V .-I -MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. I MISCELLANECOS. the sentinel: " FOREIGN NOTES. It i. alated taat upward of million pipUe ' iilifJumiMmniit sit . niu' Pn ere a have ben oi.i uy tne 1J.i .k Society. . A tianaUtion f iliu Mystify Kdwin nr.-.a I ktiueuriiig ia I'eria, unite I'tuil- i L'Ouiimn Nationali!, but the msgic power .a i be author w none " there. An Australian gentlemen, Mr. DihIsou, who Ins ",e ,imc tented " llopton estair, ttratfuril-on Avon, where Shake spcurc utl to visit, hai just bought it lor .tlifi turn rfW8,0Wj . . ". rj The U'ivi rnrotnt ol lnUia taliiuatca. that 1 1,1. , iD. nihturt lor the next five year no TOO mik- t railway . $135,000,000. Some worki for irrigation ire. hoeercr, included. It is stated lliat the owl 1 the recent ' awuil to establish the claims of women in uieoicBi education at tatnourg t niver- ' .itv amount to 4.24I, rl Hint those rMi hA been thrown on I lie Indy stu dent". The last Indian revrnue teems to be iu aatialactory condition. The receipts for lit f ar ending March 31, .1873, were 1449.570,000, and the expenditure 242, ; 1 10.000. The government at Calcutta had a cash balance oI a,ww,uw. fj,e Eci6aTIora auoottncei iutliort- iiivt if. that U Jortmcatwnt nt uile are 'about to be uratroyed and a aerie of forta rficted instead ol ihcin at a much greater Ji tance fruru thecity. The lessons taught liv tlu FrBiico-Oennan war have evident ly not been lost. The Intent contribution to Tidiboriiia is mitde by tlie UunstiMi Times, which has been givcu to understand tlmt the lonu-lokt Arthur Ortoit, whose name has figured oiHispicuouslj in the celebrated ut for bigiaml. PERSON All. .UiM'pUi i. M uinfleld is said to be dying ..f a enncer. ( IlunUr, i Iu- Tuiuous anabunist, had quire't bis high repulati at .lull an mi rkhelkughwankilatl and Miss Pis .vl.. uz wire mariied at lyav en worth the titer day. . v Fi eileiit k Douglass will deliver the ad dress at the dedication (if the soldiers' nuM ipnii nl at Lyon, Mass., in September. It is raid that United states Bena'or Solm I'. Jones of Kevada baa an iocoose from hii mining property of -1400,000 year. "Foote scholarships" are to be estab lished at Yale by the bequest X 2S,000 ms.lc in the will of the ute tlenry rvara route, a graduate of 180t. i. W Oeceral John 0. Dieckmridge, of Ken tnikr. is at BaraloL'S, and receives mark ed aiteotion. Age ha dealt gently with hiui, and he is still of commanding ap pears it It ir rt'i. tie l iu l'aiis that Mrahl MacMsiion aill visit several ol the larger towns in France sod the department late ly cccupU'd by the Ocroiuus during the Vacati. u f the National Assembly. Professor Agassis will prubabiy close his school oa l'eoikuso Ulund this week, or about a fortnight earlier than be ha J planned to do, on account of the with drawal of a large number of bis students. who arecsII'U a wsy tit teach schools ol their own. Emma Black, living in a small town on the Mississippi, saved a man's lilc the oth er day in a curious way. lie wa fishing, and tumbled out of his boat, and being noble ta swim, would have perished had not the maiden, discovering his danger, swain ut to lorn, and throwing iuto his hand ber black hair, four leet lo length, luaad biro lo the land. Catb 8Tonnau ad tmb OooDnicH alLanita. The New York Trilvi ol Saturday says; "Tb exileiu purporting ' have - txwa maj by Kate bUxlJard.of the mur 4 ier4Uimdru h, wat aiirelr lalae, and was publiaked by t Uronklya t i.lio lo rrsi threw pwpte net XisV, tm4 -ewm aini'y she ' maa 1 1 , i.ff th arcui. It calls attea- tloa tgat to th d'srn pteiicu kerefotmw evbl brtwa ike facta stated la this Vmfe4ia,' aad as actually ascertained It says that Kate really Charged Roaco iill fearing committed tbe mardef, but that Ute aaMH-e did M want this fact rubltabed hnt ke seHiald take the alarm. 1 1 bow beltevtJ that Hiei and (load rich quarrelled IB Hal' pCoscwc, whoa Ih kwater shot tk relief aad then ted, the laodf until avvsiag. w bea aha wat away, taking tiowm pistol with her and L aving U o-Ux h's. Tfee eaeent removal of ( l.i-f ( mpbrll,uf lb Brooklyn police , I said to ksv be partly doe t" sa l-b-grd iarffl. Uacy ta taut cas H Ol a Mnruka who wer the beat and liJie4 feoaarwlve la the world eicrpt. leg oar jraml mo then! took cspicial priJe in the rowsul iir that glUtewed I k a polished mirror. Every artk'r aUret Iheir bonsc aarrptibte cd ftt, lacluding th bra. a knocker, was rrga- tarty brigbiewed ap eattl k faifiy glm, . trai J. Will tbrif t-nmltlv mstrrisl itx k as Bik brisk, rmory, Mllew ainwe etc., It was strtooa labor, a'bwit oae 1 lov. Now e-daja. kawrvar, lawir daegb tare a a be Bo. in, aad ta a k A pulish avw ertxlrw aad do II tHilar thaa Wxyrotiki Is a waoie dy. If ) wtati to t tad your asataer ta the Wightaeaa af f -ret ktUhea ware, two iapulio, ami la. Ta Da. list bb-j rrirT -rw raWbratrd tUL, Bach al which Ur. lletatlratd ws tbo arigtaatnr, is Mill per- wwwsmg awadaeful tT of wbaiar of tbe arinary orga, rw-turiag i.l(rw4 roBal.talioaas. aad aerrwaskeg aad ', Tad great dlarefks ssm tai I'ttuals sbual.1 bo psrtica lar In gH ti. geaaiao, whkk baara the llnrtnr' rvaalura All draggitla etl IL l r. IImii, New York, M1 Mwodlw Absw psavBsrivs pwuat kan pwO af Bia.wjaiaa, tadwUow, rklli sts.lbrWl, Mt(M WwAaaUaad wl sskwaaUa are aii a real at this are, Tkaa are yMtaTsre akiak tTrt4f Is s.s 1 maj tm ,1 i HjWWnwafa.f r '.'f s4aw wava ewo so a a a uts kw wn 1 an awwt k ewaalal a al ad aaa.mn a naa aWa 1 g.a a la aa 111 . a 1 saaiaay aia rat, ,.f , m' al hreww aad iwi iiaal waaaat aWar twrf. k-aaare WhI B BWW ' alW th t mmm ft. f wa M'Xl iC WW hww l.-4 ttmwt-t la taw wa ad ta v wa a aiiiipasia saaa w a kw o sf aa .. a gaa i.l aawswaai aa M S"WWa V W. ta . ' I . w iaaa.r4 .mm I a . tmmm I na Enoch Morgan's Son's s a r o -l o i a tubatilute (ur Soap lor all House hold pnrpoars, except washing clothes fur cleaning vuar buuM will sav the labor of on cleaner. Give It a trial. A' a P o L l o "7 for Windows Is better than whiting or ' water. No moving curtain and car lasts. 8 A POL I O cleans paint and wood, in fact lb en tire house, better than tuap. No stup ping Paves labor. Yon isn't stlord iu be without it. ' A J .. a L rir lor Scouring Knives Is better and cleaner than Bala Brick. Wilt not scratch. - . 8 a r; o l i o la better than soap and snd for pol- shing Tiuwar. Brightens without scratching. 8 A r O 10 poluhe brass and copper ntenttl bet ter tkaa acid or oil and rotten stone. S A POLIO for washout dishes and glassware 1 invaluable. Cheaper than soap. S A POL 1 . O removes stains from marble mantels, tables and statuary, from hard utriab- wt witts, and from china and poree tatn. '"- S A 1 O L 1 O nuaoves'sUlns and irreaa from car pels and other woven fabric. There Is no one article kaown thHt will do no manr kinds of work and do It as well as apo no. Try it. HAND SAP Oil 0 s new and wonderfully effective lotieieoap, having no er)uai in ' ' mm cwmirj i HAND 8 A I1 O L 1 II s an article or the bath, "reaches the foundation" of all dirt, opeus the pores snd gives s healthy sc ' tloh and hrlllitut tint to the skin. hand 8 A 7' 0L I O cleanses and beautilles the skin, Instantly reiuovlug anv stain or blemUh from both lnd snd face. hand 8"A POLIO Is williout a rival Iu th world for curing .or preventing roughness and chapping of ellher bands or ' face. HAND 8 A P O L 1 O lemeve tar, pitch. Iron or Ink , stain snd grease ; for workers la machlu shop, mine, dtc is Invaluable. For making the skin white and soft, and giving to It a "bloom ot beauty," II Is unsur passed bysny Cosmetic known. hahd 8 A P O L 1 O cost 10 to 15 cents per cake, and everybody should bav IV. You will like It, l noH'T TAIL TO TRYT:iEE GOODS. buy it of your merchant If he ha it or will procure it for you. If not, then write lor our Pamphlet, "All about Bapo Ho," and it will be mailed free. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, JO Park Place, N. T. June ll-deodAwowly XTOUTIl CAROLINA STA.l'JS li r f.rst'fw.rr t o. HALEIOH, N. C. Cnpltul - - O'iOO.OOO omiaas; UON. KEMP P. BATTLE President P. M. CAMERON Vic Preatdeal W. M. HICK "eerelary UK. E. I HATWiMll. .. Medical Director W.I K"Yalllt, AssUat Medual IMrecUtf J. . BATCIikLolt Attorawy O. H, PKH aapervlamg Agent aiaaiToBS , Hu. (Min F. Mattla. Ilua. Job Manning, Hoe. Joha CbbIbiImbb, Moa. Was. A. I Baillh, Cot W. U. amaaers, . w Hum. Tud K. CaldwalL bea. VY. K Cot, k. Y. ktcAoan.J. B. Bstch.h.r, a Nieb-MsCoL L. W. Ilampbtwy, A. A. McEoy. i. f Waki Coi T. M. H"l, C. Tsus Murpby. 1 i Touag, w. altar Clark, . I i Jeswa A Orahaia, '. G. l avharrh, Iw. W. J Hawk laa.Jot.aO. w Uiuuaa, t. IL 1 emarua, i. 4. Davla. FEATlkED ANDADVAXTAttli- It Is aspUllesdlv a Heat Company. IUIar(S capital guareatM Wath aad "lu'lUtai are a low as tboa of J Bret Ju, taalaat. )l aaVn ah eVebmbl fwva of ussavsara. Ill laada ar lavaalrd at bubm aa ureal V4 aajoac ewreww p"!" q latustiti raaUiattuM Ukposai apaa rrsMeara ar traval. PolK-fa wua l.ta laui Biiariwaiwai. 1 It nflowi sad DtrectoH a pswaaiaeal and Wall kaowa North larutialaaa, aBuwatpast. sais ss basis w aseo aad abuse worth aad latagrilf are akwo cwraWlwat gaarealwaa Iu U e.psy' lrrr Ih.aoUawi y il U. raaKY. Baiwaaaw Aaaat, 1HBO. U. MlLL,Wal Agt, bWA. " C lined asrsw with wbaaa llbrS ounrU will b mew, waaUd M wr ey ws Jh Btwhs. y-.ly TUItri.Y tt)MMtj.ION HOffE. Jl, J, WATERS Vo.t M I.ew4 Btrvo, Nso YoslV- BANKERS a Cotton Coaamiiiioa McrdAnU. wf aad Mil Cwakrerla foe talare AVIvwn of ltoa ixi-t srnsaU of Bawkare. Bar- I tbawl a4 wthar are ssrlaii soihtw jmiaam Tho Pcoplo' TY A TIOII Ali 11 AX HI UA AdaVaaaVB A IXCIIEAiEOf CAFTTAL ITOCat. rrlt!i Bawh laaawM aattVMSiy V k 1 i a LatVal IIMI m ,.i.wi w.mmwm m baraki sivaas 11m tvaaiks f -i-w are an wiww -w Uaa aalko.ia-4 Iwraaaaa ml aim,. aua aw4 am kw It-t A anwa saui thaaavwthy MlaUWa'l l l r?wa- k aw U. 1-4 I fcUaa4 at law re, nwdlywoaip; ... f-w . a- ' - rvriTa: 4 dlAag M Foil iLlLLm- OUrtflTTEYUXI BTBIf.' uur a ti Lor I asnsnl'i fctaa'4 l isail reia W M i MMIU awg m 11' A 9 T I al aw V. I A aa mm Ha, I, Pd tmUim (I,, mi Bl .awlw. a a w. awwi laVHSwl ojJ -al l-...4 I fmmtm FOR ALL WHO AKB W1UJ5IG TO WtiKK. Anv ocrson. old or rattag nf either sex, can make ir-iui 110 to aw per eek, st bonis or la connection with other business, vt anted by all. Builauie to timer city or coun try, and any seaaon of th year. This Is a rare opponnhlty lor tho w ho are out of wont, and out of moner, to make aa Indeiiear dent living. No eaUl biee required. t)ur mphkt, " 1IUW Tl MAK.B A i.lV'lKl," giving full InstructiuBS, s nt oa receipts of 10 cent. Address, A. BUKTOii CU., Murrl- nia. Weatcheoier Co . N V. 1 p C VTs! everywhere to tell omr new and IU Ljx 11) novel BmbroKleriot- Machine, Tk VTFn e011 iuT Ulastrsted Circular, If iiil 1 UV to the McKea Mannfacturinc Company.SoV Broadway, Kaw York. THH PARLOR COMPANION. Every Lady wants one I Every Man ought to have on ! 1 SentojusceliitM J ?n Vents, AddressJL. til us x vu., tu euvuuiu Aveuue, a w York. BON-TOM FLIRTATION BIQNAX& Bent on receipt of 26 els. Unique Printlnrand ruoiisning uoune, so verse y ts treat, Mew York. The Beckwilh $20 PorUUo FamUy Sewing Machine, on 30 Days Triad, many advantages ovr all. Halisfa Hon guaranteed, or refunded, tent complete, with full directions . Beckwilh Bewing Machine Co., W4 Huaiiwsy, N. Y. ' TUB NBW KlKCTIC tKU-S. Aa m futrtnA lHmtiM, i t- 4ulua the Rupture a all Uwd, aud under the hardest eiervtse or severest strain, it ts worn with comfort, snd If kept on nigbt and day, efleets a permanent! cure in a few weeks. ld cheap, and sent by aiail when requested, eirvulars free, when ordered by letter sent to '1 he Clastic Truss Co.. No Si Broadway. N. V. City. Nobody alse Metal Spriar Yruxus ; too gainful ; they uplofftoo freiiuently. may t-deoddtweowly C(ORN, MEAL, PEAS, FINE FEED, J Bsled Oata, Forder, ilsy, Bhuchs, die At OaBOKN'tt, Grain and Feed Btore, West of N. C. Freight Uepot warehouse. Orders rtroi oed in PostotBc promptly Blled. . , W. A. Garrii, Bup't feb B lawly. ( MEDICAL. ' T ALTIM0IIE LOCK HOSPITAL. orHCE-T BOUTIl FREDERICK BTgEET . DO, JOII.OX. Pbratctaa sf this celebrated Institution, duv eovarwi. wbea la th UraaA Uuapllala of Ea- ropa, via: aTogtaad, Fraue and ebwwber. I th most ertaia,speedy,pkaaaat aad aBectual I remedy In Ui world for ail unaw or abua of la svsteas. Wakaaaof the Back orUmb. Btricturaa, ABeoUoa of Ih Kkducya or Bladder, lavolaa Urv Diacharrea. ImouUncv. Oeueral bsbllltv evoBSBa. uvaiwiwsa. iangwor, bow Bphita, Coefaslua of Idaaa, Pal pilalioa ot th Heart, Timidity Trembling, Dimness of Bight or Giadiaras, liiswas of lit Head, Throat, Noes or Bain. AnecU me of Ik Uvar. Langa Btuoueh at aV.wala thna Urrlbl Dtaordail rising from Solitary llabllaof Yowlh sacsst aad solitary practice more ratal to utatr rv. Um Uisa th auog 01 ilia syratts so ta rtuars of tlyawa, blighting their asoat brtl- Want boiies or aulliiuaUuhs, rrnuriBg I nage, Ac., Impusall.'s, dsaUoy lug ImUi bud and mind. I OUSti MEN Tbaa are eons of the aad Bselaarboly sf fasts nredaewd bv thoaarlT kabiu ol youth. I vtai Weakness uf Us Bark and limb. Pain I ka tha MaaA. Ulwinaas of BighL, Lo Of H' alar fwwwr. falMialiua ol th heart, ins pepabv Mervaa Irritability, Iirangmit of lha LMgwatlva fusrunaa, fa aa si si Debility, IibMum of CeaswatiUuo . Ac - Bt t NT ALLY. T k raarfwt aVM th aalad are mark to ka arwadwA. uasti. on, Ooaf wataa of Idaaa, 11 was I - of Bptrila, ItiI Forebudleg. Avenlua to iv !, bxii- Utshrawi, Love of Bolllua, lUaadily, as, ar bom of the evil proaaewa . Tkswaaaits of pn of aB agwa eaa bow tadr what I Uia Mass of tamr aavikalna Baaiua, Soataf thatr vurwe. wooaalag waak, pala, Bartow aad eoaariaSad, baring a kra- hw ail'" kwl Ilia aaa, umk ymptxas es CasaiitMw. MARRIAGE. Msrvw4 pwraoa,oT Yoang bmw catewplaa. thg aaamrs, aware ot lb)! tBiaknaea, -aa of rrurrreUr Puwar lmnuteayk Nar aowa tiritaOuMtr. PhtaUa, tTrmal Waah. Bwa, Hwrvoas UUhiy, or Bay other DU.aaV aMl.M mMli 1 rr Irrrd. A 1.1 BE arlkl'ILY WAREANTEIX Farwuas reUMd I kaalthy bt saksrwad pf lis il ins TttiT horp lb' m tait.ug swaitk JkW BMWith, taaiBg poiSiiavwa and li.Jwiuw " tin. jiiiuri).i. Ms war of th S"yl CoHcg of kiriaoaa. imdoa. rdat "t on of Umi bmmI smaMaw IMirgr ta Iks lulled Blatar, aad U bawl mrt uf who Uf ha b Sint IB th to utai ot Lueul , Peru, Philadelphia akrre, kaa ad., ltd ut Ike awial tehia rare th wars irr kwfsi sw7 bnre'ed with '"'' waaai an y, R , , a Bl'atfa "la, hfcf iaa, wi k lr. I awaat kwkiag "" ' aiaaiaasm w iiagimtel d Bwad, were swrwl awadadsiy. Ll BTAI1 I'iSEAhE. Wkaw Ih wwsi4d M kwiiwwdeal VoUy at ll T Bad US ho kw hBk4 Saw I I .Maa at tkks .afal aiaas, H ( ura B I MMlhw4alsllMMdaaaof atsava or Aired twvary aakw am inwa an 'J " u, iWaa slswui. awd ni mil J ly. aaa a laws k.w. St taaat Swsw vs lat kMs k,iAM atvat -a, a a kuwg aa taw awaWw Urn am b aasaiawA, 4 as .is ! w,u rwkaad baaiik lo atcB ov k ewiwag aait waaanat. .1 v-s --r r-. 'V I u-1.1-.).(,Wa,B-.k I r AND . FOOD lVl Wa.Wkaa WW ! b, Sad aalWawaaM, aai,Hr.waig OiVB fivaSliaa 4tty, W4 al la taw ywaft wf ska bm. h aw l-a bw wf t. s mmm ta.1 aa. Wa4 tk u uaa ad IMe awtal la mmm 1 11 - a bwrttd ' l mi I iw m.'a i, a rBta mm mi pm t mA Iw ka Vwa4fi,l alaniW. I f mmm' k W la Vkal a4da.-aaw.d W I J-..J wirt ' liam iuh bvarw as I la mV. flWw, l 114 m .1 ,a.aw, S( ), siail Bad mm-m WaaJ rewawdi as la ix lfMpuinT or Tin ft.A Th w-y Hw. is awred l U mwt.K m-m, bm tiuw kw kare lawi yware, aa la m.-mmmm mm tt .Saw wa. Wrtn rTaTT . " I Si 1 - " a tkw rtaw aw4 w m wa.a -. i -mm) mfm mmtmrnr law I W I. mmmmi1 k I re aa aaew wf k -w www f ..-7. aaww rtari aawre'PW a Ifca a W4 le. JtillwalOV, win Binw lw io.rtt. t't a, a I a w - 'aa, ilim a g.iawa AS-wi -wl4 I swfN f f tm C1RANDE5TSCIIEMEEVEU JvAUWJN. FOURTH "GRAKD GIFT CONCERT! . roaTBEBErrTo?TH PUBLIC LIBRARY OFKESTICKY, 12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000 Every Fifth Ticket Daws a Gift. . $250,000101 $50. The Fourth Grand Gift Concert authorised by special set of the Legislatur.far th bene Utol Ui Hbllc Library of Eeninekv," will Uk place la Public Library Hall at Louis ville, lly.. . WEDMI3DAY, ucMBEg ard, 1873, Unlv Bixtv thousand Uekets will be sold and r tent one ball of these are intended fur the Euro peaa Market, thus tearing oniv au.ouu for sal inth United Btate where lOU.OUi) were dis posed of for the intra Concert. Th tickets are divided into tea coupons or pari and have on their back the Bcbcme with a full explanation of lb mode of drawing. . . . . . . Lt.L II, . . . 1 . A At ulis concert w uicu wuiin uia greoaesi mus'cal dlsplsy ever witnessed lo this country the unprecedented sum of si,500,ooo; divided Into 12,000 cash Rifts will be dltrl buted uy lot among the ticket-holders, 'f lis auuibers of ilia Ucketa to be drawn from Od wheel by blind ehildrca and th gifts from anothsr. List ofOlfla. ONE GRAND CASH G!FT:........lir,000 ONE HKAND CASH GIFT 100,000 ON It GRAND CA8U GIKT 50,000 ONK UKANO CA81I UIFT S80 0 ONE GRAND CAKll OU'T.. IT.600 , 10 CASH GIFTS 110,010 each...,, Wu.OuO 80 CA8HOIM8 6,000 eaeli.,., 'V0.0uv 60 CASH Uir iB 1,000 eack.... 50,000 t CASH GIFTS ono each.... 40,li0 lou CAatt uirTa ,4i ech.so u Tf9 CASH GIFTB- mow -aytar. V,wK 2o0 each..,. 60,(100 250 CASH GIFTlS 8;5 CASH GIFTS U,0WrCASilFfS luOeaeh.... Si.Nsj bo etch.... &DO,000 TOTAL, W.Ooa GIFTS, ALL CASH, aniounUngto 11,500,000 The distribution will be positive wliethersll the tirkeU am tM or not, and the 12,0u0 glf ta all paid In pr portion to the tickets sold all unsold ticket being destroyed ss al the Pint and Second Concerts and nut repnacnt d In the drawing. PRICE if Whole tieket IV 00 or escb counon 15.00 for BMW. 00; 8aj Ticket . w noia icaeis iwr wj,v, Tlcktta for 10,000,00 No dlacount on less than 1500.00 worth ot Tickets at a time. The unparalled success ot the Third concert well aa to aeuaucuoa giv the rirst aid Becona manes it only lux to announce the Fourth to insure th prom; sale of every ticket Th Fourth Gift Con cert will be conducted la all IU drw la Ilk the Third, and full particular msv be learned I from circulars which will be aeut free from this office to all who anulv for them. Ticket bow ready for sal and all order sc- I eoinnanied by tlie money promptly Oiled. I Liberal lerma given to those who buy to sell I TIIOB. F.. BEkMLFTTE, itrent Fubl. Ltlir. Ky.. end Manager aug 17 ld GUI Concert ynoLrsALi JOBBINO MENT DEPART. eompleta. Attention of country merchants! called to onr Vl holesale Oepariinrnt. ap IB WjlL A K. A TUCEER CO ' 1 " S.T-1860-Xi BITTERS. y nmnt a yi'-rrm; 1 ruBriHTTwr, 1 mpaM 1't M im I OTI, Mia b s rn uitb," , 4'i? f. a - wwk la U.' i ""''"J Lpm m-i. halwHl, I -'. ww m 4 i -4 t-m fe anssai Mil U fcf . 1 a- siwatsi aaiaB BOMBS .BLAIJTATIOII -H- n ra. asasi id t. . . A a 04 t jwaaaiae) . fc- a 1 "' Dec Bitlcrs : t 1 et I s ( fc . .-I ta - 1 r.ssf f I k- B) kd4. I ra)rttri!M Blrrrf, 11 A I. i; 1 O II. N . Oa. nun 1 .DUV (;)i!Hl (U)TII!U, I - ! . tiS H-vw-S. Pw-w I I. -. A . . ' Irwaa I a a mmm, ... I .-. M ft - tk.ag k-,-i as a I v 're. ... BMf (tiuitii i . mi t..kT TICKETS. I LJ i' oUivl ai. uk ataikM ; Halve 15.00; Tenth I M II I...V. t". rnn ,.r B,lli.r , aievea yvnoie llcket I T ii i-" i;.ic t laann unrrlns a lk.T-l850xj IV' VI ) 1 . ' . !. - .. t , 1 . w. t a" w I m it Sa l a 4 S w aria , . I. .a-. mmm ' ,,i . m. wj aa I 1 -t a s '-7 , 7 r-.ju vwe , .4 a .ibn kswkawarwa STIEFFS 'FIANOS. aawjaWawP fchaw-- $ , .XJpwards of fifty First Premiums Gold and I silver Medtla, were awaraea to wnaria BUetrtorthei the best 1 I Piano, la completion with I all th leadinc manafacturar la tbe country. Office and Ware rooms, No. IN." Liberty Street, Baltimore, Md. Th superiority of the Uurlvallwl Btiefl Piano Foite, Is conceded by all who have com. I pared It with other. In their Mew tirand I Buuare Seals, TX Octaves, the manufacturer I has succeded Vn making -Hi most perfect rutno roru possioie. Price will lie found as ressonabl as const. Wlut Thorough workmanslilu. A large assortment or areona hand rlsnos alwsvs on hand, from $73 to t,W0. W arc anenU for the celebrated Burdett Cabinet, Parlor and Church Organs, all styles snd prices, to suit every one, guaranteed to be fully equal to any mada. Bend for illustrated catalogue containing th names nf over 1500 southerners, bOUof whom areViriginana, iWO, North Carolinians, ISO Kant Teunesseaus and others thronghout the Sooth, who hsve bought the BTlKFF FIANO since tlie close of th war. ' Th Several of our rianoa with tbe Improve ments can be seen at tlie residenceot frwt. A. Bauman, who is our authorised agent. marU-wliia 08 AD AH 8 fp:!i: cukt smn ! hi! Aj tfiiie.iy lor the cur v Hcro- i'n, V i J.vi;i:ig, lion.. u 're, t ,i .i'i .t on, t'tonch.' it, Jv 'rvuM Deb. a,Idi H-rr'osM ---H'iiJ 1 , Burnt, on tivMitnrl i'.. .lru.i. i ,.v ita.ia.Hig .0 i kill ii. r. . , y la fin ii.J lha eAlerSul tin, rMl el ilm ki-eeft!. t .! lw: i i , a arm. ol ihn ia 1 r'.-icinauikA ,uu aOaawl laaiiiy ih 1 'Tioi. ,it. pan tm prnt. J Jr i:y lv 1 J uiaiMin aw j.ijui ia. m t m,i, .n tltroughu JL. 'Ai ih, ..i...- , .'iiitLi-hirtiM a -" .'. . t , ' vt I aanalia Ul la. j !.. -ro( !i.lilaar H btniS u Ltli kili.U SMa'l A s Kaddsa. Murftas N"rn,'lia wee. Says it caisil fclnot urn m,fi, a nru all l lanau. H iuil.l, ,nl aierfttiua-k pcw. 'r ii,iu itri l Tra,liails arHikli.bd ;a w r.y ya i.ta. ShuwH la ywar rnyftirua ap' a win iati yaw m w r.iHiWNl at !' atrainnt anarallvas lbataaiM,aat W aa aanl UU.d Pariaar, Ins aur swana aSwl w co Id l,a yaw SMiaiawal atary fii.ta ia It k Hilk snd tmm p9mie known toevayaian, etMa ranq ruiu auar-ywrwiaauf u, ra miiiiiwi. Weaadallsts a a7all Dr-.iktlsU BstTiaou:, w '. rvfrutm I Ya. B CoLLiba Pmcb, I Ktm F-r. J 1' - A A FKW arrUiUTWlIB MAKl A" Pun Blooming " Comptcxlon," tt Is rr T eHitli, a4 H le MalMBMai It awr wii taw tiaas area s i l , llaliiall 4 fuapM. wUKf a't "M'W at-ta. (iwia,irl". tamww bare and kylW ns kl . Bwaatks the laAad sawwB wish TOlTUnL BIXMX AXD BIAUTT. KM sad rS. f I A ROOM t'UHTIir.lNilJJOVl- Culdo. ,r.rrr.7!r-trri 'o4 "."win ( , a-d sereaajsinjB Balkf' afcaf. feaaw ta, WW'S W aV. ... , j 1, ... a -. kejd-a-l B-4o,vy mm i t i"l H' w B -, ttdet i lh AJLksI bU CtwTttaaU. -arrTTOS AD POk FLiSTETli v. . al iVWirs i-rtr, a HA f ra rkt. Psla la.rw4 ( .U-W PiaaVar, the rr'imtt aaawar kaso. lavxfUa r. .. raaW p iiw, aad oth-re. Ikstl tansa tJvai riaatat a huh av la. M gire '"". 1IHU M.IOValBA, p 11 1 wa4. B u W Ji VARIETY STORE; A. IB '.ywflses.iV, treat, luUyA, C. aaskM la ICOSriCTIOKlBIIl C-wkrt ml PVAtw lanrklritCASDil. tiiiti i .a. f mi' , fkClTB. JBiJtPe. In ki Baaaalt aa,AkkAsw4f AEie ml Ism b t SHBIsi.sa, a.i., a- BWBBa. l'.)i b4,ti II hi ia.4i for Bl.OnO.OO; lltl i-. 1 l...i, ..yiMg it u.u- iwi iiak onl tlfi...u I WaawawaVawr ,ul Ia; hiia1 y u.mafhjsl iifl ItaBaiBav JV Afirt A UUraj 1 !. -"- , nieM j 'lifT Innrjr 1. H Of 1 h BaIIV " I if .. T H ri.ajfriuil rmttiBrniitlt U W MhAr? 1 m ll l in.tt khtf IMllaMlaren. , I " 1 ' .rts'H". M, ., 11 k- UAI 1H T HaVOAS'S F "7 - BBBBw V B,. . , tiwvi..i Fs' - a-d - . - wt ay r.''.E' . a a t -a-4 wsbwbbw aa-t) W 4 ... . lwd Hf a bs Ii .. , . . - Bwaaf wa a f a'awaat BT-i ,.- WrAV d - fes . a saw t ,B-di - ikm tinT .mmm ,... mtmmmmmmm. .mmmmi mmmm. naiW v- , . . ml mm. mm.: " ' in, Jm - . 1 .... w, mm. mm w , . mm m. mmmi mm a i ii'i mmmmmmm. m. m . m. US S.IW h.n lull teali ABU 1.1,111 Ilik a . are wa aswiaaa iwews k '!,. kilullA kli41 if Ttt H y at a ,4 I y a a4 T-vw I a. 4 mmm al l v.- r- a-w a-.. I a I w4 SaMiaa wyeb-s, as4ilw-a-reay may k 1 r I'g, if ikiri. m.kkivi lass. ' . u-.!w -a I r 4 M BM Bl f,k4 W M f iHUtU litl n ntf T 17TT T TTIT1 Insurance Co. Assets, 82,000,000; The Brooklyn Ufa I THK Uomrjanv wtti policy Issued to Its patrons, us gaarantee value , this sum I stated THK BUSINESS OF THE BKOOKXTK LIFK ItCtlMOMI AfUSVILllI. desire and aim ot It management have always been to nialr at i Cotaist j W Id lb most beuelleent results Liberal terms will always be ofleied good lebll-Sm IT as Wn Wore) th Amoricau public OVER 1UIRTY Tear. It ha nvf yet failed to give perfect aatlsfsction, and f .as lastly boea ttyled tbe rmnaonarir all ei Urnal Woaad. CitU, Uswua, rlwellinn. , iimlni, Bnrlav, AA.v ko.,Kt Hun and oeasl No family shiHtM lie a l!n'.Ie nar pRICES ORKATLT REDUCED. 1 t . As w wish tomske a Change in our nuw aeas, w notify our friends and U10 pabU that wa will aril oar an lire stork of good at greatly reduced price, for cssb. uur stoea comprises . , . 4 DRY . GOODS HOUSE FURM811IN0 OCOD8, " DOM EST 1UIS ' 1 U ATS, CAPS, BOOT!, BUOEa, CA85IMEREB.CLOTU9, GENTB' FUaHIBIIINOOOdDS, YA A7 Kh EN 6 TIQ VS. Now I Ui time foi Bargains riUMROSE, PETTY X SEWEOMl All tWrAisW to (As 'im mrt mlbd U mttlt immttlioUty. mar u s riUNG AND FTMMER GOODS. J. J. llOSEXJlAUM, i - aManJ , , (tUCi.BVaw.ll to A. Ul.olrulr buJ Uelhil Dckler la - , - ' i KHI 3lt.S ASD noYi . t I BTAPLX DAT UKiDk, , ( II aTB, BOOTB, '.'-la aad I IH Eh, 1 t CUIXA.Ctt.'CEkf 1 ' sstSLAawWAKE CVrwer kffw aad Jaeysri M kTOETH fAaVH IBA, I a,,.,.,, n.lit .1 oUtON,U Charity Ituiwr Bmas4ia far Rati rata IH- agalwat Bbreas Uarpwr Tn Ik IhwriB of AuhwwB V,aolf ,faanl Taw w awavy ! 1 ii Akrawi NafM. - alataa4 is Breo, I af a w Inal allk as yanr eatOwty, lo si al kha Am cd Ua d U.S Bl iirt tm tka ewwaif or , w toaaty awra, aftat ta apevtresd ihi t taa aa k. ..' of tk imf mj aw- k -', I 4 aa1 lall 11 VWa awaa B tIJ "a w. vrvad with Ula aaaana, m aw BXIrW. U.l If h tail ta IWM t m aatw4 oliaM Bka Uomm, IBa plaMUB W14 al - tuVkwi S't swv kko ren d twyawaadwB la tia waalak. Itarewt lad Bad, aad at Ua) retarw. .... Ulw wadat Bf baa S of sal twwn tks Vtih day ad MafsB, ksa ygAialf flare I'l-arit Orert J.kaaM lb , all. awalswww IPfT CASH BkAhLT riA'llt F Cw Ol , LtAtil p y u u rft-lXk Pwka y itt sin a i bay 11 J M mmm, tt-mf t t I n a, f I auwav 1, BACT f Parrvre Yl BBU. MP I 1 J aUI a t4'I a.. tl waa Ba I . -4 la a ttvre towal aw ww Mi.aaaalw 11 Wll a4f4 V ll w I .WB 14 t !.twH. 1 aa wwrer mm Swawiaa WBW- a awl Mtvwr sare -vk -l i.t N...Baal B g'" PS aa.wa.g aw L 1 awl k'WS ' .'! ti l , aaa wf Ijre-fcw-i B wiwwTT, 1.1 Fl,?''l..,l Bag II M iitr, 1 1 Ate llaVJl JKJ awd BtAIIki' rnii ivifTviM a II ABB 111 ktltl I of New York. or a reruun amuuci ui aurrebaer in dollars end cents." -n 19COV0UCTED.J0N, PRlSCirLIB;Of to Its policy-holders. hoJIcitora.. - . ' . a; w. lawrbnce. . ' Geuersl Ageul for North Carolina. - Ottloot Kaleiga, N. C T 1 1 t ' r ; 17 wUti :v.t t',.U linlmnit. Tlie nana T (uuJe l lii lea tU Ivugnont is a repre-sc-itrl lo ri're aicl pit ihn genuine MEXICAN MrT.tNnt.IXlMm. Bold It all iKmrgials and ( bluna, at 2-ic, l7c. aiel tl.LO per tulllo. k'utior ttyle. rise of trnttli. A v ' " BMBK-BwawBSMwrfwawaaaawawawB "ITIOML-IIOTEL, nALEIGn, !!.' O, p CAUJNO ATTE5TIOS TO TUIB House It Is wl'u th ardent hop that I tmay have a liberal ahar ol traysl, and I prooalea 1d tadeaveor to waJt kwwrtiiyof patronage. Btepr day First Floor . ; ull f. i. M. CLAIR. Proprietor. )uly llAwlaa o v Choice bread of 111 LOU For sals by Jolm II X lr ma y , FLOUR AND C0NfMlWl6! VfltCTIAMT, . W A Calysrt Ik and Chcpide, bAlttmore." " - Ktsawaavaa M.s Jta. CoreaHk Boa, OumMlasloa MarchaaU) l ha, ll V'lratsa, Oaliier Nstlowal Marhaatc Bank; Baa, L. Drnf , Esq., FUi'uf Bruksr. faaia-aas RULPiirn rTRtitOS Tlii aaltavwhsd BVaSsHnf Flar (furasatty i(klb.g CaUatial is BuW (of vhallura. 1 a tearing aWua)ihr with th haaiiara .ljJbAfWni '1 vi "Ur wavar renaW Uhm . atka, M s UI hMFwOB)a WbD taowa u 1 S...1.I "'lr(, slI ha cb.gre of Bk ewHaarv OewwrUaMK. ' God Band !, 1a Plf AtWy, fVluud X' sad s i .y i.f ! i.wlla will kw at kBAory BMalUas w th kwifs H. C- I siiruad lis niinp m Ik arrtisJ 01 v't t a. . hk. kv a cxuott, ' Jas IVAaUwlatAsM. , - rtwyvkWor. ITUCXTADI UUT1L. A' ka. FT, BA, IB aad It Caakdwa, Boar Hwwsrd treat, . AW ftdV cf-fw eed R tt 6. Jt k ihawda, swiissaisal M I-)- tf mil (A iwwWAara d UmUmm-m AL A , iMl.llil'Mir., iir l PV 0 ARF.. Froplef 1. I lf AM taw. BiasaaAs Baiaw Bretwtaaa for laaanaani imtrw. 1 i9Jf4l).' . Tk n tlmmm ts 1 lsd uk t-'.s. Ftre B area aad ksi.raUWie. '.fW . a esarBig . I - y inSHIID VtlTllt.' ; fttmnA y Faw-ka, ( I r.is .f s1 I t ' . va T. Blk'ACri A twik Btary Pktw, rWtrT, a -- i It aaa. Bay r-w KafrwJaak . ITAIkur HcAtUCA!UA4?IA. FstAs kaa Nas (W-'y '..we!.if , Yea are kawakf BWia.i.d t iw.re M.f pwrry UaMuJal -.. aaWa.4 tl k kw Iwwwd w oaaw I w..alf , mm aa mm-4. a, tae k t. .faw J,Hi ..I a I . I -'V at la laaVi UMl 4l II J mtm i - - . v iss'a l i k t , , V, I i re- 'ki- Vl. S.4 -V 4 . .(! , (,,.. l' u,. ia, at s . I. . -, .j ia law I B.W wf IM W wf li . t af : aa wm w . , a v. . s ih . s i re wf Vk . was! kB u . 1 aa l a 1 -"a4wal UII,...aV,l f aw 1 V awt law B'4 ..iii w ii ( was - WW laaa ivt.,ai aa ! v I i mm r i a 1 14 mm mmm vwa a Way aa kw aa aw. a al -'J wW la 'a ' ( f s.'d , ,a .-ak. li ' ... , ' '(vVl' WU4 - a-4 1 1 k al i . a , pt , r - W 1 iw I I - y. .11 H BIW,"V. s.i u it "Ulin -4 k M taw bawl II ' ia to aa w t aa fl 0 ' m m. m -m. e-gflU Ar-w