T7 . TEIIGItAPIlIC NEWS. saoti DUpsUckes, 1 1 Doiaestio News. FBOH NEW YORK. ' 7 v Na Tons, Ao. 27. Hm Fkmll age It jn, wb .oterief- ' ad U have mIUf boj Irons Tjeinir, teat M by Pjn sge IS jeers, ra fatally tub bed by Pajn. Pays u arretted. . Henry WUbrcat met bis wife after att end atooth separation tid tbot ber iv liaise, end himself one ia th mouth, lnewiiiii dying, lue Dtubtna la re covering. The water tpoot Id Gutntjuata, Mexico, destroyed much properly and tome Urea. The yellow fever U raeine in Vera Crus. 'TV'Tbiffiiooerthrough which the train of the Mew Yoik Central Hudson River, Hartford New Havan, New York at Uerleaa, and Albany railroadi enter the city, fell in tbia morning canning a tempo- rary atoppage of all trains. Governor DIi baa addressed a litter to Mayor Haremeycr in reply to a request (if tbe latter lor rifle for the police and aafi Eve If the meant of granting the rt . qoeat were at bit disposal be should le- H considers It. vary qaastioaabl whether public order or aecority would be promoted by the organisation of armed military bod let ander the direction and control of municipal corporation inde , ,, pendent of tb military authority of the -nu.JifndbelievIng tbe existing modet of putting duwa rcalmrtcvV4halaiiby esJling up tb malitia on extraordinary occaalone ia la all rwpecta wisest nod afet . FROM IOWA. V Das Momks, Aug. 27. ' A explotioa of a freight engine ou tbe Chicago, Long Island and I'aciflo Road killed on man and badly scalded, three ' others. .' - -... ..... ' " FROM CANADA. Mowtmal, Aug. 17. The Ptnatylrsnia detective ere search ing for banker named Brown, who fled witb ooa hundred thousand dollars tb proceed of forgeries. . "' '' . ' ; MISCELLANEOUS. " " ". , - Omaha, Aug. 27. Ten tbontand thro hundred pound of ilver paated east to-day. . Looisvoxa, Aug. 27. Hon. Nelson Tifft, of Georgia, arrived ' ber to-day to seek the eo-operatios. of LouUvlll la etUbllthlng a new lin of ateamablp between Savannah and Liver pooL No subtldie naked. He - aneks bo ii srat and encouragement lor enterprise, FROM LONDON. Lomdom, Aug. 27. The trial of the bank of England forge riee verdict guilty. Tb aratsnce penal serrilnd tot lif. FROM NEW FOUNDLAND. B crown a, Aag. 27. The tidt ruM Mr or firt fart higher than nver known before. Tb wbarv i ancLVdg war washed, and building pntratd ted three live wer lust. The . storm lasted fro Saturday to Tuesday. The barrieta rame from tb Northeast , with a heavy rain, FROM OHIO. . CtnctnaATi, Aug. 17. tjeorg Itmiih, of Moatgomery, eoadoo Vut tb freight train that collided with the paasssgtt train tb Marietu and Uaeiaaatl railroad, was arm ted and eotn , milUd let JaU - yeaiavday 4 CWIrvilh, "Obaa." Bbawaeaiowa (tIL) advke SUU that ' lb steamer BeO Veraea struck U wrark of Jeani UewsU at 4 o'clock tbi morn Jug, and saak la 20 last water. Tb aaatber U Bvas lost i nek bow a. It I thought that bat fcw pariahad. FROM NOVA BCOIIA. " . Uaurti, Aug. 14, Ad Jithmal arwoaaU of th diaaatar by Kuadsy't storm aoatiaue to aoat to head. Th gala as severely fall along th wast era rasat. Aatiaty I felt for A! pa. FROM SPAIN. " Midbid, Ag. 27, Lictarage with terra Ikaaaead ajMm Is rr porta maAkls bi reiafwre tb Caitt lure baawgiag EUa wba aaw aambaa? 1 0M. Tb kUat war agaia defeated aa Ma4at a lib aoaaUerabia loan by lb peb!U-a Urm ia KaUlla, The rrpuh Uaa toaa was l.ly. C MClar was irtad Freaidaal of lb Co, lit al4 lb IrwaUea, diAaaltbM aa J peril of th aalaotl ate Inrtasalsg Tha rwyabikaa whiia atraggtlag ta as Lith tb iWaabli weva aaiud. bat ti iar tbey had arbiwad tb vMary war die Used, haraits a Maal lvr tswi. Ta pissiiat aavaraaMat tapramt aolid rraiiiy, aad lb pp.iliua repnatat aa -ll. II bri.liaatly traced the bkaaay ml dwswi ratf and sWbarad that lb death af tba KrraUM aaald be lb astga af lb twi at hbartf, aad that Ik moat toe casM bw hWaaxaM akaeb arhUrved bbt aad failH ta Hwttt It, laal tadUsaiut ha a4, bat daa aad tb peaiatj aiUsalily whiia Italy aad Garataey are braaisg aaava aaiud. 11 reviewed lb aabft h af M. Ta MO wbatb aa aid was a bta af aatUra. la i swat stria, fWCsjV.e rav-hsd d.tlaa peatera to t lb bUsriy aad tUg rity mf f yala. PaaUa, Atg. ft. (.apt. W, bla tb eapa lb Umam (iarmaa war swag, Tba Watt MUsflVH iudt' ley 4Sihwal-belie. Blldnlght Dispatches. DOMESTIC NEWS. FROM CINCINNATI. dm whju-i, Aug. 27, I t , cargo of Belle Vernon aubk tliit morning i Insured (m ftO.OOO in local and iorein companies. FROM PENNSYLVANIA:-' Wilxboro, Pa., Aug. 27. The Dtmocntio Bute Convention wat called to tadcf today. On moiioa of Cocgmaviao Randall, Dr.- Andrew N-bulgt-r wat appointed temporary cliuii- luan. The house spent severs! hi urs dis cussion over the contested sett by tne Philadelphia-- khiiiiH . (nftcTHiuat Committee were i.ppoiutcd. Tin; cib- vrtTO-ttcirtnTruTi'et's: . PlTTSBOI'O, Au j. 27. ,, The National Commercial Cod ventiua, which in to meet hereon the 2.1 of Htp tcmber, bat been postponed to tlx- 25th of Novcuber. ' TEMPERANCE CONVENTION AT SARATOGA. Saratoga, August 27. Th National Tcuipcrir.ce C'diiventioii aiet jgttia .to-dty On .mptionJJs.jJU. W. Cooant, a Grand National 31 au Meet ing wat ordered to be held in Philadel phia, fn 1878, ia connection with the Centennial Celebration. The chair was authorised to appoint a committee to make arrangements. Eleven thousand dollar was subscribed to pty the tndebt- ednss afjh.t Satjgnil Publication Society. "-"-ttam Mw torn Niw York, Aug. 27. Tb Directory of the Panama Railroad Company held a meeting to-day for the purpose of consummating arrsngeinents in relation to a loan to the I'aciflo M iil Steamthlp Company, for which it it pro posed to take a mortiitg on som of th most seaworthy vessel of th company. Th aUendsnc wat full an it wtt re solved by a majority vol to psy tbe Pa cific Mail steamship company (500,000 on tlx vessel", provided that company will make tbem an actual bill of sale of each vessel. I " Haifa million in g4ld wasdUburaed -n account ol the September Intero-t to day. Tht,tustini to-day t445,0OO FROM SOUTH CAItOUNA, Ci'i.t uuiA, Aug. 27. Tbe rtupn nm Cuuit decided the case of Morton IIIim & Co., bondholdeit, vt. th State, adversely to tax-payer. The de cision covert on hundred ptgat of legal Cap, and it Jutt what th tax payer fesr- FROM WAHHINOTON. Washikoton, D. C, Aug 27. Tbe Prrsiduiu did not com to-diy ss xpected. Tbu Treasury Department Cooten.platut placing custom officer In the New York piMtoffice to rlierk smug gling by null. FOREIGN NEWS FROM PARI.. Paris, Aug. 27. The high price of brrad ratiwt treat agitation In the most Li)pul;n.e quarter xd thi city, out of which it is apprehended tettout trouble mty grow, A special meeting of tha (Vbiacnt wa called to day to consider the question. Several member of the assembly have proposed as a remedy the immediate suspension of discriminating duties as to cereals. "TaHl eiKlx. Market. 0 Couaacvab Dailv. Br G. T. ava.acu st ftno, MtatBT Butsaa Aa. It, t at II KaS CUTTOS TARN, per bunch... iry.pmlh. LEATHER ()LE ULATHEtt bPPBR. ,,--? LEATHER HARNEM 50 MOLAaWEd, partal ... ... saVsiTti usaT ts lUaU iu.ll 1V4S a M I I m llett HM liSi aW GOLDEN TRUr FEAC1I t i Dried. ,... PORK ClliCKKNvt. ..v.... fcJUS FEATHER FLA alt El per be.. RAT, pa lutlws IlintJt, twrthllry hTATika, twaart, pas ..,. TALUiW pwlh ....... .... VIHtUAHpwraaJ ....... 1 Uj ....... m . . . ., ., Ttss UrTFR ..; rutCsv. bu, h.c ....... XtAI, efc, . 4:..aa,w,saii....... Hnh . Ritia,N c- M t aavaaaasl... ........ Ml 1.1 f NtKkl Llltt at mar, toast) toals- ta . T f.s . I Isaal at , at a I os Il'! i ,. I. 1 Tt I v n ,1 RRI'wi.f. UlUDFttRD At COS MT l.t:' l'KNM. Spsstal stwoik rJ. to ooll aaoea BsoiWes, nort 7(y-d .v uvi. F wv "k vsssm,OfS,tithaSt, Jl T lam a-s ASTRAL OIL. Ahaatatatf safe rarTartlf odnetsos. Ah ta ootfare. Itlaasasauoa aaaou-a niwn hs f aa. Bare ta aay taaap iihuat sud ol fiinlog a Vstlaf Sre. Msoarartored at nsii to asspaaw e o as vsa'iie aod aav I wan tr.os aaia it. sst.lf aotr rrery loaaiblij i..i S. Ms itsslisaisl ha hs m. Sak bus m'ZL. of gsrt-a. v mM a .lMt-4ifM f o hStt.r 'haa o inao woreAa', si.. a aas i"H a. 1 a lasaa Hv t 1ms hs his oad i re. a tt. r... 4 I. .as Us a of taa sod ea 4-mim 1 taa t .ii4 Iwas, ta t. s-.'.fc 1 a laiaraw w I sopssa aod Ff lre missiiii n.fVaot ta t.y ss. nao- t ta ASIsti. as ifca kH M''fad ksant are a4 ao.t I.- wits. fa a.i st saU ay th tre. g a mi 1. i aod l tt-iinn a ts p ni.i.a, t ilsa rati f a m, i-x.rsii.Bu.t, nw ih. pHE ' CMBEKLASD I NlVERslTI. . WA5DIS5T0S, O.C77, T Tbe Preparatory Dewtouat opent Septem ber loth. ' -; The Medical College opens BeptaaberlTtu. i os si eu teal lOUesre c dens Uc loner em. The Lav School o;eaa October (Kb. For cstsiorae conininr fall Dartirnlara In regard to Urnn and course of Instruction, ou drrat JlVU C. W siLLING. IX. D.. auf (l President, ste. E MtOSE.NBAUM & BRO. On or before tbe Brst of September we 111 I move into ournewiyutlcd up store, NO. 44 FAY ETTEVILLE STREET, RALr Next doof to Mr. Alfred . Wllliaoit' Bookstore w here we will kec tha utoal-Scll auurt TiVcTi of Dry tiKKl. Niilluca. BuuU. UitUaud Cuk, Kef d;mtde ciutliinK, Cu-pe a. tiu I loilif.Truuka. allies. Btcbel. iiei WFi TiSir offer all Suiumef UoodiTufTeM Ihun coct, and other tiouds it much reduced price. Call early if you wbh U tuevre bar liloa, Hot bundrad pair of Calf Boots at SO to w. Kepeetluiiy, aug 8 lin M. KOSfc.SBACM A BRO. g T A T K F A I U 1 8 7 3. ; Thirteenth (Jrknd .unuatFir NUllTIl CAROLIM AbHiri'LTl RUXOtlETl I HA LEIGH, N. C. - Fere for parneiiKer on Railroads In North Carolina Ike wr wile. Kxearsloa trains froui every dircetion duily tspetbJ Wains for 1 psaaenKers wtilran o me urounaa iron me eity every fifteen mlnu'cs. fare only TEN C'KNTS. Hon. DANIEL W VOUHUI.IUS, of Indiana, wl 1 deliver Uie Annual Address. tf.iay on flie CulUvaUoif Ol TOQUtt, BJ IJ'AVI O nttTKHrtV. tiur ofllranria (rand Crists bUUibuUon of. BLOODED STIMIK. i W ESTOS, Uie (inut PeUi-ilrian, In his Won. derful reati of Euduranee,' TWO BANDS OK MLBlO. Hlnirle admlnl'jn to tlieOroundu, . fiOe BliiKle adniluioo for i InWr niucir 1J jeers ol ajte 2S leud for Premium U.t. T. M. HOLT. Vresldent R. T. rCMiHI'M, Secretary. lulyiW-dawJkwtf BOUBLE iCTIIQ FORCE PDMP8. KITCHEN Ml OS. . . ;- (BucctaaoKS to Cabousa Puur.CourAav, Cr LoC'iTSU IB Uauioh) A KB PREPARED TO FLUNUII AT J.X. abi.rt notice Ibe Kltebea I'ump of rsri oui elans altb Ponelala C'yleiideri wlikh can't Injure tbe water This 1 a ulnierKeLaeap ell tHiiap, now iu ate M years wlihi ut eren tbe expenae of new rarkliia. Ws make 4 sixes, capacity SW to IU) Kallona waters per mluuta, working iu every cooeelvslile wiysud by the ass of boaa which can be attached is half a mliiuU, tbaae pmaps at once become a band Knirine of crest power, tbrowiut; water on the roof of three story buildinirs, with one man, and, they will stand four to six men safely. Ws have not beard of ane of tbem beintf overcome ly Br an yet ucy bare barn teatrd by over ttfty Araa, aavlng over IVJ0.UUU worth of propery. for ordinary ate children work tbem easily It ssl up by our printed directions, snd if e set we warrant tkrm 14 monUia. Our Uonbls (uction and force Uloba Pnmps, also hoveated by J. L. Kllchie is capable of baina: aaed ss a Drive well pump ana u well adapted to steamers sad vaaeaU of any class, one man esn throw water on Uie roof of atory halloing- But It has a doable ceded lever end with fonr men la a toy su perior bead Eaitine. Tbe No. V Ulobe Pump ia I Inches la Diameter wllb 1 H snctloa sod 1 tiatbsnre pipe aad throws 40 to luu cal lous par Buoata, seeordina; to spwad. The No. S Uiotie 7 inehra ta DUaaeter, 1 Inch Bue lloa and 4 of an lot h dJacasigi plie, ripe ble of at to JtU Killoes per. minute Tuaac Ulobe Puois we mass of eaat-trua for com mon a a, braaa for salt Water and btovk tiu forth Inside of aVittirs for drinkint; wster. thsy lift Uia water & faot perrwndirular, aad you eaa sit it la Ike house aad draw water from apriaire or wHIs at great cl.laacra. au hinds ol SUaaa aad wala (4Ps uad at I ,,,,rt notice ; boseoe pipe asutcuapliuasJ I iwod tor prk-e iiaL Th entire deiitii of walls wits xotd rafoisaies meat aceowoeBV all ordsra. oeaa few of these pamp have aot glvea aausrarltass awt la rack case II ha bewa atlrt- hu ubie ta tsv aaaksr and aot the pnaeiple th pa. p. W are aow csaploytnc Um beat mat bauics only and delermiu.d to ksve none other. Addrea . KITCBEN BHO.'S ws Will last la lautaera with means. aw la to astaxk ssmeauy II so awr4. I t. EDWARDS. Aavnt for Oxford and vicinity. rsavipH svts ; 1 have asr4 E Hi baa's Pasap nearly IS Btoo'b. I thlak It eoasoiuaaail tbe uuaUtias f go" Fare Peanp. aaar r. aaiiLi. Kak-lgb, March SI, IsTa, ,Osanttiita.X.C,Apdlia.Xa-J Mail. Krvcaaaw The paaip yoa pat la my well who a la thirty two Msms, I aa i aaiag aaariy Iwa Vsars , It has prove w akhkl ant of toe tt I , . . " j . mj . , k linen a hral Sre I tae of lovaJ&ahle aervh, Fae Ofdiaary do BMstie parpuaea, the paasp eaa aa asai by saaau cBlwrea. T. ft CUERBT. TABBua, N. Feb, 1 ST Joaa L. Krvr-at Es.p lasar 4f -I hava Last sh of nsr Farea Pa m awe I two vaara, nod H has proved at every raanert as y repea.ad It ad I woai Bote answaiH rovtaireib l l a lea ri)pir.fiiy, R A WATaoX. " i . Casts ill. April !, 1st, I base a adae? sh of yooe ps snns mat my awoa eaiB saiHylMs; atr taaka I ha lW llaauaity to two psn, sad eao suatdaolly rsruaaassod It far aav pwrvvaa okee sUr I s.M. The pasp Is oa ssmwU jt that M Witt laat wuh oat g.ttiasi oot ol ord lot yaaea, as4 I bar aa ruset trwa a l paor asaay I paat ns m taa mms r - ya w.u i Fe. Joke C- tsatsua, aad W C Btroooth, ol Ratviah. gtv mlilnwt stauos; that Ih-y kav ksd tax pstasp I osa om aav Iwa yaora, are OOTfaarUy aas.a4 with rt. aad H ha est rust team owe rewt hm raposr. Msasra l!.a aTV.4Astl. at V. IIm'i Il4la, aa the Nwrh Cwt'oa SWh lit, vmse that th h S 1.1 ba Peaif , Wilk law fast ad 1 SS. base, raeet-asi imb im Has, h i Wo ta prvtaat tkasr aul aod aah a4 ko4 raataiy a nii I ha Saw UWy has era ana. "r Wv will hoy as ass 14 ma ha on 11. la sssU "ret patMa hare asaaaioad thw pa sis aod eiU boi nth are hha Ussso. yaly I d.s waoiy llltLMD, atva I OAXlHAnT aV BBOTnEll, at 4 it rVk Fta, Istitrurt 11, atlmliCfttf JiiVrf I Is Trs rff, Ijria. It. ttrantatli hs t"ka$' wt isa.., k.iMI Klt, A. iAt, nHst c. w hsiai r.t. Vf.ti, llmwt I. Basrvra, R. t . I Bas I SBMrta-e I r" 11 watt I t DRY GOODS. il8T.H 1873 Third Stock this Season. W. H & E.S TUCKES & CO.. tre nowiecaiTtfiC their porrhasea made whb a tbe last few daya in the Kurtbeni Uarkett, iud are better prepared Ibaa ever to supply uie uaoe wiut uis i Iott FatkitiiMt iHd Dciirtble Caedi tatbelr. Heveirnl Depart ntentat Men and Boji' (ioods. t'tilldri'n'i Good, bilktiood. Cotton Goods, Woolen iioodi. Lace tiooda, etraw (iuoda. HairUuodt foreign Uoods, Uouestie U'loda, riae Uoods. MedianOoods. Cheap Uoods. This last, with the former purchas of this oprins;. Biases our muck me IIROFITaKI) "MObT COMLKTE la the Btate, which we are offering at whole sals and retail, at prices that must, attract ths mac. W. H. A K 8 TUCKER CO. msy 14 "YTALvJABLE TOWN PHOPERTT FOR SALE. 1 offer for ale on favorable terms thove very DESIRABLE LOTS on the Northeastern limiu of Uie citvof Ral eiKh, adjoining the Bspu. Female Bemlnary and the TVaos luntituie Plots ol Uie laud can he seen st the offlee of J. Deveieui. Cltiien's National Bank buihling r of J. C. Minder, Fisher Builoiug, either of wnom can iflve any Inforia Uon wsirud by purchasers reparole tbe land. J will slae sc. I li loti to suit pnrehsarrs SIXTY ACRES OK LAND, heavily wooded snd timbered, hint; north west of tbe iiey snd adjoining the lands of Mrs Wbltukcr, 1. Harris, and other. Ou this tract la a comfortable dalllng httely occuoiedby Richard P. Pluch. luly l tf . 1IESRT MORPECAL gAKATOOA SI'UINGS At UtAIiEIGH. l'E.HC'UI), LEE A: Co s D It U G S T O It . aad drink THE EXCELSIOR SPRING WATER, oa draught FRESH FROM SPRINGS AT SARATOGO. This wster Is bros.bt from Baratngs In Gas tigut itraervoira, lined with pare block .la and is forced out st oar counter precisely a It sow irom le spring, wituout charging It who aa. .sRTiriCIAL MINERAL WATERS pa drtnfhL KISSEN0IN AND VK'HY. Made by th ptogrea of Bersellns snd Strnre, wim aueu wiprovrmeiits ss tne progress ol sciatic and Art nave loggia' id. S O J) A i va Tj;i les Cream Soda v aur with fswBlne Fruit ryrua oa draaghl aad ta Sypaoee, At PEtWTD. LIE CO'S DaTO BToRK. may iff JUST RECEIVED Another eornukU stock of ItKAPl'JlAVJ: CLOTII1SO. At may ts I). a. WAITTS. TH-0 lYlOIirvTINO BTAIL DAILY F.D!T1)!: n,koufk oulf S.s year old, has tha largest M. eeiiy eircaisuuo vl aay s.wspa m Us buta. and a rlrcuiaUo ia tt uasii rUa aim I . - . . . ... . . 7 iwr mi la-gcr uwa ieaa ei snv otawr esu. WEKLY EDITION! Mow rwmbtaed with tb "fan, Ike Farmav," SMhla oa vt toe west fast by Maan ia tstaaoovh. Ikealsliua tors evg sad raiAdlt suniK-RirnoN rtucit :sr avsa, I yr, ... . , esuotas, s . - I sauoths Wtaatit Sta. 1 yaor. . . " SMiAhs Smooths, . . It it 1 vw se I II mat he saf.lv ibatoo awspsie wsoaw m A.ru-w ha atsdo swHk raptd rrr4 aa Use "1 he atoraiaf I BVast.rW sawrbwea ow. a wst M htltitl. tsh wiiaaaasitsm. II C. OEOtND AOIt'tL FAIR t,F THE IH t J antio soa awth I .mlu A.rw . i.l ouranv I sw aw oM si a.fik. V s . u I V, t odoaasMy, 1 kandsv a- S Fnaay, tUS. SXa, ttk aod I A ot Ostohsr, Iv.t, TKH.ROl atltst lt ABE I PRO- liBha iu t ta tin arritoACbi lha Fair a sMaptsU tai-reas to every rs,t TV Bauda-s aod Wreoodsare ia tVaasl.r.1 taMar. I aa prvasiaai bat at awra A raiir4 raw dsrwcuy to tha t.sa.a ol th t.eowoda, whstk ere ass ty vim sod ay it saaa.lt S to ueae aV h4,of Ik far d-a Sat with aay ot IVs lu.Uiu "" b-akiy aiirerttre a.4 1 eM"aM o.l rria o tha a . .... am rvtots a , W AUrae'haa darmsj the By swdar of ha tiaral'a Ca-wo!iire D. BTAhhE. F rests rot ( tt at II. C, OLIVE APEX, N. C co. Are 1 u a4 f At, t-, aa las. .. . I )a 7 ItdMaotaa I. ALB, I A t . r - 1 . a. t saj rt if haiU at tot of IWh wa Fsisti BatUt fcd oa r(ttiOI W. II 4iUACt KAllROADS. is. QflANUE OF SCHEDULE. KALEIGH AUUl 9TA AIK LINK. BcnaiBTaausiiT's Orrica, muMon.n. c, Aug. i-'tn, una. On and attr atondav. Auir. lMh. tNTJ. trains on tbe Raleieb and Awasia lir Line will run daily, tSuouay excepted, as follows: l-t JAIL THAI. Leaves Raleigh.:.. 3.3ft p. M. Arrive! at rJandford 4.15 P. u. ITeeBandfordTTTrT-n".'. ...v a 45 a. at Arrives at RaletgnT r"9.30 a. M. .ACCOHHODATIOSI TRAIM, Leave Raleleh ' 8 40 P. M. Arrive st Sanford 7.55 P. K. Lea Sanford () a, at. Arrives at Raiebch. r.u. Mall tra'n makes close connertion st Raleigh with tbe Raleigh A Gaston Katlruad to and from all points North jtnd atsandfon! with the Western Railroad to and from FayetterUle and points on V est aU'naai i 1 OttCl Accommodation and Fieigbt trains connect st Kaleurh with accommodation and Freight traiiis on tha iiateiKh ai.d liriaton K H A. B. ANDREWS, tuglS-tf Bupt. QHANOEOFBCUEDCLE. RALEIGH t GASTON K R. CO.. HupxamTiMDEMT'iOrruB. RaleiKh, N. C, Aug 18, IsT-X On and after Monday, Aug. 18, 1ST.!, train? on tbe KaVUrh A Gaalon Kailroad will ruu daily, Sunday excepted a follows: MAtt. TRAtM Leaves Kalecb :. U3i a. if Arrives at Wcidon 3.M P. at Leave Weldon U. 15 a. m Arrive at Kalekh H'Mr u ACCOMMOOATlll VUAia Leaves Raleigh. , S.S P. at. Arrives at Weidou S.UU A. Leaves Weldoo DXIi. M arrives at Raleigh 3.15 p. Mail train makes close connection at Weldon with the Seaboard & Koanoke Railroad and Bay Line Steamers via Baltimore, to and fcusa all potnte North, Weat and Northwest, and with Petersburg Railroad, and st Rsleigh with accommodation and freight trains on the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line snd Kichiuond A Danville Railroad, 'North Carolina Division. ss. U. AMIKKW3. ug- .'JHf lU-umihi'i, JJ A RME E B 8 . .A T T V. N T T o 'S f If joe wnntlUo BKdT Plow net IT armor's Ir lend old bv U.iPLUMMBR & CO. iSVBycamoreBtitot, PeterslTuri;, V'u ,i vt. LBN II. IUH, Agent, f f .. . . , lUleixh, N. C. Circular furubhed en applluaUoa. una U-tf '.-'.' SCALE BEAMS. LL Sires tt augC-tf r.lili.l.S ,v SONS. APPLE PA 11 EES. jSSORTEl) Kinds st sag S tf BK1UG8 ,t BON3. Peach Parers. fpilE Best in use at aug 6-U BR1GGS dt SONS. N O 1 Having aold out onr entire Block of Gro ceries, .to., to Messrs. R. F. Jones A Co., ws reconmeed them to ths favonble considera tion of our friends snd customer A. . LEE 4 Co. Raleigh, N. V., Afiril, lSTA F.JONES & CO., W H OLEALE AlD BET Al iTgROC ER 3 COTTON l I CTOUS 0 COMMISSION MF.nCII.XTS. WILMINGTON ST.. EAST 4iF MARKET. iuxeiou,' n."c, m? t7Orlart for th parebassof Cot to so Uciud end aaUsfaetiua saaraateo l. Ccaastgasarata vt all tia-la. Pnidar, Gro tsrtee, 1'roviswis, ., will receive strict st Uoa. o sp Xvtfe JOHN C . W I X U X It UVU-EJitslNBER, RALBMlH, w fr Will atu-od ta all treslrvas ht ths Has of k a p-ifssOoa as aay part of the Pish-, uethr with th swreiv of wsnta. Aod wilt rut prompt ottawUno to th porrhasw aad sal of Real Earala, Miaaa. Watre Power. Ae. Odh-a ht th Fashor Bu.Mlr. FjrtUv II Jaao tt la "a uo a-a mva (aspai .1 r svAur 'last. ' ' ws st 1 n a., Blm 1 irN goi jjk Basse, oeiaata s-t ks f 4 1 1 a, Tv. a. Ilk) l-fUlssta, aad a-.re M Bar I. a I Vto asat 11 t.r pwa osa aarMMIoaa toU-t to All ntr or ia au.asT al issi.e- ta atert r ra rstriii on it BaWsrenas-re f aasis say aair-t nivaHAastW httLAna. DOOLXT At BRCTstEn. Maaarartm- . vaituit aaeux rs etT. At A sr. FOB c T ORDER TOACCOMMOftATE I rarlsre drelrt. I por. hoaa tut af wond. sd laod I WiU OK mMS assHt sa at !!, Coart llaaoa r ta th t II r af RsM- he wswa lk list to , at ' 't llM Xrmi of to4 attoassd hrtwa-a tho Brorerdsm rwd sod SVv-re M.U path. ed)mtof to laod ft Jsaare ila-rts satas mm4 Hief wftkia Iw auHoof th Uiv, la hwd will towddhs ( ha s.H par. . -n mt v II ts w.a wasd aod ttskwd aad h mm tasa Uf OPoatod I tha Wwklnf to hay - tost owa oa or f w osio. ka aar-d ad wood tt la otohsw rare sttas twr swjaotry reidist or a vj..im trarh Israae oas half r tha Wssn ta Iw.'re m ha. wok mvsrest freaa y ol sal Ut ' 1 ssul ;tsat Miasaot. t (tt st Us laod eao Is mm si i-as Is.. .t t c.J, m Ifc. raw ol h t misos' hawk S 1 n ,4 ad atah d. U --, thtrw (tore ) ml. I' SAt ItENRI MoRDECtL ' T I II , inlstLl s:'a'4altooafn 4 tho yrer ed larewig iTn.vtL Pfrat. iaa. A p-iy a a ts l )klaS r RIM aa to had at R F.tM a rut air n.,i.f.!u t.ir-- . . . - . t i ,' W1 E sre now UMt or Jtra for s trft.tv-: nam GINd. Hemtofore owing to me erci of th order we bnve reo-ived; jsuti.'S therefore who rU'l-ovi nim to at nrIt , " r n rrsatlv obliire ts. br nendini.' In Uieir oriSe- a earl aa psiule. in order ii,t u.... .' !,.. i:it. n , in. i noM ins titrvrr I'm peril need riuner to stt-nd it ttirate from ibo Cotton stkha, clod of dir. mIV A . ;!,. rm ranidlv. C'.muf the seisl thorouvlilr. t.u-liMlv .;,.' and very durable. We shall be pleaai'd to send Known psrues to any veraoo iijiuo s-ii. july If dlw.twAnwlui FIRST PREMIUM A WARDED a f:'j :-t4;1 lhJX -TTtVERT blN WAKIiANTFD To GIVE StTIiFACti'lS AND A V.I1R TIME I IJ cil for trial' rot tale oy June ji Lit s m:uis. JULIUS LEWIS & CO &3 a .lh?L-ili'-i r W ' j-lwrj.rii r-l !E.LER3 IN IIAIUIWAISE, --8TOVB8, WAGOX And bugcy MaterLls, Lestlicr, .11 1 Itulidrr B.-Uini, Gam surl Ropa Pscklnf. Blicktis U. Bellowa, Anvils and ices, llol.-r. KL IiNISiUNil GOOlM. Iron, Stool, Nail; Uuns, 1'l.tek and Sporting Coods sux jo tr "VouCitn DoYour Own Painting bt mi AD LEY'S PATE The Most I.t'oitomlfitl, ntHKSE PAINTS are coiup ,ed ofl'rns JL VYirrs LAI, Ziki- and I.ikiieii Oil, without oliier maUrlals which add greatly to Uie durability, els Ucdv, beauty and strength of tli Paint. I he v. hole an cuetPRauy combined, so tl.it ths p.g mentssre held in Imnninent solution, thus forming a suiootlie. clornv. linn. rlasUe, lieauuful anildiiiible I'ali.t The ,1 Oil, ohUh is lb rral life of ILe i.i mawot Ire-re rt end bo absorM.I T uuaiaace to wnicn It Is applied, aa it noes in the inll'i linos 1 ll.eor.l,..,., ' way and thus lave II. e pigment imI sod brittle, to wash and rub oil In s few months, or at farthest in Uirea tt (our Tears. This slot It nnsffrrtrd try tnariK! of tcm ituir, ia pcrfrcUv lm.-rviie to the action of water, to well aitaptcd to all clssaesof work, and Is In every way lietler I sint for either lasina or OlTsini v Has or Boat. i... - other raintsiHiwa to lb trd-, sad will but st hast vaaa nun A. Luto as tus " aaav I.ssb sao km. u ami vbs okim BSBT WAV. A,W'&te)??ts O. P. JCNrGH.T,oloA.?cnt, Frh.nvh.s oy run ii Fh KiiM r ur iiik HA La ' V ssclaily call alUi.L..n t IU foUiwInc tsotlrwoatit of tha Pstrrt ; Ma C. P. R.iouT ; T" '" Cy, VaFearaary fi, 1 .i.T.TJ"n!"1 u""." "f ,,, l" b'"1 " ', S.s gi:on. racU. sad Ure. t-wt- work, towpletad u..btt.. 10 ss a. the bMl nl I H 'ld thick, ami ft ts now g.aars'il ZZtirZi ';ha.aei ' hh ba.toe-a. and body aod t-r-sony uf hw, there to a-ti Uad4, Up.a. t ....dsitti nil Bous.hy tht;ritoa, wluek toaaiw , j 1 l-"i " 'o'l ncsUf ad vu4 U.U -i.Uv "-n It! otT.i'; 'iT T' r 4 "" .'"- .'. I I K w lor. ihly th, lspuui il .- L i T ! a . m"Uo- r --,4. la r-.l,w, of m.lerial. la l-s.t rakle to ),) to s.a Bust aw yoa Ik. us primer ol It,. .u.r. . ty -. a d truly . . , - ktuisf - Ian 1 1 a..i . ml t: r Palsat hi.aaaH Pasal far as.o4s wis .oar to toikn. t duratHi.il. a ii. .. (Maoasuo Hsswi out lk St. 1 v7 Booom hT. P , "l' ' 17 ' "I 11 s .reaa.rtMts.A. laettoa. l.s.ciolw..osf,iftowt.tt.orl,iif'.a',d..bU... tV.a V- " at hkwrty to e- it. V.rers.mtr,faiiy, lA tc ALUt H t0 "' ' Hfare Hot. I. N U . eorasr Fsretta aod St. Paa Pvwau, stolisawjr. T?Vll'?'.Z!l'!,"'U,'m"k !'"-" Stole that la V. im. Prwti!eM a I? I L 'I"4 " ums ' -.-la.-al'!.i Raad Fa'aL- tr whiekl F. vrr-tr.T.;i wf;f,r Faiat has .i. .qui. a.n.ts.u as I . r.'..t.Jto,,.',,a,MMM,l WM( m.hm tsy rs,au.iir, , t bta I 9 . .. M MM I.SHIO tswt, "trdbtfV pasalto say hmmm -4.'a I h n.Hasrv, rwrnog atkaa - ,,, . . . , 1 , r BSSS ,.lj S l-o . V f Rataaf. F . A. ! f -R ..t 1.. .lt..,,.:. a U t ts vtisa st 1 1 1 ,st( ( ... i - r i 1 ( . ; er oi vaete cciei-ratrd SKLr iy.,.. e-iuanii tu n on T oeen btu ,,r"' tiiv triioiv ,'.iii.t,wiD 11. 111...1. pamphlet eonUiaing WatimonaU ftoBT' ,, . ' ;M. WaUr Ut. Norfolk " A-Cl ! fu; tb Csreli-,4 ' AT NOpTfl CA ; Jlfi saWiaiawa-t i"---"'' . ":::iB-iTtrN.i...!n,. it. r 1 aj 'ar wwTirv.w.. n . 1 m tm:i M.- .t .1 1 i. T. BTRONACH BRO , RsMrt, N ,, . - -WfRW.Wlif reiv NT KN A MKLPAINT, llnuiitlf ill nntl Durnlil tti -fr ( f , x" ' 'V 11V.SA I'lr.j i Vrttr' vomua to hk hix.ya T TJTg or, net l Oil BKXTISKL S. MtUlU,:M. D Btitsw at, D eU 18, 1 . 1 .. .d . tmlmm k... ..'1 .... red-1 .. uuii ... 1 W .71 . . I'smt, aud I ass sja.u 1 IntisJ auk ill Pll.sssrv ai.a, ItarU.siJ rohi 1 if to IsImh im, 1 bat ymt I'atrol s . .1 ti sre- 1,11 I ,. , no Bard, R,icRtr,M 1 awo 1 f fi ,,.4, oa lodsrel to nt - r t au. a ss.. U.sl it k s va ki.kli at am 1 '. at. renal mas s- ,tuA4 to-tf rti.tfi . "... ret ;.... las Wort B !- ..-.',. .. , ','-- r '!?-. v - -ia. - .' ' - a a 1 d 1 kkBtbf f, ViiTlty.ti w.F.t irst rui ecv- nit StttllO fsu . , livress, . d I J