-DAILY SENTINEL DAILY SKXTINEL - PUBLISHED BT i. ' ' ADVRHTIilNO HATES. iilmllMiiin win K. i-,-. i . . The Sentinel PuMishing Company, I SaaTlMBI. al L) liHLimln tut... i ! r4 of i w men, w icg nmiKia ium, VJMKjUHlOM UUitt. ....... 1.1 . 56 11 U - . 44. UU WW ! umwinKunio. lea Ois t el . I) . lv final 1 year hi Idnw tS.OS - 8.W W ekty util - " I" Oult KlITiast. will be 4llvera4 In , van Ux CHy el Firraaa Cairr par 1 tqoa,e, J week, J.50.1 wwn, Tso 1 1 mnnljl, Soil a " I"- Im UH1 1 " HOwi -. 1,1 VOL.IX.- ; r RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY;' OCTOBER 18, 1873. NO. 62. I " .-. 800.1 l I StS.UU 1 I , , ,; nra dat. ) 4 , , Th following art amosg ih best sped--mentof cattle on exhibition : " "t . T M Ho Hew Rivr, two Devon boll,' donated to the society. W A Faison, Waraaw, thirteen head of fin cattle. H P Battle, Raleigh, eow. -Jame Newton, Saxtpaha W, eleven bead of Detvoa cattle. - . J . . T D Beuad, Pennsylvania, two DtToa cow tad calrea, Devon boll and a "yearling ball D W Kerr, Alamance, Devon ball and A M McPheetert, Raleigh, Shorthorn Darbem ball, Tl K Feacett, Uillaboro, Durham Milch T F Lee, Wake, five head Durham cat- J T Ptnott Co, Kinrtua, ooa Ajree tin bulL T D Buwaell, Eliubetb oitj, oee Ajriebirebull. f D.' B B Iltjwood, Raleigh, a thorough I xti heil'cr direct' imported irom Xag taad. U J nklnt, RidgewtT, Alderaej U and heifer. B H Ntrrit, Raleigh, Aldcroy call. )irt Jat Taylor, Raleigh, Aldornj CalC LCDuaa, roreatville, Aldcrny ball cahret. B J Unchurch, Raleigh. Aldrroy bull W T Dairit, KittrelU, Alderaey bull asd heir. W A Fitoa, Wartaw, out Brahmee ban... . : , , Timothy Uernck, Mew Terk, Jeney bull and oelf. Jat Newlin, 8jpIiiw, caa Dcrtoo bull O O Lobdoll, Wilmmgtea, Delaware, Dutch and belt bull. J. Carter, Oreeawich, Rhode bland, JeiM-y heller. J f PuiboII, Wake Foreat, bull MTom.' Wi Bampeoa, Uigh Point, Jeney eowt T L Lee, Halcigh, aatift eow and calf J U Temple, Wake,' ball. J K Dana, Foreatt i;le, Draaiah cow tad ball calf. K P BUle, RaMgh, grade cow. W 0 Jtckeua, Orrtwbont,' grade ball W B Propl, PiubKi,' milch cow and call : D M Kerr, AUmtnee, far heed of Dur ham, Devoa and AUereey Catite. Wm Teaihy, Raleigh, iUre bulL B 0 Ljoa, Freak liatoo, oae ex. Oiea alto by I V McIIIiBtoo, Apei ; L C Duea, Fureetille; Dr J B Daaa, Baleighi D W Kerr, AUmaaoa. Fat brtf, At, by Elltagtoa, t T Reed, of Old Fort, D W Kerr, Alaaeace, aad' A tl Temple, Raleigh. T D Baaaall, Kliaabatb Oty, beat tut lecllaa of eatlte by aae ethlbitor. M Teiaple, Middletoa, Pea, pair of lam be. . .. J BveUa, Uttiimm, Olikj, three rVratadoea lamba, donated. Vim Tavty. , lUWIgh, ftUMlowa tiara. , , . '.... t fui eoJT'TIIlUooert -WtuafQTKtfp aad fcalive ebeep Ora Dryaa UriaiM, Ciiawe' Leading a pair graded aheepi duaatai. . i 1 i i W Lai l a, Darhean pea af fuar Bailee aaara. ' T B Herrle k Soa, PitUlwre, Wb Coi erold eheep. A II Bftert, Ridgtaay, alaa Shepherd dor. Jat W Xu.d, niluWe',' bett dhl- iWhi af eaeep, with T B Harria A Oathaaa, la awHaad with. Dr 0 L Y", Loa'tharg, Caehmart Wk aad ea cat, ac Mf, IWkehlre, (Wrt, Hatfee.Fa had, , fcaera, tnvt aad ptga, by a rWee etbiUbwa. W TeaHy, JUWlgi ethlUit the Wat falretaaaaWr,aa4iaeWrtt ratbnff. B'gbff -etghl eairtM af piiiry af every UtfiMba tartety, lacSaJtag aueM af Ike ewet ihh. twrm eciHrtal Vv rVhafta, ef e. I O Mary, af rUMr a, aad Mlrn . waeae aaavat we anald ul mmtm. r. ., Tki triratiac gatSaa be U aw t4fpeg at taa Tetborvefh Boeat) baa eAeetad ol aatoatahmg aama af KeeaaMrta la U.le ell. iUI i 'Hi h) iMarnl ae eMf WaiaMtate. We eaNilr ramaawad kkm. )Uui-.i. Jt. C Of. II. 117. Til W to eaetiij I lake (ma ptoe- twai la r- m lat, at. p'w ai waa are ir. -t4 ana tuaeo UaV Ito ha a4 a eery radaJ awrt ta BM, ae U af b ! mm laaaJi. aad I w.IJ wm i 4tMe a4 fimim ik are m.f4 e t aeaaasd M kla -m, Kvwtea 7. raarva. Ft fu: j ladei tbe eWm C W. Laeaata, ' Aieata ) nuaaa, Ftjettewaia d.lcAatl BOW Fereeaay a4 evwy deyalA. D BTW A Bra'a rwwaat aad Fn Caa4'a t tfm.ti t. Trmmk B.ia a4 iae tfiWl i-H Mfi In lit. i IU m tuf Km tnaa m4 a v '" yrt . ! t ( aa4 a4 etanaat M pniMl j f 0n oa t r.fti.;i -. ( b,( etHl) A. U k. jre A lwu,k. ' TOtJ oWB0TiaL drawinqi op THB anrr com. CiBoUl IUpott.1 I The following It correct report of the Gift Concert drawing! at the Fair G round yetterday, by our owa reliable Reporter. Tie drawtog began about 1 o'clock p. m. and waa continued till after taneet when an adjournment tok place to the eoorthoQte In the city and there the draw ing wet eoucluded. The value ol property givca to ticket- holder wet ettimaled at fS.OOO. The number of ticket drawn from the wheel wat us hundred aad ninety.. ' The drawing tuok place under tke Im mediate tupervieion of tho following com mittee: Hon. M. B. Manly, Hon. David A. Baroee, Col. WmJobntton, John W. KirkUnd, E.q , and MJ. W. Dranghoo. The follow ipg number drew the prixet attached, and they are grvra is the order ia which they were drawn : J Hi, half too guano.' b 47, lot of tin ware. h 814, rote and plant in pot (tea.) h 883, ten pound ground coffaa. g 188, boa of candy. i ' . a 477, Agricultural State Journal . f 43t, 40 grapa viae. b 8C6, 8caket aoap. a 451, box I pool cotton. k 121, box of cigar. g 273, 40 gripe vine. f 88, birdteye view of Raleigh. 829, bird eye view of Raleigh. 120, hoop tkirt. 217, copy "8e Oifu" 15, Bute Agricultural JooraeL 8, 10 poundt ground coffee. 427, jar candy. a 800, State Agricultural Jouraal U 88, tlx caket totp. g 492, lot tmoklog tobacco, f 438, box ipnol cotlua. . a 493, palt blue parrot b 40, pair lady't cloth' rhoe. a 803, bag tmoking tobacco, a 74, tea cake op. f g 488, BUta Agricultural Journal, e 409, tlx cent yeaat powder, d 834, box cigar, a 181, 10 plant ia pot. 400, 10 plant ia poll h 189, ball tut rcrtiliicr. b 198, 10 pound aoflee. a 458, bag ainoking tobacco, a 888, pair of hoe g 862, barrel beet oytter. J 138, fcUl Agricultural Journal, k S41, box cigar. 1 469, box Bn tobacco. 1 888, 10 eaket aoap. k 84, 10 cake totp. k 844,10 poaad of .hot a 196, paper of candy, a 849, Nat Ar. aad Baa Journal. , d 898, eaa box pooi cot too. 818, State Agricultural Journal. ) 444, 40 grape vine, g 813.U tla ware. 847, paper ready. 4 84, Bttt Agricultural J on reel j 0, half toa lertl liter, d 437, box I pool eattoa. 1 44, Btat agrieuharal Joe real t 148, tec plant ia pott, 108, StaiaAgrlcaltatal JoutaaL. l.iHtra Bgrtrattarit Jetraat: d US, but pJ cutlua. d 90S, ee ball, "Jaaxa Kewtoa." a 118,40 grape Vtaea. g 881, ail anep. f -18, bude ey iaw o( Raleigh. I tfl, half do ran yvaat powder. 848, Jtrery bettrr. g 844, 4 paiakd lower p-it. 4 878, 18 aah aoap. f 07, lot tlB WW. 1 . 88, 40 gtapa fiaea. . . 80S, Btat AgricwHaral JaaraaL g 08, eix cane yeeet powder. C 811, 10 ptaaU la pot. a m, Uhub a are. f 400, barrel Aatral Oil a 841, e rattua tweep. 1 4, aat b-l af caady. j 87, awe A(ncltanl JaaraaL 818, pep af aaady. ' I 038, not af aaady. g 48, Bird )e f tea al BaUtgh. 4 8t, bawp aaiil. . - 4f7, tea yvaat pawdar. b 490, bl tponl amia. b laO, pair taMar'e troaa. 4 48, 0aU agrWaltaal Jui real 0l, pair Umrlf U g 118, Mala igritaliaral JuanM. , a la, h t pa4 aeuna, 4 8)8, pair B.r' gaiter, 84, ka pl autaoev. 04, derl gar ti bm. Bill, fM faHvra. 1:8. Wa ik(aMp, ., , I 18. ba piaat la p", ' b 110, laiaiy eta tn, a III, beg ig b-Uteav f 8tt, WUo Dake' bilteea. . j Alt, 8tU A f 'wall era) Jveraat a 410, 8ae Weacfe b4wg gna. J !X,l'ikt avUaapeaea. f 41 74. J Wta'rrn UrWCl' 8e. a Ml. Ji. 4f 4 IWe Jaaraal. g ItX hUfeafiatUlBa Qm. ' 4 lit, Waal pW, - 4 111. ii t ivi, M t:t ..,..,... . ... I 0, Wd. t 4. V r t , vi, wa tim I 1'4, aa y4 paaaVr. d 82, box pM! cotton. 4 f lin " iltn'ltj d 23, pair thoc. ' " . " ' a 97, fire pound tei , f 93, State Agricultural Journal. - g 109, bottle Drakt't bitter. ' d 493, box f candy. "M.' j 803, box of cigar, a 86, ten cake oap. I 831, Slate Agricultural Journal, a 4?, h xip kirt f 472, Premium Farm griat milL e 872, 10 coke aoap. , f 60, 8 cant yeait powder, i 459, pair men heavy thoe. ' 806, SOfiult tree. 0 403, rl lauiiiy fioar. e, 183, State Atkalto.-al Journal. ' g 227, ,54 inch circular taw, e 471, 8 cake aoap. 138, Nat Ag. Be JoBfnaL ' I 263, 10 pound chewing tobacco, f 438, Wther and wringer. 1 812, 23 ittndard tree. I 148, box (pool cotton. e 264, bottle Dnke'e bitter. i 477, Slate Agricultural Journal. h 817, box ipnol cotton. b 260, 80 apple treee. " 4 429, bottle Draki'a bitter. , I 167, box pooi co toa. c 109, oo taddlu, f 268, 6 cake p. h 238, pair shoe, a 440, 10 cakel totp. . j 138 htmln whit augar. b 121, tlx caKt op. g 449, ten cake onp. f 880, lady' bonnet h 400, barrel fih. f 63, tot of tree, viaraAc. ' . g 23, lot paint I 277, State Agricultural Journal. , d 275, refrigerator , a 130, box (pool cotton. h 231, hoop tkirt - ' d 887, State Agricultural Journal. k 44, box tpool cotton. v g 857, 10 cake toa p. a 47, 6 cakee aoap. t 483, box of cigar. , a 807, silver plated tea act b 199, 40 grip vine. I 224, pair thoe. a 294, 600 grape viae. d 6, 10 cake ana p. f 226, 10 plant In poU d 864, pair of thoe. g 160, pair 800 lb, platform tcalea. h 401, box tpool ootton. ' j 222, State Agricultural Journal. i 840, 10 lb, ttook'mg tobacco. d 178, Nat Ag. A Be JouraaL j 184, State Agricultural Journal 248, eabee anap. a 838, ball too (artiUaer. f tl, ataU garde hoc . b 403, ham la whit togar. ,. 111, paper af caady. ' b 67,10 pleat la pots, I 108, g 121, fine act of carter. J 277, 20 fruit Uvea. 4 498, atraw ratter. a 40, Wheeler A Wtleoa Sewiag Xa- chiaa. g 124, copy of Sea-Gift" ."w ISO, State Agticultaral JonjaaL a 894, . . . v.r . , .. . . - 134. 10 grape vloo. ' 891, rUU Agricaiteral JooraaL 4 44$, birdeeje view af Raleigh. ; f 79, 10 plaaula pota. 0 858, box af elgara. J 838, State Agricultural Jou.aal, f 488, 8 eaa yaaet pawdar. , A 878, Nat Ag. A Bea JouraaL M 188, ball to ferUliaer. ... h 481, 18 poaad gnmad coffc. ) 48, par M'a gait, 888, tweoiy apple trera. a 817, box of caaJy. g 444, box tpool eotioa. b 817, Ug ecaukiag lobaeeo. 91, box af caady, til, lr at Baady, ' t lll.tsio bVkbre.'gajM ckkkeaa B, taeatr Ire dKiice era. g 838, ateet gerdea boa. ' a 116. ae beifd raw. , 4 lit, State Afrkaiteial Jeeuaal , f 811, lot of tiaatrf. ) 161, I aaaa yaa avwdee. I 427, Siara AgneeJiaral Joaraal, g 891, bap aklrt -I 418, Bute igikaTtaial JaaraaL ' a iw, pair at tboat. ' ' f 8, taaakploti tpr aad aaowar. B 814, pairet , I 83, 8ta yxraed tea, b 0l8.Acy gnapetlaea. " SM, til aoap. g 91, a apanl aottoo, g 111, boa " 4 808, tf gaee tbiik), . 04, UlWw goea. 4 M, Waf k fcnarra. 471, M tiawara, 4 4T0, pauttua aart, be. ad Urea. g 811, 10 ptaaieki pea B 113, waa t 177, plr UAj't Weaee gallera, B 014. traf ready. B bet af lt aara. a 44, bt ef ty. a 48, 0aJe ArrW)faral Jxwraat, l'4.b. !i v a.'ii.u.. . 8 8b . 0 111, 8aeaei t 1'Jl. 4 f -4 8r fU, t V 4 yfal )M, 6 liU mmf I ' 44, 1 (. I 65, 10 plant in pott. . ! h 480, 10 pUnta la pot. . g 869, box of candy, h ijL40giaaeVme!-i-i---ti- . 88, 20 fruit tree. ? 1 1 1 f 473, 40 grape viae. a 246. box af tpool eottua. a 87, Stat Agricultural JewraaL h 839, Bute Agrioultural JouraaL b 290, 23 ttaadaid iruit tree. 'c S5'4 lot of tin wire. ' a 828, pair lad j'e gaiter.. - , b 158, box of tpool cotton, b 243, box of tpool cottoa. o 173, box xf tpool cottoa. . a 434, SO pooada of tubaeao. g 212, State Agricultural journal. a 83, lot of tin ware. t t . 4 47, box ot candy. b 332, fi an ofyeaat powder. c 328, one-half toe i of tertllicer. g 431, one half t-a of Pert via Goano. f 9, box caady. , ,. ' . - e 199, 10 plant ia pot. ' 1 f 221, 10 poued shot a 109, Natioaat kg. and Bi-e JonmaL ' b 839, 1 boring machine. - g 809, State Agricuttufal Journal. a 034, boopahirt ' " I 820, 1 8 ton Phosphate. . -. b 116, 10 plantain pota I 230, box of cigar. 10, box tpool cotton. d 166, one-lialf too tertilitor. . , C 83?, b Of tinoklng tobacoo. c 228, ateel garden hoaj ' ! b 806, 6tate Agricutuial Journal 4 498, barral family flour, r n t it I sux, tex tpool ootton. J 113. 40 grape vio.L h 1S8, Bne bobby unree. i f 120, tlx caket of aotp. f 444,fin.WtAat rp0 a 152, aix caniyaat pawler.'fi g 6, lix CiUt jeaat powdi-r. d 440, tea pUntt in pta. h 820 on pair thnet. I ,, 40 gratie tinea.' W 4 438, two td p af kacm, C 246, copy of "Be Gilt" 464, line toilet ct d , 18, State Aleultural JiPuraalV b 186, forty grape vine. g 179, box of candy. 0 473, State Agricultural Journal. J 8U6, pair of mea bockl thoe. f 496, Singer't Seaing Machine, f 474, lea plant in pot. a 251, lea plant ia pot, b 118, Nat.'Ag. and Bee Journal, h 828, Stat Agricatlorel Jouraal. a 819, on jr of candy. j a 207, Brat Agficultoraf journal, b 460, pair of thor. 1 120, tea pleat ia pot.' d 60, twoty-flr choice tree, a 441, tlx cake of op. , t 108, Staft Agricultural JouraaL f 04, Stele Agricultural Joaraal. I 824, Nat. Ag. aad Bee Jouraal. g 162, ane-ball ton of gaaan. d 030, forty grape vlnea. b 174, hoopaklrt b 849, Slate Agricultural JouraaL a 403, bag af amoking toberoo. S 132, Iloll't Bali No 1 477, twenty applet treat. . . I 87, no extra cIm- e !, lot of tl war. 4 101, box tpm cottoa. I 188, lot of tia vara, f 137, Beper ct aaady, 0 117, one-half tea Aaier. Pboaphate. 1 188, State AgrlcattoraJ Jouraal a 1 34, pair thai. k 874, State Agricultural Journal g 120, oaa Ud tprlog. . ' 1 188, (it eaa yeast powder. 4 238, bx cigar. , ( 167, box tpool cottoa. a 268, oaa barrel bea aytera 44, Stat Agricultural Jnararl f 171,Na4ifrigtor. . a 438, State AgriealiaraJ Jowrwal I 878, laa boy' suit b 80, Sute AgHralturtl Joaraal 4 137, bmj gran viaaa, g l a,bvx tpoulattoa. 1 J 0S, Agrkaltaral aad ftet Joaraal , a "828, eprlrig Btartrraa. : I 84,tlngtbraA-tiiadiag gaa. h 411, tea plaate la . h 08, ftete AffteakariJ Jaaraal. g 231, My grapa viae. I 193, ateam eiuUia mimt. , , b 404, Siate Af rxuiiaial JuaraaL.. 8 110, bvd'aere etew at sUMgk, g 418, State Ag'lcallaral JwweaaL I 878, bg trai kieg Wbaoea. 0 010, ln( lla waeav 4 816. Mte'eifa, .v A k 110, State ftfrteailtae! Joaraal, J 451, ie4 garAea beat. J Itl, tea aak't np. a 047, tea plt ta pnta, . 141, Sta Akca!ural JeawaeJL f 017,1 mf grapa iao, ; I 814, jVale Ag'ataUaral Jiiwraal , b 0ot, telAve frat irwe, j 17, dt im ana. 4 8i7, tea pUat la a -0 438, pail of , f t?4, !'; n Irw. f t',H, ty fi., trwa, 4 4 WN'4rl b4 th4va. - - - - 44. 4r4f7 v4r pf Tt4Jr--p7 . I ' J ' .- B lit, kvUktaad aftj ate, (nn g 141. W i f I ' l;t,lMHwatil f 11, iu f I a.a be ia hive. j ' 464, pair of (keep. b 240, five pound tmoking tobacc f 803, baa epool coiton. ' , ' I 867, lotlin ware. a 893. box ot cand r. 1 171, State Agricultural Journal. C 89, pair lady (hot. a 131, pair lad) 'a (tippers. r h 800, twenty-five fruit tree. h 149, Agricultural and Bee Journal j 433, forty grape vine. a 18, twenty five choice tree. C 121, tea caket toap. 1,180, tteel garden hoe. f 824, lot of tin warn. d 270, ten caket totp. f 01. twenty Iruit treee. o 103, tteel garden hoe. a 880, half too fertiliser. -4 tta'ptao'tiH poS , k 8S$atel grdeB hoa. ) j j- d 215, b ig tmoking tobacco. a 28, bag tmoking tobacco. h 479, pair of girl thou. f 437, State Agricultural Jouraal. . ; a 823,rre) vt flour.. i t : ; 410, fix lteB cant yrat powder. i 131, km la ittt ttigjr. ,l ??'-birr1 of Bunr. . . ', b 7, five lb, tutaiking tobacco, g 810, cookiag ttpvet.'j ( a 412, State' Agricultural Journal. A' 53, box pool cotton. ' b 74, birda-eye view of Raleigh, g 433, box of candy, f a 60, bottle Dmkt't bitter. ' j s t ,' 89, forty grtpt vine. : j . 04, tern plant ia pata. j e 866, 'State Agricultural Jouraal. . i 830, 10 plant ia pot. ! c 234, elegant French clock, ' V g- 81, tix cake oap. a 180, fine Move. 6 200, loe cream frcexor. ' ' c 433, pair tboat. S e 139, jar candy. ' . I. J8. r '- " g 861, paper or candy, i g 198, pair thoe, t 2D0, tix caket op. 1 27. garden plow, j 824, ten plant la pota. f 470, Stat Agricultural Journal b 430, fin felt hat a 180, tea lb. thL c 16, on belted bull. , a 881, copy 9a-Oift" g 803, hoop k'rt h 110, Stat Agricultural JouraaL f 800, box (pont cott.m.'j l a 877, Southern cor aliallur. jt 71, V't cigar,; . b 121, blood Hatlion, neck'. f 146, Stat itgricutturiil Joaraal. ' b 2C6, box clgir. J 9t, tin war. b 838, State Agricultural Journal e 434, half ton phosphate. f 179, forty grspa vine, 1 84J, ;.. b 878, tub of Oraag aouaty butlar, g 068, ten proodl ihot. ' s d 417, State Agricaltuial Jouraal. B 433, hoop tkirt ' h SHI, Slate Aa-rtcaltural Joaraal. 4 46, forty grap tiaaa. 1 177, beaver bat B 407, tea pleat la pota. , !e4eady, b 17, birdteye view of IlaklRB. 13, Ira cakrttoep. T ,.. . ; k 61, bit ef tinware. j 87, pair game thkkeaa. " " g 124, pair wataaa'eealf tboea, 17f, Iweotj tppl tr. , 4 Sua, boa tp-ol aaitoa. , 1 SOS. laa plaal la pota, I j 8, box caady, ; g 819, forty grape viae; 1 118, Staitb't cot to plaster; ; b 85, a tuf ; . g 260, State Agricultural JoanaJ, b 863, pair maa't shoe; i g 400, hoop th.fi; eTO, grtp vlnea; f 68, Wa cake anap; 4 877, But Agrkaltaral Joaraal; I 8:tl, bit ef tlawaret i 4 41, twraty apple traas; a 4718, Site AgTiealtam! Jrl; b p.f ay grtpt el, t ; J eH.Vate AekaUaral Jo''; J 414, " CfJftS tea poaad 4fe; 4 134, pur la.lt' Veleet f titer; 8 JO. ax eaa ywaet poadar. g 107, ka p'aats la po; i j lit, beet poa4 4t.H g 474, arte) Cbepfw, g 818. eMk Mow, t 411, 1 raet yeeet powder; b 470, bate la whit tagtr, HI, tet af itaear t a 04, lea pleat 1 pta 18,3, - a 419, Nate Agteaitaal Jawraar, 844, e9 V t a 0it, teakatp. 4 II. b-ir4 tMua, 1147, lorty f raew eiaaa. 4 ta. twy epyte w. g )o(, teiy 4,e rhekt trve. tt I pal b4. M, trkl JaaraaL a lit, at e- . t , ie r.t e ap. b 1 1 4 k-e aw,. , - b 4 it, Wa i4 a ttMae - V i ef I.U. tea - a.aa '-1. B-ala A ', i we! Joaraa .111. Bf 4 "', ., ... flit, - . Hi . 4 t'tt, U-lf t f 7 T. mm 4 1 it l i ua'aad. e 4sl ia ly, 4 I I, l i "I- taeil. leti h 184, pair men' brogant; K 8, forty grape vine; J 158, ten pUntiin poti -1321, bome Drake' Utterw h 108, bottle Drake' bilUr. d 163, State Agricultural Journal a 818, box tpool cottony- g 193, hlva aad twarm of bee. ' e 23, Agricultural sad Be Journal; 1 404, taentv apple tree; d 870, State Agricultural Joaraal ' 868, tix eekf imp; d 439, cook ttoro, 85; 1171, bottle Drake" bitters; 817, State Agricnltuttl Jourasl; 8H0, map United Stale: I 77, box apool cotton; h 879, t went y-flte choice Ireee; , b 453, State Agricultural Journal: g 84, cook love; b 431, ten pound coffee; g 487, ten pound hot; h 51, ten plant in ot: ' b 470. Aadcnltufal nrt T.v.,r.T-r i 8W, btat .agricultural Journal; - io,D.gnuituraj Journal; , 340, fine felt bat; " j 182, Hwr pintl flower pots. 1 " ' '" ' B 888, box of tobacco; v - i 890, State Agricultural Journal .. 1231, tea cake soap; . d 144 Stat Agricultural Journal; 1 o 127, lot of tin w!; I 80, ten cake toapi ; a 11?, box tpool cotton; , - b 419, tlx cant yettf powder, j 833, State As. Journal; h 66, handaoaie chin tet; h 440, forty grape vine; ' ' a 884, Iweaty apple trees; . ' g 417, tea cakee op; b, 177, jar ol candy; i a 111, Slate Ag. Joaraal. f 107, State Ag. Jouratt; j 448, 'one plow; . i a 490, paper of candy. . a f 41, tea plante la pota; t a 810, loo poundt coffee, f 83. tea pita ia put; h 918, pair of an or; - - . ( a 484, lot of tin wtre i a 483, State Agricultural Jouraal; , g 170, lotty grapa rime; b 8, Victor wahn f b 196, ten cak af op; ' i I 385, 0 QoUwold lamb; t I 109,40 grape Vine; ' a 430, lull toa fertility - i. 4, 10 plaati In pot;-," -'-v -a 49, box of cigar; , a9U2, paUoftboee; k 803, jar of caady; - , g 223, State Aarrlcultural Jouraal; a 197, ateel garden hot; a 142, box anool eottea; K i i, nox olcifrara; j 873, copy ", Oit;' . d 188, patent chick coop; . i d 415, forty grape vine; b 472, pair mra'i heavy gaiter; a 861, tea pltou la pot; . , a 849, pair men' no;, . b 413, pair of hot; - . a 873, box of eigara; ; 4 819, State Airrirahurel Joaraal; g 471, lot of uaware. c 648, forty grape vlnu. , J 114, tea plaai In pot. a 150, 40 grapa Vine; j 73, patent cbickua anop; h 411, Stat Agrlcultaral Joaraal; a 630, patent a team autler, f 147, 0 cake toap; i8N3, box tpool eoiloa; ' 880, 0 Ban yaatt aoa-iUra; g4H0,Udwariltrre; , a 13, State Agrtcultur! Journal; A 4 06, box apool sot lot; b 124,8 atrip bco; a 11, Stela Agricultural Joaraal; - lart, sapftaraaaay I K4Jar Tow t Aaaalgatttet In . ate, haos aaat , t ca ymtt ae4an ( Ut, tf eauMat Mm , tBM,Af,aa4B jeenal JtaXtawafetcaia . b , ba iraaai trm ,. I ttt, M awaaa anate e ml. at eaa rata 0 1. hrUltMT mm mataM b tM, 4te Af4raHaiW Jaantal ttt. M a ttt, t aaarM 4 tit Btett ArteaUanl Jawl I tta, taraaana view el BaMab I Ml, sf aaaaia ka as 4naiatta e I, a eaa Bae J waa Blataaetlape f aa. Bum AjrtnManl hmnd 4 h. - " ' I M, ball aal b ', aaar aaairmasaa4sa , III, M T 4aai tm. as it ma e wa. at rw te I tt, at aiaat la aal tlbae m t tt, ataaaa at f ta, 4 irtlaW aaatf b tet. bat 4 a4M t en, baa Ittklavaraaaar . e let, t ia4 WM ta i i 4 to. a-a a4 aa . I BM,aa ban - 4 est. r4 ! atMMl 4 A aai tt mmtf b in, av Iw M Vw a,i ltaa,arv , ttv ktaaMt ttpoie IWSaMHu , aawe i a fa. t I a. iM ttIM 4aaaat irMM ata. baa W af elit. i 1 laa. b ef. ra a t a air "oiM tw t. -f toa- ( , , b . ktrawat I sta. kwaa tot h4 Ma (ami . II a Pm W vt f I.Um t. It MtaaM H Ha Is a en. karf m tjuu a "w- uttf .A a- mm . , t a at b mr tu-.. taw - I pt a at a- I sti. at re 4 . I . I ts. Biaia Axritaltural Joaraal , 4W, -. - J ate, box tpool cotton ' -l,takMea t tH, totU Draat'a aiitm ' 45,10cakeao(aap JtS,oxcadT, 11. tcakat aoap 1 atStaMAxTitaitanajoarnal Itatkalfioatiuuio 4 tat,tiMMthat v ' 140, t an ?mu powdera. Soothera Historical Sooiaty. Th Srnate chamber wa th r,n. r a pleatant re-unioa ytatotday morning at 0 - v.,.., ui aoMrnc of Gov, Vnc the presiding oBuxt of the Bute SocWty, wba wa prevented bv buin. fr,, ... tending. Gen. Robert Hauaom fi!ld the chair. , , A, a,Hwie-rfnhrw,-awrriilng f -MJ. J. A.' Engelhard, Col. 8 D. Pal nd Mj. J. W. Dunham wm appolnttd to recommend permanent officer! for the So ciety and make tugirrttiont for ttt gecertt goo-i. i ii committee it to report ia tba Senate chamber lo-nlght at 7 1-1 .o'clock Miller A Clilton having entered into, copartnership, have fitted up theeatabliah mBI know at Pmlrle't old t, la '. ccllent ityl for the Retint peln Fin elegant carpets, anally papered rooms, sad a large paotvttt Billiard Hall ctl8-U MARKETS. 7 Noon JRepo'rt, f. LmtKiw.t,iVct, 17 r Cotton UUirt and UnchanirrJ " 10,000.' Spwulatioo nd rip.Mt l.OOO.1 for th wetk 75.000! ex oort lO Oofl- Me'ioo 12,000; tock 867,000, American 128,000 j rccdui SlOOO ; Amctlcan 16, 000 ; sctual export 1 1,000 ; uplaedt on a ' pait oi good ordinary tulpprd lor Octo ber 81 8-16. ! Later-Stock tflost it 132.000: Amerl- tan 13,000: nplamlt on a baili l Bood ' I ordinary, to b tlilpd In 0, tuber and November 8 8-4. ' ' . , ' NawYonx, Oct" 17. Cottoa firm ; talua 0S uoUn.lt 16 7 8:' Orleant 17 7A. Future oiwuwl Oct 18 1-8 J Nov. 14 8 8 to 16 11; Dt-c. 16 7 18 to 16 1-8: Ja. 16 I 8 to 11 0-16. Floor I lull and heavy; a brat rather more Heady; I tor. quiet end uoebnaged. pork dull, lew 13 7S ; lard dull tad k4y, acw or Bid aUaraSto 8 1 16 ; turpeulia dull, 41 bi42l 8;roia Jull, 8J.30 to 173 ttrained. Quid opened at 7 7 8. ' - i n )', Ceaaaoisa Dm r. Br n. T. Brauaaca i . aao. Maaaavavaaa, a,.. i 'tee. I wi I" sa.v par taact 1 l ' fffaei anl ery, pwiti. , ICtTlirit l X... 114TIIIK Ir-PIK LttTiita HZ,kNX4 tt'ltAwXn, iwral vn-oitN nlk.r a a" t-u i , Hlt , V -4 e a -j a t ' i m to alat 4.T.1- tV f KAUIIM I Hit CiiickA i 'va MA1MXH. rtAlataurwbaa... ... H4f, pw luu Iba. ItlKX, twHiliry f: kLt lis Ih IbXaAHasraal.. m a t ae T -J 11 IMS)1 tea I ut t, ni . 1 4.lt' , - .If . . Ml lit ...,. ay a '. a. .. . LTrxa run a, par but, m i-. MXAU, K a., tokl.1 ta- 44 Ite. bttiiH b a ... ..... 44 aa,ti. c. ....... mm, , I uu4.,, Ht'U rta '4itB taa tartll,,,,, t e a ae UAla, abaal aMt r)W. tm tua tea U4BIH.X4 tutu. , . la tteaaaai, a lb annilal ff ta tl k , I Wat., Itaoffa P., aa l t. aa4 l.tate paaua, HM alrwa saoaUa 4 l.l 4;a NEiT ADVEUTIiEMLNTi ' BXTC8T JUL XmA (W4, mi Urn r' W , 1 a .e,;Mv.-, art ateeaat....." i "f ' I awrt m. . . ... .... a , t kwaiharanilniM la ', ' Imi, . .. , . .. a, u) .a taa Vm mAirn a.u.. it, , , lMlniMau.iiuitMtnI 1 . i' mm Hiwm i. ... . . .. ..... 14 . ,a, Im wKHihiv aa, a t amat l.iaaa i . ' l,MM., ...m I 7, rat.w ... . . . 4 r .mi . . . , t !Ha,.. , - U 4 -, - U4K4rt aa. Ct-Mi aa r4 aa, ..... .. . -m !- r -- y- 4i w.4 I . a ; a 4 j b 4" nm-llm --a .... '! Ia.wiai tw. , , a a .... P .4 , , , , . w 4 . I 1 t . . 4 I, f. 4 W I! If, t . i ... , a a . 4 ..-.. ,4 f A. a . I I I ... . t ' 4 4 4 4 - t. i I . . i. , 4f v ,4. I' . i- . ., . .A . i I a - .. I . ,, , , 4) J 1 . ,. ', ! , , A v H 4, I 3 '1 I eM tMalria'a