THKjjIAiY SEXTIKEl . " rCBUSBKD St ni ihtisii rwAum nym. omo, nr th Court Hou., ' ,-, a&vkbtwism rnrLi; ,,t , Advertisement will t- in r!ed ui the IaI'.T TIBS a, she iwkrur niepwi&a ot iu im-h, or ten million line. n-e sonar ooe time l. , " with uUtiBRitt UurxMutt rfm t)lUW.ek U t wjiitr, t wrtr;TtqTir,TlRo.tS .ul lH".t' I esaath, Hd l . ' ' . I " Iwo'a. ia.u,l ' "., .LX. I- : . litUonwcimmi. ff.IV 01 . delivered I. , T-rt of tha CUT FiTs Cbt. per eek. , . . VOL. IX. RALEIGH, N. 0.; FRIDAY. AUGUST 20, 1873. NO. 18- l .i it "6 i- Tiflimj j. itsrr t ... la. ' I 'Hi",.- HRBEST CIRCEL1TIM OF 1ST PIPE1 PHLlSDEBlSfBSClTT. LATEST .TELEanAPmO NEWS ON 4th PAQIL "Tj-(t M PETTEN1LL AO).. 10 BUta JwL Hoston. T Psrk Bow. New Turk, sad rai iWtunl Street, Vhiladephle, ar oar Ael fur procarimt advertisement lor our wr(ticlfieiiTmL)hi thbore cities, snd "lutSiWd W contract for advertising t our lowed relet. ' CITY At.MANAC Aug. US. ft.u r'f. fan sets.. ,8T. , b SO. 81 uirir.nnLOOICAli. I.MMMTItBAT MUX XABOIl'S ClBiBaVOHel A ft 01. - V- " H 7 W WTCATHKK REPORT.. "Wssumcro, Aug 1W, WIS. ii.. imiilk A-JsnUr, Htates rlslne b 1... Hht narthwestsrlv to southwesterly mini' too sress Ofdlgbt rata followed by less cloudiness sna nsmn iwimvar. . , ,.trv ('iKTl'dN MAKKF.T Rer .rted daily by W. C. Blrousco, Grocer 27. '87. 17 'J" 'x.ln. HOME -AJET-AJEnS Returaod. Dr. Tboa, H. Piitchard, of Iba First Baptist Church, returned yesterday from Lincolotoo. ' Bald fat FoaUf a. A letter addread "Sheffield dc ttooa, Su Louia, Mo.," i hold la lb citj post- office Tor want of proper poatagc Panonal, .... Dr. P. Heotoii, Burgeoa U. S. Arojy who waa lr a king time etationed In thit city, i a gut at Blair' National. Huo, William A. Smith is ahn ta the haudt of IllaTr. ; -v - tod CoibuiImIoo Merchant, Jjif"1'. KAUMa. Aoj? rncrl wtloD t arwiwa' A'.Wm. At 4 p. m. - V) nrket tteady - - .i, , i s-1 AltlllVAI.H. AHBl'fH llouR, O. W. lilacknall, Proprietor- Mio H U-ry, Baltimore ; A J ,mtrril. K iviticvliie; A K Tenny, city : J ) WhitaVvr, Wk; C UlVnwn, I'ittn boro: J"l"ii I. ", N l": J McCalluui, IW i h; A D KvrpiiHfon, Kirposi. Out ; I JV mif and Inly, N ; Mta Pmcurd, G; C A Henir.M, WilmiogtoD : Jmues Ji.nV. ll .rnett: John O. Burlum, Peteit- burg, A B Andrewt, N C. Katioxai. Htki, X Bir, Prn rtr-Mti" J. M Muthew, child oil n-i-vkt. Ktt -willa; Mt. bank. Kayrttt' ;n.. Uia lIi-niliTn. 0Mbiri': HA I)y '. t'lip-l Hill; Mm. 6mi;h, Hert ford; Allxft HukIwimI. Bitliimnra; J P Duvi'ii, Oi'iwii; O L Hiimprr, WliinK ton, N l'; lr. P. K'-clnr, 1) U A i my j K J lU'V' . r. Pmim 'tli, V : 1 1 WA Smith, PilnwtoB. N C; H Miy 4. Iin Wil!iB. and WI1lin Jk..u, ItiCii mend, Va ; Mr Tlim". Crav. n CMiiity, Jjf C. " or UiaBsaUoel. EDUt ritSAL-FACT9 AND FIO VltKS TO BU CONSIDBKED BY THE l'EOPLK OK HALEIUH. rum CUT. A good way to get oat of a acrape ! to let your beard grow. A country paper tayt (be beak patroot of htttbiadra'v? f goi wiyea. A pare, white) vinegar caa bo made, it ia aaid, from the juice of watmneloo. Billing eajrt the ruaa who think he "can't do it" ie always more than balf right ' CoL Wiu. A Allen, of Duplin, whote ... ELECTRIC SPARKS ' ST TBLBOXApa TO TBI IKMTIKEL. Gold cloeed yeeterda; ia New Turk at U4-4. ' . ' - ' - ; 8TATS HEWS. NEW A D V E R- T I S The Pieabyteriaa Udiea o( UilUboro will site a featWal on 29th, tayf the eordtr. Alao on September 4th and 8th, the ladie of Ililliboro will glee a aerie of Tableaux. Cotton cloeed in New York: Upland SO 1-8; OrleanI01S. A detperate debt took place ia Char lotte between Capt. J. K. lvey, a fieitit Conductor and Van Galloway, a brick A dispatch from Shrereport, La, aay j maaon. Irey waa thrown down a flight tbaateamer Rubt waa twimned .ter. ' awpa ana nan iwo arm. uroaen.iay day. Crew eecaped. ' the OUtrver. A daughter of Mr. John Jordan, died W UT TT I .- C - r. i l I 1 T : . . n 111.. M MMtliuuil . r- , I . ... tmiCHIV VUUI1 W I 11UUWH1 VII J nUIT IUUHI VVIWt U IU are pleased to aay, ha entirely recovered. Mr. Seantor Raiienm baa been ejuite ill at the White galphnr Spriaga, CaUwba .emwtt- in thk Bta'. Imt ahe) wa wnM' but better at laat areoeutt. Timm tot 100,000 damage. , J. H, Roeagoet, cnabier of the Firat National Bank of TarrytowaZT. X., hu committed auiclde. , V Collar and pclerim of Iiorraine Uee will alra be uwd. Fin Inauumwnt. Yeateidiy the proprietor, Mj. J, M. BUir, placed in the parlor of the National Hotel one of Tremaiue'a Grand Piano. eogineer of the exprea wa killed and the the bed of the etreain below, breaking mail agent and a lady panenger iojuied. Meeting Iut NlhU . . The City Ctmmieloorr held a regular meeting laat night at the Mayor' office. The quetion of the validity of the deed to the old Fair Ground wa dually settled by the comniiwiooer re-tigning the earne. In our Dtxt we will givo the proceedings in full. Ot Age. Without the content of the' Aatociate, Mr. T. B. Kingsbury, we announce that to-day ! hi birth-day. We tupprea hi ago, but he i toinetbing under fifty. He ia, nt any rate, old euough to l the reci pitiit i'f ime liuiiilniojc prix'iita, which e Impo lie will leceive. Thaulu. We tiMuru ilimiki to Mr. J. B. Neathery, Privute Scrretaiy to the Governor, for the preneut of a box Lomlon umnufactured, "aujierior adheive " acariet water. They will beinvlu:iblu to ut in the compilation nf newi and olln-c uiitltijr, boing much t'li'itner and nnv cnavenient tlmn mucil iiK Pte. ' Our TraTclliug Agent Mr. J, A. J"t)et, Rtlvigh, will canea the Wost in tlie intercut u( the Skstixcu He 1 duly authorized to collect all mon- wcre plaaed to note the many Improve- rock and atmU not meee. HI ftlenda, ey due the fcflko,to contract for ad rer- ount recently made. They have a full thinking that be w a only jeiting, took I tmeincnl aud to solicit new subscription. .; nf r-.1. erocariea which thev bol(l otyXm Bd lt"nPl'l ." . Our friends ot the West have always stood and six years old. We extend our svm patbie to the bereaved parents. - llillArt irCtfTVeT. " Kixst- Co-OrkiuTivK Store. A tale of stock in the Firtt Co-operative Store -te'ptt yeatetday at3T 50 per ibarn. tne par value being tms I a good 1T I T, , 1 l . v.. r tuc niKuiui wnauna vrainuw Oa retiring Iron buiimM, a wlae old BomJnjted C. C. Washburn for Governor. howlng and prove, this useful! and pop- man said to hie son and u;easor : "Sow, J Reeolutlon denounce the increase of sal I instilWHm to l on the high road to everv aflair of life eic ut lovenuakins TheColonuwtlon Society e( Port Royal, Baa, of thi. eonnty, who h.. been every atlaur of lire ex pt love-making. CuoWa, has entered Into a coo- nawell for some time, was sitting in a Lorraine is a new Mohair wool lace, as tract With the Italian Labor Exchanira ef cbair at his hottae one day laat week, when flue a. thread in texture. ' and filled in by New York Citv. bv which fiftv Italiui. b? dJ"'l.df'PpeI dead (ailing out nf hand. It is very beautiful, and will be I are to be sent to Port Royal each month. Lirgejy-liMatswrt: bla, oo Wednesday night, collldedtwilh tbe freight train standing oa the track 19 miuuto behind time at Montville. The hit chair. Hi. family has the sympathy or a number or friend. Lire i uncar taia i death 4a oertai a ii'mux J jVinat. AcnUKitT !l nXSOOLPtr CtrtJirTTT-Mr. Thomas C-. Dixon of Alamance county, while at work at Long's Milt In Randolph eonnty, fell from a scaffold to tbe rocks in A Remarkable Stvw. It ia pronounced by musiciana to be one j ff,tm Athens, Georgia, comes tbe very re- hirrlght artn and thigh, and autUmlng other very aeriou iiijurk. His situation was critical at last account. UUliiioro KttorJtr, of the finest instrument In the city. ' 1 " Vacancy mied. At the meeting nl the City Commia sioncis held lust night, H. T. Clawson was elected to fill the vscancy occasioned by the resignation of Commissioner Up- church, snd White voted for Mr. Clawson a A fnshit'nable lady from the East, visit ing Hickory, inquired at Ellis & Hhu ford's dry goods store for a piece of good markable story, which il true, should bra warning and a tetror to all Sabbath break ers. The AartK..hut Otorgmn says that I of the " ilunibcnn shade." The clerk oa Sunday before last a man livina below I replied that be bad none in tne store, but Scull's tW, about twtnt, mile. U.ow TJWfi? Athenr, went fishing, aeatlng himself on to the oceaskia l-ttai A-ear, roelc Not niturnini; hums at atuht.1 - w.. i a . j , t:..i. I m l liue lusuranrv aiznifv. wa uruiuBicra. Aiessrt -ones, i WM made for him, and he u four wsshinit machine s.enti, two plsno- found scaUd upon the rock, and npoa 1 tuners, five sewing machine agents, four- .iT. . .i i.,... ... ... j I teea men weerinir ereua KAL'Sle and cor raasily OroclM. r- v y-"a - r -r D,( aad whea !, nuti, twenty-three YesUrday in passing along market ".-compaay mem nome, ne toia mem mas biblt ,g(,DU , . (h, Uttcr weM the party requesting hliu to ftt up snd accompany them home, be told then that square, we dropped in at the grocery Almighty bad seot a judgmeat apoe fiercely attacked by bed bug and driven B. P. & Z. W. G.ll.and hl P of the f t-wn.)-W .iVr-. line of fre.U, grocerie. which the, LKllw The report of the Treasurer for Wake by nJ dne their part to upport the are offering cheap tor cash. call. Give them a county to the Superintendent of Public Instructed for the school year ending Sept. 80th, 1873, liow, Hist the :lionl fund of Wake county for that year wa $7,47S 71, besides the the Mate auJ county poll taxes for 1871, which have not yet heea paid. Of tfaia scoot fund 14,607.73 SaxTiXKLaod wa hope to be sble to make a good repott from them again. Grind Temperance ExoarOoav - Durham Lodge, Iudependeat Order of Good Templars, through Mr. N. H. top of bis voice, and asked them, for Ood's sake not to attempt lo lift him an, as it would murder bim. U further Informed them that be hsd been Informed by aa aa- seea presence, that, as a judgment . lor Tobacco. We learn the recent rains bave been the making of the tobacco crop on Flat river. Orange county, plantar who considered the tobacco crop almoet a failure during tbe recent drought, now say the crop will be very good. Ia s me iEr;'M':'.,y,'y!s -. af ..-. 4-i l.i " svV w - t " 3 .; if hi i OINLY 11UUNM COttDH WOOD IN AWINTEM,' ' FO SAU IK KALKIQU OSLf ft. :. . . t T.n.Brlggs& Sons. 4 , SEND FUH riROULAK. MAKKETS.. Noori. Report. ' NxwYom, Aug. S3, Cotton irregular, sales 3707 ; Upland SO 1-8, Orleaa 29 1-2 ; Futures opened as follows: August 19 81-05 ta SO 1-4, Sept. 18 IS S3 to 187-16, October 17 13 If to 17 87 33, Deceiubcr, 17 3-10 Flour unchanged ; wheat quiet without a decided change; corn dull --sterna wes tern mixed 54 to S7 ; pork dull sod in buyers favsr new 17.80 ; Lard firm old steam 8 1-8 ; turpentltie 43 1 8 to 44 j rosin quiet at 3.00 to 3 03 for strained. Stocks dull; gold 13 1-4 ; money 8 to 8; exchsnge long 818, short 87-8; portions oi urenvu.e, inougn, tnty pare. ,.,. juii . fu,. bonds nuleL Is serious-1 . ' . bad too much rain and tobirco I ly Injured. Ihirham TutMxa Plant. R.Uf toua Rerlwala, E glit persons proteased faith in a Bap-1 Brot.ghton, has tendered us aa Invitation his profanity and Sabbath breaking, he JltBTiKoe. The Western Baptist Coo auld naar ba aovered from his nraaont I Veotioa meets at Waoaeeville, Hay Wood seat, but weuid remain fastened to U aU ?8n TO"1 bf-r the fuuiUi ISENV.ADYEUTISEMENTS. ITtVlll.' 'HUTtL , I want to aaiolov four IiiiiiuM Rooia 1 Brrvants. 1 r' ,, SUA1S, augSOU , Proprleter. g II AY ID. O '4 , B,T .L X N . ; rroas mt pramim, esar tka elt of WaleHc, One at It 1)1 1 M !-! XLAt h MAKE MULI ta good order and betwnen t and 10 year old, aaaae sa tall ruaelM was kevetbt St at from tlie ael(!:borboid of Diwiisiu lt Jsou arv and may hsv itrirsd to bar eld raaga. A liberal rrware wui k paid roe any kasorma- tloe leading to th recovery or dillvor ot U am to th andenlrned, or to John or T. It. Ueveeax,or te P. tl Caiaaroo. at ilillstioro, MRS. UEOUUJ. W. MOKUa'CAL. aag lIMw u- M OCHTAISBOTTIK. At BO eenU per pound, , At J A JON E flroeary Store, auc 84 U llUlsbW BUeat. LivKRrooL, Aug. 83. Cotton firm nplanda 8 7 8; Orleans 1-8; sales 13,000; speculatUm and ex port 8,000. Savannah and Charleston Oo list revival at Kcnansville meeting still to particlpata la the Grand Temperaafa I bis days, and ba would be mad to praaoa f-"J oeptemuef, taainj a. a. Lewis, i wUr tBj K(nthr delivery, not below wss disbursed by the county Treasurer in j,,,,. Darmcnt of lohool eipeaare M Wak county during that si bool year. Of this amount, 81S3 Wss paid for white schools in Raleigh township :180 for colored xhooU, and 809 5J for build'ng a school It Mise. Kaleigh toanhip eniain nearly one thirl ol alt the children in Wsk uiity, ud i then-lore entitled t nearly ouc third of the school und of Wak-cuiity. I'he school fund of nake county fur I ' . I , 1 M . 1 HMMIIfT HMSlSinilTI I ExcurahHi from Raletgh f Ovewbora' - " T' IT Salem Aaeoci.tio.. at nominv. Bun- mUlag, 8 1818. Twalve converts at a Baptist revival at on the occasion of the meeUsg of the J g,,,' parties front Athens and Winter-1 owihw eounty, II milee west of Asbcville, I Latm Cotton-Upland delivery lor Bethel. Person county. Grand Lodge, L O. G.T, on the 18th of Uyig went loses him last Wednesday, but " tage load to Wayesvilla, Friday QcloU-r and November on the basis ot Taenty seven conversion at Porter's September next Hon. J. J. Hickman, I bave not made known their ebeervetiona. I SlLrT TqjJ! IlerideTMaiwitLar I '"" 0,l'inry 8 - S.vaunah and 11KBSK VIRT TIM ' J A J05E3' Grocery Store. c At eaxts-if QOtHlkr BCTTSIt A5D IQOS. CUkksaa,PoUtees, o racelted every dsy sad sold at lewest prti-m fur rssh at - - J A JUA sta' timry atom, . ' an( St tf, N C. Swamp, wherever that ia. It is a Baptist Church. These items are taken from re ports in the BMieal lUooricr, Mayor's Court, AccuditikT to the entire previously y-, beu.,.n..,g jui; i. Bi. , j, ih. SwTiKxmhe ..llts, mad. up .4 Ibe M owing items, ....,., aUwMeit at B ara) Itdka- lwBl Hi thai faalllC I ' "-ww v ttiate and count espitation taxes for the Hie llonur Mayor Wbitsker, yterdsy je.r 1H7I ; srventj-flv p. r cent, ol ins m(,rBing. As before stated, they were la entire Mas anl saw; capiutiion ii- l . . m f ate.i m ItniMrtff I.S in i J sn.l t ww third cent, on the provea that Betty wss at fault, having as- loiBflrest .It.Hars it aeeprrty and credit saulled her lrd with a pitch link. HU In 11 yw,ln rVnty fivw prr emit w rjut dlsmiaseJ Stanley; bul sent Belt; lU.ntWr Wafe-Bod . ory caprtatiew l.i, s a l.l f,f .i,ht aaJ a "P BIU U- n,i,ik.bk. u.rf) LniwtfMt it.ill&rm' worth ..I un.nsn aa.d txvl.U la th countv fo I OooaUHait I Oswl Pieoaa. Iliey. ar 187. We Ware that coonterfeit eenl nlcklce Appeetkiaavsat of auboat fund to be tava reatbed thl city. The counterfeit .1 cmsieu . the eh.vm,b split,. the great American temperance orator.wlll addreas the excnrsionlsU on their arrival at Qrceosuoro'. Only one dollar for th round trip everbody lavited to attend ( and a a?av timt anticipated. The traia Oonoert at Charlotte. We lrara Irom tbe (Xerreer, tbat the eoncert riven by the two North Carolina I aominata one daaareiag young maa from r.L.i . i i. 1 1 r .. Wa ara re..Btad ta elv. aottoa th J vuw. new crop u.... KUW W. Norwood, one of the Senators from the 8 lo 8' American 7.S00. SOtb Senatorial Diatrict baa authority to young ladies at that place for tbe benefit ai.uict wno is peeuniaruy aaaoie to 4 r I nhtsla a miiloal atlurattnei aa a nnsiririAl m i u.u.k .t X nVlnrk la Ihs I nf tha IVnhan il.ima at Oxford. Sill ...i. i..ih.u.h..i Jii-.i.. "i""" w 1 -- - -1 duuent 10 liie UHuniw fuussi L4MiCKn, 77. ' I mocning and return at 7.30 p. m. Ticket splendid awcotwa. Gov. Vaace prefaced Ky. Thi. is a rare opportunity for a Ue enet I n 11 . r..i lit,. nn.u..i ni.r.u,..i Stk a KrUf I service roonar maa to vet a medical ed u- .to,. Weratarathaak. fof ,h. iavita- bn, addres. In .M , - Hft JJJ X. tioa snd will endeavor t make one of the forth Ue superior claims which lb e-1 wooa.iVr JUttrJtt, !Midnlpjht 1 tcport. party. rairslor 1I7L A will be eeea foam Ui foilueing Est, t her w ill be ao lack of TaSttH Nortb Caroliaa derlag tbe appeoacbiaf Fall moatba, For the months ot October and sad November Fairs will be held la this Bute asfullewsi Tbe Tnirteentb Annual Fair of tbe pbsa m a poo tne caemabi eooauera-i A MaPKL R. K CoxDrjcrowSeveml tlou ol us all At the same time Its I mmkt sr , a fwriaia conductor (wbai Ooveor took occasion to pay a lurriWd Was") on the W. N. C. IV It. la teportad Via It a s A af.aaaanAA.ll.l aT " mmiw w vwrnvwv. - Hwa.. Mim u i J an law i coijidcrlitj of omMid ii?uVcfX. I .Bfiifj(rtUiocB "Biit ! hT Hf M lo knm I CwU 'Hb,r n"g piT BiefilsTil I W H ; m UW . . V. IV tT. m pWa-BB wm mm w ww m i Naw Yonx, Aj. S8. Cotton Net receipts 181 bala. Groat 181. Futures cloeed steady. Bake II, 100. August 80 3-lsa0 3 8; September 1818-81; October 17 18-11 ; November 17 8 8 to 17 7 18 j Deremljer 17 8 18. ' Coltoa quiet and firm. Sale 8,111 bales at 81 14 to 81 I S. Fioor ia aiod- . s- m. . . i . rmt? la aw' Mil wiin(fcu. nniiitrj, io;-wW t aioitf CB- BUT TSAB AND CX'rriM ON HAND. WU Jo.Sk.iACe, aagtstl '1 ' XT ICS WOITE MEAL. 11 At li pr Hu.hel, W M JUNES A Co iron hicivt. HOUM and lot aa WUih1bsii BHrnat si lla( Couka MoWL lluuw aaa S Koom., Urg Uard.a sad nail guud Water oa BUJ 40-ti W UJOMUACO. , . . , I roeHrtle. pVLD Xaah bwd Appts aad fWa. aaftB-ti V A Co. abte ueopartl sad cn tti ta) Wskscoeaty I - M 43..iH.i 00. Tbe eesBasseet of the pnesal year will, I understand, add at WmI lea tr cent to this Valuation. ! ' Baib alaat la OraarUU. One of iba "fVatlnel Publlthl.g Com pany, Mr. d. ueuus wm visit AJouliae tlia retura aad valuation, and I Uranvill aad th adiotalnx Coo sties eiitnig mrrty Sve par e-ol of tbeea- . ... . Mlllcul. tiretKete aad nniy cawtatioe) at ea ; Za . Ua Tib dav of 1WoUr aad BBSOWBia I vm mwm w-vp- a - - onatinoe three days, . floaaoks sad Tar River Agrkallavwl aad fatla-tM which the soccastful acauen- her." Not oa a railroad," said Ue caw- Com etna aad lalsrior goo) eepply, Isravj nUhment Ot IhU chariuUe oLiect Btces- oe"' 5 " ' "w ,U. Pri S whit, weetern 6B 1 17, Uiiyi-pc srt.nt2J Of the las slng-r th OMrter say i I to hug, your actsoa la re vtototioa el the " "d easier at 8 7-18. Terptitlne weak. Huein nrnser at 83.10. T allow eelet. Freights sctivi-r. Moaey abundant at 4 te 8. Buying sdtweed JoJ. 0i.Ll I u H Government dull nitb s'iehl slvlore. Stetae sjuWt aad aomlaal. NoaruLa, Aeg.ll It alee paye a fcib aad deserved I ' " H1""""' w.w .a .ae , , ... . .a a I W rv l" ;vbb ex 1 1 . I Ia iWasi s.ik w Mmavf . I . ..... . J.w, I r" w w I W ltV0 Ulai 17)M8) 9 aUbeTfedB-amU, I I. IL.I 1?- aV u-.lUm ta BWAs-aaJ I .a.. t. ika - . sftwl.l- Central Arrlent'wel Huciely ot Nortb " ' " I - ".'"""7.-. - . ' .'. Carulina, needrraaa. Th next airwill y ei. r-r V, " T . i ZIi N011" Artcllaral fcctrlj . ta vniei ks a truly magaificaei one, w, and muetae stoppsa, or go la tbe ,. t .1 i .-V ,J 7. J " W " " . . commence la Raletgb oa tb 13lk daf ol having (aw eoeal. i. tbe cauy, and a a na, Bail ! January 18.4, aad is alto-1 ...t.... t iia.i ihi. I v"" I . ... . . . ' , . I . a .... t. i . j I . w. - rVLW aa,l mntlnae all dav. Tea unie more imichsi iraiaiag ts umj w m gHN-,mr.Ha tbeesurndtewhickn. w d ..bJ thrugV ' rtal,V tnl.Sriru t-Ju.- W U Uaa on, i f b. t. M hrd Imea. tbe m.)orl., nnwmska MBM iJmm, to Mtm aha k"VAsa4,4oJarjB,remlnms will be ta tbs whole eaeetry. Buf. M tne ameedmenf 'felartef re the fabric lllud f,..m-a.Aodltor-s Veprt "J. "f effed- .1 iTt'tJ Vmf lo. the asr.t UM she is Debt la S4B0O. Thl. Would Indicate a le-Liba Uo-"i?!ri""drrl eounterfeitrrsdolBga. esieeba A k,Uvr iJ ful0Tii(1 pfJM0fM,d. -rtty of 41400 the eatlra But rB-'tMv. SttTfi. ' ... i s.J MaeWJFab-A-ociauoe.Sa.h M .riSL.!! V.'Z r I ... ... a. a . 8 nVUMVwlB7K K IVWk I W - -K MARUFACTCREft AMD UIALCU Drf4ed l.ombfr. Doors, Cllndu, BabIim, TVoo4 louldlnsr, . 1 'Ktslr BsHs, Kevelti, Us -it'", SklBjlfi JLe. , ' IkaW tile day VMfl,taf M,, A. T. re hht nil' tatraMS SB ta aav aam, aad aa nfaard lo S II of Wn o sliort Buuoa, 4 l prr a low as aay la tt aDtjairy ta ry. The third eenaai lair win oa Ike 7tb of October aaJ ontinua lour dull aaiddliag ll;ae.r- eaipts 831 1 eiporte eoaMwls 884 ( .alee JA. III! ' aw w.m f llb t tonar aad a bsll fur each poll, we Sad, Nrhoot pott UI for 1871, IVSOe Se hi-b.iol poll Ut for 1873, Bflo 30 f Iwoptrty x hw U ' ' fS lt4 kotl tax r I "11. , VMM rSthuut pexpetty Ui fi 187J, T.itWA.C..hH:i, IS4.IMS4 Oa third M ItalngU ToBBslilp f - 111.44. tloria.JvTtiaia( aad h'b work. lie will make a Mvtif tburoexb (aavaaa. aad will .1. ..,ti,li MliiaMaa aad Uh anrk. I Sockt r. Weldoa. Tbe nest fair will ttV.twt. .1 .ba sm Udbtsd to tki I e the Slid nf Oe'oW effie will make arr.Bgts at oaee te J liaaa four dara. esttla. Thare ere gealiasaea ia Graaville, I Cape Feaf Agricatural SwcWty, WII as tlMetst. whs are owlag tbe efV) fur I mU(Ua. Tbe 8fb aaaad fair will mosie v oerhaoe exeailad by bar so peri. I tbe B'fbaet and the loweM ef the eight VOU4 lor, iwawni aiarm rj wmimm im. Kiax a DsetBTia raix taa U.S. Aaar With all this mlarrsble re Haas otlty a aa laMremeetal performer, la ev- ertheleas a capital aiagv sad a ilhsl a ea aral bvocite abtrwvct sbs U kaoea. We may aabty woture the assort W tka no yaoag Ud is tie Buu ba mure siarerl Iriaad or waraswr Mrs lbs sbs baa," , It nU a;l loo that th grearus lrU af ttee yeaag lsda im Bars.! as Utd ia tbe twbie wot k, aad that tbrif pesetksl Wn-Miaovox, Aag I. Cotton firm; mlddbag 14: net r orlpU 8 ; siotk 848. Spirtu) terpretia etes 1 al 14 j ls l la th eatisaete I beve t iaciadW two, tbrw, aad avea loaf years' taUcrip. awt oa Iltb J of WvemVf aad tMtm mli tm lbtlt liaa' v--l to aid bim is sWf Oe etVr Ulm of lb is paper. i WIS ' StJ'aCUU We beee raeiv4 Ibe aemaal aautvge the But eppnrUuaearal, nor made aay asvwassre he iWsssUe. Mat asaking ail 4m allowsaore, thsea $gw abaw that t . eat! mat asade and pabiib4 In tbe papvr Ut saoraieg tbat tbe acbaj ftswd of Hsksif lowa.p I attww tbaa tbrre IswaaeS is a-t aa ltravaga4 ee t Kte. 1 iMy aUa stiow Uiat the atbo4 tasd le maeb bo Urge to U nas4. Tata luad asay be eppiaMateJ by b l4s aad by eabartiptsuM aad CMtitww- es.bh1 ml!l tbe tb.l trea of lUi- af 8. J'o'e &,IUg..AaapoUa.Mrlaal gh may be odueauL Tbe peopla W , a a far sbt4 ewUblisb a asil Nwuie t4 f-aUue srwoui tM liwW awa ekildrva. Taw I aadaieuad to be Use fl)t ad" the BBsatiag ia Metrnpwiiiaa ItaO aw tbe si. a is K. i4 tl.s 14 aad 3rd of rVp'i-mi-r. At mt a4 IUi as.iiga. lhre See t oaaatvwwn ( Unstae wUl be sp pwaied ta lake rtaee est tbe stbawl, s ent a uaa ae bwwM, aad emr"? tnwii- liima, W arge Ibeat eeraeatly te pre- leoaliewad u lear dsya, preto eHtlewlth Mr, Collia., who will I fair af Iba CaM.naa, Ckarbdte. Tb faJtewtbem. I tksrd aaaaal (air oi l ommeaai ao tbe Tbe edlt-ee aab their fcteod to ait I Jiib daj of November, aad eneee Mir ume etervi a aa Ibe accaabn of Mr. Cot-1 fsalu w bad glva him eredit for bcleg at at 8 38 fur eUained : 87J bar titrs ssaat trwe to the Federals ia the late war.l. , . , bwtCotrHOr.,wIl.teef tbe lb Tea .9 'l-' btlOOM anaia (Fa IrtaJJ, 1rjr.irrnel B iet I -s aw jwiow 'P i f irg a ) w wsk that K ik waa a drtrr husn his I qeUt at S 3. rvglsaeat aad it would eppeer wt i a the Bu.etsw.aa. A" 81 meat roil. SolthesswalhstOrtatwilll . , , , , . mwerdeveaaWla fmsa Ibe I. A. If vw ,.v m.e ..i.g. i. i . , .t re- mut wlea 7. T. . 7 mn. ; ad f 1 Asf .a, u; irSia M.i(!Jr niarfud. "Wa. n, M. J i 11 J. " taey. W. C. daaf t mssy a (iMdle orpl.aa. Several msUr pnimmtrt n valaabte asa .Uace to Ibe star isf tbe evsaiag. .. Tbe f:Wwia fair a IJ Jaisg St si taksa pletw la Obitaef Bd Hoveeehef ; Virg'sia lUte AgaiealtBral knoeif, Ux-besuaJ, Ya. Tie thinera'h tihlU Ua oilleaasmrms) oa tbe Ib af Was. Pk..y Wbyte, ((mo of and aoauaae hmr .;. Maryland.) Preset. Amoag tb Ural- Swwlb UUaa Staae Agrbte lBral aad tyai aota tbe Wlowhsg diettegwiaked Macbsakal Sactety. ColamUe, 1 C. Tbe imm M. Vaiaeu, rnisc ju ; I eaeua. - " Or.C. K. N'lsr. Vara PrtaripaJ ; I 4th day ef .". ir aaa sususasww M. DaibisB. A. 1, Auram day. Ai-aiA.raa M'Ir.a. . . Capcrtstvioat, Nasi rrv v - It wrrt4 WVaLo M Had, Baaia-4 Mr. H. 4 be k. I it-4 lf I B elaad Ibe laasa) B"l'si a iIm a I a pMd raaar.a r saiiv ai4 Va lb pa)Me, J ' aar.'r may hm m siUasr lb f.pi1 f Ibe llag.' Use, Uee, C. W, A- M , M. a4 Pr-t Jel-e U ni, TbiaoMge ws fcadd kt tb rr 1784, aad was baa y eadowed fcytMSaaleadMarylaoX II le pbU silaaUd at A w K". m a til. a hw astVss Inaa tbe Cbaw Viif'aiaaad Stank t'rJia igrkwt- tarel cMy. NetWk.Va. Tbe td neu! Ie4 will tiaan Ori.,1 7lb aa4 ati ewe foordey. d. al Ibe Nw Tvek JVae, jf fc!fc, H U fell view. Its ttweaa, Aa.s L.-S aa.aad Ms t. 7" . Md sassteM egs-wot- I w salad bma .u-ad-tt tbat ba.UhB Bre mrge k K( bw lied- A oat r U tbe awea4arte af eab, Tbe . 1 tb- free4ef sfd ampbj fswMtssi aWesertisa eaMUMat. aadtba s.lweise) le ewesmtiy beallby. Ill cow saaewd we Tbe aast BeaUf.Ort'-rf We Ihsak Ibe K-b Sea-viBa. h Its tlbaval ead sVaawal j ewsfstf sm Uweaa, aad ff Ma kind amis of tavertaL-'y to gie dee eradil te euatamporafise) U a-'t ifc bra lUaM W aMa i tfe'SB. W S Bgre ear e-UI-ay af the ms llal swrb svone '' a . . , . r. t . I ' , . it. - . . . l . ....a fiaravef I ' rigm peinms i wmai i Bwipie nil" w.r"" "a r. 1 11 1 IOTt Mr.B 1 101. The TV. Tbad lea C'S-mavl lea - tsssw, a bribe af tbe Bawaiiw fmee Caav I FalaasS sag TiSicis Maswat. berbwd aad a miaMtef af Ua M4b.liat I Tv ,eitr ware awaaa UcU urn Ws 4 batlof OouMsd fr 4a BdaeaUoa la StnbB. Ooaaiy. XX (aUowteg st 'ik I fr itd B Vtlel ritbr I the Bnr;flata) 4 eat ef lbiie laetrwi-ttBa by tbe chairman ef the Drd of Class ens, D. C. Mtstyr, to Israta lb work tf Ibe F.iaaniaen la that eoasiyt We ara; eel teal feal-Btsea le tbe siw. IWvt'el .plreata abas rr U Ss4 rr Ud. ret arm, aad. an as see inev taawB, ere lowd to bare laiprwwd bee 4n4 pa awal, aa.J rsr.e ri nVatM. A graat rUray-r ts rla I If th- aboee iili Wbt. bwr. aaf aeaJf B escsad Itase aad imn r- r aaw, 14. ry era wU piaasst aad .;, . a I M 4 r-t ' Iwlnane i siily w.M ua eo4 w ! m sb t-.nd ove se ! A la kr s.l l f l a'-a le Ik f"tia I tar baa lb Utt M tsaanlawe. aisw eoai'y I- naaff toy yaw Abraybev bl Isf a t lt ta Ibsi eoaaty wm a ur I Ibe Bta'e A bi.b aa tar I a I d'SW anl tb tawrb sag !;! la 1)4 Mi Vl.wi'tks. . ,p.f rrwint iMsbsrt, T' la J sire- ti S'V rgM s I ptopse." ebarmts spead.Bg the enmesM - FW.. . 4 , (ttsriaga, rva fmm Wit p ace. Mr. I ' Trvy org. 1-d S stbool ai sfb r tU ar- I betk maaaBcterel arart sad abipptrs, rubae rival frtwa Basnag tb poorrbltdraaof Ihel were dwidad y beits, parrs' alar 'y t tbe cigbbMbood -i bee W Uth,t I Arf 4k rkb tabaeea. l,ise UBeyeji riiitPNiii www vm. bbp ew sew . glit.. Woed that every agbbne. awtgbl gmda er id y wareaeo Bad aeB a xnaawr e-anrw- ae thei wag bub pr own. a I bare aotd my Basb. BUaJ aad Dour Part. rf lo W. M J.mra. . h ramnf mum also. argf Bad paw arlnM aad til U. kwiaa la- trinity. Bad I Us ptir sa rn rnnaiiilisg bua U th. ps'ri ssars lb pal. w ax Ur, a. r rn. jortcrniTH rAttxs. talpararaaf tbailr'aaf kat, an awtt td ia taward Br ,,T liwir Tat-. f. u yaw Is at Hw (o e-4ia ra- l-rsaa bi I -V. ha Ik - I w.lawaSiar, TTdS (ALE OR kf IT BALANCE Of THS X 1114 Tb bv-ra ksraed" a hat, at tb S f liu.ili ia ' ainss. fxaatoa taMi.t. tat. Tb aaai.iaa aaa annaias, Itni;, L laNSiaia4 rr af sM I.' 4, f.n yr4f. M . vad rr--. Taa I... tat wet U is aMaa h. saw aaa sa as y aae W.8.I0.UBCO. baod I .orb B "aornaMf feanfW" I baa Met people eeit tbea. Fm4 frvas. lUV: r k. Btr-bwl, tMstrbre apse.aUa- dr.t t4 the ABstfirea B.bte SaMtety be I A'als, esaksa tbe fvUuWtag sppwataseelet ubaatvww, Saiaday, II Sparaa, Taswlsy, BVexemtsrf J. rs.iS.Taers'tsy, " 3 ts, Fr4.y, " 3 aVsharaviala, sVaaday. " t ft.irst'. Tassrwt C , Taradaf Ma'.hr. Tla'sl.J, AA tl im. Ja. lay. 1 1 Wsjanl",, Tsosltf. li Wt, Tbwly, - - -.11 frssb la. ea lay, It Itsyaaat.!. T lf. " II ,rty. Tbial.a. St b'ad. Ws Ins Ur, (VI. -we, llMaarwavi;-, fn'taf. I' ttaa. Ma lay, r-.-,TK'a, I te: Ufl 4M la It 00. wait 1. (tun 84 SO t 1 shippise seaf, nam. to very f-d, 1 U Sae 3UU0 to fll 80, It Wei. emaayte l f nod, l I) la 1 13 , ry gn4 III4 ta 3H AO, da k air Waif b.i, Ibttcby Brail amiable 14 blarb work 8 ' be 8t tor awwaiee to la 1 ami ewrad w.i.t-a ID to IT) , tp toaf 31 S4to 111 on K . If. arm aad faakad tobree at a:if vary I.. 1 ktiuiAsr ikAiitiri, QAB4t4X (laiurri, it. C Wrtl b at-wd aa I -mt l,t T'a. rf 1 , aas y t -iLJ f. fm r . T. M I... I tm f yie ll.ll H BALI. Fati iTif Xm Sff. trrs I to aa-il si t l,tia tu.iM . t. f m I. m 11 tm Iwum kl IM aa4mad u( t torn tr. J. f. t lU.'d il, I J(A. I'ButtsfV ref' 1 Af r vsia j ai:3tbt bit mi a.'.,,.,, " I4l"i in Mi. a ,., Ulikt s,a.A , Ba, Caran-SaS -aaw. Ai. 1 I, ii D, VMS IV.. M ka K s-.mi a.. to M .. !. , u j ... I ' s . I . . . a t v . a f - . . CwbWMISSfM si ... IS 1 A axu 'tis af Bas) f la at I X. SM ayMtp. falSM tUal. Smi.iiiii, A.. b - t. s g s.l M-, ..,1 St Isj X.Mfa.tWs, tuS I I" eB t .... Jsbtt M Tuwt it, Atf'r-.l !', a II. ! T . ) y M ' lift irrt. jr. c. m 11 . ..