THE SENTINEL. JOSIAH TURNER, Jr, Editor. T. B. DNQEBtTHT, Aasocute Editor T cud at Xouno, Acocw, 19, 1873. CJZSAP TBAS&P0RTAT103. Tbe pi pen ere eonstsntly discussing the subject of cheap tmwKvUtion. . Tbat it if moat desirable to bar general re duction ia freight ia cry apparent to very candid and considerate person. That tbe charge are now very excessive lo the Sooth b a plain at "a dom oa a ton' face." Bat bow can this reduction be obtained t By Baking war upon the railroad that are indispensable le tlie country r yft think not Unfortunately th railroad manger have the V hip band' ?r-u masters ot the ai illation. It it gen eral asserted acd believed that a high tariff of chargea result from a combine lion artioog railroad men.. That i to say. they form a "Ring" among themselves, and each playing into the others hand, an arrangement U effected very fcenlflclat to themselves and Terr damaging to tbe communities through which their several roads pass. We-do not sea how this can be effectually remedied. It appears to oa there are but three way. of rocta-rc, but whether these, or any one of them, will remedy tbe evil complained uf Is wore than we can .. CV. ft 1 J . I I ' 1 II k . . I r ' -1 ",w " "-7 v.. u...-.- lata th. fhrlgau witbi. their own bound- rle. tftbi. ert be don. w w a is.. i-it a - a - as.- a - a ... a i S. Let stringent taw D passed against m.un..uw.w. . "Ring" Ut It U simply folly to talk bout the people regulating freight. , n i m, . , " t. Tbe building of rival line. Compe- trtloni the life of trade, and competition la road, with etringent law against Ring" comblnatlona, may reault in pro" . , . . ? . .... teclio for the people. Any legislation that wUI Ua4 to atriouslt cripple tbna great public carriers would work an In- Jury. good of . many, it woald be wise aad jostaotto legislate e a to Inflict unaecaasary dam- at toon thnee who bare takeo stock to .... . . . , w , . I """" H-f """ " ""- I .i . m at l m ; - . - . I l I rraociKJa i niga uxigoia ssii nign rate of travel, but we do not favor the crip pling ot the read to the citrat of pro- venting them from ninDiJ whifh would I be diaaster that every one would feel at I one. . - I We hart sesn an " esllinate toad tliet I railroads traeptrt produce, Ac, seven I ad half tinea cheaper than yon can I wagon It. Water Waaait i even cheaer I till that being abeut half of the present I riilroad ratoa, It la thought by building I narrow gusge rasds, you can reduce I ireigDS u in water nura, i la Kew Eatleed the problem pteseat these facta. A eocnuvoa wide uir roal I niaallsalalrMlheost ee much for e.B- truetloa aad to work It, that atorkboldet receive only oae percent laUteat oa their Invevtmeat. It la kaewa that s arrow gauge road at the a me length can I built for 30,000 lex cost per mils, do all th buil net performed by the expensive railway, pay percent I uteres! U sloth holders- and save llM 000 Interest us ice ootids, Monry ured .. ,l. . ... .... .. I wsr should benefit all ho ax lha ril. I H . -L-L . . ... . I traveller. The taoMe aaviag la et l I .iaswall, i-io. itautol. gaiaiw ism assoiic. is sraaatHirt wee I huadrtd aad fifty toss of Irelghl aa I arrvw gaageroad rwuiree aiaclswa car. I weighing aeveely fir tnaa. . T traaauorl . . , , . , ... . sate eaas ireigui ew, lae ""a,e s ulf a.i.. ! .a . f . t. a 4 a a I Will IUI M Pf UtH WHKO 14 DDI th immm Dm f .eg if Biff hm. I k..U4 W fni .,1 an-. ... n.t 1 , . M , , . , . . , le eerlg aa4 4slati.. Ih. Hits aal cruaaiag cruvirvea J o.igre i I naafeJ parpeae Wh.rerer. i m ia:eaigeat l reader aiestsre that thi prattire iavulvse I a arwdlsWut uf rani al. ante- the I ..Uli.i .l. IL. L, U II.. I holder. t th t r Ik public l-n ih I oay, sa plae sal U a aer mi la I road, afsef nltasvs now la nrii..a I . , i , I aa a.e... -f T. p. 4. te 4"0 psxtads ( aitoei aa any I wtliir Irvtgkt. fa7A TiLXlXQTOX MISMU. We di ant rtuMMbvr ta all the aaast. uf aM aauaa hfritle asefda thaa that easrpa(at4 b thtt agr) W j at Wit- aaUa, ea ywrtasAaf a wash MK it aaakaa Ike '4 raa mM ta t I tbe da ilafrat) auk fe a tkaae yg kH da wat U 'k U Uk lh life liitie white Uy hi the i-f Wi.l lastae. ( af la. ai tav war tatiuj U d the aUtiU.k dx4 by th atopasatlM f p --T I tl Willx Aa th eaae le eAtfeg tk-fh tatiga- taaw, a harbw aajtig as a amid artWraWe V. If II. iUaiavakor la sil ly, aha Aaattt a...aal I. asuf Mf title tlisa hgi At the ya aaaM-iamta skaf es4 he ka-4 aaui ' w UixtW raK lkiaf. ( Iks. Uktaf ft ' TVm Waaa l-t W Xe Task aa U 1 U kart W fcS - CxictUA t; tj trie WS a t 'd j toWat. 0f rUaAw WM asaw ssf ili4f4Uiti avd ai i si i f M iw sixs, U t K ;i.'.a. 'i i.iM, tie at waimi 4 4 It e-Ii. U.iC Us t ! t-n l f.aJ Ut lt i r,.k I 1 . 1 la lh s a wirfi4 u r ' i it it o fix Di&risauisiiED soktb CAB0L1XIAXS. . . . . ,We are able through a friend to add utter flalfla t the liu uf Wuith Camli- Diana wbo became distinguished abroad. Dr. Erasmus D. Fanner, born in Halifax, wa the moat eminent physician in Kew Orleans, and waa editor of the Mtdital Jteeiem. Hugh McQaeeborn we believe in Chat ham, and removed to Texas. He waa a man of decided" "ability and 'published a book on elocution entitled "Tbe Orator ' Touch Stone " . Gen. J. Jobuiton IVttigrew, born in Tyrrel eounty, and one of ti.e distinguithed lawyois in South Carolina He was considered by tbe Faculty at the University of N. C . the best scholar ever graduated there, lie was greatly distin guished in the wr and was killed at Fall ing Waters. " tie published a (took of Eu ropean Travels for private circulation that if higtty spoken of. Mr. Lumsdcn, the founder of the New Orleans Picayune, was born in Noi ill Can-, in , and we believe in this city. . . . made by Dr. Pritchard and the other by the writer. Bishop Freeman was bora in Mttssachusetts, and Ilishop Vir- fc"m - wm " S"" P"""" ""' ntmct of nieD r eminence abroad. ' AJfAMSSTCAAUAliir. Th. of . ken . Chu,. z'ewit" will remember bis satire upon the habit of American sticking their luet TaboVe their headr Wr have often woo den,d lhg UbH i, u remarkable that otbw emh ut , of th vulgar habit. A writer in the New Vork TrilrUlt, , 1'hlUwjpbar. have enduavur.d lo ac count fr tbe fact umu is much hap pwtr with his heels higher than his head, but "in vain. Tbe . fact, nererilieless, rc- hthi This is s,icially thecal at Saratoga : men who elsewhere at New- P"t " Instance would condemn the fa'b,it- ber WUnto It as graceluliy a il to lh4t "manner loro." It may be because uf being full of Coogres. water ; subtile and stmrcbiiin as quicksilver, that fluid "''S1'' K' dwn '"" the fiet, cauning f',"' 'b "treuiitiea If one didn't fop ntm Bp jjQj 0y umumiog the ele- gant position relerred to that trouble is remedied. Ton maintain the equilibrium PrMfT! V". bl"c,.0.f P". nd thu. inverted lect like and look like, sad fi all intent and purposia are. a junk bottle. ' - MAJ. D0W1TH Tilllin AHTICI.K. We conclude the third and last article of Ha). Dowd's able ilicuion. We be lievelbat be has settled thiuestioii aith aome person in this cuuimuiiity. The writer holds Ids own jmigment smirtidrl U witlu to tea 1 the whole controversy belore he decides finally. ntettijiti demsuds a careful cunsidrrstion of l-,lh tidti of any question. We mean to tWa fi'yaU this Important matter of iiOtli May Declaration. W have two article in uanu irons hi. iuhhiiihi amen are aaau' puWlrl. A corrscina s.iouia lie made in the ar tlcU ' r MxJ. IXd pub'bkel the iher dtf "'",e ftiteamen, " 'l"'u'',, MJ olu"f 'UteMneo." KIND WO:iI).tI'OHTIIgfEXTlNKI. KfiNiim or tiik maTH ak j isa num. Wairmtua Otirt'D The ltl-l;li ftHliml lis rtfim in Uth "lun . 1 . "'' ''"' ""'" '' tbe imiple, the firedom of the ii.w. the .....i.. . ...... ,.t ....i ..t i.-.;. ( V n ii I ii X . n' 1 . ' T r ' KIT! Into m J ". " "' .. i Sllll ti Itinj bn.kea. Wusne ftala IM, The lUMgh Sntimtf ha recent! sa I Wrtxi "(" " ' The N-.J lha radattl Invalusbl aarvtc la the I ,., , j rxilitua to Ilia . -. ' . . J Niif k i Ihi Ul I fl ' tttaV U n.slir .htfl ff'W t 1 k U ut Au.ust tife eked the Stb . . ... Ivulumeof th lUteiKri Ktht.t in ay II lis MM , ik w, ,.,o,d li. Tarho.-' l-aao- Aisai,a -We rrwrrt that ..u.ilbd la ur la a Botk i4 th. IU l-'i .V'.i- -ie.nueithtb araltMaa- In I k. JkMaf.u i. . ,j il.. - I . a ' ' " - ., n, n Mp,,i,.i J. ,,rt, , .r , 1,. ic n'xl s. I. ijf in n.i uiivai. a I,,H lU ! Ii I w h It I )(' J ib i-. in, l itl.m U N.ithC l u r m m j, f ir It KkSrM T The Kaklgk tavtaai, that trtlin. aarameaiiewad aad anr.uir iiun ) a mat, bs. evwcMeJ It iiK'Sj ! Lnrf aiaf It s. Cm4 taa t'aa lUi aixe rstisn. - 1 1 s . ..i rid pm lisaiatli Suium. It , k I tl. esiat strtiilul rarwi ol aay ptpr Hi M"ik C"lta. ll ka. dma. BHri-a kard C.'kiii.a agalaai rsasai.y lUdiial, loyaJ Irafurra, kntadallte IkxtM. II1 ikfaltr. aad I tia-rn-.l d'k( xr thsa all the pawn l ,M '' J Tura.r ka aaa r ta rs.MV lb Kuu lb aai.i ti, 4 1 it-aniK.ia aa raaaa.1. l,im, a a,.U,g fcigb , t. ital loi.l, i !(. ti, a , k k raaa. lixt. 1,,'S'I.ds ts t . that awat l . .if, akxk it tw4 l t a b.4 uH kk. i. .. I -lM . i n il ) i,.., n,,i ,i.. r l-s r'"'fl. I , n.f , . ., i . .i . . 1 1 . ., . . . I I.M f stasi km.U . 1. .. I . .j Hi lk (d a.. .t m.ta. It ; tk r-ttiti, 1 4 M ii S'tt a aa iprfl rL!j ax , Wat slw r-a ff .! i f lis I 'm.i, p.-4 tM, wkici aw la t M sa Ike laaA. talttvwae aaa taais Kwiaa t-mn 1 la v4 at huC m .usI I.i a.Ua AkaA U III. lUMlHai Iks M4 state. risBtjira IWk akkk W Iksiatavaw , iaHN v laat fs fail ia. t will rii plsr k' Ixy t ). '., yaw ale A, ar., tr., k ffl.t. a a. A an 4 u.r .,,, M as atajartM as e .,.;. 4,, Ki H a t T anawuttn'a Jtta F MISCELLANEUOS: ARKERj, ATTEXTIOMJ If joa want U BEST Tto get tbe . Farmer's Iriencl Hold by U. PLUMMIU & CO., LKHH. eiDiX8. Ant, drcuJar f urnUbed oo pllction. HDt 11-tf A ItOOli I OU 'I H B jj I LL1 1 0 X; (afcsWaX ls sLUuLTW 'IH or stmt q a - t'litri oat Ihsr ptif olufiril Cl J ri ; "!flir.ejMltiusrf "" '". WJlh Ih '.' iJ;rV'r t slt'HJsim piwvejtaaiaaf mf ta, p ra. fIi ,,,. ,. .f-;- , . . A .. . 'rs:4 . t!,i.foti. . . ! t wt. Ht4rw4 at4 riir m '.fii.--.a 'iM'ttii'.f. dttif -,.h!,-,4 ' ifc'.rij,i. -(- th. l.wa;' fe- :m fctrmar rt' f'.iil n n ti CM1..K itt wnki to be i,t m tewt ttit'r.sli l fetlbaJ-1 tr, ii U'iMI V 1 ibit tfcej t-mi. kw4 .im l fAraicfA wt. ,isknl w.t..i e.1,4 sbHi ttwia tM url f ) trww -f of trf rrltJlhrejfbtit tMMItiM vi-'nr. 'It raDm e.fttl,nj is nt,.)i t6 rn, ir ai .t-m tfa.t irtl susel MMtvUM il ' fi.Vllal.r4 tS ol , ).! in anv init rre fW Tlf j fJtt. A4irP. Ur. hiU. TMhm;,S. 1 3 M . kagLjl fK Si Limit, - - T,ft M'l ?J tftf the awttrfe ejBB-kt k 4artlM I -Vic iit. r laser of ejnej-k mi4M prs Dr. tie ? su, aa.ttert uImu t eluanM. f, w hti 4yr fUryvar ttawtitsett I'l. Mwtta rtti ft clewMa Www lwwif tw.s4; i Aiitiw j try e e f tk xet lerueej asta al..tar f ihte Mottirr K ! hmiW"" pwaOMJtr Mbr tlf. lesottiefeMM Wlliial f ork. miw m4 car; are. Isb. ll V. fttaMfe MM toiew MeteCejAej4tt. HeAi.Atev STRICTLY COMMISSION HOUSE. Ji. M. VATEliS& Co.. Bmaif f'trw New Torlrj BANKERS Cotton Cortilriiflainn Mttrr.ririntR. Buy aud sell tuuirai-U Jor .future dcliveTf of Coilou. lrpoalt ccounts of Hankers, Mer chnt axil others are epecially stilleitrd. uiy u uaiq B () W VARIETY STORE, i JvV 10 VuytUnOU, Strati. ItoUifh, N, 0. dbalbb ia 0ONKKCT I O N A II I K rt CoDsUtini; of FLAIN ASI) FKktll CANDIK. CANSHI t.ixjlis, N UTi. It I' ITS, JtLI.IEH, flCKLES, rKESH (;KA( KKK6 int ( A KK. CHIf DRK.N'H CAKKlAUKri, lllKUrt and BIKI) t AUK.M, (lOl.l) AMJIUVKK Kl.-ll. AH kinis.f Maial limtrnm'n.a VIOI.I.V, liASJOASO (Jtll.ilt .ilttlSUH. My lok of Kuii .y sii't 'Tor I will sell at J't to rwtiife stork t"s J n(t mtmln any slock, as d prtee ut-rurn yo hny. NAT L. BKOWN BHy-S wly O. 1 "lOUW '5l-l8o0.x EinfeUcn 1 f irr&sXTavi-uLiAiu.i niBTATtfT, I MpwiamrTi'xiiiMisnoTS. H r M 1 a4 r N 0 1 T 8 . iw4 a ka( fnym. hk S b tb'lr t.u tn ara rathama, AlwM. I "I.'. 4kaU a4 Ai a-iwa Vfeaa' Mi-1' a4 NiaaaaV I aaaa-? a4 llm ( -a I St tat s C w kf mj ul ilm akfcti k.ktak , BLAHTATION TP ji J a I -a . sat I a ut. - , awtr-a. !cri 0 utivji ritu rokiALi. MM . . LaaJ Sll,la.a' 1 ulla i bal l a.uikal .i., tit U aw. as ( u l,tua) a-. l at BM MM 4M, tt aat Mwtitaw, kwt bUW aa e at m s l .-i Jamas at Ta t, 11 K t titia ftitisp pm kaU U.iuSUtlt ir. c nt irt co - Al t . X. v. mi "i aw, awai t4 IV. V II4.U.4 pull L t , r V i-a t , i tb aa ttMf 1 r awt-aa . .' aiiwlejag a aawajaj . t MH '""J l'aa t4 -h TW? av .,ej ti el Uf. a AI ISCELLAN E0HS. !noch Morgan's Son's is a subatitsU far Soap for all Boa riildpurfoae,ei-pt wsablne ctflka S A l'"o L I O lot cUaniag vour hoase wUI save tbe labor of on cleaner, tiive It atrial. 8 A P o L 1 If for Windows Is betUrtbsa whUlngoa water. Ho moving' eu ruins and car pet. H A J' O L I o cleans paint and wood, in fact th en tire bouae, better than soap. No stop- -Pg- ifave labor. Ton ean't afford to be without it. , a a p o l io for Uconring Knives Is better and alaanor than Bath - Will not scratch. 8 A I O L I O I bet'er than soap and sand for pol sbing Tluware. lirighteB without ' sorau-hine. X A d ' q L I 0 pollsbes bras and copper atensils bet ter than acid or oil and rotten atone. , S A P O L I O for washing dlnhas aad gbueware 1 Ir.valaalila. Cheaper tbsa ooap. ..'. . . SAIoL I O reasovea staiua from uarbl man tula, table and statuary, from hard finish ed walla, and from china and porce lain. r 1 P O L J O raoovejitams aad rre from ear- na.ta.ani4 nll.H -1. Tkr ll aa aaa Lnawa that will do so many kind, of "'" assis ! ( HS WCII Ha sapo iiw. a ry ii. anew aad wonderfully .tractive loiiuieoap, havlUK do iuu ii una eouniry or abroad HARD O A 1 0 L J 0 a an article 'or the bath, "reache ma lounaatloa" ol all (Hit, open ui pure sua give a neaiuiy aa Don and brtlllsut tint to the skin. HASD S A 1 O L I O cleanses and beautifies the akin. Instantly removing any stain or oiemian rrom notn nand ana raen. HASP m A 1' O L 1 U I wit uoet a rival In the world for curing or preventing roughae. and chapping of either hands or race. HASD aV A P 0 L I 0 teaiava tar, pitch. Iron or Ink stain and crease; for workers ia machine chop, aitnea, Ac , is invaluable. For making Uia akin whit and toft, and giving to It a --oioom or aeaniy," it I nnsar- psssaa by any uaasetle known. HAND S A POLIO coat 10 to IS cent per rake, and everybody should have It. You will tike It DON'T FA II. TO TKVT'iHl' ClkillH liuv It of vour merchant if lm haa it (ir wilt hnK'nra '.A mil Tf nn lk..n wrtte h our Pamphlet, "All abmit Snpo no, anu is win ue maiieu irie. ENOCH MOItOAN'H 8 OJf , 80 Park P ;, H. T. June H-deoU&weowly N Having sold out oar eiitlra Block of Orw- eene, .., lo ltara. av r. Jonea t Co., w rw-uuiin. BJ them to Uie hvursMe eon aide; Uoa of oar friends sad customers. A. U. LEI A Co. Ralrlfb, N. C, April, 1S7S. F. JONES . CO., WHOLEALE AD EITAIL GROCERS CO TTOX FA CTOJIS SHU COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON ti . K AST it MAI. KIT UA LEU J II, N. f-. -AafUsiiera fill- tba ourrLai. nf i .iei..h m UelU.1 Bad aatlafartloa tfaataiil.Mi I OHvMvnnm.w.! all klt., I'rmlwer, ir U-rua, I'ruttuM, c, will rU ainei at p SJ Ue ItBt-a Boaad WaUi Itu., M..p Hotktlt a m iuhi n in iw naaasta ) rerntatl. augaU VV II Jiisga. 1 1. Dpvn Oetobar I; e a'lna. Ihrfaah alo aouiba. it la t.ntaaisr ta arbool am tb etn-tiv (tatcm, silk fail swam ia Ciaaait, Utrra'arc, a, bar. (fk prarilr In t b. aural aad fkrabal laburaloftra ila Law. MrdwUM, aajinwloa; 1 arhli an A. nil.r. A Iltf I m: .b. Ia J A U V W I lbU.1,.11 C of Virjiaa. Jibrtaarta c ly, s g T A T K V A I U l y 7.3.. Thlrtft'iitli (.'raiU Annual t Ir of t a I0ITI CllBLMl HlllliTI HlMrllTl .It. . v, Tb aa4 I cdlara ka Pr.aiaa, n aad aill. t-liMMa. Maiia-t hl 4nfl A&iaawitliia t-m mmxi a a ft it. ml . k .i i.i ik. I .ii.a.i M.a' im - i.i i - an wi a aa? riaiiaa aw Mai Lank ataxy W lua nwia. . AfW .. f I.k.i.IW.a tnaakMlH Ftl aad dlird traaa Ua rar. aHbla tl t. " Fara I laaaaaar aa BblnaJ. im k, larullas a.' I nar.tna w., tlval r) . f llia ,i. B al tralaa t paaiS ul ra S ta tim4. Inn I f ,.y una aili'i Fbw aaiv It L k 1 1 a Maa DAM 1. W Tia.fcUA, fadlaa ui !ir.f Ua Aiikal lilIM. I aay ta ft-. an a'i.a f t vtlaa DA HI l'l k a 'I. 1, aftaaf. UNlED T . a a.TiK. II .(..! PmI u an.kW f it'iltnlnltlU'iM, , ISO iai. Miaic. B.A(-l adaaat a ta lfebftaa4, aaa" I " i k4Jr a aa'at ll sas tt ri ana i as, T M HLT. Ftaaaiat ai " Jul atf bkl asiai '"! 1 vtw nTcnL puna. ,.ai ami ' ta Uks .! aaaa fit rU? fl'J ka'Jt I .V, 4"a. SCHOOLS, COLLEGE?. c IH R st-COKB EeiOXC'r MISS LOU . eTUAjtrs . PniMARY SCHOOL, r rmall Eova aad tiirla will cuuiiaenea! on MONBAT.Auau 14 h. It t aitnated in th. Westera Ward, im Um Deaf Dumb lnall tutioe. laruu ot Tnitiua, ti 00 ver asontb. aug i- O XFOHI) FEMAtr-ffMISiARY, OXFORD, N. C Ktaa at. L Mircuau, Principal. Mkb. K. N. Grakt. Asaoeiate FrinclftaL Maa. W. IL Muaaow, Teacher of Music. Tb nerd of tbe Institute will be re lumed J uly 30th, 1873. A limited number of boarder taken Clr eolais sent on application. juiy I sin AW8C1KKJL nr T H KCOLliM BL4JS. J" ; CNTTEESnT, " WASIIIN0T0N;' D. C. Tbe exercises of this school will be resumed on the lh ot Oelober next Professors Ttlcb and Kennedy Tvlll continue rcspe-tvely to direct the studies of th senior and Junior Class s A stiecisl conrae of Lectures on the Diflleni- tlt-s Encountered by Young Practitioners la th Legal Profession, and the Best Means of furmounling Them, will be delivered by UBoKOB r. aj'i'Ltur, orme wasuing ton bar. A Pos't-firsanate course tit tme-vear'a in struction in Leeal Fraetice has been establiah- ed lo connection with the M-hooli:ope to Ui atieadanca ol ail who, having attained to a tlieoretical kuowledge of the law, nisy wish ti perfect themselves In the details of it prac tice. Including office we rk and methods ot Judicial proredure in all UiHnf oarta.-.JUa exercises of this department Will be eobduc- ted by the Hon. cnarlts (J. Moil, Associate Judge of the United States Court of Claims. Price of tickets for the whole coarse, JS. augSWt 0 XIURD HIGH SCHOOL. The Brst Term of Ilia acholsstft vesr tf!S- 7i will begin the 4lh Monday in July. Prices as heretofore Clrculsrs fiirnhcd upou p plication. june us wst PEA C.E INSTITUTE, KALKIUIl, -. C, Rev. R Bi hwell, Princiiml. Joun il. Ul'kwei.1. A. M , i . . ,, . 8. J.BTBVENa,A.k fA"- l'"'-'l'l'. Paor. A. Bai-wan, Instructor in Vocal and Instrumental Music. Th Fall Peaslon commence the 1st of Scut. 187a. For Circulars, Lstaloguc containing full particular aa to terms, course of study, iVc, aaurss Uev U. UUKWELL A SON, July l-d3wAwni Kalclfli, N. C. 1 A LEIGH FEMALE 8 KMINART AV KAI.KKI11, N. I. t. f. IIOHliOOI), A. M..Prtaiial. tl. w. KMMAiu, ( u. )Ao. I'rkaeipal. I) It, I.. TOM MEYERHOFF.of VIENNA, Muskal iertnent The Imposing kew liiilltiitiie with its lm proved ttcboul spiarstua and ircaitly pur chAfi'U mualrsl on' Ml will i-n on isr or sr.n awBKK, itrn. The Fsenllv hss bean lur.'flv IheMuaii aJ llrpartmi nt Is In chsrgeot Pro- ri-saor iu Mcyerholl, a pupil of Kubin- stein, aba I'n'fufSiir I s brilliant performer sLd composer, baa uccardi'd well aa taacnar ol Vocal and Instrumental Music in this Ktate Apply for eataloira. June it dltawAwaia r TiEENsnono ke m a le COLLEfiE. O It K K N H II O It (i , N . C Th fall Seiaiun lll beicla on th 7" h of .lut-ail arst undi-r the I riiJ. of Rev T M. Jonra, D. D , the former 1'rraliient. Tb faculty will coaat-tuf fruleaaors W O. Doub, A. M., vt . r. Alderman. A. M : and V J Uahr with a fall eorpa of scconip l.hrd lady tear he re F. Clr alara eiHsUiuin- full lufurtsa'lia apply lu lb I reaiilMt, or lo 4. A. CI MM.I.IV, J!y li d :U8 f Board. T O V IJOI A l. A J K M T , . KALtlUU.N. C. i. hi. W Hiva ( "Jrtra. oai staur luuim. lb. (flv-alitb araiinn a ill nauuiin Jalv MUt, tif pank-iilan a.M va . uber ( is rnncipaia. isiv -! AM Daily haws ropy LAMICAL AND MATIIRM ATI'AL Jr:ll- Xl L, HtmJrrm, CnttJU C..iafy, C, t i IIONXiM. I ... . , W. U. IIuHrK. i "rt'la.a Will i.-b tk. r.U 'Mnt ea lla d M ta day la duly, tba pra-a uf boar.1 aal talika per aralna of taaatv tabu Slow. aiUual cctra cOaa Tb. Imhm m dnigiai hot ualf tu , ar yon? aa t. ruliar", bat to at tbna alio fur kaauraki. .aa Band sutwas a :fa. F.w t al iBla i, alJmi (ha I'rin. Itla at Tally lln. M U,J Abarr HarrHI, lUadar -a BStU th Brbuui prt.a, sf.nwaid at llirr.. t jaa U lt (Kill i c i ii t v V. llu atrr, ll A I. K I U II , N . c . Sa Mmtn a J..Hi rnu.l, Via. J l. ia Ji.aa.. imu.i TNa at awhaa a ill aiai.. M ...1.. alt lit., l-.A TUllluls ibtaary H.aaraa-4 i p. a aik, ll.ik a.... . SO. - " laua V rrwab, ftllra 4 a Pat aba axa'kl kJ fciaiiUd ia ffia.fy Iart- Bawd aaa ba bad al aUl rata. g I Mi I ! I . I X r k m A L bt M. M. k, " " nrAfMVlLLK. H. V, k, Im Maati. r rx a 4. at knaaiwa I Hanliia baallbi Tka '"1'e ta a k. aaa aa! aaa kkaata. erpmae a Imaa. a saavasiit eau ttiaw ya'y v ia "DAVIDSON COLLEGE .VrvitraAwr f aaafyt.r, f' .t:(a'n-d . rrNs f i, . . .j b' a.-a s(,aa -j ,a ., Mt.iah,v 4 a ai .ai ataa ttaiaaalalawj 'I'M MaaaM woajp tvT . taa I".- .art Ntlumfa,,,, M u a r aw ti na-B -a aj-at lata a . k iia 4..ut "' '-a tili.l..., Mi t i wa- aa ll -aa .aa.t laa .3 Na ad at,. ml aa taa. 14 a ' 4a ait imni k .,, a. m' ft i I lM-bMa. a 4 PnOFTiSSlOXAf. CARDS, An. . JO II N ARHeTRO.NO, if" ;. t . , ' :' - W - lilanlt liook Manuraf tfirt-r. orta . c noonftoar RALEIGH, V,. C . feblStf . g I O N H. " R O 0 K R "8 1 AETORScY AT LA W, ' ' R B I O n , N . C Ofllee on Fat tevi)le Street, two half squsre sohtn Of larbrough iiouse, ilsywuoa old Utile. Practice in the Federal and State Court, may KViiw SUMMER REFRESHMENTS, Al Moselej's Confectionary Store, The Most Delicious Ice Cream Soda Water. He hss the only IceCrean Ealoon F Q H t. A p t K 8 IN RALEIOH. " If vott desire -to b ofortabl.- call t MOSELKV S - tnr tf- J II. F LE M M 1 K , ATTORNEY AT LAW, R A L E I ti II , N . C . OSce South of the Court House ueur the Sentinel tlflice. Junc7-tf R. C. BAUUEk. T. P. Dkvkiih. 13 itUOER t DEVERECX, SOLICITORS IN BANKL'PCY, 0Hce in ittronach BuiUlnq, Second door Kort h of Yaiimiugh Haute, R A L E I 0 II , N . C . , Will atteud to sll esses of liankrupli v, Mr Badger attend the terms of the li:. r sttcBd the terms ot the ix strtct Court. No extra fee cbargid for connulta- tlon. msy 7 If Jo. B. Batchbloh, L. C. Edwabds, KUeigh, Oxtoi-d, Wm. I'lcmbsr Batcuilo, Raleigh. O ATCHELOR, EDW.lKDl A B.iTCUE- j-f luk, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Raleiub, N. C, WUI attoad tbe eourU of Wake, lirauville. Franklin, Warrrn. Halifax. Northampton and Chathsin conntln, and the Federal and Su preme I onn. jun a It M . LEWI 8' LAW OFKlCi:,' Oh Court lloune Sij uare, RALEIGH, N. C Sp.iAl sllcution given to Saviug of Horns tesdr. In view nl the late dii-ikloa of th 8u preme Court of the I luted State on lb ub Tert. msyudswiftwtf 0 V I D D I' P R I (Ul of KaUigh, N. C.) ATToKhEf As COl'kiSELLOIt AT LAW, no. wall st , si ton tin, Will atUtad promptly to all aru'eaioaal baal niaa eutraaled to him. Kelcrl to tb Chief Juatic an.l Asaoi'Ute Juatlces of ta' Supreme Court of North C arolina, aad ta lha whole North Carolina liar. feb 19 tf a. r. Emits iilH OATI.ISU OOKK A liJTLISU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, hAl.EMII, N. C. State aud l adaral l iiari and lb Court of 1 1 1st and Mb Judicial Dlslrb U nov 'Jl tf Wri-KTAN ACADKM V FOR TOl' MES ASH JSOIS. NO har. S. K Tbawii s! a'VZ PruVVli-al. k . tiHat, A. BAAajjUji Will brain the .b Aradewle Term of 0 ki, Aag. Slli I1T.I For rtirnlars apply for rlrralar. jaly IO U 1!00T8 fc SHOES. SPlllM., (;(K)I)S. c. i). mm & co. HATS. Arv rmliieg daily aa i: i. i: a m x ilal af la. NKWIXr HTYL1M 13ott.-K fc ShocH, ehtti fur I'll, IsrnMIIa- V Co IVsrt are aaaatpaaiS -AI.o- A fall I .a M ! IUiI n til.r4rif litw b4ilt 1.1k lit mirt.. Hirrm 11 tiimuuiT, ,J r iifiin,, AsMaa aaaaWw at af t:r.. n y u. in. viotiii.xu. At Ha . V L t o at , rfiHxt at uw," MB, Mllr 13 111 t-naibi., n. c, aJ-7T V a i, nr.; v' ' ". -"a a4 ZW". - , fart a- a- LEGAL , NOTICES, TkJOKTH CAKOLISA, r, IN CHATHAM CO. i Bvrui0 Cota Lewis Lutterlon . - VS ' 1 M Sv.lman snd W A. Dowdy la their owa ntHUHuuuivuim ui iuoiuss IMiaV deceased, James Dowdy, Thomas Dowdv A. L. Iiwdy. Allen Dowdy. MaryMcIveiw now Hill w if of N. i. liill, Sarah, wife Jaiaea teaduiaa aad Nat haa Dnwdy. Jt apvearlmr o the court tbat Marv, wife of N. i. lull, James Dowdy, AUea Dowdy, A. L. Dowdr. 'lhoiaas Dewdv and Nalhaa ha. are oon-MidenW of the State, It is ordered that publication be made in the Ralelrh R... wu sravekly papar pabiiabed a laa riw af naieigu, lur aim wwaa, uiat .uia proceeding ia UnUlutad hi Uis Superior Court of CksUiVa county for the purpoae of making the real a, tabs of Thomas Dowdy, deceased, asset for tb payment of hi debt ; and tbat abay mmt 4pear at tb office el the clerk ol th aatiark. or Court for Chatham conntv within twentv onedyfterUm errleet ihlssnnimoB by publication, otherwiae juduieut will be taken ' pre eonfiw'nQ tt lp theH'j ' v iuieas, o. i ratty. i aaia court, at office in Pittsboro', this the-tn-iU Mv, 1H73. " -8. t. PETTY, may 3l-w0w , ttfj.' J1AN.08! PIANOS 11 We have for sal Four Pianos. : Two 0( them cost recently '4 sad ., wUI be told bow for eh down t nd$4Ml. One hss been In use only six mouths, and is a No, 1 instrument The other two are cheaper' thOBith'good Instruments July it it W. II. JONES 4 ca THJ3 MOENINO STAB.; DAILY EDITION i 1 though only 111 year old, ba th largest daily circulation of any fewspaper io State, aud a circulation in WiimiugUia ftity per cent, larger than that of any other papr. PVEEKLY EDITION: Now combined with. . "'Carolina Firmer making ou or tne oest lartuiy newiwpe la the South. Circulation verylarg aud rat Idly Increasing. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE; Dam.t Stab, 1 year, . . T 00 " 6 months, - . i BU " 3 months, . 'i 00 Weeki.t fcT.iH, 1 year, " . . ou M rt months, - - J us " 8 months, to It may be ssfely asserted that no newspaper ever established In North Carolina bss made such rapid progress as tbe "The Moraine Star." 1-tT" 8end;for specimen conies.' Address, WM. II. BERNARD. bbW VVilmlngtoa,N.C. MEDIC AL . B ALTIM0EE LOCK HOSPITAL. OiFlCE-7 SOUTH FREDERICK BTKIET lK. JOIIKO. Fhysk isn of this celebrated fnstltuUon. dl covered, when in tbe (iraat liesuitala of Ka mie, vu: Eugland, Frai.c and elsewhere. Ui most certain, nieedy.plcaaant and effbrtual remedy la the world for all sac an si or abaae ot the system. Weak aaa ol Ua baca.orUmba.BUictiuea, Alfalion uf th Kidney or Bladder. Involun tary Discharge, lmotency,Oenral Debility Nervousness, Dysiieiata, Languor, Low Sidrlta, Confusion of fdaaa, Faipiuttoa of tb Heart, Timidity, Trembling, lhmaaa of Sight or Giddineae, Diaeaa of th Head, Throat, ' N oae or Skin, AUectl m of tb Liver, Lang, Btomach or Bowel Clio terrible Dtsorevis arising from Solitary Habitsof Voatatauaav . and solitary pracUcea saor fatal to tbatr va Urn thaa lla auug uf the Sj reut W U' V- . ri nets of Clyaaea, blighting their most brtl- llant hriaa ur auUctaUous, read art ng mr nagr, Ac., Inipuasit,,, desliojUig bolb body aud mind. TOUNU UtH Theaa at sum of the aid mhkncholy al . frU produced by the early habits of youth, vis : V aatkm ss uf lb Hack aad Umbs, Fata In Ui Head, Dlrnnea of Sight, Los of Ms euiar Power, FaliHUtlim ut lb Heart, Dys prp.ka. Nervous Irritability, tarangaaaat uf tba llgeav FaactMiea, Uaneral Debtiity, Sj wptoms of CoosumptiuB, Ae. MENTALLT.-Tbe faxful eSotU oa th mind ar marb U b dreaded. LossofMna. ory. I onfuslnn of Ideas, lleprcaatoaaf Iphiu, Evil Fonlmdlngs, Arerskaa te unb-ty, tail. Diatruat, Iaii uf Solitude, Iaabiik.aVe are one uf th vUs produced. 1 buuaantla of tainuo uf all agas raa aow Sadrw-wti ia tW raaaa ad tbar aaultaug aealth, kHHg their wgur, baiwalag mil, pale, Mmns and- laia iaiad,- ksaiiiB a waa . far ajijiesrs'e slxrat the area, aatigh aad - ' ymt'UmS of Consumption. - , .. MAKHIAOE. Married larauas, or VaangBMaateuiptat big aamaga, awsr ot f kiairaj tkeakHeaa, Uaa uf Frveraur Power ( IalerT I, Nar voas KiriUbillty, Pslpatatiiin, Orrsnle Wa.k aaa, Servo DvbiHty, or aay atbc Dte.aal calava, iiUliT rai mvmI. A Ct RE BI'IkiilLT WARRANTED. Prraues ruined tabaaltby by ssleanad pea landers wbo keep tk'a b ifiin; Vaoaus atbw asawua, takaw aaiatana aad aaaas aum- . pvaata. aouala m pit bnai'lia'tir. DR. dwHNTUN, Mtmuer of Um Syal Collar of aargiows, Laa .low. wradBBt of aaa a tb asoat .ana'. Culltsra) hs lb I a lad klaUi. aad tb UM (art ol a boas lus has baw Skt m tb boa piU.sof Loadna, Farts, FbiUdelpbiaudrba. w tn-ta, ba rffa trd soasa of tb aoal as bar Wilnr rM last war twf kaoaai aay tna: Wd ailb nagiag fas tb baad aad mrt a liea a.lerii, gnat aarvoaawaa, being alarmj d at ilia, baabflaa, wbb (raj qaa.t bls-klng, auad4 I la.liaaa alia a raageawat uf anod, am ratvs -TiH Ii r ILbl Al. DlAaAkK. baa tb Ua;aitrd . btipnideat VuLiif ' af plaaaata Sal Wat Ja baa kakll,. Ha M at lha aiaf al daaaaa. at baa aliaa ba) peaa tlial aa ut biwd aaa ol ahaa ar 4 4 ut dtti dabra k a fn pNb.f w Ikma ako, frnta e-tareitua aad raia-iiatukti, taa al.aa stiaa4 bia Si talis lata ta baads of kranraat aad eaaraaar ' ' au, karapaias uf raitivf , Sk bis aista) alalaaia, kap blia tiiag laaaik rw mat, ac a l-a mm Ua aaaitaa fi aaa ka Maiaad, aad la i alt baa kia n.ta rial baa. Ik ta ISca . t ka $ ulia aaaaf .4. lua', a, aj ta aa of that .ad. paa, kwar, raaia taa'f aaj iti 4aaaat tka aa rtd iiais ta aak ttwkr ast laaaa. aaa aa Btmrated aaa tlir.aV, a a. aaa-banai paaa la tfct baad 4 bata, Siaaa af .it, araaa, aadas aa oa al. .a baa sa S-a, kSat'haa aa ta I, fa. a aad te.aH a. prugTaaaaa? iUt bbjklfas rarasrif. 1.4 at aa tkijaiafc) uf ta mth a Wa kH af S aaaa f4 la, aad Ik na af Um af!- kurnd at hKtaf eaaaor tba t.U Mb pa a a paraat ka kl. draad'ai aa(n a(, i.j aatailag kt a tatbat satwaw" caaatay " akaa fcwara an Uiioa lelwti " I j aak. Ib-tif aa, tj J..ka.t.a aV rb it rlflu. laaii, liMMl aad wa 'a..! at ta aarkj. ODORIEV1SHT OFtUI rtXaA Tb aay IB aaaaade i e4 sd tba aa an at a aa.a laa lal lamy , aa ua Mawni r-'..i,t sa'Akai etiaa -" taaad ay I" a ll I I I I at k r1MiaUaf laa riaas aaa Baaf aa. af Wkkb ka etfaand a,a -S t aa kaSiaa taa t-i .. ka ta u4 saaa af k-a-a aaa . n ... -. y. Is a laat amaa ta ta .m w-4 sr. Junta I tit, C a taiia.a In ! ii ISIPS, la t - ?a fuiawl Oan, blt.1lai.Jtt, Mil f akaa Adiiiitasiiaialaad aar ta I-," Ftr M tatb4A.a a .aiai tut s tAa. t.M A,l aDii.a. sl. HTa f-kaa la Sa taa .. ia laa U aa, w A pmn aaa al laa al a taaa, a at.aa4a Sana aaa l af li.n. I J vi at far al " " a I. af-a Ii . i.. 4 1 1 hi td 4 Haa ,( ka, la B . a af l-a .a tat i f Aaa-ail a" t ar. a ii am a.! s mt I B..A i!y tl IV t. I at a ai i I l a II'', a t , sv.w yt. aujjaj fatt-'V. Wt f i..a ( Ot a ;i . t BMf W. It Ji. A il f i aa tl. '', " -f d W . was ba

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