I THE Di hli: DAILY SENTINEL ILYj SENTINEL- T-CBI.I8HKD BT tflg. Sl!"l.i flBLIsniXB COIPAXV. ADVKHTISlNa HATES. t Advertisement will he Inserted in the Dal'. rBBTUiBL M Um followriic cetne ter e!aeve o( - oe luca, or ten laiuton unee. - Onaaouar. on Jrae... Bl.ua " " each eubesuuwtlbeerUue thai Cpart Hnuiw. nrBae. n kitu or scbcbiitk IntlhulRt'k ,'jo t.'W 5.11 It square, 1 Week, I 8.50 I square, Trno. I7!.t kmi-Weekl' ii -, i eionui, s.wn e ..uu WeeklyUj' . delivered la 1 Imo'i, 12.00 1 ..() erX' THe JIT P I " S M.OUI1 10 " 44.0b n,. istf t Jtrrss csnts iter 1 4 ' 30.0UII 11 " 4S.0H hit P" "- VOL. IX. RALEIGH. N. 0., SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1S73. NO. I f k- f 1 ". .. .0U(l . , bib LATEST TXTLEOXlAPraO NEWS ON 4th FACE. fif "ii pirrixGiii co., 10 sut . tT Beted. 8T Fart Row New Tork, sod 555 chesUxet rHreet, Phllsdephie, ere oar 1,!. for procuring AdvtrUmn's for our 1 (the ISeiiTiaxL) In the above citiee, end nlhonscdti contract tor advertising etour kiwestretes. ' ' Pout Olllc IMrcclory-. L .,nn rout omen tionT, r.m hours from 7:30 B. m., to 7 p. m., du . Sr wrk OCrt wl.il- the mail. bi T-Mi or ABHIVAi. AD CXOelKO THE MAtl wtrrnyew..Orln,.Le., AurusU, C.e., -.tnht. 8. ' rTiariotU", MlUbury, Greens- tatem, ChV) Hlll.boro, Ac, due 7Vno s. m. Closest'?, m. rtem-ChrlMton. B. ft, Wilmington, vlwbeni. Besnfort, Wbw. A e., due 5:20 P',?Vtnern-New York, Baltimore. I'hlle i.h.hi. Wuhlngton, Richmond, Feti rslmrjr, NoJfal, Weldon, Sc., due et 8: JO p. m. Close Wham Rsllroed-FayettevlUe Jowboro, Apes, UiKOod, Ac, due 10 a. m. Close 8 p. uucellsneou title Rock, Monday end Tlmnutsv. due 11:30 e m , close 1 p. m. Km hnro every Wedncudsy, due 1V.S0 a. m., close in 'm Leechhorj;, every Wedneedey. cine u 'u . m . close 1 n. m. Aventaboro, eloee "" iii , m Tuura"aVe 0 f;Tn. Trtdev? Oliico ho"" for Reetstered Letter end Mmtj Order Depsrtments, from 8:90 em to k Asnomslli ere rerelved'or sent on Sunday, l oltlce will not be opened on thet dsv W.W Hoi.DBit, P. M: HOME APPATRS. ELEOTRIO SPARES. by tklbuuaph to tbx daily turriiiKL. Ad Indieo fight Deer Cemp Vide three A peohei killed end fire woundod. At Colurubui, Ohio, there here been 18 Volume Nine. With thie issue the Daily SkkTiisel eaten upon its ninth jeer. To-morrow en editorial will appear s'lviog a sketch ot the paper, from iU eeteblislimcnt in fatal case' of cholera tinco July 5th. ISoj, up to the prcecDt time. r. , .. . ::, Kr of cholera. The Gallows ! A Murderer Pays the Perwltj of Ills Crime. MARKETS. Noon Report, j The County Gommuuuonera. The county coniniimioni rj nu t VKATH Kit HEPOUT. Wabdikoton, Auk B, ISTi. for the Bouih Atlantic SUIce fellir.);; be roiuetrr, oulbenterljr wind, wann end gen enllj ilinr woetlicr ,M KTKKOLOOICAI KihTio at nea iaiia'e cioah tui. RiLHOH, Au? 8, '.h?J. un 11 a. in. 12 ni. ! p lu I p. in 71 TO erciAt TO thu daily aawfiaax Nra bkbk. K C, Aogut 8. Nwbbm, N. C, Aug. 8th, 1873 H Thi morning at 11:30 Qardr Jooca, I colorud. Yielded ap Uia Ufa upon the gl- ll . i. . i. r . i I "wubi juutcT, an xcuiuary, iois. lu I September he wn tried and sentenced to I tie hnnu nn the (VlnTunr 1 S?i An I Mr. ItniM is l.'. Ik- m ule an EnglUh 1 c ' ', e niililiKli 1ii-1mv & tuikiilHr .tiiti'iunl I l hi i i ..-.I n,..,.n I r r 1 , uwr IUU lli ll"" -i "!.. . M ., . ,l . of the yote of the county a. polled on prB8li jaot 0f the Council. " , ' " " ,B",.UT, Thnr.,1.,. ,..,.,. t,u virtn... affirmed, and he waa re-sun tenced to be j, ..6... ...v , . ,hl, . , M flhui,.! . shana herd from vea Gilbert, the r.di- " Y ' , "" - 119 "P1 wc" n,8"'- .i '....: i -.a .:...:... tv. c'uof M utrDJ- 01 l"""'',,':r- A-t dMlight tbia morning be arose, feeling olti;cii b i itxa three stuamsliiiis at uay ior me purpose .u comparmg the Ncw Yorkt ,n..le-no Urea lost. vote il the couuty. Three township not I having made returns tuny adjourned to meet to-duy at 10 o'clock. ' we- ' Election Returns. lEi) K M v l v M. UOSENBAlTM & BRO. On or before the flrtt of Septemtier w til I move isle oar aew'y Utted ap vtore,. CUibi r4 Utr.- cal candidate, 710 majority. To-morrow we will complete the tiible, pi inentlng to tals, &c. ' Or Hothchs who were the best and tidiest hnutewlve Id the world except ing our grand mothers '.took especial pride in the rows ol tin ware that glistened like polished mirror. Every article about their houses susceptible of polish, I Later. Sales for the week M,000 btks; I NO. 44, FATETTEVILLK 8TRKKT, RAL iuciuding the braa knocker, was rcga- exports 3,000 ; speculation 50,000 j stock I IIUB.S.C., latly bri'liteid up until it faitly gUV 843,000; Anscrican 547,000; receipt 1 "ext door to Mr. Alfred. WUliama Boekstore, toned. With their pnmitivo materials, 50000. !.. fit AM ao.in.1 mh I .'K.?.1?. .! J?. wa .rto4 such M Bath brick, rmory, rotten stone, ;j- ZZL T7. w"?."' ",0"T..'.uy:H ..i. it in... i.k.,;'.iii. f 8.X; at.k sffoat mfiOO; American KapKeadiBajeCI.Uiliic, Carpets, Oil ; love.. Now a-dys, however, their daugh I 48,000,--- ' ten use Sapolio, and in one hour, can I Kcw Yohk Auir. 8. vi:.k .-....! .- 1 I.. :. 1 .. ,1 I 1 " r.u,.uu.uUmumn ...on. Cnlll. ,,-, q.u. n r-. 1 T w't,"""" v- - in-... . nwpceiittiiy ... your kilebeu ware, use Bapolio. I ed for August 19 11-10 to 19 1-8, Sep-j auxSdlm Al. ftUttKNUAliaf A BHD. eou-iw. . . . , ltimlaia.tniai n.i..i if i.iav 1 71' ' .. . ' . . j- us s. rtye. nay, Timothy end Vl.iur ilnll WlL.ut.tr,,..,. .1 tl AfllnlW Wettem Whl HoUM MmI ind Wnn. u . imc j. v - . , I K"'is ri'" r uw uunuie, Bi v'Buoroe s urain n wmo kwi iiio ions; rouunea ncBi De-I " " ..u ami im euire, Kins 10 icu apoa Doay and Bind, notu be-1 pork quiet: new 18. Lard dull: old I b" t " IIMHliva steam 8 3-8 to 8 7 10. Turpeuline dull at Cloths. Trunks. Valises. "aUliclpi. die . Ac. ' We new olfer all Hummer UooUs for less than co.t, and other Uoods at much reduced prices, tali early if you wish to secure twr- coB.e exbauBled, and we fuel Instinctively iiiai naiuro, after OKhllng a gallant LalUe with Printers Strike In Canada. Win. R, MuLcon, President of thu In ternatlotfal Ty pograplitiet XnTon.' Bas re ceived a telegram from Ottawa, Canada, informing him of a strikcamnng the prin ters of Ottawa, Canada Union, and has issued a circular cautioning printers from going in that direction until the matters at issue hive been adjusted. Another Cuoan fxprilttion U to be fit-1 very much refreshed, and after dressing ted out in New Tork. himself, was waited upon by three colored Mr. Wbelley, M. P., U i New York 4n elergyineB, who remained with him in search of an evidence in regard, to th.o prayer and other religious services unt;l Tichborne claimant. hour ottxecution. At 11:30 the con- A ffintie teTswindiuli.n out y the side en- 9m . ered in New York. Parties are shoot attempting to- foist nine- tbousant sgeil chest upon the public. FINE OUT. Windier threatening, but un rain. A young man on a velocipede was the 84 trance into the jail yard, where a gallows I ol wooden construct Ion was ereetel. A I heavy beam had been let into the wall of I the jail building, w ith the fatal rope run ning through on pulleys, with a heavy weight attached Co It. Al a given signal the weight waa let loose, and the con demned was suddenly raised about ten feet from the ground, llo died apparent ly very easy, as no struggle took place. A slight twitching of the muscles continued for six minutes. Alter hinging forty minutes the body was cut down and The Sabbath School Excursion. Wm h.itrn hv t li'LTKiih thai tliu excur- . , ,, . i . v .u u.i.kik I sensation of Fsyctteville street ye.A'rday, siun train ot the Cedar ork babbatn I J ' School which ieftthiscity yesterday morn- In Middle Creek Township there was ing, arrived salely at Orecnsboro. They not a single vote cast agaitut the amend- left this city witli five cars, but when meota. they leached Company Bbops the crowd IB White Oak Township there were 7 butid io tbe polle,t ne.. , But few per- nau bo iuereu-.i uiai n wa. .ou.m i.- perverse men wuo voiea agauiM eiun oi ni were permitted to enter the jail en- sary io a.iaauouier car. n,e amenaments. closure, end the street wss crowded bt i i l wi i. . rt a L ! A A . S.B I UniTrtily of Virginia. iunim uiid, uq , uju ciucien. vniw i people enueTonng io get a view oi lue w it .a l i I C.U rk nf theTrearT nt-iirlmtnt It-ft the I dvina mui. No Incitieiit of itwiftl in. I ...mf 7ii'iTitV r AiiutTT I r chii aiiirvninja u inv iutuiikiucii i t 17 - -r- . . Kejrted' dally by W.C. 'suh. tirorer in our columns of the Universi ty of Vir- ''7 ycterdsy evening fiir a few weeks ra- terest octarred. CIVV ALMANAC Auk. an fit Bun tela 87 . 5 IV . 0 M ni .'.tuiuiMlau Mr' . Merebaul, r"avKtrvUle KiLiiun, Auk 8. HTi. 'nn uf C4ilton la our market to-day : At Km. "" i i k m. " a,..., - - 1' '" Us. Mark, .Uady ' ' ginia, one ol the Universities of the high- creation tne tnounieioe. est tank in America. It is fouuded on the Dr. Thos. II. Pritcbard left the city elective system iu its broadest sense, and yotcrday morning for .Eenansville where HOTHX AKK1VAI.S. Exckakok IIaTEL, ifra. Kurt, Projri itrm. W. 8. llunterr and wile, S. C Juhl 11 hi l'.ev, ItiHimmid, 'Vs.; Jeaae IL Psfre.fary; R.P. Guess, 11. Jt A. A. li R;C. W. Gum, Csry. City Hotki., J. II. Hryanl, I'rviirittor. A. D. Freenisn, Krtcklm cimnty. N. C; M. V. B.Gilbert, Wi Potter. Ed city ; J. W. Myatt and Dr. Williams, Wake rounty ; J. IL riiiiilli, Kx k M..unt; A. C Kslley, PetersburK, V a.; W. li Beaufurd, N. C; J. A. W.....1, P,ib..i fooDtj, N. C; J. II. U. nfroa, Mail Agt. YAaiwRuroii II n -k, H'. !Url,u4, Proprietor Y.J. llaniell. New Ymk ; W. P. H.n back, Kirhmonil enmity, N. C; Y. A. Cunningham and aiiter, Danville, Va ; J. 11. Ilosfilmsn. lialtimore; A A. VicKeih as, KsjretU-ville; J D. William", FavelU ville: W. A. Putrr. IUItiiu..ie; J. McC, EHiogton, Ap- x ; J. SL Ivr, Kan ttivil e ; one DchroveninK , New luik t ily ; M W. Kaiisnm, N. C ; Thro. Winln. Kit- tU; Col. Wsltrr t Ink, lUiifat ;. Ma Halite Kicholaoa, ttalilsx : U A. Ixmg, ursnam; uinwrll TnM. iitmmnru, J.. TAUtLAH TATE5IEXT, Or vns orriciAL votb or W.aa Ceuait on TUB ColSTlrUTIOBAL AMSIDBSkTS, Ad acsT 7TB 1873. For tlis Sentinel. A L'Altl). A communication waa published in the 1 equally adapted for those who desire to he will assist in conducting a protracted SurriBaxof 5th of August over tbe sig- make specuUud pn.fesaiouwl attainment meeting. nature of -Minority - Stallholder" ma- 1 , , " king personal attack on the Hoard t( as for those sei king broad it.-nerul cul- Cllisens on IlilUboro street Would be Directors of the IUIcmh and Gastoo Rail- ure. i., ,f .h. cit authoritita would Drevent I 'Old Co. Being a mimbcro! that Board v. ., , . ,. , f. . , 1 1 bad intended to notice this com muni- Hco.W.A.Oraham. ionuero p.ieus.UcU.L.... u ....... Mtion length, but my time has been so Thi. rii.tin ,m,hrd m-ntle.nan. since his edverlistments on the.r prorty. (ull. wxup b. my engstremenls made return from 8,,,,., ha. been .kk with At ,h. last m.tmg o, the Uoye. Arch- etTa Chills. The editor of the SKNTlNKl-called aoiogicai in.imue, a - aauoou. ou hul.l remain lonirer unnoticed. I .111 1 S. to ace bim on Thursday, and although la Child," by Raphael, presented to tbe first I mske a short reply now. A furlher rwp y t ri.c.ms, Ud. he was clad to tnd him much lui- Kail Harrington by Phillip V . ol Ppain, wm ue nerraner maue uy oilier parties at ...... ' I I ... I thai nrirui lima proved. W. hope ..ur ttP-t eminent l.v- ,xb.b.u-.l by the t.rl of lr.ngton. I ...,loum,ioil 4l.i inusiiK red a big thing in Saratoga trrw hery" in the management of tbe to have cold tried potato lor luocb, or road or otherwise or or co-operation " munch," ., it it elegantly called there. Moocure lb.b.nv.D or any other person or persons in bis or their efforts (if More.ver, th.y sip champagne with them, .BJ ,U(.B wrma made, and I have Ami al rmt til it tit hlltna aVllVa aMilPal ft an atiirh 1 (L'nrM'laltal lliA earir The saddeat .l.bt whxh .cultivated iJ"t".,0-,b1 r the, mliUHoy llyXXLllIi adeo,l,uilBK lpcr.lar. todrooplnI at last 1. to 431 -4. Rosin auiet at i3 OS forlVV sua reituiraa u ne sumuialed and relBlorced. 1 " This, therefore, is a period of the year when common strained. Freights firm. A rood seeoad hand Steam SnKlne, of shout a course of Hostetter'e atomaeli Bitters Is ci(U,l. Vr. mil. ,t,.in r.. talve horse power, say one Baving saeh B especially BfefuL The Immediate etlect of wocks Very little doing. Money easy Cng-is wiU (rive conditions, , Ibis unequalled vestable restoraUve la to at 8 to S 1-2. Gold 15 3 8. Exchange, Address ' " slrunKthen the stomach, sharpen theappetlte, ' 0 ,.,. n a ...1. ..- . P. O. BOX KH, tone udreiruhU tbe bowels and (rlveiuiad? long O. 'lort 0 5-8. GovernmenU dull. augT-4f Raleigh, N C ess and 'vigor to the nerve;-- As a ureveutlri 'State- bfurdrwcrietr'"''"':' '-"i . , n n,., ....i,.- n- of Uw endemic and epidemic complaints that , . . TTARKISUSt, BH.VDFOItD k CO'S prevsll at this season, and as a remejy foi in- Lav KHPooL, Aug. a l-l ' dltrwUoo, llvsr dlatarhaBcea, aorrou. deMllty, Cotton quiet. Uplands 8 7 8. Orleans J-a-.. ' " eonaUpstion, lsBftuor, headache, and all trre- . , a i -a j KTllllTa PETClK a RUlarlUesof the bowels, UiU purs and whole- 1-8. 12,000. SiaculatlOna Bud A JJ AT iliw O. some vegetable toulc and altaraUve has bo exports S 000 Tlread stun firm Wheat "l'bd attention railed to the wail kaown equal amonx medlctues, augeodlw . numbers, J., J 13 12 to Jki5!!jl f50f-r.1-8-OAcVS. Dun Ei-Ke-rioa. -The Washinoton cor. . I rartory, Mt. vernon: umee.TS Joub St., W. T . : . : . - - n-- at ,i it?,i- i i respondent of the Baltitnore Sun writes : .-"v.miiuuiK Information from North Carolina is to I OANKRUPT BALI OF VALUABU5 the effect that very little Interest ia niant- Nw Yohk, Aug. 8. I AJ UlAL'kbTATIL fested by cithei party in the election w htch Cotton steady. Bales 1,083 bale at 21 A, KfnKt ot th, ot An..Uitid T.y- occora In that State on the 7th Inst, and to 21 1-4. Floa ur moderate Whiskey tor, and in olwdlence to aa order of Uie Uia- that in many easel political distinctions . a , ... , trtet Jadtra, I shall sell at puMio sale, to the have been overlooked in nominatipns for ""y- Purity stock high. Corn cloa- hiKht bidder, In the town of Louiabunr, la local officers. Mevrn constitutional amend- d dull; tatber heavy. Coffee higher; fky,cJ menu are to be voted upon, the most Itn- Rio 17 1-4 to 20 14, Rice firm at 8 l- to rchllld t ajlm 3vs edjolnlaa- the P a portrnt o( which is tbst repealing the g ti n..,t. ,.w . , -old Mine In Franklin County, . t) Thla clause declaring the Htate debt inviolable. " , . . - , iraet of Uad has bean dlkhd. ana will ba This propositl.il will probably be success- T""w lui,t 8 8 8 to 8 IS. Frelghtl tr-aa i oflered, a plot "which will ba .!,.. a ful, as it openi way by which the pay active and firm. Money easy. 8twiin hW: ' ment of tbe fraudulent special tax bonds dull Gold quiet. Governments steady Lot No. I. on the Booth Cast corner f the msy be avoided. q, . ... tract, has 170 aerea. Let Mo. i, on (he North 8tatw firm and steady. of 7e. 1, ha. 11 aerea. Loi No. . 0B the HoKc-tLlevinir ij one of. tbe must un Li vi spool, Aub. I I ' !LB r."V VnJl". heslthy pursuits thst a human being can I Cotton to t:rive cloned dull and un- o. 4, has ww aerea. Lot No. , on tbe road. Lot ivo. V, north of No. O, lias fol ow in Kansas. The mutuary record. cugngca. Blei luclud, 7,000 iaMlwl of the Sate show Ihia. v 1 . , lBcrei . I Yarns and fabiica quiet and unchanged-1 wrea. quiet and unchanged- A- - -I- NEW ADVKHT1SEMENT8. OF ing North Caroliua statesman may be f vt restored te his usual vigorous health. rr H fry 3 5 I ripens Ortnlier 1 ; o-ntlnnra through Blw ssunlha. It laoncanliad to arhoola na Uu slwtlirs system, with fall eonrasa la Cleaatee LlUraiara, hcleara ( with prarUoe la Chaailcal and Pbrstral Laboratorirs ) la Law, Madk-ine Knxlnetirtnr Taachlnr and ArrtenltDra. A" m I ply for CsbUuctMStn JAM Kb F. HAKKlBXIlt r. o lBivcralty of VirglBia, Ibeasarte eoaa ty, Vs.. Vote at Warrentoa oa the Amendments Tbe follow. is the vote of the town of Wsrnnli.u ou the ConatitutkiBal Amcndmeula. Ikt For 115; againtt M Sod. For 113; againatSu-V 3rd. For 117; againat 303 4th. For ti agaioat 304. 5th Fr tlx; against 310. Gib. Fr 117 ; sgaiutt 304. 7th. For 115 ; ag.in-t Sofl. K b. For 114 ; against 30 e I sag? f. i: St: ttlpl D. Brooks, city ; Juo. W. Uoiniwin. Baa Mlraculooe Cicape. VXtWt.3U W. YOTkl ILabt t - We ln TLal XttSe aU ut )tsC2U A.liiaoa, W. U. Teh-Kraph Co.; i. L A. larS l,l f.l.M W U III.. r.l w )taHfc Herr-rJf.-ffr. iU',J, M""M l1" "'"' b? 1W D.nkl ColetBSB, Waahiegton ''"". trppd upon the aay- ''J; r r lltywood, Itoute Agent; J II I ed covering whkh gave way and preclpl- .aiorriaKe, 11 U n It; i C Mil toe, uu.j hln to ,bt h,. distance of r.miniiie; iiim.tnn itncier, .ei , . Tk ; J A Murrblarm. M.neheetrr ; Mks ' Fortui.alily Mr. Oodein wm reiiaon, New Yor k ; Rev II Islavl near w hew tti arrl lent oceiirrra sJ by J Aid Uuee chtlilun aU avrvaal, I aM wrwapt mmtmm jmmI sraaraoa i I . t . 1. li 1 fl . 1 It sit & lit WIT nikCf or tt uunt m v rst-hml. mind can dwell upon is s West Point ca- ,ion , dirw.u,r nj infofmatiiMi thus det attrmptiof til delude with toft speech-1 obtained to enable me to get aa esa New Yoik sociity belle, and Imagin- dvantage ia the sale olmj sto. k oVerotb- 1 r ii.a.. -t at slock boldara or of withholding any in- Ing hunari a terrible fl rt. r,n.ti. obtained by . a. d.rect. f The latest method of spending the or otherwise, from say stockholder to 1 ....... i. .,.li f It. 1. A n their disadvantage, or 1 any ducuaaion ' ., . ., ,, I at ue de L Lau, or elacwhere, by the Americsn recrotly met aa old aeWellow. rf u,tKtu,, lr T pt., tpmt tw uoiu n omn am mrwm itw tph, iuh JJr. PS J I a)aeaWBW a to aaa JVaf.alSLL- here 1; - Tea, ay dr feitow, 1 if to preveBt a Biseting t a maloritv of the t (save I atuikhuidwa. mt of may ennduot Bnbeoom- iu.t been married, and am emne to pase geui.cmsa ,n inc u..t.srge w my J I rt til l-a at ilirawlnr a ia .uin.l aaa il 1. ih huiirvmixio la I;B.tf. " AlJ rotipl.L j ) 0f fg J ' imuj, HWKMKI Vt fHsKJBj (bw IBHRUBIVJ . A Aa' i a ax . I i . I an a Char Pride Lowered. I ' a ii a, m. NOTICE. I dara to toaae to sosm food fainter for s perl-id of Bot mora lhaa Uiraa ytara, Ilia plaa- Hiioa a wukb 1 bow nrr. The land la fair lauaalltv; laaly adajiin toeottoa ; and (kiiumm enllmltsd reoaree ae ma aart , aa the JaarUoa of Walaa Creak with Neaae hilar I torasad ea la prrmlae. j the lata of these two streams af lordiaf aa bMshsaatibla euppl' ef vary rkl ad. Irtnc Bwar to the ealUratad IsMa. 1 weald prvfsr te farniah and fed Uit Usai Btysau, Wa.li.f the toaaat to hire the lalmr. Thare la ealluiaet hwd ia calUvatlea lot aa BlKhl hora erop. I Illslaokaaaefurthe eomiuvar.ortoM er If dettowd. the farm oa etitek Mrs llaaaai Jnfcaa new U.aa . oa this fane a foer-hnr eroe eaa be eulUratod. The la ad Is la ate! rondlttoe havliu; tma muih improved by kha HUB IKBfiwH. . . as rrt fnei a ia aiaay. er toe Baaal share 9 eren, aa the 1mi.i saav ebooM. i - fimw wlaHlaf m susasslw fanslwr W1B i bafors cvblrarUeg alto aa) rea. Let fo. aorta ef No, T, has 1M ioaae Lot with about Ml seres. Lot No. 10. rauulnt from the road to the Crern, west of Moa. o, Taud 8, eon taming the Una raaldonoo tth all aaoataary baildlnir. and acrrra) am, II etUi iueuu, has ttIS arrw. Im No. si la a I lot of about 8 aerea dvUrhrd by turning the rued. Mos. a, ft and 8 eoetela a lares amount of very r.ch boltua land oa the Crnea. Uthar ots are luooglitlo ba rich iu Uold Ore, aapvel Uly Noa. 1, 2, a,, sad 8. This band wtll lis sold one-islf fureath. terms stbuti.v to be rompllod with, 'the Mher half payable In six BioliUls a lib Ib1-t-mi freia the day of a'e until paul, the As datwe reservlnx ths lille, I'so lLUlrlnf bund " ""d security of the mm. heart's. . The tUs ItKOod, V.wurfirs will pteaas at toad tbe tale, UltMAKl W. liAKWIB Aaatgnee of Archibald TsvWs Fstata. Oxford, N. C , Aacaat 1st, UTX augl-w l 1 s w a Tbi Richmond A-aeeirer ba. S.lt all Wuaf 4 (pknU KBrtber, U - M.aoriit DMbaiaMtol lawliia;a-ahwe.l thai. Aorta) I newrb aolitot"- wvwte Wrrtl knrrw Vt-T of I ramllna non. ' Hear H: . I vhrti www k? mwt wrPlbg. I tx- that - s-ert siegiec nan . '"l Um lh w. will aiMM ib tne ear or tne ,, . . . ....) .... ,1.. t.- .i I. ..li Tk. I pneeaiT owesrsas, every eocw cnarffs i. ..hiuJ !j.i.I !.. ,t A I ia-aaaltoe waa falas and Bnlouaded. ef r;l I I wm reenrva, a. a tker a prl I .!..,- I toe 4 aBS . I III"0 "" teseeasi III "ev paraoB. 1 1 1 1 wir.LiAM t. ruoL. r-ifc Tltaf'i ii Jat I BRA-8 Boaad WaUr BwkcU, l..p Uuckts and Will iw llwkrta In.t rerrl.rd. au( 8 U W li duNKB A Hi. QttTU PHKAB FtiBBALK. Ilea tend asroe4 hsi4 tslllnrs' felloe Pma, lAiAlaa atal lie , te Un Hala, tow fur aW, or H rif Uaiigt or CuUue Brd at aaar kat prtoa. aiao, oca (nun Bsat Marktoa, bat Utile aaad at lew Sifiirra for ea h, JAM MM. 7LM, ly VU Amtt. ritran lu4UUe Cw ad-Mrtj9V- J Ml aa(XU WUJuUAIO. LFuPti Tt f KLL MT TBAC Lead ee wbMt lira, esaUlaia e- nnty ; John K Thompwo, Jon . u . . " " y; W b Black, Ur.ov.lle cnaty ; I" W'J wee aoon rsaaea. i ns oaiy Aboul pkaa Sunpaoa, Wanee eonoty : Hem . lajury su.lainrd was Bsl.ght cluaina e fuene, w, Icwntwm i - aa.. , North (Uu tody eavs tbe .weetrM " ""edid 4 know tbew IscUlbnik. . .lager of aared aorg' I. ka bees) gailty of the toeaB'w of pwbUah " The Old North Rlate, we believe, has none I Jf "d teei.aauoee Bgwinet the eel Mrrtiil, Citv; G W A Ilea, Forrstville. I the Ua ko.a. Iwv I II Wheeler, wife and S children, I . , , Btaiaasuu-; (Mhe Peall, City : W II MoT-1 LWiacUoei ef the Crops ot West. ns Prtorabw'f ; Thomas Nragle, Phila-1 4 cehsdcot wrkine from Sri "jtL-" f -P there. NevertbeU-.:.. do WgrH the 'uT js.eu. j d..na wiaBt, oy g-- . - " I rVi l.r a. a irir a.J Wlll-ai. d ISM Baa B-ilUd MaaL Verks Kitra Hoar, ia " Bapar " 7 Bocaa Hit Urada aft - Batraut; Barara, ue Browa ACT OF akuet as kuadrad aerea. It caa he di.ldad to tee Mirae trarta bavir.( aateral eaUInata ee it, Wrll ad'l.Uid to toa (nia U. W tyMtua aad rubarrn, ft U bote kaaiiht aa4 UslMayaaaa.-. a-nee fcaTr of c ,:w.q p.r art alik bat hlua tBiennmaat. A id lat Haw hueae elto aU aeeiaasry eat-koaaaa lytof I i S aiki est ef Leuaberg. A. A iwinniTT, CeaW -h, Freakjia L.,KC aaf U 44 1 v.. v. . t, . vi . 1 ! : . . - tn.m 1 1 1 . . . . 1 . ... . . 1 . w - . - ibwb ana dbbi cuhumbhuii uie 1. - . J " - . ," . I u.,;, a,UliiBela and ae. eWBatOw of the bBasaeae affairs Of Ihe Cues- b; Abraai aUwd, Frankhnloa; Ruhert sod rise tht Lima l-anfc aad Wo he htoraryenl artui attoiBBUi bbL bc- . uJ ef l)MCuadurt of tke directors v. Crave. tnn,y ; M Augo,u Wat ha. .-i-ej lb. latterI. ibetatol, ttJ M Ss3. iw ZZ Z freer fr S 1C, ncce Mania, rhll.l aa4 pulls Bp the no es aad swallows theaa. North Lerulea aad V ir jiem. IrctU than I aaa. Out - Minority ftoek- kervaet. Madlree ; John W Oab.f. New- Lie eaU Ihe rail frnte. aad barks tit trees, k'.Mrt" aad a! olber mmi asaM kaow. " I Ibuaaaa T llabavla Ilarthim J.iba rf,aala ntlBMna. 1BJ BlM- I Pia-ww 112:11': satla: Esse Hfklolih fnrlcot. LAW BCH fit. OF TTt COLCklBIA latlVBkdlir, WAMI1NBT0S, D. C, The watrU-snf u,ls srka.il win he r 4 uVa auk mt twtutta awak Pi.l-iun Iriaa tad Kraawdf will aeetiaae taaperrvaty M H-ar4 Iha stadia mi Lka aubK J-m-. Claaeta.- a iMflil roaraa l.f Larleies as) Ike r,atoajl. I US kwaraatorad kr Iaa froll,. kTV-eiaa, War rea coeety . .1 If It... .1 .. . . 1 1 t , a . . sj.el.-ee. II. 6.1s Ihe balmy Bsofaisg air resejag Bp rsjettoviJe etiea ' I auoa t tat-?t,t Uras. tl,a ear tkarar !i. Ilk "TOUBlW-aB auiltioas" of W I BIT. SBJ I ... l . I . k .... . mmnm I I., .l.r. .'. A erta CWoliaa Oeaette. I aaakra a U" bke l a aauvii.; army . . ... I toeut a.ee 1 erri4 .1 . e.a kavw retkrlved Ihe first aembef of l ef lady te. p'T 1h'P""l"rt U," " V ... . " I M aad ehal be IrttLd with ... - .1 avawure-aurat liktr I tkariTi f W anas en - - re.d,d.l lor pnWie r.,f heaito, . M b.4 balto ae.t to eaUaf, oer r"" " Ol- LUV . mimUkrm I. k. aa iilrd by Mnera, J. IL Bad ti. U. I 1. u aae--.J that the Uaalifal cleas . , . . . ..ai. 4 - . I - I BBqmil B.piaa ia aaim,H.w "J"- Tke ihbUi Ulore a. larxcred I h. 1- Irru,;. Vae. twoderad la rtobw I . . , .... 1.1 . I IBs IT B If e. BT M. APrBltsirWJ B aw VBaf w-taa SB ri t swd leeUfal la tie BachaBK.-eJ I t4 Uch bsve attrartod so ajaxk I Jt- f 1 , u ru,,,. u. ,,, I OCUwL KUTICI. ratine, ika n.ilr U .rr..l aLik 1 1- a. u. ...f..l I . .. I kj 1 , " I Bnww mm , ... . I a. f.illoes : '"l""l aai skill, and tbe editorts s I on aa tilra.ira KeW m IhU meairy, f- W thai bsaJs a4 ee4 U Lb pra I rg,Mt. (a ki. fff tt having klreedj at VMk pA It ff w are rd, mis. I mhly 4, t.tiBBg4 s.Jt (bean ta "ea, oee ef tbe ditara I the author o L,, lb. ,t engirt ud b-aulifal 0e 8 tHt.e a4 taUnsl.pf etof y thai I ,BJ. ti,UJt, the eakataac I pre "Will be immuri la t".ltwk I stmeger sal mv deral, Uaa the dso- at .... ' 1 .. . ... "HI jaw, The Bret aumbf me I cals eaL'.'i' eiteaeawe, y ia aae I m 11 iTi? f'' d"! " I aa. purp a The twly ef tbe bat to " "l hat. atw towuaad eiwhee hw Ikvaw I ,,, 1 r . r ,.J 1 Ibetf 'XirmU ' the editor. " ' - a sji t cUerls U-n4at try geit aeti be4. vee4.iMl MiaUwiaie.,aitidlsl whkh aiiuw il t vefo'SB to the haad. P" Wkkfc has swt Imiu.I.I 1 (.MkuJ I lull, liatt U heiesT mi h. whalk kS -Af arW at Ikl totU tea, IJ.l shut 1W (law, bkae r. . Tkat aktae feaei eel Ihe aaa's to to fere t pne s wwwlta e.f . Alrad '4 Bkt t" 4 Ui fm Mat if I tMl baJlf he have 1 U tek. a tr-a. Ueateeth. sn t. TabeMd) Market. Tbe peterslrarg A)i-tl ut ftiJ.j y of the frberm (aarkat . The rere.pt ead mdi$g Ikw we. h large aad Iha lb Jisat aad a-eaavna gradei of tok b-l MJ luge, .bow a d tiia id" ato-el 14 aawto ar 100 poeais. Qm4 afcippleg ! worklaf b-hertw a tM el aftusMt The to-j-rtiew. .0?. a iaa.eeata-l.-J I y,. ft .! the hwV 7 4ai,aj I sal Cuius a wkah I , ' , ii. 4. taMto.i.i k-r.- a. ... -.-A I tonore. The tn f. aai the ewto.de eaaeac. fnw. we mtUm whKb ware.rte the preva.if aa-de. eaatoMrbal ,wei Ml fcTe. a a-d ,h,i4rw s.t 4 reed wMhM -r.th.,.r,U.k-. aad tfbbeA " .1 UU-.I I1..I I .. . . ....... u I " ae.ar -a . - I. . I ' 'Fl-' hi.. I.,. 1 Li 1.17 MiahaviM "Wrt ... il. ..j ... . . I a. 11 sweeif. an i ' 1 . . ... ..a,. , , m i i 1 u.1 - - - - ia sari jtA 11 is 11. wa.se imu si IM mhsm I .f "" "I - I la., at. ait 1. an u - I..' aex I ... . IBH " - - - - I t-ay ejr..- - , I m k-f4, 4 W to(l. v., r-l e,l.a U,..i.- u ,l I " " ' I . a 44 1 1 1 1 M JukMrMW.il tot. wi, t ,. 1 . . . . . . ,.i j a a niMrtM i i a e. 1 . . ........... t , - - a 1 - 1 (ease aae,i ranaaia rw eww ? " b.... eed aa.h b a 4 I ee. a4 f' rkr tola Ihe ewefwe. I . , ,. , d a k-ewifl kV-,1. a, ai re iw rf lka . e. K U. lh-4 - l "!' f-" . r-4 A... . . -.... I . . . . . . . a 11 a. I r.-l wartors iiiia . "a""l- L -i-i kt aak a.ik he kaLd i a.. a.a,ii aoawj atki evitH batll M l IU. M-adf. wars aed 11 uAixiiixna Aagsst lie. ir7. t-r-a . j s a ar-s r a a r r- un NtW ADVfcUTlJfKMENTS. Tbe Fifl lh tWtqa ef Miai frw. A Mai eaad s arka.4,lu esaau.ee Malav. al Ilia, la; I, al tk naatM. Mae h ll.l a x.afcare Avaae. fnat 1 art ksa.aB, e lw Atiuita rowuitu. 7ke kt n ed. aWe't ialara IL fakrW. Bl.iaa. k'4 ia fbta ka efcil Itsu fcvM alt . n et It I taa-t lrW. 1 be earn. s i4 ea st W II J 14 a C. (id BAl.lt iamhs Cd :a M..'Bid. re - k ei"4 '... !, .. , iu.a rt, V B S-a. kara. ''t s .wn. Sill . lilulU.U taaaarrsa tian.r, Br 0. T. aseue A Bai, Maaaev fvt Aaf A IITTUO lAaM.rlMMM4i,. I " avt, s- ia . . 11 LtATII'h HiLI , rsM IiATHia trrth ia LtATDBA UUXt...,. . , ,, M 'lUs'U,rnl. " .... laafTH yotlit- Ith.f . anaar Ba-i, -wIL rtACiirii itn IbUd , ..... .. that rBK ., .......... Wall lllicktxi . KM iri a It riAlniKA.,. aton FLA lsrili part.... IBI MAT, a luu lw 1 rl a UIDsA. parniky .,, Ul riitAti'kA, .!, fm) k, Mia 7tl.UW a Ik .... , ..,. .. .ie tikt'.AB pfl . ........ ua hUl.. ,, .. HWII't Ua ... ,,.. . Tir .... srKdt "A" ... Iie 1 la U Ural fw.l'a.l.a mm4 Ue Ft Mm, af will ke eHei.rd bv j Uaiteae F. Arrvsai. Aau, 4 toe WeeMac toe tor. A Faet OraJaal r-lra. f eee Trmr't to. 4.MU.MI Hi UsrJ lrark ba toa aakatibak- Uu Bilk Ik M I.a4, .a. 1 Utm 40 Porkrl Ja.at'uoVa. tl Barks Hi aad Le-ire Catt.e, la Cr Krarrff fax We, a - vaeeee " U " Oyatora, - B4Ud f-ktoj, to Buses ia k v.i, A9 M Bu. un kwa aatt k UrrU(, - .!, Ii Besstaa4y, 10 " t M B 4. t " Htbuart rarlar, e hto N I Mail!. T hw lb K4ta Lard, Vb) 4W e te lit - I 1 terras - " ', I alaadaaae atf at wka, ba.ta alt, mmwmm ... I w"l SMaWIg of lb law, aaaf BbtW t - . at I d lUaa. I H perlart U.al'r.. t tkt da. i. mt ti rtosae k a kt l, I a., toaladtae afltoe mn ead 1 nf f laj au k4toreereea, I )wii ,u..4.f ail k,.ia f M,a, Ik ' I IBIMM , tt,, faauwa aill la Ia4t deal Bad al 1 lad ks Iha Ma t.k4. .1 b. AaalU b. I, elBMBaiU a laU. I ld ef lb I nd atai.a Cr mt i..mw rraa l tirkato far toe . mna, I eaateeuk ... .,, VlfltBOW'B AWMitTFI atrtw V MnairtUtk uf Likta W s es krd to lalnajan. . Mi . Iatve'Y Ibaa h. it toaa n iim, aamrd nuka FlhllUita. W ama ia II A. X IJ I O II. N O.al f" tolaeb-a4.Wf..ai " ud abi Bt tantaja mt ,.a a., at. ke a fad iai a ra... aniard kr.,MtailM Bid to ai aa., a4. W . baa id a 4 ad taa mmXAOmmt t u aat i tmt M ll Aa a . . , Ual. Pit 1" (.0UD81 ( LOT II I. Mi. b- b .alt taa. u a. a. . t3l I rare.l-. I.eea-, Bet r at,--,, W.M, I t je mf(.... b,va 4 I ,7" . " M' -4toB, Ftoai W itii. Bar,),.... H ,. i '. a. I ra)flifitl tree I, tiiLka ia ti"., kit Urate, Tra.k. k al w eee l ili, la frt .-Tr lk.aa I ks B .rat ttass Ibry Von tore. Vmt axsr v u 7ai:i irri lkka. Sf U W 11 1'jXtt A t. FOR HA TfR (l 1.4 It'. I li.I .,r u !. WLA FlWKi lAri-iiit BteB rTwT. a-d if It. Jo"tt A (. ., IU) at 91 nm FLOCR, J. VW, C. . MIAU r- kw., , f win. rat . t it- ... BAUH lA .... fjtaj. f " tl mum ... HISI ,. triit ttUA., . ., UD . .. OATI. Skt rt T to, ea I tl s ta lat 1MI1 i t&jt n WrT.a ,! i; I aaafta D. B WafTf ' Oh ntkiIii toil it AeerihTtO a4a, mm k aaa. aa"a avaaak. - . - to'y li ll I.IAI II I iaj, vet at'traitarai tovt Skm tmtmmma I Im-m a ' at U. au. umm r-t Ik IT-ia . a it I, Ku.ll Utw Bf. Ara" I H.j.ta I ... M at ed to it., t i . . a, a r, totUeaetw Q O If" Co t.l rVaHaHMitltntHl.l lki A, I'lli. la k tmvvt at m,m ..Wa. . f ii,, i.4 tl .tl kr aa I M r.. - "r-t a,"- t i a, f w; O eVBiiWAt w a.) . M (" I '4 A t B4 I .-. aj raary te, sad - I HI W tiUIUIlO DM TttM7IlT, WiML BB ! I' -ai I h, Ha v .lf M N w 1 w A a.ll-a , tk. 1 1- la-t rf t l( lk,"e 4 b. I i m t.r., y it i .w a . -.. r . S. - v. k, a Woktikl A 9 t A - t 1 I T M, bl t ,M k. I M..BB, a t "f AW- auak fc. . . aa.. I''. feakad tobatea as !lg t-f hrw. lf at fl Ana ib a ' k ft y

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