TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ! , Disftatclie. Domestic News. won PEXSSTLVANU , o ParutDaxr-HiA, Oct. 89. ,r lIrDerraoi1o( Cbvleaton, &Cnoo : kibtlilt' thq,usnl ffmX ot lamb to '' to tbe Ceotenaial Cetebretiu "' ! ' ' FROM TEXAS Fukt Duxmon, Oct. 20, Lieut. Quemby who bu arrived ber frrx Fort Richardson, reperts tbe Indisnt very hostile, several murders having lieea . . committed in families living near Eau chiu. Tbetettlert fled to tbe IUncbe wbert tbey wer beeieced. Two com pa- mice of U. 8. troop st fort Richardson " wen sent to their rescue. The Indians ' , are bflieyed to be the Csmarichc, , . ;;. FROM PRUSSIA. Bum, Oct. 29. Bismarck ha returned the Presidency of tbe Prnsaian ministry. Restoration ' ' carrle with it the effective control of the whole cabinet. ' ' ; - . ' FROM 1GNDON. LuKlxm, Oet. 29 ; ' . Sir Heurj MollauJ, nuth. r ,.ud pbv4 clans w dead. , ' Tba "Times" bu a apecial lht tbe Pope baa written a si ooad letter to tbe , Emperor of Germany. The contents bare not transpired. - FROM , VUMKA, . .. . . .'-i , lvwi,ot.. -. Another panic on the Bourse of this . , , city. Tbe forerun en t in endeavoring to effect settlement of tbe Soaocial diffl- 1 FROM KOVA BDOTIA. Bauvai, Oct. 29. r The rkhooner Mand, with all hands ' arc reported lost at isle LaXorte. V Z " rno LOUISIANA. : . : . t -,. BaUTEronr, Oct. 29. j , . Four yellow fever deaths yeiterday. , : ,.,; : fkaon aissprai. : v r ,: ; to.JjOVU, Oct 89. . It la as now seed that several railroads ' . will redox tbe salaries from the present ' down 10 per eenU ' r .' FROM OHIO. ! ' ' CLKAf BLiaD, Oct. 19. ;' . Tbe CSly Council appropriated three ' ' fhoaaaat, dollars fat Mem phi. .,' FROM KIW TOWL . ' .. ..' ; ' Xw To, Oct. 89. The proceed ing of the eourt ia bank ( niptcy against Dedga A Co., prusnlneat M last rammers lumber combinaliua, kick placed ail millloa paper on Ike mark si ' ' CWIetoa is massing. Tbe aWretary of the Union Trust Company, U indicted for lurgery. " Tbe billiard and cigar snanafadnrers aid otbtr pradoceea of laiarie are cow ducting tart eras with great caution. Tbe large factorks are being ran en half tin and nlib kslf the aol urc while the smeller ewtsbUehaweU have bai eloaed altogethrf, Tbl ra t snad ereasry by tbe laaarlai dietarka, and tbrvws oat of work large auatbwrs of smsi and wasnaa, IrtsngssnsaU. ara s . . pCted to be made, whereby meat f the faetarirs wilt be able ta keep iketr kaads at work, part aT the lima at treat, ikas pfsrtfaiteg a g sWl W e6?lng, , ivka T. Irving, wee aJ.IUd ta Sa - FraarUae be eat a aiimiaeJ oaaearswd U tba mareW at Bwajaasia Nathan, la ibis eiif, twa years egw, is to be tried far be. Tksmae await, wbw kea Iwtarwed (rvei Xaropa, eoctrats tbe report of kls kevtng eSsecad t bu f 10,0O0,0O for tbe . raayWnni CeaUal lUUroad. , Da Uka UeffrrVd imagemsati sa that work Ul a4 be naapeadrd oa tbe Taas fnciSt IWd, ahaoagk ka was aaabla to claws aigmlariaaa tm tba aala as kea a, i FROM VIRCUIX. n .: , , ' t . , KearouwOO. ta. ' Tba amstewr swrert by tbe ckattk akwWa at tbe Opa koena y ieUeJ a kaad anate 0indad lor Ike MtaphU and Mffftprt MlalsfflaTtV jT FUOM ALABAMA. Miaia,Orl . Ifeaty frwat and bM tUs aw(U Ab lm atay Mar .";. ... mm - AMattattt twpsaeiae r ' ; Domcstlo News. rnoM mv York. ' ' tw tas.Ul II. Itigi Zli dt,4 la tbe Taakx e, tkt the evJ a M I We llM faa M4 by dMmaf iba i Am and DwwtW at tba IWah, k laeV aMV. Tv w iIm dr!itaf tbUr Wtbe AkUaite tVaah, S 1 be 4ww- 4 Uat m M 'y PWWp I Mwwj v IM 1 mm ml faM H, ff- Uw a-tt i.f A Wt We f a Cba, F T-k .. tbat ba t wutsrv m as, !' I mM l s, tdxn IW4 TOE LEATHER. ... , Wasaoratoit, Oct. 29. For tba Sooth Atlantic State diminish ing winds shifting to southeast, and ris ing ' temperature and partly cloudy weather. FROM GEORGIA. a AcsctTA. Oct 29. The bale of cotton which sold for five b Unbred dollar for lbs Memptrii'tuH-irer, ha been redonatad and will be shipped to Baltimore, where it will again be sold for the same object, , ' '' PAV4KSAH, Oct 29 The special to the ni-rning Jtui 'rm Bainbndge sjt Hie -ituntion can nut be reported more fnr'r.ble. All the caaea heretofore rep irtnl dangerous will prove ratal. Five ne cae. FROM RHODE ISLA.XD. Pbovidemcb, Oct. 29. -'A CohiUittte Of the Providence Banks, In their general elimination of the affairs of business houses, eismined the accounts uf A. A W. Sprague, showing their ssets to be at a very low estimate over fourteen millions dollars, their liabiliiiis being only seven million two hundred dollars. the firm is meeting all demand as uaunl. Pl:OM ENGLAND. , rf. , W'aT t'IIMTk.11, Ot f A lull ul.)ii(igruliie rrin rt is to be made of tb evidence in I Ik- Cddeitook trial fr the use uf life iimurance compa nies wh4 av and interest in the pending case. FROM MISSOURI. ' Sr. Joairn, Oct 29. Two men were found froua to death oa the prairie near Kidder, 40 miles eaat of here, Monday night Namia unknown, FROM BPAIX. Madrid, Oct 29. It is reported that the Corlists have fired oa a BritUh wsr vessel, killing one of tha crew. FROM FRANCE. Pw, Oet. 29. Tbe Old Oper IIous oa th Ru La Peletir has bar destroyed by fire. Gen eral Bellimorue wrote a letter to M. Du Basil, Miaiater uf War, Inlormlng hii that if tb monarchy was restored, be. Belliaorae, would resign bis commission. Immediately upon the receipt of ths com munication by M. Da Basil, ba Usued aa order placing the General oa tb retired list , , WAAECUUNTY: la van Suraaioa otnr D. C Faqaav, A4ia o lee a, mn atarv Wilkaa. Kaaef rearaoa , av'ixoa run Kauar. TUI IT ATI tT "ORTU CAKOLIMA. TV Umtthirtf j Mai tWtr-OnXMv ; Tea sr bereb Cowiaian1d to Mary SYukas th ifa4aat aboa aaau If ha be tomni wtihia roar eoaatv ta iw at tb mt lb CWrk of tb aairkir VowX r in eowaiy at , wimia uraatv aar. afw tsw wiui l UilMMwoBoe bar t- elaansf Um aayol tack Mnla, and aawr laeewpUlat a eony of which wiU bi pnt'e ia tbeofflceof UMCkwk fttbe ! ri Oewrt for ai4 Cawatf, within t a ar fram tb 44 of Ihle Maamooa, tad briber asfca aotlea, thai U tit lui ta aawr lb i4 Mapfe! wllbia that tl. the plalwil wlU aivgphUMUMWtfurlhrlief desaaaoad la lb ral4lnl. Urif fa not. end of this sawno- mtk e ntarw Um aasW i bard and antl af hlIJ Uoart. law atta aj wt eaHaian- r, t Clark af lb lariir irl. Waeuaatr r4 B-d Ua ' IVTdTT HILL TKICblPII AST M ' back tbe Sr,t praialam ea aiilaaad dnM 4uwa, bulb a lb MnMi( s iauj aay fcaaoTt W " a u r" - JialLS M. TuWtI ltt ectniw N 1 V AftA-ettao wttt be mad to tb i tb IjrjiwMtthnnwtH tb town Mill, I bio evwaty, klatta Cvwllaa. w Five ar all food aMrhaak la od work. i'i'l art ladlw lAkt'L AOW U 3D. pEAOE INSTITUTE, tALXItiB, F, U ksv. ft, Intai. rravrfnaL t- bt awau, A. h) . I . . " . fane A. Itron, laatarba la faaal m4 laaSraiaalial St. ,.! ' 'was ta UwUfV 1m fJWaiara, CatAkwae analaiaUar fall par'alwa a W laraaa, awaaaa el bwt. ., addfwas w ft liiwilX A I". W. F. H 4 V V, 8' ll K 11 11 A L T . T Tw en. Wio, raiirrattu r, 'Mf erntH wsakat. Wbmb, iA.ww . , a baa, 'Ae a tuttuH II -It. . atd -t bt Italiirv. H l ane nata b Ili4 to SAdHAaw ISmwaa, a. plsaAj ClUAK T tl H I . U. JUNKS mirfumu a male: Irrr4 I.wiubrr, Paon, rilad, Htthr. ITood letlJInj. r1(4irAl2.Sifvl,tUlw tr. Hnln(1rw. Ar. M pi nil S be S4 mm aS a m aa kw a aap a aawt a 11AILTIOADS, Ac. Q HANOI or BCHXDCLE. KALEIGQ at G ACTON R. K. CO.. PirmiaTxDT'iOrrira, EaletKh, . Oct !T7, 1871 Oa and afur Mondiv. Oct. ZTnt 173. tralas an ta Kaluga waatoa Kaitroad will ran dally. Sunday excepted J aa tuliow: HAIL TAAJJI. Leavee Klclr.. ....... 15 a. m. Arr)Ti Wvidon..... Wrtt?fsr-r. Leas ea Weldon V.iM A. n, ArHwaat aUtolk '.'MS T.m. AccoimooATioa tsaii. LaaVM Rjlfiirh 4 p. m. Arrtv t Weidon X 46 A. M. Leave Wi ldoa t 8u a. m. Arrives at Ratobb XM r. at, Mail train make eto connection at Wcldoa with tb aaUard b Huaiiok Bailroad and bar Lin aieamer via BaJUiBura. to and from all polnte North, Weat and MorUiweat, and with Petentmrx BaUroad, and at Kateteh with arcommodAtlon and freiiibt train on tbe Kaleurh and Anirunt Air Line and Klchuioud ot Uauville lUUroad, North Uarolina l)ilIon. A. 11. AMJKKWS, oet it) if luMeriatendent QBASUK OF BCHEDULE. ' RALEIGH AACql'ifX AIR-I.ISK, eureaiavsanawT'eOrrH a, Raliu. N. i.' o. t V7iii in:s On and after Mondav. OcLiT7tli. ih7!t tralna oa uie ruutiKB ana ABKBSta jSir Line will run daily, ItSuoaay excepted, a follow: JAIL THAI. Leave Katel-b 4.00 r. w. Arrive at faudford P. M. LevaaBandford 4S A. M Arrive at kUk-la-ta ........ . K.iU a. u. AocoamooAtioa vbaih, l.ear KtlelKh , 1. 1 5 p. it Arrive t janford 8.20 r. u x Bun'oni 10 15 a. M Arrive lit Kaleiirh !i0r u Mall tra n make eloae eunueclon at Kaieivb with tlx Kali-iL-li WaatDB Kuilroad to and Iron ill xilnt .North Avi ttSindfi rn with ttia Wt-alprn l(.l!n.-jl to and from Faretteville and noli.t mi Wl rn naiiiuau. AeeoiamodaUoa and Fieiicht train connect at KaleiKk with accommotiailun and FreMit tralna on the Kaltlb a.d tiaaton K. K A. B. ANDREW'S, OrtW-tf 8,1. ( IOAL AND WOOD. V, fc.A .... - - - - aaax.ati w - V' 1 I VI SSUVI AW. a II Fft and Nut Coal and s lot of Oak Hickory sod Pin Wood. Order tilled promptly. Oct IBl-tf W. 0. STKODlACH. s MuKKD BKOILINO BEEF, Dried VnlletKoca. Deviled Ham, Turkey hud Tongue, Freeh Citron and Cur ran ta, 'hnic0oben ButUr, Vrirae Cream Cheese, Prwaerved Olnft-er, rk Cocoaaaie aad Lemons, ,( Irish fouiov. ocliW-tf W.C.STKOSACU. Till Repkesemtativk or an enu Lla'l FIKM 18 At Prwent In New ork appuiaUna: agenU tor artkuea of (reat aunimwclal Aalue, and a 4ord by Ik leading; merchant yn both ron. II has U. Stale g:ncir open (eicepttnK New York lty). Addrea boi ,'tA hew York pMtufilo. net 14-Ut u a T KECEVIEDI Another lot of those "GJtAXGir HATS. ALROTIIK -IMPKIUAI." HAT Ui most styll-h Hat of tb season. Jl'ST ULCKIVKDII W.ouv Yd. Cable Cord for the lal a. Jl'rlT HKCEIVt.n!l Ledla Cloak aad kacliai, Walking Jacket Ala, Water proof Cloak and PadiafoUa. avtllU W, II. At R. a. TUCK EK A Co. D V rJOlS (SrTTON 01. v. Ow 4S faw Urn. Iut to bnd of 11, U lu.tlv calebraud Alabama (iln. Tb teatlatiHir Bnaa'moa that Ihey (iia fatter aad onLaal battrr aample I ha a any other evvr made, Frke M pr saw ard trnit ,th. tUS lOWi.F". sept If Ag at 1 D II I I () 8 O 1 II E K8 LrtmrVhanrietU efatt, (b-it ' Siplai ia n A EY IDEt MAE1NU Ixil Bl.B I'll OF A 1UN: LaMf. 1 TkUratBj.llr I FEtFfCTt Y lAFF. tb Lp faaams b SH s4 at owl uf ta wy nf I bil.lrat.. u4b T. 0. tUICiil ASOKA wrtfttl ru a: .1 j: ai.i: hut W AoarAadUt (1 OLD M El) XI. at h ranal BUi FaU, avar all aihf 111, It la lb Kaa a4 l UVtl Fe Fnt win w aw ba ewe en ssait-iUoa et f avwe. T tl lK!i.il4 aviw. etuir Wa4. 012) ;it) ' f r - " 9 . a -. - a ' , Si 4 A-ju, V, a Aala, aid t a-al raiaai at j ) a aJ 1 an 1 a t-ah tb f liaw W tfca IBiiaei lAfcttk't trttftt,T itunt b r"'alf ', i j. i aiHatatbe pw4 , i,.-aa,a mt t.e W . as-r 4 H aa l.4a4 S.ai4 1 4.. ar-! f Bl tb A.. . I . . . k I I la 4 . la mtmurmi Saa.- br4 ba IUt ib.di ,i . , . anB.,'i.! I 1 1 u b,.. an 1 w W ea, .-w "V ' . "m Te Casv i Tev. tt.rvwwe tbkaa i.ti (ih . m wwm pwwajfai i,'! tm tty ib ar t-.-4 at im-t 1-ttM 11 at c- awtU-i ie tui- Mr.j' ,U. eauiM MISCELLANEOUS. , ,- MISCELLANEOUS, AL Oim ( -j H ls9Pjj6HT C?lXSm CITY PROPERTT FOB O r r .SALE, " 1 OS IXlLLSBCE'F ITEEET. t(Thy offer for aale my w Retidenre, Store Ilouaaand lot altaateoa llilUboro' 8t , fontb aid near Kaiimad Kride. . Tb lot ba 50 reet front on both Bllbboro and Korean fttreeta. Tb-aWWl - wt-'t!Hi-te modern i;ie. Th OwelUnif coatain 9 vsmajaj conaaateatlvaad Araifeetablj arnaaicdr It I so derated that a baacment may be a ad at ainall coat 1 ha Btore I ii feet lore, 8 storle with talrway, counter and shelvinK eonplet Commoi.lcallon between tbe dwelling and nrtpe'r part of store may be a ted or closed a deaired. It la a food tnd for Kroeerie and ftap'e drv Kood for town and ennntry trade. ' TL-r is a well of moat excellent water within two stew Of tha door. Tha' I a Barn, Ac., in the rear anl room on Mortcan IH., for other bnildlnn. 'the (oration and neighborhood I ore of the moat ueatrable ia Raleigh, and twine; where properly is rapidly and constantly la creeiing in value it U good laveatmrot f'-r monny eapeciaily as the iiruperty may b rented for U per cent interest on Die mouey required to purr haw. 1 mean b-Fine and deaire to eli aoon or rot at all. The title is perfectly food. For further particular apply to j A. JONES, Oct 'Mf . UUUboro' Street. S A L E The Cclelirated "GREY UTLBY" Cotton Press. Addrers T. II.'ItltlCitJH, pt 10-atn It ALU nil, N. C. "tllKESE VEKY At J A JONES' Grocery Store. au(l&-U QOME ALL YE THAT HUNGEH: 820 Chickens, Tnrkeys ami Ducks, 1 Jo Dos. Frai. Egifs, fiOU Lb Fre.h UouuUln Butter, 10 Bus Fin Mouu ain Apple. Just received eipreeely for th Fair at . ctlSlf K F JO.VKJ A 1 (); T AND FOR BALE. A email piece of; Woodland near the City. rnc ,io per acre. augatf w. n.JoNia J I A N O E B T V II E D 1 Feraon dealrtug I'iauia Tuned, can hare it well done nv H-avlng tnetr naiuenatoar store. Work Roarantied, aud beat reference given, J'ilj 4 U W. 11. JONAS CO. TT K A I) H U A li TEIiS Fli HOUSE FGRMSHiA'li GOODS, F I i II E R I! L I L I) I N O RALEIGH, N. C. We call atleaboa to, aud lnite an lnpec Uoa of tba largoal aiock of tiuaa t oruislilng uuwi in turn olb'B W Farlor, Heating red Conking btotea. iiw iiran s an paiti-ro,, - Toilet war, (mat ti Mf, HiiiSiwiis Vaac, XltKsat Ktewar Jua, Uaaeiag Bak-A, I lawara of ail Unit, fianiebed wa of evtry Acrcrlj Una, F.lrt-aat Cbbaa T. a sta tbiuaTolleiaets, (liasswarv an iaiui cbte v.biy, 1 ip. Cadeva, At TabU knlyaa, I'MVrdwafB, AnwrM-an elaibu (Ittla, liouM Fs aubibsibeod of evert deteilu- StK. W ara rmia'Btlr altt t th pmarn of suave. Aau snisM that oar pal ma I bmM b dlxtr4 SB aa. iL'Uta LEWIS A-ftt o. t WU - IAL "ATlkT ni:rno TAG. IH SJIl Harlws lli.dr4 Mililo have li AW W kd tibia pawl layeara. cdtftptaaiit or luaa by 1 ( brii( Setae h4. Teev ae aoae Bai.itai. ra HUN Uowuw Babaw VWA tif Ta IB pee All tpraaa Coeapaaiea aa tbesa. i4 bf Fr.etev aad latt enevarj wbeve. us 40 aw. : tT B T It E C E I V K I A futt aArtiat nf fieri' Larad aa BatAfwed ). : SHOES AND GAITERS ur ULra ,,! aaanl aa I f . CO!t.ktvA UAITIM fu raW, at ba. DwaUtw ar4 tsU las CUI0IIII 0 AlTIEi. AW) Vutta. f iWi. t Taeea t4t aa a-a ia tUt, a4 we BS'MtaHSI1MBiail. art' ahiete a4 - Wd U4 ealf fa aeaei tmt aat' baaa a. a ' Maed t, at te aad aa. l S, aad tl lamedeiH eaif af lawav g -ude a bead bA.bw4 rm aasial bas b vanaat A -W4, Cork f M 'l I'rkt IHi.llaTd. at 1. If a4 ti 4W W. (VS wa iba hilt I .- TV Leleat St) b lK II ITS, SI bmA few ad ad ( a,l t Slv a If I ba uf ateaea mv tWI) f k'4 a aravtUaa a-44a a4 tv ' PAY tiVMl rioti, f- a' tt'-. t VieW Wax, aSaf J t w4 s rv . f t taJ i-aa. riinar IIS. M tl BlO. r ltraV taak 4khlAaAa At l MBaV a aaau. V !' ta a tba 1 1 I -L, 1. f 1 aataa 4 1 (ruiaaka aa tax ii a a , Vb - nHUM a aaaaa at m4 aw W.. ra 1w kintMru(,t H ARRISOy, BIUDF01U) A CO S Special attention called to the wall-known oofs-rn-siH-tjo A; aa. Faeeorv. Vernon; omce, 7onoc, j an T-3UI . , - v T1rOlt-E AAV.tts snnAiiii m JJ Faatero Ward. The houae conUin r.ed, jeo, el?", tmaemmlii, room, air neeefrr niii V .. r Jwd. tbe beat water ia Kal- and ia in a flrrt eiaaa toraui j. 1 ue uu- la ana ncfn i I led bv U. T. btrooaeh. and will lie vacant brt of Oetolier. Apply to Sewi- bl OtBe orto. T. SiBU.iAi.n sept 1 - -A. V . . 1 , We have ri moved to our new ouiiuiukob traretu-ville btreet ODDoaite Mctrot-olitan Hall, where we extend a mint cordial elcorne U) all our f nen Jo and aoqnain ance aent.Slin ', IIOMaB. OR- SALE. . Another eonsUrnuient of Southampton Vs Hams and fides. sept K7-tf W. 1L JUta t-u lUTEllPRlSE Tbe only RelUble Gift Distribution lu the country 870.000 0 0 I VA LUABLE GIFT SN TO BK DISTlttBUTBD IN T-J . "D . SINE'S 161th REGULAR MONTHLY gift mmm i TO BX DRAWS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24lb, lbTl. ' ONE ORAND CASH PIUZEW 85.000 TN (.OLD! ONE GRAND ( .4M1 CR1ZK OF 85,000 IN SILVER Two rriret f 1,000. i nch in Grccnbarks Six fmzES I'iOO each in Gskk.nbackS Trt 100 Ech in Oreenbsckst 10 0 (J,J(1 and mintr Lr lluntinq Watihet w all, wort ram il to 4.1 J rock I Coin Kllrcr Vtst Chains, Solid and Do ubl plated Ullver-wai-e, Jjwelry, dc, Ac XuruUrof Gifli 10.0001 ' J lfAe4 (imifof f 73,000 Atmli Wnlcd to fell Tirktlt, It whom Liberal rrrmiimi till be paid. Single Ticket 11 ; Rig Tiikels Twelve Tickets $10 : Twenty-Five 0. Clirnlar eont lining a full list of crises, a urecriuua 01 ma suanner or orawtnr, ana o ber luiurnuU a to reference to th Dist fi liation, ill be seat to ny one ordering tb AU letter must be addPMed tn atia tirvica, U D. PI MC, Hoi Mi, 101 W. FlfihSU ClBCIBBATI, O. oet 1 td HE bl.SGEU (TILL lifcAl). Fine lewlt.A' Mara I sea atrfd 1st lm Via TVs 4A utw Biore lhaa at,y ether Company Mtae toatba of the above BaaiUr war aufd fur faaall iliyeaa. Tb offletai report el tb C Itue st the eat Vtn aa til.luu. baaa thai lb Iji .wi laia sunaa aa HUgy Btbr ul r priaea al luat esbitnletas. Si at vte mxdai uf ' egr; aerut.4 poae aaedai uf aaritt, I Mm baa aiaMaaMW 4 walk dew. Bad ibea ill ba aopaafwe tot aa pat toe tiea.kara wi pwearuiiaa. IbMEK A. H At PTE. Fry, awgav siaaibM btarbiD Co, A. A. SMLiJBOb ii.aA..a a li rarattavule Ma. iUsykrb. K V Fair viaiuraa4uAarararW,aU4 aaeall tea asaralnae balors areba J. M. UOSKXJtA UM (tttckaa.. to A. IUI Mholmlr ab4 Bfttll Dr .!fr U HEADY-MA IK CU)Tl!La . Htnilo Dry (JotxU. hats, nooTa v ciions, r.!n, rrif.fry til t iaTirt. ? Ill M T.S - iyess.Vy tSklll r)t lirtltlt sut ttartm atrvaAa, runnn, y r. tVw 1874 187. JL liisfcj F .v v.. Virv OlFTt li NORTH CAROLINA, Frf Won Cocwv. G ba viu. Co. (September 6, 1873. Lunafonl A raschal', adror nf El'tsbeUh T W inibbVi, deccaaed, plaimiff,. r ' A k-aliwt ... Ssmorl Wlmblh, Erlirund T Wlmbish and Eveline W imbisli, Oef rodent. ' Order yf pubbcatloo. In Ibis oauae It appearing to the satisfaction nif the court that Samuel Wimhith, EdmuBd T Wlinblsii. snd Eveline Wimhisb are proi er puruea to tbM proeeeding sna mat tucy reMdc 'rjaud lbs liinitu of Hie ulala uf Ntatav -Cattvx iina. to' wit,. In tha town of Danvlta. f ituyl vsnia rnenty, Virginia, and eannnl be found la Hit tttalD, It is ordered that service of aum mini upon the said SaHiuel Wimbtita,Edmurid WiiBbish and Ereline Wimhisb ba made I v pnblicntion of the same, once a Weak for the spar of six weeks In Ui Ssbtibsl, a news paper putiilabad ia Ui city of Kaleiy h. Aad it k further ordered that a copy (af said sum mon and of the petition be forthwith deposit ed In tbe postofflce at oxtora, n v, sddreasetl to the said Katnuel Wiuihiah at Danville, the place of his residence aforenaid. to appear at the office 01 trie clerk of ine euprtor cart for Uie county of Uraarlll 00 or twiore the Ui ttsv t lOctooer next, sna snswer tne pe- Utl.iu. a copy of which la Sled- in said otllca. and let theui take notice that If they fail tn answer, plead or demur to uie eattf psuuon wiuua uim une tneptianiiir win apply to lbs C'jurt for the relief deu ended In tlie petition. itnea. Calvin Belts, clerk or said court at Oxford, the Oth day of Septemlier. A II, IbJtf. ;u. DAUB, M pt 10 wOw Clerk ef Superior Court. N A Kamsey, Ex'r ef E R Goldston, p'alntiff, AL'SiUSt WmS RaineTSnd wlfa Fllratielh Ann. Jo Kamsry uiU wif L)dia. Orsn 9 Foe n t ilu Kumu , M J liau:ey and wife Uarhol, defendants. Action liruugbt tor the salt) of rca,l estate for ssFeU. 1 , , Joefi'b Biunacv and wife Lydla, Jlalllu a J Kamsey aud wife Kucbel, definiiitst abot-e named wlio eannnt, sflrr dne uil gKnee, be found williln th Male ae herein summoned to appear before tne elerk of the eunerior. Court, at Uie oflice In tatsOom' within tweo ty days after the service of this summons to answer Uie complaint which t nled la 1 olllce of said court. Tbe defnmlanU will tak notice that t they fall to snswer or derauj.the plaintiff wil apply to the court for tfi relief demanded in the said complaint' ll'nblice- tioB of thl order to be mad hi the ' Weekly Sentinel" for six weeks auccc-nvaiv. W itneaaBT Petty, clerk of th Sutwrba court of cnatbara cuuuty, al otnee in ntie ooro mi tne aim nay 01 August, tia. . T..FETTT,a ang SO-wOw ' '0. a. VORTU CAROLINA, I iv CnATUAM I'Ot'BIV t II C Uurne W T iiurnr Alvls burner, J B Burnea, Wm White wife I arohua, Fanny UerUin, John Makelece and Geurgu lak- pteoc. .as. Wm Thomas and wife Elizabeth, Iknry Perry, I W Perry and David Perry. . latkaajove e.itillad canaa, It appearing to me court, trial tbe defendant Wililem Thumaa and wife Eliralieth. henry Per. v. Juha W Perry and Lai& Peary art non rtsl dente of this Btste. It I th-i:ta-a ordered hat publication b made fdT Sit wet-Its lu the lislaiittt baaviasL (ejeakr) tietBting Uie said Bin-maidal.deldissa of the filing Of sa d petition, aad that unless tber ai oear at tha olllce itf Uie Clerk of the fuiwricr Court tor t-uuuiam uiuutr SI Ajuninni' wnnin six wiaks IruBi llie serviee ul this notice by pub- IkLUoo aad I'lesd knswur or demur tu II petilien, iir Itlon ;li ln had aceufJMM t the pratr of the pctiiinticra mines, s 1 I tl IT th rk uf sl Conrt st ulllc In PlUsi eio' this tiij ldt of Oe lo ber A. D. U 1 oclltdlAwCw 8.T. I'ETTI.t AC f"'"'1-'"' .IVVM sTx 1 rf 1 1 .1 v?-r v 1 U P. B-anIslr, Ailiuluiitrator nf Thomas Csincy, die d piaintill. Henry Carney, Jiieepti t vrney, Alahm Car ney, BUpbca Carwy, l.jdia Csrory, Wilbrrapuuu aatd kt Aiy h Wife W. J. Car ney, lUibrrt t arbev, Jevh H. Gray Slid fal- lia His wile, Maruaret Mutire, Alonao While hurst and fwy his wife, Kate Carney, Ktrb id deal, Juliu Crney, Aretilb'ld Carnev, Dtdla hrily, Ueorgtasuia Camay, Uuidaa Car ney. Wllllua Ann Cantey. .M.ifimlia l aia. Fiiu-cac t arnrj aud Kb hard fkrney heir at law 111 luniaa Carney, dee 4 defcadaata. Pstitii.b va Bau. Ksal Esvavs ron Aassrs. STATE OF NOI1TU CaBOUNA. Ta tkt Slurif aflSlt Cvwm's' Vrttting : Yob ar hiveliy mmrnandnl, to saniniuu iieBry Camay, .tuarpa Carwev, AlMBlem tbr eev. But hm larorT, l,y)hi arnty, " uot(ob ana atary ri wue, w 4 I aracr K"ht, ( arnrv, J.iarph 1L U:ay nd , b. wllr, Mark'Brt V,.r. .Mhdo Wbslebw snd Matry hU wlf. Ksle Caraey, Kubsrd caraay, Arrl.ilta.d t:rf. Delia MTiiauiia tajstf, um ta-sev Wilitooi Abb Carney. lLi.'mUia I ar. Carney aa Khbarj Caiawy tbe da fmu.ii: slut aanwii if that bafuuad altbia y.iar ruunly to ap ar at Oe tifbua of tbe I U rk of il.a "nperwr twi.1 the evenly uf I'ltt Itblatww.lyr'aia ail, r U ml IbU aawHKtms en Uiet4aataif Aite su a mri , ,r, ai u anawar Ua avia u I, a au, 1 ul abeb aanad with H.J atUBiaaaua. aadLi lhaa, take aulie II ttaaj I ail bu answer ma rata rvmpiaiai wiuia Uial ilnie.ih rteie lid ul appty to tbe usit lor the reiteT d aia4 ia tbe roni 'slnl Hanoi latl BaH aud l Iba aaasaMa B.01 a i usia. , . una under as 1 ksi A nJ laoiCoart, iftia i",a wi ruiaT, ITS. W. t. I'll tKHT, nrt J lawew t B C. ff Tlttl il O AtTTIOII. i-r oat i raa .scrAttraro at , H&T. FA 1KB ASKS &tO FAIRBANKS, , 1 -aaaaa,a afaeAaaasaa. tP4 , J ' j r. GUadard Ucalca. ; lneta,w S.aa, a. A. I 1 , , reyMaaal saaaal tf aa4 raisaaai lr. Fa) m aaw, 7 XiaK, t aad rM X-li. (eaaaa.Uaa AJs, l4 a 1 te r"iaa. Aa, A a. I t runti ttnuivim, iter TIO I. J li! vaar, sacBAat . tktlki i i Man tww w ' ' J .,ra.laJ . . ,' ' Mt V .fusaaass' Fa at a WBBaane, fAianAUki m ti,- . t ., - - - - AU traaUai, . bt rl IU.I ne e.suaaa. tUa.waa, i Utsasaiaait, - i a aa Fr 4blS a) IWlBf ' I . - - bin i i ml fl 1.4.1 Aw - f Artiw. a r.vj a (s . - aw aaaa.4, aee4 r aata - 1 r, , rtfa fw.i 4ilia4 -7 NATIOB WT RALEXQn jt ELEGAKT COTri , ' In pe.fect order. s,.1 wrertor ta mry other HoteTb, BAia.t 1 ' . rrr rwa saw t Formerly of the 'tarbore Li m.a.- toii!ti,1i.c."',t'I"': .XT. 1 pi j-Ja H BALK.: A bsndsome Wslmf v..j. !i Chair. , ... , .. , .. " . " ""o. sad fc, r. josts 1 - xftiTinit ' "C. i x 1 - -- . TUAata tnttetsiftco sale. Price L acptiW-tf i SALE. ' St. Hnndr V f Va., Mams. oi tne yar. k., xr t i cr Having quallfled tlK h . eeeed,tht. h,u,aollfyii ..i Said Overt time prrci .iyw present, Uteir elaia i,kT. OtieU by Isw. orlki. pltiwlcd In b tr a. .. m . - a vi if i. SeplJtU ;i DL,HOY'4 - ' let AtSBASK'S BTAWDARD 84Ln" Orders for Uie decuin FsirW., II sisrs, promptly attendiJ , fa turer price. i? n:.. i,7, Orders resuectfullv solicited a. u. PLUkkirK'i... Wtayesaa, Fatersb,tl 0ct2-3m rTOUBjc AND tOT FOE UA81 For two rears, very tow for H,n Eoonx w houae, . , ' , " ! CMI, Kl a,... 14 . aa. "V"" w.lLJOSEt.Ct STIEFfSlPIAKOS nUpWtJ.,r,B,tlr.lm frentluan dokai Fllver Medals. Were awarded t T Btiej; tor the beet riaao, ia tml all the leading manufactarcra b ths mZZ? . Omce and Warprnoma V uw I Btreet, lUlUaaevm Md. ' Th superiority of th lnriyW Piano Foi bs. Is conceded by ah we km parea It wna ouiers. baatt haw lZ. I tiqnare fcal. IX OcUves, tu ayaosUni. hst succwded lu niakiug Uvs Bsoat Plaao Fort poaaibU. r? .T, Price w ill b biund st reasons !s( at t-aa lent With thontugb workinsnshiu, . A laaw aaaortBMart ail mrumdlmA fm slways oa band, f roas 7 to tfuu. W are atrenu for th caJabratetf tui,t Cabiaet, Parlor and Churoh Orgaus.aH a and price, to cult Very oae, ruaratuel aia fully equal to any made head for Uluatraied snskiotmk, tha nam nf oyer l.'xJ a.iu Jirrarrs, aa wtteiiB r V trig Inarm, 4 KorU taiuUaa IMI sat Tenaraaaaaa and olhen tkraivva the Bouth, who have boagbt th Sl.ul PIANO iuc theeluseuf tb aar. . Hcveral of our Ptanu w.!h tbsWima meat ran be ere) al tb esMtnctotrratt osaaaan, wao ia war wiitborbird sgrat. awB-wUea .. . , , a u a mA ' - - - I KNOWN. ' ' IVUUIU, UilUUV. Uil beilwaa. FOB T11E BEN EFIT 07 TUB PUBLIC LIBRAE! OFKGTt (Ur, 12,000 01SH GIFTS tl,50fl OX 1.767 Tiitlx Ticket Dirt i (Li $250.000for:50. The Fnanh 4. rand fllft C-arrt :kisJ l"V paaal Set t,f tbe UajWalarr f - w bt tsl the- fabfte tltdvy f Aaataaai,' Uktplaoa Fabas aUUtary fcaalai wFliNfDAT. 1E( IVBIE IA I titilyaaity tbnawnd Ue4o.w uaebait ul lb-aa ara latawSid See ta lea ba Market, ua WTlf aaaf SV u baas la Ui t inu4 e:aUs ku .aiaa, aab se d f frr the Ikrd CtatwC !! ae AftabMl lab ' reai"W far " beae ea sbabr baaw, Uae wraaaaa wm s ha Aptaliaaa 1 l a BasaW af abawaaa, Al Ue eusKvt wkaUi WW ba ta S" nas'ral 4m lay t raa w toaeaad i leateasse -.a et ie-eoate eaa al Bl.500,000, Mewttal (MO 1 ) eaaS VHM w bt est baaad ay let aaa-eag lb ha aasbeatara w BaaaWr of tbe ttu b bXeeaae ba,l by b!4 ttoxiraa aa4 1fc.t-.i" swuthe. LJatt rCatrtaw 0E GRAND CAIOl UIFT ..."' oftt .ku Cai- i t.rr.,... O-'B flkAbf f AHI liiVT - tia a is .aii ..irv . ' OA whAbO i,Aasl stirr f i taii ir i w lwL.rfti.itH xlZ CA 1 l.lfT4 l.n al ... " t ash virt m ... l CsVSIt la , saa.... " llAiil tall . ... aWS ta4 Lillll e,aeaa lAUlllbiftl Hrl.... l! U.svetaa MFia swsw...sbw TCTAt, lt,tt til II, All CAiH b. :.. ... r the BaetewaaaVea salu pmu ' tbw tat saaat ay aa r aat ' J al F-4 i V f '"' ra Baa '4 U" '- la ag An(ruy4 a. '. Bae.4 Ceaaean bat r" ' ' '.,, VI, 'a t TA . a lava WbaAaLdA.ialaaaa. Uasrae tats'- B, atalva I a aeea, ,. tr'aa' r r)l'' 7. I ibaale Uln b '" m 0 Tasbaaay . Atass aW e 4 eaa a tba aisw Mtt aa 1 baaa. as s Sa eaaaisavvS ae.SM aW uat C' - ' ' I aa a ae u.a aa S1 tb r"a a 4 I U" " aaaasal aaary kara-b ta j t b aa4at Seal SB Srt T 4. aad Is , a.aaf "Tim a -r . .ri ... B.( " last tasilvM arT'V r " wsaaasr tWlsv ,a t. a aaaf W bvra (jui m iaan as w aa , a a.' TT. .. . Aaaaal F.fci, AaSS) Si tl I f Wl VV .a.heiA. W"'.. C a ' ae 0 aa ! a 4 ae-1 " . a Trimutitiiuirf rruiriTiii taa ta a teraae- aad eaaaja Bb,NS (W Z; f... aabe- - Hr! lir'lMM . e fa ag M TV, .,.., . nJ : ir mf i,,.,,, , a- .a u .,, . , , .Mmt.wfc 1, v.. - tt ,r a ... . tvi4 !- i m ti it H s .t44.e., ... r- m4 N Ike wmi af lb ana Wa (Vi fj .j rifiM WAilllN'ilo.t. W.iiMi, tfct. ta. ( ba boa e yeL I (. '!j el w-al U:Tt at N-s 11 I a ti i I ' t . a. ,4. r ' . . A. at Q tar t t.m tw aaa Fmtt iT bt'lMB4 lav a,e f - uf9 ba,4e, .Ar t W I. I - I- e4 1,11 n a4 mrm a4 t ,..4 a4 I " a ins, t - A 111,. . I ar l- riwa tfi 4.1 in a f.'.a 1 -4A vfstt ru. "" f-a Mae tmmm f 4 A A. Ai'. .s -, . Aery, N. C I bM M B aaaa, IWa4 4 M tm rVbaW bt i-m At. k a "" 1 ' a r 4 l I, Mt ha 1. t si Va' 4 4, , .J a. t ".l - Us t.m-. .1 M pa) . ' - . f 1 M v, ,u,a mi 'V I "- I I : m-A . aj a - va. w.e a., a . . ! d aa .,. 4 e a. M in , a J " . e mmm aa ba sAtaaual be .( uj- ..... 1 4 m kaUs.iv. t.r, et F.4',,V bf aag a, u a sjuab. I t a. 1 ' 4 , aa . 1 r- ' I -a f-rla(- a aa S- 1 - ' 1 a, aa a Waa l fr mm aaae aaaeeaa ! !tt li ltM" 'f , s li f " j 1 11 . aa . aa aaasue at i a,fcfea aa f Maaavaaaw s - 1 , . b m . . .1. AS toS) g aia, h4 at d A si LA St. TUWl J , If A(V f laa HaatM-a CiT"5IA.. J ft A- Ml ) - Ma, a4 I aaaa 1 siaai ia a I law IT M I r" a a tfc A vv J. A , 'if PA't stiiaw' -