: V 7 .. SENTINEL ,OSlAH TTJRNEH, ft. Editor. T. B. KrNGSBUET. Aatociat Editor. I Fr lions of Kfprc8entatlTes,wnimP!M"0Vr,b90ejtmwhlh" GEORGE; II. SNOW, OF WAKE. I I1 ; ..! u.'JLJ-i ijiji ! - -- I EDITORIAL ENTREE! , .. the Unit.1 Btte.Cuo.uI.t Valencia tte that to Spanish war eeU, armed by iusurijtut, tic now bound fur Amerl- s KWlAooghtthtt Cuba I their- eb- j.tixepo WTut endraroring then, Iftbi report be true, to aid the In.urrectionist ofCub. , Live- 17 timet may be Koiua lor. ,1 '' s " v .yiotfifaiduoi When & hopc!4 pw- .lytic. Uowrtll never be able, it U thought, !HJ Z": ornate aga.a aa nU 1. wui-a I aai hifUpMC' -Br TJirae anrTualb t..a f l 1 - .11 . it . I iav w.rr unu Up.a upoo tu?. ...-B In tkl rial la a r thu noaarkf In hilt klimliUl I , ' ,. r tie - . . -11. . I ,.Uu..-, ...w u.o,. v. b....., r ... -. the beggar w the atreeU. All M vanity, I aait i t ht preacher.1 ' - : j " ( .,..,. ,LJ ; I fi.m vi.4.. .'. t. ... .r.., ,Vl ' ' J w ujo unuau wuauicut .av " I itcpublU;ani ; and nominated a candidate eon, the Doke of Edinburgh, it betrothed I who bad represented always and every tatha Prim AlPT.ndmr. nt Itufuila. I where ell the idea and ecntimcot their TheDuke haemoreablllty than the Prmoe of Walea, and, if goatip are to be credit" ed, be lean virtue. . England la certain- j fonnlDg wb ttrona lflUncui. "The Prince. Alice ipinkd Priwt Frlerick William, of Pruaaie, who will come to the throne not man, year, hence... KuUer William i.e. old m.o. And tow, by the .nitlngoflheDuke ofKdluburgh with the Princ-e Alei.ndrov., .trong el- lianoei. formed with Ru. Bagacion. queen wiae Eojfland ! , . x .. - (" ; , ' '. Grant, ln.UaJ of obwrving theVpId fshioned manner, of 1 IUtmblh-.n Court, -ft no at th, belnninff 0 hi. t,A term a tularlmperkliatie Conrt, having around PtoU' M grand a. commendable ae and about him mi'itar. men wlih mililarv cePte fo' th t,m eonlwt " P"0'" lrt tnd pretention. .Thf-ewFreeciiPmiaent, McM.hon, It J. reported in the papert, en Btate'oo- eaabna,doea not appear a the Chief Mag- 1.1 rate, but take hi. place at the biaJ oH IK. mil.t.r. n,. i il.l. n,P,l ... i! 1 1 Are the day. of the eo-eelled Jb-publlc .V readr 4cd I ' '' -: ' i I , , ,, ,. ,. 1.,. . i have hwri - ' 1 Tat ft'wUaaa. a iittar Mtiaa infonn I Uaua ki.trtl tit LlaA araaWnaaM ta i ttbtiiaV aWl fcen. " I . - jj .. 1 a : I Tlllf PXWQCHJ TIC rAZTt, 2 J , Jllte t rMWt. aliaoiaaione .gilatuifr the I pre relative toiie ailiurrubcruiifPl o me I old Dcui(,crtlc piity 1 u;i)lpg general atteoliuu. n do not proooae to enter 4 'JtiivtW. fl1l4-avkt "U'T UmW,W. ere I taw ay party thai ean thMlle Ofanilnn, I X 7,1. h i Jii4e.l, aa Q llu.fudd Ln 18(1 1 and it'i In Una. column, but .niitki I .naeitv fun f '.'url.ei nn4 onrniplton. p'e J.iiof i4 at tMiaa anj (banc ut rruthing uthat W.lul powef av. ) a i .ntiimath of alt of the ODrxxini 1 rtriiui:l." We iuul bo ttop to htgiil aun. We ae fcr beating and Vtier1if (atln fur wind lb tenth!. .awtty tit t'irtie, ttotUm and plun- t!-t l berrowed the lad aad brought tbamc epon the ntti in. Liber-1 ".rl'-TCt! I'U-'li'JL Baaart!ytu,ef ". . Whaler. 'el tl rrmjttj bJ a.t;drird from Uk Drwocr.lie parly, .Notlh and teth, a 4 1 jopMtkJ i,h iL w , i t w.lrw, 4 1 bMong o t lb caedidat ot hi party l.r Gov naot. It en m. m May law he wrote t .. - a Jt I t. . . I . t ' 1 1 ""T" 7' "u ta I . 4. hie eiw. Mtir M the - r,., m. , . . "t. gamer ir.ni pair mat a aomorr. lK.fr ill hmtL. Ml. .U b...l. -...ii... ,1 ..a-.:.-.. turn..; . hv. M,rU U l I A 7 I 4Mrl,ltlt Oottba Mad Ut. 1 aat lalww ,tl; 4 Mr. i..U.k biter ia; Ti.a.- .,,-,n.i.u.. -1. i..i.l M1rrtl4t. M-. M t la. d j'. t.e M.,.ff.4 twiaU Uaiutav . van M. awl . waia amiaait whirl 't1 w't f'jfi l to tfru ft at 4 I .'.iD.h. 'f, Cai.n . l.,t be imj.fHa.ia, .Ibaj aant bh iha .aW .4 U a.rl. 1 l Iha al I kita aHt i tawaatM. Mi,!, tf, b M 1(4 ttrliU wi.k-4 B.t .al, d.l.r t hi a.aa advatUma. Jl aid r a iua , aaaat haa laaai aa lka MrM,a. win t with Mm, Lntt W I1 r t r Ri n. Kit t.rt,..lr.. v" ! t:L4tl i la b-r 7;V 4 " ' ", , . . S"tJ" ,W 'Lai-r taaite Ua ka ljti t ? . tr1 Itrw.rTmiIw.1.JI-a a,M t ft- L i a, r I Uaal Ii, " 7' Tin'', . f,:fc.a.-.h.. u, ;;l ... ,,t:aww . a . I a t j ..,tJ Si trumpet blast which, IT Anything niMwa .Democracy to tuch ide-4h doctrine of atrict eon- (ruction of ft Federal Constitution !' Tl e New fork TrQwm fe lb mat ter d 1 ffirent! own hv liur t lie I J beta! stand- Wf .p 0nir fo, . few brief txtrnct. It wvi : 4 - "Th debate to which hU letter ha gir- That there areikmocraU who atnbbornlj aeoy 11 i ikjt nnuifre. i.ie jit. umo- hei lata . alwyly alleeaa old political homeatesd." Unlike him, thej bavve not lake. UoarJ view A the political Ovid aod diacovtreo a he ha. that it hai no further opportunity lor ut !ule"' n, Uoc f"' Jttt Andto tlirj- are quite disposer! to deny je proportion and hold on. N r i if jthout precede! t (hit tuey should ome- hat warmly I.. fate Mr. Groetbet k for aKurSSo have tn?endered jut aucb thing before, apoo no more adequate provocation." n , hen goe hito recital of aon.e hi- toric point, to vindicate the wiad -mi of Mr. Croebtk'a advice. When it come, o ()f ht mlkgBtDmoiU ,nd unpre. dciuly.rtiiotic Mtion ,n.l. ttePmmA , ,1 EUl1iIIUJ,..it .idttl 4-Um following w,lic,,- , My ., ,east n0t 0 ,U(e(, io , 8gretBl)c WbJ "ThwBHllimoiw Convention w only a jo-nitjun 0f tliii ataUi ol lacta. 1 he Na ;ioni Convention of the Deuiocrulit party then and there deliberately abandoned iti P,s'i dopted a platform which rflpreacnt- "1 the hlKD'w'tic"ntatk orais'tTncf'VV TW- publican ism, and which waa'the work of w wereBurg4(for inTei)icd or even invited to euch action. They ran to it without invitation. It was their opporu- "" e d their rvewd end uke edX,""d perhap thBy h0pd 10 .. .." ? f JWbow Untention tgrwd to aupport tha C"CID"tl PUtfo cand.d.te. tb, did M ln lntere,t of tho coun,r'- boP,D 10 w 0r,Dt' "a c,u,b out pwWim end gigantic corruption and fraud. They were willing to combine wilh " nd " " ffcct n de- ''"d dg IUdUmlwii. Tbey did not "wn" ,u Mr- O'1' but witn .d between the platform1, of Philadelphle nd tmciuu.ti. Th. whole country wu Appointed ! LiberIi.m fit nt ' ui.p.a,.. u...j '1c . ''' ur PPf' wg ( ' brii I .. oo In the polil teal he.T "S H t UaikucaaanJ gloom, it. noble Wad. falling victim by tlie way. We wail for other development. We have po counsel to clve. 00 preferroce ' now t eiurea. We ar. earantly, honeit ly, determinedly oppoaod to Grant and hi ore, We .re for eaee, proaptrity and purity,. We rt llling to work aeauiouc y,uol'.nng!y, p 1 inacioualy aaintt h uievaat dtt' Hatt'a- g'nmimtnt. A we aald, wt are'iothing f. the name of th. party u hut all we .ikkfot .re right prtnrtple nad aameat opiHwitiea t Oraiit We Jo nolKeauj iIoio jut ovwln tlx m.iiin embodi. d in annliroaplt 1 , -ilwee.eiiotalUrU.lnira, ' ! u'" " j 1 The taamiila ia nnr -iriV'i T tltia ar Iticl, wiillee lik.ot cu.uitaluin wilh 1 the Ltlttor. lie nwtuty gtvr. hit on I view, 1 WUKMHIl AXD VAliUTlIlCKS. Both of thr. h'lttoriaa. .re it fault i I t'rnt I Wheelrr aat. U.-orr) Ratter tn !..r- J u ialMtvpi tbn with epnoi aJ J,d M ( Unakj. M,U OmCmt, where ng.griMiil lank I p ate o. tb. foliwia day. " I preauoia the author had auiue gw4 autboritr tor th alktrnwut. and I wnulJ I ' b- gU J b had give it, M , l,.fo,m. I., . . . Z . . ., I ditlerrtit, it W Ibalwti wwog ! a,old lik. to h.v. It cnUt 1 . . " J l-ftf. hr w ae-iH.". Mlt, ImlfXd k AM' h" mvI al Ltadlaji' Mill aa U..I rt.eM, f''W ,h h'' Ui 'kl lU!' taX "i aa umiUi oaa., bl i wa only t!',J bfUh ha Ihrit far or g!:." I r.onlfj who rommaixt, i iU t"H m M l w " U . lH,g44, .a I I Sl' riflwit,ir. .! oi g JviO .ml th I oihrr ?0 l on(. Fanalng funw a. I I'alitil a.. tk party we gg.i mt W . g.j,, u 21utWv ,ttJ I . . , . a . , ; " . " 'h.Uie ai .,o,hl at Lia li M wl.leh rt Up jlaaj f I.l llry'a. 1LJ , , , , m1 Laa4J. Mill U AltA Iwaghi: th BtUl aeJ Ur down taaxoad of pwi iag tl 4 .an m la .ttbUiat r.a.,Umtd aw a..ii. Al a Uaa. il ,m I U " N ty Wru t -I lify alb lb ft. W1 wlya aa4.4 1vm4WU. .kfi.u .t.f. r 2Hii,i,ri'iv'.'iu ' ( tl a W baa ( )lh.t& . . Ti VlMLXI.i, ThttM.I warhmae and diaapp'inled I aapirtht, Geo. Wiar, ha been completely trlct Attorney, Robert W. Hogbe. wa. the Jortunate cahdid.te for the Guberna torial oominition. The Radical., were unwilling to trurt the o'.d reljel inner however iweit'y he piiN d.or however adroitly li baled hi pin-h('h. Mr. Hegbe i a man of unqnextimrd ability. (Ie it one ot Ihe very 'ew able men of VTrglnia, who ranked a gentlemen before the war, lm w w.ioed to the loving jmbfmce of TtadicaHam. He beard the ong of the tyrent and wa o charmed he fell forever into tln-ir mm: Itbi. giHW out that Wiae will uppn him, and hi reward i to be the L'niti d ritate Benate provided the Virginians are untrue to their great name and permit the aduiim. tration ptity to triumph. We cannot doubt that the Conservative of Virginiii will lind the ri; lit mnn to cod teat with Mr, lluV. A, Siule that hat always abounded in reit men, ran never lack fn inch a -rii h r tonio wine, elo quent und putriolic j.011 touph.dil uccot- f!Iil3li.btMnIJK05 had a gtorlo 11 record in all her pant. Hie temper tyraiut it Innrr un bin, ned Upon her thicld, and now t!.at her bet chir'ah' d inlireiU aru iuvulved, .he will ba found true to herself, and true to her great Cine. Ko man who come before the people--of .VirUtia 4W Und ol H..ry end Washington aiid Robert E. Ie tuntaiuing the miiu "with the wooden head und iron arm," 10 qn it the atrikiug phraae of her greatest i'lurunlisit, the late John M. Daniel, and championing a party bote luipirallon la tyranny and whoa. ope i "public plunder," can ever, a. we believe, become their Governor. W look forward with certainty to the utler over throw of the horde of Radicalism. In every trial of principle Virginia will tri- uiph. Virginia victrix. TUB KU KLUX PRISONERS, It i understood, we believe, that moat of the unfortunate Ku Klux priont r will be critc.b.rged. Indeed, wt have teen it ; dated, that .11 would be discharged. W. ope thl I an. The Government ba wreaked it vengeance tuiHutentiy already. No doubt tome of the pcraon. convicted were guilty of crime, but the greater por tion wore innocent of any offence other Uian indiwrelion. The prosecution in the main wa conducted o at not to vin dicate taw and protect k iety, but to ubeerr bate political end. We .1! know what caused the rite of that .cict political aociety. It tlier.i hail never beon any loyal legup,lb. country nev. r would hat beard of the a.ful jCu Klui. Tlii ptpet never juatificd any act ot violence and cilnia and never will. It ha. alwajt denounced thoaa who violated th. law Md rwpetraUd ouiragt upon ih nnot tending and lnnotwuv Rat il a no'li r- teod Iron tb drat how one hand ot cret poll I real conspirator, mnj of whom were guilty of high crime and niiada- iMtior, would proroke othtr aocrel ot- ginlaalion to tpring up in elt defence, end wb, If not riirerted by prudent and ia trader, Wnuld in time retaliate. W aleay reunited thetkUUncofaiiy u Ii bndw, and Irvl tore they have done be Slate incakulabla uiu.luil. Hut the lloviri.uirnt h.i vKittd It. irvrr puniah nitot on the our, aliilat the other wa allowed to go "ueWhlpptd of Juttice,' The lime for )llti.l )rt'iii,.a ha patted, tnd innu'j bpt that the latt Stale J r;,.nir in the. Albany iwai tiary wilt be Utarrataii, Hu4'l,ad awl on In wy njnieirig to hi b'fii aad kin d.ilf ww-y twthw-lee, thfn 1ft tt Got otomeal iicitia it, fur II caa ncll af ford lo be n)gnaniaton. and (irglvi"g. nrrr dollars ros a xamm. flfty doHarw f.-r Ih Ih4 aaote Ut lb working tuau'." orgaa, u.a t be puV bhed In I lot el') by a Mock Company awaily efftea kuld, ra. proptwilioo tot timlog the org. a wi'd b ite-ired ontll lh M d.y a Nplttt.Ur iK.t. Whan Jooa Medlia th Goveiaof f JUtcktt will a. 1-d Irani IK .Mae ptr poaad, Ihe On h thlnkl m ..t .pptupii!. Prni, aal hr naming u.u.t b .' I tad d drtwd In 0.., Joaa Medlia, tare f fTiiM. otftc. If m mrj Ji... '.I U Med II . bits f'ipir( . aM a) ail a 't iw rrrclvr'i, iiat lake aa la.u,l and attwept V biUat Go. Md it tb. MbiUalur. , wopviliui to aalk ! M w U U re.il k m U lla.ko W. A. il,t'.4 Bafnd at ai Rjitr, Pri iett, ihty l av eg Inn aj , B,J wswg org a a. . M4oa Wul f..ire taut 4 Chat laris baM ll k tJf h l'tihl nid lb in ami 4 t, o,ihjr..jr ah' ., ,,J ln lha (rf.'aa, j'.l cU ua H'. e CbftV trt b n Mi t k -a Calvin itrawh, aarkiag ateaf 1,.- emtairy, la paaau. g ib n.m, Rasaktl l!lbke f7 th. ergan. W V k m hlaip4l ItrtasmbaA l4Wl i RaatkaL We lad hwt J- Itpsi ,4lh J rt (jal l( m llh nl.t aj thai wal pn paaii tu d 1 .4 la t reirI, a wniira aadamkal .-pM aMfallaiklal Wa .-4 .1 a l'i .a h aa4 a what trp,isl a.M t ,a a.,' a rel f wi -4 !, at r aai 'H w. Ias.aa.4 fail t. 4-, . lia.fc axk.sg t kel.l M aae.4 it. f aak g Na. a ft a m v f il,. a , a a 0 Altai -. A 4 ii ii 1 It l ta I tl fxpa, Vi kaa... I. M taitly tortured tbetB wHh bU The coiiiutnce i, they d'himat very turn, .rrewt, promote .nd pemct. th.t heHhy4awwe41ntfilenc, Itutbawmtl notw Ulenced, but applie ni vunoi afrenh. rnU it an with a more d'Jtcrmiutd I ... t hand, end excoriate, their hide, with . I deeper relish. We hope he will continue I u "rT" , ,c "--"- I -TT riSJAS ACATlKM Y KOK TOU VQ prcniTcprt of the t'nited State on tie .uh Uon, nntil the whole land bs come, .ware I MLS ANU BuVs. )ve. mardwtl of tlreeteuch of corruption that 911 the I land and that is inviting . nntion.1 .tro- Tt .n-.i t .... r..t uj...iiu ano iiuiuiui j..uiu.i,a.u ia . worth ten thounod time, more tothepeo-1 pie, than that other tort that wear glove. I and teen reUct in it month. .. ? REGISTER. Let every voter beer in mind that uo leas be ba registered he cmnot vote. Register befvrti the day of election. The nnl na ar.a ih. Taw .llnua la reiriater on I .. , . . , , ,1 Hie aay ot election, are tnote who arrive i at the aire of twerrtv-one rer- n-tbt I day. ( If you have changed your place of rei- ideooe.ince you laxt registered, then, yon mut register again. ljet every "Totcrtro fhr 'trimtedf thur hm name It OH the regiatrtitiotvbooka,- - 4. MISCELLANEOUS. w K I R M . Tb uudeniKoed have formed a eo-partner. nttt ZlZ ""ilielf will be pi ver . beat t rlu. Order lici ted PAT. DOLAW. .1. M. HATCH, . PERKY, July M-dlm RALS'aGII , N. 0. CAUINO ATTENTION TO TIU8 ilouao It 1 with th; ardent hope that . I may have a liberal thure of trawl, and I promlwi to endeavour to make It worthy ot patronage. Rates per dy Klret Klixir ' ' ' Second " ioo I i. M. UbAIR, Proprietor. Jul 12-dAwlm s ATIiAIHO: ? SO Centtper Bapc t lwaaMaaiibatlKOWTH,rKKnKU , taa COM. at, nw4 tamaw Ik. V aadBEAlTraflliellAltt. imm Haib waa n plmel la U. ..ark ra t 1 bM tw- . .rMhul. mi fr:. . . .Ma Th. .Ma a ! J trim tb ' a.T.aa. .raiipaf aa ... prm .f' mf.; T'- tm I. Oaa raaa.Ta. aa4 O ... lataaj It Haa .JtUMwl.l, naMWlMaH an1 t Ibaa. li.-M.a.iii. lh.UM.Tawj bffc.n ' 1 II. I II a . .liatitfal arwi..s. I. lltnmff V. ft,,-...- (A. II 1. aaaa.ia.aa-4. 1 a-a-4 m-.. a.- La. u-it 1 . h . an4 Li .utt aat. waa mm . L..aiKM a . frar A. aa.l -t '! all nT,.rgi.t a..-l ' -. (r Swaaa as M.- i ilir t.al. av lMta. W ?oo'. Glcrr is Her Hair. LYorrs lATIIill!IOI g T A T K F A IK . i H7 3. Tltlrteculb Ur l Anuual Fair or t Ittl.H'MI. S. C. Taa Thntaaaad I tilia'a la Prualtua. ai.w ad uimaii, tiiuaada kaewiae at Hut diaaja. -WaaaMai.alu I a ai.li. g 4va a llailm aaisaeMaaa's la. aMa liberal star B..4 wit awv Aarrirattotat ar btwaaaaral ArWW,UI,U Uartl Fngf, ad 4.11. .d trtai tfc aar. a.iUa lb. Umaa. Far lur fasM.ae.ni aa Kailraad hi Korth larwiwa I Ss r biIIk I i.ar.l ia Iralna rnwa t'rrj einrtH 4,iiy . .rll tratas fiw na wioraa ta it. itr-aiai r-us. Ih. silt ar lflra taiaa ta. I aia sxdy 1 tl CAM!. M.ms IHIIi, W V..iHHIU.ola.iUa. Win ilar o . Aanaal adinM. , m. ta I .ii,.aLa uf l oatoa fa t IU I'll fcaalH, la. . H-rt- s. Urw4 Frtki UWMatHa -i SUmDlD li". a W larnl. UjI.i fS-at, aa.lakto W,a- 4r.r.l La ..f ..t. lt hiM i. ni ,c. HmtH KaH.l. in 1K .., .oa'.. !. aaj ha . b htr-a av.rv ( )ar vf a.. I.wl f J Timtm t t . f M. H' LT. i'.- 4. H T Ft l.'.t.t . ., a 1 Wl, J4..i . f j mixri ruwi ritvmrt runt Has lb. tM.ri.st Pntnt IU.1 ' )na- 11 11 w. 1 lNf4 II, j aImilu iit.nr iniirT t-lJC. rMa 4t , a. i (warank4 tb. ha4 f 4l II If U 1 .!. II A l.U J) y , r Itrp tJ. . V 1 .A A t Taj ttirlll .r-l. It A I. i: I tl II. N.O., l B IB ' . .Las l-ala, FW.I "I -Aa, T.tala, tal aaa a 4 V.V. ta fa, I ttny U:aj ' " S HM f ) I, 4 f 'j'lkl , fifa t . I . wftbw a. 1 1 Lj . 1 a . 4 if TtAKT" mS " M,S8 tfU -ftt-yirr-B Cf tTTJCX7 fr,mii Bo aod irU ill com metke en ?fPMAT. Aaifu t b. It la aituated in th I vveavra Ward. BrthDef Uumblnati-l tulion. Term o( TuiU-m. liffl per mouth. I K ' " ', Kv. 8. B. Taawici, A M, PrincipaL EuogxK II Ghat, A. Ji.. AMit;mt. "laawmB .ilwumir. icrmor mtokt, Aug. 4th 1MM. For fartlcnlar. apply for elreular. inly 10 if. O XFOHD FKMALC" SE,MINARV, OXFORD, N. C. Ml n lll.L. Piinel Mig M. K. Min iui.i., Principal. Mks. . N. Uiuxt. Ataociate Principal 1K. c. H. uui. Ateociale frincipa Mas. w. II. Mokuow, leather o( Vluaie. . The exercfe of the Iuttitute will be ru- nmed Jnly.'XWi. 187i A limited number ot botrdera taken Ur- Cular ent on application. - J"1 1",a It A I. Il I ( i II FEMAI.KSF. MINARTl KALE10H, S. C. r. P. HObOOOD, A. M , A. r. KEDD, A. aimapai, , JftK,J.;.VON METRRUOFP.of V1KV.NA, iixu iiniioainjr new uuuainu wuo il im proved Sebool upparatu and recently pur ehaned mntical ou'.tit will open on ist of September, is7;j. Th. MuT7,e"pTrtnTnt to I. f . hern 7 K'- Ihe Faculty bu bean largely luereaed. uerfo I ai.d composer, ha racceeded well a teacher ol vocal and Inatrnmeutul Jlusic ln till State. Apply (or catalogue. Juut J dltawJtwiiD "OEACE INSTITUTE, RALEIUlt, X. U, R.r, K Ruawn.u Pribliul Joilt; it. UtHWCLL. A. M . I ... i,..-....,, 8. J. St.v.k. A. M. (" "ne,V"- Puor. A. IUi.MiHN, luatruetor in Vocal anil inatrumcnUl Mom. Th Fall Seulon eommonee Ui lat of Sept. WA. Itm a'tM..1. 11..,,. n.,t.int..,. ,,11 pmrUtuUr, u Urnu cRourM of ,ludy ad Lire D nt'Liu'i;! 1 a- orM July l-d3wAwm Kalcith, N. il. & IlEENSDORO' FEMALE COLLEGE. GREENSBORO, N . C . The Fall Session will heiflii on the 2T'h of I .uuaaiieat anuur uiu prusiu.icy or nev. i. M. Junes, 11. U., the former President. Th acuity will eonalntor rroresaor W C. Doub. a v. : 1, .ii ... . .. ' A. it.; V. F. Aldsraian, A, M ; aud f. J. liahr with full corns of aeeomo ished ladv leaebors.' For Or. ular eoctaiuliir full luformailoa appiy v in rreai'ipht, or to J. A. CIINIXtir.IM. July U-d.'UfSw See. ot Board. JOVEJoy A 1. A Ii K M T , ' RALEIUlt, S. C J. M. Uruol, 1 ,, , , , , J. M. W.ITB. PrlJclpals, oxriTaaT assistakt. Ih flfty-slvth rloa will rnmnienrv Jalv 34th. 1HU For iwtieul tn address either of tb Princlimls . Jinr -oIOd 1 Wly Nw copy. QLA8SICAL A!fD MATHEMATICAL S C a 0 1, - radVam, Oranrille CouHlf, ft. 0. T. t. IIOKNF.lt I Prmelilfc W. II. IIOKN Will oia lb Fll raaaia ua lb. d M an. day ia Jul.. 1 rw urk . .4 board ant lalUoa M ssulua vf lal wa.ls.luu,aiU.uateilrabarKea ua a. no.11 is oeauiiie 1 I1..1 oulv U ore. ars youiuc bvb fur CBUasia, hat to fit tltata alao lor b.tari.la at 4 a ami I slaikws ia !it. Fr J artiriilart, addrras the Pfinritls at Tally II... V Cor 4. Aiiaer MsnoU. llcnder antU tl S, ho.4 , a, aflnwutls al llTine-a.., , 1;. Jaua II if . 11 ii.Lawuao M. a., II A L E I U II, N . C. Mia Mau i. A. Jo, Pnsri. htiaa 4aaaia . Ju.aa, araatsnt Tl. aril trwkai .111 naawMMM Un-A.. I I ut .1 aa, - TV1TI0.1 : Urlaaary Iw.p.wnl It ou w-r aauaih, nZlit rl : ? - - rw. Rslra . . l.o. M iale . . . 4 ua 11""'"' , ., . . in .-a v rnriKB naw.ll koys aiiniilird la frbuarv Dvtiart. Httwd eaa ba baj at r.. sM ralaa Jaly 18-11 IM'S''iN Ft.yALEloU.ItiE, MAnVII LK, Jf. C. k.f Tt tn M aat ia, I'rtdaat. Tb. t.wati'Wl I .twaa.lal.1. hnatlbf. Tlj I t"4a. b. ug at .a Uwlniih la. Mai kaa a... Ujinm,!,,) rML t-a ..i I ifii.b,4 r.. Tat it pi rt A'... f.T ll-ralar jKy A. lia 'DAVIDSON COLLEG-E Wrr Afrnaiiray C t?ttH'f,., ( . IJal (mafalwat ft 1 i h.a. rmmmttm lv rtjui. sri, ia;. -4 f.t .'.I J. K al.Ah'c, ttlaa 4 Unaat ut Umm I a.J'f. lilMU'EKItS, Ac M T I "il I N a- a at, - 1. m . ... 1 " lhaa WbtlttanLi. aaaln ajIbefM friwt s4 iwVaan . . w. . la -lU, S C., April, J. a F. JoITes -Co., TH CLE ALS 4V3 BLTA1L EEDCESS COTTOX VACTOUS OiilVLsStciS UIXt'UANTd. wu wtauT.. tt . I r if win rr latil ;i!. x t, '.w im II.. a-, . f .... aa a .4 a., a.aa, .1 i, l-..a. I ...,., a. , 4 1,.,,, jirW a a A. tf - PROFESStOXAL CAnn9.AU- A M; L W I 0 n Court Jlouse Square, OUrt J10e oyi tre, : .. AL,t.tijH, it. v. V I D u v f i; e IUU of Kaleiirh, N. C.) ATTORJiET A COCNSELLOB At tAW, . .0. d V1U St , W TOBK CITt, ' ' Will (in nrr.nititlv to all orofeasioial boi- ae eatraded to him. Kcfer to ilia ' hlet Jiutiu and Aociate Jullcrof toe Supreme Court of North f nrollua, aud to th. whole rth UHOtlM Br. ' IBB IB II. K. C U Lb O ! ATTORNEV AT LAW. 8 m t t n r t t l u , K . C . Practice in tb 8uierlor Court of Job. ' wane, tiaii i " arreu auu ... Joining eounli, and In Uie Superior C rt of Murlh t'rotina. jar Claim collected It ary part of the BLte- . " lr A r m O N ; .- .- H Jf fj Blank Iiook Mltll tlfttfture f ov.n . noou.ToUK fell 13 tf s ION 11. u Ii t II S "AETORNKY AT LAW, R A I, k I o ii , N . ( ' ? . OtUce ou Fay itteville Street, two half iiuie Bouth oi larbronirli itouc, luywona t old Ottle. Practice in the Fe.daral aud Stata Court, may 25 3in J. " F. L E M M L N G , ATTORNEY AT LAW, R A L E I 0 H , It . C OUlee Bouth of the Court llou.se near Uie Sentinel OUlee. UBT-tf R. C. Bado.b. . T. P.DEVK.rx P B itDQER A DEVEREUX, 60LICIT01W LN ISANKUrCY, Ofit in Ftronach HuiUlinQ, totoni rfoor A'orfA f Yarliruvyk JIvum, R A L E I G II , N . C Will attend to all eases ot Bankruptcy Mr badircT attead tb terms of the District Court. No extra fee charred for consulta- . may 7 U . Jo B. BtTcu.uia, L t'. EowA.os, Kaleh'h. ur.ml, . Wh. Pu-aaaa Baiombloh, lUlehch. BATCHEUIR, EDW4RU8 A B.liUIE L.)R, ATTORNEYS AT h A W Hii.aioa, N C Will atluad U ooart of Waa,, Graiinllfc Franklin. Warreu. llalifal.. Northampton an Chalhatn eountlt , and the Fderal aad u lrias I onrta. j.n 4 U a. . hwi.b " joua aaruM JOOKB A 0.IT1 10, ATTORNEYS A T LAW, K ALEltlll, N V. Slate aud K j lar.l Court and the Cntt-t iif tu ! aad tth Js.llctal Itlstrirts. nov '41 If POUTS & SllOYA ; NrRING coons. (Lt IIE.IHTT 1. tl). II ,1 11 I) 9 . ASB Are rscel.Uvf dally aa M L U U A N T atorkaf th NKWKHT HTYLKM 13oot $z Shoom, nkkh for I'll, Ii iiit. lilt. r V Com IVr . ar aaaaniaa.il. ALW A faU haa al t'.U lilt. Ill (eUrt. Fu IlK , CilUt;. BAUel$U4. lUrrillll.tElf titlETT. r Ulllf ID, Aauaka naarlst. aa A f VAU JVV A VLOTIIISG. 11 "'f 111 tlTli Tho Pcoplc'o NATaONAL B ANIX Vstarrtt.ua, , c, jrt I.M'UKAAAOr CAI ifAt. lta. kJ nap. T' Ty ta faa naasli a uua a. -.a a aava. - wHs W -. fs Waa . tl laiMH... a. t ati.wt4 l- asM -4 a , a. 4 am a. t.rt a. ...a ir , , 4 .4 .,. I ft,. 1, ss. rs'taaaaa wis IIUUI3 .- a,u l..H)l,,,.(l, u . .W .4 s Immmtm 4Va."1 w. aaa 4 m,.., Ahl.tAtaT. XJORTH CAKOUSA, I i CHATHAal CO. jP"K Coirr. Leal Lutterlon 1 . . 1. U. B'.edmaa and W. A. Uoadv ia I heir a.. rbibt and aa Kxreutora ot Tboaia. Uiadt deeeared, Jaroc Uuwdv, Ibom.a tioa.lv' A. b. Uowdv. A Ilea bewdv.Mar iMelverC now Mill- wilaot S. J. HiU. fcaraii. . I . 1 L . I .1, J Aril j that puMicaliuo be uiade hi the Raleigh SajT 1 If In li r-i k at niiT fll'li-llad la lb iiu of t- alnth, fur aix weeks Uiat tbia proeeedluv U hwatataajianearwrlar Cworvat Chataam' cuuntv tor the p Biro rif mtkln th reaJeJ. law j,woias whwok sjeuxatatai. JU lor the 1 ment ut hi. del.U ; and Uiat u..v apfiearai 'lie ouiccvi Ua clerk of th Huueri or Court for Chaikaia county withia twnu. mn iluvii artr Ihf a i I.mi lit II, i. mn. publiesilou, otberwU jullnicjit will be UktL pro roof.' to asilo llienv ' ' Witness, 8. T .Petty, of ra!3 ourt, at offle tn PltUuoro', Uo. ih .'(Uii May, 187d. , ... 8. T. PiTTT, nty8l-w0w.. Ji, c, ! T:lAN0Bt- PIANOS'! T- . W have' for. sal Four Piuoa. Two ef them coat recently GO and ijjO, will ba aold how for easb down at t'i b and HU. Oue ba been ia an only tix months and L a No. Instrtinieiit. The other two are eheaoer' thouth rood bitrnmcnit - ' ' Oue ba - july U IA". 11. JO-NESACa IJUBLIC AUCTION." -Tenrn-OB uie m u.. ! .iau.t, a, a loiuv N.o:c. .'i a,...,. W.1.VI0. . ...ori.x' Rivea la me by Win. JetlVeysaiid bis (te. '4 he shove lot Is nn Boutli siilu of Bouth Street tilloiirti,,, lot of W ui. Russell. ' July 15 td 0. t . 8TRONAC1I. it s Another conttunaiut ot th beat aatln Wiue: White Sweet Senpiiemong IH per Case. " Dry . 1 . Kd8wab ' -', -Port ' i and t . . Also best Pparkllnr ChampalKa attllaer. Case lor quart aud (1.1 for Pints. JnnelM tl - W. U. JUWaaA CD. ATEW8 DRPoT-1 -IMPORTANT NOTICE. IN 1 uieud to cotnnnTQco sxt wet, tnd ron. tluue tu reoeiva JJuilv and Wueklv fa.wM-a m. Vlitnt.littf M-iruvlm.- .if illllUru.. bl...l. a ii persons who desire to -take pa)er or ma's. rlncsun do o, and I will deliver them tt Uieirtesiileno daily on arrival uf tbe mail. . i. G. UROMELL. may 35-tf " " New Anent. JrtA Rlt GOBI M W IT log, ECONOMY A LUZCKT. lltulthfulneaa. Cleanliness, Adjustmeat, Flexioillty, JUaw, Coiufort, Uarab'lily, Moaw lunaness. . THE ADJUSTABLE ;. SPltlNO nST) llOTTO Wilh ou ol lues, if you have Feathtr Bed, a Matlress is uol riiiired. If )wu hsv a mattreu, (ealhura are not required Tea cau have a most Luxurious bed, with eluier, w libout tb olh r Dou't lake eur word lor It, but Uke a Spring lied oa trial far a few Uavs st our risk, to be taken away if st ua n"t suit. Stmple may be seen it Jurro brwto f o'i, T. 11 Hrii.i.' Sett, W. 11. Jcnes . IV. W. H. Morri A C'. FurnlUr .lore, or at lb arbroBKh tloeaa, where limy ant ia con stant use aud where lr. UIm lua!l will Uk nlej.ure in c.lvli'K any tnfornistio. .noat th Beds. Areots warned la every county. JONES A ELLIS, Manufacturers, atari HdUbora' St., Ratshib, N. C. -" - - 1 , , , , , tilo iyxoiumuvo staix ' - ' ; L:iuiLY.Ww:;r. Thoni-h oalr , year. ohl. I at ihe (srrst osily rtrraaeUoe uf an 1 twtair la tb. tiata, and a We.laUa la Wuminctaa aftf par Beat. lrjt ihaa thai aa a uitm aiaf. iwiiitKLY toiiiii.x;...; Koweombload allb l "CaroUa raitwr," Biallns; on of th beat faniliy nc. i;rs la th South. CtreuMioa wry Isrir nd rap dlf fan nasi n;. ' , . . , , , - Bt'iiacRirnoM ritu iiTl . - i v i t r .4 . litii.r St, I year, . . . IT CO " iaaoatba, . , 1 ill - a aa I li . m WniLtttAN, l;w, - . .a . a awnih, . - ,1 at muaih.. i 1 - ia taalalLiaMu hurta Carv laa hu Baada mhb rapn ogr.a aa lb "lb, aturadat Btar. f f eVadT-w aftrt lawa tplM. 11 Addrwa, Mat. H, AkMMAtlU, HBiuaikua, . ... iTpAHMKIta, ATTKKTIuX.f I -a- - lljaa'waal'OK KMTfioa r;.-f a"'"" Karmor'u' I? r i . n .1 Ew4 If , , I U. PtCJaMltU "lo'., m ieat. .irrrt, r.i.t.la, fr i - i LA IW AIM W H. A" -t, t . X, tVtwar f.raUbed aa jf,irM.e. aa U-tl MORTt.Ai.I B Mo) I V 111 bin CAkoLIN A PA IM All t t.VrA'T. Th aaaliatt 4 ta Iba Ma.p; a 4 Um. boatba. a.U pankow atwl lr4a W aa' r laaa, aat aaHbtiwl tu IU I latrty lhoaMi.4 4..lf st -t ..t 1 1.1. ,. 4 htM t, ar lb. Is k.ia I K-a..t,4 st W laaa NHwl , la as. t, at tmf 'tw aa a balara lav la at Aa,awt a-al W. A vKllf TriHWktiilai Jia ' sns.a . ......... MsWiwlMtvifan.aaaa'ai Y n B'--.-r-;r"--. tillANII I'ACIHO IIOTP. CUll-ACU Lsasatf ua aaa. r O ars. r. Bt r tb Inia The t. iwmi . a... aa at-, fraif I lb. n alA li ji bJ. .u w U-ia lia a , .. ( , . 1 .4 , . . .4 ra ata ,-( ,., w. a- I.W-S tb. M.4.I.I I, at a. a w, as a, asm lar U tOt IWa A !-. Jtl,s.aa Uaa lar i lax. lt ". II I V 3 . I. I 4 al a F a- It pneartu o Ihe conrl that Mair. ait- ,j X. i. Jiill, Jua Duwdy, Allen Dod, i! T lluwdy, 'ihi'inia Dowdy and N'athan 6uwdr are aou-iviieois 01 Uie Bute, it ia " Tt VV'f T ri rr ,4 i' w l.tatWf aab ) ht . f U. .., , I4" A Cht 'f f. l k I M- f il.a I . ra faKM M f .p I ,. t r.llH'.i ...(. ! V. I! ... a, i im.it I ...! . 4. ta' ra wr il wt a'4 p-...L , j. t 1 ft4 ea If'.ka , t r. ,! a tot .1 s,f,i.B Ll it a. U. aa'al f r e t IT .'l (a ii. l I : ( a I t I. .It I.,, I ,. 1 I , 1. a. I -a w-a . , , t t i im -a a iii.ai I-! lt u,. . . I a- ll'l'i. l b.a Ui, u, 1 4 IK..- n f "' - I ' 1 a . I V , f .4 a ft-Tv-W , V --4 t. 1 Ih.wa A . r, l I N 1 CTnJ nr THE TUfcT, mt. lit fiiw iirit" U4.)it4 r Art's. r. K la.a . t.l r,. iaf V u aMii r a Mia at,. baaaaaAU ' al Wit ' f- M .j . . fi l I a - Mi.a, l..4 iJ lftwf, a . ,r lf wn i a I I'." a lb (' y t t '- I . 4 aaa, V-.. U I , t4 taa OtaM.lM, aa bar, I Ctltt lltlltl. I r -w-t-.' , -a . I .va. II hat 1 - " w was, a-4 w.. aj -' H il ) 11 j...i. 1 1 aalrad . M, 4V t-"" i ,1 t sV & ' a