THE DAILY SENTINEL . rUBMSHSO -.I lTIJIL.rrBlBlWB;''MWl. , uric. th Court Xtouaa. M.TIJ Or SCCBirTlOV 5i Wit -swam. delivered Ui yrt r n, nn P I.ATEST TEX.EaHAPniO jjEWS ON Lth PAGE. ...-r i". UPKTTEN0J1A CO.. 10 State Sortii Prt" Row-, New York, end aSt Street, Fhil.UPhta, .re our .. T nmrarina advertlsementa for oar i:CrWi'l lor sdvertlaln.; .Unr .,welrrle. - pout Office Directory. k twU roT orricB AMUonaT.. OfflrehoarefroiB T:80 to 7 p. ., du Udi.tribUd.) .yg or ABBtT,TrN TB MAIL. Wtere-SeW 'Orleans, 1., Atmnta,'Oa., J3a 8.' 0., Charlotte, s.-tlbburj, Ureeiu S tUi Ch.pd HUl, llllUboro, Ac, due - . d. Clow at p. m .- ern-Cherleeton, 6. C, Wdmloirtoiv K-Vbtra, Beaufort, Uoldaboro, Ac., due 5:30 -m !&rtl.ern-NewlYork, Baltimore. ttill JM. Wahlni(ton. Richmond, Fetershurir, NorJoli, Wcldoo Ac., due at & W p. m. Close illalbam Railroad Fay-ttavlUe Joneeboro, Apes, Osgood, Ac, due 10 a. m. -Close 8 p. '''Ml-ellaneoua-Eirle Rock, Monday and Thursday due 11:80 a m , cloae 1 p. in. Rox tn, every Wedneaday, due 11:) a. m., cloae 1 iL is. Leachburg, erery Wedneaday, due " ll-a) a i" . closerl J. m." Averaatiom, cloae K d. m.' Tburedaya, due 6 p. m. fridaye. Offlce boure for RotUtered Letter and Money Order Departments, from 8:30 a m to 5:'jU noinalls are received or aent on Sunday, U,, will not be opened on Mffa uVlWHKR HKPOHT. ' WiSIIIKOTOIl, Aug 14. 1878. Tor Uie Bouth Atlentle Btatee aouthwaater It to northwester y wlnda, low temperature ui reierally clear weather with execptto al rauo aoar the coast, v t METKUObOGICAl.. IMSWHTID AT riHK UBD1S'S C1G4H STOK. RaLlioai, A14, t7a. 4 , m. . m. l'i m. 3 pm. a p. m. 73 77 78 70 CITY ALMANAC An. It. 87H. ran Usee f'- Sunsets CITY COTXOX MA.U1CKT Kervrted dally by W. C. Btronach, lirocer uj,t Coiumiaaioo Merchant, rvettevllle etrtrst : ... KlLSHIH. Au 14. '87H. fre of cotton In our market to-day ! lJ At 4 p. m. (ales Markat sU-ady. IlirrKL, AURIVAI.H. Yajiii BOt nu IIiiotk, O. W. JJUielnaU, JVspr.Xr-W. D. McAdo, N. C ; W. D. Bpinell, Tranklin county ; John HarjrroTf, Ed. Hyifht, OrmnTille; Mr. II. Davidaon, Miatll. Darldaon, John Daridann, and Eleiander DaTidaon tnd Hia A. Marion, hew Or leans ; C. M. Uaiki, Hill.boro ; II. CXewburT aid two children. Magnolia; W. A.0nthrlr, Fayettetille; C. I). Hire, eity ; L L. Lanier, RaUlmore; Jamea D. Brooks, city; B. O. Oraham, Ilobeaoo ronntj; J. J. McLendon, Kdcuton; 8. 1). Waitt,city; IL l'oe, Southern Eiprcae Coapaay; T.F. Leo, city; O. T. r5troo ack, city ; Thomas I). McAlpin, Charlotte ; R E Sanodera, Crabtree l'laniation ; V. A. Garett, Joaeph C. Whwler, Hkhmond, Va.;0. T. Wright, N. C ; Joe. Dritm mrwd, Ya. SaTliiL IloTtX, . M. HUir, I'rovri rfcr Wm, J Wbltham, New York ; K P Ratwood. Mail hgrtil; Ja W Buck, city; 0 Alford, Wake conniy ; VY W Bmith, XhtCKtire, China: Hon W A Smith. Pnnc.loo, N C ! Hon EW Humphrey, OoM'horo ; R VV Handerauo, Charlotlr ; Ml VY Simpenn. Anann county; W W Court, Dutchllta, N C; William Tollera, Dtchilla DC; AC IVMitflnm, K ft I) R BR; Mra LUake, Mr A II Hie wart. Mrs 1 M Matibewt and tNtaut, Mr H II Iton oa, Mtaa Unaia Hobeeon.nnd Mian Fan knaaUh. VayattcyUl : John W Haja, 4Ht4 in mra W Bnc. cttyr M nut,ral(ttcyitl: Mra. . lleaitiefeo. win eevaty ; William Jeskina, OraaeiU ; Tenna Tkoapaoa, Warrewj S P David em, ltlUnvre; Bmat Walker, Htm York. Hoa William Wklllana, Waahlni tr,DC; William K lUauly and wife, Vie, N Y ; Mia bimpeon. N V. TATS HEWS. CreWe Jbaee. We waUms the Mowing Irutn the Iladtnitn TrimiM : Prof, llarret, the n.libw. ieoff fur Not lak.A. krt. Mr HwWd, of Ike KpM pi, M4 Rre. 1. u. WhltSeld. of lb Methodist PKHaajUnl Cnnreh, prenrned l Kittrell Kprtata reraatly. Mra. rWllie D. BeaktrrUtn, lle of M.j Jt.l W. Bttakarellte, fornMrly of War fa, e4 daug birr nf the Uu CJ. W. W. , U Uaaaderaon, die4 In Carroll wy, Mmbx, m Jnly iith, II7J. a trramt cetrietiaa, aad n esabf f tt Methediet Eptaroptg Chart h. Om al the IVaerieat man kee In Uiie , Ml bare yewtorday. Dim tnelMtd nan )st left thin ti, Inrtng Mr. R. aaMtr n lcy f ttuty aoim U board napaid and bttd is Ua ofBoav TW HeaHlareon fair Will bw U frs4- tee ket I In Ilenderwm. ttorfolk, PstaraUrw. lukaaond, lUletgn nd ntaaf that kxra 14 CoUilt Ml twetj awt neaabef t n dgren nebavrd of In the sown Wnaderua. ' Tan lairiai Cnnit llonnon. Tnet la ne atttCHlAUaaj, M fH, tl lb nsattoaw w (Mum ntutidiaf H e dath ef the rl Ia4. W liun LeiUr, lmm h-lf wa fcef eal Ue taaUn s4 tbe Wtian( Ian A WaUu IUul neat fttauta te nTaemi,. ..g be, ni 4mm, d We mm t n need ell Wtf, tMny ttly MM I. U lW Us apttatMi ls4 Inn 'a4 wan l-eiif 4 vtih. lie 4oan awl tMak Ike UiWn at44 nn!J pMeili! kr U c( M iiitmlitaMM een mm bt bam 4 nn, u 4 M la l"y mi tfce Wy a4 tntir! T aak a liken. Alar(tne( Ikwm a fa.eM fty aurrrv. .),( ke h-W lVm i bt buU nay aW4, a the teaHMa Wi.l aweeeeey rtMM tame Ke HiVn M IM t44 " ,mm9- a derlaa tk am " ay I ae yi n eui ' I rwra4, a I iu 14 e erf, U ka, at Itx lr. ' '. ,, I a4 ., ; a t ,4 it rM a In Ke cm iLm rtH Vy Ik (Wtwe WJ. J,'U VOL. IX. HOIWEB APPAIRS. PnraowL ,., . L CongreMinan W. A. Smith nnd Senator I. W. Humphrey are at the National. It afforded oa much pleararn on ynter day to receiro winitn from our two eioel- lent frtendi, John W. Hiyi, Jq. of Oxford, and Col. W. F. Green, of Frahk- hn county. """"""" ' ""' s e xjcf. -.-- ... Arm toe the P. L L. I. The Goyernof has approred the bond of the Fayetteyille Independent Lii?ht In fantry, and the Adjutant General will for ward the arms and accoutrement imme diately. Sunday 8chool Celebration. We learn that aoveral Sabbath School from different place had quite a jubilee at Chapel Hill on Wedneaday. W. H. Pace E q., of thl city made an addroaa. A large crowd and a bard rain. Crop. A eentlcman.'LTmacU an ' eiccllcnf fu'r.j mer, tell us thit between Raleigh and Franklinton, corn and cotton are looking better, and there is morn of it, than ha ha ever known before. Abundant rain in Franklin. Thn Tot in McDowell. Ye hare bot yet received a statement ot the rote of McDowell county. We learn aemi-ofllcially,, however, that the county give 600 majority fur the amendment the vote is almost unanimous. e . Vol of Ctailford. Thu far we Imvo been unable to obtain the vete of Guilford (or and against the amendment. A gentleman Irorn that county iuioruu m that the average vote is about 1,800 for, and 133 againit. Small vole polled. Dangeroua. We are requested to call thn attention of Street Commissioner Backalan, to the dangerous condition of the foot bridge on McDowell (treat, near the residence of Mrs. Evan. One ot the planks ha been removed, and unices It ia at once replaced crion accident may occar. Reeult of Election. We are ot the opinion that the amend ment ar carried by from twenty to thirty thonaand majority. Tb vote la email. The nrgmea generally voted ageiost thru. They am oppoeed to any nvaeare that they think will be beneficial lo the white people of the State. Piedmont Preaa. We have had icraaion before to refer to thit paper. It ia on of tb best country paier e have ever soen. The editor know how ta jct up n readable, spicy paper, full of new a. W have aleadlly shown our appreciation of it by the Urge draught w be tnada upon it from time to time. There' work done In that offioa. A KUffci BCUUka, The following Iters from the Raleigh StAlinA, come lw lUn bead of alec U .4 parka, try teWgrfk t lit JUltd 'Thi cholera baa aolireiy aiaappcama from this city." W are fiad lo kara euch srood newt ; but wbal city I It to lortuoat aa to be re lieved frnta such n diacee I A'oeaeie Am, , TU If U TT t- ft to t -mlttahoaw ooly about fonr IboaaanJ mile axd I hardly wurtk correctlag. PsaraosMd. , " " ,..;--- Mr. W. W. ftaaitb, ton M the Hoc W. !t. IL Smith, of thi city, who left Nor folk lat tall In the I a He J Blair Memr fa, U tH topeCity jf paymaai' dark, !r riu k the African ot. arnt4 la Nuriok m Satarday, U fta bauat, from Maaghai, Chlwa, tan Yoko hama and N.a Franckro, Frm lb Ut ter pi are be earn by rail. Mr. Health signed kal t-eitio wheaj Cap. Wllaon, ol the TWw, weawdered noma. Jaetke Wkhet" Ooan. That auawt wa ageia In aeaxioa yeatar- day dupeeaieg juaUo amoag the Cularad paopto. Aattaooy t'k,oo theeompiaist of Aaam Mi S'il, waa arralgneJ, aharged lib "striking and Uallsg with t trrf" Faaay M La, a dikr damwl of II iaiat, Aalbeey's sTtaaoed. Faaay t;J tbe twirt that ua WeUaeaday laai. while aba wa al the bo a Anal Ma N.i'l, Aalboay Co. k teat la sad naked be If aUbadUUf IfUMeraU (lie bad glteabet tbe atoaey ta keep foe bUm) Ma Md kl.a a tbe aaoaey wa at beat II ehd yr it M bad i-i-d tbe paat be bd dlrveted bef, k ssid aba bed t. Aatbnoy said, Why la tbe b 4 bt'l yaw f at tbe amaaa tiaae twiktag bef aw tbe bead wilbbl IreL Faaay akMabwwed nheve be bad arewatb, d tbe akin aff baa ae k TV J aakad tb WtUeaai Are a4 ffd be be matWd AjttMMCer Ye; Ut mi ta-tba I 4 wUUag Urn mm U k l a." 4 tea Aatbacy CV4 new f - . tl M a-atwtl lMaa 114 Wenbip I Aaiax l a4 Mi a4 if'-a,. d bi w .la tai nod et.ed.a4 tb " V aai ra an tbe pmna nt tbe df . RALEIGH. rnsrsoTXT. Thermometer 79 degraea. A recipe tor brilliant eye excercise. The conjunctiva moodThought on matrimony. It I (aid that black teeth will toon come in fashion. Tbe number of poatal cards furn'u-hed to thi time i 44,1 18,000. Sea the change In the ecbedu'.e on the Raleigh A TJ.raTiin Railroad." Walkin-ci with fan concealed in the hollows uf them are coming in style. It ia proposed to change the name of Georgetown, D. C, to West Washington. Still auotber style of sewing machioe "London haa a Shalijtart aewing ma chine." - : -- -' . , ... We are glad to sou that Mr. Jame Uzzell huafll;iently recovered to be out again. . Olive Logan doeso': believe that one married couple out of twenty have any love for each other. A man of 73 and a woman of C9 eloped from West- Atneebury;- Mn; laet - week, because their children objected, to their marriage. The united agec of a New York bride and bridegroom, as registered the other day is 101 year, and neitberclaim to be old er than the other. Scandal over Illinois divorce law con tinue. Depriving a wlf of either or both of her ear, haa now been adjudged . a aulBcient ground for divorce there. Delicious Orapea, Tbe SurTmu, editorial corps return their thank to the proprietor of "Thom asburg Vineyard"for a quantity of grape, which lor richness of flavor, would, no doubt, equal thn lumou Etchol. They were of six different varieties, u Martha," "Concord," "Ivea' Seedling," "Dela ware," " Iowa" and " Diana," and alto gether warn tbe finest grape w have seen for many a day. Ia another column w publish n communicatioi concerning this extensive vineyard. Newspaper Postage. We give the following from tbe Post- office Department in relation to newt paper postagt t Should a aubecribar to a newspaper or periodical, who ha paid one year postage in advance, removt within thn delivery of another office be tre tb expiration of a year, the post master should giv bim n receipt; tb party should then notify thn publisher bhaead bis paper to tb new office, where, Spun presentation of the receipt, tb poatmaater uuat deliver tb pnbllcstlon free lor the remainder of the term paid tor. Oxford Railroad.. Tbe election that was to bay taken place nn August 7th, In Granville county relative to thn county' subscribing 100, 000 to build railroad from Clsrkavll!, Vs., to Oxford, waa not held. Tbe eoa mbaionefi withdrew the order calling tha lection because of a errioua defect In tbe bill. It authorise the commissioner to take one thonaand (hart of stock and to sail boadaaotigh to realise money taeugh la Ike lastaJmeat. . wnea. might require three, four or five hundred thousand duller oi boad to do tbie. So theywlaely coacladed not la aubjavt tb pen pi to sock a tal. X) dsjafternoon jhe citj waa thrown Into a tavar of sacileaaeat over tbe annonncamant thai tbe dead body of a new -bora Ufaat bad been foaad en tb prambea of Robert Wycbn, a colored man, bo reside) on IVleeloe street, (oat la r of tb residence) ol Dr. CharSa t. Jubneton. t oro Magain aammowed a lory and held an Inquest, bat failing to elicit any facta wbkh would lead to the per pvt ration of tbo tvtme, U Jury ad jawraed to await further drvctopmect. Tbie I ideally aeaae ot tafaalici la, a tbe child wken fvaad bad lu brad crash ad and a ansd hUy drawn ar-Msad lu nerfc. Owiag Is) lb advaacad stage of putnfacUo) tba pkyasciaa awold not d tUit bet bet tb) thild Wa while Of Cob Oa lirtag and Oaar Dead W bad parpoaad wewba age r4syw mure partkwlarlr lo lb merit of tha) kly paper I baa wa did In f (rat ao i. Tb amber U.el we kate m sal- lafywtnftbo vaiaa wt tbo peb ikat w), and w bop It will be twos l.SarelJy sua- ad. It eoatala n great deal af tela bt matter, aad yearn beaew tIKef M 111 bo Ulead fair What would ot gle new M B copy of a atanUar pb bmUaw dariag Us war sf the IWota. Ut Ct4 rl k maaiitesiag me k la-lgmeal la bat aaUcUiia, aad a ke) be eater npeaj teal part in aaben was ariU raqaire ayiglaal ana In bwUoaa, aia- earetybop bo wi'4 bo abaadaaUy aaa talaad by wr CaaMarut wb as laaali- tar with U aes at the pea, aad ban aay thMsfMtatL Wo kappa t kaoW wb t IM nelVw af lb Stb IVa.ia War lUag pbU.aad la tb last bat. Itaa ehlw Vj Pe f. ! r. IkaaM. aba b bead at' W Nt aXltt.Ma .Ali.-ma wmIw. dtl aatat H. D. t4. K.aWe. J C. a4 aeWflba la pafe tbal alt! yea a UK a"na ed i-e peH K-h I ar utea p-f ff 1 tbe r taali War f ibfaea. N. P., FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1S73. EJJEIOTRIO SPARKS. nt ttojtonAPii to m DAixt (KKTotsu First bale of cotton of new crop aold at Montgomery, Ala., for 89t ct. Heavy rain at tha North. Some acci dents on railroads and detention. A collision on Buggies shell road, New Orleans M. O. Laurent killed. The yield al wheat is greater than ever known In Miineaot. ' Three children in one family died of cboleta at Columbua, Ohio. Tb Commissioner sitting at Newport have decided 497 case. More complication In Spain. This time Prussia ha a "finger in th pie." The Captain-General of Cuba bat no fears from the contemplated reform. Andrew Hostie nominated for Governor of Iowa by tha anti-monopoly convention. ' ELECTION RETOBKB. daoa aaataty.,, . ..-.., , 1. For 806, against 133 8. . " 807, " 125 8. ' 802,- " , 125 4. .641, " 287 5. " 70S, 14 123 0. - 800, 128 7. " 707, " 127 8. 798, "124 Caldwell county. '' 1. " 683, " 1 2. 678, " 0 8. - 683. 2 4. 613, " 24 5. " : 644, " 14 6. " 693, " t 7. " 688, .-.- 1 8. 607, " 1 Cltotland county. 1. " 736, " 85 2. " 727, 88 8. - 464, 14 380 4. ' 740, s 82 8. - .726, " 83 6. 1 713. " 87 7. 730, " 82 8. " 119, " 83 DatU amntff. 1st For ' 436, agaiael 2M 21 . 449, - 207 3d " 43S, .- 233 4th - 416, 171 8th 444, u 239 6th 434, " 157 7th - 447, " 258 8tb ' " 449, 257 Kdgtemb county. 1st For 634, against 1381 2d - 861, - 1401 3d " 848, " 1397 4th 807, 1444 6th " 6t3, " 1397 6ih 617, " 1399 Tib 628, 1300 8th " 623, 1397 ifayweed erunty. 1st For 763, tgaiaat 18 2d - 772, 17 3d 606, " 149 4tb, . 738,, , 26 lib - 747, " 17 6th 700, - 81 -"7iv i i -lb Ml,- - 91 JUlatfea trimly . 1 For 1,913 against 901 1 -113 " 173 - 1,217 - 179 4 J l,l8 " - 194 1iUt u' 171 - 1,183 - 164 1,194 179 1.171 " 14 Jbae tmmty. let For 420, gaiBat 263 3d - 433, " 260 3d - 423, - 21 4th SOI, " 37J 8tb - 404, - 17 lib " 433, - 9-"'9 7th) 414, - 8J4 ik - 418, - 981 jrw Iiaeeey Ceaais;. I Fof 1.338 agaiael 9,0-9 t - 1.3M - 9.103 l03 - 8.113 4 I.SH " 8,007 I - ifln . - t,m " 1.447 8.04J T - IJilT - 8.101 1,331 - 9,094 tsTefae aswafp. M far I.11 afaiaat I.H 91 " 1,819 - 1.3JJ 8-1 IJnt - ,KI 4h " 1.19 u: lib l.t:9 ' - 157 th - Utl - 14 7 lb " . - ,t!9 9th l.fsl " 1,119 feVlia aaaafp, let F 9. 1 94 " 951. - !! 8J 9J, - H 4 ib Ml, - 91 8k .- 11 tb 1014. II Tib 9J1. - 1 9th - 1 ftaava a K . - IT, , , 1,1,.., 1 e wwns aaa mtWy bl..i4, A 4 j sev, aaTag aa " itiImI a aea a a., .mmi Aw. an U W,r aW-k o l (a (Una If am Ml tbe be k 4 haeetate latkiu!.;a laei leitoaa, bet kwoaiMMtiMi, Ut( Ua saaU eaiy aa won r u bi dab, abea ta at rf at haat aa tauatb. Tomato Win. Tbn; following receipt, fot making to mato wine bat been banded u by a lady of thi city. Wa publish H for tbe bene fit of our reader. Take tuiall rip tomatoes, pick oiT.tue atemt, put them into n tub, wash them clean, and then atrain through a tiuea bag, (Une bushel will make five gallon of pure wine.) Add two-and-a-half to tifree pound of loqf sugar lo aaah gbllon, Utea putnto a cask and ferment, and fix at you do r&spberry wine. - If two gemma of water be added to tbe five eallom of juice, it will (till make a very nice wine. Brown sugar may be uaed indued of loaf, but tha wine la much more sparkling when loaf sugar is used. Aa Eloquent "Tar Beat" The Norfolk JournaTt Richmond cor respondent thui speaki of Col. J. W. Hio ton, now of Norfolk, but a native North Carolinian, who- spoke in the late Rich mond convention : "Col. J. W. Hinton, of Norfolk, made two brief speeches ia bi characterittic style, one In convention and the other be fore the mas meeting last night, and well sustained the high reputation which, be haa aa an orator. Hit tame ha already gone to all part of the State, and hi port ly form can never henceforth appear at any public gathering in Virginia without evoking call for "Hinton, llinton, Hin ton." Hit name, Indeed, it already a household word, and bo it expected to give the the Radical enemy glnnt blows in tbe campaign now Jut opening." ' aea Concert at Kittrell Springs, We are glad to learn that some famous Udy amateur performer from Norfolk, Va., now on n visit to Kittrell Spring, will give a concort at that place on the 19th lost., for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Home. The cause is noble, tbe performer hsve fame and tbe public should be generous. We publish the fol lowing that be been tent u : Grand Concert at Kittrell Spnngt oa th 19th or August Thi concert for tbe benefit of Oxford Home Orphan Asylum, will be given by leader of Christ church and Bt. Paul' church choirs, Noifolk, Va., Mrs. Jamct Leigh and Mra. Warren El liott. ' All g.iod North Carolinian ar re quested to how a just appreciation nt thlk preferred aid from our sister Mate for thi noble inetlto'ion. Oldest Newspepera. Th America Nnetpaytr ItfjicrUr pub liabe a list of the oldest newspapers lo the United Slates. The liat I lengthy aad w only have mom to notic a few of th most ancient. Tbe Anapolis, (Md ) 0 utU waa established la 1748 ; tb Wor cester, (Mam.) Spy In 1770; th New Ha ven, (Conn.) Jturiuil, 1764 ; tbe Hertford, (Conn.) CWoat, 1774 ; tha Philadelphia, AWtM Amtrieut A U. 8. OataMa, 1771 ( the Portsmouth, (N. II.) Carwaieie, 1736! the Fredericksburg, (Va.) M, 1786 tbe Richmond, (Va) EnguirT, 1804 ; tb Augusta, (Oa ) VhronieU ct StntiiU, 1794. Tbe nillsboro' lUtor&tr i put down a baying been founded in 1821. Hi Is I aa rmrwhlih tbe editor of that paper cor rects in bis last iaaoe. He aay th JUc-4- tr wit founded February 30tb, 1820, and bat been published conlinuiuly tvet aiaoa, aad adds, ii I tb oldest paper in North Carolina, by thirty year, aad ha but frw seniors" Tu lb BoWlb" or lanbe United State" - - - What a deal of ! aad UBnetmaary bother am newapapw ar Is tb habit of nuking about what they call "living credit I" Of eourre.abra on newspepar appropriate aa editorial or other original irtic'e ol Bote fro another, it Is Ja4 aad proper lo mat aa eLkaiia teOcciiM-ai, iul aa fur lacking aa at the aad of every bttle artectioa tb nam af lb paper It kt co ined from it ought not ta be rtqutrad. bat editor wants to ball III k columns with title of neaspeparsrerea If any JiU4 ran not aff.rd sjiaoe la bit pprfoglva proper credit for what b copb-a, It aoald be fair aad hoaret la him to id aloe kl neiuhbue'e fx da. Jf man has a righ. to avail k!mat!( of aa- ataat'e UIk-is allkoat aa eq jl vaiaa I, sad that tea aaly be by giving awwlLlng a gwd la reiara, ar by giviag da eradit fiT th Mtae, A Weakly paper lurnUbr a dally wi'k a ka'.f column lit nvaw tf la- Urrelixg aew lieflaa, bat yuar ety editor ! bi daily " I to busy o rule lb arr a krac be derived lt,rlMaU- liag " to half 6 1 has calama with tula af aawapapera." Probably aa Ilea be appropriate aliboal credit f-a tb di kwtim akaea be elute U a kalf day' waiti: ( w "dowa" Ml all area paper pilfrfing Ot a M'TtUM abo ael I be beeA and li.,4 k aa-ain la lb iJ-Hl-4- b'i ur graad a."tUt ! tank mpacial pride la tlx Iwwt at baaar Ibai glMaaed Uk p-tUhed a Irfof. f!rry artM aboal lbif boaam taareptibl af paUab, ac,aJif tb Waaa bke, wa ma tatty iiyiia ap aet.l it lan'y i , traad. With tbr pnmitiv matotele tar ae 1Mb !!, wney, rMe M,.a at. H as mui U', a' twit aaa af luva. M a aaera, koaever, their slaagb- lre aa l,r-"i, aa aa aaa bear i ntUb awe art 1-e astd at H bHia lba ibrtmi4 la a wa-4 dst ir ya w lea'4 fmt nnwbaea la lb brblanm af k -w e aaa, aaa Haaniia, .4 la. TsiKn iwtlii-i' A T. auawt ffMKr air -wM- wea'tb ' : '- f Tba lUAUatL. it a4 ILe Ua tket ll.t a. .! ( la hW tlv.i a fata aal II ms. Jha g, Ma4.eba(s. MlMMnala Hi Ibe s' .), Ism rkh M af lag mg peapai t -a pared to lb aaa.'tby a at laiea. NO. C. . Por tbeBentineL TnE THOMA8BURG VINEY'ARD. ORCHARD, Ac. Tbe writer, bavinir availed himself of an luviiauoa to viait Tbomasbnrg, was uoin graiinea and artonished to Cud that the above-named establishment waa con ducted on so much mote extensive scale than he had supposed. i There are soma ten thousand vines ia cultivation, f tb mae eborcevaricrtes of grape, moat of which are at tliia time io full fruit, 'and beinff daily fathered for market, and are-shipped fri'Ncw York, Baltimore, and other polntt, in addition to those sold her. Thero are some six hundred of thv moat popular varieties of tbo peach, near and apple tree, in a high state ol cultivation, some of them now bearing. Iu addition to thit. considerable atten tion Is being paid to the cultivation of vegetables, and the indication are, that by next see ton the Raleigh market can be supplied with anything needed in thi line, and permit of large shipments to distant point. I am quite lure that our people are not aware of the extent of tbe operations of the enterprising owners of tlie Thomas burg Vineyard, Jtc, Thero ha recently been erected a buildinr with entenaive cellar, finely1 bricked and cemented, for tneatonng or wines, which will ere long be turned out in large quantities. Above theae are the rooms for packing, Ac, with me resilience nir me tupenntenucnt. Hon. Charles Haelett, who is an expert In the business, an accommodating gentleman, with easy and aflable manner. . Permit u to hope that tha parlies who have inaugurated and established thit branch of industry, mav rean the reward their efforta and go-aheadstirenesa so richly merit. oxa o Two. Appointments, Rev. P. A. Strobel, District Superinten dent of the American Bible Society for State, make the following; appoinlmentt Dobson, Monday, - " 18 Yadkinville, Tueeday, 19 Mockivllle, Thursday, " 8t KUteaville, Sunday, " 24 Taylortville, Tuesday, " 20 Lenoir, Thursday, " 88 Wiikesbnro, Sunday, " ,81 Sparta, Tuesday, Septcmbir 2 Jefferson, Thursday, " 3 Boone, Friday, " llakeravillo, Sunday, " 7 Y'anceyville, TueaUay, " 8 Martliall. Thursday. - " 11 Aaheville, Sunday, " 14 Waynesville, Tncailay, " ' 16 Webster, Tbursday, " 18 Franklin, Sunday, " 21 ilayeaville, Tuesday, v " 23 Murphy, Thursday, " 23 Brevard, Wedneaday, Oclolier, 1 Hendenonville, Friday, " 9 Rulherfordtoo, Sunday, . " 7 Marion, Tuesday, , ' M 9 ae A CaiTicaL Bsaaoa Toarard tae etoaa of Ilia warm acasun the long eontlncd heat ba-t-tnstotrll soon Body and wind. Ikithbe reas eibaaatad, and we feel InaUnctively Uialaatere, eflar B(klla;aKallaal LaMlealUi adebilllaUaa; temperature sa droopinf at Uet and raqulrn lo be aliwulaUd aad reinforced. TUIa. Ibcrefure, ta a period of Uieyaar when a eoarae ot Hoetettar'e etomach Uttter Is especially aaafuL Ibe Imaaediat eUeel of tbie uexiaalkd vafetable reatufallya se to atreBfUiea the atumat b, ehariea Ibeappadte, lone and rrnulale Ibe bowels and lv tteaitl aeeaaad viiior ta the aervee. Aaa preveuUte uf ibe eadeiale aad epidemle COMialnle that irevau at una aeaaoa, aaj ae a reataiy la lifeaUua, liver dlaturbancre, aeniMia det llliy. eoaatlUun, laiiiaor, beedacbe, aad all ine (ulanlua of tbe buaela, this pare and wbole aoot ve(elabie tuaie aad alunmllve Sri ao HI saa.iag mediclaea, aaeo41w w NEW AUVEHT1SKMENT8. u M I V Kg I T T O t Yl KOI MIA. Vi lloma nr rVtixrs aas ra-virL l.i BnaaToaiva.' ArfurS epertal Mvaatae fr fvnerfd arieritlne dweiina and h lh-otirh, mm U al bfklnlitf hbtirfMloliS rif Ttabrr af Sriaaaa, CKU Maalneaf. kiiwn gnriaaar, Anbllerl, Cbeulal, M eUllaffUl, Isnart, bracrlai, ele.. aad fas ew''jiil M pehlie airvira (Coaat ervey, eU-. a-i"a "fee Ot I. r.w CaUhaxexs, i4 ta w at. li. 1 INBaKka. See-y, r. ta. I stvaeMy af W- linia, V a. . , sag Udloi , u KIYIIIITI 09 VlkUlSIA, MKPtcaL srai'MiL. f tba eu-il eaeaioa (tiw'y alatfci will i.U'S Orl t, MS, aa euettuaa ! Bti-e mualka. rtn al edveaWfW to lb '! M ie4at iae lanenaab l'ml la taa uiluu of kla t..f-l. far I aiafaraa .o.l to MM. a kk I kB kt a. le f ef f. :tT. r. '. lalteiail vt i'Kaia, la, ae( 1 aim QIIAWfil uractlCDCLL RALEiUU a I i'l si m l.l Bx raiTSf 'a J a. Rtiaina. M c u I la. li.A ()aa4 .fw a-wdar. i't, n;i. Ila s iae kabaeb aa 4 Uaa adl ret any. aeae ssti. as bU"s t jarv vatie. Urns taMcb ..... . Artve a4 ea4fard IS r. a. ivea Baaflt.iva .................. a a. W Antias al kWb W a. a arcoaauBiTta vaaia. ba lUWah If. a am at ti. ....... .......... 1 1- r. a Baa''.. , ........ a. a Ameai as fcaii: IHr.s VJt tr' k ! MMM-li at Katoiab Hk e su(l tjMtua SUirv4 va aad ha a l .. la1li 4a4 aiaa.if,s auk Iba Wastoea IU('ad toaa trm rnaeeiueead mhIsn Ws are aaiiioaa a.i..n. Utive aa rewVI InlM e-e I BaHk Bilk toaaaaliUM a 4 I r,4k4 aalaa a lea aw . a a A. a. Akliaaa s, aa U U a4 0 HA8 0f KUIUlXt, Al tff.!tnITt1 tt g fl.. t.naimiMf Ornra, aak, J. C, A . . fw a4 afu M Im It !, ca IW ka a Lim4 aui rea tly, ln aeia , a fwMaet ab rati. Lata gab rU ....... litis mta a -a..... ( r Uai 4 ,. , 14 a. (ntia at (.. .. f aarmaaoasraia , Uaee ... Inne a i a ....... ....... a a. a Ua s Imma aaMSab ...... . .Ill an iu a .! 4 a a.-- n..r4 m a.t I e aj,. m ae I.. .4.e wa, Wia ea ar. a m r. 'g 4 al i..t4 : m i a '-a e4 ' - ' I I. . t S - - i a 4 A f i I l t Ilwoa Uli4l,iiell. A mi'lisi, -1 It If lifuai I ' "J" 1 'MS ITIIE DAILY SENTINEL AbVKKTIMSU KATES. AdverUwraenu will be uiaertad ia the Dally eiiTimL al the fohowinic rates per .'uuare of -i. lurk, or Ua mlelea unee. - iure one time. lui. " " each suuasijueBt taawUoa Uian a Went. ... jy iJUaare, 1 week,Ji..V I s.jtwje, 7 w, 1 I month, .0u,'l ' ' . jt.ou I " i uio'e. l&uv I ao.ou I " - tH.,!l " 1U " 44.00 I , .." ai.iajil ti - f -,ui t ' . a -mooU . ' f MARKETS. Noon Heport. .. ' Lomuon, Ang. 11. Five, 01. Ltvanroob, Aug. 14. "Jttaj.' qukT" and steady ; Upland u- 8 7-8 ; Orleans 9 1-8. Sale 12,000 bales. Speculation and x port 2,0U0, Savannah and ( harleuloa August deiivviy, not be low low middling, 8 8-4. Orlean Oct and Nov. delivery, 8 lSdtV i V p - Later ahipniente of new crop, not be low good ordinary, 8. ' " ' Nkw Tokk," Anf. 14. Cotton quiet. Pales 34 1. Upland 19 3-4 Orleans " 0. Fultire opened s follow : Augnstl9 to 19 1-16, Sept 17 81 83 to 18 1 16 ; Oct. -17 lo 17 11-16, Dec. 17 J. Flonr quiet and firm. Wheat firm at 1.81 for No. 1 MilwaukieX torn firm. clean westorn mixed 83 to 56. Pork quiet and firm; new meant IS. Laid dull; old westtrn steam B 7 8. Turpentine flrrn.44. Rosin at 312i for common 'strained."-", Freight quiet Stock ateady. " bM ' 15. "Money 4. , . Exchange, king 8 8-4, short 91-9. Gov ernment dull. State bonds dull Midnight Itoport. WinimoTort, Aug-14. Cotton qi-'.-t; middling 18 18 j set reccipU 79 j export ceaatwise 3 j salt 6 ; stock 873. . Spirit lurpeutiuie firm al 39. Roaln steady at 13.50 for strained, 3.30 to $3.73 ' for pale. Crude t"f pentme steady at $3 00 for hard, 3.S0 for yll ,w dip aud virgin Tar dull at 3.20. ; , "... . NokFoLa, Aug. 14. Cotun Estimated net receipt 886 bale; tick 8,491. Baltimobb, Au. 14. Cottoodullj middling 191-4; ne re ceipt 632; grot 703; export foi Great Britain 811; coastwise 4G7; aie 300; tock 1,040. New York, Aug. 14. Cottn-Net receipt 83 Uie : eroaa 35; futun Wd atrong ; aks 12,000 for Auguat 195 32al9 8l6; Bcplembei ioi osaiBl-16; Oct 17 11-1617 20 83 ! November 177-161712; Dec. 17 8a 17 7-kj, .... Cotton quiet; sees 'of 669 bulea' at 197 8 to 901 8; Southern floor firm with fair enquiry at 0.40 to 87.83; common to fair extra 87.60 to llort- Aolc do j wbUky firmer at 96 13: wheat Saad4 6ul bighcr aith light tupply; i port demand l.S3 t i f I CO l,.r new winter red aeatern: .r In Mrrrnueat for export and h e ua at cent ad vene; p.,rk active and firm new root 18al8 I 8; lard quiet at 8 19 to 9 18' ' turpeolln firm at 41 1 2 ; f.!n firmer at $d.lS to 3 17 1 9; Ullow o ilct aid Mn- cbanged; freight In Liverpool dull and owrr per iteam cotton 3 87 16. Honey easy with lefi; oftVwgtat 3a4 ; (change-owing to i.frulng. cf borrow ed tin from iccnj bnd at tigLl at UMU...tinni Aog TI,- !2L!LJ.lJ-JL0ca. balsa of Auieru ; ihipmi ate of new crop not below BiidJUag upiaada 1 1 I : do. swl U low low aaiddllairs 9 9-16. NEW AUVEUT ISEM E N TH. 1'or Mule, by r'bi..(al..i.ia." SOt'TlU H rTUW, Y A , H k sta Ann Ham. '" -toaaa, H. V f ewb y eepnWr. (rhlUii WINE Tram lb laabatU lirara. aasll U lk.U. Ju!IU4(e. Ar tmVrijf silt f ITytolhe ...,,.. ,' I fa Jaaraal af C.aaMre. KnUn ..4 ta il. o-t-vua J. t..,T aaa aa aea till la Ibis etn.a J torit t A A UjiV Aaa.. .ATl..jt." Betraia htaatkle WnSlaa d il . .js . . i tb a. t. llMae Im Ca. a t.ui.. . IM M.UI ( -a 1m M..t l. J at bafare tkal la, stATu?! nan. aa It M . L b aa B...i ta VL " mm, M. art fa P.rtf. ' I aay I lrl tkyar, T aaii, t aata, '.I ta I J(, to k-. 1.4J ; a u Im rv 11 la u, .1 a ku a -rfta SUii" i. '1I',K, Tba f rWath Bant. 4 fe t m.- . . . . 1 a A, ia n , I'-iMUtiaAu, Haa riM. iaai a la .-LA ini;), b:ui i ; a tu CTEHL VZUD. ," xJ a 4 to u. a.,. no.n-7.ajM-(., a Ki PJ j.- '. at, t Va 1 - M .4. -' t - a , Hi uae -i - l. .... 1 ate Va. e.i t W il i Oitt A I-

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