DAILY SENTINEL i (daily sentinel' a. VAUfrtiiia a.ja:u -.' : : ' " vwk 9u) utfii ittiMri4a !ia Uia a scUk. &5 . JTJBUSHEDBT The Sentinel PablisHag Company. 1 OtfioM. mr th Court Hnuw, ttii r niKuniut. 1 lqnai, 1 n a, I 8. V) I tijsi.r, Tunis, f g a i. -.-.. &.. yy it oun4 " J X TltlBL will b dallrerad ta i B rt of the City at Pima ct fx -a ' , i". - - lm. 2u(ml It It VOL. IX. RALEIGH,4 N. 0.t WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1873. NO. 53. 6U.W .. . . i i a i 1 1 -..,. j, ii u ii tATEST TXILEGSAFZIXO MIBTS OfJ 4th PACE. . tt Office Dlrctery iiiH hour from T:HO U..U :) p.m.da- r!a lb week (except while the mailt art Being distributed.) - T!I OS ABBIV Al. A CUMII tU MAIL. , WeaWrfl Sua Meant, La., Aoicurta, Ua., Colombia, 8. C, Charlotte, BalUbury, Greena koro, tUkm. Chafiei Hill, Uilleboro, Ac, dot at 1:00 a ss. Close at ! p. n.. '.. - gattern Charleston, 8- C,. "Wllmtnjrton. Neabern, Beenfort, tiottaborp, , 4m 6: am. cioeefcOOp. m. dalrhla, vYatblnirton, Richmond, Petrrshnrg, (tforfol, Weldon, Ac, due at 3: SO p. m. Cloat fUSa. - ' ' " " -" Chatham Railroad Faytterina Jonetboro, Apex, Utgood, e.t das Wt, . Closes p. Mleeeltsneoos-rRagle Keek,' Monday and Thareday, da 11:30 a.m . eloa 1 p. aa, Rux ooro, srery Wednaeday, due 11:80 a. av, aloaa u. a Laeohbora-. every Wedneetlay. dot ll:S a. ra., cloat 1 p. pa. Averasboro, cloat t p. m. Tliaredavs, ou p. m. I noaya. Uftt boars tot Rag latere -. Letter aad Jaonf y Order Departmenta, from &H aa to Icttpa, u Aa aa audla art received ar seat ee Beaaay, Iht sitlee will aol ba opeeed oa lb at day. . W. W Holdbb, P. Ml - . ,ii II am ...A . W KATHKK KKPOBT. s t ',' WiaBITO, OOt 1878. ' far tat Boats XOantio ttatea rialiif ba romatar vlth aortb and weal wloda tad deal vaataar. . VITY C'UITO.V MA.itUSTV. ItoMttad daily by W. U. Btronaca, Onxw aad CowmlaahT Marvbaut, r turul tract ) -lUMUtBj, Oct T, '87V . tfnn of evtlon io oar auarket to-day I i'-Wa. v, At 4 p. av. " talna IS Sdaa. MtrViit apwardt . .. WKTKHOtOOIOAL," BarOKTBS AT riXK BABOirt CMAB TOa. a. ., Va. at. Uai. 1 p aa. all . l at 54 Fin Oabbaja. Mr. George Auinaoo, litet bio cabbagt oo jetttniay. II rant t truck farm. . .aa. Panopai. Wt bad tha pkaaufa of brief Tkit from our friend Foote, editor' ol the'War rentoo i QaHtt. We are glad to kaow that we think alike on many tVinga, ' . t Bail Blcrm. We learn through a triend that a con aiderable hail itorm pasted oyer a portion of Granyille on lloudaj.dolug much damage to the tobacco that had not been cut n. :The comtnittee-appoirjited" to tnyite t; attendance of Pretident Qrant at our State Fair, left for Washington yesterday morn- toe. Mr! T. P. Deyereu. wa added to the committee en Monday evening. Tair Week. : Tucker Hall aad Metropolitan Ball will be occupied during Fair week the latter by the wonderful Daf epport Brotbera, aa we learn, the announcement for Tucker't Hall will in due time be made. aai . Monday'a Btorm. We an by tha Wilmington preta that the blow ot Monday noon last extended I lie fury to that town, where In fulfilment of the prediction of old Probe it aatuoied the ajpearauot o acyclone. Much daea- FINB CUT. ii W) man the wizard open tonight at Wilmington. . . , ' f -, Waiters ebitahig; ineluJiag abawt4 ftthiooable bereabouta. r i f. '' Rote and Harry Watkini are is Norfolk thfa week, pbably heading tbit way.' t Nothing worthy of meotion haa trana ptred at the Mityor't office during, the part two daya.;v -; 'yy! ' 1 :. The WilmlogMm' Star taya, Admiral John A. Winalow, whnte death Wat re eently announced, wae b'rn in Wilming ton and not at R"xbr, Peraon county. Bkiff dV Gaylord'a niimttreU did not draw a ducent audience in Wilmington. Wilmington may be luaed among third rate thow tuwnt. It won't do to charge failnn.1 to bad weather. 1 Three colored gentlriiion oa upled or chearat ttaU at Skiff & ' Uajkml t enter tain meat In Wilmington en Monday even ing and created quite a diaguat. ' v InporUirf Elau; At the late teem of lb United Etatet ' Court in IhUeity a large number of per. aoua charged with kuklniiag were die- cbArgM.liy.Jgt.grks1 jonniotion ol UEATEST IN V JK T ' F Til B A E jSToori Hepori. age It feared aking the coaat RtlTEl, ABRIVALB. Natiobal' Hotbl. X. ' Blair, P,r frittor.C II Co (field, Harnett county ; K A Bandera, A M Bandera, D B Arera, J oh uatoa county, J J Uant, Harnett eo W K Cryle, Lent agent. New York ; Mn J (JHintoo and family. Wake; B F Bui lack, It, Freaklinton; Hon T L Hargrove, A Horary Oeral, N C; O O Miller, Kal eigh ; A A Thomptoa, A M Wilder, P MoLUgue. W II Hollttnaa.C W ll Norria, Wake J B Tkmberlake, H A Q H It ; L B Byruai. Pittaboro; B KcDonald, Concord; ' I A TarrentlM and daughter, Statetrille; BherilT Aabewortb, Ilandolph; H A Foote, Warrentoa Oajtte; J D WbiUker, Wake; B ert Jackaon. Warren; William Jacktoa, ranklin; Mr Tliotupaon, New York; Aleieader Peraoa, New Uaaneer, Tnomat McDowell, Burkr-, (Simon T Day, Caldeall.. . . . fAABoaocoai IIulaB O. V. D'aclnaU, PnfrvOn. Vi A jeffreya and J U let fraya, Franklintoa ; Mr R L Payne and Kev t U Johaaon, Uxiogtoo ; Mrs Vaughn and ilee C M Payee, Madlaoa; Miae Uaaderaoa, Warrea ; J L Can, Dttr kamt J t Norwood, Hootraad Merk ; Haw A Currla, Orahaai! Jacob Dorp, Taneey vitlc ; B H Duke, Durham ) W M Clean , Norfolk t Mre Mary rUffia aad aw tant, and Nina W Kviffla, Looialmrg , ftaaat Kuffia, Ala: D M Uobarta, Uraa- eiile; Manly rwreater, Wake Fm ; T 1 Jioe Faytitcvilie; L REiIine, NC; H poe, &uibera Kxurea Company; Jame U LUiiaea, Charlratow, S C; Uea W H C-a,ety; U F Potur, MaUiasai K W Selo,dty; J W Henter, Norfolk; P P IWe, Oraeltl; W O Laaaiter, and La ther White, dry; i McC KlilngtoB, Apei; T F Lee, city ; Jm A Talma.1f.. NT 1 -M laMtaa, UaaiJiee. lv )i Wilaoa, Wltaoe't Mtlia. , LwirPa Oircwe. . ' Doa l forget that the graatnt clrcut In America Lent' will be In thin city on Friday- nut, giving but two perfor mancen' ThW U kgitimata equeetrUn tlhibiUoa with mentgeri attached. Beliabory Faur. . The Aavoclate left yeeterday tor &alia buryta attend the Fair. ? lie will repre sent the Fk.ttikki. and tnnta to add con- tlderab'y to our already large tubtcrip ttoo la Weatern Carolina. We bop our frienda will do .l they can to facilitate the rjurpote of hit trip. " , ' " Rewiwala. The N. 0, JYutytoruii rr porta the Ir4 lowing rerivale of religion among tbe churchee of lit denomination: at Sher wood church, In Cumberland county, with twenty additiona, aad at Concord church' Iredell county, with forty-Art additiona Advaao ia Oottoav Cotton tdranred fully half a oent yee terday, at eomptreJ with Satnrday and Monday. Pricn - ranged from 13 1-4, 15 I t to IS 1-1 Salea about 70 bales. WUIuwm, rpchurch A Thoroat shipped 104 bale. Market dull. Voider look leg ff further advaccea. ' . ' WORTH CAROLINA, 3. aV f -ola, t-n , died at bit Neldeno at Maeaet, oj tb lOtk lawt. BmUUf i'Ma . , . u , JB , r Tbe rtve between Tarbwro aad Orees villa ta tew tow lur the boatt to r ftit(tar Admmtt. We bar trots ta Awt that Mr. II a Mevra, vn baa arrred She ii A U. Railroad SO toeg a agent Beb daraoa, baa feigned, aad will be footed 4 by Mr. W. U. lUbarda. Owf tewnabi. C41-'W'. tleajshrey, Brbate treea Ibis Ouualy, ie bard at walk bKtpariag a plan ta be eabwuUed la lh fil UaMal Aaattuby for adiiaatleg tbe Aabtwf lb but.-Ceita4 if tt. i friarrru-tui Hre, IL t Jobaato Caacbed a Very tit t'.lt sermM O Bab th bast, ia tse PitaiijUdaa Ckarth, eg akaa ttoe praelM aad tawAtag 4 apif ItaaiiHa. l.il, Acta, II eb. l fara WiU Mil. Tbe eabaeviptto bf afk le a J "let Biotk Loaapae;, fu the pet wnae ml enaUiag aa4 eperiMg a Weai. aa Mill ba lb vieiatiy ad Aabe-niM, N. C, bat aarba4 tbe waan W l,0ue (Via! Drake, , aa ul lb 4.Uat elntaae of lb B.tiborbood, iwi ad ll.UtaraaViei a Tbaraoay a (ast val Mr. Urab ta) betwea 40 a4 74 year al agj, aad in Tat wit aa4 aavaral eV 4ra aad gra4 ebiidraw. fli.Hlatara A4- V Uamaaabar Huav i Rubinaoa tbe world reaowaed ckcat ntaa by.uU-gram from Miatiowri say : I an borrj tnst l ." 7r 'M'. but baa ardared aif f eat ia Hm Yaik, to forward yew a cage of animals or tve hoadrwd dollars. " Let as giv him roua lag tieaeoe hit ent viait Boeih. TTa Orapbae aUUooav ' latewat lettfeat it maaifrtted ia lb fat ol bran Oneldeaa bad bi adventnret ueabanieeaj who atarted oa the fwrUowt bailoo tire'wew eeroa tbe Atlaalas oa Moada; nauraieg Uti. Thl it the oai dart eg eaterpnae ever atlrtd aad W trwat oa babatf of the g allaat voy agers aad oa (hat of scieao R asay ted rail bad tueaceafuily. of tta Oowrt. .1(1 Oa yeaterday tbe ftate docket wet goat erar, aad larga nmberof taart diepuaad af by eaaUeeaeer, a. . tabealeau, Ac, Tlx akol of tht caar W U tried -w . Superioc Court, This tribunal wa engaged most of yts- terdsy la th trial oi Ben. King, charged with burning th grUt and -saw mills of Willi Lynn, seven biles norlh-weatof Ra'.eigh, In tbe spring of 1683, Solicitor Cos and M.j. A. M. Lewis prosecuted, the defence wat conducted by Judge Fowlc, R. H. Battle and J. M. Flemmlng. From tbe testimony for tbe Slats It tp pesrs that one evening, aa hour before sunset, la th month of Jane, 186S, Mr. Lynn closed his mills and went to bis bouse, torn three miles diatsnt, leaving no person on tb premises. There had been no fir about tb plat on that day, the weather "being warm. Next morning on returning to th place h found the grist mitl coaeutaed and the saw mill still burning.' Buapidon fell Bpou " King at tb perpetrator ot th outrage aod atept wen takes to bring him to Justice. Tb testimony ol Mr. Lynn thowtd that friendt of Kingt sought to compro mise tb matter and be (Lynn) proposed to receive $300 end the legal expense then Incurred to hin MicT matter quashed. King,-who was . present when this offer was atede declined the proposition, dealering that ka would rather leave tb money to bi family aad serve s term ia tb penitentiary. He at the sam tim denied baring Bred tbe mill. ,j ' Another witneee testified tntt being a uror at a late term of Wak Superior Coart b wat approached by tb defendant who Ooogrmialated him . oa being oa tb jury aad expressed a bop that h (th wltacai) wnald aarrt aa th jury which wat to try bit (defendant'!) ease. Ht was eaked "What caaef "For burning Ljna't mii7 (0( reapona. Tb witaeas asked King II he did bara lb mill. King beat la lad sad bks oa tbe ground snd then replied " No ; but if I did do It ao bara rould com of it ad ding " I'm 4 good rapablicaa, aad se Is tb eadjre. - - .- .--- A witaeas named U ill tratilUd to Klrg baviag mad a proaosllioa ti bint to be Coom a witaeas oa kit bobeif J Ulliag him that he (King) bad meat, keeal, toar aad atoaey ; aad that if be would five good taatiaaoay be eoald bam hi awa print ; aad adding " That' batter lot Jul that reenleg a taw mu.n Tb witaeas was t distoal relative of tb aecaaed. Tbit was lb principal leelimoay agsiaet Kiag. It was abowa, bawever, that Kiag wa iBtsaadiatel Ufor Ike baraiag dearrter frnea the Caafadarat army aad 4 few day before tb lr bad b arroMed a a deaartee by rdTvae f the militia, free f Worn eu Win.e Lyaa. II bad bate bakaa by Lyaa aad sent bar ta tb C 4t f tb atilllls amaa4 to wbkb tby aer attacbed aad was ardataj to ) a lb foaipaay ba bakwgad ag U tha arm; District Attorney Badger, paymtnt ej est, and time was allowed to make such payments. Of the number so discharged, but few, a we are informed, have paid up. W would advise all delinquents to mske prompt setlWmeot or tbey will get themselvee Into trouble. VThe prevailing nouon tbst tbe costs will be remitted by any form ol pardon is baseless, Tb cottl will have to.be paid and that promptly, too, or trouble will follow. ' Wo' advise all concerned to see to tltll matter, . i i oa- . .. .. t Dr. Edward Warren, 1 " i The reader wilt . remember thnt we re ferred t other day in a statrmrnt of a Lynchburg pp r claiming this gentle man as t Virglhlnn. We1 tftse received the following from a gentleman of Nor folk, va ., .; i A few momoote ago I called en I)r. Lew ellyn Warren, an eminent practitioner of our city, and wa informed, that bis hrotbor. Dr. Edward Warren, Burgeon to the Pasha of Egypt, 'wa bora in Tyrrell county, N. C.,- in 1928, ou the farm where Mr. gam'l Alexander now reside, ne moved to Baltimore after the war and hat never resided in Virginia. His father, Dr. William C. Warren, being Burgeon In Lynchburg during the war, remain! Uiere in tbe practice of medicine, until his death, twelve months ago last D orfhber. Dr. Edward Warren't mother, two sisters snd a brother reside near Lynchburg. So your Lynchburg exchange is miattken. , U. Mefbodlst Appointments. Rev. J. P. Moore, Presiding Elder of Hillsboro District, will bold Quarterly Meetings as follows : ( Fitubom at Pleasant Hill, Oct 11-13 1 C.HillH.RlveratMt. Pleasant, 33-28 j High Rock, Nov. 8- 9 i Person, 15-H ! Yanceyvllle. M W-il Rev. W. n. IL Bobbltt, Presiding El der of Raleigh District, will bold Quar terly Moetings ss follows : i Csry circuit at Beulab, Oct 11-12 I Roleavillt at Sotpttone, ' ' 18-14 I Tar River at Trinity. Nov. 1- I f gmithQeld al.Emithfiiild, " 8-9 j Henderson, 1S-1I Raleigh at Person Street, " X9-80 Rsleigh at EJcntnn Vtreet, Dec 6- 7 a a a. ! Larr'a. Ctaccs Xent's circus snd me lagerle It tht best show that bat beeeri tli it eity for many yesn. The feat ia tbe ring are novel an1 marvelous, and tb Bumurr and variety of wild beasts ia tb Bieeeffrrt ie very ierga. Tb aftaraoaa and treeing performance yettrrdsy war Ittended by large audieocea, compriting k part many of tb beat pee pi oi Rich mond. Tw more opportunjtle will be prceented to-dsy to (hot wba want to are tb wonder-chow the eg. JitXmJ ... - i I d'AIBlABta' RcaUM Next to tbslr arit, tht moat tubataatlal endorarmrnt f Fallbacks' tcalrs ta their aa ss the Itaadard wriirht la caae tried Vefor toUtU."IToirtr4 tlictr-scrortrj, ttielr adapUtleb ta the ttadarda " ailAsth'lit Biake them (he anitereal scale, aod Ibey sa tlspl aa ankle of ipnrt a fl -or r sewing ai'tfulaaa. Tb Falrbaak Works ia St. Jdbe.UiryYt, are among tbe etost laarreatlag of al! tb ataufacwx rtae I th country. Biify tbootand aralaa, from Iba maat seoaiiirt baUao f diaggltttto lb gifts tic rvllasy nslt, ar era I eat aaaaaiiy to do their part ia tb ontuaitroo of alaaaet every cily aad low a aa the globe. Jt. T. lea, Nyteet a- .. U I Wll.B CBBBBff BAlaaH. H Baeasary of Dr. Wldar ia embtlexd la th heart, of Iheaaaadt atom hi iUaaat f WUd CArTr bat tared uf ewegU, ft Ua, coo sanp io, tf s-ataotlirform af puluaoot ty dlatM. Il ia saw ar forty years ataca ILa aart ant'a wa browskt bato lb ' Cotton strong ; Upland 9 to I 1-8 J Orleans 9 14 lo 9 J 8. Baletj) 3,000 bales. Bpeculatloos and exports 8,000 bale. I Orleans, on a basis of good ordinary. Futures : October, November aad Decem- bor 3-16 to 81-8. ,S; .;, Later Uplands on a basis of good or-1 dinory, de!iorbia lav October and No- vemlier 87-8.V ,v : V i ; .-. New Tons, Oct. T. ' Cotton firm salea 1,049 ba lit. Up-1 Isads 11-4. : Orleans 19 1-4. Future. opened as follows: October 17 8-4; No vember 17 1-9 i Otoetubor 17 7-18 to 71-1U Jar..y 17 9-16; March 181-16. Poik quiet aad unchained. . Lard quiet Tirp.'iiline -dull at 40. Kosla quiet at t'l 80 f a-rjiu.L .i ;- v ' jMidniglit lleport. j , " ' ., Niw Yobk, Oct. 7. '. - Cotton Net receipts 83 bale Grots 33 Futures closed firm. Sate 8,800, October -M 93-3217 M ; Nov. 17 1-9 ; Dec 17 1-8 ; January 17 9-16al7 9 89. Cotton easier, sales 1,741 bale at 187-8 to 19 1-4. Flour quiet and uncbsnged. WhUky lower 10 1-210 0. Cora de cided change 6103. Money cloeed at 1-16. Commission ster ling stronger at 7 1-4. Gold 10 to 10 f 8. Governments' steady and Slate quiet and nominal . .. j rt '. . Wtl.MtHOTON, Oct 7. ' Cotton lin aad tending up. Middling 16 1-9. , Nct receipts 98 bales. Spirit of turpentine quiet at 87; Rosin quiet at 3.23 for strained. Crud turpen tine, steady J 00 for bald, 1.09 for yellow dip and virula. ' i Baltimobi, Oct 7. Cotton firm. Middlings 18 1 Low mid dling 16 8 417. , , Nosrout, Oct 7. , Cotton firm with set ire demand. Low mlddliiigs 17 1-4. --. . SwV' ft PATENTED JUNE 241873. Btfflfflfltt I I DAllKO i7&PLEASA rROPRIETORS WJWaPIKI el . ITS I LCUISEURQ NeaT Cabblima Pricei Ouiy 810! THE YKRY LATEST. IMPROVE MNT. i 1 Defect, " Hnloii'h MarkoL"-' .' i r o (oaascriD Dau.1. Br U. T. Btbonacb A Bao, MititT Buamb. eptembar 4, 14ft it.. ! ' aa ataa a ! aa par ID Dry A. Saaal, paf ba.. Ctmoit TARH,parbaaeb. dry, par Tb. I.-VATII XK Mil.R I.KATH KH tffKK... LKATURH HAKNIB Mi.Auai, ural. (MI1.HKM aitt t fgACHEa : Dried.. n , fun ki t a a a I BATH EHA rLAIdklLDparbas.. rial, ear twine, IIIDKS. t ItiTATo TAI U'W par Ik VIXOAH per gal Hit H4.,.,.. TIM i H'Trr... , run it r-r bti, .c. M t M vr ka., I KH, par k H Iba..., Hl'o Balk lHwa, N u...... i.j. " raaraatal..., , MUU.FTH likKHlbua..., tAHl DATH. tbnt aaa4 . ...a... rorinra. par lot is i ) im a II tta) 711 a ISO UaU lUalt ' sv.a as a so nam . t 14-at laall lUlaiA al SOatW lUal tab ie wawi , 1u Ml i tiwia Ms I eo tiwil ."' lr . - IA.IS Wat .1 avi ao . 17',' Talented Jan 84th, '873. , ,. SATIBF ACTION GCa&ANTKD IK EvKKT ITAJ0E. Other , Machine bave tbelt recuiiar Merits This ha ao e-- . - - - -.... - t JXs MaliagJ' Family ',f triinkrf tim euliy aeeomluhti Itfor JlrtaLfatt nAVE NEVER ilCOWN OXE THAT FAILED, TQ GIVE Bf T1SFACT10N J . , ... ' , No ether Machine can be aold after the "franklin" has beta Tried, "i. :,.,.. . . From oid to two twvsand dollan a ytar guaranteed toYwkinj menl ! ; Every Comity Soil h MrLicti It hue been introduced. WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD, TO COMPETE WITH IT ! ! 'Tb Inventor of tb "FnABkLHi Ptbam Washbb'' ws owner af the riht u man-" Bfuctur the "Impkotbd" Woman's Friend In certain lerriury. While nianutaoiurihg the machines, and watching attentively tlirif action and the manner inwh.lt h they " operated, and th loaulU, he Uncovered oettaitt prominent detect IberviA.- tlv n bia montiis io the study of the subject of (Sliding rvmetlut for these dulirti.- Jlj hat at last succeeded sod a tha remit of his Investigation and study, be offers to the public th 'Fbabblim Btbam WAinta," which it by far tht best Waahing U hir e ver patented. We claim as sa evideace of ft merit that ,LTrKS Patbht were granted over all others. . . , . . j "' V - -' s ' It will wash anything (mm a Lace Collar ta a Rod Blanket. , It wilt cliaeM the Clothing Without tearing, and more thoroughly than can poiuibly ba done by hand labor or tbe aaa oi tbe rubbing board. Wu one-fount! of lbs labor lour turn, at much oaa be done m tbe same length of lima at ran l dnne) by hand, Ws could '' publish column of ctrtiuYetee of its worth from thnse who hate Bard It, but for the present we prefer the Wsahet to Iptek for itself. Wa give a taw below .i . - ... LotiUBWua, Bepteuiber 9"tL, 1873. . 1 Mbsobb. . Babrow A PtCASAirr : Grafour. Mrs. Dsvis has triij th Fbabblim btBAM Wasiikh'' and loetrucU at to say, la reply ta your eequlry that lbs it wall pleaaed with it. tnd believe it to be all that you claim tor It aa a Ubor saving Machine. It does Its woik well and diminishes, by 0ir thaa half th labor ol waabiog. bbo nbeerfully reoommends it , Jos. Davis. t r- Lot inil, September loth, 1HT3. MBaaBa. Babbow 4 rLKASABT: WraftniMH lb fur I purchased ymw fteasx Waeher, I paid four dollars per month for otrraaiily waahlag ; aow wit butt any J (litloBal bely, I have the waahing done at hiNue and pay llHy cants a vtk Io l.e tbe iroaing done. ' In tbit wty i tare 4 pel nionib, and my clutbrt are murlt al.hcr bad I am satiated, will last much bnfr than hen aahe1 by rubbing or iht eat of aboard, ll U all that yo recommend U to be. r 1 ' : '' ' Vryrcapartlully, , j - , i, . , Mas. C. M. t in m. , ' ' ' ' ' I Lovisaiae, ScpUiiiUr lliii, hu MaaaB. BabboW eV Plbasajit tVcaflraiea 1 sm ealng yur hirkin Y. l.er, and it proves a success aad 1 taks pleaaere in recommending it re trie public, aad tes tily to its bring all that y represent it to be, J - I Very rMatctluliy, 'ri .( , Mas. 1 . IK iUaai-s. , i - i - i I , . -i ' ' . , LoiKui so. rVt. m -ii, ls. - Maaaaa, Baa Bow 4 1'I.IaaaBT : Oraflriavra I liars bwd ui'ng tht I'.nVlia bteam Washer for ami Ilia and caa Salu'r aay It it far th brat I evar ear. : I toolj bot do without It i . . - ' .t .ataa. A. W. VI iun , '-' ' iilMtt i t ' . , Loij,aiao,i.ieoiHf h. is".. Maasial. DaBbow 4 Pt-lAaAWT rles Mis. Oililu haa lrn w. rg jour "Frsoklia hUaia Waab" for iwe weeks ai d pronouDcee It a y rand a if r. , , i ' " Uaa, IL 11. Oitia iia, It. , . A ... . m avi, auiu.K v, is, a. I e- Maaitit.- w r ft ea.sars ' Crawwa I take lag your-Btssra Waster.'. I ackaowiedge myself to hare tm-e I gaid to luermAflcl bsiil'g u.dj srvertJ others that tad kaaaaa I EW ADVKUT18EMENT8. iV ALL'ABLS FARM FOR SALE pUlawb sa aib bMUnl a' IS as a vary vaia- aua bail af awd eaaiaalM XM aaiaa tbe prolatlyat Mr. AdaaJ. baaaa ii ka larfeia, 11 iwfviTat Wtl aiaed da at lag aad eUur boawa. Lia ka Mat aaatv aa M ull a (ra abnat U mlMt a b at kai.uk aiwA- U ala. taad. Tsaaa:-ii.lf CaA. aradli af ail saoalhs W b kaawaal tar taa lt.4n Tiu.e'aiaad UHr?aMat i HO. ll A I LlVi. art ( aaa unl tkl bar st wUl prabeUy be d-rpae4 at by tUeadofthewatk. OeMd.yUeclviib,l.-..u,w,J, fwloagh af Ire dayt I rUi. J tieeaaed fcaf H it few- Ptwia,-Tae widow Ike late lw. Javpb It-a amialtlad aaWide by draae tag, baal FiWa) aaursteg, aha wa qta aa aid Ud;, sad bad aa ! rs sb )m la -y.ni ta af Uuki ; ta iaa af aa b a..a r. u .v.i I t) a aalurtaaat tdxxi IetaV Uf. FaUiaaijM Wil at Jwba fa iai4ar, 4a4 4aiy at bar b eae ia tbe ea-aet-f tart tv.lar4 evaaicg 4 eaag-auv ebilt Mr. Ft'ba Wktrt aa ta ae awday tvaatag , aa 4 kaaw aatbiag af tb b ad bia ku Bay lit be raw bad bea. -oX. H.lJaaa T'" V) wl. .(Va fat .aayoadrat Ike kaiiHnnrM ari U int. I T t, kl.i.- I sad t ia bar k Iihi I , 44 tUa (Wa.Mgaaf ttl kV U. a t, a N. b ta4.aa, m basiirg alf, I .. la be a4 ta. Ut Aa. ki Mi t. IhmA lba rV- ck. J rr- 'y wn I ilia f-i''''f Ifi r . .' f f k'l'i-a-a. ll. t a-f,J Ca. a. aa. W4 l tUr't ia a 4 4. a-4 1t'ly l t'n Hant .! ba a la..a-.'. tij raad 1-Ara.i,.4i ta ya Taa It ,. aa lihiwl i4 M s'". a. a-a t, ..a 1 i . ' t g al wa - aa v - v, i - ."4 E . docket will be ealiad aver. Iiledaebtfal sfbey J'J trial will baked bxl wtrk. aToaAartul taapr eeaeteale. Oa a-l tiaat U RaWigh aad la it eaatr SaaJy weederfel iai pre saaaaas are g! aa bet ie the bank east era tab orb af th c!, Ibry are ttmai ted gaaaralty of a bigbat tlaaa, The Bat.L-4 Famae tawslaary hi aaoat taspuaiag tad ti tails fat Tbe feaileaca af Cat k. At drtat i a link US kaa4anaaal la U4 fMaM. R-dagb at aa towwatdiy bbaad araaaareaa.'y. gaaag Freak Ua Btaaaa ' We waald d'rail tbe tp-oal alfatUe af every bow kptf la tb d"b'J Bate elvaruaraMal tf tbi traty rrataika b" waate. Il ie 4 Jtotfh CaToi aa la- li, aad at a- I by bwdiag Nank Carbbae !' - gta.a at taa t.l(baat sWartif fut b aa I lVkflaaK Ws have at lr4 ta waAar ia aar aaa faa.las yet, bat W II raaa!'y a ,aa.a.4 kl'-b eaaay aba bar laad It tlkik eaauaae r. W kaowlbat y a v II 44 IX bM-a tt Ia.a. Cat. It II . CMa. M 14 Qa-T r 1 Tt 1 bteVaae! W 4 A, l..-a4 at , tf t a'a t4 b'.aa'u. aawa. ike r i.a saea 4 ba a t twy i.akiil Ki a J ba , .- twttu. aav aiMati mt a a f-a i a. 4 ta which ta gat ready. 4 day at 10 aArv bweg a.t i to retara boeae tbt milk) ware Vev4. Il Wae ak akewa that be ateaaad bad tbraibawal lb Mhar rcaraa4 ia its arreat aed ks4 bnaaUd at baviegsattiad ai:b Lyaa. 4a saWra was aval by the eWtaadaat't enwaaat, aed w Hi Waae ara, to iat pratk Ibetlaractrt of lb witaeas U.'d it resrard be trelb aed b-awesy. Tbe 4W.ae calWd a wltaeaaaa, . J tgt Fawte rpterd tbt gaaaat f.4 Ibe drara, lag thai be aad ate eata tiaiae raatad Ikair case a la fwlata In that lb fVal bad failed to aaaka at It taa ie rlat - to be gaiil af tbair tiMrt, It4anlf I Wat r.a if lb jry aVield bamaae aaUat4 tbat tbe eraaaMl 44 bara lb aea-r1y tty War Weed ta Sra l klm e4v Iks ta.aa.ty art af t4, ralj'.ag .. Sa lb raa af tka 44ie va. Bba'tam Mr. naa.g t-Ua. I aiaa M tb 4 k-wra. atbar p-4as af kaw, anaeipaly it r '.rar ta tr'htWa. O-a tf lb. a e-tdnaaavl IWa jvy tm tbe e, gag SaAa Iba avUa aad tbe law . ' V - i 4i ii i u-a t r-aM i. er art -:"a-l CS 1 1 V U fc ill m ? -a M.J ta t ;li' la i a.iaa! R IL tut t . -t (. T . a taa aaa ml f I,, .a by f tally iaVTieaaiag. Ts)4 FpraTatvraAb Iwraatarttv Wa vaaa NaTw Cibociss Tbi nta ba elaay bara laavas be its tlteatioe to tttacAuaw. Dtdaa OUt epiawd a, lb III pepiia tt ware rtji.4 asaanaalioa We bat that u a-a-t Ive ar ttiiny ave a'a esaartad. taa! l iadi.I rv (.-! at Lea 4f baa a naaaa-tf laff aaat ha 4 p-jta. Tb CariiB MO'iary liMl 'lele M-S. fair ba baa lar.-a -jr,.Vt M '-' 1s WiaviaiMa rm !',( karUi Idtl!S, sal f Ver Ua4 ,aaaa h.a.taa'y art ail Ibra. at,ia laatiieiMae, wanbf M paM eaafidaace aa I Mlroe.g Jvalbn ii aas. fiat tiki 4 i r bau,t-r iintm Ik t ra4 S'WaUa Ie Ibe btk ga4 "WelMw ta r !xaaa to lb t nb aa i a'yl ff af Aadraw Jwkaaa II Is Walt ke"aa e lta- Ibal la l.t uaal a II W ) re al M-aM. (a ba as efV t ivh fH b ae r"al a IM b )t C IV r ) ff-4 a e '' sf5 l.rt t ! m Ibe fcfi p"f af sikaw antiavcl ngardla law b fare af lb bara t4 k.W Itriaaae. Tbae sm4 bt all aaair.rart; tt.al be aas ba t r. I M a b WUi aal Wa a aaJV-u. Hit lafea, lb ba.aff af fraa iaal iata-a-a, era?" 1 I" t a4 g.r aar am t rM I S g iba lk f;a ad I', al mafia 4a aaaa - bit J.mi 1873. ' W. H k E, 8 TUCIB & CO- letparters Jotbart aad Iktailrra, . HAT mini lb.f .t-W4-l S'.-S r iM T a'r-V i t 4as Jillubait Ail a ttiiM aa la af y 4-a la Ml lM far ar nmm i fcr k hia. ar C 4 littli Ska rnaera at v- kaaa af Va., SM .aa, in aad, f aa4 lb i.ta ftaaaa, Cri.a 3i4 af Vm . MrifV4b'a, U-. I V a . . .ta la.Jla, - - . M 4 "aba, t -a, r-ia Aim a-iaa, - ra.a a .a, Tl'lll t sraaa AVa bad baaa U l t.hm r.a- a i .- a -f ka T'1 ta f r f4. I W. t ism if t -,4r-i It a t I i.l4 t 4 ii. I- .fJtKr.-b il 4 Ha- 4 I i a a I I ! p. I U 'l Utl i. aa I I'.. at 4 !- a at " - Sbaata Ids a-l a 4 I it. a a-ria Ih laeM aad i anaaa. amd ivt wnrv T ' t a at CSinliiaina, aad 1 ewad, , tuviTe An nor ral lUab al a aad lb bw'aia lb tia at -f n ft civ a Lam ia t SaltaMMM4sl4it , ' i a-'. aw f a, m V UII 4 Tt lllllii art tit plraanraro rrrfitimreil- - m irj ii. kit I1M rr- biarU tataasiaaaUad . to Bie; but tl it.oievuiMXu la Urg family, ol not batat able la g.i t good aU- . er, rrgulerly, Indurad m to giv yourt a tntL 1 eat graUlud to t r- i,. i, 1 1 e it s p r lee! tat-P. at. I aard II borordieg ta dirarttona, bad d.J tan autk's a.l.,i g la taa beert, aur did I give Ibe Iral ai a. Wbtlaw or more aicely waab.d tioibaa, I have aVMbd. It only weeds a trial ta eoeyint. IleaparMluMy, , ; , . Mba. W. II. Ffbaaa.'. "'" i- I I ' . ,, Laviiataw, Ja.y Uib, l-tl. M . Baaaaw 4 PLAaaairrt i CraiV.a ,' ll,rUt'i. t.t li ra i f j .ur sgaat, Mr. J. I. I'ersoa, 1 hare triad your "rtteem Waahrr," bad 4ad M hy tar tb Ut 1 evar bead, ll certainly Saves S g'a.l daai of hard bUiar aad doa But daaM ll cWtbas. It la all tkat yoa recommrad. -,-, , lUepeeifylly. ' . X aa, ba. J, B. li.!rr x. OLR.1ELYM XS OtllElU ftK t: Ws Uke pleasure ie sayiag Ibat tl.t "rraat Ua rtaam Weaker M ait tl.t I'l ' proprkslort claim it a ComplrU Hnat We batard Bathing ta Sating ibat ebb ing baa ere baea pet etwa tbe market lka aatwe aitb at b bijit.I !. Ws are yrl to aaar af tbe am owe Ittllat nai g.ft trt.s at!.au ' -imm-vf , Uaeaaf. ' il is awatlng with Baivrraaf Bad as precedsat td fdrov braaag dOMati cmi'," AUIg Jfeaat dVaif, Mraart, Bar raw aad Ptaasaala eamlitata aaa af tb atregat sud fan-a i- . a firms ia Laeiaberg, aad frora wbat a ba l.iaij vf lb "f ii.k .. Hmk M . r,' aad tb kigb character of lb part" e.a.u.ii;g it, at kat ao d.uiit trot t' it It It ' all Ihal lUy rrprtaral It la ba. JiMtml i.r-r4r. - - "Tb aairwtrr (ialta Inr Ibe "Fraaklia tHaaai Waaba4 a tap-ri.a.lji .rf ,J . aibara, aad frue tb dinptl..a ws baas bsd if IW e xk rgt, at k..--i. i i . ...t are eeU kVwadad."' t'eaa AimU, He bate kaowe Mraara, liar row aad rwiaaa's fnna .uf y a!b i aad im lby woaid Sx4 rmwa t i Ssythlng netartby af palmaaga. lby bra ia..i.g aaan baal la Laaatbarg 4Mar t Otaat, Wt bate araatrad by parabase of law I'almta, Mr. 8. W. iUr-U-.' n a , t, a-ia rlgbl I aeee'arara aod to Bail lbt I ghl la aieau'a. 'r tl.a "fiact .a r r.ia H a.fcaf" ahr.ia Iba t nit4 Biat ta l Ttmwrira. Wt BW tO".. Ih f rmakbe Plrem Waatwa" to to Aawr t.a pa.: a .lb f.U f Idaaa Ibal H will 4a ail Iba we bur It, ar-1 M ut Io !:.'' . M at t t I f at a-aa.Ua, a tea iji.ng graal ittJao aat la a k d ' '' ' a,,, ; j at wi.l aU M.u or teny tiLu SS v'y rat,.tr,a br.t ; ft i ' a a III ail lb fgbl Is a caaaiy aob U tb aa1 lahUHiaal. f-waaa bOid ..'. M iihia tava tenet na: If arnner'y saaa.ira-A.llie iwsa aaa a Ii Mi.'aiitii, baa lied Wsabara, al a fHA al Ire doi.ats '', a- I 1. f . I ' ' at lb stpiraitua of tks tm Ibaa it ws at f. s f- a H- f-1 l"'1 " ! 6 IraJatad tad wi I bl I a aaaat tttry fatally. 1 an-a tMwi U bay lia'e er . t., r.ta, a aik aa arH i . MtMhiltlUthlu firt lu"fiai. Haw' i., -" b la aa 4 I aatath au'rH laa.-a-a. (aal H.wl a. '-- n w , t.- wa .mwi) t a i tA aa mi r'4 ka u, w- i eaaka, -' ' , - l -a wai S r-l ka y Sato ia laa I aha. aal ". w - Be aaaa aaa aa- mai -. aHri, iMl'""' n.a - .-f af 1 waar raa aa lb a.a"' at kaitag Ct-aa'y g a .'a. n ' - '"l Tya aa aa iiml t ..al arM .'! ( at awi a la a a ...- ' lll--l hMi ; rrwa aa. y f"11 (.., 4 a). -a f r , . .. 1. ! - . it '""j ar .4 Mr ra aal aaa r-N al Da Ta''-ai.,l 11 - - fc at-S t',af al-aa 1 AI4. llfOM IT MY K 1 1. ba rilfti'ti-A Kam Mm t.-wn i.. 1 ' f IbaiwjtsuaiaU'iiurt 1 Mr m ! ' . m 1 , ' i I a.r 1. . aas wi I bay Sa a bat - - . , a , 1 1 1 . K.. - lir.f II lin- mull 11, - , , aiitt.a a. 1 aa. m t . . 1 " - - - Ml I . I I IM i : . . t I -I. -- l il !:' - 1 ...... . . ' a a !,- 1 - i . t niii seAi.r. taa a I f . . ' . Bwi b .a a M b-aa. IMl .wl Mlial M i t t ' Ml ' t r. 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 at 1 i i . 1 k I a a a . .. (. i-f ee r..a . '. i , . i 4 - t ,a. i l.Wi. . a bat l 4 lt f If ht a v . t . af I mi a. C I I i' & I I . a . t a ba a 1 1 aal by baaa Ir.a fa."'') j 'V, ft r' M i ft. It say. t I I