V V THE DAILY SENTINEL THE ;DA1LY SENTINEL 1 ADVKUTlBlXa HATKeV. I AdvrUeuttiU will be Inserted la the Di! j rUBI.lHED I - ME. 4i:STIl riBLIXIISff COIPWT. tstiiiei.elUietollowlfci; rates par eBare ot rnf. nrnr tha Court Houa. eava or svascairnoa. ni1 .reHewl ) yr l tdTo . i.wi-kiy - " - -06 Jly r.Ul " . Ti, ln t Kittiuki. ID b datlvered la ,ny n afthe tf t Fin ct par i-e iucn, mi BWMa uace. - e Ku.r oue Unie tl.08 J each aubaeqiMsa maertloa w U.is. veea 60 ,are, I , I 3.601 square, 7 awe. leo ' i monui. s.uu i - r a " m.u t tmo'i, l.oot ; eo.iw1 ' t i l.00il " 1U " 44. UU VOL. VIII. R ALEIGH, Nl C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1873. ilia . . ao.oo t u h.oa , - ; .uo!t . 3 m :.'.,a.ca i NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. NO. 331. .or th. CM I k l.nl mil di. y r- nil I "J r4 . r. Urt l r hai I I .hi 4. ..t at ' . I a. if 1 i t, ml m ! LATEST lXT.r!Q RAPIIIO NEWS ON 4th PAGE. pt OtTlct) Directory. (A tlO KJT 0tCl JkHtiliOIMIlfl. . Office boon from 180 a. ta., to 7 p. m , do rnf the wrvk (eeet while th malle ar being distributed.) v.x or tunu axd exotra thi miiu. Western New Orleans, L , AofriMta, Ga., Columbia, 8. 0., Charlotte, oalUbury, Ureens Ure eatem. Chapel Hill, HUUboro, Ac , doe ,,l:Q0a. m. Cl"MtP,. JEMter CfcerteMoa, aw tW- W.lmlBKlon, Newbern, Banfort, Uoldsboro, Ac, duefcaO jFvf'fv'ry-,. B:illim"Pt. KM delpW Washington, Uicbiuond, Peirrehurjr, Norfolk, Weldou, tit, due at l:M p. m. Close f InUr. Railroad Feyettevlllo Jonesboro, Apex, Otisood, Ac., due 10 a. m. Close 3 p. "'jCfacellansous F-eirl Rock. Monday ud Thursday, due 11:30 a m , cloee 1 p. m. Rox hunt, every Wednesday, due 11:30 e. m., cloee 1 ii m Leacbbi n;. every Wcdueadey, doe U 30 1. m., cloee 1 p. m. Avereaboro, cloee 4 p ra. Tburedtye, due p. m. Friday. - otto, hours, lor Registered Letter end Money Order repsrtmrnU, from 8:80 em to ft'iJOpm. ' ' As no aeeil en received or ot on Bundsjr, V KATHER rkvobt. Wasbibotow, July 16, 1873. For tlte fottth Atlantic e"tstes southeast rrly wludawith local ralne on the Immediate CO. At. M K'iKBOLOGrIOA.X. lUKfiillTSD At I'tKR ADlB't C10AR TOU. lAUaion, July 10, U73. m W a. m W m 8 p. m p. m. :t SI rt CITY AI.M AXAl ' July IV 87X . 4 57. . 7 15. 4uu llr". Mill ft,'. . . ..1TV COTTOJI MAHKKT. dallv bY W. V. Stroaaeh. tiroeer .,..1 ' CarumiMioa Merchaut, rvttvUliL etr,r' : .... lULaioa, July IS :t)7S. Ven t ' cot Ion in our market to day ! A' f 1,f At t t ' , . , t.lm Market nrra lltlTKL. AUK1VAL8. YARRoi'on Hotaa, July 15. Kerr Craia, Salisbury ; l D lllacknall and I'ar kerTCmrad, Durham; T C Kan.. N C;JW Peny. Fiaklaud, Ala; B Kice, Ala; W II Dean, WaahinKton, I C , Ram i Dumphrey, Ult ; J O Bryan and Mis U yan, Haywood ; T II Stith, Chat ham ; J Mc 0 Kdinuton, Apei ; T F I, City ; J U Dunn, Wake ; It E Pnrham, Granville; U Murcbieon ai d Win F. ilur chison, Uarnelt Natiokal Htu if. Blair, Vo oriefor. A. O. HubbaH, Newberne, N.C; BieDhen W Itler, Ooldsboro; N A f trd- man, Jr.. Fsretteville H A Foote, War rentoo; J T Illeck, Mia( F P Siliion, La; Hoa W N n Smith, city; J B Timbrrlake. RaOKU) 11 F Culey.citj; A us. M Moore, Eden ton; Juhn Taylor, est lied. A Arlington Life In. t'-; W SCoojirr, 8 C; D P Fry. Ti ni ; I. D I nUit, Ala; 11 W Ui.ah.NC; DC Webli. SC. mt Ua raa We hear there theie is a good nop of wuppernoog and oilier grapes at T'ky Vinejard, but the grain are gee erally killed in this part cf the etete rag r.ngU e Frobt or Ha a General O. O- II ard, the "Cbn.tiaa soldier," is soon to be -eoartaiartialrd for swindling the I'uited States OoTrrnmeot out of $750,000 by means of fraudulent vouchers. Meanahile he attended Iba convention ol the Interna tiooal Yoi ilea's Chrltiaa Association at Pooffhkecpaie. laat week, and there re wvlirj oatht floor. tbatnne prat iprt turn tlwntld be, is Chrt.t all in all f It Is well to chitbe and feed the body and aat frfy H tae oravmrs ol keaaaa watnee ; w religiua aiast be i be end and a M every hamaa effort." We oogKeat that Howard, whra all hi opportuoittc lor Swlad log hits bera luet, could make eaoeey by aril tng li'atself to a fooadiy to be m.nufac- Hw. Iwto-artrtea s Affk - Ta Cm tin a at N aan rru.1 1,000 1'AkTHS A special telegram flow Nakh- villa to U CWmt Jtni aaya: Norwela the cily baa, bera attaeked US ib dueee sin re the' eight of the I inet eat. It ks aHiaa.e4 that one tbonaead rtwa euflVred Jawlh Iim the rholera, rily and rooatf included, durinf the rpt iecatc. It has bera the ei pet Woe M I be pkyaM-laae that a pal teat be awvee beta bf"ibl oat of a atat of enllanae. The Uura aaaabrrof deetb we as'wtly oairg MtKe tiwd too eras of the disreee, the taon Ignorant Clean tallies; to rec-Tralfa taeypuoa bfwa It ait ta 1st. It 1 a poo i arm Ilk a tharf la the algta ea the were oe caly UU I thetr ersve Ta lomtf brearh of Ike etty gnvrraaaewt aerleg bean brought n by too claaanrs of too p"pi aad f-e rre4 part ti rovidiae lot the eWrii'-a vf board bealih .4wmUHoaers aad lb Uu;Ub nw e a eyaleai of seweraaT, ievyiag M al aaraiwe a Ui ear Iw aaiiiaao li 4-4 lar; whirb will yM4 IW.OoO. A tU alaa tanas' Aeeltfina tbaewiac.wbarh ke ba cam to Iba cily, a aaaaaea, aael (xevkl eg ha) tbair nsauval ftnaa lae my. Af .aiaK bav barw aiadefoeall y neat U da a kat ha tttttwd. 4 ail bar tailed aalti new for al af aexb bne oa lb part of the city nvirtai ('..Ik was list ih.iirfr-l la I aJj lb Baat el "Tb Uta-a M a." Tae Ui taoaaWd H wa ag.ia tkaf4 t mi a -L.l-ny tlaJ. I IT Unas i Vtnh ixiaa-atiwX of M aad M forty ttars It Waa asdaf IM d lit ha la Itli) U are. a4e a mo tbariat, aad b lkaaM 4 W aakrratMiag,' bat u, aaitl, ta ItfJ N wa an trwcArd SMwtat Ik kaavs af fksvldaBa) Cul- af a baa af ii Waa Havt lma. Hiaraly W-aM af f.M.VX wa laa-U by tax ta Mat 4t t ttaaatb, ta Uamssnkain aa4 etaiw lM bat fr.atd bnl 14 "( kaa) af b I1 en rraatiartea lawaxm. FAaya. If laa A'i iai w.U gia aa lit tat 1 4 TrWrfyaad tAa Jb tkalawt a I atOi tfaba Fasaat, wa tU gWdlt aaUtatb Utaaa. U etrtka sjs Aat lb aba atatataaal abnJ tai4a4i raaaaala W bty 4 8mrmt 1 XiOJytB Ai-JfAXaS. Old Fort HoUL we learn that Dr. Gcohegan, latn of the aunejoo-atouae, Haiiauurj, ia a-on to take I charge of the Old Fort Hotel The Dr. qoniudcred to be a good Undlordiit. I People'e BuUdinf and Loan Aaaooiatioa I t i The forty-first regular monthly meeting of this association will beheld at the office of the N. C. lluuio Inturavice Cuinpsny on Fridar ercning the 18th Inet at 8 , , ' ! . ' o'clock. Sue not ug olmahero, Supreme Court. Yesterday the entire session ol tliis court was taken up in the argument of the case of M. A. Bledsoe, vs. Msry E. Nixon, from Wake. The rase was con cluded and court adjourned to 9 o'clock this morning. Oaution. It would be advisable for the owner of horse, in this city, to watch and see. the cruel and unnecessary manner in which they are driven by, sometime, drunken negroes. Those who own horses, would do well to look into this matter. mm Reprehensible, Our attention has been called to the! furt that little bovs are in the habit of I nulling and bathing in the lake in Oak-1 ook ceuietciy. fcur.h conduct is highly I repreeonsible, especially the bathing, as I the cemetery i olten frequented by Indie. I Let the proper authoriti. see to it. HUlsboro Street Female Academy. As will tie seen trom an advertisement n another column, tha next session of this excellent aclioot ol the Misses jone oa HUlsboro street, will commence on Monday, July zint. rarenta cannot place their children in better band. Another Boarder Beard From. One of Mite Nancy Hilliard'a boarder writes and encloses a dollar to nt. He expresses kindly wishes for Mis Nancy, and great gratification at the effort mak ing to relieve her wants. Who i tba next boarder to lie heard fn m I Come gentlemen don't take to many reminder ir so little and plain a duty. Wealeyaa Academy. We call attention to the advertisement I f the "Wesleyan Acsdemy for Young Mm and Boj." Thi i on of the bet boy schools in Raleigh, and deserve th I sepport of our citixen. Rev. Mr. Tre-1 wick, the principal, hu had great expo- rienc and has U-en very succeatlul in training the youth of this and other placta. Th 0th academic term of 20 weeks will begin August 4th, 1873. How ia Stockholders Ideating We lenin from t gentleman who was preaent at Ih meeting of the tturkkol rts of th Atlantic, Tenmasee A Ohio Railroad Company, recently held at Stat ill, lliat Ih discussion wbicb took plac hclwren McAden ard Johnston wa of . L. - . 1 t.:... . I . . . .,B!..lt... mm A .u. u. -v ..,. . v. - I al tL. L. . 8 a L. J , A II. paaaiog and repassing. W uo lerattnd . 1 - l V - - 1 - . - I hat our cotemporarie of the prea there considered the teen ton disgusting to b r. par ted Ok wood Avsaae. W are ialormrJ by Strcrt Comm'i- sioair Btckalaa that a ot k will b Conv raennd next aerk oa th bridg cod stooe calvert oa Oskwood Avenna, near the Cviifr detstv.rTjn' tsfjIJe JijloVi It ill b at leaal six act kt hi lure the bridg will b pakbi . Thi woik has bern li.rg delayed and h -a caurcd no lif'U In civetmr, and bp it will aa be pothrd fotaaid t rompWtioa wilhout aniithat ali pp-ftge. raraoaaa. . Gov. fal l aril b.t a.totM.1 0rfg Smith od b.a M.lla. cvkUd of rob- mtj at Ih Fall Tf w l II. if.l huptflor C.Hirt, nd tanlraerd b. Ihrr yrail la tb DaailrallaM. The pardon we greeted . . . . . oa lb tec. ta.tfa.laii. .4 lb jongr, oo- Ik-it'tT and IN Htek..,oeu04iuno mat . . . , . ..a.l.l aw-a . . . II w.a ItnA ihry rrtwrrsthrtr i-l.. of rMdtae ym eat a. Tb parkxt ara baaJaaa. aod lamily. aad b wae traveHag Ilk a rU- Aa eirheag tall a that - BaMoa la- Oaalew uly, aa Ut Sth ka,ty Ut Rev. ..ar.,1, ir- spW.d.d', pithed. Th. di.mg W 1. irTl " ' tatty d. fra Jty It, U.S. These of lb largaat la lb e.ty, eUd.eg boa-S lbw,I atll t do Wat to wr.M S not It, th , Ih.l Ihair kuiUa it d.iat ft Ha tf aaiaatd wi'h lb aoliloa Ib ealire iregtlt of lb mi dug It juth b at d h palar raf wre taa-is tkeea U have Urit pbotiigt(,bt Merrtad In ta road, ajrar Cedar Rh Jot II. Kverelt I tba brrah ag opaw W aarraw ttf ra-tna wk-eb ta bee, end they'd laj bitched a) imiat-il- Ukra ol.aae Iba. .ti aaaaa- y I Frwlla o-aaly aa Saaaay 1 Mr. .rttlUrybo,,, Wild.-.boa. be Ibro.a law a d.atag ar da. Ul4VT TiT'Llt Tk t1r-a.ti Caatrei,I .,. ; -A rttltll.tf ... ... woald dear aat bow atr1aar wita .-,-,.,- i.Htiiii ratter, an a rraeana eawasy. thr-ryaar, g tremt k-N,-t ,.ag bad ,, lb op-.a, af dd r be wr.M. ,h. ata. Bdly .T.I.n ttXffi. At Ika fniiiat. af Ua WvAt't k-.t. brra par d--bed aad left M ftaa'. Ug U lieg dour. Tb iarg f, r.u.J. d,r,f-td la grt-l ba m,.t u.t Wm ka baa ia PraaABaW-. aa Bad ttaat, by Ra. W. M. Fuf laa of Ihraa algbte put fmt aala- (kwvoat prtsnn bat aeaaard btaaatlf b; Ikrooiag "faaaae-erarhar lata tlreptag platat of a wartby barbb4 aa Fsyrttr l!lr tet. Abmt wk ga t aaodxt Zk krat "cHatbad trsa" la fmol of tbi bat twin. wiad It Watth bw atnaeid.aga, waaaxitrM aad d4ag a. T4 tfil dy it lat.avtied thai lb aMiaalJ ttfA, mm i b ptak4 tlk ft Otsad Jf. ebargrd wiOt ton la. I ttbeakbl I bakaav W dat . - 1 . . ,tt ., b k. UyTb..lud....b.btbr..i.gwf,b. reka. '). d -a t b. fad. , barbrlwra, .baa y.r b laJ. rfna .. i. Wb-Mbf BblatlwHlaafll.ljb lb Sra of art t bvah Wt IMak aaalAe atiUs It. a tl ta" " " r"4a I ft.. bali4 re la aa a I r.Uf arr.sy 14 k.tb.k. If aa litgal oal4 b bad ad If M. ! fUnvar M spwab. Ika Uatb. !- taiibt b Hd Bkitb waald d oa H.t waw UarUh. ' s vfv 4 rue reterabarg inde pT the follow- lug oompliment to North Carolina ledy I of much tajent, Mitt Fisher, author of I Morton Ilou.w " anl other clever booka ; l "Christian Itcitl," the North Carolina j n"TC11'. " oie nceeaingiy cier hst Pfon't journal " iciow, mn uuprHViivca nauu, id ine Appolntmeuta. T rll....,.. ...:.. ..rn I v V ..... r Fr"M"u""" P - A - S,",W' Difc,rirt Buperintendent of the Americnn Bible Society for North I 1 i . 1 CareVn : Salem, Suuday, July 20th, 11 a. m. Wiu ton, Sunday, July 80th, 8 p. ni. Oral am, Tuewluy, July 32 d. 8 p. m IIii:.boro,, Thursday,' July 84th, 8 p. m. H. .boro', Sunday, July S?th, 11 a. m. Yaoceyvine, Tuesday, July 29th, 8 p. m. IloidsviUe, Tlmr.dy, July Slit, 8 p. m. Went worth, Sunday, Aug. 3d, lUh a.m. Madison, Tuesday, Aug. 5th, 8 p. m. Daoburj, Thuraday. Aug. 7th, 8 pm. Germentou, Friday, Aug. 8th, 8 p. in. Rap In Salisbury. W learn that an abandoned nroitl- tute. of Balishurv. namod Finder, 1 ' ' O - I eiu-rf not a wril ...nt Plafc .. I son, of the same place, for rape. She . , ,1 iiiu .autcj wiiiijv, ,ur laiw. nut I charired that after she had retired for the night, and while asleep, Pink entered t her window and attempted to outrage her aud had partially succeeded before ho awoke. Our luformsnt says the case attracted a large crowd at the Major's onice, yesteruay, ana wae undergoing an invest ice lion, when he loft the citv. Pink i, nnn r a, i .i.. ulltjB n Mj wen kn0wn to the Iravellinir public The MC0ll.n U not irenerallv credited lio 8nUbury. The R'afcAman will doubt- leu con'ain full particular which w will lay before our readers. Mora Figure. Yesterday we called at the office of Reg ister of Deed and took toother look at the tax list for Wake county. Among other thiugs we noticed that while Wake I L I I ftio.j,i naa wmiiu per ooruera ooo.vaa seres ol I land, her patriotic alliens have only list- ed 544. 81 3 -leaving 41,889 acre not lit- ed, and upon which it th law is eolorced, double tax must be paid. Under the head of " money no hand or 00 deMelt, I in or out of the Stitc,' we found the I comparatively small sum of $181,623, 1 againtt lb laat report of th city banks I wher apear under th boad of " Indi-1 j vidual depoalta," tb eoormoo sum of I I $1,004 7770 98. We will admit it is po-1 I sible a portion of the " Individual de-1 1 iH.tiu ' are from oilier counties, but such I dcixMiUcanuot p.eiUIy lie large enough to nconcile ihe widu difference between the tax list and the bank atatemeots. Red earned. We learn that Dr. lKwklji, President of the lUleigh A Oaatoa Air Lin Rail I road, formerly " Chatham Railroad Com- I pan;," baa redeemed lb mortgage of I BA (VVA fWVA L- I I I.. . 1 . hj . - t . A A.. I i-i.vw.ww ocm u, . w. - - I . I 1 tinal I 1 t I Am a ai suva - fa. 1 1 1 a I I 1 11, 703,000 of Slat boad hereto! or la-1 I tord to the Chatham Railroad Company, I eicbange for it bonds ; alto $297,000 . F a.... i I . . I I .1 n- . k. I. I VI Diaie ywu'it hi iimrr i,iwh , jpj icni tranaartioa tb but M beaelllUd to to anuMinl of Ai&7,0o0 priaiipai aad $34400 l.. .. . . L . -1.. 1- te.1. .. . TK.L.-U fh. tlMMtwitk tmonnL Th. Unds (tb. $1 000.000) I ua oy in. run tor wnicn to naongag waatxeruted a ere declared by th P ' pit Hi Cwwrt -WwciwatHaAtawaAy aad4i lor thca bond era not considered a vatld obtlgitlno of th Sfate, and bar ot entered iulo tho State indebtedoeaa. Tb BUniage Building. Yesterday we vhuUd thia atagaifkeot a mi nw ' i nr. .nn mnifliiB i.,a riHirira. n r i a - 1 I Uaa. IL.jalaf, vara iU.a through it rrt.. ap-tmwa aad .a wfprtd to " o e.pt la vary partteauar. J Titer at two lrgaat atora Moms o th groood H . M -b. b a a. t.j .....i... i L... .i... I. I . I aiaoa. uat rwwa wm im f"v aad HS)ia-idtos sleaplag sp.n meats (twal-4l la Boat bat) ara a writ atraag ad a any a. bat. at eB saj ah r Thaa ro-.t bav. a ttthm of Ih.rt a t-VU -Ld ... ar Urge, tad with tb. a.adoo at. th rturt him bivo a .a.i ia. sir in awt atverr trl.t tea lil.tw aad comfit. Tb bar r-. t. tb r-r ponof ib. baud , , , , . . , . lag, ia iigmtMi ay taa taeg i"ii at tapplwd with datnb-aai'ets and i etta atodera bar IN") appilaa aad' to ap- prnerhad ia fans d 0-taal Waya. Tb billiard re at la tb baarweat tfory ..... ... A I I tm.lt win ataa wa a w" lu,:zt!,j;pr: ! a ill alaa b 15 lb bawl, Mr. B.-yJef It"-! we Ibal M b-a.Mi.g I ai l be l.iad aad tvall V i-n j f-a -ut, th kalt gK4. ad lb I aaaa a ba b l-alaaaU tanagb to aw af it if b d-aa at bv . f.i.a I hi grwa, I taa eaiabltab a f-l Crowded Out ' I The eommuokaUo from "A. Kecbts-1 lc on the mblect f the aDproachbff I eonteat iK-tweeo Mceera. Snow and Gilbert, I la crowded, out of thla iasue. It will a p. p, - tr to-oorrow The Oonatitutional Amen dm acta. Our reader will bear ia mind that the election on the Constitutional ' Amend. ... .. a . I next, Wo iuppoeo the amendmenta will be passed almiiet nnauiinously at they I 1 , ,. . ' , ' I were agreed to by both political parties in th Legislature yet we would lie gla I to see a full vote. Let every man. turn out and rote for the amendment Railroad Accident. Wa leara that a tbo mail train m the Western Railroad Wat approaching the first station thi side of Fayetteville, com ing in the 'direction of tbi city, the en. giae ran over a tow and was throw) tmta tb track. Tb sngio aad two bz oar I were coR..ocr.u,yo.m.g,.n ..null, 5,000 will hardly repair th lots, Fortu-1 i j , , j i a ,. i . . I - i ... , vi. I n8lB,y "" """'J sry to say that the cow was torn to I I ntOBt. ' ' i s O" I , I Bupreme Court Decisions. I On Monday decision were filed in the toiiowing case oy j twticc or 1 no supreme 1 Court : u. r. t "i -"". v . K. II. Worthy v. Q. 8. Cole, tt al, from Moore. Judgment affirmed. W. B. Wright and wil vs. D. McCor- mlck, from Cumberland. Judgment af- firmed State ?. John T. Speight, from New ILnnn Juilomrnl a(Hrm,l 11 t lAM.i 1. ...a ... ti:- n -i I 11. r. "uicuu'iv u. 0. uiwn, i eaevuvoi, ..out u.. , a.r.w. .uug. " kow. I J. A. Norwood vs. Win. Harris, front Person. Judgment affirmed By Rodman, J. Rob.rtWooUnT.J. S.M.olUby,from Ltndlr. Judgment reversed and action .1.. . I. Jlsmisse I. I Wilson and Miller ys. J. W. Derr, from Lincoln. Judgment affirmed. J. L Caieoa v. L. A. Mills, trom Ituth- rfoj.l. Judgment reversed aud eau re- man led. I N. M. Wiln vs. S. 8. Peterson, from I Yancey. Judgment reverted and Judg-1 meot lor relator. I Lriah Vaughaa va. W. T. Stephenson, from Northampton. Judummt reversed I and action dismissed, By Sirrrut, J. Slate va. William Llnkhaur, frtHO Rol 1 ou. Jtftgim-ut rev ra. d aud a laatr I a7 aoe. C G. Live and wil vt. J. W, gn f l, Ir.'lll CaUwba. Error. jougmeai M agreed. I Stat Va Luieliue tthufnid, fna Ca-1 Uwb. Judgment rrvrraed and r'twirv I Charles Moot vs. N. Tbunrpaoa, f ml, from ij,,!,. JadKmat reversed aad I Henry Rowland t at, v. William Card- ner, flora Yaa y. Jndgmeat affirmed. gat la BaaUaaL I u... -.,.. ,mA M iba fol I trad Vi 1 UaUi -tViaai th Atajaoatt Jatticr. I Tht tMiW aua hnMnlMt Ihti af tkt tea Uil'od King spoken of, on I geell- u mJ (t J)m. hm i atan(j1Dg aBO kp, (,1 tn tur-1 wilw In t.L J .1 mmA wmmm ni, .v. h miwm . ' m a y J ' opiuiuoihal.it .U fait 4Mt IJtidgciiL reiuwu nr. can ia m mm aew bote al UoM.txMU : rpiaiw JTmi or i.i WW.., wua iitv ' -- W. A. Hmlih naa on-.lJt nl of tb North . . , . . , , . , . , i u i v t.ui... iwmmu, -r--,. I n. Bridg, peaat.ieal of lb vv ilmlngioa 'J- Tb. Uim w faiUk ,fcf tirmi ),, rt I ib. Waatara North Carolina road, that raa ..o-s c.ry n ren. A P'gm taa tt"a. tt.iv fwdeer amvad al bal-Ury aa k.t soW I . a I palar l allai.a ttar, be aa ail at lbtCW'tr.f I tea r.... : me "V W.aa. Ilr.'rtik.d i.JW.i(4ka,l on taa aee-a-t. I iwalib, Ih panpl living aateg tb Ha I 'd a pia patpi, VJLTw P US I j, .m M j n.giairaa lba a i ,ai j aaaraiftoraa. la ki I wooM ft e tantay ta a teag r L".?4".. "ir r?zr .1 alalia . 'WV J 1 1 i.i m . www Mpty.- II (bra ! Ir bi twa - ifUnj aad IrUJ bias if tha palar ear t . lb Wttltri Hor-h tarotta raa.1. Ilti ltf-ra wva a oaf SiJ.I aad bratdaa erU.i la 1 tUatW aad evert laditi-laal aftattar ol hi btaaily aa-l 4 lb raah aaa at p-t.4 an, eaiuk rff" Ue ta Pwl'ma t lb "iXtrz?;.-. .f u- g)j, Im, waa. 4 tho 4rw af u,4 ,wtk (. ,.n I ;.,f.j r.mj !.i.,e( I I ' tbat 1 aa uf Ib'ta ,aa-l a t4 ta ) Ml ta kn I'a' rn.a but t.hf. 'W thy d b t'-alcl tut tl t1 f-b..t l I kt itai.m, aba w Mala U lU. awatiag bra adv W kal ha kW4M tad hi. f ra a I'sliaaaa ! Ibrab a lb rab iya, o a t ll..t I hey star " aa il htwl" i4. I rat'l and th falae sUtemeal is made to Jurt.fy t,, UiMI aaa.lrel kk Uat SabUU '' Mr.aith Ublsrud.and'TOlgtrcoadnfl aiog.hie w,f. occupied the plat form tf tI?5.R.t "tT toward Mr. Bridger. It may b Mr. m4 co0,ncled th. err. ia bit pi so.. rUK R 1 i; "" l Brtdirer d.w aot patron! Mr. Smith n.u.i, ..i.urL;!. F A Itaaaaylgaa, Fraah Pb.rf Tarm4 New Lm The followtoe. which e uv. iwm ih. Artt firaininA. will he raeil k!iK 1. I tereat by eome of our badncaa men Tcrkko A New Lica. The aubiect of .i i 1 1 i i ' i - . i mo lonuwiog, wuicd we taae iront tlie Wilmington Star, of Saturday, was at one ume a reaident ot J) Is city and employed in me vuswuinoastt : t. II V .1' .LI- ,...1 connected himself with the Order ,.l ' (l.d Templara at Newbern, and aa we learn, haa I Ml UIIUU I m '"upiara dnered one or mora lecture on the anli. ject of temperance. " 1 warm. -nRaimt NEWS." Blind Tom, the neuto pianist, will dim me summer on m uru near vvatniitim. Iron oru, of Hue qnalitv. ia bcina Ukeo nnn a mine no ecr.igg's inrni, near pcous fiUe. ilr. Kit Waller, of ' Pittuvlvania. acci detitalty shot and killed himselt last Wed-, nuday. . cive new iron mine uav oeen lonna I In Augosta county, near WaynesbOM' and ,m null k Fiabar villa. Uij, of TtppahaDOOCk, hu been appointed a State cadet to tht Vir- .ta.1. l t a :.. """ -f""" llie Carroll Ju$ is inlornied thut a .1a.lu I L. I. .. . I ..........I- I I I H. - i . .cvH..y wran ta v MI I Tu ' ' Oi.Jlun iniuuiy, . . 1 be alley railroad will i.... , i the citixen of Harrisonburg 1S,0I5 fur " IV I I I .... .J tt. .f l .1 I AHIIU UIllillDillllUU lUf LI 1(7. II M7 III Ilin ITWII I . l - tl,trs an cb-l'.f"- W in i-uray, rgo county inejoungwo crow ui) without earn ntt how t shoot there, I r. n....Ti,.w.i,m..rt w-ti.,i....i. I Fairfax county, had one of bis eye put out ana lire outer eeriout.y injured wnue tltckiug lime, ue n1 cr on lre0' tatlaay ...a..... - .... Fv.. uav wuiuiuKi aiAiu. a.wv uriwriiii -,uih . . T .V ea oul to wit DOM tb itari. A f M(, M,ltd tha anti-cateroil lar aocietr.haa been orcan I zed in Fairfax county. It object is to deatroy all insect, that depredaU on fruit bb eo- . tr i r f I L.w - ' ' .uVvi.-.-T Zt u.r. iu.uture. baa been appointed by the ooard nt visitors assistant professor ol ... . .'- .. - I cneuiiairy ana ass.su.ni proiesanroi vwuca In that institution. Maryiana taiiou-i ass ciauoe ; "" ir.;:iad-I , pUru :too, which they desired to I be presented to Mr. Hotchklta. J wrmaTaJar I Mr. Bhaw, of Persia, they call him in Umdon. I Rcv. Dr. Munaey has he I th cholera, uui naa reeuTervii. General N. B. Forreat I ill it bis real- ilrnce, near Mewphi. Mr. Rarauta baa Breseuld a stuffed ate lion to l al College. El Jutllna Nt4a.,a la naila tftUnen.1 In bealtD froa bi, rnt M(eni tilnr.. f ke remain aud burial place of Urn eral PI ark are to be givea ta th Stat of I Hampahira. Th French resident of Saa Fraocitoo are taking step toward th prrpjiatloo of a testimonial to M. I birr. The Re Jeremiah Remington of Pro-1 Idewo, IL L, as nodcr bad oa a charge of iacrndiarism with aa intent todtlruud sa ioMiraoo company. ,Tb wtll kaoaa oarunaa Joarph C.LA,lD ttfel4 (Jktttd, Ulaly ut UMtik Amaria. ba yoat accept. I a wagef il $3,000 tit raw la a tmall tkllT Irons ITiila.lrlphla to Mew Of-1 raoa. I be anoaey la ap, boo lioui has Oofnmx.d training with mpos, pollie. .j cluU II. will Mart la a eoupt. of weraa, ana ei parte w nvo ftew mieaa Issaofllb dsy after. . .rjt. tKrwe) I r, rfc.nk ta Laooa a. H. ll ha. I af Iha thuM natil aha took hat nlara latil tb took brr plac. it. bl coadoeUd brr- icyuabi-birigacbooi nth the raa. and dignity I .n.l aniMuarwl tt I I it .i.. i. ... - i i,t cotnliiaeil wilb I of . pulpit vstaTaa. CCURjriaWOURMALIIad. OX M -by declare that Grant U lb blast snaa la Ametw." Thi at laialy vrry complimentary U tiraal j bat, Ihea, M I daa4 bard a IM rant at a. . as arndataeof tatsU j lb.. 11 JL IL Btrpba.- a Waa'a 1.1:11. at arMarlMiaa ra. ad aa, bvwt vee, ntor f bsxlrynarn thta af jar .la. Melbadl. I . bad a baM sH I lag tb otha day lo bail l a than a aad paator, aa I lb gi ImTiTuT.T. i:;i"t. AM, Baa, 1 wha tt.Uoavua get nay a ca i a - I f', bt bar Uk lb ba-aaca t4 lel I eaoary at wan a a.n..i eni ia n.w Teth auhabraatb la IH. Uatwe tbira I ft. bad tb (a br ia lb tba-l lb a1 s I af bar lit Waaasavua. V. H, '',J1' nrtad U bar a-l of Wrtalo that it aaa Ib bMriaat liitio v.aa M rear aaa 'arrat -bat, aada( la bi ia la AU aaa ln U.twf ', .. b bw tb baad alre f 4-Mi-f a. It ia t. I tbal yaa avf at. at aa ifa. attaat ef Wrraia, a I a ay pi flbf, wywumm are! .. fur II I Pami I..aiW- ..t j i r. piwt'rwira. flr. lw tt at. U I.; a.. I f,. Il.: -a sad 14 M al t, a 4 af eat fuaa , aad !' aavy. apt Jaaato A Nab, .a fl Ma "w a. ,.- m - .. f.at'-r-be Jata MARKETS. 8T TiXtGaAPH.l Noon Report. . Naw Y'.kk, Joly 15. Cotton dull and nominal: aalea 78 1 u.. !.!.,!. an,. . j -".- - ' . y i l J"'?. 0- i Angust, 19; Bep- . . - lbr, 18 1-J : to' 18 8 Si October. 17; F. , . I. A ueceiuorr, ii .-o. I Flour firm ; wheat l-J cent better : Dork I -V quiet; hew meaa$l7.S0; lard quiet andl unchanged ; tuipmitine ateady at 43 ; rosin I . fl' at IJ.87 I to t3 90 lor strained ; frvJuht iteady. ' . cUuok. firm, did ateady at 15Mi Money firm at S to S ; Exchange llt; aliort 10 1-5; Governments very' duli. ' I LivBRrooL, July IS. Cotton dull, tendency downward bp- . A a . . . Uad' 8 3 4 Orlean I ; sale10,000 bale j rpwuumiiva aaorxpori i,ouv oaiaa. MidniRhtIteport. Baltixori, July 18. Cotton dull ; tuiddli ngs SO I 8 grow reCeiDta 111 bales- exnorta eoaatwiae 1 e t uaiea , capons cot K wise 197, 1 .,i im . ..o. i mmtVW JAW . IVM HID. I w.. ti. .'. I ' miuwni -all IU, Jotton dull ; middling 18 1-8 ; export I coaatwite SHd balat moa ... ' r-H.,... .urpeutiuu nomas. Rotla steady tt 1.33 for strained, 940 to 8.50 fl Tt""1 ? " m?vn kU, , """ISidrtUof Tarpentin, Rotla and Tar. for pale crude turpentine. I July lt-dauwina i" f' No. 8.8.30 2 60 for hutd, 8.00 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar steady tt 3.25. NoRroLK, July 13. Cotton dull ; low middlings 19 I t ; net rucelpt 370 bale ; export for Oroit Bri tain 153; coastwiaeSJO; salts 113; ttock 8983. Livxri-ool, July 13. Sales iuclud 0,000 American. Sayan- .h .oa cbarlcton September delivery I ...I i,n:- a a i New Yor, July 15. Cotlm-Nct receipt to-day J0J bah . .. ... gross 1,837 ; future closed shad easier j 9 m . JuI. 20 7 U j August 191310; September 18J-8; October 17 S 8il7 3.4 dul,i iddling SO 44 ; flour fair requett and unchanged ; whiskey quiet at tt ; wheat t sod t cent better with fair demand winter wtstaia $1.00 ; corn very acarce and I aad t tent better al.it weaiern 04 ; coffe good do maod aul firm; Hoc 17 3 4 to 19 It; Oork firm -naw 817.50: lard, narala and I tallow ateady ; freight Arm. ' IMooey plenty at 4 ; sterling lower at 9 i i ; gold steady at IS 3-8 ; government quiet ; state dull and steady. ais Itfiloiph Market. C'oaaarvso Uaar, Br 0. T. BraoaACB A Bao, Mtaaar (. y-lf 14. I OTTOS TAR, par beech lea dry, par la. 11V LRATIIER koLE.... rX LEATHER LPPER SoaTt I LEATHER HARSH1, M MULLET .. utMiiuiunii v.pa I MLAaWE., fmfi...... 7a tMJLUlW kIKUr,. I MIAI, par ka.. 'J01t ' OATS, tar ha. - a,, p. .. T5aJ 1 tMat Ml I raAUiiaa DrWd. OaU lu.lt i .. . UlU'l Vtm. WW I . I ClliUAANr i . a to I I r onal a im U hi tm loo it- t Xml a HI'i M t-f 7 lliJ!s.::::Yj: UJh TAI.W.W par ia aai trlMIUiAR par gal... an a........ OA'. IIU A 1 8CTTT8 HARttlllD. At Ua ra.il.aaa af la brtaV Mbar I WbtctvU, U Prat Jaba S, Braw., af tb Ham ttd egtel laaUiat to Hum BUM Jayaw. Rria.lt. la L'kavdK oa tb lath day af Jeae, Mm. Martk tL Cat, a if a af W. J. Ca. ta bar uriy Srat yaar. la Caanwd. Jaly btb, ITX, efW a seat , tad UbMaa, B la R-fra, ia tb 1Mb rear ef ks aa I Bttt.kary. Jaa I'M, lTS, Ml. UU R Br wa, a of Ih tat Bw), ft t ra, aaad M A I LU i. i M. SI .1 .,. !. I lb "., Albert Wwaaa, t , bs Ikt TU laf bta a. OIIHl alaifAH.l.L"".liA".l.;'- vir : t rriiTsit E, UI t fill U liffkrtlrniifi lilts tl lai.tsriatAlH. -ju.jauumt.i4. Imu ... A( ta M Ih t altad ItaW. ItMaiTa Bill It till ll!ll in II. --, - - HOVSm FOR RIMT -la the HVeetwn Ward eontaintna; two rooms. IS i IS """ I asd 11 x IS, and klVcna 1 x 14 Apply to T July 18 , , M. I. JOMSs dt CO - pEOPUi a 9 WAX ASSOCIATION, Fott rrasr Reirular Monthly MeeUnr at Mlle of the J. C, Home I dot mere , on rrlday ewenina:, IKhlaet, at 8 o'clock. nes e orcea o. oelimioent. ircea on aeunqaenu. 8KATUM at 8KATON OALtS, Socretarj. Jely W W TT1 IU1LI A C A D K M T lliLucoao a. str R A L K 10 H , N C. Mise MoLi.ia A. Jonas, Principal Miss-JwaueV Joaaa, aaslataat. ..l.B!l,,UI,0o - ay. ' TUITION; Primary Depirtiueot - ' li 00 per month. aignrr aafuta - . a.00 " " Lalia or I reach, Extra 1.00 -A -at ataate - Pavabe atoa'hlr. mall bun admitted la Prlinarv TWnart. menta. Board raa bs kad at rassotabl rataa. July 18-tf . ptJBUO ..AUCTION. " , I Will sell at tli Court House door In Kal Mlnrk Am lli.llk... nl Jntf.l.ft imU . J parcel of Land to satisfy a tuortaire eriven to M Jenreysand bla wile. Thaabov 1,, , A a,.nih muim .j a.ik a,t ..ii,.ii.... t. r::r tU. Dl TTIU. BttlUL . J 15 td O. T- 8TROJC ACll. TT ll 0- OLIVE APEX, N. C. At CO M EALI MIALt la toy oanllty, trash Rioand, bolted aad eabolWd. July R, r.JONUIACO'A. TTIirTT CAitt BRANDT PRACHK3. PA July U If Cor Oyater. LIACH 1RO. inn BOXM -IcolKiTtRa LEMON LKJkJ Ciarkait" toaniv to-day July UU LKACUllROi. A LARGE STOCK OF A." "fx. C," "O," and "Tallow" Saeara, lewar thaa eucer hav baa told tiaea lilt. July IS tf LEACH B RCt, A MOTtllRCONBlQIIaiEKT OF "EXTRA i a. uiiva" euap )st neclvaa.- A baadstna 'swaa Oard" glvaa away. jwj is tt LEACU BRO. , Tin '-iNoVT ITaaTF bKAkU ot- raollT yioar. Kunal ta faunaca aad July lK LEACH BROS. ONE HUNDRED BOXEs ASSORTED Caadv. 60 Botes Fox'a Btafra. July U It LEACH BROA. BLACKING, Blacklef Brweaaa, ruwders, lawraairatrd Li. Tatat lotto Bp. A , Ac Jaiy 1 -if L ACU BROS. JJATAPdCOgAMILT noiL, Elatajrov - A tnmk lot of aaeh Jsat recatvad J;U f.V,aTHO!4AIL Tft BOXES 0. R. SIDES, A-V aJaiy'l Jaat rrealvad. W. a STROMACH. II AMI I II A MA BAMS I Vithaataa aad K. C. Rata. a TVarcaa Vafalaa 11. mm. Jaly '8 W. Q. STROIIACH. QfltUE I CHEEIE CURIAE I M Boaaa Fiaab Orvant, Jaat wrtvaA Jaiy II W. y. aT HUM ACU. A RornsR lot of tiiosi nun a. Cnmm, Milk aad Rada Crarkara. J!y t W . 0, SIRORACH. r r - ROZU rrtar A Oaihat "OUr. Ii " fur sal t kaaa at w, c 8TR0RACII BIS, WILTS MEAL an ITU .W.aiTRORACH. H ANSI HAMS laat aathacirtua ll.at for aabt aaayf W. U JUAES A LtX I M II L I M III Botha ear had Ra. 1 Pnaa Baral Ltaaa. atv ant at ml .at-t. Aaw Caaarat, taV staed aad Lead fkww jAairuM. TowLrt. sa 11 U tratailna at at. aA. QLDOOT. JATJ CorriE. -rif Ui- Syr pa, istybu - 'wrenwontcn. fR'iVRD FE4S AID STUCK rEAA hi kak.U Btael Tata at II tb kaakals On. aad lm t at It afl Lf . JuSII 4UI. A X R Of tb baat aetrre Aaibar " W WN I kit la4 ftaaiarwaag M sh (.'aaa try L . - - Radlaaat " - - r-t t aad a - - Aataaaat Biatbaaf rwratara allllare, L IW aaarta aad I r taa nu W.I.IUIitl. iRACRBRb, MAPS ARD CARRA i ftRBBRBj JftA ASadl wRBJ tVtJRB) ar, RayeJ Saapa RW aat ad fie i map C.kat, fi Bp la aad btM 'ai JaltS A r, 'ijiuiiu "pRIRI H. C, 44 (abb4t Mi..aa. ar.-,. - f,b.ib.rity iKbaanh tsal-r l K I ! Mata, a-f " P I WAITT Hi R.r '"is o't