... 7v 5 TIIEGIUIIC XEE om DlapaUeb, DOMESTIC NEWS. UisCKLLAN'EOL'S. Sak Fhakcisco, Aug. 2. A private Bsuel Henry Murphy, com pany M., Slh cavalry, tu liot dead by the camp batcher. Only aiiM ships clvired with wheat Ibla yenr agalust fourteen Mtnt lime last year. The firmer are inclined to hold Hit uew crop fur higher prices... I CumsKBLAfin, Wu., Aug. 2. The freight train ran into the gravel train, tilling 1 tod hurting 8. Evamvuxb, Ixo.,Ang.8. " Two fatal and two probable fatal ettoi era case. . Norwich, Ct., Aug. a ;..'; Tbe Bleaching Companie' building have been burned Lou 73,0u)., Tirrtvauc, Pa., Au;. 3. A collision if a freight ind oil train killed thrv peraM. Tbe engineer had has thigh broken. - Fifteen care were . burned with the bodies of the- kil4 -- - " : FROM NEW YOHK. Ji KW VOBK, Aug. S. - Tiie Comptrollers ttatpment show that . the debt of th city nod county of New , Tim It Murtpuri 15 tnctw ft - . . -. i SPANISH. 1FFAIUS. . i : V. ; 1- v, ', Madrid, Aug.. : " A. luiurenl frigato antursd Mala harbor and departed eastward cloatly fol ' lowed by a German Teasel, and ber capture It probable. .....-rr - Tit Insurgent el Grenada offer to iur render. ' In the Cortea to-day I resolution of cen to directed againat the insurgent depu Uet, at debated. Seaor Caatilar mailt an eloquent and patriotic- tpeech counsel ing moderation on th part of the repub- llctn. Tbt resolution wa adopted by a vot of 193 to 15. Tbt Majarcra tobacco factory, tha but - refuge of tbt Insurgent la Senile, bat been captured by tha troop, and t Urge number of prisoner were taken, among whom art several foreigners, members of the International Society. Tbt Carhst force, oot thousand sirring, attacked I'or tttgallte, term tullet from , Diitxva, this afternoon. Tbt (rarrienn made a rigorous and successful dcfeDCe. Tha Carlisle were defeated with heavy loai and driven nm Bslido rWtr Tbt towa tl Albania, 15 " ml Us from Murcla, bu proclaimed ber l dependenca. Tbt Junta bat been organ. Ised, tbt But act of which was to levy a contribution of f21,000 ob the Inhabi taata. The report tint the trig-ale Vllle D Madrid bad joined tbt Insurgents It ofB eialty enotradtrtnl. Tbt Insunrr'lonary fl-sl which left the harbor of AUmrie waa ' last area beading h Milage. Two other frigate la tbt baad of tbt rebel are at Malaga, tr ic to r,ls mt-ttiwke ti the cit.aro. 1'uur Garmia meaof-war ar I th hsrW wstrhlng. FROM PAIUd, I'saii, Aug. 3 ( arii.U abtiouocs that Ihm Ce-I.. raptured tCeieil with hi raiirt gartisua and has asrreadtrea as prisoners of war, liirtuiuanca art reported at fUa L'Etspa, la tbt rlrpart client ol Vi-age. The Mb prefect Wat beaten by t Bob who rrird rhrt Ttilcnr, ytf ( Gatab-m, during tt.e evacuation of Vesg by the Cera., tbrrt were erics of i!n U tvmmtmi. Tbt Perfect IWpertmeet of I'pprf Locrt bat foiblddra the salt la ttieatrvelsef tbt I!d- h l J'raal Li Pn,p4 8wU. rnoM rnusMA. (erMsny prnpnae to Coagreaa, aaaHtlate pnwrra at to deride atatwa and lrratmel f InMrgPDl wf Ppaabh ihlpa, ri)M ITALY. lU.aa, A ag. S Tbe pitiwt sialttr of MlnghHtl, has f S U-Urr Id bit cnoMilOtWts dllf i"l tkit lb lulias grrnit (oat M ''r arw (mm. ' Ii a, Aag. I. A dfr.ifi.l an J at warra4 ll mati ng Ml tbt N..I'r,rVr, fUilioad KM M taa, Ia the k bmrMi apta lria fVvaa Lm l.. Tarlvt wee kt- ataaity kill! a I thirty m woqaJ4. Aiontig the k UJ la IW .'.Aa A Many of tU lejurtd Will 4m. MtataWht lUtatr fa. Domestio News. ritiiM TTASiUSUTO.H. Ws-Wlaarwa, Ang. The Wm Itrpa'tSMitt :! ad 4 Uiirt-mi i lotMrat by Ftfreat P. mr tan, img t A C- t . k ni , f Mt ,.. '! TUa t.w, at ar a B M a4U bat !, ,,) t TV. Cr, 4, r"wt' va I C ity BJ a'as a IVa.f aj(f .a t "! f t k f'- tM ,mm4i,4 aM Um-f .! fan ft 4 .ts k t t t jl ! (,,. k t, Vj F 1 ! . ! a .-, I , (', .m , a t i'4 tint i . J . f l tL? tui. ta a ie, ' ;ri. 't M..V lo, S Ta. k I I n.t m-k I ol i . Ku1l aUUWut thol loans bicreaae 1197,100 j specU decrease 577,100; legal tenders increase 287,400 ; circulation de crease 137,100. : 5 , ; Tlit receiver of taxes refuted to accept bonda for tbe release ,of Pacific Mail Steamers. Si, tun strokes yesterday. ' Judge Pratt, of Supreme Court, to-day rendered a d&tision suttainiog the authori ty of the Board of Health to proceed againat a Fertilizer Manufacturing Gitu paoy aa aa Iusuranct Company b asked an injunction. . , ' The Judge says the ttalule reU ;i the discretion St the b .ard to d ttrmiue whether it i aliiii.ai.c.-, and to d.try it aummsrily. If the board exceed tttt- xiwer or do an unauthori d act the f mcdy It by action for dtmagea againat ihe mi-m bers. The ii J ji eiion waa denied FROM RICHMOND, RjCHMklSD, Aog 2., John Robinson, a wealthy and flighty rop ( table citizen, died last uiuht from an overdoae of chloral adinioi:ered b his wife aa an odio for Insomnia Weather excessively' hot. -Tl.ermoaie l. L!i9... W J jrfttdtL. ' pnn .fatal suu utroke yw'e-day, ..............,.-.-.-.. . s FOREIGN NEWS FROM MADRID. Mahuid, Aug. 2. m Bi ihiKi.and ouikuMm f A ky- prw I" J cousoituaw the municipal govern. ment of that town to maintain order, i Many persona who Joined the Insurrec tion of the South favot tbt Tnd. peudenct of Cantons, have abondoned tbe cauae In consequence of tbe excess committed by wt insurgent during the occupancy ol Sevtllt by tbt Insurrectionist. Mny buliil- ngt la tarioua quarter were fired : In a number of streets every bouat and alore wert entered by th Iniurgcnts and plun dered of it content. Tbt o.nduct General Cootrerat la bombarding tbt de fence lea town Is producing an immense reaction thoughaut tbt country io favor of tha National Government. 'Ihe frigate teiged by tbt loaurgnoU at Carthagena art partly manned by tht galley slave. Tb government bu received intelligence from malaga, that upon tht arrival of tbt inr urgent frigate at that harbor that tht commander of th Englith, French tod German aquadraoe held a conference with General Contrrraa la which they urged him to order Hie return of tht tdxud aar viaactt lo Cajthageaa. Tha government was lurthar Informed that tbt commanders bad. 4tcid4 ' to bold General. Cuu. traru aa boUg till tht vessels are r tur. td. Eight aeig gun ao 1 two mortals kav Iwca Mot In the Republican tn,. p beior v oleneta to waist la tbe barm hard ment of that city. All the eonimuuics tioa betaata Madiid and citira Audalu la art lot msp-i d by tht Insurrectionist at lUre-lon. Alfonso and Sabeliea tht I'ail.stt enwmsudert at 1'iato Da L Luaaaa art luvtlfying tilt to a a. They r aiso prrpsnng la older a Uvy aa an u. l . . n. , , ... oiin a, a.assna la tnia piririm e to m.let urtb weat of Cre. duns, FROM LONDON. Ix !. .., July 1. !K hea tf lavrrneaa U dead. Hftlcilt .Market. OssBctre Dsils, Br . T. A Bao, Maaaat tcaaa. ttrnti.t T AH.N, pm l,.nch " try, pm la , LIAT1ICI uLE liather irrin...' LtATUEM tURSfua LAkli ., . , t NlLLETi .... . MUlaE4, parai .' ', uoi.iiin am r tttAL.twkW '. . " 17 rt; OAT. i b. f, r- ' M- .... rtACIlU : tad.. ' rtnK .. ... oKB.wkiiiti;" ; ihm Ha-an I a 1 r.s iW w lSit t t rw lV 3 lo.l1 t.UH tv .(. HUM Ml ' tLA l"tHli aa 91 a A San run k. t j, ,c m . . . I ttuaa a f "iii;a, -Jim n,, HT, M fiaj it ti 1 1 , i I . t. . l I ft'-al as ' ;.t, rta.,. tu . l '.AM, t 1..-1,. .. IJvaJ'H 1 l I "1T , Vla..tlt ae(sl . .. un , 4 , ' ... " ' ....... 'A" crrtE... ,.:::.:. .. ti'.alt H3 TTjT ITPLr-fAntas. . piacii rtntKi, PAIttll itil.Eiat AM fU(TlW, TIU UGHTMXtl Al'It PAIltU bat ttr pa rrn, imr,n AJtn ri iv 1.4 u. I UoiirxiA'i rr.Ai u a tin HA, tt Ika a- f t Vj ruwt Va aaf pu !-.. a.a ta . l t s. II '. .a tf I si . a ' T.lXllrlad Cons. I. , tt nun, w l Iffcliav a Endch Morgan's Sons a A. i' O L 1 , 0 I a sabatitnte for Soap for aS Boaa hold porpoaK.fxcept waahlns: riotlres- "V A P '0L"Id ' . for cleaning roar hoiue will save the . tabor of one elcaaer. .tiire tt a trial. for Windows ts better than whiting or water. No moving curtains U-i car peta. 'V A V O L I O cleans paint and wood. In tact ths ea. tire hoUM.-, better thsn aosp. No top pbiR. Paves labor. Ton ean't aflord ' to be wltboat It. s a rD zi for Bconrins; Knives Is better and eleaner thau Bath Brick WUi not acrateh. X A 1 0 L J O is ljeter than soap and Mod) for pol. ehin Tinware. BrtghUns without siTatehinjr. 8 A V O L I O polishes brass sod copper u'euti U bet- by tlum acid I or jgij and rottea stone. S A 1. O L I O for walon dihc and glasswarf Jt mvalnable " t liKer than aoap. SAP O L J O remove stains from marble maatela, -tabh a and statuary, from hard Sniah ed walls, and from ebtua and eorve lam. .i A - J o r. f n mnoves iUiirni and ir'reaaa from . Dels and otluw arnVMM hhpwi There l no one artleu known that will do ao man- klnda of i, " 11 well aaHapo. n'ASD N A J' O L I O w and. wun4rful)y fUeUv until soap, navuiK bo equal ta una country or abroad HAHI S A J" O L I O as ao arucie 'or uie Dtn, "reaches the foundation" of all dirt, opsna yurrM ana Kivea a ueaimy ae tlun and briliiant tint to the akin. hand a A J o I. r n eleaoseaand beaatites tha akin, - - . - , iBsUnlly rseawviuc anf aula or blenitih from boUi hand and face. HAND a A J' (J L J O Is wlthoat a rival In the world for cunnjfior prevenune roughness and eliapplug of eiuier hauda or HAND V A J' O LI O lonieves tar, pitch, Iroa or Ink stains snd crease ; for workers . la machine shops, mines, ka. Is invaluable, for making th akta wimx ana aorj, ana iflvlng to It -uiuuaor oeainy," tt la aasnr- peaaaa ny any cosmetic know a. hand o A r O L J O coat 10 to 1J cents par cake, sad everybody should have lL Ioa wiuuaeti. DON'T F AIL TO TRY THESE WOODS, liny It of tour merchsnt if he ham or will procure It for you. If not, then wn ior our l amplilet. "All about Sapo llo,".and it will be mailed free. ' ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, ran ll-deedeoajy wsssm it Taasa TaotsaiiB afnja Awsv, la knother hemupbera, wln tba Beltiar S rtu;- a every dre aim la Anertoa yon saav obtaia lUaalraloait, pal H M Tow purtnt aal earrr It with yoa W u,a world s end, if yon choose. TARP.iSrt Iff IRVISCIN'T IELTZIR APtSlE.XT m ..ip,y us i vital loanlala of laMlth. la th " lo csMbW uf lwin roas-Yiad tato a babb.h,, amiAmtJmmmk f lb. b.,uul rr.i r.' i.un' um - r wltfc Uil aauduts, su rllssatas sad mn ataaeapWIa cbaav. saaj be faed II bout aar. As a reawdr la aiilarluiu 1mm uaab enmplsiau. tmeaUrlilra t4 Um kasiUcLa, aa enrSa of Mta, dnii. a . jaiy ii-oojii - NOMTn rHuLINA. I CUAIHAM CO? I w0"1'' AlktJoBtwoa, aU Aadenoa Jatmsoa, an.a A. Jobnsm, Daakal I LITl .iZT aea l'a jaaa. Boaaiaa 4 dohaaua lawtsvaf M Wism, -"aaiTsr Tm iAi,'clw;"" T tb. BtMHtt- t Cb.lb.as eoeatv OaaUar, T a an bf au a..., u ra-aa. Aa s 4lHiak A II MA A J..k. I . t iwnm, Jua W'iiium ssv tt, J,. u. Iuhm J. Jobs.. Marv Al hmxm, Aim, J. Hu.1.- ,M tUm 111.: " tvtwdaats atan. i ( U im IZJlHL". CI' !:'""T- " at ta. . a.l, .ft i.xhmm ai.aas M . aftw i a-r u. .. U,u aaaaauaa. M ts rla. ml tb.day .( asxb mU. u, li . .Ltfr af . k . .1:1 l. . ... . taj Um !. -I u.. t V,S " tb. fH crt mvat twwatv. wlUila ba i... tt.at soaaavM, sa4 bt Ua B.Kic Mat tt Mh- fall to sawwaa Ik. is -.j.,-. ""'a tavat Imms, Uta paataiU Mm. to U.a . art La r.4,. t a.a.,,4 M u. J.'TTr,i ' W U wM S.k k!4! "" al-al.lHlltcl tab. Lai iBkaB ba Ba . - A a . . " wwa, V w s V,l, i. f at 11, ( hwt, u. "at I beutaa t aaal. w . . - VARIETY STORE, NilM ra CONficTlONARlKtl t Mt mg ar rLAtt r rat a vAkuiu. t. a ii t,a. fkt'lT l t tra, r a 1 1 frrst ( a , ti;ii t K i a a D t a ' h .. -w i, . I t"ll. All . A ll a, i i i . j a , . .. . a aa a fviaw a., ba. . . A t, L lti l tAfllta.tfirisf.irslf. 1 -a - -I I'- e i . .a, tw sat ' tfkf Sa,r taa aw Mt It till i r k, .n. f ,vt. MD J e-AfL B ALT I il ORE LOCK HOSPITAL omcE-7 bouth fkedehicji. btkfet " on. jonxfox. fbyalclaa of this celebrated liu'itutloii, dla covered, whee in the limit iloanitais of Ku rope, vis: Eiurland, Frabca and elaewnwo, th most e)Ttain,speedy,pleaaant and effectual remedy in the world for ail excesses or abuse or tn system. WeakncKi of th Back or Limbs, c trietore, BserTion or toe nianejf or uaaaer. inrninu tarv Ilacbarvea. Impotener.Oeneral Debllitr Nervoaanea. Dvatiepaia. Lanrnor. Ln etplrita, I nfaaioo of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, liintdity, Irembiini;, uimness ofsijjlii or (jiiidinaaa, Disease of lUo Head, Tfaroal, Noae or Blun, AflccUiosof tbe Liver, LunKt. Htumach or Bowel tboae terrible Disorder! arUinxfreia BoUUry Habits of IT onto sscimv and Sulitary prar'.tices more fatal lo their vic tims than ths song of tbe Syrens lo tbe Ma riners of L'lyaaea, bliirtitinir their most brll Itanrttopc" w m&lpao-onrrratteTni thw riaife, etc., lmpoaait.'s, destioyint; boib bij au lujuil. TOUSG MEN These are aunt of the aad enelajwhAl. r. feels produced by th early babiu ol youth, vis :, Weakm ss of tbe bat a and Limbs, Fains ttt the Head, Diuineae of BiKht, Loaa of Mua euhtr l'obsr, l'alj.iution ol Uia Ueart, Dys pcpala, hervooa Irritability, Derangement ol the liieesilv. Functions. General Debilitv Symptoms of Consumption, &. MENTALLY. Tbe fearful ella-u ., u,i mind are much to tie dreaded. Loss of Mow ory, CeafBsMaasalldaaw.iiaaasesloait bpitrhe, soretxraittre. Avotbhhi i, Hrv ir. iJUtl DUtrast, LovTol BoUtade, mimtf er aetna of the evil produced. a uuuaanua oi persons ol au ages can Bow luuire wnal la tbe cause of their deviioint; heaitb, loainc tbslr' vuror. bscominir wa.k. pale, nervous and emanated, hsvlnt; a lni;u lar appearsccs about I lie eyes, cough and JMMUU 111 VVtlBUIUJUUU. MAEKIAliE. ., Itarried persona, or V4Muu(Buaconiiuo.ulai. uH juarriaKs, aware oi ruyaical WeakiieM, ias of frucreatlve Power (itn potency I, Ner vous ExeltabUity, PalpaUUon, Organic Weak nea. Nervosa Debility, or any other l)i, uall ncation, ieedlly relieved. A CUKK Bt'EKUiLY WARRANTED, Persons ruined In health bv ttrilf4Ml-IMul tlM. tenders who keep tbem triilina; month alter month, lakinif poisonous snd iujunou coui- puaaus. snouia apply lmniedbite4y. Dlt. JullNHTdN Memoar of tba Lml ( uiimr. o a.. London, Graduate of one of the most eminent Cotleitee la ihe United fitalet, and the beat part of whose life bssbawa spent inthehos pitala of London, Paris, Plubulelpbia and uiso- " uisn, ua. aueebcu soma of lbs moat aatou labinir cores that were aver known m..,. troubled with nugini. In tha head aud ears w ii au aaieeu, Kraai nervousness, bauu; slsnn d at Sudden sounds, baabfulnnat with t qaent blushing, alteuded sometimes with d nuiKomeui oi mina, were eured luiinediutelr When th mlapuiJed aw. impruJcnt votiry Of pleasure Hud that be haa imbibed Ui seeds of thia painful diaeaas, It loo often nsp pens that aa ill timed sense of shams or dread of dtaeovery deters him from applying to Iboe who, from 4acatloa snd respectability eaa alon befriend him. ha falls Into lbs uanua vi iKninMn Bun oeslKUln- pretenders, who. Incapable of eurinir, nick his oecuDbu-v sabauace, keep him Uining- month afler uiia ii, or aa mmic as me smallest raaean lu obtaliwd, and la despair leavs him with ruined health to aiKb aver bis aralllna; disappointment, or, by lbs aae of that disutly poiaon, Mermiry, eauae tbe eonatiluUonal ayir.ptons of this hor rid dtsesss to snake their apiearoce, auck as alceraUxl aore tbroal, dbeaaed bom, Boctamal pains la lbs bead sad limbs, dimness of aUbt, "esfneas, nodes OB lbs abin kuui m.uA m,.7 bkulebwoa to bawd, face and e I trim i Ilea, progrussifia; with frightful rspiditv, llil si taut the palate of tbe mouth or lbs bones of th boss fall lo, aad tbe vkllia of Ibis awful dis ease IwruuM-a a borrid ol.J. et ol eoiuintaera tian till duatb puU a parWd to 1,1, dieadml anil, ni.r, by sanding blia lo that eaiiat.,ver.d country "liom aiii.ue buuraa ao traveller avrr returns'" To sucli. Ihcnlurr, Dr JolituUta oflVra th muni certain, S.il, i l.a.ant and ill xlual ma-ad y hi lb. werW, - - ENIH)KEblESiT Vt TUB PRbn. Th. aaany IhuaaalKls tarad al thi. il.ll.k. mnrl willoa lb. b4 twa-ntjr ymra, snd Uis aaiaeroaa n.Hirtant aaivlcal operaiiuea tar formed by lr. dohn.um, aituaa.d by the l naajaiatlvr. of tha I'm. ad suar olw. awtioa. et whkb bare apirarrd a--aia sihI scala twfore Ui imlillo. braldra I I. aa a man ef honor M rraiMmaiblluy at aault e"u saaraaloe to lb. altlieU-d. Ir, JOIIlTOA, or i as BairiHoa , ll,n..i Orrwa, bo. Imti t' artisan 'rasir BtlilMi-KK, Mil, ' s-neloae AdvartiKaa.iUad i an.ofrf Itmii a y-ly ' MPORTAXT ALE It A I I. it la tb. I'Ulrit Luart i.f II.. t'.h...l ni.i. for th. Albnaari I 1.1,1, t la lr ti.rm ll . trkt wf bona Cvrottna. la th Brattar 1 1 th tl..kmi,t. ey ef lb. u.uaa. A tar bora) Kallmaa I uaapany, ( wroataii.K ',wxt4 aixlat ka taws of bvih I ar-ilms sud art)nr.id s far-krai. la BUiWia) u y A p-ilil. la lb. aa ralltb-d hstbf -a ai-U.r Ih. In baiA.ii,. .J aid baaara4 IU1 oft!,, , Trib IS i't a, aai. n.rani. r.r ,,, I ail Mi. an-. a(. aad a vkraa I a, antev ti.anlara k.viaf bava aaa. f.a i-'" ..ll. ,,,, M aaKi HaraMbrwM. t ajw rw, ar , a mm v lr tn m-T rM, ai a tu iwwart ewaUM umaid b.tnr ikia! a "!"-" hhwiim apu a' a-. awn aitja ta4 Ikal u-s aaj.i-u-4 aal aa.iau.1 tu anl ail of tb pr-i-r-f. , iif ai,.wv kind , aidtoakiact lt,a aa ttaait nf d... i.. t 1 t bi aa. fr.s tl. . hHif-vM I. 1M. . u tto) b-d aal , T"l",at! Si t S I I T .1 I.I a... vwr.arsX . W l."ll. 1 "0!ft 1,1.4,-. Ti .nt, u.i il I'll or At t,l ar it - - ww.. ..www. tw , w,4,b niwa, i l w Ik. pat nth. , I, Mwu U a lo l -. , . ,ifr. klBlatai. irl"ll art ,-a-ua nf . bad. . t . r- " r t-. w iaa. w--m r' . -a , , a-w . ' ria H mm Mil. ' 1 ' f W It w ... , a- XI lU.al I,, 1,4 -ua H-i at i p..,.,.. , s)m i ttaia an H. aa-i. . , . ... r a. w . Ifc. , -a w m-a, k -a w , aa, aal ik. k... a-. w-S k. V I I bM aasf I (I t r. I., -k. U4 . ...,. kwawkk, kat ,,.. l..- a, .aa aa aa4. ... ., , , " -if. b .'a t k.. a w. k. ua a-i Im u. a ia -,nwt - i I a W . b N' i a t ii i it. i i a 4. i IMlilisi.i ' af Mi-..inu f l lut MtU, Waa .-. , a-d .1. aat. ,. Vw.-.-w. aa4 ... ka yVM a4 M a' 4 if. i a..ka. . aav w .V" r M aw,, J-B , , llHl.a,alk,.. ... w-. a a ..,... v .. . a a a, , t . w.,,. ' ' - ti.t.. n , .wj -, . , " h4 f a !- . W W ?s iaa ' ai I-. . , . ,.. - . , k. k.-,..., Ia. i .n , f ( a I " ... ' ' rwl w. l k ...... I I-. - ' . F a r 1 1 r i sl ar O R V G O OPS QnuN&.Axn trMMER goods kj . , .7. -J. JIOSUXDA UM. TO' A. kTI ISK.) ., Y'IioIisia ami Ketail Dealer in KEAU Y-M ATE L )TJH XO 'OA' ittNAXI) BO YS, ' NI WA:t--trttrrT JUT. BOOTS, and ell ES, .. CHINA, IRiiCERI,. sol GLA8S WAkK Corr.tr of fayttttei'!i and llargett Sti . RALEIGH, N. C. Ilavlnir on band the mont complete stock of VrtnA ai-A. .....un,r t.l.. 1.. . : . .it- -4 I ita sn e t atiibuttiomf.XbasaMi 'f eellnir eon. I n " . . 1 . u .1 , u.iaa. ..n m I I ! I L i 111. I flOeefc ttt bo caa pietu ray taa wantinjf VWUI ID Ulft tlltO. CALLJL.yOlSA3irKAD YOU .SHALT. art svjiev. sp 23-Sia RAILROADS, Ae. QHA NtiE OF BCHEDULK. RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIR .l.iw Brr-RiHTK-DBXT'. Orrit, a. v., une-as-,-twf3. On and after Monday, June 28d, 1S7, trains on uie naieig ana aukbsib Air Une will run usuy, euoujiys excepled, as follows : JtAtLfKAIB. lieaves Halebih S.Kl . w. Arrives at -andlora 8.15 r u Leaves Band ford fi.4S a! at' Arrives MKalelKU... D.sjo Msil train makes close ronrnv llnn at K.bi-h with the Ralel)fh A Gsston Railroad to and iruin au fwiuis norm, ilnd slnaiidford with the Wnstern Railroad hj auu irom i ayeitevilie ann points on West- era Kailtoad. a. ANDREWS, June 11 U Superiutcndeut Q HANUK OF BCUEDULE. RALEIGII A GA8TON R. R. CO.. BuPimaTaMllBBv'a llaai.'B Raleigh, N. C, June Ml, lb?. On and after Tuesd.r. Jnnatit isti i..i.. on the Kaieiifh Gaaion Railroad M rus oaiij, eunaay vxuepied : alAtb THAI a, leaves Ksleiirb V (. a. at. Leaves Weldon V IS a. m Arrive, at Ralegh 3.S0 r. at! urniail vveiuon . s n a. w .ccoMMon.Tioa thus. iwHtve lUWirh j w , am Bi wviuon B0UA.M kieavea w eidon a lai a m iih v .ii ,i. rrrr,'' w. " IV. w. wVwil JJ "llnn-kclowonUnatWeldcsTT,,F'r'' CASE BRANDY PEACHES. Kb the-eabsart . ai-aa. ... A.' whh the- sanabaani V Kuanuba b-ilri-ad aud ay k,ina eiraiuera s Kallimore.to and froi HI runs North, Weat and Northwest, and Petarsburir 1 !ail,tia,l v . p.iu.1... I Klc bmo ,d aad M aahii el on I il. t ,.. all patola Kiwtb and Nurtbw.t, and at KalrUrB with tba North Camllns Rallr.d Ui and from mi j-wiia eii.iii and Boaihweat.and Hh th Rrbieb Ai(aa-i Air Lias to lUvwood aud FayettevUI.. ArwotiuoodatioB aad frebthl tr.lu, roirMrt at W.ldoa with areonnnodaliob and fmxht trains oa eVatKMid A l.otm.k Kailroal aud FrUr.1 nr Kallruad. and at K.I. l,,lo i,k ... ,.,a anu insini train, oa Hut b Caroii-a Mailmad- fmin, hvl Ja, u, fB, 0f tt rI-. fm- Vtall Kaieivll 1b til. auiniiiu. k. II.. .. . ... dalKia tram rrsaaia several konrs Bad return waa am, STrau: a;. i .... A. B. ANDREWS, June t U uper,lei,de.,t 0.-1-10DU-A, ttllfcl TtrrBU f a i.rrbt I rrariai-mw, aew,.. f "I -- w., a t Cil a MfSMawMultt,M.. "JA " aa H-,w,iaw. lw .1 ' at at- I I -a ka. Slats at aa b-f Caa ak-aaa. a a, ia tto OLAIiTATION j5' -TEES i .at r. 4 icrs . Staa. , .-iaa . - aa a w a I t. aa,Mk "r""l -w, w. f - - v-. u-wt s -a. n" ' MAI A!C Ar w. a v, sit t ;' Jl t I fill - "-'" n . i .. ... - r a i , ttf.N tPlt. 7 hub si.r--ii;i:iiiit(ini) WJC are noa lailn- onlera for a limited aam'er bt Ihfta eelrbrstrd 6F.I F-t'ti OINi. Heretofore owir n the ;rt demand we h ve only tieen sb'e lo ail of the orders ws havs received ; partiratjiefwlore who puruoa i njin t,, B. next f u frestiv Oblige ns,ny xjimmnam-ir un t their Gins ih time. These t,in never fsil uerienced rtnnrr to atlend It e'enarabn from peWilea, ate. tims Very rapullr. fleams the snd very durable. We shall be pleased tosi known parties tosnt person umn tqiohYsl July 1-Jla.tw.l-.wlui FIRST ri.EMIUM A W'AIIDKI) V5 73 EVERY biM W.A.RKAJJTFD TO GIVE ed for trial- For nale - Insurance Co. B I ,l , I i I I 1 I 1 -n r 5 a-. T-r -----Jkyiw- . i I . " .-"Ma-aammi, t ' : I f ; spa. f--.. ' to i i - - i Jif j h ' ZjZTL 4 --"- i, .ir-a-s- I,.- ) y w.... 4 .- p Assets. 12,000,000. Oili , Xo. 32 mm 322 i' Tha Rivwik 1 vn T I . I. Tlia ' ., . . "w .r.'riL'.T. ,-. "'""J. ioeii u-.ii, iu ih pairona, toe -usrsnb-e of a rcrtaln amount ,.r .J j ,, value . tbui sum Staud ll. UolUmZl eill ' ,ant-a" , THE BUBINEfS OF THK HK KlKLTN KlKLTN E Thedtsire and slm of 1U inaiistinunt have I ll ,m,'Wl '-''" 't Lilwral tenus will always t.. oileic.1 ood fab 11 3m , - s--totor Jill lw-U i.kAdil BKOA. A LARGE STOCK OF A" 'Fx C" "C" and 4 Yellow" H-.-.r. i.,.'ii.' "or. have bean sold alne d , . ' J-'1'-" LEACH I1R08 A N.'l?"EK ONil(iJ;MfiNTOF"IXTBA w.i ' ".J-Pl'-'t A handsom. await ir4" -Ivea away inly Ult LRACH B ktt l. EAL! MEALI In any iiuar.lltr. fn-,h Vhltlllil K.all.. t . . J nnhotb-t, '"T R- F.JONES A CO'8. TTOrK F' R RKVX-elo tb. Weal.-, j .. ""nt'rin two room,, lb ih 'July lsi ntilr 1 R. F, Junes a. ui. Bend for Pre- 1W . 0 A i ii ii ii liTuli 'Vi j ti it ..... - I Pr.neli.ala. 1 ll it I f.l 1 -ri. it.. 1.. . ., . - . U,ii , . "ll -ill b-rta tb. tk Monday ja Jalv frbas as ba-.toft.ra--4.u-r sr farm sbsd apoa a- p'bailoa. ' r kaaaN WM ATMiN B MtP. Ta-a bt tin bttol sad tow! If. 'iklil I Bllklb. Bible t avy b,s ,iata llt.k4lv rnal wdeW-7b.t U,vT i .r,r.v.v;. liiy-idJtail Ft I'll. CMtHLit, ZEPvO. ll I. th. 1W.I K-at. Fi Md la. fr, -. I. Uataard F'4 f e ptw I ut Jt 1 11 f I.Kw U A lit , r: "" kaUlaV n'f 1 Of) t"'X't '"KtVS trTaoW 'y,y, k. t rM.. t llaanW. il ,.. ,v . Kl IfltlWI At., U If . I. a V,B mty rti.n k r t r. s i f m a. aVwV4 ai,..j, ,' :. - iw-i,s ia ' a- I a f.-u yw't 'a.. m -.1-. ,f . . Jli i"rt. O A P l L ' l kJ rarsslebr J W, c. -IRiyNAfil-.-. mm i I.V'sl IHI -l-IIIIIUri'-iw .U UI lllllllliliV - ji Lira lewis 4 Co., ' V?? t,-,,. tl. If I .J,'. k"" ruauui.kdrd to Mka., - ;),. l..:-fr .. . JAttriM TiiWLF. ."A',,"?'M.t ir-," .T I aniiti 1 , kl . won v tt ..l r. . . A'ECTIO' iHTii! ---aj F-a-aara (1 BUI I UawKlVaJIBir ' . .. .. v , - . , ' - .i! -a,... - aa f w aa - p-aaiuie, m order thai Ibevai ' to Kive entire satisfaction It tuaaiL. ' the Cotton alb ka. - ,l. At J . .""n. eed thorousblv. hu-slUihtly. Is wii nd pamphlet containing tvstimonsls f ' UVMAXS t DAXCT. Water 8l . Norfolk Ta a A.euts fw North CaiJ. AT N rrn (;a!'U:a r AIr,. SATISFACTION AND A F.tlR TIMF Al l. , by e-n, iim rj ,i,(,w . T. STKOXACnBKO,.H4,.X-C of New Yoi IK) AD WAV, XtH- VWI.rritr b ii every psrtlelu louut of turrtkdtr U. .no-irsei. BWMt-atssuik-, .-i-.-.. LIFB IS(INDlTCTF.D-;o ll'Rl Vi-tvi t b.. s'wav, tieen tn ir.t. ki. ' . . . . U. It policy-holder, """i'i'J J Wit tt, Kollcitors. A W. LAWRENCE. eneral Ari,! for Sunn Car. . .. tnliia i L.U...I. ki i. ' X' oKTHClHm i. , . ' t V ".V -AKOLI.NA, . , EZ-l"-. r "!M! ",,?,Y-.!",Br-i ttiecutn. or Ut ci. 11..' .1 I'll. ml. i ' ayifMsf, ' ' ' U'r.il i; . . Y'.r.i. T.r Amariah blanW, be-,,,,, J uh1j A'8 V'r'-j'-'"" Wail ami .l...i. . j warOBrr, Bun-naV deutssnd harass Mnkauwa Dnles.b-.aa... rriir r1"CTOr 'heir heirs and lb. k Ur.ZZ.rrV. the Cart forn .a,ks saer-dily notifying the 15 h da, , jBl. lJTsnTulrto SiTlJ " ' '2 "";' "".'Twlto th. tome' a.Ub. u!tm. "" "" "IS" C.m-1 .V.,,',. -eU, I Wk of said Il Vii " "Jm"u'h tb. U.h Jan A. J'A MttUmS.tleik. VOKTM -rmoii,, f B-TJAiun a-wl-a for Relief ra IH. C'asrltr Harp tlllM Abraiu Harp Vote. , , .o.le-.t.-lirb.li..a-- rtvrw a.daw r baa! a. 4 . !, Ui.;.bay,. , ''" 'tart A a..., I iaa IA aew -'Wi -maw,, c 7 L f;'1 ' Ulr Ji" tEAIIlMR.Ib. cvoar,rn:rL,;B.tr- r.ina. Fsrum i I . Furs S... i . . j i, . a-ialbsnu-.ua 1 ,- w" te-t BUlc. g Prtst4,aRksi, Fr-s"! tft-a, 's d , ,r 1 LL t'tiuni' tuAi-. ' n . u w l. r t .-ilrA lif.UI. '" W" a. . a.a ,aa Va.'!, Sa.-.p I a . " f ) a i I b.t y .a a., am ,i , ,. JJ"J rrc -t .a.l .s 1.4 a. rt " IAA. IIUH , .. ... 1. , . ,, i ''Hl'miu.ssa, M.tHaB- ' - .-.i a , X , ,- - "i -"TrHr-f " !-, a I. j. H.r. t.A. if I -ULL -"'aiwit r. . -"' ASaaal lto v "t '. r , , , aw as aa-i .-rf , sr.tAk wraa 7 a-" -, n,i u--. r- ,. Ii. ilUSlo