V I THE 111! rv.SrlTVllOHAL AXKSD-MESTH. la .rdt that the people J tote U0-j,.r:iJii-S V . MdBUi to the coo.titutioo, t the ntuinij .lectioo, wt ittta itiiJ"J toglTt Ufull theeight ciu ,-in that initrumeet jropoed to b .1 eid. togbr wit th alteration thtuiKclv. ' Ultr-T : I KaXATloM TO 1HK rilll.lC llKBt. I (,c pre'ent constitution So Article I, Declaration of Itigbtt, provided as f..lkivT s "S.c.6. To utaiutaiD the honor and ,7l f'i'i of the State untarnished, t lie " "b ic. iitlt. regularly contracted before 1','. ' mce tlit rcUlli.oi, shall be regard d .H,w:ullti nJ utvo be uuttlioned, but tnt- shall "ever 'f W. "r u- ih. i ' f. tltf. collection of any debt or obli ..'; V t4$cs or implied, incurred ic aid ol H urrHi"B, or rebellion Braint tb 1, ii ill tinie, r ny claim for the Iosor ,., ,'.ici .ii"0 vt any alve." TbiiKCtiuh If intended by itnkiog out tc firsl cliMM down toind including rtrr t4rti" to thBAmaaded-clauig a la Article" I will then reed J 'SC ti. 1 llu cmio nail ucvoi ttauuie Sw. .- "? be University of North Car-! uliii", i,b ii ktude, ituoikuirtit u,i Irattaiaee. i u.ltt the control at ihe Bute, xnd rha'l If held I i an ir"partle cooii'Cii n ith- ihr free pubHc school eyttiin K'.lu iiw." - ' The anaendmeui propoaca tu strike out this tecilou tutirely, thus severing the Cnlvsrsity from the common cboot' sy ten, tod insert tit fallowing In lieu thereof, so that the amended, constitution sh ill Kid : inc. 5. The General Assembly shall br.ve power to provide for the election of trustees of tbe University of North C'aro liua, in whom when chosen shall be vetted all the privilege, rights, franchises and endowment heretofore ia any wia grant ed to or om furred upon the trustee ol aid University; and the General tVsscin biy may wake tilth provisions, laws sud regulations, from tiutu to time as may be neceoaaryand expedient for tho mninti nunce and management of said Univei iiitj." The followinging sections of Article I A', relating to the University, are alto stricken out : CI Sections 13, 14 and 11, relating to the appointment ol trustees by the Board of :EuWilI5nt!Mff:inF right of the trustee. -Thesetnaltcrs will hereafter devolve on the Legislature, if tKe amendment r'eliitThg fii tlie TJnivcisiriy' .ia.iatifleiL- srxTnTrtr'ifftCt'fluyTr'iiiit smaiownl of Tns Geskr.u, AssEum.T. The present constiliitinn, Article II, Lcijia'ative Ilcpartment, p nvides as fol low : "Sc 2. The Senate and House of Itenieik'ntutiveii shall meet i.nuually ou the third Monduy ia November, nnd when asseinbli il Hiall be denominated tno Oen eral An mlily." r This auction is to bo umeuded liy utrik i n out tlie war ) " iniiiuullyt" and 'nsert ing in lieu thereof the word "biennially," so that the at-eiion alialt read : ' " " Sec. 2. The Senate and House of Rep-rr'-:ii utin'9 tlr 'l met t bii nnially ou the iliiul Monday in Novenilier. and when tisii iiiblil wli ill lie denominated the (ien cnil Aaxeilib'. ." '. Ii' ameiitlment tilxo strikes out the vtoul "amiU'iV i"' eetiou U, artic le III, nd insuu tin- vtniil "biennially " in n f- ii ii e to the r iutn inent of the Govt rnor to coimiiiinlc iu- t' the General AsHmbly commutation or .MlSlELLiNEOtsi. T RECEIVED, Tl ACVsTale A s. Hibtei; & fo's Porter, ' U, iMnta S "ix Out tloriUjji, ' T5 Ttercos Muluucs ' aps U. i fTuSACU hKO, J. A. AwLr, 1 formerly i. t. ! ley I t ABiii- (a,ta. .V r . ' IVCIt QADDLtK, Bridle,- Collars, Haae sad kj nvtHi oi an aeaenpuoos . MI U. T TKoN AC U A BRu. IKHl'RANCK, i M lit I 1 100 bl.U Kock Lime P U T. eTRoNACU k USUI. V,W0 bUKiiels White Com, V ' Yellow Com. "I" At A.. .-ASDBtU O., tuay p No. t Martip Street A TTKNTION rARMKKS ii Wull Kmken Younir Male. Good Farm Monte 'i lioo - Wacoii. i- oi sale verv cheap at i t ' 1 No 4 Martin Sle.-L R. F. JohVO", Of MocksvtiW, IStvle Connw, Nurlh Caroitua. ' 3V tV : TOBACCO CqMMlSSION MKKt'll AXT8,j .1 7'7.,-. .. 7. AT4 roparva lu mane umtnu fvuieen on . stock of an pntota, oner w tuc vaue , - unsqrj-aaaed tgdsfiemeata. ; rap Call and iw n it our utrtetly (Ire- Corifr of Prjor lid luater KtrreU ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Refers by pemilio to Hoo. K IE. SIiu'jct, A It A T O O A 8. T H I N tl S i "l? 'KAoit UOMt iNoTtTUTi jML ' --f : at - -. ' :, Vau'at. .! - ,7 ... . PlicUD,lEE&C0'S 7 RUG STORE . AMU DSUIt TM . JKxc elslor Spring Water K liKAl'CHT, Frfh trm. the Spriaii it SmUga. This waUsf ia aishttroin Saratoga lu Ught KeaervoiiWi 'ti with Jur Blotk llu. AKCVBiTT 'A OAtSST FIR It oJ ! TUB j Kortb CssretUM , HOME INSUBANCE COMPAHI J RAlllGli, N. C. MlsCKLLANLOLs. JpRybtytlj ruit criYn MrA ,.. : , i J 11 Is will be rerTta tty Jwtrs O Kuii(, Ckstt of foH rf Uic rltT of kal. wh. to keep UiuriU panpsls mm, tar !v ienu4 of one year from Ute arcepuuec a( Um t4. i)r Virttufc. ei- 4rtliaict uf llin tily, Ilka . poiap 0' ska en y are k t)Ut-4 ewoer ti) ( aepervWioa at the btnet l outiukuoerr. muu ia required to Bote all failure of Uie eoulrao tor lu eonply erUk tk aeMraek to kewp tke psiaps le reieir : a lid lor every tali era, wfver . tweuiy-f our Kolrs uot ee, 1lie eoatnelar skall be toed sm euMar a-r 4jr lev eeek eay tkait f any pump uay reuiii- out uf order ; It. ua4 Uie uty ef tile ptree Vm saiMtuO - - reirtHgr tatlewai d itw ttoea-Maltiux U- , fruei, el Uie ueat regular tneeluiK of ti e lloa d of C'omuklekiuu -r, after soea lui'i r shall have oreHrred. uades are eseepteo e to ootliieaUoa and does : tli Vtreet L'uiubiIw uearvesapowaml to iwl ataek ut ThlsC.MMiuy couth ties to irrtte folk lea f?'rt " ""V W,, i v Pmis v al ralr rit, oa all clst of Inturslile prop-1 provided, Utal Ike eontrae cr tball ck-a ellj. All lo in saie promptly ail jua ra aud paid. sack well or wells as lite otruel t'ouuiiMiouer . aeetaeoeed eteanaiafr. tock aud kxtarua tuuat 1m npi'tl i sww wella It Ills 15 tiavs after Uie conintUiW tkll N.C jun-i)in wLkira. ARTIFICIAL MIXtRil. HATMKS DKK rlltt. K KrtiClt. -4 ' tjr D. A. Davta, kn., ta,isl'tiry, N. V. i K IT. 1 u,d Is forced oat t our eouuter precisely a The lluMi ' ia rapidly (rowl.ig la public I have Nem aotifivd by Ike t treel fcOteiuWlouet" Bimontoo, Esq., rm idotn Beuk of Slattevlllr, tt iows from t.e JHlf, ho. t vtargtrtft It fTor ,U(1 ,ppel with co. noet oc, tolnsnrcrs I tieesi g and sralk-4 to, fe-i. tiooiNt, shall uh)ees the oalretor so the ' same forfeiture as fur, failure to ktp lis , , pumps la repair, ' " Tbe a-eaxatut bidder will be reqafred t five boud for Uie Jaituf ul jerf uriuauce of the eontrae ccndlUoned as berelnbeture set tank ""' aod as per fciank tonal tor btddara, iok cm h: beksd bygp lvtnt to the Clerk of Uie tilt. mi mu meat ee atai mi, aJdrseeeq to , deb' or obligatio", expressea or impitea, -iBwirwd m kill ir.iBW.yjnioji or mwiiton K.r ll'f his r emaucip itiou or any slave.'' Another alteration in regard to the pub iii fi.-lrt is urovided for in tlie snmdtuuend- ment, by striking out section 4, Article V of the present Constitution, which is as. follows: Si ( . 4 The General Assembly shall, by aoiiopriato leislaon and by adequate taxation, provide for the prompt and reg ular payment of tbe interest on the pulilia debt, und ufter the yenr 18S0, it shtill lay i fp citi i.imual tax upon the real and personal ji"pcrty of the State, and the suui'thu? u-iilizeil shall be set apart as a suikiSL' Itmd, to bn devoted to the pity meut of the public debt.." So that the ul.ovo section will be cntiie iy s licken out and the amended Consliiu ti,,n will not make it compulsory on the Legislature, by express language, tii'pro vide for the payment of interest und prin cipal ol the public debt. Smm.ni : ts nei.ATioN to thk. office ok SfPhntSTESDKST OF PTBI.IC WoHKk wtirl. III. section 1. of the oreaent each ease ol reprieve CouHtitntion names among the other offi- par. Ion .... ..f uhirlt llm Krw-ntlva nnsrtinimt S-KVKSTIl: IN I1KI.ATI0M To THK Conk hill he fomnrised. a Superintendent of t om mission ruble Woik, who shall be elated for a I I He -pr-i.t 1 onsinuiion, iirucie n, .Vr, ol lour t ears hv. tho tittaniled voU-rs- '' I l-""'-"-. "P.kc-s tho followmg . . ... ..: 1 o f.,.i n....,.i ..cit,n si it.- at the s.ime time and nlaces. K vlu.,p. ... ... , , . , ,,,.,1 ,n tlie ;anie m:inner as nieinbots of "loners : ,l...i, r,tl Aw n.l.ly. "St-:- 3, Three Comm,-oner, shall be .IW. Itil.lt. 'I,L lil'l 1 1)1 L4I H 1 4 1 tl iLO OUt I ' ' . . . It . !. a . ' - " 1 . the (iiH ittl AW'i'HUMV i in nm iwwiim vj a o n a I ' i S.,- ,l...,..l.t UMO.Oili (jid Hard BriekoralB and mak 1 T7WH. AI.L WHO AKt WIlXINU TO Inn Anolt ui A. U. HANDERa at t:o . I P WciRt. Anv rarsoti. oM or voeec tit I r-r rjihsrki,, AND VTCHY. - .- -. I at borne or In eonneetioa with other liusiucs, I w- i m , .1 tj StuAlt, ellUVI!, bl'CiAR. I Wanted by aH. ifeluble to ettlier oily or eoua- . . .. . , rf.rntiiM . a . trv.andanv season of Ike rtr. It-Is Is s I !?!? P"' Of BtRZltlNB lui tHandf4A,CneM,-B-e hri Extra C.1 rare epponuelty - for those -wktr-sre outot t v, w.iu -sucn. iunroein.inu as In . . . . . . l rr . -1 . . . .1 , 1 r Ilia nmvMU nf Hj.UflM an.l Art haVM rowuerea.- urauuiaiea. All lor alu vert worn, auaout oimoeev. wf nwun uraenea , - r 7 : eh.'SD. at A. 1. BANDF.Ka.t CO.. 1 dent llvio. - Noraisul bolntr required. Oar I . ti i suRfrtrstea. -4iy4i.u..aJulJUMi I Pamphlet, "HOW T MAKE A UVINU.o I. 5 of prupety In sB urls ot'orUi Carolina. Agents In all pur's of th- State. . . B. H- fisTri.t. Jr., rrvsMeat I . B. Root, Vlee rrealJeeW etAtoM (JxLrs, Becreesry. ' AUdruta, A. ul Kina wi asurn- IRUIT TKKKll, MUl.BKKKY - T(tKE4 1 cents Addrtaa, A. UL Ki ti V aud Urape Vines 1 sanla, Wet.-liw!er f , H v. for sste at feb 4 W. U. JO.N KB k O Pi I.ASKI C'uwrsa, fjaiwrvtaut; ' ' -Jeiie til tf. -OETIl CAROLINA STATE Jstaes U Kbur. liLkef of lo'ieaof thealtv ef RslSWe, awd miwt lti.ediiiSiiiils,tb,iaata tt e cu rL.ps 18 ower. 'tt- July lis lw Chitl of folic.' J.lItROAD BTOCK UltaAtK. S shares N. V. R. It. .-txk end 5 shares K. & ii. K. ti. ttoek. mays;4 W, II. JNE$ it CO. Mi h every where to sell our titiw aud all 1-11 J. U roivel Kiiibrolucrins: MacUIni. WAMTFli Send t r Jllulrated Cireular, H Al I Ell' to the MeKee M.ufatturln Company, SOU Broailwsy, New Vork. ! Ic Cold 8od Water whh V,;'e titiltl t nips on dmurbt snd In Svphons, st ' PKra t'l, l.kC It CO URCW 8TORE. may ST. .' f Th tlie w. id ' SiiH tiaf oayit of Tublic Hili r this Contitulion a'lall Ik-adopted V.,rk," when er lhcakir in the C- by Mi i.ple, lulea ol pnicl iff nml pro- stittition, thu. l.li.bii,g that oQico, U" "dlicc .U. the provisions B - I of the frrr-gmtit; aeciriMi, jnd the Conven- TninD : 15 Kl.tTio Tit STAT) -j t,on rtlsftprovids) for the (Jonimieeioners a ce.ssL's. 1 ri'iisonsble compcusati in. . In the preie ut Constitution, Article II, rtc. 3. The tame tnuuiii ncrs shall the following provision la made for tak- 1n 1 t1 tVntw r- . .. , .. ".. ."1. Au enumeration of the inhabi Inula til the State shall bo taken under THE PARLOU COMPANION. Every Lady wants One I 11 M a 1 i.v I Kverv Man oiicht to have one ! ! Bt rit tukwim or fenetrte -rtOtt, tw , i Another lot of the veiv b 'St BoutliamutOB I "X UK . Ml., no oevei 111 Aveuun, !.... " "I V . , aoai . 4 ' IiiBurjtuce Co. RALRIGH, N.f: " . apltnl - jC0.t00 'i' orritt! -V to !!ij . 1i!15mJS!J Sllila C. Waters, Executrix of "Is ,e Alanlnrr r .-' dec' d PlaikVi . . . I i.iAf!'H TH'!.nii f ifc; y .... Wystt Gaxtliver, Auturiah iiaidnt, kerepsi. . ' j Gardner, Allee Moore, Jainea Wall and tif.-' ' " 1 tiviia, tn. uinr yaarMte war wee, n iff B. (iardm-r, IKitla H. arUucr, Analw llaru r, aud the h irs al law of John Uardnei , Jean Unrdaer aaid l r. taanlw r, ,. asi) AS ire wish, to make a crhin 'A In oer hurt-1 flTTl. President euU and ttaei.-a uukuowu PektauU. sa. we wolifv snir Irlei'.'as ' au'd"'l''li1illiBTt.r," V nktii L.a, i. ... - j ..,. AmMtM B .com Han W. H. JOMV oc LO. York. i t ANDKIMK PI TK- CasToim e,,!..,.. Sent ou re' elpt of eta. I nline Prtntiiijrsnd H audKX Vtr.ey t.reet, New Knives. up l BON-TON FLIRTATION 6IONAXS. York- AKA8UU chain holders Miiuellilnir new Hmjtfer and other new Ksua apr 13 W. 11 , K. a I t CKEK A CO K A N It . isols wi Also the I mi Broadway, N. Y. M...a Ma M..ltfw Vi4i.Aa ai.il iliii' 'iilil'il1. ll. ,t'i. will all aarantlrn atnpk nl i'oiJ. at I H 111' Ktt iriv.tl r.ln. J itrlHI . ah I " . K tmr siock comprises DRY GOODS tiTuarr CriNiauiNO (iuoiw, UOMESTICb, . HATiOf..'..Ti(eal IHrwel.4 ! ' It .niktArlur t. Ihe Cuurtlkat Joliu Ha d' ,S .t-ilfT T . II. tftFe.tTtS tJW. 1 n .... s .-VI. )t Sewing Machine, on 30 Day a Trial, nuny . ...... . . O f. tin r.H..,u...l rvii ;.dl. ,.t ,mr.lei. with fnli I HAT8. CAI'd, HiKTd, BlloEd, ti..u. .....i.. 1 -1 .1. .. it .., t., 1 .: . . . . .. . . . 1 . . . " . atututi. uuu i arusois wiui 1 aireelloB . u kHU BeWiiiij Maelilne i;o., f U',?.!.l.K,.A-wU,,Mt dial areetf W: Jwae tianiuif or -AtrVr k4rad ike k J it. IIATCI1KLOK , ..Atloruey I o( I vvt (iarUncr are 1011 reaideuU of nn,rswti.i Miwmm AKes 1 gutis. U 14 rerrtur orownd by the Court 0 ' lotOl ; - I thai .puWiealiou Im metletii the xmmki. ifoilth. Col W. L. asueders. i. J. Mclia. yT.i.' lion Tod It. t aitiwe'l. uen. w. u. vJox. k. 1. 1 : 1 ... ... . .T - . ' TUB NKW KutCTIO TUU -S. Ah In- poriaij liwmtUm It ietaln the Knp'ttre a I LACK AND UXfeN' CC1.LAR8, COLLA- all time, and onder the haidest exertise or ratla, HuDdkerchl-fn, Scarfs, Bows and " ve eat strain It Is work with comfort, and Not-It Wt ar for tsdlrs and Uei tleuKB In great " kept oat BiKht and dsv, ellects a pennsnsntt vail IV At enre in s few weeks. 8jU1 cheap, uJ sent ny irmy IW I) C. WAITT'8. I oiall when requested, eirculara free, w he oruerra uy letter sent u inn s.iaiw iruss Lo , No t;s;i urosaway, .n. 1 s ny. hoimmij CASJISIEKES,CI.OTU8, (iEVrs1 L'UNI3 I1N OOOIIS, X A N K K K N 0T1 O N S . ' Now Is Uie lime foi Bargsins ' AT NEWSOM'rJ. MeAden, i H. Hatehelor, John Well s. Col. " ' , i " ' , . . 1 VarMir. aK Hraha , W; U Cpokltrek, Ut. W, J.; Hawk, h"" t0 hmwuUt ""d "rU l", . lu. Johkli- Wl.li.ms, t ll. f-.meron.a.J. J$mm a.; Melsosv, A fcrrk 4 said p " ' . . CourtatOinee In Phmoulh the WiliJuueA. . . ' v. , Ui.i UkATUKEl) JD ADV.lStAttRS. "!l I & 1HW. ItlaMDuliatieleaHnwa Commbv. ' . I ) a tf tUcaslT -K8 IJr DOUBLE' ACTIKQ - FORCE POXPf.' " Its iSoJ are swlets as Ao Jtntmmm j . 1. A. HRUMiM, Cleik. ' ten BFE HIVE AND XX 8U0AB CI! KID LhKi McUISprln TraaVes i U lu.nful t they P1UMHOSE, PKTTV A Hams and MiesW'ast Btrl u loll too freiuenily. I -i s -ip 'i .f I' K . T BlHuNACH ABKO. may 1-deodAweowly I N U P H 1 N T A laiye and licautlful lot of SPRISU ANII Sl'MMEK PRINTS. I'neltlc Percilns. retoiin and Laue tier Cambrics, J riUK sun SUIiiiuit Aliiae :.s feh ai W. II K A TUCK Ell A C1. kV I K H L A N II , WITk CARtlART 3L CROTIIEIl, M and 5S Park Place, N E SV -YORK, a'ao leixi'.t to the tieneral Assembly at ion as practicable, a cmle of law of North Ceioliua. 1 ii uovemor snan have M.wt r to fill all v traucies occurring iu this commission. The amendment propose to strike out Ih.Hi these section, aliolialilng the Cod (.'on. m in on. LlolITIt I.N IlkLATIoN TO rkOHAt. !D oHIEHOFKKK-lim.UkHS. Tk ' jsiiit constitutes!, Article XIV, p K O V I N D I K l'i.llliit!v rerelrln snnrllea of roddn-. Fhaf uats sad Hsy. Also in store seed Cats and LoruUeld l eas. JAMES U TtiWLEU, tn.tr A tf Com. Mereksnt. Ctuauxtae. I t rrtirrMtr 01110 Ituttma all detdiable forma of InawrSM."" I ' JVXl jJMlijM iJil. lu lauds an Invested at hoot sad rircnlst- Alt indebted to ' Ftrm art tolled n dm ng our ow popi (artcs to CaboUsa Puup Ct-MPitv. UtmltltimmmliaUly. I 0 aeeeewy r. strict pas imtaieea oo - M , Lm, Kjat M, - Itsuuleersaiid IHrector are pruaiiaesU Sa4 'X Pkf AMW . -VUAUH , A 2v, Well know .Surlli arolinlsBS. kose rsperl- -ti-, short ollc the kite ,e uuiiw of van wee at huslue uicu rnd whoa worth sod les wllh I'or. ruia 1 yleudrrswhlt k ewk t line, I tars altnte mUleU-l. raaranlMW uf tojr th water. Ihn la sukMrrned eep UieCteupsnj'asfmsvfA, mJ.,cy autl .ucv. a ,",. " H )ers 1 Willi ul i. II. I'fcltKt , ruprrvlng Arret " liis of new stkiim. We mat.. I ll O. II 1III.U le.l Airnt, , tsl.-,aaiciyH0koiaiJ KMwsia waktf mf t llalekh. M Cl alul, workma: lu ery eoneelvahle way anil . .l.i. m. .,. I I lli ItaA BiauL blMM ailtU'B Fttll ! ailBAlnfi IS" " t.oou ateuia nu ow uuwrai conuaet I r'.i , ; .r . , ill 1- ..,i . .il 1. i .1.. I halt a walnut, tkcea puu at one Inicoum 1873 Third Stock this Season. the direction of tho General Assembly in the year on thouiand eight hundred and n-trnty five, and at llic end of every ten tears tin Trailer ; and Ihe Said senate Dii 'titlii -hsil tie so altered liTtlieUiiier.il nilil t , alter Hie ti st senfion after tho it urn "I evirv 1 numeration taken a .il or li tiriler tif t'olifffaa that 1 nil ii tte District sh ill toninin as near provitiit :.f follows : . may !, an rquil iiuiiiImT of inhsbi- Stt T, .No in ron nlmll hold more lliaD ;.n.-. i xi uuiuur miens anil intiiaiis not ..., ..,.,,, . , iitlli e iiuili r t ie htalestllir tel. and ,hali Miuiu uu ilteied uutil I MIUS tinte : 1'ntidcJ, Tint oil! rs in ihs ntnin ol another enumeration, ami f.ntia. Justice of the l'eaoe. I oinino- , at all time consiit of couti((iiotis t 1'nblio haiitir and Comm.'- n.toty; an 1 1,0 county khall be divided ,ionns ainiolntid lor sint'ial imrposi-. 01 the lormalion of a S nate District, iin ,iluj ,,,,( i. eomid. tc I 'Hirer within th m h c.uity shall le couiiaoly tuti meamnjf ol this section " .. io.wm oi m.ie neoators The amendment propose that this see 1 he innea.imrni piope.l 10 tuts amrie M r(),,HW 1. t.s ... L .11 .t.,..lu 1 si t 1 SS i'H ' 1111 iri,," 1 , . s s 1 b. 1 j luTloii ASl CtJHS PLASTEIIS sp U .V f A ' JAM KB M.TOVV k. Akci.I I luiportcri ittd J hotciale frotf n, Jobbtri W. H. & E, S. TUCKEli & 00. 1H jest, lofltv fyrnpt, nr. I are l.ow nt t ilnir their uuroliae Wile whh Refer hy ronntlon to.Cbt. Ilt wey caahler I Us tk but few day lu the Norther UarkrU, KarrlK atloul iiak, V. A. w uey, esrhier I (Dd are heller prured thin ever to tnoply itiaees fatiunH raua, . ouuitat:u.r.ai., i tue trade with th Haitian, is. u. tnarit-eus lokt Tiihltmble and Drsin.lt Gocdi 9 - hi their kPVPi'nl jDtrlmil or .1 (Mat IB every e.mnty In Ml, hall a swinuU. the, puu., W saav-wtf I DHJ a-""" !. , " T I o Uierwot t,tkre story li! ct5-.-, 51 ill' ST 1 I K U O T K I. In ature. al fat lor I rtta witk I lirkt. I Jj Foster s lu. proved CuUosi flatter, tk ttal I Ne,l7. V, VJ auj VI lautlcu, near Howard ieiHii iuir know. Ilurrlaa s eelcMalrd Vlautai, and olh is. AUo Uie Eunks Cor l'lanWr aUieli never fail to -ve aat slactiow. il I. 1 I, K I wo t!H. Ii Cowa, on al b an Aldrrney ctler al(. uiayVi W. . JONES CO. I. j.tnU .tu. alun .jilll Jhp plirse'a J JJuitc I ftle, or any dcpsrtniMit Ibm-of, I ruil'U AMI (" M Ml nli tt MEKCHATf str'n ken out 1 r uiu'.r Ihis Stale or any" iltltTTrttf orr - - ....I. the pall ... .i... .i I tiiViriiiuenl. shall hold cV teniae snj ' " I ... . .! .1 ... .....ft, ,,J, ekdwul Had: I j, . ,i ,uthoiilr ol th.a Sisle. ..r b lml- r 3. Th said Senate Districts kliall I li to a aeul io either Hons.' l lite (i. ni- 1 i allrml tiv Ih tleneral Aswmbly at I rl Aanibly: rr..rf. That Blhinif tlir fiM scsah alu-r tl rtturn ol evert I ren. isml .iimI hallriiend t'i!llfr 1 - r fwre.ww-s4M by iAki.utiCuttiirua.l U-iilittu. Au.il -llc . Ji.'. I lti ti at tmk htaal Uiaiiu-t shall coutam, at I Bt.aaui tu t. J'tib it; Chaniics or t'i inin s- r nny U-. an tQtlsl autuber ol la-I ,,, r I i .ii i a ton n ' li.i.iiant., ulludmif aliens and Indiaos noi isi4..J .hall rrm.io unaltered on- mrn' ' 'A "c - am. iidmenl. HI in- rvtont of another numeration, and i !') pi i. I, I ut tli ivM sUove p l- shall at si time . ooslal of contiguous tr- 11. 1 wit ail ihat pauw i Ih (it ut ral At n ory ; i. ao rt.unty shall 1st divldea I ,,ullU. n,r ,.H i .t,., m. th. I,u.iu ii aH.nf.la llitnr uelfwa I ' stih e uoly shall b eiultably entitled to J of more IWcstiws. I ItoM.i.iu mi i" in.i.itfit I'l ikiut Th object of thit tmcedmenl Is to do I m i'.-l at. ; I r itli. aitou r.j' asy with th auimreaiy tlp nw uf tak-1 to n. t , . .1 t ion lo be In Id on Tl u't Is; Htals creaus onder th direction nfldtj, ik tu h d.y f .Hit'lat. Any Ih Ueneral Aswmbly, laasmuch as th r q u Ml' ..t "y ole f. ot so work Is doe by Ih Nation.il Cot-1 kiii1 r ri. .! 'idm. ..t, wi h a wrili rrniutBI. 1 .4 pint's I t k-i nh the w rt.is " t Kolkia: m kai.ATlo to liturtlotn I Am almetl, ' Amen leirwt." ksl TAI ATM. 1 Tl. . lolutert ll. el imni m Jlitl Th pfwwcl CooaliUUoB, ArlU-l V, ,A the txpuUr . av I.I br duly rt'B 4 lief) aa J Tssstiovi, pros ids a foi-1 a bait . l f th l.. oi. is'rl -d ott: I.Tfi.. t-l -Ai O V It 1 holee hrt's of 1' I . O U H for M e t.y .1 Is is It. Doraoy, '0 Calvrrt M and U Cbeall, UALTIslOKK. bin el, Km- CamdtH btli snj II 0. H R- Jjfs, etmttHietU fefA Vrt'f ell (ht .Wura ami H t.'rrii ft. K , . IlALlIMOItK, Ml). It. 8 II A II K, Pro pit tor. I tf Ali the spp ilnlments b Ins; Hint ilsu for rt-asOMthli charges. (1 oO pel day. Thit House Is suiinUrd with th National ire i araii tad Mlni(unurr. , mar o ly QAMMID DISTER8. Branlf rr', HotUe.' IWkea, Canned liulta of al kinds, ap . U. T. bTKOACII A liK'i. T O II N C . W I 3 D K . CIVIL. ENOlNIkH, Al.Hill, badh-a Ureas Uood, Mr aed Soya' ttrjods, t 'hlldreti'a U.hhIs, V kUk Ixxxls, Cotton Gootla, Woolen Hoods, Forelirn (looJa. jtrond. Straw Hoods. Hair Uoods, WIU ltf4 U all kusraa m th Bus of kl Brofraalow ks say pert uf th Dial, lottker wltk the survey uf kuds. A ad w HI fin km4 i kirittii is M. ra J.tc Cornr A fow. sttetkn la the Bir. hfwe and akj ft kl rossinlaaio MrtThsnla ; lias. M liiWeMs, I Enala. Mines, .V rea Ae, Caekler Naltoeal Mnhaak-s ftarik ; das. L. Uomesllc Oxitl. rln Uoods, klodiswiUoodf. CkecpGood. This laal, with Ihe former pwrrhase of this PprlB(, saskes our llot l tk LiKCF.fT AND MOST COM f LET I ft i v i- tf.. i.i- -i.i, t. .r f.r. rtfi .t kote- sal and r. l.l. at prut that Biuat a kat lit' bad. S!8 9s -.54 6 W f. siiii Kl llirownm water; tivtiiihitr; triti jtis-; man, and they will slaini lour lo sit men safely. W kav aul heard of ou of tuts " bomc overeoui I V Sr and vat thsr kav bee tested hy vr Mlty Irws, ssvintf over (VSI iium work turra eailly If i l ii by ur wnn4 1 ft U N . -"" f " S 11 t i wortk of prowny. IT or onllusry s ehlhlraa I work turra silv If I I III hv ur wno'sd d ieeUotis, and If so set s war sal tin m Ii ssontbs fur Double haeiltw and tote "' lilob fumpa. also luvruird h) J. u KJitihi . . . kseapalile ol belnK used as s lulva well pump ' sod at well adapt d to iteataet ar.d a-l.' - of any elaas, owe ma etu Uimw watrr on llu . roof i t k ature huiioiuei' but It kaa Uonlik I ended lever sad wilk lowr Has la ve v usrlur kaad t-l sine. 1 liu No t) l.lcU Pump Is U luetit-s lu Uiamelrr allh l'.' sac.loe u IV t u native iilii aad throws 4t ks H.0 n t lous per utinata, securdimf to siwed 1 lis , No. I (II. h T liu hn lu LUtaeh r. I kirk rue - ' lloa and t of aa kwk dweltat pli, e.w bla of to 1 Kalluiia per taieuui Turn Ulola PamXW UMke of Ml-troa for com- UHi B s. Bras lor salt water ao titurk Un , forth tuaide of k ua. s for drlnkhi water tkey lift Ilia water So fM gierpriidiealar, aad yeucaa ullt In lbs k eMaad araw ealar r-H piluei or W. Us at rfrtxlt utaiieea AH Mods at slaaiu ao i water m tt'ed vl ' skta-t B"Ur j koaa, bo d(w Bad M hues lurwiiBeti tiara, c. (trad fa lr list. Tk sat r dwtak ol k Z - - ft nraa tor ir ues. i aa ews iw oa gi i J ; s J 1 WtUs w U food rvfeitaivs as tl evtal. f 6, allaedera. 2ij "Hij" koaa test ef tkssl fMasaw haws aot (iva - O J iff saiktlaelKin kulia terk raae It kaa urw aUrt- I H ? billable Uf tto snaker sed But Ike principle ef ' lit trt ?5 bay 14 W. II. A 1 ITrCSKIACO. ttuU-Um VflD'- w imm law uvmoi fm)... ..- . ( JiiDltl lea , " o lor AstTSkltUIP NOTICE. a. Ike Bdansead. hate Ihla dsv fonead rrtweratilp.BdrUnaMef Issiih, kamsssi Ala., for th perptu ef raw ds. tlus: s nk. Job Pr lnji ed Hook Hied- pmriM-orjimt rLoi. rn r rsettwy ( Inn, Ckote katltrs hotu-r. Jalftlf W.C tTKOSACll. -.I.Mnrka&Vi SqlliitlLAS. ' MVATEU" W II K KL. E5 To It th beaA tvef Iuvi tiled. !'( laUUlUhitirfll Tl.lt are kra will sa psbllak tk IBU tat, Ksc si'Sa ('. II EDWAKDH, N. Ii. llHOt OllIO., A. r. ItlDD. NuTICl. All lortl. iadWttled la) Edwards A Hna;t- laa a ill dwe at la Ikair afeuaala teawwdk at Il , thai oar Sns keaw saay ka Sft taarta A t.:WAIil.t at HIKJliUlllua. )'f It NokTiH Ai:il.liA,i ,MM-r.K CHATHAM A, I Al.r itdiBoas, atjwiM' AaJenu Jekweta, alia A. J ian. DeM at kaau. dtfk Wt.ltasaa sad !! alao .ai Ita Jaa, kiaaMMX Jj ftdtlw. Mary A llitttow, leaa J. liit-assedAt dtau tl.at-U ,VaJ ranaaf a J' '. Tlkkaif a4tkaJkaarDiltir t'. tu aaa . . M te SBasa- A a A.tw A iMSfas, IkNd at wife Ja. la M,M, Mary A 200 G "IWe. . Property belt gleg loth it at I of Wi Biatiiclpal eafMrrti.a, shsll b f 1 wiiit (roi talttkoa. Th General As- aswably easy tlrnipt e saHrrk. bb4 pt prrtf fceld fo tducalkxtkl, riBliflc, lit- arsry, rharilal.1 or rtliRiow purptaw ; a ao w sarin ( sppeial, arms for snealef . sxKierknld sad kilrbea furaitnru, th r rltaait! sad SKtM-sltuial implfoxata M kaatre sad laisavrs, librara aad rwlilta ktwtfutwewl, t a IsIm tot trw4 lf Ihrc kdtrd dollars." Tk arwaB.llweol trot lorl.ariifa Ihts I Jukaauw A.tw A . . . . .... I Jwmm. J'e ill mm 4 erU li laswrtiaaj tftf tbe .otd -im-1 j,..- J. t 1 al. 1. ... ka I ttlal'-W. IW i ilwUt wd A4J II. ' ' r I tow U. aVIavlaatl !' Mwaad, If ta be " pf"pTlJ," SO that IS a 1 io I j. m4 tMis pr MMf, la at-e l tk . i . a m.a a , I iHka ef Ua Uf Ua SV tairl aaaoeej WIH re t I man ef I bailaa wl kaa Sldataartav "Aa. . rie-papy Ukaagiag IB Mat im iwik f ude aa.a t-e ll. i Of le aaeekttaal r tl shall Ues- .i al tk. . l nk., anU Irnaat lai.lLa. IWIiMalAM. f,i..t. S ft et e fc f a .1 W s.flt aaj iraaiiitu,. 1 h UeVMrsl A - t- mtf wrewl tke twl lwt Wy taay rirwsrM eirV, 4 p"pny , ,,i,, .,iauM4. lm !.. k' t ! dwitial, t tawtiuar, lltavary, a.( lia . M tese rbf U.taW aw Irft i.a Mi.aM ataa laah lla.l if tf..f laal In tb aaM W ait -d k .IrW, l...rtvre. I he w B.4 " fwNe)e laftwiuw MkaKWad a tak -A, wad lbt rmmm aaata taraaan, I.Uait. at.. I Ktaaltft tttaarfU ae Mars ar Bey a tr a..i mm naa sane, Saa eaJaa f ka4 a. 4 a! at eat! t awt, mm..N,i,Mb..,l.4UV rkrrVil7-k-iik rrrtti: u Uttst saw ta tw ritt-1 eve I I..1. 4 ... , . , .(-''' a pwa a 11 oat, avruct U.Sal tk fcd-ewlff i , iBbyeiHof tha t'el ly kl C ! pel IIU ! I SMftU CVMMER KEFKCSIiMEMTt, it Mtrtflfj's CoBfeftlonarj More, Tbt M.al Oaik loos Ic Cream Soda Water. It ks tk rawly r Creast lain r o it is a i i ii - IN ftALHOII. If yMi dir Ws k asufUld aU al MostOI ant Mil PaaapkM IW Address, York. Pa Jl sar 8s r tf AD AXLE takEAIE. A Seaaa Cark'e Watorprenf PwaBa. to Cpw a a A at Willis, very rneera. K r. alO.IUalCU. l'0 1 1 mali; Port win i. brat 8 SWtt Wlna. Corn it Nlcnl. r QQ BfSIIIUI tILUiW CtN. 300 l,,ltL nnittRi, kl tlltLS IM'LTIO MtAla, Al A. C. SANnKM A . Ma I Mataa krraA KF.K.8lM)r.r FKMAI.E COLIXfiE. o n t c .1 b r o n t . 5 . v. q o ft k Js ot so awsbel vara Baa ' w'ala' wws s tway K. r. Ju14 AOU fc. Tlit Klllll. s.lvsd It. saar tl W II. JdNU ACll iTi T tV-V? t s DitiIL;i8 WV X Til UttlOtAt IXTAl.ltf -la sVlaaa tfriulaaa Ik fcniy ataiatktre attk la aaat at lb 4 laaxdae. kwilMMa lata la yMltaraa Ik teawUfiate. ibalat'. k a. 'tat krepperaaaf ) !, " I loans. ' " SiepiatBuaf ftnady, par sad a" a 1 If W. H. JOI li AU. gWAM LAUDS foi SALE Tk fiiea.e daaaiM I sails ks Nlk I Csnai.M r aa.-f . i aals k tesaay ka k '!, Il.ou aam ; alt Bad Srawa Mrfc ht 0 )eaabi sad Sladoa, Bt Bfias. Hotly Skwtta hi New llaa.se. M.Stf Arl Hat la Nw llaaar. r aa4 Pt la. M,waiunai SU.' Itak laa Ir.aaa aad liaajWaa Bfl BB --a-a, sabfaiS ka Al rtf M al laa riaabe'l BeiinM t aa(a, ia aiunaia aua -r ar a taeik. uas saairuad larwark a l isiai. , 1" tarwaM r.atrt m Carter at, f7,M Daaer tasaap kl Iraaaa, Tt.au aarea , I Ct riak ks Oaaea, l.lllura t Tk Pall Bi.ile aiH a.taatktrkaf " 7?":" VjTT. Set Rare t SMafwrt ead lr, !.( t.t.M-. ad tk-f T lla-s-kait-bd 2jtUll -. t Ji II U tLx fi.rairr rr 4 1 Tw ri" s aiaa o a a hW s-eHae areaa . t ,TT . ill -4 tW rZJ Wt, a , . .. v. . ft.... s-.-M- laU s. t eei,,-Da a.U !Mt."r ' T. .! I . a - . . . k... a4a4.laWNI'' twlila I....4. . '. . ji' ,, im ' ' iTTi u. MMr dan el iWa. si ... As k -! ka k fo ... aa a llakr al k t I.U e-eye ( . a la .,,,.,, ... ,t. a. a.n tfc. aaaaa aa.ia. a...l law. r- t W A-M MeUdtaad feS Ulea tai H ft M tW" '"C a la ' . illlllW'Is. 1 1 d U Sa. af IkawA It.l IaLI H tfT ksl-akHi.r TMk I AV Tk tstSka I Itw aa ad Pa ky kw aa al-aa an M ta.4 lt 4 f- -rta aad aa aa b l tu H a a w at saw at as aaa'aaw as Ua. mr sar SY II t aM A l"l etwa4 TAkAAls trrtkNikT MLl'tiLaw.jf!,.,! ' M ArkaiAkf, I tfak IM4w ataid rat aJI tW Am aaat Mrf (iwal aa lUatfdf IWt,-(l- aad J kl to-aa - a b etu aia. aaa ike i it - wi aaait -4 If a I t.aaa etu.. tba fciww Saa-aw a all SVMattt. J a.Hi t.iM k wall evanf stw aaad baaaaaff aa. yf rarveta pw we area, e Ie-O SALS. - I rJ i"' 1 1 a.j ar ' M wii aaawlkakuiMUt A j . f . a. a i tf I !- Va at. la nn, I Mlllt!! I - ' " " -w a a ot !! )! Mot f AIM ilittsl ft eaia. wf taaead akar. laktail , II tfVjNM A Its. aa w.aa.aaaw Nad I W la4e'' aad .a. 4 It At.lt M .i tk. Saevew-y tt-eart l t -aa, SatySMwtw feata, a t. prl. rlpaa I W Ska ha austa aaly afcd Utt laiia. la kai kawss Addr tkrpaaip. Ma areata !' ska ka rtlial KIT' flKN i.lO'k . . - UleaBk,.U. W w!H laks la partaert wuis awt. or n I la ka t. -rk vaay tf so deatrad. . .. 1 H. KUWA1U. A sent fo. Uslunl aad Tk'tally. Jslfl d,s-wAar U . N 8 1 prnust.s: (roataMkr WiAasuw! . . UfAt lltLHT, nrTTIIVS MIU-S wur or ciiAKifOi 1 , n. c, I Th W. C d ft. at ft. M Salakad la 1N0LI 0VRS. Al I.W.JW. Ilfco,', Stto, turn, luwwiJ'm ' I i I i A . . ' DQCBtt gOS. Mi il r' I " llsralbsj al la p.l(s, aaad fm AIK, IT .. IfttO. Ult.H Ittatav O-.Tay.Jte.klk.l poS-ki a-, t Wi at wa ww taaj , riiali l aa ll aeatrsw. Breek-taiadia4 Hat hi iiaaa, A i !. On, s on, tnoto tn.t. SNBOt, llioau, ia w i (jtaiew. ; MSTOLS, -7 SbiIU A Wmai'i, Coll s, Alias's, Ikary t, ) ktUMry aad aUanr kiaaU t Bscfn bbbb ran as. ' AMMUNITION aa. IMPLEMENTS fa Nreak laadlu (lea, el a saaail atvaaat aasaaSal ta-f-lauaaa MHavllc Aasaaaalikaj fo kit. aad l"VaJPS taeeat aaa'krl WV aa. A eaatalata ""ai.l at all tpaartiaf 4oaS( I rkas sad D-a. tpi low Saejl aa pta 'tWdaakl pi-ad llpfaaw V. O, ll l ssflsia bck ' ' laraiita. - i The aatvr fc eaaultUnd br tlue alio kate trtod M aa auaal ta tka We ad rka Skid IB "" Vinraas.aad sw If af, salt tkaka Biaaa. a Vltket daatataa tvaill frtwi tk Baa aa( it. VA kM Aalafccr, Mad SaksaBr aad AbaM . kaate aabar. V ana aad t old Vatks Ha ad of ink sad f aaersi at Basawaas i at, tare, rsti f i teea. fu farUtrt Barttralar, BtJf V - " ' ' T. W.kSkVAkK, , , )alft4.e pro) rutur. :w Hilt MU'Utll M1US rc N W. lUltoaaes tk, Ita01.a. koka'd s. liw a, Wrawaan a. botl I aad th'lr aaia..ald ball of aa wa kaaJ aad OTparkad l.srSa pit aud air SM JKMVaU. . , -N.a SlarMeli.t f rsasl f Nue llarrWas Ua..a ' Barer i aad ktalfa, ataaa " Iteffalta" Hm ) At t fj. BinyHjiCM. C OLIVE II. Aa paar-arad ta tit l-W I Ipait. ia i art aaOaa, ft t.aa sad Taf tall II draataa CO' aU-ix, k. a J ta tit erd-a l-w tk.Wa, Tka tbrkd Walrrtlafa fWe (ftawaalt tatklla I aaa) la aaaw ! k llattaf 1ialaf ta laaOT4 ait Uaa UlU ' Vartaai ftmrum vf laMaf aa.ar rawdaea kka. 1 1 1 a-a eaiatl daaOajta laataft ful tat.il ad j.UaaaaraAra MkA Mdkl MAIM, a laa was well lane, as ia naiad kaaa.k-.aw, etal k lkw af lave Senear laiauan, Sa Ikaadal a aaar, Taa ft Airy. tai ,.d fabta aad eat f 4 I' aaaii-M aol ba at IlLaatf llaik aa Ik WaaSavw MCI etlau d t I , saa-.a a tbe arrtial r iro ik e. u ftu.urrr. a la-4MatatfkA rrvv.l.M L I. K IS' ' 8 I I OT'eV. HINDI AtoSVllXE, M t. NarSa Paat CaeaM at PakTJ I ffra, is boa WfaaS law Ua lwaajafcaa af Swlma tla Iwtarttf af lb fiiiaaaf a Waa isJ aa-a tabaaa taanl sainiai ilnaf fanlira H lna rw H I -a taa aa, .. i.a-ra a j la Uaatr baa ta t- a a fa. av : IA AT lilt NtgClkT Of rklnS la taa. tan .at4.n l. -aw- da pMaa4 u faaaii, sad la (. ,w la I-', Ii l . aad .k a.aa-4. taa iw.l tbal tf atnlad. I al aa raxialad Sab p-,t.l weaaji.at.-aa) f ,. ae aad a-f i.a. Sw tVa aa'ara JW af 111 toasll. aitlalaSr a rmmjf V a-'--" ia IS. -aa I bare 1 bi l a4. lata fa iba niMt favaa .at at ska lt a., at-at la a TIL. si isa ia.kjejaA.OT at kbTTT " -""""T " 'a. iU.1 M f , Nat, v .Jatyt' s' r.tK ,Wk a.aaa vij n a-avw . i . .. . .a mm r km tat i ai i oai.i a r.i t Paaka al I las aale ,k pt fltai St c, STtUiwACH ' 1 I 1 I "A AA IM! k MaaMr ) I J ' Bt I ea 1 1 ttaaAad pas at St M-l'f ta-' t lllotllll -1- .

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