- i ii i ii i ii i i iii - 1 1 imri ii n riiiin hhi illK DAILY SLNI1NEI. """" rcfti.if .. ' IV !ADVKKTl.sa hTf 4. f I I I ;-'.'.v - -, 4wvrttMH will aa ItoeMed IntlM i.!? . I t n,tr torn, r urn iwmiB tin. s. 1 t Inc sijiiire nr Um-r. w.i . .VJBjUt AXDIHAJ sOl -I ' a. ... a au k .alwiHrnl IiarrUuu. . mUm .?..!..: ..-A-Hs--: 1 t . ", fmoiiih, K.0UI " - y.w mia aiaacairrioa. "'"Ti-nfrtt ffl b. 4r.tt.eird.in I rt of Ifeu ,I T7IHl V" M VOL. IX. NO; 15,; in va. - 1 . e ivii I -- v - j - ' t - maim i ii ItlGEST CIRCIUTI05 IF AST MEI HOME AFFAIRS. PIBLUlItU I1 116 till, r I - j 1j i i - I Fey Jour Tun T ATESTTEXJQRAPIIIO I -ThH collector, Mr. ,F. M. Sorrell, " I nmt all tai w? nawmm Ia .ftatJBiAa fiit-wrmrJ nr1 ..Ma nlW Alls PABE. I - " r-i " " T yyJZZJz TL-T i pMhe&Jaxw for 1873: ; Pitymeiit jpttrt Zr M FKTTN'GILt" t COa 10 Bute 1 be mJa by Septemberthe lit. rtSr.5w.rontrct for .drertWng t our We hl the leiure of brief conver ulioD jeserdj with Mj. Job a Cameron, editor cl 'the ITilltboro Iitevrdtr. MJ. C. u ona of our let editor, aod write like'' Miiolsr nd t genrlMnin.'1 - - ' iot Olllee pirectory. il.ia KM OrC BJkOE-XtMT. uiubuun! from T.aO . . , t T pi m , dn- 1 -.k f cit wBJfe aim wii of lllt. MO CUMIIW TBI MAIL. .... v. OrlMB. L . Aonita. O., rTT. i! . f Thirlntte. emlUbnri . (ireena- IrlJm, Chl Hill, UiUaboro, o., due I m tbit city. During the preceding year B. P-.. '..1n York. Baltimore. Khlla- tfsinine eroana u a eottou Inartiet la a nfirtuvi " . . . IUTb'' " UWl)6fo,' 4e., dae 5:ii .n unu m From the 1st ot nepUitiber, ; 1878, to the 83d of Auguit, 1373, there litre been I 21,802 bale of coltoiT received and Mld only about 13,800 bale Men aold.; ; From thil it will be teen thai Raleigh it rapidly WMhingte, jmcIibjobo, rTOrK, f d w u publih . a tabular aUte iorfoU. Wddo,.dueatlt0p,. Clone 1 v Sam. J ' " raent ahowing what Raleigh baa dore in .1,.th "llr?a-,rTrt;y'iU Jl'?iT the cotton buiiueaa a ithin the laat twclw bod the. . !khtlilalmttdgj n,Sy Jia m , ctortTf P. TO. Iwy-tMayoFi Mins ever w wiuowtyft w lo rn. Uacbbarg. ery Wedndy, dua 11-30 1 . etoa 1 p. ATenwboro, elose 1 o a.. Tliartday, doe p. m. Friday. u....w Order DeFartnienl. from 11:30 a m to bo n!1 ,r received or eut on 8ob1y, tlm o" will ito be onetiea on iuh oaf. . fl'fV ALMANAC Anr. HI. STH n W9. .' , ssa ' I Mayor'! Court. ' I' -l F 1 . . L if .1- posed of the following catca : John Mitchell, col., fur diaonlerly con duct on the ttnet waa fined Crawford Mora, col., for diaorderly con duct and an ult upoo a colored uiaa by tho miuic of Strickland, win commit ted to Juil in deUult nl 100 bail. Phil. Perry wn up for ditorderly con duct. Ditmiared ott payment ol coata. Nit. Oilliam, for disorder I y conduct i tan !'....... (iinf' ., u-fwiml .1 (3ir!A.l .' ' i w , U.-...I k rui f.lP..KTII.it MB BiBniE CIOTOKB. ". " T-, FINE CUT. Pcrtian Jewelry is coming in fashion. InordinMu cicnditure I the aource of many trouble, ' 1 An Indiana babe was bora with a roll of ft, lik a paBior,ua its bark. St. Paul, Minnesota, clninas to litfe suit ed the Arai Orai-ge, - ; ' ., How. K. M. Lewi and family have re turned from the mountain. ; " igtty-ix bale ol cotton were received and aold in Uili" cit laat week.' " EUGOTRIO BP ARM by tkleuhu u to tub aesTiNu,. MAIIKETS. Money 0T1CK TO TAX fATKKB. The AjturUar Concert at EalUbury, 1 " ,Vi cipy'the following faandaouit and' ju4' UUue' to young ladiee wn known In nin;ol tfrcfi in thl city, from the Prederick Lord, wetl-knawn railroad J palisburr 1TafA.. J, : man diet yerterdiy in CUcUnatL Th 4ncert fof ti tGi ftht Or- k two hundred ed any tltouaand 4ol--I pha Aylui, giern at Town UtU.llojfr--SiahorMt S 8 OoiaacUe at lar.fire occurred at MmrUtown, N. J. ye. M n.KUi, pwveu lar ap o iu , , Govern,ofoU Uuili j,,, ,,,3, hnla. - r I I I mn ei..'.triii. Mtra ,. H. T Jnhn Tnil il Osstor ol the First I evnniaifim4ntnitnAavA.wrWalikMa mmi. I :t ftittA rini..l i.al..a all 1.1. I l'J...i. V.WJ",M ' .i . , r - . .n..,t ...... - p- . 1 i-...., -. -, uiwiiu I , .;' Diuta iu.r.i 1 . ...... . easy XT' fled to eOMHt farward aad m Itaalr tas. t sua 1 i ( I the year 1T3 aVnc,Um for eollcUvi. txr i , . at 4 to 3. Eschange-lpirinifeepteBiberl't ' " ', ' 1 1 ''8 ji- a aavi s,ivnftuiaii l ,.4 - rnxf S6tl8ejt- -Cotkrtor, !utl, ad Congregational.' C'hnrcn aiea at nu-l uvifmtm a:iMiyin iv turn ucuue i Mi w)rsnt 20 lt. Future opened Auir 1 fit,l m... -a,,n.U. mnrnle., 7!t 1 M w creditable tn Ui party . . , , aQ,a.,a, ' I , "irendertteit. And it mut be remember- " "F- io-i , Judge TEoma A. R. elon, late Judg 1 1 that flits party eoaaiaUof two amateur 3al9 37-82; Not, 17 7-10n 1-3 Dec 17 riwaa lia Vrti T ivn 8 P t E P R B M.I C M.&4 mi L;. U Tli uuotiton for female slave in the of the Bnprerae Court ol lennessee died I )ting iqy matictan. Mis Uamo Jenlt- 7.8. Flow quiet and sUadv. Com aUa-1 . To he eowpeted fo during ITi TAIEttohe ' m.; ' J at hh OAAAmL tntTtuivviUa m H.m.l.. ". of Qrnll, and Mist VmM Eddms, --Mm- ' .,..., :, , . 0...v ?.'' at Cl LUMH . av- U.. Wcweaiber aU, 1 i irf Y""- .-r--,i r.i.-r-T 7-' I l n.r.ln,l )., .M n..ir tim. I ui i una, ma. ism M ki mis vear i i party ei CleBWel&niL who are aiv'ma Ihrir tima l.i. r C n. i .... I Steady and uninl- niaia 1 It t.l la i .. .... i nun uioiii mi ius uuiirui UI mq urucvo- I ' 1' -. - - - -w A man named George Morgan was ar-1 lent institution named.' They wr invTt-t SSrLnrd dull and uncTiaiiuedrol J aliaiii fr0ttt.t!.i4 to tldTS.'. . , . ',. 1 tnornlng. Pant Tlium ol' the ftrUllinirn- Artificial I: . . v . 't..? !n ..i i l ..1 k ik. twili .j-iu i i... I - Stone Company,' commenced laying a yeaaeruay w uouiavme cnargea i , X.", T" Za51:J-uZ.i I 8 rpentio. . dull at 431-; pavemeM in front of Vhe Raleigh National Elating and nmtderma Mw ( are- ,-hiu,. ni accepted the Invit- 10, JreighU quirt. Oanl oti Monday morning. ( , ; CoL O. U. Certet ia t th city eximw- tine Led. J ' " I Uua tiiekthp nrlPlik advajsna the tuvhaa ia, Cuatcr, in epmmn4 ef 430 C-1 work tuj which k Is engaged. They take ...i. .... .ii..b.i n Hot,i-,lu l. son I hold ot our haiU Uv iu juurit ill tiiuir Wi- Our tea two killed and twenty lfl2S .T auu laainij up uw n.iw i ... T.1U. .. 1ft ..J . .7 "r . - . ,. .yuuiu, ,uraiiui .i -my "VI' cnariu a I who near them Tar. h . . i. . ... M ... i ..r. . r.rt xt m an it i . T . ' , : r r 1 wounded, him, - ; ... :.-" I The Liberal Rcnublictn State Eiecu-1 . i , .. Kor tho BenUuel. iftiitinight tlejjort. ,- . i, , i i'Jonr'oi.K, Aug. 2j, Cottou ateady and unchanged. Low middling 18. " ' 1 - ' Dai.timohc, Aug. 2o. Cttim uiut. Middling 19 14. i -Wtutimwoit, Ag, S3 We regwt to learn thit ?pt. Plato Dor- hive Committee, of Now York, through I THB .U0UU8 ANDTIIK TYPO- ham ha bceq Ttry tipweijlurljct 1 ul CockranlhaTticutanl ; IUPHtCAL LNiONa. two weeks. 11a u tnrcatieu wun pr- MnTiution to the Democratic BtuteCom-1 a me sum Juno mar, a moiutvec ol oue , Cottnu ouiet. MIddhnirl8. alysi. in lai hand, and arms, the left mUtee t0 0nite in calling en Stat. Con- f lUe. Typogramical Uuiona of Moutrtal, I ; j- Y , ' . .. I 1 . ,. I Cauada. waa drowned.' Itlsliiidv holncf I ! a uua, Any. 4 . one especially. ' ventionof thoan oppoaed to th precnt r.cr.crei i- orsuanoe t the conatitn- i ooy t asy during th morning at 4 to A late novelty ia feminine drca is a I administration. .- ribbon two' Inches aide croa-d on th back like a gentleman's suapcuder, and I The Jail. having . the ends cut abort and banging, Tner aie 20.000 words in Spanish, 25, tlon of Ike Ubiou Id which deceased had I 5, but hardened in the- alteraooa and - frrrt Hee, W f"xt Kt. Mil. lft "lV''a In 5; ,) to Srat Haras-; 60 ta ra4 Hoi .: i , .iU gerund K, 1 Mile and Kepret. aj-u to . , . first Honwr; UH) to tr-rond Horse. ......f.!l'.. L2A-. Third Kaoa, 4 Bilia, r for TretUaa; ,( ! Borao Who never beat to 0nt llorse, tot) to aeeond Horse. '-I- -. -' First Hee 11 Mil lleata, for e.UaW i . , puwe ef 1,00U : ;M to tint How and HiM loeacaad Horac; " ' .. . ; el BeooBe Itaee for Trotter, ftf 1 He j boat thiee i j, A In Ova ftira cilU'.W purM ot i f,(M tu' art aad CWtoaeeend. (ira M the WoTrd. 1 l i Tbese two mireee tui1m4 B Uie eUlMMS.,1 aji o tabralail 2fh llUr-T,- I.. l.rli,..II.... 77.7 " " UvawUpIo Ciilt'-d rttoa, and? sa nvf t ' meet, wBIVriug iwfce Ihesniqijwt back. :W ...;;,, '."" look forsom (reliant avers from the North, """"" Bant aad West here tuKOutud for lhMilrs-. ' -1; i r Uliuuia. ! - . , , , f ,. , . .. i invnauai( jiyta.upaaii. , - V Ml j. 1 1 First Isca. Mils Dash. IJ50 to first : i;i . ' beloaued. Hie mciubera atleiided to assist I .i..i a a rj-.-i a Itosecend.- h .o J.. ' I uuku u . A.VIIlllVa UUH II I aniiib I . . .. ..... .. . . - at th funeral. All were surprised when I , . . , , , . I """o.0 X lW. W toural; ,' V w i.lU- I n a a i a . . a a, I Ml U 1 1 -f. ' lllll IrPHBl IPI Vl Blvllw at I aBnaBBaW. 5 i iniiirmitii that n nttiin rtnir ivat uttriMi ih i " ' " - - ' -- Ian. 50,000 In Greek, and 80.000 in PoUour.ToUooaMirk.t aawMHlfMet. The number of .her;ffI.Wrr,bM- lower it th clo. at 13 14 (a 1 12 ?Tr.- incrosaed to thirtot.ii. , Niue male and meWbor of the 1'iiiiters' S.)iityi Howl 13,1-8. i OoverMtueat dull, but iittl bet. U"i t w second i-orse. 1 '.-' 000 in Utin.'from 22000 to 23,000 in r,,ur """"" ' A .c"lurvd Wtcher named ever, Uo Cure oi Notre Dame alU-wed the lOT feeUng. I 8taleeo,uiet and nominal . FttlDAT, NOTtMBlLK li ' ... 1 . rU ! J li... ft lodging, ,e.trdHT. . J Cotf. 8a4tbm flour MeWI-wt. .'"'A?"- ! H . M jcnii-u, u,vra iumnwiii""""" j nine a in uianop was jhii in poaaeaaion l ... I pomius e,n u e winner. , -11 or r.iCt ouaerouig the tiociely. MbwU I l u',u ,a 0 O"- uooa 10 lair extra 7.30. 1 ewewia kw. ciinsuiaiion riirss Tor beau a while, the bell of Notre Dame rung out Good to choir 17.80. Whlskv daoidedle U'i,i,iT.,.,t E?T' .l'w.!r?' "f.",J ,JW According to the previ tobacco tloK-d the resurrection of the body, Irout con- firmi.. at tm , j 0, Wnef(t .,ltdt M,aWnw W 1 minutes, : 1 -0 to Br.t',,,,'rti " Winter I There will te about l,to0 alvrn in TrotUa; . western -eoni I tr" " omr-s win not nsme'tti - , .. I .' . . "van aiia w n i , M r ar -t f boldcrtlllkolytobehert;. , .... : - - - ' - Ii .... ' 12 Ulit. western I . . . .. I r a D' ii,. (i-l-t ' w ,M kiuh m sn.ijuum. hil-i.-rii Kdaliln - - T' r. J.. '. The New ConprMaioBai raper. , m reteraonrfi; on Minnmy m touowat . """rr:"j"M llniw ai.l war unlet at aU 'V" ' - ., t-. Orchaa Aawlum Th Grand ConoerL ......... . -i n... .1.. t an aa aa t.t-.i an i-a 1 irom me oenio oi ticeau- anu tue una i y . -., " " I - -..m ..... .'...I u ....!.. . Iran. iini. ..b- .0i';'TT-ww..'-,''r . dunk abliMsM lHIUl. tifM-flffc-r- lJ4i tfa Ife-Whlt n.i.,rtcd dnT by W. C. BtrooTh, rotr (. ' ... f. . . ... t k ...... lt mi u ' 1 7 1 ft"er l Common to eood, 4 50 to 10 ; ' .i.lT.JT . a?;;. 71. ZkllTI .:: of rethw ft moJertU V ..: Vl.k...t r.Ms4tavillaw 1 v Mvn w due si iiilstl allium It VlrJt I .rnLI .... f Ilia tiKsfiMlinoa Ufl OaVl l am . - a. .A j .... l UCK -.: fiiiK vuuitu miu iv uiw lbl ii.- - Ti....i.. t.. .k. Vluur "T Tcry B1u flu.ou , ., .lroDg ,ic,ce.IIi.Urdihiplth.Bl.hoD demand at ol to 08.. Steamer atlfWl : ... I r"J anew- ini uw trovivaj waiia a. r...aaa.a laaaaa kitaif Ulatnal IIS Kli- I W1IT lAaal. I IlllalK V n rtfl 1 aVUIImll l I. a I .. .a. ."1 . . . . K.iaioB-. Ab -t . , , ,. . I "." ,'" j r i " luf Jlontreal, waa adareaamt, and tnqoiiie m led 881 8 to B0. ' Potk du and lowei u....i..1i..inOUrtia.rk.tto-daTi 4 't Friday W a. t apart for the Orphan. 1 ..... rv,vm th. (l,.arr,m.ut Pr ntin Wck work 9.7J to $14 for common to ...i...... h ., ....i.;,,. ?.u.a . . tj W.feeliuw of the hearty concurrence of " I, I" " " rt ,h. ltaeion, ,. to 173; h,S,;' f MW raw 0n tP01 ". At4p.m. 'v." , .... , ... ,. . , Ofhoe, where congres,ain last aeasion, nAnjegcript hr 8JI0 Vi 11.00. Mou dy, Tu. , n;.i,i in.ir,,Vi. I v.ii,. ateady, rneea 9.50. Lard .hade It.,. ' tSLTSi oh-h,norttoUdone. warm .dPfunked tob.ee. i. M..ing J, SSSbl KtaKS .t . 3 . Ml. Torpentln. o.' the City of WUaOaiituti, lor . ft, oe aaore l t..!t year. Interest iyil senil-snsiiallr. ,. ' .W, fl. JONEi A (Jo, a i tat a a) . amain iV , i . JjeBla,. otlicr I By this arrangement a band- i,,! priofcr will show I aavingtoth some sum of money might be realized for I n..-..i r fn.m n,iri La fiftv net ror tU. aouth AUantJe and I UuU Bute. ,ob,e lullitulioIli w, ,F.k , be rf WUhi th. (lcb.US of- cocKrea over ' the old melhod in tli Qlvbt, and It U claimed that Instead of I 1400,000 fo thi purpoae, one-ha It that aotount will be sufficient. In anticipation of'iacreaaod work for th Rtteri ntxt VI toATIIKK HKPOHT. WasaiBOiow, Aug . tins. nsrtly eloadjr waather.alick temprature,llght IL ,Ln. .lad. aad oo.lt.lv threatealnc ' of tu P" orPh - - IL.M..1 -3 I R.inaws Hi ITKL jLUUIVA.Liei. I Thia gentleman pnetbed twice oa bna YaanonoroR Uousa, Dr. O. W. Btatb-1 day in 'he Bapti t church. TLey war en.ge In thing unjuat and condemned ; ,0 Ll..rpoo Tery flrm. for example, to make atnk and to pre ,.,.;",'., J.B j....'.t ' - ' -! i unra, van pava n I TIQJ " -- - J I. A B t . J . ta. 1 II I7C i I LT I u U UIUI tl ft YD Ul'W LttftCn IU I l.nn.i.B aivil iitjt waTiar at in, saw la fa H.i I vwawvBwaiw-a.wt.uMw vera. u rujaf . rrBUUB BfCSliniar 1 lIIU aw w ivwwi B s ' aa bjw w ui. we VI Bwtatrv a V I - I 'l . . band Tool, Ibn. yttsikut, ttn much pf not belong to the eoci.ty eng,.gingjla an Future. elrd a. follow: August II iS-83. t'M atLS P witlni iZl u, , mm aa na. oeen leu iioce u naaaea I : r , , , vniui-.i .. loti-sa. ucnim i r"j " w , .i . .. I oUig those who do not !elong to their I , , ,. t- , I , '- ..' ........... . t , . r ;.. itt-.l. through the millaof the aecular edit.. ,.,. ,oi- UDOcr lLli.Uy n. November 17 1-18. Decemb-r lk ..'.. ' , , mw' riku. laa.dVu.1:" 'WLkh-hi. Cu. Jshio uri T " .BlKt n.WW. - I "'- 1 - , . wis. I (J.yt. conclude a notice of th little fellow : ..u prMi ?J A Peace. Granville: I l:. a... ....... ..' . u-. I a - - - ? ' wv caul la, . . iv. i u. ' l , int.. I WCMurna. raneaville, 0 : Jno Cbisk- ...... .... JU j I w nter, the Coagresslonai Printer Is en- l!.d.7TOng, CbMMCrump, CJ keVi the one at night, and " wl ct&- j iMrgig the iacilitie of hit office by ad- .BMk.-.rh.rlrw 4Mn. MCj A llto, IJ. pff'-""" Pi' - HiiluAed CMe. with . Ml 3: W H fvtcr, Palswist; J Uuilod sider tlat le occupied a Hew Bel, "tftr ,lt,', w . Ti - ' JaJjIp uru- nounceij "cwiDootiy unjust. TV.. 11... .', I....I ..r.... nf lli.VT.I.. . .. 1 , , . . , . l a u a iwiwHit w. "WW "i iii. v uii.ua, w.!4 Th lady in qoeslion r regular cor-1 ..j n. r..i.hi ... ... reapenaent oi me rrswjwi, and F.f DllltU!d lht 0ilioc,. of th, orianliatlon. Haleih Market. eg ai'oui itaA.p-''5 a'ti'Vxal bax k. Iii -.1: 9.1 I I..! WilUanU, Warren; 0 8 Lewis, Ark: TO in l)0eo w Gillnpi, B 0; M Jordan, Ilillsbnro; J . WcC KUingtoa, Apex; U J Hooker. C Thursday it h so anuch effect Ight prayer-meeting, Wslsoa, J Q Jonee, Osgood ; Theo 3lar- I the member urged the rrofeacor tin, Warwick. N J ; K w uiacana tait ,,, u pulpit In th auaeace tteils; John riannagan. U'eenviiie ; tap. d IU,ing a license to pN.Ch, i : t?ll .n . U.i. ,'l llrw.lavln 1 UamriauB, l.mi.iuw.B , , ,, , . , . . ... . . I . .. . Ridiraws 11 F Mi ver. NTW Morgan wiuiug.y i B- u... iuiKH voan. Soith. Mdlont J M Carver. Macon, N C ; I time r that day. Testerd A B Aadrewa, n C . .. . - tWQ KaTBiit. llorat, M. BUtr. Vw- The Orgaaaet. J dlinf .Mm hundred casr with a full aunplt I haa no aupecUw In th the But. Th at-1 .., .:..Ti,i. .V. t( .1....1 a h.a u..... . I JL? i- . .VKAkV , - i.r--1 r Hem -mri'--'..--- I lack Vna) kjae an aaeat HMMily Md k. rZXr 17Z TXZZZ - Th. krr. .'fthenard llo,: and Wltft.' . " r:; ' r.K?td.-.le. MrrU. !.." th5 that .pp U, ntHk iTTO1 TAMin-r'hnneh.... Tm ?!!f J..n.t W eraoj ' B I Puw.-.V'l wn imw " - - I tWIfX ! lltsj ifiwrBuig wajf SUO W WUltl VJ ., ,,w4 k. 1 1, ml kaw war .a. rt a k-t- I f l RVUw HWrim, IT"' KWUVwl MM llf WT Twr . tce"- .7..i.f threw. foot d.Ti niter, m liai I ooncd n)t of kLTtlnger nd.'Ufbr. to knd "1?., 7.V Jffil rlui' . 1 7'""N- " t W - Itb.di. .. of Ur.I.'ritcb. 1 , . -,. permlttl them to bold for an in.tant th. Ir7.7'" " :V7" V i M-"THIR M,LK - ' l""? "L?.".1'. .. . . . ... . . I ircaUVDl'T UallJUwTi.irU luun n una a .... ..a.. . lew. VW.iI III ItlW W k v I I ITUDU I w IBB Il aa I JHHT M " . l . ' awy , w IJBSB) U - , wjy wl T 1 B9 IT I " " " . 1 11 tftp 11 ""J." clmlou' , I Montieal .VuloiT. wm iven U'B..bop, Th. idea of MuA a peraon Bitting in tto ..,1. .. ,...1" . ..Jj LTHtll HARMKM. - -. . , . ... 1 , I- 11.AD.- L 3, par rai (JOLDEM BTRUP... a.lerd.yMsrfc Prairie .BdWhiUker, eh0hM';, , '1 with "O ad 1 . -Ta .Lud Ja..i oft.. "0or;HWlJn! H'."" tbevl.w.oftheChu.ch.Tl.econatllutlon. 001 of thenawly .tecKd Ja.tio. of U. .otyet. . u .menJl . MJly cut np. 11 rEi Ptirutd . Pawraw klfl thir flnt conrf. htvior twn I 4t. I n t. ....... j . j. -a f U taw' k I . tP I I --!-- I AnrUUlU WlaaB."t4 4I ICIVI Vftw-V U ratlin 1 Wflr!.,,. pewfr-r.r,,T "w.,5 J K y one I aCrptKal la the leaM est. a.nilad on nrda Ua. Zwtk of a DiatlBlwiahayd Varjrtalaa. bodv. blotted out th namber J tb P.IHK. 2;BTlM!Plim.uth;AOCrrrl ProfeMor Von MyerhofT. txlraoidinery The first csn brought before U.elr -VTor. W. rrgrH.to lewm from our rxrh.nge. Ink .ad the artlcl. relating T"'; cuiCI ENi . . W J Crocker, J 11 r.ga, lfry ; u n ah aouiiy bs mu.m.0, . ...n ..... ,hip WM that Of Btatt wod man Bkeea 1 mat tioo. janies r. 11. icomi is ora. .j .i.i. 1 l. ... ... . . 1 j a w.L . ... . .. . - . . It-H 1 ,V (! i l.d, u 11 Amwei, v BapUat chnrch next Bunday and nar n:m l KtU Uraham. Nan accused KaU of He we a gentlemen of One literary alt- h , ,bt gaitlMllI,,nU rEATunnn.1 nXiErTl Although the instrument ealiag a watch aad Wtn Other article, nsear. wa. at on. time. Profr-or ol Uw eould notbe .pil.and whi.Lordahip rLAXIEID B bws ,. - fciliJ-.' 0 nMi.,uiUl.,f.o th.-.w, hav. from hooM. K.t. kad tbrewtenen, in attb. Vnt, of Viegi.-, MJ JJ-a.lTS nmi. enewtyj p p HaywwetL Mail-aft-at J D kaard I. tto fin. ehnrcton C N Yntk , k t, v w take Ka.'. liK EaUMkaowU U of Ui. .WeJaatcCurgtA.. IVl re Jill-ilalu. MilUlI iSaw'aZl. 1 U .wm, Rwklnghaasi C 3 'L nd other title, w have never beard th. ,ed having naad. th. threat, ani'theil tu.Ur to hsv. r4 oa tia iUu of t subordiaaU Luiow, h kad tb nibt TAtUiW h . alfi otJ,L .3.?V. capaUlltlen ol that grand ia.UBm.Bt SO WorttilM ielt Called epon to plac. her with the greatoat pleasure and It ImpieMad of ppel. FtBBily, a copy of U Cooetau- V1N K.AB Ptt aal., -Mai l iUW Wf: JjitklnartTftperta; Uaaifoated toor. U would t.de.4 be a I u,,w baj ,f v9 t( IM nsare, I M a Meg remarkably Ie.)et, KuUhed I JV j' 'w . .'a.; lll. ,'..L' I kICI,..,. j H .ill Val.W.aa Ueorwia 1 Mia I ..i ina.1 Ui him aatcnta th noblert ..a ., iiml. 1 - I sad rraotfuL TheLvnchbar IWtiii I VB,n" 7". " w ".. f .T. w"" U0i. - -w . - - bw 1 m. w w ' Buia mimtm bjsm aw arvwr mtm a buuwwi mui n w " - ia aw si ( . - -; n k aa.u 1.1 n avsiw. 1 TViApay, IKrw York; ! !t--oni( I -.a,.. nrt. 0,1 (.f th rrfvodenH o( I a n v.. .mm ik I tbott tyoawki ol klta i I . B..k. Matni. m.. . I TIwCl....,,.....,.. Phil.(lphl.: Mr.fcpaw, WMhlBgte. r--. " " . . . " . ' nr.'-.... ... .. '.Vi. ... .C?." .7 ,L '".Tf ' 7. ktTTE t'.tv.DC: John Alet.nder. Alexandria, Org eon (wen 7- required aoau aaa went on nar way I ..." 7. .t. .. .V. 1 . Ti .1 . 77.1.1 1 rUiCR. m al. N. c ; - a. . . . i . . ... iiud nai n n 1 . . . . I u Hi 111 in irrivw 1 nw inn? or "t " r t 1 nw 1 1 ni'tn mw t uw . m v ew vmi w 1 . . . . . " TTrrcwn Jimrw. wiiinn wnmy eitawiai n"' n BitPB pmnii wnfnp tirri mm 1 " "rV K.rri iTr - ; rr T-n: rrriit.rmr-rm vn.n,- -.in 1 Wt Mu- t th. nnmber of the I 1 n T AND Pl)H BALK. , ' auiinlJ. '-il ' iw -I . B4.4 "'l I A aia.11 nla nf W.v.alU. I . ... ril. . - rriiajpeViW". r-r-iw a- UI 1DIU - . 1 W. U.4UMA4S1 t W. ulii " ' lAltlNtJM'i, UOTKL, ttw Cm. faoanwar aao Twawtwrw Iva.rr, ' oaisl 11 Boil imcrmi in smptii run. "" COMPLETE with all Bsodera "U roT maats ; rueeas m satOt aad single pv.vwte ' t panora, baiaa, eiavaior. we. Linai aw san sajad. txln la Cs vrf eaalra of faaliliN en. kemraat- hmm MfM lit - im fn asi.se k t BonwM aad plana of An. a a meat, ai d Uir. TsI.fa, Arwntd at lm.larta' aad A ti. . ' Ml, J'jhiiati's Irf UtMul (atiai;. 1 te I10U-I is . aavJw ta niaaagauirfit ef A. B. Bamuia, ' ' war.. V..l. r. .ill . . LI. I . . . . .. . .. ... imi-i ii i.i imiiinu .yi " riMvw, - I - I . I Ihd Mini W IW IW, I aalnalnrf I. .ml la. lCia,Il ISaal IMian-l-..!. a i . . . . . a... ....... !. I J a. i . . I ....I . 1 1 I -a, - - - a iwnuMwvrvii.nl. vu. vi tm miff nim is 1 Brrw v.i wiwai Ow-rya Wew. Jf.nbrn ; Oewfpe Jnht Rnbtweo, Gol Utwn : Kef S A Teate. BeaafVwt: Hue A K M trover, rvttvUl W J Btrwrt, lWwuf.ei ; Mw WilUemaow, New llaaover. ( Balk lUal'4's I Ida 40 7 Us ll'tt furmarly e taraia i Hutalv balUaMvei I. M. Itmau of llathiw, Ohio, ami raiUv of Na. Tork.aad fi.ail haraur, of Karaaai1 Uuirl. av Lwa an il dHAelta 0 ' t 1 uttmra CAJtouitA, 0a &, eotortd, convkud of aaaaalt wuh latent to commit rape, wan wwlewcaj o lh pralteetiery ff Jil ; b40 wm Atliert Palterwow fof . hk itan TV. 4Ufal rhaetity at tU b neiaa la aaswUiHi miligatrd th. rkwiRMl n4 thaw eflcaitet. BJae !! fj, I,.ifrt, win wm Injawwd kf th fa'.iat f Ik. wall of W4wfthw e l.trrv '.al.. WeJaeaday , died at aw WaM, la Uu a!aa-,oa rkundt; night t ywmdaf aanwioai, . II WM wa4artoo4 If -w 114 f1 t'isl k.s t hear of life war wry aW4at, h. Mvleg nwaUiaad tatamat ssieriaj tnita WBtB it WMBtt to lnsnaw -Ua la hast W rtewver. t W. C Aa Dtmum W wee eUoe a lew ays ate by Mr. Jow. Wlntbrrly, a tMtf. kaawa ikat ksi Um la hie taotbes't faaat. Iv Isles luanJ aad alll UlW VewrW, h a a,i.l aad haadsnn aan. Mad wf s.ieer, w 11 k pMrl top navi liwed rth '4 wMk Ui. UwraiptHra npna Ih i ri la m4 the pMft lp, "Mag'V ttoad, (! " (wit IV 4 WM Ih. rnwl arrwa. MtkaewfUr Hiaibafiyw BXMka 4 Ik had twrw laiBllt t Iw44 wowa fiuas krf Iheuvek th. ajmetw wvatwM nan) it kaa enes lata tM aU a tM pnl hM. T w. wwa w.u be M-s Maci W kitawU, Mia. V a W. ; . taa44si bear. 7 r. Af wr eee Psa. ... pwtjrt W li nnw. lad r. rwriw awd Stafrt 9. waTM o4 Hi ajrW . natun a. iw. mil M tM '.iimi kkiwiW4.kai. ava. . w-lt H,..OnaW f'f al a.1. , . . . , . a a. .S.j. t- U aa. la aw, 4 a... . . m 'mm0 aa'. la t. W t 1 aw. -a. 4 4 wi.l ka ''4 W Uka a ad Ba T. Taa I a '1 a W " "t aa a l 4 il a. r- . v.naa a,i aaa. , waa . . ia .a rw-a in k-M f- An Xwoiawd CVare. W. kv. been nwth impreeacd l - an wm Wltk th. aeeJ of th nMBlber. of Ik .UcUa Ut Mdbodist Episcopal eheMi eaf this plaoa. Every Ba4y Ktmlng, when w h... altawdeJ, th p. iwad owl n Hat ttf appoialawrat. fu pr.jaT-nsaarting. In prival. houses fm Sun- wk)J sy nftemoon nd Tnwad.y aad rnday hard Bail Jack Ilsril were diatiiiavrd tiB Uliecta that ilium the Bute or countrj lalon aad to Ih. Words, International tlialk,MC la. m Akaolulrly eaf ltop.y.e.tfoo.;A Th other, prov.4 - bn--h4 lw-Mth T.tharieh Ttrl I'-'J1 Mr7l tltVT?:;'::' " WfZ ZlttZ .. Vi . . itt i i ... .iv. BadowBaeto nature wa BdJ.4tholar- wiih lt,il'rt of that body. "Mgr. the EitkBiii n""IB,JJ SSim a ttoyhlaw4 twrerewd lawful nof.tknflon ek, kighw wJtP. B..hop ol faontrwat - then prwmto.4 not ."i.V.V.r.".""?.. pSillt. and accordingly wer. d.uulasnl. Thrat Ttry rar aeJ varied .rrr his aitamoifou H " destn'y th. ttuclHr If It ehoald niiUAN ....,.......',". .alS !"'. it. Wlotit th n(lnxwUow ef IM rwM noted I la tU SomtiluiioB, to-wii t to add a lor-1 KATT'B" WTt.--Ot-. eaf. PaTfarU. ednrtawa. AI amU war. aiad at lb In4aa W Mr. I at Ik. Beld at Mtera. 11 .a tMt war - Oeortre 11 Tavlor. ta ov.twrer. who. hsv I "t n litiy charactrr. ad b ' I aaatal uuff Ave M lka-l at I IkMnwwal atA aaakoaw a .1 . . M t i el . I. A I " -w wm W -- v. lag a laawMii - lauavw a. m. a. WW hj fc)t .. court, ta atteintiaed V) na. ae roaas A T lately EaioraeaavnC It nf jrd ai eiBgeisr t.tiWarua) le re- la tl ronitiUitioa, to-wut to add a lor-1 r P fa 1 Bial pnneat ginet Bay allianrw with th ! f I ft T TT II 1 I UUtaatine.l of Kurop. or a.y othef or-1 ,J I U I If Mil lanlittian Intendid lo naiUrraio. tli. o-1 a flllll l II I I ctaland rrligMHi. oJr to ra ervry-1 II II I I) I I MM, it leg that might nntlkom. ntakaa, awd I J ' ICBMT. lArtn-r am0 UT OIL III III. I pet! ih tbfou.iwiag wt.lt h w Bo I I thf I rriard to In Jn, tnl f" r Irea. th I T 0w- Ikadlet T. Jahaetva, wkuM wile 1 vi rJ IW.UM. Il i froaa I br 4 pr.BU-ra. The s.l rattuAs nr1 - Bin Raleigh lady, I now In F-nglaad. I U f Ut t p f,M, ft i . I norepw-l. atr.kuaa) M ar..nravBio tea R h m. apMi irklly wiMtn. Hb-ipl U. Vtfet ta tk. Richwaoad IHspiUk Hale I eo,r.fi,g i.istd.w.k end, le t.pu ,. u wm ltd thai Hi LrrdJiin 1 4 tr- w. f-UtVy per. .. .a . . . ... ... a . , i . .. ..... ... .. - . ... .... IB iiiawnimvH issir I do kl Out j seai J niuii;.. J w I .i ea-l ike tto Bnik la tbe "ial aplwaate. I k mk wc. Is of t.mmn from a Oaua. oreaaioa ben naked by Mr. Dr I crllK a owe furd Haw. m k whether Ike IWilish poU I Un , Lj . A. ik. ll-fc... wm J. L.IJ. M U -a rt wm not nrtna'ed to a dewlr. a tto .TewiBc. lhrw a frof tb. Mew. I B.lliM) CwmwIb torn nr. sppolntad to wawMwat awea e Uiaa. Tbean am I lags am toid In difff at rrU af th town. On FriJay ea . there I gfsl prayer eaeetiBg keld U tto ckarrb na Jet Ih direcltnei wf th pwefB?. Tto wllUcaU eradet of tto KeW TesttBBeat wiS fvatmbar lha la Apa lalic Ubm. ewth nsawileg wee. ,'W euM ... a a I I . .wa, aad that lb eli.B -a--". (k( o,.,,, IHW. dailb r ft ?&. .3..1 J a.Jl' I . j l.ayirM"m' " '7 1 siheort ttowsawIrM aad thai IwMk , tto avival. hawaaa n-w to Ih. orwe of fell- AaknkM laiiuiteaa. aad a Wi gtkaip I aad aay m.y e4g.wal I j,,. lM uim1 R,iteia noatr.4 of tto w WWw tf- ,k" t I mAit Mudeci. Tk nnr wm w.phat le. X i war nawal look eiden fair I r aad ta.-Heaaewt t tto Jafl, hawastly. Tkl Utp ftriff jpalhl TV Urge to!Mof, which U m towg n -. rsraJ Wwt UwekMlatnttoiad near Ih.enlr! f .WafafX. nad AufrWp, aad were 4 tto t.ty JHg an a raa-pag MirW)il,g tvl rj.,i;.U ta! W-eVy jMtatday araiBg a aa iwewia I l teglaahnwa, treeaaM Jo. sat death, IClartor Aaa av-iearls, wh. na I djg M with! peflewfey aad fAiWy W MlM 1 .W. JaU M taM hJ I ... ,j to tW aa 1 torM by feedleg aa I reianPj tamwi.g gwln- Cy Tew 4.1 .4 eawpW aat wee I to hevw, to re M JJ1 I. te tto 4e- IWg la aU-a ay a.-, . a V iwt ni I -w w o.eat lha akewld wiaywarwwn naU'!t ky year aw It leg that might auttxxrM stnkaa, ott.ta.ploy wejwat mawa, ar taoae op- aao.a-1 inii at rvwi ril aaa lalcrwaituaal laioa- e I rt. 'Baal totha Jaaa- II wUiM a mil tar ehewikai ef My nuat iwiUM sarwlnr , . any tawt aUaiual atal,4-rr uf ' af Bra. Man.fa.4and a,. , . fc4tt'U. u WMOf voUUi an d.- , mla H. aa(r aadw evarv .awaiul " 1 aaa, ear Iks pa t aaralwc aMlHtaa, arw.l ,, , rwviat ky Wa CMiUutat aa la evtt K Aa UniiMk " i Miiliua af tslloM hava waea aold aad aa, , arliv diruy or Ui-urw-tir was evaree- wred frate kwrwinr, skrBf av hMlll It, tM I srii rJl kiaa W Ufa aad i-wifwi-, , , , t)r, raaaiuna fiwa U. aaa vf ihap and daa- all. ( Ik I SUM tlahrw, IB .allH, i f The lasarsi Lin aaia md tu Uv , mlaaara IbHickw.. IM Cualvf wa . aaa IW AaTkAI. M tM t-M aala wd " W kW laaapa a aad Baa f ruculu. tat aaiaslraUil Ua UaJ. f -iai:r, Sal " ''' St wlwl kv ta VWlalaaa, CIIAa. ,. , rnai r a m , i, i .lua .n-Mt, w ia. aag ttUMa katenat uai,' Ike aotrii.eby Wa-lrt, . ha k Ike WaU.aW hM bean rvpaMtaliiag UiS Mm-1 A; pwlalaaiala, I 1 VMtur. tu My err. iw ; f, ta g leaker tod .CLdalik Ksaaa. tto baCat, 4 rwt-4. Bwor jlg to a I mU terwd Ito e-Kliawre M taraad Ik. o sw U, ) to p-e 'd tatsk tsaa ky tto . Jaeaaa, wHa IM at a-r. .1 1 .f,- afW l in?"1 aieaT. ! - UW t dag't Ikeeat, aad, Istrwt, nald tf the to k4ihsdkp-a4r8a(r. W raa4lkwn kappy ft4J.B M Ihw Uawdiaa a. kjMiksd. al ta. A has 4 day a4 ejVI kdaM WH tits -Mt k. k a4 to'tiag , mnBBT 1 W kev Jw-1 awn tto Mlgieal rfvnatrb Aaa Us ttertd . aUs asili at at Vaaaa, dl Aagwat 1h, iri,n n IM , wf I WkaaUr A Wd. BeaUg Mark! aa 1 s.f; lactam pabltod ta tto pfatatM IWinit Tka t . H(k ! karved ttikata payed to AMWal Uiaa- live geaiwe, If . . i i i I diaa l awa-iih Ibat Baholy aaai, I klto, aa Ila. BarflaMnaa, Me,H.petetaaJMC4td.r h.lBt!Lo tJ K-mjs. , rot" A lha ! m .-lr Md, I !" Tto "Raleigh Saaila.1- te aaawradiy d pra t - tJwaU I H be above Baao- iwesaa sB t ar e0 1 tttraiUd rKUa TvV.a., I, aiMa (. U. II g a very e.aaiieal w.Mk la at'awpuag te c.ilig .;.. w.Lh argaaiMikM aad sumi tua-awa. Iw.aafl 1. vtve neblt. tBlavwat ia.hAM dsi. Una tOn-aLl ta tallgnsn n4 tOanrWf fny M in ea Tn tfcMeie f a a-aai tm f.rtka. tmmim a -- MyafmyyoaagWdy re4, Mu, M. V H. 0. ,-, "SS.aT M "dTrTlllUMA. Im leraal in the " AarrwiaM e i lUi aiow, iwaf W, 1171 laua-tat a wx -. TaOMAA, la iAbuA MiuttMT irinn. J ' . Caaaxcnta, JL C. Vlll k wpawad aa iwt..ka tat a.jt J p. II. lad I ' . - liar P. A. r,.UL lhalilci Unrn.U.. IU. Ire piaea, a a I a..l Hit Ml aeal-1 . .. . . , . luke lie If a suklad k. -.- . - . r .j . .', . .a I i i:.. Aaanraa ll lit. tVnd.fr 1.1" "d -" apoa uaui w . m a I W11.V. i ----- - - - kR, aad kard.f aay la.af tot wi k I PtaU.makae tto f JWaiag s.nalaaal : " f 4'y J" 7 tmt, T1.a4y, 1... I . il.a a.u'il ..1. . ... .a I 1 " - - ' I v i. l - a.... . Ihrwaih l'a pHwa-t. Tbe liulaewla e4d I Twf itsni n t in ft.1 MK.t,ietdpafta,Tatw.lay. nVplemUf fare-Mag tfleaar'ed ar .', n aT I Tkra..?, w.T, iim... wrwwi a ih. mm fM , eaaieaf ha day, M Ikwa. ftaoa. I M ' ,, . , I Wkk he kaf WM a.waM. I i"" l mmmmj. . Ilia arrailaa Is iii'a.i d. t awd I Aa I fWasvilia, Tearwy Ca, Twiy ewe, W f. H, f ll a,. a fctaa-1 yfarakait, T-lsy, m:i saa Muriu.wai j ir .aa i.ai I ai r ffMIMkasllai aad rtiM.ty (..1.4 era ia lbM l! t. d i S tf aa; paliMM W( rvna. II to wU a-Ual a y sm sat Uim , tu.l liaa t ik l ef !. !,.., y4 I U..ak !! 1! .'1.1 I II t.J 1.1. an Ik Mas eagi.1 ta i. u t.4 ta tial raa ara.,.,a n bi el .(iwi'i ) a . laal tea f. f i.a41f a. I fKi,m0 4 ,;W til It el ew Biada k( a M kaa. t .. I ulrill IWr in .1.1 .e Iw.-ak ikaaa aa i me - . . ai a t a' ? wwwa Md hiadaw. aad u . I s .1 kafrg let pi.lM ar faya, f 81 3 I 1 7 9 II 14 II II It II ft 1 yia I art- Aaaa.r7 du,iii i,.i..s IT?!".!-!", Ultnf gwo fir-rwt I IS k.Bfl AMI lAf IM'H.Ali. , v l" 'i Lti. Aku 1.11 TL V.klJ. . ta, Cavwtaak Breaww, IALTIM"iE, MU, , Via Cfcaft aad ttlaa HaaMrafey. P'teak. , aaawai-aaa BWft tab tola. I . ,rla r-f ata-l -a Slaaata, a. ai kraai-.a a i-ta , ( atmiiaa fiMk ia ta. V a tk lee tad , t pmlaia kVllal m4 eatAawi Baaaa It eWH na atoag af Uwj iwyMy h were II aiaMaantl tk tost, tad rawtie te M tt It h) id ka Bi ,h ea!f ky t-aa.4. t.toaeka,w.aaaadat'i iara . , 1 ... . aa a) 7" ai Wa. , t. f i , ea i aim T. XI. Brlfg A Com. J I a im .', wiAtrona co ir" Taaalay, Waias. Tkarad.v, f rsr.ki.a. aJsf. t.;an. ', Tm lay, MajAf. Tkafaalaf, aeard, tk iln I. a, ,- rikaat, a ii, SWaaay, " I ts-,lUf. ... ... 7 M' baif . aka kw aa ia td mIm, ( wait aa tliwe, tta.iartta iikli.i la IM Trktowaa , Ml aa M-a Isf t'f il ' aa Armliv, Baaaa fas Waiawa I .i HTIXLl'r.NM. aal sltawilnW I ta kka sitlls-si qtiig ct Miiaunn tnirtkitri, w-i;!,ti;Tnx, p r. T. PwnMij ii, laiaamai aaa t at f a.., n,A.a,W fi 7 a. BJ-a -a. 1 ad. I , i. Wa. a a, Ii U i- ,rMi,aM.( a a aaai.araa Hauiai-i t'l r1' ax'a eard a kaM awl M.i ,1 i., . a-, a. 4'aa IHHI. W .1 tlu. ll i , e-ajtaa fiaa.. . f3.n 7 f J .V --. fi.irv tfk fin 0m ft aata T af I r f ti TitE Bltf tfcraif, Lt nnitii, ltw. ""T n Aa irrrtETirtt. ttli I fllllir frlift:rai.fliirt tit5r :rkwii: r. JCil I: If lll 1: 1', Ii l.A.

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