A TELEGRAPHIC K Km Dispatches. ; DOMESTIC NEWS. J- FROM CAJUFORIA. .. Bah Fbahcisco, Joly 17. 1 kt stestner Moo task caught oo Art 40 miles south ui Acsperico. After an hour's hard work Ibe passengers -d crew tx tlDKuUlied tbe flmt - 14 ' - The Isst mm ot Captain Jack's baud of Mutlut ire euroute to euup. ' ! There were thirty granges repr-seated ui Ibe oonventiow at Nap. TtomsyorW signed the ordinance grantU( flivik-gM to the Boullwrn Pa cific BellMed at Mistion Bay. FROM ILUNOia . i Isdiaba-ou, July 17. 7 A tolrl man beat a -colored- witaan. ghe will di. The Bias but been srretl. FROM MISSOURI ' 8t. Lot-it, July 17. The therrmituetcr stands form 95 to 100, There bay beta many sunstrokes, wine Intel. . ' FROSC rEXNSYLVANIA. PiitUauu-ruiA, July 17. The Methodist (Xiitenial Cel-oration terminated with a ;iku4 jubilee at the academy of music. ' . " A full wetitlnguf tbs 1'caU.Mjy Tru-Ues. Ths fund ow amounts to 1228,000. FROM OHIO. Colchbdi, July 17. rjix new cholera esses In the penitentia ry and two deaths. . - FROM MtNNSSOTA. Bt. Paul's, July 17. C. It, DstIs baa bean nominated tor Gov eruot by lbs republican convention, ltus olutlons favor cheap trsntportatloa and repudiaU increased salaries and back pay. trsa-a-w'-aweaaaaaaa piUUi luisw huu4J iLoaaw dot, Lars for educational purposes. Mot one dollar of this amount was crer re ceived from he treasury and the fttOM WA6U1N0TOX ; WxtBinorojr, July 14. Delano leaves, for Ohio to-morrow. On Tuesday Cent Howard visited the result his been, that nearly all public officoof the Inrpcctor General or the schools in this State have been closed army who has his Headquarters in the The smount paid this State from the fund w Department and requested from aa is 1,500. officer attached to that branch of service. Georgia Dr. Sears quotes from the rs- information aa to what charge he could port of the State superintendent. It U not I MeA hou, . ,h Det)l.rtIn-B; flt , to be dugaised that tba effort thue far to 0.ief , couft martU, hi( e m mM establish a public school system tor the iniorme,i ,h.t h. uM lui trilul ... State bas bss resulted in comparative fail- lect of du!j , ,J(miDg uii iuu,ldinates ure. The fund contribnted is ton thous- tV misspply ' money belong. to the sod two hundred dollars to twelve schools. Vmia)va Burca0( or un(1e. tbe 30th rior.a-A somem . g.oomy p.r ure ,;dc f w f((, cmbfolo,nenL In a con. ui comm.on u. ...ouauon in una ce v,atioo had with the fficr 0Kn the eB.vcB1rou,i- rep., Diet- ouperio- tb of bit trouble, it was suggoird ' " 10 mm mat ii-iiaa tne ptivilve to Ho lt is sad denmiMo rifleit that thi-founh. roand a court ..f ir,.,uiry and iuaimuch of the jout:.- -f this State are yet uiiresch- M t1(.cUl2e bad Ix-coma mat'ti rf cub- od by the educational system, but adds, it llc tiltmwti it might u u hi advantage c..,ul.g.nK adow uia ine niuo 1. u, n inVB,tig tion l.y a military repiuiy cnangiog. IM jeaty-ay mnu rourt, H.WMrj reptWd 'tliat with the comriouwa o,wu la am 01 iountn leeung toward linn. enterUioed by many schools. ' 1 oilicers in thf l-niKJ status army, he did n 11s A KOTIC let Cream Frexers, SOLI D C R E A M "T5T rOUR lilNCTEa. Seod for iic lUt H ahdwiks H.jihi o JULIUS LI WIS k Co., June . lv-tt FbUcr Building, Kuli;h, f. C Water Coirs Send tor Preeeller's JULIUS LEWIS A CO., e 19 tl . . D BY (1 O O D s . gPRISQ AXD fCMMEn GOODS. J. M. It OSEXBA UM, (CCCESSon to . KJ.IKt) Wholesale and Ketall Dealer In KEADY-MADE CLOTHING FOR MEN AA'JJ 110 YS, ASfl STAPLE DRY OOOD9' nT, BOOTS, anaHiK8, ' CHINA, CROCER1 , aoola. ollicers in th LniKJ Statt-s army, he did f T7 T Alabsma-Tbe State Superintendent ui ?!t,l,hkfb,! T!'1 ?, ,hfT - J Hi K ( ) ,. , , . . . had thut far declined to auk for a trial by i JL4 L- V tabama give a despondent rep rt. Out tacn , tribunilj. tvjv Alabama of a pupulation of one million tiiree bun dred jnd .. ctytbr ,.tt neither reaa nur write. Of voting popu. ;w Bu,, , p,,,,.),,, (iml,U AdamanUne atioa there ae ninety-one llioaaad I I I. . .1 i . ,. I " umh'bs, FTenitn lunaaaDU wniira mnni W.C. 8TKOVACH. XnRttfflir FROM UTAH. ' Bah L City, July 17. A great secsatioa was created hers to day by an announcement to the Journal that oas Elixa Webb Young, 17th wile ot Bngbam Young, had forever kft him, carry iug off bar furniture and personal effects. Brigtuua will endeavor to re place tbe good. . . Mrs. Young Is atTtbe Walker Ilooaa, and three leading lawyers art about to Institute suit for divorce and alimony in a Urge Mat, Great revelations art z pee led concerning tba Inner domestic Ufa of tbe prophet Mrs, Young is enjoying tbe sympathy of tba Gentile ladies, and Ibe polygamous Mormons are a good deal dis turbed. It the Beat Meat, Fruit, and lea freaerrer in the word, "evd tor Price Lint JULIUS LEWIS ft CO., may t Kaklgh. M. C. cannot read or write, enough , if con:.i- STTORTH AROL!VA, gll(I110BC L1T dated into one paity to contrul every elec- MATH AM CO., u ik. ui.t. tu ci.t. f..A. ...ii Alice Johoson, $006,617 33 during fbu )er, and the I Auderwin Johnson, Altna A. Jolmton, Dauiel t ii .1 upwa, nuuu iiuuia ana wir Jaoa. roauaujmnu .even iiioumuu uoii.rs lo laanrlla ..hnm. RiWaDua J Johnson. I TNOC'II tlORGlNS A SONS "8lollo ." M I I . I U .. . A 1 1 i I , ... 1. ...... I I ! ... I 1 . j I ti . ' UIO KUUUII; I n.viiv. iiiuvih huii flu- I A A .. . : . .. .. . .. .1 aiun Hinu-n. GanU" White Rock Potanh ia.nwppi uy iuo new scii.wi isw in lulvS tf W. C. BTROSAt'IL ailflllliin 111 llm ISlBtn lav nf Imil m iiim I " jn.. .......- .. To the Bberlff of Chaihata county (irt-tlnir I i ALmluii I IHaha oEJtlaAKl lev, Acount, tea for school purpo. snd VtZ f - UObOOO,;. : M., A. P. REDD, A.M tnciaental eipeoscs. t he estimate of ths I Ulnton, Alonio J. liinton and Addison Hln: I , . l'tluc'p-i'i. n . . , . ...... . I ton the defendanta abora named, if to be I rupennicnueni la inai tnere are lour OUnd wuhia yur tonnty, to appear at the DR. L. VON MKTFUHOFF.of VIISNA, thousand six hundred and fifty public orace 01 ine iern or ine superior court tor . I the county of Chatham within J data after schools, witb an average attendance of the serrlce of this aummona on them, exelu- I The imiwaing new bvjldlnc with iU Ira- one hundred and twenty Ave thousand aive 01 tne uay 01 sucii aerrice, ana answer the proved School spnaratna and receuuy pur- . ... , ' , , I complaint, a oipv of which will be deposited I ebaeed musical ou'M will open on and four hundred in private schools with I In the cfllM of the Cli-raof tbe Buperiir Court I 1st n acrrEHRCR. 1KT I ... ..... . I . . I , A .n 11 1 . .M 111 II ,M1 H.M fH.n. .. . . . ' . ' a nunarea ana larlv-e oht thnuuml acven T" - " " T"" - 7 ... ... 7 t Of U.l aummona, and let Ihem take notice The Faculty has been lamely Incresena Apply f "w eataliMnie. JuoelCtdltewAwSai Aini. A. T. PlCfTr, Clerk of the B ulterior Court July 4 Gw ot thaUiaai. County. hundraJ and viuhtv nnniUnriille'il Th I lh.1 If thw fall la nnr Ilia uld mniiJiiiii I The Mnaical Department is in eharceof Pro M I II II, Mill U I Kill U II Will HI 1 1) yu I v r I " - - r Uie relief deniaudttd In the com- teln. 'he Pmlesor Is s brilliant wrferwer Hon one hundred and thlrtv-el tl.ouaand pllnt ar.deompoaer, baamceeeded wall a. .teachev . ... , , , ... Herein fall not, and of this summons make l oeal andlD.irumenui xuu in-uisnjie nine uunurea ana eigniy-eigiu aouars, I due rewrp. and the Peabody fund contributed four Luj tuouaana mur nunureo ana hut aouars to aid si i schools. Louiilans On n-comniendation oi tbe agent to the fund, who acts gratuitously in the State, the sura of seven thounsnd three hundred and eighty dolltrs was contributed to aid tbe achools. Texas LWttled sUU in ichool mat ters. Ths general agent was cimstraiaed to reply to last letter ol State Superinten dent, which was a new call for tnoucy, that In tbe present unsettled condition or the system the trustees did not feel justi fied la making donations from the fund. aasMaa4eaMessKMku &4 EVERT GlS WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION AND A f dUl TIME ALLO W ed for trial- ; Foi sale, by junem i u. i. ciiiuAUii .s unu , nieu;U, S. C and GLASS WAhK Contr of FaytttetiU and Hargett St$ - RALEIGH, N. 0. Bavinir on hand the moat complete stock of goooe ever received Dj Dim, be earnestly m vltaaaa exsminattoB of the same. fceHnir eon Bdent that he can please any one wautlnK I ooas n bib une. CALL AND t'XAMItfll A .VZ 700 SHALL Jig SUITED. spS3-Sia ' ru e Insurance Co. of New York. ONK THOUSAND GALLONS PU1LA DELP1IIA 8YKUP. (ioliien Syrup by the barrel or Ksllon. july B F. JONXSikCu RAILROADS, &c. Assets, $2,000,000. QHAKOK OF SCHEDULE. KALB1GU AUGUSTA AIR-LINE, euPBSIKTSMOSHT'. OvriCB, Balbioh, N. C, Jane '21st, 13iS. On and after kfonday, Jan. 2Sd, 1872, trains on to. naieift and Augusta ir Line will run ostiy, euudus excepted, as follows : Jill. TBAIM. Office, No. 3l20 Mid S22 BROADWAY. New York Citj. The Brooklyn Life is TUB Company which endorses Un inch and c- ery partieliaUca policy issued to 1U patrons, the guarantee of a eorUIn amount of turrendtr value , this sum is stated in dollars snd cents. THE BU8INE93 OF THE BROOKLYN UVK I3CONDUCTK1) ON PKINCIPLIS'OF ECONOUX ANDtyUlTY. ' ' Mall train makes cloas connection at Ralegh Th desire and aim of 1U msnaKement Lave alwsy been to n.l i; hit CoraimrrMf Id th. Leayss BaleUrh Arrives at faudford.. Leaves Bandford .... Arrive. t Kaleiirh.... . . . H.85 r. . ... a.itr. u. ... . M ... Mi.a. S.T-1860-X. FKOM LONDON. Lokdow, July IT. IVp"r have reached htra that several cases of cholera have occurred at .Vienna. It Is said the authority a are enilmvurinit to suppress the particular. rp n I (J RAND PACIFIC HOTEL cmcAao.j TssLtaocrV ASI MOST Con PI.STS IlOTiL is tni WoaxD, The l.ee-ere (we'l known as ths Proprietor of the 8HKUMAN IKiL'riE before Itadestruo- tlon In the pieniorabl. Conflaft-ra ion of Oc tober rlth and Wth, lTl.) tak. pleasure In an- noBcinir lbs completion of Uils new eolor priae, whk-h la aow open under their personal Iusauanemeiit for ths ecoouiinodauon Of UU r,H(l!.( ni p., ao!JUlw Lessees for Twenty Year. wllh the BaleiKh Uaslun Railroad to and irons ail poiau norui. And atSaDdf .M with the Wnatern Railroad to and from Fayettevills snd potnte on W est eraRalltoad. A. B. ANDREWS, June Ki lt . Superintendent. most beneficent results to Its ixili,.v.S.il,l.... Liberal terms will always be otieied good Xolii liora. - A. W. LA W HENCE, ueuerai Ail ror Worth Osrelina. feb 11 3m OUlosi ICalcliEh, M. C YotiCnn Do Your Own lJninting BY U.IM! - I (IAMBI.C'1 DROCTOR A 17 EXTH1 OUVE. (ores brands of s. sn are sold br lellibt.avetseu(ht ikuJs pee box lf use thee, suaus to. im m m r !.) bst yow do not re t I ya sffin i o no so r Bur praetor A Ksmbe'a full w.'c-bi I llrand. poia n rrorcra in your city r Si l.kAl II Itllili Wh ilmal r--nU , R0M KKW YOKE. HoKHBBSviu-a, July 17, The Bherata House la burned. Loss forty ihouwnd dollars. Naw Yvbk, July 17. Alluding to tba financial condition id the Peabody educational fund yestetday Mr. Wlnthrop stsud tlut about 1130.000 hPAMSH AFFAIHS. Irom the fund bad Ven expended In the I Bsvouaa, July 17. corporatioa, wilh aix of srvtn time tliat I Tbe Carl irs declare that ail the arias amount contii boted by the Boot bet a put 1 aadammsniiiyt sh1pml fr them have pU la tbe eaus of aducstioa since tbe I beew softly landed oil the coast of Bicsy meeting of the Hoard, thus tusking I lit I Uol. Ailpuru bas taken miuand ul little lea than a millioe) dollars eipendel I ths foif s rntikh futru-rly were Ui bj daring Ut year fur firs common k bonis I Care Bant Cms, and which now a umber la ths South. , one thousand men. The Doaid of Udnrilue H-eulvvd I Lluarsg with 400 well disci pi loed in- levy an additional pitmium nf ime ,af1 LoiUy. sums taaly ss4 arllllrry ieepv- Tewt. tm Manser J rovrts mttev Jsnnsry "tsv. t sTTi?j"IirOiilp xuitT 1874. j Specs shlMnc.ts U laf fW.WKI i I riiOU SUVA tMDflA. MJ,BJ.S.POiBMef ... . . - Tfu4i;ja y 17. " ' ' I 4,fl;.UHi nl the CUmrt i4 luq iirt riiOM .UHFKAilCW-O.- I. s.. .j .... j, .j .a. I IBI' I W f saj viwf ev I M I 1 IT I HILl VI th altl If I " : 8srFAci.,o;JiyiT.-hi.i.ir,f fTVViij',I.k' A Udy of Is Aagehsidwd hues takiSif j trna, n ,, fa,, phi.-i, U .u.nrta). .ZJLr'-ZJZTT: I JD Jjk. 1M JLA. J-l -t lO strytbaliia. Ilisr rin.wnd so.'d-il i I Mf- abuot lltethalacU! ul brrU-t. BITTERS. L f ORTU 4(iE B Slf 'F 111 8 NORTH tl CAM.oLl.Nt R A.LKOAll t'V PA I . The stsklnr fund for the -n'rmptUm ot theaa bowla, will purthae suid Ix.niU, of ilth rr baoe, now ouuUnulnx lathe smoanl ( tnirty Iheawswd dollars at par of iirtarltial aad Inter l, euoe inir iin- i iwscniee si as SUU sU.Dai llink, n.l. vth. at any il'es M or bMure the lt or Aavnx in-it. W. A. tiHAHAM, 4ekiW t4 frlHwttwtfa A4B)ei fiihllTl. imttxT A Tinirrini.t raarsBsnnw, Mm-m SOOH, Mwi m 1 1 with Om. T 1 i 1 1 enrir " -ls SOQTI, BTRIC1 1.Y t O.HJII :UQ3 Jl. J. ll'A TIJHX t- Co., H U.n.4 Nnrt, Ssw Y'oik, QHANOK OF SCHEDULE. BALFtOH A GASTON R. R. CO.. ht'PSNIKTSNIinHT'S Orvics, lUleign, 1. v., Jun XI, in. a. On and after Tuesday. JnnelM. 1871. trains TiT? A TlT H A fP 17 VT VM A Afl.T 13 A TATT1 on the UaelKb t.asu.n Railroad aill run -J 1 - 'JVlJUitl I Ji-" ii.UlJlJi IxJ it J. f dally, runday t xeepUd : siaiL vaam. I r.. i........... i,... l n 11..1 .....1 i.....i.i.. , w Lasvua Ruli-.wh . . U t . m I . . 1 . ..i.i..,. u a 1 uaVcTidonTr:. Ta : t1".?." "int eomd otpB. Anlrea at Ifebth S r V t. tZZJZLrl ACCOMHoOAVion vans. urnaUy to thedi.raliilily. ela-tleity, beauty Leaves KalHh &.00 r. u, sod strmirth of the Paint 'I he whole ate An ires at YVeldon gUUa.if. chetrdi-elly eombUied, so thst tha p 11 LeavwWeldnn ...sour. , ments are held In puTnisjjeolsululii.il. Arrives st Ralebfk 7X0. a, thus fjrailnif s sniootha, elossv, rm, mi w.m. I eiasuc, oesuuiui anouurabie raiut. id Mall train makes close eouoartion st Weldoa hk k la the real life ot the aiut fin win. ik. m I... Jk U. U -H A . 1 I Bsy Lin. fleamee. v a PnlUmM,, , and tro "tl.B m ' , lleh It uT"Zi L It ItPP'Svalmri --"Th.V.ir.'n, ffCeVdm with rtlcrsbunr Kailioad va Petenliarc, . ,, . . , . lilSluVc;? -a rfbrn.Tw ol. pulnu fou.h srd Hon-hwe... and wllh the J,'' Z 311, bj.rvU," Jf:',;'it:.eA,"f,u'' A,r Li" ,o "4,wnod 2 trsltTu". Weir?: ireonin;i.ll.nilfrlthl tr-Una eot ,,1! atW.ldo. wllh a.e,mod.U..h and fMsbt l ' " U? 4".,U..ta J ?mi-te-lu. and tr..st umns' KT Caroll:ia Uailroad 1 ewnis iivi-iir si oar the He of ths road caa llt tialeiirh la the niomia by Uie areommo dallo train r . main setcral hours and ri-turn tbe same event 1. A. B. AMlRltWA, Juoe XI It staserUitavdetit ss rea OK1M stay way. COMMISSION MEKCIIANTS. SU'JtFDBHOtLlNO BF.IF, SinnVtd Srrl Inaaase .. Prluie Fbclory t hor, Itilns laar ' nred llama. FliOw ilKdl.lil t. ) ATI.!, in ) 7. The HisI Hi (-oil toe id tits AllsiJsl I'lmt. i g'ral lxiety gidi g i I- S Rial'') ig snow-, Tle Mil 11 I be i.e ! t Ai.e t WQ b. l.-tlel rituM BtAIKII. ' 1 Mimi, J'y 17 ; Tm w fi i s'liutu will Ik pie ! 1 .i ibe Curtis Ut sl.-a I -l-y. 1l tr.lt f" Ibe tf w. I I I mt low K tr'W I.J the failles ties Uar.nninl I , Am wy ,(j b..nO. (sle4ra baa kiwi a I r b I MMUtUM ,4 Csr FHOM SKIlltkBKA. 1 aw C-t'x'S ate msiehma: . L " . I Oaana, July 17. Ib tl I. tu.1 r-.il ' Cwf-itbs CoW aerel'1 Hl letJHl.t has prevaiWd Ikata tiswsi )M4vell-) Ibe.a b.4ilis l lutes' a" Ibe et..i. l Ate.J Ibe anstil epewv t4 aa niLsv.h at U-laa., t jsmtdrfis fwadsj M ss- .hMieia. Ae l 1M ramndor tn I pwire lht it, nun, A waffWiS) h-e lsi mIik I .) I lug of II I.i -d m-m s l, . ) seeead presiiie) t .. la I day .1 S a., a rr,lle sh. p I- 'I- f eee- f .n4 wwliy v lis I. mnm I R a sMf Sa last.; n IMITATION f rvrrn crs I -less 1 , s ss 1 so i" '-a HMlwt l)lirlsrw Domcstio Nows. i siae ires . tin s s) , f f . . . , . . . l-.w-. iwrss) 'mm .f - f a-Vrs whsw w-.v - ' - i.iks-4iiKAes 0 w x Cotton CutasilMioa Merchant., Bar sad iw'wll foe fittaea sVlivry el ( tioa. Iwi It n ! r h' Wra, Mr tsmusxlnli iiui li-( i ) fil r tol jBiyaaM 1 Vi tlliam lis 1 1 1 m nr. .1 uirtl. r of Js. key va tarbat lUt r ! SUM Immtx. X eb IjsiMtliwtiMsii wan. mi'VMI wait. a4 wifa squirt, mbsrs wswi' "-' ', II ari-m'iie i it" ' ' lv "ert tk-l ik-d. (... '. "ws-sies Wife " t " Saibeens. as. mm r.4.w ,w i a, u as sswer. bat Sl.ii. Un S SfcS I. I J MS I II 1 IS ISI.W as la ! Hum -n.iaas, a MM w a- tut . t Us, a. H. f li ! ud m r l " s n. I Iri k ll I.IVtl I1! I' b.JM l"St 1 .! . . 1 h i im a a 'i is sa- d B mwi irt. a." ik -Mmg .ilte a - 1 M U -i.ia t sxssi W tan- I rM, i"ia " now To Hpifulatt Suef eaatilly RANDALL II. FOOIE A OV FHOM MW Tt'HIC Nsw Taa, Je'f 17. 13 K VARIETY STORE, 8. bSW la WWW', lis SX ).!. ls.i. . s. i.rnti.v s , a tvc. f llw raer, s a'trt.-;, 1 ty mf BSvfi A Ssa(,e w a-p 4e4 ss itfwlt Ire IntUaa aad draw Is a Wt sesnm U he) I !!'.. 1 4 aaiiul 4 IsavsMssiy dejsaad It 7sMy trauasl to sVsd awmsrlSy al k (smtiUfs aad vgks h- la.M this vt suitiy b asisiiike Bwsf . Twv4 ''n 1 .. . .. -. .. . .1 S. i l.u . tmm-m ,mim b..li!LS I k..!a .a L M..M b ; I ' .. r- . r-. I . . . , l.li . . I H.l.l f V...UL. -TV. aeml vf mM seine U I -" -rr - - sv i f I1....1. ...i. J m.. a 1 m..i .1 I ....... . . i.,l:.i.i.Lj o. u M.l,.. Aaeswl I -. - " " ' I ' " ,- - .i...s L.a l..s I w . w s..u a . a mm mt t-s ts- U1IM Md wl..d s-s.lsiki insw.s -I-" n - i; r s. 1 w rs n . w r r I i,,.. LaJ k.tlsJdasiU4 t J I I fl 1 awasel nmnitifl wiw H- w M isf'-s) v -v i asf 4 1 1 .n I rwswnaw Msen v I 7t . . I FtA' A ""fl 'I l APIE K .mIhu4 twenty . t- F-'e - " - CA ' n .'. t I i. .St. I... I. raw aa lulillilr aw I L T .n.llll ad. t I'"' . . . 7 . I rai ns il s f a lil al swawisui - r ' I ill.'ir ajswsis ee. - " , uuaws mMtS aMMseUisvl u Yintaia shes4a-' . I !. a kiMKirau , . Jj.U-w ..a. Ismssj ts esees jw.t i-a w i. a 1 t wtl trt- a I aaals.... ,!... I 4 f-M tv'.-.u w saswe l-w sa fU tkw ea4 yar. I , .. , , , .. I t, , , a . a 11 a, t. a A FISH I 1 .a IM -i twiass. mm Knelk laeta aa Tke e-wili1 M s v-1 1 1 " , 1 n sni-s w 1 . I ta -w rw Bt, hi iir . - J -l.-.i,,.. ....."s U II I Ni II I ! IA, I , 11 . 1 1. r I bar! a bea, rVsral.t. 4 J IwBaawMI h4 t ' as I kw .if., i- a Palls l.a. fmmmmm) m "W ua St. Lj, , ,u 4 At' a wi'. U.ibs M sw a-, mm l-lai a a la, iuka Jn.s aw.4 ltMb4 b e la ta Ik M k a U rnU tm tll 1 tav aw'4 w.v ta IM O a- 4 all. ba lie Sd Um S F't BmwI a4 lews ii aiwaaalaw la Ifc ntl.i.ii.w aaT taw I a1 Vf Ifca aaWaaaU sv4 UW" !.. ..,! 1 auaS a4.M bie B). 4 aa S a aa'ia er as iais Bf Sth'-aw I lkt flaj law mmmUi a4 tat l,,f,r, V.t If aw.,w., Ij; 'i I V 4 -" 4 S. I II 7'a I u ..,1 Si. w la slli 4.1-aaV Sll SW-S mi Vaaat S a4 Tll SI (w,,allM'rll'l a itlaMiswHss 1. at im .,-- im eu.ia U i.r Itowi Waaa il Ws ' . . Iajeaissa Us a!4 sl a-s4ly, Tal wkweeMtM m, , , M 1 ri, I- f -t J '! ., , ; , fbawa Is a aaawreaa. Ia4 &awe M t-M r s T. L t"rt t t . I . m -,Wt.ttk. rrKsUl i.ly eU'- w.th -A-eaa4s4av .a,a .wi.wi;v aiialf t "JJ""m . ...... . 1-.. j. Mt4a4l a s t I ' ,ai-tUBl'.sw. 1t, sx-owal aav WaJUiwl s. ati, aI .kkrHs 1 -, . . " w U ,L. H..W. wis MVkSf kwa W IM 4v-M e Iks) r Ik- ..... w. . . . IHM.J .4 w ta 4 ! 1 1., -1 ,,.y. Ikey ha4 I-miw4 lk-atv M par "(.,,.,, 4 k- . , M .MiaisiM.-.-t ' , , saw is'f S-.lll'. isl 1.4 tskl. la.1.. -4 .1 ' -swaj, M l',UH Baww. t t- ' a k rai...s. TsW stk 4. ar rw- Bes, w-l .i- isi see ,, a 11 !"'..,, ,...,TTl I .... a, . a ., w I - .,. I - a. 4 F a ,,... - UH.,.r Aa art - " tf r-4y w-v-i La was sbb-U . 1 1 s e.ti- as 14 : r I r wf - ) 4.1 f ... -4 ka l4a ta a4 I I I -"4 aa J km V, a BakikktifJ f BUS"", Choke raar Cared Stripe, frtase ar.l.ia Rliw, Free' Cream, 'a and Fv Biar. t. VV.C. BTRuJlAcIL Uwm)s I'.cadj luf rt anil IUsIIjt Nujipllcd. noId lijr the ('ulluii OS! IIALU.ON Corlti JWlSTlf rO.VA t TARDd.-.TWo.coAl O. P. K2STiai-IT,Solo-7Vuoiit, " ." ;."o OIIW Losstbssr4 klrrrt. HalUmorr, LT siEClMft ASD PRICE Uf f RSl'lllLU ttilATIA. srsTayr.Tf or tiik mrrxKKrr colors tut .-rnr st Tnrvr7T(jr Or IUE RSLKIQU bKXTlXKL. We jt.u.I) rail stuatioa to Ike fUwk.( lrstirrot.laU of tks I'slnt : Isa ii ais I iv.ski Coaaty, a,tFcbrus W. I' r Ktlaat I U -T- Paint eaaessriirVTkMU'1lM4l4.'wn:'irt l4 imXvnm sairli, and iCrmZ U1Z laail. 1 WW WKka, Si4 COWalact wars, ri.i)ilV4 lb bswaw, I", eewia, tbe laat eual I a 'ed tbkrk, and It la smiw (raaial ) (una rdnl Uial I "r.Bamal ' Ilka Sard aae lf sua lu-wmfiT of ru.i, thsvalaaata bainln m-T ) w tk- I '-v I s.T.4siyy-na notLsa.bt lb. i fallow, whhb Is aa Hear laal new whs namuaara paopw. " it aaiowia a. inanui .iiia. is. iaj -'aia. aa i, cat t I raa apply It I . ar mtwt doebUd lb. tuawaiiaia, I MiSkSas sea Banians. TO baauwat, X T. I ty af ynwe "ki aaarl faial " lw tlx waaU oi ut (., I. snail-) ( saalrrkal, la lawat MasaUera ul rbah ksi baa, aa. lauid Uwant. I ar eotur, aad ta taw fart ol Ita bwiaa 'awdy ant." UiU I H yu -r nirai ti, , it t. 4taf Rarsaea-a -M.Tt..l.a Bankl Asaarta-1 rsUK Is )..) Iw make a kat aaa a ikiMk pro,- m laia r t ry . wr say Uankwe lloaa LiMaia-ntal I ' 1T"1"""" - Alaw-T la Saw nr. t B f.m ku-l iwi Wail Bvn4 aad Ra 1 . .S ' fhsn SPvlkratlaw sS rtm;ii l- x ii o tu. r.w . ... 1 I'.l steel's" I k-w (. ..s a a ' lir.a- aid at sr4 Pickl. a, T.k l a. ..id M keot. 1-iiBlf vs.CllKKACU. D. S. WAITT, I rrtlrtlle Blrrrt, lalt ao .iei ll.ly tU sali) Ulilil- VtcQILL, M. O. kaivmoee, Daraisbsv 10, I .'.s. Ms U. F. k i.at U.ar I f : It sSmds ass ae B plrasare la say Wos that lb. Bra.llt t r.fat (aasad '.,at f.r saeewls say esparUlawe law "y, b-aaty, ai4, 1 Uiirttii Hi m tw brlara, la 4uraw,.ll). Mure Ibaa twrli. aaauil s iises wikU4 is. rwf ef a.T iiolal tslaaaauw lluaa. sub lb Sn4uy lnas.l Fsla saw t s so Wall t-lwaiwj a lib It 1 aWiie- I kilaa.1 Iw tlHU Ik uul.iJaul U. awu-l, saw aas aiai r-. ri ,u wmj n a tmm waa wiiaa kal.S la, ikHl la fo. ao .a I w. al aaT, if lia Uauoaunial ,J U sa a4.aaUa.-a to . a sis mr it Tours awat raaiawtian), I'AAV ALl-KllltUM. MaaaiiM llu4 liula.1, M W .NlflKt'llIKr. r !(, l.UnMn BJ Is fas ft Hit; il ad.K.U M aab pt-srar. t-i sul. I.l ta ala't, H, Frr Mrtat I baiet. I T a-airs assiaiHUd i.. J. s4 sal elib "Baadkea a raiawl Inaaaai is-.l.- I.t skakr. -, kw, 4 k-n a4 tt, la ait. as. tw wrVai itnis, a4 .11 sl.ar saaw la a iwnsi.4.sii i- ! I...'' la is iu at aa aaaw ii n aan.rtu. a a was p r.s - . --a aai.y paa fct aa s-la ar -:aai i a, 44 Ui II, at.4 )sl It a..afa mm m.mm4 ,M fraak sa al.a St. I i.i IW. um ssis baa si IMS Insww of Win am. aial is aaaa-w M.J I larr t... i,w www.a wmww aaiaw, , at., pai a'.lK. ll, IS r a. .W as4 eawii l-w ss l aj mUum tsssd fanles , liail't diii r. ,t a, a aj i aa . a a a-1 a a nj law - ' W I. IUa 1 .f ll a aM.a..i.aa .SiaiWM II lai Ii. .W as4 raa.i w aaa ! aj aaUlaa tsssa famwavrs , iia.aasi XHSSsil bsaw aa lwstaaalusi cf l sssi. wikl SS kaaa-J IWlir, alas aaili laaal; sal 4aiiM.l. Is las alT4 tk It U ,.a.kl aawat aaassaut Massasil H ta Ik. aaawrwaaU asd IraJaiasrSI afaa, ,,ljt l u, i ( (,f,a i) a v goods 1 liunuMi. Bwuis, Iwa, lis', Cs, s4ka, rv lis. 4s ttkil. liwa, Trasks Vsl mt aad 1 sklwaiUs la fart every It to. kv la a rtaas iry l t B'ora easy m II ms i rvaiat salvia. -fm laa. lax ra. suaatb aaVK'iwi. IbiHev, A-il ak. i.4 Fatmt1bew. rkSasssyvitLa. liaiil.t VA U t Rakaay.-tkaM Sa 4 aaa et bal l f tw tslwsa e. thai twwe -raLal tasaaet fa a I" baa ( Man wilatankus 1 wl- Hlweay paial I awe a ar,a saaU, aa4 ia aaaasaawd at law 4 rai.Htf ss4 kaaa'y, as iwrasswa.t Iw any sober. .rseatwtta.r,aV K DICKET, kL Ik rVas Maw. aakw WWW.4 si. I . P B.-aBe-k lb. rwrwasaMwataSM af a fawt. I va hkds la aei r ar fw WL Bwd-af's eattt af kaaw I Wis i wwsaa. a statu f that H bwa lawssd Ms aa. HUMtawrr. wwrB4 ss. waataaw than, yaw Wawa.4. IS sawaa awaiaat tartaw kvlkf ataM r bas sty twi.ai4 Ss ie Iswss eawwrassM. a-kn. Ia raajwlf . d ill wETTlUia IOl', ICI's JO I 4a ; ATOkE I FT FIB F"l'BD ntUTIR , ABLI. I ....-J aa .a tkw Wall t.a tfa . " 1--1 - !..... ... h"I.W-w ) . S4 la.l.M"l" '' e aaa .-la4,t tfc. .l.tan. efM I t ' U a- tk. a. aw, a. I- tk. ll kw kw. Ns I Jl JT.lTttsZIT Bseib ,u4 xZl taw aaaaai at a a4 a- aa. as y-w in a-4 ai--al aw ball bf .' swaas I aw rfa kU IM (Wiaat rt ba scafartses I Bai ls a a. !... . ft i awVau I w ISw a.H aa4 e-at W-my 4-aw i 4. p tsaa.t, ls 4f-a . B'aJ s r.l I I aaa.-l I , I - ... t . ( jti w ra. (!' l I'il i 4 S I esw I asnkw.4 Saaa. ywa a.i .aavl.ar a"s a. la.. k ... , 4 .. s.. ... ka( ewaa aw at j l Iw I ,na aaaiH k aa l' -4, 4.n4 !! . a4 k s I a. I . a. v I Kk a -t rtfT J"T f W t f" I sil - ua.tkaat a.: s 4a .f sas-irf Tt-J -r i a s a.4 .". -w 1 Sa.asaM SB lta.a I SaawS S aMswwJ, aaa W'a a a - -a ... aiaiaa .rn a S-a ( f "-4 f l aan ' P aaa-. a. ... Sb Biaf A ,t Btt If. re BJ B.i, saw ,, al lili.l lilai Bt, lr-l V T Issaaf. Vh -laas Ikr I bwa. k B-w4Ut s r.lasS Isaawt si akkk 1 b-aad N. , a.4 la.li. aad wlafc, fcanfc a 4atlW.f aad etaww a. tswi r sis .y a. isinai - -, n ta is. tiwtaba;, 1lisd Uni, W ! Ita.lisaas.tt. aN isa usssas-lwr-HrvewT srirst aal it I IW4 la Wasaaawaw W Waab. a4 tia la ra-.l-a la. f Sa4 M a- f .!.. fa4 S .11:1 SJaaa-a ad .. I laO 4 1 !'- Sk aawi. a ta. sw-aa. sr mm a a-w a- a aw ew, a- I a 4 4aii.w IV--S .1 I i I1L1 I' M H ' . A i. B .. 1, V il.iir-,it;'" J4 Klls, I B4 B w St Fs-la. t l.ri,HU T UfHlslwas-lt.ka laaw aa 1 1 sa a y W Sra4aal a4 la. aa. t ta "- ti-l, a; nil . 4ew4 w ii Jts-rt aw i sasists . w it 4iiiiiit T Wft. .' at tu i ari-w. W B- s-w...y lit er 4B U1 k a a I' I I'tH'ia if f 1a BaaaavW lavl Nl Lat Naral' C