TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Scon DUpatcke. Domestic News. I , . 5 - -. . - .-- r ; ....... - - rROji tyOyiSIANA - f , ; BTPor, Ang. M. Tb steamer Ruby twamped. Out hun dred cattl drowned. The ere etcaped FRqjt CHICAGO. . - " Cmaoo, Aug. 28. The report from Waco, Tern, of a at tack by Indian on Fort Bill, and mu tter of ', women tnd children ud t I part of tbt 4th United Bute Cavalry I la unrlobted!y an error. No report ol E M O T A L frnoE K0Y a.' looTtA. '. ,"- ' HALrTAi, Aog. 28. " Uitiptahw from Sidney report-that thirty veeeelt were driven abore. Many baiUding wore prortratwerTbe-crop-, 1 moh as tla-k tin bwn received it Stieri dwa JAMfca C WiLLISO. LLC s.t.-. i...a t,. li,i. Ml nwens.. UKMKJVM Wi iivi w un. n wbbbb certaialr hare been the ease if one bad been made. Furthermore, tba 4tb car airy it at Fort Clark, on the Rio, Grande, not within fir hundred milet ot Fort Bill. FROM" PENNSYLV AN I$T Do N ingto w t Any, 23 throughout tbt country were dcrutated. tea feet hirb fltty veaaela at Cow all aabore, Canard eteamer Alepo there with team op and ancbora down, succeeded id holding down breakwater, ut badly damaged. The destruction of the thip iog at Cow Bay frightful. Mew ORLBAna, Aug. 28. W. W. Howe, of tbe Lou'uiana Supreme Court, auea tbe New Orlcana Timet fur $100,000 for libel .. jb - : f FROM WBCOK81S. A paesenger train from Pbilade'phia Lit pig)' run intn rnttlit trnin it ( lii ter Valley. The fl Ionian waa killed ; the pastengere escaped rpEE tL'MBCHLAhD CSITEESITT. WASHINGTON, D. CV - ' The Preparatory Denertment open SecUm- berluth. Tbe Medical Corieg opena September 17th. Tbe Medieal College odena October Ota. The Law School opene October bth. For eatalacaea eoDtainlac fall neitacahvrstn regard to term a end eonne ot Instruction, d- D.E-Y-0 O O D S. 1873 1873 Third Stock this Season. : M. ROSENBAUM 4 BRO. W. H &'E.S TtJCIEB & CO.. are now receiving their pnrcbaae Made wtjh a the tut law davt ia the Northern Markets. Ind en better prepared tbaa ever to tupply we ireae wit the lait FiihiooaMe tail toiira.le 6di On or before the nnt of September we will I tyitttcdrp etorsr: NO. 44 rAYETTEVlLLR STREET, KAU Nut doof to Mr. Alfred William' Bookttoi Ctpt, Her.drmade Clottunif, Carpa a, Heycr! iepiirimiifa where we will Jk eULliieut!! wll aaaurlei tuck of Ui RESIGNED. Memphih, Aug. 28. Ji-fTeraon Darii ha resigned thepreJ idency of the Carolina Life .'niuiance Company. FROM MI8SOURI. ; St. Lou, Aug. 28. Bum twenty-five cowl have lied here ..-i3ltouvAng. 28,':;. The Republic CoBtentloa aotnlruied C. C Waahtrara lot Ooveraer. Hcaolo- tUwi denounce tba iaemaa of aalary and I Pr- deaiaad it repeal wltUit lew days from the Spauinb fever, or TexfaCattie disease. Every precaution hM beeaUkea to prev.nt the tpread of Ooodi. Notion. Boot. UmU and rmde Clotliinir. Carp a. Oil lloths. Truaka. V !. Uhe!. die. We now offer all Bummer Good for lew thin cost, and other Good at much reduced price. Call early If yon vlii u aecure bar-calna. One baadrod pair of Calf Boot at I 50 to I 4 00. Respectfully, aagelm M. KObKNBAt'M A BHD. g" T ATK FAIR. 1 S 7 3. hJrlet'iith CruntI Annual Fair KUKT1I UMUU AliRiL'LLTl RlL SOCIETT . RALEIGH, N. C. "or .. . .. Ladfaa Dreaa (ioodi, Hen and Boya' Uooda, Childrea'a OotxU, Silk Good, Cotton Good, Woolen tiooda, Lace tiooda, straw Gooda, IlairUood Foreign Oooda. bomeatle Uixxla, Firia Gooda, s MeliUluUoo1, Cheap Gooda. ltAlLIiOADS,'ic. QOANGK Of BCHKUULX. - brraimriiuiiiT Orm a, Kalbios, H. C Abk. 1 )Ui, 1X73. Oa and after Monday. Au. IrtLb. WTi. train on the KairtKh and Auiuailir Line will run dailja JoyB(iaj eAsepMa4-aa loll" JIAIl TBAIB. Leave Raleurh.' Arrive at Saudford LmveaSaadford. Arrive at KaleiKB . ACOOaHOBATUMI TKAia, Leave Ratehrh Arrive at Sanford Leave ban ford ,.' Arrive at Kalehcn Mat! tratn makea eliwe C0BBeTI5n'iTR:iTelgTi with the Kaletirh A Oaston Railroad to and from all Dolnta North. " And atSandfurd with the Wrau-ra Railroad to and from f ayettevllle and point on Weat- arn itmnoaJi S.S5 r. m. 8 45 A. M tt.'JO A. M. 3 40 P. M. 7.5S r. w. W A. M. -3iT. M. of tbe order we have mreived; pertiea therefore- who rurioae burins t ,, maUV eblin a, ov aenauw io iubo m.ti.'j wucr inu iw - k.i. it.. tn iim un ihtit tu Ui miv tDIlro uutacUoa' It ' " r iwrirneed etuner netibiea. Ar. iln ana Tery ouraoie. " known partirt to any pt-min ApeommodaUon and Freight tralua eonoeet at Kaleish with accommodation and Freight traiua oil the iialcuru i.d Gallon K K ' T A. B. ANDREWS, tug U-tf Snt Fare for tNuaetigera on Kailroada In North Carolina le per mile. JUeurnlou raine Irotn every airection aauy. special u-ama iot paaaengera wlilruu to the Oronnd from the FROM KEW YORK. . a . ma 'MOW RDTTTIf CAUOU-IA. ' rlBW C"ltifA,Aaif.2T lJB pecreatrj W W nmi It it. tjflty etmy nfmeri mnratct - rare mnj -iw. Tba Siatera Xipree train Ut nlgbi tV W K far,ow oat J oat on t Hoff fjX.sjEL W VooRHEE8,of IndUna, . . . rvj naIn ooaeaDiMiea wno we raciuc wnu otcaiu- wiii oeuvsr uie " eolllded with lb freight traia aunomgi f on 1be tuiUvtuB 0f Cottoa by m "'" - - n , . ..;..j 1 ay on the cultivation or uou .1.. k.hli time at I wmwijt ' m.w " DAVID I) CKoO.N. K.i . ofGwnrla. WW Hw uaoa v - 1 . I ,r7.7i n.. jk fcnuinpnl btim;k. Q H ANGK OF 8CUEUULK. RALEIGH A OASTON H. R. CO. Bi'mmTwrJE5T'i Orrtta, Kalcigh, N. C, Auk 1. On and ftr Monday, Aa. T8. 18T1, train? on the Ka riirh S Gaatoo Kal road will run dally, Sunday excepted aa fo!lcw : MAIL TRAIH. Leavea Ralegh ; . . ) a. at Awteeaat-Weldw. . t . .-.-.'o-yg Leavea Weldon 1a.m Arrive at lUkhth,.. a .-r.v.-r. ::: l. w ACCOMMODATION TH1S. Loavea Raleich ,. P. at Arrivea at Weldon a. m Leave Weldon. 81 a. m Arrive tKalehrh.... UlSr.M, Mail train makea cloae connection at Weldon with tha Seaboard A Roenoka Kallroed and Bay Line SteainVra via Baltimore, to and front -'II ... . V I. W mwA N.IIi.m1 a ml rALiJABLF TllWM PUUftttTV i wUhi,e''f'''rl4 ijailroail, and at Hwthrth L?A1UV rnt"4 TeeconimodaUou 'r'K tln on lhe KakutU. aud AuaMAirLwwnw-rir(tirnnriiI UaaYille iUilroad, North Carolii.a Dlvlaion aug lot! Superintendent Tlila leat. with the former parchaau of thi Bpriag, make our ttock the , LaUGKeT AM) MOeT t OMI.ETK In the State, which we are ottering at whole aale and rwtaa, at price that ; But alUact tb trade. W. H. R. 8. TCCKBRACO. may 14 -4 R - A b U. Xoatrilla, The engineer of the Kxpree. wat killed, sad the mall agent and a lady piiBWtger injured. FROM WA8UIN0TOX " Waahwotok, b. t Aug. 28. W KS TON. the Great Ped?trian, In bli Won derful Keula of Eudurance." TWO BANOS Or MUSIC FROM NEW YORK. Ksw York, Aog.'SS. The Wrid tyt the Colonization Soci ety C Fort Rojal, Bonth Carolina, bae I entered Uta a' contract with the Italian Labor Exchange of tbia city by which a ; I . . I ... I . i . , . I id- ...i. m.1. tin. The War Department baa lm ailvicee I oinKie .mlaalou for ehilJr:n unr'er li yuan ol ai;e boc from Fort Sill. FROM BAH FRANCISCO. ' bam P&AXCfeco. Aug. 28. Tbe Democratic LegUIatWe Municipal itf Italhma are to be aent to Port Royal I Convention have efTerted a romprotniae avkekaaoath.' I and nominated Phillip Romii and rrauk Tat police have itnpped the prize Bglit I McCaffin for the blnle Beoate. betweea Doaotaa aad Murray. The pnn- oiaak aad tea other warn arretted. O. Jobaeoa, a well known citizen of Mobile, died yeaterday oa board tb ltat.arp7M) aheetly alter ttarting for Mew OrUana. Tie (car wea (topped at New Caatle, and the body returned to hit friend aera. ducaaati Aad been un der treatment at BL Jowph bocpiUl ft aooM time previoua. A meeting of French eltltcn rcaolved ta uraaant to Thlera a laowaead dollar nop af Irviag'a Cfaof Waabington, with ultable addree. It u ataUd that n lare naoant of Brooklyn tecarUit r mlaaiog. It la anderatood that the late Aaaittant Treaaaref aead Uieea in unfortunate apecu latioA. j . grtAnnfain, Ang. 28. J. II. Roeeagaetif caahler of lb Firat lfationai Rank of Tarrytowa, ha com mitted ulcid. i FltOM MASSACIIUbETTsL Boeron, Ang. 28. Wa Boyae, wf the firm of Uoyce A , Be), Haatara, nai rreaidevt of Lynn - tioaal Beak, eat hla throat ia tb bath tab at the United Bute Hotel. OLAVcaeraa, Aug. 24. A Br occurred, deeirojiog property to the amotuat ol an hundred thtuaaoJ dol- . Inra. lacrodlag the affloa of tha Cape Aaa i3artBW. .. r r FROM LONDON. . . Lon oca, Ang. M. Wealaeff wet aad anfavorabl. Firm 114. PuUloadaormiUiOO.aOO. FBOM FOREIGN NEWS FROM SPAIN. Maiuiii), Aug. 28. The er tiller) iiKn ol liircilo.m garriaou bo mutinied bikI i i.ileavornl to biiag about a genera! uv lt, have oven tried by court-martial, uud twelve found guilty bare bten aciiteuctil to death end thirty to traoaporUtion In the puDal colonic. It hat been, afcertaincd that the cargo landed on tbe coaat of Iliw:v lit the iteamer Deerhound, contiatrd of cuu detuned American imall arm. Tbe government liaa information which lead to the belief that the CarLita and lutranaigentee a acting in concert.. Havokne, Auk 23 Djb i. arli baa luucd a ttriugeiit order agaiuat tbe inUtlireiiOc by bit forn with olid for Premium l int T. M. HOLT. Prealdenb H. T. FULGHUM, rVcretary. lulyilU-dawAwtf BOOBLE ACT I (id FCBCE PUMP8. KITCHEN BROS. (Bl'CCXMOK to Caboura Pump Con PA r, AUATBO IB KALBIOH I Offer for aale on favorable U rim thoae very DESIRABLE LOTS r on tbe Northeaj'rn limit of tha eitvof Kai- j eigh, adjoining the Bjp'lj. Female 'Seuiiuary and the Peace Initiluia Plot of the land can be eeeu at the otlii e of i. Deveteuv. Cltiaen't National Bank building or of J. C. Winder, Fi.her BulUMug, nil iur ol whom can give any information -.caircd by purchaacre rcrardlng lhe land. I will elau ae. h lota to auit purclia. r. SIXTY ACRES OF LAM), heavily wooded and timbered, lvlng uotlhwe t of the tlcv. and adl.iluinir the latida of Mra WblUkiT, J. Harria, and other. On thi traet I Ma conitorUbla duelling lately oteunlelt.v Klehard P. Kluch. lulyUltf IIE'KT MOKDECAl. -JJIARMERS, ATTENTION If you want the BEST Plow t'ei .I..- Farmor'.s rioiul Bold by H. PLUKKKR & CO. - . . i21 Bycamore Btreet, ;l'lerilnirg, Va IIALIj'S SELF W'5 are now taking ordera for Ni. Heretbfure owing to a limited num et of tltrae-eelotrated f Kl f fri a the great demand we h ve only been b! u, , UlSt il..pMt.iM..lia nirliiu Kuvl... I . ait.. u The Gin never lul to aive entire uufacUou' It reo ur"" toaltgnd-U-fV iDiralca from the -tUon-liarHod otairt u!,1 vm runldlT.x cleami t'.ie teed thorouslilr. KuraiWhUv t!. - UK)U ai'Mieatiou. " '""avej ' KTMAN8 A DAN0T July 1 dlwAwwlm M, Water 8L, Norfolk V. AgeuU for North QnA. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED .VTNXORTII CAROI!! Ma. 2 r H nV fc- -4i -r f 9 tmm. t.Rfl K . V I I At EVERY GiN WAKKANTED To GIVE SATISFACTION AND A PAIR TIKE ALLn ed for trial- Foi aale by " Jun G. T. 8TKONACH A BRO , rlaelKh. R c JlLll'a LEWIS. KICK VT. WEtT( .nAJLiKiGi-i, isr. o., ' iN U.AD.41U. Aki ' Bulf'iKli, Circular f urnbhed on application. nnc 11-tf nt, N.C. U A " 1 A abort notlr tha aiiebea rinoix uua alana with PorcelalaCyleudertwhlek can't PREPARED TO FU1NISH ATI abort notlr tha Kltrbeo futaa of vri- ST DEC Another eomi lite tock of El V t l Injure the water. Thla la a aubjiergeu deep Itt.A V I -MADE. ULUi III A U. ell pump, now in uae x M vr witn ml ' ft u-kliig va Uia xeiMe of new packing. We make I 4 aiMa, uaki itv M to IAO gallvua water per I minnte, working in every eouceivanie way and 1 by tin aa of lme which can be attached in I half a minute, tbe pump at oar become a band Engine oi great power, throwing water I on tb rout of three ilorv building, with aad liter will Uw4 fonr to alt not aafcly. We have not beard of Due of thai I tt may 28 l. S. WAITTS. being overcome ty tre and yet they have bare ny over any area, aavmg ever a'Mi.ti wort ol iiro(ry. ror oruioary dm chlldrea work tlu in ealljr It aet np by oar printed I aireruoe. and ir o act wa warrant them 1'4 Btoath. Our Double fuctlou and Force Globe Pumix. alao Invented bv t. L. Kllchle ta capable of Itrtng uaed aa a Drive well pump and w wall BAapted te ataamera and veaMl of anr elan, on man ra throw water ea tb rof of I lor T huUdlHTV But II ha e double mded lever and with four men la a veiv an parlor bead XtHoe. 1 k No. a blol rump la 1 lorhea la Diameter with 1 W auction and IV eiachente piM and throws 40 to luu gal- )e per aaiaate, aorwrding to apeed. The gARATOOA SPRINGS At CALL AT PESCUD, LEE A t'O'S j) u jra s t v n HOW To speculate Successfully, RANDALL II. FOOTE dc CO , Baukera and Broken, Broadway, N. V . Memuera of Slock I xrhangu aud Gold board. Refcivncet McchAulc'a llaukhig Aib"cU. lion, or any Banking Uuum or Commercial Ageucyin New Yoik. N, B. Pamphlet u "Wall Ptrcrt and ita Serationa," fice on application. graph linea in the northern province. railroad communication, lhe penalty of I No. I Globe 7 luekn la DUmetcr. l Inch Sue- death U domed f,r a vi.l.uot, of thi. ,. t'uS der. Tbe Carliata are repairing the tvl-1 Ulobe Fmp w make of cal Iron for euw- eaoii b e. vram lor aaiv vus ana uioi b ui for ill intide of hciurs for drinking water, they lift tha water U5 lael periMdlcular, and ysa can ait it ta tba btaae and draw atar from aprtnga or w. lia at great dlalaacca. All aieda of ataam and water itpe itted at abort Botlre ; hoae, boae-pipee and eoepiing furalatiad her. Ae. BVnd lor iwk 1UL The entire depth of walla with good rafeiea ae aeaat ccnmiaaT all oraera, noma law af tua pemp nave wot lva aJUhu Una out la earl eaa it he brc aUrV bataoie to th' maker aud not tha ptiaeipla of la pBmp. Wa are Bow employtog the aa mwkanlie eely aad diarauad to have nun BP A IN. !Viri5rA"ttgTa7 . FltOM PARI.4 ' 1'ANia, Autf. 21 A tpeclal aevaiou ol the Cabinet Couu- oil wee held jrnerday t eooaUler what meaturta the government may take to allay the trouble caure by the .high price of bread. It bae not tropirJ that any deflniie action wae deterutlned poo, but it i rrpotted that lb Cabinet ware of the opinion thai the goveroateat autberited to almliih dlacriminttiag duliae ae to cereal wilbmut coiiv Amg the aeaeab'y for U-gUletive actioa ot tb aubject. and drink THE EXCKXHIOR PPRI.NQ WATER, ea draught FRESII Fun BPK1N0S AT 8ARATOOO. Thla welar I rrom Varalng la tia tight HVaarvutra, llnrd atlh pure block '.in. ud I f oread eat at our counter prartwly a It owe froa V Ipring, wiUtoat charging It wUngae. ARTIFICIAL MINERAL ATI HA eadranghL IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE Partlea dmlriag topurcliaae lota of wood ed land 1 will aell at public auction at the Court Hooae uoor In the City of Raleigh ou Patnrday lhe Slat Inat, at 'it o'clock lhe tract of land altua'ed Lelweca the Bcaverdam road and Ropr Mill path, adjoining the landi of Jamca ilarrta arid otnera, and lying within two mile of U City. Tbe land will beaoldln lot to auit pnrehaaer of ten acre aad Irae. It ia well wooded and timbered, and la moat favorably aPuated for thoae wishing to buy wood for their own uae or for aale. When cleartd ot wood it fu'nlahe rare altei for country residence or for valuable truck lana. Term one half raeh the balance In twelve moa'ba, with InU-ml from day of tale title retained until ;laat pavnaatit. A t kit of the land eaa re wen at Julia Ivrrerctn't olMra In the rear of the titlii' Bank buildloe. or of MaJ J. C Winder, third story Fiahcr ennaiag. Bag aVW I1ENRT MORDECAl. UARDWAItE, 8TOVE8, WAGOX And buggy Materials. Leither. and Rubber Belting, Gum aud Rope Packln f, BlacksmitM Bellows. Anvils and Vices. IIOCoP. Fl'ltNISIil.N i tiOuDA. Iron. MUmI Naila. Uaaa P-i. and Sporting ( imhU aug -ai ir B AKKRIPT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL EhtATB. with su KI-nNGIN AND VICHT. bv IL pgae f Bwiaalias aad Strive. A Aaaigeea of the ayate of Arekluald Tav lor, u4 la eiiedience te aa eeeW ef the Iu Uht Jadga. I shall sell at pwblie aale. to the higaaat hsaaa Uae taaa 4 taliliani, ru h niirovrwaie a the Adawaaaaa Iroal AJeewte to-Ay, Bays ""'tat Iaafgallro-tla4 lrlgaie Jfumaacia, Keadet and Kawa,lft Cartas; aaa her Vor oa BuaJay last, aad pycee4e4 H Of lag te attack tha pajlah Republican leat, Bauhar tha n aad of Admiral Loboa, Tha Ooveramant Teaarls coulJ not be ftaaad, aad lb laeargeal aqtadroa r taraii ta CaHagaaa. Pbe ffsaeeacit, - Veadrt tad Knaet art no puaWd tl the tatranct of la harbaf with eteeai a, tad ready for imaaediatt tHUaa,'ica Admiral Btr llaeiiaga Telvwrtoa Coaamaader. The Britiah Ml'rritaat Hill faeaaa pna Bta at the latraaaMwawt vaaaala V liialurut aevd AUmaata, whkk werecaptarwd el Malaga. TV lat'taaU! la Carta gee are Very rm data, aad are eaaderiog the pkaee kaprvf aaLle. TWr aajly deeger k) Iraea lalaraal d'aWued. The aaeeabera af the Maditattaaaat part y have araiaeMad leralft Coaaala i ebtala aaa aaa I y Aa? tUrax froat Madrid, The Oovvraavaot U (Vrtav geaa k oepWta!y le vested oa the Ua4 aUt by IVpaUicaa troavf Bedav Oaaaral Martinaa Caaapua. It it nai j that a aa tlaaat aUU prevail aaHag the auoad- teat af A Jaaiiai Lobo. FROM Ct'BA. IIavaba, Aug. IA TV laawrgaaiai umaul Xeevitae freea tea ae the daet wf the f'h, wbn the eCre4. MtelMttat IHatrBja DOMESTIC NEWS. - HtOM KgW t-RlAAin - N w Owvaaaa, Aeg t . A t;i?l 4 apaUh fn-et Waat,T.iaa, a ye that a - drtver Wftwfa IkaJ akwfe UaJy ea! UJaaae . aad 4 aptid Ft lt. lei triwary, aarawtag Iha iiwl tad ch'.l Irwt 4 aauf haif ef the t h V. CeviT Tb Aeauualad Tr al Xsa fbM ha tb grf w4 Mtaei p'aaaUia af U fp-t Ad.lnas FROM LONDON. . . I.grwrmir, lBj. L' CapC Halpi a tile Irota tb Ot Saefera that the bmken cable ha Va grappled aad raiawd to lb turface al t point designated by th el.-clririaoa, but a p testing tbe one Ibe I suit wa f.suad latrt rill to tbe etrd. The Orwaf ATaafara had I par law J adverse w rather. A teftet tf alteraale fog aad gab, had rendered tha Work of grappling iiea.1. KITCHEN BrO 'I ' KalaLih, N. C, We will take m latrtaan with (aeawv. ar go BV to a sunk eevapeay II ae teatra. 1. t. EOWAEUa. Aaaal for Oxford aad tiuaaty. rtaTtrtrATta i I havt a A IK tat I nilllB 'tcAi-tvn aaoa'ha. I lamb U malikaj all tea aewatttaei , el a gwaf ravwa ramp. atakbih, March 11, !., Oaaaavtu a, N. C, April If, ISTt Ma J. L. K'TcnaB-TM raain von rt In my writ whk h la thlrty-two f-H daaei, I hava baaa ealng aaariy twe taars, it aa pravaa ea ttnlf aatieia.-tury, aad by attarbiaa e bae whtcb 1 r "I F" H amava a lorj Ire aa giaa ef iuaaiaaUia asrvbe. Foe eaaiaary ta aaaatle pT"aea, the paax? eaa be eaad by u f auaraa. T. It CUttRT. pewrn el S imm aad Art have aagjtvs'ej. S O 1 A W A T E Jt , ete IWsU Water with gaaulee Fret t;rvi draught aad lm tjpbaea. . Ft VXD, LIE A CO DU10 ilRE. amy XI Ti1)RTINaT.O0DS. V X 8 tlHGLE CNa. At ia", li". Mad, ft-, , lit to, flaevwt vua. OOl'BU f.V. Atlod, it "Afoot, iitet, in ia. woo tat ). .", A ta, to t'.i ta. Brwe h Loading Dombl Oata, tart 0),! it m. I si nu 00. in. a lAlta, iiutM,,.et te taatto, ritTULA, TABBoaa, N. C .F.h. t 1-Tl Uicty dtfflcult. hat CaM, liatpla aaa aa I Joe Ltw aaa. Eat waiaa Ih.t ll.a f.o'l 1 . .. . l ' " f' a -- "- I rampa la aa I m la iwi. aad n beaprevwd ana iwaaiiea. i - 1-" r wmm , iiul waV tra an.1. tu' a vldalk susmuum kaasalaa aMeted ab I yiiiaii ikjr laaer-ptitany, h.iay aad snhae hmde. ax . a at , g I. 1 UaaaavitL. April I. ITL CueauJerabto ticHeeaewt baa ha rn-1 Pn J L Krrcwae- tUd aeaang thoae laUraalel ia tha affaut trtawa frasa my ia f-e tatiytt ef tha XlfMtltbea. bv the rvfaaal sf M u. I aave aa-4 H a.mtaaa.ty Lw lw , , - " ... . yaara, eaa eaa amaAaays as,.aaaiat II rar svagiiea area w arupt a aBaatal of amrll I sa parpua wWr la fatwrad. la which aa twartA b tha tai I pr rwd H woj at wua, FltOM PAUIi Pabi. Aag. 11 uanag U paet tbtte .!. the Frenrh raJIraad hart eoid ad tiliy thaoaai I la. pilgnatt. Ml gatllaf eat af ardar fur yaara, ad I have aed eaaapaalat trasa aa af At aaavrat-vt saae Pah a. AM att'NITKiM aa. IMrLtatENTI fee Braaerb tnadlad Oaae at aaaaejl aiaaw aw a a) hapnnalsuaA. MetaSW AmaaaiU. t, k.aM a4 IV4.4 at laaaat st prlraa. A eaaapaM aaamtauad ad ajt gparUaw Uaa i Frwaa aad U-wa. ipliae aval Ms appaV Frauklia eoanty, N C, aa TBaaday, Saplwta, IbTA, Um tract ef l.end which the said Archibald lajloe Uvea, adhjsajtae; the folia Gold Mine, la traakna eoaaly. NO. Thla tract of lead ha beaw divhtadad will b thus ottaiad t plot at wbka wul be aamwa i s the d ef aaia, w.lh caca lot aereratcly ealraia Let Nt 1. oa Ibe eoataaaal tanarof Um tract ba IM artwa. Let No a, ea he North efNeL, .!" aeree Lot be a, oa the NurU ul . bae ta area. Let he 4, las aasee. Lt Ne t Butlllirf Net. ha Aid acre. Lot AS t, aa iaasaad ha )UU acres: Lot NaT. Besta af Sat. haa IMtne Lot Ne a, aorta af Na 1 , be lav erne. Let MP. tha road, la U.vrtt.w tivaat Lot with aboat M acne L-t Ne Id, raitig from la road to th Crack, wielrt Nia a,T, aad AeoBlalalng tbe tee rraklaace with ail aareaaaiy baodinaa aad aavaral aanall eatllemanu, has 64'J arraa. Lot Na 1 1 Is a tot ef eaael a arraa detached by Uraiag Uae road. Ni , I aad eowleia a bug ataonai of Vary rVb bottom haad aa ta rraak. OU. h da are laoagai la a ru A a taoad Ore, especially No La d ail b atdd oa half for raah. lana aarw-vy tot avmptard with Th ol .l yavval la as navalha, with kstataat trosa U day 4 aaia auUl raid, the Aaaagaas naarv, lag 11.4 t' -la, a rawtud haad aad gaud partly ofih puttSMn Tb till la goud. (.radUor wlii p a e aie la aaia Kit II A M l W. II 4 Kkt.., Asagaaeef ArrhitaadTavbw't AaUhr. Oil.wd, N. C , At lat, lrj lsl ail I "! . rar aaaay aa Ibid I allly f.4 lard wail w at. A BKOAUUl A Ooods .lfr-d ha Firwaae C fl. O r-utL1!alf.lhiullat Joe 0. b awaa aad W C Imaark, af rwe waoeftal IM Kal. ., k. g' art.u llau, Ikat th t I . kri ad tblat haavitred aa bad law paaap a e aad Iwa yasX. 1 .vad o . . . era tt,y atMa4 with H, ead R eaa awl I 1 h.te to f'.gHrat taatbmaeel.m-Aa; I to . lanatw N tm W BalUaaara 1 , halUaaare. tUraard taa-al a, Urmn a, aVaU s aad eratad Baak.. af gaaa aw haad aad erdar. r)4 edAly A baud a. at J I.' a. I " r , mu, hit aw faUtoe eattta It ,IU4 ( a ttlUDroilt) 4) (1) aapaua. Mwet d- aad Waedwll. a Uaaa-s hi .s va the t d ae h ifd. ant thai IX Na t til rai wua lJa fad af haatj b-aa. eialiaa.4 fraas the Mi pAlT A I T R A L OIL. Jitd AUadatair aaa Par r alaUal A I I " . " Ctav. Botwat ea Tetwntra Bvattr, NEW YOQIC. i Bath Inrrifll III Eirtffll Pint. "VIM PLETI with 4 madara tmprwvw. ama : r seal eaa aaia . BarVaa. hatxa, aia.aia.a. a. Ia nf la th saatra af faaklow aad enueat haw lm III la y t hat. has aad laaa af lasi int.aad Lord a laiHWa, Araatd a (.oaaat.Mw' aad i 4 IJ, d't l-y tanaa palaaaa la haiai a) eaa a we i l at a a Bam am hi aaa if av siniiai Husaa, Baiuaaasvi a (thla. aad paaaauy af N.w aa faaraaao, of - tl. aad IraawM Itt. at Laaaa. It f I AitnittoN, pti:i;i, ii:n. IpMlal St Wet a eattad U Um a ail ktawe t man to prauar4 Hair bhii aad sash aad Woal lafkwy agaaat la Ikaaad paaMa laay bara paat a .a hay IU hay aao a was aa at aaa a as la. f . aaaHf waat, hal parba ad thM aa ead wot way ana oa istai poy d. eAeiy nOflaa7fUWVO Aa VTA. Feraarv tr, Y , OoV t. Tl f jA It, f tag tAae T) I i I u I I Tl'MD. '' daalrtag Flaaaa Taaad, eaa ba n a.y l.i l ii,j aaaaa. al aaa aaaaw. wat f irt W4, aJ 14 r'.. g . P-'I aa u at, duMIB a Mt pot . A L 1 . Atefalat,bOUaUa !: IXATiatlOttLA1H I I It 1. I I D, wrve CAiiiiAnT t. BnoniniL at wad at Pen Fawa, X w Y o n K , . Ipairtrrt t4 tkilrttli tmrrt, JiiWf I 18 Tflt, ta.Uv Ijrtpt, If. ti .) .. ilaa ta t Va Nan. tu-t-t.inaal S, f A b.,.'a i w ..a.i re. a a a..-, a, a , , Atalaair aaa TmtmVf adaHaaa. A I wyaa.r-a l.iaa i aaUuaa aaparww to faa. lane la aay Waap aiikwal sure af a 1 1-- a i f era. tariand as paaaa y i ! - IA aaa af vuaa-lae aad Aaa taa atta H. aal.ty aa aT I "a It las, aal It parvwl Saiai.g ailu ara aad bf rtaaaA.eait at la aaat tavmaa law l -ak at ...-. .!'-- a toaa a-d aad aa nkitiiii ar bMiawtia. baa rad fraaa hafauag. ea a haad,., ak la Maaisaaa y y Inas la aad p tv.t.iieT ri'-a a eaaf itaapaad aaa I -"- ta IA 1 sited ikaAa. at ai v - a Taa 1 aa. t a4 rf to ii ,.,,v.,, la. ,Wy r a aaaad t A 1 1 A I. aa iaa toaa aaljaaat a A-W " I c a4 ia . auaaaa. a . a, tAa waa gas 'aii y. aad St a -" a t" a t-t ,, lit Aa Fait r a or , i,li aat4, bw lata 111 1 a W A M T B 0 h V i A n.waa aad La aaa-Vi I. I aaa !, lm la- raaaaiaaat af la paar eat iaai. l-t t ttiet itBTiBit f.rru i, X'tmrri tait, Al tllATllAht OA Leele Laltartoh e J. M. aiadaaaa aad , A la, aa le awt nskl aad a. liw af 1 a in sW aaa. A aavae laowdy. 11 m nai la. A. L, la.aJ,. All., Mar iMal ..a U.'t-a.fa af K t Hot, aaaaa. wds a iad.aa aad Wtaa lai.ady, ll a. yaaraae ta ika a-eat laal Wat a, wtr af P. 4 I.. II d aaaaa livady, Aiaaa laaade, A I. taaedt. lhra iss laady aad kaUie ia.a4t a . a, it r , 4. O mev panu. to euad la t.. t.-k ssa ' !. aaaaiy pat-ae paid..) a ihaotf af k, l a a e . iaas laai yi . .d.i g -, -o 4 as the aaiavaar Cw af t 1i--s aaaali I la -fya San ag tae raal ta aw H , aaaaa .ii law yaaa all., ad lal laf aaH t raa at ia aw 4 aaa auah af Iaa ,. at Ca-ul I a I kufcaai aaaaalf a u-a-a laaal aa data aft u arna iam r, - r mat I aaUMiaa.aueiMt p,anl ,i to u. aaf.a! a bf tam. " T f. tf. af h I s-a I alaA.. , inaart , aaa, la ai , la 1 . . II I At TT. w-T n www c g c - .-. .-aa-lasi- r"a 3 V ll'Si-i -- V ' " -aabr t..M ; Ui?.!,i".-i;M f ... It r -!lf . ,L 'i it i . i mil 'IrH-. H AHyyVA tjUaaJ 3 S. - !' iwmfr'M' Bra s Cat I' i 1 U Ui H M w W DEALERS IN You Cm. DoYouv Own Painting BY l?lNU BI.AI)LKY'SITP:NTMiaPAIiNT, Xlio Moat i:-oiioiul-al, ir-titif If ui uiitl Durnbl THESE PlINTd are eouipoa. l of pi ug Writ l ain, mo aiittl imiiu Oil, wICiout other materials wlin h add graally to thcdural.llity. ela.ticily, U-aoH and alrenglh of the 1'alut. I lie bole ai t ctrarrilially eombincd, ao that the p'i: menlaar held In permanent solution, thus forming a euioothe, glossy, lirin, alatlie. lteauUfnl aiidduialilc Paint 'lb Oil, ahkb la Uia III of U.u pa nt cannot leave II and be abaotlxd by In auaataace dor .nDuiica.vib ana ua aoaotiMa ny in 1 -1 ?, t- s ."--" itotaace to which ll la applaud, a llf Jt . .Z,rX ixela Uie psute mued lu Uicordiutrv " f V j A-i Cg.'llr'f ay. and thaa Lave the pigitv-nt d..ll r " f 1 , A bntlle, lu wash and rub ad In a few i S - ."I , - yTv A, ., , lonUta or m farll.ral hi Uirro r four'. . ... . r.' I'sr ""i - 't tU"il I Thrrpetm tv tta!foU71iV"inai of trmiaralura, I parfatUy a to tha arliaa ef water, la a ail adapted IO all elaaaraof work, aad I la every way betlar faint for iUh launa ur Utraiua Woag or Boat Paitiiii. any other Faint known to the trade, and a ill laal at least ma el Ttaa ta t nao a iaa Laao abb tin, aim 11 va cum BaBT WAT. 1 tt-aa-t t tot ; I AlwiTH ICi'iadr tor 1'hn tail Kaxilr Sanplirtl. ol r hr trip('illi TyTaara,VaKaTWT;rrYiarfa, TtW, TWOtlUT. tS VI lmapt Irr-el, Ralllinort, iar" tPEI IMKNS AMI Pkll I I.HT F J KMIHkl MHATIA HPMCtMMAM ur i uk virrMKKxr culouh tu av naa.v a t tuk orlit . OP Tim KALK10U AA'ATiaVAsV. ;o; i .- We eapartaily rail a Ilea I mm ta IU fo!!-.wlug trkUiaU ef la I' ami l lan iiia. a .aaaaa Coaalv. Va..tfabraarv A. 1 B Mb U. P. E .nv : air 1 h f .lat eaaae aafal) to haad a otdattd, ta lk. I lis t'aJI ant each, aad tana bark a ewe eaUaw aaa h Aa . ta ' aaa s.a. a. I dd U I I Ta awlt. sat iaaat work, eaipltpd Ih boia. to na i, tlx last coat I apt "tad llrkk, ead It la we tacu) txavtadad tnel f Kanvt" I k hsr lBra. end ly al truay of radar, Ihansts 't p.h lo t'.e pais I a. . J tl a rr ri I I-1 1 l-y tha -r.lioa. au h Is s last aee with earutiaara )op It ali.,o4 to g e:iv ado dad It told 'i av t --, lad ran apply tl I a am .'.Hill, d the,,u a. i a, (ell I. II a.i f.. .t,ly adaptat. If of four "aaara. I I'aml In tl. ntU at anr p ' I-, lit r ic..lac) at matanal, as anall af -d-.r, sad tatu I tki el ,u iadag - sandy mln 1 " U.l I give you p'fi naaaaia. Id it Wdrd rail to ;o.t ! iiitaa au.t uar ( tu ha. r ol lUi. ! t i r. as r..-kl,. j SKI Ifii r, t- BCIILh, w r " , t k' Bat Via aa. trb t, I -T". da . mt. 1 1 tr Id aav to J" tt.l Ih t'-t Ma,. t! P kae-ak Tao a a-ot TSaaat taamat fatal ft, n. TTatitoa taataawav. to y. eawl. I ban to tola, daraauny. H.. taaa tn t ail. I I .abated to Poaf at y Htt (MswaaiHi Huaa with th Brs lWy Aaaaaal 1'aM. aad I e eu a... ilea. ad with It la" ia4 to -lnl th aataad wl lla hstat, and aa h lat-tltsa. la roalulu. I anli m. if ik- t.'i,nI , .i at Stony to a H. tuwte, m-ad watai-tfalty, IPA AC ALl'i H f--u " '" . llet liubl, M, eua.r r ..all saad it. Pea Ptteate, aiaiv. I ta -j to y g . a tea f lt a,,!isa ariiaatar i t a a. ToTBt PtBitc -II a iaab i Watura I . tl tui ia i h, '.L Fraal Jatoxwaaradatotlaaavahdaaietib 'e..J'a tp.wt .M.. l aal," tZ. ytalt ' kelght, Ne. 1st Laaaiawd an, W ec'ftl. ted to .,.; to t. ai-n.artts ., eat a a eta aaaate la ettaltar eaa. latw1,.tde.l arar.M p-. ; f a.i-a, t t vary ave "at ll ee4v-a t, a.iahal,, aaiay aar dv eaaaeaaa. aad - era raaalat y a. aaud la It, ad y.1 4 n p re a aaaad aad Ira- a ataaa to- r '"T'' "'" I a , ,HI. , .inU. a ,i oi, ,.!, ll t eauaa rlaa)tMleH apt .Ma- .I,U pa. rkaarr. ; p. ,a t -y dr,., . - .arTt!" r'" a.-t. t adj u ... Waiaaa.y, ahkh hwtavUkaa!. aad det...gty to tto achate e slat N ta a4 Atatl aauslaaraaatly "-w..,i it i- lu sw ... a d Inaaasts slaw ii, ba4 d w r ealitfwtka, (aw Ik., ra. p. .. , aah.,i. -.t..a, -. Fd .l.l t r.l .r-l lfc- a a. .5. - ... . wi f ,k., i, , ri,Mnioni,iuMtraa"! . . a -Jsatl-ry ha,pf te tola. t-B. taal a- -I .il t-a ;."L.r' ."""" " "" u Mtaaay p., I a... mmm aaad, ead a va,awd It fat 4 rahihly aad aaaa:y,a fawl to ant what etyrVe.u-...,, A., R HCklT, N K .-a U. a Aaia IUwW. aJ!.a" . . J?" 7'lA f"".a a,f a Irad. I as. toeI ! TTj:J. '. !- " I h..r,-aa las.a.i I..., 11 , ,-. a. A . - llaat, waj m a. l.. t.. p aaa aa.1. I aaw. a... aarva tolat etaa ardtosry ywaCaad t, !,. It-.. ) . k,,M, , , 4uiui wrTuujn C f. Kaiuav. F.a -lai Id .-I U L! i to ! P .l"4 tr ". to a a. a., .. ..a aa l-r I ld.t, M a, e-i,t - j ,t4 l .at... lk a.., ...m. a saa.a. to Waal I at 1.1 t- P a..... a -a . . natataaea, laaea.- r. aja" "t " ram irtatl l,,d r, !,, p. . -1 aa p paaakaaad ,ae a . .f. l. .. , w , k, , ,,,, H, . ..4 ' 1!.! - . ,7 T a i a ... .4 ...u. ............ .. - Baaed N Bitt ,... ta aaa Ik aa .A - a a w tl na I a 1. at a. lull. 111 UK V.' - T tn ! URG 1 tVret 11)1 Ac pane authi Iowa tall tf, ft a, a; - r, li.a ar, P aa4 I - tn a

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