U.YILY SENTINEL j ; 3 vrimRi?a iuteh .VdrertUmuonl. will be biurtcd in the VaiU The Sentinel PofclWunftCgBjanj. leftTtNU. at Uie fotlowuf niu lxtt ttetul . itii, or kg tuiniun Uuc. ; .,. nr b Court lIo.a. each aaueaqnent I rtw - tea tti'B a week.. bats or arascainioa. ..-ow tqoere, I week, )oar, T f i moiiut, e ix1 1 ""-Imo'eTaoot 8 0 44) 09" 8ir .IVl-'kly " . , SUM 111 be delivered in w so on i a part of ' W PirTf Caters per VOL. IX. RALEIGH, N. CM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1873. NO. 43 1 7 Wl" to.bo.l.4" 1 US" 1i 1 I T3r If Sm' . ... . r ...W 7 J1- JkL. -5r ' 1 w" Sy .- a VWV jVn'dBb I ' ATEST TELEGIIAPIIIO " NSWS ON 4th TAGS. Olllce IMreetorjr. J ; kv noH roar orricn' URuaiiiMT. (Mflee hours from 7-.: a. m., to 7 p. m., du rW the (excel wlult) tlrt, malls aits una distributed.) , V.Vt of lABJIIVAI. AND CLOalXQ TBI MAIL. iVcslern Kcw "Orleans, La., Augusta, Ga., ,un,i,ii 8. C, Charlotte, Salisbury, (ireena i,rt, 8alerB, Chapel Hill, llUlaboro, Ac, due 'jit 0Oi.nL Close at fi p. m. R.stern (."harleston, 8. V. Wilmington, v.irtKr Baanfort, Goldaboro, Ac.,dae 5:J0 ,m. Close fcoup. Northern Sew York, Baltimore, Fhlla jWi'hia, Washington, Richmond, Petersburg, wf.ila, WeMon, &c, due at 8:80 p. m. Close iVhliAuani Railroad PaytMHe. Joneaboro, tpe's, Osgood, Ac, doe 10 a. n. C'loae V p. " Miscdlaneoua Eagle Rock, Monday and Thursday, due 11: HO a m , alose 1 p. in. Rox imro ferjr Wednesday, due 11:30 a. in., clot 1 , ra. lveeclirronr, every Wednesday, da 1 1-Ma, in , -dose 1 ps m. Averaatwird, close , it. Tliuredave, due S p. m. Frldaye. Office hour for Keirlstered ittor and u,mey Ordr Di'partmfnta, from 8: 0 am to v:!U p id. tano mailt are received or aent oa Sunday, ihi- olD "HI not be oiietied on that day. W. W Uoudib, r. M: HOME AFFA1ES. FINE CtTTr W KATH rO U HKVO BT. WaauiKOTOM, Sept 25, ISTd. On Kriday for the South Atlantic States eat of the Milullpl. Euntle and freh winds nionllj trom the south went and southeast, .n.i i! ear or nartlT cloudy wollier with occa sional rain on the coast and In the lower Jdls- slsiiil valley. Datibury Reporter. The Ut insue of tins pajicr contains an editorial ol the Bemtisei. without credit. The Jehus. Several parties were before the Mayor yesterday for running humr through the streets. Their cases were properly dis posed of. Lone Jack. lu answer to the Durham Tobaa To- latee we would state that Lone Jai k" is a brand of smoking tobacco manufactured t Lynchburg, Va.,by John W. Catnill. The Powell Abduction Oaae. Our reporter returned bom Smithfietd M Thursday, an4 report that pothiny bad been done in the Powell abduction case, bhoulu the writ be issuea. the case will be heard in Raleigh week after next. Bkiff and Oaylorda Ministrala. We received a call yesterday . from Mr. Joseph Gaylord, agent, for the above ex cellent minibtrel troupe, and were inlorm ed that they would appear in this city at Tucker Hull, on Thursday evening, Otto bcr the 2d. The advertisement will ap pear in a few day War Record of Johnston County, i I saw the Federal cavalry coming upon him Some few weeks ago an oiganixitioo I like a mighty sea aad to their rear, rising Items warce at ilnyor s Court. I was JJctc4 in Johnston county, the ob-1 th hill, the blue eotti cT the Federal in- When is a young lady like a wte ' Meet of which It to collect and put oa ro-1 fantry were plainly visible. Around him When she a pouting. I cord the fscts connected with deeds of I aad passing before him were atraggliug " Alcoholic indiscretion" U another I tlia troope Iwra Johnston county In the line of diaorgauiaed, ragged and starving way of putting it. A little girl descrttied a snake as a thing "that's tail all up to the bead." Administrator (ale Saturday, Septem ber 27th 1873. J. M. Towlca, auctioneer. Read the advertisement of J. W. Wat ton, photographer, to ba found in anoth er column.' Three troentUte to make a false story teller a good tucniory, bold face, and fools for an audience. . . . (Ta editor of as a-MVera fjapet say thai late war. Captllolt, sheriff of the coun-1 Confederates, bMken gun carriage and ty, ws ikettd permanent President, and I caisona, and dying Jteroct and men and MARRIED.' On Ttmraday, the lSUi ot September, by the I bov. 4. ueary a mi lb, V. D., at the Benbow Raoae Is Greensboro, N. C.,Colsn9. Uam- lett, ot rtuic Edward eoonty. Vs., and Kiss Alice Bales, of HUifax coaotr, Ve. . ..V Oa Monoay, the Snd ot BapUmber, by U Rev. i, Henry Smith, I). D , at U residosto ot tke bride'a father, John Sampson, Joseph ? 1.1 Noon ltcpojtr' 'Cotton easier but declined a trectit a; ' uplands 8 7 8 to ; Orleaotl 1-8 to l-v.1 ' Chas. Guy, Esq., Recording Secretary. I the "old mn graj w the very pfcture o. lUllajjd Mia Illxibeth a. Sampson, allot Sale 12.000; s;nlationt audF ti porta At) adjottniad neeUng -of thto tocint i dtanalr. Pwtmtly tha mMsurcd tramp I Ontlfurd emmt, H. C, I ,000 tale j Orleans bo a bati tT good or- wss held in the Courthouse, at 8mithald, ac4uir.l by a four jeai 'ski-1 . oi the 18th of oVptemtwr b I dinary delWred October nd ijfovbet; n Tuesday afternoon last, a sketch oftb I heard on his left and Oeo. Lee't I Kdwarda, J. J , Joseph Whlttlnetoa and Id Us 1 8 15 IS : nplanda oa a basil ; of low mid- proceediug of which is her furnished by 1 Bgr became erect, and his eye shot Era, I -fane Parish, all ot Guilford. ' j ftDfr 4elivtr4 October and November What traopt am tbetcr asked Qv. Utl '!Jl!J''taaPanaaaBtwg IMtX-r ; ' : , f-r -.. H v - f In thtaRywihanornJntth.lhhiaL.I L' I ' ' Nnir ToiUt, 8epi 83. Ji. ! UtUJoeph Usywood, luUnt oa ot jyk I t-ottog weaK and irregular,; Bale Syr n vn H. and DraailUGrMB. Ills parents aad ra-1 oploa 11 3-4 Orleans, 18 1 1 ; future --'" - jri, aaawins; aa now I opeum orpivmow is 4 -a n iti: vetewr . our own reporter who was present Tb mectins was ealled to order at S I aa toey aorssjona. , The nply.wsa, 'Vol p. m., Sheriff Holt In the chair. 1 North Camlina llrigsd !" "Ood bless Til proceedings ef the last meeting I North Carolina 1" was the response from was read and approved. I the surcharged heart of Qen, Lee, Ot tnotiMt of ZMltu J, Lssnaj, Eaq., J. j Tha 1 anting last adjourned till the Brat many of his patron would Wk good ". - nwwmBj mn,r nrer. ' , Lova is like the irevit, oecause 11 tor- sir. Lemav reirr'etted the SMminir indif. meaus ; im. neave... .v w.. fcrellM manifegUd in th object ot the the toul in bliss. ' 1 . , iun- r. i , 1 auviwuivsiV wtua mruvwi winuj u w aaatsw Three thlnirs seen. m the peacock the 11V Ctni'ON MARK R'V. liciN'rti d daily by W. O. btronsen, Gkk .ml CoiniuiMlon Merchant, Tayetteviile Rai.aiou. Sept 25. '.OTS. I'nre ut Cotton in our market to-day : V I'm. ----- 15 4 v. IB. " Mn 8)'.l-s, VarUt doll. - , sa. M KXICJttlACHC At.. iu.piiMTD at cikk BuiDia'a uiosn tok KAi.lian,i8eptetnber'J5, Ut78. . 01. u a. m, lit ui. il p. in p. ra. G8 7J 7t 75 74 iws HOTKX. AHIUVAIib-, YakboboCuH Hocst O. W. BladnaU. Vitwvtor. ltulien Alley, Petersburg, Va; (' i Voohees, ft II Andrews, u; 14 llal. lede. Richmond, Va: J W llollini'sworth. Fayelleville ; T H Andrew, Charlotte; W u Waddell, L i-nnis. Johnson county; John I) Williams, FayetUville ; t hai W Bailey, Suffolk. Va; i Larsh, Uiclunoud, Va; llenry M Woolf, Kew Yolk ; Joseph Oai urd, a aent, Skill and Uayinr4 Winis- trei ; K U lidsmn, Hartford, Conn ; A L Hollsday, sifent, l'lclmont and Arlington In.uranc Company. Natiokai, IIotri J. if. Blair. P.o- prietvr.O S Por, PilUlx.ro-, Wm R Al bright, Graham; C J Caulk, Baltimore; J D Cameron, lltlltboro; Wm.B Bhepard, Norfolk; T F Lee, city; Jno Hutchison, Graham; B T lWty, John B 11 rusher, Philadelphia; O If Allen, Waks Forest; N K Morri. Wake; Cameron, city; Wm Valuable Present ( The Sabbu'th School connected with Person street Methodist church, received on eterday from New York, as a gift, a largo lot of valuable school books. The books were presented . to the school by the Secretary of the M. E. Church, Bing hamton, New York. charge made by the northern pi garb of an angel, the walk of a thief, and Md thafe&r of weak-kneed politician at the voice at the devil. heme. Ev th former it was charired that 1 - - - . Next to busy bees, boot-blanks furnish I the movement to v flora oblivion tb I exteaiiVely conduoted bu.lpcas, but to the brightest example of improving the T herata deed of the toldier of the Bout h, I com pi. cations in which they beoam in- "shming hour." . I during the late strupgl wu the inaugu A Washington man baa brought suit uon 01 anomerwar; tn iait, irorn a mefj Young Co., have always enjoyed against the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 1 oen tear ol oeing regaraea at the rtorto 1 m a singular Baaur the cordial eoat fiomnanv for killing hi. wife. Tie valued " U)iR o T ,d. V.1. Pnb,ks: her at 23,000. tec tb character of the State and bar aoat uffer. ' Oa a limner occasion b bad W- Th. TT., Or.,aw Abated. arg" J "u" I . . . t It I 1 t I Jl From our noon dispatchet it will I Pcas, a na win now, ana proclaimed , enjoys the an bounding Mia of Heaven. J t ws too iirwnlslruc a Sowr, " To hlooui pn Ui earth, 1 - y 1 When God could give it angel bower. And brigktoelaatrlaj birth. , "" The world was all too bleak and cold. ? ' To giv It quiet feat; . . .' II called It to tb theiwd't told. ' 'J ' And 144 ho his breast. - '' Thera, tnbthar, tn'to Bavioor band'' FeremTandXIlMl, 'i v Among tn ltiu ebernb bead, ta Uiy belawtd UiM. - fCoat ' - In Grwrntboro oa Wednesday morning, at I about o'clock, -September 17th, 1973. Bea- volvid throuirh th Hiwral uM l, ,hera w a,Km ecult. ,a to,)i7,B t of hi. oi' their name and credit. Messrs. Plum-1 ' On the tad taatant, at hi rtdeno M Reedy Fork, la G nil ford eonaty, at H rUajr of th lung, Alfred Summers, aged aeoatna Th Pstarsbarg Fallur. TW r glad to Bud the following ttata meut.la the Petersburg Apyal in ragard to tlse suspensioa of afasar. Plumnser, Totiag 1 Co North Carolinians doing busiacas in Petersburg : ' It is known that their aupentin wss aue to no niiacarnagd rr their large nod and twwhlejf ha ocmracd to shak it as Is tl.e nnnnlons acntimcnt of this oommu- Bitjr, which extends them it full sympathy bow, and 'it Mtir oonfldetw In their prosperity here ft tr, - Tey vera oa papar that wt protect d NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Another Arrival. 1- .h.t rl,r. la a sniM-h mora hoe a w " '",r anytning w nv.. - . r . ... . . I i. w - a 1 Asia aaa - a 1 ful feeling in New York, aad that the 1 01 P"c movement n wouia nav 1 w m" wii i ana coma .al lliof nrevail that tha storki has otbig to do with It, II. sUted lha real easily paid Ihclr proportion (other. IS HioJf Ml NoTembcTi J8 ,ii-lS to , u.4 18 l?-lfts Dccmber, I1 14 to 18 1733 1- n Jao'y.l? 8-18 tlt Ui Mawfc, 11 Floaf dull tod beary ; price nrnlal f , , wheat dull Sod - heavy; price' nominal ;;.- corn dali and nominally lower. Fork 1 quiot and anchaDged; lard dull, old tteant.t'i 8 1-4 to 8 18 ; turpeetine dull aad boavf hfw at 40; rosin dull and heavy St i75to btia $180 straine.1; freighU dull 1 Gold 11 84.-' i IVlSiOON, Bf pt ti. m t m Consols Si 84, Ivo 81. . Krin 44 S-S.'f r Bullioa dwreaawd 816,000 pounds: i 1 1;! (,:, ...... i .n 1 . s-i 1 JMidniclit lieport. 1 'j'"- ' ' 'KswTe-lut, iepl IS." Cotton tat twoelplt grot ' 8,418, ' futum Closed barely steady, talos 11,008 " I hale a .follow : Sept 18 1 818 15-10 f ' Oct. 18 8 4alB'l8-ie ! Ifov. IT Ml Doc.,! "-' i a if ;s Yesterday Deputy Sheriff J. A Bennett, about spent lu fore. ' W. hop, uL d ol U" "8Ition to b to meurd being on th. p.p.) but th.y thought It "JM" thbu jw,. ol Rockingham, arrived io thi. dty wlh of th. excitement i vary near, tlf.t o war b wldloraol Jobnrto. oaun- beet to wind Dp and pot alt creditor on ph- ro,ear. CogoaTVatoi Patrick Ilenr Bailey, convicted of lar- wor, Wlru, will occur, s.d tl.lt Ua ty U th. late .truggla and to parprtn.U ro,ul footing. Th. Jl lay. of lb JS, ceny and sentenced, at the last term ol I pric of cotton .will quickly re sot, aad Rockingham court, to three years imprit-1 go up to thirty cent. Thus far our com. them. On motion, committee was appointed onment in the penitentiary. Promptly at 8 o'clock Patrick tutored into the harness prepared tor him. Hew Tin Shop. '' Mr. J. C. ft. Lumsden, one Ol our moat worthy cititeos, Will la a few day open a new tin shop on Fayctlevilie street, at th ttaud formerly occupied by Cbas. Keuster, Mr. Lumsden is a fair workman, entirely reliable, and wilt no doabt receive a lib eral iliar of patrouage. Bob) Again. We were glad to see on our streets yosterdsy Mr. O. M. Royster, son of Jas. muultv ha onlv felt uch .ffecU I are ta'l Oen. W. R. Cox, UoU g. H. I n imr rt.. 1 a i i common to the remotest cornrt. Trade 1 "IB u " h .uuresa may hav been affucUd to torn e'xteat, I ln meel,!- 1 and the price of tha great stspla ruled too ol- "ger oeitig jiraseat pmcswow low for thgood of tho farmer, aUhouib, addre tha meeting. He spok of U "ittaUnn." 6 far aa tlte u resent nocertain and shadowy aurrouaduiga admit of any pn tl t ion, tt may b Mated that th tituatts I ilnproved, and that th prospect 1 rathtr reassuring In Um city. Cartaiulf. on yesterday, tber was no panicky (pint to, annua ltui( mantlect ; many deposi tor fiom th country who cam la tx. tchea, ha Also,tor B. A M ACT, . '" ' - Admintstralof, jaw as M. towi.bs Anctloneerer. Kpt.S-td - - , i . ITor Hale. rpo eloae0oDsls:nuMti i One bandaom Bod I A Kuon aa af Wt we believe, cotton. wa higher litre than I character of tht North Carolina troops ciledly, returned quiet and com lor ted, and I f N Purdon, N Y; Benj D Webb. N C-, P R Srr- 1. ciy, who forth. Jamison. Oraner. Jackson Irwin, Chat- lul a Jctr brtD conoected with kam; Mrs Thompson. Salisbury; Rev Mr. large mercantile establishment in th city Ite, brtutort ol Columbia. We learn that G.ina h come borne to ."settle down "and w hope it i. to, for already too many of our worthy young men have t kin up residence in NORTH CAROLINA, A protracted meeting has been going on during th past week at Fletcher Chapel, other Stale. m eight mill' east of tht place. Kev. 1. J. Heao and Henry Grey conducted th "The Leisure Hour." meeting. .Pome twenty person were en- To, AmocU hu rpct)Ted several let- '"T ,,, tors relative to the project ol reviving this Thi Pathoms o Hcsbajidht. E. W. ' Poa.th deputy for Central North twary paper. From Information I his t amlma, li.peading thu week in Uuil- poascssion, he thinks it quit probbl ford, aiij diusg good wort for-tbo vrt, that th irat nam will biasd by the i Mosxtay neargaaiieo a ti range at Aia- saam, with Joaepb W. Gilmer as M.ster. at any other market in the btale. S1W "'I . Handsoan Btooa. Capt K. A Ramy, of PitUboro' (bowed nt yesterday torn specimen of too that are more beautiful than any w. have ever seen in our Suia , Wo are not enough of a geologist to tall what they aia. Tiny appeared to be marble, of a peculiar color and variegated. W ar in doubt; aa there were soaps ton aad qnartx mixed in. At any rate, It 1 an exceedingly bandtom aton and will be admirable for ornamenting or building purposes. Th ipcctmen com from near tha surface. It msy t that lower down in the earth a quarry of nur.mrbl may b found. Capt Ttamsiy aajj itone Ilk b exhibited can be ol ttlnett In immensa quai. lilies. .1 and th high attirr.atioa la which they I nod tlx bank which had not wspeadad had boen hel 1. He alluded to tha lav PV" -alntaioaa UietuMIVe, au4 ill- , in. uuaram emnasrsun wusapre TO to coa- pwuocaof oollocung nd preaervlng th. wtk-los a Thaoperalioaa history af North Carolina's hr lathe nf busineat ertui; conducted, althoagh late (trugule, and Said that nothing should not to briskly aa nc dor mora f.vorabls b perinitUd to prevent th troe history of ofrounainga. uui u most onraging a .t r. , , I circam.tanc I th confident promise, th galtaat deed of North Careen too I u,u tu planters and Machanica Bank and th heroic aacr.floe af th purple of I sod tha Cittcen Bank will In a few weeks tht State gaoerelly from being given to I be enabled to meet all demands that msy the world, nd this, to, witbont regard PUIS COTTO.1 cm. he mad by depositor", and to reetun tlicir ordinary busincaaof accommodation. To-dsy h (peak at Jamealowa; Thur dy (t Miinticclla, Friday at RevUl'a. and Saturday at 10 a. tn, In lha Court House. LnVraaa. Cot John 8. Loog, gut Drputy Lactarer, Patron of lluabaadry, be babea tseturtag for ami tim, will eoaapM hi Braanct cjoort about ta 8rat of O tuber. II then prop gniag down the lie of ltoaook nvcr Iruta Weldoa. it aay on will arraog lb I. . : . . - . I L - mh oi BppoiDimema, raaning .iuii s eaa al end one rvavi dat.ttreut Sunday, I Carolina W.viatoa atU he grU through. Wa bop I Ovill idilwad. MW7MttJ wm lilt suwin sti nm vwrttwl m I a x.1ar and all tura tit to greet bi. I,'c lit ot November, or a little later. Tba public will ba duly Informed if It It defi nitely determined to iwiv a paper that enjoyed a higher reputation than aay othrr literary weAly J ursal ever publish ed to tba South No Kew Sthadule, W ar latirmed by th. agent at Ibis place that fir th preacat svi chaag will be aaad in tb schedule of the Njrth 'of tbe Iliihnnd A A ached', ha been i t s special traia Ui rue brtwawa Jbbaslaa Onii. .Th BupertotOottrt ot Jahaataa ooauity heaear 'thev a tt; h. Idled.- eommroced it Fall aaaaioa on Tuesday 1 North Carolina aliould mm to It morning last, Judg Watt prastdkng.- history wm writ'.n. Kvery.ea shnald d Th d.icket ar not large, but tb bust-1 r inl ud ttriva (or it. Il dikf a nrs. will extend th arawioa over tha two I th StsU, to th troops- them!, aad weeks. There ar two capital cases to be I prtioilarly to to wiros aad aaother of tried, oa of which my possibly b taken 1 th Suta. Gea. Cox fitting! auloglaed to whether th cauaa for which they fought aad suflered waa right or wroeg. Geo. Cot recited bis eiperiic la th wu and laid that while In th rank of tb BoulLucn army thera wcro glorious I troop Irotn avary r)Ute of the ftoutb, ther were coo. better than tboe of North . " , ..-v. .... . 1 111. KKT.n I h. whn nritm a taoc of tha Iruo history of tb war being I beaatllut brtd of hair, (and ws know our written aad apok uf th orgealutloa May mend all do), will tbauk u Tor a now formed to wriu It. Tho. f.r moat f' 'aln.bla qaalitiM of - . . IAS aVSK A Alt, Idt'S M 81 Ml ylapting. I8J in nisiory or in war wnna 0(J 09n rH ht)t , humnfi krryt tb, i n,f u. In work ra Virginian, aa J an I nal Ire rr)m Qsaarun ana scurr, tlOj Two bwakiog aonoara In Rkhsaoad bav failad, viit Dollar tavtag Bank, aad th private bank of Jacobs, Taylor ft Co, The bank generally ar la a good condition. A s meeting of busiaea anea paaai'd rot of confldanc. DMlflSTRATORS SA1X . SATcanar. Barr. ST. 1878. , , . i Will ha aold at T1. M1- W..v- I H Ml f " Wtt 8-18. "Cottim t pa Wilmington Btraet, th merehandl e-1 regular ttld nominal, laltS VH at 17 8-4b ' ''- oiinaaata, I a . nnn.,sra t.,i, t,.lt. Wilks-' aad ' I ' waadlta, i - - - -- lower at o. Tv to f 7. so; mm to mir extra 87.S3 to 1 18.70; good to aholc dittoj whiskey heavy, lower at 8714 cash. ' Corn hy aad on m lowtri Pork qolet and (toady) a smsS o spot i p i t00to8II3S;rdUiwrt81-4o888 .1 Turpaatia' dnll as 4014. i Jtoatat dull ainnt rurnalara. easitiila.laft HLVj . - k h. urtai . v t a log tea eo(a 'UI (ell low lor .. Sow. .. I . , . ' ,JwmmmM, ta n. 11. JU.iaa ft VU, I " , " t- asi Oottucu : Bale 8,890 hales ol AtS.rtcaa. . . Orloana, ov a baai of goad ordinary de- II 1 I ! -,. A T I . . uvcrauiw sa vciasw bow avovaaauwr a sh . . - WiuiinaTOM, Bept . ( , Rpiriu turpeatias dull, bo aelc ; roia , . lower and cloalng qolat St 8.88 tottatn4kl. ed. eraJo tirrptatia aalat at 8.00 tot . bard, 8.63 tot yellow dip tad virgin; tag N W AUfl AND TTPW AHT1 1 q'ta a.aotv j - . - .. Photogrsphjr StUirrogrcsslns;! Call at my tJallery. aad as Mw itetaraa. acw swasaalnni, aad new UBsreveaaaaU f aa- rally. graatlfal Alhaara, Pkler Frata, d. A , aad li yon wish a Photograph, t niasabar tha tba BUT la always thaCUXAr. KIT, aad rail ea On U Saw Gla. last to head at this lustlv aMaratc aiabama (iln. Ike testimony is I aasaimoaa tliat Utey Gla fa. lar aadaaak! belter aaaapt tuaa anv otuar aver saada rrtc S4 par saw and tiautporuiloa. aaisasa. lowiss,' teptSVU Agia. m ; t V Coaaaovsn Duu. SCO. T.i rmu( Bao, M.aKSTScjcaaa. '' ' T'.l fc'.u f tl'teanber 8. i Wft V5 rpui school bo I A J, W. WAT80JL. . ." S7St) i M Ol W, M. Bans, a ata&swt of tai Mt V d. Is Bat t ttw t.wimrynf ear hat tssalt, ferigtiuaa tt aaaaty, , A alight teaching With It removal tbe ooarsa and dry ap-pearaac- which nrgtected bair pat oa, Impart a rich glo, aad make n pr- aonlaO! la th mnat laahlonalils company. Mi a rare qaalioratsra, praaented ta a ftngl prrparation, rraat lor tt an tndnr- tng aia ; but add to turn in faculty M raldi.Mnar a email warkl papar, styUd "T aVaoul n-y." Ws sva- auuaoa 11 a rttk littla Iraal to all that haar. of aaa li. stoma. Tha writer Is schoolmate of urna, aa sautnaa bias la Imi oa M puasss r wvallactaal Ui.uU af yraalws, Buck Itdls huiral, to- Capt, tUar's Scaoot. arlatwU j . . II will argaaiM grange wherever be can I OrB.IrI. and Charbnie, bat as yrt tbe tt tha aarasaary aumbar aina tnea aad I iraia ba Lot bare pat spoa tba mad. Th ttialiland freight train wll', sntil lurther uiirn, ra ee heretofore loor women, th lattar wd BOt a prvaeat i will saiTic. a .i. Asv. th past wa k nty thaw Itx-k UDABBT. Daring tk pas artown ha baaa viitf by -ta folUw lag aimed gollraa from tha city of luwtga toofcinf for Milan- rock to bcuu Mm fc ... . li.l BY a. Ilr. nrli Ntr ek KeUawaa aad A ". Frapa. They r T Visited a .ttrrr near Grey rWibaa a. ana I us an, a WaUoaV I our iQallary af Art ! fast growing city tber 1 aa '.rartiua tkaa Wattna'l Oallery lwa kaow of a placawbas two milsa eaat of Ihi plata, which baloar I as bout B.'f b aarnt more pleasantly. It ts Bair af uea. t u n. iiraacn, t i. aviag parvnasm it a tiring aie iueiiw. up oa Saturday, though both will avai 1 the womea of the lata Cocfedrary. Tb 1 coring to gray luck tbtt youthful likely go over U arxt week, I ki.tjry of tbrir harolaa and- U.at of tbatf Wa acltcvd tha following tvrsBbars of I huaoaad. aad soas wu pataiag away, aad the bar ia attend aac. Tb resident nseaa-1 na (Sort abotild b mad M) reaciM it ber aer Meaar. WaUll, Abel, Sander, I Qaa C. alluded la th statement of. Gra. Eldrldg and McCulluai. Raleigh waa J Hovd. mad la Raleigh, arna year ago, re praam lad by Meaar. Moor,Cui. Btrtiog, I that North Carolina bad fans alia I more I flvm tk (tMral Illasaralas World gihlUt. ft ii-vt, txwis, f. II. Buab tad Para I troops to the Baalhara armie than any Oen. McLean aad Cut, Hpaars raprvaretsj J oihf saj tn In denial of thi fact Harnett, and Mar. Ikarwh aad Orang I k, VirgiaUa. II (Gen. C.t aaid Ova. Wyo county. I Huod aa correct la lk daiaasact, sad be might hav a ided that Noith Carolina eokaT, aad BiaABiaiatag aar good toaka with small aa eaaaadilara c Uan aad cii (tioo, aad yon sismp It prim favoriu with th public, and n.ur it permaaeat aad enduring popularity. Ifkalav Ui 11.,) strtiieaa Forty tboasaad rood hekk. ' -arptlrltl . W. U. BLtUSOA JIUI MOCMTAJll BL'TTSE TO BAUD apt IS If W. B. JoREIACa. NATIONAL HOTEL J Uoa Jo.rnal. Vi aaa. Aaa.7. l7i. A,e . A - ' U W8J 8)flIUntC lO OfMITT WW WOT8 VI V ti f A TT T afi ! of htnt-rj 0m lh mm mWuk it m aU 1 U JLii U. Mr at a fSlII ItTkrat aVi flravl it. SI aiLibiiLtel f J I Bcattiaf Ike r. af Fairhaak A Co., I rT1BU HEW AXD ILSliAST MOTEL IS a ui prraret la as a rarge rim.. I m u pa tart atasr, aad Is kasa . B etfl far fc' aw awas, s waaa bbatv vans a ' i v aar psa. ai naw a aa COTTON TARX.psrbaacS.. ) dry, per la............ LKATUER tU)UI. ... ........ LEATHER LPfEH... . t VATiiaa uahsivjU ... . T .it . I iT)LA8SEb, pargal..,..1..n StollH ,t n GOLDEN STROP,.... ,..,... . . OaV: rEAcrjrs: . , , 14 , . orwd.. :.;..r teats PORE..J......;....5 MhOS CHlCKEWSl i... ..... .a-. 'iVdSA ' i EGGS . rV. .. . . fit' riAlHSA,..,rr.-.,. a ..aVwTS ..4 LAXAXCU par Sa t ,, ,4 BAT, Ba 100 !...,...... 1S 1 Hit) JUt, par Ik Dry , Pel POTATOES. Sweet pat k .. 100sl TALLOW par lb..., ;.,.......V. " " ! l.SEaARpargal. Oaa klcE,,,.. .,...... t M. toallX , SUTTER... . 1 ., SdaS rUM'R, par bid, R. C ..' " f tOt OS VI 1 1, parka . tiaai aa roKN.vavaa.. Stlka..... A ..... aSalSB .' SAOtiM Balk -.. U'tS, Hilt, k,U..m,wMa. lag fi raavaasad.... !' . Mttf.tTa t HKHiitliU I A Ul OATH, aaaf JaltDlalr, PROPRIETOR, la swat 'egaat ttyla, aad 1 . al a A. .a n ' I Srawaaa af tkh atoeaa Bar. bar Mad. " aad jad dritd tha il I of latrtns c atnrw ta If sixi pwtrail adora lu wall !, Ktrirk McGawaa ak has a life- a great IWMty. oliangw la tU eily t-.,rrwa l..o,k nf rock,-,, tba 1 . tal,fl. At - - aa - - - - tlAa aa tilt, I w try larthaastibla. Il ti ewdsJ lit lH " P1" parti la eowiatertc pTatka at aa r1y I bl proprietor, Mr. J W. Wataia. lis Osy.aad they aoatamptaU worklag r Uatrw-eally a-Me-l to kls ealabtishawat Vtsak..SA A . . t ' J I ta FaWas riaal . Jgrai k Art d I laraitg oat daily tktiatit DtAta Oa Huadav taat a I So w-wk a can b d ,e anyabra. I A M.mtr aomatuB.lr aa ihookad by I . Ik taawMMveaeBl af tit Baddra dValh of I n m J1J11 soa fv vr , unataa, as or tn asoaa oignr aaaad Wulwa J .hi btua SLa Bad How To akatoTa rrawt o aror I frtfBi,hd also th Ual traap. nat ws 1 bOTrat blailorai oral with a ranauly fw I caiiar la aayatla Botat la Raiatgh. rVal Maaata rcaaivt aa, t -Tbaooiy I tha ealimal if Oen. Lr LiiBM.f. N th I Weighing ao.aoo klia,aad aaad lar Wetga- ataia a hick Bapullo ViQ not ramav i a I f, ,li..B. .hoald aot ha slow to a nor- I rallraaa ear. Th anita art friocv w 1 - - r r "ataia apoa tha charactar." asarbl saaaWria, tolara, cbta. Ubl war. I ,.4 brutaars were bald bv .ahara. 11 I wrtd. aa that bf lha fad nf th sral lor CArpeis, luroltu'e of every deatplU, o 1 ,rJj ..j fclt k.trrrs tha aa-aity f, Pugal w Sad wstlas f. Raaata aad trtUtf Lauk. 1.1 mual 0 u. I ...1 I . . I .... . 1. 1 I . L' I I aj.rj a pnw 4itai 1 eouraas asnrr ' ' I "" - I 1 i'.. 1. . ,1.1 .H ,l. a 1 .1..1 ... 1 i...u. 1 1. . t ., .1.1. 1 ' - r -i - - - - -- 1 tn a .a. aa awaos mm mvmimw I jji sa a raf -sa w Sanaa oat lorarar ay law wm as aasviAa, 1 pit Ja, I .1 m Il is a ckras aa ardiaarv bar sap. sad I ajt. Huahta arad ik .Lai af ttsa aa. I f U."4.t Bwao It tt !y rwlUbla rlll alw.J. di riarfy wk.1 It aiaisaed I j.ina a. praa.kt aad a-bU. Jt I ' . ZZ. 'a 7. '. VJIlA iu( It Lf lkas.sapU diraaUna ara lullowad. I saaaralial Ibal MtsosarxMts kiatory I ,, . M ka(4 ttBMtnra, sHuO J b (rj.it! 1 -d. It wa d.s duly of I W ar glt ta leare ikal lha tUaar .11 ... A- -k-i .1 ..-1.1 . ... - ,k. I a tbe e.Wlrf.i.4 JV. Ilrltkbull ha ta f araaarly af U Ttrbar and SUir Bvaaaa, r.hw, we TIRMI MODKBATE. arytst la , , N btb Caaoua at Viaaa. -Tt f dUiamg t.UBri frasa tha Muv a nar Vt'a rorrwrtaadast, lot. R M II. Ttia aiil d -aU aash af iBlavast H oar Na t rra Tkt ( ol ears : Ktea-pt t North CarttUaa CxatrttMS. Itoaa, lbr Is aa grata fmaa lb I alird Mala a vtbiwtioa aat I kaow II wa 4 u dttaM.fitl to yoa ti kaar that la thaws la prod art aaeahariy AaWV eaa, I Sliaa eMtna and tbar, It"BTa Caaa-4(tABPe n'V T" The "CWfaa Fea" trsat FsjattevtlSa, O w Special repottrt ha ratdraad froal bar si k latr, tint but he! far la. If diaeioa anaalf Hh a halfall af atr. "ter'd a I b ala ta wt an. d all I mtt, of ahieh ar atatrat tv waal af Inealswrra retad at th team lag ha-1 . . - tf. Iks pravetMit, which, alt.! pmfad kt la I r ' .j. 1 lki akawlag th bolU f1 opa. Aa mttrdU Pry.a.ea',).,Uy algkt ah rapid y '- " M 4 ,U Z J, UUa .rraa U.g Sa U. I-W w-aaa, aad, auk (h. rtim Bad e,ti-t I amktisnf Ikal ptlj lull toa a ra- I j-T4rt-a, bat aa aa waa hat - ikm af a drvoat ehrlat.aa, hraatk I Bad tatevpnelag. fl aamp'aia. I j.. to Vasaaa caa aaptartal haw great ?J ". "v",,8 llm uttartv af th ditamdalad ci.i"0 sd M I aaraaUaMail thai 1 -isn'i.uw Ml.tiisr.ilt.t ' a. . . . I Tka tobeaaa taat Vt M. T. Maw rdv a. I b.r death ast a prf '- -V' - '-r - 4 t, ,,t t i. oa. 1 ragral I th b.fk rt aJL ll t"" a pt.aHi.4 M M-,,l.y Bleraant, t-f Mr. Ws'tara, a-1 oar ni araa uaa.tg rarrt by tbair amrar Al th "a I r U laii gHl U taaaa a war -a.4tl to 11 t.al g av ta Ua 'f . a bar, aad aaaay a warta tart a aanAbad la tyaapatky ailk tb bafaavtd '"'a w.. a baaav .f. A da bat w a d.a.4ai k a I aat ikraa rtiit !, a aay a ks t-( kawdM a l a ml ffW4. amp rral.u'.'a U tba towaapawpt. It say Ika laayar anakpta af M far st anWI. hat Ikal asay ba aroatatad tar by tlx aataa maaase i wtf af laa a-av la - II kaard aaa .-ap!aia nf th CMtaa asaarhaat tt Htlwgh 4 at a pu'Ba aa th part af tb plaau id hat4 bi ri tva-g 'ih a Waa rrd"i af gt.ve Tha t,-m4'm at th l- b4 af ta of la.T.1'1, ataad. I rL' tVirTiB pan drat haa marh plsssan la b'ig taat.m'WV to Ikt al af l''"4. Ki I Ut.t-1 at N rftk CatuT.e al I n taaa aba by dMttaf hard ok B I a fait ak"W ed braM aat alkar rattaie ll r-HIr abntt IK t hrmt B ara la ba.l-liag. laaa..lr ra la bl af Ik atia..', 14a ih C-aM aa aa,hi It mm. eklb at B-.W a,i saaa labia prrti t abl agbt II IAad ta dindaais of tb h'm't ta lb fg wkkh aa.k p th mlglily 'f.. Thr wa a patliir la th aaHkaaltk at B palittia h addad, ta th war. Wba RasBbr's ga aa board tha vU af ty tm I. tba ng'.t ir aryag af it Mg gle had a(iiag I d t ai'k tb aontdaaf Ik d. Is of N.th CarU't . TV fahb of U a sU ae tbegriy Wa par aa ever god la th brrast of oar llof, aad af ait who wa! I aat taat if y t atwvaatad Ik aaaLiaaad asaaafactara of lb Ba.ha.ao a kaowa a lb only ! Ctl rriB ly fT disraar of th kl Id'JI S 4 arlaary ergtaa TWr are aaatarfatt f this sn.al teeliaat at -Mttm. tiaaaia ha pf. p.aloi prtvat tt.mp. Jjba t. llr, NvW trk.-F g.t, dlw. g RIM OlSBASESr I aiaadlfalrarli4rna.wriiET4 Si t 4L. l.i.a.iar ruaptas.atark Wfanaa ku..ta, frarBaa. Ma sa laa, saaa U, mtm alr aad alta a katiiAv Aao, am iraw la faaiB al I aa Bat Baaraaubttaa, MPHkTr.Ckaa.tat I., P. U. t( t.la. ( tt pwm at, a. Ktaa M..v f.t aad aaauraWy lit i r day, of TS p- wark, by a oaaa auilia lu a Urrtlariat nakl (akW h a-a givra fra to agrata.) ta sal1 lha b al, tr.gaa. Binet aswtal, 4 fapad sr!i svrw ag M.'h'sa, tad I a'.al llwtv Ikair gbwiwat dwia, 8 a4, lat thaw b I tna II -ta .V, m4 aaaaaaaft at4a. ft a'lajd to lb I I ky r,i . w tf M ya , . . , .... aea ; H as ea y t iti wa mr SmW af Btasa s4 akh had .)r. k, ,,' A 1 l' f BartKa- thiatli.tl.taf. p-V. Ts -l"t larajaasjislt l!r "" A CaGrwraaw k m.i.V.1 ka a shIml h Ita asm tatia.ll a a. N. T. . SS aa ),Ll parent a ...wa It as da ta tb RU Ikal IU. !.,. k trtea sr.'. 4 ba ", at tilr hi- DalUI t. Vaa. .la. M, tdat ( 'a.4 hf erraallag a mi 4.l ta tka kv'a aat a g.rra by tasa Tb a Hyf-ml'-'. T- g'al loaa'M d .pt a a ; , ."' , "r ALL' A SLR CIIT LOTS POS SALS Ik l.u ra.hl.4K sf B S. F fkl'ta la Ik. tit. al BVattirk, ta frat af faa I a btata, ta la aMd ka aaa ar tba par. 1I.IWSI ss Ba..eliwa aad tka aaaed la. km In aial mhm Ciiv. taa'aia lu lat.a Acaata.4 ibt k-.,,.!!. a. ka laa tamtmr, lb to aaWa la taa ka.- Bm I si il s lb sutaaal rttsaasaa, Arp'yta . a.r It las A M. 14TTLE. . nptlS WATT PLOW. IIwAmUI vaMlfia? aapr."- ata rts tb pa.laNanil SA a ..Mtat lb I areas Baa t-aa ..JAMAAM.TgWLEV M,t fait Jjt. l-a la tltaasrtattaa, tuaa is, . . , . Wl U M .'. f i W. H i UUA Cm. Savaea, 1 P.la.aars. wr A ty n ittn mil Mctntt L-EPART hiI ,..ai. . " af raar-v awat.avk) m4 la a a a . aat w. 11 a, a itt,bta C 1 H k.. t b-.4 ml t W .art at an, at B.lMfb, to4i B .'.. t . 4 lr i t. aa-i-ii. it..,, a t mm4 Ut.at rwal , a. MUl rl.ka Mill av44Mi saaa tut b ms w.A.t !u a af 44 , Mams' L i,..uiullsUn,, tt 1 0 M.lJlW POnPEK, p CAhULkA ... .r.MI. -' loo Ua , 8 &' T ,,--,) .. 1 i mm .. tlggaS t '., t : r I I RRAaOMFORIRIRkUR4L- , A aaUtaaa la a laatasrant sailed "W.ltar brth a a r'. "f trutdr, I ani t IM f AswtbM, rtbfi a I" 4 Braar, I aat at4itea4l Cr. 1 .auia wa waa pra I, rrL-1 aul a lr - k ax s ml lr, straw sua mr' laaavtf aaiy B4 lb sm Usual r saaakla m se aat la a asd ditsk that aad fS aa, aai'f hrnuw .as Bka It aad ka tb war m4 llkaa," Wtat 4uia4-a "l AMm' 11. 4BMra psMtl sabHlala I. US A.., MJf 4iB ska., sfria,ty sat 11 aaa ka sa vsMly uasvavt I rm al aniat ml Iba imulrf. a rnrnmt tb wtraiint aw.i.ia.. va wikasa 4 U.. tanSwa ka mm, sad Ha tHda lar as ntmm o. ... tiwd raisuwa r '""l ' ana uao' . iMlvor.. txt aav raas 4 1a. PkHaa.le4.WA, lb traa aUI araa.4ir r.' .4 u, ..1 at. ratsM ta la y.siaisa al iaa laataaa tova. P O 1 R B T , liaaa art M ta laretbrrU SlraaU Hwalal . yllU W H njEa at Ca J" I P O R T A R T SALS. Tba M.a II aat a. 4 tl- at assd. ka kH,g H t . It i.ltoa ft. I Ml Bbata, k tils f r.-a4 ' 4u aa.B aarr li.i IU.UM a. M t..iii. ina t4 v-b aa g-fa aad but kw 4 1 "r m staat 4. I . Bat BK(aw 1. t-. 1 . mvm4 tka Rkataad A ta- rule RaUraed ( a, - , , 4 A TtakfTI'E.aA, t at.i Aataa Cra. Bbapa, b.,4 t , ,4 .a 40 C1 w ".Aii.f CimI ' 4 tiaf ka. y aa. ks I Im4 firf C aa ik s.d ar al " - - i I a.. .i a, wna s a ad . , t... .. ... 4a, B ifw at br-a ta, i!-. .f mt i sm tat) fci'y ar w . a in tad tat. v . V ptrtta ar. ttsk Ml i a p la..ii aad r.y .( "HUH q8y -;v IM hat aad lav4 aa. as ta rt 11 1. a, a Pu tU. v4 nm. k aaalaarl rtay af Resteer ti'g ' bad tSaata

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