Tnrnnirnin mm 1 ItLu J lull UlJ 11 Li III n JSUpmUkm, DOMESTIC NEWa FBOSt FniLADEXTHlA. PaiLADELTBIA, July 13. Tk CeaUwaial CeielarsUoa of th Brit WkJU A MuMOi aval terday, BUivop Joaea, presiding laid : The fault durinj a hundred years bsd been very fr, tb prrvgrsss of IIm Methodist Church had eicoeded tist of toy other. FROM MICniQANT Gxaxo Rapid, July 15, Lot by Br probably 1300,000. Insa- nuK tl6S,000. FROM OHIO. Col umbos, July IS. Cholcts among thi convict. Fit two fatal. FROM VtW TOM.. Hew York, July 13. Yssterdsy tight letter were found ia Kst Stoddard possession written to Goodrich end fire from him to her, ell bowleg last the regarded herself at his lawful wife. She addraeeee him at i 'My deaf Charley," aad "My dear husband." The letter of both likewle abowedtbet they wen married or west through a cer emony which ah rappoead lawful mar- nag, May 10th, UTI, la New York, and wen registered a maa and wife at tb Athtoa. Bonn. Three of hi letters are dated alter the alleged marriage. The eooad tell her it i better for both that W should aeparat. Th third tells ber ao to call herself hi wife, as they must atparata. Be oflen to furuiih her apart aat ia New York, and to do everything for her, bat she mast Dot tell hi family of their relation, The WtrUt peclel say that Colonel Greea of the Boston .fat, ha been noroi aated for Gorernor of Massacbueetts, upon tb straight democratic platform. J. M. Mayor ga, a leading and wall kaowa Cuban, who with others, lilted out the aaale expedition la 1871, acted for oav Mm at Vic President of the Cuba Republic, aad w condemned lest year by aa order from Vslmaaaed to be imme diately garroted wbea caught, died after a brief Ulaeas, at midaigbt, ia Lexington Arena. Aged U. X. 1 Mill, President of the lirooklya traet Company, and wU known all through tb eountry, wa drowned while batter Ing at Coney Island tbt mvrning. FROM OHIO. Cubatsxasd, Jaly IS. Two cholera caas . reported iat algbt. FROM WA8IIIN0TOX Waicimiotov, July 13. Then wa a Ira reported at the Naey depot tbla moraing. It dam and the buUdleg to the eileot of 1 10,000 or $1 J, vw, uMNign in greaiea aamag ia by water. The Secretary' office 1 com plete ly luoded by water, aad the eetlre depart ment I unfit fur occupancy. There wen several valuable record burned, hut most of them caa be recalled. FROM CALIFORNIA. Paatnii, July 13. A Meslcea Maid Tlsaad wa banged by a atob for stoallsg a cow. Tlansdo was lai plicated la a recent murder. FROM NORFOLK. Nnarout, July 14. The Suprwn Couim Q of Serea WW M eua Trace lo-m-nrow. Kujjik pate bar arrived. FROM ILLIXOIA Caictaa, Jaly II. There wee greater BorUlll lae4 Wei k taaa aay pcevtuue ek daring the year. A fatal hwttaer knife Igat took plat lest algbt A wit aided by ber cup mm hlllrd k r aaUed la Kaokak. FOREIGN NEWS FROu FR1XCS. Yaaiu.a Jety 13. The silting the AewmWy lo-Jay wa aaueaally dav4a1y. A btU wa Wfure Chamber eatWa.Bg a pinaieial anm UklUee datlag reeem r eaaciiow pro ca Maw again laaalier of tb Aaarmbly. Dariag the di af lb aaeeatar there we aa ledmiUble leaeit. FROM PRUSSIA. . Ramus, Jaly I A RiaWrpia4 pmail la R la. The Omasa eat li areaiUt Impaetailoae aolsis. moM HOLLAS D. Aawvaaasa, Ji IV A aswJasrrelb ragla aeaawg th nal r. Lewiuei, July IS. The rpentss aa4 asset have maA a aria i w laini I wafa aa4 fay- aiirl a sk aa ftelavwaya, A geaerei jtrlh 1 three. Mawarw, Jaly IS. fily War h!0s4 aa4 taw hewas kwrnaw Aartsc the paries I) AVssr. IVwMkMt favor av4r warv4 la ltW. aj (larva, ai as4 X3ea hre neHvs-l at lUloA, TV ;" axwt als It " y t.j .Mitkwi MUaaa. A WW mmt a swat th haW e sUstwfae wV Domestic News: FROM WASHUfGf ON. Wasuuotox, July 13. The report of tb condition of the cotton cmp to the department of Agri culture for July 1st, indicate a follows: Owing to cause reported in June tbt crop is geaerslly from two to four, week late throughout the oottoa Bute. Tbe weather was uopreoedenttdly et for s period varying from S3 to 83 d ys, end ing sbout tbe Wth of June. The art of cotton planted wa wffijcnt fc Ul 'be available labor to the Utmost onder tbe aioet favorable circumstances, cor sequent ly tbe excessively wet weather preventing work aad stimulating gracs and "weedn, hsve reused poor standi and jjrsssy snd otherwise unfavorable condi:iou quit generally, but ha necessitated an aban donment of large portions of the area planted, probably nearly enough to bring theavejsgedQwa . to what it was-last year. Tbe reports, with rare exceptiour, are despondent in tone and .picture, si fomewhat gloomy prnrpuctt. Doubtless the majority fall to with the common tes dency to exsggeritte the bd aff cts upon crops of unfavorable weather prevailing at lite present", and to underrate the future chances of recuperation from ihee effects. The report chow generally that thefa - voraWe weather in the last day of June wss hsvinir the effect to chance the can-1 .... , . ... , " . I diUoa somen bst rspidly for the better; cotton worma. raterr.illara and Ilea had I made their appearance in small numbers staeveral point, but as yet had not occa sioned much apprehension of serious dam' sge. Tb average condition for tbe cot ton State not counting Virginia, made up from all th counties reported, was 605 in detail. Th condition, reported by figures, gives the following results : Vir ginia, tea counties, reporting so average condition, 108, being placed at 100, S above, 1 below; North Carolina, forty three counties, svarsge, 81 1-4 at 100, 7 above, it below ; South Carolina, sixteen counties, averse 82; Laureii, 100, all other below ; Georgia, fifty-eight coun ties, average, 94, 17 at 100, 10 above, 31 below ; Alabama, thirty-six counties, average, 83, 8 at 100, 8 above, 27 below ; Mississippi, thirty counties, average, 83, 8 at 100, 1 above, 20 below ; Louisiana, IB counties, averags 80, 1 at 100, 8 above, 13 below ; Texas, 50 counties, average, 78, 1 at 100, 80 above, 40 below ; Atkaoaas, 28 counties, aveisge, 100, 8 at 100,4 above, It below ; Tennessee, 24 counties, average, 88, 7 at 100..8 above, 12 below. Tb signal service Is to be extended to West Indiesud tbe "Wi ad ward Islands, and along the taslera and western caat of South America. Station have already beea BtUd up and msmed at tbe follow ing points : Havana, Santiago, DeCuba, Kingston, Forto Rico, St. Thomas, Auli- go, Guadalouue and St Vincents on tbe Winwsrd Ialands, frra whence the ob server are sending postal reports of thtir obaervsttrn. It ia elated that Gen. RalxMick, late of lb Freed mm 'i Bureau, ha placed hi property la hie wifv's bands beyond th government's reach. Th Bureau of Ordinnnci his bwt heavily In records, aad the papers of th proof room are entirely destroyed. Th supposed fire originated from tb acciden tal Oombustloa of chemicals ia tb Du- reaa Ordlaaao. Nearly tb whole build leg was ncxxled, at least bsir unfit for oc cupancy. To tb President: A fire brok out about 1.80 Ibis a. as. la tb third twy of th back, building pf,Ui aery depot, probably originating in tb printing ,Tha Asa dapartmsnl wa pwmpi head, aad working with great efficacy, ooa had th fire aadsf control, tad pal It out finally before atvea eol k. Only lew drawings sad ao Ira port at recmd www rJfPYu Tb priiirlpal dainaj I by tidiag Irum wster. Tbe bosiaas of tb sVpartmrwt la a 4 latrv- rupted. (Signed) Gu t W. Roaasun, ferrelary nf tb Navy rilOM NEW YOKE. Ktw Von. Jaly I) Jsatre Jarksna, the avwra wbi killed hie whit paramour, p trait gellty of msa- laaghter la tb (jwrih irf't, ! wet ett'l to Iwi y. ar la pkni. rftOU TEN.XE-i.EE. If ruraia, July it. Jeeuh Tbjre (, f.wv1y BvcreUry of lb later iuv, draie the alleg fraaJs Ira- ate4tahlm. The Mgreasisal Commit tee tsoaswste-l him from any rtxap'W Ity la alleged dUrrtpsary. rUOM M All YUM) BaiviMoaa, Jaly IS. Wa E. I'JJwrauh was amwiH chsrw With th martaf W Sirsaaa, maa la (taste aa4v, Fa. l'4avA w arta- elpai wltaes la th faasoas On laeairaare saws trt4 ra Ibis My rreawily 1 wkxJi Mi. Qabi widow hsvwghl swM Is) recover 135,000. BCs aii hat e.le4, dl VWWJ nag eversj Kew Y-h tamp aire a4 Us TreeeJW el llrUo4, CWa. la Ihi ra Oom was s!irg4 t hsv W hswwed s a where hwetpi- SMSUt Wltk caaealrass, saw IS Km U th 4 hs4 we Uksatvesata reiasx VdJaraah Wa a hvwlh-4s Isa et rftOM HAVANA Itsesas, JaJy U. Tbe ewassa I el awwral wwfawtsw favL Stewte re WtalU( ailllM E gaa- ! tmnmf IM jw sa aa r H4r t isiaaila ae sw4 a sk ixbwM MsM4,m yyjt-a t lb repwvtvaa SMaitei 4 ff fal-wwrt h ( ah FROM JAMAICA. Ki5oTos,JuIy 15v A 8paniah' maa of-war hu arrived at thi harbor. Her coming excite great alarm for tb safety of the ateamrr Fir jUiut, The Spaniard- threaten to bike her and Ruesede declare h will blow her up, no matter siu ljst acrifice, rather than permit her to be taken. The United States Consul went Ut night at mignight with some Cuban geotiemea, rnideiiU here, to solicit the loterference uf tlie Bri- tUh Colonial authorities. Uuiboid' Bichl the only extract of that wonderful curative shrub that con taint it full virtues, is still considered tbe true specific for Kinney Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Calculus, Dropsy, and those ob scure dievases that undermine life and rob it of enjoyment Dr. Ilelmbold, who iptnTa fortune in inukuiij ,u discovery known, lias liued to see it endorsed by tbe physicians and poopl of two continent RemcmtM-r that it is VehMtt Extract that cure when all others fail, eodlw ss HOW TO BAFFLE DISEASE. The it) an bo oats a bullet titrocirh h ahead dies more speedily than he who ia continually tending volleys of stroaK, cathartic ptlla down nis uiruai; oui ma amwuc plHoU are as fatal in the end a: the l aden ball. It Is only a u no tion of 'line. Coininou sense should teach I mjuvu; hum tun VI 0&1JIU( UUWI bi suovaruoK ua ixwiiy vigor wiuco la tu uaiunu aauvoniav, la aoiireneiy aoaeru Ibera should be no punrauon without IotI e abould jro on to(etherand they do so in used as a remidy for disease or for the ireneral debility crowing out of a torpid state of the dilutive and aecretlre organ. In this great veeeUUls leatoraUte sre mingled throe easjnUa element of cure; a purifying ele- means dyapetia, bilious disorders, intermit tent fxvera, alck headache, cousilpation, and nervou ucmiiiy are reauuy cured ana epi- aeuuc auease prevented. July u-eouiw S A POL I For sals by W. C. 8TR0NACH. june 27 If g u o a n s . A lanre lot of White snd iTellow Buusra st sp2 U U. T. b'l'ON ACU h BRU NATIONAL HOTEL, RALEIGH, N. O. JN CaLUNO ATTENTION TO THIS Ituuae it la with the srdeut bops Uist I easy bars s liberal ahar of travel, aad I promise to endesrour to make It worthy of rWUonace. Rates per day Firat Floor - $180 " " ' SMHld " - 100 J M. BLAIR, July I24t!ni Froprietor. For Sale. JQ BBLS SYHUF. f) SYRUP. IIKf!iKAIH BTRUP. iuhi.hii:a!s CL BA MoLASpEH. At A. C Sa.M)FR1 A CO., Ma. II Mart a IUhL ap W Corn & I?al. JJQQ BUSHELS YELLOW CORN, 300 8C8"riJI wH,TtL'ottM. 200 UBHELS BOLTEO MEAL. At A. C. SANDER! A CO., No. s Marlla Btraat. "w s E AHON ABLE (HK)DS. MASON E1.F EALING FBI IT JARS, Till "OIM- Hit HBAL1NU FRl'IT JAR, PATENT JEI.LY Gl.,4SflU, (m sad a Una, PAC'Etaji ICE (KtAM F (tit; in. Bcwt ia tbs aoftd. poncelain t twrn i RttkVii KSITUta, EASPKIIhVINl KIT. LI, APPLE fARER LUKE Af SI.ICIR. LIUll'NiNU APLI ,'AktRS, LiwiiTfiixu pEtcti rtttr. CaS aad y f T. XX.Drig?a & Com. Wa Outasa laaca. II r J A. Aawter. rsrewily J. A. Aaa kf lt, Aa It t. i iwair, hrk iarWlUM. ANSLEV I mm, TOBACCO C0IIIHHI0 Are I saafc thwal aSaa ua 1 1 . w4 ua am ie aa f M . mm a IS trwea tgr ras4s a at war vt . terasi al frvs aid laau llrevt. ATUSTA, Canf514, ft V ai wliil' (. P ft f A t Im , M m-m-i, M l i a MISCELLANEOUS. Send lor Preceller's ' ' . JULR'8 LEWIS 4f CO., .... 19 U ZEKO. TIIE llflll Is tbs Best Meat, Trait, and Ice f reserver la the wor d. Bend for Price tint JULIUS LEWIS & CO.. asyt Raleigh, N. C. n AECTIO lceCresraJFrcsers, SOL ID CREAM IN FOUR MINUTES. . Send fur pries lUt Ifsnowsn Uuiss or . ' JULIUS LEWIS Co., Jui s llr-U Fisher Building, Balclgh, V. C. pRESH ARRIVALS. "New Klver" Mullets, Family Roe Herrtnge, 'Lanes" Uuar Cured strips, "Hiram's" 'KeKSlls" Hams. July 8-tf W. V. BTRONACH. MTAPBCO FiMILI FLOUR. Prime Factory Cheere, I'hnlHlUh.. I!...,.. July 8-U W. C. STRONICa NNUAL MEETING. 1 he aest annual meeting of Stockholders Uia Raleigh Uaaton Railroad Compa 111 be held at Company's Office in thsciti alelvh. on the f 'I bursdsv belna- l?t( July 1873, commencing at II o'clock, A.M. W. W. VA88. Treaa. and fkey. june 2t Id N N U A L MEETING J lis enaulng annual meeting of Stockhol ders of Uia Kala ch AngoaU Air Line Rail road Company will he held at Office, of the Company ia Raleigh, oa Friday the IHth July, loio, commencing at 11 o ciora a. at W. W. VAB, Jan a td Tress, sad Bce'y GO BOXES FROCTOR GAMBLES EX- Ollv Boap. 30 Bozos Proctor A (iainblea Adamantine I'aadies. JulyB-f W.C.STKONAC11. ySOCU MORGANS A SONS fapolio." (larili" White r.k Potaab. July t-tf W. f. BTRONACH. D. S. WAITT. 4 Fayettcvllle Street, 11 A. T. K X O II , M . C . . basts in DUY (ioOI)SA CLOTHINU, boo la, abuse, lists, Capa,, Plac Geoda, White (ieoJa, Trunks, Val srs aad Ciubrrllaa, la fact every thing krpt la a I rat cUas Dry Good S ere. may Kj rp II E UuAND PACIFIC CHICAGO HOTEL Tss LasosrV sen most CesrLrr llovat. I ra Wesxa, inrirt Of taw H aRM AN f lot R before Ma Sealrae- tloa la the amorai Coalagra bia of Oe. lobar Btk snd Will. 71.1 UL plmar M sa owartnr The eoniplrtIia"of Oils aw -iUr-wSUk s aaw mmm aadaataate I ail t far lae aceaasawuauua at gmr a. O AGE MU. A RICE. JaaaS Stlaw Lraaws for Tesaty Tsars. G ACTE'HEtFOAM- POWDERS, Oa. Iiyai' I mm, H Is awaWa, frrna s l lb en W U THlWa, V A HAIR A L II ANt L. 4 ValaalMS UH e-x latins of ad)4alng la bbrai EM rH ltas Is edM e4 fM sate. It la e eta ImUM ". a sprte braark bnaa41g It ua th So IS Tears are aeal l par fua U, I aad ssaww taaa aaa stiswral aprtng saianalna by arlaal aliaM W miuua Ik aaan pro lira aa IA EiUrrll fwlw, 4 vary rm U UiaUam wwkleg ta tavtkr aai awwae at Ik epraae wHlaarwe I to alalia Ul lafal paw. Tbara hi a aaail tn alia tkrve tiiaari aad kltaa aad laa Ira pWva aa tea inaiUea. 1 mmm im a SMatt boaUCai jI ( a fcakia saUli b.a. aa th prtf antrl w in a aai at avail muo mm i mil it a. UTI If mm day. aad by pnrat sals k4we la aJas eaia. Far terwa apply to Mr MrOvwaa. aMtt Tb rv I a rm 4 alia( IA aaaat?! N U ,kn r.U anPs aa wU kaowa. w II f.rrm la IA pan mmmrr It WUI a ui La whole as la U wx te ! pw Mr, a a M.rOW A. TIUtTLV lOMMIflOl IHrR Jf. 1VAT1.JISS: Co. A ft U.eJ fumwi. Hew Tr k. BANKERS a Cotton Cotsmiuioa UercUats. ay aad a a-a'rarl fl a i.mi rfgn . ueaia - a,.t r I raa a- mUrrm ar aapmally vr U )yw Bacon. 1 0 Qt,t cl 10 ,1lr, ," wt 5 SIS ItlUrAITpAOiW. P vna. I HAM tVaapa mm llB O D S AND '"SUMMER GOODS. J. M. ltOSEXBAUMA DRY GO Wholesale ami Ketall Dealer Infrs READY-MADE CLOTHING Fan 'Mkx asi no rs, BTAl'LElJRy GOODS,' HT, BOOTS, and c li E.S, CHINA, CUOCERi, and GLASS WAkK Corhtr TFaiftitUtilU and llargetl Sit 1 RALEIGH, N. C. , Ilaviuic on hand the moat complete stock of I eooJssver eoivel by him, -ne-eamestry-hr-j viiea an examicauon oi me same, iceung con fident that be can oleoatg snv one wantlnz i gooaa is nis una. ...... - i t - CALL AND KXA MINE A .Vfl rpU KHALI BE SUITED. ap 28-8in MX TnOUSaND GLLONB PHIL. J D&LfUlA SlRUf. Golden Syrup by the barrel or gallon. July ii3 R F. JONES A C RAILROADS, Are. Q HANOE OF SCHEDULE. RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIR-I.INE, , Bi'1'saiSTinoiNT'a Oreics, Kauiioh, N. C, June Dlat, lttiS. On snd after Monday. June 23d. iST-i. trains on ine Kan-ig ana AuKusta illr Line will run dally, euiiduya exrepwd, aa lollowa: SAIL TRAIN. Leaves Kakili Arrives st haudtord. . Leaves Bandford Arrives al Raleigh ... . il.U r. m. H.15 p. at. tH.'lA. M a. M. H'Kni-iK"'?!" fonn,,1on atRa'elnh ith the Raleigh Uaaton Railroad to and from all lMiinta North. And stBandford with tbe Wnatern Railroad to and from Fayettevllle and pointa on Weat- tra luuiuaa. a. a. AUKS.VS, JunsSU lf , Superintendent QHANUE OF SCHEDULE. RALEIOH A GASTON R. R Co.. Ht'rEHINTKNOBMT's (Irm i, Ksleigh, N. C, June 21, IHU. On and after Tueaday, June 2, 1872, trains on the Ks'elgu A bsalon Railroad sill run daily, cunaay ixcepteu : MA'L THAIS. Leaves Rale'.gb v 3 A. M s.m t. h Amvas at WclUon Leaves Weldon . V. IS A.M. Arrives st KalcljiU . . a to r u ACCOUMOOAVIOS TKAIR. Lcstss Raleigh &.00 r. al, Anlvss at Weldon 8 00 A. M. Leavee weldon s ou r. u. Arrive at Raleigh, . 7.20 a. h. Mall train makea close conoartloa st Weldoa wlUi tb Beatward A Roenoks Railroad aad Bay Line Steamers vis CalUiaore. to snd from all pointa North, Wcat snd Northwest, sad with Petersburg Railroad via Psteraburg. 1.1. . i ti-. . . . . . i . . . all points North sad) S'orthwMt, and at Raleia-a nicBiwina nnm fiaaaiDcuni LllT. to aaa Irani oil pointa Bouth and Boatliweat, and 1th lb Hrieigb A Auguaia Air Uae to Mar wood and FaratleTllle. AceommodaUutt and IrrUlit trum ro inrt atWtldoa wilk scrominodatioh soil freight trains oa BralKNUd A Koanok Kallrfiad and Psteraburg Railroad, and at Ralrluh auli tf. romiDOdaiion aad freight traioa on Niir'h Carouua Railroad- Kerwina liTiug along the Una of the road raa vlait Ralalgb la tbs moraing bv tbe arvwnirao datloa traia remala several hour and retar ins same evenit g. A. 0. A.1lKM !, June tf uawrlatendent S.T-1860-X. wprX A wanrvaai rawnaarmw. S r4i'i mm a w nor a, Mia a IT, -) i i hi. a.a aaaww r t .it s i m Tmm ia i l l a -mm a m mf - a- aa asaaast saw a kw whw M ar I m. waaa LAHTATION i BHTERS ,.': ux . . . : as SB. rv a i t . a a. tag I,,, , . .4 T a-,-. ..a '.. a-4 -a . Flinhllca : BHTERa. WARDED' ua CO a FIRST rREMIITM A - M? i mi .maaassk- - - .... .:.i . ... :i t ifn ft Tw SwCi;.J. '' -.. J. , 1 . ) . 4. -'mi a- TT' VERY GIN WARRANTED TO filVB B.ITI.SFACTION AND A r.llfl Tlut Al IriUf I Hi eAiar trial 9iu ami h i June vM T II Insurance Co. R Assets, $2,000,000. Olliees, No. 32ti.and.822 BllOADWAV. Nor V..H. City. Hie Brooklyn Life Is THE Company which policy Waned to its patrona, the guarantee i alue , this auin is staled in dollars and vmi THE BU8INK83 OF TIIE IIROOKLYN 1WISU1II The deaire and aim of ite mansgemeiit have alaayi been to make hit, U kt moat ocnedcetit reaulta to iU iwllcy-holdeiV t-"u,P"'l S M Liberal Irrms will alwaya be olleieJ good feb 11 Urn YoviCan Do Your Own Painting BY TT"r A TT Ti"VT1C1 I A riTATm T JJJ-VX VI J AJlii i X 1 V 1 J!jX The Moat Kr-oiioinloal, THESE PAINTS arc com pom d ofPuxa Waive Lsio. idiao snd Lmaaso Oil, without other materials which add greatly to the durability, ela,tli'lty, beauty and strength Of tlie Paint, the whole are chemically couibiued, ao that the p g meats are held In permanent solutiou, thus forming s amoothe, gloaay, linn, elaatic, beautiful anddnrable Paint. Tbe Oil, which la tbe rest f of the paint eannol leave It and be abaorbed by the suberaace to whleh it Is suplied. sa it does ia th painta mixed ia tlie ordinary l ""7, - 1 way, and tlrua l ure tbe pigment dead briltls, to w-h sod rub on Id a few sod rub off In L In lltrr. nr EioDuia. or ai raruieai in Uirro or loar years, Thla paint la nnart. (Vd by cliangea of letniaralure, ia perfeetly linprnrtni: lo lira aruun uf aau-r. la w II artaoUd to all claaaaaof work, and Is la evrrvaava better Paint for either I autre or Oi'Vaiua Woas or Boav Paihviso, than any other Paint kaowa to tbs tradv, and ail Uat at bwat vaass viwsa as uiko as vss Lbad aao mi. amu ia ius cam BABV WAT. Alwajn Kt'adr tor I hf and Kasllr on E OALIXON COVERS TWIN tt sq'JARt TARDS, TWH.COAlb, O. P. KNIGHT, Solo Aentf 3;W laatsstrd SlreeL, lUltlsawrr. . IW flEvlXtSS AaD PRICE LUX EKNl4H.lrtATI snnviytorTiTKpirrsxKXT W aain-cia Ir call atUulma tulL foKiwlaf 1 as i'l Ma C. P Kaiuur : air Tbe Paint caiue aafclr W baa aa ordarad, 'wo krg galkma caeh, aad Ibras back. rte owe gallini rw h Aa "pra tle" was alack, work, canapkUd U aonaa, to roata, Ur rotwrded tlial .-r "Kaml "like kardiWH. t tana aomer jr m Tss prsr-er't laVvif sirvt )aat bow ana ' Soutbera pwrpl," II ahuaM ua raa ai't h II I . at .n r cuubUd lb It of loar "I rOM I Paint." to U. waste of uf ntlur, sod la tii fwl ot lu being "body rabl to job, I In tuki what Ba ya thluk airy rroprTiiitiiy aaa waiy, Ma C P ka uav l.wi a . ItaAuiJt bk Pateal Rnanwl ( fr taiaxla say stpwtelioa In . . !' y, and, 1 bav ry nm- lo lu baiter, la durawllly. kton tbaa Iwrll ( Maswlna lloaw) auk lb rradW-t S naawl r pial ta la to ci of lb bi4l. sad I.-II.B i I a,.a.d r. it tka at Hbati te t tt liwi,al mwili.l), Mamn . IIubm llukl, S 1)taa Piaui 11 . tj m k fteaaar I' aUI la Jalf, i71. Proat B'.aaH Tteair aaatalnUd iaw aad l ail '.' Paitwt Kdmb! Paikt," Ivr c. P. I kat I. hs, M Lwi)r Urn. k (. aad ttbC pataU fur waaatM Bar la a) prial si 'rmU it aaawiwt al that cateboabaarat. asm, SmU oar auy ikaaa,M aa mnmm ar y .tia4 b II, aad (t wa. itf ib a a 4ai; It , !- s4 mm hmi y Bar r a aauttr laaatl aa. k Iiim ka lb aa:bi mi ami tewaray. whfck awMta hra.ta mm SataMiily at rwm r.. ai a m aUibi .. or it-a itMiias aakularuu mm lby ta paarlb I U -, SptK !. U P Katuar - ihM u 1 aaa tary btn faiaf ' ha t aartafa. U I It far d raiiy aad baa'f, a ,ry rtfvi , A i llm Ma. L. P 41 Ik ranaaavntaibia bat -UraSl.j'.-' p.i t la i b I bs araalart. i-u.U trnttm tba- yaa p'aaaar. ta mmrm aa auin al. rarrttia brlue (baa) a baa atSiawry p.alad p trar ! sii'"'-w w4-' Iw r"Uiif, i C ! l-iiiif. a lawtni I naa i , ava taabW e44, II f "a a frral 1 1 1 I l -a la mm lira ta aay fa.uiy af a- lint iry aa tay. A 4 m bWati r.a y- . at ilniiriy laS.aai tta erttiM ta ! t p t ( mm4 a a a bar $ tmmm. wbatb eaaa W ia ' a ma ta arti mt al latltf tww I m aaa etiarwaa .a aa I1 I b lirm.'f aad a-4 mm a ka) 111 a raaw-WA Ibl W (au pv 4 a. kS saaraa-f.i't. ,. - issiaf vtETtaTr.twdWWijar, It a aa) !. fa a tara, aaa II waa I la u a a fc a II a al...t Vaan. ua t s, poaat at.tal fata . a a a. t..aB . i AT NORTH aHOMS Y A'Rl (). T. 8TKONACH BitO , K.l-iKh. N. 0. E li m of New York. endoiae. upon h.cff and nvT.rV trttrn.(i;'. ' uarantco of a certain amount ul auneader LIFE IftOONDUCTED ON PRINCirLIS,0 A.UDKyUlTY. Holli tora. A. W. LAWRENCE, General Agxtit for North Crrcllns. OlBce: Halegh,M.O U;1N; I 1 1 A MEL PAINT. lonut If ul' anil IuratIo. Supplltd. moIiI ly I Ir cuionsTojixsKjrrx r Tit ofrivr li atlteonlala of Ua Paint : ji. rauuukr teaaly. Va .VFabrasv A. iir.x I did U." ubai)aif. Two Waaka, aat eoaataat laat C"l I aw "d tbhk, sad It I aaw raarllv sad borfr and u--wiT of eulr. tbrabiB4a VTVt lKn wrBjrtiv th cnttai, wbkS Is sa Iww" b a4Ud a. m- mi, aaa rr. J Iratlwats a, lal I I'll u furr ibly tLs aWUblli- war px W. ln urtVnri of aaatertal. la teaalt ran - l," tbit 1 giv ) J it aea pnwr of tbt I I r. a mtiiLU, a. II. tains as, DtKttabpe IQ, :TA aaa a i ! to r W lial tl.a BraJU V a.ult a ilor lil.Ud It. na( ul kit llulal I'aM a4 I m bu buM all H I satrr- sa aatol la.Tf la hj n mar rtal aat UUua an. Maa ic to . ;u ar IfAA' ALP I NT OS, fesnd 4l Paa ftwta, rot" I to v vtH r a, aad all il as (aa paiat .-"; nt.mrim4 IS H i r aa at.4 f rb a a bra t 'al pal Wv ifct. I I! eoiy a rtt it WI. r I brte r pwibaairai Mawaiy aryn lriat Sir aawkly rH( MutUa atar iwt k aw Snd saat Ma t MtiAtr la lb -l aw aa UI k . Aa I m4 uifia r-t l, Wiwitrg n IUt y aiti le- r :?.a. Pi! ut Taauv aaaaviu.a. lUnJr4 I. MA la Ulwraa I . I bat ta Br f UI I aai tt ywa ' fmLrmA Itanf i aay a I'll SIT. M IX AUm M. uf s f wd, I a laaanj to er-t-f las aa -a-w ka tkl M baa lad kbkly aa 4'iiia wiuiissit. VatTrwaaa. Sal4aWa aA V?1 a4brr a Patat I ihiib h fas wa-b I bm al any ! u aad aba far thl II - In y t i l-arat.a f, tllo. d laklbat tea WaataHi aira SS. .ilav-a. tVra' ft. IVL Patawl t mmt f. al . aa S.r -1 W l a a t f e f 1 1 4 a ba rnrnrn mmmm a ., I Ul 1411 j , I pa feaaaa Aat FBtja I ? t- FaHM aa T faian D U Mill Ca Urww ml W0 - f" fbveral ewespaate hsve rfwa4 la slg awa. Im , fnaaai a4 -4 auawsW, A CtAaDIUAlXs prt Was a4Je. he fw4:tkva, h4 av4 al ttwsa h4 It. a c fmmm S a a, Mart tr4. aTv i . n i p I M

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