. I' V V: DAILY SENTINEL The Sentinel Publi&hing Companj. ,OrVtw. ntmr th Court How. a,,. .lrrkl , " & Sly VUnel - " OJ Tin Deii.v !BwmiBk ellr he delivered m UJ ,rl of tha City st rirraaa ;btw per f -r-fc. IUCES? CIRCCLITIOS 8P ill fiPII pt'BLIXBED IS TBSCITI. - H i-1 -. ti I eniiiie AUtCKTIBUta KATtA f c ' f i- AdrettiaeiuctiU at be inserted in the Dailr, iutiaai M tbe fuilia mtae w MBare t I m ben, or lea nxum unea.- . :v. uncauaareoBeume..... ei.we " ! eecli aubeeamnttuBWUuii & m lleae 1ha 'awek. ........! M 1 tqnaie, 1 week, B.Wlaqnare,7inoa.t;Ut ;- VOL. IX., RALEIGH, N. G., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1873. NO.-89 l . - -! - ii " .... fc).oa ' n I ATEST TEXXailAFniO NEWS ON 4th PAGE. INjuI Offlc Director):. . ut mini rovr amci akbaboimist. . i Hticc hour from 7:30 e. in., to 7 p. m., dn , iur the ink (ecept while, the mailt aia l.-iiigdlrtrtbatrd.) ,;, or AHMVAL AXD CkOelBe THE MAU.B. W'eter New Orleans, La,. AukuiU, 0., Columbia, 8. C, Hiarlotte.,ealUIurj, Greene I.i. Seine. Chapel Hill, Iluleboro, eke, due ,t!:UOm. Clot t ' p. a. EmUtii ChaTleaUiu, 8. C, W Inilnuton, tVolern, Beaufort, (iuluiboro, Ac, doe 5: A) ' m. lloeetfcOOp. n. Siirtlivrih-New Yurie, Baltimore, Phlla-di-lphta, Wanhlngton, Richmond, .FetersburK, , urfola, Weldoo, ike., due it 8:W p. m. t'loee i 15 am. . I'luUiam Railroad Fay'ttevllle Joneaboro, ,,, Ueicood, ate., 4m a. Ba. t'loee 8 p. Miarellaneoua Eagle Rock, Monday and I'liuraitar, due 11:30 a m , cloae 1 p. m. Rox nort, every Wedneadaiy, due 11:80 a. m., close I p. iu Leachbvrg, every Wednesday, du. II ile. m , cloae 1 p.m. Averaebore, close p. m. Thuredera, due p. m. Fridays. office hour for Registered Letter and M one; Order Departmi-oU, from b.&l into fciW P " A no mall are received or tent on Sunday, etttc wi&wvk be opened on. thai, day. ,. wTw HoLUg,P.M: a ' W ICATHKH ltKPOHT. Washinotor. oept23. 187S. On Wednesday fur Uie bouth Atlantic suuiwlud. veering to north tnd northweat with vl A'tnK, sal partly clouuy weamor, UIVY ALMANAC ttcptembe) 84, .878. ma rl- ,,..,.,.., 51 lun U... .(.., i r M I'V Oii'iTtJX MARKE1', Kerortrd daily by W. C. Blrotuwa, Oroer Mid CommUaloa Merehaut, ravetteTille ftreet ! - Kauiub, ftpt VJ. 'art. f rue uf ctton In onr market to iluy : At m. 15X At 4 p. m. " ealea S '"-'ea. Market dull. ei atHrrKT.oiA;oiCA.t.. laaroKTau at w babuib'. ciqia 'Ttota Kauiah, nepteaabrr iKt, Ta. I a. n: V a. m. Urn. p. m t p. u. (4 Vt 71 7V 7f Excoamoc Hotku Mri. Hon; Pro yrittreu. John Iteland, Company Bhnpe, N. C; Mra. Mary Bower, 'I hoiuaaTillc, N. C Mi It. Lamlx-rth, TJioma.ille, N. C; John K. Kelly, Cartlia)je. N. C ; II. P. Or... Cary, N. C ; Ja nra Huaker, t.'li.pel Dili, V. C; J. bheron. N. C; A.' I). Ktd ri.x, Bruahy fotk, N. C; 6. H. Wrbb, 0k.,N. C. Y tHBoltouua llot.a - U. W. D lulnaU, Pivpiuttr T F Lrr. city; J K Weaver, N C; W J Woodwanl, t harle Stoae, t F Qlimore, N Y i Mra A Icon h and dauglitrt, Scluaa, Ala; John M Bom an J m. Faettevlltr; J Mc C KllinKtoB, Apex; Mih Je.meLaa.idy, i i Cae-idy, N C ; K W l' .ili, OoldU;Cliaf Howard, city; Ja. T IWrriaa, Mckkobuiif. Vt; II Wakrr, Mr W 11 Hpraoer, Loubburg; O B UDi'ytraux, H C. - . ; tat a rentiB.I. AHUEVILLR ASH VICTSI TY-NO. 3 At : iwniUcJ to do ea in our Ut let lrr at will atate that A.hevillc i tii canty atat of Buncombe, .Hunted orar the French Broad Itiver, two ante, below lit junction with th br.atiful Saannao oa, A!tboKh it la in a valley, and ap prart IroM Bean-Catcher or Batlerv Por tar, ta be alaaoei entirely aorrounded by aviu.tain, It la over twa tbouaaauj (eel obnve ll'le water. It abonad la elegant bmlduia- at tea, oa aofaa of which art kaadairia reatdenoa - aacae of brick, but oatly wood, arveral el ihrni recently Inilil aad a tww la prueee of cooetriKlluo. Lanrl, but h In town nne) nrar there t hd afntgatMleaa tooiparaUvely. end few aaeraaotm nattoe ! Ball. The land a-iaevar, eapiall In Ik falleta' la very I. ml, aad really vary valaaU. Tbe ewaer uf h of the valley fernsa, ha. a airtaae w-.thia kl graeo. We aaa nana taim on th naoaaiaia to pa, and are told that large yield. f hay, lnaa) putatnes !, eW, are gathered from laeaa. Tk toreaera however, are not np with Hie tiatre la I heir bentacas, a compared even k Ikiaw of Wah of It netithborina atie. Tay have nothing to .tima- Me Una to do their beat a pikt ara eo Mw Bm lot llivlr prod acta, aad the el pa hi retting to a bvttef Enaikel an K'tl A Hatliued tvoej AakeviUa, awn aacua with the aaiddi aad it of Mottk avdlMMk) CmUee aad ta) eVaaatia, d tenet likrl? do I tie Ihe pfodace of aVaatMaati e aai ia two leere, aad would at aaa enane Uaa elmoal aUvb e U prtcea ' a the ptodacia. Aad nearly (Vary na deitriaiiaH to JUa ( road. That t a ff bow fou for "ta Oraeavill aw Freejtw llrued R. K," ao wkttb about llO.aoO wa eabarnbed la a 4Uf aw twe by tee nant-w la aad Brunei Aahaville, 4 email pottio) el which wa paid la ye Wtd.y. aad Cai, T. Cakau Willi full Vb of sorveyeev twmmeaeed the aorvvy twe to-day. Handarwai a nty ha veied I H iXM w Ike read, aad BeacomU wil) VM N) n propoMtlu te auuactlbv th earn aaaowat am Ike tlh ea IM. ThU i kill like baaiaeaa. Tky ttpeot ball t i CkarVwt i, and wtker peruoae 41C, aad I'm fr, the Northweaum ) teaiusad the It 4 la Uial dweataaa. 4eWtll aad tmivwdia vkdaity, la Ik eeiyansuoa w kava (uaa4 wkaat mfbead imen BrwalA Ik a ae laewntala; nrwaad. ka Uaw abealaet. Irariag lb a. a May, Jaa aad J1 ta aver a, raaataltea IMaaaMBil ml BUacA as t tartwa aa akueilk. lU.a fail ea twe d., ia rv.ry three, a par Baade i bv the 0raai ewae eta- 'r t.y in mwaeMl, I km wsaka ae Lara m breed ffota 4aiy k aewbaUttt of katae lei at a 4 atV pl.f . wtwa lawtr atjaMeatloa at y he Bkade ea prarViaial aw A ta arweV Wy aarwe,, tke -PwdaeUtlli taaa " at "g'aa. Jaahla aaJ tVI4 a a ate a aa- ' Bl Uy , M tae t.'w f. - .H ., . iv, u,( .4 ike ou4 aa Aevteax la t bwre aad iipw Tb- rafaAed H aa TaaaV VI . tears akaA saef u-Jak,H,ia, TVj. b. . . . , .n. ir af ike ere wa a. aW l.j aw.Ur il wa very "y MW ta 4am.f. at -4 ai iU V" vakww have tu tlHrw (.wa f-4ak.y tw-t front ike a-wtb Vtaat -ar.. i,, u a,. ik. einkw , A UT III BV HOME ArFAJCRS. Raward. , " rt. . - I ry m .1. .,.N.,wn,T(,M,Wumu " -pprenenai.m oi (ibiik Ataiipafi. the murdet-er n E J W alker, of New llanovcr county. on ei 1 Chan, of irCBit Qurrrnor Caid.ell ha. .i;rt.l hiJ connt to a partial exchange of circuit I uv.crnuog,.. iiuaaeu aou wame, by wu.iKe uuaaen will now UI..I.. couu, ana juue vJiarne w nt noi.i Kohc- mm coun. PlvkL I . aoroewnat oi a acrimniage ooturreu on I , . - I Monday night at Clifton ' new bar room, I ia which the bat ttnder recived a eevere Wear. By WW Ue name 1 of tbe rartiea. Tba amulting part, wM held to bail ia the eum of $tf00. Peace, cpntlemnn ? iwuuml " The Bhrer.port Bufleren, I The few i. .till raging fe.r.ull, at oi . l : i onnjvcpori. i ne cry jor oeip ami cowre I , ... . I from the ttneken town, and the Nrth 1 responding. We learn from the Wilming- ton mmd tbat 400 ha been trot for- ward from that place. What ia Raltigh doing I I Entriat. Ou yealerJay, ai we are informed by in. m'irnrtirv ni 1 111) .trpifii inpni niui.i. i . . . . .f. .. . ? :'l more than nne hundred entrie. wore made ., o. . n . .. I or uieoialer air, among mem were tev- eraI6nerce h.o-ae. We are not at lib- .......!.. .. ny 10 Rive nit iiainca oi me norae. ai it niii;lit i-lTei-t the entrie of earn other. I u I In our next we will probably publi.li the I!.. ..i ...-! i . . I in ui eniriee mane aioce our iai reuon. I Par Excellence. Par EirillMirL I That's liat be calls 'um we mean I those fine Huvanna t sent us yesterday by Pink Hsrdie. We have recently sampled flue ciZar. lor sevcr desler in this city. but candor compel, u. to say that, ingtoourjungment, tneae last are jujtly entitled to the name "Par Excellence I and it yon doubt tmr statement, Invest si 13 cent hln plaster with Pink, and Judge i..r ynuraen. . . ,i i The Financial Panic I nearaainc rei, K ,au inai me iremenu- oue panic in floaocial circles has ended. It waiterrilc. Th. public mind ba been I excited in th North to lerar heat, but a ... , . .. . . ..' healthful reaction ba aetln, and the pa li nt will doubtlr-a recover. We aunnnae I it will lie nruileat to announce at laat that "th.coontry i. safe " from financial bank l - I ruptcy, and that we will not have a gen- . . . ... era. .torm. u. oiuer .t-rm., ,ni. rc .i .... Ik. I...II. ..A .k...,l,l I " purify the financial atmosphere and die-1 pel the thick clood ol corruption that I bare lone hunir oyer monetary circle ia the North nr. at and aalutarv reault will follow. Bo b it, Left Out. W had prtparrd the u.ual amount of editorial and other matter, but vm ol i .. . .la . L ... ... .. tbe nioet Important wa omltud, lb writer not making th aelaiUonj. Th cemmuakaUoa' fioui- our friend, " Rcvt 1 Calvin. IL Wiley, is well worthy of aa I a,U.,.y. oonaidatio. It no doubt -I ik. -r k. t.o.!. I ur k.t .l..i.i.t -.Uu .J ir. I ni wmm www w miiwiv i T.waaaee, tad torn part ato of MidJt T Tb.-nWha.ltlm- la lb local column directed tb at tea-1 tioe ef oar authoriiiea to thia ear mat-1 t, 14 ..it f. . ....I .n ' Mhm, lo a. quaint themsalyM with th sanitary law. of tba J.wuh people that wnv givea Iheat by Jvhovab North Carolia Joaaraal ef BdaoeUoav, feanase day age wa BMWIwaad thai tk . . ... F-XKUtiv Cuamitle of the BUM Educa- .! AawiaM.m kad.ed.amBgwaa.nts fee tb putilicatlua it aa Macaniiiaai tnoothty nf (rty-eWht pagaa, tab eatl Uae) lb Xmli CerWUe eVaraW AVe - fi. It new sffa-il w pteweor U b bwtweiee aVBarMv -waea tb aabaj. r.il.ia au La L..k.J f.i Vkio ik. io. tareia akkb la twtore aa. wa barn that be first tvaber will mak ttt appease Novembar I at, aad la etdf ta nlao lb joaraal within U reach of tU, aad to el lead tht i(Hrr cf u eerf!. It Is pre - mead le paW.ah It at Ik low prtra ef f I per aaaam. IV C Alei. M. Ivor, I ditnr. Thee, It UilL Uterwiy Itevlewev : aad Prof, t J. tteeeaa. R. viewer a fVaooi Book. Tk fcJtewiag dietlagaieked lit. every writer., lad-a aad geeUoeaea, ai. aaaeaaeed a CoaUib.lor i II.. W. IL lUtllc LL D. rtavH. Oavra. Ti. Ia. bVv T. II. Pr.UI.ard. t) D. See. N. Mr K.v . D D, Rev. W, IL Wing A. U. , Prof W. C. Doab, S, tV lAM.kwert, BL D, II -ai f. r. Barie, I rot.t.aar r, i fci.upa, u. Il Mr. C P. Ppeaasv, Pr4. 'rwu t!aei, U'i Bgbaat, MM J. HaMla. 1..L. t S, a.. tt. w...kiu , . - , . . a ax. a . wbbb . . I a. My, t-A. l', .i.m. v.. . wiaaaa, LL D. Rev. W. Q. ftaf. Im J. TVea- baaoa. Ran , RV. II. at aLaka, Meat Amy at rt-ediey, E. L, Prtklaa, M. D. Re. TetwevJeewa, Ilea. W. R-Jmee, IX. IT.J H HilM M-kCl.rr-.. ui pi.uawj aauiltf .; it. y ajv al t trrw afartbb aelliM UeaiaaV eewellMTe.s Wa beapeak M the A. I . ft . - - Uta aN IkA aaa. y.-w y . . 71 f-' ' eU4y. a4 Oraeee), Wil tal ertaal maai'te 4 af . lW L,ril. 4at ta I ak. IU l.tat Wa prteaef aaa aMtaf evwy family bl nNBOUT. Xoiirm at 4h Mi.f't eur 1 . ' 1 dlT. A dispa uh wae ieot-ire-1 ia Ihit wtj . L I tbe v ; R .nd .ffi- r I i, - . .k. n... .i,; n.i.. i- p....k j by uidi r of the goveronient A t- tier ia h Id in the city poati'tlUt for y poetmie r.w in Ui Vmni. I 10 tmm' w,nl (), H)tlmllVt mJre uravea, Oxfvrd, N. C. "Have you h ul jour momiii(' morn-1 ini thi. ni.irnii.u t" i iUil Ulil l I i --r - -j i putting it. . I ... ' ' 1 Lo0iiTi y,.ung Mt say to a beau I who dor mA lBJ1T offer hi. area. -a.. Od 14, and aWkl iUn(, lhgn -. ,knk T i grmmuu Charming liltlv altwoleai jackt-U, and L.k.i. lik it..... k . -..: v. . . JM.&1 wiu .or VUl'IOllMia lltJIU UWHI aleere, ciquuute'y. nilfoKlvred in black I and In color nr. Uing lmpo.ua lor fnl, - - - wci. I Pn. nm i.. n.. t ,, r .li.i. n .i uri). th, cr,ium, iun,r f,cing i. now uttj of Ak H ..i.ah , morocco bcuud with brid. It it moreaubetantial intI1 ijie plaited wiuuan. which U aoaonn, I . Jiaco ored and worn out The lady who tapped her huabaiil gent. I. ..:il . r... .i . . . i. - -i ii who . l.u m 11.11 . in. umur n iu ill. , ... . . ou taia, "Wv. u . growing late, l tii.nit .... ii... i. m. .t. .r' vu" I e nau ueiur Ko oou.r, .or aaiiie one bo after getting home .hm.k the rolling 1t.i j :r ll pin uouer ma noae auu aaju, j vu iinrni.i old scoundrel you, if you ever look at that I " I mean, ua.ty, calico-faced, mackel-jed I .. .1... i . .1 i ... I III I luinic inai vou luoacu ai io-uiviii, t win i - l buret Tonrhaad wide ODen.-' " I yj,,4 jjr. Nathan Wiii.low. of Peiquiman cou,yi du-d receutly,in Biton. Mr. W. p.,,.Ii .,i P.,im.. lhe J. h m - 1 un oi uur J lillowltitens, I l. ;l. i i i i ,i . i . . . :.. . i i t " """-h oliaervanca ol rioLM i likAAKUA- i n iiL'Urew l I New "'-Were nolntii on JO'J morn in ir nnJ buaineaa resumed in thai quiet manner pecoliar to this worthy Class 0f our ciuieo. Ia this, th commence- I mtnt of ,h,lr New Year, we wlab then h.nllin. .. r ' ri much happme. and proaperity. - PeraoeaL non. niniam A. oiniiii, no moti oi i iif.n: . o. -.1. - 1. 1 - Coagreaa (nim Hits District, Is a got at the National I i,i ... :j i-.- .i.i. nil... i -. " J; ' ' - " -S i. .1 ll... Y.rlor.iiic7h I --v.- i John C. B akfUq , ha returned from I Baltimore. . Theo. N. H.msay, Ej., will probably lVe lor New York to-morrow. John Nichols, Esq , Principal of tba InatltuUoa for the Ml and was ss the Blind, will leave thU morning for .,.... .. ,. , l. i P"S -" " r' - ,b 0(aD(1 MmMte dJlcali.. I . axUlaooro" nema, ' vp. Allew atrsrwa 4m4 taaa week al teteau, caaaed from naahiog nit Bnger. I Btata, aa coapromlard ta prrwit Alfred Brown, livinj t-..v, ,W. north nf Jlillatxjru'. committed eulcld rnaayl..: .1 - I..L bv ahootiBB himaalf la the bead wilb kU lifla. He wa S3 year ot agv, nnd Uav. .ve. children. , TheOoed Templar aViaiien, laongn several tav fallra by tb way. I rw amJ.lrk haa ant enfflrleat V ra I . . eevwred froan kia lajary to teaa hi practice. Dr. William fttradwick sd Dr.l I Cameron altewd hi. pall rata. 1 . .... . . ik. k.l.I. kUk u..iu.ln . . (frfABfJBi aVaVtal I II 19 rvwHEaaemi tsj uiaj w M I torn " " paaiee sr liviag. Mr. Caovrroa, of tba Iltmtim, ka jaet l uf . . . . u UH-kond I The Near FVaa. 1 Do yeeUrday w bad lb ptoseet of I making Ihe acqaJotanc of ,Ur. T. V. 1 Junes, iha jaaain BsemUer wf ta aww firm I of ali-a.ra. IVttf A Jra. Mr. Jeaaaat I brother of ear wor.by loeneavn Meaar. I J wet Joaaa, Attevavyt at Uw, m S tt 1 Uve ef OraavUI aoeety, baa bad noae I eraWa Barrra.tlle tpef ewoa, by pleaaaat 1 sa4 affable, aad In every way qeanaee I fa lb baeiaea ia abbvb M U tegeged. I H "k parrhaeae, aad witl aot ba la th city fat bw day. A Urge qnrttlty of la, ir gwd bat already bran rerwtftd aad am AVOW "V ia-o-rtk af tb kablk. 0l lb 4 ?rm, Tatty .", aad a gee will be pWad.ltk reeep- I lw j T, i49mvm l Tke Bk-Tiarir.l.tta ewrvraatv ( Carebae. laare i aa batter lg ni.n. feery by heal a I ' Una adaalt I .Vllkni ,M aid af UeeevkMaeat. I I eewid he aeaa wkt, g ta avwa4Mk I bav ihe eeeapiese talih at prtalav aerwag ia teyai tuvi m , , , HvSrrZtSt JlS.m5 I utl VVJrtBa.A. T. FtlwAlT, Hy ,rr.ae te eelag t my liUtwiity ta 4v'mi.g - Ib Baa, . I ' i aaf gj fjaj . i i,..,. ad tke "Luias taama tuvet et.ee. FastDrtviBf. W ant not rliipoard to CmipUia at I Jfl- . r.-l - i tittk Ihlog ha h.ppeaa, and that might Uave been pnrcottd bj the police attlhun. i.... - .i . thins eternal the habit aoue t.f the drat- X . - , : .Ii . .... , .... I B' at g. into pi running inur teaut thuta tba atteata. . 0a jwtordaj at the 1 mmf i.f ff.rnr(ll and T7rttt -'- I . ... 1 drayman eauM very aar tunum avat 1 ,Uul, tbrM J0,r oW eUilJ tfaa I attempting l ot.ai the atrtet at that I i.oint A,l It m-iia on I. . ..-ir ..... ih.i 1 r ... , -B i an old gentleman a run againut and tnnob.,t im i Faoti lu .iki .k-l" ri j - "-' reault ot laat, rcckle driving. Thia I . - . ..... I 11 I etopped. tile owcera oi the drJ htl"ld wqed U, pay a fine. W 'J th. ; Mafor will Inrtruct the police to Uk out for the. faat cb.p.' and britfg tHuut up eUnding. And an other thing, w don'i think that bocauae I . . . . .... I m . , . . . . .. . , on the treeta, to tbe peril of pvdeatriana. - , NORTH CAROLINA, . t . .7T,. ... ... I mlnon Ktr la in iwiuil,,. of th. fL B . r .-. I Two l.rKe deer were killed near Kn8.ld Friday, nercaflet mail traina on Ilia North 'Ca uciu. ...i hi.ii iiaiu. m i t . ikiiiii i- olina road aill run dailv the entire Irnvth ' .. t ,.,....., I Tuefxl.. nltrht for .ht beneBt of th Or-1 . , I pnan Aijrioin reanavo vne lair penornurr I aorju lldu. I I - . . . . . 1 ... . . I 4 " ra" ,. I I We.tera North Carolina three full blood I n--.iee .wiw .. , . . .f...j i I l DO l an uruoau. w n w mi o viuiwi A..l..m tn drla and a . ' IV IUIN. wWV ( wUW m wvji I ... ? .... ID VYSVerty Daee tMII ..IBD, Ol Uoia-I boro'. has challenged lb I'ltUuoro' Club to match gam to be played on the Fair O'oundl at Raleigh during th week of ,ne PP"CDing otaia i.ir. hr.re.id.nc a 2d of Sep- . b.4ben been a mem- 73 years. t TJtVff tember, aged 108 years. II married four time, aad had ber of the Methintiat LDurcn 73 years. n- . . i . i. . . j T-,- I L, ; ,, , j i t i r.uaa . uugi, i"i m. iwmu". i Pitt connty, on th 10th lnt. ThU L lormarlV r...rened th. county flan.,,.. I A l-l - r7n7,7V. lfaavMli Our towrtanian. Wm. IUv. F..i . wa united in th holy bonds el wedlock to ?'" Urirtt Piggott, at Mon-head on Tneadsy, tba 16th in.t Tbe Hey. Dr. onnon cflioiated. UMAr ilattr. tL at Mon-head on l.t Vk! U, A man in Charlotte named A her is ec-1 1 .Hu .r.nn.iliU. .....IMM u . lit "i. vimm........ " Ml..K. II." .... , . .,. i. ll... r..k.. ... I ... Kii. ...... ..... ..v. ..., v 0f t,a m wt promineut nierchaats ll In . i - - - 1 pl. relumed Irom tu. ,W.uin Tuesday morniBo. db aaer nat nro. i aa auair wmi ,, , ...W-Wr. Jfafirar. V I Wa an aorrv to learn that Win. A. Ttolaw Ztq., tied ea WedorcUy, the lOtb, from th effeet of the Injurie received en be Bunday before, by being thrown from hi rnnle, a la eappoeed, a k never re covered (uffkieotlv to five aa account of I 1 ,ht accideot Mr. Bolriark wa a resident tn t..y. booui nu cio. w" good eit lien and leaves behind I 'nf etrcta of Inead ta hit ka land arm pal hi. with th bereaved family. WMttrn HaUihtl M- It IPtka.r mt- llaa. Wilm. I aa iv w " awa-vimeip a I -There I n report In Mil rity thai a re- mt Ring rait. In th Wester part of this i iaia vaiKimia aiga ap is lev run n I the avaarvallM' carte wm about so he .w.mped-wera abont ta b eonnected 1 I ktMV Mf tWr, h truth e lb I rumor, bat woaid be nlad te hear. I B get IB tact w win do IM raaita - I aaVtawAa. IlkAl klMnVl law BIN tkamffm Aw fa, ntktH-aF W( 9hom ,,.. " . .wa - - ' I UW To kaanva nilM AXD urou rw"" 4va ea bb avam r w Vaa,l V BWaaW mi at, a nw araaij r - 'tala npoa tba evWwcter Bat frm I max hi maatcla, laUaa, aitiaa, labia ware, earner, leraitara of teery drarrtptl- w, ar tny trtict teT hoaeaheid: araaraaat a aea, tk deepest djej Mala eaa b leraBt'y aJ mmt (mm ka Ik. mi A.n..l!a - r ll b) a Vkeea a atdwart kef a.a. aad writ alweyw aW exectty what eamastw ' b at,tf lbeeimpaa4iraUeae ma Viewed. sl.t-W. BtK-t, I. Ihe ea-, lalM,. aylrwaaaeaaaetkatjrlneargl Tak tt la araeoa, aad de not b laaaomd .p.m by , ,vl. ..4 Implorv, W. .-a jll t W. tket tM .!-. of lb c.k- UraWd ff. Ilatmbold bet 4 pretewlaJlba aoatleaed taaanfartar th Dwbe, well kleea a Ibeaalt S eirwt baeetital twad ef kail, (aad w laew ret kvdy hwwi I, ai 4. ), will Ibtak e Bw I few tnHl oa the lav at ua I. la ejee.lnM' Altai Haib Ytwu a B drpaaag la eat ewe aaao St keebl a haaa.4, aa tk awad free fenen daadrag ae4 et-wrf, atoaa tk wieMMwrw ml eav baiv ta fJl, aad betgbl.ae lie beeely. A tiiykt kieki with tt naa in AM ei-ato aad dry ap poeraan lt a tari4 , r a taapwl rWb gl-, tad e,.Ae a pre. reaardyfi 4taaa nf tb kldaeytl b leeala l le..t aa belie. Ici.v tke-a. . n. f.w e.1 lewM . Je'r, ta- A be 4-'-to..a. Tkrr, .re.u,(.uLi' . i r.r-ruL-lrI:,: I ;tv-: -ra-iT-r: . uftkiemwtearrlWat mediae. Oaaea I) M V A IfPrP' tU.m'-. I f w frpir privtt namp. Job F . . TV.y. ' 7; 7 ,v.r,.rfU,tu.u 1,. J r I1cwr,.B.wY-eb.BAgaa. aadlw. rRaUU IW S-BCl " . V,' ,"J'-4 " '" " at a. aa an as mt my ak a lam earn rt . ef 1 "a r -- ' ' ll A I IMfl 11 N rv I ll ..r.TiTA - - ' latoaat . H E RT F it A k 8 1, . Tb. ..T-a wb nvtn. . M A I la I O II. N.O.J ih!trrrU'' " ' -.. m part to tk, 4,vi ..uaikiwei)4U.aiiUriLri(:. CfTT Um Pi 8AII ar rare 'Vu ea, tn.trd tan "t'B prif-watie l aeeal, M M n4ar aa ea.ee. Ul aJ b. U.e ll U a J " l-wwtrg l g .y We., k y M,i4uMltif aw m kwA ait ea tea aa ,1 lal.im 4 w ted kebm,aa4 imi H a-,.. u ei'k ike pa",., a. 4 e-M . m-k.nl ad l..,rg p.jiar (14,,-n.J. (AUJ H oi- ,.; , MiRBrnTx On Thnr.la. Sent 4th. br Kr. Root arly, aladuwa U Owaln to Mlae Cllaatata MaM. All ot rorayta. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS O R 8 I,itIiI.u.i,JiJU.I, " mvt3tU ., H. BLED :0K. r im DII BAa Ea! k5 tl IU a(f) rpilorTVkHjITA- BLR HALM, mmoviBc riiap)e,Blark Worma Vlotekra, recklea. Moth and Ta, lea viae leavlan I e akin clear and wltli a healtny Elow. mre prtH-eaa for tbe growth of II (air on bald beada or imoolh face. H. PKAT l. Chemtek rm Bh, Kt l.ar. U. box V ( dun r . ,. ept n p O a HI OlRN!t V,, B.b. ol W(ulr Weatern M. C. torn. I Jb received and muat be ' ,'ChteiS.k JH4 WATT PU)f- the manufacturer, of tbta celebrated plow. T!.!!! nwt.lM. t . .-T"r : aept tVtf . J(L for the Mannfactarera. UfVLIdl MULK4II I w'U hare ft!J h,,ad of good broke Mulea to "J on ! HarneM M are and tnree rout a, one of tue ronlrs ia an extim aaddle animal. Tlier can be aeen mand . 1 I 1 Lot l :Zlar T7 t MtRRV I H. D.BRRRT. opt . . . . . . . . . f WApi. WM FOU SAXK in inurauay X4ra say oi uciooerBeiiia obodlm to and order ol Court I ahall aoll at !" Uolh t- "b". Tow !, i " mowca (41S) aem of Land belonging to tbe aetata of J rrey reaiceioeceaaed. in a d Ilea oa both altkal of tba KalrWb U..lon lUllml DDI n BUianai nr irta aBilalirn .V all ,n allaftaB wlihlo half a mil of frankllntOB and wtU b aold In four aaprata parcels It U well adaoted ... . ... j ., . - w (cvwi. i iwiu. imvihv raimiDi law eoanty, and nreaeaiU many advaatak-ea. . ' . . . 1 being Bear te tba erbeoia and ehenbee of rraaKlmlon. It la aold lor nattltloa. Taraaai X eaab ealaaeagn U mootba time. . " Sit aeptSO-lm . VemmWaluaree. B" TUC ""V V ..The Tlrat (Ira.d Ma. wa. awarded the yMJ!t V"ji ' VB aaev .awia MAcniKn inu'.ai.U4 T.llhJ YWX TUC BRdT, T AgrBU VKaU4. Terms liberal " "i. ttJB, nit, CtKl-rUrore N. U il 'J1 ' v , E , 0F VALUAfif.K rilOPXRTY. The BoderKned, a. Admlnliiratora with WU1 "Brxed, of JOHN I. KHaVKR, ee wlu "'bem bkl,1.r, Ua Iowa of naliaoary, jm lua tVUi BVp'amnerl - 420 8IIAIIKB i , . . . . . . .. . , - l' w """"" " " ' ,jliOttTU .CJUOIJ&lw RAILROAD' 'STOCK I 1WI I li a U 4J A V aj Xk I ' I '" 1r" o' I g,nm. Jit'm Ct U4 IT, . a avwk, .! rW-' em iM.AWi if tWa, A L.tnOB OKNIBl'li, A WmMmm l-!otmg to aad n Nt llotM ..., a tlx MANSION IIOCSE. UH I. 4t ea .1 .a a .A .A . t I I i.a' V. -7.- TT.. .TT V a a C ? T I luisi rvrniwri tMim inj iir', m tanr a anw ia n a i aaa wsitlaUllal I aTIea an EtrWA. aa BAkrarm I Belabor of Uoud lahUav Harraaa, . AUo, wr eme. at Ht, r.rmi. Teeta, aad I T . w;.T A.ltJUT. J a.n.i.... n i. i.-i. ft.ll.bary. N. C . -M t, alb. IsTX I f. A A valaabw MiU to Keat at the earn L'S ,tu' f-jf f A T.f.D.v.aca. 1 T)4lXiIE A DEVEEELX. 1 BUUUIVBS 1 BAHAirvi, I ' I OpVw 4a Are &A!4, Aaami eW I AariA f I iwaaf A iiut, I It A L I O II N 0 ' reptre UeDoHrlrt r eoaweHe- I Will atWad VUaea ef Baak I w. i - - - u.i,w iv. I (Wu. etwe fee cbagW lot may IU I X la a JJA JLA.B.sV I 1 I V Rf, I N I A t A I INTHHI T II 1 II L V T II V P X UUVil , U1UIUU rT,R iB 4-e.bte B., be. "T,7 , il J-ITlJTu!- tilt n airr4 LkaMarw awaartilWL aaba 1 1 ,( ly mt a.ra.a-y of afl Biwoa ike Market I ry T. if Bkionia avt V - . .. lb hue wit.a' ef Ho. A f PWila-ea t'L . tla TTl.7 i iT"m mV "ti ea ef !.. i. ..iim Crty Cmmb- e a m J . ..a lr, a. 4 .fc. w .4 -., ik. k a. itM Beak .4R YEARS I waAtaa u I araaa a.vwa.ra aaw imi.vi I . . . . . 0 ee (be V4 er ef ta-wka a.l I tml' a tea a4 f o( I ', i a s ie- t aa. Bba. Bat. I aye BaUne. H-mm aH a., eei4e v- ef tan, .11", mi a e4a ..; .. i.4a. to ika ! I. ' V4 Wkile kreoea. trvkAs Valem 'k J s baa t" kJMt Kl- 1, n4M a4 L.k--, m ear .i-f ike iTai xs7k.xnl ,t eo aaaaa at ' ' l ,V- l aiMMMlUflMl apmajeaeaar e. ae W, ta , toi toa e4 4 kt w , , Sera. a4vU BtfVWEU. kk w- iui. '' ' ' . I . " '. -a-e. I " Ait'l b I en"tIw , B At. 8ATTI t, fa, MARKETS. Noon Iteport., Nkw Yokk, Srpt 13. C'"lton quiet and nominal. 8a)a til. Uganda 18. Orleans 18 1-1. Futuree opened for September 18 to 18 1-18. Oc tober 1? 3-8. December 17 1 ft. January 178-8. jFlnur dull. ' Wheat quirt and ateady. Corn dull. Pork quiet new $17.75. 1 Larditeidy, olcJ ateam 87-18 to 81-9. Turpentine dull'at 40 toil. Roain heavy uLtt.,!d ' iv..i..kt. t $1 for at rained. Fruiuhta firm, Lrvtapoot, Sept. 13. 0lton dull and unchanged. Sate JO,-1 000. Speculation and rport, H,000. Later aplantU for Octoburaad Kovwnvan4 Boiaoleaa, like all vod kiKb-priced m Iwntllal lebtnea. ataa iVM4 ta ta y&mt tba . t ' - I t.nu lha vnwff ... 11m. tt-.M t- Midnight Kepoirt. T ......... . OI UVnnrooL, Bepi. ad. Colfcn Salaa of Uplands on a baala of i .in, .i . I low uikiuunu; .or noTrnioer 4UcffiJo ' ,,, a , ., WlLMIKUTOl. Sept. S3. Spirit, turpentine) quiet at 88 18; Iktaia quiet at 8.80 for atrained, 78 tor extra o. 3. 3 00 for pale.ciuje turpentlna low- i . a . -m. I er ; roain quiet at 8.00 tor hard, B OOCf vellowdin and viruio: Tar tteadv at 3 83.1 yeuowuip aifcu irgm, iar aieaoy n..n.. ... in k.lu . iv. p w I '".". - i I I S70 h.lua. Kuturt'. cloaed tatk and lr-1 I " '.7IZ" tt,w ; ,a,3UU PPBlec u 0 I Urtobrr 17 7-tn to 17IB-31! NAVcltlDaT I 1 1 a-o v 1 1 a B ; ueccmoer 1 1 i-a , irregu I . . . . . .... I. . m m, . . . . I ""'7 " " I Flour limited. Whiskey ateady at 9&wltl mil Itu JUixm, aad nvytkmg eumWi I , , :. . J;m..i. l Whe1 "rttled with n difficulty to took I a , Inir KxehanM clircka and etnorta atock I " . r aconmuiaung. iMswrwN vstuvs IV M. Corn btavy nnd higher for mined I , ,, . . , , MrUn, Porlt lower .1 Ut-i. Lard weak at . 81-1 .to . 8 llLNav.l.,.duU. Tallow quiet Freigl.U dull . ' t - .. . . . tI ? . via ivnu , wveiuian au uumu ie Kil r.,W Pork lower at 17 tA Lard Halijrli Market.. I ,.... I,, u T I Loaaa-rraa liaitr. Ul U, T. i A Hao, Mabbbv Cquaan. .ptember t COTlXlM lARX.perbwacb If It rje Ha79 I , -. . .To ' UATI1IR 8tLI..i... rj, pwJT 8wV uMur ) LKATHER irrXH LEATHER ttAR9EW.,.. M'lLAartE-t, per gal 4. 4 MOLDED BYR.P PKACUM: Dried...... POME .: .. . aa , ui ,'w lOalt Mall ClllCEEH , . .. I wi..v- CIUCKE"!1 , I keat good, at tba wwaat artra, aad can be rc- Elltil ....I.....,- ti k SO I le-d aooa by oar readvra - EaJnvnr'. Jouiual itiih a.7llw or,, - . . ., ' rkATUEKS. rLAXSEID par ba ... HAT, pet 100 tba HIDES, m Dry.. roTATOEA, weei, par be.. . laalll lUBalvai w,. I,,.. i tuiun aw iw .... f...rt.... RICE,. tSaUWl RACK. TIM.. r. ia i e w - m waw I HITTataf Mo UILR, pa bU, X. f. .... ttllal I V lAt, par , ..f."1 tnal Bl . ... V . 1 e , U '41 1 .... 1AJ ' t a .... 1.TI XtRR. aar ba. M lie ... ACOM Balk 14Mb, K.0 . . Caavaaeed.... . atUtwLBTB ....... .... IERE1MU8... .... Lard a..... OATS. Bkeat , " Bead .. ..A...,. 8 BV4t T) fOfjDlB, par Ot Ike m I.IWIAI CAUDLES 17H'4 m a iaw a - BE ABO MB IDBDEIIEIkTa. - ' a T !!i . .LT-e . ,. AgratlamaamareeUaraeAaalleBWaliar brtae meaaUaaed trae.vi 1 am v I koi M AaeAJMW, -Malwr egieM el braadr. I am eceredlyeoldf' Vt. 7 wwldlae w aa waa pra eral. rria eet tan yrb me a elaaa of eratodr. beraaae I ! r Tweddy enty .wi"".-""".'-.i- J we ea tela aad dwa tbaa, ed re as, atmplr - I ITT'T. Jkl!!4 " 7 pllkaa," Waal a et.paee.-. "Mh.' lb ) -kl. .Uira, aap-kly rvH ka. ua aol t . t aad A taaUy leaeroeaal Paaea ail s.rile ad tbe Is 1kia Le will a ebtd as. kUf fe we, e-metry. wa beer Ike weret aaieaiaan epoe I saaa aarw uy to ae ee lied wi.e- la, .. I "aawry. w.r.ai- wy. ra e.rWeea uf Uo. ae a maar,k y, I mat MM mmma tmtm k. ! It. .. arMruM fry evtwerotfta. wttt tka awawiarwa. - " rkoaAelpkle, lae trm WW ii Uy mt-md Baa mil lakA. mAaaam ivuaAlia laat Ikkm otawaliiakt a.f I B,msv ' ,rf"i'T1&,tM It . " - um?JZ '"""' I M4l WIJfiRMAOa. I ... ' I MrORTAVT BALI Tbe BV fteaea aad Steak ef weeds aveeM to (ereraiire AovatalAa k. 1, wr on a sir r .f cattlr fob ..IB I- I . r .i. 40 ... ..... ...ia t. -. f I e 01 TRB pal A 1 V aT 1 1 vmw, in nan ai acrraa lauka, IU I rtllnF 1 mlrtirnllri H8 -.-.ttHrIABUk -: , - jiiiniuriifiitvii Utt, AaeetJ Bar IM I a W4 ItaAea, LV,B Ball. . . , . A t..l.aat Vnaet Wardrobe, aad Re t lift. 1 a a , i v.o JCEW AD VEKTI SEMEN 'lV.' I A. FAMILY ARTICLE Ayenumake fltSO lr day, 179 pet eck. s.. A.M KNTIUELY IKW SEWIiCMAClll.H . Far Domeitlc lie, in ON L.Y FIVK X30LX.A.11H ,v lutton Hole - "Worker, r tested Jane rtk, UTt aTARDF.O THE F1R8T PRKMIl'M AT -i THR AktkRtClN tSaiiTiiT A moat wonderful and rleitantty eonstrnc- ted Bbwinu Mwiiina tor jtoniiy ttank, Vam- t itloU ta all IU rule, Uaee' tlx Btra ght igt . r,ht poeiTtva Morir-Jt New Tenelon, e.lt i-II i-r rett.aud c ota UperaW ti waiii. thfrad diiect from tbe a pool kUkea In s' I Ki jario LecE TiTC,nna and etroogenV . , .tlti h known ;) lirm, durable, clnae and iapd. Vi lli do all klnde of work, Jh and eum, i liniMBPW w vwi. w.iithih, I ,n- uin .i, dearrlvtioaa Of thread. Thia Wa. iehlne U titAvii r DoatTaccTtB to Eire ft" (Taaaawn j aU Ue pert of aaea Maenine t r l. made alike bg VMrhiqg aivA brauliluUf .3- and or.,amfntI.T th. tery aaa, to hiarn. Jtapvi. 6mith and btlmi In wperauon, Keliabla aiall tores and a raACTiu.i, Pol iHtivtr, Mccbakio.i. Inva.tio, at OVt a'uotd.'ch'eap, Family ewlns Mathln at aiat. IheBratand on y auceem In prodl a valuab'e, aub.tanUal and rUiable low pr d gtur uauhiiia. lu exinme low b.. reachra all condition.. It. .Implicit? and HanUi adapta Jt to all eapacluee, bile Ha 1 wbercver uaed. and crea!e. a rapid demand. i mauy taenia nun a uuivwhi w . .,,., ,.W -, ..u.tmin . "- i ... rkf.ll, aaA MLt4eaU reo- ,mnA itaoae to thoae wbe.rawaaumanwlly IW MWiM mKOllfcll l I Man a. R. JAMkHON. i tj ; - re..toe, W Will County, III, I .a a.aa.,11 U ai.lilna ClaM A ). (warranted tor Ore year, by apaelaleertlleata) , belonging to It, Ineluiiinit Pai.r laaaAiMNO N aaiu.a, park ad la a atronf woedew hoi, and ' delivered to axy pti of the country, by a- ....... 1. 1 , ii K . iiliim.i rln rM..lnt M ; I ami ...a nf riirtki, rh.ru... on reclnt f briea onr frvi uotuu Baf dauvary -.t tuaraoteed wita win I sttd, oa receipt of II , ihe new patent ' TTON Hol.t WORSES, f On of the moat . -t 17.114 legularlly and'eaee. Blrong and beat.ful. W T"".. n Aafr. IndaoajanU to - . . . ' BUTTON Hol.t WORSES, Mal and Kaaui.a jtoaMe, Kteee Riwpara, Ave., wke will eaUlillali wcvnclra UiroUKtek. 1 eonatrv and kp onr Kaw at Acmaaa oa ta- kiUUia4 Wa toaaty Rl-bU nivea to unarl airvtita frna. Airnnt a mmmim aurrt. furaUhed wllboat any extraeharwe. Baaipae f of aawln:, dearrtptava elrcalara roataiutng' rt 7'rrma, Totlmrnlala, E"7iavinga, Ac., A. , ' Sent free. W alee sapplj - ; - -1. Hi " AQRICCLTl'RAL IMPL MEMTA'"" 'J Idlest Patrata aad tmprovmnenla for the I farm aad Uardra.' atewera, aViapera, CaiU. Ivaaura, ferd C altera. Harrows lanaMillt, flantera. HarveaUra, Thre.r-er.and all artlHea I Beaded for farm work.- tae arena w l.f.: I rerleiy. AU Mowy scat In Po.1 Oilii. Moin-y Ordera. Band brafia. o bv kinrraa. will be at I oar rlah. aad are pertaoUy aacank kta 4a- .j I livery el alt ourEooda ruarantrrd. "Am ol4 aad naineslote Ira that mil tbe . I . W. 1. 1. ii nwrvanau row ukHwianaw sal LlTTXka. tOialAl, - '" Aawill : Addrea OnUrs . . I f TrnAua a, ti,f.nvf . .... . luiuaa . uwu-iua ca kA., " I gurwrv nerenanrk a, CertlaM Btraatt, H. T. sept 111 worn , i -riwnrrtn!invilt?imi m aw. A v mm. a a V a Brfaa mmm , RKAL lUlTATK. ' Bm'twew at m of Afrhl'n'J T.y. lor, an I la o'i.liimre ta m, erBre ef tbe iMe-' uk4 (nan eatl ea peboe aala. to U hl(bM kiJ.lcr ta tba tnva ef l.ul.1 nr.-. la I'.nkllaeoBMty, N f4 tm Tew.y, Bitlkii, J "Ti tee tm-t at Lead ea wuiik Ums.4 . inht, l,,,w ad)ollg ll. P.t.a ' naid btiae. ba Iraaklia aaay, Hu TU-1 I wwrsef mud bas baas dtvk-lxLaed wUl be 11. u, I tl.rd, a bl.H ot wblrk will ka ahnwa oa the U1!!!...!.!. .... - - 1 - -' . Lot Ha I, oa tke wulbe4 cirwr nf tbe I , an L k.a ift arraa. Lot h I. oa the Bon of he t, baa tl arrra. 11 be a, ea ne reed, keelaaaerea. M Hat, e.k , Re. aaexW rraa. U4 he , ea tu. hU " arr.J l-l Hot, aU of W.t b a,ar.eai Let He e. avaAk ea Re I, mm IM . . i iw . . ... ,i.. ...J Ii.. ...... maum L4 elu abial BB erree U N.U r,w , read ka lb- i rwk, er.1 il . k ed a, roateoung lb Bi.e k- . ,)taae eieiewy awoiea ao4 m-rmi eaaeM , Mi,MIiB,i1ii At le II la s i4 I tttVtl , uumm-4 by taia i ( tbe n4. . aad I roakua a kanra mmm -f ve,y . U, St.. l k.a lead ea k.ere. 1 1 I, I ..e ' I awaaa aarwuy to Be U, I .. f . . 1 . , ,.. ... . . I u r7,.,. 4 r.4 I o eke fwraMW Ik. Iiu. M aowe. I lrrW1 miH it,, m,, , , I V. . 1 i a . : . Ia. I. . u 111 4 Hi-iUadW, XUl.. Olf -4, N. C , A.4. let, I.7A, 1 a ... - , , , IT 0 H kT I BACT1 Villi f'lTT. 1 .,r-l.!i.iiv I A. I" ri ..... 1 ..,.. 1 . I ,V"!L,a a. it. kM tbe It k aa I ef dalr. It.' A, aa eeaaf aaiy wtta I k. I aad awa el Ue L-mi of A, la u , It.. I ll. I rvm 01 w w'M ! In.mk it mI f o . f.,.,H S-.'L.-."'". V 1 I Juif. lart, too. tke tir.aw.i k. i m. w I H. toaa. IUiiw, to ti.aaa u I r.a ji ia..i -a f -i a U:M . , w.. .4 w k. - - -. ... r i- -, ea. -r- i w 1 ll. ft in a.M, a. 4 r. a . I - ' FI1P' .aw imil, P tk b-, .A, k, . 4. Aa ta te 0 Am' i ., ia I be aVeeild baea a anf I mm Mail Lake l i'y ww rinugga arrtttll , . , Vt , M i 1 1 C ,

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