1 TttM.w miss. '; - ' " ' " i.. 1 - v.- KoN OiapatClias w ' ' - . ; DOMESTiq-yETyB. FBOM WA&UIXGT02. . i Ths besdriaarfcterrf the Department of the Golf lu ieutporerily .removal from Orlesn to Hotly Spring oa ths iOth fort. CHOLERA IK 1SDLVSA.- ' " Etakstillb, July 88. ,' Advice Iroto Priobeton, bout twenty five roily North of thM city, report chole ra iu lln.t ' neighborhood. Three or Una ;,.) mile ewt of Princeton, oa Indian erek ten peno&s died aiuce last Friday, and ""new s re repelled daily. Reports wers current that tb disease bad broken 'out In Cnrml and ML CarmcL bat it i believed that Absstoric ara bo fminijej .Advice from JIC Vernon state tbat titer art only abos H people left (B tfcst pjacod tJig- forroBBdlBgTJiWa arrtiiletJ Hb alt. Vernon itims, who ,,t..hv ?ed )rcim their own city, The board ' -ipf health requested all persons not to via- ; tt ths place for the 'jnrcaaot. '-- """ FROM CHICAGO." ' Chioauo, July i8. Tba Board of Haiti b It ports 423 death including 14t clioWa mortalities, all among Kcaai arrived aenigraata. - DEATH Or aN ACTKKS& ' Pkiladelpbia, July S3. Mr. X. N. Thayer, actreaa, i dead. 4 trom vtyr york. ,-. KiwTou, Jul O. Got. Dix Vetoed tht newtpa per claim bill and the bill removug Bing 8iog . prison. ' ' . , ,.; , ( Job UcUahoa, of Nar York, defeated Thomas Copeland, of Canada, ia wrest ling natch.' 8uke $3,000 ia gold and tba championship of America. Then war 87 death ia Brooklyn yes terday, including 253 under fly year of age a beary Increase in mortalities. Tin - health of thf city to reported a bad, and investigation, in different wards shows . cholera morbus, cholera tolantura, dia rbcea, Intermittent fever, and other dis ease incidental to bad ventilation and - vf wwded tsaeassal and lack -of or a of little one cause socb mortality. - T,' FROM DCSTUCKY. . , - " Cokoobd, Jdly tt ; Wat. King killed R. W. StreiaUib. Both wera railroad contractor. t' ' "FOREioN NEWS - -FROM CCBA,. . . ' IlAVaXitA, July 23. Tht Fpanlsh Conaarvatives of Usvaaa, y Beat lo Madrid by the last mail steamer, a petition t be yreaeated to tba Cortea, ia wbfelt they aay so long a a single srm.d rebel retnslns, wbn erie "dmth t ths fipanlarda," aad until a suflkieut time has elapsed for the compete fatiblishment of t anquil.ty ia the Island of Ctibt, o ic forms shall be Introduced, aath as ar likely to proilao dlaturbaaeca ahkh ' would only be favorable to th rein I.- -The prtitUia wa signed mostly by the wealthy Spaniard and slave-hoiJers sad their dependants. The republican emu- mitte sailed to-day for fo.ln.lo lay their can before the Corv. They aak fir mora raforsaa, eierially tba liberty of the prwM, tba abolition or modification of th eeaaorahlp, sad ths practical abandon ment of the republic form of Govert . ,., . . , ; men! her u well a In fpaln, rnow wsDor "1" ' . " LoMx, July fi. i Th weather bar cooiisaaa very but, - at 1130 o'clock Ibis altar anna, thether --sxW stood 8T drgrw,-' - " 1 1 ' A vra tboaJrr atorw accviopaalcd by aharp lightning swrpt over Lacraa abire vwstsrday, Th emp or damaged to) Vaiioaa hlitio aad a vera! puwios vara atrwek by figktelng and billed. . BP AN IS U AFFAIIti. Moai, July f 1 A jeetiag which waa attended by all tba member tf lb rabiaet aad Urge a eat bat of the majority of the Cones waa held test rrealag at the War effl.e to dis- i what maasaree aasuU be sdoMed t i the wertbruw of the laaorrUaa- ry rwrvtnaats ia Ike eoaatry, aad lb r atoratluo of order. The Cortaa baa apptuvad (be bill piw tdisg fur the iaasnaitlooaf xtraordiaai Uiaa, Paraoa known to be la syeipathj with th Caiiiat are to be tiled basvie tba than byl sopslatbm. The mtourlly " of the CorU have iatuoj a mesiJaeie coo deasalaj U oUy of ths gavaraausC MMwIght DHsMitrkfa Domcstio Nows. rnoM GtouciA. ATLa'Ta, July 11 The llttU, laaitailng Ita Kw York BMt'Mke, ctartartd tkia day sshcisI train trm Atlanta Is wnt Vviat to carry Mi daf mail in alrssxe of ottwt cily pa. par 14 h. r. rnnMitKwtfBit. Jaw Yi-aa, Jaly tt TWa B--4 of Tira I a..-f ' rwt4 to raUo 1 he late of ibwuor W ' tg i a U1 rWe, ao-l Ul aU lawitMHO pat. is ll- ' ',7 I" wttk ttm, ' i ' ri M WAIIIIMJIO. Wtsaiaomw, Ja'y tt , An.rf(; (wial Wi;;i n ad t t ! patdrs la lb ra of Jsm- Pickett, of Halm, nUa ia seutcr.:cj t.- be buagia tU territory, PkkitJcalta blow with a miner' pick, oa the sknll of an Jndiaa woman, killing her a! moat in stantly. II wat arraigned end tried by the civil authorise c.f Idaho, and sen- teoced to death, it being the firit cave where a white man has bees aenteoced to eafltr the extreme penalty of the law for the murder of a mi akia. air ... ' . ::?TafiNKsiiv-isiA; " WnsTCBnTS, Jul.. 23. Jiutbiiig new ha been developed in the Goes Iflurdir ciae jn tlw but twidav ex cept the finding of a person a b sblved the body to Baltimore which a as i und ia the ruins of a burned luiliini. UJ derErik'a luc th I .jiut an bour with him this inominx Mtof the time was spent in prayer by .e mother, who brieves h r on to be fcui.iy, yet baa hope i,i disabil ity to pime hi innocence. He it culm and collieel, He' dttoso. him e T with car and is polite to all caller Khod.-t hi brother-in-law ha s1-ii amaud as r. ported, nor will he be, as no erid.-i Ci et b obtained againat luiu iil'AW. ' 1 Madrid; July 28. 3T7 t x -Prwidm'-'fiiitmeroahtid'' ueoeraia n:-uny. lie wasaavnea to rum mop immedtivte y into active strvict 00, 000 reserve. The civH govi mora SevHle and Albacarre have ben diawiased aud replaced by special delegates. Qen. Mar tinez' ha superceded Oen. Valaoole,' at Capt. General of Valencia, Th iohabi tan Is ot UlUera have debated and Uken two gun from an insurgent column which marched oat of Seville to carry into effe t tba declaration of independence. A the intnrgent ironclad Vittoria wu saiiny from Alcaata, a German Winnie, which was lying In the harbor, got up steuro sud followed her oat by order from the Ger man Legation ajt Madrid. ;' " ; . Bukuoia, July 3. Til reinaius of .Gen, Cabriuetx, who was kilted In the engagement near Rlpool between the Republican and Cailisto, will be brought to thi city. Fearing diatsfbaaow ia eouaeqttenee ot the lasoe of the proclamation f lodepcu denoa, many of the respectable inhabitant ara leaving the city. , The Colonel of the civil guard has deserted and Joined the Carlisle, ',- - "BAficua, July 23. The CarlisU claim that their effective force in Spain, now lumbers 30,000 men They have disembarked a large quantity of arm and amunition from England, at Requictto. ' FIUNUhl Paris, July 23 Th CarlisU have made a formal de mand of Franc tor tlio recognition vt their right as belligerents. Kaleih JMarkot. van nil VIU.T. r U. T. BTIKHracu Dao, Mkst Fyi'iks. July 10 IUTTON f AllN,rhum l, " dry, pur lb . LEATHER Mil.t LKATIIKH LPI'tK... . .. LXATI1KK H.'.ltSF.-H LAKI) MVLLIT8 UDUDUMi, tii . . . UOLDKN HKbP ... UaM mja,prw. : liiib OAT, par ba. .. . M Bbeaf, per i lbs PKACIIUt Dried roil CORS.per bemiba. CtUCKKMf ! tfsot . . r. r.r.tr: rtATHIKi. rLAXKCtUprr ... TOa . 751 W M0 ion 101 1 IS I . I ou au I3u , l ei u run K, par trfil, N.c. ninuiK, f lb , rr I HAT, par Ub.. IIIDki. prntry mTATOKa. wrt, par be , acnAfV nu.i..4;.... .:. , TAI.UIW prrfb .... VIKUAstpargal.. KIC. .. ., HKt.i .., Til ItelS Wa IMI tj;i!r,s- nalu lUalJLj V-e 10 a U'f s'.nk KM) I no ino o MOO vino vino i too IKH) -1M too noo noo HAL.,llNJi:ai aad esTi Um at ho.tusa prtrea 4 MppiWd. fsvaal by T. II. BIUOU9 OX, a4th 4o,1m Kisstl. an -! 4f t far finiti iirtn in. m a-t s-to. ... HI Iwa la ay L. aad ' MM lfssta)' t M aJ"'T -a) Ju ml K mX I4m 4 i ' a w nii am W tM4 at tba l-aw a taw I i a nr a tnm'i. law i Sv ml . ti.. I at , , a.. - - W. ..- alrlU fantorf MIms Aasortad ttaae, aS(VsI too yi have Eiiocli Morgan's Sens a A P V L I O Is s tutwtitute for Soap for all Hotu b?IiP.',!!'??r,,,'IceI,t washlnf clot bo "S' 4, PfXZTTrT for elfanl vou konae will sTfi ' ! labor st eau eloanar. Utv tt a trial. $ I 's jrp( i i o" for Window Is better thaa whil Ins; or , water. Ha moving certains ami car- , pa i ' j , t . .. i ,i i ,j ! A'Ar yT.r Z- I r(r clean paint and woodf. Is fact the en tire hou-o, better than oap. Nortup pto;. Pave Ubor . Xou can't aUord to be wlthont It. " 6 A P () t o for aconrtng- Kntnw 1 tntr aad cleaner than Bath Brick. Will not aerate b. S A P J L J '0 1 better than aoap and sand for pol ahluic Thiwar. Brifrhtens wlthoat -scralehlnir. ' Sf' A- prL "ioi JKilube Unu apd epjr n'emiib brt- ? tr tkaa acid or oil aid rott-'n Honn. $ A P O L I O for watliiux dishes and glaaiware is Ji.ylittable. Cheaper than Soap. A , ' O L . 'J, Q rernoye staiusirom marbls mante!, lablcs and siaJjiary; froio hard liniU ed wil, and from chloa and puree lain. reBiratagaala"griW . imiU and otliuT wivb i.pi . .. Tltcre l no one urllrln Lnin iiiui win ae so many kinds f r 'B ajowcll asaupcta HAND N A P OLIO anew and wonderfelly elloetlre luuciraap, naTiux no equat in uiiawuBtry or auroaa UAKD 8 A POLIO a an articla or Ui bath, "reaches the foundation" ef ail dirt, opeua m ytrv aun !v a aauiuiy ac tion and brilliant lint lo lha akin. HAND A P O L I O leansaau4 beautlOc the tklu, uiauinuy reniovni( any atain oi blciinMi from both hand and fare. n.t.i " A P O L 1 O I, without s rival In the world for v inuring or preveotinir rouirliaea oa enappin or t-iilier, li.mU or HAXI) a A p 0 -. , : L J O toinsve lar. pitch, iron or Ink stain nd (freus ; for worker in machine liopt, mine. Ac , ia invaliiable. Kor innkini; the kin white and soft, and Kil"K to It a iiiuoin oi oeauir," it la unaur piaard by any Uuaiuetic known. hatd A P O L 1 O coat 10 to 15 cent per cake, md a e'vrji""" uum Lars it will like ft You UON'T 'All. TO TKV TiiKiK (.CHJD8. buy it ot your merchant ir he has it or will procure it for at"X not. tlien writ f.ir ouri'amphlet, "J1 ub.ut Bnpo, tl.. ' .nil It .ill I 1 ' E u i; II MOROAN'B SON 8, 88 Park Place, J. T. luut ll-deoIJlweowly It 0 f . t K A UAM II I. K ' d kxtua Mva oei brawda of ia ar auld ilion ait!ht. Iv to tltiht imuuila rr hix If .oo uh tlicae aoap you pay m n -y 1.n ahat yoa do not reeel .e. ( an you airim1 do m T buy Proctor & Uauiblc'a full aeb' limed. Rnktbr rmrtralM yoor eltr . . ar SI. 1.1A( ll BK(I. Wholraale Air-nU iin AEOTIC Ice t 'rt-aia Freeaer. SOLID CREAM I FOUR K1NCTEA Band fur i.rlrn tut llaaowaaa 11m as or J CUC8 LEWI At o.. ' Kins IS-IJ ruber BaiUlinn, Hil-th, N. C. TUB Is Ik Best liaat. fruit, sad lee f raaerrer re the or'd ad for Prlra t Ut, ; JILILH LEWI A CO. V 1' kaklta, M. C Jk"IW DIPOT IwfOHTAMT NOTICE. I lalead to enotmcwra sett mm k. aad re. tinea to rfmttm Uviir aad w arkly Paiwa .l Mlhly BlaaaaiaM mt SiSanat klad. AU pnuw who mtmtm to lake peir mt Maa ia ea do au. aad I will S.IKar Umiw al their rv.Wa Sa-ly warHal ml Ik majk J O. HlUIMEUU aaay m tf w A (ml rilAKt IV N. WIltTSot a CAPMCtX J a k'T ii i. a. Thi aaadieine haa bars Umt sa 1 tboroarMr aao I sad )nid II la rrt..i If IM aa'al'ln t-lt I I awUa, bnlaia Ki-ft , oltr, I'tarrW ai4 tukla ( aad lor ail patK f 'IHaa aad ataoii. anaia iwitin rrt. at ! fmt tutila, aret by Stall t say sddrvn. a X w IIITI, , kwxlh,k.c. V.I4 b alt tMSagtMs hi lb a ' II,. f ;na pCBLIC At'CTlOX. I will tl st Mm ir liuaw ta Lal- aick va lb th dr -I ia., a A, a kA a ml -f Laaxl l aaUaf t a au'laa ( law ta w nf Wet. Jaffm e4 bi tt. tbabn MIim auwik akta mt - alb W-t a) n M mt ta a Ku 11 j.ly It 14 O. T TRt'XAt.'IL a booh i uu tiii: niM.iov. - - fas sNmsw. "1 is u lt -VJT rv4 ul t&jWivsjiU. . a . . w.. Mm sm aw- , t w r t a a l ' aaaau or taal I ri.j.a sad LI 41 II Mo. 1 .- - t - -a- awh iki"l ' al I t WRO t J Mlllil'lll; MISCELLAIvEOIIS. QtDeoy. j Ay a cxrFE. "Silrer" Pri Syruis, I i Ooldea " ily n-U...,, ? t W. a STl.04fy, V f M V Qirau JU4 AW1MTOCK Vttf ! bO'heU ock P ( II 23. f.., Mbah;Toand tasattl if f mays -r T 'r. joiatS CrV. Best BoatUcitpton Haiu for al-. may 7 W If JONES A CO. JELECT BOABBING ANOpATSCrtOOL Unxaaoao', N. V The Mise Kah A M'im KollwW. will r nroe the ex- rdeaa of tbear school oa t riday tlw With July. Circular forwarded on application. ' lunea-d;w "1 Of OXK ,,FOEK!TKfl LEMON Ciacioi ' to arrive tn-dav " Jnlyl3-tf ,-. l.KAl'U liROi. ICE ICE, . ICE. ATOSS CEST H& POUK'O 'E.IVEK- I ara ore.nanid In nH. th alnkl iui Ma chine foral. tnelndioft the exelnaiTe riirlit to ne the aame undar the patent itluu beau in one lor fonr vaara. Ice 1 minuractnrnl dikIp uii paieut aiaciwt or not over 24 per ewt. axO about ene hatf br-wiw ia - -an ouur i or aaie in iaieni ni;ut to manulaeiare BMetHee foe this city and county. , for draw Inea, plana and apeeitteationa, and a I other auiomiaiiun apply 10 . CAPT. JOHN C. BR US YiHHBHOCOH Hooas F o Another rotubmment nt ttia lu..t nttfli'A in- ; White Bweet 8cupiernona; V! perCaaa " Dry " Red Sweet " Port 1 nd H t Also beat rklinir Champaign t U per. -" iiaria aw is ivr rinia. Jnne til-it W. H. JU.NEA A CO. H BALE, 1 Bed Room Rut Vl.r .hntn 1 Parlor Set Pnrnitnre and Table. janlo-U V. H. JONkddtCO. F o 8 An aletfant EnvlUn lli-,.r T. . "...l Hil, - Knlvc aad Forka. c ' P XT . W. H JONES A CO. Q U1 A K B A lanr apSU A larre lotof Whlto and Tallow Huirar at O. T. aTONACH A BHO. M AONOLIA MOOT I) It A FT GIK, Perfect Catlnira and iruarjntrfef! Lha hai vtn in use. inly 11 U T. feTHONAOH A BHO. Q RACK IKS, SNAP AMD (AKEt. Lemon. Boda. Uilk and Arrow Root Crack era, Hoyal Bnax Nic-naca and Cinnamon take, put up lu Rre pound bores. 8 Hoik caeaper uan ercr. .. , JnlyO R. F. JON KB A CO. rtlll ICTL Y O Mil I S I Txs 1 1 0 L C It. JI. WATERS & Co., & Bioad Htroct, New York, BANKERS AXD Cotton Commiafiiou Merchant!, Boy and sail eontrart (or future live r ot Cot'oa. Iiepcwll acToun' ot Hat km. Mer- thanU a-d oIIkts ar Mirrially eolir u d July t dn Hb'.MiKtll Ib'XKi A.-MIKTfcll JLTOOI3 CnoilN, EAU PIA, FINE PtED, J l'lrd lata. Vi-cuer, Ha , aho hi, Ar At OaBoHM'A, Ont-a aad Krd Stnra, Wt of N a FrrUbl IKpM WarrhotM I Mara dm prd la haU'Srt row it It illd. W. A Oaf Via, Sat fabltaaly. N.ITIO.VII, hotel; xiAidEian, n. o. CILISO AT I ESTI"N TO TI1H Muaas It Is ailh the adaal bop tl t 1 atay bare a literal share ef travel sad 1 pamiitaa to sdetar t ak It . II y of III nMlt Ubsp di tiDt rbr i.r at . . tOO J. at. r.LAia, prxpWt.M JlV '" MiiRTiiAt.a a-iana r tm tii CAB4IU1A kAOJtuAOtutirAsir. Tba alfkia' faad ! tba .t..ti. at Ibw ai4a, il -n hm a4 kHk f alts. s luaa. sw xiaMina' la Ux tawal 4 lakrtf Uawd 4 r at par of tft i;l ad Mml, r-s b. if mi4 at b Stala SilhMl Hi Sub th, at mf ea e m -t ' A l W A t.tMAal Tr ( su.a m I a4 IliuW a ,J,-y r.tJ, JU a4 f F" i if tw JlLUBLEwti AOU,, V W W i"''"t,'',ii t t),VMl4 rrrid sn.-.i. f iTTt'W 1 ' " AnMW ! b4 I ffrnmh Banri limm. a at awt a. Alas t nan, ta. t; fc4 4ai4 t"" dis M Tt. r II If was Haw k-at Candr. I 60 Hoiua Kui'- f tjn h July 13 It I.KA' II Uti. - aVl ? AXD 4 AS WaterGoDlBrs. '''" - 'mwmm aaTFV t m a a a Tf ata t" - . w hm a.aiia a. .! mtum -Ml.aa. A v a, v-a-ja t tl k I N III .... . f u n -Y GOODS. gPIUXQ AXi' STJHMER ' fiOODi r j. JiosExiiA unr. 'vtamSKssonro a. atisn.) " - Wliolesile and lietail Dealer in UEADY-MADE CLOTIIINC5 In FOR ' MAN AM) BOYS, kin , STAPLE DRY tiOOD, H.1.J, BOOTS. and til E., CHINA, CBUCEK1 , i , an4 GLASS WAJtK , HALEKJil, N; C. llavlnir on hand the most comnlete tot k of gooU ever aclved by. blia, bs amUy In vites so sxtmination of tlie (ante, fi-elinit eon Alep.t. tllt. ie ;.csn,E'ca9 any one wanting goada hie line. :- T..'.,,:,: CALl AND KXAMISK A S'U YOV A7.1 11. UK SUITED. sp ZVMn o NK TUOUMND (J.li'.LONrt PHJLA DKLPilU BVRUP. OoUcn K) rupby the bun el or (jallon. Jul) i!3- K f. JONKS.t C IiAILIiOADS, dee. QHANOE OF BCHEDULE. RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIR LINE, BiifsmKTEUDtNT'a Orrua, Kalsioh, N. (J., June Jlst, 1S13. t)nand aftnr Vfnmlftv J 1 1 n at i5Ll i titu lr.l.,a on the Kaleijr, and Aunutia Air Line w'ill run .Silt, TSAIW. Leave sialebjh 8.S5 r. u. Arrive at bandlord. .. . . 0.15 p.m. LeaveaBandford 4Sa u Arrive at lUKlli ,io M, Mail train makes close connection atRaleieh with the KaluiKh A Uaaloa Railroad to suit from all iioitil North Aud ataaniltoru with the Western Itailroad loaijo irom rsyctu-vllle and point on Wot ernRalltoad. A. B. ANUREWS, JunekiHf Buprrinti-ndi'ut. QnANGE OP SCHEDULE. RALEIGH A GAdTON Ji R.CO.. 9cprHiMTE!iiKNt't Orrii . Raleigh, N. C, JvaUl, lTa. On and afur Tumdiy, June 4. 1873, IraJut on the RaieUrh A Gaston Railroad sill ran aaiiy, euuany excrptcd : MA'L VSSIN. Leave Riile'irh.... VS'i a. m Arrive at Wrldon 3 .l r. m La ivea w eldun V 15 . m. itrnicv ai i.a'viKn 9 r. M ACCOMIIOOATHIM TStla. Leavea Kalria-h S.UI m. M. arnvea at v laue V UU s. H Leave Wrirton.... H 00 r. , Arrive at Ralci(:h.... 1x0 a. m, Mall train niakt acioteconnactiua at Weldon With tba Pealoard A Koanoka kallroail and Ray Lmae trainer v a I stumor.', to and from all polnia North, Weal and etlieat, and Willi feh'rabunr Ksilioad va Petenbnnr, Richnio d ana Wa.hh kIoo City, to aad from all iMilnt Nurth endNortltweit. and at Kalnvk with tba North I arolma Hiir,isd to and fro.e oil jmiiiU eouib rd Boaihwet,and ailh Krl. l-li . Auuut'a Mr Ltiiv !. Im ,. l and rayaiirvilir. ,4i'.itiiB.ll..n und Ir, Uht Irdm m .n-ct HW.I.lou Willi aicollillliHlutiuh and r..l,l train u B kUund A Kouok Kuiltoad nd ftlennarf Hallruad. und al tub Icli with a- ComniiMla.ion nd (ti( l li.on. i n .Si.r b t aruil a Kaortiau r i livljjf alunii tin I ui ot tbr road au llll kalellik In tlie luorl llii l;V Ibc arrummo daUon tram r.-iualu erai Li'tir and ri-tum Ike vainc 1 1 eul n A It. AVllia lt.. juaeklK eufnint.-! dci.l LI Ml". Hi RtttilLIM, liKVr, rM.nipi ptri loltgBi., r.llrauur a i.l ham. I..' nuathamrtoa t'suii. '.'bolie tmiiu Currd e'.ila. rruiic. aruhna fivw. i m, lv and Ttrt W f W.i:. altt '..v II. gPAIlKIM , LEMON BUG AM. and hlackael'." t how Lb'. ".Niam'l" (remand Miud I'ickir, Krr.h t Mi.rd M k. rl. imy art tr c ITirsCTr. BLACKING, Blarkla Bru l., Tw.t Pawdara. ConeniraWd Lie, ToUai oepe. e . Ar. i? I '' L At II BKIMt Jl AT A Ps as r A M ILV LOUL, Elmnftv A Ira-h bit 1 h uat intvd Jai) 1 1 W. c. elbt."t II. 10 IXiXt C K. ll'. Jl flrlved. W. C SfKnN If II, AMtt liAV tuai; o HhasrHnai aad w f, P iq h Tbmt Kaaiia ! , WCSTRHMACII. QUEUE I cliEiVrrrvlila ! Id aAn, frm Crmtm. nl seHvwt J'J I , .C SlV.At II. (iiTiit t or r Tiio rRrmi l'rra, Ut a4 Wl. ( n.tit I1! . W, Lf Im.NAIIL D. S. WAITT, I l aielictlllo tirrri, i a, I. i: i ii, in . o., r i ta i DHV (itHlS4 ( UlTlllMl, k a, M.ta, ii,, Uia, fu Mailt. W hile U4a, Traaka, Vl m a4 I aabevltaa, la tart amy thkaaj ka ts e Seal ia u4 , era aMf a at I'H "tM ra(N.t i AatanktatE 1)1 1 IMn m-mm m a--w ri-w A liaaabita tfcaliw twifOf W.t ItkOtAni Mm ' SELF FEEDIMJ COTTON Ml TTTE are sow taklcr ordurt f.ir a li wt.-d nnm' ir of i ccl-i.rataj $Et.l'-r f.IjJ'ii: VV, GINS. Heretofore owll ir ti tiie emit dctn md w h ve only bevn tbie to up a i 1 of the orders we have received ; iMo-iir therefore who run" Imjlr-f t ara tM-xt fall Testle obUire oa, by aeadinif in tlieirorJ aa rurtj a i.M.'d in w&kt that Vlmy uuy riA ineir uma in nine, these tins never xati'to utv entire -s-'Kracuon . n requ'rea .Vi. per) need Rinner tosttcud it 'Separate from, the co'.tno. stltlut 4Uala ol dirt, aim tml pelddea. A . tiins very rpUllv. Cleams Ike eei tl r iu-lily, l u oli.Utl). ti; iui' aad very durable. We shall be pleased totn l raihpblet loittaihwig t.irnWrthalst-rini known parties to sn--perfon sonn apTillration. i . .ae-- i',.. . M.;..-,,,.. .,: ..HIMXstf A, rOTcX: j-i-ST. Wtr St 'Xorftfli V i - , July ! oTwAwAswlni --i. t- ,f FIIIST PREMIUil A WAKUEJ) Ji :f;:ri 'Ti EVERY GIN WARHANTED TO GIVE 8 ed for trial- Ki raaleliv June T II BROOEYN LIFE Insurance Co. of New York, Assets, 1000,000; Ofticee, No. 320 and H22 i.!U().)V AV. 4.Lu Ymk CItT. Sttils sum W .tate.1 rdoilara sud ccnK JJlr)tuu-ra The .ctre. nd aim o, ,u cut h;v;, , , , ,;o,up.,1(I, ttr Lilwraltimn will ).; b? olleied good Solicitor. ' A. W. I.AWIIESCE, feb 11 Sm T-t " .xfdfX1 ;.' - ITae Wi Ww tb Amerkvn f.r.b" i' ui iiuui I year. It has Utv.f v. I VARIETY "STOIiE, if. 10 f.'tiltrfUh, Sltftt(! ,. - ll.a la C O N f E f T I N , It I I CuBtlil B- Of PLaii as!) ru ii ii . wihk , CAN M l l.l n pir, M'T. f Rl ITA, . JH.IIM. rickt.r.a, Mf iiHiikihi km till. lllll.t4 rtillin I'.IKIta nil BIKII A).l - 1 A II liUtt flrll. All k la an- if.l(i,i!,i,,i ,, I ii'Llv, lit in as i, i, i ir j . .i, Mr u a ( r i. 'i ,i i i,i all at xt In r - ti r ti,. k I : t. mil MI WIJ Jjirit CAJts iu: t'l T l' ' l.l. t. Jai UU t I a . ALtkdk. ir k tr "A." i i-.-.' aid' t. I a Ii.vtkaa seaaea s tt i,, i i m I a , i r. M n- A V.""' "S 'SV!' Nf,'r -'"It a . t 1 ' ' b"1" I I B At It titirt. EU ' Ml Al ' , Maa- u. ilT, f,,, ti.a4, K. .j .,4 PBIH. ra'r a w r Ji.h- a os A t A tl E V T, P I V t I, I A It A L K I U II . N . f W.W 11 A 4., p. 1 I, 4. kwsalilS, J.,',.wl Tl miIi4 aiU hmmm a MasJ.i af; iih, I'Ti lllllgv 1 IU anfcik, i' - ! t Ml 1, f a 1 1 4 1 aua If fc, tilt a S'.va aanw "' I 0 il r aatai p I", B.m'4 k. 1 ,1 ,1 t , ,i,im )m t 1 if . . . . Hi I h m 1. . ,s .-aVVi-iv. ',;-.7ak C I'.-, ar jMkr.atit, V.;.v. 'v.:, i 'i . r .. " . . . " . ' . ' " , V ' - -r aVj.'-I. a,,. f-IM to nlvo Orrt tzslLljrt ,-lL.' - . ' 'l U0 ' ''l ! reprr- titt t..ni;' ir-., ; 7 r- - t. w. wrf n n rnnffl I ma Ci f Tt ,1'i'-'k V -" AM I INtyT. Wrt - B Au'tut (- North Carijiiai AT NORTH CAr',-I i-N'A F UR In i i' V - h .1 -el OT a M fiiJ: kit H O m.l'-A'.il ITJ.t C TION AND A Mill TIME Al LOW . -.T. 9 ! HON CH A BHO , 1M ih, jr. c; K '"'bei.ii t. i.l for North t:n llns Olhce : iialclifb, H. O . . .. I. . , . . . , , . . t i. Ti.e tnonev r- 'IN CHATil M Co. l rito Cot ar, William lial.rya Admlnj'raU.r f J... U' .U Ul I uupx ai.4 atla Jaaa,! a h yiilriliul and wi'a M-n- y, v b! and w if Cathrln. sad Other. .Vw pr-mmlim la mm trmMn) , uwfa. ' It ai.,.rnr ta lfe atw(a-iHi 1 1 u rua I th't il.i tl. . .hI ih. I ii, Vju.ktslt h aid in aint, mil u i, .j .ut aibriua ; ara oi-mbviia n f, at,ir. H 'a urdrrd bat waVfe-atl-- 1 1 iau f , mi riitmi,:! rUtoiUnS saal I Hlmiaat, a nwBa -o . ia tl,, ,n, , k... u. Btil.iiifa lid ( ! H'a r. ...t. ,t. ,.f h'a r aod rowi- nmtd 'o at ar al lha t.tllca of U Ctrrk ol i , , .rf t j.tt lo, t.liaiba maaty . u.. a.riOr lha inuni S' 4 imtir tba ra llB UU4 In lb. i imwdiaj of juot-ratrat w i4 1 ai.trrrd a.-.at iltria ar. in t. r.a d.tet. -W.lawa f p,tt., , ,,a f MM amr. al "n-, lo fin.;, . , ti .. n a ii i;x ,!. 4 1. Ptill.c'i c - . II aula of rh (nt li .'4 4 H-..,kt. mZm ....4 t.. .,wa H i-. l-iaa f iam. Is r.,..t,.atl l 1 n mm4 waIa. lirwr. la ) r 'aalry tTu ..4 tfc,r,s Jk, U.rtj a r. l"4, fc. lim.-r. Ml. II tapiniri Ik t'entaitM) bJ I ! taSaMSd kr a w. banorfa- , ''. ti uiWih lu. a,Hiil.Hm a, w pt-t rb l- iim,Ii I wt.: i.4 tMw?4 aarwrik tl rf ikiwwv .tiM.rtt A brwflKHll i. m. 0.,4 ka.4 P. . 1 Sard. ma T1 la I aw M,aaraU j la. r..Waai4 bwd't, t I , a--4 t lf. 1 1 a.1 .1 l wa a. .o aa t i -i -J tm mm ta, 1. ! ' a Wabaw iwlnl 'k M. u . I w 1 V k.r,. a, a J Vrf4, ,. SO a I I'i"mI!'...,m( .'t-r l r-m iv. a-. VM k. im tllE liAhtM!.rt..41. m swvaawtw aar rtw.l with Uu t ..- ni Sfcia ' " ' 4- .4 dawav S "' Ma lat m ,mm4. . " h" 4 I f ' . t. 1. . fcuai ik, I a, tl Ih4 a 5i - JFSr2 ,w,tia.o. Eti.'c,

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