4:: TELEGRAPflIC MR ftmelar KIgsHV Dlspalcfcea. DdmesticiNews. MISCELLANEOUS. St. Loon, Ang. 17. Tn fint bal of cotton toctioned off hr r brought 70 cent. Omaha, Aug. 17. InmMM cloacl f grsi . hoppers arc going toulh 1 detatcbiaent. " v New Rate, Aug. 17. In tie natiiag Mich for VM aad toe middle-weight championship, Kennedy jron thBrttaweondfaU7 ' DlspaUchc. Domestic News. . Phiividei.phu, Aug 18. Mr. McKenny in coaxing fire with ker- ,oene oil isUlly burned herself and fonr year old child.' - lion. Wm. N. Meredith died to-tlay ged77. He wa a very prominent law yer, also Secretary of the Treasury under -Tnykri' vAn4 FrMit " -tbe pmeotBd lut constitution convention of this 81 ale, """ Washinoto:, Aug. 18. ' Capt. llowgate, of the Signal Be price, leave the city to-morrow morning to make a preliminary survey for a telegraph line ' along the coast . of New Jer acy from Cape May to bandy Hook, con necllbg with the several life earing atv tlon which are to be used for the diiplay of cautionary signal. A aimilar survey baa been made of the ManachutctU coaat. : The neccaiary cable and wire for the de aired line hae already been ordered. FROM CHICAGO. Cbicaoo, Aug. 18. Tbe blame for the Chicago Alton acci dent attache to the engineer and conduc tor of the coal train, who moved contrary . to regulation. They have disappeared. FROM KENTUCKY. Looimu.B,.iwp. is. Uewge iJebrook baa been arrested on the charge of being bogus revnu offi cer. He mulcted several, lager beer es tablishment. Cholera is reported in Garrard county ; on death yesterday and another to-day In the same family in this city. FROM NEW YORK. Nw Yob a, Aug. 18. A letter from the Yellowstone Expedi tion reports much IU feeling between tbe infantry tad cavalry, owing to the arrest f Oeaeral Caster by General Stanly and compelling him ti march one whole day In tbe rear of kis eommmd. There I no caase assigned. Charles Smock, of Freehold, New Jer sey, lost Ivt valuable horsaa fromOctrbro Spinal Mefllagiti lat week. The dii ease ia reported to be rapidly spreading In th Vicinity. The gold opeittloes In Wsll street Sal ardsy base given lis ta a feeling that th gold ctlqae purpose trying again (he lactic which led the bl ack Friday, and th Wara are preparing to appeal to the President to later fere on Ihia occasion la tint to prevent the bulk from succeeding Th Nslloesl Revenue Reform Associa tion ha nddrtesed a commuairatHin to th Secretary of Ik Treasury, king him to rrmk the ordr recently Imu.J l.y I'oliertnr Arthur or the custom boawe, re- pairing awt limit is piiia in msk fUdsvH of the entrtr, the Mt V ad.ls The rest anntive It isMaaxa M ih order wa siasp'y gratihVali. of self roese sjistwre, aad In l pvrsnaalty allrad aoee of aasttwaal in daf iobesable.aad etill further hamper I beta with naasciasa ry Illegal aad arttttnry rriatrnu msd dr cob of Uw. k i 4 Itiewal irrowirt of th rai hwed 4- 4 t a the ChUage and Alton Itoad, ataU that the train tert4 ftnsj Willow Uts aooaedieg la I he bl eviJrixe at trn mlnntea bekiad tisae, and as It isea itmtj I has to taxis up in luus adoabudly rale pe4 waa bat owtwatett, Th eoodewter aad Lagia a keaw Uy i to pa th mal train at LetskAvt, ant mil disUet bat ahappi'f ' thai taa did not ait a tt akeald ksve 4am trot ( tooard the asar train lpartiag task Willow Sutintv. It wsaaraca) tor UU. Thewtdertna4 4 th mat train knew that the pasteogs traio, U4oa with prc Ua, wa m Rest, aad If they dtd w( n h U ll hf tmUim UM a !!. a kaevtlaU. kWth traiao war rawitag toward tar dirwtx) ae liy f ova U tea way Ih'Mgh datkaase, Ik ap4 laesMiiag a esJ tavalalWo af ta itol Tkw wsrs threrrM FWat, W Ih eoftasa as 4 wse atrsyvd j eawiad, mmm I ho bag jag car strskh 4 Wr IU is us ltgswat, nal Ulrd, when the kig tar fU4td n4 Wr4 late lie air, al-thuag the frattarad bhaa4 U- tr(l s(itA The tmmwt th fwmt gt tia. aglae mr hrwn turn the Irw k toward , asx sm IM i,m U ih WsciH Ttow tmmrn Ik sat tg tar w top T ike ti TM tore par ia, ear a b4 ia h taePwr o.rtt oVWh '4 tm th Vd MMMvtiif MUhIivI, tte Uwt N iJ at aa ag' i4 M i'fm tk aw. f Uprtns.t I, to aat .I si ,U at f tf -- arr M (' im She a.w rl I f tsuwe wax M k4 t a-. , 1 . f 11 i ' Ml itt ist tt ug sr-r chm auti M-Mi-t a V-wfe. to ky FOREIGN-NEWS FROM LONDON Lou dox, Aug. 18. telegraph that Martin! Campos, ia at Bungea.City, with til thousand soldiers, tarn batUriea and twelve mortars. The Brituh fleet continue to guard the rebel frigate. The German and British Con sul have left tbe city. FROM VIENNA. Vieska, Aug. 18. The United State gefs ten diplomas, England get thirty 'TTtrrsr 'TINTS ISO, tKArOBTHt Aug. 18, A man pixriiig in the woods pear here, heard a chilil 1 y. He found it mother and father wild their thronts cut, . No Chute. SPANISH AFFAIRS. Wadhid, Aug. 1H Tliere was no truth in the di. patch tint the Carlist juntaet Biyounc The attack was gaKanUj repulsed Hytlie f'ptiuliemni who after a severe contest iledalcil the iu urgent and drove tliem from Irofore the trrirrj- :;,:., :: .r. .. . Bavolnk, Aug. 18. Th Carlist Junta have a dispatch an nouociug the capture of fifteen hundred prisoner, a number of cannon and much ammubitioQ at Iierge, hen tl.ey captur ed tbe town. nitlnlglit fJlipatolie DOMESTIC NEWS FROM MISSOURI. St. Louis Aug, 18. At Granbj, Me , during a circus fight a prominent merchant wa killed and two ladies wounded. A negro wV participa ted in the flghtwst wounded through the breast. Th Other two, who were white escaped. . 8UICIDK. PlllLADXl.PHIA, Aug. 18, Perry Haas, who era convicted of inur dur, Inflicted upon binim lf a fatal wound with a rsxor. Gen. A. 0. Wsrford, once president o! the Northern Ceutral railroad, is dirsd. Two colored men fotigjit, one of whom a a fatally cut with a Howie knife. FATAL ACCH)KNTi. LoL'isviu.K, Aug. 18. Thur wire three fatal acridcnlson Sua day on Ih Louisville and Nsshville rai road, A man attempted to jump on moving train and wa killed. Twomhur wr asleep nn the track and were killid FHOM NEW YORE. Naw Yiiiik, Aug. 11 A letter fr 111 IbMuaaajslUat III MJ M baa poUJ up a noiu pmliilii ing all pf ana, uodi.r pretrit nf making pilgrim yea, whether singly or in groups, from passing through th city. It is rrgardc st Uealicistn not to bvem-.iursg), and at a ntvan used for keipiug up polithal ti CileoHMit as well as tlclii-uinlnl to public health, allowing gret crowds to cotno to gether at Asatte or other similir plart. With very iuixif.-.l ni'.H.j.f act.. 111 nxHlatitui, might be attendvl with a sri ons bairn, at Miiwitlmea pilgnmsgre to klecca have at-rvad to pxisust cinder at4 otkas aaalada-a. Acofriclioa ahou d L mad in th JU.lrld dUpi'rn of Jh 17lhr TlieT.r kast aafwtey-wr- tl-pW VbTT"U 10,000 Iti.liad o( 1 CH) men. A Grrntaa snasa-nievting will m he thi rveetng fur Ihe purp-r ill eiinm.ing th with that 8 HtMl Ca-u MKcn-d Ih 1st Janv Ilronk laCfNigr,. rrufaMiw BiMafll, a mil kn.aa !. hrr and ar bor of elocution, 1 dead . Tb J'Twdtnt , h I. ft Port! Iff Narlll t'oaway. FIWM tllltAOo CnHto.i. A4 1 I. If. rWnith aad H. W, II. lm, vmi.os of the Chicago and Alloa ll.llnwd "li. trr, died thi. saotaiag FROM WAHIlINOTO.'v. VTatmoToa, Aag. IS. Ta wan! of lb Wiwaaavt iav4l gli. aei Ihal th rglar wa wrtieg karpa frw BflMalS befww the tsaars brt froaa the r, eagla a ll Irvt ! 1 fr .re th ttnnf ,t. A gvval mrl aaartUI ha be. a tcn-4 FHOM trilH Masaiit, Aag II eVvrral k ba Co I. iwttrj t dlh by lb inbtaaal t jwitrw ml f till Urn I'teg U.idii ft by sawaa U aw- te-ws whit Ihal tiiy wa orrapmi by laaargmia. Maay shIh art4 with the easa af. mt in-J rartagal, kwt n aaatSwr ksve wp re4 y IM atWH.a ,4 thai e aly 4 rr4Mwd a fpaatah aAtata, The laterwalluwatuu In Batret w d atjnf th baraisg at fr irwt Wy k.w teBin4t la,t Hd it as kwiwvH I ) at all sweh f"Pf' tbelr ttirstia risa 1 MtkWb( tMiy, Va ( laws Iswan W. ill -sea T, IUa4 ef tWtlaxw, Pfr4t,4 4 t4 sr IM sad iU sa hm l t.(ta4 Mr'J, f.tltg kl JKaiHI it Ik at y jitl agMH --'- C.L!,at.l(, 1.. l.t, ttTJ ('. Ta f nn rf Is . Jt-' si t y r water. Experience ba long ag strongly ! impressed tue with the conviction tkut it iaertet tt rank among th etUbrated min eral n-ater Virginia. Noth.ng but the want ot mountain air, it comparatively isolated position, the paucity of the ac UJII minimum hitherto, an! the small pain taken to bring tbe Spring property before the public, could possibly have prevented Ha taking position with the far famed White Sulphur Spring, in Green brier county, in the wide range of case in which they are both indicated. Indeed, in a certain cUu of cate it it muck tup rior to th Utter. I allude to tbe nuidrnar debility, attendant npon tbe tardy con valescence irom grave acute diseases; and more especially to tbe cachexia and se quels incident .to malarious fettrt in ail their grade and varieties, to cartain forma of atonic iywueptia, and all th affect ion fterrwom71haT are 'remediable at all by mineral waters. In short, were I ci!i upon to state from what mineral water 1 but ttxa the greatest and mori unmilakal.le amount ot good accrue in bnlirqett i,umber of cases in a general way. 1 would unhesitatingly . afrrW iiujruio trjirtngt, in sLeMeiiimrg tmnty, I irtjinvi. rv re-pect fully yours, Wm. T. Howard, L D. d4L llaloih Market. Cohkxutso Daii.v, fir U. T. 8ti..hacu ,V HkO MiRKtT t!UAHE. 10. COTTON YARN,irl uii;h. 1 64 18 snaao ft.1a70 " dry, per lb LEATHER WlLg..,.. LEATHER LITER LEATHER H.KNEde MOLAHfKH, perrsl DO PEACHKi: Dried , PORK CHICKEN!' :. EOa FEATHERS IXAXBKgUiwrbBS HAT, ir 10O IU HIDES, per Ih Dry I'OTAToEft. we,!t, 11 liu., TAI.UJW kt lb VINEGAR p.rtl RICK RAtiS .... TIK.8 BUTTER (LOL'R, ir llil, N. C MEAL, per ha., . :OR.N,iK-r l.u.. Hi IU BACON Hulk IMMC, K. C t SO 1015 10al3 154 Vi)4 a 16 fta75 1 85 t 'X1 tO 151 100 I0 4000 losing 3 7 (Mi 00 l.KwT.25 ta 100 Uuilt ATllAinOt Only 50 Cents per Dottle. U yrMiN lb GROWTH, TU HMtUf. ! COI4tK, m4 iskrrrMPt kin 4 MltAlTYrtlM UA1IU Om TaTiinT Tkaim vh I.Tmr K imrv f mm Haiss ty tn nsvfd ia Us mmrh h rr fn 1 mmm krm. ram Th aw W tnn1 1 a 1 im m it tm Qi ai.it tt wa tmi A set 1, a4 "M. h nil I ftM t u mttp J-j fart Glcryii Her Hair. LYONS 1 viATIIAIBOU 4 NtW A I J V EKTI S EM E N T8. QIIAN DEST SCHEME EVEK PWBTH-ttllMlFTrCOKERT rt'RTUE HUM FIT 0 THE PUBLIC LIBRARY or umiiKi, 12,000 CASH 0IFT3 $1,500,000 Ererj FilU Ticket Dawi Gift. $250,000 for $50.... Ta roarth (irasd UM1 Coawwrt aatAnrW fcy serial H ilia LasrttlMarw ( Uss swsm Bt el ta ralU UUtwry el m.m.lmi, ul Uk M la Pab.ia Library It at) a4 Usl mm, ay. HngBAT, OiCIMBEI ir. Itfl, Unit t.ltl tkavaaaJ UkU will wa malA mA wa li t wl Ums ara Mnw44 foe Uh Kara Ma MtrSat, tkwa tea -iff awlr au ftaj ur ast ia Ux I ali.d M.la w ara lii,uti wa aw aw at ln law laww tav 1 a trata ara ait lata Ua twwnfws ar mtu aad hat aa laatr aath laa a- S-n wo a tail IplaaalNia al ta ailt at diasiaf Al l rat aaira will jaaial l'ia tMt.ltwtl taUiweawwby Jtm at ptwraUaatat aaai at Bl,.500,O00, dirt .14 habt 1 4au awah flft Will Im dwtrt. bI l aamae; ia Ik kt-waUKa, la aaathara af la t su la aa Jr.a Imai ar I la4 sauutrs) tat law si't In Ut S Mat rtalllsa. oik nti tun stirr.. ...... .-.'0 UIB I. It A a II (tall Hff r-a nil i.Hisu i tmi birr own t.aawlt cash ,it u.I ttnsaii ja Kirr ..... ... it let Ar II l.t r 1 1 i s ou .a, .. , . aiu 1st ltai siril ISSail ,,, s as i ai i.ir i a -i i ah a. r 1 a tut I sail t.irt i . ( a.ii ii r i r I ASM t.iM A i tin siirte tluLAll l..f 1 TlrtAll lie.4t.UT. AIL CASH. aaahUe Va, . . , l,V) ia Ta bairai wUI kaiutt waJlaat all laa t at .4 at arf, aa It (ru ab pat ta H panta la taa Iw a.t. aa-ail aw 4 iaa.ta tatae wrr4 at at law fnt aJ a i si i aatra aa4 M Mfwawl k U ai tMM.alwa, f..-. la Tvli aaliM wr h, tkli w Itlrt far V IS tfl W ttu It I a a aa 4.aa aa Waa iaa I a wan TV as at a ' " 1 ba spat4 a" Ua 1 4 ti ft lann aa w4 at (A. ImU'm. ( Saw t ! a 4 va4 aaaa tt mf a V ! a ii i I taa Pawns U la. f- .tt af amy SataM laa aW A ail a in -.w ta a Ha k.a m H'Ll I f . i aas aa Sa Ittra i I i...,nli.i a ..I Sa al Iraaa SfrM aSS ta 4 waa srr1 lam tat rn ' Vwsssl UM tsrexk W rrl.. 'Tl lMMftlMrwWMV4. lhsst4- Itf wlntrtAlj4. if ! ?! M tus ri' I- Jfl.. It inmiHsl lh lnuwtt a4 KftAWlTaat th Hai It tf ft aMtfhtfta droMtrsf:. i mdi-ti. pn4rff. It (wtpweatil tht Hur 1tm tttramf rr. It kM liw W- nwl. Ui4 fir tkn faiw t rhli tvf. M (he) ! 11 4eti'4riit iaa..,, awisw wl u o o ssk .., taa-a.,.. ) l)l , Sa iHk,. ai .. a aatfe,,,, . mm 1 www ta4 I aaa a 4 4 aim aa QHAKOE OF SCHEDULE. - KALZ1QB AlULSIA A1K 1.1E. ntriaiaTssoaav'a Orrica, Rtuir.H. V C. Any. 1 th. 1:3. .... TJsscd slier Monday, Aug. 1-iUi, kbli, trains oa the Raleigh aad Augusts Air Liaawillraa daily, 8untUy excepted, a follows: jiaitmAia. Leave Kalelch S3 p. m. Arrive at faodford &15 P. si. Leavesliaodtord 6.45 a. at Arrive at KakiKh Ms.. ACCOSTHODATlOa Taaia, Leave Kslehrh...... r. at. Arrive atsanford 7.M p. M Leave Suford ) a. st Arrives at Raleigh r. n. Mall trsln makes close connection st Raleigh with the Raleigh A Gsstoo Railroad to and iroia an .points otUk-. . -r-r "' tnJ atriaDiifnrd with the Wt-etera Railroad to and from Faycttevllle and Xiiots on Wett eraRailtawl. Accommodation and Freucht trains connect tt Kaleich with accommodation and Freight uetna pn the Ktlcin sua ussion n. n. A. D, iiiumn s, anglS-U Sept. QHANGE OF SCHEDULE. KALEHili HiiAryux K. K. uu.. tturKKiMTENinXT't Orrira. ,- Raleigb, N. C, Aug IS, 1S72. Oa and atUr Mondiy, Aug. 18, 1673, trains on the Raleigh dt (i anion Railroad will rup daily. Sunday exceptedj as follows: Leaves Ralegh V3 A. si Arrive at Weldon 3.30 r. is Leave Weldon '.Us A, si, Arrive at Kaiekh , t'Mr.M "Trrr..AocosWPQATifflic tr.!.;.:..:..:.. Leave Raleigh. 3.30 p. si Arrive at Weldon.. a. 90 a. m Leaves Weldon.. S 80 a. u Arrives stRalehrn.... J 15 p.m. Mail train makes close connection st Weldon with the Seaboard &. Roanoke Railroad and Bay Line Steamers via Baltimore, to and from .11 - U.'..., mi.A KJ...(I.U.I mnA withVetershnrx hsliroad, and at Raleigh with aomiBodaJloB-JMOwifto Raleigh and Augunls Air Line and Richmond A Danville Hailroad, North Carolina LMtuioii. a. o. AJUKinS, aug 15 tf SuNerintendent TR1ME N. V, tUMSi fan be Im'l st R. V. J ON Ed CO'B ulyt TTTA81UNU foVJR8. The best evi.r q.l. don't injure tlin f l rl whiten the clo'lia, saves half tlie time in Wsshlnz. It wlil take unll d.'W out. of tke finest fabric . The boT it for tale low ug-tf W 11 JO.NKS A Co OCUOOL NOT1C1C. Th Fifteenth Senslon ot Miss Frsncis A. Hsywood's ebool, Hi ecinmenee on Monday Auriisviiui, loia, ai ue-resraenee or Jans K llaywoud, N'lrn Avenue. rayuieiii pan la advance, sugtr-lw Swa M LANDS FOR BALI Th folUwlnr Swamp IjJldt ta North Caroline are ottered tor sale : big swamp In Kobeson, 14,lsJ0 acre Whit and Brown Marsh In Ooluinliut snd Bladaa, !M iXKI acres; Holly Shelter la Hew Hanover, M.iMO acre: Ans-ola liar la Krw llano vir snd Dunlin oo.iau acres ; White Oak la Jones and Onslow. MOO) "'.-, satijert to the right of Ilia flanter Ballroaa Cusniiaav. to alurvala Uitraof a mb completion of the railroad UirouKh sa'd swsinu; upra (ironnil frame in UartersL 7,UU0 acre; Dover Swamp In Craven, ?3,uuo acres Cat Fish In Craven, 8,3 JU sctes , Bay Klrtr In Keiufort snd C rai en, 11,910 teres wainp Inds la I 'arc rountv. llurauta Islsad, B.WJO scrva. Sealed bids will b reealved for tnv cn or saorsel UmsHot aauied Cwaintis, until the 111, .I- ... U . . . I lUI 't L . 1 1 uw war "i oviwuitpTT, i 1 1 .i . , lie mq win aot b wild In aiaall part-.lt. Kara Dnirter siioald s'ale all lite terms of his bid liow aiiH'b h alii psy ra.li, anil the lira wltlila which the arrcrml tnjuirau will assd: wlietber ba will aunrv U isad himself and pavaeailaia price nt acre, or par a filed price for anv one or more swsmtw WHhoui snrrrT, or miutra the muril ef Kda eauoa to ntaks the sarvrv. Krarv teller evRUium- s tod should b sd drwed to Ih under uned whh tbe words. "UW I ir swamp Meat" r ml uracil uwin It, AL. Mi'lltK, Bccrvtary board f tilainiion, July t ttwlw Kslcigh, N. C. ptORM. MIAU M. Flit fltll, V tUiad IMta, IKU-l, iiti , ha. at, Ac. At IWIM'KV. lira a aad fraj Stara, Wtl of W. C. F(M'I t 4 a trrtwa. (trdars dra, p. 4 ia ti..nV. iwatabl! W. A. OsrviS, ( ' . b I last;. ITllirH lllclllll i Ji ill ti. m i i-masos Ikn AWsai Itarjiwr I vutw. la las S I ai 1 ac JuLW.aa V.mmf-4inmiir- Il ara b.fl f tinaauiavJ la aaamua a -tm ii.. T, ia 4l.a4t a'a K aa I -a a 4 1.1a taae natit. M ta t is.a Ol law -k r Ua wai.c Iwtrt l la eva.lr at J.SaMS. aUa iwaalf sari ina lb. anln nt II. u . , aaaua.a . m.iia a.r at aak o. a4 a.ww ih.nBtj.tai a fn j at waa a "w w ia u,u mwa. aa Ul kiai uaa ' II I.J ta taaaar t- 44 ta l ali,,a at liaaa, la p aiat l al l st-4 wwn m ua i.,t aaMkKw ta ta atetai lurwf fad . aad U.SS aawajaat Is aita'w. ti w4a a laad and a l af aat fwart taw sua a at nana, .. . r T . raw aaiatiar tla.l di.baaaaa twatt aw is www A Ll-,t It'll t ." ard t. u,m or - a." i i - " , tawar laws aw I l I t At II !IS . Jalt IS r AMD FOOD rtWTI" Atl tt.li rXASItia la .' at trtr. a:ta frattVt. Ftata t liwwaa ( alt. as r t W, t a n, wu awwrt fca. M,iaa M.tm,4 r, 4 nl ii Ikan fwi, I W Wfct Sr f. i ,i.. .i alaj '!!... y Miiuni uf iaiVrA, S'lH M a a t, " " la. a-tt aaaw rWirf, avt a-a ' . 4 .. I aa m.im, ,'. a4.aw, I .a. 4.4 '' - law , .Wa. I H f , w ft W. at lllHu. Hi i " I Sfwav. mr,aw,4' IS Wlwj fTROCERlES, &c. For 8alo, tiBOCERIES of all kinds at retail. aug li t! W U. dUN 8 A Co. OUTHAMPTO.N, VA , from llhowaa. N. C , HAMS AUD Hams each very superior, H, dONES oCo. aa 14-tl W, j r-AKiaj.vi wink r v From the Isabella Orsiw. toe 14 tt W.II, JO!E8 A Co. ANK STOCK FOK SALE. A number ot har. s ot ' The National Bink ot Newbern." Apply to the Raleigh Natloa al Bank. C. DEWEY, Cashier. ugl3w Journal of Commerce. Newbern. and-iWil- minglon Journal copy two weeks and send till to.yU office. . , O K S A t, E " m Bushel Corn'Meai; BIXJ " Corn, 1(1,00(1 lbs Ifuar, 4 iKJO " t;orlee, 110 Barrels Flour, ' '! 8ki. Salt, 4 Boxes Candle, .-. . OS Hole Csndy, 2U Boxes Laundry Soip W ll IM )DD, ,suKt3-lra Cor. Wil. A Msrtin StreeU. 8end for I'rccetler's - JULIUS LEWIS A CO., " 19 If - N w (1 I) O D JJ 300 Bus Bolted Meal. n) Fucks F.xtra Flour, WU " Super " 75 Boxes Uif Grades, 25 " Extra C C gupirs. Ml " Brown " -rPocicvt jtt cmrce",""" 21 Sacks Rio snd Lag-uyra Codec, 1011 Caaes Brandy Peaches, 5 ' Canned " . Ill) " " OysUrn, 50 " Bottled I'lckles, 50 Boxes Lemon Biscuit, 60 " Boda " 10(1 Boxes Scotch Hurrli'K", 75 ' Soap, ICO Boxes I uiidy, 10 " ' 4 " BhssvIIc. 4 ' llilibert Porter. ta Bin N (' Mullein. JMOOH'N Kegs Lard, AJ 50 " " 50 as " Line " 10 Tierces " , 40 Bbs Molasses, 10 Tierces 4 " SuKar Cured Hunit M Boxes Hulk Meat, . 1U0 Bbls Wbliky all KrJet, Ac., c. Just Keeelved st Auk 1 tf U- T. BTKUNACU A HKO. 50 HUXF. Hoc tor (fsmbles "Ollv Sosp " for sale cheap at leap at W. C. BTRONACH July u tr PRUPOSI TO SELL MT TRACT OF Land on which 1 live, eooUlniiiir atiout six hundred acre. It can ba divided lu two or tl.rjo tracts lisrlni; several settlement on It. well adapted to the growth of Cotton aad Tobacco, it is both healthy and ferula, mak In on bale ot cotton tier sere with but little Improvement. A good dwelling bouse with all necessary out toutc lying twslye miles ssst of LouUburg. A. E. IHIHHl l I, . Cedar Rock, Frauklia Co., N. C. any l4t AECTIG Ice Cream Freerers. SOLID CREAM IN FOL K MIXCTES. Read for I'rlce lilt IUhowaus Hots or J f LIU SLEW 14 4 Co., Jsa l-tf Ftsher Baildla:, Raleigh, N. C. 13. S. WA1TT 5 1 rnj rllrt lllc tstrrrl. HA1, KIOH, N.C.. I'Ul.kll l.i IUV (ioODS A, i 1.0TIIIN(i. Biiots, 8lii-t. Halt, ii, i, Si;,, rm tiood., Mliil iHcala, Tmnka, V.I ara sad 1'mbrrllat.iait vr,tj,tng keiH la a Br.t , la, llrir 1..-1 Hir. aasv M svau: u.s. sag-if rmiiii.it m au xvvu: l Ml i:ns. jaMllKTtD lad. at Sagtf Mkll.ll tViMn. . Peach Parcrs. 'll awwlla aw at elf tlikUilu.VI. Premium Safety Oil. TIIK kwwt IM aaW. BUI aa MS4Ji St4 kill ware la aa Lav Fa fct T. II.Iiri--sd. 3on5. wW Aj.al. lot kai g aU t. t.i 'iii... r1 1 1 AC It '! t rolTH AM A L FAIR IP va KstlCTT am k 4 si -. I rw4.. a., pva.,,. ta.wataw tur. imii. ua tint tir isr-ruim. sat was a.r, k a Ft' V IWaat h I w kt f a IU WI.M...a.lMHl ItlMhn afci iitii iu. .( m,ii aa4 artiaka, aad w ' , - a .wm l tIM kraa KM a i a, .: aa 1,1 ..i ka fiiaH, r f t I a , -l u s a. , la (,,, Ik a T B 9 4AV u I ffH6 a .. WaterCoo WilMClR. I i HALL'S SEII-FEEDl(i COTTOX Gl;. 1ITE rennrtaalm; urdeia for a lm tied Heretofore owin to the great uf IIH1 Illltt'H SI IIIH II' rreaU ly oblige ns, uy scaoing in iiieiroraers as ... . . ., their Gin ta Ume. I hews Him never tall to give mure satisfaction. It requ., ' t perkneed ginmT to stl-nd it geiirstes from ths ColUm tticks, rlods of dir aaT pebbles, Ae. (ilns very rapidly. Cleams the seed thorouirbjy. . Kui- lightly, llwii''. and Very durable. We shall b pleased to send pamphlet eonttlaini; testiiaonala t known parties to sny person niou sppUcation. 001 i July IU dlw.tw&twlui FIRST PKEM1UM AWARDED . 'Vtasw. . . kt-.: v f y? s a l-c r - r EVERY GIN WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION AND A F-11K TIME AUr.w ed for trial- For sale bv "s14U June wi llft.el 1. I 'I I u . . . t Isktt-v a..s V -wwax. ?-tt: r-.r,uv k tJ. IT been Wore the American pttli'l 0 EH THIRTY year. It 1,b never yH fulled to give perfect satisfaction, an l Im justly been ityloj the pnnncoi.fi r all ex tonial Woon.l, CuU, ISurui, tuxlllnsi", Sjiraln. Hrulsr, Ac, fto . for Mm nud k-ast. No familvr' c.ii, ) flnrln rtar t ' Vr.J. JCf-7-ftV-w.l f ' ..'A'''. ' . T . XI si "I YouCanDoYour Own l-ninting BT B f v AD J JO Y'S PATENT EN AME L PAIN'Ti Tlio 3Iost lCouoiiil-ftl, THESE PAINTS ar composed ofl't ss Wmvs La o, Zirc and I.ikuiu Ulla withont other m.Urlalt which arid greatly to th durability. elatlcltv. beautr aad (traixth ef th Paint. Ibawholet.'e ckamkally combiued, so Uist the p wtnit arw neia ia persiftiiens soiuiioii thus forming a immitlia glosav, llnu riaaue, neautif ul andilursble I slnt I ll' l The ti ' lnt If l.ftli. v (Ml, which It the real life of the cannot teavt It snd im absorlird swoaiaaca lo wnic ll ta spplle.l, at Hi . Hii.nl in in, wty, and thui l -av th pigment dead' sad brittle, to wath sad rub oil In a fi w BMialha. or st fart In t In three or fonr yars. This lnl Is UMIfn b-d by elm r t of lefnrliir. Is rfet tly lui--rtl..i.-to the a. tion of water, la wdl alptrd to all elaamof work, and la la ever war a belli i'aisl fur sitaar lauus ae Ot rsiua Wok or boa PnnTiro. ti.an m. "lhT Pahrt known tn rhe trade, and w 'I! wai at least mass via aa I4u tea waa k saw tua wiarw iw vws oimt -aaav wav. llwiji llcijj lur fie .ml l:sllj Stp.llrd. noli) lr ll:f (lillii iM:bAt.U4' CitVKUl,TMINTVlljUA'lirAIIDI.-,Twl, fl'll. O. P. KNIGHT, Solo ent, s:i;V lwbnrd lret, nlllrarp. . lr trEMOd Axn pkice jyKiMir.rfiRATli n ij M'KCIVKM. 0? TUH DIFFKIIKST VF 1J1K JULBIGU HKXTtSKL xr. We .-i.ia.li rail allrtittna U. Ua f ilHwing taatlannlalt ef ta Ptlal I ate C. r Ksmav i e'lt 'ut,r Cwaai, ,VFt brwar J., t U-Tl Pauit rata a.r., ta htnl as rdrV 'wo kwt r rtlhwit aark aad Uuwa kara- tU was raJloa waeh As 'a. llrw 1 aa slaek. '"k. a..a,.Mu4 Um U..UM-, laa eo. .. u eowttaia ihtl f.ie "liumw" ss buJwu, )"" " " I'1'. I saetl aiivv-rte laat aow Wiik -witara ,.(.l.." t afcaaU h (nmllf adojW ItUU . aa """l 14 eaa evi It I net b. .r doubted um iMUwj.aiiai. hat I felt so for. lUly U.i adiakii IV " y" u.al I'.mt ta Ux waal ai war pant4a. Is atiw!lawry af aaaUkrtal. fcs MS at "", ar.4 ia I fa. I f lu b log wlj salsad." Ul I give raw pariataatua, (if It Itdaw rabkt to aw,l t.i ra.h wht T'a think prop of thi h tr. Vry rwiwifaily and Inaiy, ktcXiILL. INI Via . a, lkar.ni bar W. 11 Ma, C r ka...Hf I hark r It aftoitU sv aol pb-wwra la as iayoa laat tat eaH r.Ual t.iwaa.1 p . .1 f.r nnr.li mf lalluw laetuaoaar, hraali, i4, 1 hv evert rat " dwe,i.,ur. Mora thai lw.it aimalU Ha - I ,n.t.d lb rw.t of a.f kd , ........ niaap a, ai. prwdi. aael talaM Iw lil U.0 at,.. a l)M VoV.1. aa ........ . lamt I .iih .af, II una laa WHiaM a Ul aw sa. StlWlan la KW, r a Ubwrty Iw aa. M. Town, ax a ea.i.talll . IsA AC iUl k t:0 Baa llawai IkoUl, . W. Ma.( f r 1 . taJ gt, Taa. rirwrU tkvluiaea To va P, at h -If .Hjr4. a a.k Wwrw to Ut lt.t ta Jot). T1, Froat I Tk-aie. twN.: wd lwul uat sua ' l.ilx'i Ptkrat EaawMt Paat f. vurlt t til, H V U.aj ard luwl, u 4il, aa ta wa...; Sa saiwetartty wtar ant a4 al Mkwrait.4iirfkwt la a. i..,.i. Sa.llla ,aa rwi4 , , k irW Iw aw at . 4) waaTgo! U.w MbMatt, wra, altlg aar dai l tlM.i. a4 4ttrta MM ; t t . .4 Iw II, a4 y-t II tt1 n a i4 and fra a she " f wa 't IM aanaeowt 4iaia4,. II -ir.., at,r (ait ta, will aW a.eau. II k"'f "'" '' i w r aain.. biaait pnfcara H wkly 4ry m. iwrwt1a wk HiMBwt lia.niMniH.., er w.k ahtikl la wa4J sa4 iw vary swrrwiw WwaMla. wai-a warwrl. W.I, .Mtf U la o l-tls aw Wkkk It I saw. ! ta-w aaw.tit J SalM lma.l a4 ta. wa a.r.riilt, W ... H ..' Ktu,lrjn.i;j ' ' rwwtetrwwilKwira U r. ilbtr - ll r tw -lual 't k.- I a4w) ri ti aa rs ,i. afar i. . W l 4 la'4 (I, aa k u . mlhm,Am Mw-Jmh.4 . ' r k., k-w..iawifSl'-w-. tw. ladwwl -. SWk4w., . ,., a. wwi I a , ','iw w. Im '" !' k.4 tt !. f.ws i .. I' P tiatawt taglaia. -I ka twaa4 lew , . k4 aaa aad hu, fc. at mf .. g a4 v . ta.a- rat,,ta1i,,,.).,W4U,lf, tawarw',' 'i.i llll. nam' er of demand we h ve onlr Imnti ah't in ,-,f'l,'vS .... .- -" I.ll can, a. potamie, in or.lcr that tbe " a i n o HANCT M. Water St. Norfolk Va A(,-ei,U for North (gi,v AT NORTH CA0 TWaTm . T. Bl Kid ACH ft BRO , Rslekrh M r ' ' - . 4a.. - - ".. ... l(S " 1. V I 'T ' 1 :vr, H'l "it tM IJn'.aicnt. Tlie money i. t.ii.,1 l ui.loii fia I.mtinent I a repra, KtiiH l' r n (ret the renoin .'iKXICAM I! t TANQ T4NIMENT. toU I jr ill lrorir:a's nn l Countrv Stores, st c , C0. n ii.l f I X0 rr Bottle. Kotk sM i. li-e of Iwitle. 4c L'slNU Ifoniit If ul unit Duinlil , 1 fSJSu I - "jr C0L0IIS TO UK MIK-VAT TUB OFfICi I did U to at a. I Tea wuaaa. wot aakal last o I a.t 4 ihiek, Sa4 II t a,rw gari aa wuily aad ' I of ewloe, tkr ss txnttatbt th i t-raltaa. wbkk buna ratal, and I t as well rlaaaad with It I " saw ami ,.(. ta a,y K (lTaa a. parfart Sta PiaaVVltxa. Ilarllard ewail, Bl f ia Ulurw ,., laat , ' l .uat M Iwsn, pau.1 I kST aw d, " t taj tiktr, It Mt KIT, & , ai) lr i r ki.k-r " I kwjwt la kba. M ka awwiai4. m kka.il itoM pIUv Sk" aa.j. a4-f lew Mwiiir, d.-ll HETIIIk-f K.itiw.a awi)eaat at, t- a4 11, tnt gw.ua , I I.St ft, I Mai rf m T I ..l .i.a . ik tt ' P l . Iw kVaia, irtKatrt l.,t. p.-lk r,l.,. t t, ., f MitlkMs.ltii w. V... a " '7;: -" -" ' ", I 1 . - -a . . w . . -4 W. w - Waw W.alh ,,Wr.MM ,4 ( ,k ,. ia..la4P -j4 j retartpyi Vs-J I -wa.a-4 Saw aj.a. f ,ai4 r k, rt'i I'" g mf - r4m Is W snrai., (a m-M mf llvi Vhm It Wwa tlM aiil xt, lMn t SM It'll llitlMMl ttt it uisitnr tiim "11 t nr in.,- aa faal aaal.a4 A fa as i ttoa aad tofs to( lis ! I 11 -.1 .. sa I t4 s0 ; ItwA I f Mi !' ' 'i 't 'a tf.t i4 lk kk a (, utUf, j w ...e-i !.. ad I ' i: s , . il t.-a H . a r t LtAltt H I W It ,(

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