-It .1 . . HE SENTINEL (t;rom the Chario.U Observer DEIV1-'-1" wtt c tiit.Rintt tiKiiir. ,-kTB rn TKK ' State i of'ii. C, Mecklenburg Co. ..,,.1-r.ion.eJ. citizen of the ....I ..l the aeveral age aet ,eiiuui , name, do ' J- uJ . .1,- town ol Cbailotte. in f y. 1773' wh.eB 'W P""" Ji ?r,.meeh Captain' Company in mmderaiioa , eia . . . .-.J A I t.i adoiit ui n measure a w I count Kir F1'' .1 .wt to cure their live. "'" m.rtT. fruiB the itorm couoiy, ifonh t' woI'uU, do hereby & rtify, that to the U ui nit Ki-oUrclioo, in the month ol May, liiS, llure were teversr mee'.ings to Charlotte concerning the Iru pendinjj war. irtTHj young, 1 - u not caiUd D to take en-ei-liv putt in the taim- ; but mm- thing 1 do positively re- im-uibyr, llit ilie (MeVkUiililll; uiuultf viiu loot an J hold a Convention, declared indeptudi-nte, mitl ecut man to Phila delphia with the proceedings. And I do further certify thai I am veil acquainted with revcrnl of the men who formed or constituted aaid convention, viz ; John McKnitt Alexander, Hezekiah Alexander, AhMtn Alexander, Adam Alexander, Ro bert Irwin, Neili Morriaoo, John Flcnui ken, Joha Queary. Certified by me tbi 11th day ol Octo-. ber, 1827. . Jams JonjiaoM, Id my aereoty-lhird year. 'The Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence adopted on the 20th. dny.uf. May, 1773." Beeltevwed Code of North Carolina, page 1, published in 184, by. II. MISCELLANEOUS. ZEBO. kicll I'.rlll.i " ... . .tKn ITaatwaFft K. f .il"w-v . anthnrit of III ,h Army, """"""' " In gtW mill K .IBtT, L b Kinif and Parliament. feXfor 'h. erectit- by Col. i nuui iintuuii. ..itWr of the militia of the -ith a reuutat that their powert v. ..oucliioii.any niemur- r . .1,1 i, nmnoaed. .- - - 11 at ft il wsitxr the test e J,W"""7:" ' I i ,.i.,.tnin wa rouiBiciB iium trai f B ...4 ti..t the meetinff took nlace 'T"llti hou, about ia o-cleck on i . ;.i intn aT i' Lad Abraham Alexander wa cboaeo jtman. anu . " .h. Iilcratra cotitinned in r. I"" "v o-- --- f J: ..,,! in the night of that day; r Ik., a. ram im4 wh.I1 a under the direction of the LiwaU had formed aeteral rwoiTea, Ct aere re. aoI ulch Went TO 0 i .(....ai-lvea. and the people of Meek IIIV-. - . . , iiinir couuiy, ri . r: . . Km.;, and Parliament of Ureal Uri . ..,7i iliL from that day thenceforth, j!eui.i:' and 'political relation waa ..Li....i.i1r and the B.in oi ureal un .. . -hirli Declaration waa akntd by ,, nicnilf ,,f n Dc'cyation, under ..;iiiit.and huizai f a Tcry large at ,u. t the people of the county, who 1 1 ... me to know the isnue ot the meet- T .7. . .. - i THE It the Beat Meat, Fruit, and lee Freaerrer in Uie world. Pend for Price List JULIUS LEWIS .., may 14 HaleiRb, N. C. iBl K TOWS PROPERTY T7-ALUA1 roil SALE MISCELLANEOUS. i. A. irnui, Fonnerl; i. A- Aoa ley A C o., Au'ua ta. da. R. F. Joaaatoa, Of Mockavilk, lal Coanly, orU Carolina. I offer for sale on very favorable ternia those DESIRABLE LOTS on the NorthuaKtvrn limit! of the city of P.al- eb(b, aJjoinliii; the Baptist Female cemlnary and the Peace lnslituU-.. " Dl.... I... Ik. nrM II iviib VI iir laiiM ;uu tfv rvpu a hp. viii ui J. Dcvreux, Citizens' National Bank buildiDg, , or o( J. C. Winder, Ftalier liuilitinn, either of I whom can Kite any Infonnauon desired by piirehaaera ruKarillut; Uie laud. 1 will also sell In lou lo;uu 1'urc.Dafcrt SIX I'Y ACRES OF LAND, heavily woodod and ' unlx-red. lrlnir nothweat I of 4 eUy auA. aitJjjiniua the land, of Mr. uitaker, l . II arcls auu oini'm. irti una uaet la a euafortable dwelilnK latvly orcnned by Kh'hard P. Kiuih . 11 K KY rfOhDKCAl. -Jniy : PURK Sweet Lard," it. rf Tonirnea, Fulton Market Pcc-f. Pik Pork. Plekcl Salmon and Sardinca. auk 'v ii Junes a co. . . Ilayattt. a)? g-tf W II JONK3 A CO. F. Moore and other, in which ia aet out the declaration in full, with the iimnc of tne aignera, c The followmir are extract, fiout a lec ture belivered bef ire the Historical SiKie- ty of North Carolina, April 1, 1833, by Hon. U. L. Swain, LL. U. : . "The living, p itive, witoeae who avouched the fact of the Declaration, were n uinerou ool respectable ; but in the abaenoe of written coo tern poraneoui evi dence, bad tliero. been no aubseijuent do- velopmeuia, tlie lasuo, ouv or- flortlt -iMxt- Una, would, probably, have been decided agttinat ua. Shortly after the appearance of the Slate pamphlet, however, Peter Force diecovered-in an English periodical iwued by Gov. Martin on board uia Majea ty'a ship Cruiser, in Cape Fear on the 8th Auguet, 1775, from which he copied and publbhed the .following extract: "And whereas, I have alao eoeu a moat infamous publication tn the Cape Fear Mercury im porting lo be reaolvea of a set of people atyling themselves a committee lor the county of Mecklenburg, most traitorously declaring the entire dissolution of the iw, government consuiution or lnM t WPNWmiTT country, and aettiug up a system of rule LXjV IiJM WUX.11, aod regulation, repugnant ta the laws and aubversive of, his majesty's tOTernnient.'' TUis publication waa followed in a Tery few mcLtbi by the discovery in the town of Mewbern, of the pFoolaiuatioa book of Gov. Martin, the original record, not only of this, but of atl the proclamations issued w. lorther believe that the Diclar- dunne bia administration. Tbil book ,nni lnlependence waa drawn up by waa delivered by the discoverer, the Iter. I u government, nlacea lu market nearly leSictetarv, Dr. Ephraiin Brevard, and Dr. Hawks, to the Governor of the State, 400,000 ACRK3 OF MAGNIFICENT LANDS, :,i it waaconceived and brought about and is now among the public archive, in -ranted In aid of thdr Road by the United ., ,..h ili.i iu.truuientalllT aim popu- I tne omce nt uie ecrt.lary 01 mate. Slates, a large or wnicn naa own rcaervea . ... -., till. H...I... CI.....U ...l....i.nni Af fHim nuh i u 11 ilnfl 1H34. . r 0t 1 1 u UUI uia, auinm 11 wi . i j miaviiui.uk w uuwini ui I - " I ' l ' . 1 I ' L' .. ! t At...... I... I 1 L - .,1 ...r... 1 ,n T.,l an..L. i.:i. ilic m'lu ieiuiicu lUfNimviaiu a una investigations IOOTS, HHC1E8, HATS AND CAl'3. XJ SI TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Are prepared to make liberal advances oa shipments of Tobaoeo, and with ample stock of sll gradea, ofler to the trade unsurpaaseu inaaecuicuM. t W CH and see us at our strictly B re proof WatehoUsej Cornt r of Pryrir ioJ punter Strrctt. - DRUGS, Ac. S ARATOGA 8 P R IN O AT ' 1 i 1 HIGH. Rt-fera by permlaslon to Hon. F. I. 8holr, n. A. Ilavla Kii . Saliaburv. N. C. : K. F. Blmonton, Esq., preaidenl Bank of SUUwvllle, .V.T . " . une.S-ma . ' " p0R8Al.E. Coleman's EnglUh MusUrd, Coin StareSi, preiiarrd Coctnut, Citron, Plekels, . Black Pepper VB. paeaacea, FlavnurinK ExtracU auK-t WIUONSaACo. CALL At rSCUl), LEECO'S DRUG STORE Excelsior Spring Water oa DRAUGHT, Frtth from the Spring, tt Saratoga. This water Is brooeht from Saratoga In Gas tiilht Reaervolra, liued with pure Block Tin, and la forced out at our counter Dreclsety as It nows from the Spring, w iliiout charKtug It wl.hcs. AHTlFlCl.it XlSkllAl. WATERS - on draught KISSENGIN AND VICHY. 0 E , &, INSUR- irLNCOlRAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. c APS AND AXLE GRtJASE. Cuck'a WakTpreef Preaska HKCUIUTT A OAIXST FliiSf 5 doxes Cans. oil doex:e urease, very oncar.. may . , R. JWOb) M00.1 THE North Carolina HOME INSURANCE COMPANY e-,- PORT WISE, ' Beat B. Berry Win, ,, ,, " Seupperoong Wine, Flowers, " Scupucmoaa; Brandy, pore illd RALEIGH, N. C Tls Company coiitliiuea to write' Policies at fair rates, ou all claaaea of lnuraole prop eity. . ' W. H.JONES ACo. 1 Tho People's NATIONAL B ANU FaiaTTiviu-a, N. C., Feb, 82, W7. t INCREASE OF CAPITAL STOCK. - may 'in 1). 8. Vt Alt I' THE LAWEENCE GALVESTON R. K. CO. OV KANSAS. . Having now received their patent a in full from . f . I U'U nllt 1 u.aniliif ;,xnuer, wouu ..v...,..., U111 Alexander, Ephraim Brevard. John infer and Iliiekiali Alexander, witn me other. W d-.i lurtnef Ceniiy anu uetiir, uiai , U dais alter the Delegtes adjourn al t'4iiaiu Jaiuea Jack, of the town of ili'trUte, waa eujraed to cairy tli re- vrt lo Uie President 01 congress, ana ur IL-prtmutalive one copy for each ; i that hia exinse were paid by a vol- ur.- -ubjcriptinn. . - a t- lim ny of all and every part hcie- art - lortkr have horeuntit ...set our md-. lilO. GKAIIAM.aifi d 61, near 61. Vi .i. IIUICIIINSUN.es. JOHAS CLARK, 63. ia of catTiricaTC or Isaac alkxajidkk, I aertby certify that I wat pftweiit ...i..i. ..a lUa IOh and 211th dava , IHHiiw wa " - ' J ty1 771, whet) a itgular diiMitalUM) froiu 111 the capuin'a cuuipanie of luiiitia in l.i couoiy of MeCklenturg, to wit : Uol. tiioaits Folk, Adam Alexander, Lieuf k,. AUram Alexander, John M'Knitt Al- Am lrr, llexekieb Alexander, Kpliralin ctard and a number ol othera, w ho met rn4u. and take wurrs for the .re sad tranquility f the citixrna of ilruuuty, aud Abraham Alexander ir thaiiwan, and IH Ephraiin Uresaid mar ; who, after dn conmltation, 1 4 '.himarlve alwlved from their i-i. are to ilia King of Gnat Uritain, 1 lr up a declaration "f their Inde iiil.sc, wliit li aaa UBMilmou, y adopt . -ml nnul"liil ('apt. Janira Jk to tjr ropii tin rt of In lgfra, whoac "t'ngy wnt-1 b' m tw a pM f tl iixii'i a thai tix-k ytm at the time, iaru mi reeinrtlM) aawvaw iaAAjC.AUXAS.pER, 0 (, 1830. tuiTirmTi or saal so. wujoa. 1 .I i hrreliy crlily, that la Way, 175, iHuiiutt- e ur delnatMa from the differ 1 wi itia ciaitanii i thia coualy, sm t Chaikitt-, sad ala t cunaultloaT tucalb- tlv publicly iltclartd their iodrpend- i eaf Uraat Orltaia ad of he- Out cn- ei. Tint ass done brtnf a hug oa "f people who heartily approved of I waa lltee) aad there pfracnt and id I ri a I ln-f.it the couithoua do,-, t iB-d Ijv ni. MM'L WILSON amx tr or ' tiavioai.x Uaavaa )w. Oclob-v S, 1130. Ilin Pi l I received Jour But i f t Ii h of at iMooih Mjumii infoieia- re ativ la the Mn klenburg D-rlara- -f tadrprB'lnx-a. As I au, pefhape, ti'y ptnuw living w bo wat a maurf : U1 cwaawtia. ai.d being laf lvaoc4 yaara, and sxtt waving mt salad fi I fatly di 1 triad to that cirrotar . - yaara, rat give ynt) bat a vv two k act biaUiry of that Irawaartlow. thef lw aaw cboar fraxti ear capUi' "tipaaf, mm ta CharlolU, ta tak ivt bwI.jh katw auwaiJ-ratkia. J oh I Kaitt AtriMda aad atcif war rat f" f'wta et (osapaay 1 aad aaaey mt-t "vtabrra ware Ut that 1 aotr rrcnliatt. oa taM I ilaata naf leasr enL'sod in historical inveatigatioDa in London found iu the State paper office, au origiunl letter ft m Qov. Martin to Lord Dartmouth, dated North Carolina, Fort Johnston, ilOth June, 1773," from which he copied the following paragraph ! " The rt-Milve ot the committee ot Meck lenburg wh ch your Loidabipwitl find In the enclosed uvwspaper, surpass all the horrid aud treasonable publications, that the inflammatory spirit ! this continent have yet produced; and your Lordship may depend, its authors and abettor will not escape oiy notice, whenever my bands are auflloiinlly " atfengthenrd to attempt the lecovcry of the lost authority Of gov ernment. A copy of these reaolvea, I am informed, was sent off by express to the Congress at I'hitadtlpbia, as toon aa they were patted in the committee." Mr. Sparks etatc Hint tiie newspaper alluded to, unfoitunateiy count not ue lounp in Uie office, ... .. Gov. Murtin on hit hasty abdication, probably carried with bim all the reonrdt were immediately acceaaible. There were at that time but two newspaper publish ed in the province the North Carolina Gazette, at Nrwbern, and the Cape Fear Mercury, at Wilmington. a With theae (acta before us the absence of contcinperami'U" evidence, either writ ten or printed, in relation to the Mccklcn burc Ort-laratKin, ccete to lie matter ol surprisr." The loUoaing is an extract fmni a me morial to the luitlatur of North Caro lina, dated Augutt 24, 1842 : II ere it the Mecklenburg Declaration fully aet loilh and tinUaittJ from mtil t W4, V . t ,It IUS aaxuu . la lilt history of man that facta well knnwa l y uum gcoWMiitift .. are controvertr l j Hie next, and at a succeeding period art con sidered Is iTirWrrt regrwd,-w 4utlir uf historical faith. The 20th of My. 1T7S, Ulongt to the old North Htate. It it one of her reserved right, end one she will never cede to the Federal Uovrnitmut," Ac hignrd by l. U Pwaia, Fred Naah, Isaac T. Avry. Wm. J. Alexander, M. Ilk, David K.Caldwell, JameaW.Of Mrw; Cbartta frtiicr. Juarwt) XUIX Caiaoo, II. C. Joeit, Roliwrt hUaug, Paul llarria- ... a 1 ... - r . ia eer. Jani.t irrddi. J"iia 1 nueri it. 11. Ilsyaood. !r., Joha II. Wl.lr tiKi Craltfi. eommlttce. The foll owing It aa extract lrna as ad drea drlivrred by lion. W. A. Orabaia before tin New , rk ILs!ornl tVciHy In J an nary, 1833 1 -TMsw.t aumrleatly attested It Iht aiwrlty with wiiKh tht retpondc l to the eail tut U.e first CoolintBtaJ Coegraaa, la 1774 j la Hi procawdiogt l ber vaiH-ua 'ruvia ial Cgrvwe and C'ooacila, prior tn tht eatab ilimrot of th State govern tneat ; d ia lho i f fctr popular !" blir. ang wh eti It auay be enough te partlcalarie lb- WiSaiingtoa, CumlKi lar.d, IU a and Trtoa aaa ial Iowa, aad the sateaniabl WMellnf la Mnklreburt!, oa tU lOih f May. I'll, Wlilrh drrlar.d abtulut ladrp-d(M," Tbeae lands are already traverard by to railroad", and the even aectiona havinir been settled for many years, numerous villavc and railroad statiooa ariord a ready market for farm prodnt-U,and the advantages ot chnrchca, school aud store, lbe coniany o tiers Ita lands at moderate ngnrea, on long time, and at low rates of Interest. ' SALUBRIOUS CLIMATK, I'UIUC WA TEH AND FEHT1LK SOIL reader tbeae landa the most desirable of any now ottering la America. Two train daily leave Levenworth, Law renca and K an ta- City for all points on tbe L. L. & O. LINE. Land exploring ticket are placed on rale, and to parties purchaaing landa the coat of tame will be refunded. For further ptrtlca- tart apply' - JOHN W- SCOTT, Laud Com., Chanute, Kan., or Ll.t . R. K. Co , Lawrence, Kan. ap JU-itu rpHE BIT BUMS' FtiANOR JL OIN. Tho Invention of the Flange will mark a new era hT-the-proercaa -ut Uia Manufacture and la Indisptiualbla to tho perfection of tht uouon Uln. . By the Flange, the Col ton It kept-la con tact with tbe saw teeth, until tbe ubre at de tached aad tne teed It prevented from being taken up, tbe return motion ot the Roll at in other Gins. By the free discharge of seed a clean white KoU Is kept up, and thus the quantity of cotton ginned In a given time Is increased at leaat thirty per cent. The saws will last loiurer. and will not require sharpen ing so often, aa sticks and pe eea of bssket, wood cannot get. wheie the cotton ia taken from the seed bv the ss ws. ' " ' ' The Fiance is simple and ctnnot get oat ot or.'er, and the roll It ao perfect that It dnet not require a skillful hand to attend It Several thousand are already In use and the testimony Is unanimous that they Uin fanter and make a better sample than any Cotton Uln ever made. To secure one for the season application must be had at once. JAMES M. TOWLF.8, Agent for the Mannfecterers. aug la-tf i1 RUCKRIES! ' UROCERIES1 VT Vt the best Quality and Lowest Cash prices! at J. A. JUNES' NEW GROCERY STORE, South Side UUlsboro' St , WHERE CAN BE FOUND A VARIETY OF Hams, tugtr eared and plain. Smoked Bide and bhouldere, Breakfast Slriw, Bulk Sides; Sugar, cheapest and heat ; t olloe, different trades : Flour, from 7.W to SlS.uO per barrel! Rice, Meal. Corn, Candle, Soap, Starch, Crack-re. Cakta. kc.. Bread. Baking Pow ders, Writing Pape' and Envelopea, Cigars, Toliaeco, Snuff, Candies, Ralaona, NuU, Blacking, Kerosene Oil. Focketa. Brooms, Tubs, Canned Goods, Matches. Salt, Butter, Fgga and Chlckena. eonatantly on hand. Goods. In o:anUtr. delivered at your homes. 1 propose to keep a variety of good gooda, to buy and sell them for cash. In order that I may tell at tbe very loweat Price. I hope, by cloae attention to business, ana strict ad herence to buslnest Integrity, to merit and re ceive a liberal share of patronage. eugU-tt J. A JONE1 COTTON I made by tbe process Pi HkK.iti.i.NS ana Diriuve., wau sura iiiiprTiewtiiia aa the progress ot Science and Art have suggested. All louse aie promptly ailjiu rii and paid. The " HOME" U rapidly gronbgln public favor, aud appeals, with coaudcGce, to Insurers of propvty In all parts of Norl'i Carolina. Agents In all parts ot the State. . R. H- Bam.I. Jr., Presideut. C, 11. Root, Vice Presideut- SxTON CI M, Secretary. Pt'l.isai Cowpir, Buiervlsor..y JUU. . --; rpina Rankjig-tne-aatworlty to Increase ita A cap.ial tsuk to aw,iaaj t Jim ire u. SODA WATtJl. Ic Cold Soda Water with genuine Fruit 81 rape on draught apd In Syphons, at PESCUU, LEE CO S DKt U STOKE, may .7. D R Y (1 O O D S W. Third Stock this Season. H. & K. S. TUCKER dc CO. hereby giren that Books of subscription are bow oiien tor tne auuiortseu increase or ia, IKKi, and will lie kept oien until the amount is subscribed or until 1 July 1T3. Pa iueote tutiacrliiliena will be entillrd to hi teres t at the rrate of H (ler cent, per aauna, from date of payment to the close of books ot sabtcrlptloa. AUclaEAN. 4-dtAugU Cwabler. t Hi U.tSALK JOBBING MK.NT DEPART- complctu Attention ot country merehants it ealltd lo our Wholeaale Department. . a..l W U Jk U a MMII'Uli-U jt- rTr wtr ...... ' M.aw j-a.fc -a, . " "333- -.5 3 Sou' iSa..e..:. a a if jS I t Ii 35 M F IT ITT "AN T I tit are now receiving their iiurchatea made Whh In the hut few dart In the Northern Markets, and are better prepared than ever to supply the trade with tbe Host Fashionable aud Dfiirablc Goods In their Mivoi'iil l)oiii(inoutss or LsJIvs Dreas Goods, Men and Boys' Goods, Children's Goods, Silk Good, Cotton Goods, Woolen 4oods, ' Lac Goods, Straw l.oodn. v , Hair Goods, Foreigu GooJ. utiniesTK- ttooua, t -Ho Goods, Medium Goods, Cheap Goods. This last, with the former 1 urchu jia of Uda ; B)irlsg, makee oar etuck taw .t.. LARGEST AND MUST COMPLETE c-i Ti ft a. U O K O III in ? 0 a s SL-S "an it S-l" a S "5 a o " i pUOCTOR.A GAMBLE'B. EXTRA OL1YK. Suwe brands of auau are sold short I, eight, are to alw-rit ounds per boa. II ou use Uicse ie you l-ay ajoo-y foi lbat yon do not reeclte. Can yon afford 10 ao so Bay Prortor A Gsmble't full weigh' I ilrasd. Bold by rrorers In your eity. .nr ttS. LKAC11 HKO, Wholsaal Ag-nta HAIL It O A 1) In the Stale, whlek we are offering at whole aale aad retail, at prteee that must attract the trad. W. 11. A R. B. TUCKER A CU. ByH J-oiiTU CAROLINA STATE Insurance Co. RALEU31I.N. C. Cnplt nt -- " QOO.OOO orrictaa: p- aciiaaoc lw vxsTt aav I.P.Barkia'i SiwTarblat c RACKFRMNAPS ASD CAKES. 1 To be th beat ever lavtnua. w '. Pamphlet Fme. Addreaa, York, Fa. aar $4n , STIKFFS PIANOS Lemon. Soda. Milk ai.d Arrww Root t'raek- era. Royal Snap Nie nara snd I'lnnamo lake, put up In Bra pound botea. Sell.ag uut ever. r; t.josiaicq. Jury M O V A L KOSENKAl'M & liUU. E M. Oa or befiwa Uia (rat of BVHrml- wt will move lata ear acw'y ttted ap Btotw, NO. 44, FAYfTTIVILaJt STEERT, RAL- Eiuii, n. crv Nasi door CTlaTr Alfred Will -4 0V , tkwi wa will kaD th waaai wait a-orW I In the Diatrlct Court of the United ita tea for the Albemarle District la tbe EaaUra Dis trict of Nona Carolina. In the mailer of the Bankrupt- . ey of the Wllllanisloa lar borv' Railroad Company, a ta corporation formed aedar the Bankraptty laws ol North Carolina and ail indlcala a HaiiWraoL a iw.nil.ia In 1 h .!-, caUUrd eaa havtne I c . W 1 T V l W II f Tf 1 beeVfl bVuie A!n. - ba.hr.p1rv .1""" -p aai Daaaraiia U) writ an ri uii- prony, riguia aad f raachiaea of said bankrupt f I a f mm say aad all Mat, mortgages and Inenmbraaraa, aad at. ordur therefor having Men isuult lor th persons In tare led Ir. aaid incumbranre I Show rasaa, Ar., and aaid order having served aa Uiereln dincted, and the a-ctstsry oaatla thereto having apirur-d la Court ta eomnluute with said order, and anu anra- meat thereof It airing beta adjudged that Uia aealgnea be aulhorU-d and nwwarad lo srll all of the property, as., of whatever klad, of said Uukiupt, frr an 4 rlearof and dlwaatg ed 'rum ever; and all Mne and beam-baa aad r-arWaUila ul and from tha n nr(uen or dtwda la truar, aad the btde t1 r oport .! v n.1.4, sitdt aad dal rtlid hi and Now. IheTt-fo-a, lbe .Wi- ni-f as Sflgne of aaid bank n, I V WM pf -r- atteaaia, a. TbkJJAi". lll l't-r t i.l ar, If4, at Um C.n Hew a la.ra , torta Caro. Itaa. ail of tl.i ima rtv. eikU. llua tad ta- Wrasu la a to pti.j-ir ot every td .haw ao-var lotftbae iUi ad lb rs la artl-ja, nfHUaa franeka.ot aa4 waahrat T b iient-rtt la nan aaati.t of road ked. tupmUat lara, rigbua4 way bride arro-s ta Terrier. luU aad a-aaaat' traaa TarW-V la vs i.. aM,... mi Mai aad aaoui a- ii. a. . of I..- i ,t Wm HON. KEMP P. BATTLE President F. H. CAMERON Vke President W. H. HICK Becralary DH. E. B. llAYAool) Medical Director W. I. RoYSTEK. AsalKtaul MnHrai IMrrrtor T I J, B.BATCIIHaiR...., AtioriMW raovan I O. II. rtUttl.... ..:perilng Ag WIBB.TORt I II Oat. Keean P. KaUla, Ho. Joha Manning, Hon Joha W. Cunningham, Hon. aai Smith. Col. W. L. Bauadera, J. C. M Haa, how. Tod R. Cald.all, Oaa W. M. Cox. H. . McAdea, J. B. KaU lielor, Joha huh la. CoL L. W. Ilnmiihrey, A. A. MrKov, J. C Blake, Coi. T. M. Hull, C. Tale Mundiy, I J Young, V altar Clark, Col. W. K. AndirMH, Janiet A. Graham, W. O. t'prwarrh. Dr. W. J. Hawh In. Joha G w Uilant. F. IL t amerua, J. J. Devi. - FEATURKD AND .ADVANTAGES. lEODBLE ACTING F0RCE POMP8. . (St cexsnona to Ciholis PrjMr-.CowPANt, aiOVATBIi IK SUaIOUJ . ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH AT short nolle the Kitchua Pump of varl oua aiaoa with PorcelalaCyleudertwiik-h can't' Injure the water. Thla ta a submerged deep well pump, now In use S U years without ' even the expeuae of flew packiOK. We make -t "aises, caiwctty 50 lo I.W gallons 'water per mlnuia, working in every cuuceivable way aud ' tiyilie umoI uoau.wukia uau be attaclicd ut . v half a minute, tbeae pumi at once become a hand Engine of great power, throwing water 1 on the root of three ttory bulldiugt, with oue man, aim iney win nana zour to en men . aately. We have not heard -of on of tbrm tielug overcome amend yet Uiuy Save been teated by over fifty tires, saving over 'OO.UUO worm oi proiwr y. vur oruinary ate cnilclren work tluui eaailv It aet ap by our priotad directions, sod If so s-t we warrant them Vi mouilM. Our Double Suetleu and Fere ., Ulob Pumpa, alao Invented by J. L. Kltehln ia raiable ot being aaed aa a Drive well pump -and ia well adapted to eleamera and veasala or any class, one man can throw water on tne root ot S story buildings- But It has a double endid lever and with foar aet lea very sn- peaior nana t unne. i no no. a uione rump la W luehos la Dlat-'rr, with IU auction aud 1 uuaaurge pltie and tlu-owa 4J lo IUU gul. I loas per nilnuU, according to speed. The. N. S Glob I Unlit a la DiaateUr, I tech a ac tion and 14 of an Inch dltcluuge plo, calla ble of S5 to SU gallout per miuute Tuea Ghitie Puuigit we make of caat-iron tot oia- . mon a a, bran for salt water and blwk tin for tli Inside of aouaetfor d risk I og water, they lift Uia water 26 fuel perpeadlcuiar, and you can altit In tht hoUMenddraw waturfroia aprlnirs or wills 91 great blataao' i All kinds of steaui aud water piies atteil st short notice j hoae, hoe-piie aud couplings furnished here, etc. i . A t Bind tor prh list. The entire depth ot wellt with good refi'itmea mutt accompany all orders. , tome few ot thea pumps have not glvea satlafactlon but lu each cat It haetieea aUii buubw lo Ui' wakur aud nut tbe ptiuvlpltof lbs pump. Wa are nnw -employing the brat rntiLaalo only aad miu4 ta tutv I athar ' Ad.lret KITCHEN BRO.r,M'', ' HaktlgB, M. C '1 i l W will take la partem with mooay, or g la to a slot k compeuy II to desired. J IL EDWARDS, Ageul for Oxford ai d vioiaity. -.., July 1 d,e-wA.ly . - :' VERY BEST leather. tug a u C TAN.NID Ut'FBtt W II JOSE Ce ' GOOD totiadwhit Cora aad Meal just tobsnd. aug'ilf W HJuKMeCll. aT ' katlaaPa I a laage capital aaraala- atraeglh aad I santy. lla Rtt'frt aatvwet (At- m-f firdtUm UottJa all daaUaUa forms ut Insurant-. U fa uda are larveaiaal al hc.aa and ru-ralat-ad ta tarf iMar eaa Oaoiila. So Bi.aece-ary rtUtloe IwjiuarJ apoa rtMiirairaor Uaval. fuit. i a. a fiiitaaUhU aflat tw yaara. lis ortirera and iHrvr-tora aa proitniitut A&J 4-1! know North taruUaiaaa, witua at-rt-enoa as bealaaaa eaea sa wboaa worth aad talrgtKf are aiuwe aurUclaal gaarwatat fur the t'liw) i wiiiK, aWravw aa aawraas, O. II. rkKKI,auirrvuilug AgraL 1 1UO. II. HILL, il Agent, KtO.ua, M. If GooA ag-wU allh wheat Ubarmi ettaatt will h aiada, eaaud la avary rtmaly la a a atas HU IgUU way krtdctarme . luf land, l.o- ,W., avu- i7ara rli1 U laa rd ! ti.wii.laiT aaaauwSad a rUW Ia i. ,a.'.a . w . . a.l ttiir. I stk of Dry (tootis, tollia, Maota, HaUan W wiu Iroa J p-aada la tk h-aaJ - It, pa, KaadtmaVa l toOnag. lArp-Ua J0 1 y Clha,rwBk Valla-a, raiwa-K Sc.SA Wa te au uww iw w tha. tw.t, aad other Gsudt at taeth rd-4 pricea. a,l early if a - bar ..... ITS kut'lra par af t all lkW at 1 1 50 to liUU. Ha.prt(,l!a aagadlm M. ). HAL M A BKU. Ta 1.4 lowing liattii a mat b DantrJ at kavteg crptr4 aatl published lb Msrkhraburg HrrUrattoa f tOia , lo .... I M-r. s. t gewria bl-fl hew tb Bxatet sart aad wet ", ' '" " "-y arMliq lo uwat.iaa, . smirv t ate It U detiar awrwrlve ladepe.4 t 4 tharm.a ef Great ilntaia, wknh rairird try aga taahatiiy. Im, 4rMia llmard tla ptai ud lo -'ivtjt ikrii h td lb w1mvh uf la '( Uw., whuh k did. Jasar Jwk at amaled I take It o ta lb A awn aCagfr-a, tb .iiilng la i"aHe-t!p, pariW.'ar ialrwi.at t drhtet .1 1 N aikt'.i..l aa-l-1 ('', llvMt aa Cuaiil ) bt-v J k rr rd. k fsl'd that lb Im Wfs a as pea.id tatWgtM, aad 'h pl a ikat lary ieU'f tttml lb p-"v-"--M th t.iiaasw Mrakwhwrgl bat thry thoaght th a.f t j frtva- laa l4iw l,atla Ike Ural ana til 'ra4tiea ty tht r.p!c4 M- k wa wa laala tWtm at kwt I a air ifcs t-l. II at aaj itv. (Vwgrwst af la Ltt4 lUatrW, - - . I d rrrVf t. at Iht atalwat ' taw Ma,.,la. ,4awetdaMW """I, Itl tk-k I M wi...sg tr be - I it t rrajera I .Mill tt. J HI IltvttatatW, Alrtsadt. T. It J M Ik saibj-rt fully aad rarvfully la thtapml al la phlbaiophival hlatotua saw ti hing fntrtk, prWetriog la believe eaa prop, gt'e la trwiki raihef Ihta a lie, t.it ; Fowl, vt banter, Marti, -JwSMat, CaulbtlS tad Hawk tf Kortb laroti., lUtnwf a4 Tnsw.es, Map e I.e. rgie. aad tieg'i Firld D'k ol the llrv.Ji.tioe. Agaixai Jh'x fiwasidabl array oa II- MM atd. ataaitt Mr. txtoikw aa-ae, poaa. lit, Ji M-r , d ti'ii'ul, aad !!'. Wrwtral. Tt w-.ta ef wnaitiaw tad 4-raa-t Uafi- Bef It tfjltlf blad will fa utigh all lh tjlhKae,e-)blltied aOaaMb theawar wbak U farli p 4 Mr (tuadai, we taatwvy 4 Mr. Jafl-n, hat k-wtl f af IM abl tw eowatrwH, ha Uea tx Ud Ihrwngk taaay Jrns aaat aad wi.i d-bUaa ba aroprad Ur"f k all I'aa ta tnta at ta.fTKMwt Uli tkeea iihid awbitt he praawx ing lu K-rhw.beg iwinw.. aray i h. I7TS. a ga.aH-tr'rffrvwt a sal ewl -a- pgtUt a- Jrra. sJ ftl mm " " Cl)HiBii) Taaa-aaaaw a Mimaaa kav etarad aa r ear ttr h4tal, U al lot ail eu-ap-aiai at tha sSn-aa.a awd karaeks bs wak h thaattaai ar abjrrt, TAAEASr tlFKRVEaCEk'T ICLTZIE ArtRItMT la tt aaaat watvi -Uawahl a4 -nrr-al-- aad altartla la iimhi I tat aalvt ara ttferva It funaa aa-VW-wr i ra-f -! ra-t.l, to- U ! at a4 inH taaltar aitfcovt l'a, atlara frr., k. Itaa aas, vk.a. u-tdir-ai-m. ! Ii.-a art la la a h. aea talanwrw, art a t fta rl.aia sal, b-a ta t- a . ia4anw f"-aa wm paUr.t. W kai l..f taa a-" tt. aw . .11at tvk I naitin la aa karar -U try s.l kg, a a lui aard. TbamadalQ s..aut ,. rtA! wars of the (lata with I s -- waiar al a at lo wkkrh boa la trot HaiUatm ar alart riliaaeaa eoaae at aV a. aao. 4 um fear. 1 vrtua 0 ala: Fe ruad bed, Aa, fraarbu-e and satmai-e I4 ka f aana oa lb r kac'.la baa, thaara, atxha aad ttnas Ua Ar., awa bait raali, Um t.alaarw aararr by ai-i-rtira .,' at ail aauwual with tttmat lioaadala, Ik ttnhaaa sal twr his bid Ir . iltrri at I at ai-pldaiMaais( 'L aicar . vat (. ranu una w five avast tturradW 4 ad la aauaaMifef M taarigag. t-ua-ia. Cbaaa ka a aa, fanuiara. A , anl be -h4 foe aaatj a. aad tauaal a 04 en I Bt Ukrw la parrrx-vi Jaa. luais amikt, lair It A a. w a., - tjiiwasdaal Sfte Ftral Premluars Gold tad tllvr Mtttala. ware awardad bu CLaftrA atM-tf, tot tb brat Pms, ta eowiplatia with all lb leading mnafarkviwr at in ewaalry. Oine aad v armjuaas. lu- e .-v. uunvy Itrrwt, baliuwarw, M A . Tli aaiairlarllv wT lb I anrail. a ma ftaaa Fmla, U tarieadtd by tliwtw aaveauaa. aUvara. IB IMtr Hw wren tlrtavaa, Ua aaaaafsetarae saaklM US sdt perfect flaw faiV paaWMa ,. rrwas . ill Ha loaad as rtaanriainw atim.aa Wot with thai sag warVianaikia. . A Uraa i-wea.et of eaaoad haad naaoa alwa ts aa svaa. traaa tli b Mas. ainanalt fur law aa toarama nata-vi C.lria.1 Parkur aad Cbarrh Orgaaa, ail all tad prvea. ia tail avary awa, g aaraala 4 ta tally eaual te any aaue I'W uiuawai- swaaingwa ermiaiaiag tin aamrr nf avar eoaik-rwoa, u hna a- TUigiaaaa, Maria t'aratiaiaaa. I to teat 1 in an. aa t.lHara tari.a..l tha swath, wa bare taaagat laa afltlf f I Abl) al.iiwutlqaaa lb war -awral el aar t wtta la Haur.aa. la eaa b mmm al laa wiilsaaa al rrwt A- ISaa-aatt. waa war aauaarlaa agaat. ttiat . FOR ONE I.ARtiE FIXE PROOF AMD Bl'K-"iil.ArR'HFAFE-UIB Bl.itri PATEST. tug-1 tf W. It, JONES A CO SrollTl.NO (.(H)Ud. U N SIMULK uUl :N u I c Dnifttnaiw.n 4nfi IIV-II. 3,000 aad afiUhiJ i W II.A A ATVtklKALJ. ;0rTo?t. t.k M I) I A M 74 D iriCTttLIt arasal a l"75r tas TW i--la. ' era taaaafa-turrd ft "Miaala t rralal V !" Wauu tnar-iMr. saat era aatM lhaaa4 aa ar.aatl m4 taaw kama-aa aa4 tar..ti- , It writ ta .aa taat htrar t !" f.aa -aa ar a- l U.-M taaaraa KabV lla t braai traM I T Wl'.k Ika .:. taa a-4 liaraa bar 1 ,' t-a-a lwt ta ao-a.t l!iaa ,,, k-ala4 rata Ibaa aaf atW a-kiHa. 1 kef ar flat ealaiwrwae staad esartisg tf IMta-a- hobtar. af laa AateMN ah ta Citsotwav. Wdl a farad a ' ..iaai at hilataa. -w 1 karaaar , ta tia af Aagaat, l.i. 4 waa. lag at 1,1 i .ka. a aa. w a. vaaa, Jalfla ld larratary aa Iraaa. fpHI COLl MBIASf t HITERsnt, Tk I x-paeiury riwrtssrt p aw (. aaaa-f fc 1 aa I aiMaUea Ca4i-a is I brka bat IT. I 1 Wa Maal-ai lila iaa HaVikat ta Law aWkoat avaaaa I W-ar a p.tai--ia-a, aaaiaaaiag fail aarUralert la r-v-ara ia lar-. aa rmnai . taairwriaaa aaa Ma jmuutlUJw.Li.il, a. 4 rraavaawi, ar. At II W, rib. M M. ', ,1 en, lituo. IIIOVWIAIUU lol BLE Gl'HA At t . 17 m, I'"", lit , i, lon, SO W, I IM, tru w, , t Biarrk lAedlag Dvabt Oaaa, At e, fMSua, 'av an . mux M aa, 1 1 ia im, I u ua t I as is. ruiroLa, milk Wtaaua'a, Coil's, Ailrw'a, Saarp'a, w atlaey aad atba htad at wair.-ri atae' rati . AMMCBITloit eat, IhtrLEMtliTi fa Braaai k load lag U.ae at a aaaail sdtwaea m rawt wf las -ulrlwa Metaitt Amaaaaiil tor k.a aad Part A at lawaat saafkrl prVaa, 4 aawp.rfac aaanrUaaal a I Bpaevlag Uaat j (ka aa4 lwa.lpUoa tswl aa app-a "Caaikaaklt-kr r r D l rot,klA.,lKlMSl.K AMI, I ao-arta. Ha t4 W. BaitMaar II, ik.4Ua.nea. fcitbard a. foagal a, Kr.rr.rr a. a-4 ta4 laaar raaattrM4 taak al taaa aa ka.d at "1 iSRRCIT"lAtI tF- VALt Abb . tkL gaTATE. -AaAaakucsuf t!itatt9f Arrlil!-lJ Tay tor, and ia oldirw to aa oidi r of th Die- Irvrt Jedgr, I atia.ll aril a auMit sale, k Ik hlgbaal l"o.li-r, Ik U i Ww. of Luietrv, I. Franklin Coaalv. H C . o Taraday, rrpc a, lb treat 4 l-aa aa waaA aa said . Arrh.la -rail. lirra, aJi rthlng lua roia l.iMd k M In Fraaklia CoAntv. 5. U Ttla Ira. t at lead aa ka dart, awd wUI ka that aS-rrai, a plot of wkwa will be eheea oa tha day at take, .11 wt Wt acearaWlf ' eab-alatadi ' . lal ho 1. oa. li F"Ui ra.t rorn-r nf ik trart ka trttaaaaaw Lai .l T, na tva triri - -of ha. I, baa IV. arraav Lut " a, . Niarlhaf N , baaaiaarraa. Irl Sr I, n tha read, haa 14 arraw. I "t ka A atarth a4 Sa 4, baa irk arrva, UH . a, o th road, has low arrra 14 Ha. f, aurUi at A krs IMaetwt L"t aarta 1 t. haa It a-n. bat Ma. W, oa lb road, kt U" tua llu. Ll with aboal to arrva Lai Ma. I, ruaaiag fraut la road ka Ik a frr. a. -a-at mt i,m , taa A rtiriUinlBg Ike aa rariarw ita all aaearaary I aun,. aad arvrvai tmtd aniuarrnia, a Ms ar-m. lot Ma. II w a kul of a-ut I atrt --tchr br laralag tl road. IVa. A aa euaiaie a lage aarawai vt try rirk kaMlaiB law a Ik trk. i 'll.- . , Ws sra UoatklU. a ml la GM Or, arprri al l baa 1,1, a. t aad t I l.ka Laa will b aurd M-alf farr-h, ( U'wt ttao-rtv tr ka r.s i-lia .tia. The t Ir-r hall payaiitr eaa aaaalaa. "IU. laW eat lltraa ta day af .a earn aai, taa aa- aaa-ata r-aarv iri ika liila, aia a.anr.a burd M r 1 aarailiy af Ua pwnAaara 1 aa bkk . I gwad, iraat'iart W pbwa tl-d U sale " ' ' kli.Hahli X. Ilal , . Ar-'nra nf Ankiha 4 lii 'f l I atata Olt-v, h.C,tajwlil,ll,l Sn 1- a I , . ., N I taaaai-4 t ardrr. Ik aadarttgwatt ha foe-aad a a-artaar ! at ip f. tk-. pai-aa af u..t. .,a ra. u la a lk-u.ia etary WrHika. AS WarW lal'4 k ar wiu rat -: l avatait aa ia tj koat t; ka. kr-ra a.-'" -) rat, jrii A 1 U II li.il, - M ixaar. Hritd.ta D, now T hj-rfwiAt SC Ull t I J I pad iigt-at artwua aaaarary, ar. Ira lit.iatiaalaMlti.lt lliaaif, H T. I l-a aliaiaa ta at--- M aaalafVar-a) ka Maaakartad ttaaa aVaiaaag aa ttumi B"rA I latlii-.M lv--l aaala,,.,.. i.mmf. War...... -Mkirt Baaktr Aaaa-! 1 ri--...at ag k, at Una. ar ear Skaftkta, tlawa t-aa-saaaial Agaaarf at Nr I ark. M a rM klr H - u aifrav aaa rw tttma s," !- ei-pta aua. llllliPD, wrva MOW s tltvitlllll avi) rt ft A -M It lUotatan oi.la FUlLA Mituld lir. 1,-'aSt AaA nlMMS 4iWiv a Mf 1 1 -taatar4 r aa la, mt ttniK si nr tis ro. a. ba r. rf t lb Varval a V. lw, av. . f I, Ik. 'jf a-t. f"a4 aiV 1. - .k 1 r ktl I m-m. M Makiar, a.awa a4 W-i ta - Ar-a-t t-ai ... Be. f.-a. .sua lat raa af ka ataa4 Ma ya4, . ra irk la a-A tat t ptf ta aa. aa M I, taxk Aaaaa.ly 1 I k-fc-r WT Frira t at aar arr. j,U . , JI , H. JuxLJ A 1 U. 1ft a. f ar - - caiiiaAiit v oncmicii. kt aad bt rrk P-aa, hew t a a x , - Jatparttrtlll Iltliulltrtlfri, itaWn is fui. ti;s ijrrv it- ka k-aa k.waf . taak, aw . r. A. W aaa. aataaar tMa-al Nat, W.U v 1111a k rr-ti ? 1 raaally I aa- re-atar FtAIK MIUMU tF Fatawtw aad FA LI MIALI LEACII H'A i A L 1. N 8 UtUfkAoNViLLE, , t. .- kt tfarth Fast va al frkw laaarw, ta aaa mmm tmt kfc rwatiua a.---r 1 ka aw tlVla ml t-a txraaka aa k-aa ,11 ta-.at.iW I warara a kt la-W panirt a aai la ikaaa m-"t saa-a t ai-ll-t, I...-IH"'!""1 .. , -, . 1 a-UV a- a-t-r. traava '-1 ka pa ut m. t fcaaa la a taa m ana af ,4, t e-a-a a4 S . ftm 11 a ii .at. t b' N 1 I rwlTahaatsallatirflktraritMl ,aa mm mm ewaat, i . I l t ITrU J a tA FararW a .-l.i flaa-aa Y aat aaa karatt ntlt BALK. I Ba4 I Art frra.iaa tfHm ta, f a, la 4 ft .a-if ,a.' lU aarriaMwt Hat iraaa a-r-a-a-ra . . . a raa:r - - - tarv-r l' a- a la-tla-AVt ra.a taaitrarifi " nr. 4 ua. U Ii, t,tlwla-- , r I,, g Aar t'i luUiu io;li J ra ' va. l..litnlla. f.aa.d a, ) fa la-o-a aa-S aa.. i -a. -a ia fraa graa4,.kaj .ad aad ia w ifiriawcrra aa aksa .BAALU II II T V I I ktAaMtt,! aa ' ' a aaaaai ' - m LKit'i ivo)itiM v.rrt raxriiau ulUks ki a" 1- v' ' la talri a - r a ,.a i ' a Slva'v Ika ar k-a r.rr laiaa na el"t air taalia tlkUU'M al ka a-a la aaaae ka tha aar-A af - aad ! -a aa--1 aa a at un-ai t - ' -akrtaaa aa f ! Ha a tataaai aa.tut l,t rr ra a- 4 a IMa-i a 4 tr l imi 1 !,! a4 1- a taa I -ar r.a It k-a aa .at. - aa ka.aaa tat -aif 1 raaaa, I . , ...I . 1 I ta- - ' la I . ...a i . a . . . - .,- - a a . r .a -m at r -at ..f t. . t 'arr' wa ( Iha It laa,a l a ia a i at i tm 9 ear mim a ' ka 1 1 la- r tl 4' tf ra-a o fr--. -at S -a. t - a f a-( mm kaat r-l , aaaa ft-aW i-it at tl W K a a t' t, '- k . WtvliN liaj l . If 1 i 4 A a t w IJ. J w ' Ka 1 .ay. I a"-'f Al Taaaaaaa. ty ft jrtai ta I I'ari I tf ht- U atncg I t ' f, liitMII" fcrwt e atl A t"i a,,) fa i inn I