THE DAILY; SEN! LN EL THE DAILY SENTINEL ' ADVERTIS1XO RATKA u ; AdwtiamU will be Inserted ia Uw ! - i f!!F. I AeTm KL at Ui following ratoe lr sunare ot me lnen, or tea annua liuee. ,... wrlh.Court IIone, UNiiinnMtUM..'.... tl.iai each aabaauurvt tawrtln - aw -' a,. or imciukii .. . ...-.I i ,m In advene I e Ulan week ... ' - t IS.OO I souarr, 1 werk, f k.Sw'1 squall,,? ntue, fir . U iBOBUt, K.MtiI " A US lHif;5""-. - 5.00 .1 i. nl-wei-.., ,, .... I X mo'. IS.OJM " ...ISO I l.UO!l 10 M.W U1 b delivered in ' .1 - 4 'It. .t VlTTKES UXXTa IMWl rl or uie -j I VOL. VIII. RALEIGH, N. O. SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1873: NO. 334. ink. ;l - UA1 , J0 xjitest TixEan flrmo home affairs. Pout Office Dli-eciorjr. . n rioa wt oiricn m. hour from 7:30 a, m., to T p. m., da- belty; distributed.) City Propertr for Bale. Mnj. John C. Wltder offer ttiroe very desirable residence for sal tt tcatonable figures. , See notice elsewhere. ,. . 4gITAL AD OLOMKO TBI MAO. TtiMrl id auttiOifiii tavifti wlr. WeVxrn-Newrtn meom price varying from 15" to 40 hAirm, v 11 ' I vcuvB. . i Col k.- -uJ. Beaufort. Uoms!Kr9, SC. oae S:-i - . it. i til n ni P-WbcrD-Nework, Baltimore nt1a . hlrton. Kielimond, Petoribnnt, SouLV'eldoS,&c.,duet8;30, Serious Fight. ""rWrDtsea sutritory Crocker, near Clsyton, came frnm words to blow when the Utter was struck with n brick, wliicb Ufa Ioiorance Katarns.' I Third Annual Fair at EaUsbuiy. The Life Insurance Companies dolnj I We have received the programm and businrs in North Caroline have coin-1 premium list of the Western North Caro- menced making their return to the Treat-1 Una Aurjcultural and Mechanical Fair, to urj Dopartmeot. The returns show a J be held to Salisbury on the 7th day of large increase of business over that oi last I October next. We note the following jer- - I liberal premiums: For the best thor ough bred stallion with certified pedigree, f3S ; fur the finest and best bull, $13. . For turf exercise the following pre miums are offered .. 1 riKST BAT. In m I 'inaA VorJolk, Weloon, ., "- .tnarn B.llroal-TaytUvlll ionesboro, it wa feared would produce denth . . ,,nnd c. due 1U a. m. P. 'nle4Mehri;heTnklrrt'''fttnllej bo was couiuiitted to jail, frtr ten , MlrtltaMrW Rook. Monday and VCB eTp.TyAv.rS,y,eW da,., b, ortet o. the Mnyor. was rcl...ed V,.Uca.. bour. for Ie .nd M.mey Ura u.:,- . - - - BptoM 0ourt A. no mails are received of sent on Bunday, the office wUl w X".: The special term of Duntooilxi uiioiinr court commences on Monday. Judge Mcrrimon left the city yesterday to attend this court. WasuisOTOir, July Vi. 187U. For tUe South .Atlantic Mates westerly Petersburg Appeal. winds rlslnic bsroraeter and sienerally elear J aor friends of the Ajteal order wuatlier. I "lcir Pre,6ratta lo wt' down one more ..M,nri.ooi(3AL. sheet, a our copy on Ihe inside (the cream ir ,.INS sjijini' cioah stoh. I of the correspondence) ha been unneda- Raliiost, July IS, '873. I ble for some days. . m. Urn. 8 p. n p. m. July l'J. . 4 61. . 7 13. pun r'.'--Sim '... ci rv corro.v juukkt, kn-orted daily by W. C. Stronach, Grocer . JmtaKa Merchant. r.yetUivUlo ",wt : Hauiioa. July W. '-STS. I'rico of f ott.m In our market to-day : . . I".' At Km. ' ' . . . 'jo .!.. Market duU. ... i Under Marching Orders. We are infWmed that tiie V. S, tr')ps statioued at Clmilotte have received " marching orders." They will proceed to some point lurtlier South. Supreme Court The C"uri met at the usual hour pres ent, Chief Justice Pearron, Justices Rcade Koduiao "''J Settle. The argument ni the railroad eae wss concluded uatortlerrimon sft JTfidge FowU-. The following additional cases were argued yeeteiduy : M. A. Bledioe vs. Mary Nixon t al, from Wake ccuntv. Smith & fttronir for 'pUTuViff'arid' HaVwSf yr4h fasUtt -tnitUr-in haros, bct.- two in three, half mile heats, 50 SECOND OAT. For the fastest parer In liAtnrsa or j Under saddle, best three In live, " blf mile heats, '50 (W(T in ' ft'odauts. John Fuller T. Wbu J. Pope from Le noir county. Battle & Son for plaintiff, j and Smith & Srtong and Batchclor, Ed ward. & Batchelor for defendants. Court adjourned to 9 o'clock this morn ing. To Tea Drinkers. The following ou tea, which, we find in three, half mile heata, no horse to be entered that ever was success ful trotter on a rare coarse, t silver pitcher worth " tntiio PAT. Fw the Ifiislest runner, , ws,l two lu three, half mile beats, For the fastest trotter, best two in three; half mile heats, 50 FOURTH DAT. - . PERSONAL. John btuart Mill was a great walker. The son of Jeflerson Davis is cadet at the Virginia Military Academy. Laura Keen is said to be in New York city in the last stages of coosnmptioa. Joe Jefferson and family, and Berwtor Howe, of Albany, Bailed troni New York for Europe yesterday. Mr. William T. nice, United State Con sul at Bpmia, was married, on the 10th UIL, ia alias KaraU V. Kobley, a young English lady, on board iho fftgate Ws bath, at Uenoa. The New York Tim Mate tha t "a tit ter of Colonel Mnsby, ot Confederate foine. ha Jtut been appointed a clerk ia the dead letter dlvisnn oi the Pottomc De partment." Vilson, the celtbralctl vocalist, was np- H in bin rriap Mar Bdiubura. A -otch- paper, alter recordinit the accid U : "We are happy to state that be wa. MARKETS; . BT TtXXQBAlE.1 Noon Report. , ; ' EtnnpooL, July 18. ! Cotton steady; gplandsS 8 4; Or lean 9 ; sale 13,000 bale speculation and export 12,000 bale; for the week 71,000 bales. Export 8,000. Specula tion 5,000. Stoek t!90. 1 Americas 883. JgjM ADVEliTISEMENTS, Q1TI PROPKRTT f OR AAiX . . . Tluree verr desirable resldeaen. am 14 well shadsd, with rwd water. IbawpUe.,' eaa be booaht at reasonable prices, apoa ry ' eaay terms. For further particular enqelre of JNtt C. WINDER, Jalylt-it , The adtonrned annual saeeUsx of Stock holders of the KalelfCh A Uaaton kallroa4 1 tual export 7,000. Afloat 443,000. Amer-1 da of Aoxuit. lit?, Comnwmclnt: a t, icanltl.OOO. Bread.tnfl.Brm. P'teVtT ,JL?Au Later Sale tor Amtrlcan 7,500. Or leans July delivery 8 8-4. 1 Ixnoiu.July 18. Hop erop favorable -with the prospect of a tare yield. Weather , favorable for 20 60 Scotch-paper.alter recording: the accident, I croint. Tcr-fortle 90 8 8. able to appear on the following evening in three pieces." The Lexinaton (VO QautUwt; "We I saw in carriage on Main street this week, A nephew of the lion, Judati I1. Benjamin, a daughter ot l'resnlent Davis, and a grand-daughter of Ocu. Albert Sidney Johnston. ! ' New Yok, July 18. Stock dull; gold sttady at 15 7-8; Qirntss aiiiautarua balk la lartra or small lota tlx Inetw wise and laaq W tweuVy-oa a4 bl( Utkk. . 1 Aut'ly to ma. , 1 . J. It BURNETT, )tlyi4Uo Mwbrn,Jt. V. . SSW4" .4 1 1 t,.l-.;, , ,, i ., ,w, ,,..,1.6 T rjl A K M V f i A ears: none muls was taken up oa Kua- money easy at 8 to 4 i Exchanire looff ": aay tmutmav ti A. ti. TKMPLK. tery 9 3 8, short 10 18; ' OovernmenU uuiut ; 'State bond very quiet. Cotton quiet and steady j sale 1,470 ; middlings 11 j luturo opened lor July at I July IT t paying coats. . M. TI UUlsboro' Rim4. rANTID TO BUT OK SELL. ad exchange will be road with Intercf. by pjr fMtelt ttolIcr- jf lnree 5tt- .1 Oats. those who indulge in that delightful beverage. " A London physician who love hi tea ho been analyzing so tut sam ples recently, and find them to contain forty per cent of iron filings, nineteen par cent, of fine sand, and a good deal of green paint. The Doctor calls this adul teration, and attribute it to a love of filthy lucre ; but a more chaiitable view to take of it is to believe that the ingc- five, half mile heats,' the citizens' puna and ' 100 For the second best, 50 For the fastest mnle, 5 or more to en ter, beet two in three, half mile heata, entrance fee $1.00, a silver pitcher worth SO ss For the Bwtinel. IULKIOH. July 18. niousHoa merchaut ouly wanted to Infuse I g diton 9f tA SentinA : We learn tliut on yesterday the City a little iron ana gut lnU the constitution Oekt'l: Will you allow aa humble w I arlir 4J.11 . n..t n, !,. .Ul. IU Urn. SO 7-16 to 80 1-9 ; August It 8-419 15-18; I sea tot fronUnV Mat. A. M. Lewis'. Prk f)oloaul Jeifurson C. Davit bat been I SeuteBibe 18 1-4 (Vtalkir 17 A.A. 'I reasonable and time fudeitnlte : ' chosen by the Firt Misiasippl Kifletto F, d flxmer s wheat . 1 and 1 : J OB - serve a tlieir representative at the Con- .' , I I will bay two iood" houses and kU ia the vention of the survivor of the Mexican 1 i i raiy oi aaieiKa and p eaaa for ssuas. AU war of 1847, which la to be held In Wash- changed Pork dull and heavy me cof,,u.Ilum J innlrtn I ft IK 1 H?A I li. . , 4 a l . . 1 I 4 ...Kw, j i i.ei i-a , nra qui! ana lavors uayere The friend of the x-Empress,' Dr. Ncls- western steam 85-8; turpentine dull tt ton, is at present seriously ill at Paris. 45 ; roam strong at $3.90 to 18.00 for Hoo. Thomas A. Seott and wile sailed strained; Freight steady, for Europe on Saturday from Pbiladel- , l Jvlidnirrlit Ilfinorfc. Bill Arp," the Oeorgl humorif. will ' write, eerie of letter to the August I Wimisorott, July 18. tAreairis during nutrlp ortU. I . L'otlon quiet. Alidailng 181-8. Net I M El U. W. ULACKNAUU k 1 X II) 1 reccipU 25 bale. Export coutwi 29. Weigbraaster, A. Sorrcll, Ksq., weighed of bis patrous. ve have no poiogy w citizen oi lorelgn birth to say a word to on the l'ennsylvsnl Katlroed, ha been Sale 14. Stock 1,194. Weekly net re- no lest than foitvone loads of oats. The 0 ror tne Fa'nt- 4 i r ti . . . price oi oain n:i iniien u u 11 '", Pr 1 Trader. hundrec:. We learn that on Wednesday last Win Heavy Rain. Yesterday afternoon our city wa visited by a very heavy ruin, twohourj. Some idea may UOTEI4 AHH1VALH. Eichakob lloTBi, July VI, 18.- A H Toyce. Danlmry; J W F Uppers, J M linl- M IWi rs. Aiwx : J B Credit HiRhfvint; K W ilson, Chnd Hill J I to how hard it rained when w e state that Hicks. A Hill. T W .ntm t campigiia, wo ww , lmc of C(,.t(m flating down Fay jrrcnKiioion, t. n-euj, v-i.i.h-, llajner, Newton. Yarh- M f(in Iloitx, 0. IV. tlUulnau. Amendment Tlcksta. the good people of IUleluh, who have employed on th road alnce 1833. been klndur tn him than he ilmM Tl was raised in th Catholic church and Mr- Crauu Utile nnplcasantnes faith. I have a wife and four children. Kn Luatom-hotiae authorities, who I iuiJ miuik r .. t',4.. r 1. - 1 1 accuse bim ofsmnirir Mntr a tanlr. . . . ., .... . . , , I . v u v. ff4IT .lll.U IIVUI UUUIVa 4 1 D4 ff4 ' Edwards, a baker of tnle city, employed a WM .t(J. jn Wilmlnoton. when mv I colored men by the name of Henry Mc wife, leaving her chlldr,, to e mi Faiinvunt Park, 1 now in this 1 111 .t 1 Person, to peddle hi bread and cake in Sue left Mia Johnson to look after the meill u , which lasUd about Undren and kft provision, them. Lonn.Jy. Idea mn be formed as I ' ' I Father McNamara. the Driest. In her ab- I 4 4 . ; I.U-l L.I T.. .1 I T I ... n . . .. asy morning wHii uaaaci luuui vuuiw 1 sence had the children bound to him. He I vt m. uuii-n uryani it Having ul por Nicht came on but I ayt thev wer abandoned. I m sure he I ,r't la ntrd for the 0rt time. Itnndred celpt 137 bale. Export coastwise 573. Sale 27. Nohpolk, July 18. Cotton tluady; low mld lling 181-2; not rvenipt 394 ; export coastwise 845 ; salt 80 ; stock 4,012. Baltimohk, July 18. Flour very quiet. Wheat dull and de clined 5 ct nts. Cora quiet, firm ; whit Another ear load Nu, 1 Crash Barnt Lime, and told t lowest rate. Ala Censant, CaJ elned and Land l'laavar. JAME8 M. TOWLEa, ' ' apll-tf. Cunmiaaloa MsrukanL . HOUSE FOR RENT la the Western Ward atauilns; two rtxima, I x is) and 14 X Id, and kitchen 1 x 1 Apply to July 10 a. w. JOrias A CO. t MA 1. 1 AO A D I M Y, BiLuaoao I.isit, II ALE I Q II , N , C . . Mrs Morxia A Joxa, rVtnclpsu Miss Jaaaia a. Juxas, Assistant. , The aext seaaloa will tossaMaeeoa Monday. July 81st, UTi. TUITION 1 ettevMl ttreet. ing sgeut election " will soon be here. It is the Canservative Executive I depot minus six dollars worth of bread Oilmer, Greensboro; Philip Young, 1UQ Committee in each county was having I ,nj cakes and in the set ofsellirg tb R It; J L Kupuian, to.; J A i -lari.. 01 tics-1 s.if-keU printed. The SKKTINIL l'ubluh- rmuty bucket It scrm that Mwaru SC'lXC-i't1f' L, mpany will .upply all order, f. ,lir,j ,. W1,uut ex.minlog hU ref. PrtUUrJu!y 15 T L. Holt, Haw Uiver, W II Oreeo, N f; K U Brown, V; Toe elect MW lUnsom, Northampton couuty; JA te iai lirpad and cakes. Niirtit came on but I aavt thev Wers abandoned. I am aura ha it.... ,li,l nnt ln an annoar.nca and did not think so : if he did. be could no nave asked fr his photos' !h, l.nt h 8 1-4 810. OaU dull 8outhern 50a51 .. . . . . ... 1 .. n.i. t.. I loccer think to fter I returned and with I new tend it. - ! ProvUiou ouirt fcawarauneuouiiusarciioiuisi.i.-r - ,f . . . . it. I I . . ? r IT - ' I a,u.ii im. mlLU4l tn Prim.r. n . Aft.,, nf anveral hours ,' 1 " . " .1 4 uii i . I t-ondnieU bi..graphl : Ade.ueil Ame. J rm ana scarce at . Sugar MtlT saenu ' After tearcb of acrer! hour 1 ,U(ed to give to mother her child only .ii. .i, 1 , , 1,. m..B. 'j ....... m?. ... v.a . M found -Wav at the North Carottn t etgnteen month. w. II awisl b for , MaaaachuscTt. and mtireL.nted Mis, 1-7. "7L rrr t-mtyM-tf ITT 1. . 4am 14 ..... . - ,L. 4 ..1 1 I ' 1 - 1 1 . 1 . ... . U ..I.I 1... OH I 4 4 1 kau I asKiiia; i"t is w"a icruia ium wouiu i aiaainuL Imary DaMrtment Imbrr KDullsh l.aUB or (ranch, Eitra Mnsie ..4 rayab.e moa'hly. 1 1 00 per BtoBlk. .oo " l oo s i 44 4.00 s. Cotton quiet. Middlings 30 18, Urcs ruoeipu 485. Export ooaatwla 500. 1 city; J C Callaband. Fyeti4Villi ; Jno II June, Wkr, S K W aikitw, Went nth; E F Haw, do ; W E Webb, Ibixbore; b V S.atfleld, do ; W N Fulls end wife, H Palm'. Halt" ; It W 1Ush-. Then William, N C; W A He.irnc.ciiy; AM Crane, Ye. tATrrr by mail- tickets at 50 cent per thousand. We are led to this conclusion have stained the lip of a low market wo man much leas a "priest," I Mr. James Fik, Sr, father of the late L. , M, . w ... Nor was that all : to Justify himself h. Jne Fisk. Jr . I at Py.rt. Wisconsin, 87- K 8'oM- W1 stterrpted belore the court to blacken th I andergoing a course ot mineral water for character of my wire by Introducing false I apopirzy. and unprincipled witness to aacail her I. 11. C. Ilupkins lied Ht Lis i tin. place mat innoir. liui..-C raud- nee i.i We lis v- tn v d b "a let ter fmoi turt. that crops are 'ittrtlll good la that county. Dktu. Cui. Ilinry .-h"Uc, oui ubl t aaj Us i Hit b. ilxil at his sua- U d Una no last bsluidsy etrniog. Z )tul Vm suUsw luunth jjwih ae bwus 4sy rtm ivii'g Ilia nld Undiuaiks irom Bii.lH.- R'maifMs StttuuL Adjourned Meeting. The stuekrinrders Of the IUIeiub A Oa. ton Railroad Company will hold their ad journed meeting on the 21st of August, instead of the SUt, as Incorrectly stated ia our issue of yeslerdey. See Maj. sit' Junius' Letter. not re in another column. wncn e ri'wiemiKT ina imhj character and Conduct, Tbi was Worse. erred out a term of imprisonment in the I If possible, than taking' tk children. Penitentiary I tli crime of matHaugh. I Tbi I tlieiliirj family whnsapc.- has tor. II had only been out fw day when he took the agency. been disturbed by Father Mr Nam a! seizing upon their children to hve them bound out to him. W hope, a the law, Msjor General Fou!burtoo, of the Ililt ish army, h.i narrowly escaped punish ment fur lasulting a lady in Loo dun oraalbua, W wish him Worse luck next time. Judge Brent, of th Court of Appeal, t 500. 1 1) Bet re-1 I erlpt 41. Oros 1,116. Export for Ureal BnUln 89, C'oaalwta l,J4t Naw Yob, July 18. Cum M4f nv cottua a la tern cut nl re oelnt at all U. B. ntnU ilurlno the weak 14,256 ; taw wk lat year 3,343 ; total to ual B,3.'8,1S; to aamo dU last year UBUO AUCTION. wlU sell at th Court Bows door la Bal- el.,'h oa the 41 aay of Jaffast, Inn, a lot er parcel of Land to aatiaf y a saurta-a- ftvao to bis by Wos. JssTraytaad bla wile. Tba above U.l la na aunlk aid of tot 1 atrwt adjiMalBg Utu( Wnt Kasaall. July U Id , O. T. 8TRONACIL i oi anuoais. i . . .4 . ... 1 - humanity and public aentiment r so I spending the lummrr at hi reside ".''" i' " weta ur.tu , ira p,w Mil, and w are I wm weea taas year e.iwo; total w dale 1 Banu ui it OLIVE APEX, N. C. 0 O EALt MEAL I -- lH-t-n.v John T.-1tt4i 4 54 frtend; Dr. -vlewre. toi avail oi Riflje, fjraiy of Ihi. coenty aa.1 a to n ow m tt KiUle B H Of Abnm Htrmrr. of falero, dsrd of thole- I , .. ... ,, , ;, , rai. Ta . oa Th.rl.v. July Uraavi.l. lie 1 ta aoi aaa saiucu ln liitrtrceaardss atout filty year of I phyweiaa tad tra tuaa. Major It lis 2V: ?ivff """'j . 1 ncicr fii4(lit4.a Lja A'jt.fraiJI lij Cask. It will be NittemUred lat I lo Vote atone. He prefta right with th a' ul two yrn s;u yonag nsan by Ine I ntla rll, ralber than wrong with the ma- lf 1 ur r.iimr killed bit tgeo nuiioav Bad tUun h.f ca th Br in btr bouse, The bjiui i- a OHnaiitted with an Ate. liti k I sauillaUd, and she ws sl S4jwre!y burned, but qntle dead he d C'rrJ by the swl'jlwra, nhe v WifutUHxl by Ibe Joung man bijMaif ofthetVxl. He w.e ameted and m beta d,r.grr ws .pprvbeoded from I breaking, b.,J ttar'ry Paytre, two )r kiax. Us kss aevar had aay trial, but wa I ft kore amllnf. They were all of the I t, b. arnt to h. Lnna.le A.) .USA .,tUilk A n.lM-.lL4 444. 4.4.1. C. k4 Mll4ttlS I imm, ana ws ptiwv ne wae a to um i jmcmomu 10 (aiegn, ln.t snnwus"s; tk rmstJ ihsl try bad no room. II h down on him. that ha will discontinue I In Charles county. Marvlan gome wiseacre puked fun at US last I BU evil practice of kidnappiog children. I pleated ta Warn I rapiJIy reeoteHna hi 1 1,440,007 j to him slate last year 1 890 yearfoi w.iting tome article on th. valu. l soou.u laii 10 ua car 01 my euii- neaun, 1 1S3 j .lock at al' U. 8. p,t. 191,190 j "f right on Wilmlnfton Stroet. aed iiitborahlp of thrs famoo letter -- " -' 'Zr,. Tp". J. I t Biadford. w l.o waa Msj. it last year 1 14,714 ; at all Interior towns Tw partict wer arrested oa W liming- w, !,,, n It ict-eflUy "' mara hat n..t Uiured her b a site- with " um "'""PI '"" the 80,462; lt tar 1.718: at Liverpool ton street and brought before Ihe Mayor l,,,,, t n.UCtHllf f England is preparing the good Udiei of 1U1. !gh. I bay been JVj ,m W"7T eM.000 j Uat yr 979,000 ; American charged with Bgtitlng and otherwise d.s- , Utuk nUl w Uie uit,or.l.1p. Two '"i M 'M fre'M y,j,. ' tfloat tut tiami Ikitaia 11L000; hut year . . I ....I Hi tituajtt sU well m ar ttittitl mv lumUr 1 ' I tarbing tbe peace of the city. Iletween .f tUn9 ,so lu, distleguisbed The Doatmaalet la witaaaa l.n..f,'. 41-J.A. ir Itrrrklnri.l 11.- at tb two tb City Bnanor wet iocrrase.1 -pim,!.,. Weed wrote aa article upon the .i,lng. ainro th trial, S fntn her I Godle, Hon, Jaiuo r. ltblnoa, MaJw I Cotton Net receipt 460. Oros. 1,128 to th tmouot of A V. ' I hitters for the (ioUn. one of tbe. beet I brother la Illinois. I Buckoer, snd otl.rr prominent Citisrns of I baUm. Futuraa 10 4QO U.ik.t rlnaaJ 4--l XmMialLauSviim K oay -rid-l Tt"7 hooM be ,,,. .w to PBn,.h a I Uxingl.H,, are at the lllu. Lick ftng. K . Dv.Rswt. .t. ......iH.ta.tna. MtlimietartoirT.rr. " ' 'T?'" ""Jl,l'ZZ2rl: l.a-.,L. ........ ' - . 1 ff HOX Waansltn alasthi aUeot oar .. T.7.'. . i-. 1 I caoK 1. any ma. e. tyu v.- IT..... w.. ... .i.LTTo"y,M',WMW till wt to 10 order for alula. irtxaUa, Roaln sad Tar. July lldJUntaa dinira of others. If anv maa an earth enough la this country to relish tbe beat I bebavtd to towards m tscrpt nee of aw- pntiticat tetlere 4 war Aver prnttea, tkey will etcit attention and costiaee to be read by Intelligent and cultured pwpW. IK re la what 00 of the feeding literary Mluor'.'lMsT ofCietrBrlUtf TUT TO-fry about tbem : thorlty In tb cliurrh, I should crtaioly chastise Mm. Py pub!uhloj thi. yw Will oblg. i'AIKIl'K kKABMAI. trrrnAnT oossip. XXJURIEBOURrtALIBMi J II t..l4. . tl4l4l. kukM J W.L M. Thiers In Inl nmed tevetal f hU I a,i-lu, lihnoia, faded for 8271 000. la aay ,neaUty, freak greena, butted Bad aaliolua. lly R. r.JOXU ACO'A JJIIFTT CASES BRANDT riACHEA. AO tvOyUra. -JalyUU LIACU AU. BXlXl -rutk.TKaU LA at CI If ws mni ihh4 t aaa nana evgagea I , It will w ewuilrd I orm- -"io " lau exile At AO le 3. JJ to ihuiM S 05110 7A Whkv kry steadier at 93. Wheat 19 cent bailor -light twaipt ' and advsaoed pi.oiat"witiWf"ri,i Wi.icral.5l 13; white 1 31sl f J. Cora Iwe fitm.and la I book UK -tuatr Ytacttretaa." with, aa the first awnea, " Lag"" CisHe." . C," A- tiRQt rmcK Of - A," J. A. U, ' as "I eilow" Batva, towav tao susraf aaes bee) aula since 1. I, ult It tf LAACU BKOS. I nn i.'i !-it I..4..14 iL .1 tha I friend that hs u aU'ut lo comiuctue sin,. ... . e. ,1.. . I i. . ., . .. .. J0- . tyU of to k-turrs of Jueiutoeght to be wo.k oa the Atts la Italy during the M.d- ,4 u. law to naMiaee tiltf- .i ... MtMJ p,l ..LT,.!!. . I,t,.,l st Ibe orosKtd.y. "Il rile Ar. th m.u-rial M which h has . . . . , ll And Btroog. Tork lower, TWO. Block Birds, t ' hi. for A k.rg l ine past had la prcptfat k. Mwa-l J 7 00. Ir l f,,er , Wester, .team BteriffaF.IUnisorCab-rro.e..niy. aad Bwifl elmplifliy without Ti.. ru-.... n .J- r ,i... I....,..,. . Tt! ,"'U C1!i. M 614a87 Nvta very euiet. Freleht. arrived In tha city yeslerdsy Ib eb.rg. of te aW, 6e,U ...WlUtJ- Z K U H -a. I ti,ro pri.ner foe ll.e I ea.Uotiary- - . I,wf Uagua vo wilk M-rably ah fj g,4 aftet hint that he ever eisel- t, 14. JMeHing lower, 8 8 8, AndvWtnenlf. two tears f.w ko brvsk n "WWM . . . fa.r k"wle dge of iu IbuIcmmsv W bat, ft,i,J Ul, ot.u.-.u t r.ln.l. iui.. mi 4 II . aw.. 'a 114.44 I- 4 14 1 . W 4T- 4 - . . . . , I 1. S4.t4V 114.4 1, 4-4 - I 0 4 Ul . K4 1l . 1 nartwt A IlnMHrr. New York. I leniag, Iraca a . r . W ... .!... 1873, I bey Western twoaT i " The May rsiootrd en the church anie, H.I. i- .-- 1..4 .. - J k. . .ll.4 ..I I ' " ' .'-' " "-- '"" " - I Jine Wit tu )U jaoii ' -una, " " " "! that charming f nca of ao Vest a. well It.. .4-., .;.. Uvla r.maln I books ksve beta CCMdiailf rer.lTe.J 1 I known II Aan-f ta aa lea MS B Tb lal- amaia.l Ihsl lltrt tulMRHB.1 " " I . I . . . , , t Urns lying la ib Jail here ever I ft-aafort paaasd Ibruogk Ibis city unco, and I aopa!y iaaaoe. Teeaday I dtf at tbonl 8 6'ehk. Tkeetood 1 4 . ' t II . A - a . . A. . ...11 4 teena Biaa atowlog wraas la a I'raa. Mlvaala meadow, with three otbera, ead i. ely U?el, el roaalag bst r-ih tl.r.ojh on of Ihero. Job Uyrr, killed bus. Tbe poor laaatie lstaglnal lb a', a ail Bask great, kia eweapaaiu) atisjkl to aooal as part of tbe bay crop. jester-1 England. Perttapa Mr. Fargews Bsote re-1 Ueia, g -tit, C jrii a. Ae, as aa l !b . . . I , , 4. .... ... .1 1 1. - I woenaa, dsoihur t4 tbe rl.brelJ Lr4 I b.4- rvoe-Uea Dkra k.n aef of bU eUva- K tt.m4u. o. V. 7. II k. d.tbJ Od d-y tad pretlf well Wot ML From poraru re-mo. ,j.Mo.ys M m , a c-o of Mane ZXTJlcXX .a-.W-aa.kop.rtic;p.u4 I. the ... U Wllkie WU. U ee, UdivldaaK """J a. lo r.c..t . su'Kkal eperalW. U cartk W. learnod that H a owe of lb a- I be. fo4 taWatt M tbarv.afe, "1117 Alt... .1 k.d lo -Wit ss4 BeMlb.tVial.e4Dsef.t Meet- -Ld.- aiarta" kt wlnlni Bovet, H- V"''"' " . 1 '.1 L ' Au a ajrwei asasav BW's ava nsj - tsaj si'i u a nitttiirn. ty, m. f Jaly . IITX, dull and steady. fMate very quWt Te ba Brat. Halnlgli INrurkot. C-saA-tsa DaiLi, Br 0. T. Bvaoasia A two, Msaart Iticaaa. kitkaod aneie-l ll.od. Ike 1 sr. bit. bt aas s,-ia called to a Hinser who bad ttKoresl'd IB filing bis ksnd Lease 4 tswnrg aoin hr k-s wooadt to tistk M lllu I m ka Uilae'.a. I pro trail, ll.e l. admlnUtered Ibe neceo aary aile Uoa, bnl Very iti'.ht h.p la eo. writ n4 of III rreuvttv. Il kerning si. save I'.sl tL.s BiB isusU ttrslMS k4 km .r s4 I IM al jut M sxv. mi newly loeyre If lb Loeel e As) ' te m s-a;t. It .!-...! I be als'feJ. .V.'iery p'.i.j. ee A bisyierra of Uaaat 111 run Uerekt aa tei'Wstir.f lilii Mtw i4 art news fine Ibe l4. TnMrr,f4 ; A si sickle ol t4Wf si IWtiat at in t-ep-ra t -.. Ik Iwa ai44 ii Ike leia bnag ql( 4eintiar. teo ! it, the tt-am-we fr ssia.i In wear - bili.lifj K- s-sta ta UtnMI tat featara, Ike tUvwej akii rkoks a tM K si. wy s.k, sat the -. i'i t p"- f pM4e.l aa a tt. ask t4 tk.V.J eteUi at jf.M, ta t: at' f l !!. k s baea ea ! I B-W 1.) .a. 4 w ""s-e Vmmt j hi le ii as'sia esxaal Uea. Tte li.-ea - .i tf Tire 'T3 rrrw 9" "fell 4 a wk ssit.:) aaalka er, awk aa aaay was taeor .mated tbertowi at 809 to t. 000. He tbeblgbeat tevMoflho pol.le ttUsUm it Cap. rVrneif of tbe Kick avo4 A DeaVol fUi raml J Cspt. Un a. ... t 1 a , . . JJt 4H9 Wit w:4,lrEj irii t,iiv.nt, fill m fg. uk. rti.Mi 10 f' to U twore . . , , . . (.M trndedty beafle. Farjeoo rritlal i,. atfrvn.,'sm. nsnif.i I to Edesend Tstrt and nl'aaf ei.Uri of k I aw rnart b-rlr.g. th title of I -se ta ty Rev A tWtkrwk, Btv. Hear M, nVtrw I UrTTON TARN, wet and Mie LexIU Ja, yoa(.et aklaf el I " cy, ".....,...,.. Mr Ckarta rakr I LtATIlIk AlLE,. At ib. s4ii4.M i ii4 k.u.'i 1.114, I leathkr irrtR Rv Ja 1iit4 tt, Mr. Jeaero A Met allaas eswl no teaaa IJa-m-ail ef K.Waws saasBtasaasnnBwasHBassaaan A-ltrrrTt V Uilee" uap ae reaatvea. A -irrrrntR CtrwtriNI'fTOt'-EXTR nap )at reaa gleeo awey. van lord" July U tt rfATisrRS.Tsr X I easily riowr. ark el Ja y IA u LRACUBRO. tUai to -aupee a4 LtACU BUOA , o b HI SUkXD nut 14 AMOnTRO CsaAf. e bases Pat's Aurck. JalyUU LtACU bRuaV BLACK I Jill, Rlvkla BrsMka, fawAaca, lvwaie4 i , iyl -ti T4.44 tUe t, AC II BsUJAV. , pATAFACti f AMLLT fLOl L Rlaaavrtive A lr.k VA if each list rc-ti-4 JlU W.UIIsvOtAt U. Vmlf IA IVi 6AaT0 U lltal Aa . RtstTM TBOItlC R.8IDU, Jt-w rl laa-ae Ike e 4 1W 4ai (bt l4Sl Same ..4l4f ta In4b4l tt..s. .4 4 . . sin siueif e4'-ie t'l 1 .... , ... Bs.rwa, w-, ,w M . ea-4 to te, 1-4, I f- tk re a4 ve V . ... . . .. ..I iIm 14 H4l altk I.iImi t'Ui TV m wowll eIA to ValoAf " l" " " I " 7-"- -' ,., ,u ureaf lb. U-k -a. 4wl. lo rbarge of tb tral ABl .) M 'p, as -a. as nsws I key did evevytking la tbetr power lo (Mr. Cia.kJ tad rtbef. aaktb 4reaia k aaaat oo I A-'l t lie A Fuatao, Cy W. C, Vm nU'J Avef pAialal ar -l t a. Ilsyj J A BmMf, New Y"h. 107 A turted as a Mr, Js'waoo, r l Pa eta, N. C, Tbtt k detl.litfal k-.k I BeiaaM ti.t down trip wMwaeee tawoera I fvs.LnA' -freak, tparkbsx, full of ckerav Rait '4k B"! Cr-awslwiro, It Orel tbtt (. UwBinf 4 plat rdg Tb Mr, M. k4 l-e ems ilIl o far aasl of I aetW bee bg staxo ssfaml a kiajk plxo AwlodwIkt It C48,e la natarl "thaag Akna a '.!.' I! J tV4- tbetM of ktJ kf pwaat.t 1 j., u l-,,4- 4 TrtI.,r la Mt ta I Wat UOU4 b A ti'.Mlul t.snbf I JJ- ore . tbe pweeaat'M mi Amvt" ,h l-"J e-jisyeel I lt f tsxsl. TVo - bt at ia tkeeisasi van l tarliio waft, bet dasnn . j a.tinW 'f pttrl W bn bare asexb sko(. Valbiaj b-A ll I g Were tbe I U, 4.) 4 H bf 1 n.J "ka. W wiaripeJ tValBt-A. U '. t-rret A Tay- I J to W ll to IU L. 1, r , ni aorw iw mw roes-re eat w-W40 I t U s)y N?faAit bh la Je tweiwarteg Ja'f ti . j a. Ti-t Ansae !0 W 4 ako!fe Ike kuvtoea af M r. t t IS A .4 .e a4 It i i:.u r,r7 r- ! . 1 1 'j q Af il k nil I 1 i, . ' tie asm. I,.; ls!.W B4Sa4f. The iTi ; fc.k't a at t deffhtf at to ell eaav ase4. AkeKlles) hn-Ire4 of Ike l ! iMiasWi oore to "1 p'of witk tkeif Ikoe aol a4W knob t4 ke k-e) saot klat iWrn-ik Ikaast tf Ik ft ptb tMAieg bo- ef ISef-f A fcvtkn Ikal sier Ht-a-aa ak-ae Haft atwy and sniae,- fi Ixk I I.ylio o equeemy lil I ( yen e,'-i la tie i.-wcu f p I lir-sk k"y, nktb bwd lao tibial sal ike arlil wilk tk a'ri r4 11 mkuiar. T h.rle be l-4 Ik etry a4 faoeaemta, tkst py-M I the l aud's of fate, ok -tre4 ao ki(k M .,i M Uw, and oSoee drajk, ks rasnaalt a bs li'e.raove foiea kssewa 04 aastk-v t bead. fiai-xUr lt nlaie, tber la at Mw be nf so,"" aWa.Ial lo tl-e ataio HaoaJ t!.i.4V, i.ske.i-e, (n ejaef, M lino, t..4y ItjiV. IJ lea,, l'eyjf, UM 'k, fm, V M, I'ki. la h, t ul t i W. '.r H.-et.k ; a- o ef IX..4 Ce4 1. U. l-t, K k Mai.Urf ltr'V f -. c :: '-., -t airf . I -r I. 4i i -e , a -A mt A it !, B-ifk of tat,m i rrry- , n as 1 key A-a; ksm I'.V, f. t. I fi's'le. t laty , e4 ee ( ll ism, C..1 Uo, e a-4 aee W 1 1 -sr . at. or J van.M ; ej.4 ms m4 Ia4 a H. k, J 4 k .' . If r hate I ReH, At JerreM ' I Ms, IWAif, eo tk m:4 A r-.i .a llUs, Ur. T. A Pee ki.slk.sot C. I tj- 1 ..l; Besr W.jaulls, lews tttk SI 1 i ii-l' ns., w.44, aOet k ef Was. It ee4 t-fsk I V array, ec-4 1 yea A 1 ,saa...t a-saty, aa Ike tiA of Jeiy, (MM IWrO, t k-arl II44S-, if s I"- la ( --" W4 eveaiy, turn sb, Mr JaB N, U t, at Ike ' k a f ko a:v It k f f salesaas 4 esusaw a eaaa of kvt k l-s - i ; tlx .'k kt saexk liiesiUA He left a - s4 ! eki.aVio U as., a tkaar ks.f eiM. k-se tfsy IAm a4 e4 ail ewealert u ) ' Wt-otiHet ta UMa Iir.l-S4t44i,1 aa tt. Mt st , in 4- 44 f 1 ' J -ia W 3. t, U Um etstf Sfik fee af k. aar. arias A Q-t4-W3a.., Mewtaaaaayf eatewl. A. I a4 Ike a 1 1 1 1 ee m 444 r . 9 . v-s, sae 1 1 us Jy, tHAMt, "4 k4i4a ta-wt-s, at -a 1 4-s.. 1 v , rmt-n i s mm 1 --a a. 1 i--a, is 4 LEATHER fURSI-M... URB . tLLl.IT . , , M iLIMtt, - f at, . . . trtiLIiEN it ALP,.,.. ,. U at A a fJ koWt aai OAT. H ka. .... , - MioMK., ffcAWIM.-. twvd 1 4 i a h o tJHMi I OKI. fM l. 14 IW ... t iiiCAur 1 , , .,, i.tA ... ...,....,.,, riATIIttA...... .. . rLAllttDteelas,. , rkUt R. taw kkt. ,C ........... t UaA t r'fckRA saw ) Ma ....... lot ' iMIMM L1M.1I . TSeO tea taalt Mkvll LU A AW owl I HAT, ) 1 l... I'M.ra f-. B. t.y pri (111, ta I ml, lie 1 A! Mi ya I ... il .A rfa.'. ki. a as.. ., . !- "A" Ttra . ...... I Vol Ihsl Oa I lia.a ee 444414 sv li irttlt n 1'triki iii , Aaaat4 a4 4 try Wsnkaalj nt w fcw4 a li-;-..'..v ey it WH I t k 11 tilt ltd yaet nsatvai. W. U iTaVOB ALM. II ANSI tlAlfll IAKAI t tkaeapso. sad N, C IUsm Tsarae ketaMB Ussm h'y'. W.L'.iTRoNACn. QIIEMEI aiEURl CIlERtSI B Boi4 reeeO, ureeaa, yaet errtea. )e 1 IA W. C, 1A"AI.IL YtnMER LOT or TIHWR IIUI rr., MJk eej M t"ra-m a y li w t.eiB4.SACU. f l Bi.I IS 1 a nf Ukt Ussakle "IKi. at t btrosac fjlJJ tVA TIUITEkkAU yaaetltf W. C- ITAOSACIt IT A M I M A M v- Inisis tm ll. M . ei t t AfU'lliUI. U kof. J A A 4A I La. W. C T'-"A'tL o :'..- p 14 44) j. 1 ta JR"tD f Rli AUDITotl TEAR t ' - k f.4 44 I a k .. t44ee4 I ' "' eaei I a, f 4 A e