h beuse el tl.e lii-r i.m nwtanla.. Th. .u.l rwioe Br lirig fatal, bul un.b r.ian.l Mr, Jtnr aid nivef. W have so par t ulars as to ll. ',' ot the dg'.l. "the psfflrt r.le arer Nahts-'. Ilit'.J,, 1 1. lira, luiia, lata A'l'wrj f th( otil.,i.l Histra. wlil. with hi. law It, (prod the stimnvt Isi lbitx tul at 4I tfMlghllul rMtdrtMW of J. II. Mti'pkj tU. , ne Ibe baks ft Ike beautilui Be .a .srW' Of fir. Aotosar - Mi L I'm aims a, taaxb S' kM U Ik pUrm, axr.dswliy fll fmea tbt 1 s4m saf hsrinp em Satarday laai. e1 M ertaa7 Wl4. We are glad la bare tt Its) U rf-Hr. !' aad b-pe In be al lonri. .4uiy (. l.wg n iupws As r Jots a list st ra- an-W trwra In mm a ewwlixwaa, m k vaa twrsrwl. H.l WtiliWaw St liltlrts MTsf at.f e ledoaat mss-ssw. TK wddrwas ' V Kswew wee b'gl'y r mo'irwawied ' S se'lsrwwe Ssias wet rvwhtwl fw lo t.4 ssf the 0pbsa AsilesaslOt t ll It Ik b.ar rnaetf la tMMittmtlt,( in U. aM ifwriiutiias. gentleman named Regenaur, whose liand- writiug i said to be a wonder. For a long time the compositors 1b the AmerUa office puu'cd their brains to the vergt of distraction ia their tff.irtl to decipher this geiittevoaa's ms,Mip4. wtiistasl Cuuv plaint $ tmi at last, dmenjto desperatUi, thrv anpointcd a c mmittee U wail oa the prrtprWtor of the Journal, with the quest Ibat ia future thry should be paid a price and a half lor potting Mr. Re- gensur'senpy ia type. The request was refused, whereupon thscmpoaiiorsttnick , 1 ia a body. George S'l.'r from Catawba cianty. Sshrnt k, Mcl'otklo A Bsdey for pUinliffs and W. P. Dyama f.ir defendant C. O, L itt and wife vs. J. W. Logan from Ctlis ii eounly, Iluslne A liu.lire f. plaint IT an-1 W. P. Ilynum f defn- dsota. But vs r.-n.ium bbufmj Irom Ca tawba. All rnry lioMral f'-r plaiatiff and ftevbl '.eark fr defen Isota. Court a.ljouro.l to 10 o'clork this morning, whea tOtb district will be re sumed. "TBf ftsllnwlnj lciisioiit-irt terday by the Juioee of the SoprTrie court. Dy Pao. C. J. Mary F. Cmery f s Ed. Prarc. adm'r. af al , lioia Cb'iwao. Ifcarrea ruo-Iifled B. It Greene, ml., vs. O. J. Oieeu. flora I'aiua rwaatv. Amratel. Mate 00 rW, fUoeks, Adaa'r vs. W. It Smith st mL. flow PiU conoty. Err dtfebUwaU rtavcr Casta. JobBP. Haoghtoa VS. J. P. Ncmtwry fium Choaan county. Afumted. By I! a 4 Pa, J. DwaUi ol aa EaUmable Lavdv. I Ana M. IluSa vs. OsSdlaiiti of We leara from Ibe Btl!tboo vUmjuw, I Or sags county. lUvetaed. thai Mia. Arilar IUmM died of enaeussp-1 Bl.te vs AWx. Rashing, from Wtyne tioa ia Wllsoa oa Monday. Her snaay I e-uny. Afllfwied, frifods sa J rclatlvf ia that rommonlty I E. I. Lii!y vs. Coiiaau,iM-ts af Cure ruceivad the Mas nf Lf d.stb with sad- I baslattd eouaty, ftosa Caalrilsa., Sa a, Mwi!hisdieg brr L.eg sad lieg error. Jatlmawit aflrtuel. i tiag kk4 bsl wafttc I Hum of the I ludfurj vs. Uadaay sad Wb.tc. frsia spmaihliif diaaolotke sod fP'd I Pasariiaak coanty, Prr nrww, Jdj UmsB to bear the enciaacholll lotrwajuce I , ,ffiriTl . 1 at aay asuntraL rh was the daafhtrr I jj, ji,,,, J, o4 tli 11. Ik . mas I. M.a.w, aa I was I 1,. h.j--. a, l.hiia U l Uglily eabemwl by all aho knew brr. M I u H bom fubUad emi-,tt T kev as.ny .le.U.t ,nalni aa I krt fciel vrfw.. ynir,4. aad amiab!t dispisiUoej. A CWkosssCwksdMioa. . It la raka ated, ears the Wiiaalfta oraal', that a priaUf ttlleg SB 1.000 ssm day, BMa bis kd oivf dUaare s.i t.1 bi m s.i.s At 41 emit awr l.trnO ssm, a hW h b lb rale l-sel la Ibel eiiy ; VJ swots to the f paid la Utie . 1 V lis at S St. be seeaiswa 40 twais ft aajle, SyreJif la U slcI f I lis dMsMre tniTsUd by hi. baa L Tb knot eeeef m m abeva ra ant.: 1tB ss STeraje fteyVt wswir, eessaw. SM.lrwe ft, ,' "w a" n r e I o east ia bv IU Ut AlWeia, aU JC & XL IU C- . T. tt Co Us tfad, frees Crevea ansiuiy. 1. Verae'l aad Jedgnseat fcar 4fadaela. Rrbf lUg-a rf svL vs. A. M. M l sd. !' IJacola. Ilrvrs4 and f ms plaial d sn lsawd. By finis, J. !Ma4 Og4l, Assign, 4 , , W Kawaa l" as wsiae emtefv, j :... 1. a.Tiased. Was. fsswil ss ad, a KIla.tia4h A Ft Bawl, fiie Csaaa . jteesbai XiiuX J ba IU(.Uer L K lur 1 . f- CsWrrsis. Ena) la as- Oe, s ts tl six f Ibe Jt. Cat. aa mui 1.1 Ik I a day, wakae frgc'al I Ike ItaprM 4 ai aaay rfr I l they ss "stf.ke." I aal vpw tie wlt i lor the Commencement that could have Howe Seaing Machine oltic, lor (1.60. weak.-r at 9 to -. (Ild sieid A. M " - ... - 1 te company w ill meet promptly at the It & (i. depot at U Twenty-six studenta graduated Thuis- I o'clock. M., on the Ud, lor the purpose of tales rviHirtcd. Crude tui iieutine auiet at day evening, all of whom acquitted putting the engine on a flat. At8 o'clock, i 00 lor hard, (3 00 for yellow dip mi I nb;rl.!n,tr sharp, the company w,i. meet at Reus virgin. Ter sle,,y. Coifm ,,. 'm,.! 15 3-8 to 155 8. Governments ouiit and lirm. Stales dull uU;l steady. L:vkmiihi., June ;so, Cottou - Sa an" i!i and ( ii iriesli.it ,i. yust and S pteinb.J d lively is J 4 Vll.MINOToX,"K r, JlliliiSO. Spirits turKntine 41. lo ?in quiet. No which bas been instrumental to them in Hall, aud theu pnice-.d bi the N. C. R. n. dling 19. I al... ..... .11 .s..rw. asvls.k trsaass hat. I I a -a 1 . ..!... fc. All a I . 1 ll4iUMttWA Themtelve. ,0 have, a. well .. f J Wn ,,.,, Al yet we NEW Al) VEKTIS EM EXTS. Its snnnal meeting In ths Prolrwtanl Meth- n0, Upo thtmH-lvea. . ,h . , ,, . , . j o.I,.t nitirch, it EnlWd, Waulaeaday . TU. .Meuse were colunuW by s ''"r"' B,7.f !hV" h? -J': ANNUAL WkKriNU t) TH tvening, June 15th. Tho religious exer- jar, -I .T f' ' J'X. 1i cla were conducted by Hi. Rev. J. O. "!. " Charlotte- have no fears, for th-y will have men both ju, ... a ... ,t u tlU4J 1 jiuait 1 ioiu iiiw ftauu, um'iiu. m... 1 in rana ana Die mai can 110 lusuce ia I ' orcaaioo. We suuirnt that the I Whitfield, and sa addicts was delivered Rev. T. A. ftiobel. Tbe following suggnt I, . M . 1 . . . I .. I . riep, as iihciiuuc. 1 VI r n tl n.ria nf tUlisburv delivered I i . - . ... . . . I . 1 1. 1 . . , t . 1 . n.mh.n nf th. r-..M , . Uu..tLuu.., wr AltesM JLm Lrf th. 1 h iUa BAsUUlUlI. 1U1 IDC r.ij mmnn - j , I I w ...U b.- 11 II.. fT.rva. aa TtK I ... . . - - M - -- ' D Pit. II IIV IV " etsasa at, uie iwna ti ae a m.ti J , I'M ti" U III vtltsil sy win t -...ll.'i .... I... ... f. n.e.til ll.a I r 1 CIlttlHH HVIM W ilHll;aaai "! tl't 1 atew a , . .r . Iihi.,.i. a. well as the flastt edura. f"r ,,ur " Ri""'"" '" Ud company We imagined hlin to be I Md kaow thl the goo.i people ot rsy- July 1 11 JOHN C. BLAKE. rreUrr suing Jaf :JJm, .. .'. Rev. J. 0. Whitllu'.d, presldeat, Jidia IU1imtn, Orre ponding Sccrs - i . . .1 h , in I . an ii .bhiw iiis in srnon lason ni w av I I iL. lr..... mt .r I .i..ui. -:il t- .ll rt.. s- I st their Uauklnf 11 - 1 1 .til r i rM.um . .nn iipmaiuif. I . M II F HIH!AK-f I .1 ' - . 4 a. i a. a I. 1. ...! 1 " - " 1 CIUSHtn m Oi U IIU taeji s i as j 4 D. C. aark, JohB T, xkcT.-F.l. DtataMarA. Executive Committee, B. P. Whitakrr, I ciUsi,B of bit sihms h the baodsmea playtd Alton, T. L. Whit- I -Baeet Spirit hear my Pityer," and bard I a i.t.,,1 chif rniln.tw i , I . L . 1. -1 I inqnjil lliua. liava W n im iirwi ium faiTs TJ'P tTPvvfflvy-Tf f l,i4B!VTTVeis,ti- fh ffsltnwtstf vsatair Hsatlstwa ef aba .a.4 ts.l w I'utlm Tl.a n,ii.millff 1 gave sa wJcf for ("1 worth of boeVaT The rkciety is out of debt, aad did a pretty good wtk lawt year la the ditbi bullon of the rWr pture by tales aad do- astion. Tbt U'liilory of this Society will bervaiUr embrace Ibe tcweshlptnf tneWd, llnokle jvllls and FaoMtt't. la a highly cteditabl msooerj J. A. Boy aubjert "knowlrdgt is wealth," I. IL Baker, uf Florida, Woman's tuffngt lartlloue ; E li Gtilhtr, of MwklenlKjrg. "Activity the law of nsturt.- tf Iht vsle lirlory aildrmt the p Htrt says: ani li lltirton. rf Leahtsilie, dfhvmd Killed Vv LlthlBia-i I . . . . a . I V M w aw" K . . . J -IF I TNI iJ.til.barw U w asysi The aad the " aledtdoty - addrett, and I have I AW-.B n.,,1 Engineer a the Tire De A(sjbejirB from (he lol lowing aor- rraiMndrme thtt Mr. IL T. Bother htt ba amK.iuUd slJ Las accptf sillou of Ais'iTinT CTilrf Eii.tuiv ol Fire Ilepartnifnt of Ilalcigh, riot RatuusJ Merrill, it-signed : oikaarousa a. OvrnB Caiar I'iixsa, tialelgh, X. t J tin Sitth, 1171. ft f. A", ff . JWriy. if- C Das a Bia; By virtue uf my fiflkea Cliief Engineer, I this dty tppmot yoe Rtis un Ntiosl Hs or N, c. ijwt;7Bii; yr,.im. A DiiUraa of tli per c4 on lbs capital sU k of Una Bank. a. ba drelarad oat vl Hit profiis tor tbe last sis inonUis. psvtlih to ta etarkltoUcrs. ea lb bus ety oi Jaly. 1ST.1, ia mis in. C DKWir. Cat.iaa. July I .1st FEMALE bEMINAUY. OXrpRD, X V, iM.Ii y.'it mb k Tdik l aa, a,. U. u " - I , gisi'. atiai I X ,Ui O S Ma, ft. lb Muaaua, lasautc vl s, Ta rs-avlar of Uit letbtalt Will b rx lined Jaly auta, lTl. A Uaulrd aaaUirt t( buardes. take In ilwt tut ea aj'l. tUua. Juiyltta EODBLE iCIISG FCRCE PDIPI. KITCJIL'XltliOS. But the pnr ul (living a j isl J.arrlpti. e of the tnwiit of hit ti:h witlm.t Ihry B.t parlosrat of lltltigb. Hoping It will mtr with Jour tppro. bstio I rstatla. Very najm i fully yours, IL T. ftAwtuii, Ck-f Kmfuurr tin Aftxet f. iabUtjtrnee resbl as Taredty evswing that Will.am MiIv..t:l,B prirtalaealclU-,. -uaji, have ba preteat aa tea uf U(ti, had besra kllitd by I braid It with tbtlr owa twra. It was a lightning .1 ktif pl three o'clock oa ! PM' ooiy m-ti w in that d.y Mr. M,IK,.1 -Mm.gaa .VA't.S'. f b, Rev. Mr. t W hoft nrxiioltu I.bj hit btada, ia lb ftock aell ol B'atesvilW, ta thbovb hid viisr of bit bttlib.SBd wltbosrt a two la a rnmpwti'ise titmlnttiua tboald writ enrols wtrai.g, was swtirbrd fia ewrtb the b.t Una MW, was glvra l I'M. toeur.,.,. IUcUUm ba.k Ire d - , a s.1. .J ll SB irmm taa.1 wi.ai en ,miu-.'. WtttBIiir.y as si'sst-wy, ia I ik ttib law I. ka.J abefwia I am an. I -7.1 ... lis tbamd tttte, rT,td aa ataalurt ' , r I i,Bd of ni enp- a'm.ol I tbe wi.nia I tki'i sp,tiao., b-ohniil.t ta I t.ut reading "'"" ef Aatittaal Oitssf Eoritwr. Acrrpt ml i,i,asfssp!.U. IU pkrt b.-.h tad all , K " " tbaakt M the h'l Ibat t.lrrrvJ ..4 siciMtirap aia. " " " 1 1 , ., . -n mtaditt! B t "-I vie of I . l t m .... A. talaabk) psprtt b. bad alt bit B.e) k by lb. Ili, U,iktVr U Ibe I uf n.t aUl.ll, 1 ositw t y ifiiii.iy. 'co tttnat to CtaoList Vvnr (Vri(, Lwsvto ia ksutt) s. bb rsirisrn tu ri RBlsn it . a. lUl aioa. N. C, Jaae SOth. ItTS. U. T. Cbe-t, n$K It. C; DkaB Hia: Tour cummaak-allot) i-.4 m "as . . tr tu . slll asM tl KM. , tit butai at I hj end atb-hewa at 1 elanrlng iivtr lb pt-si east sif id.t w a ,ll,d to) dltri'b-l J Ibtt it woe' I "-J " , ,. and esv a I a.4 be rtav'rni4wL lb b 'f-f atalltd mtl.lrm- ,4 t btiy. tratatw. tcaivt a fail ta I b'trlf .l.ni ; ki.U l. I iws, bit 4 IB list brow of Iht Blo.a. I Ik beds, ab U t.,l at smi Bat tk asil .ir pt all US B.igM-ar .ail t t i l. 1 a atllllUiSH, M snsll St4 Mlrt i, it. 1.1 w - pi . 'i 11 k . a.4 tmiura . . . . . . i , I I kit asjawwswrcnstei. Ml II susl I-J t ,.1 !hy "!4 a'4 u M loa . I f.n,i.u'a btt ksa lb avl rHwp!t I l.r.ab tbe I'. I tarwaa of Sty ahub be bssTelofure lak-I Tbtt U oot of Uit ta I -teal ted awwl d I a J.l to! Ik as I lb -.at Uv.-rt . 1 I tltat ah.h bt ral9a4 stare. Vt War, md, t etwa a ,m we btte ra -d ea a,aWM,.f ..4 rlM. H IL T. II. "e f aaal 14 r-.,rti. Mi. M.Ik.a.11 Wat sb,lUlf f ..rs tJ s-s sa l a waetby aad eeclal cMI law, )!. a I Jw daa'.k Bill be Uiat U ll.a i.-ameoi'j is wbubb bvd at4 t batty Inat lo bit tl 4 taytt.iT, Wke a ai ihspi rly la Iht If S ' " 1 J"bS C. ... i alt eti.) p eg ! . i .' . ..gt 11 taaj.l' 11 NEW ADVEUTISEMENTH. pEACK I NSTITPTi; baltH.lt, w 4 lilt. IL Beawtss. rAr4pi A fa latti isiws.t, lV.talw Tas4sw4 aalat Ma TV rMlka-XSM t l.tf g.4 l s r C.ineUrt. ajar-knalar t Sw teSetaw is E. BLKa Li. A I'll 4 ilawart mlaK.af f.l t4 rlaf, A. Caalats la Cw.sot. Tbt ('-" I Ihm i f lUoardty, t b it- , tubs ISte Mwwlng al.nl. ag aa taSb4sigtjssj4)a. lit (Ns nf aMlf i'VeMe-iftlftti ft lie t f s aaf sTrfeu.M A4at!fi C 1 , 1 at is: fU i.Ic t ff I k, .t Sa BUIkll Vl f-WH . at m a aa Tl. tt xal ka a s.-r. .1 aia Uai s f a aJa . r . a v. u i m mi a .1 1 i-. - . Jt 1" awj sj '- a awj t -a- -" ' w . ai IY4H av.ej. I n U ty Nitlsis V'rt BatM la K ll kas, faatus si ..... tnst ttas aita I urn-out viiawem abWh eaa'l laj irs ta wala 1 kss la a ssba-f4 taaw H rwaip, atrw h sal i )w alia al taa isna sif aw twrkiac. V . But 4 tsaaa, twparn? ta U gwi:r .sUra p.r auaalav, wwrkm la siej sHSMvtn w.r aawi lT VM Baa f Baa oa t alls In i aall a asiaai, uww wwi-m an aaa a . 1 IMS , . . . , . , Mivviaf wtVat ' I a tk kl I latrt si or tt.i4ia.-a, ank ass i lkr WU ttaaas laf la tl l has W4 Ba .1 awt u( Uuaa nsa I f Sr. aad r4 Ik. I k... Um tawto4 Nf a B(lt Bias. a. .la nw S ao uui SnU W p"1"X f F,K.a.y MISaliM work tkaat s.sii If a. I tr Lt bnai.4 Bii-rUowa. aa if aM attraal ib-ms is SWIM LOST IfclSiU eWrliM S,. ar iio- t tar, aa itainj tr t i, bibb as t sk k.wf aaaal at a t1ta Wall .,. u a-l. sitaaiwi a. v.ia of r t, ta. tta Ii..., .uf ass I. aalillstailsaiMiait lalHkalltMMs tae 4 ls 4 With sw Siimk. ritu ku4 In j 1h h I ball ap llaM la ti aal.t aha 1 ta. ,Mn a. I la-kins teat thru, aw u luu k. r taia.lw, emwsliBt' I S ial. ka t l.le I MMha ka liiwtrbl, I kail 10a 1 1 uf a ia. a tu. u.i t . I St In IS talkat (aar aal.sla Ta tt4 f aa 8 tak vl SMV uua la aaa -shs a a. Wa fw t'l aal ta kkk be lot Ika .! k.a.i b ahah.W stsa laxf tilt ti wala sW lal tymmuH .taf, Mai uaa tl I tk B mm t f s .at few 1- f it sa tf4 an... All k aW dnss ..4 .i ) I at il...fi tMH , b.aa, ka r j tn m Iff awi.ka kssw, a w 11.4. ! ' If ; k of f lkt I fs;sf-f imitnnri - I 4t T Ii SI U. la aav'tatart eilai W.f. t ft nsiu a ...j a-4-1 a ! - ' " ' - " - - . 1 1 a it iiii T.I I. II M . I - . '

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