. . - 11! I- DAILY SENTINEL j THE DAILY SENT KElr t riVt-KDIul vfV a a re- a, .a . -1 r ;'; 'sESTISBl rtBLISBIXB COIfW. itWsAiAwue&u will t 4uMrid ia Ui D! 4TIMSX, v 11m folios mjr nut ir Moara ot . ,.i ra, iiMrthx Court lloue... ,1U or el'BeCBU-rioa lii.v tii.u. IU be delivered in ,rt oC the :ity at rirruM csim par "II. VI KM IHIHIW llUCe. ?ncaqwre ua Ubm.v. ...... ........ $La f" " ' cwJi uU9uist itiMtrUua re than 1 Week H I ;ure, 1 ik, I e Vi lein.,T root, Wi I - ttson'h, b.OB'1 - ah.m I " i 8 We. . ISUS) I --. b.tj i ; S" " !li.U0,l " 10 ' .. I-- 4 "- DUtWit U ao.0 I .1 " ."' S4.0u!l ,S .( VOL. VIII. RALEIGH, N O., FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1873. NO. 339. ... ''f-:fcf ''' - " 'C"- "V- I tWlHW. n I I II ... .aaaaayAeCe LATEST TELEGRAPHIC I KOlIE AIT-AJCRS. NEWS ON gth rflBC. LlRGEST ClWElitlOS OF 1HI flPE Fl'BLlSBED IS flit CITY. rel Office Directory. name" roe orrici ' AKBAiioiawT. Office hour from 7:30 a. m., to 7 p. nt., Uu r, wk ewit while the mailt are being distributed.) t'MI or ABRrVAi. AND CLOal TUB 4IL. WanUirn New Orleans, La., AttifiuU, Ga., .. 7.T.KI. a I!.. Charlotte. balUtiurj. (ireattt- rZo Salem. ChaiK-1 Hill. UilUliow, du. I -i i ) ... Cli'tw at li-p-ia. Returned. T Ju'lge BojJen, wUo hai been on a viait to relntire in the Noith for turns time ptbl. returod yusicr riij nmcU Improved ia health. v New Poet Office. We learn that been cstabhbhcJ utine of Soap Stoncr Mount, with J. W, Cox iis p.irtmwter. B new poi otiicc lua in Hando!h by the v ABOUT TOWN. , ll U again hot, ilrj aud Jut' j. " Vetirday tho ih 'trmnwWr reached 83 in the shaJe. - The d'13 CBtchen.were out yerilaj Tp fu'l loice. f The AVw sais our much esteemed friend 8jni is on the courting lint. The Ash ciate ! mi a visit tu hi lam - ly in Oruiiville. Ttcre ni' only nine candidate forth . t , . v . .1 . . 1 1 c Kewbtm, Beanron, uiusmri, .,". i rt' me aufHieiiiii oi rouicy at; P - SZZV YMi. Baltimore. Phlla- Morrit, 28,090 shares of Stock in Clarcn- 'V ... .1 U ..l. ... .1 Ddt..Ml,IIIH I 1 , 1. . . A f. . . ki4ra oi "BCoclTTbr "EaleT toR Wcldon, c., due at 3:30 Baltimore, Phlla- Petirtlmrff, p. ra. I'lot 1 IMS a. m. don Coalfield Cumouiiy and Nirth Carnlliia Railroad stock for ?lo in ltcwKl8lilp m ilic Lunatic AsyTuTn. There wat bat little done ltt the cotton muiV t ytsterJny. . flouie'gcnllemiairftKMn tlichii'fjif of drif- liiu UiNtUBB the atreuta at a laater Tate The raahlona. ' I Bupreme Court Derltatona, At this lata daythuia Ulittlo that k Decisions wcretf(fi?dered by Jaaticeaof new to b aaid of lummer fashiona. In I the Bupremo Court yesterday as follow! glory it on the wane, eutnnie clothe hat I Br rsAKsots, C. J, been worn until all ita freahnert baa del C. J. Fell & Bro. rt 3. A. Porter, et. al, parted, and wttU the desire change, J from Wats. Error. Demurer overrule I which eeemi to be Inherent In he human I J., A. Teague and a-ifo W. W. breast, we begin to took forward to tbe I Downs, from Caldwell. Affirmed. incoming beautiea of fall rather than back I John full vs tVm. J. Tone, from Lenoir. With regret npon the pleasant eiperi- I Action dismissed ucea of the iiimmor. We condense from I . 8. W. Latham. Hx'r. tt. al . vs H. P. . i - - onr Magazines (principally Dcmortsfs) I Whitehurat, frm Crven. Affirmed, the following fashions for the month of I Cir RitrR, J, ,.i...ii.n.nn r.iutle Rock. Monday and TUurtlmy, due 11:80 a m , cloae 1 p. ra. Rox- lro, every Wedeetday, doe U: m ,cle . '. n,iehbtrir. every WedneMlay. due! !i 40 a m . eloeel p. m. AverattKiro, close "n i. TUuradavt, doc pm. fridayt. kiuim for Retlttered Letter and Money Order Department, from S:30amto V Alnoi!i'li are received or tent en Sunday, th(.ome0Wi.lotbeootoa.sd.v.M; Mr. Tracy JltUspopu.lrlj kpowp here as Mrs. Jaff.eB A.'tJIatisjistoriaBiipi B new comic opera company iu London Aflditflf Reilly has not 'yet returned from the North. During bis absence tbe being from Boston, has improved on the I office is in charge of ti e chief clerk, Mr, Bostou fashion. I W. P. Wetberell. i a A Call Tor Breakfast At 12 o'clock yesterduy tlie prisonera in Jail were calling aloud for breakfast. The fashionubles of Boston who turn night into dy, breakfast st 11. Our sheriff, tVKATHKU KEPOKT. Washington, July B5, 18 id 1 1 1 We hear complaint t disturbaucct ob Vintcr'sRow. We hope we won't bave filln "tnlffi liarlr" m-h.t w. m.lft .Vuint tnrA Large Tomato. The Grfensboro' Patriot says ....... . i .i I ...tu i . t,:. i. .i . . Yu, Um. BVutU AUaiiuo uiaws souiutu ij s.uiu.u.wiow iu occiv uiai wcigiicu i or(ie, ij. t.e Ea-torn Wlr)I vlndtand cloudy weather and powlb y local I 18 1-2 ounces. Can auy one beat us?" riln. .MKl'K.HOIAjaiOAii. IBI-OHTSD T FIKK nSROIK'S CIOSH STORK. IUlbioii, July 21 , '.83. . , ,. '.i a m. l'i i". i P- 4 !' m --, hO ! 65 Wo haven't beard of any such tomatoe I District Confaronce of the M. E. Church, hereabmita. at Gary. Since writinu the above te have lccn Yesterday at 10 a. m. tho District Con shown by Mr. E. K. lUrrit, ol th oity, l 'ireuee or the Ministers and Delegates of whose narden. bv-thc-way. it ccnerally in lne "aleigh District of the North Carotin NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Alglsl r For morning wear, at the sea I Susan F. Stanly vs W. 9. M ison .dm'r shore, among the hllia, and in the citrcs, I froiii Criiveu. EiTor. the RedmgdeiUr t the garment In I Win. Foy, Adm'r, V J. C Uorehcud tt. tuipclaod gry UUUt gray and tern I al., tmtrt erven; Error; MXEKETS. ., !ALidnifi;ht Iteport. Livbrpooi., July 14. Common rosin 80 to 80. Turpeutine 32 to 88. . Nbw Yohk, July 84. Cotton Net receipts 453 bale. Qroai 630 bales. Futures closed steady. Salos I nrt?J:'AJ?arm 18,300 bales aa t llowa: . July 20 9-16-1 Attgmt 8p. Pot, 17 11 1 -ttJfe- ?10V. 1 1 0-8 to li a t,, IK, l l 0 8. . BOTTOM PRESS TOR BAL1L Cotton nni.-l anil nnminal 1 0?vn I - s k " " la. v c t 1 m h , SATURDAY, JULY 4tb. , w Will be Bold at Taw lee' Aaatloa WarekoBt oa Wllmlngtou Street, sale to eommenc a . iv o cioca One Wahnt Book Cat, with class aoora. , Wardrobe, Malioeany Dk, Bedsteads. Mattresses and Tablet, Cookinr Stoves ana iron Bedsteads, cut ana no Memoirs, Urted Rent and VenUoa Hams, Lemoa Blaralt asd a lotansg Boaceaenl JAMES It TOWLKS, On. Bivul uAn kuJ .1IIm r.lli bale; middling 31. Flour, moderate re-1 Pre,v j.aek.lnn ML lb,, to thaiiaJa, low for - nuest rather easier. Whiakv rlrmrr aiH Wft,. or la excanK tor Cotton Baed at mar- linen, truilmlr rajiiel'a hulr. inT rii... I 3,.. ir' Q .. .,., . T..I. (i ir..r... I . , . ....... . , . . .. lcs price. , - , , - w... ...VMV.f,uu .V...M v.. ..M. . iftiriw arrive at ua l-a. w neat cioaeu ami. i destifwAJe ciBKtiimv ttuasfrb tb turn-1 tr l, tro AVsurineef Error; - -rtV it I JiiwirfiuBiciTo eUUe urtuer I imw aaun., bhii( cueap, aan oecnming I nma. ' r Alo. one (rood Smut Vitelline., but little - f eafd at low airores for ee1t. - : to the last Wixue reach uiusaa is as popular at ever, and it largely used in tb pretty dcscribable ttuemblet that Amsricsn girl I Error. Vtnirt dt not. are noted tor. Among other pretty de-1 Br Roomas, J signs Is b waist of blue or pink silk, worn I .Miry E. Davis tt. '., v Joshua Parker unaer a oiaca lace aacque, ne SKtn ma; I tt. iroru V ayne. uovorxea. be black, silk, grenadine, or white muslin. I Adam Barrington, Adin., vs Ncusc River Tlwead, Uama, and gulpote lacs Bacques I Ferry Company, from Craven. Affirmed, are seen, tbe latter being the greater nor-1 Injunction refused. Remanded. elty. very moderate oaes can be bad, I State vs Benjamin King, fiotu Wake. mads of ta tmiUtion guipure netting, and I Reversed. Remanded, edged With real lace. I North Carolina Land Company vs, These combinations of blatk lace over I Beaty & Bounct, from Wakiv. Demurrer white materials and white lace ever black I suatainud and action demanded. ones, with tbe faintest color appearing in I Bv Bovdbh, J the misty folds, ato above all elegant sod II. Mitchell and wife, tt. al, vs R. 51. white western 1'iv Coffee strong. ' Kolas- Mate en rtl. u. a. Bryan vs l. h. mot- m Qu5t.. nic. .fedv at 8 to . Pork ris, from Halifax. Error. VtHutitnoro. I M i- 1 1 v ai.. ym.ICBlUgers vs. Lemuel T.Bridger. weiU,ra T.8. TurpeBtie dell. Rosia unchanged. Tallow Armor at 8 to 8 1-S-FreigUts tlrmer, , , July tf -JAMlUM.TOWI.BJi, AcarnU' Oommissioiier's . Sale. ' Money easy at 4. Starling lower Btj 91-P, Oo1dl5 3-8. GovernroenU steady I U . end nominal. ' States very quiet and lit tle change. i , . n f , Wu.muutom, July 84. Spirita tnrptotine dull at U. Roeia quiet no sales reported. Crude turpen tine eteady at 2.00 for hard. $3.20 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar firm at 155. STOCK UTJVCTMOJr. , J( 'q n d n t y , A1 b c ti o k '.: BTCB05LT AMORRli l u ) l NBW8 BFUNTEBS. TIia Orr nliMnulM rrtmi tU il v iif "Kmm advance ofall others in Raleigh, a basket Conference, M. E. Church, South, formally becoming, and if expensive, Tcry durable, j 6loan, Ex'r, . from Guilford. Error. York $887 for carriage hire and music. huti r.ntis.. 1111! e(.l... CITY ALMANAC July 2 5. 6T- ?:! ;;;; toh CITY COTTON MAItlCKT. UepurU-d dally by W. C. Btronaeu, JJroror tud Couinillim Menhant, Kyittville street: . . , . - (Zr r.Atm. Juir n- Price ot cottui In oar market tr-dy ; A. U in. ';54 At p. ui Fall of very fine tomatoes of the celebrated I organizeu at vary. capable ol various errsngementa, and eot "Trophy" species. We saw none of them A 00 ""shop is in attendance the Pre- hkely to be reproduced ia. cheap , Imite weiuhed but iudue from the size that the ai"g Ktler. KeT- Hobbltt, will be I tiona. largest would weigh ten or twelve ounces. I ,ne 1 resident. Tbe attendance promises to be be nnu- sualty large. Already a l.irjre number ef ON WtDNESnAT, IV IT tlOvw, 18 AT IS o'clock at , wewUt soil at Isckuirs Career,,,) , . . , , 38,094 Bharwe Capital Stock Clareadoa Coalfields Oompaay, ;--! at Sharee Capital Bteok North Carolina ' Railroad Oosnpeay. flad Prnnf Roadiuff. In our inc of vestcnlav. owina to bad '"'" nJ "ied, nroof reaJin.'. sever.d. crtw occurred in T,,B lplslity of this pleasant village our market quotBtioV-W no one may U 8''B come with abounding Brot(j mi the b.u,,, Leghorn, be misled we republish the quotations groeroeiij. Toilets of Ylctorit lawn fluished with a black lace fichu are oool end bocoming. t r.lnck straw lists.' ona sldo turned up, or uolu, IM Irimmlnff iia;K, with white feathers, arc among lUa leading favorites. State vs. Charles Moore, from Mecklen burg. Error. James Lee and wife, tt. al, vt It P Howell, L al, from Way ne. Affirmed. B Skttlb, J. - t Piatt vs Baker, from Mcokfenburg. ' .No trwr AjJlftKrjl. ' nfhoiups. vs RK.r flow Wake Error. CM. STtDMAV, ,L Dv'UKUTZ CUTLAR, j. r " CoasBiUnlBBarBt. ' The vigltanco. committees ie southern Indiana have bung 17 men in the last three . Walt Whiimsd uVqte ill yet, sad it XT nit wyrwneej etrongoaeugn.wtneMinihipforthuinirpiweof utsinu coatra. ta to d' laiaDii nr wwary acaanvsw. . . t w r t i baildin of ever eaecrintlm. All wwk t.n.ll I . Btii i. ..... .i l . . r ... I ... . i m.ii..i.i..i.t. . ti r i r v.w",rj""',.vr. i uuamiiuiii k;ii em iu vpi iveri nwttivie. urom totxtied, Kay aad Atlantic City during the month of June. Since the middle of the tsme t.- trimmed with black velvet, white feathers, Cof " month 1,000 bave com. North from Jlr: JuI fAI. (KLAN. J. X. HAl'ClL . fiKkr, - .-..1 I am a a t t . r ' I ...... I. a I. .. Jt 1 .11 I 1 l . m : - -7 i f i-s " v'.tl. mr carv correct ons. Butter 23 '6 and roses, are ninn ar at thewateiinel "T l ; . . I . ... .-"T. MMk"tq m t . 35 cent, per lb., eggs 29 to 25 cent. "J "" " - P- pwccfc tho V ' M.jor Edward McM.ho. will cowipeto t" rlAmV" ' V ,, wv, v.,i,ivaim cabbaae 10 to 20 cents, green corn 5 cts, d for B school by Rev. Jesse II. Page and ... , Court adjourned until 9 o'clock to-Jay, lih It. W. Hughes for the Repabl'ces ' We have tor Mle Tour Planoa. two of lun'W.ARRlVA .S. CabDage iu to -u ctn , g een . Oxydiwd silver bat fuf the present .j ooWoatbHi lor Governor of Virginia. recently B0e ..4 m will besoM Yakh inoioii llousB O. ) ' " .' per dox., tomatoes SO cent, per pick, bceU n .dnesd.v nU-ht the m,l,,itw-..oc driven til rivalt from the field, and ap- 1 . ' ' .'s- Where Is Moseby and Wl,e. h- stsM 0 a.a nail Vnvrictor, Ju v 2 1. A D Blake, J in cents ucr bunch cucumbers 10 cents On ednelaj nlgnt the pulpit wat oc- . . ' ; bw In ese only sU aonu, and la a Mo. I, W Lee CitVi j W BiU. Flu; J G Ramsey, 10 CV ,UDt n , ln " . " . cupicj by Rev. H. JI. Gibbous, Hit tub- Pr hP ", f VUIQINU NEWS. ' . CoU Ho, s.eUMu u.e W.rrlOB - JrT" i "T Am ttcoVwin liuey,' Rb.gew.: It 7vl Jl jet was Cbriat cucUUd '-lhe them, of snd otnerwise. . k'.ace. of large Uadt, . . it. to aath. thUA eU. th5W.W.at. Mrs.Btr-.nge end achlldn-n.Als; JasD potatoes $190 bnsh., new sweet potatoes what U called ear ring, and bretkt pins, re emni with Colonel Jamee L. Davis, lately of Wash ; ' ' w Br,H,kfi.y;WPH,l.tin!ln. Lunberhm ; 60 cents per peck ; onions $2 per bush j 1 . - t j i i .u etuda. Tildes, vail-nioa .nl .nneodsvot of Uaton county, died recently ioKnoxville. Ih. deed Uurot at V, siogtwt , lie M , . t ,1 , I , . T M lohnmin W R IluruiM Fmnkinvilie: i . . i .i.t..i,.. on. the "foo mneas" of God, Is wiser than Hit suae, vau-pina, ana appeousgot oi "..,',, , , .. says no stater of bis haa eithet mad ap- ll " J C SIcEnmc. Ln mberJ JfcC EM ln 1Mcbrt ,3 P"r- bu,,, chlckcn' 20 ,..,, , mcn , u , dUct,.e , the belt. ' A complete set of this silver Is Captain John M. Brooke, ol lb. Mr. ,U(0 fof cWhibi p.,.. jwrt. l--a T-d, have it It. SSKaW., A., S"", r.tii.Ey'B.JS expensive, but the style is rich and quiet, C ' VSfiWtttZ&Z Zrn. Much goo., innVi 3 religious dwU, remain Bf.vorit.on. Th.dead ' J J'JJJ ' Richmond, Va j U W Bnxiks, bmitlitield; National HoTnt., J. SI. Itlair, lr"r!e- pruTiiiit. Her. Burwell Teatple. . A compositor in onr office msdo s visit I ... . .. i..i. 94,i, i nr.-.... iii,,k,.iJm. . ..... . ... .. .. .. i j .. . - , bunuay to tins wormy oia gentleman, Williams, N C ; W 8 O.minoii.Teuii; R . . , .. ' y, ,.' SJenkina,XC; R M.yo.Rkhmoml. Va; ho ,. editor of the JW.ee B.-t. Ju Igc Boydeo. 8libury ; W 11 Pec, Mr. Temple is a half a score beyond his city ; J Csiner, n, Buxton, Ahtville : tluee ic we and tc,n lie has been fof Paiiink Welsh, Canada Witt ; Dr WC more ,; flft. yowl , pthcr of the Smith, Hasn.lxiro'; Henty T Joidan, ' . a xlhW ; Thr mn. M Cbk. Orange ; iut mnU P"1 b" M'. F.ayrtUviile ; J M Houttoe, been quite ill. Tie talked compoacdly a..;tA...i.ly S T Will.tum, JoriLio blow, nty r4ha TliKtni-a n, N C ; John 8!ea silver U especially pretty with the tints now fashionable, and the designs from the lehti'TB titve sn attraction for lovers, of On Wednesday uight tbe Radicals of the fast. llsicign lowe.n.p oei.i a meeting nr in. Tie Utg, f)lM wim0 , cr,m. purport noiuioating tow oship officers. I binB,tloo. but their six makes them too W. It. ll cniriiK n waa cauea ie trie exueneive and nawirldv fur eeoeral nte. . hair and Fret cis M. &rell was ieqwt- Th w, u airection leave u. no . . . . . IBM 0 II I I eaio act as .-crciary. i ne lo.iowing . , . . D Faahlon hat iiermi.s efu nominated foe niaciatratea : I ... . , ., . ... . ,t alMuidtlmr: said he had errancd all , ,,t "e enure rsS ana ...... u - - . " " . ' f, eonnnet from IU choicest tresjoirs. - . iiiiBwtiritiiw in uit. mi us. si ib utruiiviij i t s t ; u .1 k..- i Old K irt Jh Kill ltv, lUywimd . . .. . Iim sntn, MiriRo v in i ' ; I, f Paltnriol:, Smki" enunt ; tVlirr, Natunt. I in rrlince; that ho could .It live long and wts ready to go. How (any editors can say this ? How many of another pro- STATE NEWS. ... ... , mi.i . . i,i n.i. i . . Ic-Btlr. our oia lrtaat viatia itenrvcr 'a ula', r j M M .Ua. i ul ttw tew l!t. r, ilainl.li.D - .1ha IliHttjfrir' frprJrrfer- irtvrtur.TSf- .u. fmm el the itrbaceo rtops 1 fat- n, rem eed Orange. Mia WMifl.U, b VeBcrablalaJy living at Air. CurgW near t&d, l.l dead Mueday while al the tuH Ubla. failed to call on us when he came to town, oor did he ever fail toyieakwor Js, of en couragement to ti !i tj m, J Ltj" U on to them. . Sunie eay. t are too bad ; I think yu are hiild k.;K Out regard (or the old man wat gruetly Increased crilphkx t rAsniona. Shirt -suit, sallor-anita, galirielle tuiU, polonaiie suits ; these make op tbe list ot popular summer costumes for children, y and inexpensively made, every one of them. Plaited shtrf-waist, and liable ahliX Tj uuauti "m ill' blaui WJa." n ii it - a r -il J 1 . -A la n.e.ang.w'hichh.d.d .t . fcr it: k ... -..! ,.t II. I p"'- " - i . . , j, t. i .1.. i .ii ia ih. I "" " i" 1 ' The following noiiiinatioa.'stire made fur school Committee : Gen. Jnfm O. Gor-! qisOj F.M. rVjrrell and N. Oaley. Tow nt dip t'lcik John E. Williams. TownihlpOnetabte-Jolm R. Caswell. The BdmlnaU'Wit ta made James 1C se tt previously ban tick. Tbe re nitiat pa.K-d throuph EnfielJ, yesterday m tne way Tmnr pitM ror luitrrm'oL te when he returned President Bdly Smith'. Mtim lh IuaicU CMdid.U,- Mtf Ui"m,J lrt h,thX- free patn over lib tnad, declining te take g ie tase GilbU alladed bri.fly to H.ajf". wfreUire fH We r- - ,Jeftioaaf "eoventioei and ToteCtlheglvef t-f Tlie pats, who at B I . . , . .a tk. oreooaadeun- ti rr Fatal Accidbbt We recret I eAudiaeU f ruti;rraa, pneeurn man w ..... ewniy, was killed by a fall from bit mnte I ,h D1l0 01 U"" Ue radical mrrtinf that ever aweabWd M ' "4 Jo,P1 M P"1'' . nM al m t . I I-. .a.a.aia. for the polonahe to if, plain gored iTTTrT, aaT any yrttrj'oTi nstse'rfanfTTJ, wh cb ie edsptcd ta the raster, al. Overaklrt are teas worn then tVtstei by fir it bs well tt grown w orate, tad their eoatnmee tut lu miner wear are eatdt BtPlnerr Miils Hi that county. 11 Uvrd bet aboot iebty nunuti-aal tr lb fill. Arylum. The Bsrd of dirrrtors of the losane A.)luaf Jiortfc CaroUuBBKt ytstcrJsy terh of the track of the vViiiu'outen I t the a 1 i.f the I'ntidmt fur tbapccial V. .M, K,,!ro.d it being laid with now I pwp. ,, f ,1,, tt;i04-y . the office .k j..ti.i tr..o. 1 be mad m now com par-11 ' ., ,, , ,. ,, ... tt.v.-y mrtfi f. m.ny miles from thM I ejd. ced by Ibe death i4 U, lmt t a.rils Uoldbrv'. It I a much I W. F. ll ift'ln. In lUlrigh, Bridle 8 Ualiag. ord iijn Vrtoret. aa I will make rT vans p.a Ur Dim ll ict while riding a ll. aut la,t tchedu'.e of Ibis line. i Vim ti Aroat tw Ta'o A d.f t" ly itmrrrd In Taiburo, M hlualsi Ifiem Mr. I'.urknrr J. Rigrrs and s.ft, Jerry Um 11 c. In his employ. In i ih rjo was shot sad atib utly 4l-,"'l. TV itiBVulty skim fine nae "i a 1. i.i.a Lrg al.l wsgea. 1kB Ri i Ut tt.ii.jj laiaMl, draw a pUlul Bad ttj Mr 1L gwm, a.w.tg aim. At. Ryt iWa ttrpd bath n lw pea, ,lr e ptat.4 aad rsl. tbe ball UrW g hre tU al tbe ear. fee Pr dn nl Prvae aait that t wimai BifB ly In k naee In Marlon ra Thura 1,1 1 Wa.krr JiO.cS B&4 Wallet The f.'b' w i3 D reclwt ra prra. nt , Us It Hi)i Wcalcy Hhilakar, Pieal b ut I I. T 0 Walton, Df. J 0 IUiO at, Y.I. O W (UaatKi, 4. T M Arg i. IUv,GWItr.lic. Dr.T L I'.aak.. Mr. J P Praln, Mr. R ? n1,rt and t'44 C L Hvril. A qnei esn be leg prramt the IV iJ f cewlrd ta hew ate. i The Praakbat aaiHWtnd tle dath of Mr, Ittiggi IV. hsBwr e4 Ik U W"M tKK(d to ! t a Mcaf I ( art-d. The applkallona aad to I aalt ol Ifcaat. c J. U n.'". ll. M. Mill. W.r. Ua. b had a. m iite aui s txvnriy I Lfti, ft. O. C' (Bn, A J. I'a'tm end AU tlink r.M lulu Jaanaa aboti p""i ap a pair 4 barkaaaitk'a lga 1 tainted Jtiaxn down braMa hi ,Hd f.l.lj Jtnca)tk'd l4-t ' i 1'l.rtk't hand n4 euwth kai i,i P4, fraetnru.f his afeait I p"-il tnj mMtasot M the Kri ' kk hat l..n la b ruanp. t ! twt 4 lt ie f hopBtaMp4 el Iicrtf. Ik 2Cwt 1Jimt at: T" nliaMi i.f il a ttt.lr linM wkjawar liit W.atam Vv, (.'alia, sit Vc.t4W'rtAlirc4' wir U ta lhBM,U M R , I .lb tad ' ' I el am, mi!J tf' If laiH pcfVnrlr-f .i'4l Iraa U UIa-l. law "a-a - twf iM H tHtil Thy laa lt jd t VIJ tlx T n ': f tH I la. Jtuw.( i NU B.f tw tt I'waay ' "a Ja ka ii, f, t raj trwnt d atuik k.4rn 111', ta Its r hrrt Jobnal B. f- Ik ftnaition f f Hwrl. Wr I. Ml. Afffi aii.a4.'l M. ItHletJ. Ueargio. Tie B"l f " ld to I a1,. . M. It, flat f-mt ? y.Haaraaa. waa drlr4 dif '4 Mr. ttahlgvt ldl hi eM.cUMt a a BMtbltrr 4 He ItaraUve C'.Hn.iln, B.4. M ( 4 Mi. llama, Mr J. I Pretiia, Baa a'rtlaJi. I.I lb tmaary. Mr Ba-ljT a v.J that h at iha i.u fMtwatd U a ed, eel U t J rrri lt,.a lk 'tnlc4't h U4 k Ua 4..llt t tmm a Ual auar U 4at h-sn aV4 I, fc ktitiaat K U I y htm f-4 lk A1 tnd 4a , .4 Mr An, 4 4 tr1aia!y, with the aid of kood pettcrM, c' ll lfTO t el'itMnjr aihrd not now bm If, nerveryd uVu'.t. With Uawwiaaili(, and not even the etartnea reqalted y tlotbiag fur to ys it U easy ta get Bp an eel fit fur Bthwd M NrMMS wr t g ''' al sniall t xpefjat. Charming aad suits f-f f' IN of nabknebed liocsi or b ff ramUc, with eulT., deep tqaar fol'sr, and skirt bads of linre or D-HtI pcrraU 1 ll f.sm'.t B-atma' faj sbirt-tilts, d , Vtrtneie Ue hsir stuped el k, std grtnadiM, fo tla Bia nulla. tiahrklle of p'.tm Uikb, toaUapad sl ,rkL YtaMatdty Mr.Ilolweycnnte tol sal b. 4 with a pt. Uatd, ere very the elty on biu noat tod whit ptl&f P I ful, aad gnai'y la ilnaaad In l'' Wilmington atrwet h diarovtr! hit bri I l ag aad Wturj '. IUlld It, tly die in th h-jai anion tt a r.ilo(.l U y by I are ward at aprons, a amsfl ran 4 lb taan of Albawt Adre IU aak'd I dJ, Ihcy form Very fat riding aad Ira the av I five hint Ll brtd. T j lticf enaiaif.cn. Bctfto in fird lod i- eayl.il he had I M..r dat t."u.n ! t :"t eoa at ef bnoghl it, Mr. II at l !k4 li a ntagiralc I e, n p. 4 laaa -k 1-4 wsrrsat f hNl arfca wbWh I rttnn- wlh l laft.., Uotd n wat rvlaard Nt tb grwnad that M I .,,. .rk rf t.t rSl.tvtB. r'l ... i - lid t and g4 lie hIW hy I df,p, l w ah -I t bbon ef th la the rear ef Ih erooaff etreif Mrw Yraiby A Rogers, on Iliigril tUrrt, there It n veraat h't where p"pl lnn the e ntry hitrh Bfd kd their hnraan. Rac3t!y atvaral brila Bad other artici hate tw etoke frotn this M. On Wednesday 4 taat wnk Mr Coot y had hi bilg.'f rrint ttnlm. On ll.t Friday f lion-It a grntWman, whoa nam w igrl, had B hrbli etntsw, sal on HatanUy nnotW bridle wan ntoWa, Ib.t tint from ftfory E. ndlowy, A watch was t4 bat the thief was not tweant W It. Hf. II. naaiy w dd 1 hating Aitrt rwrtd. "hat . th rwl k Ma Mbevk sway fcw lb, p.4, wb had him I shaf. t it ocf tkU't -t V. ', k Mp at k, n..a4 w.lbBrM A-efaav White tf M,,t at band nrvagbt . . ..- . ...... f IB Wk.l. Bi !xl.BiI Wi n S411I "t tn4 tan far n th IIj 'm4 . U.I j., , ,k U hs rveru.aei. AWt t.k U- r(- ImlUlltM sal Mi. II tsiki B p1t. llit ea'icy a prw.. W.tfbg'4 Ik U.J- Bd th. !aj ,rM4 kin ta t a-naH baiur Jalg WaUt tl TW If It t4 It ial M . J I. IN. I -.k t atnliM, nr nl'ar'f I Sal twti-l p1 Wat a i k f'tve. toaat-sg i f Ctl LV.di al.Ut an 4 S4-k't-k. tanaarl, aw lafea ih ptM nf tin ptd tat ne t ic waact St-. Wts l-n 4aawawaaf na tng k' ft iatn'ad .' k lb 4,1'Ji ti, i, a I trvwaare, )wk4 kt. pwaad t Ih blay ! ly In tkw fjratti-aM tf, ta I alf tW Agricultural College bave been fxcd Bt I J,300, nnd tbe Pretidont'e at J,400. evvnlng Aascmhly Rooms, rwrnee of rWeath are- Tweoty acres, re t of Msregor't fsrm, 1 , ..,'.. i..a.ii..rin. lying on Arquia Ccek, baa been told and ,r jr,nrnevmca boraMhocra, and eoeamunl- purenanea oy ur. tunway lor w. csthioi tavorabl to tsseb n onion were re On Utt Saturdty evenins. near Scotis-1 eclved from tbe noions in varioo eitle. will, Ambro Jobusjn, colored, shot Bud kill I Willie Bmilh, Colored. 1JR(iPoeL8 fOR RXCATATION rOR Till V. n. OOl RT Htl)rB AMI Mar 0f IC ATJUlJtlOU, H.C t Orrn e or Bt raamTtsDsav, t U. B. C H. Ptwv tirncB. aUuiaa,M. tL,aJjSUt,lB.a.) , Boalad protwnals will b reelv4 at thin ia priaa-u4ii4 waa aHiauacu iw mtui tor enavauBf awe vcaaavtag vv, 1..I . p.d 4 'M.k.a .M.l f lr ti t. li. n I rul.L. tinl. .ih u. L.. rJ u.lk , .... .it . The UoveiTKie he appointed bamuin U Tb., put op 2o0 a 4 trlklrt for de-rt,.uon of f n,.d, to, ta. h.- at Taylor, of Philadelphia, Pa. Commit, .lfhf . ... i ".jqa . . Vor' ."!T-l.to,-.fc.- Mr -b-.u., .i.waa, .! . J. . 1 1 . .' I R " " - I ' I . . Of u.. I K. August 4 within within 100 nillee of New I ,t KaleUxb, H. C Yoik City. Uwney Ubeoahrgsn was 1 iban tionvr ol deeds lor ugmin. Rev. Dr. M. D. Kelnpothathes, of Alh B. Vnrt Uonae and foal (..Hi. BBdscptha of th tscava. ens, Greece, I Hopping at present In I cboMtn final ttakehoidert. Boylan recently I "" fhoe obtained ea apH cation at lb. Alexandria. He Is e mlaaionsr, ol ths arrived front Dublin, fr. War is an En "'r; ;, th. eabl. yard, ' tiuuthern I'reabyterian Church. I g'uh pugllut. I ,i. : InaiwN Um iaMudaUon icaariH. ibyterian Church. I giuh pug About 1,300 li nnet of aiuiaeuttion I R la stated that ecrtsla scientist The Jaxie ttcnntioa ntuit b eompkat wiibin tlx wrrkt from dau ef ace bco( IB eamwaoi. paaacd through AlMandria, Fiiday night, I ., rect mly dime to th conclusion that Via the W, C, . M. M. A O. Road, di-1 t,a monn loatead of being n cold Is ea I All to.li a. a at h mad on tb inU4 form a. which ma armcnl I esnmn at tan t' sue ai baan- roc tad to Governor Kallogg, of Louisiana. Th I.xln2fon. Qtuette I ialt, ui Yt aUinK'toa and Ln Lnlvarattf , hat liiTintcl a mill fur tnitwatrdrTln3- Ing pbutpbateale Bctda , or L)Uliiana. ,tUvmcly hot sphere, which may arcoaat "2! rt Zlttu " ' ' says Profeasof f"f the u. .ffirt of nxr.llrtit npn JJ-'iSUTuSt SZm Lan L'nivaiatly, '",er- A nj4iif remarks tht tlii dcr uiawpltad rilMa tkt mirtei -knce-Vl'o'CIll fbeene eoy,,, We do not tee that this follows; foe the nionn mav be n ml Whh rare-bit. with lakes Dur'iDg n th under -a lor m on Friday, Ml I of ntottard t heaven In fart, specially John U UtHttntt, n piutvinentand t I prepared forth An Johns, the A p Davids, mab I ciliaao t4 Bedford eouaty, wnt I and th Ap Juneeca. etrexkhy lighlmng and InMnntly kitidt - . . J ,,. hie r4dencH abuat tta mi it front Lib- .T. ".T. i.. vi. wT. ft..l. i . .".V ' ' I. XI. H .rnrui . hi. in. bfina.1 Basil. LiLk Th Par; Cvuritr staUn that Mr. Jat. I (artnat. lit Uttk hoyvlun aooonpaaied V. Taylor, of lb at ftmnty, wis bitten by bun 1 bit worn wksn ecggd near lb B copperhead B octal a tnak, eot day hone. . On tb occasion when tbi tad lM week, which caused severe pain M cnlamUy nvevtook hi kill buy, Ih pride aeroe time, bet Ie bw reeoverirg from ll d hat hiart, Ui (alh waa working In teVrta ft randy aad etaal ml we both Bald a ahort diatancn front hi rntipenen trrvly eacd, the latter xtCBlly. I Th IlltN bey bad f.illowcd hit father thai .1 , a an. a . ., - I ntcimiog nt natsai. it k4 BMTuwa nie A MAM MI.r.I AI.IVB IX A Iluf fathtt t kBifeaad wan kxhie U It whan trM(l ' ' I at It tuputcd be ttapped at lot p'ifig !? inpO. ntidnkd ..LhsBf UtUloid A nuttlOt accident otxurnd, n Ie ... uu w TLa tl,. ta l,a a dan Since at glMBibunt hiMingw, Waho I i.o .k.,ui i... ,Mbn ia Jiu.. ewBoly, which will prubably result in th I Tit, bild waa mmaing tt dinner oeiowi vs. vBiieo, yrupmwM I uas win b nh aa ioaialated sad hot44drftig. Fo tb loilowiof p- ,M td, (uu.j .twa.bBg nn He head tieulart la regaia l lb til.ir we ai IB- Uth,lf mtLi4 it Wl. Uta, Bubmergad, ueuiea - - I at.U J ng d In sty graapefdaalh bna mm-n TVl' . , 1 1 b thi.d was only three irart old. bo aamaunot ol M s-iwni . mi. v hi- i ... rv,. U auniuail Is mrlitt S MS Lathi hoMDVMa larra txad nfUrliine water. I lUvoi tie Mt toen A t-ttrf bnti Ui ne In giving tteatn hatha Tun bee lb :r'" ' i . R-rbavt.m, Laav bay ih funalmi. d lb Mrurisrt had rl O...V. Buirrhe tnaiy, !f. C." iwib- Uid B.roae tlmboiiisg bm.I. whkhi . ii.m nt tnat f.mr Bv f.t In drpth, sad Mr. I'uiWn T""" . PP H rranh Wll had nalkxl eat a wn ( ll.ee tut tb . " t twl rnt1y, f'om paper uinoai of anaua-n rront-Ki.bM. nhen ct I on hltr-n, waa l.j1 Oea t fr nal,BoJ and L.l mUi Ih bv.l.r- naWr daft tg cn Ih trenth Pcoad rive. Whh lt net'- waM dn that II feM'.wl aistnni rai l.'.tai ear t ear. in in- twn'.v to hM buaai h.ne. an.1 it ea bet f'nt wniet vl!t name u f wad on Uataeirilcu-.edlnitllwon.ioul. v!... In hit pket -Frark When h Mil 111 h we fill. n " - i ininiini'eibfvjn.i frtpt.tetwal m leilea Bk r ll.tt b woal bat ginn ti merdcre pretty . . . i . . . . .... ,,. .... . i . . . . . L.i leaa.v p, it.e, iia aeq put. aj, wnt fk In ha4 end a tlirg.Hn fa ii ' ti er Tl" jrapef Mind ta ht pnrkrl be eanef Lata 1. . . at.tta.is Im.i and n yn( ttisn Iboogbl n great anal if Tim Irwrw an yt mtrdeeet, had tnet de ll f. a lint kta aw 4 I a naaa.t pant. Itfd aad inrnp Jii of 4'Mt,g eayih.ng toward ft t ig !. ll t said Ibat b at In the iag CuU bsif n tniatii ! fur he nnt nail, wbkh he did al It. I thnntgh hie ewe tieriKt ee l ti ke'p d j wf ke tnaat a matt wh earn kta swaUart. II SMt nf shn n aa laktn In lb b-.l. I and S I 1 14. wUn ;I betted, aa 1 t.lt felaUee of Ibt greater p4t d tb Skin toppd f I . all tbiagt I. tied C h i prfa. .y bat hJ ! hn b W-es V.wnwia. writicg H n ' I'. A. V. IVaaw, kaai 1'nnaef, Jamc (rar, i4 tl. tity.and fiber wkahap f 4 b b Vupg 4 Ih spnBis, did a-l I.. at ta4 an) hy4et Iu lb toileting SB) p -lif tb BliJ nf Ik pl)ai a, le) I B brg awl.l) 4 t ml a4 pa.t. 1 hn mi at, 4 h f t bn in In ettie nattal ltt txtttat e4 ih aW IN. .ie ; tb.l t'.t at.ui tr.4. U nwd wt ) nrtVf i k.l .,.a. AH.it U t w!Jf tt r an I rss I ttj. tl.1 tjw peaf bs Ui. k I b at kit . n.14 I Ltu at. i 4 n oa Mr. I t Wa ml hi ev k t Ikat l 4 l. a l. g-4 IUl.lt. In tkB n Tnnar, Ibt 1 4 Wat, tnaaaa, tafaatt aarVled law H nan Mnry M. ". . . ... . In Marten, in, an kb tbk 4 Jaif. It!, K't C. L C ii.ef kaiaait and It m bn, I i . , . v.ti (,' 8sllhaVa. um died w a aVM bu k neU.ae ef of It fr-eiread. awarded bim. 1 a rU-M to relart afiyavaltbl.ti raynaawwi will b nsnn awatnit, S.tnullaar kta par awn. nald Ua amplUua of Urn cow-trnct. rnirtaaki net be and aal kt a tsalil a tniufi iMunrd -froptania uf ttcatatl lntbMli.n. t oart lloaea and runt t'dle, ' Rahagh, M. anwA sd.tattnt be ' . .. .... 4V a.-CABJUJW,... JalJ a tl ' y.Tltilawdrwa, - 1hnroAiA rnRciiiirKETl tiwr. hi uHi.k tiiir. HNiLks, i tuitf All tAa.0 khL:ltli 1.1 ThB tll- iiKl i;l..l or 1 ii n. v l kT limtai rusturi4CtAThALlli.ll, n. u ; Oerara hi rsaieTeanaarT, I V. Cover lluras at r T iirtiia. At Bi eiva, H. C , ealr liet, I'TJ I anl4 rraanale wttl ba ranJean Bt ibat Ut U Is aa, at Ibt elk i ut 4af.i, l-i i, tut (Brnnkliia; and a.lir .4; at Ut at f th baudiag ui nf kaa Cuntrttn Blnaa, Bal.l'l nauaa, . ta, I aaaenl an Baa ca , Mi',4 fue lb euaa4raeU4Ml el Iba an H.H na;. 1barwtn b taajnaal. kul tab taiaa, aa'na ef be, karn tarai-i Blnaa, bcLea la Ua .I'a bf baa tUi and MIU(j lav ean- I ,ia tab taida Baa. Inaa, taUKla Rtoa ibUb ma V at atrnMtn. i liaimw. na. a ataat esiaabi nianaa, aba k it tat an Iba bed. i, nraijM aa a ate tvanaa Hk a rtmi aaaea.ra,- ' 8 I K (J I A I. .NOTK'E, tuaaetiat ianclh aai ta lb tbkknaa ef 1 aa. a, aa W eaatoiaai I lent U.a lea 1 IV) nut taat. oana eaaU..iaf laat tbn an sad eaabajf II ,( tN Hi, ar b Uu le.itt (111 aw bea W... a will a rnateen Attala tuu.aue Hard Ban h4 a-1. k at U.a beat enmity. In a treat t b.at a4 lb kl.a , an a.iaa.at a are We .41 be mealeaa. iat .ar a,.a are.n nenee ar baa, by. d'aaitc mnl al aai.iy aa atrtat-va e-,al la Iba Wet be sad at n..a. tata. ea. a barrel mt eeniat aat baaataaa aw 1 aaa la Ame lt tu enla enran, aae a aaaa, fWan tbarp bUeat Baa Betas tan a eaB tt ta aWeet aaata.Ult ta be aieile e,ta Ike ar.Male. ftraey aiM be Sanaa nt ea-a (teas e4 bt aaeb aaeue a aaay ea . I- lb awa t.a.1, lulai aaey aaaa I ei itaal la aaa as tt af iwliai III nit 4 sante. -a. Ail a-., aa an nana aa U a prlrled f aa ba eaarf. 1 1 ea afvat. as ttta aaua, aad en. b a-4 la b a- aaaj ..a4 k, a (-t-1 a-4 in ih taat al li.a it t' itaaanebneaa bti tee, twliuee. leas lea t .1 f e i a..;t t4 (.1 m laa . -a vi-l ll tefU4 k.. Ike a.-' .t im ee-tlf k ba eerl4 it Ha I I Jar-. i I. a 4 i M I B i 1, e it. I-,.. b-ay ef tea f -t-lrvt la at. a a. Ma, I i atala a. it be aaaa i .... .g 'en aa, ...t au laa a., "a ua kras, Iba t i k ra,t ar at s'l U't It r a-.t i fW in.net a he - el . t a 1 . n i a, aa. a,,. "T . i-e I ,e a i.,, . k . a . e. . i , a.., bnj f laa W, A t - t '- t t t ti , ei at - a, b. t nt" ' . t I i . . . a!y A U - ... - 4. - .-a ...I I nt, M'TI.T. IL kaee) kw al til ajal. I l'i .et U'eeJeJ j , IbtaHy hi C t mil. A k it M 4 b-i . tt I l ta. , a . ... , . M t i v i. I- a-4 h.g w-ivn. relates

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