V T . UZSTS. Sec. 8. The Eniuwt J Nih Car otin, Jwitta -hi IkiwU, emolument knd I tmncliiae. is uiuUr the control ol the I Slate, ami rhatl tie held t- an inseparable I I connection with therepublic school 1 syMemrt the Mate. M1SCLLASE0L"8. miscellaneous; The auiinlmcul proposes 'to strike out this teciiuii eiil'uely, thus severing the University from the common school sys- it necessary to give in full the eight tern, end insert the following in lien la tbst instrument proposed to be I Ihereor, so ibut the auienuca coortituuon shall read : with the alterations IoirJcTihst the people msvvotaun deratanuingly UB tbo amendment to tb constitution, at the ensuing election, we then clauses altered, together themselves, ..i. --.!.-- re. c-v aiMT ' IS BELATIOJI TO-WIR flBI.IC DKBT, The preseut constitution in Article I, ivrlarstlon of Bights, provided ss Miowts To maintain the honor and rood faith f the State- Bntarnirbed, the 1 ed to r.r conferred opon the iruswees of . .11.. a-i-n1arhr contracted before I ..l.l lT.tiaar.ltv an it tha Canmi. iiuoiie ucun - , ,, , . , 1 '""'"-it J",U 8 T HECElVtD. ' x .... iMUVifileAc, lU Ilibtei'-A Co' Portr, ' So barrel N. C, Cut Heriiogs, - 5 Tierces Molasse. ap G. T. eTONACH BRf. Uuses and O..T. BTKOMACH A D8. J. A. Am LSI, Formerly J. A. Ans- bay A Co., Aug" ta.ta. CI ADDLK8, Bridles, Collar, kj Harness of all desenpuona. ap 3-tt iL F. Jo SSTOO. Ot MocksvlUe, Daafrl Carolina. I si Et LIME! luu bbb Keek Ume. - . .. sp 4 U. T. BTRONACH A BRO. " Sec 5, The General Assembly shall haw o.-wer to urovide for the election of trustee of the VwversrtyoT1Sforth)nK Una, in whsm when choseu shall be vested BOUND PR.tS AND STUCK PEAS. all the privileges, rights, frarwMnes and -J. . B, i, i" - ,., endowmeht. heretofore in an, g -ant- " Kl. Ua.V.foo. may K. If. JuNKS & CO. 5 shares N. C. R. R. Stock and 6 share K. A 0. R. K. Stock. isy -l W. U, JONES it CO. i'"d since the rebellion, shall be regarded bly may make such provisions, laws and OIUKOAD STOCK FOR BALE. as iovio'so'S ana wiw w uioiujusu, uu. reirumiious, irow viuiu io time as may oe ; the stste shall never assume or pay, or au-1 necessary and expedient for the maiute tborise the collection of any debt or obli-1 nance and management of said 1,'nivert estioD, express or unpueu, lueuircu i u am i iuj." .r iauirracuon. or reuciiiua hu m,. frfii : :..;.,. f ..!!..? v raited titstes, or nn, claim for the loss or f'-u -s h!.Dtio?of an? slave." ting to the University, are also stricken -Ttiis sccttoa Is amended by striking out 1 out : rjociions IS, 1 uu li, rciauug iu iuo F O S emancipation -iiscctrop the first clause down to and including the n,t "but." to that the amended clause in appointment ol trustees by the uoara on in Article I will then read ! Education, and the officers powers and State h.H never- mniet8n.tin trite(TheS matters will . .nthnriu tha collection ot. anv I hereafter devolve on the Legislature, if deborbhgatron: expressed or implied, r the ameiainent refat'ing '"to the CuiversTty Incurred In aia 01 msurrecuon or reoe mon u stifled. ajainrt the uniieu Dira, wr uj um l, llie loss or emancipation of any slave." Another lot ol the virv beat gouUisinuton Bacon Baini majJ W. H. JONK3 t CO. . . i HANDSOME PLATES, CASTORS, Knives snd Forks, Hpoona, Mun and Butter TOBACCO coamssioji meuchasts, Are prepared to make Koeral advances on shipments 01 louaeco, ana iutaaipis slock of all grades, oiler to tli trade -unaurpaased lndneemenla. t j- Call snd see ns at oar atrfetiy tie- proof Warehouse, ' Cm m of Pry or tnd Banter Strtcla. ATLANTA GEOBOIA. Refer, b n a. lW Slmonton, Ksq frwldent Uaukof Btateavijtf, K.C. junaS-iim DRUG 8, 4i s ARATOOi B P ll i A O S IE S-OVRA(it JWME IWeTltV'TluNSi AT EALEIGH. CALL AT 1ITI, LEE& CO'S DRUG STORE TUG AUD DBIKK TBI Excelsior Spring Water or PRAVonr, Frtik from Ut Springa it Siritogt. v This water Is brouulit from Saratoita la ) Ucht Resarvolrs, lined with pure Block Itu, Xorlh I'arolluH; ' HOME INSURANCE COMPANY HALKKJH, M. C. , y pernillon to Hon. r K. Sbobt r, kU( u turccll out ai oar counter nreclaely '...''SZ.?h' S,.ii- H Bow. from theBprin4, NO, K I K K LAN D, Knives. ap in W. ft. J ONES A CO. FANS, Another alteration in regard to the pub lic debt is provided for in the same amend ment, bv striking out section 4, Article Y ,.i ha nrwent" Constitution, which UTu follow!: Sixth: m bblatioh to thk sksmons ok tarn OsKBaAL Asseih.y. The present constitution, Article II, Legislative Department, provides as fol- "Bec 3. The Senate and House of Representatives shall meet annually on the third Monday in November, and when 4.1 The (lenernl Assembly shall, by appropriate legislation and by adequate MaBmbu.d Wbe denominated the Gen. taxation, pruviua Ma ggcmbly." ular payment of the interest on the public debt, and after the year 1880, it sbsll lay . .nM-Mc annual tax upon the real and ,KrHnal property of tb Btate, and the udj thus n aliiea shall be aet apart as a sinking fuud. to be devoted to the pay ' went of the public debt." go thst the abovo section will be entite j sincken out and the amended Constitu tion will not maka it compulsory on tho Legislstere, by express language, to pro vide for the payment of Interest and prin cipal ol the public debt, This section is to be amended b strik ing out the word " annually," and insert ing in lieu thereof the word " biennially," so that the section shall read : " Sec. 2. The Senate and House of Rep resentatives shall meet biennially on the third Monday in November,-and "when assembled shsll be denominsted the Gen eral Assembly." This amendment also strikes out tha word "annually" in section 0, article lU, and inserts the word "biennially,'' in ref- -pARASOLB NVw etyle and ahane. Club Parasols with chain holders something new. Also the Dagger and other new Fana. sprlS W. U. A R. 8. TUCKEK A CO. LACE AND LINEN COLLARS, COLLA ratu. Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Bows and Nock Wear for Ladies and QenUemen In great vertny. At easy !U . U. S. .WAlTTtW. OPKINO PRINTS s A laixe and beautiful lot of BPRINS AND BUMMER PRINTS Faelfle Peroales, Cretona and Laneaater Cambrics, spring ana summer Alpacas. febl w. a aer Alpi sR.lL TUCKER A CO. I . ... . 8k'kd : is BtXATtoH to Thr omen of erence to the requirement of tn uovnrnor ScpxaiirruiDKnT Ptbijo Wohkb, to communicate to the General Assembly Article III, section 1, of the present each case ot reprieve, commutation or Constitution names among the other ofB- pardon. nf which the Executive Department Bevbstb : in xklatioh to tbc Codb hall le comprised, a Superintendent of Commission. Public Works, who shall be elected for a The present Constitution, article IV, term of four years by the quslifled voters Judicial Department, makes the following of the State, at the same time and places, provisions concerning the Code Commit- aad in the same manner as members of sioncrs: the General Assembly. -Sec . Three Commissioners shall be - ,. .i 1mm t .wike out appointed by this Convention to report to The amendment propose tosHikeeut ,r,.nrm.JAM.mb. at its Arst session pROV KND IB Constantly receiving supplies of Fodder, Sheaf OaU and Hay. Also la itoreiiBSd OaU and Cornaeld Peas. JAMES M. TOWLES, mar 5-tf Com. Merchant. QOTTOIIAND CORN PLANTERS. la store, at factory price, with freUcht. Potter's Improved Cotton Planter, the most rellabls aower know. Dorrian't celebrated Planter, and othrra. Also the Eureka Corn PUuWr which never fails to irlve satisfaction. 4AM1UI X. TOW1SS. spllSw Agent. CAHIXAIIT Sc BROTILDH, . M and 58. Pwk Pbice r--K W - Y O R ,K , Importtri tnd Vbeluale Crottrs, Jobbers IB Teat, wiici, fTrnpa, . , Refer -by rernillon to, has. TK-wey esahler Ralehrh National Hank. P. A. Wiley, eatliter CitlaeBf aUona r-aim, w. i;. BVOuaen.a.ai , Raleigh, N. C mariHim puVKTAlU n O TIL 7 Ne. V7. 86. V3 and 91 Camden, near Howard . . street, Star Camden Station and B. tt 0. IL I Depot, oonvoamt to th4 Depot of ail , tkt Suuthtm and WeUern U. Jt and Steamboat Landing. - BALTIMORE, 310. ,., :I R. SHARE, Prnpictor. Kar Alltlie appointments being drat class I lor reasonable cu&rirea.- 'i 60 per day. - Thla Bouae Is suipUed with the National I ire escape ana uuukiuubi. - Bare ly DINNED OYSTERS f . " Brandy Peachas, Bottled Peacfcee, Canned PrulU of S'l kinds, ap t ii. T. 8TRONACH A BRO. , without charging It wLh gas. ARTIFICIAL MlSi-RAL WATERS Jon draught. - KISSENQIN AND VICHY. made by in proceaa of BERZELINS snd 8TRUVE, with such Improvements as the progress of Selene snd Art hsv stnisted, . Thla Company rouUnue to write Policies at fair ra'f a, on all clatsea of Insurable prop trty. . AU lotac art pruuipllyadjusted and paid. The " HOME " Isrspldl; xroaljg lu public favor, and appeal, with cooQdeece, to Inaurers j of propety In sB parts ot North Carolina. Aitents in all srla of the Bute. R.TT BiTTl.i.' Jr., President. C, B. Root, Vice President- Sbatob Gals, Secretary. Pclaski Cowrta, Supervisor. uneti : -. j7';-Ml5G.IXAiSE0Ug. vv-, WAG 13 S FO-A1.t, IVIIO'- ACE WluLINU TO WOKK. Any per on, old or rounfr. of - eiihsr sea, can make from ( W to (.VI per wuek. at home or la euliiHsetiea a ktk uUirr huaioe. Wanted by all. Suitable to either city or coun try, and any season- ef the yea. This las rare opportunity I or uioeo woo are outof work, and out of money, to make an Indeprn. dent living. No capital beins; required. Our pampnuii, -tlOW lo SIAA.S4 A L1V IWi, Riving full luiOruetion . nt on receipt of 10 eenta. Addrws, A. BURTON A CO., Morrl aania, Witchtir Co . N. V. A 1 1 V 'VH evcrywliwe to sell onr new au.i iJ novel Kinbroltlerlnir McblnV. WANTFTl ttnd t r lllulter ct!iitar,' tl Ait A Lit' u,th McK.ea Maaafiuiturm ComOT,3ny Broadway, New fork. THE PARLOR OOMP ANION. Every lily want one I ' Every Man oiiKht u have one! 1 ' Sent on receipt of Ten Cent Addreas, L. F, HYDE A CO., l'.tt Sevouth. Avenue.-Nnw York. - - BON-TON FLIRTATION SIONALB. Sent on receipt of 25 ets. Unlqiie Prlntlnjtand PubllahlnK Uouae, So Verse Street, New York. F OR S A L I Two Milch Cows, one with an Aldernev elfer Calf. saajtt .. W. H. JONES A CO. F o u R the wot.ls "Superintendent of Public Work" wherever they occur in the Con stitution, thus abolishing that office. tbiid: 11 Bbxatiob to tub statb ' CBSaUS. In the present Constitution, Article II, the luiioviag prvviaion Is mad for tak ing a StaJvOevwus ; "Src 4. An enumeration of tha inhabi the General Assembly at iU Arst aession after thla Constitution ahau tie aaopteu by the people, rules of practice and pro cedure In accordance with the provisions of the foregoing section, and the conven tion shsll provide for tbe Commissioners a reasonable compensation. Bee 3. The same Commissioners shall also report to tb General Assembly as a nracticable. a code of North Carolina. xo uototkic F Choie brands of iJ. 6 ij - For sal by U.U oi tlm m.w shall b taken under have power to Bll au vacancies tk. dirwtion of tbe Oeoeral Asacmblv in ha this commlsrion. John It. Doreoy, FLOUR AND COMMISSION MEKCUANT. BALTIMORE. (halt JOHN C. WINDER, CIVIL ENGINEER, KALKIUU,. V. Will attend to all buaines In ths line of bis nOTf.uloa la anv nart of lbs State, toiretlier wilb th eurvrv of buiila. And will giv prompt attanUon ta the parrhaa snd sal ol tteal v.i.i. u m.. WuLi.il Powara. Ac. Otfin in tu Iisuer cauuini npiwi u. Street. a u . -4 U 1 i , juuaSt IB" (J CM MIR REFRESHMENTS. . at' - Mosiley'at Confecliouary Store, The Most DeJIetons Ice Cream Soda Water. He ha th only If Cream Saloon V O It X A 1 I K H IN RALE 1011. . voa dawh-e to b eouifotUUl call at - y LEY'S th year one thousand eight hundred and estsnty five, aad at the end of every lea years lbrftar; and the said Senate Dis tricts shall be so altered by the General Assembly, after the flr-t sewion after the talma of every t numeration taken as sfoieaaid. r bv Jr of Congress, tbst each brtiate District sliall contain a Bear aaiybe,se rqutl BdmUr nf Inhabi is'ua. t ic.uding aliens and Indian not ir.l, and .hall r. main eaalteied until 1 1' tcium of aw M her enumeration, aad shall at sll nines consitt of contiguous tutitorv ; aad no county tiall be divided ia th f.malH.n of a rVn.le Diatnct, on 1m snch fonnty ttiatt be equitably ewU tleil to two or nmll Senators." The aflim.lmrnt proposed to this art lei " y xiik .rtit "a!T thai prtcJes"ni -ih said tval District," la sec- t i, t l strtke wot U phrss "as Tbe amendment propose to strikeout Ksrsaaat'ia Mrar. Jaa. Corner A SHWS, Commlaatoa MercbaaU ; t'liaa. B Coleman, MINERAL actions. abolUhirgthe Cod. C-. JaUf" both tb Comutiasion. KIUMTM IN KkLATIoH TO FKUKB At. ABO OTHKB prrlCB-HOLOKB. The prescut oonslltution, Article XIV, provide as follows : ( 8ec 7. No person shaU hold mere thaa one lecrallv olBr under the Htat at the same itme: Pntided, That oOli-era In the Militia, Justic of th l'eaos, I'omnils- al oners ol Ihiblie bsrtuo and mndbiic Doners appointed lor Scisl porpoers, shail BoLb considered i' Mirers withia Ui Bieexiing ol this wctioa." ' ' Hi amendment tiropo that this sc- UosTslis3 KJ as tolliii : "Soft 7. No person who shall lo'd any nrTbr or nlaiw of trust or Broil Under tb Lai td Blab, of any oepartnseni ieri. Dorary, Faq., Flour Broker. fehia-ont OPARTNEISHIP NOTICE. i We, the iwirJnwlvli UiU day fornwd eo-partrablp1vi.d.t the nam of Enw abm, Bo-ar A to., for th panoef eon d in Un; Bixik, Job Prlnllng and Book-Bind. In lUUbUahneat. Tl.l. saaa Bra will sl0 pabll.h th U 1 sul ci 1. Rscjansa. , . v. 11. r.DWAiinf, ' N.B. HKOUOHI OK, A. F. REDD.. al.M.l.i.r," th U so stricken pet I M (his Stale ot say other Ruu or 1IOTICI. . f .-At) aawtMhsVbted Btf nrmaz' Urn ill (ilurt mum tin Ir seeonnu itnmwif atly, that ear trm any ba it)ated. Uinsiune uiiutouiu.i. July IS It sr,iig ! tb iww, so that the sacttoa M tan e Jed will rad ! - ia." a.' "TU'iailt il Dilliin s shall eeM4 by lb Grl Assembly at b Bid m-tUf alter the return of every inrrlb- taken by order of Coegresa, skat rU tra Dial net shall erUia, a anrW ssav be. aw roual number ot ia- BaMlaais. escludiBf alien end Indian l.tr.t.aed shall lemaia BBallrd Bt, V, OR SALE 0E EF1T BALASCEOF THE TEAM. Government, shall bold or etarcii W-r HWw of plarw nf treat or proBt, I j, tar?. "fUri iMavd Ktt th iter tarewtw lit wtiHtewwiwativr bl to B arst la lit lief linos of Um Imm rat Assembly,' lToridtd, Tbe a..tAit harem euotaiud shall stejd to ottkw IB the Uiliti, Juolicr of th I'eae, Cav snismoeeT of Public thsrtis or Ctfassjile eioncr l"f pn:isl pnrrik" There er eigbte ame.lmaU cxlgl Wad Of rlinrboro'-stnwt, t-r tawtwr tM. Tb SaaM eontolo ni rooois, " ,if T-1 i,n U lt omm acra uf fw4 all Wd, r- iraroe aad uaf jm4 t. tr t TU ! I ia l m ut U momt, 4mu Wa inta'ten In lb el'r Jn W.H. JOBFJA Wk id ib e.i- .if ah swunv-raUo, and . ual b .ht above specl- ball at U ttata euaatat of eositif Hows UT- ' rJr 7 , t iK. fnaml A. .....v s aii-t mo (...niy shsll be divided hs Bed all tbst p-e4 the Geweral A . . .J . tl,.im-l anbaa ntil.lt hi Ida rrauiMt t tbif J SB sab e -wnty shall be equitably eoUlle-l to I Jority. tau nf mot rkaatxa." I piLEAYELAND W Sl'IilMiS. (FoanasLT Wibsoas.) " NEAR IIKLRY. FIFTY rtVE MILES 1 WEST OF CHAKLO tlt, N. C, Th W. C. std R. HI I. Bv BnWbed t wltl.lu Ihraa nillea of Ui bixlaica, aud seartr sr met by hacks sr day tii.pt Bu inlay. Cotivejaaces to othi r potaU us M 1 had if daalred. TbS water Is eoldr4 by tboa who hav triad It as will at to tb bvl of lb kind i Vlnrlnia; sod law If y, vlalt Uii iats wiliioat onm( neaent imm lb tw oi 11. whiU Balpbar, Rad Salphar aad L'kaly Warm aad Cold Balbs Band of M sale aad Other soeree 4 linu. . Fai. Brat 1 elaaa. .. t Fat rurUit paruulari, appl) bi . T. W. BrfKVARD. . July wtt Prnrf. rjHE HANNAH MORE ACADEMY. Tas Is rsa Braoui, sua tiiais Firrass Mils r sun BALTinoaa Uffars apaeUI lsnmaau w IH ar fum atf Maaabbirs. tar -rial .i..i.g ih, imij a MMUwiMm b.allra. an Ux UJatarai ol a (.hrtaiiaa Uuaa ',ba win Bail b WMre-Sday .pinaM toik. !'. ' REV. ARllil Ri klCll.M D. )a!y JS t R4.u.Ui a, Md. SODA WAThlt. lo Cold 8ola Water with jrcnuln Fruit Sirups on draught snd in Bvpnons. si , PRStUJD, I.KR A CO S URlAl STORE. s ""Tar... ; ....,.' D U Y"a TJTJTT ST'S'c r" pRICES GREATLT REDUCED. Asws wish to make a chanjte in our bii.l hees, we notify our friends and the pablie that we will sell onr entire stock of goods at greatly reduced price, for eish. . . Our a took comprises v DRY " GOODS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. DOMESTICS, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, ' CASSIMERE8, CL'lTHS, '"'., GESTS' FURNISHING GOOD?, T ANKhENOTIO NS . . Now Is the time fo. Baixslns . PRIMROSE, TETTV NEW80M"8. AU indtbUd to th Firm an cnlUd an U mUi immtdiatdf. , sssr Mlt ' 1873 . Tliird Stock thii Season. . W, H, & E. S. TUCXEE & CO. an now nraivln their uurrhaae mad a whh- tntb teat tew day In tb NorUisrn Market, and ar better praparad thaa vr to supply theUsuea lUi Urn . , . . Host rthiDiblf tail UrtiribU Goods a tVdr ! ' ' , S5i a? 3 2 - " MJt ep-. si Jci t I-- 'e . - lis; r? V .. , fe5 Mia P .. ... i - If: V Id . , cT - ' c ' $ fit fill? Th Beckwith $30 PorUbl Family -Sewing Mchin,on 30 Day Trial, manv advanlaicea.over all batlsfa llonuamnteed, or tM refunded. Vent eoinptelii, with full dlreetlous . RtK-kwUh Bewliig Machiue Co., tSbi Kmadway, N.I. :. ' THE NKW Ei.ECTICTRU.-d. Ait .-" prtiJ lmtntitm. Jit Mtalu .tb Raptuiw lilblllLll.1 sevcieat atraln It 1 worn with comfort, and 11 kept on niKbt and dar, efleets a permansntt enra iu a few wacks. Said cheap, and sent by mail when renetd. eln-ulara free, when ordered by letter sent to Tb Ela-tlcTnia Vo., Mi Uroadway, N. I. City. Notiody alwa Mi-tal Snnnr Tniwea ; too painful ; they upion ut rreiui'iiuy. . may -deodA.uo l - ! Hrvrrnl Wcportmontm Ladle Druat Ouoda. i Men and Boy1 (looda, Cbildmi's Goods, Bilk l.ooila, Cottoa Gaoda, , , . , Woolw Woods, Lac Goods, , . '" : ... Straw Uooda, Hair Goods, Fwwbr Goods. itaawaatle Omids, . flu a Unoda, MadiamGnoda, LkrapUood. j pORTIl CAU0UNA STATE "IuHurniico Co;: , RALElOll, N. C. . ' 1 ntsltnl - - )UOO,(M)0 " ' orricsas ; HON. KFMF F. RATTLE Prablat F. H. CAM FROM , Vie PreakieBt W. H llll kS Bi-UMlary )H. E. B. llAYWlltlI.....Mr.llcallim-tor W. I. RuTsrER, Asslatant Madlcal Dimbw J. S. BATC1IEL0R Attoraey U B, FERRY .....lprvlaiaK Atot laaoTonat - - - 1. Iloa. Kaaip P, hailie, Uoa. Jha M miliar; , How Jubn W. Ceanimbaia, Hun. Mia. A.. Bmllfe. Col W. L. Bauudera, i. C. MeKaa, Hon. Tud R. I'al.lw.ll, . M . R. Cos, k. . MeAdva.d. R. Ralehalor, John Nu ll l. I'ol. L. W. Ilnmphray, A. A. M Koy, J, 0. Hlak, Cd, T. M. Holt, ii. Tai Marphy. 1 4 imc. walbur LUrk, C L V . t. AaJotai-a, i van A. Graham, V . U. l'-brrh, lie. W. J. Uawk ma, duba U Ul.ama, t. U. laaMtua, i. i. Dati. FEATUREDANOiDViNTAOfaC ACTING FORCE P0MP8. , KITCHEN nnos. (SvcossaoHs to Camim.ia Fump UnarAKr, liOCATSO IN KALC (ill) A ' PREPARED TO FURNISH AT XV. abort aotiii Uie Klteben 1'iraia of vari ous alsea with I'orctlnln Cvlendera nliteb can't Injur til water. Ibis ia a sulnnerKiid deep well pump, now la use S U yeait wllh ul even tlie m)ieiiae of iiew paekliiK. We make' 4 slaea, eapaeiiy W to ISO gallona water per mluuie, working in every coneetvulile wayand by tlm a. ut inne wbli h can be ailaehed in halt a mioula, tbeae pump t oae baeoia . band Engine of rvat power, throwing water on th roof nf three story bnildlntr, with 011 man, and tbuy will timid toer to six man safety. We btve not heard ot 0110 ot thvui beiiiK overcome by Mr and yettlicy have been teatrd by ortr Ully liica, aaviug ovur ott,u) worth of proj er y. Fur oniinnry uui chlblreN worktheut aaally if at ap by imr pruiiid dlreetluii, and If ti t we warrant llii ia 14 niontba. Our Double tnello and Fore Ulob Pumpa, Jim InwotMl by J L. Kib bie la capalilu of Ih iiig iind a a lirlvs well pump snd Is WeH Sitapbd to ateamer and Veaaala f any eliwa, una man can throw water on th roof i f 8 abiry bulliiliir But It lina a double t'adod lever and with four men la a very su lienur nan lotloe. The u. tilib furup 1 14 meitea in imi Diameter with 1 sneibm sad IV ckM-harc pipe ami tl.rooi au to tuural. ua pee uiuuta, aoeordtiiK to ape i. 1 a No. S Glob V liichea In lilaineUr, 1 Inch euc- tloa and a of an laeh Slacbstir pit-, ei W f tt to SO irailoss per tiilnuto Tneae ' Ulob Fainps mak t eaat-iro fur e.im- mon a a, bran fur alt water aud biwk tia fur tli lii.ide uf li tMual,r drinking walrr. lbay lift Uia aler 'id fart prrpasduiulqr and )uui au til l 111 ilia b muiaudurtw baW( Iruut l i Int-a or w. II al 'ic.l ilulaun All kladt of staam an 1 wnlar iia dllt at lioet millia j hoaa, ko pipe and cju. t;tij, fnrnl.iird kere. Be. naa lor pri bat. Tbti dai th ui willa Willi (m.d rafriemca iu il accniapanv all ordera, ; buut Urn uf tbea pamptkavs sot flvrn ali.tactlo but In earh eaaa it baa bwa allet bautliM B th' ut and lot tb prtnrtpW of Ik. iiemp, H r. are now win n) 11 n II, lt mixliatile obly sad drtetuiuid to b.va emx. ebbar, , 1 1 1 ., ... Addrca KITi HKM BRO.'B r- .... . Habaub V. Ws will htk la partners with n my. in xj la to stun k company II Uitirvil. , J H. EDWARDS, Afrnt for Oifurd and vklnlly. Julyld,s-wAnij it st'Lriiun " ?p!Jnm ft U mpbik-ally s llMta CoMrasv. My. 1 a BVHt capital aaantabM MromtB snd It AW 1 n a Im at fAarn F A--" Cttiiiila County, .V. c: Ttta la-f. wllh th fnrMV pnreha Spruac ssska ear sbMA tb 1 ot if. I D 1AMOMD 1PSCTAULBI. lURiiKlT AMD MOST COUPLET I hi th WaU, Which w are sRVrin at hd- wia 4 retail, t prtira Ibat Mat Wlraet tb trad. .. . . W. IA. A R- B. IICLBBAIAJ. .J BTBkaot; Vssts bavb Ibovib I.MirkiBi IivTifsiH r W 1 1" V w n V V. 1. C I II A A . t. a .. .. -( I Te be tlie bcl ever iaveaua. Hj Z. PawpkM Fro. Addfwa. Tart, Pa. J I aaa Sas -- Itudar all liabbi forms wf laaaraoe. tia I aad. are lavaatad at bum fcd ein alat- 1 an sx 1 apiji 1 .. . k imwl fi.Ua l.utM lUKiaid apt- realileiw nr trar.l j'uiw M. aowfaefaitaU sfW tw ywanu lie ndlcera sad lllrartora ar pnamiarat atid WaU know Bort ariiia, wbaa aapvt mm a. blw sae tud wboaa wofik at l mlrUyar alna a-Ut r f4 t luajmi'l "", m4t - " O. Ii. -bhh 1, Biii"Wainf Atym. TIllO II. HILL, I" ! r'-l, JUMh, R. C . t.nnd untl with Vht-t librrai fiaUatl win be mad, snud In eeery loaaty 1 tb Sbtbs. may t dlf . Tbit WltaU-4 Val. riaf flava (furmarly PftiM;tLiat,t Uim -rwd f it i.tuira. Ihaboauit: aim-.' Hr wits tt' h hr- tttwKiJfpsupartks t( ll..lHI r Mti-f.f. I.V Sitnr ami .iii,m r.MHl 1 1 u .l ad !" '.trti MiU, M tkt U(V, bka Srt ll kvava a a tMU-lfl kndiwiar, will l at rbar at iji riibr.ry dtfir1iiMl. O.tod Bud f ktur, r.s ) a J , Wdl.trd T.i'lra and s u; 1 i f I . ImoiiII.m will b at llu litrf BlaibM lb Wr.wra X. C ta.lr.d t J oa lb irfl si PI til I Ir ,itl fit r.-rrrtTW 1 mtt U-dJUW. m.t it frorrtetiir. TV l-Lrt U tbi asxadaeel it to do as.; iik tl. asarmaary tl p of Uk wg tti rr.t nads the dimU of th Gr! AMbly, Isaamach a the Sam work I by th Nt!oel Ooe rsausL FBva t u atoi tw Btastrtwaa vao rtiirns. The t eueoUtatiow, ArtUi V, IV w4 TsttwB, f4 a b4 tatsi "St. t. frxpattf Wt.tB la lb Mat f t e.uM.:pl CKp-4alM, sbailw mp fro tatsiku. Tha Oewsl As awawy easy etsaapt sissstanaa, aad . , awl) B.I4 f.1 adalital, si mnii&c, bl "f.banlb m s.igws prp , , wwartwf appat, arm l aw?, Ijal4 ad k.UbtS) furaitur. tb kaanal aad agr uituial Impttaxabr M srki.b ad l.i ws, libfwrw a-l -; .S'. r.r BMiren tt, to a ! d wd t fr. ;t"lT-l it 'Mara." IV tmtliwrt Miil''il' 'Via wtiun by laiasrtbf alls the o4 t stlt.SMtla, tb wn U" Sy r til p-Mrt..' trt Ibat ft aaatiuea Umd 1 S, VroMVta UUk, Utbatttst as .n at" as a4 I ft fwy, saltan. TVeOaawalA bfj etaakp ... sod f "W: W ealaaaitaxval. wt-etlV. if rtaWiUU a t-.mm Myaat bw tf afpMaa, arm M BwM, Vawtwhai I 4 k nbifawMaaaa, tb aaaM kai- 4 a4 fWaiiii b : 1 e'ssd1 amsui an I ItfMaa. ttaa i aiiaM.lw twatnuwiwi t 4tk fcaiawal faK-aawlf, t B tain wat as, knB( kwajadONi W , fim. It !klSTtr te ri VlT B tni. TVBiaijiHeUB, Anwtt H.Vx Tbaa siybt anwa.i mtU ar H aw Bab. Bii Ileal erpsmtety f.w raiiOMtb M rrWje- lium. at ti tUru-Mj lo b bi ,J o Th- day, tb rvt-ih df wf Agnt. Aay earrsuB u.fir4 t- vi assy 4 Btiit tHk aiureJiBe!, with a wniAae) tmf fariatail lai ket ill th "F Aaata InMWt.'or -AKt.t lmeaJisyrel." Tb qa4aBt that fw-atr a Biniy i4 tb popnl "U t t "I"1; rwtifWd A r.ui oa afl uf lU a Sst a . raiiaw w ul ssamtmL dSj 1 17 d blt tWtw ai t rvi 'pCIT TRIM. MCUEMT TREES " - - A W a " ATO FOOD CtoHt, MlAl. J Bxara (.!, At taoet C APtAUD ASUUHEAlE TV Brartarbi ar ataaafarbaptd team MMuaU tryaui FaoMM" aaatlaad t.U.a, aad ar tbd IHaaanad areuut f tbaif kanlaa aaad Wliiary, It wa.l taarwa U.l ttatrM tal fnaa RtaaiiM BaukB p Mim c Vary Mlunuwa M li aaaaitaai f Ut I pubutaia I l((til. liatw baM taafcrd ilk lb putanaa-.p, um d.ammid aaa.ai kaaw bta fua4 W a-. aaii IfMaa par mk km kaaUad ra.t Um aat aaib Labba. Tb tv aat abaiitt aasatrwy, an ta .Ua iManlnat, M laattrt ri So 4..M Alia Ultaaa wn rhn aaayal BV I. alUSLd A Ltk W, U JOSMAMO Wratatf k) C I 'tb 1 a dr 1 !WaL v. A ftsrv . iep't PEA. FIlB Ii . pt,'iii HtSHMH , firs' aa.il Fm.1 tbatw, Fnl,bl l- BinkMHa A bt Foab.(6W . tM 'j S'liaal In k bawblaaM atd liwuai laaaia ut taaiat -H faa aluuo ta 11a. a Mafa(ra4 by la. Si-aar i la.al b.naf. liutt-ai c-.a.t. 10 It MA fall kU 1 FiitT WIHE. ' , BV B Barry V.W, " aaaiaaafl lat, Slawara. " Betprwaatt tVsMy, fmm m4 ICE, ICE, ICE. J ATOSE CIST PFR )LlD 'JEUVAR. AliLt. I at pr4 to tk B!.kl r ttt. fblaa I. eats scnf tb tnlMa lg-.t tap tbaamaat U. palBt llkaabaawl mm laar yaaaam. laa at aaaMltwtaiaal mmOm Ian ptUalaiaf ad twt . pat tt. aad tiaal aaa hall bf ' patna. I ataa af laar aata ttaa paiaaal rStal to taata4aj aaa htaaa la tbi ily d rwalf kaara, ptaaweatd (NSaaUoa, tad I iu kfuraiiaa ap) ly 1 ! t APT J'HISJC PBtiB TltMSial llaaj. A L L K N ' ti , . ii V.XliU. lUNDkhJOSVIlLE, C Raarth Eat trr 4 ft VJi I nuaia, U to ajwn liar th frp r -a al a.M-i-ra, laa mm lubaliy ( tiaatllaaata aaad bai ilitl Btu lalAMJ 1 -1 rf arTwaraiia( laaalaaa 11 a l.ai.ra1 I. fa rl f-f II" ! 1 a-a'a at Uit a Wa Haaaaa mmr taaa. Vm taaa t-afc wraa a-a. Ilita ptvm I 4 lit Haa li-a l.f-sj . . . I t , 1'ial f'l. S tad al iba M i.l 1 ba proprtaauaa aaa rt(riaml phfaaiana ma auiaiweje a ra..y wt natHwi-r 1 ui'ai tal1lira froaa t'f l lb li-a la.., a I Vi aar rai. t-aasr,', 1 T. A. ALLk, l . yalyl 1 tau W. M.JO ESAU. pdlAl'tHUFiRtLI IIMI ti Ftw.y lb. a., I waHtiuaarW P'Uf. . aly e U . W.CAIKuXJUL BroitTINO (iOOUS. 1 (Hi SALI. A erat-tlaaa .sad R' lT JtayA . 4, J.F.Ik...k It V it'll til 1 a. . cy baaaa t,i . If Va II i Sa..aaii.a af is fait laly. bawlaah ttataaMby awyriit kstbataoat. I:. -ar, 4mwl t4 Iflaai. a a. Al I'Dllail. X K. , tm tklll tan laly ha ia.i.4. Sa44.4 .A,aV4t. pa taut bay a pair aawat ta aaa ! taaak. aeel W AM LAN DS FOR ALI U Rank I s ' PASEl if I LKkluX VUkU. -frmm I I 1-ka. Ittt I I o. i-,lill" taa t4 Mltad Td kaa. , , aaaaat bl a."l i. ;eu V. C ItR' RACft I Illt fH. PS k.r. I J r b'., t B-41. , I '. -abW ib T..t 1m ' '; L Att Iwxt pAnr m riRiLt ru ik A Ira k b4 aaf J! la ta at L 1 t el bob At I liAkl I lit"' C P. ,IARI a . ,'ttaar""' T -.aaa Bajaaa Vmmmm . . .tv-iAUL, 10 , ft etc ! H aawtaaat- W tl f iAl U M Ik adW-aaWad ta l Uf of ' ,tll m tb n.-'fk A) t.aai'-a Raixad ( mmmyf. Will b bad al tb Ultrt ad lb 1. ,..1 la Ian. fc Ikaaaata. !: A.. mJ laaaal. IS. 1 ).,f liM . 12"1 iirus'ik AtfwHsiATt stria ririui tiFUtta. W a era rrma la aMt aai ii w aa'l i aaa a anirtaaatlaiaaawa taaaita fafciitiJl- Fl IM mmm aw ttaa b. mA I 4 aad aw U aaa matabaalt al aaraaM .- a f va.ra at aaa I'at waatJa aaa4 aa a m b $ a -4 Wa b awd a4 brll aW ftb aaa laaM la HUM ita-K la aa t-w aa aJI aba!aw baa kkat taaaat I t m'lm faaa. W la. tw -.aata Wta4 l i ta a,aa a-a aw, a.a-a - (aat raia" tanit I at - .a la , i u atian in i ii a'uM..i bh f aaai ta l- a a " a ya1 lA aaaia - taaAa ' y-aj a it itililAio -lt Im. bab I Ba aa at li.f t , t.t H-. ". Aa !.. a1l.a fllt.V T-W tat, ail I Aabt Ihiinilaili I b .aa - tail It fwvlitlO, I 1 t Ad THE ri.VMT I F FriF f.Tl -....( itae a...f. a4 bt tavti jf Uaat. it aaarlMt, Itll'f ta t af iM.aab laa aa. i t ya4a at Mat a a'. a. . - aaa . ( a ltt4iaU IW tb ..a a aa.i.tia, W Sal It tataa. ainaa d ty tk tautaaa aaf t b baed ( . k'r-. 1 a.4taAat OKI It tll, t a R a A lava lt f tt aika aal tva Barm tl spf ti t iia mm etvt, lb Ulaa-la t tvaitart aaa U "4 la aaia B ( Baaaap ta Rai wiia.lt, Wail aad B-as Rattk kt t'aaa. It AJ -(., IMW M liaaaattf, feaf ta F HtttTtrt4 tfap'ta, I ak.ut tab I i'm a4 !. r. on l-aai, t ta 'A t"t;M ad in Ft a ttatlrw (.. ta aianat aaaU. Ik-rf a l-- an aidaMaj) 4 , tk trawd Ibaaafk ttl-d Itllll l-t. a lirataa iitaW aa iwin taj taxar ewaaap M t'raaa. t,a aM j Cal Fk a t , .t H aaaaa ( Bay Btta b BaaatWt aad t rntaa, tl,''1 SB taaa aa, -fttuaaat G U X 8 IRwLS ttlRS. E trie u I A A I ll. ,4k..aiAa II. B B"in t m ,t,--a- aaat ' V aaa Lank rUak Kl a U ... . , w, 1 , t a . -a l tr I a.b taaaa. t. araaax. SmI Mala a if Sanaa 4 la akaa I .It aaa af k4 ta . aa) ta asaaaM aialt - - - --, . tat la- f at-.. rtla . ilatiaal Va ta a -a aa k ka a ll a a taaaaad faa akf aaa ta t . ail v 11. laaiaaSati! At 1 1 H ;i i iim.Hao'. itha, I eto. , SIJ av a tv lav. DuVWJI OVUS. J .ist(,M, 'w, i , iitut imee, 14 uu, k tat, tv vU, t , bt I V aVt4 Uaaatog tU wsa. At a, its, v ). tn.a.rea, )!, ia la a. a PliTtU B, : " Ita.l A '"'. t . Area's, lit, W aattaty aad atka t.aaa Af ptsifttrttatktf taattk AM MlBlttMBaaa, UfUsHIt ' Fat Baaaah bavJbNf taaa al aaatil atf tatw aaaalal ..-' tut MaU tt Aataa.k k. aaa tad rVa t laanl awa-tal aaiMa. A awayiata a aat al t I (-'.. tf aa4 !. Uaaaa aaM t tHt-lat-. . ,Tn .tl ...4 f i!a ' 1 ,, 1 a I i . 1 kI M a. t I . I . Saw lHaaVJtit ' y.aa.if ttaai la-vi V ' laaaaa ' a-M 4 a.. Sk. , '..aaa't Haa--t Ra-at Kf atf . . .C sin a' utm c AI LX. K, C. A p.. aa.4 tat U a4ar l a luifto, Sf.'.a -I t a at.aa R-a m t :-4 I jm f IS4 .aaa Wll'H.rSAll ' Ml I'iriti. EST I iMtSKI t r .tr r tf i.h.t tr Ba.a l'...V t ."at. t I t t,T yiv lift Al (! -ba A44aaalM) r r aTpmni iiov tf Vnr ( r isl u lljr a T) ( ) at-. ifuld U-f if t'el fM Jli 11 aatata - - . - - Ub it Bt."i'i rir. m ' tkaM.I f w t-t I ba I. -'' b (aataaa I'? BA 4 At I 14 t aiaat Sa--al at a a, ta ai . rm a4. a t 4 ly aaa aat aaa aaaaat A a. 1 faat taaatf t . a . ia a' --a. ta I , t taf M a aa.ia af t . k aad ta. at aaa aaaa--t I -. .- I vkat a .H aad ta Jm t-"'a aajka.l.at I M ta I I , t tt IM ( , 1 aa aaa.a, taauJa ka aaa aaa.y t . j taa I aad ja "a 1N yak ta aa '. -.a f ,- at tha Saa I ua a a.4 aa b aat aaa a a f af 4 aaa a - a ..a aaa aat tw , taa Saaa af I 4a ,-a ta aattt aaa aaa..f taaf baaaa aaa.ikaa.a4 S Wat atVaaal ba aatV aaaa4 ba tk a aaa aa-4 a a ;a a a a. k-4 I at aaf Latata . - 1 4 1 1 t I ta ill. Btta laey a 4aaaaa. tajflllt aaaja f. t f I. p. Iaaa St.. Pa .a a a..l..'4t I . .. . a. a........ . f ....tal Itaal aa. aa ala aaak t 1 1 aaaa k I afti 4 tatfabtf tat ka aaa (a It If 1 1 . t! I. II I A f I, I-, f b I 4V fr-t" ' P M - V em - - f 1 '!( 4-rt f 1 t i t 4, T i .-- . ..i t rt tt, s-mii 'ui r ttE 1 tt-a f ) , I f aal I' !- k. i taaaak ,. I t .Ml a i i . 111 F'W a I-aaaa a f imm aa- t ' ft ti It . I , I " I f t : ! 1 1 1 -- X I I - t ta M-arwtwf mm Ik v,-ri at tv I l I aaa f ' a, th (VclaffalM ueitv.aatH fwjf Ch.f-a ,,' 1 Ilt'lltb

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