V f-7 t : , TELEGRirmO MM toon VUratchM. Domestic News. JTROM MISSOUEL f Kaksa Cttt, Bent. B. CoL Tsjlor, " W tt iDe, Pi wonderful lead hum eer Baxter Bprinjrs, from which they take pure solid nuggets weighing from low to tevea tooswithin eight fcrt oLtb ewfeeo. THOM MASSACHUSETTS. trauorouj, EcpC 9. The Eetndlieam njfl caucus results to ob o'clock tbii morning make Boiler' Jefeet IoWede-fjV fWWMloijW' Intel .certain. f h yrceenf eoupV fat Wtabbara US ; Butlor 410 ; doubtful 45 A bolt wu made In tb etb.wtrd alter tba ittniltf meetiDir. end o set of Butler delegate, elected. , , ; t At midnight bit night tbe count stood ttxot&oi to tU Jnmel, Washburn M7 Butler 881; doubtful 07, with about 100 to be beard from. , . .. ( ' Cbelsew kendo 0 BuUer as! ,4 Waeo- buro delegate. "FBOJr KEWTfORK.'; There appear to be orach trotiW be twees the New York Warehouse and the Security Company. , It root from rela tion with two ( it director, Francis Sklddr, toportot of Wo, 01 Wall ttrert, and Shepherd Gaudy of No. 60 Wall AUeeWbo& Wy.attgar.taiportcra; were director of New York york Warebooae and Security Company, nod also director of tb ICaaonri, Kansas A Tsu Railway Company, now la conre of conjunction. They had Invested ao heavily in tbi road and elsewhere that their large resource and excellent credit could not carry them through, and they therefor obtained loan from tbe Becarity Company on atock and bond, latter and other corporation. Tbe Warehouse and Security' Company, how ever, bad a large amount of papei in cir culation, which wa about matured, and uoteee eonae of the loans which tbry had made to Sklddy and Oandy ware taken up they could net meet their obllgatioea. frequent eoniultatlont were had bnt with out a satisfactory reault, a the diaordered eonditioa ef money market, and the (act that Kanaaa, Missouri and Tcia wcutUle were not negotiable in Wall aircet, preclud ed making loan In ether and fete partial ejuarttrsi A meeting of the Director bad therefore been called yeaterday (worn tag, aid It waa reeolnd to euapend tempo rarily, had call a meeting of e red i tut on Thursday to take action in Ute matter, rraatti ftklddy la head of Ibe Irim, Skid dy, HJnford A Co., of No. 10 Wall ttreet who are among the hearieat unportera with sugar Uthlsclty. Ilr.BklddyhaT bees UeUtined with steamboat, railroad and other laUrett for many years, and baa always bent a good tu for floaa dal atreagta. Bbepherd Oandy I I member of Iht sugar firm, Bhrpberd Oaa dy A C, of He. M Wafl streel, fteUker of these house bar suspended as yet. WhHetko ssreoty-first tegiowot was warading through 4lh alreet, Williams burg this morning a Balcony erowoVd with spectstors auddealy broke down, and ail cra precipitated to the aide walk. Ooe perse) killed aod fitters more or lees rarely injured. It la ats4 that a nuoibar of auita taiaU tated by Jay GotUJ will tuon be broahl agatoet Brte lUilmod Company and ti rectoea, persuaaJIy, fo alkned JUcga) sit 4 o h eooaectie with t reroat deaUrv tioo e4 divideoda. . - .ruouctouuiA. ' " ; AtUT, Brpt, t. TBoeaaa U Busby dropped dead yeataf day Qs,beart dtsrea on XiDoanoogh atraet, oad Willie P.yae dropped Wd . this mrnpg u TeUr ttreet. nwii tAN rBAKa-- t , nVpt. is, littag ha mad a ttaUnwat to de tectl to officer Lea,u whkh he IneMs apoa the trot a4 hi sormc otataments, and , Wilietal to ft before tbe Jedf of ooe Own le asuiHiw. Lore wilt (" J lit etaUtuNnwTwh. Irr1rgy,th' iln ptoper gwaraatos for kia aasdy ia Mew ta, he wiU prod ace lf.tha" ae)iaraatum booh, ami beode lake from the eei ea the eight of lb amr Jcr. Matgail liUaHtiro'. DOMESTIC NEWS. rituM WAblUXUTOX WsitTt, rVpi. . Tbe rrealdewt Is espeeSsd biuM the lath aa4 IOiA, A pvisl agrat U the feet tV lrrtsHt at Wamet., Va., la keeest.gsissg Ike ekarg ik4 too Re pabricssa her Used i IVUl 1 Otep st trsakkag auliUeal eWoaseota. TM IVUtroa bate Ctn4 Mais bf abet UJXA cmU;. The maetty hsat esse waa IIA17. Tbe IfUeo muib Ire beadred the sa4 eVWa owaeoed t the gwml si Geawva, was ta-4sy pi4 w im trwa ary Vy IWtay fiwk, FROM OIOMUIA, aVaf sBao,ifp.. ' ffW r.Vsskiee ad L"ti, r- ayaetsl I aiueaeoe CaJ ml,mn breaiskt bne Wrt n gkt by 4pt ms sisiltka'p4 kb aeieg tie y ssseut ss4 ailessplieg to rub ti-e s-" A si IVif'sa. Ts isssaiaattoo be tvt I', It Lesalwatnr grated Ual tbe Iwaews astnw ttkt s4 lb fmmmt- m s;u.Wa. TVs - we d rjiox Mexico. - . -- - Mxxjco, Sept. Aa appeal for aid for the destitute wbo eenUj- boned out of boaaes ia Usvsas, CuUa, U made b; Meaar Alci andrU A tVoa, 0WBer - of the Harana steamship line thUeit jv The im were to-day appealed to by telegraph froto Havana, too cTirpntcb stating tberei Kreat destitution there. Tlii refrr to tbe fire of Plata, Vapore, which involved the loaa of 18,000,000. ,k BOM EOCTU, CAROLINA. CwAUunmm, Spt. 8. Soke txcltetntet ha betn created here to-day by a band of argro etriksrs, wlio have visited, the principal tnillereiu the city, an by tlm-ats ( tolence forced the 11 tyM ,rih:inf ;.t?.50 jerray Ilie tmriliiyeTa deditiaif to pay Wattle mill tar been Wd, aod nearly 0f laborer t out of ecnplorajent j r , Naw Oblsahs, Sept. 0. 'The Jfollowing dlapatch wa receiecd from ebreeeport, La., to-day : W, a. Bovard. YU-Pltulei,t Ilovard Auaeialim, 2ftu OrUani : We returu thank to the Howard Associstion of Nc Or!eoi lor their kind offer, sod say that The wr&rmtoto-- the i.4cse, and sliould be glad to have experienced Mira,- tmt we hire not mean st present To corapcii-ate them. W alao require t pnysiciaa. ; (signed) ' :r l. r. simmons,- . Preaideot Howard Association. f B.8. LiKDAt, Pret't Board f Trade. : jri flirKffnTTraseefwriftwsjliiflra "YHf wyiieiatanniTftn iv n Virrif n'waar- ;4 FROM MADRID. . lUuMm, Bept . There bava been- some modi flcationt in the ministry slue it noouncetmnt ec Urdajiasining." Beoor Blrgia, who waa Drat namtj fur MioUter f Justice, ha been appointed Mioiater ot Fublio Work Inatead of Benor Cerreoa, and Ben or De- brio ha received hi port fulio. The Mia Mterof Justice snd General Martinet Cam. poa have relinquished command of the Republican land force beairgiog Carta gena, aoJl been placed In command of troop in Valencia, Oen.8adiio succeed Gen. Cafnpoo u commander of the force before CarUgroe. Vice Admiral Sir Halting YtWcrtnn, commanding th British iUJrfin In the Mediterranean, has Inforni'J Hie government that he will surrender the fngatr Yictorim and Alt Masa, now helJ st Gibraltar, if a crew of fir hundred men U placed npoo each Tread. ' laleifj;li Market. COHKSCTID ,DII.T. ' Br O. T. T'AtM A Deo, sfaaiiT Byt aaa. f ai.UuUr . tXiTUN TARS, per bench 1 dry, per lb. LIATIIIll auLK LIATI1KK tH'tK... LBsTUKK UAKNBdd. MOLAHhlH, pw (al. . . . UOhDKM iTRlP MACIIKS: Dried 10111. CUlCKKNf t IQOi , riATIIKIU. rLAXSEEDperba HAT, per lMlbe..., B1DU, par lb Dry PVTATOM, gwect, pet ba. TAUUW per lb.... ... . VlXMitp-rgal . .... atltl, , ao . . , 1. 1 w . Tiu TVOVX, pee bbl, N. C MEAAperbu. CURM,pabe.MIba.. RACOM m.. .J..... H4Ma, MC Coarimd .... atrU-Rlia u.rrrM.. I OAK, LARD. OA! a. skwat f LI 8 J " , PtDDtK. p luo Vb. IWkKULSa , VAki Hilltlli till USnso Mala,- H'A.lr 1 I O If, , -C. at ma Ma4JB A. Jowss, rMaviv. Mies Jswsis A Joaaa, saawteat. Til. wait amituai - - -- u J.. i ikia , TV IT II s rytaury rwrtaMwl lMktr Efh Uua se I raxk, Bitia Maaie . . NialkS BMw'ktr. II nopae aiiNiik. "i 1 e -At) " aU boye e4UU4 b rrtaasry p,fvi SMla. Wd raa V bad at ressoambt rata. 'UUII'I IIUUIH, AStStifOLM. sliv, aV I. ht. 0Aasart, at. A , FrbsHpsl. taaaslsaUou IW sdsiatna Si. tad a Mm fca (rt..sr IH. Tenwa fv la d trd (Mflsdiss: fl, bf kit aad '' 9tt Mmw. ttaMa vml amy M Mmw. svral Sl.l ut aakalaikli anal, f f I bwea s44nM flif. W kt u NDriia, aasaB.ia, Ml J V . i A I V 1 t of SKA D I'M A DA CLOTllixO. d. . Aim jjA ltslKi, ATTK K TIOMI If few wsa4 the IUT Ftow tke l'ibrmor'aj Kriond aW4V -h. riCH.IM A CO., tHeyaiaaaiBjwa, hlwvkeit.Tr It R. joj wa, ArMt. kaai'ia a) 5y tVve'ae fr4kad e atfaareti, e II ll 17 X7a:M . ft.-i.1o Ul WartH nuavr lUalft 10.1 J ".. , a W a.-ia?5 ..... I 10 aim Iflell tlMelA alt ff- lUaniH I I . a ' l .v A, aaaml ........... TSOaOM LlusLM Ms 100 nan , . . . . H 1 ."0 I ...... KM ...... Its ........ I ave n sai 7n7.'.....7T' it T-Wl ....t,.4.Ar A . a d jars a -I riJHI I.KGIk; BTUA AUI1D, i - 'j r 1 - ' loU In 1872. lia.tft. fortv-lve thoaasod mora Itian tif otb:r coniiMOy.aiid nlcsout ul tea of aaid bitiear Xactiioea were tof famllj u, pro visit vie rreai popiiuru; oi uie mag' ir hi (fee suwehote. t. - ., , , Wa clalis and eaa show ihst It I tbe cheap. eat, ! beautiful. SelkaU-lr ajTaavtd.nUelt aduaUd,er,j'y operated, aud aaiuotbij rear nuiofaUllM. family tSewlne Maeliines It ia remarkable not oolv for the rantce and vari ety of lie acwiue;, but also fur tits variety and dine'ent k.uda uf texture v hlcti it Kti with eiioal facility srd perfection, eln; sny kind of silk twtat, linen or cotton Minted, flee or cisnic. makiuir the Inter-Locked-JClaattc- Ullt h, allke.on liotli rides. Home dealer, naing Ilia u-iraa or irtuie, vry 10 pervoase pr cbaMis that oor Family Machine la not eqeal lor ramny wwicr m oar rrsnuiscrm tug i tlijnea fur manufacturing pnnioaes. Try and seslor yoeraelf that our new fam ily sewinr macbina eiulxxllfa pew1 and eat liid uriaciple, to wit : eimiil'r ty of eonetroe tlou ; eaat of operation ; avlformlty of prerhe action at any enece trnpars viieu asnbimy : C4rttt for ranran vertety of work, ins oreoarna lea- n alT rlfal ""Be1tli-n. We do not make en additional ebarg to our Ma cbiDti, bat sell theet e low se ttiey -e be boogbt south of New .1. ' cINHKK MAN'F'O CO. A. k. WIL1BON, Misioae H: 18 Payetuvllle rtreet, Kalelfrh, N. C. Sep 4-dVW Q.R(X.'K81E8 ! 0HOCKK1 R8 I Vil(aiJ,LtJ,aiteSttLC I A. JONES' NKW GROCERY STOKE, .. SoulbfkleHlllalWJt, ! WHERE CAN BE FOUND A VARIETY 01' Kama, anear cured and plain, Smoked Sidea auu Bbouldera, Ureakfaat Ctrliia, bulk tidea; Pujrar, cheift anil lift ; loir, dllferent It ra ilea ; t lour, from f 7 60 to tl-i.uU per barrel! Kite Mual, Con, Canlea, Hnap, SUieh, Cnickir", Ca-n, ic Bread, lukine fow dera, Wrlthit; Vape' d KnvSKtpsai C it art. IoIwpco, Banff, Landlea. I SisiDa, rluts, Blscklns; Kernat na oil. BucksU. Bra- ow. isiie.twntf yoocK'Maw-kca, lt, itatte, t-KX ana Lntrem, trimetaout ow ka Oouda in uuantity. tellvcred at voor home. I sropnae to keep s variety ( K0d K'xx', to uuy aoa an uieui ror lull, lu orUtir tliat 1 may sell at Die Very lowaat f ricea. 1 boie, by cluae attention tu buaineaa. and aulcl ad- berenrste bnalneaa liiWItT, to merity sod recoiv s uuersi aoaru oi palronscs. su u II j. a. Jon KB. 8KU.NI) ANNUAL EAIK OK THE Vll; Klala u4 North Carullua Air ricul Ural eurieiyi 10 oe una st Morons, Va . on Tvee- ", Wedneaday, ' bunday st.d Friday, sa L, StU, U sud WtU o( October, 1474. ritidKlit'S MEASURED ARK IN PRO UKtfS IU MAaK I UK ArfROACU INti PAIR A complete aucceae la every reapert, Tbe Biuldiiitct and Umundaara tu Beautiful Order. TUe premium Hat 1 larre. A railroad runa directly tu the (ita of Uia tiroenda, which era aiao areeaauiia oy water and by Ui county rueds and the time ot hoMlua- tbe Fair doe si conflict with any other. 1 be KibiblUoa promuaa lu be nigbiy alttscure and every way rrrdltadle. Buat rai tnr oa the Elisabeth wdlfuiniabs Bpauial Atlrac'lun durtug Iks lair. By order of the Eiei nUaa CoTmlllre. U 1). oTAkKK, tii14 tf , . , y frealasut, o I have lliia dy dlapoacd of our entire IkK.k aud Job FrIMins eaUtblkthiBent to Mraara. Ourman, Marcun A le, tivrtbar Willi all buuka. aecnunta, notta and uUier eialin dua tbe aaUhluhment. The w Ins Ul alao artila all t ialma owIur b) ai.by note. vdudi or oinerw im JOII! NIClIOUIAm The eiHlvraiziad will continue I ha Boak And Job I'nn iiik bualneu undrr the Ana and saws oi Minn A.N, MAKCOM & LEK.and rrwoeciTUHi toiicii acnanina.ttns or Uia I rat iiatrunaire b-retofura brs owed oa tbia a. labliahmwtby tbe pufcir. Ji r nniuia . JM. '. MAklOki, UA,EI.IE. T lw T iCKJ AH' LINEN (MILLARS. OtrLLs 1J ratla, llaailkrn biefa, (War ft, Bowa and No k Wear for Ladl snd U.ntlrtura ir grvat ay. " DrWAITTo WIIOL Lf 1ALB JORRISU DEI ART m a.NT Alteatlua of cesnlrv mercbasXala aa 9Bf n uwiraa a WeptrlmrTil, apis W. li. A; H. K. TLC K F.R h CO A lady of about S Iran ef an. thlM rel.).iaS4a Mpatka eaairwa s aliaaboe as aaeaasvria a ainaii faauiy. Iwrfarthar ruraiere aiiHj at us otnra. M ai l f-y ARnLtKA --ttrriT- tNTinrtH V . T v-xea--w.--r.- a f will be oorscd oa ilrlolav I.I ml 1 Tboaaaa. kap't , iWN kr b. U. II. I.IU aad other ctHWi'teat lntrcuirs. Tarau asudvtaia. Far fanksr tsf.asssUoa sppl Is Um saAmltwsd for rbrralar. aa SU-liai . d. F. TUOMA. Hpt. Qllltss. kasi mm- . . At J A JONES' G,r) iore. eagt. f BIFT TEA A!0 lTFrtrnrw HAH W7 H JNM C aaclttf VlCB U!T MEAL. I At It par Na.k.1. a MM W ktJolllgACs p A N u K. Tt HID. Frame Ftabos Tewad.tao baas II wee) osa by ifcaw saasai al aw Bfeea, tavk (aaraaitaw, sad heal rwt.a Mean. ri a W AL JUAASO CU .VtA SALE. A kaadanwM Wataa't H utiMaa aaa kWk. k t Wt. a itwuf . w H. MiwfaAOa. Aroaa.,L.turaawwtaw.llasy t tkw rratalaaf M easr sad assa faa. ApfdyaS was: tjftl,lt. OFFICE. TAnr.ltO.X, JfUDFOttD A tO'l fTKV.I, Ifr:Na. FswUol alUaO. tV4 k 0 Wafl kaawe Fa. rr kt tefwos.vatiij.a g rwi t 4 . A HOLD F a I M l (JlttlVd.lt C II Alt! Ll sad BSaall SiiMI JKW'JS( MA'cntNC! OeVa, tkaibara'a 1., I f a f TVus -e-e oad ria.st.s-s iw' aa4ik 0 1W." TjotJukf hvrif ia,v t tl.kt.FaaUaa. Aa ranad rvary day J A Ju Ut r ailf ku.,t,kc, S. 1873 1873 Third Stock this Season, V. H 4 E. S TUCXEB & CO. are sow receiving; their porrhsae aud wfjb slke last few days in tbe Norlbern VarkeU. lnd are better prepared than ever to eapply uis vsaevtu tbe , . , . ItitFiihitaibli isd Dtiirablt CM , L b. their' , .. ( Kc'rerai Dopnrlmenta ot tsdfe TJrtaTTJoodV - ea ana novr uoods, Cblldr' Uooda, Bi'k Uoods, Cotton Goods, Woolen tlooda, " Lace tlooda, ' s ntraw liooda. ' Hair Goods forelKU Good,".'" ""- ' JLKJUieatic Uoods, . line Goods. ' Medium Oooda, . . ; , Cheap Goods, Tbia last, with the former nunbaaea oMlbls opnn(, masea our suica tne - ... -JLdKCET AKD MOfcT COMIKTE In tbe Htate, which ws srsofferte at whole sale snd re-eiL st prliestbst muat attract the W. 11. A B A Tt'CKERACO. nay 14 LEGAL; NOTICES. w AKX COUNTY tht imptrU Coxrt, .u.sk rsfsrnwiutiff, wealart , Sruuoaa. WUey terry.UefendsaL J ' STATE Of NORTH CAROLINA, I On are SeretlV COmtaanaMl In anaatHnn Wiley Ferry the uelcOAai t above naanA. it ka lie found within yourvwitatiy, to beaad appear before ska Jadi'e ef oer ttaparior Cos it, at Ute Court Ui be bcld for th county ot Woke, st uie vovn nnnan in Huo'en, oa tlie etli aw day after th IM Mines ot AwuA a d aaawer tbe HMnplant whtrk U1 haacpaiiied ut the otflos of the Olwk nf lha M,.rM.i4... I'Atar aaid eoenty. wiihis'uie ttts Ut Sava ol tba Seal Una ikcrwof, snd kH Ute said aefeadaat tskeaoUcethst If he fail to aaawer the aakl complaint within that time tba vlalntitt" will take tadrment assise klnl for the raik-t da mandeu in Uie complaint Uea sad thers to ba HISfT. Herein (ail tot, of this summons nuke dae return. - Given ender mv band and the ae.1 of a.U woun, uia soin say or jo y, i"Tt n UUJITI.NU, Clerk o( tba "npertov Court of WaksCoenty. T r DsvsaSKX, I'ktlnUrra AtWmer. Sac IV Hwow NOH'i'H I AKOL1NA. I a CHATHAM CO I 8c,,'u Couar J J. Faarrlnidon and wife Ellcahetli. I. W. Lea snd wife t e is A., B. F. Rag-isod and wife aueiia, Maria uiamuKcs.ssd euaas lllamukes. a. The llelia at Law of Pattua nimukaa. la b above entitled vasae It auoearinir ta the Court, that Ibe defendant whose name are unknown to Ut plsiauOa are aa-rcaldBts of this Mais. It kt there f ore ordered that putdkallon be aaada for ale weeks la Ute MsiatR-a PSWTMBI (weekly) souryms; tbe I auO'tealdest defeadanle of lbs Bliss of i artitloa, snd that unlaaa tbay appear at tbe odlesof the Clark of Uie Superior Court tor Ihalasaa County, at flUaboro' within six weeas fntas Ilia data of Uila pubUcalloa snd plead, aaawer or deasur toars to, that parti tion proersdinca will be had according W) the p rarer ot Ike petiUonert. Wiltswao. . T. felly clerk of said Court st oflles ia fiUabenr1 lua the lvth ey of tut. a i.it.111, SacM wftte tj. a C AJORTS CAROLINA. I , IN CHATHAM CO. f"0" Ctfn N A RswMwy, Bi'rsf B R Galdalos, s aialif, , airsisat r Wra t Rarn-eyanil wtfs F.llia.ieth Awn, Joe ' Karnary sad wife Lydls, Oran Foe swl wife Faitsy, M J Ksciey sod wife RscksL defasdsnU. AtUoa brought for the sale of real saute for Jnsetib Rswtsev end wife Lvdat. U.llk. J kaaaasy sod wile Hrkal, Oeiaadaste abet saatra. wno caitvv, aiver ana diligvace, be louad wttble tba Btats 9 hervhy auanaonad Iqrppror kefa e t .Urk e (l,e Seirtor, Court, at hia olkce ia Fnuboro' iista trw- ty days sf te( Um rtkw ef tbia auiaatoas tu aa.wartbe etmiplsinl wkick at lUd In the sties of aaid court. Tbe defndaau will lake sauce that if Utey tail to saawar or Sraai.Ux pkuaua wil St4y U the roett for Uia rwtiaf daassndU la Um said rwwipMM FwkMre. lias of this eruVr to ka saatU ia lb aakly tantiaai" fi Ma anaats ewarwteivela. . WitasaT f.Uy, atara of tba garwrt. Court a ckslkaai evwaiy, si aai m FUAv eerar auisiss uia asy e4 iwaL it. . , -.t.lEiTr, aaw awOw C , tl - a- I i "9,"- !W J M IM ' AUD lOOX) 0 .. twee IAU rTAA. rut vlin pale ttaut, reetaar, He, SltvHi., t. a i "l a, Wawt of M. C. FetWht tkt.( Hm.Wam ara Sro aad la r,i.,ii ru.llea wvwtptly IM A, OlTVta. fa ' f-k l.aly B K i VARIETY STORE. Ta. 19 FrftrCl, .1 fo'ry, (7 CW rllf T lo If 4 n c t a-Mstwg a IXAt-ArFaniCADlE . ti r mkim, ' una tlTe Jll'ire fl. kt t t Kit t htN a t sanuoia. pis!M Plain st. i nit Au a i tie. FlsA. F o 1 1 x, A t9 a 0 o f r J a I A , a. - . . . . A r ""a ae iw oa.l aa T-rt wtfl . m a. nmmi awa t a i aad asaaai a;aa,laiakUHtw t..,r " . ' II. a. DRY OOO D Are f 4 aeM f Ojj fc a. tMiaawta ' ' ilAILEOADSrl'Ct JUAiiGX Of SCHEDULE. . BALEIGH dt OAITUN K. K. AJ BursaisrssDSJiT' Orrics, Ksleigb, N. C, Aug. l"5- Oa snd after Moodtv. Sept let, 1873, trslosi on tbe Ka eiirb At easton KaHrosa wru rss daily, Sunday exctptedj M fpltowa: 1 Halt Taars. : . Lesves Ralrajk........... ....... i A. M- Amvesa.Ai4ooiilJa,. ......... r. st Usvea WeWa....T. .VrTJTT lA-M, Aniraast lUicUb.. SSAr.M. sccoitsfoDSTtoii tiuiw. Lesves tUleiph, .. :.. Arrive at WcMoa. ...... .' Leave Weldon Arrive al Baleigb.,, ...... . 4 4SP. K. . 845A.M. .11.30 k. U. .U 1 r. m. Mall train makes close counactioB st Weldon with the tteabosni d) Koauoke Haiload and Bay Laa alesmers Tit Uallimore, to sud from all points kiorth, Wcjt snd Nurttiweat, snd with feterabunc Bsilroad, and st iialckb with accommodation snd f reisbt traioa oa Ibe Ralaucb and Aiuuala Air Line and Richmond A paaville Railroad, Korth Carolina IHvmIou, A. H. AMJti o, , ' Buaeriutetxleiit aupt 8-tf jna.iuc, v .'V. ii r.iy u i. c. KALEIGS A AUGUSTA AIR LINE, Hui-sbixtskdint' Orrics, , ' Riuiou, N. C., Aug. aotti, 13. ensnds(Us-Mondsv.8ebLlat.i4rd. trains on the itaielKh and Auiutia Air Line will run dally, Bunuy excepted sa f uilowa : JAIL TBAIH. Leaves Rsletirh.. wr. m. fl Ifi If. A 45 A. M .!ilA. W Arrirca at fandford Leave tl and ford Arrive stftaldKh ACC0UMODATI0H TUA1H, Leave Kaleieh.. ArrrveetSautord.. Leave Banford...., A arivesstfialuiKb. . 6 bU If. M. .100 4, JL3r.J(k.at. lfall train ru&tci cloas connection at RaJdgb iib tbe Raleieh Gsaton Railroad to sud from all pointa NorUi. itnd st8andford with the Western TunroaS to and from Faycttcvllle and point on West era Rslltosd. Accommodation and Freight trains connect at Rslejgb with accommodation ard Freight usina on tue caiei):b awO useton u K A. a. A.l)KK.Tl'!, MJriCKLLANKoi'lS. fori i lv.P sV 1 bouaand of Mothm bava filacer on rv eurd UielrlMihtf, that for all cotni.latntf ef the atsmsrh snd buweia to wbkh cblldien srs subject, TARRANT'S EFFE11FE8CENT BELTZER APJERIENT la tba boat anerrentlonabla of rorrectlvea snd alterativea. 1 h rcanona f .r tbia belief snd obvious It forma a dotl.-tmn and moat refreabintc draucht, rollcvca the ImWc! of all ocnu maiicr wiiboul pain, alUra fever, la duces alet-ri. HUcm-lhiln tbe uirotlnn 'mn trsliiu scld In the tbiuisf li. eurea hatulenre. seta ass gautis. stimulant, tones Uie tender ervea, ai.a never irrlce the patient. What fsniilv can afford lobe without audi a tetourte inatckiMweF gold by all drUKirlsts. SDKU-sodaw K E M O V A L M. IIDSE.MUUM & BUO. On or boftTe-the Sr.t of Vetiterabcr we will move law our newiy a lied u p Store, NOi 44 FATETTKVILLE STREET. RAL- EIGU, S. C Next socf to Mr. Alfred Williams' Bookstore. wkerews will kcau lha nasal well aaaorOui stock of Dry Goo)a, Notlosa, Boota, Uila and cspa, Kerdvtneite CloUilnir, Carie a. Oil tU'llis, iruuka, Valiara,BaicbeIe. Ac. W now oflcr all Doinmrr Goods far leaa thae coat, and other Goods at snsch rtdmd prices, call can if; on wish Ui aerare bar- ains. One bandred tair of Calf Boots at I M to t W. Rcwifullr. sn;1m M. Kif K.NRAUM A BRO. TgrrrcTrt"! i k6 1 vlt he. ITT, , tU snd VI Camden, Bear Howard ' ntrcct, A'tar Ca$ndtm tjttm d B. at 0. it fl- Dfolt, caneotirnt to th DtyuU of aU . : tA Stmtktm sa Uarkrs JL JL sf k'tmmbaat Laiulingt. . - t 8iLTIrI0KB, )ia ft. sir Ami, rrnputor: taT All the at tHilntmmta Mn. sm .1... for tesMowabse arkarfrw. - . - . , - This Hose Is ni l.lUi wlih Ik.. NaiL.i..l f ke laeape and Esbaciaber. , BBSr I ' - .J.r.4 jrv,4 Coa. rkoajiwar sao TsutlSfa Itssst. ll lt Imfflfii ii firtMii riiiL c. MPLETE wilk all asters bintirovs. I roowtaam awiar aad ataela: oriv.L. p.r). ra, balsa, a vlaiora, s 1-oratfoa as erianl, arias; la tbe very ran fa uf 'n--s Snd triibai.l JteW Furk hta. Ia lun a,. i ban kia aa4 plana of A iftt m.ot snd Lord l-Vtar-a, arwotd Cata4ebM' and J tu J7bat.aj'a lry liouoa palMaa. 1 a kotal ia ssaar tM aa.aaeaaMnt ut A. storwaso, fonasrly af Oaraui'a tlatts. haliiiaaa.. ai Grawa, af larw a, (.N ml rscwaiiy sf New . Fiweesaa harass-, wf Uotal, as LawtA. aag 1, diwOwtaa . - WAonc .. F". I-U "HV Ak WL,.I.1JH III MbkK A, -to. d at inarg. of lib ass. caa ntaaa fr.au lu u. 4 lav a k al kossa s lO oai,ii aih -" t tasisiau w saa4 Sf all altsha to ..ur any n ansa Uy sadary aaaa J tns ycsi. Thai la a rare efpanoaiiy tk. aba m woreeadaatuf stow,,, M asak aa ia.tenea eValU.irg. Notsula. nasrwd l..r PMapbleL - HOW TtJ MAkB A L1VNI,M 1ifsll laewaruoae, am aarwMraalll -. A kCktulljtAh,Mvt. eaais. w satrkaatae Co I. IIH fTJ ......i , Wd.MUlinLS.,rW.i CawswBklafAAa V tV sma fc ... . a - k. k ' ' - o-wai, rl f wMoV . THAI rAMLCat CVMf A.NloM. I very Lsdy waatsaaa! I vary MM aaclit to aa.a aaw I tr,?""'11 ' AdJrMa.L F. atUM.TOM LUiTATtO klUMAXAV Ulasrseafana fsHae MsUse aad Fisg itawaa, a t wm, OtraK?. TaO BWkarllk klrl Wi.VJ. sWkaf M aaklaa, est 10 Days Trial, svaa aaajakla' aaa S.J aass40s, . I. TUB WW aVBtTICTBCHs. . e-,.w Mffc II tk. k.ar, a -' "-a wm w set stax tas ar "7 ''- arw sua r.r wt. aad - ' 1 war. an a f 1 n e-d Sk-a aa.aa.ta4, ateaiai. fn, . . ' r H.n el ka Im ' t,ka -aan. w. T tn, j ', J tA. i r Tr- i'i , u.., st ka l'. lia !y. t ataaAao.a ly pirtT VAkM BkAkDT riMUKg ' ; A1.0 SELF I ITTl iniAl taklnff ardira f ut S hmiVll Tiem'cr VV GINn - Heretofore owiu to tbe ureut of the orders we hsv received ; partbi aribinoervinre irrestly oblltr ua, by rtname m .ierore a sa their Gins In lisw. lrwas -lin nerer fil tp prrivoced giner U stt-nd it rVTaratea Ironi pebbles Ae.tttu vir snd very d arable. We ahall be pluaaol U send knows parties to snj per.-jn uiou apiira rn. 1 - July t d!w.Y.wv.aWlio " '' ;' ' TIRST'PREMIUM AWAltDED jr. ,ii i MiM. 3C. tm,j .i t we .fS'fyUtc -fees eaB -fe f l ,1 i . ,t . !. i vd (tr kriuh , i- i: ...loi ssiij by June 26 . . T JILILS LEWIS. i JULIUS LEWIS. &G$ I r-5 O s 6 T-jVi'TJ ' . .n 1 - yi LIU Ait:. i-'EAI-Elld IN '-. lUHUWAUB, STOVES, WAGOX ggWirr.r5mrma' aa at-U 'm Can Do Yo BT BHAILKY'tS I 'ATKNT EN A MK L PA NT, a. no Most I.coiioiiiicii t pliKBB PAINTS are compoard 'ofPt'sa A. WniT I,u, iiq snd l iaassu OlU without ulbi r Inatrrisla wliicb sod (rutly to UicilLrabllltv.cl 11.11) - lnvuty sod strrneth of I lis l'aiuL I he w uo;u ai lien-UsJiy cynibloi-d, so Ual llm p. solution, britilc, to wash sad n.SoU las f.w SH'iitUa. or at frtJia.l In three ar ( ar years. This a.nl is unaffected by citav f tnaparetura, la perfectly linprrviout to the action of water. Is well adapted to all cUaM-aof wort. 4, la. l(. (wtry ay a bwtu-r 1'aint for aiibcr lanos or Ol Talus w aa or Boat finao, tbsa sny p'Jicr Xsbit knows bi Uis Uaoa, --- ij, '' at h-al Tiiata imu Aa ixio as tss t LSAB SS till. Mailt, l y hi fjUDl ksr war. AIwbjr Kftidj for I'w and Kally ONE UALlOA,.' MVfck TVY EN ft nwnisars Ul'ld IN parniBUellt SOlUllull, ' AJT-'V " . : J. ' thus lorwli g sm.Hjtbe, gloaav, im., J , J'tJ;. t V ' A la.Uf, beautiful anddaiai.le I'ainL The i iwJ r la t-ll, whKh ks the rl life of Uie jamt f-v'-X ''.rW' ' -""vM' ranaotiaavalt sod be sbsorkod by Ike JSl t V.' 1 -- -bkk It 1. oppkwd. aa 4 ,V,,." C-V 'v TlWN 1 d In Ut saIii's anted is Uteordour) 1 . ' . , V V' j a. Y,yif?- rZ 1 wsy.ssd Uis. bar. toe o-iaeal yV I A .r'kr f O. Jr. KNlGHTySolo&mt, ' Km ear ....:. j i l-rrf.:-' "" -f iTrJ JMKVd AM PKIwS LT FV HNHi" IM1KA lV ",4m" - SrKUMKXa 0y Til i 1)1 FY KRSX T CVLOT.S Th JJK FZZX ITTtig 5M'i" Of 1HH MALMUJl SKXTIXK;. Ws sepana:! call atUutn.n U. tU fo.Iiwlng Ma C. F. Raii.sri ' " . 'Aiaa, rsujuif Uiuii'., Is, Fi'brasiJ . ,1tl?m:.m:1, l f V11 M "S We -ee -.. eea, Mt4 II . rauan r Aa .ia. ia ' aa. a a, 1 d,d krbnuoi.f Tsinlti u Jowt! LIT . a, n Tit 1 hl aV-1 .r"." i ""J"'' H. U.U lata. ... r.---rsbi. 10 stak. waa, y rkmkit ,Bu Vu?; ' ' -d-s , Ma. C F Ksmerv lha raieal asaasat acs la bail, (Xanatoa asrnad to fsrU. s bbwtty .t . v. r aaassr -IVat tr - aas r - S"'a !. ulula ""as 4 rardnaientf aa lsa s l l.r Tarsi fa, .X.A. . ' . - ". -"alKy - dnrawilty. M on 1 1 lai . 7. . ' i T. '',!?. L 'IT'l'.' HaSMI with lh. Sr.ll.. ... . w.. . . ' w aj (lolal kt 11-. MosH, n. Fairtb, It Fm Vu at lls for ananas mm. I, r,7, , .tTo w. I tTli i . , s-. or.l, s,,rt ary sav tsM. M sa.ka.t... .1 u ,. la.a, .k- '"" i ' -4 to a. n UwaMaarrwaa a4vaaiat.-a 11 ,. L. ... L'TrL fr sa em IM pat - , ... w. , , . r-.f jwt, wwtw R.PICBBF, M-U kl Wry vwltaslot, ,L ttt, JTV ,U4" lk- - IW k'.kly ai pi tl F. a..af. g -ta, -J k... til 11. , ee.t- u, 1Tt. t,.y -. d.r.u .,, j: r: TTre'vvTrrr - " ' ' - "' j ' - to WaalOaniaii 'l X 42. Baaawf, las f v kiwi a.Li . . "' a s. 4ac.a. f. I'-t "-Ulsnta, ,tl .L Usa, T.t- III '- --"---- rnivffwifi Ul 1, 'er of Ihrie ctlri ratol USLF 1 1 fii n letn-.nd r bve .n:y two able to 111 a she (ortow tnilns tnum next fait Lin ; detii.nd sue lonow limn? weiwrii.n Li.f- early sa riti, tndsr that they m r-i rive tatire aaiffai'Mwi . It cnjair o.. lb Cotton Uu-ke, cloda 'oToir', aand...ii. at narnwniiii' o-nrawy- tr W&i B... m,-M t containing Uwtiunmtla fio.a wcli , Ki WANs liVNi'V . l, h aicr M . t-t.rf.i'k Vs.- " r - Actita Inr fortktSruSi."- AT NORTH CA ?iOf, l" A KA !l- 'Ji; 1.T.'- .'irti'i'iana,4 wir4VJi J . .-I . 4A -T. oT.'flNAC'H A B! ) . RsUuth. V. T57 " 2 . '''"lT"alia,iia..' -iiW. 'I'L .V. - - - 4 MfK M". WLf,T. ' s:a-i! ir1 H W D Hi i4AJLi' - --- Ill VJAV11 Paintim tVING Mtutlfu 11 sir I Diir-altl -asli lii' tx, - IW.. Kopiijlctl. nolj Ir llif Cglloo "! tMLAliB AWiA. tV' 'iMlJ . J toLujooials ol l l'-it : "414 M.I tiBk as, iMasaabat I Fael FUwa4 IkMba Pi at at .-will sv ll.rif.-JI .i. ul to talons yaw, Uast aswr -r.ual l aa-l at a oaaw evar aaa . JiJiik W BTTIIklO. iqaraHj - 10. 1Tl t'avs Oyawa IB At II kfral tt u t Mwsaf A tlVAH1t.IT.tioa). lw a !.. Ps . sad I '

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