e daily sentinel Tri jDAILTi SEJHNEI4 ! 1 AOTBRTlinNB KATK8. ACn-rUsenK-oi will be teunrVM la U DaUv t; tiwi piittsaisc -CBir nr. Durtnu al the following mine par mjosn ot ' jm laoa, imm Bum um-a . ; , 3 . , ' . - a n,ar not Urn Il.ut ' ." aaU, subsequent luaarUun . Al.m. a VtKk ............. ... Ml . . nr l CoaX i r snsrnirv- -rrir hi 4t Ml) 1 sj'iara, 1 wwk, I S.a'l Kju.ra, t am. sfc.a ." I I . - tmmtk,-UMi - " - . D ,.ia 11 K.O Ul b delivered In rr,... crt VOL IX. RALETGH, N. : C, 4VEPNESD AY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1 NO. 28, UNI 1 It til it II II S I I I I II 11 f1 Hj . It FIX 1 'ri:Hl!Mll THnllTT, tTTELEOnAPinO ;jEWS Oltf 4th PAGE. M rJ Bn New York. nd 'lUreeY. PhlledephbV r. our "JJuhnt advisement -T . .t for UTvrunuK v reb or hi riPMlnoiviE afp,-Ajipi&. Eldr Q. A- Ward is th City. - Tf Local witnessed yesterday t hearty, w'.rm greeting between Elder Ward and the Editor. Tb El.leflia been traveling iu Geo. Leach's district IltTnowgget to Johnston, dgoombe and tha caat. . - . h..i. rn Ttt a. to 7 p. m , du '4t,triKaL) ,.n riJT.I TBI it.ir i f dSoT CtaV-ri Hltt, HUl.boro, 4c. du. t!fe."f-rt- "oW.bro. ., 4" t.,Km-New York Baltimore, fbila- trAImo. Klcamond. PeUrabanr. fSa. wiUo. d W P. ,t1o Kli- iuilroaa-rarpttevllie joneiUro. ., dua W a, p. C'loae p due 11:30 a n j cloae 1 p. m. Ror- er Wediweday. du u:w a. m ,iw a,-"1 ,,7 ' k. um fur nniiiKTw m"im ft )rniUKB, I rum o:awpiu LT; . l are re clved or mV on Sundy, t,t a -ill nut w "". W. W Holdm, V. M: a,, i -Hv i V KATH 1CU KKVOUT. ... j....ih AilxnUa Stale fnub and 1 Krftlierll to caawrty tod, tr- norany r . i ..J .a n imu. ,J Wf'iw "' " CITY AliMANAt' September 10, 9TA. t " Two Mora Pnaonera, Tb sheriff of Catawba Wiunly di'vit ed io ttie Penitetitlanr,7eatrdaynioriunj;,. Martfe Shu&nd aad WUlieKi Itojil, eu- victcd of larceny at the 'last term of Ca- taarba Court. Tlu-y will tt-main tliree yoani, after which they will, no dwubt, tic able tit earn $3 a day at tone-cuttcm. A Snake Story. The following, from the Anilierit Citt- am, cclipaea all the aoake atonea we have eer heaid, and we have heard teveral Itaaya: "In Kelaon oiunly, upon the tana of W. II. Rhodea, nar the Albe marie line, on the 20th day of August, iil, John Dooms bad observed a mocea iti snaVe tot aevcrai iIhvi. He gut hit 1,'Uu and shot that one Four more ap peared. The ;alaughlcr cuulinutd uulil tnenty ivso were killed in and around a Tog near where theTirat mie was aoivtF cd. Nine Wire Ure females and silj-one were youni;, mea,-uiiui( froui ! to twelve ii.ohes in length. riNECTJT. Bonie of oar aldewalks are in a disgrace ful eondition. . Put dowa Schillioger tidewalka, gentlemen. ' ; Why are'your eyes like frionda ae pa ra ti d by distant climea? They correspond but' never rooet. Castile tip taken . iitternajly euros frccklf ; r.! it nay not be inappropriate to add, alio kills the patient. Mr. Richard Fowler has placed another rabid dog, tnat weighs 130 pounds, at the Entrance to the eou:ity jsil. Don't eat siateriuvliwa this lata in the season. He, iimn oli ,ra to aell ton one. cull a policeman ; he waats to take your life. Experiment has vru"vn lhat coffee taken upon an empty stomach render the mind abnormally clear, and the temper unnaturally bad. ,t . t ;., ' .. Recent invaetigalioi s la Lixidon Indi eate that milk b fertile urouotcr or cauat of 'typhoid fever.' ; A committee of inquiry it now .investigating tb matter, A lesjlui state ot atuira exits in a Western towilj the '"a55'Jhere aayl ft 8. t -14.' MKTKBOliOOICAt.. luatsn ki riaa aania'a ciuh stok I Kit aio, September 9, 'JJ7S. s. as. 14 m. SI p m p. m. lit) -S ; U '-' , ' - v ctmow-siAitiin.-i Baa Ball Club. ' .: At an ilivtii ii held l ihe member of the ' Social He Club," of tins city, held mi the evuiiini; of the 6th uit. the following mimed officers were elected : Prtflrident J. L. Hughe. , Vice-Pri f drnt A. J. Howard, t-eorctary C. A. Unndlrflnger. ' " Treasurer J. R tjuilivan. Capt. 1st Nine Tho. McDormott. Cpt, 2d Nine J. Groea. We are rtque ed to aay the Club i Along Ihe tidtwalk the waiei melon and the ui.iirl. ker gu hand in haad ; trplwiid ferer sail ia aa iuvtUq shullop on the lak of the green ctiuik ud tliolers ttlo bus familiarly swiogs upon the front gate." ' Penonal. Hon. John Manning, of Chatham, Called j at our office yesterday. We wi re glad to tec hint and to learn that h was in the enjoyment of eood health. He lis taken room wit( Blair, of the National. j John S. naughton, of ChathamLit also stopping at the Nati;al. ( ' FaUBolt,. :. . . TEZJ WOCCriN-CARTER ; OAexi. - LIBEL . , . Tilai'of th Datandaiit Oartex. law pats' phoI Kk4iKa. - i tyrori7ofTpeclal Reporter. Y" This Important caaa State va Tliivmss Carter for libel ha at bwtv after aix day' labor, terminated by , the acquittal of th aeienuant. At two o clock to day (Sat- 8. Tb diaraa that has been prevaling is not an Amnion CAoZersv , Some physi-i eians io this region indulged In laocy vo- j KEADY11TISEMENTS. ; WANTKl) To rent or lot tor a Una of yeara, a store on VavetteA 111 Bt. . Manar ot tHnr- Fayetteillle r-r- .l .. sept Io-jv b A J. K , cabularie till tliey raw lor thrmselve the VV of y-gj.stor; flt,fir,ilt,vad..ndirVhrn.iblf tfjit aeuciea. u it me time uiu, inyiiertout, i - B . M j,- atraltbv, fearful peat tier ce that tirat arose I I T " . ' " - : m.;-'? inthedeltaof the Oangea, and has always I The VUn-e Hoaae aad Itock of vd be tlteuce proceeded to plague th nation ; loaum to Co-o'trt!ve AsaocisUoD, o 1, and m (his taae it aeesn to have been Company Bhops, M C. i Iw 'al . roa. Erooght to Xw Orieant in German .lJJ"ir"A' FotJIi beuefit of our lady readers we Urday) the Judge delivered hit Charge to "" - condenae from pt of pur fashion Month- the Jury, While the Jury were out. th. J . T "WlFif? I? TE? litl,a followm,,- rtlatlne- to Indies fall I count,, fcr th pecanr pmpoted to r"1 ""'J 'T n m ' iiTii,. new the following w 'ai I ... , . ,.t ,,:,, vTTm... I nd thence radiated over Tennette. visit-1 TlB Railroad Co, : . as . , ' . ., . I , , J Tl KKt.-l MIL Hlirtl. soils: For th approachiog teason long I aa ,n.fv,Hant m.i,i ,L,t iWi i ti, town, hamlet and rand die wamtartlght i sleeve ianiL high full rufla t,oo!d not have the effect of impeaching bty epHig it victitM rapidly away.l company ehopa,,Bpt I . are considered ' the noceiaarv feature, for jiroaecutor' integrity. They further "J ' creaUng couftt.ion and teptlo. giving ttyle to the variout J.kcy baaquea. now ,nacivU ,ull fllf clmlvw I Jonetboro. Ten.. Bept 41671). f -lit " Corporative Aesoetstloa. ;t i-rr't- rouoa WatU and polonaise, uoudic- jhe thfendani't counsel agreed to the breasted reflingote will have ruffs placed I following verdict, and the jury according !.t.i- a;:.u. .u" .i .... k.... I ly .iwdored it, o-wit: "Th iuif find iswiuu. milt i-ui -e-o-c- iruivunifvfl Altai j l !. . . , , . , f . - i . i. . .. , . I wniiouniupeaouiog in lnwiriiy oi, n. pretty fSnii givcu to th neck by adding prilB!U,w7ii.t the delendaot, i. not, gnil a ttanding' English collar with pointed 1 1, imkhi the ground tff privtleee." Thit reverae front, made of the ureas materia - - mmmww . " ,. I . K. ...M .1 II III IWal iJ I W At usual on Mondays the ofluiiugs were toiion Wareboa ot 4 M 'lUtAa ult light." The market remains without Wlluituirton eireei, change. Th demand for dark' red to- good family Horse, 1 Brfy, io aa a baoe. and tin bright wr6pr it tiH ao- rAll"V ''"ft,? XS"1 fc-.. . r . : . , . . .... . i IW'K " "fc u nui.in. ,,..j,vf i t Ovarby, daa'd. tadwt to Nw AdvertisammiU. . Wanted A. A. Wilson Importont Sale J. A. l orrentiiie, Kxecutor'i Sale James M Towles. For Sale Tho n. Bxigga, ' Piano, Piano August Do?pp. or ela of th ailk -with., which it it trim mtd. The neck of th dree it cut very high ia the throut, and above this collar appeara a while muslin ruff, which it to be worn very clotF and high all artjtind, and ia called the " Am; Kobsart" raff. To .dgio( pnluBsitu ami oirsraa.uH.j silk aad fine woolen suits are (IniMied by a bia bind two fuvhes widu, isilt a diibla piping', lold Ou the upper edge ; for instuuee, " .Mihmdiae of black and Kite striped rillc it trimmed with a bia. striped band, ii b two tiny folds of black silk set iu a'jova.. iiuffs of dresa material ar orettieat when Biadu to wive a trim-1 "rtfed ri-w,n'"''' make settletucirt, tnd ii,. .u. '..r at.- .... 1 1 cco-rtt ttrvoti diit xhat . he had j ' , . , . ulefe.r receive! lor the bancnt l vnr road.. vi merely parsing ihmuu iuj neca. Or aad Lodg Oood T am plan. Th Grand Lodge of Good Templars of North Carolina met ia Oreonsboro oa Meetiag of Central Executive Oommit- . ' , , .-- . .... At a meeting of the Central Kxecutlv Committee of tit Conservative, Dwuo- ,u mx,Ym '"'"nge. to piay T81h.rj., Fin. deleBtte. were -.resent ! ..Wl i ... ..... I " astir by W. C. BUon-a. Oro,.r ;; - "? c'u " "ty r, j , Ufg6 oumb)!r wer ,x(MJcted t tr; -v- v-,...,. , rite last niuht Th. WDort of.tlw Qrsad KiLtioa. Sept o. 'ma. rtitHin la our market l-dy I ........ . -M.U. Th Leisure Hour. In the absence of Mr. Associate, who it thit Woithy Chief Templar shows large ae- Kingabury tb. cosloni to the order since lust mot'tiog. week attending rfcet rtradV HtrTKL Attltl VALB. fuaaiaa lloTil. Mr nva aw trisfma T B Lvti, Purhm ; W H F i . i . . t II. tn, uraarui couiii y , i fioantt ; B L I)uke,WR Hgla. Kms, 11 A lU'Sma, n n luumn N 8 Wmd, 11 Andrews, Durham ; Kiltrr, Franklin er-unty. iTkAl. UoTUUJ. Jf. BUir. I'r- i-w. Il'-n. Jaha SUnning ami J 8 ;tna, Pitlsbori-; Klias Urvan. HaT- s i; J B Tiraueflake, U s m h it; A r fe, t arty; F P Haywood, route agent; 0 Brown, Kslrtgli; A Mitchell, uran 0 8 RiUi. Littieum; John Himpson, s ; Woj Wllltamt. lUlUoiin u,ia t ulrr, iTtrma; tkoaias I Jacksoa, . ri le; - Alf.Hl, Wake; lrs llemlrr llralera. Xtawbera; Mis. Thomp Oiforrl; Alewadee- trVa'Vio. Coluro i C ; Jmet Thonpann, Johotton. itanaocaa llot ta. O. W. DlachtalL Viator Th". 8 Atmst.ad, Charlotte ; Franklin Court in the interest of ear Mrwt I Augoit Doepp. papers the Daily, etm-'W'KfcKXT and I 11 affords ut pleaaure to recommend Io Wkeki.t Skhtinbl we, tho Local, take '" P"blc Mr. Aaguat Doepiv tuoeewpf the liberty of copying from the Eofield rii4.the following, which relates to hlul and Kit paper. A LrrtRAMT Jouhnau Mr. T. R. Kingsbury, aaaociat" editor of the Italeiirli HaatiKkL. propoae to revive the Ltirurt Hour, a literary paper, that was publislud at Oxford before the war. in doing thia, b will not relax his laboit on the oekti- to the late James Pirason, dealer in Piano Fott aad Organ. II la, beside being a firat-claat musician, a No. 1 piaoo tuner, having had many years experience In th manufacture of these instrument. Those who deaire to havs tuning or repairing done cannot entrust it to th hand of a better or a more reliable person. Be. bit KEU He want a man of aoiue mean, tdvertiseuteut In to-day's BkT!eU and ol llterarv traitiluir and enrrv to Ha. 1 ' vote hi wnoM attention to lb paper. Mr. ICiugsbury ia one of th ablest aud i moat accomplished writers in th State. Hi ability a a inoraaliat, M not excelled lit North Carolina. We ho the enter prise msy be started. ' aa ' A Oalioo Thiat; On Monday laat a bolt of euliond a j W FVmming, MMinn ; 1) C Ptrlt, pair ot; thoia were stoleo from theator o l-Uiru; A.J yprinffer. If T! W II rj, D.bw, ' H L Uayne. city ; U I -ami, Bill ; T S Lntterloh, Fayette- ; (W llsrrisoa, Bait: D U Jones, trrm; E. nh, Kobeaon count j ; M Busber, city: A J Atkins and M JtuCew, Va; O M twdier, Meeting ot County Commiaaioaers. On ytaterday th Doard of County Com mloUmers met at the office of Ui Regis ter of Deeds ia thit city". Pieaeot, 1L W Wrnoe, Was. Jioks, M. O.T4J,Bas'l Raynef aud IL U. Jonc. Tb ml note of latt meeting war read aad tp proved-. Oa tb. racomaviadatWa of th. Board of City Commiasioners.rnjoor lione.wr graat4 to Jm Raker aad Il.ary pari. The following person were relieved. from paying double tax : D. H. WllliaOU, aad child. CharUMte: Oan McAlpio, lrlpkit i A Iluvka, Oalvaatoa, ; J 0 Phillip, Norfolk ; B H Tine, rIoh; ML McCoy. BAOKR; W ,i i a. a w aa ri . I ."iiaa, wngewsy ; n .v-.,k, m1ooBi ,jeBlin(Nl j Alexander Csecch ft the erner of Fay elteville and Hargett atreett, Oa yester dty aaorning Mr. Fmuuan, who it Attend log to Mr. Creech's b.slrm. daring hit abssao at th North, heard that lb T. W.Ieacy,LwU Ford. calico had ba told to Mr. Frank De- TbeCoaaty Traaanrer wan eadarad t F.rest, salrtmaa at Mr. A a. Upchnrch't J W. IL Terry VA for building brlJgl taloon, oa Wtl taint; ion itreeL Mi. Free aoroat Big Branch, near th. U Powder laaaa, with th Chief of Police, vuiud I 0UTSIDB9. , Mni onnk at on. of tb bote) as Walu Menalain. I adaaoag I iHu in wtatar nsoaiaa. 1 : J-.ltted -Whesi msy two pcopl U r'W Jo Hi ! nfWtrr accowal , i, tB,i..ti..a sl of tb. calico, Mr. DeF. elated that he b4 purcbaaed th calico froaa a col ored wvnaa named Harriett Wbltaker. Aaranrabt wa laaoed aad Harriett ar r44 aad taken before tb Mayor. Eke MiU. . . . . - Oa Botinn of ft C. Joar th. eflie of County Treasurer wae drclarej raeaaW On motion of Mr. Todd, It Hoard went into a el actio., af Coautj Treasnret 14 fill tb vacancy." i l.gla J J. R.0'N1I flttWkslf-altledl When the) bar j sadrMaading betwaa) thaaa. ,v (u tUoutiag a h wood la Del i.twaittj M KLeallf Utkd t 4a, aad awljr tarapad al Urr aavar astriiU Insa aad Btawl IcsalUuU, f 't aaaratly nM at Uega, v-ed that f Coajma ribald meet la 1874 la Phil ft", psaat m4 adaptabi'ny f atstu f"! I aaanufactur. of paprrkiabnat I bated by Ooaupetent partlr. ta B-. , 'S-stry astw . baagtaga. with laita n 44 brucad, dasaaak. aad I t Want nan, an naw very fash wae t aagtd. , , ; 1 a ft , . ' uaarada lutiica af ta. how sb got poaaessiaa of th good, and tb Msjor 6tH called opo to trad ber oe. tSi ouulij not Wt Lb rrtjtlred bond aad til committed to Jalt 'Heir Half A. , Tti tbnv. it tbt pproprit naot. of a ertal banality in thia ally which be gain bee as notorious for drvakea tow aad gearrel diaufder. It I situated in lb Southern portion of tb. Weatera Ward, aad he bora it. prewal blgb uuading asB far laaa a uaW afaeeatary. The peraoat nb lie on aad frtaent tea Acta, a clean, ar the verdiefwa rendered about cn. honrafur I tire.tnd foriurh luU urKican b ruajix- the jury retired. - On inquiring of aeterai td. Lugs are not active and price are of th. jurors, latcertained that dceen out I"J '0 cenll per 100 offlht pstt few days, of tle twelve were in favor of acquittal Wequote:, -r "! "y" of a toAare Vehlict of " not fViiiltv "'Th Lul'S 0.00 to tS.00. wwkinr luts 10 00 defendant, I tliould tnr remarit; had.t- 1$ 25 ; thippiog . laat; .Coniwon t very J Tfjt turaptad to i justify" tha charge tnaile In (tod, $ t $13 , flat IU.00 to 114.00; IJj, m alleged uueUout puUlicatwus. . - , I u"cr mat. common 10 goon, v 10 tiu ; I will ttate. as a matter of cemtrat in- vrjr,gol lu.OO to AlftSOj daik ttrong ,1 mutton ihnt' tti.fiiu ri.,t .n i-fr..il I wnxv leaf, (buskv fireil.i suitable for wanmade t bold Jndg. Mvrrimon re- blHk woik .iJ.7a t I4 ' common to sponsible, aa the ewsiiarl at one time uf uee; rl euied wrapper 15 to $73; tKepson for, the failure of tho; laWor to niule;riu hf 8.6(f 10 11.00. Mouldy, bMike-tett lenient with the railtoad eompa- "Tiu 'i lUi'ked tobacco it wiling tery lit m wnien lit had been rrml.ient. The iqw, ir um , 1 1 ,, iviiteiicr, however, did t Miatain thai rbargvi -i far lnin , it showed beyond Ml question, 1 hat Juduu Al rnuuiUj ul lien.' M. V.' Hansom a'ao ilvtM-d' and Alto t'trirat variety of 'iood.' waraaand 'u lehattella" JAslES it TOWLES, ' !l - twpt 10-td jtnitionaar ;o!i xi . .. . it The Colobr.lrd i .,or!:a I'd ."it;- GltEV-CTLUT:'. MARKETS.- Nooti Koport, , : ' '"'i; .,) wutr ; 1 h . . L ,: . . .. 1- liddnaa i.:s t Cotton Pressn- . ." ,.IT For the rkutlud. 1 'tnotfeBA-No. 1.' I ilKasfts. Eoitoiu : The "word heading tbil article rxeitet a profound Interest In SMV I . ... n.rt nf tli anrlil It 1 lha Hf.lo. I f ... . . " . . . - J t " -- I .1. I.., M.I H.h.Mk...nilllMl.iiu.l lft.ll. aatio party held ntj.Ytjc.day. the 9th of nalio af a .tihwee ..y'knymy"w 6eptelf, Ittt, U.e following resolution. " N , - "l?e ".uie.-y -eus ,: " ' ' I mil ..cm fit. tlm MirrM-llfi-i VI liulittM. I U. ....... .1.. - t...!. f 1... n.l.l.lltM. O anq aa nas recenciy vitiren many paiia j , , - LtVKRVoou, Bupt, 9. , . Cotton Srm uplands 8 T-i to ; DrV etna 1-8 to 91 -4;' 'fair 15,000 bale; tpecgVatlon' kn.I', export 8,000, ;Ut of u)lauJs f a barn, good ordinary, to p. not 10-Jia' OlANOSl'l'IANOyi I " " ' ' ' lrrr:tw alt . .l..a... WhehbaI, Thi. Execuuv. Commute, of Use t Aata nf my residence, I canmaj - ,a "k.w o,J. t AU CtUO 1 JjQ jrfJTa Vlt) of the Coatcrveltve Democratic party of but tuppose that bvtll jou and yout read- "tler and JXeembrr, S 1-8; new '"'" North Carolina hv hear J, with deep re- on would like to havo aulhenlio fact of crop of uplands, on Wis of good ordina- '' ''J' J nmts 'o' i"' gretof th iwatlyof their late esteemed Itsptogrcs. And first allow me to rtfef rt.Bei,. I . ' f. Ftrt FQiiTMA IlffOaaT.rs,, chairman, th Hon.' Daniel M. Barrtnger, toeertain popular ctrort in regard to the 4 ' ."It-Lil ..j (V th noat apurovW styles sad touafaiUra, aad it I. becon.bg that they thoald give cliartcler tnd habits of ;h. diseata. . ' "B,M ' KM,f An astoatment of terond band Piano kept exprctslon i U.eir apprecktioa of fcla .1 It doca not stem to be a pastry wr delivery, on ussit ot gooa ordi-loa hand, rarttiular aitoinion paw w lb high, personal nuid ,dJi.ial character trouble, tho' th , dieative Ucultie have I nary, 8 7 8. . I 1 ' TuNINQ AND lCF.PAlKlNO therefi'r it 'j reaolvej VI tfitumui(Uea: an immalitt bearing on I't development! ! , Nmw Y..u h.i.1 0. Li . -t-cLoa w -o, as ltt. fust In the deathsrf Mr, Bt-rr'.ngi-r, Too physician of tbi town, haadad by ' -,ill. ... m ' ' . tt'w w wtraeooea. . onr country W IMt a aual, wjrt and I one qt tb most , nm.otieJ and eminent I i - I oa HarteU ntn-at near tb eoraer ot Hallsba. f ... .Tl a. .. i I it. I ..1 . net .- a . t a a a I . ... . . natriotvo cit.iltil. J"nU lruiata I toa ah. men ol.tti. Btate, ur. tMsvur, nxaids It as I uuiuiius sufc-o: vneans ii. r muie t ry, oeiora pareasainc aMewner. iiraarsasaf la oftea aod deaoreedly houoMd.and th I a Woud foim, nd all tb fact nbsetved opened fur September at 18 8-4 to 18 18-lu; 1 1? r00 uPe t fhla fi iM.' 1 ii-i in , . . ......... . i nartyof which b wa tbatepreaeotatlva Iher. teem to confirm thi Coucl union. head to thia state, a member tiisttn no aiae, not coasutntmnai, couhi i auiahexl for coolnrt of judgment, wisdom I so rapidly nroaUat th vital powers: ie counsel and purity of molly, and on I indeed a men pierced by Minnie ball at who, aa a pulUieiaa, waa aa eminent lor I every point except the brain and heart I uniform ortra and politeaeat -that til I would hardly b mor quujtljr uVapatcbcd kindness of heart wat rignitfd even by I than our many victims ul this Icll oettroy politicJll obuooout tod iiaiilild ail I be I er. Generally the t ate of the most ae- abafi af hostilorttticiut. i M '' I tiv external development! are th. most Id.' Thai rhe Haotetary be dirroted ta I amentbie to treatment; la these instance spresd llies retoiuiion on a nnnuiet I naiure seems to onar ,n wih rcsw i and transmit copy of th. family to th. I lance, and the discharge ar. th. result 4 family of th deceasi-d. . I tuont to climtntta tb poitoa irom tit 3rd, Thetcopie. las also luratalual lor I (ystem. rtlmsoneo tiecom puiaeieasai- October 18 l-ltalB 1-8 ; Nov. 17 18 18; I Febro7 181-8; March 18 8 8. Flour firm and quiet. Wheat firm. 0ra ateady. : Potk quiot ad weak new $17 8 1 19 to 17.T3- Urd dull and heavy old steam 8,3 1 6. Turpeotint itfady at 44. It sin dull t f3 20 for t rained. FreighU firm. fttwkt active, tiold wtlv at 11 Money firm at 7. Exchange long 8 8-9, short 9 8 8. Uuvtrnincul dull aad lower. et Itvtm '1 t) f Bis Old Town ITsially Floay, mJ .... .- C", Q BUI, tlmgr jv Fauiliy Vhair, . Far tat by ' tplw w. catiiosicu. publication by th OiilWivtliv. pret of lef one, two, or thrr discharge, and ft , . . . . . tbecltr. with tb. n-u'ieat that the other Uoeaervstive pipers of th Stat, copy th Mta. , , l).!n. W. R. Col Wtt elecUd Chai Bian and Hon. W N 11 Hmlth to fill tb va cancy on th. committee. ' ; " '; Dead Beat.' , r. Thrra M n pmblesa in baaaan pblloao phy.'allch Uie gtuAern Uomt ctat tolrt, atMl w aVnbtV ry Mack wbatbar ' aay other maa" caa. Il it this ; 'Why dead brat aiwayt go to , ptlut'.ng oCkr to get pecuniary litlu juuior aau pimier oe- dwitf fc Oamoa tloUrm awrtas la loeg ax-torlimslj to tb. titnl-np-claat, aad I neakeuing, deprasaing disease, and wh cram o mtf b tlmoat imttltaaauk with th lirst tvacBalloa (rora tho stouiich or bowels. Thoee cramps ar muttuUr, af fecting tverv part of the body, and in dicating a demoralitatioa of to circula. tl ami every remedy that promisas r lief it directed to th. warming oftb I.I .1 .nA a . ItA JimtM Hear dirt, la the tu k and well, and tb , ' WlHiT 14 condltina of th. digestive facuiOr. aral brict firm and quiet. J ra altera or prim impwrtaaca aan nnw,i , WiuaiMoToa, Bept, 9. k i.u !t it 1 ,',! t e,a1fdM44diiag. mini .h. , tb former it almost th atata of tha weather favorabt t ; IMidnipjht lloport. t I ' ' LivaitPooL, 8-pt. I. ; Cotton Sale Include S,iU0 baits Amar- kau. Bale of nplaada. new crap oat! 'Yam fa- Bills rtJBdanl A f afar, I 1 . . ' j i, . . it Bids Estr 0 8e, 'd ( I ,. , j For sale by , , ernttt-lw ' Titter Leaf Lard, W. C. TaU)XlCH. t I., ta anerany . ststi iiottot. a..l.tK?.J.-Mi akaa.l swell aaakr t 1 aVA I " ' alwart afftd M s ''" 113 ; PpliHe 4 turjH tit lue ttcailj . ( ,39 1-3.1 Tlrrrw H,m, (fa,;! Rraad). ' - . . .. . i , .,. Vsaisl ,'. -p-i - ' P I si loner el.iog tdi al 13 53 for 'X Of U I -JswsHy t-l naJUus-r . i Hnamcti z inui iiirnrnuaisi tjjitmfjraauiBti n a - H.IIJAa.J.a.l( lis t.. L...lMt Mftiniltil Ihil. ftlaPlll IQi tiff IDT lllf I ' II . . . k 7 a .TiZI. laV 7 ItT Jl1 i'tU for flow dip and a mri Lb, 8avk im. . norefellt a no. their charily th.n so, "....J .M.rwseajemsv virj-io.. T.r tower, clcalog. ' -V- o..r.,iBJo.jci c. ...,m-o , aW tvaiL, tMpl. P., I FurtmUby , one printing offlc la th. food old North I and lnlirat. habitt, exposure V the 1 i vj..w- at iwu I i '"" '" ',,... a. kim nvMiHiina aan rnriiona , - . . , . , I aeidllw nver-extine, On th first Wlot Mr.' Magwla reearawd three vote and was tie. iered daly sWcted. It waa nuivad bf Mr. Tod J that tbt puatmaatar b reqtjaatad to put ta gronad brtarea tb. court-hrMtat aad poaloffic. aad tb. aidenalk in (root of tb ewart- ttoaaa ia good repair, tb bating been datnsged by tb. rsnsoval of tb puabiAeSJ. Adopted. Th Doard draw th follow lag feraaa. at jarort (a) t Ursa of tb Bupartut Court w be bl4 L Wsk coooty on tht lib day of Ortobet nett. rtart wain. tll.hai.aalr. M II Allen. X J While. rreaiot ntaus la tiico in. excupanit maitvUtal fda-lth wbt Un no viait from tb. dead beat beggar. I Miiltt th body al ur needt ail her re- Why Is Ibis? bit barausa thamcnof tourcrtia unimpaired vigor nd disci- . ' . . . . . . I alined only to th. eff ift tht loster v type aneial bava w.W eamjhaa th. I mkmt re I ol mask tad I Or la it b-atata lb I ba lao.irad from eoT Cause, sod bo I ,.! U'M.k,. .,il. ..4 dead beat" thiaH that be will lad I aaanol a dr. not C ontr d their appetite I . . . . .... .. M WhM. lama a at rs m ii .an . a i ar aiaaii nrrii nnin n buiii uis mora -leiien letnag - amoag item r ' - - -r - . . r I lv. tad 1 skawm thaajl awauJ A aka ajaa4nai af a.-..t.. ..A ".k-i. u- JbTV-a. b.EBBatw.Alri. rWr,ll, Ciow. Wit- Miaui t. a... Lw . . " . .. ..I llama. Rnbt Cbtvl. W W Wyaaa, W I r 4 the fallow was ready before th I "f -7- 7 " .1 Crk. Daat Dabat f 'aaad aart b bad M JriaJaMio. it lJ taa nam m i - Tmy beet of tb. long tsnal 1 ' -'"t kMip,. , woucip- SIB( srM J fc-g Fb. Caavbf, a retpaatabhs aolarad ntaa, waa ur wwgnwwwww fb Acre, aaaia rntaplalat aad bad tb. bIU,wit kjmpb broojht berorw tb Mayor, rbargiag Ibeat wlthbavptogn 4if rdvf " Jaae Crh?, Aaava Ta'W and X Ut ffUpbsa. T Uratar, eJ ,ad Fb. Cbariaa, esil, war ttantiaed and tratio4 Abl U a sm4 aatwuaj or a beads W g4 drk aad Indalg. w load trla4 tat' thai a Ht.iiJ ' W ha ami puUlag tbenugh aafe- (ia t a variety theatre. ,!; iaiefyopaaed in Went !,U"A, VarsaeaL ta tl peeled to f "f WbdtaLAa. ma Iba wnuurtiuak a M ". wu, lb ore I mr to pay Ue aoU Ueead ta be cf tt7 '"rt vat Paaravrtv Tuci. hiHaaii. aa, MMbt, taUl aad I laeartag aad lb as af .baraa laagaage, '"WtV. e-rvam. b-asb. aad aatss. I .Ji.e I t free lnbL W the d egwt lA,H. aaw tbbjM ..a U4UM of lb rmA sk af lb it) nigh Mdy laa. tb prApvartrsat f IM a, a. dg4 tba aba kept a ba. aX-Hl faaaa aad thai draakeaaeaa aad iir,y I aaa twain") " th. l'l"s i " WM JMatbl Mill I testa n IX. bmi uu. I Jaae, -at r T fcrM " baoa I , - - . is ... iwpMna v I , . L" WdkM, ..!. r-rT- " , id bna.Hf.rf lb Tb. Mtyet tarnraaad 1 VraroTw' baWs..laa..f.4 , JHr.i tm u a lMsef ka4 j1 f 10 laaai ' " "r.4 ratal mmm h r mk . . , ""' - aa., 1m i 7Z. mmm aa-s aaul eswl L bvat mms, araa ba mm "'itim ia w be very tfy thU ska . . , , . a a, lie nowi wtaMS tba tbn avet b. th. see) 1 IWQ Mb, TWy asid a4 git. J repaired Wasd -4 weed ta Jii. Cru. kef, Deal Dabaasa, R 0 Daaa, 0 W Perry, Ueadarwn Pearaaax, tl D Hooey. catt, W C Ma gum, Henry Ertaa, Lw Pewell, Wan IHsef, C B Edaafda. Alia Vptbareb, N R Wathlaa. Dry rrt.W A Hard, Pt FraasH. Jaak KUJUsf, Oiibert Ll.orcb, D Q Il-WH,, W BCarl- bm, V DetUrd. W P Bart, Imaisi Back. W J Ciey. Jaib Pus, W B William. Wm Due aad B T Wililewarm. ro watt W T Ada, i n Partla. Heary 4' td,Aaibey ILJUway, Jo rtopsaa, A U lUdWacy, IViaat .UlV tW H Wd. M J.aklaa. C Biake, lUatam, B Aadfww, it It -Mbaaat, Cbs Tbaaap sa.iT Wsatbara. Was trw. U W ttbtUhef tal J W ft. Oa awatkHI 4 Mr. Jitkt, rJ4b4f the eamety leaaaarse wm I lad at tt,8M f iba Maiy tat. aad UM bnad f tb. trwtta4 4 18.004. Oa af Mr, Todd, tba wd td f. of lib. ItTI, d.rwrtiag tb (Jaevtf W Uh fmtj ia tb pyb4 f saly Ul )at rrpaawd. TV IWd tba lra4- "" " arangbi.nf-.-w era to ba v,dded m cl,d quirt j tale. 17.000; Septa, ta ttrmr-wblrti trtngv trmiy daegaroa. , Whea th. m.maier 1 6er 1SJ JJ"; 0ctoU7"fi 1 fi j'KovemW 4 aaa negger. mibIIs t-'i ! it th men of tourer, ia ael leamibaatb. it UaaiiMlb beta imnaired W. CITKAtlt,, 1771; December 171118. 1 Cotton quiet but firm, (Ul,t 1,790 bales i l ollon quiet but Dim, Psht 1,790 bales I . "v Baaba't & at 20 i 8 ia JL. rimu fair nqactt in4 1 4 iV.V.H, .iFaraalaby Cora, Tba Aral tuppuaition to.y wrx Jaueting to th crA S th scermd k itol at U to. W eubotlt tha eajrww probtera to tba next Praa Aasxciatto of North Carol 'aa. 4 alH. 8. It It a4 true that saly bat wa term Uf vil af Bocirtf ar Ukaa off. Tb thuler is rod of rebuk d crrction in tb hands of th. rlghteoat !Hpiri tik all tli ill af aartb rt at Iba rasa It at I I, U la both prim mv aad tafota,lury. tnd It involve ta lu chastisement tt.a L ! tiaful race of man. It Immedtstely wlelnatad. Ilk other plagwaa, ia tMdl tonal of ewe, and nara towa ( lb World M IravarM tba h'vh wtrsl M liml aod Hnn. f', aad tiowe tarn vry a hate to feel that they at, ta t Mtaia est). hl I rpaibla t pabU na CbHetiaalty ha aoeuaerptiua ol a nv ralitf tbatraiatr. aalyWaaifi aad 4 Is I bat died. Tberetuea I aot eafUrwat fur m Ul v14 a baa aad Jtaaaiasd. 1st. That by hi dath wa have I deadiv habit to whkh I a., any neighbor beta deprived of a g -d rills, aad aa I addicted, and tl I Cnataat anjawtf niU baaard aad f la! d.iseior of r roal. I karpwg akmf frnea nsaral filth, tad par- JteMaad lad, Tbat aa a ttuatd w will kaaiab km weeaory aad rasttata bl I- oaltty fbavfaad . That as int. wis or lis pert la tb decwaaed. tUa resulatsoa b tpraad ar1 w tnuraatx, , cent hiaer, wiater red western W. (II feW. BACH. , Srt-lW kttll CKAl klkA I r Al-LklM). F Trfawta af BaepacA. At a vwetiag af tJr IW4 af DireetaM f lb. Nostb Carwha IUil.ad Company bd la thin cltj oa Fitdty, lb tb Ih, tb. Mlowlag rraolaliusi Wer. aaaal- ' y adgp4, fiai - ',, W aaa aaa. Waea lb last n.ertlag ef th twmrd al D rertort of th North C ar. Baa lUllraad lmpaaf. Cut, J'lbn L Bka 1 71 Io 11.74. Cora activ tnd I I to I aeutliighsr; weatrra mixed la (tor. 88. R quirt tad MaJy, Caroliaa 1 14 to 11 1 Pork quiet aad ws.k-aew 17 M to 1 17.7$. Torpeetla. ttaady, RuaJa iutl at a.!0. Tallow a,elt FrelghUl IO ALB. narlh Clrottaa Ftoar. , "'"' ' w.aiTkojiAtn. 1 tept.lw i 1 , Muy tell, at 7. Statliag 8 5 8. ti ild activ aad aatetlled, clnaiog al 11 14 lu 1114. GovettnseaUdgll aad tsry kregatar. Hiatal nothing doing. NubPoI.E, April t. Cvttoa bighef. Low mlddliagt II 11 Net raulpU 801 bale. Export. Coaat- aatSei. aVork U'. 1 , BAtTiuoat, Bpt. 9. Cotton Iroa mUJllngt 89 II low A taw mjr abana W r, ripblI ainrk. tn-iyto . 8lAUMATIy.i4l.IAM, ' an - Mambaref tbeteotM I bwtwb, aim t sltaaiwlanciiiajt, THIVAI A rAU-ji-I. tb Is aaal,t4 ba kwl tb fag-tun ua..re, Bx.UMw.uaa, fnui aad Una. 9st ratarmwat air a, , A44rM. H ia. g. w wpf-diw n.j-a, n' tx , fpfU DIAMONO IlltAt ixk 1 1 tail It to arraaiula' amaed eaa, 1 aad ay b:.'iar.cr,b ;rr:i.T.1r.., -wau.,. i;ood i?mi. taay b sua'iij.r, J. Th I Ii tb wise, I IT 1 9; not rwip 19: gtose 84 i eiportt liKbia.dw4oira el I I 'lidsavca, I puitu. It ; tale lit; atotk 57. ,1 make tb tMwpaeai bfaa af lb. J ta 1 ul s IT IIIIT I Uf llltltlA u ltJi UK 1 bat tba rbvmar af Ihe I deal, tirft.geat, ptwvldaat, dpadala law mm www wwtw i i f b. . w i ... . i - w. -. . - . . - . m , : ASoea . i ii l.l aa ed. I aad wtl la d la trt themaolvs la b I tmmmrm ariM.U adarauua e4 I i. A. Mr-tn.l:Y, h. X CM, 8 A Duww Mtajrwsaaaswal'y swd bat draggiat tW a Ia4 U aWraad. Its wa swfartag tWai klas4 Ii4ay aad aakad WW fir. lrteb.,IJ' Barb Tb dntf M gaea hbw aa ktad, a-a at- Tb. prtfit Wtl fsej's twatwad of raiisvlag U palpal a t4 iia pP t,it4 bsl ateais !'. it., lit. tail. t.i.ad A-Tvet4 Iba '"''1 oaxt k-a. aaddomiag I'teaM fi41wd Tb e. , aiu fu't barte, ( Jilfmwl t,!i pie's ff a tb .. M an, bey 'y tbr Iw. balf ( Iheraskks tad baip a lkr kat btva vtrtlav t bote. fnun every rtaatla Tae m; - of tlw bast, (aal be .-we af the bw ba lb e-pe tivsly iMait4 eity U Kantvtlle.) wa ll, asm dieisfWh4 nsae, est aa at mti. " r.s'fa dniu.a af te mai, ad lb.l natpua si rat.nwi J.i!. a, th par" s.y, wm v.uUat'y al ia. il bat Nvwv-i. Tb tasai of l n. Witt ba Imaa lMlwfMsi'bstcis,l sad la bwalitsMsrvwdvt sob ba-I.J vaav ti'l.trd t. e'a, et pwM bltw sua. 4 as bswwa t.Lb 1 teat ad have bsaa ia U gwf iImm lh dMw( ba p'ald It b.rt ba, aad retry hs ba mads t fwl Ibal b i laUa4d ia th mditiuw f b k ihsw. I toe iv b, warowl miMM ia b ae losa at Taa br m aaaa, t inl laM, Miataf !, AnbllMt, CbnaKt, HUJIawt, Iswmw, iNaarWl, t 1 sM lot swtawi Is ssu mnwrm iKmk aam, sb, taivfns O.I I r. l.l.i.tM, s4 ia at. CSV TiaasHtH, ;, r. lasaiiy of t awta. t e. aa IS dim MlALAnu 1.1 roAHttluitr Ut rl mm fMa !.. ..a w m. josm ca ytf A T y B D. A fd "-b rbmilib I ba sww m-4 t nae-wt WW ba i.u a, llaedw.n ll - i 1.1 L. blwla a Cs, Anetlp-sa, ( t A TB8 IVIU nlotflHT If OBB MAM. t KI . Mftan Tbla IbrUUaglr ksUnwrlag t4ory, WrltUu tllsMir Min t WItKLT, wtil b na. s..ed tatas talsmiajoa nlCHAf . .sr. tlatrts ltb, I' A ITS ocH w libit to aa atabtpaea Uxm-i , PMBlIf raaw sasnu. amy .' , at ( WkHM, h C II U ua Miirtii Uia rwy fl-M' ' Bartn aewlta, ba una,, a ' toe atbus. aad tu vbbbf pais ee si saas ba taraua ita mA-rt with U vaif rnvt p.Mdaaaaia. ml .aalbam SaUab awbaafsa w. ' II AO a yaarfca. u Uinm bis b.la trM wm b as US amty Pspa. Adliwa J ,L II Jk I IALI rawaae-s. t-llA. 11 (ha.lu.la, M. C. ' M O T I 0 B. T A B T MO 1j -" :- " At t MMt.f af Iba tail ad Cl'v t'ama.ba- ll bd Aaa, Si A, H M witwA ihwA mt wmw wmwmm w a llMrt wars trwm vfc lt at bi,, afuw waa liai aa ly l ba ev.1.; mitawa agMasS 'l .i.Sa I at' it M tiHarij, rp t M Vtawur

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